Garmin Fenix 8 and Enduro 3 // Let's Chat...



TLDRIn deze podcast-episode bespreken de presentatoren hun ervaringen met de nieuwe Garmin-producten, specifiek de Phoenix 8 en Enduro 3 horloges. Ze hadden onlangs een reis naar Spanje gemaakt om deze apparaten in verschillende omstandigheden te testen, waaronder duiken, fietsen en hiken. Ze bespreken de belangrijkste nieuwe functies van de Phoenix 8, zoals de nieuwe duikcapaciteit en de toevoeging van een microfoon en luidspreker die oproep- en commandomogelijkheden bieden. Het gesprek gaat ook over de Enduro 3, die dezelfde software heeft als de Phoenix 8, maar zonder de nieuwe duik- en audiovoorzieningen. Dit model valt vooral op dankzij zijn batterijduur en lagere prijs. De hosts verkennen ook bredere discussies over AMOLED versus MIP-schermen en nemen het controversiële prijspunt en gebruik takeaway-discussies onder de loep. De episode is informatief voor zowel bestaande Garmin-gebruikers als potentiële nieuwe kopers.


  • 🌊 De Phoenix 8 introduceert duikfunctionaliteiten, een grote nieuwe stap voor Garmin.
  • 🎤 De geïntegreerde microfoon en luidspreker in de Phoenix 8 ondersteunen spraakopdrachten en oproepen.
  • 🧭 De Enduro 3 is ontworpen voor uitzonderlijke batterijduur, ideaal voor ultra-atleten.
  • 💼 Garmin's prijsstrategie zorgt voor discussie, met verhogingen voor de Phoenix 8-modellen.
  • 🌞 AMOLED-schermen bieden betere prestaties in donkere omstandigheden dan MIP-schermen.
  • 🏞️ De reis naar Spanje bood veelzijdige testomstandigheden voor de nieuwe horloges.
  • 🔧 De nieuwe gebruikersinterface verbetert de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van de Phoenix 8.
  • 💸 Enduro 3 biedt een kosteneffectieve oplossing met essentiële functies voor lange gebruiksduur.
  • 📉 Gebruikers zijn gemengd over het ontbreken van nieuwe updates voor oudere Garmin-modellen.
  • 🔍 Nabeschouwingen zijn positief vanwege de volledigheid van de tests en de reviewcascade.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    Het team begint de podcast zonder voorbereidende notities en plant een vrijmoedige bespreking over de nieuwe Phoenix 8 en Enduro 3 horloges. Ze delen ervaringen van een recente aanleg in Spanje om deze horloges te testen, vooral gericht op nieuwe functies zoals scuba diven. Ze verbleven langer in een klein dorpje aan de kust vanwege de betere duikmogelijkheden en bespreken de geografische voordelen van de regio die zich goed leent voor producttests.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    Het verblijf in Spanje bleek perfect voor uitgebreide testen van verschillende functies van de Phoenix 8, inclusief zwemmen, fietsen, hardlopen en GPS-nauwkeurigheid. Ze benutten het terrein voor diverse activiteiten om de toegevoegde waarde van het horloge binnen uiteenlopende scenario's te ontdekken. Ook bespreken ze de voordelen van spontane overnachtingen in verschillende hotels als onderdeel van de flexibele reisplanning.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:15:00

    Tijdens hun verblijf in Spanje waren de hosts gedwongen in een afgelegen dorp te blijven, waar ze met genoegen gebruik maakten van bakkerijen en lokale restaurants. Ze benadrukken dat dit geen gesponsorde reis was, maar geheel zelf bekostigd om onafhankelijke reviews te waarborgen. Er waren zorgen over online speculatie dat Garmin de reis zou hebben gesponsord, wat werd ontkend.

  • 00:15:00 - 00:20:00

    De hosts benadrukken hun onafhankelijkheid verder door te vermelden dat hun reis zelf gefinancierd was, ondanks speculaties over sponsoring door Garmin. Ze onderbouwen de omvang van hun investeringen in tests van vlaggenschipproducten om te verzekeren dat deze apparaten in extreme omstandigheden worden beproefd, zonder invloed van externe bedrijven.

  • 00:20:00 - 00:25:00

    Naast de uitgebreide bespreking van hun Spaanse reis, benoemt het team de sponsor van de aflevering, Precision Fuel en Hydration. De producten van deze sponsor hebben bijgedragen aan de voeding en hydratatie van de hosts tijdens hun activiteiten. Daarnaast kondigen ze plannen aan om hun ervaring en testbevindingen te delen via posts zodra de aflevering wordt vrijgegeven.

  • 00:25:00 - 00:30:00

    Het team richt zich op de bespreking van de nieuwe Phoenix 8, inclusief de veranderingen in het naamgevingssysteem en de consolidatie van de Epix- en Phoenix-lijnen, met opties voor een AMOLED-scherm of een MIP-zonneoptie. Er worden vragen gesteld over de mogelijke komst van een Pro-model en hoe Garmin omgaat met productnaming en functionaliteit, wat tot speculatie over toekomstige ontwikkelingen leidt.

  • 00:30:00 - 00:35:00

    Bijzondere aandacht wordt besteed aan het ontwerp van de Phoenix 8 met nieuwe functies zoals een luidspreker en microfoon om muziek af te spelen en telefoongesprekken te voeren. Ook wordt het gebruik van duikfuncties van de Descent-lijn geïntegreerd. Er wordt overwogen hoe het gebruik van deze functies de aantrekkelijkheid van de Phoenix 8 kan vergroten, vergelijkbaar met technologieën die te vinden zijn in concurrenten zoals de Apple Watch Ultra.

  • 00:35:00 - 00:40:00

    Het team bespreekt uitgebreid de voordelen en beperkingen van de speaker- en microfoonfuncties van de Phoenix 8, evenals het belang van een noodsirenefunctie als parallel naar vergelijkbare apparaten. Er is aandacht voor de verbeteringen in de gebruikersinterface en hoe deze zijn ontworpen om de ervaring van de gebruiker te verbeteren, ondanks potentiële initiële bugs die vaak optreden bij nieuwe ontwerpproducten.

  • 00:40:00 - 00:45:00

    Op het gebied van duikmogelijkheden vergelijkt het team de Phoenix 8 met de Descent-modellen en Apple Watch Ultra. Ondanks beperkingen zoals een maximale duikdiepte van 40 meter bieden de nieuwe functies uitgebreide mogelijkheden voor recreatieve duikers. Er zijn enkele zorgen over hoe goed de Phoenix 8 bestand is tegen diepere duiken dan 40 meter, wat tot blokkering van de duikmodus kan leiden.

  • 00:45:00 - 00:50:00

    Het team bespreekt hoe de duikfuncties van de Phoenix 8 kunnen bijdragen aan een bredere populariteit van duiken, net zoals het geval was met de Apple Watch Ultra. Ze speculeren ook over de mogelijkheid dat toekomstige modellen van Garmin verder ontwikkelen door duikfuncties uit de Descent-lijn, zoals luchtintegratie, over te brengen naar de Phoenix-serie. De waarde van de functies tegenover de kosten wordt benadrukt.

  • 00:50:00 - 00:55:00

    Het gesprek beweegt zich naar de prijsstelling van de Phoenix 8 en zijn gerechtvaardigde kosten met de nieuwe functies. Ondanks de toegevoegde waarde van duikopties, blijkt uit de vergelijking dat de Enduro 3, met zijn prijzen vanaf $899, voor dezelfde doelgroep als de Phoenix 8 aantrekkelijk kan zijn, vooral omdat het ook langere batterijlevensduur biedt zonder extra functies als duiken of luidsprekers.

  • 00:55:00 - 01:00:00

    Inzichten worden gedeeld over het uithoudingsvermogen en de batterijprestaties van de Enduro 3. Dan wordt gewezen op de integratie van displays en de voor- en nadelen van MIP en AMOLED, waarbij wordt aangenomen dat AMOLED in de toekomst steeds meer de standaard zal worden. De Enduro 3's batterijbeheer en gebruik in extreme omstandigheden worden geprezen.

  • 01:00:00 - 01:07:10

    De hosts besluiten dat de toekomst voor de Phoenix-modellen waarschijnlijk ficaal zal afwijken van MIP om over te schakelen naar AMOLED, terwijl de Enduro de rol van de duurzame MIP-optie op zich zou kunnen nemen. Ze speculeren dat in toekomstige Garmin-modellen beide productlijnen naast elkaar kunnen bestaan, mogelijk met Enduro in verschillende maten en de mogelijke verschuiving van Garmin naar AMOLED als standaard, in plaats van MIP, voor premium functies.

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Video-Fragen und Antworten

  • Wat zijn de nieuwe functies van de Garmin Phoenix 8?

    De Garmin Phoenix 8 heeft verbeteringen zoals duikcapaciteiten en nieuwe microfoon- en luidsprekerfunctionaliteiten, naast een herontworpen gebruikersinterface.

  • Hoe verschillen de Phoenix 8 en de Enduro 3 van elkaar?

    De Phoenix 8 heeft duikfunctionaliteiten en microfoonspeakersystemen, terwijl de Enduro 3 uitblinkt in batterijduur zonder deze extra functies. De Enduro 3 is ook goedkoper.

  • Wat was het doel van de reis naar Spanje?

    De reis naar Spanje was bedoeld om de nieuwe Garmin-horloges zoals de Phoenix 8 en Enduro 3 grondig te testen in verschillende omstandigheden.

  • Waarom zijn de microfoon- en luidsprekerfuncties belangrijk op de Phoenix 8?

    Ze voegen functionaliteit toe zoals het aannemen van oproepen en het geven van spraakopdrachten, wat bijdraagt aan het slimme horloge-aspect van de Phoenix 8.

  • Wat is de prijs van de Enduro 3?

    De Enduro 3 is geprijsd op $899, wat $300 goedkoper is dan de Phoenix 8 met zonne-energie.

  • Welke uitdagingen komen naar voren bij het testen van deze producten?

    Uitdagingen zijn onder meer het grondig testen van de apparaten in diverse echte condities en het beheren van persoonlijke verwachtingen ten opzichte van productprestaties.

  • Hoe reageerden gebruikers op de nieuwe Phoenix 8 functies?

    Gebruikers hadden gemengde reacties, waarbij sommigen de waarde van nieuwe functies zoals duikcapaciteit betwijfelen gezien de prijsstijging.

  • Zal Garmin zijn toekomstige modellen verder ontwikkelen richting AMOLED-schermen?

    De verwachting is dat Garmin in de toekomst meer focus zal leggen op AMOLED-schermen, met de Enduro-lijn die zich mogelijk richt op MIP-schermen.

  • Waarom heeft Garmin de kleine versie van de Phoenix-serie verwijderd?

    Vanwege ontwerpbeperkingen zoals de grootte en stapeling van de zonnepaneeltechnologie, werd de kleine versie geschrapt.

  • Hoe belangrijk is de gebruikersinterface-update in de Phoenix 8?

    De nieuwe gebruikersinterface is een belangrijke verandering, hoewel bestaande gebruikers klagen dat deze updates niet naar oudere modellen komen.

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  • 00:00:00
    let's try it again three two one and go
  • 00:00:04
    okay I don't understand there's like a
  • 00:00:06
    there's like a delay there though
  • 00:00:07
    anyways s right it was exactly in say my
  • 00:00:10
    head you heard the delay it's in your
  • 00:00:12
    head not my head so we don't have notes
  • 00:00:14
    for today's episode do we uh we do not
  • 00:00:17
    have we do not have notes for today's
  • 00:00:19
    episode but I think uh we can freestyle
  • 00:00:21
    this one pretty good because that's
  • 00:00:24
    basically what we've been doing over the
  • 00:00:26
    last three weeks or so basically so
  • 00:00:29
    today's episode is basically all about
  • 00:00:32
    the new Phoenix 8 and Enduro 3 yeah I
  • 00:00:36
    guess first off uh I think you I think
  • 00:00:38
    everyone and their mom probably knows by
  • 00:00:40
    now that the new Phoenix date and the
  • 00:00:41
    Enduro 3 came out and uh that's uh what
  • 00:00:45
    we've been doing so we actually took a
  • 00:00:47
    big trip to Spain uh to actually test
  • 00:00:50
    these uh about whatever like two weeks
  • 00:00:52
    ago I think or something like that yeah
  • 00:00:54
    I think uh yeah I mean it's been dude it
  • 00:00:56
    was it was a time yeah exactly I'm not
  • 00:00:58
    sure like I'm not sure it's been the
  • 00:01:00
    longest time period ever but uh yeah
  • 00:01:03
    anyways these new watches are certainly
  • 00:01:06
    pretty exciting we're going to get into
  • 00:01:07
    all the actual nitty GRE nitty-gritty
  • 00:01:09
    details of those watches here in a
  • 00:01:11
    little bit but uh let's do a little like
  • 00:01:13
    little Quick Trip recap so we basically
  • 00:01:16
    went down to the coast of like barcel
  • 00:01:19
    the Barcelona area I think we stayed in
  • 00:01:21
    a town called TOA delare which was this
  • 00:01:25
    great little town by the way um on the
  • 00:01:27
    ocean but it provided us the opport
  • 00:01:30
    Unity for lots of biking lots of hiking
  • 00:01:33
    as well as scuba diving which is one of
  • 00:01:35
    the new features of these watches yeah
  • 00:01:38
    it was uh I don't know did you did you
  • 00:01:40
    like that place that we went like based
  • 00:01:42
    on it it was great it was it was sort of
  • 00:01:44
    an accidental um location that ended up
  • 00:01:47
    being an extended state location for
  • 00:01:49
    quite a lot longer than we expected
  • 00:01:51
    which is always what happens with us by
  • 00:01:53
    the way always always what happens but
  • 00:01:55
    yeah every single night was a new hotel
  • 00:01:57
    um so we uh yeah because that's that's
  • 00:01:58
    what we roll um so we had originally
  • 00:02:01
    planned to go into Barcelona and do
  • 00:02:03
    diving there but it turned out basically
  • 00:02:05
    every dive shop in Barcelona doesn't
  • 00:02:07
    actually dive in Barcelona they dive an
  • 00:02:08
    hour and 15 minutes away in the town
  • 00:02:10
    that you just mentioned um because the
  • 00:02:12
    water is just simply clearer there uh so
  • 00:02:15
    we thought you know why are we why are
  • 00:02:16
    we going to Barcelona if we're going to
  • 00:02:17
    dive somewhere else Barcelona's great
  • 00:02:19
    obviously but we might as well just
  • 00:02:20
    simply go to that town and then save
  • 00:02:22
    ourselves that morning having to get up
  • 00:02:23
    early CU neither of us are really into
  • 00:02:25
    the getting up early game uh so we just
  • 00:02:27
    went to the town instead and it worked
  • 00:02:29
    out great because
  • 00:02:30
    then when other crap hit the fan and we
  • 00:02:32
    had to stay in that town for a number of
  • 00:02:34
    days then we were able to ride from on
  • 00:02:37
    beautiful Coast lines that were just
  • 00:02:38
    like epic basically the town is like
  • 00:02:40
    when people talk about going to Jona um
  • 00:02:43
    to ride yes they go to Jona the town but
  • 00:02:45
    the town Jona is actually Inland it's
  • 00:02:47
    not technically on the coast and all the
  • 00:02:49
    pretty pictures you see of people riding
  • 00:02:50
    a Jona that are on the coast that's
  • 00:02:52
    where we were which is on the coast not
  • 00:02:54
    the town of Jona which is Inland by I
  • 00:02:56
    don't know like 20 or 30k maybe
  • 00:02:57
    something like that isn't Jona a reg
  • 00:03:00
    though like as well not is also region
  • 00:03:02
    as well but it's also a city so like
  • 00:03:04
    people like I went to the city itself is
  • 00:03:06
    obviously like super cool and very cycle
  • 00:03:08
    forward and also where all the pros go
  • 00:03:09
    to and stuff like that but um but all
  • 00:03:12
    the pretty pictures you see on Instagram
  • 00:03:14
    of people riding in Jona it's all the
  • 00:03:15
    coastline and that's where we went we
  • 00:03:17
    just short circuited the whole thing
  • 00:03:20
    yeah and so yeah like Ray mentioned it
  • 00:03:21
    was uh it was really the ideal location
  • 00:03:23
    to test many many things at once uh just
  • 00:03:26
    because uh you know we we don't just do
  • 00:03:30
    like you know feature review videos like
  • 00:03:32
    where we talk about the features we
  • 00:03:34
    really want to use these devices um to
  • 00:03:36
    actually call it a review we're not
  • 00:03:38
    going to put a review in the title
  • 00:03:40
    unless we actually like test all these
  • 00:03:42
    features so accuracy swimming diving um
  • 00:03:45
    you know open water or Not Open Water uh
  • 00:03:46
    we open water soing but also hiking and
  • 00:03:48
    cycling and off-road cycling on-road
  • 00:03:50
    cycling and running and in buildings and
  • 00:03:52
    like this this town actually turned out
  • 00:03:54
    to be like a really good test town to be
  • 00:03:56
    honest aming like for all the things uh
  • 00:04:00
    you know like Cliff slide stuff no
  • 00:04:01
    problems like to test GPS accuracy
  • 00:04:03
    against really steep Cliffs uh and
  • 00:04:05
    tunnels and into the woods and again
  • 00:04:08
    Open Water Swimming beautiful beautiful
  • 00:04:10
    Waters some jellyfish but it was like it
  • 00:04:13
    was a like to test the Phoenix 8 this
  • 00:04:15
    was an amazing spot for it but we
  • 00:04:18
    weren't done once we once we dealt with
  • 00:04:20
    our our delay problem um waiting for
  • 00:04:22
    something to show up that we're waiting
  • 00:04:24
    for on and uh once we had that show up
  • 00:04:26
    then we moved into um the mountains and
  • 00:04:29
    we had plann to go like more Central
  • 00:04:31
    Pyrenees um like kind of where uh like
  • 00:04:35
    the Tay and things like that like that
  • 00:04:36
    area um just on the border of France to
  • 00:04:38
    Spain um and do a much longer trk but
  • 00:04:41
    things got shifted around we end up
  • 00:04:42
    going you know what what's the closest
  • 00:04:44
    mountains um to us at this point in time
  • 00:04:46
    and that was the town of
  • 00:04:49
    go go o m and it's funny so someone
  • 00:04:53
    Instagram hit me up and they're like how
  • 00:04:55
    did you guys choose this tiny little
  • 00:04:56
    no-name town you guys go there cuz no
  • 00:04:58
    one's around no one would see your
  • 00:04:59
    wrists we're
  • 00:05:00
    like we just chose the closest point on
  • 00:05:04
    the map to where we
  • 00:05:07
    were that was it but it turned out
  • 00:05:09
    awesome like that was a great town to
  • 00:05:11
    test stuff there was nobody around it
  • 00:05:13
    was desolate in the grand scheme of
  • 00:05:14
    things uh some great restaurants there
  • 00:05:17
    as well at night that we could eat after
  • 00:05:18
    we were done spending 10 hours a day out
  • 00:05:20
    in the trails and stuff um it was an
  • 00:05:23
    awesome spot to ride to hike to trail
  • 00:05:25
    run like and to eat um it was great
  • 00:05:28
    fantastic Bakery by the way like
  • 00:05:29
    absolutely amazing Bakery for those of
  • 00:05:32
    you who follow like our Instagrams and
  • 00:05:34
    stuff like that I'm really really really
  • 00:05:37
    into baguettes and I wasn't I was not
  • 00:05:41
    expecting to get really good baguettes
  • 00:05:43
    in Spain but I had like a fresh baguette
  • 00:05:47
    I think almost every single day of our
  • 00:05:49
    trip it was fantastic did you say a
  • 00:05:51
    baguette as implying just one baguette
  • 00:05:54
    true that could be plural um yeah so are
  • 00:05:57
    we finishing Instagram stories tonight
  • 00:05:58
    cuz we stopped on like like Friday
  • 00:06:01
    Thursday I think I don't think we even
  • 00:06:03
    got to the first hike yeah not we were
  • 00:06:05
    trying to hide stuff we just got
  • 00:06:06
    exhausted to be honest totally yeah no
  • 00:06:08
    so no I think uh yeah I've actually been
  • 00:06:10
    kind of consolidating a lot of that
  • 00:06:11
    stuff and I hope to start publishing
  • 00:06:13
    that uh pretty soon so probably by the
  • 00:06:15
    time that you this episode comes out now
  • 00:06:18
    one thing I do want to quickly mention
  • 00:06:20
    about our trip though so um there was I
  • 00:06:24
    think a Reddit post or something like
  • 00:06:25
    that that came out that um implied that
  • 00:06:29
    uh this was a sponsored trip by Garmin
  • 00:06:32
    we paid for this entire trip out of our
  • 00:06:36
    out of our pockets I've got a
  • 00:06:38
    $4,000 yeah all the pockets I've got a
  • 00:06:40
    $4,000 credit card bill from all you for
  • 00:06:44
    my plane trip all the hotels the food
  • 00:06:46
    everything like that we fund these all
  • 00:06:49
    ourselves like the the reason the reason
  • 00:06:52
    that we do these again is that we truly
  • 00:06:54
    want to test these devices to their
  • 00:06:56
    limits and what for what these are
  • 00:06:58
    intended to do and we don't take any
  • 00:07:00
    money from companies to review these
  • 00:07:02
    devices the these are like all on our
  • 00:07:04
    own dime and again it's like we won't go
  • 00:07:07
    to this length for like every single
  • 00:07:09
    device but since these are Flagship
  • 00:07:11
    devices we there's a lot to test on them
  • 00:07:13
    so again we had to kind of choose the
  • 00:07:15
    location that provided us opportunities
  • 00:07:18
    uh to test these properly yeah and
  • 00:07:19
    someone had also implied that like
  • 00:07:21
    Garmin or someone else chooses locations
  • 00:07:23
    as we just kind of covered we're flying
  • 00:07:25
    by the seed of our pants like we we
  • 00:07:26
    literally had no idea where we were
  • 00:07:28
    staying each night at like three o'clock
  • 00:07:30
    in the afternoon we were just like
  • 00:07:32
    what's available Hotel wise which the
  • 00:07:33
    downside is you're paying a heck of a
  • 00:07:34
    lot more sometimes um and again we had
  • 00:07:36
    to make changes last second um we booked
  • 00:07:39
    our return tickets home um and that was
  • 00:07:41
    like 400 bucks per person a one-way
  • 00:07:44
    ticket from Barcelona to Amsterdam like
  • 00:07:45
    that should have been like a 80 EUR
  • 00:07:47
    ticket um so yeah we we paid a lot of
  • 00:07:51
    money to all this testing um and I think
  • 00:07:52
    people appreciate though that we're
  • 00:07:53
    putting in the effort to go and test
  • 00:07:55
    them Adventure like locations and
  • 00:07:57
    certainly there are other places to do
  • 00:07:59
    as well we kind of pick things that are
  • 00:08:00
    interesting that looked good on video
  • 00:08:02
    and photo but also have a wide variety
  • 00:08:04
    of of test areas like if I were to test
  • 00:08:06
    everything here in Amsterdam I wouldn't
  • 00:08:08
    be able to get altitude I wouldn't be
  • 00:08:09
    able to get um you know the mountains
  • 00:08:11
    and the cliffs and all the things that
  • 00:08:12
    you want to test and Diving that you can
  • 00:08:14
    see more than you know six in six inches
  • 00:08:16
    in front of your uh your hand and all
  • 00:08:18
    that kind of stuff and so um that's kind
  • 00:08:20
    of why we we make those trips and make
  • 00:08:21
    the effort to to put the the time in in
  • 00:08:23
    this case the literal money in yeah
  • 00:08:25
    absolutely I think there was even
  • 00:08:26
    another comment in there about like uh
  • 00:08:29
    the fact that we were um hyping these up
  • 00:08:31
    or something like that by like not
  • 00:08:33
    chowing our wrist um I I would I would
  • 00:08:36
    uh invite you to look at my straa feed
  • 00:08:38
    or my Instagram I never show my wrist in
  • 00:08:41
    any photo this is like this is not like
  • 00:08:44
    special to this to this I mean the vast
  • 00:08:47
    majority of the year we were not showing
  • 00:08:48
    our wrists right that's the reality
  • 00:08:50
    almost always testing unannounced things
  • 00:08:52
    so and the fact is we were testing
  • 00:08:55
    things that were not just Garmin by the
  • 00:08:57
    way um so a bunch of things that were
  • 00:08:58
    not just Garmin that's all I'm going to
  • 00:09:00
    say not just Garmin both on- wrist and
  • 00:09:01
    off- wrist and so we were hiding things
  • 00:09:04
    left right and down the middle um and
  • 00:09:06
    the easiest way to do that is to hide
  • 00:09:08
    all of your wrist as a starting point
  • 00:09:10
    right ex each night on Instagram we are
  • 00:09:12
    crosschecking each other's posts like as
  • 00:09:14
    we post them to make sure that we
  • 00:09:15
    haven't accidentally somehow put
  • 00:09:17
    something embargoed in there um and uh
  • 00:09:20
    yeah it gets it gets really complex when
  • 00:09:22
    you have a lot of devices that you're
  • 00:09:23
    testing at once because we talked about
  • 00:09:25
    September is Bonkers um and so lots of
  • 00:09:28
    things now before we get to distracted
  • 00:09:30
    Dez we've got to go back to a different
  • 00:09:31
    distraction which is precision Fuel and
  • 00:09:34
    hydration they have sponsored this
  • 00:09:36
    episode as well as all over previous
  • 00:09:37
    episodes in fact I actually use
  • 00:09:39
    Precision Fuel and hydration products on
  • 00:09:41
    um both of my hikes if you're not
  • 00:09:43
    familiar with fuel Precision hydration
  • 00:09:44
    products they're used by tour to France
  • 00:09:46
    teams major league baseball teams I saw
  • 00:09:47
    them at the women's tour to France as
  • 00:09:49
    well as the men's tour to France um over
  • 00:09:50
    the last little while here uh in fact
  • 00:09:52
    they've actually got this new sticker
  • 00:09:53
    packs with their products um as part of
  • 00:09:55
    their product sets now where you can of
  • 00:09:57
    course buy their actual nutrition
  • 00:09:58
    products but they have these stickers
  • 00:09:59
    that you can go and put on your bike
  • 00:10:01
    stem just exactly like the tour to
  • 00:10:03
    France teams do and you can put exactly
  • 00:10:05
    which products on there but it's not
  • 00:10:06
    just for cyclus it's also for runners if
  • 00:10:08
    you have a water bottle for example or
  • 00:10:10
    if you have a uh support bag or support
  • 00:10:12
    kit that you want to put those stickers
  • 00:10:13
    on so your support crew knows what
  • 00:10:15
    you're doing for an ultr run um so again
  • 00:10:17
    using like an endur 3 or something like
  • 00:10:19
    that um you can do this but of course
  • 00:10:20
    beyond their sticker products their
  • 00:10:22
    actual hydration products that you're
  • 00:10:23
    taking all of them are inform sport
  • 00:10:25
    certified all of them are vegan all of
  • 00:10:26
    them are 2 to1 glucose fructose and
  • 00:10:28
    contain no artif official ingredients
  • 00:10:30
    and most importantly they're edible that
  • 00:10:32
    was notable because on that second day
  • 00:10:33
    that you decided to go hang out at the
  • 00:10:35
    bakery um I I ran out of food entirely
  • 00:10:38
    there was no food on that day for like
  • 00:10:40
    eight hours um the places were all
  • 00:10:42
    closed so I had a lot of Precision
  • 00:10:44
    products to eat that day um cruising
  • 00:10:46
    through them and they got me to the end
  • 00:10:48
    of it I when I got to you I was running
  • 00:10:51
    actually to you um not because I wanted
  • 00:10:53
    to see you that badly that I had to run
  • 00:10:55
    to you but I had that much energy that I
  • 00:10:57
    was able to run run to you
  • 00:11:00
    so if you want to get their products uh
  • 00:11:02
    definitely check out uh the coupon code
  • 00:11:05
    fit file on the the screen right there
  • 00:11:07
    um for 15% off your first order thanks
  • 00:11:10
    again to Precision Fuel and hydration
  • 00:11:11
    for sponsoring this episode yep thanks
  • 00:11:13
    guys but with that maybe we should seir
  • 00:11:15
    go back to the actual products
  • 00:11:17
    themselves unless you one more thing no
  • 00:11:19
    actually that's that's all I got um yeah
  • 00:11:21
    so anyways yeah let's talk about Phenix
  • 00:11:22
    8 and D 3 and we'll talk about the
  • 00:11:24
    Phoenix e as well uh that that was
  • 00:11:26
    announced so the Phoenix 8 so this was
  • 00:11:30
    highly anticipated uh highly anticipated
  • 00:11:32
    release so what's nice about the Phoenix
  • 00:11:35
    a is that they basically uh they
  • 00:11:37
    Consolidated the epics and the Phoenix
  • 00:11:39
    lineups into one and that's what's so
  • 00:11:43
    funny is I I think like on one of our
  • 00:11:45
    first episodes or of this podcast was
  • 00:11:48
    that we were talking about like what's
  • 00:11:49
    Garmin going to do with their naming
  • 00:11:51
    conventions moving forward like are they
  • 00:11:53
    going to call it the epics gen 3 or
  • 00:11:55
    epics 3 or something like that and I
  • 00:11:57
    have to give him Kudos on what they did
  • 00:11:59
    here is that they just like kind of
  • 00:12:01
    merged it all into one uh with the
  • 00:12:03
    Phoenix lineup where they have an AMOLED
  • 00:12:05
    option and then a memory pixel solar
  • 00:12:07
    option and this I think just will clear
  • 00:12:09
    up a lot of confusion moving forward
  • 00:12:11
    while letting them like kind of retain
  • 00:12:13
    that Phoenix brand name which is
  • 00:12:15
    extremely strong obviously so so this
  • 00:12:17
    brings up then the first question right
  • 00:12:19
    because we're gonna we're going to have
  • 00:12:20
    lots of fun in this episode um so this
  • 00:12:22
    afternoon I released my beginner guide
  • 00:12:24
    and one of the the the questions the I
  • 00:12:26
    exact phrasing was basically like okay
  • 00:12:29
    but should I wait for the Pro Models
  • 00:12:31
    right so uh and for those not familiar
  • 00:12:34
    in 10 seconds or less um Garmin doesn't
  • 00:12:36
    treat Pro Models is a higher-end model
  • 00:12:38
    Garmin treats the Pro Models is simply
  • 00:12:40
    the next version of that model right so
  • 00:12:42
    there was Phoenix 5 and then a year or
  • 00:12:44
    so later Phoenix 5 plus and then a year
  • 00:12:45
    or so later Phoenix 6 a year or so later
  • 00:12:47
    Phenix 6 Pro year or so later Phenix 7
  • 00:12:50
    then a year or so later Phoenix 7 Pro
  • 00:12:52
    and now Phoenix 8 um the question then
  • 00:12:55
    becomes will F will Garmin finally get
  • 00:12:58
    rid of I'm just GNA say it the stupidity
  • 00:13:00
    of calling a pro model A year later and
  • 00:13:02
    not just call it the Phoenix 9 instead
  • 00:13:04
    because all it does is introduce
  • 00:13:05
    confusion to Consumers well okay so this
  • 00:13:08
    is when it comes to naming conventions
  • 00:13:11
    uh this kind of goes back to like the
  • 00:13:13
    Apple watch Ultra 2 and maybe like the
  • 00:13:15
    pixel Watch 2 where those were minor
  • 00:13:19
    updates in the whole scheme of things
  • 00:13:20
    but they still called them A2 so this is
  • 00:13:23
    where they could get in trouble almost
  • 00:13:25
    from the consumer standpoint of a lot of
  • 00:13:27
    backlash of oh it's the Next Generation
  • 00:13:29
    but it only has whatever this extra new
  • 00:13:32
    feature sort of thing and it's not like
  • 00:13:34
    a completely new device so I don't know
  • 00:13:37
    so I think there's pluses and minuses or
  • 00:13:40
    pluses and Ultras whatever you want to
  • 00:13:42
    call it or pluses and Pros uh to calling
  • 00:13:45
    in a pro whatever they're if they
  • 00:13:48
    eventually do that or not now I see one
  • 00:13:50
    way they could get out of this pickle is
  • 00:13:52
    if in a year and a half they do
  • 00:13:53
    something similar to what they are a
  • 00:13:54
    year they do similar something similar
  • 00:13:56
    they did with the solar side back in
  • 00:13:58
    like the Phoenix 6 time frame or Phoenix
  • 00:14:00
    something where they introduced solar a
  • 00:14:03
    year later on some units very similar to
  • 00:14:05
    our favorite friend the 945 right with
  • 00:14:08
    LTE so could they come along a year from
  • 00:14:11
    now or whatever and finally maybe give
  • 00:14:13
    us LTE and be like Phoenix a LTE is your
  • 00:14:17
    middle child step sort of thing there um
  • 00:14:20
    and then go to Phoenix 9 yeah I think I
  • 00:14:23
    yeah totally so I mean yeah there's lots
  • 00:14:25
    of possibilities of what could
  • 00:14:27
    potentially happen there uh to kind of
  • 00:14:29
    take a side a little bit of a Sidetrack
  • 00:14:31
    there it's like so I got a lot of those
  • 00:14:33
    questions too it's like oh should I wait
  • 00:14:34
    for the Phoenix 8 potentially Pro or
  • 00:14:37
    theoretical Pro that's comes out there
  • 00:14:40
    and you know here's the thing there's
  • 00:14:41
    going to be maybe an 8 Pro there's I can
  • 00:14:43
    tell you that there's definitely going
  • 00:14:45
    to be a phoenix 9 there's going to be a
  • 00:14:46
    phoenix 10 it's like if you need a watch
  • 00:14:49
    get the watch now it's like so waiting
  • 00:14:52
    for the next thing can always just be
  • 00:14:53
    like a waiting game like all the time so
  • 00:14:56
    I I mean my recommendation always is
  • 00:14:58
    like if you need a watch now and this
  • 00:15:00
    watch fulfills the features that you
  • 00:15:01
    need get it and don't look back
  • 00:15:03
    especially two days later right two days
  • 00:15:05
    after the Phoenix 8 releases right like
  • 00:15:06
    we're talking in a in a best case
  • 00:15:08
    scenario Garmin would manage to pull off
  • 00:15:10
    something that um would be like next
  • 00:15:12
    summer right a year from now roughly um
  • 00:15:15
    you know I think as both of us touched
  • 00:15:17
    on a little bit in review um this felt I
  • 00:15:21
    don't want to say rushed but I would say
  • 00:15:23
    like they skidded the airplane down on
  • 00:15:25
    Runway and maybe not everyone's seat
  • 00:15:28
    belts are fastened right like it was one
  • 00:15:29
    of those like it there was a few moments
  • 00:15:32
    on the in the user interface especially
  • 00:15:33
    because it is such a dramatically
  • 00:15:34
    different user interface and while there
  • 00:15:36
    some elements that are very very similar
  • 00:15:37
    I guess we can kind of segue into that
  • 00:15:39
    here in a second but there's a lot of
  • 00:15:40
    elements that under the covers if you
  • 00:15:42
    were talking from like a software
  • 00:15:43
    engineering and UI design standpoint
  • 00:15:46
    there is a ton of work that the company
  • 00:15:48
    would have had done government would had
  • 00:15:49
    done to to deal with all these little
  • 00:15:52
    kind of nuances that aren't obvious to
  • 00:15:53
    end users right and I we see some of
  • 00:15:55
    those things unfinished for example um
  • 00:15:58
    around voice notes the fact that it
  • 00:15:59
    doesn't transfer your phone or you know
  • 00:16:01
    lots of little things here and there
  • 00:16:02
    that you're like and they admitted when
  • 00:16:04
    they talked to us that these aren't
  • 00:16:05
    quite done yet uh Focus modes being
  • 00:16:06
    another example of that where I suspect
  • 00:16:09
    they had so much to do from a UI
  • 00:16:11
    standpoint on this new UI and kind of
  • 00:16:13
    sticking that as a whole that some
  • 00:16:15
    things just sort of fell off the side of
  • 00:16:16
    the boat so I wonder you know like if we
  • 00:16:19
    were to fast forward a year from now are
  • 00:16:20
    we really um talking a year from now are
  • 00:16:22
    we talking beyond that or less that Etc
  • 00:16:24
    um but let's talk about what is new on
  • 00:16:26
    the the Phoenix 8 for now um which is um
  • 00:16:30
    I would say basically two Marquee kind
  • 00:16:32
    of feature sets and then a bunch of
  • 00:16:34
    other things and those two Marquee
  • 00:16:35
    feature sets are number one things to do
  • 00:16:37
    with the microphone and the uh speaker
  • 00:16:40
    and so past garment watches have had a
  • 00:16:42
    beeper not a speaker that's the
  • 00:16:43
    difference there um and this one has a
  • 00:16:45
    speaker so it can actually play music it
  • 00:16:48
    can you know has a microphone that you
  • 00:16:49
    can talk into it and record uh voice
  • 00:16:52
    notes as well as take phone calls with a
  • 00:16:54
    cell phone paired nearby um and then the
  • 00:16:56
    second core feature area is around d div
  • 00:16:59
    so the addition of taking their descent
  • 00:17:01
    lineup of diving functionality and
  • 00:17:02
    pulling it into this watch at least
  • 00:17:04
    within certain restrictions so which one
  • 00:17:06
    of these top areas you want to tackle
  • 00:17:08
    first let's talk about the speaker and
  • 00:17:11
    microphone so yeah let's let's talk
  • 00:17:13
    about that first so the speaker and
  • 00:17:15
    microphone I it's definitely adding a
  • 00:17:16
    lot of smart watch functionality to um
  • 00:17:19
    their outdoor focused Flagship watch and
  • 00:17:23
    it's kind of interesting with both the
  • 00:17:24
    speaker and microphone as well as the
  • 00:17:26
    dive features there's like it's almost
  • 00:17:29
    like an apple ultrafi uh the Phoenix
  • 00:17:32
    lineup in a way because the Apple watch
  • 00:17:34
    Ultra does have you know some
  • 00:17:36
    recreational dive features and then
  • 00:17:38
    obviously it has you know plenty of like
  • 00:17:40
    uh Smartwatch features like the speaker
  • 00:17:41
    and microphone as well the speaker and
  • 00:17:43
    microphone they're they're nice to have
  • 00:17:46
    um in terms of the tones and whatnot
  • 00:17:48
    that the speaker has it certainly makes
  • 00:17:50
    it a lot more friendly um it's very
  • 00:17:52
    interesting they're a lot of the same
  • 00:17:54
    actually it's it's I think almost
  • 00:17:56
    exactly the same tones that are coming
  • 00:17:57
    out of the edge 1050 right like I think
  • 00:18:00
    yeah I think so too yeah there's been a
  • 00:18:01
    few times where I've heard it I'm like
  • 00:18:02
    wait a minute I don't have an edge with
  • 00:18:04
    me right now likeing and stuff and
  • 00:18:05
    you're like wait a second yeah there's I
  • 00:18:07
    mean there's certainly nice touches it
  • 00:18:09
    just makes it a lot more friendly uh
  • 00:18:11
    there uh but in terms of the microphone
  • 00:18:15
    so the microphone can be uh used for
  • 00:18:17
    accessing your voice assistant you can
  • 00:18:20
    uh take calls on the watch itself you
  • 00:18:22
    can do the voice notes and then there's
  • 00:18:24
    the voice commands the voice commands is
  • 00:18:26
    probably the feature that I use
  • 00:18:29
    from the microphone the most and it
  • 00:18:32
    really depends on the kind of functions
  • 00:18:35
    that you want to do with the microphone
  • 00:18:37
    if it's going to be useful so for me uh
  • 00:18:40
    just like just like an Apple Watch quite
  • 00:18:42
    frankly is that I used the uh like you
  • 00:18:45
    know raised a wake series sort of thing
  • 00:18:46
    on an Apple Watch The the two reasons I
  • 00:18:49
    use that on an Apple Watch is to set
  • 00:18:51
    alarms and timers and that's exactly the
  • 00:18:53
    same reason I'm using it on the the
  • 00:18:56
    Phoenix a and I and here's the thing I I
  • 00:18:58
    love that like I was using it last night
  • 00:19:00
    when I was cooking eggs you know like to
  • 00:19:01
    boil some eggs like I just uh yeah for
  • 00:19:04
    for simple stuff like that other than
  • 00:19:06
    that I don't I'm not really sure of the
  • 00:19:08
    usefulness for art for me so how about
  • 00:19:10
    you like uh how how are you utilizing
  • 00:19:12
    those not much at all um I think for for
  • 00:19:16
    two reasons so I had a set of timer
  • 00:19:17
    today for cooking lunch and um I end up
  • 00:19:21
    using a non- Garmin product to do so um
  • 00:19:24
    simply because my hands are full and I
  • 00:19:25
    didn't have a way to touch the button at
  • 00:19:27
    the time right and I wanted to set a
  • 00:19:28
    timer so that's the one challenge is you
  • 00:19:30
    can't you can't just be like hey Garmin
  • 00:19:32
    set a timer for 10 minutes you actually
  • 00:19:34
    have to Long hold that button by the
  • 00:19:35
    time you do that for timers it actually
  • 00:19:38
    still saves you time but for other tasks
  • 00:19:40
    it's it's not as fast um I've also found
  • 00:19:42
    that while those core things like set a
  • 00:19:44
    timer is good there's a lot of like just
  • 00:19:46
    English language ways you can ask things
  • 00:19:49
    that it gets confused about easily so
  • 00:19:50
    setting a timer is really
  • 00:19:51
    straightforward right set a timer for 10
  • 00:19:52
    minutes no problem but then to ask it
  • 00:19:55
    how much time is left in the timer you
  • 00:19:57
    can't say that you have to say show me
  • 00:19:58
    the timers or show me the timer right
  • 00:20:00
    you can't be like how much time is left
  • 00:20:02
    in the timer now those are areas where
  • 00:20:04
    it's very easy for G to improve that
  • 00:20:06
    right they've got a list right now of it
  • 00:20:07
    looks like maybe 50 or 60 commands on
  • 00:20:09
    the website of all those commands out
  • 00:20:11
    there um I I took a like a whole video
  • 00:20:14
    recording of that uh and I'm curious to
  • 00:20:15
    see in six months and a year from now
  • 00:20:18
    how much bigger is that list right and
  • 00:20:19
    how better is it at recognizing kind of
  • 00:20:22
    the way you ask things like you know
  • 00:20:24
    asking instead how much time is left in
  • 00:20:26
    the timer or how much time is left or
  • 00:20:28
    again there's like 95 ways you can ask
  • 00:20:30
    that same question in English let alone
  • 00:20:31
    every other language so there's that
  • 00:20:34
    from a a speaker standpoint I find it
  • 00:20:36
    actually fine for listening to music
  • 00:20:38
    like if I was just in like a home gym
  • 00:20:39
    scenario and I don't know why I wouldn't
  • 00:20:41
    have some other speaker system but let's
  • 00:20:42
    pretend I was and I wanted to listen to
  • 00:20:43
    music on the speaker itself on the watch
  • 00:20:46
    it's actually all right for that in a
  • 00:20:47
    quiet environment but I found that
  • 00:20:49
    taking calls on it the calls are
  • 00:20:51
    incredibly soft for some reason they
  • 00:20:52
    feel way softer on and I tried on a
  • 00:20:54
    couple different uh units here just in
  • 00:20:56
    case one of them might have been upset
  • 00:20:58
    or something but they seem a little bit
  • 00:21:00
    soft to me um that said one of the
  • 00:21:02
    things I'm actually surprised about you
  • 00:21:03
    mentioned you know this is kind of Apple
  • 00:21:05
    watch Ultra finding the Phoenix um is
  • 00:21:07
    I'm surprised they didn't put in
  • 00:21:09
    emergency siren we saw Apple do that a
  • 00:21:11
    couple years ago and we saw Samsung do
  • 00:21:13
    that more recently this past summer it
  • 00:21:15
    seems like that would have been like a
  • 00:21:16
    really natural fit for Garmin um in that
  • 00:21:19
    realm to be like ah emergency siren for
  • 00:21:21
    outdoor usage so I'm kind of surprised
  • 00:21:23
    there because I feel like at some point
  • 00:21:26
    I wonder if we'll see apple put a
  • 00:21:29
    flashlight in their Ultra Series given
  • 00:21:30
    the extreme popularity that on the the G
  • 00:21:33
    side well I would argue that the
  • 00:21:36
    flashlight popularity it far outweighs
  • 00:21:39
    the siren functionality of an Apple
  • 00:21:42
    Watch though so and I don't know like I
  • 00:21:44
    haven't necessarily I I think I've heard
  • 00:21:46
    of a few stories out there where the
  • 00:21:49
    siren has come into play into an
  • 00:21:51
    emergency situation on an Apple Watch
  • 00:21:52
    Ultra so I mean it is definitely useful
  • 00:21:55
    but you know the flashlight something
  • 00:21:57
    that you will use like literally every
  • 00:21:59
    single day oh yeah yeah no no I'm saying
  • 00:22:01
    like in this if we look at the that user
  • 00:22:03
    population it's far this will sound
  • 00:22:05
    weird it's far more likely that a Garmin
  • 00:22:07
    user is going to get themselves in a
  • 00:22:08
    pickle than it is an Apple watch user
  • 00:22:10
    out in the wilderness right so like
  • 00:22:12
    meaning that um while there are way more
  • 00:22:14
    Apple watch users out there obviously
  • 00:22:15
    than Garmin watch users I feel like if
  • 00:22:17
    we're talking people in deep Ultra
  • 00:22:19
    scenarios it's probably more likely
  • 00:22:21
    they're going to have a Garmin on their
  • 00:22:22
    wrist than it is in apple watch ultra um
  • 00:22:25
    maybe maybe not I don't know but to me
  • 00:22:27
    it just it's one of those like it would
  • 00:22:27
    have been a really n natural fit um and
  • 00:22:29
    we don't see it there um but that may
  • 00:22:31
    also explain why the speaker seems kind
  • 00:22:33
    of kind of a bit wimpy to me um I think
  • 00:22:35
    that's an area where I would look to see
  • 00:22:36
    like in a Garmin Phoenix 9 or whatever
  • 00:22:39
    the heck is next down the road will we
  • 00:22:41
    see an improved speaker there that's
  • 00:22:42
    much much louder um for whatever
  • 00:22:44
    purposes sure yeah um so yeah that's the
  • 00:22:47
    speaker and microphone on the Phoenix 8
  • 00:22:49
    but now let's talk about the new di
  • 00:22:52
    feature so one of the hardware upgrades
  • 00:22:55
    that they did on the Phoenix 8 was that
  • 00:22:57
    their marketing language was they have
  • 00:22:59
    new leak proof buttons and uh so the you
  • 00:23:02
    know the specifics around the hardware
  • 00:23:04
    is that regular buttons use an actual
  • 00:23:07
    like physical switch I guess you could
  • 00:23:09
    say that like you know toggles something
  • 00:23:11
    inside the case where the case on the
  • 00:23:12
    phoenix8 is completely sealed off and
  • 00:23:14
    the buttons now use an inductive sensor
  • 00:23:17
    to trigger the actual button press and
  • 00:23:20
    now it's more of a haptic feedback that
  • 00:23:23
    you get from the button versus the
  • 00:23:24
    actual physical click um so anyways
  • 00:23:27
    little side note the the actual feel of
  • 00:23:30
    the button is a lot different in my
  • 00:23:33
    opinion um I still prefer the physical
  • 00:23:35
    click from before but you know these are
  • 00:23:38
    fine I mean it's like yeah you're you're
  • 00:23:40
    going to totally get used to it it'll
  • 00:23:41
    totally be fine but anyways getting back
  • 00:23:43
    to the die features though although the
  • 00:23:45
    phoenix8 actually still has the 10 still
  • 00:23:47
    still has the same 10 ATM water
  • 00:23:49
    resistance rating as the previous
  • 00:23:50
    generation it's now what 3319 something
  • 00:23:55
    whatever yeah yeah yeah 133 One n yep
  • 00:23:59
    there you go yeah uh dive certified so
  • 00:24:02
    um this is going to be for recreational
  • 00:24:03
    diving down to 40 m which from my
  • 00:24:08
    understanding so I'm
  • 00:24:09
    I'm like not just recreational but like
  • 00:24:11
    just entry level scuba diver level uh so
  • 00:24:15
    but for my understanding 40 MERS that's
  • 00:24:17
    a long ways down right I mean for scuba
  • 00:24:19
    that's going to cover basically uh
  • 00:24:21
    pretty much every recreational dive out
  • 00:24:23
    there not pretty much it will period
  • 00:24:25
    cover every recreational dive out there
  • 00:24:27
    if you look at diving I've got a lot of
  • 00:24:29
    Dives and if you look at diving from
  • 00:24:30
    like a worldwide standpoint and you were
  • 00:24:32
    to plot all the Dives that happen
  • 00:24:34
    worldwide every single year um you're
  • 00:24:36
    talking 99 probably 99% of them are
  • 00:24:39
    going to be within that 40 meter
  • 00:24:41
    threshold um once you get beyond that
  • 00:24:42
    you're going to need additional
  • 00:24:43
    certifications well you don't
  • 00:24:45
    technically need them but you should
  • 00:24:46
    hopefully have additional certifications
  • 00:24:48
    um and you're going to be diving with
  • 00:24:50
    multiple gases likely and it's basically
  • 00:24:51
    kind of a technical diving category and
  • 00:24:53
    so that is 40 meters or 131 freet feet
  • 00:24:56
    and that's what Garmin has certified um
  • 00:24:58
    the unit to if you were to compare this
  • 00:25:00
    to their other descent um units uh that
  • 00:25:03
    are much more expensive in the case of
  • 00:25:04
    The Descent Mark III Mark 2 Etc that is
  • 00:25:08
    um up to 200 m in depth so quite deep
  • 00:25:10
    that unit also has air integration so
  • 00:25:12
    basically this little pod that you put
  • 00:25:14
    on your tank and it tells you how much
  • 00:25:16
    air is left um and it also has with kind
  • 00:25:19
    of a diver communication Network that
  • 00:25:20
    they introduced in the Mark iiii um as
  • 00:25:22
    well as those additional technical
  • 00:25:23
    diving modes and more gas options and a
  • 00:25:26
    diver Readiness feature very similar to
  • 00:25:27
    training r but um a little bit different
  • 00:25:30
    uh but all the other core features are
  • 00:25:32
    the same I'm I'm want to give Garmin
  • 00:25:34
    some serious credit here they could have
  • 00:25:36
    like really I don't know what the right
  • 00:25:38
    word is like neutered this product from
  • 00:25:40
    a diving standpoint and they didn't like
  • 00:25:43
    if you're keeping yourself under um 40 m
  • 00:25:46
    within 40 m then that this product is
  • 00:25:50
    totally fine right unless you want to
  • 00:25:51
    buy that tank pod extra and then you'd
  • 00:25:52
    be out of you can't right now um but
  • 00:25:54
    this is a a very solid offering that
  • 00:25:57
    competes extremely well against Oceanic
  • 00:26:00
    Apple watch Ultra app um so Apple watch
  • 00:26:02
    has a dive has a depth gauge in it and
  • 00:26:05
    they have a very basic um kind of dive
  • 00:26:08
    depth profile if you will on the watch
  • 00:26:10
    natively but in order to do diving with
  • 00:26:11
    the Apple Ultra you need to use the
  • 00:26:13
    oceanic app that's like the the simple
  • 00:26:15
    reality there and that Oceanic app has
  • 00:26:17
    all of the kind of ascent warnings and
  • 00:26:19
    things like that and this Garmin um
  • 00:26:21
    basically functionality mirrors that and
  • 00:26:23
    has I would say deeper functionality in
  • 00:26:25
    a few other areas I mean both of them
  • 00:26:26
    have all the core functionality but no
  • 00:26:28
    next case you are going to pay a
  • 00:26:29
    subscription for that versus garment
  • 00:26:30
    it's built in um you know side by side
  • 00:26:33
    uh if you were to use them you find them
  • 00:26:35
    very similar in most cases underwater uh
  • 00:26:37
    it's really when you get out of the
  • 00:26:38
    water you're going to see some of those
  • 00:26:39
    differences uh for you know like
  • 00:26:41
    planning Dives as well as kind of um
  • 00:26:43
    post dive stuff but again one is built
  • 00:26:45
    in and one is not oh in case you're
  • 00:26:47
    wondering what happens when you go
  • 00:26:49
    beyond 40 m um essentially as you
  • 00:26:51
    approach that 40 m so 37 to 40 m it
  • 00:26:53
    starts to give you a bit of a warning
  • 00:26:54
    saying yo you're getting pretty close to
  • 00:26:56
    the Limit and then from 40 to 45 it gets
  • 00:26:58
    reasonably upset at you um and then
  • 00:27:00
    it'll start basically saying this is you
  • 00:27:02
    know the end is near here and then at 45
  • 00:27:04
    it stops giving you descent information
  • 00:27:06
    or sorry depth information and simply
  • 00:27:08
    tells you to ascend um but more
  • 00:27:10
    importantly at that point all of the
  • 00:27:12
    other stuff around uh deop times and
  • 00:27:14
    things like that go out the window
  • 00:27:16
    because garmin's only certified this to
  • 00:27:17
    40 m I think they're technically
  • 00:27:19
    probably certified at 45 is my guess
  • 00:27:21
    here um but they only certified it to
  • 00:27:23
    that and so beyond that they can't
  • 00:27:25
    guarantee the accuracy from a safety
  • 00:27:27
    standpoint so all those other metrics go
  • 00:27:28
    out the window um and then as you get
  • 00:27:30
    back to the surface once you exit uh
  • 00:27:32
    that dive it'll actually lock the dive
  • 00:27:34
    functionality for 24 hours um so you
  • 00:27:36
    can't use it anymore like you're in dive
  • 00:27:38
    timeout uh and the reason for that is
  • 00:27:40
    because all the other metrics around
  • 00:27:43
    effectively like your safety information
  • 00:27:44
    from a um you know no fly time a surface
  • 00:27:47
    interval all that kind of stuff um is
  • 00:27:49
    thrown out the window because they don't
  • 00:27:50
    know exactly how deep you went right so
  • 00:27:52
    the only way to like ensure that is to
  • 00:27:55
    effectively reset for 24 hours um so no
  • 00:27:58
    no real issues there the only challenge
  • 00:28:00
    with the depth of 40 m though is if
  • 00:28:03
    you're into free diving I'm not a free
  • 00:28:04
    diver but if you're into free diving uh
  • 00:28:06
    apnea as it's listed on the on the unit
  • 00:28:09
    it's not uncommon for a reasonably
  • 00:28:11
    trained person to go beyond the 40
  • 00:28:13
    Metter right that's not that's not like
  • 00:28:15
    a a hugely deep um depth for for free
  • 00:28:18
    diving and so this is kind of limiting
  • 00:28:20
    in that realm um and you know again
  • 00:28:23
    that's an area that I'm not super
  • 00:28:24
    familiar with but having talked to some
  • 00:28:25
    friends that are they're like yeah it's
  • 00:28:27
    not not great cuz we're a bit more
  • 00:28:29
    serious than that and these aren't like
  • 00:28:31
    super serious people but kind of just
  • 00:28:33
    you know it's middle of the road serious
  • 00:28:34
    if you will so that's the only
  • 00:28:36
    limitation there it'll be inter to see
  • 00:28:38
    how this I think diving in General on
  • 00:28:40
    this unit how this matures over time for
  • 00:28:42
    example again I look at all these we
  • 00:28:44
    keep going back to like what's what's
  • 00:28:45
    the Phoenix 9 which I know sounds silly
  • 00:28:46
    but I could see a scenario where some of
  • 00:28:49
    this functionality from The Descent does
  • 00:28:52
    like the the airpod integration in in a
  • 00:28:54
    phoenix 9 does get pulled into the
  • 00:28:56
    Phoenix 9 because it would be a Natural
  • 00:28:58
    Evolution if we look at the way Garmin
  • 00:29:00
    deals with bringing you know higher end
  • 00:29:02
    features in one product over the next
  • 00:29:04
    category and so on um and that would
  • 00:29:06
    ultimately upsell more uh tank pods and
  • 00:29:09
    if we look at the price anyways between
  • 00:29:10
    a a smaller Edition um descent Mark II
  • 00:29:14
    uh and uh a phoenix 8 Amed they're
  • 00:29:19
    almost the same um it's only the larger
  • 00:29:21
    size descent Mark II that's actually
  • 00:29:23
    significantly bigger sorry significantly
  • 00:29:25
    more pricey like I think $15.99 or
  • 00:29:27
    something like that so um I could see
  • 00:29:29
    how those two might merge a little bit
  • 00:29:30
    more closely uh down the road but I
  • 00:29:33
    think that brings up a good point
  • 00:29:35
    regarding the price though is that you
  • 00:29:37
    know I think that there's certainly some
  • 00:29:40
    arguments and some discussions around
  • 00:29:41
    you know whether these new features are
  • 00:29:44
    are worthy of like the Phoenix 8 name or
  • 00:29:46
    you know a completely brand new uh you
  • 00:29:48
    know model out there but adding di
  • 00:29:51
    features is pretty significant from the
  • 00:29:54
    sense of the fact that you know The
  • 00:29:56
    Descent Mark I that's a very expensive
  • 00:29:58
    watch so I mean that Bridges a pretty
  • 00:30:01
    darn big gap there uh between that now
  • 00:30:04
    in terms of how many people will utilize
  • 00:30:07
    this dive feature that's to be you that
  • 00:30:10
    that's definitely up for discussion just
  • 00:30:11
    because you know even for somebody like
  • 00:30:13
    me um I would I could see myself using
  • 00:30:16
    this feature like once a year but at the
  • 00:30:19
    same time I would I could never justify
  • 00:30:22
    getting a descent Mark II myself but I
  • 00:30:24
    do really like the fact that it's there
  • 00:30:26
    if I want to use it so uh you know is it
  • 00:30:29
    going to be a commonly used feature no
  • 00:30:31
    but it does make this watch
  • 00:30:33
    significantly more capable in that
  • 00:30:34
    department I think another thing
  • 00:30:36
    interesting too is that you know when
  • 00:30:38
    the Apple watch Ultra came out with the
  • 00:30:39
    diving features I think that maybe it
  • 00:30:42
    popular or it helped popularize diving a
  • 00:30:45
    bit more and I think that it's probably
  • 00:30:47
    going to help popularize diving a bit
  • 00:30:49
    more with the Phoenix 8 uh that has
  • 00:30:51
    these features now too totally yeah I
  • 00:30:52
    think it'll be something it'll beting to
  • 00:30:54
    see um how you know uploads to garmin's
  • 00:30:57
    Di platform changes over time we see you
  • 00:30:59
    know more dive s sites populated with
  • 00:31:01
    that information um and again one of the
  • 00:31:03
    things we talked about in the past is
  • 00:31:04
    that garmin's Phoenix uh watches aren't
  • 00:31:07
    just appealing to endurance athletes
  • 00:31:09
    right we've seen this happen for I mean
  • 00:31:11
    the better part of I would say half a
  • 00:31:12
    decade or so now at least um where you
  • 00:31:14
    know you walk onto an airplane and if
  • 00:31:16
    you look around people's wrists there's
  • 00:31:18
    a lot of people on that airplane um
  • 00:31:20
    wearing a Garmin Phoenix device that I
  • 00:31:23
    would not classify as endurance athletes
  • 00:31:25
    right like you can visually look at that
  • 00:31:27
    person and be like no you're you're
  • 00:31:29
    probably not doing an ultra this weekend
  • 00:31:30
    right um they're wearing it because it
  • 00:31:32
    becomes this long battery life status is
  • 00:31:36
    short of thing but it's just the watch
  • 00:31:37
    they like right um that has a long
  • 00:31:39
    battery life that isn't a uh a watch
  • 00:31:41
    with only a day of battery life and so
  • 00:31:44
    there are a lot of people out there that
  • 00:31:46
    aren't necessarily endurance athletes
  • 00:31:48
    and these sort of features do appeal to
  • 00:31:49
    them including the speaker and mic bits
  • 00:31:51
    and things like that that is where I
  • 00:31:53
    think we should probably maybe shift to
  • 00:31:55
    the rest of the features that are new on
  • 00:31:56
    this watch um and I just see look up the
  • 00:31:59
    seal think like which which features
  • 00:32:00
    would those be um and that is that's
  • 00:32:05
    honestly the problem right so that's
  • 00:32:07
  • 00:32:08
    where there are no actual other new
  • 00:32:11
    features on this watch from a sport
  • 00:32:14
    standpoint um except for the UI redesign
  • 00:32:17
    um which is debatable in a lot of
  • 00:32:19
    different ways um and S of how well that
  • 00:32:21
    succeeds especially in the sporting
  • 00:32:22
    standpoint and then a handful of
  • 00:32:24
    features around um round trip rou little
  • 00:32:28
    tiny things that um you know like
  • 00:32:30
    updates if you went out and you want to
  • 00:32:31
    set a Target to run uh I don't know for
  • 00:32:35
    5 miles after two enough miles it'll
  • 00:32:36
    remind you to turn around for example in
  • 00:32:38
    round SHP routing if you create a round
  • 00:32:39
    SHP routing course then um and you get
  • 00:32:41
    detal on the way um it'll automatically
  • 00:32:44
    dynamically update that route uh to get
  • 00:32:46
    you back to the distance you set right
  • 00:32:47
    those are cool little features but if we
  • 00:32:49
    look kind of holistically speaking there
  • 00:32:52
    are not any other actual new sport
  • 00:32:54
    features on this watch period not really
  • 00:32:58
    I mean it's just all it it is all
  • 00:33:00
    updates and I I don't know like I think
  • 00:33:04
    that you know when I think we probably
  • 00:33:06
    need to get a little bit more clarity on
  • 00:33:08
    which features are going to be coming
  • 00:33:09
    back to older watches like in terms of
  • 00:33:12
    like all right so you know like uh is
  • 00:33:14
    like the ski Maps update and the more
  • 00:33:17
    specific or the long-term strength
  • 00:33:19
    training workouts like are those should
  • 00:33:21
    be like pretty much for all Garmin users
  • 00:33:24
    or all you know Garmin users were
  • 00:33:25
    compatible uh platforms but the actual
  • 00:33:28
    user interface stuff I know that's going
  • 00:33:30
    to be like a moving forward type of
  • 00:33:31
    thing so we probably need to get a
  • 00:33:33
    little bit more clarity on on if any of
  • 00:33:35
    those other features are going to be
  • 00:33:36
    ported back but like the the pretty much
  • 00:33:38
    like hard no on moving back to older
  • 00:33:42
    devices the actual UI like the new
  • 00:33:44
    organization of like the notification
  • 00:33:46
    center the uh revised organization of
  • 00:33:50
    like the start button with the
  • 00:33:51
    activities and and and so forth so but
  • 00:33:54
    yeah I mean yeah so the exact quote just
  • 00:33:56
    for clarities cuz I you and I have had a
  • 00:33:58
    copy and paste this a bunch of times
  • 00:33:59
    last little while the exact quote we
  • 00:34:01
    received about new features was um we
  • 00:34:04
    asked whether or not any of new features
  • 00:34:05
    and functionality and things like that
  • 00:34:07
    from the Phoenix 8 be moving back to
  • 00:34:08
    other previous watches and quote the new
  • 00:34:10
    features and interface improvements will
  • 00:34:12
    not be rolled back to previous devices
  • 00:34:14
    period they are an entirely new codebase
  • 00:34:16
    that isn't compatible with the past
  • 00:34:18
    devices right like that is the most
  • 00:34:22
    hard core no we've honestly heard from
  • 00:34:26
    Garmin in years on this kind of stuff
  • 00:34:28
    like generally speaking when we ask this
  • 00:34:30
    question des and I ask this question
  • 00:34:32
    every time and we get a rainbow spectrum
  • 00:34:34
    of different answers um from you know
  • 00:34:37
    sometimes like we'll get here's all the
  • 00:34:39
    features that are going back like we
  • 00:34:40
    look at for example the Phoenix 7 Pro
  • 00:34:42
    epic Pro last year that was great when
  • 00:34:44
    that was announced uh we asked the same
  • 00:34:46
    question and they said actually yeah
  • 00:34:47
    everything is going back to um the epics
  • 00:34:50
    and the Phoenix 7 you know first gen
  • 00:34:52
    units if you will um and there was
  • 00:34:55
    literally nothing because all the
  • 00:34:56
    software across the board went and it
  • 00:34:58
    went within four weeks give or take
  • 00:35:00
    until the first public beta Was Out 3
  • 00:35:02
    weeks something like that um and then
  • 00:35:04
    sometimes you get cases like when the
  • 00:35:06
    for 965 came out like which features are
  • 00:35:08
    coming and they said well just about
  • 00:35:10
    everything's going to the 955 uh the 945
  • 00:35:13
    LT except X and Y because we don't have
  • 00:35:15
    the graphical capabilities for this
  • 00:35:16
    right that's fine that's like AMOLED
  • 00:35:18
    versus versus MIP this was a very
  • 00:35:21
    hardcore no nothing um and it's tough
  • 00:35:26
    because I feel like Garmin has made such
  • 00:35:28
    good progress the last few years on
  • 00:35:30
    porting a lot of stuff back and really
  • 00:35:32
    being on top of that and I think users
  • 00:35:34
    are starting to recognize that and this
  • 00:35:36
    is a hard message for a lot of people
  • 00:35:38
    there's been a lot of a lot of replies I
  • 00:35:40
    had to make to be like sad face you know
  • 00:35:43
    Emoji here's the
  • 00:35:45
    answer and I think that's only it's
  • 00:35:48
    challenging for people because you see
  • 00:35:49
    the Phoenix 8 which for a lot of
  • 00:35:51
    endurance athletes they look at that and
  • 00:35:52
    go there isn't the value prop there
  • 00:35:54
    right to spend now a $200 to $300 price
  • 00:35:57
    increase or $100 to $300 depending on
  • 00:35:59
    what how you want to calculate it and
  • 00:36:00
    then on top of that this Phoenix 7 Pro
  • 00:36:02
    or epic Pro they just bought sometime in
  • 00:36:04
    the last year is getting no new feature
  • 00:36:05
    updates theoretically going forward
  • 00:36:08
    maybe we don't even know at this point
  • 00:36:09
    um It's A Hard message people I think
  • 00:36:11
    are kind of a bit bit upset about it
  • 00:36:13
    well okay so in again like when we're
  • 00:36:16
    talking about we're kind of talking
  • 00:36:17
    about two different things here we're
  • 00:36:19
    talking about a user interface and then
  • 00:36:20
    we're talking about new features and we
  • 00:36:23
    haven't heard that either one of those
  • 00:36:25
    are going to make it back you know to be
  • 00:36:27
    clear so but that's where I would hope
  • 00:36:31
    that some of the new features would
  • 00:36:33
    actually come back by again like let's
  • 00:36:34
    say like the ski maps and uh like the
  • 00:36:37
    strength TR long-term strength training
  • 00:36:39
    plans and stuff like that the the user
  • 00:36:41
    interface I can certainly understand
  • 00:36:43
    where they're coming from where you know
  • 00:36:45
    they had to rewrite their entire code
  • 00:36:46
    base because we have certainly given
  • 00:36:48
    them a lot of flag before in the past
  • 00:36:50
    you know going back to your 965 versus
  • 00:36:52
    like epic's Gen 2 comparison video you
  • 00:36:54
    know just how many crazy differences
  • 00:36:57
    there were between the two where
  • 00:36:58
    feature-wise they were actually pretty
  • 00:37:01
    much on part it was just like the actual
  • 00:37:02
    interface was just like like completely
  • 00:37:05
    different so you know I think that they
  • 00:37:09
    probably recognized that they were on so
  • 00:37:11
    many different software branches you
  • 00:37:13
    know on their end of things that they
  • 00:37:14
    needed to do this rewrite to consolidate
  • 00:37:17
    things and to have a like you know more
  • 00:37:19
    cohesive road map moving forward with
  • 00:37:21
    their user interface standard so you
  • 00:37:23
    know I can definitely understand that
  • 00:37:26
    from a software development background
  • 00:37:27
    that I have is that you know sometimes
  • 00:37:29
    you have so many different things out
  • 00:37:31
    there where you're just like no I have
  • 00:37:33
    to rewrite this entire thing for stuff
  • 00:37:35
    moving forward so I can understand that
  • 00:37:38
    um but again it is kind of a bummer that
  • 00:37:40
    um it's not going to be coming back to
  • 00:37:42
    older devices but again like I think
  • 00:37:45
    there are small little features here and
  • 00:37:47
    there though that I would I would just
  • 00:37:49
    love to see those come back and honestly
  • 00:37:51
    the number one thing is the touch unlock
  • 00:37:53
    feature that is not that's not like a
  • 00:37:56
    complete user interace face overhaul
  • 00:37:58
    thing that's it is not but as a reminder
  • 00:38:02
    on our big long emo threads that is
  • 00:38:04
    literally the exact example of a feature
  • 00:38:06
    you asked if it was coming
  • 00:38:08
    back and they said or no which is too
  • 00:38:11
    bad because like you said it's
  • 00:38:13
    incredibly useful it's
  • 00:38:15
    so I don't I'm not going to I have no
  • 00:38:17
    idea what it that cost if you will to
  • 00:38:19
    implement right I can see how that's a
  • 00:38:21
    that is a spider web that you're like oh
  • 00:38:23
    you just swiped a and all before you
  • 00:38:24
    know it it's like well you got to do
  • 00:38:25
    across this page and this page and this
  • 00:38:27
    page and you do it here and there right
  • 00:38:28
    like I can see how that yarn just
  • 00:38:30
    spirals out of control from a software
  • 00:38:32
    design standpoint sure
  • 00:38:34
    um but it's really useful it's so useful
  • 00:38:39
    like I mean on my on my We've joked
  • 00:38:42
    about before like uh on my epic Gen 2 or
  • 00:38:45
    epic Pro gen oh my gosh epics Gen 2 Pro
  • 00:38:49
    whatever anyways that watch I ended up
  • 00:38:52
    turning off the touch screen on on many
  • 00:38:53
    occasions just because um I just got a
  • 00:38:56
    lot of accidental swipes and stuff like
  • 00:38:58
    that like especially in the shower and
  • 00:38:59
    whatnot so i' I'd come out of the shower
  • 00:39:01
    with like some extra widgets you know on
  • 00:39:04
    my wiget all the time so many extra
  • 00:39:05
    widgets are lost of widgets every time
  • 00:39:08
    yeah so I mean the touch unlock feature
  • 00:39:09
    I mean I it's kind of weird to say but
  • 00:39:11
    it's like it's probably one of my new
  • 00:39:12
    favorite features of the Phoenix and the
  • 00:39:14
    Enduro 3 and stuff like that so so yeah
  • 00:39:17
    I don't know I hope they reconsider some
  • 00:39:19
    of those smaller features but um we
  • 00:39:21
    obviously have already gotten that no
  • 00:39:23
    from them so but yeah uh so I don't know
  • 00:39:26
    is that is that everything to talk about
  • 00:39:28
    in the Phoenix a like before we move on
  • 00:39:30
    to the Enduro 3 I think I think that's
  • 00:39:32
    it yeah oh we should probably mention
  • 00:39:33
    they killed off the small one the small
  • 00:39:35
    oh yeah they did kill off the small one
  • 00:39:37
    which is upsetting to your wife cuz she
  • 00:39:39
    was a big fan of the MIP but now she has
  • 00:39:42
    been has she been using the new AMOLED
  • 00:39:45
    for a little bit and like uh it's going
  • 00:39:47
    on her wrist here in for our ride and
  • 00:39:49
    whenever we finish this podcast oh so
  • 00:39:50
    she hasn't tried it yet she doesn't know
  • 00:39:52
    that yet no but it's that's the plan um
  • 00:39:55
    so right she
  • 00:39:57
    that's impending but uh no I'll be she's
  • 00:40:00
    tried AMOLED before um but we'll give it
  • 00:40:02
    another world here yeah no I mean I
  • 00:40:04
    guess it'll be interesting to hear her
  • 00:40:05
    thoughts on that um you know so but I
  • 00:40:09
    guess we yeah we can just talk about
  • 00:40:10
    that it little segue into the Enduro 3 I
  • 00:40:12
    think with a memory and pixel but yeah I
  • 00:40:14
    think it's was kind of interesting that
  • 00:40:15
    they did kill that one off I think the
  • 00:40:17
    reasoning for that was that the stack of
  • 00:40:20
    the solar panel plus the memory and
  • 00:40:22
    pixel display was going to be too large
  • 00:40:24
    to put into that case where it would
  • 00:40:26
    kind of like limit the display size or
  • 00:40:28
    something along those lines um but I
  • 00:40:30
    don't know it's like at the same time
  • 00:40:33
    we've talked about the amlet versus MIP
  • 00:40:35
    discussion moving forward and yeah we'll
  • 00:40:39
    talk about with the Enduro 3 yeah I
  • 00:40:40
    think we'll let's back to that because
  • 00:40:42
    we we got to play some bets we got to
  • 00:40:43
    play some bets after after Enduro 3 oh
  • 00:40:46
    okay interesting oh and really quick we
  • 00:40:48
    want to also give a quick shout out to
  • 00:40:49
    our newest podcast sponsor the pros
  • 00:40:51
    closet who's also helping support this
  • 00:40:53
    episode so you probably already know
  • 00:40:55
    about the pros closet as being one of
  • 00:40:56
    the largest and most trusted sources for
  • 00:40:58
    Quality certified used bikes out there
  • 00:41:00
    with over like 600 or so bikes currently
  • 00:41:02
    listed on their site from mountain bikes
  • 00:41:04
    to road bikes to gravel bikes you name
  • 00:41:06
    it they probably have it now the pros
  • 00:41:08
    closet is definitely not just about
  • 00:41:09
    buying some random used bike off of
  • 00:41:11
    Craigslist or something like that all
  • 00:41:13
    these bikes go through a very thorough
  • 00:41:15
    process of cleaning to drying to being
  • 00:41:17
    checked over for anything that may need
  • 00:41:18
    to be replaced and then are finally
  • 00:41:20
    tuned up by Master mechanics before
  • 00:41:21
    being professionally photographed and
  • 00:41:23
    then boxed up just like a new bike and
  • 00:41:24
    then you're ready to go and going with
  • 00:41:26
    the pros closet is probably one of the
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    best ways to save money on buying a used
  • 00:41:29
    bike versus a new bike and still knowing
  • 00:41:31
    that you're getting a bike that you can
  • 00:41:32
    trust that's in amazing condition and
  • 00:41:34
    actually if you have a bike that you're
  • 00:41:36
    looking to find a new home for you can
  • 00:41:37
    also sell your bike to the pros closet
  • 00:41:39
    where you can get a store credit you can
  • 00:41:41
    trade it for something fancier or you
  • 00:41:42
    can of course get cash if your bike is
  • 00:41:44
    accepted but something that's actually
  • 00:41:45
    back with the pros closet is their
  • 00:41:47
    Consignment program where you could
  • 00:41:48
    potentially get even more for your used
  • 00:41:50
    bike versus their cash offering where
  • 00:41:52
    there's still a guaranteed minimum price
  • 00:41:54
    that they'll offer you for your bike at
  • 00:41:55
    the end of 120 days but you could
  • 00:41:57
    actually sell for more before that time
  • 00:41:59
    comes up and one last thing about the
  • 00:42:01
    pros closet is that it's not just about
  • 00:42:02
    bikes they've actually got an entire
  • 00:42:04
    retail showroom that's actually just a
  • 00:42:06
    little bit down the road for me where I
  • 00:42:07
    live in Boulder so you can actually stop
  • 00:42:09
    on in there to check out all the new
  • 00:42:11
    gear that they have from helmets to
  • 00:42:12
    shoes to components to plenty of the
  • 00:42:14
    stuff that we actually talk about in
  • 00:42:15
    this podcast like bik computers anyhow
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    we've got a special code for all you
  • 00:42:19
    podcast listeners where you can get $40
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    go and check out the link in the
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  • 00:42:27
    2024 fit file 40 to get that next piece
  • 00:42:30
    of gear that you need andh thanks to the
  • 00:42:32
    pros closet for sponsoring this episode
  • 00:42:34
    let's talk about it Enduro 3 then um so
  • 00:42:37
    Enduro 3 was announced at the exact same
  • 00:42:39
    time uh and if you're not familiar with
  • 00:42:40
    the Enduro Series it is their Ultra
  • 00:42:42
    focused series from a battery life
  • 00:42:43
    standpoint Enduro has always been about
  • 00:42:45
    battery life and to give you like the 30
  • 00:42:46
    second version for people not familiar
  • 00:42:48
    when the first Enduro came out uh I
  • 00:42:50
    think like three years ago so um plus
  • 00:42:53
    yeah they essentially took a phoenix 6x
  • 00:42:57
    Pro um and uh 6X 6X Pro I think yeah
  • 00:43:02
    whatever yeah yeah whatever solar the
  • 00:43:05
    biggest Phoenix 6X they had at the time
  • 00:43:06
    with the most features and they took all
  • 00:43:08
    the features away um that everyone
  • 00:43:10
    actually cared about and left you with
  • 00:43:11
    basically a watch that could do
  • 00:43:13
    breadcrumb Trail routing uh and a big
  • 00:43:15
    old battery right and that was it but
  • 00:43:17
    didn't have Maps they took away maps and
  • 00:43:18
    music and all the things that you wanted
  • 00:43:20
    but especially Maps were gone as you
  • 00:43:22
    might expect for a watch focused on
  • 00:43:24
    trail usage uh and going a long time in
  • 00:43:26
    a long long ways that didn't go over
  • 00:43:28
    super well so they came back a year and
  • 00:43:30
    a half later with the Enduro 2 and this
  • 00:43:32
    time they they changed the design and
  • 00:43:35
    they took the uh Phoenix 7x solar uh and
  • 00:43:38
    they kept all the features and they
  • 00:43:40
    added a bigger battery uh and made a
  • 00:43:41
    little lighter as well and effectively
  • 00:43:43
    it was like a phoenix X solar plus right
  • 00:43:47
    like it just was a bigger version of
  • 00:43:48
    that watch from a battery standpoint you
  • 00:43:50
    know what I don't I don't know if it was
  • 00:43:52
    lighter or not I think it was lighter
  • 00:43:54
    just because the ultra fit band but I
  • 00:43:55
    think the case
  • 00:43:57
    May a little B heavier yeah the whole
  • 00:43:59
    package was a little lighter just cuz
  • 00:44:01
    anyway the whole package was lighter and
  • 00:44:02
    they also improved the um the flashlight
  • 00:44:04
    on as well to be a little brighter than
  • 00:44:06
    actually the Phoenix 7 as well um so
  • 00:44:09
    that was like a great example of like ah
  • 00:44:11
    now this this makes sense uh and and
  • 00:44:13
    people loved it and I went out and did a
  • 00:44:14
    crazy long trik with it and and all was
  • 00:44:16
    good um so now we fast forward to the
  • 00:44:19
    Enduro 3 and they've effectively split
  • 00:44:21
    the difference between those two
  • 00:44:23
    paradigms um so instead of having all
  • 00:44:26
    the Phoenix 8 features it does not have
  • 00:44:27
    the dive it doesn't have speaker and
  • 00:44:29
    microphone um but it does have a thicker
  • 00:44:31
    solar panel design um around the outside
  • 00:44:33
    edge but removes the solar panel across
  • 00:44:35
    the top of the the unit so you get a
  • 00:44:37
    little bit more clarity on uh that and
  • 00:44:39
    you would have had in the Enduro 2
  • 00:44:41
    because that solar panel that's
  • 00:44:42
    transparent solar panel across the
  • 00:44:44
    entire display isn't quite as
  • 00:44:45
    transparent as you might think and they
  • 00:44:47
    added again effectively um more uh solar
  • 00:44:50
    power by having this much thicker
  • 00:44:52
    totally redesigned solar system that no
  • 00:44:53
    longer has a red ring but it's actually
  • 00:44:55
    a black ring so it looks literally like
  • 00:44:57
    the bezel like you don't even notice a
  • 00:44:59
    solar panels there anymore and with that
  • 00:45:01
    they in some cases more than doubled the
  • 00:45:03
    battery life uh claims anyways of the
  • 00:45:05
    device and so I think in a lot of ways
  • 00:45:08
    they really stuck the landing on what
  • 00:45:10
    people wanted except then they did one
  • 00:45:11
    more thing they dropped the price by
  • 00:45:15
    what 200 300 bucks give or take so it's
  • 00:45:17
    down to $88.99 from what was uh I think
  • 00:45:20
    between 1100 and 1,00 Bucks depending on
  • 00:45:22
    which models you had and that was a a
  • 00:45:24
    huge thing so now you have something
  • 00:45:26
    that undercuts the Phoenix by $200 the
  • 00:45:28
    the Phoenix 8 mbased solar units by 200
  • 00:45:31
    bucks 300 bucks 300 oh okay 300 bucks
  • 00:45:34
    wow because because remember because
  • 00:45:36
    remember there isn't a non Sapphire
  • 00:45:40
    titanium phoenix8 solar yeah so the the
  • 00:45:45
    it's 1,200 bucks yeah for the phoenix8
  • 00:45:47
    solar actually hold on let me I'll just
  • 00:45:49
    like verify it really quick but yeah it
  • 00:45:51
    should be yeah you're right 1 1200 yeah
  • 00:45:54
    1,200 yeah so so yeah three so three
  • 00:45:56
    $0000 difference uh for the DI features
  • 00:45:59
    in the speaker and microphone that's
  • 00:46:01
    that's a that's a lot of money that's a
  • 00:46:04
    that's a ton of money as I put in my
  • 00:46:06
    Enduro uh 3 review this is the arguably
  • 00:46:10
    better cheaper phoenix8 solar if you
  • 00:46:15
    don't care about diving microphone
  • 00:46:16
    speaker stuff right like that's the
  • 00:46:19
    simple reality is you get way more
  • 00:46:20
    battery life than a phoenix 8 solar at
  • 00:46:23
    the exact same um large size if you will
  • 00:46:25
    this is only offered on 51 mm so so it's
  • 00:46:27
    the bigger size watches um but it feels
  • 00:46:29
    really light because again that Ultra
  • 00:46:31
    fit band um in the back case they went
  • 00:46:33
    with the I'm not sure what they call it
  • 00:46:35
    plastic basically is the the best term
  • 00:46:37
    for that um non non- metallic case if
  • 00:46:40
    you will um I called it I called it I
  • 00:46:42
    called it resin in my review which uh
  • 00:46:45
    which will be coming out like
  • 00:46:46
    tomorrow exactly I think it's
  • 00:46:48
    technically called TPU or something like
  • 00:46:50
    that right but yeah whatever point is
  • 00:46:51
    it's yeah whatever um it's a it's got
  • 00:46:55
    all the same accuracy it's got again
  • 00:46:57
    battery life the same uh ECG capable
  • 00:46:58
    sensor at least right now in the United
  • 00:47:00
    States anyways down the road that will
  • 00:47:02
    probably change but um we're at
  • 00:47:03
    certified risk temperature tracking all
  • 00:47:06
    the benefits of the phoenix8 again
  • 00:47:08
    except for diving and speaker microphone
  • 00:47:10
    um so it's got the new user interface on
  • 00:47:11
    it it's got all the new features we just
  • 00:47:13
    talked about um from a software
  • 00:47:15
    standpoint and so very very appealing
  • 00:47:17
    watch um and also has the 32 gigs for uh
  • 00:47:21
    maps and music as well um so this is a a
  • 00:47:24
    fascinating little watch and it's one of
  • 00:47:25
    those things where wasn't until I was
  • 00:47:27
    literally filming the end of my Enduro 3
  • 00:47:30
    review and I don't like it clicked to my
  • 00:47:31
    brain I'm like wait a second this is the
  • 00:47:33
    watch you get if you wanted a phoenix 8
  • 00:47:36
    solar and didn't care about all those
  • 00:47:37
    features like a lot of people have
  • 00:47:39
    complained about they don't need diving
  • 00:47:40
    they don't need micro and speaker phone
  • 00:47:42
    they just didn't care about those yet
  • 00:47:43
    Garmin jacked out the prices on the
  • 00:47:45
    Phoenix a to to accommodate that this
  • 00:47:47
    solves that problem um and I don't think
  • 00:47:49
    at any point in any of our discussions
  • 00:47:52
    did Garmin like hint at that of like hey
  • 00:47:54
    this is a maybe a better option
  • 00:47:56
    obviously they probably wouldn't want to
  • 00:47:57
    because it you know reduces their their
  • 00:48:00
    revenue by 300 bucks but um this is like
  • 00:48:04
    the one to go for yeah but that yeah but
  • 00:48:06
    that really gets to the pricing strategy
  • 00:48:08
    you know it's like I think that uh that
  • 00:48:10
    was certainly a point that both of us
  • 00:48:12
    made in our Phoenix 8 reviews is the
  • 00:48:15
    price increase on these uh for those new
  • 00:48:18
    features and again it's like you know
  • 00:48:20
    redesigning the case uh I I I I would
  • 00:48:24
    have to imagine that you know takes some
  • 00:48:25
    significant man facturing cost to to do
  • 00:48:28
    but considering that the Phoenix 7 and
  • 00:48:32
    Epix Pro or Phoenix 7 Pro and epics Pro
  • 00:48:35
    are incredibly capable watches already
  • 00:48:37
    and it is just those two extra features
  • 00:48:40
    that extra money uh that's definitely
  • 00:48:43
    tough and it's even more tough for the
  • 00:48:45
    MIP solar Phoenix H just because again
  • 00:48:48
    of that starting price of those so it's
  • 00:48:51
    it's fascinating how you know in my mind
  • 00:48:53
    the solar ones are a bit overpriced and
  • 00:48:56
    the uro 3 is I don't want to say
  • 00:48:59
    underpriced but it's like it's a really
  • 00:49:01
    really good deal for what you're getting
  • 00:49:02
    like really really good deal yeah just
  • 00:49:04
    for context the the cheapest entry point
  • 00:49:05
    for Phoenix 7 um Pro was $7.99 um for
  • 00:49:10
    the the base m-based models there and
  • 00:49:12
    then now the cheapest entry point for a
  • 00:49:15
    phoenix 8 solar model um which is the
  • 00:49:17
    mbased models CU there's no non solar
  • 00:49:20
    mbased models is 1,100 bucks right so
  • 00:49:23
    $10.99 so that's the 47 mm solar is
  • 00:49:26
    $1.99 and the 51 mm solar is $1.99 so
  • 00:49:31
    we're we're talking a big big jump there
  • 00:49:33
    the cheapest AMOLED model is $9.99 so um
  • 00:49:36
    only I say only only $100 more than it
  • 00:49:39
    was in the past for the cheapest epic
  • 00:49:41
    Pro um but now some of those things are
  • 00:49:43
    kind of built in um from like a multi
  • 00:49:45
    band and stuff like that um that wasn't
  • 00:49:47
    there in the epics but was I guess there
  • 00:49:48
    in the Epic Pro um back to battery life
  • 00:49:50
    though so the Enduro 3 battery life its
  • 00:49:52
    big claim here is in GPS only mode 32 20
  • 00:49:57
    hours with solar accounted for depending
  • 00:49:59
    on how much solar you have um or without
  • 00:50:01
    solar gains so if you're just like our
  • 00:50:03
    day of our hike there um we got dumped
  • 00:50:05
    on uh then a 120 hours in GPS only mode
  • 00:50:09
    and one of the things that was
  • 00:50:10
    fascinating to me is that you know
  • 00:50:12
    historically speaking you and I would
  • 00:50:13
    have looked at like GPS only mode as
  • 00:50:16
    like the wrong part of town to be in
  • 00:50:18
    right we' have been like no we don't we
  • 00:50:20
    don't do GPS only we do s IQ right like
  • 00:50:22
    that's that's that's we're not going to
  • 00:50:24
    do this GPS only stuff um so we we had
  • 00:50:27
    fun on our our adventure um and we
  • 00:50:30
    sacrificed me to be the one in GPS only
  • 00:50:33
    mode and you got to hang out in the
  • 00:50:35
    luxury Estates of s IQ which allows the
  • 00:50:38
    basically GPS um chipset to go up and
  • 00:50:40
    down between multiband when it needs it
  • 00:50:41
    in like tough conditions and then all
  • 00:50:43
    the way down uh to lesser GPS modes when
  • 00:50:46
    it doesn't need it to save battery life
  • 00:50:47
    like it's as I said in my review I would
  • 00:50:49
    argue one of garmin's best engineering
  • 00:50:51
    accomplishments of the last few years
  • 00:50:53
    and even one of their competitors um I
  • 00:50:55
    won't name who told me the same thing um
  • 00:50:58
    they they were very very jealous of what
  • 00:51:00
    garmin's done in sa IQ mode um and so I
  • 00:51:04
    we were curious like how different would
  • 00:51:05
    these tracks be at the end of the day
  • 00:51:07
    with in the mountains me and you
  • 00:51:09
    including half a day in literal hail and
  • 00:51:12
    thunderstorms um between these two and
  • 00:51:15
    the answer was nearly identical right so
  • 00:51:17
    our tracks that day um between the two
  • 00:51:20
    of them were only 200 M off after 28k
  • 00:51:26
  • 00:51:27
    um so we're talking 28,000 M of of going
  • 00:51:30
    somewhere and 200 M off in dense forests
  • 00:51:34
    in you know up and against Cliffs like
  • 00:51:36
    all the things and the differen is the
  • 00:51:38
    tracks were negligible in the vast
  • 00:51:40
    majority of the cases not NE they were
  • 00:51:42
    not vast majority they were negligible
  • 00:51:43
    across the board right you wouldn't be
  • 00:51:44
    able to tell the difference in most
  • 00:51:45
    cases really really fascinating stuff
  • 00:51:48
    like I think I've never really like done
  • 00:51:50
    a GPS only test on this new chipset in
  • 00:51:53
    the last few years and this was like I'm
  • 00:51:54
    going to start doing some more of these
  • 00:51:56
    cuz this is is actually much better than
  • 00:51:57
    I than I thought it would be yeah
  • 00:51:59
    totally I mean we've said it before too
  • 00:52:01
    it's that you know it's definitely not
  • 00:52:02
    about the dual band or it's not even
  • 00:52:04
    about like multi- satellites it's so
  • 00:52:06
    much of it comes around the antenna
  • 00:52:07
    design and where you're going to get
  • 00:52:09
    really good accuracy so I think that uh
  • 00:52:12
    I don't know we may save this for like a
  • 00:52:13
    future episode at some point but it's
  • 00:52:15
    like you know multi-band or dual band
  • 00:52:18
    that could be like one of our hot takes
  • 00:52:20
    is that you don't necessarily need it
  • 00:52:22
    like I I would say 90% of the time like
  • 00:52:24
    if you're you know in a like like you
  • 00:52:26
    know downtown environment like New York
  • 00:52:28
    City or something like that you probably
  • 00:52:29
    need it but like for 90% of most
  • 00:52:32
    activities you don't really need dual
  • 00:52:33
    band or multiband um so anyways in
  • 00:52:37
    regards to battery life now one of the
  • 00:52:39
    big factors when it comes to battery
  • 00:52:41
    life with the Enduro 3 other than the
  • 00:52:43
    new solar technology as well as the
  • 00:52:44
    larger battery is the fact that it uses
  • 00:52:46
    a memory and pixel display you just
  • 00:52:48
    can't get that kind of battery life out
  • 00:52:50
    of an AMOLED display so you know memory
  • 00:52:53
    and pixel displays we've had this kind
  • 00:52:56
    of debate you know going back and forth
  • 00:52:58
    especially in the last couple years
  • 00:52:59
    where uh since AMOLED display battery
  • 00:53:02
    life technology has gotten a lot better
  • 00:53:04
    or efficiency has gotten a lot better
  • 00:53:06
    and you know both of us used the Phoenix
  • 00:53:09
    8 AMOLED and the Enduro 3 kind of side
  • 00:53:11
    to side on basically everything that we
  • 00:53:13
    did uh during our trip and memory pixel
  • 00:53:17
    displays they certainly do have that
  • 00:53:19
    distinct advantage in direct sunlight
  • 00:53:21
    where they are amazing however there
  • 00:53:24
    were so many occasions when we were like
  • 00:53:28
    in the woods in Shady environments in
  • 00:53:30
    the rain in the hail storm where uh I
  • 00:53:34
    mean quite frankly I couldn't see the
  • 00:53:36
    display at all like it was so
  • 00:53:38
    challenging to see so H I don't know
  • 00:53:41
    it's it's really tough like I was a
  • 00:53:43
    memory and pixel display hold out as
  • 00:53:45
    well like you know like when the Epic
  • 00:53:46
    Gen 2 first came out I liked it and all
  • 00:53:49
    but I ended up using the Phoenix 7 solar
  • 00:53:54
    more uh and actually the 7x solar more
  • 00:53:58
    specifically just because quite frankly
  • 00:54:00
    it had a flashlight and the Epic Gen 2
  • 00:54:01
    didn't have a flashlight that was
  • 00:54:02
    actually probably one of the primary
  • 00:54:04
    reasons but yeah I was a hold out for a
  • 00:54:06
    long time as
  • 00:54:07
    well but yeah after using those side by
  • 00:54:11
    side again I think that there are going
  • 00:54:13
    to be reasons to get this watch in terms
  • 00:54:15
    of like you need you're that Ultra
  • 00:54:17
    endurance athlete that you know you need
  • 00:54:19
    to go track like a week two week long
  • 00:54:22
    activity or something like that I mean
  • 00:54:23
    that this is going to be the watch to
  • 00:54:24
    get but for like every anything else
  • 00:54:27
    unless you are like di hard on only
  • 00:54:31
    wanting to like charge your watch like
  • 00:54:32
    once a month or something like that I
  • 00:54:34
    don't know there are just so many more
  • 00:54:37
    advantages to Amed in my mind uh yeah I
  • 00:54:41
    I mean I know that there's the like oh I
  • 00:54:43
    don't want to have a smart phone on my
  • 00:54:45
    wrist sort of thing versus the memory
  • 00:54:47
    pixel display I think that can be
  • 00:54:49
    another argument there too but I don't
  • 00:54:51
    know just usability wise I have zero
  • 00:54:53
    issues with an AMOLED display I've said
  • 00:54:55
    it once that people I saw some comments
  • 00:54:57
    on um today or last few days people like
  • 00:55:00
    oh I don't like the fact that it lights
  • 00:55:01
    up every time like an AM lights up every
  • 00:55:03
    time you raise your wrist you can turn
  • 00:55:05
    that off it's a literal setting in the
  • 00:55:07
    display settings on an am on a garment
  • 00:55:08
    amolad watch to turn off gesture based
  • 00:55:10
    for the backlight um to turn on again
  • 00:55:13
    right so that way it's still you can
  • 00:55:15
    still have always on in a dim State very
  • 00:55:17
    similar almost identical to MIP um and
  • 00:55:19
    then when you raise your wrist nothing
  • 00:55:21
    happens unless you either tap the screen
  • 00:55:23
    or Tap a button that's an option you can
  • 00:55:25
    have uh going back to your like sunlight
  • 00:55:27
    visibility thing uh yes in direct sun
  • 00:55:30
    like top of the mountain sort of thing
  • 00:55:31
    you can definitely that that mid-base
  • 00:55:33
    display like explodes invisibility right
  • 00:55:36
    totally but at the same time the Amala
  • 00:55:38
    display is totally viewable to the eyes
  • 00:55:41
    right taking a photo of that side by
  • 00:55:43
    side on a camera is tremendously
  • 00:55:45
    difficult to replicate what your eyes
  • 00:55:47
    see because of the fact that almost
  • 00:55:49
    every camera out there unless you really
  • 00:55:50
    zoom in will basically go ahead and
  • 00:55:53
    normalize the entire scene and so the
  • 00:55:54
    black background of that watch becomes
  • 00:55:58
    basically not as well exposed as the
  • 00:55:59
    rest of the scene um but if you were to
  • 00:56:01
    zoom in on just that watch and the
  • 00:56:03
    camera properly Expos it just like your
  • 00:56:04
    eyes do and you're like oh I can see
  • 00:56:06
    this perfectly fine um and that's where
  • 00:56:08
    like you said in the woods and stuff it
  • 00:56:11
    was totally not usable um without
  • 00:56:15
    turning on the backlight either manually
  • 00:56:17
    or gesture based but then that opens up
  • 00:56:19
    a different can of of worms and so yeah
  • 00:56:22
    it's it's too bad there um but that's
  • 00:56:26
    that's the the trade-offs um yeah that's
  • 00:56:28
    and and also the the battery on the
  • 00:56:31
    AMOLED is so good these days right like
  • 00:56:33
    we're not talking like only getting 10
  • 00:56:35
    hours or something silly right we're
  • 00:56:36
    talking still big numbers for GPS
  • 00:56:38
    activities um on on AMOLED so let's
  • 00:56:42
    let's kind of attempt to to wrap things
  • 00:56:45
    up in some way sh form um I guess one of
  • 00:56:48
    the questions then is where do we see
  • 00:56:51
    down the road Enduro versus Phoenix
  • 00:56:54
    going so a two-parter here will the
  • 00:56:56
    Phoenix series have a m-based future in
  • 00:57:00
    a phoenix 9 oh or will that just become
  • 00:57:02
    Induro that's a that's a really really
  • 00:57:05
    good question actually um I guess it's
  • 00:57:07
    really going to be based on the
  • 00:57:08
    popularity of uh the Phoenix 7 solar
  • 00:57:12
    moving forward um again I think yeah I
  • 00:57:15
    think there's plenty I think there's
  • 00:57:16
    plenty of or Phoenix a solar yes pardon
  • 00:57:18
    me yeah I mean I again like I think that
  • 00:57:21
    there are still certainly reasons to get
  • 00:57:22
    a memory pixel display um but as we saw
  • 00:57:26
    with the pricing on the Phoenix 8 solar
  • 00:57:30
    um there were there's obviously some
  • 00:57:32
    some reason why it was $1,200 and not
  • 00:57:34
    $100 less like it was with the previous
  • 00:57:37
    generation you know so um there are
  • 00:57:40
    certainly some costs associated with
  • 00:57:41
    that there but at the same time you look
  • 00:57:43
    at the other side of the coin with the
  • 00:57:45
    Enduro 3 it's like well this has a
  • 00:57:47
    memory and pixel display as well as
  • 00:57:48
    solar technology as well but it's $300
  • 00:57:50
    cheaper so you know so where's where's
  • 00:57:53
    that money coming from exactly um but
  • 00:57:55
    yeah uh I don't know I I guess it's
  • 00:57:58
    really going to again depend on the
  • 00:58:00
    popularity of the memory and pixel
  • 00:58:01
    displays I think we have personal
  • 00:58:04
    opinions on our display preference of
  • 00:58:06
    course um again like I I have shifted
  • 00:58:09
    over personally um because it suits my
  • 00:58:11
    needs emlet displays they they do have
  • 00:58:14
    some drawbacks like you know they do dim
  • 00:58:16
    after a certain amount of time like if
  • 00:58:18
    you want to have it mounted on your
  • 00:58:19
    handlebars that's going to be a little
  • 00:58:20
    bit challenging as well for like cycl
  • 00:58:22
    which by the way works I did that
  • 00:58:24
    actually um okay I haven't tried that so
  • 00:58:26
    I I was curious some people asked like
  • 00:58:28
    does that turn off the display it does
  • 00:58:29
    not on on the Garmin Phoenix 8 AMOLED I
  • 00:58:32
    put on my handlebars for Just sh of an
  • 00:58:34
    hour and the display never once turned
  • 00:58:36
    off um it did Dim um slightly but
  • 00:58:39
    because my my ride was about an hour
  • 00:58:41
    before Sunset it wasn't like crazy
  • 00:58:43
    bright and so I had no problems viewing
  • 00:58:45
    it whatsoever like it was totally
  • 00:58:47
    viewable the entire time but it never
  • 00:58:49
    once turned off which uh is a change
  • 00:58:51
    from um I believe even the epex pro I
  • 00:58:55
    think turned off but Garmin around the
  • 00:58:58
    venue three time frame changed some of
  • 00:59:01
    that logic there and so the venue 3 for
  • 00:59:02
    example did actually stay on the entire
  • 00:59:04
    time on your handlebars without turning
  • 00:59:05
    off um so just as a minor little FYI for
  • 00:59:09
    those that are curious about that yeah
  • 00:59:11
    um I I'm gonna that's a very very good
  • 00:59:14
    topic that you brought up but I'm going
  • 00:59:16
    to say that no I say by whatever the
  • 00:59:19
    Phoenix 9 UM whether that's the Next
  • 00:59:22
    Generation or two generations from now
  • 00:59:23
    whatever the case may be um I'm going to
  • 00:59:25
    say that yeah I think it's going to
  • 00:59:27
    split off into um Enduro and Phoenix uh
  • 00:59:31
    where Enduro is going to be memory and
  • 00:59:32
    pixel and Phoenix is going to be uh
  • 00:59:35
    amlet yep yeah I I agree I think it it
  • 00:59:38
    makes it makes sense I suspect what
  • 00:59:40
    garmin's seeing right now is they're
  • 00:59:42
    going to see a bump in sales like a
  • 00:59:44
    basically launched a bump of the mid
  • 00:59:46
    based displays from the Die Hard MIP
  • 00:59:47
    folks right and then once you get past
  • 00:59:52
    like 6 months from now 5 months four
  • 00:59:54
    months whatever then I suspect they're
  • 00:59:56
    going to see almost the vast majority of
  • 00:59:58
    their sales being AMOLED right as as
  • 01:00:01
    people I mean certainly people go
  • 01:00:03
    eventually will upgrade from previous
  • 01:00:04
    models to the the phoenix8 but uh I mean
  • 01:00:07
    I think they''re probably already seen
  • 01:00:08
    that that's why like in all the
  • 01:00:09
    marketing stuff they talked about with
  • 01:00:11
    us it wasn't called Phoenix 8 AMOLED it
  • 01:00:14
    was just called Phoenix 8 um and then
  • 01:00:16
    the mbased version was called phoenix8
  • 01:00:18
    solar um the only place we see that
  • 01:00:20
    differentiated is on the retailer side
  • 01:00:22
    um their official product names are
  • 01:00:24
    Phoenix 8 AMOLED and phoenix8 solar
  • 01:00:26
    that's how like the official retail copy
  • 01:00:28
    that Garmin has sent out but that by
  • 01:00:31
    itself the way Garmin phrased that in
  • 01:00:32
    all the marketing stuff to me tells you
  • 01:00:35
    what that future is um now we could be
  • 01:00:38
    wrong but I suspect like you said it's
  • 01:00:39
    going to Splinter off and Enduro becomes
  • 01:00:42
    the m-based thing for the future which
  • 01:00:44
    then gets to the second question will
  • 01:00:46
    Enduro then gain timate sizes uh wow
  • 01:00:50
    that'll be another that's another
  • 01:00:52
    interesting topic to bring up uh I would
  • 01:00:55
  • 01:00:57
    yes you know they're obviously they
  • 01:00:59
    weren't afraid of dropping the epic's
  • 01:01:01
    name uh and you know merging that into
  • 01:01:03
    the Phoenix so I don't see them being
  • 01:01:06
    afraid of dropping MIP entirely from the
  • 01:01:09
    Phoenix lineup either and just shifting
  • 01:01:10
    that to the Enduro Series so yeah um you
  • 01:01:13
    know we did forget to talk about one
  • 01:01:15
    watch though the Phoenix e so this was
  • 01:01:18
    their forgot to talk
  • 01:01:21
    uh dang burn not untrue though
  • 01:01:27
    yeah exactly not untrue at
  • 01:01:29
    all yeah so so the the Phoenix e is the
  • 01:01:34
    new um it's the new budget Phoenix
  • 01:01:36
    basically so um but it is essentially
  • 01:01:39
    equivalent to their epics Gen 2 the
  • 01:01:43
    original epics Gen 2 so it has you know
  • 01:01:45
    the same 1.3 inch amlet display it has
  • 01:01:47
    the fourth generation heart rate sensor
  • 01:01:49
    it does not have a flashlight however it
  • 01:01:52
    does come with the new uh software the
  • 01:01:54
    new user interface moving forward so um
  • 01:01:57
    that's basically the difference there so
  • 01:02:00
    it's priced at $7.99 I believe but I
  • 01:02:04
    think the issue I see with that watch is
  • 01:02:07
    I mean I think it's great that they're
  • 01:02:08
    coming out with a budget offering I I
  • 01:02:09
    actually really really do because I
  • 01:02:10
    think that there's a lot of people out
  • 01:02:12
    there who you know can't use all the
  • 01:02:16
    features of a phoenix like like you were
  • 01:02:17
    saying like you know you notice some
  • 01:02:19
    people it's like well you've never done
  • 01:02:21
    a you know Ultra trail run or anything
  • 01:02:24
    and you're a phix but
  • 01:02:28
    yeah oh man sorry I I'll refrain from
  • 01:02:31
    another joke
  • 01:02:33
    there but um but but yeah I mean it it
  • 01:02:37
    offers like it offers a really durable
  • 01:02:39
    build it offers a ton of sports features
  • 01:02:41
    but again it's like you may be able to
  • 01:02:42
    save a lot of money by going with the
  • 01:02:44
    Phoenix e however like in terms of the
  • 01:02:47
    price that you can get a brand new epic
  • 01:02:49
    Gen 2 for right now you can actually
  • 01:02:51
    save like I think at least $100 if not
  • 01:02:53
    $200 I think you can get like I think
  • 01:02:55
    you can get those for like 5 to 600
  • 01:02:57
    bucks now brand new 400 at one point
  • 01:03:00
    over the last few months right and and
  • 01:03:02
    we're going to the fall and if we know
  • 01:03:04
    anything about Garmin um there is one
  • 01:03:06
    truism right Garmin cannot resist
  • 01:03:09
    putting their previous gem products on
  • 01:03:11
    deepest count in doing that for years
  • 01:03:13
    right like years and so that's like the
  • 01:03:16
    Garmin way more than anything else that
  • 01:03:18
    people talk about Garmin Garmen knows
  • 01:03:20
    how to offload not just old inventory
  • 01:03:23
    but they keep making old inventory to
  • 01:03:25
    offload right and so this is one where I
  • 01:03:28
    just look at and go why would I unless
  • 01:03:30
    scarman is going to heavily discount the
  • 01:03:32
    Phoenix e we will get to Black Friday in
  • 01:03:35
    just over two months um that entire time
  • 01:03:37
    frame and I guarantee you we're going to
  • 01:03:39
    see Amazon selling epics gen 2s for 400s
  • 01:03:44
    maybe even like a 3.99 in there
  • 01:03:46
    right yeah and then that even sets aside
  • 01:03:49
    the entire like epic Pro right which I
  • 01:03:52
    wouldn't be surprised to see like a499
  • 01:03:54
    epics Pro um
  • 01:03:56
    I don't Oh that's oh man that's a
  • 01:03:59
    stretch like I think that'll be in our
  • 01:04:00
    in our pool of bets I think we'll see I
  • 01:04:03
    think we'll see Uncle Amazon go wild
  • 01:04:05
    right because that's what right so you
  • 01:04:07
    think about retailer behind the scenes
  • 01:04:09
    here right so retailers can get in
  • 01:04:10
    trouble from Garmin and GoPro and other
  • 01:04:12
    companies that have map pricing in the
  • 01:04:14
    US um by going below minimum suggested
  • 01:04:16
    pricing right they can get a an approval
  • 01:04:19
    to do that for a sale period so like
  • 01:04:20
    when Garmin has something on sale then
  • 01:04:21
    REI everyone else puts it on sale for
  • 01:04:23
    the price that Garmin allows um a
  • 01:04:25
    retailer can legally though sell it for
  • 01:04:28
    whatever the heck they want however
  • 01:04:29
    contractually speaking Garmin in the US
  • 01:04:31
    this is illegal in Europe but Garmin in
  • 01:04:33
    the US can say yeah but uh we're not
  • 01:04:35
    going to give you stock for x amount of
  • 01:04:37
    time so what Amazon does is they say no
  • 01:04:40
    problem Garmin we're going to buy 10,000
  • 01:04:42
    units now and they buy their 10,000
  • 01:04:45
    units and then X period of time later
  • 01:04:47
    they put them on sale below a map and
  • 01:04:48
    the Garmin slaps them on the wrist and
  • 01:04:50
    say okay now you have a three or six
  • 01:04:51
    month no buy period for that particular
  • 01:04:54
    model Amazon doesn't care they bought
  • 01:04:56
    10,000 20,000 30,000 units they just
  • 01:04:59
    keep on selling them as they see fit for
  • 01:05:00
    whatever price they want um so I suspect
  • 01:05:04
    we'll see a 499 epics pro at some point
  • 01:05:06
    from Uncle Amazon right Uncle Amazon
  • 01:05:08
    gets gets drunk at some point in the
  • 01:05:10
    holidays he always does and he does
  • 01:05:12
    crazy things with pricing um and that's
  • 01:05:14
    that's my
  • 01:05:15
    bet I'm gonna say I'm GNA say 600 uh
  • 01:05:18
    prices right rules we'll we'll follow up
  • 01:05:21
    on that bet after Black Friday and uh
  • 01:05:23
    we'll bet we'll bet on some tacos or
  • 01:05:25
    something like one of those things yeah
  • 01:05:28
    so anyways yeah so that's the uh all of
  • 01:05:31
    garmin's new uh releases um definitely
  • 01:05:34
    check out all our videos um surrounding
  • 01:05:36
    these watches I'm actually going to be
  • 01:05:37
    publishing my Enduro 3 review tomorrow
  • 01:05:40
    morning along with another like just
  • 01:05:43
    kind of like some tips and stuff like
  • 01:05:44
    that uh for some of these watches as
  • 01:05:47
    well so uh make sure to look out for
  • 01:05:49
    those videos uh Ray just published his
  • 01:05:51
    user interface tour as well so go Ahad
  • 01:05:53
    and check out that to learn about your
  • 01:05:55
    new watch and uh coming up yeah we've
  • 01:05:58
    got a whole bunch of exciting stuff so
  • 01:06:00
    next week there's some exciting stuff
  • 01:06:02
    and then the week after is the Apple
  • 01:06:04
    event so that's going to be super fun so
  • 01:06:07
    uh I'm not we'll we'll definitely do an
  • 01:06:08
    in-person recording whether wherever
  • 01:06:12
    that's going to be like we could be
  • 01:06:13
    wherever is the best explanation of that
  • 01:06:16
    ever um we will we will save the
  • 01:06:18
    wherever for for whenever um that's
  • 01:06:21
    exactly so so yeah uh anyways uh
  • 01:06:25
    reminder you can uh check out the fit
  • 01:06:27
    file podcast uh on YouTube I think
  • 01:06:29
    that's probably the best way to
  • 01:06:31
    experience the podcast because you it's
  • 01:06:33
    not just because our of our pretty faces
  • 01:06:35
    but we'll be overlaying some like b-roll
  • 01:06:37
    and stuff like that on there but you can
  • 01:06:39
    also switch over the podcast to the uh
  • 01:06:41
    YouTube music app as well and then also
  • 01:06:43
    check us out on Spotify as well as is
  • 01:06:46
    that it yeah you did it you did all I
  • 01:06:48
    think that's it right okay that's all
  • 01:06:50
    Apple podcast too I guess and uh oh
  • 01:06:53
    Apple podcast oh my gosh duh yeah
  • 01:06:55
    exactly so and uh yeah so any last words
  • 01:06:58
    for you for this episode right that's it
  • 01:06:59
    man you got it all we're done all right
  • 01:07:02
    all right sounds good see you guys in
  • 01:07:04
    the next episode thanks all
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  • Garmin Enduro 3
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