NotebookLM Will Change How You Learn – Here’s Why!
TLDRThe video provides a detailed overview of Notebook LM, Google's experimental AI platform, emphasizing its innovative features that make understanding and researching complex topics more efficient. It highlights how users can create audio overviews for personalized learning experiences, utilize an expanded context window to process extensive information, and manage various source types such as URLs, PDFs, and slides. The redesigned interface facilitates real-time interaction, saving valuable insights, and integrating feedback. Notebook LM aims to transform how individuals learn, offering tailored insights while alleviating the burden of information overload.
- ☑️ Generate on-demand audio conversations to simplify learning.
- 📊 Utilize an expanded context window for efficient data processing.
- 📝 Support for various multimedia formats enhances research capabilities.
- 🔍 Real-time interaction allows personalized query responses.
- 📜 Source grounding ensures reliability and reduces hallucinations.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
In a busy workday, completing tasks often requires sifting through numerous documents, presentations, and discussions. The speaker introduces Notebook LM, an AI tool from Google, asserting its effectiveness as a unique platform for information understanding, distinguishing it from other AI tools like ChatGPT.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Notebook LM allows users to create projects by collecting various sources online, such as web pages and videos. The speaker begins planning a trip to Guatemala and demonstrates adding sources to Notebook LM. This function emphasizes that AI can aid in managing information overload and assist with project planning.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
The speaker demonstrates how to add multiple sources and generate a personalized audio overview instead of reading extensive documents. After summoning a 21-minute conversation via AI, the platform allows users to participate interactively in the generated dialogue, showcasing its advanced conversational capabilities.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
The power of AI is highlighted in customizing discussions, allowing users to gain a superficial understanding of a topic without needing to formulate questions. Furthermore, the speaker illustrates the function of creating structured documents for deeper exploration of topics, emphasizing the dynamic nature of learning with Notebook LM.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
The video highlights an expanded context window feature that allows Notebook LM to handle an unprecedented volume of information (up to 25 million words). This feature enhances AI’s ability to provide tailored insights and recommendations based on extensive user inputs and historical data, revolutionizing personalization within AI interactions.
- 00:25:00 - 00:31:39
Notebook LM's multimodal capabilities enable users to input diverse formats (pages, videos, PDFs, images, etc.), including Google Slides, facilitating comprehensive analyses of complex information beyond text. The redesign of the interface and source grounding ensures accurate, reliable AI outputs, contributing to its utility in professional contexts.
Mind Map
Video-Fragen und Antworten
What is Notebook LM?
Notebook LM is an AI tool by Google designed for understanding complex information through personalized audio overviews and extensive context capabilities.
How does Notebook LM differ from other AI tools?
It focuses on generating detailed audio conversations based on user-provided sources, facilitating more passive learning.
What are the key features of Notebook LM?
Key features include audio overviews, a large context window, support for various formats, real-time interaction, and easy citation tracking.
What is a context window?
A context window in AI refers to the amount of data the AI can consider while generating responses; Notebook LM supports up to 25 million words.
Can Notebook LM handle multimedia sources?
Yes, it supports various formats including URLs, PDFs, audio files, and images in Google Slides.
Is there a paid version of Notebook LM?
Yes, there is Notebook LM Plus, which offers expanded features for team collaboration and larger context capabilities.
How does Notebook LM assist with learning?
It generates personalized audio conversations and offers structured summaries, quizzes, and reading lists based on users' input.
What is source grounding?
Source grounding ensures that the AI's information is reliable by linking answers to specific cited sources.
How do I access Notebook LM?
You can create a free account at
What types of projects can I use Notebook LM for?
You can use Notebook LM for research, travel planning, personal reflections, and more.
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- 00:00:00think about how often you encounter the
- 00:00:01following scenario there's a task you're
- 00:00:03trying to complete but in order to do
- 00:00:05that simple task you have all this
- 00:00:07background you have to have all these
- 00:00:10documents you have to read slide
- 00:00:12presentations to go over people you have
- 00:00:13to talk to Concepts you have to
- 00:00:16understand the problem is who in a crazy
- 00:00:20busy workday has time to sit down and
- 00:00:22spend hours reading
- 00:00:25things hey everyone about a year ago I
- 00:00:28released a YouTube video on a new
- 00:00:30experimental AI platform from Google
- 00:00:33called notebook LM but you know I
- 00:00:35thought this is probably not going to go
- 00:00:36anywhere it's just a beta just an
- 00:00:38experiment but let me tell you I was
- 00:00:40completely wrong let me show you the
- 00:00:42five biggest new features that notebook
- 00:00:44LM has come up with and no this video is
- 00:00:47not sponsored now before I show my
- 00:00:49screen I want to answer what I think is
- 00:00:50a really fundamental question which is
- 00:00:53what is notebook
- 00:00:55lm4 especially how is it unique and
- 00:00:58different from some of the other AI
- 00:00:59tools out there like chat GPT well I was
- 00:01:02reading one of the blog posts that the
- 00:01:04notebook LM team had written and in that
- 00:01:06post they called it a tool for
- 00:01:08understanding and I think that's the
- 00:01:10best simple description I've seen it's
- 00:01:12the ultimate tool for understanding
- 00:01:14things there's a lot to cover so buckle
- 00:01:16up grab a cup of coffee and let's Dive
- 00:01:19Right In first let's talk about audio
- 00:01:21overviews imagine if you were setting
- 00:01:23something or learning something or
- 00:01:25reading something and you just happen to
- 00:01:27come across a podcast in your podcast
- 00:01:29app between two super engaging
- 00:01:31knowledgeable hosts explaining that
- 00:01:33thing to you well now you don't have to
- 00:01:36be lucky you can generate exactly that
- 00:01:39conversation on demand anytime you want
- 00:01:42what you see here on my screen is the
- 00:01:43main interface when you log in at
- 00:01:45notebook lm. it's very simple
- 00:01:49each one of these squares contains all
- 00:01:51the material for a specific project so
- 00:01:53the first thing you're usually going to
- 00:01:55do is Click create new and add some
- 00:01:57sources these are the sources that you
- 00:01:59want it to know about that you want it
- 00:02:01to site and draw from so the project I
- 00:02:04have in mind is an upcoming trip to
- 00:02:06Guatemala that my family and I are
- 00:02:08planning to take this summer this is
- 00:02:10exactly the kind of project that I would
- 00:02:12love to spend lots of time on
- 00:02:13researching the country their culture
- 00:02:16their history all the itineraries the
- 00:02:18destinations we could visit the
- 00:02:19activities the cultural experiences but
- 00:02:21if I'm really honest with myself it's
- 00:02:23also the type of project that is likely
- 00:02:26not to be prioritized I have a lot going
- 00:02:28on over the next few months I'm writing
- 00:02:29a book I have two young kids so it's the
- 00:02:32kind of thing that I know I really could
- 00:02:34use ai's help with so the first thing
- 00:02:36I'm going to do is look for some sources
- 00:02:39that I want to draw on and this can be
- 00:02:40as simple as opening up Google and
- 00:02:42typing best places to visit in Guatemala
- 00:02:47and I'm going to scroll through here
- 00:02:49these look like great sources these
- 00:02:50three right here so I'm just going to
- 00:02:52hold down command and click each one of
- 00:02:54them which opens them up in tabs along
- 00:02:58the top up here now I'm not going to
- 00:02:59read them not going to dive into them
- 00:03:01all I want them is to stay open right
- 00:03:03there then let's try YouTube and here
- 00:03:05I'm going to be a little more specific
- 00:03:06I'm going to say underrated places to
- 00:03:10visit in Guatemala so let's open this
- 00:03:13one again I'm going to hold down command
- 00:03:16and click I'll do that one and then I
- 00:03:18even like that this one is specifically
- 00:03:20about an underrated location so let's
- 00:03:22add that one all right so this is a good
- 00:03:23start I have three websites and three
- 00:03:26YouTube videos which might not seem like
- 00:03:28a lot but it kind of is it would take me
- 00:03:30probably an hour or two hours to really
- 00:03:32dive deep into those so what I'm going
- 00:03:34to do instead of reading them myself is
- 00:03:36just add them as sources in Notebook LM
- 00:03:39let's open up the first website here I'm
- 00:03:41going to do command L to highlight the
- 00:03:43URL here and then command C to copy it
- 00:03:46and then back in Notebook LM you can see
- 00:03:48right down here I can add Google Drive
- 00:03:51documents I can add links and I can add
- 00:03:53pasted text so I'm going to go ahead and
- 00:03:55click website and then command V to
- 00:03:57paste and then insert no that I can
- 00:04:00click on the source right here and this
- 00:04:02little purple panel will open up called
- 00:04:04The Source guide The Source guide is
- 00:04:06just a one paragraph summary of The
- 00:04:08Source let's go to our second website
- 00:04:11command L to highlight the URL command C
- 00:04:14back to notebook LM I'm going to click
- 00:04:15this add source button right here at the
- 00:04:18top left website paste it add that as
- 00:04:21well all right so now I have two sources
- 00:04:24I'm just going to take a minute here and
- 00:04:25do the same with this
- 00:04:27last website
- 00:04:32and then it looks much the same with
- 00:04:33YouTube videos you just click the video
- 00:04:35command L copy the URL of the YouTube
- 00:04:38video add Source this time click YouTube
- 00:04:41paste it right
- 00:04:44there I just remembered a friend who was
- 00:04:47Guatemalan also sent me a country guide
- 00:04:50a quite long extensive PDF kind of
- 00:04:53highlighting and showcasing some of the
- 00:04:55best places to visit so I'm going to go
- 00:04:57ahead and add that as well to do that
- 00:04:59I'll hit add source and this time click
- 00:05:01choose file to add a file for my
- 00:05:03computer and I can see it's in my
- 00:05:05downloads folder right there there we go
- 00:05:07you can see it right there and there's
- 00:05:08one more thing I want to add which is in
- 00:05:10my notes which is this suggested
- 00:05:13itinerary that the friend who is the one
- 00:05:16getting married who we're going to visit
- 00:05:17actually suggested for us so they
- 00:05:19suggested a 6 day 7 night itinerary
- 00:05:23definitely want to take that into
- 00:05:24account so I'm going to go ahead and do
- 00:05:26command a to select all that text
- 00:05:29command C to copy head back over to
- 00:05:31notebook LM and this time I'm going to
- 00:05:34hit add source and right over here where
- 00:05:36it says copied text what that allows me
- 00:05:38to do is to Simply paste whatever text I
- 00:05:41want right into the little window here
- 00:05:44hit insert and that is now a source as
- 00:05:46well this is a good start you can see
- 00:05:48here I have eight different sources I'm
- 00:05:49working with and before I click this big
- 00:05:52generate button here I'm going to
- 00:05:54customize the conversation a little bit
- 00:05:56so I'm going to say just give it some
- 00:05:58context and details
- 00:06:02and then I'll click generate this is
- 00:06:04what you're going to see it says
- 00:06:05generating conversation there's a little
- 00:06:07circle here and this will take somewhere
- 00:06:09between around 3 to 6 minutes so I
- 00:06:11usually go get a cup of coffee or go to
- 00:06:14the bathroom or just take a little
- 00:06:15stretch break while this is generating
- 00:06:18all right so we're fast forwarding here
- 00:06:19a few minutes 3 or 4 minutes but you can
- 00:06:21see here it has now generated a 21
- 00:06:24minute 12 second podcast conversation
- 00:06:27that I would love to share with you now
- 00:06:29here it is okay so get this our listener
- 00:06:31is heading to Guatemala summer of 2025
- 00:06:35nice a week they say and they want the
- 00:06:37authentic experience yeah did you know
- 00:06:39that some of the world's most sought
- 00:06:40after coffee beans come from the
- 00:06:42volcanic slopes surrounding Antiga I did
- 00:06:44I actually saw something about that
- 00:06:46apparently Antiga has this like booming
- 00:06:49coffee scene not just plantations but
- 00:06:51like Artisan Roasters and cafes yeah I
- 00:06:54think one of the Articles recommended
- 00:06:56this place called artista de Cafe oh
- 00:06:59nice saying it was like this hub for
- 00:07:01local artists and coffee connoisseurs
- 00:07:04I'll go ahead and pause that now but you
- 00:07:05can see that this conversation is not
- 00:07:07just perfectly realistic and
- 00:07:09indistinguishable from a human
- 00:07:11conversation but it's completely
- 00:07:12customized based on the instructions
- 00:07:14that I gave them but you know what you
- 00:07:15can even customize this further and that
- 00:07:17is through a beta feature called
- 00:07:19interactive mode where believe it or not
- 00:07:21you can actually click a button and join
- 00:07:23the conversation in real time yourself
- 00:07:26so I've just remembered a key detail
- 00:07:28that I forgot to mention so let's go
- 00:07:30ahead and enter interactive mode and
- 00:07:32chime in on this conversation so I'll go
- 00:07:34ahead and start playing the podcast
- 00:07:36again okay so get this our listener is
- 00:07:39heading to Guatemala summer of 2025 nice
- 00:07:42a week they say so watch what happens
- 00:07:44when I click this join button and
- 00:07:46interrupt the conversation oh hey there
- 00:07:48how can we help hey guys I appreciate
- 00:07:50this but I forgot one key detail which
- 00:07:52is that we're going to have two small
- 00:07:54kids with us ages 2 and four could you
- 00:07:57please give us a recommended itinerary
- 00:07:59taking that into account oh wow okay
- 00:08:01that's definitely a key detail yeah
- 00:08:03traveling with a two and four-year-old
- 00:08:05changes things okay so let's unpack this
- 00:08:07and tailor our itinerary a bit yeah
- 00:08:09we'll need to balance adventure with
- 00:08:10kid-friendly options right we were about
- 00:08:12to get into how to experience Guatemala
- 00:08:14like a local and honestly that's totally
- 00:08:17doable with kids it's going to mean
- 00:08:18adjusting the pace a little exactly like
- 00:08:20maybe fewer super long travel days and
- 00:08:22more focus on activities that engage
- 00:08:24young ones all right so I don't know if
- 00:08:27you caught that but this is the most
- 00:08:29remarkable demonstration of AI that I
- 00:08:31think I've ever seen I think this is so
- 00:08:33powerful for a few reasons one is
- 00:08:36there's a lot of people out there who
- 00:08:38don't learn best by reading reading is
- 00:08:40actually really taxing and boring they
- 00:08:43need to listen to it but there's another
- 00:08:44reason which is think about the typical
- 00:08:47chat interactions that people have with
- 00:08:49AI in a chat format the onus the burden
- 00:08:52is always on you to keep the
- 00:08:54conversation moving forward you have to
- 00:08:56think of a question you have to think of
- 00:08:58a prompt you have to keep putting an
- 00:08:59effort to make progress this is
- 00:09:01completely different this is Two Hosts
- 00:09:03who are very knowledgeable about the
- 00:09:05topic and the sources having their own
- 00:09:07conversation completely independently of
- 00:09:09you it's more passive in many ways but
- 00:09:12that's good very often especially in
- 00:09:14your first encounter with something you
- 00:09:16want this kind of superficial surface
- 00:09:19level survey of the landscape that way
- 00:09:21you even know what topics are relevant
- 00:09:24what questions to ask I've been using
- 00:09:26audio overviews exactly that way anytime
- 00:09:29I want just a kind of General summary or
- 00:09:31survey of a topic I go straight here and
- 00:09:34generate a personalized podcast
- 00:09:37conversation on that topic I'm going to
- 00:09:39go ahead and close this window here on
- 00:09:42the side and one last thing I want to
- 00:09:44show you is that you're not limited to
- 00:09:46the audio overview if the hosts talk
- 00:09:48about something you find interesting and
- 00:09:50want to know more about well you have
- 00:09:52all the sources already loaded up here
- 00:09:54you can go right here at the bottom to
- 00:09:56the little chat window and ask anything
- 00:09:58you want for example I'm going to say
- 00:10:00why is antia so underrated I'm kind of
- 00:10:03afraid maybe it's dangerous maybe it's
- 00:10:05not super safe so I I want to know why
- 00:10:07do tourists not tend to go there and
- 00:10:10there you go you can see a much more
- 00:10:11in-depth bullet point by bullet point
- 00:10:13summary of what makes it so underrated
- 00:10:16and each one of those statements is
- 00:10:19cited and if you click on one of those
- 00:10:21little citations it takes you exactly to
- 00:10:24that part of the source that it's
- 00:10:26referring to and then last thing you can
- 00:10:29also create structured documents so
- 00:10:31let's say that you are studying
- 00:10:33Guatemala and you actually really decide
- 00:10:35you want to go deeper if you click this
- 00:10:37button right here the study guide it
- 00:10:39will generate an entire document with a
- 00:10:42quiz answer key essay questions glossery
- 00:10:45of key terms looks like a lot of the
- 00:10:47specific destinations it's mentioning so
- 00:10:50you're not limited to a surface level
- 00:10:52conversation you can go as deep and as
- 00:10:54detailed as you want now there's one
- 00:10:57more example of what you can do with
- 00:10:59with audio overviews that I want to show
- 00:11:01you so let's head back out to the main
- 00:11:03interface I'm going to create a new
- 00:11:05notebook and the example I showed you
- 00:11:08with my Guatemala trip was an example
- 00:11:10that uses external sources sources that
- 00:11:12you can find on the internet but you can
- 00:11:14also use your own internal thoughts
- 00:11:16feelings ideas journal entries and
- 00:11:19that's what I want to show you next so
- 00:11:21I'm going to go ahead and click on
- 00:11:22Google Docs and then right down here I
- 00:11:24have my endof year journaling at the end
- 00:11:27of every year I do something called an
- 00:11:29annual review or a year-end review where
- 00:11:32I think back to the past year and just
- 00:11:34reflect and journal on different
- 00:11:36Milestones that happened Precious
- 00:11:38Memories goals that I achieved lessons I
- 00:11:41learned and all that journaling is
- 00:11:43contained in this document right here
- 00:11:44which I'm going to insert as a source
- 00:11:47called thiago's 2024 year-end journaling
- 00:11:50you can see that there's a summary here
- 00:11:51of what this document is about and I'm
- 00:11:53just going to add that single source and
- 00:11:55go ahead and generate an audio overview
- 00:11:59I'll fast forward a few minutes here and
- 00:12:01now we can listen hey everyone and
- 00:12:02welcome to uh another Deep dive with us
- 00:12:05yes welcome today we're going to be uh
- 00:12:07looking at Thiago Forte's 2024 year in
- 00:12:10review which is something that uh he
- 00:12:13recommends people do and uh he practices
- 00:12:16what he preaches so yes does and it's
- 00:12:18also kind of interesting that he
- 00:12:19actually expresses some anxiety about
- 00:12:21doing the review oh really even though
- 00:12:23this is kind of his area of expertise I
- 00:12:25know I was going to say this is kind of
- 00:12:26his thing yeah is to like reflect and
- 00:12:28review and he even has anxiety about it
- 00:12:30he does he's worried about coming across
- 00:12:32as performative or you know not digging
- 00:12:35deep enough all right I'll spare you the
- 00:12:37rest of that what I found so fascinating
- 00:12:39about this is several things first of
- 00:12:41all it gives me such an interesting kind
- 00:12:44of Outsider perspective on my life you
- 00:12:47know I can go back and read my own
- 00:12:49journal entries but hearing what feels
- 00:12:52like two other humans talking about it
- 00:12:54in depth they're fascinated by the
- 00:12:56insights I've come up with they're
- 00:12:58impressed at some of the the goals that
- 00:13:00I've accomplished they're empathetic and
- 00:13:03they sympathize with some of the hard
- 00:13:05painful lessons that I had it really
- 00:13:08helps me just get out of my own
- 00:13:11perspective uh see my life from this
- 00:13:13more objective point of view which
- 00:13:15honestly gives me so much more
- 00:13:16appreciation so much more gratitude
- 00:13:19helps me kind of be more objective about
- 00:13:21even the life and the year that I had uh
- 00:13:24which is just kind of a really powerful
- 00:13:26tool for personal growth it's something
- 00:13:28that I'm definitely going to make part
- 00:13:29of my my journaling practices going
- 00:13:31forward next up we have feature number
- 00:13:34two which is an expanded context window
- 00:13:37I know this might seem like a boring
- 00:13:40backend technical feature you're like
- 00:13:42why do I care about this I don't even
- 00:13:44know what a context window is but this
- 00:13:46is in some ways actually the most
- 00:13:47important this single seemingly backend
- 00:13:50technical feature completely radically
- 00:13:53changes what is possible with AI imagine
- 00:13:56if you had a guidance counselor who
- 00:13:57could recommend the perfect Next Step in
- 00:13:59your learning based not just on guessing
- 00:14:01or a few small details about you but on
- 00:14:03the entire history of everything you've
- 00:14:05ever read and consumed notbook LM uses
- 00:14:08Google's Gemini 2.0 flash aai model
- 00:14:11which can now take in get this up to 50
- 00:14:14sources each one of which can have up to
- 00:14:19500,000 words just to do the math for
- 00:14:22you that's up to 25 million words of
- 00:14:26context that is so much higher than any
- 00:14:28other AI tool out there and basically
- 00:14:31means you're never going to hit the
- 00:14:32limit almost any conceivable use case
- 00:14:35can fit within 25 million words but let
- 00:14:37me take a step back and explain what is
- 00:14:40a context window and why does it matter
- 00:14:42think of AI as having two kinds of
- 00:14:44memory just like humans there's
- 00:14:46long-term memory and there's short-term
- 00:14:48memory an ai's long-term memory is
- 00:14:50basically what's called its training
- 00:14:52data all the data that went into its
- 00:14:54creation and basically these days all
- 00:14:57the major AI models have the same same
- 00:14:59training data more or less which is the
- 00:15:01entire internet they're all trained on
- 00:15:04the internet which means paradoxically
- 00:15:06that there's no real advantage in its
- 00:15:09long-term memory in its training data
- 00:15:11because it's the same across all the AI
- 00:15:13models a short-term memory is the data
- 00:15:16that it's working with right now like
- 00:15:18what is the conversation it's having
- 00:15:19right now the problem it's trying to
- 00:15:21solve right now the person you it's
- 00:15:24talking with right now most of the
- 00:15:26advantage of working with AI now comes
- 00:15:28from that short-term memory the
- 00:15:30specifics of the problem you're trying
- 00:15:31to solve the history of the product or
- 00:15:34your company your specific skills and
- 00:15:36resources you have access to things
- 00:15:39you've tried and whether they worked or
- 00:15:40not that kind of data which we call your
- 00:15:43context is what you supply to the AI for
- 00:15:47it to know something about you the
- 00:15:49context window this term I keep using is
- 00:15:51simply the limits of how much context
- 00:15:55you can give the AI until recently it
- 00:15:57was maybe a few thousand words or 10,000
- 00:15:59words or maybe 30,000 words now with
- 00:16:02Gemini 2.0 flash that has radically
- 00:16:04expanded to 25 million words let me give
- 00:16:07you some examples imagine you work in
- 00:16:09product development and you could load
- 00:16:11up an entire folder full of hundreds or
- 00:16:13even thousands of in-depth customer
- 00:16:16interviews and then ask notebook LM to
- 00:16:18evaluate and analyze an idea you have
- 00:16:21for a new product based on all those
- 00:16:24past interactions imagine if you work in
- 00:16:26a nonprofit and you can upload an
- 00:16:27archive of every every single Grant
- 00:16:30you've ever won plus a directory of
- 00:16:33hundreds of currently open grants and
- 00:16:35then ask it to tell you which Grant
- 00:16:37proposals you're most likely to win and
- 00:16:39then to actually write the proposal
- 00:16:42drawing on the mission statement of your
- 00:16:44organization imagine if you're having a
- 00:16:45mysterious medical problem and you can
- 00:16:47load up your entire medical history and
- 00:16:50ask it to identify any recurring
- 00:16:52patterns even across different
- 00:16:54Specialties imagine if you could upload
- 00:16:57the entirety of your personal notes from
- 00:16:59years of reading and highlighting and
- 00:17:01note taking and every time you encounter
- 00:17:03a new idea such as in a book you could
- 00:17:05ask the AI if there are any existing
- 00:17:07connections to that idea in your notes
- 00:17:09you know what let's make this concrete
- 00:17:11let's actually take that last example of
- 00:17:13loading up all your notes and do it in
- 00:17:15real time so I'm going to go ahead and
- 00:17:18create a new notebook and I actually use
- 00:17:22a service called readwise which
- 00:17:24automatically syncs all of the
- 00:17:26highlights that I make from any ebook
- 00:17:28that I read read or uh any online
- 00:17:30article or other online content that I
- 00:17:33save in a centralized Place rewise
- 00:17:35actually has a partnership with notebook
- 00:17:37LM that allows you to export the
- 00:17:39entirety of all those notes and
- 00:17:41highlights to Google Docs in a format
- 00:17:43that's perfectly designed to be loaded
- 00:17:45up into notebook LM you can check out my
- 00:17:47first video for more details on how that
- 00:17:49works what this allows me to do is to
- 00:17:51open up my Google Drive here and I'll
- 00:17:54find five Google Docs worth of all those
- 00:17:57highlights so what I'm going to to do is
- 00:18:00Select each of these by holding down
- 00:18:02command as I click them I'll click
- 00:18:04insert and there we go took about 2
- 00:18:06minutes but you can see in this one
- 00:18:08little paragraph right here that it's
- 00:18:10essentially summarized a broad swath of
- 00:18:13my learning my research my interests
- 00:18:16across over a decade of my life and this
- 00:18:18is where it really gets fun at this
- 00:18:20stage because I can ask at some really
- 00:18:22deep penetrating questions about the
- 00:18:25history of my my personal growth my
- 00:18:27learning my educ a in my career for
- 00:18:29example I can say please summarize a
- 00:18:33list of my most common recurring
- 00:18:37interests based on these
- 00:18:40notes there we go we can see not taking
- 00:18:43in Knowledge Management types of notes
- 00:18:45the value of externalizing thoughts
- 00:18:47habits and routines the importance of
- 00:18:48making connections all huge areas of
- 00:18:50interest but then let me go beyond what
- 00:18:53is found in this message here and say
- 00:18:55what are some other ideas topics and
- 00:19:00areas of interest that are likely to
- 00:19:04resonate With Me based on this
- 00:19:07list so it's essentially like a teacher
- 00:19:10suggesting other things that I might
- 00:19:11want to learn about now let's go beyond
- 00:19:13that and say please create a study guide
- 00:19:17and reading list to help me dive deeper
- 00:19:21into these topics it's broken up into
- 00:19:24chapters and then each chapter has key
- 00:19:27questions activities and readings
- 00:19:29including including my own book I love
- 00:19:32this using AI as a tool here's a bigger
- 00:19:35reading list and additional
- 00:19:36recommendations each one of these
- 00:19:38recommendations is drawing on so much
- 00:19:40existing knowledge about me they're not
- 00:19:42random or one siiz fits-all this is a
- 00:19:45perfectly personalized learning
- 00:19:48curriculum that has been generated based
- 00:19:50on years of my notetaking do you get why
- 00:19:52an expanded context window is so
- 00:19:55critical the possibility that this is
- 00:19:57opening up is a completely different way
- 00:19:59of interacting with AI it's not about
- 00:20:01designing these crazy extensive prompts
- 00:20:04it's not about meticulously organizing
- 00:20:06your sources it's really just about
- 00:20:08pointing the AI at a massive repository
- 00:20:10of information and letting it do the
- 00:20:14work let's talk about new feature number
- 00:20:17three which is multimodal sources
- 00:20:19multimodal is just a fancy word that
- 00:20:21means many different kinds of formats
- 00:20:24notebook LM can now take basically any
- 00:20:26kind of format that you want to throw at
- 00:20:28it there's URLs from web pages and
- 00:20:30YouTube videos like we saw you can put
- 00:20:33in PDFs you can put in text Google Docs
- 00:20:36audio files you could take a little
- 00:20:37voice memo note while walking around
- 00:20:40your neighborhood and then upload that
- 00:20:42but the most exciting and newest one is
- 00:20:44images specifically images within Google
- 00:20:48Slides think about how often you
- 00:20:50encounter information in modern work
- 00:20:52especially in the form of slides
- 00:20:55presentations that someone is giving to
- 00:20:57you or you're giving to someone else
- 00:20:58sales calls technical specifications
- 00:21:01slides are a very common format these
- 00:21:03days and you can now work with those
- 00:21:05directly in Notebook LM let me show you
- 00:21:07what that looks like as always I'll
- 00:21:09start by creating a new notebook and
- 00:21:12then I'm going to click right here where
- 00:21:13it says Google Slides go over to recent
- 00:21:16and let's use as an example a recent
- 00:21:19presentation that was sent to us by our
- 00:21:21insurance agent proposing a couple new
- 00:21:24health benefits packages for our
- 00:21:25employees so this is the kind of
- 00:21:27information that is important has high
- 00:21:30stakes it matters that I pay attention
- 00:21:32to it but it's also just so incredibly
- 00:21:34mindly boring that I want to spend as
- 00:21:37little time loading up this information
- 00:21:40into my brain as possible so I've loaded
- 00:21:42it up as a source as you can see here
- 00:21:44you can see there's a little summary
- 00:21:46which is that uh they're proposing two
- 00:21:48new health benefits packages okay so my
- 00:21:50first question is please compare and
- 00:21:54contrast the two proposed packages so
- 00:21:58you can see here there's a summary uh
- 00:22:01comparing their deductibles their office
- 00:22:03visit costs monthly and annual cost but
- 00:22:06you know what this is a little bit too
- 00:22:08extensive so I'm going to say please
- 00:22:11summarize more succinctly what is the
- 00:22:15core difference between these plans and
- 00:22:19there we go the core difference is in
- 00:22:21the cost of office visits and the
- 00:22:23overall monthly cost with A1 the first
- 00:22:26option being more expensive so as the
- 00:22:28founder and CEO of this business that is
- 00:22:31really the bottom line for me I don't
- 00:22:32really need to know all the fine grain
- 00:22:34details that is for our insurance agent
- 00:22:37that's for the operations person on my
- 00:22:39team the decision of which plan to go
- 00:22:41with Falls with me and what matters at
- 00:22:43the end of the day is the cost so I'm
- 00:22:45actually going to ask it to perform an
- 00:22:48analysis of what the cost difference
- 00:22:52would be between these two plans for six
- 00:22:56employees over the the course of a year
- 00:23:00and there we go its analysis is that the
- 00:23:03first A1 plan would cost 15,000 almost
- 00:23:06$166,000 more per year so this is the
- 00:23:09part that is actually most important to
- 00:23:11me I'm actually going to highlight this
- 00:23:12part and say save to note which is what
- 00:23:15I do anytime the AI gives me something
- 00:23:18that is actually valuable longterm that
- 00:23:20I want to keep track of I just click
- 00:23:22that button and it saves it over here in
- 00:23:24this little uh right hand bottom corner
- 00:23:27but the purpose of this demonstration
- 00:23:29was to show you how it works with images
- 00:23:31and slides so what I'm going to do is
- 00:23:33let's say I would like to know the
- 00:23:34source of this I want to check that it's
- 00:23:36accurate myself I can go ahead and click
- 00:23:38this little one here which is the
- 00:23:41citation and it takes me directly to the
- 00:23:44table where it shows that price
- 00:23:46difference so notice when we look at the
- 00:23:48slides here how complex this information
- 00:23:50is it's multicolored it's in columns
- 00:23:53rows it is not an easy thing to absorb
- 00:23:56but diagrams charts IM images
- 00:23:59photographs all these kinds of things if
- 00:24:01they're embedded in slides can now be
- 00:24:03understood by notebook LM and that's the
- 00:24:05multimodal capability now let's talk
- 00:24:08about feature number four which is a
- 00:24:11redesigned interface if we head back to
- 00:24:14our Guatemala notebook as an example the
- 00:24:17whole interface for a given notebook is
- 00:24:19divided into these three columns which
- 00:24:22they call panels on the left is the
- 00:24:24sources panel this is simply what
- 00:24:26sources the AI is working with and
- 00:24:28drawing from and you can expand that or
- 00:24:31once you've sort of settled on the
- 00:24:32sources and you're not going to do a lot
- 00:24:34of changes here you can just collapse
- 00:24:36that so you have more space for the
- 00:24:37other ones the second panel which is
- 00:24:39this middle part is the chat panel which
- 00:24:42is where you actually speak with and
- 00:24:43interact with the AI it's nice to make
- 00:24:45this large because sometimes it gives
- 00:24:47quite extensive answers that you want to
- 00:24:49be able to see in this wider format for
- 00:24:51example if I click this question what
- 00:24:53cultural and historical significance
- 00:24:55shapes Guatemala's top destinations you
- 00:24:57can see it's probably around 500 Words
- 00:25:00so if I like this answer and I decide I
- 00:25:01want to keep it for later I can just
- 00:25:03scroll down click the save to note
- 00:25:05button and it saves just this one answer
- 00:25:08which I've decided is valuable over here
- 00:25:10on the bottom right this is called the
- 00:25:12studio panel this one on the right and
- 00:25:14it does a number of things this is where
- 00:25:16you create and interact with audio
- 00:25:18overviews it's where you have these
- 00:25:21pre-made options such as creating a
- 00:25:24study guide or a briefing document or a
- 00:25:26frequently asked questions or timeline
- 00:25:28for example if I click the FAQ button
- 00:25:32it's now generated in a question and
- 00:25:34answer format a summary of the different
- 00:25:36sources that we're working with so I can
- 00:25:38go ahead and close that but I'd say the
- 00:25:39most important part is these notes when
- 00:25:41you have a conversation with an AI
- 00:25:43unless you take an action it kind of all
- 00:25:45just disappears over time so you want to
- 00:25:46be sure if you get a good answer to just
- 00:25:48click that little save to note button
- 00:25:50and over time you'll have here at the
- 00:25:52bottom right almost you can think of it
- 00:25:54like the final output the gems the
- 00:25:56Evergreen insights that you want to take
- 00:25:58away from this conversation are all
- 00:26:00going to be saved here in the notes
- 00:26:02section so that's the overall interface
- 00:26:05but for me by far the most important new
- 00:26:07addition over the last year has been
- 00:26:09these little numbers see those there's
- 00:26:12kind of a big problem with most modern
- 00:26:14AI tools which is they hallucinate they
- 00:26:17make things up which is kind of a
- 00:26:18paradox because the more you depend on
- 00:26:21AI to execute important tasks and even
- 00:26:24make decisions the less you can trust it
- 00:26:27because you never know if it's
- 00:26:28hallucinating one thing I really
- 00:26:30appreciate about the notebook LM team's
- 00:26:32philosophy is they had from the very
- 00:26:35earliest prototypes this idea of source
- 00:26:37grounding what source grounding means is
- 00:26:40that especially for information that is
- 00:26:42in the context window that short-term
- 00:26:44memory that we talked about it's
- 00:26:46basically not going to hallucinate or
- 00:26:48very very rarely you can check that it's
- 00:26:50not hallucinating you can essentially
- 00:26:52double check the ai's answers by simply
- 00:26:54clicking one of these little numbers
- 00:26:56which are the source citations I'm going
- 00:26:58to go ahead and click on the 16 and it
- 00:27:00not only opens up the original source
- 00:27:02which is this YouTube video it takes me
- 00:27:04to and highlights exactly the point that
- 00:27:07that came from this is a huge deal you
- 00:27:08guys you have to be able to trust what
- 00:27:11the AI is telling you and this new
- 00:27:12interface with inline citations is a
- 00:27:15huge step forward for that and finally
- 00:27:18feature number five let's talk about it
- 00:27:20for the very first time there is now a
- 00:27:23paid upgraded version of notebook LM the
- 00:27:26basic version which is most of what
- 00:27:28you've seen here is free and I would
- 00:27:30expect it to remain free most of
- 00:27:32Google's core tools are free but if you
- 00:27:35work on a team or a company or
- 00:27:38organization that wants to use notebook
- 00:27:40LM it may be worth checking out there's
- 00:27:42actually three separate ways to get
- 00:27:44notebook LM Plus either through Google
- 00:27:47workspace which you may have as part of
- 00:27:49your company through Google cloud or
- 00:27:52through Google one which can be
- 00:27:53purchased individually the pricing
- 00:27:55depends on exactly how you purchase it
- 00:27:57but it seems to be something around $20
- 00:27:59per month and there's four main things
- 00:28:01that you get as part of notebook LM plus
- 00:28:04the first one is an even bigger context
- 00:28:07window so instead of 25 million words
- 00:28:09you can have and this is just kind of
- 00:28:11mindboggling up
- 00:28:13to 15 million words the only use case I
- 00:28:17can think of for that is if you're at a
- 00:28:19company and you want to put in like all
- 00:28:21of the company's data into a prompt the
- 00:28:23second thing you get is five times
- 00:28:25higher usage limits so that means you
- 00:28:27can create five times more audio
- 00:28:29overviews and have five times more
- 00:28:31notebooks again mostly useful if you're
- 00:28:33working with a lot of other people on a
- 00:28:35team or in a company the third plus
- 00:28:36feature is what are called chat modes if
- 00:28:39you click on this button right here you
- 00:28:41can give notebook LM certain almost like
- 00:28:44personalities that it takes on in your
- 00:28:46interactions so let's say in this
- 00:28:47conversation you want it to take on the
- 00:28:49role of an analyst it will become more
- 00:28:52critical and more analytical or it could
- 00:28:53be more of a guide almost like a teacher
- 00:28:55or you can Define your own personality
- 00:28:58so let's say you wanted to act as a
- 00:28:59marketing expert or a life coach or a
- 00:29:02research assistant you can actually
- 00:29:03Define that and describe it right here
- 00:29:05in this box and then you can also
- 00:29:07customize it to make its responses
- 00:29:09longer or shorter but the fourth and I
- 00:29:12think by far the most important plus
- 00:29:14feature is the ability to collaborate
- 00:29:17within notebook LM think about it have
- 00:29:19you ever had a particularly interesting
- 00:29:21interaction with an AI you're getting
- 00:29:23some real insights and some real New
- 00:29:25Perspectives and then you think I want
- 00:29:26to share this there's often not an easy
- 00:29:29way to do that except copying and
- 00:29:30pasting things and sending them to
- 00:29:32people via email or slack or whatever
- 00:29:34but then you lose all the interaction
- 00:29:36it's just a static piece of text with
- 00:29:38plus you could actually get this entire
- 00:29:40notebook click this share button right
- 00:29:42here customize the permissions at a
- 00:29:44welcome note if you'd like and then
- 00:29:46choose whether you want to share the
- 00:29:47full notebook with all the sources that
- 00:29:50you've added with all the customizations
- 00:29:52with all the notes you saved or you can
- 00:29:54make it chat only you could give the
- 00:29:56people on your team or the people who
- 00:29:58work for you your employees or or even
- 00:29:59external collaborators the ability to
- 00:30:01talk with and go back and forth with the
- 00:30:04essentially custom AI model that you've
- 00:30:07created without you having to copy and
- 00:30:09paste stuff once you've decided on the
- 00:30:11settings all you have to do is click
- 00:30:13this link right here to copy the link
- 00:30:15and send it to them and they'll have
- 00:30:16access via their own free Google
- 00:30:18notebook LM account overall I would say
- 00:30:21plus really makes the most sense for
- 00:30:23people who have adopted notebook LM
- 00:30:25pretty seriously and are using it with
- 00:30:27others as part of companies like I
- 00:30:30said okay I've shared a lot with you so
- 00:30:33let's take a step back and kind of
- 00:30:34summarize the big picture here I think
- 00:30:36the big shift that's happening right now
- 00:30:38with notebook LM with this much bigger
- 00:30:40context window is just like a great
- 00:30:42teacher it's gaining a really fantastic
- 00:30:46shortterm memory think about how
- 00:30:48important it is that a great teacher can
- 00:30:50follow the thread of the topic that it's
- 00:30:53teaching you a great teacher can
- 00:30:54reference previous conversations what
- 00:30:56you just said a few minutes ago they can
- 00:30:58think into the future and plan out
- 00:31:00different stages of a curriculum that
- 00:31:01they're going to be teaching and
- 00:31:02coaching you through we're living in a
- 00:31:04time of just incredibly Fast Change in
- 00:31:07no small part because of AI but if
- 00:31:09there's one thing that I can say for
- 00:31:11certain it's that we're all going to
- 00:31:13have to learn much faster and much more
- 00:31:16often having an AI powerered worldclass
- 00:31:19teacher with a fantastic memory sitting
- 00:31:21next to you and guiding you through this
- 00:31:24unpredictable landscape is just a world
- 00:31:26changing and even life changing
- 00:31:28phenomenon that we all now have access
- 00:31:30to if anything that I covered resonated
- 00:31:32I encourage you to create a free account
- 00:31:34at notebook lm. and let me
- 00:31:37know what you think
- Notebook LM
- AI
- Learning tool
- Audio overviews
- Context window
- Multimodal
- User interface
- Research tool
- Personalized learning