Relentless Pursuit | Week 2 | Sermon
TLDRLa discussion aborde le thème de la confiance en Dieu, en soulignant que tout le monde a des problèmes de confiance issus d'expériences négatives. Le conférencier encourage à reconnaître ces problèmes pour mieux avancer dans notre foi. À travers l'exemple de Pierre marchant sur l'eau, il montre que la confiance en Dieu nous permet de surmonter des défis. Il insiste également sur l'importance de sortir de notre zone de confort et de construire des relations saines basées sur la confiance, ainsi que sur la nécessité d'étudier les Écritures et de prier pour renforcer notre relation avec Dieu. Au final, il rappelle que Jésus est fiable et toujours prêt à nous soutenir dans nos luttes.
- 🙌 Tout le monde a des problèmes de confiance.
- 🙏 Admettre nos problèmes de confiance est le premier pas.
- 🚤 L'histoire de Pierre illustre la confiance en Dieu.
- 📖 Étudier les Écritures renforce la foi.
- 💬 La communication est vitale pour la confiance.
- 🛡️ Jésus est fiable et fort dans nos luttes.
- 🌪️ Sortez de votre zone de confort pour grandir.
- 🤝 L'implication communautaire aide à renforcer la foi.
- 🏗️ Construire des relations saines nécessite de la confiance.
- 💔 Les échecs dans la foi ne sont pas définitifs.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Le conférencier entame une discussion sur la confiance, soulignant qu'elle est essentielle dans nos relations, notamment avec Dieu. Il mentionne l'importance d'un engagement régulier à se connecter à Dieu et aborde les 'problèmes de confiance' auxquels chacun fait face, illustrant cela avec des anecdotes personnelles.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Le conférencier affirme que tout le monde a des problèmes de confiance, même ceux qui ne le réalisent pas. Il mentionne que ces problèmes proviennent souvent d'expériences négatives, qu'elles soient mineures ou plus graves, et comment cela peut affecter nos relations futures, y compris la relation avec Dieu.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Il souligne que nous devons réfléchir aux moments où nous luttons pour faire confiance à Dieu. Des événements de la vie comme la perte, les déceptions, ou des blessures émotionnelles peuvent compliquer notre foi. Il explique que ces luttes sont normales et fait le lien avec la nécessité de se concentrer sur la relation avec Dieu.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
L'intervenant discute de la complexité de définir la confiance, en citant plusieurs sources qui tentent de déterminer ce que cela signifie. Il place l'accent sur l'importance de la communication, de l'intégrité et du caractère dans la construction de la confiance, notamment dans des relations saines, y compris avec Dieu.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Il se penche sur une définition plus centrée sur Dieu, en tirant un extrait du dictionnaire : faire confiance signifie croire en la fiabilité, la vérité, la capacité et la force de Jésus. Il met en avant que les relations saines dépendent de la confiance.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Il introduit un passage biblique dans Matthieu 14 sur la confiance en Jésus pendant la tempête. Il explique comment Jésus envoie ses disciples dans une situation difficile et que, dans ces moments de difficultés, la confiance en lui est essentielle. Il souligne que même dans l'incertitude, God reste avec nous.
- 00:30:00 - 00:38:48
Le conférencier illustre l'importance d'avoir foi en Dieu à travers l'exemple de Pierre marchant sur l'eau, évoquant le courage nécessaire pour sortir de sa zone de confort. Il encourage les auditeurs à faire confiance à Dieu même dans les moments difficiles et à agir avec foi malgré la peur.
Mind Map
Video-Fragen und Antworten
Pourquoi avons-nous des problèmes de confiance ?
Les problèmes de confiance proviennent souvent d'expériences négatives et peuvent être le résultat de trahisons, de traumatismes ou de blessures d'enfance.
Comment puis-je développer ma confiance en Dieu ?
Il est important d'étudier les Écritures, de prier, de passer du temps en réflexion et de chercher des conseils spirituels.
Quel exemple est donné pour illustrer la confiance en Dieu ?
L'histoire de Pierre marchant sur l'eau est utilisée pour montrer comment la confiance en Dieu peut mener à des expériences miraculeuses.
Qu'est-ce qui permet de renforcer la confiance dans une relation ?
Des relations saines dépendent de la confiance, qui est renforcée par la communication, la clarté et la compassion.
Comment Jésus définit-il la confiance selon la Bible ?
La confiance commence par croire en la fiabilité, la vérité, la capacité et la force de Jésus.
Quelle est l'importance de sortir de sa zone de confort ?
Sortir de sa zone de confort est essentiel pour développer une foi active et expérimenter les grandeurs de Dieu dans sa vie.
Quel rôle jouent le groupe et la communauté dans la foi ?
S'impliquer dans un groupe ou une communauté rend plus facile le cheminement de la foi et le développement de la confiance en Dieu.
Comment gérer les échecs dans la foi ?
Il est essentiel de se concentrer sur le retour à la foi et à la relation avec Jésus, même après des échecs.
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- 00:00:01good morning
- 00:00:04Kingsway how we feeling y'all you awake
- 00:00:08we excited Life's good snow on the
- 00:00:12ground
- 00:00:13again we're figuring it out hey I'll
- 00:00:15take snow any day um continue to be
- 00:00:18praying for the wildfires and everything
- 00:00:20else that's going on today we're going
- 00:00:22to get into a conversation of trust I'm
- 00:00:25really excited last week Andy kicked off
- 00:00:27this series talking about this
- 00:00:29relentless Pursuit conversation on
- 00:00:32connection one of the things that
- 00:00:33resonated with me as I watched it back
- 00:00:35online was that Solitude is not for God
- 00:00:39it's for us right he challenged me to
- 00:00:41commit regularly all of us to commit
- 00:00:44regularly to be intentionally trying to
- 00:00:46connect with God this week Relentless
- 00:00:50pursuit of
- 00:00:52trusting God that's what we're talking
- 00:00:54about so we're going to talk about trust
- 00:00:56I'm old school student Pastor so I'm
- 00:00:57going to bring a little bit back
- 00:00:59everybody in the room I need us all the
- 00:01:00clap here we go all right we're doing
- 00:01:03okay we're getting there let's try
- 00:01:05together all right so this how it's
- 00:01:07going to work real simple I'm going to
- 00:01:09take my hands like this bringing it back
- 00:01:12once they go to here right here not here
- 00:01:17not almost here right here we're going
- 00:01:20to clap all right youall ready for this
- 00:01:22let's try
- 00:01:23[Applause]
- 00:01:26it and this is why we have trust issues
- 00:01:30here we
- 00:01:31go y'all were nervous you're like that
- 00:01:35was a all right let's try here we go
- 00:01:36here we
- 00:01:37[Applause]
- 00:01:44go thank you I'll be here all morning
- 00:01:46long I appreciate
- 00:01:48it anyway I want us to all start on a
- 00:01:51baseline when it comes to this
- 00:01:53conversation of trust in order to do
- 00:01:55that we we have to admit something
- 00:01:57everybody with me all together repeat I
- 00:02:01I have have trust trust issues issues
- 00:02:07don't look at the person next to you
- 00:02:08we'll figure this
- 00:02:09out we all have trust issues right even
- 00:02:13people who say I don't have trust issues
- 00:02:15will have some version of a trust issue
- 00:02:18right trust issues derive from negative
- 00:02:23experiences right I was at a a a chain
- 00:02:26restaurant I was eating my chicken
- 00:02:29nuggies all you figure out which one it
- 00:02:30is cuz they all serve them at this point
- 00:02:32and I'm not trying to defame anybody but
- 00:02:35but I bit into a chicken nugget that
- 00:02:37wasn't fully
- 00:02:39cooked and now I can no longer eat there
- 00:02:42right I have trust issues with that
- 00:02:44specific place maybe some of y'all
- 00:02:46growing up you were spoonfed or forced
- 00:02:48to eat your peas and now you can't eat
- 00:02:50peas I feel
- 00:02:52you I feel you trust issues can be small
- 00:02:56or they can be massive some of us have
- 00:02:59experienced a abandonment some of us
- 00:03:01have struggled with trauma situations in
- 00:03:04our lives even when you study infants in
- 00:03:07trauma they carry it with them it's
- 00:03:09absolutely mindblowing to me that you
- 00:03:12can experience trust issues before you
- 00:03:14can even talk about your trust
- 00:03:17issues it can be crazy what trust can do
- 00:03:21maybe you've had somebody betray you and
- 00:03:24you struggled in that
- 00:03:26relationship maybe for you you had a a
- 00:03:28bad dating EXP experience and uh that
- 00:03:31left you with what we like to call some
- 00:03:34baggage and that baggage is trust issues
- 00:03:38we take those experiences those negative
- 00:03:40experiences we carry them with us into
- 00:03:43the next experience and that's why I
- 00:03:46found it odd when we were doing the clap
- 00:03:48the second time we did it when we went
- 00:03:50here y'all were
- 00:03:51like you were hesitant in our negative
- 00:03:55experience when we go into it again we
- 00:03:58will hesitate we will struggle there
- 00:04:00will be issues as we try to walk into
- 00:04:03something that we've already experienced
- 00:04:05trauma or Brokenness in maybe for you
- 00:04:09it's control
- 00:04:11issues even something like
- 00:04:15suspicion where you don't trust
- 00:04:17somebody I work in student Ministry and
- 00:04:20they talk a lot about things I
- 00:04:22don't understand and I'm always
- 00:04:25suspicious as to what they're doing or
- 00:04:27why they're saying what they're saying
- 00:04:28cuz they're speaking in a a foreign
- 00:04:30language to me and I live in it every
- 00:04:32day it's Unique but we all have trust
- 00:04:37issues even if in this room let's say
- 00:04:40you're the person congratulations you've
- 00:04:41made it you have zero trust issues in
- 00:04:44your life you are going to go into your
- 00:04:47workplace or into your home or in a
- 00:04:51world of people around you that are
- 00:04:53still experiencing trust issues which is
- 00:04:56going to cause you to have to deal and
- 00:04:59relate with and work with people who
- 00:05:02have trust
- 00:05:05issues and all of this is great it's
- 00:05:07like a noun right we're dealing with
- 00:05:09persons or places or things but let's
- 00:05:12make it centered on this conversation of
- 00:05:14trusting God where do I where do you and
- 00:05:18I struggle to fully trust
- 00:05:22God where do you struggle think about it
- 00:05:24what are some of the reasons why you
- 00:05:27hesitate in certain places or spaces in
- 00:05:30your relationship with
- 00:05:31God maybe you prayed for something you
- 00:05:34were intentional to try to step into
- 00:05:36something and you felt alone in that
- 00:05:38moment because you didn't feel like you
- 00:05:39got the answer you wanted maybe for you
- 00:05:42it's seeing the world and its Brokenness
- 00:05:44and watching the people around you
- 00:05:46fumble or fail even you joining into
- 00:05:49some of that fumbling and failing God
- 00:05:52where are you in these moments maybe
- 00:05:54you've lost someone close maybe you've
- 00:05:57even been through some church
- 00:06:00drama and the church has not been kind
- 00:06:03through those conversations look this is
- 00:06:05a messy place all of us are in different
- 00:06:08places in how we understand and interact
- 00:06:11with God and some of us are going to be
- 00:06:15uh it's just messy y'all it's going to
- 00:06:17be that way right and that's okay it's
- 00:06:21okay you and another person even another
- 00:06:23Christian don't necessarily have to be
- 00:06:24on the same page outside of
- 00:06:26understanding that Jesus is
- 00:06:30Lord and we work through that
- 00:06:32conversation we all at some point will
- 00:06:35struggle with with God when it comes to
- 00:06:37this idea of trust and and and it and it
- 00:06:40it continues to
- 00:06:42to what's even the word it just keeps
- 00:06:46going and going and going and going and
- 00:06:47going it's like the Energizer Bunny old
- 00:06:49school commercials but for us in this
- 00:06:52world of trust we we've try to figure it
- 00:06:54out and I found it unique because as I'm
- 00:06:57having this conversation about trust
- 00:06:59I've got Define the word right all of us
- 00:07:01have to at some point figure out what
- 00:07:02does the word trust break down to how
- 00:07:05would you explain to somebody else what
- 00:07:07the word trust means and I started
- 00:07:09digging into this and I didn't have to
- 00:07:11go very far to find out why this word is
- 00:07:13so difficult to Define so I went into a
- 00:07:18couple of different books I find that a
- 00:07:20lot of leadership books talk about trust
- 00:07:22uniquely so in John Maxwell's 21
- 00:07:25irrefutable laws of effective leadership
- 00:07:28he has the three C's which are
- 00:07:30competency character and connection all
- 00:07:32big words I'm still
- 00:07:34learning in another book rise up a
- 00:07:37leadership habits for turbulent times
- 00:07:39they have the five C's so they take two
- 00:07:41of the three that are there and they add
- 00:07:43three more to those with care
- 00:07:45communication and consistency horger
- 00:07:49book trust uh trusted leader has eight
- 00:07:52pillars and he uses a couple of those
- 00:07:55words and then adds a few more with
- 00:07:57commitment contribution clarity and
- 00:08:00compassion further study brought me to
- 00:08:02the five Dimensions now there are
- 00:08:04dimensions of
- 00:08:06trust and those included three different
- 00:08:09words of Integrity loyalty and openness
- 00:08:12and if you want to grow it all in your
- 00:08:14core habits or your core trusting
- 00:08:16abilities if you want to build the
- 00:08:18building blocks of trust in your life
- 00:08:20you have to have positive relationships
- 00:08:23and good judgment on on top of that all
- 00:08:26together you have 15 words SL phras
- 00:08:29phrases that Define the word trust yes
- 00:08:34it's hard to figure out that's why as as
- 00:08:37as a parent right that's why as a parent
- 00:08:39when a when a kid breaks my trust when
- 00:08:41my child breaks my trust it's not easy
- 00:08:44for them to regain it's really easy for
- 00:08:46them to lose it but then I have to find
- 00:08:49in these 15 ways that have been
- 00:08:51defined where they broke it so that I
- 00:08:54can focus on helping them regain it so
- 00:08:57if they're struggling with communication
- 00:09:00and and they break my trust because they
- 00:09:02didn't communicate something that they
- 00:09:03were doing I then have to approach the
- 00:09:06word of trust or trust building trying
- 00:09:09to fix communication if I try to fix it
- 00:09:11with Clarity or Compassion or good
- 00:09:14judgment it's not going to work you have
- 00:09:16to approach it with the issue and the
- 00:09:18area by which it's been
- 00:09:21broken so here we are defining
- 00:09:24trust I gave you 15 words and phrases to
- 00:09:27try to help clarify what the word trust
- 00:09:30means and I feel like all I've done in
- 00:09:32this room has made us a little bit more
- 00:09:34confused about what this word
- 00:09:37means
- 00:09:39so in this conversation I decided I
- 00:09:42would look other places to find where
- 00:09:44this definition could be and go figure
- 00:09:47Webster's Dictionary has one too and it
- 00:09:49just happened to be close so I used it
- 00:09:52but I edited it a smidge so Webster says
- 00:09:56to believe in the reliability
- 00:10:00the truth the ability or the strength of
- 00:10:04and they would have said something or
- 00:10:06someone I just eliminated that and put
- 00:10:10Jesus to believe in it starts trust with
- 00:10:14believe it starts with
- 00:10:16believing believing in the reliability
- 00:10:19the truth the ability and the strength
- 00:10:21of
- 00:10:23Jesus we'll do a quick dive on this a
- 00:10:25little bit later but we have to
- 00:10:28understand something healthy
- 00:10:32relationships healthy relationships
- 00:10:34depend on trust you cannot have a
- 00:10:37healthy relationship in your life one
- 00:10:39that is good one that is solid one that
- 00:10:41where your friends and the people around
- 00:10:43you have your back and yet it's toxic
- 00:10:47doesn't work that way it's got holes in
- 00:10:50it or there are situations that you
- 00:10:51can't that's why and you know I love I
- 00:10:54love my family but but that's why like
- 00:10:56you talk to my spouse and we are we're
- 00:10:59good but there's always going to be some
- 00:11:01margin of like distance because we're
- 00:11:04two different people or you go a little
- 00:11:06bit further and there's the in-laws
- 00:11:08we're just not going to talk about the
- 00:11:09trust issues with in
- 00:11:13in-laws but what we are going to talk
- 00:11:15about is a Biblical understanding
- 00:11:18looking at this idea of reliability
- 00:11:20truth ability and strength of as we try
- 00:11:22to relentlessly pursue this idea of
- 00:11:25trusting God so if you have a Bible I
- 00:11:28want you to open it up to m Matthew
- 00:11:29chapter 14 Matthew chapter 14 and I'm
- 00:11:32going to pause here with our middle
- 00:11:34school and our high school students
- 00:11:35we'll actually pause we want them to
- 00:11:36learn how to navigate the Bible it's an
- 00:11:38important skill encourage you guys if
- 00:11:40you have a Bible on you it will be on
- 00:11:42the screens but at the same time if You'
- 00:11:44got one open it up dig
- 00:11:46in take some notes have some fun with it
- 00:11:50Matthew chapter 14 we're going to be in
- 00:11:52verses 22 to 32 keep it open there we're
- 00:11:54going to be talking about it the
- 00:11:55majority of this conversation today
- 00:12:00I was in
- 00:12:02uh last Sunday when the snow started
- 00:12:04coming down right so uh I was
- 00:12:07in Kroger trying to get food for four
- 00:12:13boys that like to eat us out of the
- 00:12:16house um which often requires us like in
- 00:12:19a pinch to get a bunch of mini pizzas I
- 00:12:21have a freezer full of mini pizzas I'm
- 00:12:25like the cool dad I think that's not
- 00:12:27what the cool dad is just clarify
- 00:12:30but I'm in this store and when you go in
- 00:12:31on a day like it almost brought me back
- 00:12:33to those covid days where you would go
- 00:12:35in and the store almost felt empty there
- 00:12:37was no milk I was like oh gosh this is
- 00:12:40going to be real fun for four boys and
- 00:12:42no milk in the house and I I I I grabbed
- 00:12:45six cheese pizzas and six pepperoni
- 00:12:48pizzas I put them in my cart and the
- 00:12:50moment I did that the person behind me
- 00:12:53immediately was like oh you're one of
- 00:12:55those people
- 00:12:59I I help me clarify for what is one of
- 00:13:01those people what are you who who are
- 00:13:03you I don't know what you're labeling me
- 00:13:04as but I would prefer to know what the
- 00:13:05label is help me understand well you you
- 00:13:08know you're you're you're supplying
- 00:13:09you're storing up supplies for this
- 00:13:11crazy storm I was like no I just got
- 00:13:14four boys at home these will go in like
- 00:13:15four days this gone in four days like
- 00:13:19oh that makes more sense and as we're
- 00:13:22having this conversation all of a sudden
- 00:13:25what somebody
- 00:13:26assumed I was able to bring clarity
- 00:13:29and that was one of the words Clarity
- 00:13:31built trust then we had an open
- 00:13:34conversation about having four boys and
- 00:13:36what four boys looks like in the chaos
- 00:13:37of four boys there are simple easy ways
- 00:13:41to build trust and you're going to find
- 00:13:42as we dig into this text you're going to
- 00:13:44see some of those too so Matthew Chapter
- 00:13:4614 verse 22 says immediately Jesus made
- 00:13:50the disciples get into the boat and go
- 00:13:52on ahead of him to the other side while
- 00:13:56he dismissed the crowd after he
- 00:13:57dismissed them he went up on the
- 00:13:59mountain side by himself to pray and
- 00:14:02later that night he was there alone so
- 00:14:05they just feeding they just finished
- 00:14:07feeding the 5,000 right Jesus literally
- 00:14:09says it says he made the
- 00:14:13disciples he made them get into the boat
- 00:14:17he didn't strongly suggest it he didn't
- 00:14:20say if you want to he told them get in
- 00:14:25the
- 00:14:27boat he handled this this situation I
- 00:14:29wish I had more time to talk about this
- 00:14:31idea of of solitude and connection with
- 00:14:33God Andy covered that last week Jesus is
- 00:14:36intentional to spend time with
- 00:14:38God but he told them to get in the
- 00:14:41boat he told them to get in the boat and
- 00:14:45I firmly believe Jesus knew what they
- 00:14:48were headed
- 00:14:49into Jesus knew what they were headed
- 00:14:51into and he commanded them to do it I
- 00:14:56don't know about you but this
- 00:14:57conversation is a little bit unsettling
- 00:15:00sometimes God knows what I'm about to go
- 00:15:03through and he's going to allow me
- 00:15:06almost push me into it to work through
- 00:15:09it to walk through it why so that you
- 00:15:12can grow in your understanding of him
- 00:15:15and learn how to trust him when things
- 00:15:17are
- 00:15:20difficult we don't like that I like my
- 00:15:23comfortable box where I live How I Live
- 00:15:25doing the things that I do it's
- 00:15:27uncomfortable to understand all of this
- 00:15:30but Jesus you have to know this he knows
- 00:15:33exactly what he's sending them
- 00:15:35into he knows the storm that's on its
- 00:15:39way and you and I have to
- 00:15:42understand he's got
- 00:15:44us before your storm ever hits he knows
- 00:15:49and he's right there with you telling
- 00:15:53you get in the
- 00:15:56boat it says in verse 24
- 00:16:00the boat was already a considerable
- 00:16:01distance from Land buffeted by the waves
- 00:16:04because the wind was against it so the
- 00:16:08disciples have been rowing they've been
- 00:16:09working through it walking through it
- 00:16:10it's a unique scenario that buffeted
- 00:16:13means that the the wind and the waves is
- 00:16:14constantly hitting against them right
- 00:16:17and if you know anything about the area
- 00:16:18just across the way is the Mediterranean
- 00:16:20Sea that's an actual sea the Sea of
- 00:16:23Galilee is 700t below sea level and more
- 00:16:26like a big lake and I don't know about
- 00:16:28you but I've I've I've got family that
- 00:16:30lives on lakes I've been on lakes storms
- 00:16:32are unique they're crazy but they're not
- 00:16:35often big wave storms same thing for the
- 00:16:38Sea of Galilee don't have a ton of
- 00:16:39massive ridiculous storms they have
- 00:16:41storms they come up all the sudden but
- 00:16:43you're not talking about crazy massive
- 00:16:46ridiculous storm and then what's cool is
- 00:16:49in trying to capture this in 1991 I
- 00:16:52think they finally captured a storm on
- 00:16:54the Sea of Galilee that had over 10 foot
- 00:16:56waves so it's possible a crazy storm is
- 00:17:00happening the disciples are in the boat
- 00:17:02just as Jesus asked them or commanded
- 00:17:05them to do and they are constantly
- 00:17:07feeling the
- 00:17:12pressure I've been whitewater rafting
- 00:17:14before had opportunity on a couple
- 00:17:16different occasions to go down the
- 00:17:17Arkansas River in Colorado I've been
- 00:17:19down the Royal Gorge it's really really
- 00:17:21fun when you're in the moment but when
- 00:17:24things go crazy or when the waves are
- 00:17:26chaotic it is insane
- 00:17:29ity I can only imagine what that looks
- 00:17:32like cuz when we sit here in the
- 00:17:35audience often times our imaginations
- 00:17:37try to get the best of us what did that
- 00:17:39maybe look like in our minds and for me
- 00:17:41I go to the Rapids where the boat just
- 00:17:44literally caps siiz we flipped over
- 00:17:46everybody is out and we are frantically
- 00:17:49trying to figure it out that's what I'm
- 00:17:51thinking of that's the kind of storm I'm
- 00:17:53processing as the disciples are trying
- 00:17:55to row against it and in verse 25 it
- 00:17:58says shortly before
- 00:18:00Dawn Jesus went out to them walking on
- 00:18:03the lake when the disciples saw him
- 00:18:06walking on the lake they were terrified
- 00:18:09it is a ghost they
- 00:18:11said and cried out in
- 00:18:14fear so a couple of things in this text
- 00:18:17shortly before Dawn so they just fed the
- 00:18:185,000 Jesus sends them out on a boat
- 00:18:21it's shortly before Dawn means before
- 00:18:23the sun is rising so I don't know how
- 00:18:25long they've been on the water but it's
- 00:18:26not like 20 minutes right you're not in
- 00:18:29some paddle booat just kind of figuring
- 00:18:31out okay I'm done let's get off the boat
- 00:18:33this has been going on for a
- 00:18:36while and Jesus comes out to
- 00:18:40them literally walking on the
- 00:18:44water man that must have been cool to
- 00:18:47see I don't know if you've ever
- 00:18:49experienced or been able to see a
- 00:18:51miracle
- 00:18:53happen I've been privileged to see God
- 00:18:55work in ways that don't make sense and
- 00:18:59it captivates me every single
- 00:19:03time for the
- 00:19:05disciples it's a
- 00:19:08ghost I know this sounds Petty But
- 00:19:10realize hear me say this they think it's
- 00:19:12a ghost and and and and this is other
- 00:19:16cultures flooding into the conversation
- 00:19:18the the Greco Roman period with all the
- 00:19:20stuff that they're doing it's it's
- 00:19:21creeping into
- 00:19:23this it's a ghost right and I want to
- 00:19:25say like okay now I can believe in
- 00:19:26ghosts because it says there's ghost
- 00:19:28Jesus was a ghost no it's not
- 00:19:31don't says they cried out in
- 00:19:34fear it scared them enough it terrified
- 00:19:39them enough to be
- 00:19:42afraid
- 00:19:44fear paralyzes
- 00:19:47us and if we let it sit there long
- 00:19:50enough it will start to erode the trust
- 00:19:53around us with everyone with everything
- 00:20:00verse 27 but Jesus immediately said to
- 00:20:03them take courage it is I do not be
- 00:20:11afraid I don't know if you realize
- 00:20:15this but you just sang good
- 00:20:20plans it said I will take heart in
- 00:20:24deserts and
- 00:20:26Gardens the word take heart in the Greek
- 00:20:30the word here take courage in the Greek
- 00:20:32it's the
- 00:20:33same
- 00:20:36th it literally means to be of good
- 00:20:39cheer to take courage to be
- 00:20:44confident it's the same thing that we
- 00:20:46read on the second half of John 16:33
- 00:20:50where Jesus says in this world you will
- 00:20:52have trouble but take
- 00:20:56heart I have overcome the
- 00:21:00world do not be afraid be confident I
- 00:21:06have
- 00:21:07overcome the world be confident it is
- 00:21:11Jesus you don't have to worry I am right
- 00:21:15here with you in the middle of the storm
- 00:21:18you are walking through I put you into
- 00:21:21it and I'm going to see you through it
- 00:21:32remember the disciples are in this mess
- 00:21:35because Jesus sent them out into
- 00:21:39it and when it gets
- 00:21:41crazy Jesus is right there helping them
- 00:21:44shift their thoughts from Brokenness and
- 00:21:49problems to being confident in
- 00:21:53him and I think we can all learn a huge
- 00:21:57lesson under understanding just how bold
- 00:22:00of a statement it is for Jesus to say
- 00:22:04don't worry I've got
- 00:22:07you I had you before this started I am
- 00:22:11still here with
- 00:22:15you yeah that's fine you can
- 00:22:18clap so verse 28 let's keep it
- 00:22:22rolling uniquely as Jesus is coming
- 00:22:24towards the boat it says in verse 28
- 00:22:26Lord if it's you Peter replied take tell
- 00:22:28me to come to you on the water come he
- 00:22:32said then Peter got down out of the boat
- 00:22:36walked on the water and came towards
- 00:22:40Jesus I love this
- 00:22:43verse this is a miraculous experience I
- 00:22:46know because every time I have been
- 00:22:48anywhere around a public pool with my
- 00:22:50swimsuit on I have tried to walk on
- 00:22:52water and it doesn't
- 00:22:54work it doesn't I end up sinking like a
- 00:22:57stone it
- 00:22:59bad but yet Peter has this
- 00:23:02opportunity he steps up in the midst of
- 00:23:05all the fear that's going on in the
- 00:23:06midst of the the the storm that is still
- 00:23:08happening around them amidst the waves
- 00:23:10that are beating and battering the boat
- 00:23:12Peter asks Jesus if it really is you let
- 00:23:15me come out to you and Jesus in a moment
- 00:23:18says let me show you what I'm really
- 00:23:20made of let me teach you what it's like
- 00:23:23to be bold let me let me help you along
- 00:23:26in this process
- 00:23:32see I love this
- 00:23:34conversation I know that in this moment
- 00:23:37there are 12 guys that are in this boat
- 00:23:40and only one of them is willing to get
- 00:23:41out of the boat see here in a couple of
- 00:23:43verses a lot of people get on to Peter
- 00:23:45because Jesus says you have little faith
- 00:23:47why did you doubt we're not there yet
- 00:23:50before we get to that point we've got to
- 00:23:52give Peter some credit cuz he's the only
- 00:23:54one that was willing to get out of the
- 00:23:57boat and it's not some little like I
- 00:24:00don't know about you but when you're
- 00:24:00getting out of the boat and you're like
- 00:24:02putting your feet in the water right
- 00:24:03you're not doing this whole like right
- 00:24:05it's it's not it's not Afra and it's not
- 00:24:07like he can continue to hold on the boat
- 00:24:09while he's doing the whole Jesus thing
- 00:24:11right Jesus hold me help I don't know
- 00:24:13what I'm doing right it's not that he
- 00:24:15was far enough away that when he was
- 00:24:17we'll get there I'm getting I'm getting
- 00:24:18ahead of
- 00:24:19myself he got out of the
- 00:24:23boat he got
- 00:24:26out of the boat
- 00:24:28I think sometimes in our Christian faith
- 00:24:30in our Christian walk we get
- 00:24:33comfortable we're okay with where we are
- 00:24:35and what's happening our circumstances
- 00:24:38kind of get set and we start living this
- 00:24:40normal life of Christianity and we go
- 00:24:43through this the process we get to doing
- 00:24:46what all the TW are doing I I don't want
- 00:24:48to condemn it if you are following after
- 00:24:49Jesus it's a beautiful
- 00:24:51thing but I think for all of us in this
- 00:24:54room we need to dare to get out of the
- 00:24:56boat
- 00:24:58we need to intentionally get out of the
- 00:25:01boat see if you want to experience a
- 00:25:04childlike
- 00:25:05Faith you got to get out of the
- 00:25:08boat if you want to see God do amazing
- 00:25:11things in your life you've got to get
- 00:25:12out of the boat if you want to see the
- 00:25:14wonderwork power of what God can do in
- 00:25:16your life and the life of people around
- 00:25:18you you got to get out of the boat if
- 00:25:21you want to see things happen in your
- 00:25:23life that make zero sense you got to get
- 00:25:27out of the the
- 00:25:29boat if you want a life that you can
- 00:25:31look back
- 00:25:33on that generation after generation will
- 00:25:36tell the stories and and the tales of
- 00:25:39what you've done and how you've lived
- 00:25:40your life it requires you to get out of
- 00:25:44the boat and live out your faith among a
- 00:25:48generation that doesn't
- 00:25:53understand I know for
- 00:25:55me I want my boys
- 00:25:59to not only look at me as a good dad I'm
- 00:26:01working on
- 00:26:03it but I want them to have the do you
- 00:26:05remember
- 00:26:07wins because we lived it out because we
- 00:26:10modeled it because we were willing as as
- 00:26:12a dad I was willing to get out of the
- 00:26:15boat and getting out of the boat is the
- 00:26:18deepest and truest definition of
- 00:26:20trusting
- 00:26:22God because he is doing something
- 00:26:24otherworldly it's miraculous he cannot
- 00:26:28do this this circumstance does not
- 00:26:30happen without Jesus present is that I
- 00:26:34making
- 00:26:35sense Jesus is required for Peter to
- 00:26:37Walk On Water Peter doesn't walk on
- 00:26:40water everywhere else it is because of
- 00:26:41Jesus it is because he is there that
- 00:26:44Peter is walking on
- 00:26:49water and then in verse
- 00:26:5230 when he saw the
- 00:26:54wind he was
- 00:26:57afraid and he began to
- 00:26:59sink he cried out Lord save
- 00:27:03me and come on Peter you were just like
- 00:27:08motivating you you you were doing it
- 00:27:10right and now you're like come on
- 00:27:13dude it shows
- 00:27:15me that even Peter had trust
- 00:27:20issues even the man that got to walk
- 00:27:23side by side with Jesus had trust issues
- 00:27:29it means there's hope for
- 00:27:31me hope for all of us in the
- 00:27:33room and I think sometimes we we focus
- 00:27:37too hard on the
- 00:27:40failure we do that in our own worlds
- 00:27:42When we struggle to trust or when we
- 00:27:44when we when we mess up in our
- 00:27:46relationship with God man things are
- 00:27:47going good and all of a sudden we just
- 00:27:48get sidetracked or something happens we
- 00:27:51focus more on man shame on you look at
- 00:27:53what you did I can't believe you instead
- 00:27:55of you know what I'm going to get back
- 00:27:56on this I'm going to keep doing this
- 00:27:57Jesus J let's go my bad forgive
- 00:28:01me all of us in this moment should be
- 00:28:05intentionally processing this
- 00:28:08question just like Peter when you are
- 00:28:13sinking when you are falling into the
- 00:28:16water where do you
- 00:28:19go where did Peter
- 00:28:23turn the boat was too far away to save
- 00:28:26him
- 00:28:29the only thing in that moment that could
- 00:28:31save him was
- 00:28:33Jesus the only person who was able to do
- 00:28:36something about that moment was Jesus
- 00:28:39and I don't know if you recognize it but
- 00:28:40guess what Jesus called him into another
- 00:28:42scenario where more than likely he was
- 00:28:44going to fail and Jesus yet again was
- 00:28:46still there trustworthy to make sure he
- 00:28:49had him in the
- 00:28:52moment where do you
- 00:28:55go had a conversation couple months ago
- 00:28:58about a guy who's trying to figure out
- 00:29:00how to get away from
- 00:29:02alcohol cuz that's where he
- 00:29:05goes and a mom in
- 00:29:07desperation trying to figure out what to
- 00:29:09do because her family is falling
- 00:29:12apart she doesn't know where to
- 00:29:15turn for all of us in this room there's
- 00:29:18opportunities Galore that's why we have
- 00:29:20the body the body of of of of Christ
- 00:29:23here the church to create unity and
- 00:29:26opportunity for us to come around you
- 00:29:27never been a part of it go go out there
- 00:29:29on the The Connect Hub grab one of those
- 00:29:31rooted
- 00:29:32cards right go online sign up for rooted
- 00:29:35get involved in a group do life together
- 00:29:37with somebody else and you'll start to
- 00:29:39find that it's a lot easier to walk this
- 00:29:41path and actually trust in
- 00:29:49Jesus verse
- 00:29:5231 immediately I like the the the
- 00:29:55intentionality it wasn't like well when
- 00:29:57he felt like it
- 00:29:59immediately Jesus reached out his hand
- 00:30:01caught him you of little faith he said
- 00:30:04why did you
- 00:30:07doubt I don't know about you I'll come
- 00:30:10to the strength conversation in a minute
- 00:30:12but I find it interesting because when
- 00:30:14we all got tipped out of the boat of the
- 00:30:17of the raft right including our guide we
- 00:30:20we then had to jump into other people's
- 00:30:23rafts and then try to get our boat back
- 00:30:26or our our our raft back
- 00:30:28and I got in and then I was taught how
- 00:30:31to pull somebody into a boat you grab
- 00:30:33them by their life jacket you put your
- 00:30:35feet up and you pull with everything in
- 00:30:38your might to get them up in the
- 00:30:40boat everything in me to get one person
- 00:30:44in the boat and it says he reached out
- 00:30:47his
- 00:30:48hand and caught
- 00:30:52him you're
- 00:30:56good it's easy
- 00:30:59but what I find is this what God calls
- 00:31:01you to I totally stole this from the
- 00:31:03pastor by the way what God calls you to
- 00:31:05he will lead you through it's too cliche
- 00:31:08right but it's
- 00:31:11true what God calls you to where God has
- 00:31:14you he will lead you through it verse
- 00:31:1832 and when they climbed into the boat
- 00:31:21the winds died down then those who were
- 00:31:24in The Boat worshiped him saying truly
- 00:31:28you are the Son of
- 00:31:35[Applause]
- 00:31:38God how do you respond when the storm is
- 00:31:41over when everything's
- 00:31:44calm when you've gone through it and
- 00:31:47Jesus has been right beside you through
- 00:31:49the whole thing sometimes even with you
- 00:31:51out without you even processing that he
- 00:31:53was there right because we tried to take
- 00:31:54control we tried to deal with it we
- 00:31:56tried to to to alter the circumstances
- 00:31:59on our own but Jesus is with us through
- 00:32:02the whole process and at the end of it
- 00:32:03all what do they do they worship God
- 00:32:06they they they say truly you are the Son
- 00:32:08of God that's
- 00:32:11trust that's
- 00:32:14amazing how do I get to a place in my
- 00:32:16life where in every circumstance
- 00:32:19regardless if it's good or bad I can
- 00:32:21look back and say you are the Son of God
- 00:32:24how do we get to a place in our lives
- 00:32:26where every day we are B Bly pushing the
- 00:32:28limits challenging what we believe how
- 00:32:31we live our lives trying to go into the
- 00:32:34world to live out the mission of the
- 00:32:36Gospel to be Jesus to our co-workers to
- 00:32:39our families and to our
- 00:32:41friends to to to pour out every single
- 00:32:44day everything that God has given us to
- 00:32:46empty our tanks so that we can show the
- 00:32:48world that there is truly an
- 00:32:50understanding of love that loves them
- 00:32:52even more than we
- 00:32:56do try trusting
- 00:32:59God means relentlessly pursuing God in
- 00:33:02the middle of the
- 00:33:05mess I don't know where you are in your
- 00:33:08trust Dynamic with God
- 00:33:11today I don't know how you're doing I
- 00:33:14don't know how life has been for you but
- 00:33:17I can promise you this of all of those
- 00:33:2015 word phrases that we listed God has
- 00:33:24never failed at one of them
- 00:33:28of all of the different pieces to
- 00:33:30Webster's definition of trust God has
- 00:33:33never failed at one of
- 00:33:35them and so I look at it the word
- 00:33:37reliability Hebrews chap 13: 7 and 8
- 00:33:40says remember your leaders who spoke the
- 00:33:44word of God to you consider the outcomes
- 00:33:47of their ways of life and imitate their
- 00:33:51faith and then it says one of the most
- 00:33:53profound things Christ Jesus Christ is
- 00:33:57the same
- 00:33:59yesterday today and
- 00:34:02forever that's
- 00:34:05reliability truth Jesus in John 14:6
- 00:34:09tells everybody that he's the way the
- 00:34:11truth and the life and if you want a
- 00:34:13relationship with the father it requires
- 00:34:16him he is a key to the component that's
- 00:34:20truth is he able does he have the
- 00:34:22ability Ephesians 3: 20 and 21 now to
- 00:34:26him who is able to do immeasurably more
- 00:34:29than we can ask or imagine according to
- 00:34:32his power that is at work within us to
- 00:34:34him be glory in the church and in Christ
- 00:34:37Jesus throughout all generations forever
- 00:34:39and ever amen fully able fully
- 00:34:44able what about
- 00:34:47strength I it takes a lot of strength
- 00:34:49just to pull somebody out of the water
- 00:34:51when you're standing on
- 00:34:53water but what about this how strong do
- 00:34:56you have to be
- 00:34:58to break bread with a man who will lead
- 00:35:01you to your
- 00:35:03crucifixion how strong do you have to be
- 00:35:06to take on the sin of the world and
- 00:35:08forgive a culture that mocks you and
- 00:35:11kills your Earthly
- 00:35:13body how strong do you have to
- 00:35:17be when you're
- 00:35:19dying you ask God to forgive the very
- 00:35:22people that put you
- 00:35:25there if I understand strength it's way
- 00:35:29more than I
- 00:35:31have Jesus is fully capable of our
- 00:35:38trust so what can help build trust in
- 00:35:41God some of you need to get into the
- 00:35:43word you need to study some scripture
- 00:35:45it's been a long time since you've
- 00:35:47cracked open the Bible and I want to
- 00:35:48encourage you that the god of the Bible
- 00:35:50that is the same yesterday day yesterday
- 00:35:52today and forever still there still
- 00:35:54wants a relationship with you maybe you
- 00:35:57need need to spend some more time in
- 00:35:58prayer and reflection maybe you need to
- 00:36:01recognize the Jesus that for who he is
- 00:36:04and what he's done around you and see
- 00:36:06the good and the work that you've seen
- 00:36:08in you the life around you and spend
- 00:36:11some time praying and thanking
- 00:36:13him maybe you need some support like I
- 00:36:18said join a group live life with some
- 00:36:22people the last one's important if you
- 00:36:25are in the thick of it seek
- 00:36:28wise spiritual
- 00:36:31guidance which means if there's somebody
- 00:36:33in your life that knows Jesus that you
- 00:36:36can say help me understand this then I
- 00:36:39want to encourage you to go have a
- 00:36:40conversation with them and start
- 00:36:43accountability to gain some guidance to
- 00:36:46grow your trust in
- 00:36:51Jesus I trust in
- 00:36:54God I'm not perfect I don't have all
- 00:36:57figured out I want to be a good dad and
- 00:37:00a good husband I want to be a good
- 00:37:02leader within our church I've got
- 00:37:05aspirations and goals to live my life in
- 00:37:07a way that allow everybody to see this
- 00:37:09hopefully for Generation to generation
- 00:37:11for
- 00:37:13Generation to model the name of
- 00:37:16Jesus but it starts with me
- 00:37:20intentionally relentlessly
- 00:37:23pursuing
- 00:37:26God and I charge you with the same
- 00:37:30challenge I'm going to invite you guys
- 00:37:32to
- 00:37:36stand we're going to sing a
- 00:37:42song maybe you can maybe you
- 00:37:45can't but I want you to pay attention to
- 00:37:49the words and process out what does it
- 00:37:52mean to say what I'm about to
- 00:37:54say and I'm going to invite you into
- 00:37:57this chur
- 00:37:58Jesus
- 00:37:59Jesus Precious
- 00:38:04Jesus Oh to trust you
- 00:38:09more God that this world is unique it's
- 00:38:13it's it's tough
- 00:38:17sometimes but you know
- 00:38:19that help me to trust in you God work is
- 00:38:23difficult but you know that help us to
- 00:38:26trust in you God my
- 00:38:28family you already
- 00:38:30know help us to trust in you God my
- 00:38:35marriage and my life in
- 00:38:39shambles help me to trust
- 00:38:42you it's in Jesus name we pray amen
- confiance
- Dieu
- Pierre
- marcher sur l'eau
- relation
- foi
- expériences négatives
- communauté
- prière
- écritures