#مُهْجَة | كارل روجرز : جلسة علاج نفسي (1)
TLDRيقدم الفيلم الوثائقي تجربة غلوريا، امرأة تبحث عن الدعم النفسي خلال فترة الطلاق ومحاولاتها للتكيف مع حياتها الجديدة. يتم تصوير جلسات علاجها مع د. كارل روجرز، حيث يناقشون مشاعرها كأم ودورها كداعم لأبنائها خلال تغييرات حياتها. يُركز روجرز على أهمية إنشاء فضاء آمن وصادق في الجلسة، مما يُسهل الوصول إلى المشاعر العميقة والتواصل الصادق. يناقش الجوانب الإنسانية للتجربة العلاجية ويشجع على القبول الذاتي والصراحة في العلاقات.
- 🎥 هذا الفيلم يتيح لنا مشاهدة جلسات علاج حقيقية.
- 🧠 تقدم غلوريا مشاعرها وتجاربها بشكل صادق.
- 💬 روجرز يؤكد على أهمية العلاقة الصادقة مع العميل.
- ❤️ يُشجع العلاج على القبول الذاتي.
- 🔄 يعرض التغيرات التي يحدثها العلاج في حياة الفرد.
- 👩👧 غلوريا تعبر عن مشاعرها كأم وتحدياتها.
- 📖 العواطف والقيود الذهنية تتعرض للغوص العميق.
- 🤔 يركز على كيفية تأثير الماضي على الحاضر.
- 🔍 يتناول تأثير الآباء على الهوية الشخصية.
- 🛤️ يسعى لجسر الفجوة بين الأحلام والواقع.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
تعتبر العلاج النفسي تجربة شخصية وخاصة، وغالبًا ما تكون غامضة للأشخاص الذين لم يختبروها من قبل. تسجل السلسلة التالية تجارب مريضة تتحدث أثناء علاجها مع ثلاثة معالجين نفسيين مختلفين، مما يتيح لنا فهم ما يحدث في هذه العلاقة العلاجية بشكل فريد. في الفيلم الأول، يظهر د. كارل روجرز، مؤسس العلاج المتمحور حول العميل، ويتحدث عن أهمية خلق مناخ علاجي مناسب لفهم المريض بعمق.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
يتحدث د. روجرز عن كيفية أهمية التواجد الحقيقي والعلاقة الصادقة مع العميل، حيث يسهم ذلك في ظهور مشاعر المريض وتطورها. وأشار إلى أنه يجب أن تكون هناك قبول للعواطف وعدم إخفائها مما يعزز العلاقة ويخلق مساحة للتغيير الإيجابي.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
يتعمق د. روجرز في أسئلة تتعلق بالعلاقة بينه وبين المريضة غلوريا. تشرح غلوريا مشاعرها المتعلقة بالطلاق والتعامل مع بناتها، مما يدفعها إلى التفكير في كيفية تأثير كذبها على ابنتها، وهو صراع يعكس مشاعر الذنب والقلق.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
توضح غلوريا أسباب عدم صراحتها مع ابنتها حول حياتها العاطفية وقلقها من تأثير ذلك عليها. تشير هنا إلى الذنب الذي تشعر به نتيجة للكذب، وتبحث عن إجابة تساعدها على فهم ما يجب أن تفعله، مما يظهر صراعها الداخلي بين رغبتها في التلقائية وقلقها من الأذى الذي قد تتسبب به لابنتها.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
يتناول الحوار مشاعر غلوريا تجاه علاقاتها الجنسية ومشاعرها كأم، حيث تبحث عن التوازن بين الحب للأبناء واحتياجاتها الشخصية. يظهر هنا أن المشكلة ليست فقط مع ابنتها ولكن أيضًا مع نفسها، حيث تتصارع مع رغباتها وتعليماتها الأخلاقية.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
يستمر د. روجرز بالمساعدة في استكشاف مشاعر غلوريا ودعمها في فهم نفسها بشكل أعمق. تتحدث عن الضغوط الناتجة عن توقعات المجتمع الأمومية وما يجب أن تكون عليه، في حين تتمنى أن تكون قادرة على أن تكون حقيقية مع نفسها ومع بناتها بدون شعور بالذنب.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
مع مرور الحديث، تزداد غلوريا وعياً باستعدادها للقبول بنفسها وبحياتها، وتشعر بالذهول من كيفية تضارب مشاعرها. تسعى للتجارة بين كونها أماً مثالية ومتطلباتها الشخصية كإنسانة.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
ينتهي السيناريو بفهم غلوريا المتزايد لطبيعة مشاعرها، وكيف تؤثر على علاقتها بابنتها. يدعوها د. روجرز إلى الرجوع لنفسها واكتشاف طرق تقبل مشاعرها، مما يشير إلى بداية تحول كبير في عملية الشفاء.
- 00:40:00 - 00:46:33
تظهر القوة العلاجية للعلاقة بين المعالج والمريض، حيث يبرز نجاح العلاج من خلال القدرة على فتح قنوات التواصل الصادق. يتضح أن التغيير يحدث عندما يتم احتضان النقص والعيوب البشرية بدلاً من الهروب منها.
Mind Map
Video-Fragen und Antworten
ما هو موضوع الفيلم؟
يستكشف الفيلم العلاج النفسي من خلال جلسات فعلية بين مريضة وثلاثة معالجين مختلفين.
من هم المعالجون في السلسلة؟
المعالجون هم د. كارل روجرز، د. فريدريك بيرلز، ود. ألبرت إليس.
ما هي طريقة العلاج التي يتبعها د. روجرز؟
د. روجرز يتبع العلاج المتمركز على العميل.
ما هي أهمية إنشاء مناخ ملائم في العلاج؟
إن إنشاء مناخ ملائم يساعد على تحقيق التغيير البناء ويعزز تجربة العميل.
ما القضية الرئيسية التي تناقشها غلوريا؟
تتناقش غلوريا حول مشاعرها كأم والذنب الناتج عن الكذب لابنتها بشأن حياتها العاطفية.
Weitere Video-Zusammenfassungen anzeigen
فاهم 54 | سلسلة لازم تتحرر - (1) التحرر من الغفلة | مع الشيخ/ أمجد سمير
د. مصطفى أبوسعد | غرس قيم القرآن في نفوس الأبناء
كشف خطأ د. عثمان الخميس في دفاعه عن الحويني في استحلال الربا || د. عبدالعزيز بن ريس الريس
4 علامات سرية تدل أنه يحبك بجنون ويخفي ذلك لا يلاحظها معظم الناس
ماذا سيحدث للجسم لو تناولت زيت السمك (أوميغا-٣) ل ثلاثين يوم
اختبار تأخر اللغة للدكتورة نهلة الرفاعي الجزء الثاني
- 00:00:03[Applause]
- 00:00:10[Music]
- 00:00:20[Music]
- 00:00:30[Music]
- 00:00:58oh
- 00:01:19Psychotherapy is such a personal and
- 00:01:21private process that it is a mystery to
- 00:01:24most people who have never gone through
- 00:01:27it the following series is a unique
- 00:01:30effort that allows us to sit in on what
- 00:01:33is ordinarily a very private therapeutic
- 00:01:37experience an actual patient was
- 00:01:40courageous enough and considerate enough
- 00:01:43to allow herself to be photographed
- 00:01:46while actually engaged in therapy with
- 00:01:48three different
- 00:01:50therapists thus we are allowed the
- 00:01:52privilege of seeing and feeling what
- 00:01:56really
- 00:01:58transpires in a film series like this in
- 00:02:01which three
- 00:02:02therapists distinguished by their
- 00:02:04different
- 00:02:05orientations share their therapeutic
- 00:02:08Endeavors has never been made
- 00:02:11before we therefore wish to express our
- 00:02:14gratitude to Gloria the patient and to
- 00:02:17her therapists for allowing us to share
- 00:02:20in their therapeutic
- 00:02:23Adventure this series will be divided
- 00:02:26into three separate
- 00:02:27films in the first film
- 00:02:30we see Dr Carl Rogers founder of client
- 00:02:34centered therapy interviewing
- 00:02:37Gloria in film number two Dr Frederick
- 00:02:41pearls founder of gestal therapy is
- 00:02:44working with her and in film number
- 00:02:47three Dr Albert Ellis founder of
- 00:02:51rational emotive therapy is our
- 00:02:55therapist each therapist will first
- 00:02:58describe his system of therapy
- 00:03:00briefly he will then demonstrate his
- 00:03:03work with Gloria and then he will
- 00:03:06comment briefly on his
- 00:03:08work now here's Dr Carl
- 00:03:13Rogers from my own years of therapeutic
- 00:03:17experience I've come to feel that if I
- 00:03:20can create the proper climate the proper
- 00:03:23relationship the proper conditions a
- 00:03:27process of therapeutic movement will
- 00:03:29almost inevitably occur in my
- 00:03:32client might ask what is this climate
- 00:03:35what what are these conditions uh will
- 00:03:38they exist in the interview with the
- 00:03:42woman I'm about to talk with whom I've
- 00:03:44never seen before let me try to describe
- 00:03:47very briefly what these conditions are
- 00:03:49as I see
- 00:03:50them first of all one question is can I
- 00:03:53be real in the relationship this uh has
- 00:03:57come to have an increasing amount of
- 00:03:59importance to to me over the years I
- 00:04:02feel that um genuiness is another way of
- 00:04:06describing the quality I would like to
- 00:04:08have uh I like the term congruence by
- 00:04:11which I mean that what I'm experiencing
- 00:04:14inside is present in my awareness and
- 00:04:17comes out through my
- 00:04:18communication in a sense when I have
- 00:04:21this quality I'm I'm all in one piece in
- 00:04:24the
- 00:04:25relationship um there's another word
- 00:04:27that describes it for me
- 00:04:30I feel that in the
- 00:04:32relationship I would like to have a
- 00:04:34transparency I would be quite willing
- 00:04:36for my client to see all the way through
- 00:04:38me that there would be nothing nothing
- 00:04:42hidden and when I'm real in this fashion
- 00:04:44that I'm trying to describe them I know
- 00:04:47that uh my own feelings will will often
- 00:04:50bubble up into awareness and be
- 00:04:53expressed but be expressed in ways that
- 00:04:55won't impose themselves uh on my
- 00:04:58client
- 00:05:00then
- 00:05:01the second question I would have is will
- 00:05:04I find myself prizing this person uh
- 00:05:07caring for this person I certainly don't
- 00:05:10want to pretend a caring that I don't
- 00:05:12feel in fact if I dislike my client
- 00:05:14persistently I feel it's better that I
- 00:05:16should express
- 00:05:18it but I know that the process of
- 00:05:21therapy is much more likely to occur and
- 00:05:24constructive change is much more likely
- 00:05:27if I feel a real spontaneous
- 00:05:30prizing of this individual with whom I'm
- 00:05:32working a prizing of this person as a
- 00:05:35separate
- 00:05:36individual uh you can call that Quality
- 00:05:40Acceptance you can call it
- 00:05:42caring uh you can call it a
- 00:05:45non-possessive love if you wish I think
- 00:05:47any of those terms tend to describe it I
- 00:05:50know that the relationship will prove
- 00:05:51more constructive if it's
- 00:05:53present then the third quality will I be
- 00:05:57able to understand the inner world of
- 00:05:59this individual from the from the
- 00:06:01inside can I will I be able to see it
- 00:06:04through her eyes will I be able to uh be
- 00:06:08sufficiently sensitive to move around
- 00:06:12inside the world of her
- 00:06:14feelings so that I know what it feels
- 00:06:17like to be her so that I can sense not
- 00:06:20only the surface meanings but some of
- 00:06:22the meanings that lie somewhat
- 00:06:25underneath the surface I know that if I
- 00:06:27can let myself
- 00:06:30uh sensitively and accurately enter into
- 00:06:33her world of experience then change and
- 00:06:36therapeutic movement are much more
- 00:06:40likely well suppose I am fortunate and
- 00:06:43that I do experience some of these
- 00:06:46attitudes in the relationship what
- 00:06:49then well then a variety of things are
- 00:06:53likely to happen both from my clinical
- 00:06:56experience and from our research
- 00:06:58investigation ations we find that if uh
- 00:07:02attitudes of the sort that I've
- 00:07:03described are present then quite a
- 00:07:05number of things will
- 00:07:07happen she'll explore some of her
- 00:07:10feelings and attitudes more deeply she's
- 00:07:13likely to discover some hidden aspects
- 00:07:15of herself that she wasn't aware of
- 00:07:19previously feeling herself prized by me
- 00:07:23it's quite possible she'll come to prize
- 00:07:25herself
- 00:07:27more feeling that some of her mean
- 00:07:29things are understood by me then she can
- 00:07:32more readily perhaps listen to herself
- 00:07:35listen to what's going on within her own
- 00:07:37experience listen to some of the
- 00:07:39meanings she hasn't been able to catch
- 00:07:41before and perhaps if she senses a
- 00:07:45realness in me uh she'll be able to be a
- 00:07:50little more real within
- 00:07:53herself I suspect there will be a change
- 00:07:56in the manner of her expression at least
- 00:07:59at least this has been my experience in
- 00:08:00other
- 00:08:01instances from being rather remote from
- 00:08:06her experiencing remote from what's
- 00:08:07going on within her uh it's possible
- 00:08:10that she'll move toward more immediacy
- 00:08:13of experiencing that she will be able to
- 00:08:17sense and express what's going on in her
- 00:08:20in the immediate
- 00:08:22moment from being disapproving of
- 00:08:25herself it's quite possible she will
- 00:08:27move toward uh a greater degree of
- 00:08:29acceptance of
- 00:08:31herself from somewhat of a fear of
- 00:08:34relating she may move toward being able
- 00:08:37to relate more directly and to encounter
- 00:08:39me more
- 00:08:41directly from construing Life in
- 00:08:44somewhat uh rigid black and white
- 00:08:48patterns uh she may move toward more
- 00:08:51tentative ways of uh construing her
- 00:08:53experience and of seeing the meanings in
- 00:08:57it from uh a locus of evaluation which
- 00:09:01is outside of herself it's quite
- 00:09:03possible she will move toward
- 00:09:05recognizing a greater capacity within
- 00:09:08herself for making judgments and and
- 00:09:10drawing
- 00:09:11conclusions so those are the some of
- 00:09:13those are some of the changes that we
- 00:09:15have if I have any success in creating
- 00:09:19the kind of conditions that I described
- 00:09:22initially then we may be able to see uh
- 00:09:25some of these changes in this client
- 00:09:28even though I know in advance that our
- 00:09:30contact is going to be very
- 00:09:37brief good morning hello I'm Dr Rogers
- 00:09:40you must be Gloria yes I am don't you
- 00:09:42have a
- 00:09:45chair well now we have half an hour
- 00:09:49together and I really don't know what
- 00:09:51we'll be able to make of it but uh I
- 00:09:55hope we can make something of it i' be
- 00:09:57glad to know whatever
- 00:10:00concerns
- 00:10:01you well I'm right now I'm nervous but I
- 00:10:05feel more comfortable the way you're
- 00:10:06talking in a low voice and I don't feel
- 00:10:08like you'll be so harsh on
- 00:10:09me but uh I I hear the Tremor in your
- 00:10:13voice so
- 00:10:15are uh though the main thing I um want
- 00:10:18to talk to you about is
- 00:10:21uh I'm just nearly divorced and uh I had
- 00:10:25gone in therapy before and I felt
- 00:10:27comfortable when I left and all the said
- 00:10:29now the biggest change is adjusting to
- 00:10:31my single life mhm mhm and uh one of the
- 00:10:35things that bother me the most is
- 00:10:36especially men and having men to the
- 00:10:38house and how it affects the children
- 00:10:42and uh the biggest thing I want the
- 00:10:45thing keeps coming to my mind I want to
- 00:10:46tell you about is I have a daughter nine
- 00:10:48who at one time I felt had a lot of
- 00:10:50emotional
- 00:10:52problems I wish I could stop
- 00:10:55shaking and uh I'm real conscious of
- 00:10:58things affecting her I don't want her to
- 00:10:59get upset I don't want to shock her I
- 00:11:01want so bad to for her to accept me MH
- 00:11:04and we're real open with each other
- 00:11:05especially about sex and the other day
- 00:11:08she saw a girl that was single but
- 00:11:10pregnant and she asked me all about can
- 00:11:12girls get pregnant if they're single and
- 00:11:14the conversation was fine and I wasn't
- 00:11:16unate ease at all with her until she
- 00:11:18asked me if I'd ever made love to a man
- 00:11:20since I left her daddy and I lied to her
- 00:11:23and ever since that it keeps coming up
- 00:11:24to my mind cuz I feel so guilty lying to
- 00:11:26her cuz I never lie and I want her to
- 00:11:28trust me and I want I almost want an
- 00:11:30answer from you I want you to tell me if
- 00:11:32it will affect her wrong if I told her
- 00:11:33the truth or
- 00:11:34what and and it's this concern about her
- 00:11:38and the fact that you really aren't that
- 00:11:39this open relationship that has existed
- 00:11:42between you now you feel is kind of yes
- 00:11:44I feel like I have to be on guard about
- 00:11:45that because I remember when I was a
- 00:11:47little girl when I first found out my
- 00:11:49mother and father made love that was
- 00:11:50dirty and terrible and I didn't I didn't
- 00:11:52like her anymore for a while and I don't
- 00:11:55want to lie to Pammy either and I don't
- 00:11:57know you sure with wish I could give you
- 00:11:59the answer as to what you should tell
- 00:12:01her I was afraid you were going to say
- 00:12:04that cuz what you really want is an
- 00:12:06answer I want to especially know if it
- 00:12:08would affect her if I was completely
- 00:12:10honest and open with her or if it would
- 00:12:12affect her because I lied I feel like
- 00:12:14it's bound to make a strain because I
- 00:12:15lied to her MH feel she'll suspect that
- 00:12:19or she will know something's not quite
- 00:12:21right she'll distrust me yes and also I
- 00:12:24thought well G what about when she gets
- 00:12:25a little older and she finds herself in
- 00:12:27touchy situation she probably wouldn't
- 00:12:29want to admit it to me cuz she thinks
- 00:12:30I'm so good and so sweet and yet I'm
- 00:12:32afraid she could think I'm really a a
- 00:12:34devil and I want so bad for her to
- 00:12:36accept me and I don't know how much a
- 00:12:389-year-old can take and really both
- 00:12:41Alternatives concern you that she might
- 00:12:43think you're too good or better than you
- 00:12:46really are yes and she might think that
- 00:12:47you're worse than you are not worse than
- 00:12:50I am I don't know if she can accept me
- 00:12:52the way I am I think I paint a picture
- 00:12:54that I'm all sweet and motherly and I'm
- 00:12:57a little ashamed of my Shady sign too
- 00:12:59mhm mhm I
- 00:13:02see it really cuts a little
- 00:13:05deeper if she really knew you would she
- 00:13:09could she accept you this is what I
- 00:13:11don't know yes I don't want her to turn
- 00:13:14away from
- 00:13:16me and I don't even know how I feel
- 00:13:19about it because there are times when I
- 00:13:20feel so guilty like when I have a man
- 00:13:22over I even tried to make a special
- 00:13:24setup so that if I were ever alone with
- 00:13:26them the children would never catch me
- 00:13:27and that sort of thing mhm cuz I'm real
- 00:13:30about it and yet I also know I have
- 00:13:32these
- 00:13:33desires so it's quite clear it isn't
- 00:13:35only her problem or the relationship
- 00:13:38with her it's in you as well in my guilt
- 00:13:41yeah I feel guilty so what can I accept
- 00:13:44myself as doing yes and you realize that
- 00:13:48you you set up sort of sub fuses so as
- 00:13:51to make sure that that you're not caught
- 00:13:54or something you realize that you are
- 00:13:56acting from guilt is that yes mhm
- 00:14:00I don't like the way I would like to
- 00:14:02feel comfortable with whatever I do if I
- 00:14:04choose not to tell Pammy the truth to
- 00:14:05feel comfortable that she can't handle
- 00:14:07it and I don't I want to be honest and
- 00:14:09yet I feel there are some areas that I
- 00:14:11don't even accept
- 00:14:12mhh and if you can't accept them in
- 00:14:15yourself how could you possibly be
- 00:14:16comfortable in telling them to her
- 00:14:19right and yet as you say you do have
- 00:14:22these desires and you do have your
- 00:14:24feelings but but you don't feel good
- 00:14:26about them right
- 00:14:32and I I I have a feeling you're just
- 00:14:33going to sit there and let me stew in it
- 00:14:35and I I want more
- 00:14:39uh I want you to help me get rid of my
- 00:14:41guilt feeling if I can get rid of my
- 00:14:43guilt feeling about lying or going to
- 00:14:44bed with a single man any of that just
- 00:14:46so I can feel more
- 00:14:48comfortable and I guess I'd like to say
- 00:14:50no I don't want to let you just stew in
- 00:14:52your feelings but on the other hand I I
- 00:14:54also feel that this is the kind of very
- 00:14:57private thing that I couldn't possibly
- 00:14:59answer for you but I ass sure as
- 00:15:02anything will try to help you work
- 00:15:03toward your own
- 00:15:06answer I don't know whether that makes
- 00:15:08any sense to you but I mean
- 00:15:10it well I appreciate you saying that you
- 00:15:12sound like you mean
- 00:15:14it but I don't know where to go I don't
- 00:15:17begin to know where to go I thought that
- 00:15:19I'd pretty well worked over most of my
- 00:15:20guilt and now that this is coming up I'm
- 00:15:23disappointed in myself I really am I
- 00:15:26want I like it when I feel that no
- 00:15:27matter what I do even if it's against my
- 00:15:29own morals or my upbringing that I can
- 00:15:32still feel good about me and now I don't
- 00:15:35like uh there's a girl at work who sort
- 00:15:37of mothers me and she just she I think
- 00:15:40she thinks I'm all sweet and I sure
- 00:15:41don't want to show my more orry devilish
- 00:15:44side with her I want to be sweet and
- 00:15:45it's so hard for me to this all seems so
- 00:15:47new again and it's so disappointing yeah
- 00:15:50I get the disappointment that here a lot
- 00:15:52of these things you thought you'd work
- 00:15:53through and now the guilts and the
- 00:15:56feeling that only a part of you is
- 00:15:57acceptable to any anybody else yes that
- 00:16:00keeps coming
- 00:16:03[Music]
- 00:16:07out I guess I I do catch the
- 00:16:10real deep puzzlement that you feel as to
- 00:16:14what the hell shall I do what can I do
- 00:16:17yes and you know what I can find doctor
- 00:16:19is that everything I start to do that I
- 00:16:22impulse it seems natural to tell Pammy
- 00:16:25or to go out on a day or something I'm
- 00:16:27comfortable until I think I was affected
- 00:16:29as a child and the minute that comes up
- 00:16:31then I'm all Haywire mhm like uh I want
- 00:16:34to be a good mother so bad and I feel
- 00:16:36like I am a good mother but then there's
- 00:16:38those little exceptions like my guilts
- 00:16:40with working I want to work and it's so
- 00:16:42fun having extra money I like to work
- 00:16:44nights the minute I think I'm not being
- 00:16:45real good to the children or giving them
- 00:16:47enough time then I start feeling guilty
- 00:16:48again then that's when I'm it's a what
- 00:16:51do they call it a double bind that's
- 00:16:52just what it feels like I want to do
- 00:16:54this and it feels right but after all
- 00:16:55I'm not being a good mother and I want
- 00:16:56to be both I'm becoming more and more
- 00:16:59aware of what a perfectionist I am
- 00:17:00that's what it seems like I want to be
- 00:17:02so perfect either I want to become
- 00:17:04perfect in my standards or not have that
- 00:17:06need anymore or I guess I hear it a
- 00:17:08little differently that uh what you want
- 00:17:11is to seem perfect that it means it's a
- 00:17:16great matter of great importance to you
- 00:17:18to be a good
- 00:17:19mother and you want to seem to be a good
- 00:17:21mother even if some of your actual
- 00:17:24feelings differ from that does that
- 00:17:26catch I don't feel like I'm saying that
- 00:17:28no that isn't what I feel really I want
- 00:17:30to approve of me always but my actions
- 00:17:33won't let me I want to approve of
- 00:17:38me I I think I realize you all right let
- 00:17:41me CU I'd like to understand
- 00:17:43that you sound as your actions are kind
- 00:17:46of outside of you you want to approve of
- 00:17:49you but what you do somehow won't let
- 00:17:52you approve of yourself
- 00:17:56right like I feel that I could approve
- 00:17:58of myself regarding for example my sex
- 00:18:01life this is the big thing if I really
- 00:18:04fell in love with a man and I respected
- 00:18:06him and I adored him I don't think I'd
- 00:18:08feel so guilty going to bed with him and
- 00:18:10I don't think I'd have to make up any
- 00:18:11excuses to the children because they
- 00:18:12could see my natural caring for him but
- 00:18:15when I have the physical desire and I'll
- 00:18:17say oh well why not and I want to anyway
- 00:18:20then I feel guilty afterwards I hate
- 00:18:21facing the kids I don't like looking at
- 00:18:23myself and I rarely enjoy it and this is
- 00:18:26what I mean if the circumstances would
- 00:18:28be different and I don't think I'd feel
- 00:18:29so guilty because I'd feel right about
- 00:18:30it yeah I I guess I hear you saying if
- 00:18:33if what I was doing when I went to bed
- 00:18:35with a man was really genuine and full
- 00:18:37of love and respect and so on I wouldn't
- 00:18:40feel guilty in relation to Pam I
- 00:18:42wouldn't uh I really would be
- 00:18:43comfortable about the situation that's
- 00:18:45how I feel yes and I know that sounds
- 00:18:47like I want a perfect situation but that
- 00:18:49is how I feel and in the meantime I
- 00:18:51can't stop these desires I've tried that
- 00:18:54also I've tried saying okay I don't like
- 00:18:56myself when I do that so I won't do it
- 00:18:57anymore
- 00:18:59but then I resent the children I think
- 00:19:00why should they stop me from doing what
- 00:19:01I want and it's really not that
- 00:19:07bad but I guess I heard you saying too
- 00:19:10that isn't only
- 00:19:14the but I guess I heard you saying too
- 00:19:17that isn't only the children that you
- 00:19:19don't like it as well when it really
- 00:19:21isn't I'm sure that's I know that's it
- 00:19:24probably even more so than I'm aware of
- 00:19:26but I only notice it on my when I pick
- 00:19:28it up in the children then I can also
- 00:19:30notice it in
- 00:19:31[Music]
- 00:19:32myself and
- 00:19:35somehow sometimes you kind of uh feel
- 00:19:38like blaming them for the feelings you
- 00:19:40have I mean why should they cut you off
- 00:19:43from a normal sex
- 00:19:45life well a sex life I could say not
- 00:19:47normal because there is something about
- 00:19:49me that says that's not very healthy to
- 00:19:52uh just going to sex because you feel
- 00:19:54physically attractive or something or a
- 00:19:56physical need so something about it
- 00:19:58tells me that's not quite right
- 00:20:04anyway so to
- 00:20:06feel really that at times you are acting
- 00:20:09in ways that are not in accord with your
- 00:20:11own inner standards right
- 00:20:15right but then you were also saying a
- 00:20:17minute ago but you feel you can't help
- 00:20:19that uh either I wish I could that's it
- 00:20:23and I can't now I feel like I can't
- 00:20:25control myself as well as I could have
- 00:20:27before for a specific reason now I can't
- 00:20:29I just let go and I have there's too
- 00:20:31many things I do wrong that I have to
- 00:20:32feel guilty for and I sure don't like
- 00:20:37that I want you very much to give me a
- 00:20:40direct answer and I'm going to ask it
- 00:20:41and I don't expect a direct answer but I
- 00:20:43want to know do you feel that to me the
- 00:20:48most important thing is to be open and
- 00:20:49honest and if I can be open and honest
- 00:20:51with my children do you feel that it
- 00:20:53could harm them if for example I could
- 00:20:54say to Pammy I was I felt bad lying to
- 00:20:57you Pammy and I want I want to tell you
- 00:20:58the truth now and if I tell her the
- 00:21:00truth and she's shocked at me and she's
- 00:21:02upset that that could bother her
- 00:21:05more other words I want to get rid of my
- 00:21:07guils and that'll help me but I don't
- 00:21:09want to put them on her that's right do
- 00:21:11you feel that could hurt her concern I
- 00:21:14guess
- 00:21:15uh I'm sure this will sound evasive to
- 00:21:18you but it seems to me that perhaps the
- 00:21:20person you're not being fully honest
- 00:21:23with is you
- 00:21:26so because was very much struck by the
- 00:21:29fact that you were
- 00:21:31saying if I feel all right about what
- 00:21:34I've done what is going to bed with a
- 00:21:36man or what if I really feel all right
- 00:21:39about it then I don't have any concern
- 00:21:41about what I would tell Pam or or my
- 00:21:43relationship with him right all
- 00:21:47right now I hear what you're
- 00:21:54saying then all right then I want to
- 00:21:57work on I want want to work on accepting
- 00:21:58me then I want to work on feeling all
- 00:22:00right about
- 00:22:02it but that makes sense that that'll
- 00:22:04come natural and then I won't have to
- 00:22:05worry about PNY M but when things do
- 00:22:09seem so wrong for me and I have an
- 00:22:10Impulse to do them how can I accept
- 00:22:14[Music]
- 00:22:16that what you'd like to do is to feel
- 00:22:19more accepting toward yourself when you
- 00:22:22do things that you feel are wrong is
- 00:22:24that right
- 00:22:26right I feel like I feel like yeah I
- 00:22:30feel like you're going to say now why do
- 00:22:31you think they're wrong and uh I have
- 00:22:34mixed feelings there too through therapy
- 00:22:36I'll say now look I know this is natural
- 00:22:38women feel it sure we don't talk about a
- 00:22:40lot socially but all women feel it and
- 00:22:42it's very natural I've had sex for the
- 00:22:44last 11 years I'm of course going to
- 00:22:46want it but I still think it's wrong
- 00:22:48unless you're really truly in love with
- 00:22:49a man and my body doesn't seem to
- 00:22:53agree and so I don't know how to accept
- 00:22:55it sounds like the triangle angle to me
- 00:22:58doesn't it you feel it I or therapists
- 00:23:02in general or other people say it's all
- 00:23:05right it's all right it's natural enough
- 00:23:06go ahead um and I guess you feel your
- 00:23:10body sort of lines up on that side of
- 00:23:12the picture but something in you says
- 00:23:16but I don't like it that way not unless
- 00:23:18it's really
- 00:23:21right
- 00:23:26right
- 00:23:31[Music]
- 00:23:39I have a hopeless
- 00:23:41feeling I mean these are all the things
- 00:23:42I sort of feel myself and I feel okay
- 00:23:45now what mhm I
- 00:23:48feel this is the conflict and it's just
- 00:23:51insoluble and therefore it's hopeless
- 00:23:53and here you look to me and I don't seem
- 00:23:56to give you any help and right I um I
- 00:24:00really know you can't answer for me and
- 00:24:01I have to figure it out myself but I
- 00:24:03want you to guide me or show me where to
- 00:24:05start
- 00:24:06or so it won't look so hopeless mhm I
- 00:24:10know I can keep living with this
- 00:24:11conflict and I know eventually things
- 00:24:12would work out but I like feeling more
- 00:24:14comfortable with the way I live
- 00:24:17M and I'm
- 00:24:21not one thing I might ask what is it you
- 00:24:24wish I would say to
- 00:24:26you I wish you would say to
- 00:24:30me to be
- 00:24:33honest and take the risk that pammy's
- 00:24:35going to accept
- 00:24:37me and I also have a feeling if I could
- 00:24:40really risk it with Pammy of all people
- 00:24:42that I'd be able to see here's this
- 00:24:44little kid that can accept me and I'm
- 00:24:46really not that bad if she really knows
- 00:24:47what a demon I am and still loves me and
- 00:24:49accepts me it seems like it would help
- 00:24:51me to accept me more like it's really
- 00:24:52not that bad I want you to say to go
- 00:24:55ahead and be
- 00:24:56honest
- 00:24:58but I don't want the responsibility that
- 00:24:59it would upset
- 00:25:00her see that's where I don't want to
- 00:25:02take responsibility yeah you know very
- 00:25:06well what you'd like to do in the
- 00:25:08relationship you would like to be
- 00:25:10yourself and you'd like to have her know
- 00:25:12that you're not perfect and do things
- 00:25:14that maybe even she wouldn't approve of
- 00:25:16and that you disapprove of to some
- 00:25:17degree yourself but that uh somehow she
- 00:25:21would love you and accept you as an
- 00:25:24imperfect person
- 00:25:26yes I wonder if my mother had been more
- 00:25:29open with me maybe I wouldn't have had
- 00:25:30such a narrow attitude about sex if I
- 00:25:33would have thought that she could be you
- 00:25:34know pretty sexy and orary and devilish
- 00:25:37too but I wouldn't look at her as being
- 00:25:39such a sweet mother that she could also
- 00:25:40be the other side but she didn't talk
- 00:25:42about that and maybe that's where I got
- 00:25:44my picture I don't know but I want Pammy
- 00:25:45to see me as a full woman but also
- 00:25:48accept me
- 00:25:50mhm you don't sound so
- 00:25:53uncertain I
- 00:25:55don't what do you mean what I mean is
- 00:25:58you've been sitting there telling me
- 00:26:00just what you would like to do in that
- 00:26:02relationship with
- 00:26:05Pam I would but I don't want to quite
- 00:26:08take the risk of doing it unless
- 00:26:09Authority tells me that it's I guess one
- 00:26:13thing that uh I feel very keenly is it's
- 00:26:16an awfully risky thing to
- 00:26:26live
- 00:26:29you'd be taking a chance on your
- 00:26:30relationship with her You' be taking a
- 00:26:33chance on letting her
- 00:26:35know who you are
- 00:26:43really yeah but then if I don't take the
- 00:26:46chance if I feel loved and accepted by
- 00:26:47her I'm never going to feel good about
- 00:26:48it anyway MH MH if if her love and
- 00:26:53acceptance of
- 00:26:55you is based on a false picture with
- 00:26:58you what the hell is the good of that is
- 00:27:01that is that what that's what I mean
- 00:27:03yes but I also feel there's a lot of
- 00:27:06responsibility with being a mother with
- 00:27:09I don't I don't want to feel like I've
- 00:27:11caused any big traumas in the children I
- 00:27:13don't like all that responsibility I
- 00:27:14think that's it I don't like it feeling
- 00:27:16it could be my
- 00:27:18fault I guess that's what I meant when I
- 00:27:20said life is risky it's uh
- 00:27:24to take the responsibility for being the
- 00:27:28person you would like to be with her is
- 00:27:30a hell of a responsibility it is a very
- 00:27:34frightening
- 00:27:36one and you know I look at it two ways I
- 00:27:39like to see myself as being so honest
- 00:27:41with the kids and really being proud of
- 00:27:43myself though that no matter what I told
- 00:27:44them or no matter how bad they might
- 00:27:46think I was I was honest and down deep
- 00:27:48it's going to be a much more wholesome
- 00:27:50relationship and yet you know I get
- 00:27:52jealous of like when they're with their
- 00:27:54daddy I feel he's more flip he's not
- 00:27:56quite as real he's he's not quite as
- 00:27:58honest but nevertheless they see a sweet
- 00:28:00picture of their dad you know he's all
- 00:28:01goodness and light and I'm envious of
- 00:28:03that too I want them to see me just as
- 00:28:05sweet as they see him and yet I know
- 00:28:07he's not quite as real with them MH so
- 00:28:09it seems like I've got to swap the one
- 00:28:10for the other MH and I know this is
- 00:28:13really what I want the most but uh I
- 00:28:15miss some of that Glory
- 00:28:17yeah you s to feel I want them to have
- 00:28:20just as nice a picture of me as they
- 00:28:22have of their dad and his is a little
- 00:28:24Foy then maybe mine will have to be too
- 00:28:27I think that's putting a little too
- 00:28:29strongly that's close that is what I
- 00:28:31mean so
- 00:28:34um I know she can't have that need a
- 00:28:36picture of me if I were
- 00:28:38honest besides that I do feel I'm a
- 00:28:40little more orary than their dad anyway
- 00:28:41so I'm likely to do more things that
- 00:28:43they disapprove
- 00:28:46of Soo you really find it quite hard to
- 00:28:50believe that they would really love you
- 00:28:53if they knew you that's right you know
- 00:28:56that's exactly it before
- 00:28:59therapy I know she can't have that need
- 00:29:01a picture of me if I were
- 00:29:03honest besides that I do feel I'm a
- 00:29:05little more orary than their dad anyway
- 00:29:07so I'm likely to do more things that
- 00:29:09they disapprove
- 00:29:12of sound though you really find it quite
- 00:29:14hard to
- 00:29:16believe that they would really love you
- 00:29:19if they knew you that's right you know
- 00:29:21that's exactly it before therapy I would
- 00:29:24have definitely chosen the other area
- 00:29:26I'm going to get re expect from them no
- 00:29:28matter what even if I have to lie I see
- 00:29:30well right now I know that's not true
- 00:29:32and I'm not positive they'll truly
- 00:29:34accept me something tells me they will I
- 00:29:36know they will but I'm not positive I
- 00:29:37want
- 00:29:38reassurance I keep wanting these things
- 00:29:40you're in kind of a No Man's Land of
- 00:29:43probably shifting from one point of view
- 00:29:45toward them to another but boy you'd
- 00:29:47sure like somebody to say that's right
- 00:29:49you go ahead and do it yes that's why I
- 00:29:51get encouraged when I read in a book
- 00:29:52from somebody I respect and admire that
- 00:29:54this is the right thing no matter what
- 00:29:56Honesty will win out well then that
- 00:29:57keeps giving me confidence by gosh I'm
- 00:29:59right but it's so damn hard to really
- 00:30:03choose something on your own isn't it
- 00:30:06which makes me feel very immature I
- 00:30:08don't like this in me I wish I were
- 00:30:10grown up enough or mature enough to make
- 00:30:11my decisions and stick by them but I
- 00:30:13need somebody to help me on somebody to
- 00:30:15push
- 00:30:19me so you kind of reproach yourself for
- 00:30:23that I guess and feel why if I was
- 00:30:25anybody or if I was grown up I be mature
- 00:30:27enough to decide things like this for
- 00:30:29myself
- 00:30:32right and take more risks I wish i' take
- 00:30:35more
- 00:30:36risks I wish that I could just go ahead
- 00:30:38and be this and say however the children
- 00:30:40grow up I've done my best I didn't have
- 00:30:41to constantly have this conflict and I'd
- 00:30:43like later years to say no matter what
- 00:30:45you ask me kids at least I told you the
- 00:30:46truth you may not have liked it but it's
- 00:30:48been the truth that's somehow I can
- 00:30:50admire m i i disrespect people that lie
- 00:30:53I hate it so you see what a double bind
- 00:30:55I am in I hate myself if I'm bad but but
- 00:30:57I also hate myself if I lie so uh it's
- 00:31:01accepting I want to become more
- 00:31:04accepting and I guess judging from your
- 00:31:08tone of voice you sound as though you
- 00:31:10hate yourself more when you lie than you
- 00:31:12do in terms of things you disapprove of
- 00:31:14in Behavior I do I do because this has
- 00:31:17really bothered me this happened with
- 00:31:18Pammy about a month ago and it keeps
- 00:31:19coming to my mind I don't know whether
- 00:31:21to go back and talk to her about it or
- 00:31:23wait she may have even forgotten what
- 00:31:24she asked me but uh
- 00:31:27point is you haven't forgotten I haven't
- 00:31:30no I haven't and I'd like to at least be
- 00:31:32able to tell her that I remember lying
- 00:31:34and I'm sorry I lied and it's been
- 00:31:35driving me bugs because I
- 00:31:41did I do now I feel like now that's
- 00:31:44solved and I didn't even solve the thing
- 00:31:45but I feel relieved mhm
- 00:31:48[Music]
- 00:31:50MH I uh I do feel like you've been
- 00:31:52saying to me you're not giving me advice
- 00:31:55but I feel like you're saying you really
- 00:31:56want to
- 00:31:58you know what pattern you want to follow
- 00:31:59Gloria and go ahead and follow it I sort
- 00:32:01of feel a backing up from
- 00:32:04you I guess the way I sense it is uh
- 00:32:09you've been telling me that you know
- 00:32:11what you want to do and yes I do believe
- 00:32:13in backing up people in what they want
- 00:32:16to
- 00:32:18do it's just a little different slant in
- 00:32:21the way it seems to
- 00:32:25you are you telling me thing that
- 00:32:27concerns me is
- 00:32:29uh it's no damn good you're doing
- 00:32:33something that you haven't really chosen
- 00:32:36to do that's why I'm trying to help you
- 00:32:39find out what your own inner choices
- 00:32:44are but then there's also a conflict
- 00:32:46there because I'm not really positive
- 00:32:48what I want to do the lying part yes but
- 00:32:50I'm not positive what I want to do when
- 00:32:52I go against myself like when I bring a
- 00:32:54man to the house I'm not sure I want to
- 00:32:56do that if if I feel guilty afterwards I
- 00:32:58must not have really wanted to and I'm
- 00:33:00interested that you
- 00:33:02say I'm just sure which words you use
- 00:33:04but you don't want that you don't like
- 00:33:05yourself or you don't appre with it when
- 00:33:07you do something against yourself yes
- 00:33:13mhm you know this is so different now
- 00:33:16this kind of thing that we're talking
- 00:33:17about now it isn't just knowing whether
- 00:33:19you want to do something or not if I
- 00:33:20want to go to work in the morning or I
- 00:33:21don't want to go to work that's easy but
- 00:33:23when I find myself doing something I
- 00:33:25don't feel comfortable with I
- 00:33:26automatically say if you're not
- 00:33:28comfortable Glory it's not right
- 00:33:29something's wrong all right now what I
- 00:33:31want to ask you is how can I know which
- 00:33:33is the strongest because I do it does
- 00:33:35that mean that's the
- 00:33:36strongest and yet if I disapprove that's
- 00:33:38just part of the thing that's got to go
- 00:33:39along with it see it sounds like you're
- 00:33:42I'm picking up a contradiction I'm not
- 00:33:44I'm not
- 00:33:46fallowing sounds like you're feeling a
- 00:33:48contradiction in yourself too although
- 00:33:51you what I heard you saying in part is
- 00:33:54uh the way you like it is is when you
- 00:33:57feel really comfortable about what
- 00:33:58you're doing yes and I have at times
- 00:34:01when I've made a
- 00:34:03decision now that seems right that seems
- 00:34:05perfectly right no conflict but then
- 00:34:07there are times I do things that I feel
- 00:34:09uncomfortable with so that there is a
- 00:34:11conflict there it's not the same at
- 00:34:14all so what I'm saying is how do I
- 00:34:16really know when I'm following my true
- 00:34:18feelings if I have conflicts afterwards
- 00:34:19or guilt
- 00:34:21afterwards I see because in the moment
- 00:34:23it may seem like your true feelings yes
- 00:34:25like if I'm starting to do it okay mhm
- 00:34:28mhm mhm so that really is tough
- 00:34:34uh when if you feel comfortable in the
- 00:34:37moment about it but then afterward don't
- 00:34:39feel at all comfortable which course of
- 00:34:42action was really the one you should
- 00:34:43have followed you know the most
- 00:34:44outstanding thing I don't know if you're
- 00:34:45following me when I say about this
- 00:34:47conflict the one thing I know is I've
- 00:34:49wanted for example to leave my husband
- 00:34:50for quite a few years I never did it I
- 00:34:52kept thinking how nice it would be or
- 00:34:54how scary it would be but I never did it
- 00:34:56and all a sudden when I did it felt
- 00:34:57right I didn't feel mean toward him I
- 00:34:59just knew this is what I had to do
- 00:35:01that's when I know I'm following myself
- 00:35:03I'm following my feelings completely I
- 00:35:05had no conflict there some unhappy
- 00:35:06things came from it but I still had no
- 00:35:08conflict that to me is when I'm
- 00:35:10following my feelings and in everyday
- 00:35:12life the small little decisions the
- 00:35:14small little things to do don't come out
- 00:35:15there clear it all so many conflicts
- 00:35:18come with them right is this natural
- 00:35:20although you're saying uh I expect it is
- 00:35:23but but you're saying too that you know
- 00:35:25perfectly well a feeling with within
- 00:35:27yourself that occurs when you're really
- 00:35:29doing something that's right for you I
- 00:35:32do I do and I miss that feeling other
- 00:35:36times and it's right away a clue to me
- 00:35:38mhm you can really listen to yourself
- 00:35:41sometimes and realize I know this isn't
- 00:35:43the right feeling this isn't this isn't
- 00:35:45the way I would feel if I was doing what
- 00:35:47I really wanted to do but yet many times
- 00:35:50I'll go along and do it anyway and say
- 00:35:52oh well I'm in the situation now I'll
- 00:35:53just remember next
- 00:35:55time
- 00:35:58uh I mentioned this word a lot in
- 00:35:59therapy and and most therapists Grant it
- 00:36:01me or giggle or something when I say
- 00:36:02Utopia but when I do follow a feeling
- 00:36:04and I feel this good feeling inside me
- 00:36:06that's sort of Utopia that's what I mean
- 00:36:08that's the way I like to feel whether
- 00:36:09it's a bad thing or a good thing but I
- 00:36:11feel right about me this what I sense
- 00:36:14that in those utopian moments you really
- 00:36:17feel kind of whole you feel all in one
- 00:36:19piece mhm yeah it gives me a choked up
- 00:36:22feeling when you say that because I
- 00:36:23don't get that as often as I'd like mhm
- 00:36:25mhm I like that whole feeling that's
- 00:36:27real precious to me I expect none of us
- 00:36:30get it as often as we like but I really
- 00:36:32do understand
- 00:36:36that mhm it really does touch you
- 00:36:39doesn't it yeah you know what else I was
- 00:36:42just thinking I feel dumb saying it
- 00:36:48uh all of a sudden as I'm talking I
- 00:36:50thought G how nice I can talk to you and
- 00:36:52I want you to approve of me and I
- 00:36:53respect you but I miss that my father
- 00:36:56could talk to me like you are I mean I'd
- 00:36:58like to say she had like you for my
- 00:36:59father MH
- 00:37:02mhm I don't even know why that came to
- 00:37:05me you look to me like a pretty nice
- 00:37:16daughter but you really do miss the fact
- 00:37:19that you you couldn't be open with your
- 00:37:21own
- 00:37:22bed yeah I couldn't be open but I I want
- 00:37:25to blame it on him I I think I'm more
- 00:37:27open than he'd allow me me he would
- 00:37:29never uh listen to me talk like you are
- 00:37:32mhm and
- 00:37:34uh not disapprove and not lower me down
- 00:37:38it's yeah I thought of this the other
- 00:37:39day why do I always have to be so
- 00:37:41perfect I know why he always wanted me
- 00:37:42to be perfect I always had to be better
- 00:37:45and uh yeah I miss that you're just
- 00:37:48trying like hell to be the girl he wants
- 00:37:50you to be at the same time rebelling I'm
- 00:37:53sure like I almost floated writing him a
- 00:37:55letter the other day and telling him I'm
- 00:37:56a waitress which I expect him to
- 00:37:58disapprove of I go out at nights and I I
- 00:38:00almost quoted hitting him back like now
- 00:38:01how do you like me and yet I rarely want
- 00:38:04acceptance and love from him I mean I
- 00:38:07know he loves so you slap at him and say
- 00:38:09this is what I am now see yeah but you
- 00:38:12raise me how do you like it but you know
- 00:38:14what I think I want him to say I knew
- 00:38:15this was you all along honey and I
- 00:38:17really love you
- 00:38:19mhm I guess you really feel badly
- 00:38:23that you think there's very little
- 00:38:25chance he'll say that no he won't he
- 00:38:29doesn't hear I went back home to him
- 00:38:32about 2 years ago really wanting to let
- 00:38:34him know I loved him although I've been
- 00:38:36afraid of him he doesn't hear me he just
- 00:38:38keeps saying things like honey you know
- 00:38:40I love you you know I've always loved
- 00:38:41you and he doesn't
- 00:38:44hear
- 00:38:47he's never really known you and loved
- 00:38:50you and this somehow is what brings the
- 00:38:54tears
- 00:38:55inside I don't know what it is you know
- 00:38:58when I talk
- 00:39:00he's never really known you and loved
- 00:39:04you and this somehow is what brings the
- 00:39:07tears
- 00:39:09inside I don't know what it is you know
- 00:39:11when I talk about it it feels more flip
- 00:39:13if I just sit still a thene it feels
- 00:39:15like a great big hurt down there that I
- 00:39:17feel cheated mhm MH it's
- 00:39:21much it's much easier to uh be a little
- 00:39:26FL
- 00:39:28because then you don't feel that big
- 00:39:31lump inside of hurt mhm and again that's
- 00:39:34a hopeless situation I tried working on
- 00:39:38it and uh I feel it's something I have
- 00:39:40to accept my father just isn't the type
- 00:39:42of man I'd really like I'd like somebody
- 00:39:43more understanding and caring he cares
- 00:39:46but not in a way that we can cooperate
- 00:39:48or communicate
- 00:39:51M I feel nope that I am permanently
- 00:39:55cheated
- 00:39:57mhm that's why I like substitutes like I
- 00:40:01like talking to you and I like uh men
- 00:40:03that I can respect doctors and
- 00:40:05I I keep sort of maybe underneath
- 00:40:08feeling like we're real close you know
- 00:40:09and it's sort of like a substitute
- 00:40:13father I don't feel that's
- 00:40:17pretending well you're not really my
- 00:40:19father no I meant about the real close
- 00:40:23business well see I sort of feel that's
- 00:40:25pretending too because I can't expect
- 00:40:26you to feel very close to me you don't
- 00:40:28know me that
- 00:40:30well all I can do is what I am feeling
- 00:40:33that is I feel Close to You In This
- 00:40:39[Music]
- 00:40:47Moment In Spite of feeling initially the
- 00:40:51artificiality of the situation and
- 00:40:53particularly the hot lights I very
- 00:40:55quickly be
- 00:40:57became oblivious to the outside
- 00:40:59situation and I think the Gloria did
- 00:41:02too uh in many ways I'm glad that she
- 00:41:06kept uh pushing me for an answer to her
- 00:41:10very personal questions about
- 00:41:13her sex life and her relationship to her
- 00:41:16daughter I say I'm glad of this because
- 00:41:20as the relationship developed it became
- 00:41:23I think completely clear to her as well
- 00:41:26to me that she was seeking something a
- 00:41:29good deal deeper than that incidentally
- 00:41:32I'd like to pay my tribute to her uh
- 00:41:36deep honesty and being willing to talk
- 00:41:39about herself so
- 00:41:41freely although every individual is
- 00:41:44entirely unique and in this respect I
- 00:41:47was definitely unprepared for and
- 00:41:50sometimes surprised by the material she
- 00:41:51brought up still in another sense this
- 00:41:54was very typical of of my experiences in
- 00:41:58therapy when I'm able really to let
- 00:42:01myself enter into a
- 00:42:03relationship and I feel that this was
- 00:42:05true in this
- 00:42:07instance then I find myself not only
- 00:42:09being increasingly moved by being in
- 00:42:13touch with the inner world of my client
- 00:42:15but I find myself bringing out of my own
- 00:42:18inner experience statements which seem
- 00:42:22to have no connection with what's going
- 00:42:23on but which usually prove to be uh or
- 00:42:27prove to have a very significant
- 00:42:29relationship to what the client is
- 00:42:31experiencing I felt there were one or
- 00:42:34two incidents of this kind in this brief
- 00:42:40interview I was genuinely moved I
- 00:42:42probably showed it by the fact that she
- 00:42:45told me near the end of the contact that
- 00:42:47uh she saw me as the father she would
- 00:42:50like to
- 00:42:51have my reply was also a thoroughly
- 00:42:55spontaneous one that she seemed to me
- 00:42:57like a pretty nice
- 00:42:59daughter I guess I feel that we're
- 00:43:02only playing with the real world of
- 00:43:05relationships when we talk about such an
- 00:43:07experience in terms of transference and
- 00:43:10counter
- 00:43:11transference uh I feel quite deeply
- 00:43:15about that I I want to say yes we can
- 00:43:18put this experience into some such uh
- 00:43:21highly intellectualized framework but
- 00:43:23when we do that it completely misses the
- 00:43:26point of the very immediate I vow
- 00:43:30quality of the relationship at such
- 00:43:33moments I felt that uh Gloria and I
- 00:43:38really encountered each other and that
- 00:43:40in
- 00:43:41some small but I believe lasting way we
- 00:43:45were each of us enriched by The
- 00:43:49Experience I'm saying these things
- 00:43:52almost immediately after the conclusion
- 00:43:53of the interview and as his car
- 00:43:56characteristic of me there are not more
- 00:43:58than one or two statements or incidents
- 00:44:00which I recall from the interview I
- 00:44:03simply know that I was very much uh
- 00:44:06present in the
- 00:44:07relationship that I lived it in the
- 00:44:10moment of its
- 00:44:12occurrence and I realize that after a
- 00:44:14time I may begin to remember it too but
- 00:44:17at the present time I really have uh a
- 00:44:20very non-specific memory of the whole uh
- 00:44:25interview
- 00:44:26I'll try to look at it though a little
- 00:44:28bit more from a intellectual rather than
- 00:44:30a strictly feeling point of
- 00:44:33view Gloria showed what I've come to
- 00:44:35feel are characteristic elements of
- 00:44:39therapeutic movement in the first part
- 00:44:41of the interview she was talking about
- 00:44:43her feelings and they were past feelings
- 00:44:46she was talking about aspects of her
- 00:44:49behavior and of herself as if she didn't
- 00:44:52quite own them she was looking outside
- 00:44:56herself for a center or locus of
- 00:44:59evaluation some source of of
- 00:45:02authority she saw some of the things she
- 00:45:05was talking about in Fairly black and
- 00:45:07white
- 00:45:09fashion by the end of the interview uh
- 00:45:13she was experiencing her feelings in the
- 00:45:15immediate moment not only as evidenced
- 00:45:18by her tears but by her ability to
- 00:45:22express very directly and with immediacy
- 00:45:26her feelings toward
- 00:45:28me she was also much more aware of her
- 00:45:32ability to make her own judgments and
- 00:45:34and
- 00:45:36choices I guess uh put in terms that
- 00:45:39have become somewhat common place you
- 00:45:42could say that she moved from the there
- 00:45:44and then of her life to the Here and Now
- 00:45:50of elements that she was discovering in
- 00:45:52herself and feelings which she was exper
- 00:45:55experiencing in the moment in her
- 00:45:57relationship with
- 00:46:00me all in
- 00:46:02all I feel good about the
- 00:46:05interview I guess I feel good about
- 00:46:07myself in the
- 00:46:08interview and like Gloria I feel very
- 00:46:11real regret that the relationship cannot
- 00:46:16[Music]
- 00:46:24continue
- 00:46:31all
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