Ep : 1 | What is Philosophy? Dr. Vikas Divyakirti
TLDREste video es una introducción detallada al mundo de la filosofía, comenzando con los conceptos básicos hasta llegar a las diferentes ramas de esta disciplina. A través de una narrativa cautivadora, se examina cómo surgió la filosofía una vez que las necesidades humanas básicas comenzaron a cumplirse, lo que permitió el tiempo y espacio para el pensamiento profundo. Se destacan las diferencias entre la filosofía india y occidental, donde la india es generalmente más espiritual. También se profundiza en las principales ramas de esta materia como metafísica, que explora lo que existe más allá de lo físico, y epistemología, que examina cómo adquirimos conocimiento. Se sugieren los beneficios de conocer filosofía en el contexto del entendimiento personal y social, y se discuten cuestiones como la naturaleza del universo y del conocimiento mismo. Los debates filosóficos ofrecen una forma de entender cuestiones fundamentales y proporcionan un marco para el crecimiento intelectual y espiritual.
- 🤔 La filosofía surge cuando las necesidades básicas están cubiertas.
- 🌍 Filosofía india vs. occidental: espiritualidad vs. amor al conocimiento.
- 💡 La metafísica estudia lo que está más allá de lo físico.
- 🧠 La epistemología aborda cómo sabemos lo que sabemos.
- 🕉️ La espiritualidad es sentir conexión con lo trascendente.
- 📚 La filosofía es considerada la madre de todas las ciencias.
- 📝 Axiología estudia los valores como ética y estética.
- 🔍 Cuestiona cómo se adquiere y valida el conocimiento.
- 📜 Filosofía ha evolucionado junto con la historia humana.
- 🌀 Filosofía invita a la introspección y el cuestionamiento constante.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
La serie discute la filosofía desde un enfoque experimental, evocando interés. Comienza con un poema que introduce la poesía y la filosofía en relación a la saciedad estomacal como una necesidad para el pensamiento filosófico.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Subraya que el ‘darshan’ en India no es sinónimo de filosofía, explorando sutilezas lingüísticas. Destaca los títulos académicos como MPhil y PhD en filosofía y cómo estos reflejan una culminación de conocimiento.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
A lo largo del tiempo, el ser humano intentó entender fuerzas invisibles como la lluvia o la muerte, sentando las bases para el pensamiento filosófico. La filosofía busca respuestas más profundas que las ciencias aplicadas, explorando conceptos metafísicos.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Comienza el análisis de la teoría del conocimiento o epistemología, cuestionando lo que creemos saber. También, hay una reflexión sobre la importancia de ver más allá de las apariencias y la naturaleza de la percepción misma.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
El tema de los ojos de conocimiento, 'gyanchakshu', y cómo en India este concepto está relacionado con ver más allá de lo superficial hacia una comprensión profunda de la vida. Se destaca la importancia de las culturas de discusión para fomentar el desarrollo filosófico.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Explora cómo la capacidad de cuestionar llevó al desarrollo de la filosofía en India y Grecia. Establece un contraste entre filosofías occidentales y orientales, donde la primera surge cerca del siglo VI AC y la segunda es más antigua.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Se explica la evolución humana y cómo esta preparó el camino para el pensamiento filosófico. A través del tiempo, las necesidades humanas y la saciedad llevaron al cuestionamiento más profundo sobre existencia y espiritualidad.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Destaca las diferencias culturales en la apreciación de la belleza, reflejando la subjetividad de la estética. Aborda cómo la cultura moldea nuestra percepción de belleza y la relatividad filosófica intrínseca.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Cubre la metafísica como el estudio de lo más allá de lo físico, investigando el origen y naturaleza del universo, y qué sigue después de que la ciencia ha alcanzado sus límites.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Se introduce la epistemología, el estudio crítico de la naturaleza del conocimiento, explorando cómo adquirimos conocimiento y estableciendo las bases para distinguir realidad y percepciones falsas.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
El autor detalla el desarrollo histórico de la filosofía, refiriéndose a figuras filosóficas clave como Sócrates y cómo sus preguntas e ideas sobre conocimientos previos e ignorancia consciente son valiosas.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Narra la historia de las creencias religiosas versus la lógica, y cómo la filosofía de la percepción ayuda a discernir entre realidad e ilusión, cuestionando las creencias comunes.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Discute cómo la filosofía no niega sentimientos, sino que proporciona madurez emocional permitiendo una mejor gestión y entendimiento de las emociones en lugar de ser abrumado por ellas.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Explora lo que sucede cuando se logra control emocional a través de la filosofía, permitiendo reflexiones maduras y comprensiones profundas sobre las acciones y reacciones humanas cotidianas.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Examina cómo la ciencia toma explicaciones filosóficas y las traduce a teorías tangibles como al discutir los sueños y su relación con la consciencia compara filosofías con descubrimientos científicos.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
Investiga el impacto de los filósofos sin formación formal en su fondo, reflejando la filosofía innata desarrollada desde experiencias vividas y la importancia del conocimiento empírico.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
Abarca sobre cómo la filosofía personal surge de experiencias vividas, donde la observación y aprendizaje permiten desarrollar entendimientos filosóficos propios, a veces más significativos que conocimientos académicos.
- 01:25:00 - 01:30:00
Cutura, percepción, y filosofía se entrelazan definiendo estándares de lo que se considera verdadero o valioso. Recalca la importancia de discernir información auténtica y relevante para cada individuo.
- 01:30:00 - 01:35:00
Review de cómo las emociones y filosofías de vida maduran tras el entendimiento filosófico, aumentando el control sobre emociones y promoviendo una vida más madura y consciente de las propias acciones.
- 01:35:00 - 01:44:33
Resumen de conceptos clave como axiología, ética, y estética, cerrando con la invitación a los oyentes a reflexionar más allá de las apariencias y comprender la filosofía personal al enfrentarse a creencias y valores.
Mind Map
Video-Fragen und Antworten
¿Qué es la filosofía?
La filosofía es el estudio de las cuestiones fundamentales sobre la existencia, el conocimiento, los valores, la mente y el lenguaje.
¿Qué dice la filosofía sobre la existencia de Dios?
Diferentes religiones y tradiciones filosóficas tienen distintas creencias sobre la existencia y naturaleza de Dios.
¿Qué es el auto-conocimiento o iluminación en filosofía?
Es un proceso de mejora en la comprensión de uno mismo y del universo, a menudo descrito en la tradición filosófica india como "conocerse a uno mismo".
¿Cómo difiere la filosofía india de la occidental?
La filosofía en India tiende a ser más espiritual, enfocándose en temas como el alma y la liberación, mientras que en occidente se ha enfocado más en el amor por el conocimiento.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre espiritualidad y religión?
Es importante para entender el propósito de la vida y nuestra conexión con el universo, diferenciándose de la religión que es más estructurada y basada en rituales.
¿Sobre qué cuestiones trata la filosofía?
Se centra en preguntas como "¿De qué está hecho el mundo?" y "¿Cuál es el propósito de la vida?".
¿Por qué la filosofía no se desarrolló hasta 2,800 años atrás en occidente?
Porque una sociedad puede necesitar tiempo y estabilidad, como un estómago lleno y tiempo libre, antes de dedicarse a la filosofía.
¿Qué es la espiritualidad?
Se refiere a un sentido de conexión con algo más grande que uno mismo, lo cual puede no estar ligado necesariamente a una religión.
¿Cuál es una rama importante de la filosofía?
Una es la epistemología, que estudia la naturaleza y el alcance del conocimiento.
¿Qué llevó al desarrollo de la filosofía?
En gran parte es el desarrollo del intelecto humano y capacidades como la introspección y la contemplación de cuestiones abstractas.
Weitere Video-Zusammenfassungen anzeigen
- 00:00:05Hello.
- 00:00:06Welcome to one and all in this new series.
- 00:00:09It’s been in the discussion for a long time
- 00:00:11Let there be some talk about philosophy.
- 00:00:14After much thought.
- 00:00:16Many times I felt that I don't know whether it will be okay or not.
- 00:00:19It also happens that a subject is very difficult.
- 00:00:21If it is complicated, is the society ready for it or not?
- 00:00:25This is also a dilemma.
- 00:00:27But then I thought let's try an experiment.
- 00:00:31and I think after a couple of hours of discussion today either
- 00:00:33your interest will increase a lot
- 00:00:36Or it’ll be gone forever, but something will happen.
- 00:00:39After today’s class or rather after today's discussion
- 00:00:43So what is philosophy?
- 00:00:44to understand this
- 00:00:45Let me start with a very beautiful poem.
- 00:00:50Poet Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena in modern Hindi literature
- 00:00:53you might have heard his name, was a very famous poet.
- 00:00:57one of my favorite poets
- 00:00:59When I was in school
- 00:01:02I would recite his poem a lot on stage.
- 00:01:05So he has a poem.
- 00:01:08after getting shot
- 00:01:10Ram emerged from the mouth of one.
- 00:01:14and Mao came out of the other's mouth
- 00:01:18And the potato came out of the mouth of the third
- 00:01:21There is a post mortem report.
- 00:01:24the first two were full
- 00:01:27it's over
- 00:01:29and if you could understand this verse
- 00:01:33So you are all set to understand Philosophy.
- 00:01:37The meaning of this poem is that whether you want Ram, that is, the supporter of religion
- 00:01:42Or, you are a supporter of Mao i.e. Leftist Marxism.
- 00:01:47any ideology
- 00:01:48of any philosophy
- 00:01:49The first condition of being a supporter or an opponent is that the stomach should be
- 00:01:52Full.
- 00:01:54If the stomach is full then thoughts will come in the mind.
- 00:01:57If the stomach is empty then the dream also comes of bread.
- 00:02:01Everything happens on a full stomach.
- 00:02:04Some people say that
- 00:02:05Philosophy is the philosophy of people with a full stomach, whose stomach is full.
- 00:02:09What do they do in their spare time?
- 00:02:11it's a hobby it can be a good thing
- 00:02:16so try to understand
- 00:02:19What is philosophy, what we call ‘darshan’ in India, what is that?
- 00:02:23And then I will link you to this poem after a while.
- 00:02:27What was the purpose of starting the conversation with this poem.
- 00:02:32The number of times you must have heard the word Philosophy in common language.
- 00:02:35You must have heard the word ‘Darshan’.
- 00:02:37Where would you have heard? If someone around you is talking very deep,
- 00:02:41you get scared what would you say?
- 00:02:42Friend, you are a philosopher, you are a philosophical type of person.
- 00:02:46You would say this
- 00:02:48Sometimes you would speak like this, don't become a philosopher
- 00:02:50Live your life quietly, what nonsense are you talking about
- 00:02:56but You must have noticed a few things.
- 00:02:59As you must have noticed that when we study
- 00:03:03You pursue B.Sc.
- 00:03:04B.Com or BA.
- 00:03:06then you pursue M.Sc M.Com M.A
- 00:03:10As soon as you move ahead
- 00:03:12All go for MPhil degree, Master of Philosophy
- 00:03:18What happens with science commerce art that
- 00:03:20Everything becomes philosophy in the end,
- 00:03:23But after MPhil, if you go further then PhD
- 00:03:26Doctorate in philosophy
- 00:03:28Means after reading every subject, in the end you have to go to Philosophy only.
- 00:03:33And it is said that everything also starts with philosophy,
- 00:03:37The human being from the beginning used to be very restless.
- 00:03:39Used to be very upset.
- 00:03:41i will explain to you
- 00:03:42the event of history where this happened?
- 00:03:47You think today you live a very good life.
- 00:03:50What is our main concern today that my posts
- 00:03:52On social media got likes
- 00:03:53Or not, is our main concern these days.
- 00:03:58In that era
- 00:03:58The main concern was that you live on a tree.
- 00:04:01it rained suddenly
- 00:04:04It is hailing.
- 00:04:06You are unable to understand what is happening, untimely flood has come, why has it come?
- 00:04:10Why is it raining?
- 00:04:13Why did the big storm come?
- 00:04:16Why do you feel sleepy?
- 00:04:17Why does wake up? Where does the sun come from?
- 00:04:19Where does moon come from? Nobody knows anything.
- 00:04:23There were people full of curiosity.
- 00:04:26Everyone sleeps every day.
- 00:04:28Wakes up everday. One day someone did not wake up at all
- 00:04:31he started to stink.
- 00:04:32After a while people are trying to wake him up.
- 00:04:34And are worried about him.
- 00:04:36Later they understood that he might not arise now.
- 00:04:39He has died.
- 00:04:42Then one day that man came in the dream, now you are worried that he was dead.
- 00:04:45Then came what is going on inside the dream.
- 00:04:50Somebody did bad
- 00:04:51Suddenly a stone fell on him
- 00:04:54So people have bad results for bad deeds.
- 00:04:58Many
- 00:04:59analysis visualizations
- 00:05:01Have been done by people after intense thinking.
- 00:05:04Which we call philosophy or ‘darshan’ in common language, but
- 00:05:11We will reach there. Let's understand a little.
- 00:05:13Today's discussion is a very basic discussion, let’s only understand this.
- 00:05:16What is philosophy?
- 00:05:17so that you can understand that if there is a lot of learning ahead
- 00:05:20For you or not,
- 00:05:23See there are two words.
- 00:05:24One word Darshan, one word Philosophy and in Hindi and English
- 00:05:28that's the most common word we have
- 00:05:33So some people say that darshan,
- 00:05:35is the translation of philosophy or vice a versa.
- 00:05:38it is not so, both are different words
- 00:05:41Translations are not exact.
- 00:05:43Darshan will study language
- 00:05:45If you read philosophy, there is also a very important essence in it.
- 00:05:49that any two words in the world
- 00:05:52are not completely synonymous.
- 00:05:54Or there are no synonyms, there remains a little gap in it.
- 00:05:59Indian tradition coined the word darshan
- 00:06:01And the root word of the word darshan is ‘drishya’
- 00:06:06and ‘drishya’ means the process of seeing
- 00:06:07so what does it mean to see the act of seeing
- 00:06:12If you see now, we are also there, you are seeing me at this time
- 00:06:15But I would not say that you are a philosopher.
- 00:06:17Seeing also happens on many levels
- 00:06:21as we often say in the world of emotion intelligence
- 00:06:24you see someone
- 00:06:26and see in a flat way, the other can see that
- 00:06:30Both have seen what is going on in his mind but only one could see.
- 00:06:35felt the second.
- 00:06:38If someone is laughing, these is a poet named
- 00:06:40dushyant kumar you must have heard
- 00:06:41He is a very famous poet, he is the most famous poet of Hindi.
- 00:06:45wrote a couplet
- 00:06:47Only the poet sees the reality of the sayings
- 00:06:49Guffaw understand the laughter
- 00:06:53Only the poet sees the reality of the sayings
- 00:06:56Not everyone has such vision.
- 00:07:01If four people are laughing then
- 00:07:02Only the poet could see how real it is
- 00:07:05And how many people are hiding their sorrow.
- 00:07:08You are smiling so much
- 00:07:11What is the sorrow that you are hiding, at least this is a darshan
- 00:07:14That you could see what other people could not.
- 00:07:18And this philosophy, to see emotions,
- 00:07:20This is called emotional intelligence,
- 00:07:22We are not talking about that today.
- 00:07:24we're talking about the world and all the things
- 00:07:30to see something which are
- 00:07:32invisible to the naked eye
- 00:07:35And that's why you might have heard a term.
- 00:07:38You've heard that we have eyes
- 00:07:41There is a word in Sanskrit for the eyes.
- 00:07:43‘Chakshu’
- 00:07:45Have you heard the word Chakshu
- 00:07:47you must have heard another word
- 00:07:50And that's the word.
- 00:07:51‘gyan chakshu’
- 00:07:54And many times people say that today my eyes of knowledge have opened.
- 00:07:57This is an idiom.
- 00:07:58It works in common language
- 00:08:01Gyan chakshu
- 00:08:02They speak, somewhere the eyes of wisdom speak.
- 00:08:05Pragya is considered to be the highest level of intelligence.
- 00:08:07Somewhere in philosophy a word works.
- 00:08:10divine eye that today
- 00:08:13The divine eye has opened,
- 00:08:15Now I can see something that was not visible before.
- 00:08:19It happens
- 00:08:21Until we go deep, we feel that there is no depth in the world.
- 00:08:24We understand only after landing
- 00:08:28And so the easiest.
- 00:08:29The easiest evil to dismiss is to dismiss
- 00:08:35Its difficult.
- 00:08:36It is okay to be able to say this after understanding after going deep.
- 00:08:40that's wrong
- 00:08:43So philosophy in India means.
- 00:08:45by going to the level of Pragya Chakshu Gyan Chakshu in this world
- 00:08:48to be in a position to understand the mysteries of life
- 00:08:54Broadly speaking,
- 00:08:55let me tell you what happens
- 00:08:58When we study philosophy, we will go into some more depth.
- 00:09:01though never go as deep as
- 00:09:03MA degree.
- 00:09:05in UPSC exam
- 00:09:06We will only understand philosophy as much as a common man can understand.
- 00:09:10And he get a chance to improve his life.
- 00:09:13The main purpose of this channel which I told you is that
- 00:09:16The level of discussions should be better.
- 00:09:18Why do we always have to listen to Baba's about philosophy in the society?
- 00:09:21Listen yourself, become Baba yourself, what is the problem in that.
- 00:09:24We can all become our own Baba of our own share.
- 00:09:27Why would you learn from someone else, learn from yourself
- 00:09:32So you must have heard that once
- 00:09:36Mahatma Buddha did penance for about six years.
- 00:09:39After that he attained knowledge. You must have read from history
- 00:09:43what kind of knowledge was that
- 00:09:46One of the founders of Jainism
- 00:09:48Tirthankar Mahavir Jain is the most respected
- 00:09:52or so says lord mahavir
- 00:09:55He did penance for 12 years
- 00:09:58Then he got knowledge, only knowledge is spoken in Jain philosophy.
- 00:10:00in Jain philosophy
- 00:10:03Guru Nanak once
- 00:10:05Was troubled in the search for knowledge.
- 00:10:09It is said that once he crossed the river, went to a forest area.
- 00:10:13stayed there for a few days maybe three days and then he felt
- 00:10:17That they have got realization first.
- 00:10:21Maharishi Arvind was
- 00:10:22a freedom fighter in the war, then he went to jail.
- 00:10:26He spent one year in solitary confinement in jail.
- 00:10:29There he had a realization and when he came out he felt
- 00:10:33That the national movement is a big deal but not a very big deal.
- 00:10:37Now I have to do something bigger than that.
- 00:10:41This realization happened.
- 00:10:44Adiguru Shankaracharya who talks about Advaita Vedanta.
- 00:10:48he talked about
- 00:10:51what is knowledge
- 00:10:53At some time,
- 00:10:53When I was a athiest type of person,
- 00:10:55I used to laugh at all these things that this is useless talk, what knowledge has it become.
- 00:10:58We are studying so much GS, reading books, we are not getting knowledge
- 00:11:01But it happens that a foolish person talks more.
- 00:11:03Slowly when you start understanding, you start speaking less.
- 00:11:07understand that the depth is not only within us, deeper than us-
- 00:11:11Deep down there have been many people in the world, better than us,
- 00:11:15There are countless people in the world deeper than us
- 00:11:20The opening of the eye of wisdom speaks of this knowledge, isn't it?
- 00:11:23speaking the language of philosophy that whatever we understand in the world
- 00:11:27We understand in categories.
- 00:11:29yes-no, good-bad
- 00:11:32After a time now the situation of thinking free from these categories
- 00:11:35come in
- 00:11:37in Jainism
- 00:11:38There’s a deep thought
- 00:11:39Sayadwad, we will understand soon, maybe in two to four days
- 00:11:42Means two to four days, videos probably come after 7-7 days
- 00:11:45after a month in mind
- 00:11:49so deep
- 00:11:50Jain philosophy said on the level of knowledge in Syadvad
- 00:11:54which nowadays we call artificial
- 00:11:55intelligence and if its very deep base has to be found
- 00:11:59So you will see in Jain philosophy, then when
- 00:12:02your abilities of knowledge suddenly increase, open up
- 00:12:05And you start seeing such truths which were not visible before
- 00:12:09so we say that the eyes
- 00:12:10Are same, but with the same eyes, something else is visible now.
- 00:12:14Something very deep.
- 00:12:15There’s an idiom
- 00:12:16reading between the lines, what is written in the first line
- 00:12:19And What is written in the second line.
- 00:12:20Deep people can read what’s hidden among them.
- 00:12:24deep people
- 00:12:24can read the gap between the words
- 00:12:27And deep people don't say by saying.
- 00:12:30If they don't say anything, that also signify they are saying something.
- 00:12:33They read the silence too
- 00:12:35This is called Gyanchakshu Pragyachchu
- 00:12:38You are already open, it looks like it is, but it does not mean that it is easy.
- 00:12:41It is difficult
- 00:12:45The world of the West is different, India is a common thing in the world.
- 00:12:49Total 9 Darshan in India
- 00:12:50Let’s say there are 9 established philosophies
- 00:12:55Charvak is one of these, if you leave it.
- 00:12:57The remaining eight believe that this world is
- 00:13:00full of sorrows and the process of being free from sorrows
- 00:13:04is the basic aim of religion, of philosophy
- 00:13:07The eight have the answer for how to be free from sorrows.
- 00:13:11Moksha, Liberation, Mukti
- 00:13:15Nirvana, Kaivalya.
- 00:13:17Apavarga, it has many names. And everyone has told their own methods.
- 00:13:22that how it'll all be
- 00:13:24so indian
- 00:13:24nature of philosophy
- 00:13:25generally is of a spiritual type too, leave Charvak.
- 00:13:28If
- 00:13:30the world of the western world is a little bit different
- 00:13:33But in the west the word philosophy
- 00:13:35Which is a word made up of two words.
- 00:13:38Philos
- 00:13:40and the other is sophia
- 00:13:44Philos means love
- 00:13:45‘Mohabbat’, ‘ishq’, ‘prem’ sofia means
- 00:13:49knowledge
- 00:13:52if you fall in love with ‘gyan’
- 00:13:54not from the person named Gyan
- 00:13:58knowledge.. fall in love with knowledge
- 00:14:01Wisdom and this knowledge
- 00:14:05Knowledge is too soft a word for this ‘gyan’.
- 00:14:08This is wisdom, knowledge does not mean information.
- 00:14:11Many such fools you will meet, will say
- 00:14:14that I remember the capitals of all the states of India
- 00:14:15you
- 00:14:17What happened by remembering the capital? Well then, that's a good thing.
- 00:14:21you have a good memory, appreciate it
- 00:14:23Some people remember the capital of every country in the world
- 00:14:26remember their postures too
- 00:14:29And this happens with some children as well.
- 00:14:31He also appears on TV and one of his children should be seen on TV.
- 00:14:34In every other house the child gets beaten
- 00:14:35Then after that.
- 00:14:37Whereas if I remember the capital of all the countries, then what happened to that.
- 00:14:42The capital remained the same place even after that, what happened to it.
- 00:14:46Just proved that I have a good memory, I am a good parrot
- 00:14:49Have a good memory.
- 00:14:50having a good memory is not a bad thing
- 00:14:52But misusing memory is a bad thing
- 00:14:55And this misuse of memory after one level
- 00:14:58If you have memory, then remember good things, what will happen to the capitals
- 00:15:02a thousand more wonderful things could happen
- 00:15:04to remember they must pay attention
- 00:15:08so no memory
- 00:15:10wisdom and wisdom means prudence
- 00:15:14wisdom
- 00:15:16Ability to differentiate between right and wrong.
- 00:15:19This is called wisdom or discretion
- 00:15:23But the person who has conscience. He usually becomes polite.
- 00:15:28In the Indian tradition it is said, Vidya Dadati Vinayam
- 00:15:32If Vidya is real then he will be humble
- 00:15:36And in the West, Socrates said,
- 00:15:39People said to Socrates, this is very good, Socrates said
- 00:15:42That very few people know that they know very little.
- 00:15:46and i'm one of them
- 00:15:49And to know is that I do not know.
- 00:15:52That's all you have to know.
- 00:15:54these are the signs of a wise man
- 00:15:56And what are the signs of a fool, I know everything
- 00:15:59This is the first sign of a fool.
- 00:16:00Fools have more of this confidence
- 00:16:04And they look very confident so you can guess
- 00:16:08And confidence is not visible in anyone but the things are deep
- 00:16:11Even then you can guess.
- 00:16:13so some people fell in love
- 00:16:15By knowledge That they want to know, they also want to understand.
- 00:16:19they also want to understand
- 00:16:22So you would think.
- 00:16:24how much these people must have read
- 00:16:26so like
- 00:16:26you people
- 00:16:27After doing his work, he fulfills his hobbies in his free time.
- 00:16:31If they play, talk to friends, then it is their hobby.
- 00:16:34read, learn, observe, talk
- 00:16:38from a sensible person
- 00:16:41John DV a good philosopher
- 00:16:42originated in america in the 20th century
- 00:16:46He said something very deep.
- 00:16:48In the philosophy of education, his name is used the most these days.
- 00:16:52He said that education is not the preparation for life
- 00:16:55and Preparation of Life, Education is the Life in Itself
- 00:17:01Education is not preparation for life.
- 00:17:03Education is life.
- 00:17:06Knowledge is life.
- 00:17:08To be a sensible person is to be persistent in the process of becoming.
- 00:17:11What can be a better life than this and there are people like this
- 00:17:14who are so fond of knowing
- 00:17:16Sometimes sat down with a book, sometimes sat down with a book
- 00:17:18they want to know something every day
- 00:17:21Some are thinking that I should eat this, I should eat that.
- 00:17:22Some are thinking that I should know, that I should know
- 00:17:26So, if someone gets through knowledge, study, contemplation
- 00:17:31By contemplating, by learning, by observing, by knowing
- 00:17:37So understand that that person has started on the path of philosophy,
- 00:17:42but philosophers differ
- 00:17:45beard grows
- 00:17:46Generally, the clothes turn out to be of different types.
- 00:17:48People start panicking.
- 00:17:49from them
- 00:17:51but they are very deep people
- 00:17:54So how did it travel to that depth
- 00:17:57Will try to understand it a bit. beyond
- 00:18:01this is the philosophy
- 00:18:04where did it start
- 00:18:07I mean I want to tell you that
- 00:18:09some people
- 00:18:09you will find such
- 00:18:10Beliefs especially in different religions
- 00:18:14They feel that our thinking tradition,
- 00:18:17It has been going on since eternity, it has been going on since time immemorial.
- 00:18:22it's not my job to promote superstitions
- 00:18:25I am not a blind believer,
- 00:18:27but my impression is that without respecting the science
- 00:18:30In today's time we cannot understand philosophy.
- 00:18:34The things which science has proved or almost proved.
- 00:18:38If you take them along with you, then you will be able to understand your time properly.
- 00:18:42Otherwise we will become a new kind of superstitious people.
- 00:18:45People will become superstitious, don't do that.
- 00:18:49All we have to do is fill it with curiosity.
- 00:18:51We don't have to make theories, we don't have to make any claims, we just want to know
- 00:18:55what has been learned in the world
- 00:18:58And let's learn a little bit from that, do our part. that's all to do
- 00:19:02Look, it's very interesting.
- 00:19:05I talk of history Akbar, Babur and Ashoka
- 00:19:07and i'm not talking about
- 00:19:08That is a very small part.
- 00:19:10At what level are you looking at things, that too is a question, isn't it?
- 00:19:15Think about the history of the whole universe.
- 00:19:18Brahmanda means the whole cosmos, the whole world.
- 00:19:21Not Earth.
- 00:19:22all the galaxies together
- 00:19:24He is called the whole universe. creation calls him
- 00:19:28That whole world. Now there is also the question of how the world was created.
- 00:19:32Religions gave the easiest answer to this.
- 00:19:35God created talk over
- 00:19:38These things are soul, God, rebirth.
- 00:19:40These are very easy answers.
- 00:19:42Of very difficult things, in some cases may even be right.
- 00:19:45In any case questions may arise,
- 00:19:49And then also write songs.
- 00:19:50Are you the creator of the world, why the world?
- 00:19:54made
- 00:19:55Don't know who made this and they are busy asking questions
- 00:19:58What was created, why was it created, all those questions and answers are going on,
- 00:20:03The history of the world now
- 00:20:04If you believe the evidence of scientists
- 00:20:08believed to be
- 00:20:09that's about 450 million years ago
- 00:20:13The existence of this world began.
- 00:20:17I am speaking 450 crores, not 450.
- 00:20:21Four Point 450 million years ago
- 00:20:24that's five billion years
- 00:20:27If you are very confident
- 00:20:28You are very proud of yourself, you will be fine in a while.
- 00:20:32Just understand what is our status in this whole world?
- 00:20:36450 million years ago
- 00:20:39This world was created... The Big Bang people believe so.
- 00:20:43or those who study
- 00:20:45Based on that estimate when the process started
- 00:20:47So, what is the estimate of today.
- 00:20:49450 million years ago.
- 00:20:51May be a little too much, will be adjusted tomorrow
- 00:20:54But as of now only 450 crore years is considered.
- 00:20:58so we just assume
- 00:21:02Okay, so this is done, the world is done.
- 00:21:05i.e. the world you opened your eyes to
- 00:21:09Do you have this 450 crores in your mind who is the creator of the world?
- 00:21:12talking about years ago,
- 00:21:16There was no life in that world.
- 00:21:19Life was not there. There was not even a plant.
- 00:21:21had nothing.
- 00:21:23According to today's belief, 370 crore years ago from today
- 00:21:29life was seen for the first time
- 00:21:33Seen means from the studies,
- 00:21:36Life must have come around for the first time
- 00:21:40How did life come now? whether at that time
- 00:21:42Did the soul come for the first time or did the consciousness come, all these are matters of research.
- 00:21:47But first life and first life is a simple matter.
- 00:21:49Human was not there,,,, of evolution
- 00:21:55Nowadays people have more faith in theory.
- 00:22:00Creationism as a Philosophy
- 00:22:02Which means that God created this world
- 00:22:05There is one and this world of evolutionaryism keeps on developing
- 00:22:09It happened automatically what people like Darwin say,
- 00:22:12there is a middle way
- 00:22:15that maybe god
- 00:22:16created a basic structure and then through evolution
- 00:22:20The world has become like this.
- 00:22:21Which of these is true will be known with time.
- 00:22:24But these days everyone believes that the basic structure
- 00:22:26As it was
- 00:22:27After that the world progressed only through evolution.
- 00:22:30we are all in the same process
- 00:22:33Things started forming 370 million years ago.
- 00:22:37Life, species went on, went on, went on
- 00:22:41and it is believed that if the total species
- 00:22:44If you see in this world, their number
- 00:22:46Could be around a trillion.
- 00:22:51One trillion understand what happens?
- 00:22:54There is a billion.
- 00:22:55100 crores
- 00:22:58Add three more zeros to it.
- 00:23:00one lakh crore
- 00:23:04around one lakh crore
- 00:23:07Total species can be in this universe,
- 00:23:11of which Botany,
- 00:23:12Zoology people are tired of studying
- 00:23:16So till now a total of eighteen lakh i.e. 1.8 billion
- 00:23:20Have been able to keep the name.
- 00:23:23have recognized them
- 00:23:26and they estimate that the species that was
- 00:23:28Or are they all got a trillion
- 00:23:31There can be species around 1 lakh crores.
- 00:23:36Growth is understanding how much is there in the world at this time,
- 00:23:3984 lakhs in our Indian tradition
- 00:23:42Yonis are mentioned.
- 00:23:44That too is something like how many species there must have been.
- 00:23:48But science has increased to 1 trillion.
- 00:23:51Out of which 18 lakh have been named.
- 00:23:54we are only one of these
- 00:23:57Don't want to be a hero anymore, philosophy
- 00:23:59The advantages of reading are many, one is that
- 00:24:01Being a hero ends without talking
- 00:24:03These are also benefits, no one should hang in the air without any reason,
- 00:24:07It is also a good thing to bring him to the ground.
- 00:24:11Now this species is undergoing the process of increasing evolution.
- 00:24:16Many types of species are coming
- 00:24:19and what happened in the process
- 00:24:21about 12 million years ago today
- 00:24:28i.e. from today onwards
- 00:24:301.2 cr, 1 cr approx somewhere between
- 00:24:35A great event happened.
- 00:24:38At that time there was a species whose name we speak
- 00:24:42primate
- 00:24:45if you are a science student
- 00:24:47Or are they from Anthropology or History, then you must have heard.
- 00:24:51primates are our ancestors
- 00:24:56someone asks you where your ancestors came from
- 00:24:59so say our ancestors 370 million years
- 00:25:02First monkey is very recent, brother monkey is cousin
- 00:25:06Brother happened.... Ancestors are very old brother
- 00:25:09Our tradition is going on for 370 crore years
- 00:25:12In that we have evolved from where will we evolve
- 00:25:1610 million years ago today
- 00:25:19which were primates
- 00:25:22These primates are believed to be divided into two classes
- 00:25:26What were these two classes?
- 00:25:28Why am I telling all this? I want to tell you philosophy
- 00:25:30From where is it being born, where will philosophy come from now?
- 00:25:34Not even a human being has come from Russia, where will philosophy come from?
- 00:25:37And of human civilization if I assume that 1
- 00:25:41it's been a million years
- 00:25:42At least 2.5 million years or 3 million years have been in dead condition
- 00:25:45And take the whole philosophy in 3 lakh years
- 00:25:47is in 3 thousand years
- 00:25:50in 3-4 thousand years
- 00:25:53The first 2,99,000 of the 3 lakh years of our human civilization
- 00:25:58or at least not 94,000-95,000 years of philosophy,
- 00:26:02no science
- 00:26:04Why isn't it?
- 00:26:06If you know this, your feet will remain stable.
- 00:26:08on the ground
- 00:26:11one of the primates way
- 00:26:13What happened later on which is Great Apps
- 00:26:18And great apes means chimpanzee-like.
- 00:26:22The kind of creatures that humans are not considered close enough to,
- 00:26:25but live on the tree,
- 00:26:26walk on four legs,
- 00:26:28they are great apes that have been pushed aside by primates
- 00:26:33You must have heard the name of Gorilla. You must have heard the name of Orangutan.
- 00:26:36All these are the people of that group, let us understand that uncle-warts type
- 00:26:40Understand that they are some distance away.
- 00:26:44go sometime
- 00:26:45The zoo has to salute him by calling him uncle.
- 00:26:48The treatment is not to die, that uncle is in a distant relation.
- 00:26:52which was another tradition,
- 00:26:55What happened in this tradition that this species,
- 00:26:58It slowly descended from the trees to the ground
- 00:27:03Change from four legs to two legs is called bipedalism.
- 00:27:07Two legged creatures first time in the world, two legs
- 00:27:12The biggest turning point in the history of mankind,
- 00:27:15free two hands
- 00:27:18We were running with four, two became free, what to do now?
- 00:27:21These two hands gave the whole culture,
- 00:27:23The entire industry, the entire civilization was destroyed.
- 00:27:26Had it not been for these two hands, it would still be running
- 00:27:30The biggest turning point is
- 00:27:32get on our feet
- 00:27:36When he came on two legs, he stood straight, he could see far away.
- 00:27:40Grass was visible in the distance.
- 00:27:42Trees are visible in the distance, where can we eat.
- 00:27:45began to develop
- 00:27:47Wasn't good at running.
- 00:27:49It was easy to defeat them.
- 00:27:50which preyed on them more easily than other species
- 00:27:54So at one time they started living in herds as well.
- 00:27:58but the biggest thing happened
- 00:27:59His brain development started.
- 00:28:02Their brain size started increasing
- 00:28:06And it happens
- 00:28:08You must have heard two or three names, must have heard one name Australopithecus
- 00:28:11Have you ever heard this word?
- 00:28:13It lasted about 3 million years, Australopithecus
- 00:28:17Which basically means that there was a creature of the South.
- 00:28:22Now you must have heard the name of Neanderthal, Neanderthal who was
- 00:28:25they whole
- 00:28:27The species with the largest brain has happened in history till date.
- 00:28:31It ended later.
- 00:28:32Australopithecus also died out
- 00:28:35and doing 25
- 00:28:36a million years ago today
- 00:28:40make a structure which is called
- 00:28:41homo habilis
- 00:28:44listen to the word homo
- 00:28:45Understand that he is your close relative.
- 00:28:49This is starting to be the beginning of our species
- 00:28:52from here
- 00:28:54And even after this 25 lakhs, there would have been many transfers.
- 00:28:583 lakh years ago, the one who is called,
- 00:29:01homo sapiens
- 00:29:03that we are
- 00:29:06370 in the history of this whole universe
- 00:29:09in the history of crores of lives
- 00:29:11Our time is of 3 lakh years in total.
- 00:29:14as homo sapiens
- 00:29:18and homo
- 00:29:18Whatever happened after becoming Sapiens was amazing.
- 00:29:231 lakh crore
- 00:29:24of the species
- 00:29:25Suddenly a species has taken over the whole world.
- 00:29:29Coincidentally it is
- 00:29:32Making life difficult for everyone else, that is a different thing.
- 00:29:34But we got everything, man started getting everything.
- 00:29:39and this homo
- 00:29:41in the development of sapiens
- 00:29:46which began 3 million years ago
- 00:29:48A very big incident happened 75 thousand years ago.
- 00:29:53if you read the book now what i'm talking about
- 00:29:55That book is mentioned, you must have heard the name of Yuvalnau Harari.
- 00:29:59A book named Sapiens came out, Sapiens and Brief History of Man
- 00:30:03He specifically mentioned
- 00:30:05he mentioned one incident
- 00:30:08that the cognitive revolution 75,000 years ago
- 00:30:13ie one
- 00:30:15The cognitive revolution took place in this world of Homo Sapiens.
- 00:30:19the authors who
- 00:30:20Is the person of Israel. Is a very deep thinker.
- 00:30:23At present he is one of the most read persons in the world.
- 00:30:2875,000 years ago an intellectual or ideological
- 00:30:32Or cognitive revolution happened.
- 00:30:35That is, the mental abilities of this Homo Sapiens suddenly started increasing.
- 00:30:41Means increased a lot in the process
- 00:30:42But at this time it started appearing.
- 00:30:45many capacities increased, but the capacity at which
- 00:30:47They have put too much emphasis that is on imagining
- 00:30:50Capacity Imagination
- 00:30:54ability to imagine.
- 00:30:57For the first time a species started having imaginations.
- 00:31:01Cats cannot fantasize.
- 00:31:03Rats, donkeys, horses cannot imagine.
- 00:31:06we can
- 00:31:10We can imagine anything.
- 00:31:11We can imagine the other world.
- 00:31:13We can imagine God, we can imagine the soul.
- 00:31:15Can think about rebirth.
- 00:31:17Can imagine about heaven.
- 00:31:18Can imagine hell, can imagine ghosts,
- 00:31:22Because we have the ability to imagine.
- 00:31:26Those who don't have the ability they can't
- 00:31:28it's a simple matter
- 00:31:31Intelligence developed in us
- 00:31:35The development of intelligence did not happen suddenly, it is a continuous process.
- 00:31:40We are intellectual, we can think, we can reason, we can strategize.
- 00:31:44We can do reasoning.
- 00:31:46Can draw logical conclusions
- 00:31:48You can do deduction, you can do induction.
- 00:31:52The third thing is that our memory, if will see animals.
- 00:31:56they have little to no memory
- 00:32:01Something happened, they will remember for a while and then they will forget.
- 00:32:03Will not remember the talk for four days
- 00:32:06And if you ask them after three years.
- 00:32:08Tell three big events of your life in the past, that too in sequence.
- 00:32:11If you remember, you will not come in sequence.
- 00:32:15The sequence also remains in our memory.
- 00:32:18the linkage remains
- 00:32:20and because we have such memory
- 00:32:22And we have such thinking capacity, we have such imagination capacity.
- 00:32:26have the ability to be creative
- 00:32:28And all these things combined put us in a situation
- 00:32:35that we have
- 00:32:36first created language
- 00:32:41any other species
- 00:32:42don't have as advanced a language as we do
- 00:32:46We would have shared so much because language
- 00:32:50And if there is language, then you can think more
- 00:32:53Because when we learn a language, we also think along with it.
- 00:32:57Animals have language, birds have language,
- 00:32:59But it is very basic language which can tell only this.
- 00:33:02To their mother that they am hungry or are angry
- 00:33:06Expressing the 8-10 basic emotions.
- 00:33:09it's up to them but
- 00:33:10Expressing complex ideas is not their cup of tea
- 00:33:14But we can do that.
- 00:33:15We have Language
- 00:33:17and this language did such a wonders
- 00:33:20And what is the reason for the cognitive revolution that happened.
- 00:33:23The size of our brains increased, I'll come to that next
- 00:33:26Or first understand this a little then come back to this
- 00:33:30Some people believe
- 00:33:31Is that the size of our brain
- 00:33:35has proved to be very crucial.
- 00:33:38Consider a very simple example.
- 00:33:40How to measure brain size, then measure brain volume
- 00:33:44like a skull
- 00:33:45How much sand can be filled in that skull,
- 00:33:47It determines how much volume is there.
- 00:33:49Some people call this the cephalic index.
- 00:33:53so that was homohablis 2.5 million years ago
- 00:33:56about 500 to 700 in his mind
- 00:34:01There was a space of cubic centimetres.
- 00:34:04Think of this skull as the size of a hand
- 00:34:07This homohebilis had a space of 500 to 700 cubic centimeters.
- 00:34:11that
- 00:34:11Can be considered the oldest member of our family
- 00:34:16And today's Homo Sapiens. How much is theirs
- 00:34:18So
- 00:34:20So in that men have a little bit more than women.
- 00:34:22men become very heroes
- 00:34:24on this basis but there is no need to take more load than this but yes it is true that it is
- 00:34:281260 cubic
- 00:34:31Centimeter is the brain size of today's common man
- 00:34:36and Homo habilis is around 600
- 00:34:39more than double
- 00:34:43which is typical of women
- 00:34:45That is around 1170.
- 00:34:49It will be a little less than its surroundings but almost in the same range.
- 00:34:54Some people say that this has become a great thing,
- 00:34:58But an elephant has four times more than a human.
- 00:35:02so why don't elephants have language
- 00:35:04elephant philosophy why no philosopher does elephant
- 00:35:06you see it
- 00:35:09It is true that the elephant
- 00:35:11Cephalic index is the brain capacity of an elephant, which is more than that of a human.
- 00:35:15at least four times more
- 00:35:18And not only humans, they are dolphins, dolphins of many.
- 00:35:20If it is more than us, then these scientists got upset again, then all of them
- 00:35:23Why didn't philosophy development science development happen?
- 00:35:26In the end, a formula has been worked out while doing it.
- 00:35:28The formula states that
- 00:35:30The size of the brain is proportional to the structure of the body,
- 00:35:33in that matter man is at the forefront
- 00:35:37and perhaps because of the human
- 00:35:40No other species has such capabilities.
- 00:35:43Although Dolphins Have Some Intelligence, Parrots Have Memory
- 00:35:48Gets well.
- 00:35:49some species have some
- 00:35:51But not as much as we have.
- 00:35:55Yes, after 15, 20, 25 years from now if Elon Musk's bus runs
- 00:35:58these things will become obsolete because in his laboratory
- 00:36:01some monkeys are playing video games nowadays
- 00:36:04Because he made a chip.
- 00:36:05neurolink one
- 00:36:06The company has made a chip and fitted it in his brain and that sixth
- 00:36:10Video as a 7th grade maths student
- 00:36:14started playing games
- 00:36:16It is possible
- 00:36:16is that from today 100, 200
- 00:36:17After years the dogs, cats and monkeys who are around you are in their mind.
- 00:36:20chip in and become a philosopher
- 00:36:22Right now it is not like that.
- 00:36:26someday neurolink
- 00:36:27There is a very interesting topic, will we ever talk about the brain?
- 00:36:30What level of flirting.
- 00:36:32At present many companies are doing Neurolink, one of them is a great company.
- 00:36:36Excibor concept comes cyber netic organism
- 00:36:39It is going to become a reality very soon
- 00:36:44Now what happened in this that the brain has grown,
- 00:36:46But the most important thing is in the brain.
- 00:36:48I have a
- 00:36:51Video was made a few days ago, Narco etc.
- 00:36:54About a concept was mentioned in it.
- 00:36:57The prefrontal cortex is the front part of our brain.
- 00:37:01is a big part
- 00:37:03as many as
- 00:37:04Complex ideas are all generated here
- 00:37:08And all the crimes are also generated.
- 00:37:12That's why be a criminal person.
- 00:37:13Someone is very schizophrenic.
- 00:37:15You remain in a lot of tension.
- 00:37:17Remains anxious, this part of all of them is very active and creative people
- 00:37:21Scientists are also active
- 00:37:24so to fix the criminals
- 00:37:26a therapy was carried out
- 00:37:28that part of them disconnects from the rest
- 00:37:30In the middle, this is called logotomy, which I had mentioned.
- 00:37:32in the last video
- 00:37:34But the main reason why man became very intellectual is
- 00:37:37that one's mind has grown
- 00:37:38And our prefrontal cortex grew bigger.
- 00:37:42and we've got the ability to think about complex things
- 00:37:46Which people of other species cannot think of.
- 00:37:50even if these monkeys start talking
- 00:37:52Even then, when you talk to him, brother, do you know the principle of karma?
- 00:37:56And do you know science?
- 00:37:57Do you know the electron could not understand what the hell you are talking about
- 00:38:00because that much
- 00:38:01They do not have the capacity for complex thinking
- 00:38:04So, how old is this whole game?
- 00:38:07about the last 70,000 years when this revolution happened
- 00:38:1270,000 years
- 00:38:1375 not 70,000 years ago
- 00:38:16now look what man has
- 00:38:19Language is imagination intelligence it's all done
- 00:38:22If all this happened then what did he make, he made a society.
- 00:38:27He made a family.
- 00:38:29Have you ever seen a family of a species?
- 00:38:33Means that monkey gets the monkey married
- 00:38:35Leave him
- 00:38:37Otherwise, have you ever seen that a monkey family continues.
- 00:38:40Big monkey, his wife and three children are going back to back. You must have never seen such a thing.
- 00:38:43Must have seen mother and child because mother and child are natural family
- 00:38:48The father is not a natural part of the family.
- 00:38:51It has happened gradually in human civilization.
- 00:38:55It is not a natural part of the family.
- 00:38:59family became marriage
- 00:39:00Kingship became the rules of the society, became the norms, became the moral rules.
- 00:39:04It's okay to do this. It is wrong to do that.
- 00:39:06everything became because the skull became like this
- 00:39:10What happened with him?
- 00:39:12State Legislature, Executive, Judiciary make laws.
- 00:39:16How did this law, rule, regulation become all this?
- 00:39:19Because the skull has become like that, the brain is working.
- 00:39:24In this the economy became the market and everything was made.
- 00:39:26All these structures belong to our human society.
- 00:39:30It's all because we have cognitive
- 00:39:33Capabilities are very high compared to other species
- 00:39:37which is only the work of the last 70,000 years
- 00:39:40Look, still philosophy has not arrived.
- 00:39:42Why would philosophy come after this?
- 00:39:46Because it is needed for philosophy.
- 00:39:48Both things are necessary to have a full stomach and free time.
- 00:39:53What is there so far, the time has not yet come.
- 00:39:57This is also the same game, otherwise
- 00:39:59where so much
- 00:40:00Speak to a mosquito and show how to make it
- 00:40:04From where will we get such a technical brain, we have that, don't we?
- 00:40:09The last major event occurred 10,000 years ago.
- 00:40:13Which is called Neolithic Revolution, in simple language
- 00:40:21Call it agricultural revolution.
- 00:40:23call it agrarian revolution
- 00:40:2610,000 years ago man understood for the first time that farming
- 00:40:29How can it be done, before that farming was not known.
- 00:40:33Trees were plants, fruits were flowers.
- 00:40:35Used to eat them but did not know how to do farming himself.
- 00:40:39imagine what life would have been like
- 00:40:43What will you do to fill your stomach?
- 00:40:44There are only two ways, either they will kill someone and eat them.
- 00:40:47The one we call the hunter society is called the hunting society.
- 00:40:51or collect.
- 00:40:52The Gathering Society will speak
- 00:40:53Brother, there are many trees there, pick fruits and vegetables from there.
- 00:40:57Break and eat, this is all you can do.
- 00:41:01There is a whole clan.
- 00:41:02There is a clan, there is a tribe.
- 00:41:04There is a tribe, went to a place, the trees and plants there have died, what will they do now?
- 00:41:08they have to know what we call nomadic tribes
- 00:41:13nomadic tribes
- 00:41:16If they say, this is our history, everyone's history, what can they do?
- 00:41:22What did the Neolithic Revolution do for the first time?
- 00:41:25that we understood farming
- 00:41:29And when farming was first understood
- 00:41:31It has become clear that now there is no need for us to go anywhere.
- 00:41:36no need to kill
- 00:41:38Vegetarianism as an idea would first develop from there.
- 00:41:42how to develop before that, without violence
- 00:41:47And can live without straying.
- 00:41:51But when farming started
- 00:41:53So for the first time human society
- 00:41:56Began to stick in one place.
- 00:41:59Surplus production started for the first time
- 00:42:02What is needed is 100 kg of grains.
- 00:42:04120 kg
- 00:42:06When surplus production started for the first time
- 00:42:10So it happened that some people will do less work
- 00:42:13will still work
- 00:42:15And then this is expected from the intelligent people of the society
- 00:42:18gone that you think
- 00:42:21Think about the new structure, what should happen?
- 00:42:23how to do
- 00:42:26and when the stomach is full for the first time
- 00:42:29and got free time for the first time
- 00:42:32So what developed from that, philosophy started developing from that.
- 00:42:36Why is it so?
- 00:42:38in the world of the west believe in the world of the west
- 00:42:42when did the first philosopher become the oldest philosopher
- 00:42:47his name is thales
- 00:42:50And when did it happen?
- 00:42:506th century BC
- 00:42:54Yeh Jumma Jumma 2800 years ago
- 00:42:57just 2800 years ago
- 00:43:00mean you think 370
- 00:43:02in the history of millions of years of life
- 00:43:05The first philosopher was born 2800 years ago.
- 00:43:07in the west
- 00:43:09The philosophy of India is much older than
- 00:43:12And in India in the 6th century BC
- 00:43:14So Buddha and Mahavira are giving their darshan
- 00:43:17And against whom are they giving it, it is against Vedic and Upanishad philosophy.
- 00:43:21Against or at least trying to amend it.
- 00:43:24less than this time
- 00:43:26We have the philosophy of Vedas and Upanishads less than 1000 years ago
- 00:43:29has evolved,
- 00:43:33But you will go back a thousand years.
- 00:43:361500, 1600 BC, 2000 BC will be accepted,
- 00:43:38which today's researches are generally indicating
- 00:43:42Nevertheless, our entire history of philosophy
- 00:43:464000 years old
- 00:43:49and that's why 10,000 years ago
- 00:43:52For the first time the conditions were created that we had our capabilities.
- 00:43:56Conditions were also created, contemplation started lightly
- 00:44:00and later arranged
- 00:44:02Science developed in the form of Darshan or Philosophy also came.
- 00:44:06In the Indian tradition we
- 00:44:07lets see
- 00:44:07That the size is also visible there, it started appearing later in the Greek tradition as well.
- 00:44:11two places in the world
- 00:44:12Proved to be most successful in the development of philosophy and science.
- 00:44:15One India One Greece in the beginning
- 00:44:19Also in Babylonia.
- 00:44:20Egypt also has more development of science and philosophy,
- 00:44:23you will see in greece and india
- 00:44:26Because there was a tradition of meditation at both the places.
- 00:44:29There was a tradition of discussion, there was no restriction.
- 00:44:32Everyone should think deeply.
- 00:44:33Its freedom was given at that time, even if it was not given to all.
- 00:44:36At least got ideological freedom at one level, not everyone got it there either.
- 00:44:40Here too not everyone got it, but those who got it got it properly.
- 00:44:45so who will you see in greece at that time
- 00:44:49Parmenides you will see Heraclitus you will see or whom you
- 00:44:53Let's solve the theorem in maths, Pythagoras will appear.
- 00:44:57Pythagoras is a person of the same time Aristotle is considered to be the first great scientist, he is the person of that time.
- 00:45:03Herodotus is a person who is considered by historians to be a person of that time.
- 00:45:08because there
- 00:45:09Especially in the city named Athens there was such a tradition.
- 00:45:13The tradition remained in Bharat only.
- 00:45:14That's why the development of philosophy happened with such fanfare.
- 00:45:18Science developed, mathematics developed.
- 00:45:20Looks like ancient because the societies which promoted the culture of discussion
- 00:45:25There science and philosophy grew very fast and therefore
- 00:45:30in the west from around 600 BC and its thousand, one and a half thousand
- 00:45:34Development of philosophy to you in India since years ago.
- 00:45:37seems fine
- 00:45:40so don't get into such things
- 00:45:43That our philosophy is 10 lakh years old.
- 00:45:46Our philosophy is 380 crore years old.
- 00:45:49These are all imaginations, beliefs.
- 00:45:52have feelings
- 00:45:53Some people
- 00:45:53If someone has feelings, then it is good, what is the problem with us?
- 00:45:57But when you come to the level of thinking, you have to understand.
- 00:46:00Where is the truth and what is our existence.
- 00:46:06Now that philosophy
- 00:46:08What questions does it answer?
- 00:46:10You must have many questions in your mind
- 00:46:12Because your stomach is full right now.
- 00:46:15You must have got free time for two hours a day.
- 00:46:18So even after chatting for a while, there must have been some free time.
- 00:46:21You would not have a question in mind that
- 00:46:24Who am I, where have I come from, where am I going?
- 00:46:29Will I be saved after death or will I die
- 00:46:31So it is good to die.
- 00:46:34One who dies again and again in this age.
- 00:46:36It happens on someone.
- 00:46:38Both these deaths are similar or different.
- 00:46:40Will there be rebirth or not?
- 00:46:43What was I in the previous life, what will I become in the next?
- 00:46:45Do you have many such questions?
- 00:46:48there are some books people find out there
- 00:46:50My college was a friend, now he is a very big officer.
- 00:46:53It is on a very high level.
- 00:46:54in the police
- 00:46:56When he was a student, he had come looking for it from somewhere.
- 00:46:58When he went to someone, it was known that he had a book with him.
- 00:47:01What were you in the previous birth, what will you become in the next
- 00:47:05so came
- 00:47:07He had gone with great enthusiasm and when he came back, he was very sad.
- 00:47:09Then I asked what happened, he said friend, I know.
- 00:47:12was a donkey in the previous birth
- 00:47:15So I jokingly said that by mistake I must have told about this birth.
- 00:47:18He must not have told about his previous birth, so he hasn't told about his previous birth.
- 00:47:21there are humans in it
- 00:47:24Then I said it is okay if it is the previous birth then the tension is gone.
- 00:47:26What's the matter, said oh no man.
- 00:47:27the next one also has donkey written on it
- 00:47:30so i said it's actually a hat trick
- 00:47:33You don't have any idea about this and don't know what it is like.
- 00:47:39What to become in the next life, what not to become, is a mystery
- 00:47:42If there is curiosity about these things, then understand a little.
- 00:47:46What happens in philosophy so that you can understand that the next discussion?
- 00:47:49Whether to come in or run away from today itself.
- 00:47:52So after today's discussion some people will participate in the next discussion.
- 00:47:55The rest will participate.
- 00:47:57so only two
- 00:47:58There can be ways. so we in philosophy
- 00:48:02What do you try to understand?
- 00:48:04Everything is studied in philosophy?
- 00:48:06It is said that philosophy is the mother of all sciences, why
- 00:48:12Because when early man was very troubled,
- 00:48:15suddenly it started raining
- 00:48:18went hunting.
- 00:48:19hungry lion came in front of me
- 00:48:22He is also hungry. You also went hunting.
- 00:48:24The deer is watching from behind in the circle of the deer.
- 00:48:27Is enjoying
- 00:48:31You are praying to god oh god save me.
- 00:48:34deer give me
- 00:48:36think even the lion prayed
- 00:48:39oh god give a man
- 00:48:42Haven't eaten for a long time.
- 00:48:46Now God is just.
- 00:48:47He has to do justice to both
- 00:48:50So after listening to him took you in front of him
- 00:48:54Till then you prayed, now it is very difficult. How to answer these questions.
- 00:49:00We are not praying only a little, are you also doing address and touches? It was a difficult world.
- 00:49:05That time
- 00:49:07So the mean intelligent people of those times,
- 00:49:09they think too much
- 00:49:10Used to observe and contemplate the world.
- 00:49:13used to fantasize
- 00:49:15And whatever thought from there became philosophy
- 00:49:19Let's go ahead.
- 00:49:20What happened
- 00:49:20something
- 00:49:20Subjects started becoming, Physics became Chemistry, Biology became
- 00:49:24The subject became independent in itself.
- 00:49:27he went into science
- 00:49:29And those who don't think science
- 00:49:31finds, he still lives in Philosophy and therefore in Philosophy's
- 00:49:36which is the funnest branch
- 00:49:40that is called metaphysics
- 00:49:43Its name is in Hindi.
- 00:49:45Metaphysics you don't go to the difficulty of words.
- 00:49:49these people on purpose
- 00:49:49Keeps difficult words so that common people will not even look at it
- 00:49:53But things are very easy, names are difficult.
- 00:49:55Only
- 00:49:57metaphysics
- 00:49:58means that which is beyond physics
- 00:50:01physics as a subject
- 00:50:02As far as physics has researched
- 00:50:04Physics, what metaphysics could not do
- 00:50:07as physics would say
- 00:50:08the world is made of atoms
- 00:50:10you will speak yes okay speak further
- 00:50:12there is a nucleus inside the atom, yeah right
- 00:50:15it has protons and electrons
- 00:50:18good electrons moving out
- 00:50:20Ok, now it will be said who rotated the electron
- 00:50:25this is metaphysics
- 00:50:28where physics goes
- 00:50:29Keep listening till there, put a question ahead, that metaphysics, its beyond
- 00:50:33what made the electrons move inside the atoms
- 00:50:37who discovered protons and neutrons
- 00:50:39set right
- 00:50:42Now you tell me that God did it
- 00:50:44either the almighty did it or it happened by itself whatever the case may be
- 00:50:47Different philosophies have different answers to this
- 00:50:49that's metaphysics
- 00:50:52The basic task of metaphysics is to show that
- 00:50:54how did it all happen how did it all happen
- 00:51:00so if i talk about metaphysics, So in this usually those who are crazy about philosophy
- 00:51:04Like you, they are basically interested in this.
- 00:51:06In metaphysics itself, in the rest they start feeling sleepy.
- 00:51:10There is more interest in this and there are three aspects within metaphysics.
- 00:51:14the deepest questions
- 00:51:17Cosmology is the name of a branch
- 00:51:23You can call cosmology the science of creation
- 00:51:26or cosmology,
- 00:51:31Cosmology is made of Cosmos
- 00:51:34is the second
- 00:51:35theology
- 00:51:38you can call it theology
- 00:51:43You got the idea after listening to the Hindi translation, don't you?
- 00:51:47and the third is psychology,
- 00:51:49You will think hey this is a different subject
- 00:51:53No
- 00:51:53Philosophy before psychology became a separate subject
- 00:51:57is a subset of
- 00:52:00Nature is different, a little bit of both
- 00:52:04The basic question of metaphysics is what the world is ultimately what
- 00:52:07made of
- 00:52:09that is so diverse
- 00:52:10where did you come from
- 00:52:13so won't go too deep into it right now
- 00:52:15It's early days, but three basic questions
- 00:52:18First how did this world become this world
- 00:52:23made or self made
- 00:52:27so who made
- 00:52:28what was made of what was made of if it was already
- 00:52:32So it means the creator was missing something
- 00:52:38And why was it made?
- 00:52:40What was the purpose of making it?
- 00:52:42Will it ever end?
- 00:52:45So some said it is made of atom, take care
- 00:52:47at least a thousand years before science explained the atom
- 00:52:52Many philosophers had said that the world is made of atoms.
- 00:52:55The philosophy of justice in India had long ago said
- 00:52:59in the west if you've heard the name
- 00:53:01Democrat-Leucippus were two philosophers together in one group
- 00:53:05It was said long ago that the world is made of atoms.
- 00:53:08yes their understanding of the atom
- 00:53:09It was a little different which is a little different from what science has proved atoms
- 00:53:13but yes you said
- 00:53:15So how was this world made, who made it, why made it all
- 00:53:18Cosmology is the answer to the questions
- 00:53:22Then those who believe in God
- 00:53:24Yes, there are some religions which do not believe in God like
- 00:53:26Jainism does not believe in God
- 00:53:27Buddhism does not believe in God
- 00:53:30some other religion is like a taoism The concept of God is not the same as in the Chinese tradition of Lao Tzu.
- 00:53:38God in Confucianism
- 00:53:40Not the same concept, but many religions believe in God
- 00:53:43Like the Vedanta tradition in India, Hinduism
- 00:53:46The one who speaks Vaishnavism, he believes
- 00:53:49Sikhism believes in
- 00:53:50then the three semitic religions
- 00:53:52That is, Jews, Islam, and Christianity believe in all three Gods.
- 00:53:58So those who believe in God
- 00:53:59about all the questions about God before him
- 00:54:03the conversation that takes place
- 00:54:04it is called theology
- 00:54:06God is there or not, if so how many are there?
- 00:54:09Then what is its form?
- 00:54:12Can we explain it by its qualities or not?
- 00:54:14Is it sagun or nirgun?
- 00:54:15Meaning is it personalistic or naturalistic?
- 00:54:19There are many such notions about God
- 00:54:23Then if God exists, is he in the world or beyond the world?
- 00:54:28If he is in the world then he is from the world
- 00:54:31How is he different, if he is different then how would he listen to the sorrows of the people of the world?
- 00:54:36Or he is in the world as well as beyond the world.
- 00:54:39The names of all these concepts are different like God
- 00:54:43If it is beyond the world then it is called diatheism
- 00:54:46is in the world
- 00:54:47If they call it pantheism, the world also has
- 00:54:51Even if it is different, it is called panentheism. They all have different names.
- 00:54:54of concepts
- 00:54:56but the people
- 00:54:57have given it much thought
- 00:55:00what questions can be answered
- 00:55:03So all these questions are equal to God and third.
- 00:55:06psychology is psychology
- 00:55:08about consciousness
- 00:55:12See the deepest question of philosophy
- 00:55:14Is it who am I?
- 00:55:18have a body
- 00:55:19we all have
- 00:55:22It dies, it ends.
- 00:55:25But people don't say that my arm is long.
- 00:55:28My body weighs so much, people say
- 00:55:30I weigh so much so what am I
- 00:55:34So some people say no, the body is a thing that comes and goes.
- 00:55:37spirit is the real thing, i am spirit
- 00:55:40This is referred to in the Upanishads as Aham Brahmasmi, where Brahman and Atman
- 00:55:44Tattavmasi was called the same, Ayamatma was called Brahma.
- 00:55:50a belief that we are souls
- 00:55:52And why all these questions arise
- 00:55:54Because we think and feel.
- 00:55:56Emotions come and thinking work...The work of emotions, the work of feeling cannot be done by the eyes.
- 00:56:02neither ear can
- 00:56:03Neither the nose nor the hands nor the feet can do it, the body cannot do it.
- 00:56:07there is such an assumption
- 00:56:10so if the body can't think
- 00:56:13so someone is thinking
- 00:56:16Who is he who is thinking and thinking on this theme
- 00:56:21There was a western philosopher Descartes who said 'cogito, ergo sum'
- 00:56:25That is, 'I think there for I am', you must have heard that it is written on T-shirts.
- 00:56:29What does it mean that nowadays people do not read?
- 00:56:32Wanders around with 'I think there for I am' written on T-shirts
- 00:56:35I think therefore I am, that poor Descartes
- 00:56:3817th century philosopher is the philosopher of Newton's time
- 00:56:41He is trying to say that I think body does not think
- 00:56:45Someone is thinking, the one who is thinking is me, that is the soul.
- 00:56:50You must be feeling that the soul has become final.
- 00:56:53Now it feels so good, it is fun to listen
- 00:56:57but its
- 00:56:58later computers were developed
- 00:57:01And the soul is not put in the CPU of the computer
- 00:57:05hard disk is
- 00:57:07And what happens in that?
- 00:57:08An algorithm is an ALU
- 00:57:12Arithmetic logic unit is
- 00:57:13have a memory unit
- 00:57:16And that CPU and its parts without a soul
- 00:57:21also solve mathematical problems
- 00:57:24Reasoning is also better than us
- 00:57:26Now they have started doing languages too.
- 00:57:29His memory has also become sharper than ours.
- 00:57:32Even if we forget, he never forgets
- 00:57:36Even if we remember, sometimes we cannot get out
- 00:57:38wait a minute dude
- 00:57:38Can't remember, can't remember, can't remember
- 00:57:41As soon as the time comes for the exam, it is remembered, it does not even happen in the computer that whatever it is, it is retrieved from Khatak.
- 00:57:45misses
- 00:57:49They also have this that if the memory is too much
- 00:57:51from computer to hard disk
- 00:57:52pulled out and filled
- 00:57:54Later Then brought in, we can't even do that, took out a little, then brought back
- 00:57:58When he came out, he left and finished the work at once.
- 00:58:02Now after the development of computer and artificial intelligence
- 00:58:05So there is great destruction.
- 00:58:08Man walks on only one belief
- 00:58:10Artificial intelligence for the last 20-25 years
- 00:58:13Whatever you do, creative thinking cannot do
- 00:58:17can't think emotionally
- 00:58:20The air of these claims will go out in 10 years
- 00:58:23And has left two days ago, but
- 00:58:25Two days back one of our team member showed me an app
- 00:58:28What did he see, what was the disaster that day
- 00:58:30Many people sent me the link of that app from different places
- 00:58:34an ai don't know what's his name
- 00:58:37If you say, I will tell you, you must know that you are young people.
- 00:58:41Such an app has come that you can also read the story
- 00:58:43If you want to write a criminal story, let's say
- 00:58:45Sensational story, you will write in the above index that you want to write such a story
- 00:58:49This is the character's name. This should be a killer. This should be a policeman.
- 00:58:53now think of a story
- 00:58:55Interrogate
- 00:58:57Brand new story in 3-4-5 seconds
- 00:59:00comes written
- 00:59:03If this is not creative thinking then what is
- 00:59:07Big disaster is going to come in the coming time as much as we
- 00:59:10It seems that we are very unique type of people, nothing is
- 00:59:14We are cousins of the guerrillas.
- 00:59:20we are the same
- 00:59:21We are descendants of plants after 370 million years
- 00:59:26and that's the way we evolved
- 00:59:29So when the complete study of consciousness is done in philosophy
- 00:59:32so says psychology
- 00:59:35what is mind what is intelligence
- 00:59:36What is Brain, What is Intelligence, What is Conscious?
- 00:59:40What is mind, what is sub-conscious mind, what is un-conscious mind.
- 00:59:44the conflict between the will and the conscience
- 00:59:47Lust on one side
- 00:59:48There are desires, on one side there is a controlling superego.
- 00:59:52Why does this duality happen, why does conflict happen?
- 00:59:55All these studies are called psychology in one sentence,
- 00:59:58In this, there is talk about the soul.
- 01:00:02As in India, 7 out of 9 viewers believe in the soul
- 01:00:06buddhist philosophy
- 01:00:07It is said that what happens if there is no soul? How are we thinking?
- 01:00:12So in simple language it is like the current inside the wire.
- 01:00:15of electricity
- 01:00:15It is a flow of electrons, just like that it is not a soul.
- 01:00:20Consciousness lives in a flow.
- 01:00:22Lives in a flow like a river.
- 01:00:25no object,
- 01:00:28His work also went on.
- 01:00:29And Charvak remains completely separate from himself.
- 01:00:32Someone asked him, what is it? Is there a soul?
- 01:00:33He said nothing is soul soul
- 01:00:36So stream of consciousness?
- 01:00:38Nothing happens even in this. So who thinks? Only the body thinks.
- 01:00:41the body itself with such qualities
- 01:00:43It is such that the quality of contemplation develops in him.
- 01:00:47People made fun of him so much, we also used to make fun of him a lot.
- 01:00:49during study days
- 01:00:52But after the development of computer it seems that this is not correct.
- 01:00:55be proved
- 01:00:58if physical
- 01:00:58computer made of objects can think
- 01:01:02so why can't the physical body think
- 01:01:06at least that's one way of thinking
- 01:01:08and all these thought processes
- 01:01:10There is also in the west. different philosophers
- 01:01:14There are also almost the same things.
- 01:01:15Here too people are thinking and there are also thinking
- 01:01:18And the belief of the people of India regarding the soul is very deep.
- 01:01:22Nainam Chhindanti Shastrani Nainam Dahti Pavak:. Neither Chainam Kleidayantyapo nor Shoshayati Marutah. Have you heard? Is it mentioned in Gita?
- 01:01:32The soul is ajar, it is immortal, weapons cannot cut it.
- 01:01:36Air cannot dry, water cannot wet
- 01:01:38him immortal, eternal
- 01:01:42But in psychology every kind of perception of India is of the West.
- 01:01:47It is customary to read them all.
- 01:01:51Are you able to understand now or are you getting bored with the darshan?
- 01:01:54Not bored yet?
- 01:01:55Let's see after an hour, but
- 01:01:58Will leave after 10-15 minutes though
- 01:02:01So the most interesting branch in philosophy is metaphysics.
- 01:02:04Although the new philosophers of today speak
- 01:02:06That talking about meta physics is futile.
- 01:02:07Time is to be wasted because no matter how much energy we exert.
- 01:02:11can't know anything about it
- 01:02:14And so Kant, one of my dearest spectators
- 01:02:17Immanuel Kant is a philosopher of 18th century Germany. He gave an idea.
- 01:02:21Agnosticism, which means we cannot know.
- 01:02:27We cannot know about God at all.
- 01:02:29We cannot know about the soul at all.
- 01:02:30When you can't know then why are you wasting time brother
- 01:02:34leave It is a question of faith.
- 01:02:37If you want to believe in God, then believe with passion. don't want to believe
- 01:02:41Don't agree with hobby, but don't comment on others.
- 01:02:45Don't bother others that why do you believe in God?
- 01:02:47Hey brother, let him accept his wish.
- 01:02:50but also
- 01:02:50Don't bother you, why don't you agree? You are an atheist. Dirty man.
- 01:02:53Don't even do this, its his choice. Your Choice Everyone has their own choice
- 01:02:59second only to metaphysics
- 01:03:01The one who comes to his branch is called that.
- 01:03:05Epistemology. The name is very difficult and do not take stress.
- 01:03:10In Hindi it is called epistemology
- 01:03:15If you want to see the beauty of this philosophy, then this is the thing.
- 01:03:19If you want to see how deep they go, here it is
- 01:03:23But the rest are two lovely branches. They don't have that much problem.
- 01:03:26There's a bit of tension here
- 01:03:31epistemology
- 01:03:33Epistimo is a word that means 'knowledge'
- 01:03:38Logos means the whole process of knowing
- 01:03:42As we gain knowledge.
- 01:03:44Of the universe, it is just a matter of fact.
- 01:03:46first check this
- 01:03:47Is the process of gaining the knowledge of Karel correct or not?
- 01:03:51So regarding the process of acquiring knowledge
- 01:03:54What could be the questions?
- 01:03:55There can be dilemmas, speak their study
- 01:03:58epistemology or epistemology If someone tells you this, you know.
- 01:04:04yesterday i saw a man flying
- 01:04:08What the hell are you talking about now?
- 01:04:10We will not believe like this. This epistemology is going on. Don't you know?
- 01:04:12This is epistemology.
- 01:04:14You said that you will not believe like this. It means you are asking for proof.
- 01:04:17The question in epistemology is what is proof?
- 01:04:21What is Evidence?
- 01:04:23Will say, I have seen with my own eyes.
- 01:04:25no man no
- 01:04:27Until I see, I will not believe.
- 01:04:29Simple means that you only consider the visible as evidence.
- 01:04:33Do not accept the word as proof.
- 01:04:34The word does not mean taking another person's statement as proof.
- 01:04:37You will believe only if you see yourself
- 01:04:40So he said, okay you also go tomorrow. There is a show tomorrow too.
- 01:04:43Next day gone. I also saw the man flying
- 01:04:47now you are upset
- 01:04:49you said no..there is some trick
- 01:04:51behind it
- 01:04:53Sometimes you can find tricks
- 01:04:55Will take it out, sometimes won't be able to find it.
- 01:04:59Now some people say that
- 01:05:00I will accept what I perceive.
- 01:05:02is evident,
- 01:05:05but the danger
- 01:05:05He also has There can be misunderstandings.
- 01:05:09One word is illusion, one is hallucination
- 01:05:13Illusion
- 01:05:17this will happen to you many times
- 01:05:19two twin brothers
- 01:05:20You are having a love affair with one of them.
- 01:05:22this is a big risk
- 01:05:27that you go to his other brother or sister
- 01:05:29Say such things that...
- 01:05:32can't imagine
- 01:05:34That it should happen. Because there has been a perceptual error, hasn't it?
- 01:05:37Confusion happened.
- 01:05:38you thought x while tha y
- 01:05:41And it's not just like that, it can happen in animals too.
- 01:05:45Can happen to anyone. And when does hesusilation happen..
- 01:05:49When you are in highly emotional state. very emotional
- 01:05:53Or some chemical has been consumed.
- 01:05:57Chemicals understand... 'Chemical' Some chemicals have been consumed
- 01:06:01So some such abilities come in your mind.
- 01:06:03Those who are not like this.
- 01:06:07So then you also see flying.
- 01:06:11He himself seems to be flying.
- 01:06:11feel like we're flying
- 01:06:15And so and so jokes come that a man
- 01:06:18fell down the drain after drinking alcohol
- 01:06:21So there was an animal.
- 01:06:26grabbed his tail
- 01:06:28And he is saying that Pappu's mother has not braided today... she has braided.
- 01:06:32it happens to him
- 01:06:35So exactly it looks like it is in its own house,
- 01:06:39But he is in someone else's house. is in the mud
- 01:06:43whose house he is there he is
- 01:06:47So if we consider only the proof of believing
- 01:06:50But even in reality it is cheating
- 01:06:51Maybe
- 01:06:53And look at the thing in a very interesting way, like suppose.
- 01:06:56Like I have a black pen in my hand. Is it or isn't it?
- 01:07:00Magic is not happening, this is a philosophy class.
- 01:07:02Isn't it? Yes.. then there is. now how did you know
- 01:07:05To you
- 01:07:07as if it is
- 01:07:09Black pen. Black pen is to be understood by BP. ok
- 01:07:14so the light of the bulb
- 01:07:16It got reflected from here and went to your nose.
- 01:07:19that's the way isn't it
- 01:07:21So we take it for granted that it is the eye.
- 01:07:23Looks like an eye doesn't it? Ok went in the eye.
- 01:07:28eye received an input
- 01:07:30input by the eye
- 01:07:32Went ahead and gave it to the mind.
- 01:07:35given to the brain.
- 01:07:36Sent to the one who is the mind, the brain. This is the way.
- 01:07:40What the brain has is that many categories have been created.
- 01:07:43made of colors, made of things and it
- 01:07:46Removed by applying on different categories
- 01:07:48That this is pen and this is black.
- 01:07:50And added them and said that this is a black pen.
- 01:07:54Told you
- 01:07:56It all happened so fast that you didn't realize
- 01:07:59It is like when a fan is moving, it seems that there are no wings, but there are wings.
- 01:08:03when the process is too fast
- 01:08:05So we can't see the process, but the process is behind it.
- 01:08:09so as soon as i showed you the pen
- 01:08:10And all this happened inside you. input came.
- 01:08:14Input went to the brain.
- 01:08:16The brain made its conclusion and then you said black
- 01:08:20There is a pen. that's how it happened
- 01:08:23Very interesting thing.
- 01:08:25There can be danger in three places.
- 01:08:28first
- 01:08:30Maybe this ray of light is exactly the same information
- 01:08:33You haven't taken what was outside.
- 01:08:37all you have to say is
- 01:08:38I am not saying that it happens, I am saying that it can happen.
- 01:08:42you have to tell me whether it is possible or not
- 01:08:46Maybe
- 01:08:47that the ray of light added something of its own to it
- 01:08:50Whether or not it has been removed, distortion has been done. It is possible
- 01:08:55Then it can also happen that the last input taken and the output sent
- 01:08:59The eye must have changed something in that.
- 01:09:03our senses exactly
- 01:09:04will forward what they received
- 01:09:08How to accept Otherwise why would there be confusion?
- 01:09:12Otherwise why would there be illusions?
- 01:09:15the third one could be
- 01:09:16Ki Mind Jo Hai Mind Pe Paas Jo Categories
- 01:09:19There remains some flexibility in those categories.
- 01:09:22There should be something wrong, there should be an error in drawing conclusions.
- 01:09:27that's why little cow
- 01:09:29Many times it seems that a very fat dog is coming.
- 01:09:33Seeing a very fat dog, it seems that a small cow is coming.
- 01:09:37Buffalo is coming, something like this can happen. and happens to us
- 01:09:40Suppose there is some fat ass.
- 01:09:42If you are coming from far away, you will take the utensil, if there is a cow in hand, then I will bring milk. Like this
- 01:09:47Maybe because that's why confusion happens
- 01:09:50that either messed up here or happened here or happened here
- 01:09:54If this is accepted, it means that
- 01:09:57There is no guarantee that what you see is correct.
- 01:10:02Then how can you accept it?
- 01:10:03that the knowledge you have gained is correct
- 01:10:05And philosophy goes and talks at this level.
- 01:10:08Science doesn't talk at that level, science has a system in place
- 01:10:13Philosophy goes behind that system too.
- 01:10:17The whole of science rests on the fact that in the world
- 01:10:20The law of causation works, the Cohesion Principle works.
- 01:10:24There is a reason for every action.
- 01:10:26This is the axiom for principal science.
- 01:10:30axiom means a basic conclusion
- 01:10:33On which no question can be raised.
- 01:10:37Philosophy also questions
- 01:10:40how to believe that the law of cause and effect exists
- 01:10:46Some people have put so much meaning on this.
- 01:10:49Nyaya philosophy in India did a lot of work on this.
- 01:10:52Many philosophies worked, Buddhist did a lot.
- 01:10:54In the West, a philosopher named Hume raised a question on this.
- 01:10:59He said that there is a reason behind every action.
- 01:11:01This is just an inductive argument, which seemed to
- 01:11:05Laziness is just like
- 01:11:08You saw a hundred pigeons, they were black, you said that the pigeon is black,
- 01:11:12The day a white one will appear.
- 01:11:13Everything will be ruined.
- 01:11:15There is only this much leisure time.
- 01:11:17Causality also of the law. all these questions
- 01:11:22That what we know, how we know, how much we know.
- 01:11:25Proof is evidence or not.
- 01:11:28What is the role of the intellect?
- 01:11:29Means how much is the role of mind and how much is the role of reasoning.
- 01:11:32How much is the role of perception or revelation.
- 01:11:35How is their mixing? Why does confusion happen?
- 01:11:38Why do illusions happen Why do illusions happen
- 01:11:39Why do our conclusions turn out to be wrong?
- 01:11:43When do mistakes happen in reasoning.
- 01:11:45When does fallacy occur in logic?
- 01:11:47Which one
- 01:11:48from errors
- 01:11:48The decisions of our society or individuals go wrong.
- 01:11:52This whole branch of knowledge is called Epistemology
- 01:11:55We will not talk much on this because it is academic.
- 01:11:59It is more a matter of common man's interests, a little less in this.
- 01:12:04After this there is one more small matter.
- 01:12:06After that you will be free today.
- 01:12:08The next time there will be an arrest, it is done, meta physics has become one.
- 01:12:13epistemology. The words apply to the third branch.
- 01:12:17Axiology
- 01:12:19But we will look at two words.
- 01:12:21Axiology is spoken in Hindi.
- 01:12:22valuation
- 01:12:26talk about values
- 01:12:27It basically has two branches related to values.
- 01:12:30an ethics
- 01:12:30You must have heard its name, it has also come in the syllabus of IAS.
- 01:12:35and one would be aesthetics
- 01:12:39you'll hear at least a few questions like
- 01:12:41So you will understand that since long this thing was going on in our mind.
- 01:12:45ethics is ethics
- 01:12:48aesthetics is aesthetics
- 01:12:50chapter of beauty
- 01:12:53So ethics means what is moral?
- 01:12:55what is unethical
- 01:12:57Which moral rules are right?
- 01:12:58Which rule is wrong?
- 01:13:00Should moral values change over time?
- 01:13:03Moral values should change.
- 01:13:04Or not, lying is a sin
- 01:13:07If lying to protect someone
- 01:13:11Then it is not a sin.
- 01:13:13What are moral laws
- 01:13:13It should be so flexible or it should be rigid.
- 01:13:17These are all questions of ethics
- 01:13:20What is the purpose of life?
- 01:13:22What is the purpose of money?
- 01:13:24Power has a greater purpose than that
- 01:13:27What can be the greatest purpose of life,
- 01:13:29It is ethical question.
- 01:13:31What is Good?, what's good in life
- 01:13:34What kind of things are good in themselves?
- 01:13:37to be good one should not dependent on anyone
- 01:13:39As power is not good in itself, use it properly
- 01:13:42So what are some of the bad things about misusing them?
- 01:13:47Which is good in itself
- 01:13:48If there is
- 01:13:49Everyone should run after him and strive for him.
- 01:13:52Yesarichi is studied in the world of ethics.
- 01:13:56One of the most important aspects of aesthetics is hearing yourself.
- 01:14:01don't listen
- 01:14:01Beautiful is in the eye of the beholder. No
- 01:14:05Beautilize in the eyes of the beholder it's a big one.
- 01:14:09It is a famous saying
- 01:14:11It is very beautiful to see someone who will be your friend
- 01:14:15And then someone said hello to you
- 01:14:17This is how Butylize in the Holders Ice works
- 01:14:21At your age
- 01:14:22There is more hormone than Ester
- 01:14:27But it is not difficult to talk about it.
- 01:14:29Subjectivistics Aesthetics or Aesthetic Subjectivism
- 01:14:33By looking at each person
- 01:14:35Understands beauty.
- 01:14:37If beauty is in your eyes, you need to see it
- 01:14:41Keeps rotating around the eyes
- 01:14:43Then he was seen without his hands
- 01:14:47That's why some people say no
- 01:14:48Beauty is not in the eyes, beauty is in the person or thing
- 01:14:52Whose sight is more beautiful than your heart longs for
- 01:14:56The objectivism of this aesthetics is thirty-one
- 01:15:00Aesthetics and culturalism
- 01:15:03It is said that something is beautiful
- 01:15:04Be the culture in which you are born.
- 01:15:08Vocal culture will teach you how beautiful it is?
- 01:15:12It's beautiful
- 01:15:15A 50 55 year old woman for a French man
- 01:15:19Jo is wearing a skirt, beautiful
- 01:15:22and everything is beautiful
- 01:15:25For the man of India it will probably be the saree,
- 01:15:29because we wear saree in our culture
- 01:15:31Is seen as a nice dress.
- 01:15:34North East countries sorry who are in Middle East countries
- 01:15:37Maybe a woman with a hijab or burqa would be considered beautiful
- 01:15:42So beauty is in the eye of the beholder
- 01:15:45even if it is in the eye of the beholder
- 01:15:46The eye of the beholder is also not his own eye.
- 01:15:49culture made his eyes
- 01:15:51One of the biggest misconceptions we have is that our eyes
- 01:15:55we have eyes
- 01:15:57Our attitude is not our attitude.
- 01:15:59very little is ours in our attitude
- 01:16:02and very little
- 01:16:04hovers around zero means maybe a little goes above zero
- 01:16:08Otherwise it is around zero.
- 01:16:12Apart from this, nowadays there is a way
- 01:16:14That we study philosophy in every subject.
- 01:16:16philosophy of History, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Politics, Philosophy,
- 01:16:20Society, everything I mean about the deepest
- 01:16:24understanding questionsanalyzing
- 01:16:27This is the most difficult question after reading the history completely.
- 01:16:31what's history
- 01:16:33thisisphilosophyhistory
- 01:16:36define history
- 01:16:39defining how history will be written
- 01:16:43Philosophy of History.
- 01:16:45Such is philosophy of science, such is philosophy of religion.
- 01:16:48Everything that has a philosophy can also be a philosophy and a philosophy
- 01:16:53That completes today's conversation from my side.
- 01:16:55Now if you have any question in your mind then ask
- 01:16:59are troubling you
- 01:17:00Who bothers to take care of them?
- 01:17:02your question will make them more nervous if it is not a deep question
- 01:17:05Hello my name is Rajdeep, Rajdeep..
- 01:17:09Sir just like you told that our so many of our actions
- 01:17:12among There is a big factor in our society, there is a big hand.
- 01:17:15He also has a great influence in our thinking.
- 01:17:18So there will be as many philosophers as their background
- 01:17:20There will be a huge impact.
- 01:17:22Absolutely any philosopher has to understand properly.
- 01:17:24Understand its space and time.
- 01:17:2670, 80 percent will understand.
- 01:17:29good like sir different philosophies on one topic
- 01:17:31Let's praise our own philosophy.
- 01:17:33if i have confusion on that topic
- 01:17:35So what are the parameters I should have in mind.
- 01:17:37Who will get me where, its philosophy
- 01:17:39See, my life is very practical.
- 01:17:41Let me tell you one thing when I read philosophy.
- 01:17:44I studied Philosophy in BA and studied in MA.
- 01:17:46I have not studied Philosophy till date in any school/college.
- 01:17:49While preparing for UPSC, after a couple of tempts, my mind
- 01:17:53It happened that I change the subject, then I used to be fond of reading new subjects, so I took Philophilia.
- 01:17:56read again
- 01:17:57Means well, means studied with ease, studied with joy, then taught for many years
- 01:18:03you misunderstood philosophy
- 01:18:05she was the question in my mind
- 01:18:07What will happen if the soul, the Supreme Soul, I die from a long time ago.
- 01:18:11these kind of questions that come to your mind
- 01:18:14someone told me the answer to all these questions
- 01:18:16So it is found in philosophy.
- 01:18:18I said you will end up with just philosophy.
- 01:18:20Wanted to get answer after becoming IAS means my approach was like this
- 01:18:24but that approach was not very good
- 01:18:26so i studied philosophy well
- 01:18:29And never got an answer.
- 01:18:31get no answer
- 01:18:34Then people used to think why did you study?
- 01:18:37but a profitable
- 01:18:39Earlier it was a very easy task for me to make a donkey.
- 01:18:43If someone comes and tells you four things, I will say that you are right, you are right
- 01:18:48Because I didn't know anything.
- 01:18:50read philosophy
- 01:18:54On which subject went to what depth and read everything.
- 01:19:00as god is
- 01:19:0050 proofs were given to prove the existence of God.
- 01:19:05given as much evidence to disprove them
- 01:19:08you have read both
- 01:19:11Still you don't know.
- 01:19:13But now you know that nobody knows
- 01:19:19And that much I knew too.
- 01:19:20As much as anyone knows.
- 01:19:23Now if someone wants to mislead me, he will give an argument.
- 01:19:26you will smile lightly
- 01:19:28You will say that number 37 is 36 and there are more brother, I will tell you 36 more
- 01:19:32Read it
- 01:19:34So after reading philosophy there is enlightened ignorance.
- 01:19:38Before that read Ignorance is Philosophy.
- 01:19:41Enlightened is ignorance, enlightened is ignorance,
- 01:19:44I don't know now, I didn't know then
- 01:19:47but now i know how much people know
- 01:19:51And I know as much as anyone knows.
- 01:19:54That's why I don't need to come under pressure.
- 01:19:57That's why reading philosophy is useful
- 01:19:58at least you know that in the world
- 01:20:04There is a tradition of 370 crore years…
- 01:20:06…of life…and the tradition of contemplation goes back 5000 years.
- 01:20:11How many people thought deeply in this 5000 years..
- 01:20:13Why should we know everything?
- 01:20:15Know what it means to read a book? Took you three days.
- 01:20:19..that person with 30-40 years of experience,..
- 01:20:23Wrote a book with knowledge, research...
- 01:20:27..you studied in three days..
- 01:20:29you in three days..
- 01:20:3140 years have become more mature,
- 01:20:34Otherwise, sparks will be created by hitting stone with stone.
- 01:20:37... keep leaving. When will you leave brother?
- 01:20:41So read one book at a time.
- 01:20:42..makes you many years more mature.
- 01:20:45Old makes new, makes wise.
- 01:20:47Years make you wiser.
- 01:20:48Same is with philosophy..with science also.
- 01:20:49Latest research in science is in any subject, then read it.
- 01:20:53..It is so much fun.. It seems to know how far the human being is able to think.
- 01:20:57Now to what extent have we reached the latest.
- 01:21:00I mean, I'm one of those people.
- 01:21:01..for whom the greatest pleasure is to read and write.
- 01:21:03..If it is yours too, then you also read it... which is philosophy, isn't it..
- 01:21:06I love knowledge. I... I have that kind of disease.
- 01:21:10If you have it, you too enjoy it... Ok!
- 01:21:14Namaste sir... Namaste, what is your name?..Sir, my name is Shivshankar Shukla... Shivshankar! Tell me
- 01:21:18Sir, I want to ask what is enlightenment.
- 01:21:20As it happens, it is said that sages and sages are all...
- 01:21:22Has any man gone again..
- 01:21:23..on the Himalayan mountain..sitting in seclusion..
- 01:21:26...then, he suddenly felt like...
- 01:21:27... got the knowledge that he became Baba completely... started knowing everything.
- 01:21:31Baba became new, those people become saints. becomes the truth of life
- 01:21:33Yes, Towhisar….Self-knowledge means in Indian philosophy-
- 01:21:36knowledge of the soul. If you believe in the soul then... If you don't then
- 01:21:40Consciousness or understanding what I am and I
- 01:21:43What am I not..
- 01:21:45Myself body..
- 01:21:45Understanding... This is the lack of self-knowledge.
- 01:21:48Judging yourself by that money, wealth, successes..
- 01:21:52... This is the lack of self-knowledge.
- 01:21:53The basic meaning of enlightenment is.. knowing your original nature.
- 01:21:57Broadly speaking, in Indian philosophy it means "to know the soul".
- 01:22:01And what I told you in the beginning that Buddha,
- 01:22:03Mahavir, Shankaracharya, Guru Nanak got knowledge..
- 01:22:07...that is the point of enlightenment.
- 01:22:09Actually, what happens... Let me explain to you with an example...
- 01:22:11..for enlightenment. A very famous philosopher.
- 01:22:15...Nagarjuna...
- 01:22:16...in the Buddhist tradition...
- 01:22:19What happens is that the scope of our thinking is limited… what is called..
- 01:22:23...the categories of intelligence are,
- 01:22:24There are categories. We can think beyond that. Just like we can think-
- 01:22:28...there is something, there is no...
- 01:22:31...is and is not, neither is nor 'is not'.
- 01:22:34We cannot think beyond these four.
- 01:22:37This is considered in four categories of philosophy.
- 01:22:39And mainly Nagarjuna believed..
- 01:22:41And this thing also comes in Shankaracharya's Darshan...Chatushkoti speak this
- 01:22:46This is enlightenment...
- 01:22:47It is said that there is Beyond these four
- 01:22:51And because it is beyond all four, it is called human.
- 01:22:54Can be expressed in language.
- 01:22:56Some people call this as mystical knowledge...
- 01:22:58Some people call this divine knowledge.
- 01:23:02now because i or you don't get it
- 01:23:04So, we can't even say..
- 01:23:06It doesn't happen to anyone.
- 01:23:07There must be something that so many big philosophers are saying..
- 01:23:10So I think from this category of intelligence
- 01:23:12Beyond thinking...where...where things, I
- 01:23:15And there is no difference between you and me. Here a serialization,
- 01:23:20Spiritual Ka...Spiritual
- 01:23:22The world's highest point of understanding can be something like that.
- 01:23:26Will discuss 'mystical experience' one day. I gave you some...
- 01:23:30I will tell the experiences of the mystical people.
- 01:23:34You would be horrified at the kind of experiences people have had...
- 01:23:38...in the world...
- 01:23:39There are very deep experiences. But because it hasn't happened to me, that's why
- 01:23:43Iexactly..I can't tell...
- 01:23:44Good who has happened..
- 01:23:45He also said that this is such a knowledge that
- 01:23:47Can't tell. Like Kabir Das said - "This is the jaggery of the dumb."
- 01:23:52That dumb man ate jaggery. Wanting to tell, violence without telling.
- 01:23:56Now once I gave an example in the class, a child said – let me tell you in writing.
- 01:23:59It's not about writing or speaking...
- 01:24:01Language...Language just doesn't work at that point.
- 01:24:05There are things beyond language. Because language is made...
- 01:24:08From the experiences of ordinary people. And such an extraordinary experience...
- 01:24:12Which is not there in normal life, otherwise how will the word be formed in the language...
- 01:24:15For him. That's why there is no word.
- 01:24:18That's why Rahim said such a deep thing-
- 01:24:21Rahiman Baat
- 01:24:22Unreachable, not to be heard; Do you know..
- 01:24:25So don't say
- 01:24:27Don't know where to go. to speak of that which is impassable
- 01:24:31There is no listening.. One who knows cannot say
- 01:24:34And he doesn't know about what he is saying..
- 01:24:38as soon as you get to that point of knowledge
- 01:24:40Your language will become zero and you will become silent.
- 01:24:43That's why the word mysticism is derived from muo...mioo.
- 01:24:47Ormiuo means-
- 01:24:48shut up, be silent
- 01:24:50You can't say anything about that...ok!
- 01:24:54Hello sir my name is Hina.
- 01:24:56Yes....and my question is this..
- 01:24:58That many times people consider religion and spirituality as beans..
- 01:25:02and the difference between...religion
- 01:25:05How important is it to understand the difference between spirituality and spirituality?
- 01:25:09see religion
- 01:25:09And we will talk about spirituality in detail some other time...
- 01:25:12Separately.... because it is a topic in itself, but it has to be understood...
- 01:25:15So you can understand that this is religion and spirituality….
- 01:25:20Religion work means I am going from religion to religion...
- 01:25:22At present. The word religion itself is ambiguous.
- 01:25:26It is also in the sense of imbibing it.
- 01:25:27Morality is also in the sense, but in the sense of religion, let's go ahead...
- 01:25:31So consider this religion
- 01:25:34Consider this spirituality.
- 01:25:36it means that
- 01:25:37Some religious people live a spiritual life.
- 01:25:40Many spiritual people also lead religious lives.
- 01:25:44You can be spiritual by being religious.
- 01:25:47You can be spiritual without being religious.
- 01:25:49You can be spiritual without believing in any religion.
- 01:25:52What does it mean to be spiritual?
- 01:25:54It has not been decided till date, but in simple language..
- 01:25:59There is a very good word in Hindi-
- 01:26:00spirituality. Adhi+Atma... Understand Atma I..
- 01:26:04Adhi means super, big.
- 01:26:07It is better than being confined to oneself.
- 01:26:11To associate with something greater than that.
- 01:26:14And what can be the sense of being related with the elder..
- 01:26:18For some people, having a connection with God is spirituality,
- 01:26:23But now the Buddhist philosopher,
- 01:26:24Jain philosopher..
- 01:26:25Those who do not believe in God... what will be spirituality for them?
- 01:26:29If not God, then his spiritual will be something else.
- 01:26:31It's simple..
- 01:26:33So for Buddhists maybe reaching the point of nirvana
- 01:26:36There will be spirituality.
- 01:26:37perhaps reaching the point of Kaivalya for Jains
- 01:26:40Or just to reach knowledge...that would be spirituality.
- 01:26:43And those who do not believe that there is something beyond this world.
- 01:26:47What will happen to those who consider this world as the last.
- 01:26:50establish one identity with the whole world
- 01:26:54In which, you start feeling a link with trees and plants too,
- 01:26:58Started feeling links with animals too.
- 01:27:00I can't see the difference between you and me
- 01:27:05It can be spirituality...it happens to many people...it
- 01:27:07In philosophy it is called extrovert mysticism.
- 01:27:10That...mystical experience.
- 01:27:11After that, you start seeing God in every particle of the universe.
- 01:27:15Or, I began to see.
- 01:27:16Some are so introvert that they close their eyes within themselves.
- 01:27:20They are seeing everything, but the realization is not happening in the outside world... So religion,
- 01:27:25for common man
- 01:27:28easy answer to hard questions and an organization of beliefs.
- 01:27:32It is the system. which is also very important,
- 01:27:36The common man can waste time on deep questions.
- 01:27:38To think that much about questions does not mean that he
- 01:27:42want to go that deep
- 01:27:44So those tough questions that bother everyone..
- 01:27:47A collection of easy answers is a religion,
- 01:27:50There is a religion so that people can rest assured.
- 01:27:52Let them just know... Someone asked how it happens….
- 01:27:55Hey ,.. God has created the world.
- 01:27:57Will say..... good! Good! Great! Great!
- 01:28:00And the soul that is inside will never die..
- 01:28:03As soon as you said that the soul is immortal, this fear was gone
- 01:28:07regarding death
- 01:28:08What a good thing. Now, what did he think that, Good! Good! The body is the garment.
- 01:28:13The soul is eternal, ok, we will have to change clothes
- 01:28:16meaning that... What is the meaning of death ?... only changing clothes.
- 01:28:18The fear is over
- 01:28:21So... Religion
- 01:28:22Whatever religion whatever it is, it is a way to give peace to the common man.
- 01:28:27There is a way to simplify a difficult question.
- 01:28:30Philosophy is difficult
- 01:28:31It is a way to solve the questions on the level of difficulty.
- 01:28:34With a lot of intelligence... there is no role of faith in emotions.
- 01:28:37Faith is not there.
- 01:28:38No emotions, very concrete and meaning
- 01:28:41One has to work with rigorous reasoning.
- 01:28:44Which is spirituality.... spirituality,
- 01:28:46This is the name of proving a connection with the whole universe
- 01:28:51Be it with nature, Be it with God
- 01:28:52Whether with any other metaphysical entity.
- 01:28:56That's why it is not necessary to be spiritual to be religious.
- 01:28:59There are many religious people,
- 01:29:00Who ? spiritual
- 01:29:01are never able to reach the point, they remain engrossed in rituals.
- 01:29:05One doesn't have to be religious to be spiritual.
- 01:29:08But there are many people who are both, like Swami Vivekananda
- 01:29:11Mahatma Gandhi is.... the originator of all religions whether
- 01:29:15Be it Mahavira, Be it Buddha, Be it Jesus, Be it a prophet.
- 01:29:18All these people,
- 01:29:19related to a particular religion
- 01:29:21And have also reached the point of spirituality.
- 01:29:23Reached a spiritual point like Guru Nanak
- 01:29:26So both combinations are possible...ok!
- 01:29:29Thank you Sir..., Are you not getting the feeling that I am a baba type... something?
- 01:29:34Like... is it coming..
- 01:29:34That feeling... should not come like that, absolutely.
- 01:29:37We will talk about knowledge science...
- 01:29:39What are the latest researches going on ?.... When we will talk about the soul.
- 01:29:41latest
- 01:29:42neurological research that's going on,
- 01:29:43in neuroscience... I'll mention that
- 01:29:46And neuroscience will give the right answer...
- 01:29:47About soul, about consciousness ...... Mr.
- 01:29:53Hello Sir, My name is Rajan Sharma.....ji...sir, sometimes even ordinary people speak such deep things,
- 01:29:57Which seems to have a lot of philosophy hidden in it,
- 01:30:00but we see the background
- 01:30:01So it seems that he cannot say these things now.
- 01:30:04Like I am trying to explain with an example.. someone has written that I have written for you.
- 01:30:07He weaved dreams of seven colors... and he... has a very deep philosophy in it.
- 01:30:12I saw that there are only seven types of dreams,
- 01:30:15But while writing that... it would be in his mind that it would not happen...
- 01:30:18I don't know this...
- 01:30:20Could be a coincidence too.
- 01:30:21Could be a coincidence or someone else says philosophy,
- 01:30:22does something,
- 01:30:23So there is no need to study for that..
- 01:30:24Yes , there is a... there is a philosophy which is self-
- 01:30:28It is born out of experiences.
- 01:30:30That too is a philosophy. Isn't it..? Like there are people like Kabir Das.. Heard a lot from Kabir Das.
- 01:30:34He used to say that I did not read... He himself claimed this
- 01:30:37Though I don't know whether this is true or not. But after listening and observing
- 01:30:43The deeper the level he went.. the deeper it is
- 01:30:45rarely seen... in anyone.
- 01:30:48So, if someone
- 01:30:49That is normal, talk deep
- 01:30:50So either he has squeezed the experiences of life..well
- 01:30:54Their intelligence is good but has not studied in school.
- 01:30:57But there is good intelligence, isn't it?
- 01:30:58The person has
- 01:30:58So the experiences of life will continue to be processed by making them inputs.
- 01:31:02And after a time the person will talk deeply from those experiences.
- 01:31:05Grandparents type of people are there in our homes.. sometimes they are big
- 01:31:08talk deep.
- 01:31:09Whereas many times they are not even literate.
- 01:31:12because they have life experiences,
- 01:31:13the essence of experiences
- 01:31:14And they have good ability to process it.
- 01:31:18So if a person is simple and talks deeply, then suppose
- 01:31:21What is this or it is possible that must have heard from somewhere.
- 01:31:23He repeated in front of you…. OK!
- 01:31:27hello sir my name is tanu singh sir I have a question
- 01:31:31Generally, we read the concept of seven types of dreams
- 01:31:33that there are seven types of dreams.
- 01:31:35And, it also happens that what we do with our conscious mind and subconscious mind...
- 01:31:39All these things that we think or have ever thought.
- 01:31:43This... which we don't even remember in general... it comes in our dreams.
- 01:31:47But , it also happens that we have never seen or heard that thing ...
- 01:31:52Means sometimes we never mention it in life...
- 01:31:54But that too comes in our mind… comes in dreams.
- 01:31:57sure ??... yes, and at this time....sir this happens and such researches too
- 01:32:02are running
- 01:32:03Regarding this thing, that means how you can change the dream of the mind.
- 01:32:08Research about that.. So how does that thing happen ?
- 01:32:11Ok…..we will talk about dreams in detail some other time
- 01:32:14But let me tell you one simple thing...
- 01:32:17That those who are empiricists will not listen to you.
- 01:32:21when you say
- 01:32:21that sometime in the dream-
- 01:32:22Sometimes such things come that I have never seen or heard.
- 01:32:26It means that you had seen or heard something like this.
- 01:32:29that is in your unconscious mind and you don't know..
- 01:32:33and reflected from the unconscious mind into the dream
- 01:32:36It's a very simple matter.
- 01:32:39So when you say I have never seen..
- 01:32:40So it means you don't remember when you saw it.
- 01:32:44May be in childhood.
- 01:32:45You have seen such a scene that fear has set in your mind and you have forgotten that incident.
- 01:32:50Completely forgot that fear from the conscious mind…. but in the unconscious
- 01:32:54It is there.
- 01:32:56And that fear keeps changing its face in dreams every now and then.
- 01:33:00And you feel like it never happened
- 01:33:01in life. how long do we remember 10 days ago
- 01:33:06What clothes were you wearing... Do you remember... You will not even remember this.
- 01:33:09And we are talking from childhood till now
- 01:33:12So…. many such
- 01:33:12things are in the unconscious mind and in the unconscious mind
- 01:33:15means that
- 01:33:17That we don't know what's out there , but it is..
- 01:33:19In our consciousness
- 01:33:21And even when someone has an intuition, they speak
- 01:33:24That it is the reasoning of the unconscious level.
- 01:33:27This thing will not be understood now, when we talk about dreams, then it will be understood.
- 01:33:31Very good explanations have been given by people on dreams.
- 01:33:33Will talk about this also once.
- 01:33:35hello sir my name is navneet dubey sir...sir , whatever ideology or
- 01:33:38Philosophy when
- 01:33:39comes to us
- 01:33:40so how to understand
- 01:33:40Which is authentic or not ? What could be the grounds for this...don't believe..
- 01:33:43Why to believe? Listen! Listen everyone! whose point
- 01:33:47Seems as useful as it takes
- 01:33:48Suppose.... as we read books
- 01:33:51that they have a philosophy ,
- 01:33:52is his philosophy
- 01:33:53All these things come into our mind too, so how can we believe that it is authentic or relevant...
- 01:33:56Look , if a philosopher has guts, he will certainly convince.
- 01:34:00you
- 01:34:01If it can't convince then don't believe
- 01:34:03We don't have that much time anyway... isn't it.. don't believe in superstitions..
- 01:34:08If someone has the guts to convince them, if he is not able to convince them, then go to the hell
- 01:34:10Why there is a need to take tension...
- 01:34:13too much for it ?
- 01:34:15After reading all the philosophies..
- 01:34:16Make your pudding of your work so that your life can go on.
- 01:34:20Sir.....ji....sir ,
- 01:34:21It is often said about philosophy that this subject
- 01:34:24Kills your emotions.
- 01:34:26Means and you also cannot enjoy life without emotions.
- 01:34:28Doesn't finish
- 01:34:30there is a misunderstanding ,
- 01:34:31What does it do that makes you mature and to be mature
- 01:34:35an imperative means
- 01:34:37That your control over your emotions gets better.
- 01:34:41ability to control emotions
- 01:34:43Today is a very difficult thing, so you can do wonders.
- 01:34:47But it is necessary that you see properly after that.
- 01:34:49Can't sing on the road.
- 01:34:53Want to sing songs on the road after seeing your girlfriend...
- 01:34:57Would like to wear her the ring by sitting on the knee..
- 01:34:58All of that will not be possible.
- 01:34:59Then there will be that lightness in all this.
- 01:35:00It definitely is.
- 01:35:03Person become mature and
- 01:35:03And a mature person controls his emotions better.
- 01:35:07that
- 01:35:07The expression of emotions seems to be a little lighter than what we people usually do.
- 01:35:12A good philosopher will not be able to dance at a party.
- 01:35:15it's four o'clock , but the party's still on
- 01:35:17so he will run away before that, he is more interested in the book
- 01:35:21If there is less interest in dancing then there is a difference of nature.
- 01:35:25if you enjoy them all
- 01:35:26Play in emotions now , study philosophy after ten years
- 01:35:30Isn't it.. this is correct.
- 01:35:32Your emotional intensity after studying philosophy
- 01:35:36you can neither hate someone properly
- 01:35:39Nor you will not be able to love in such a way that I will cut my neck for you
- 01:35:42i would die for you
- 01:35:43That drama will not happen... you know the person is doing drama, it is felt that the drama happening
- 01:35:48Will not be able to give false praise.
- 01:35:49Relationships will not work
- 01:35:52This is... Philosophy is the thing after settling all these relationships.
- 01:35:55more ok
- 01:35:56before that, it becomes a little more difficult
- 01:35:59It is definitely and the best thing is that after studying philosophy you will not be able to hate.
- 01:36:04You will feel like hating, hatred will not come
- 01:36:06Inside the mind... on the one who should be hated
- 01:36:09You will feel pity because you are also able to understand his helplessness.
- 01:36:15As if someone full of emotions abuses you right now.
- 01:36:18You will multiply by four and send back to the person
- 01:36:21You gave him four times as much as the person gave , so this emotional interaction is going on.
- 01:36:26Read from Filmcity , then someone will abuse.
- 01:36:29Now will think why he is abusing
- 01:36:31then think well
- 01:36:33Couldn't even understand that abusing doesn't matter.
- 01:36:36You will smile, put your hand on your head, no problem, no problem, go
- 01:36:41You are not getting angry, you are feeling pity that
- 01:36:43This poor person does not even understand that he is working in vain.
- 01:36:47Is this development or deterioration?
- 01:36:50It's up to you guys to decide.. I think it's development
- 01:36:53But first do all that, after that do all this philosophical work.
- 01:36:56Hello sir my name is Ravi.
- 01:36:58Sir, you had just taught in epistemology.
- 01:37:00I have a little doubt in that.
- 01:37:02what , like you told illusion and science two things in this
- 01:37:07so my
- 01:37:08The question is as if we had an illusion that our friend is standing there.
- 01:37:11So he came to us.
- 01:37:12We went to him, got cleared.
- 01:37:14he is our friend
- 01:37:15Or not and if you don't pass, will it be clear or not ? not clear sir
- 01:37:18It will not be clear even in life but sir , you may hate that
- 01:37:22One day I saw in front that he did not talk to me.
- 01:37:24You have been hating all your life.
- 01:37:26While he was not there on that day this can also happen sir my question is this
- 01:37:30But what we are seeing through the illusion is right in front of us.
- 01:37:34We went over there yet that thing is not there.
- 01:37:37like a mirage it's a hallucination
- 01:37:40what does hallucination mean
- 01:37:41where there is nothing
- 01:37:41you see x there
- 01:37:43And illusion means Y is seen instead of X.
- 01:37:46But sir, if we look at it from the factor of science, then it is a thing.
- 01:37:49Well science explains why it happens.
- 01:37:52But the hallucinations continued, after that a long time in a desert.
- 01:37:56you on the road
- 01:37:57While driving you can see water everywhere and there is no water anywhere.
- 01:38:01Hallucination is there, science has explained it.
- 01:38:04good thing ok , but they say it's just a hallucination
- 01:38:07Yes sir I am Ramesh Ranjan
- 01:38:11In philosophy it is said that nothing is wrong.
- 01:38:14Everything happens right.
- 01:38:17Is it true that everything is right?
- 01:38:20Who has said , I have never heard, friend, I have not heard.
- 01:38:24When I read such a book by Irwin M. Copy, there were many
- 01:38:28such examples were given , no
- 01:38:30The book is on logic by Irwin M Cope.
- 01:38:32that of course
- 01:38:33in terms of logic
- 01:38:35This topic must have come in him as an example.
- 01:38:38But the logic that you are specifically talking about is a copy of formal logic.
- 01:38:41book
- 01:38:42Of that means
- 01:38:44It doesn't matter whether there are examples
- 01:38:46As you must have seen in the exam of Reasoning
- 01:38:48All donkeys are dogs.
- 01:38:49Some dogs are rabbits you are thinking what are you saying man Because there you have to test whether it is correct.
- 01:38:55That it is wrong, it is formal logic, they speak abstract logic.
- 01:38:59it means don't mind just watch it
- 01:39:03that if this is true
- 01:39:04And this is also true so is it right to conclude or not
- 01:39:08So I think in the copy book you have a reference like this ,
- 01:39:11but in philosophy in general
- 01:39:12No one says that nothing goes wrong ,
- 01:39:15Every philosophy rejects many beliefs.
- 01:39:18Isn't it the last question you will ask.
- 01:39:21sir nowadays like metaverse
- 01:39:24Many concepts are being given like
- 01:39:27So how does philosophy explain it?
- 01:39:30Metaverse A few days ago, I had also talked about one thing in the interview.
- 01:39:33The metaverse has been talked about in philosophy for a thousand years
- 01:39:36it , now they have named it Metaverse , what is their name?
- 01:39:40Zuckerberg has seen a very simple thing in philosophy.
- 01:39:44Especially if you listen to Nagarjuna in India.
- 01:39:48Listen to the Asangavshu brothers, these three are Buddhist philosophers.
- 01:39:52and Shankaracharya who is the philosopher of Advaita Vedanta
- 01:39:55Listen to them, there is a lot of similarity in the philosophies of these three.
- 01:39:59their simple saying
- 01:40:00is that when we are asleep , we aredreaming ,
- 01:40:05at the time we don't know we're dreaming
- 01:40:07because at the time of dream the dream becomes real
- 01:40:12We also get nervous when a lion goes in front of us in a dream.
- 01:40:14they do everything we run
- 01:40:17And there is absolutely no realization in him that the dream is going on.
- 01:40:22As soon as the dream breaks, it is known that the dream was a lie.
- 01:40:27So Shankaracharya's question is that
- 01:40:29this is the practical world
- 01:40:32it could also be a dream
- 01:40:36And this will be understood when we come out of it.
- 01:40:40One interpretation of sleep and illusion would be the interpretation of dream illusion
- 01:40:45And they are saying that the illusion of this practical world is a big illusion.
- 01:40:49Life is an illusion.
- 01:40:51Only a few come out of this sleep.
- 01:40:53this is second-level sleep
- 01:40:56And at the third level, there is only Brahm at the transcendental level
- 01:41:00For which the Buddhists use the word derived.
- 01:41:03maha means a lot
- 01:41:06I sometimes joke with my friends
- 01:41:09that as many tensions are there in life that my civil service exam
- 01:41:12my this my that, is a possibility
- 01:41:15I told you to follow it at least a little.
- 01:41:18Read the philosophy and enjoy.
- 01:41:21don't take the load on yourself
- 01:41:21No need to lift the oblong water pot at all That I become a monk
- 01:41:24become a nun
- 01:41:24not to do all this, life is to be lived
- 01:41:28but live wisely to live knowing that
- 01:41:31What do people think about living ?
- 01:41:34logical of this
- 01:41:35The possibility is real that this world is like a video game
- 01:41:40And our remote is with someone else, tossed it with the remote.
- 01:41:45You have hit a six, he is saying wow, I have hit a six, he is congratulating you.
- 01:41:49but the remote is in someone else's hands running from somewhere else.
- 01:41:51This is called determinism
- 01:41:56No one knows whether this is so or not.
- 01:41:58i'm not saying that happens
- 01:41:59some would say that it happens
- 01:42:01Heigl in the West is talking something like
- 01:42:05But the beauty of philosophy is that until it is proven.
- 01:42:09Don't believe and don't leave until rejected
- 01:42:14can be considered as a logical possibility
- 01:42:17So if there is such a possibility then this world
- 01:42:20is a metaverse in itself
- 01:42:24that there are some real people.
- 01:42:25His embodied Aviators in this world, one of whom I am also.
- 01:42:29I am someone's avatar, you can be someone else's avatar
- 01:42:33And we will never understand at this level that all this game is going on
- 01:42:37Like in our dreams all the people who are there also fight.
- 01:42:41quarrel with each other and even talk, they don't understand.
- 01:42:44that it's unreal
- 01:42:46Because it is a game inside your mind.
- 01:42:49It could be a game inside someone else's mind.
- 01:42:53This is what Hegel said, Shankaracharya said and many people have said.
- 01:42:57But this has not been proved.
- 01:42:58so don't be discouraged
- 01:43:00Video game is playing.
- 01:43:02is a possibility
- 01:43:03maybe a logical possibility And even if it is, what is the problem?
- 01:43:07Will win at video game.
- 01:43:09We will show by succeeding in the video game.
- 01:43:11This is possible and no one in the world knows this.
- 01:43:16No matter what someone's personality is, no matter how long the beard is
- 01:43:19no one knows
- 01:43:21that what is the truth of the world unless rejected.
- 01:43:25Let's take the world as real, let's take it as real and let it
- 01:43:28enjoy yourself
- 01:43:31because life makes sense
- 01:43:32Likelihood is That only happens once
- 01:43:35So why miss it? Anything is fine.
- 01:43:38Sit down let’s finish. Your experience was painful.
- 01:43:46be fine
- 01:43:47the light of the brain is burnt or burnt out
- 01:43:50burnt
- 01:43:52Ok thanks
- 01:43:54Now the audience, those people of this video
- 01:43:58write your opinion on it do send If you have some questions about philosophy
- 01:44:01then write it on
- 01:44:02and if you think
- 01:44:03that reading all this is more stressful
- 01:44:04Yes, because of this, please write and send that it should not be continued.
- 01:44:06So we will finish this if you want to study further then we will teach
- 01:44:10Thank you.
- 01:44:11most welcome most welcome
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- metafísica
- epistemología
- axiología
- India
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- espiritualidad
- conocimiento
- auto-conocimiento
- origen del universo