Give Me 15 Minutes and I Will Make You Fluent in English



TLDRThe video provides strategies for learning English more effectively, including understanding the forgetting curve, using spaced repetition, and recognizing the importance of continuous practice in language acquisition. The zone of proximal development is discussed as essential for effective learning, emphasizing that knowledge should be slightly above the learner's current level to be beneficial. Additional memory-boosting techniques such as the method of loci are introduced, which involves associating information with familiar places for better recall. The concept of automaticity is explained as the goal of using language effortlessly, achieved through repeated practice, particularly through shadowing methods. The video also promotes an internet data service for travelers.


  • 🧠 Understanding the forgetting curve is crucial for effective learning.
  • 🔄 Using spaced repetition can significantly improve memory retention.
  • 📖 Language learning is a continuous process, not a one-time event.
  • 🔍 The zone of proximal development ensures optimal learning conditions.
  • 🏡 The method of loci helps in memorizing vocabulary by association with familiar places.
  • 🚗 Achieving automaticity makes using the language smooth and effortless.
  • 🎤 Shadowing enhances pronunciation and intonation skills.
  • ✨ Enjoying the learning process is vital for success in language acquisition.
  • 📅 Regular practice is key to achieving fluency.
  • 📱 Staying connected while traveling aids in maintaining language skills.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    In the introduction, the speaker welcomes viewers and promises to share key strategies for becoming fluent in English more quickly. They acknowledge that learning a new language takes time but emphasize that applying the right methods can lead to significant progress in a short time. The speaker introduces the concept of the forgetting curve, which illustrates how quickly we forget information without reinforcement, referencing psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus's findings on memory retention. They highlight the need for regular review of learned material to combat this rapid forgetting and improve retention.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    The speaker introduces spaced repetition as an effective method to enhance memory retention, arguing it allows learners to review information at increasing intervals. This technique challenges the forgetting curve, helping to reinforce knowledge over time. Furthermore, the importance of continuous practice is underscored; language learning is depicted as a gradual process rather than a rushed event. The speaker also introduces an eSIM service, Olly, which offers unlimited data globally, emphasizing its utility for staying connected while traveling and supporting language learning.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:15:21

    The discussion transitions to the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) theory, explaining that effective learning occurs within a zone where learners feel challenged yet not overwhelmed. This approach aligns with the comprehensible input theory, suggesting learners should engage with material that is slightly above their current understanding. The speaker also discusses the method of loci for memorization, linking new vocabulary to familiar places and enhancing recall. Automaticity, the ability to use language fluently without conscious thought, is emphasized through the shadowing technique, which helps learners internalize pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation for more natural speech.

Mind Map

Video-Fragen und Antworten

  • How long does it take to become fluent in English?

    Becoming fluent in English is a gradual process, not achievable in just 15 or 20 minutes.

  • What is the forgetting curve?

    The forgetting curve illustrates how quickly we forget information if we don't reinforce it.

  • What is spaced repetition?

    Spaced repetition is a method of reviewing information at increasing intervals to improve memory retention.

  • What is the zone of proximal development?

    It is the range of tasks that a learner can perform with guidance but cannot yet perform independently.

  • How can I practice English effectively?

    Consistent practice, enjoying the learning process, and using techniques like shadowing can help.

  • What is the method of loci?

    It's a mnemonic device that associates information with familiar locations to aid memory.

  • What is automaticity in language learning?

    Automaticity refers to the ability to use language smoothly and effortlessly due to practice.

  • What is the shadowing technique?

    Shadowing involves repeating what a native speaker says to improve pronunciation and intonation.

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  • 00:00:00
    hey guys and welcome back to my YouTube channel  what if I told you that in this video I can show
  • 00:00:04
    you the key strategies that will help you become  fluent in English faster now of course learning
  • 00:00:09
    a new language takes time and becoming fluent  in English in just 15 minutes or 20 minutes
  • 00:00:15
    isn't realistic we all know that but with the  right methods you can make huge strides in a
  • 00:00:20
    short period so the first thing I want to share  with you is a very interesting concept called
  • 00:00:25
    the forgetting curve imagine you've just  learned a new word or memorized something
  • 00:00:30
    important you're feeling great really proud  of yourself Until you realize a day later or
  • 00:00:35
    a few days later that you have forgotten this  word or most of the information you were trying
  • 00:00:41
    to memorize so hard a few days ago and obviously  that makes you feel really frustrated I completely
  • 00:00:48
    understand you're here and the thing is you're not  alone because this phenomenon has been studied for
  • 00:00:54
    over a century by a guy named Herman Eben housee  and he discovered something pretty shock talking
  • 00:01:00
    about how we forget information a small history  lesson for you guys Herman eing house was a German
  • 00:01:06
    psychologist in the 1800s he was obsessed with  understanding how people forget things over time
  • 00:01:12
    so he decided to run an experiment on himself  exactly what a real scientist would do right
  • 00:01:18
    Eben house created a set of nonsense syllables  like Bap zeep or nup to study memory without any
  • 00:01:27
    prior meaning he decided to memorize all of of  those random syllables because it sounds like
  • 00:01:33
    a lot of fun I guess and then using a stopwatch  he measured how long it took for him to forget
  • 00:01:40
    them can you imagine just sitting there with  a stopwatch though ibing House's most famous
  • 00:01:44
    finding is the forgetting curve it looks a bit  like a downward slope and basically it shows how
  • 00:01:50
    quickly we forget new information if we don't  reinforce it and as you can see from this graph
  • 00:01:55
    we tend to forget information really fast doesn't  look very promising so why did I decide to show
  • 00:02:01
    you guys this very pessimistic looking graph I  think it really highlights the fact that if you
  • 00:02:07
    don't review or practice what you've learned  your brain will forget it and it will forget
  • 00:02:13
    it at an extremely fast pace it's not really that  you in particular are bad at learning or bad at
  • 00:02:20
    remembering information no this is just how our  brains work if we don't reinforce something if
  • 00:02:26
    we don't see this information again and again and  again our brain thinks that you don't need this
  • 00:02:30
    information anymore it deems this information  unnecessary and discards of it as quickly as
  • 00:02:36
    possible and so yeah while the curve looks kind of  depressing it does show us how we can improve our
  • 00:02:42
    memory especially when learning foreign languages  what we can do to improve retention to memorize
  • 00:02:49
    more and more words and don't just forget them 20  minutes later and here is where my favorite space
  • 00:02:54
    repetition comes in because instead of cramming  all the information in one go it's always always
  • 00:03:00
    better to review it at increasing intervals this  way your brain is going to be re-encoding all of
  • 00:03:07
    this information and you're a lot more likely  to remember it 20 minutes later an hour later
  • 00:03:12
    a week later and a month later and so this method  the method of space repetition kind of fights the
  • 00:03:18
    forgetting curve because instead of forgetting  everything slowly slowly slowly space repetition
  • 00:03:25
    comes in and it helps to reinforce all of this  information retain information over days and
  • 00:03:31
    weeks and months it can be any type of software or  you can create your own paper flash cards and then
  • 00:03:37
    review them at increasing intervals I think  the forgetting curve also highlights another
  • 00:03:41
    super important aspect of language learning if  you want to become fluent you have to remember
  • 00:03:46
    that language learning is a process it's not just  about sitting down spending a week cramming all
  • 00:03:53
    of the vocabulary and then hoping that you will  remember everything no unfortunately language
  • 00:03:58
    learning is a process not an event and becoming  fluent in English is a process as well what about
  • 00:04:05
    actually practicing the language showing up every  single day enjoying the process this is what will
  • 00:04:12
    help you become fluent in English in any language  and one thing that is important to me when I learn
  • 00:04:17
    new languages and travel is making sure that I  don't forget to purchase data for my phone so that
  • 00:04:22
    I can stay connected with the people who truly  matter in my life this is where all of Li comes
  • 00:04:27
    in and I want to say a huge thank you to them  for sponsoring a portion of this video ol ofly
  • 00:04:31
    offers eims that provide unlimited data in over  200 destinations worldwide if you're planning a
  • 00:04:37
    trip and worried about your connectivity options  all ofly is here to save the day so how does it
  • 00:04:42
    work an eim is a digital Sim that allows you  to activate a mobile plan without needing a
  • 00:04:47
    physical SIM card and with ol ofly eim you can  stay connected with ease whether you want to
  • 00:04:52
    share your experiences on social media or connect  with friends and family back home olly will help
  • 00:04:57
    you do so without any hassle the benefits of using  all ofly include unlimited data so you don't need
  • 00:05:03
    to worry about running out of data in the middle  of your trip immediate activation because once
  • 00:05:08
    you purchase your eim you'll receive it instantly  via email making it quick and easy to set up 24/7
  • 00:05:14
    customer support if you encounter any issues all  ofly support team is available to help you via
  • 00:05:20
    chat or Whatsapp I remember when I first came  to Mexico in 2022 I faced a lot of connectivity
  • 00:05:25
    issues and I still had to work if I had ol ofly  isim I could have avoided that stressful situation
  • 00:05:32
    you know running around trying to look for a  coffee shop to connect to free Wi-Fi and with
  • 00:05:37
    all of fly you'll be able to relax and focus on  enjoying your travels so if you're planning a trip
  • 00:05:42
    I highly recommend checking out Alla fly you can  purchase your e easily through their app available
  • 00:05:47
    for both IOS and Android and even manage your data  right from your phone and I also have an exclusive
  • 00:05:53
    offer for you guys for my viewers you can use  my discount code Veronica's language Diaries
  • 00:05:58
    to get a great deal on your decent purchase just  use the link in my description to find out more
  • 00:06:03
    okay moving on to the next important concept  that is closely connected to becoming fluent
  • 00:06:07
    in English it is the zone of proximal development  this theory was first developed by Le wosi or Le
  • 00:06:15
    woty in Russian a Russian psychologist who lived  in the early 20th century editing Veronica in here
  • 00:06:21
    something happened to my microphone that's why  in the next clips you're going to hear this weird
  • 00:06:27
    humming sound it is hon H ly not too distracting  but I just thought I would record this clip in
  • 00:06:33
    case you could hear something now you know what  it is and luckily I know why it was happening
  • 00:06:40
    so I know how to fix it in the next videos the  sound quality is going to be back to normal so
  • 00:06:44
    if you think of learning as these three circles  the middle one is going to be what you can do
  • 00:06:50
    alone like you understand this information  super well you can produce this information
  • 00:06:55
    by yourself and you do not need any help then  the outer circle is going to be what you can't
  • 00:07:02
    do even with help even if somebody is helping  you understand it you just cannot do it and the
  • 00:07:09
    middle circle is going to be your zone of proximal  development this is basically all the information
  • 00:07:14
    you can produce you can understand with help and  according to Le vigotsky this is where the most
  • 00:07:21
    effective Learning Happens so how can you apply  this to language learning to becoming more fluent
  • 00:07:28
    in English good quality quality learning when  you're actually acquiring a language not just
  • 00:07:33
    trying to cram everything or memorize everything  happens in this Zone when you feel challenged a
  • 00:07:39
    little bit challenged but not overwhelmed because  if a grammar rule is too complicated for you to
  • 00:07:45
    understand if you feel overwhelmed and frustrated  learning is not happening acquisition is not
  • 00:07:51
    happening so you're kind of wasting your time  you're not getting closer to your goal of becoming
  • 00:07:56
    fluent in this language and if you guys watch a  lot of my videos on this channel you can probably
  • 00:08:01
    sense that this Theory I'm sharing with you  right now is very similar to the comprehensible
  • 00:08:06
    input Theory because when we are receiving new  information in a foreign language it's best to
  • 00:08:13
    feel slightly challenged it's best to choose  information that is only slightly above your
  • 00:08:18
    current level so that you understand 99% of the  information but this one% is challenging enough to
  • 00:08:25
    be fun to be entertaining so that you acquire the  language naturally without trying to cram anything
  • 00:08:31
    without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated so  basically when you're learning English when you're
  • 00:08:36
    trying to become more fluent ask yourself how you  can build this scaffolding this temporary support
  • 00:08:43
    to make language acquisition feel effortless and  then once you've mastered this difficult rule you
  • 00:08:48
    won't need scaffolding anymore and you will be  able to move on to higher levels and again once
  • 00:08:53
    you move on to those higher levels ask yourself  how you can build this support maybe it's with a
  • 00:08:59
    te teacher maybe it's by using Chad GPT to have  all the explanations of different words or some
  • 00:09:04
    grammar rules or maybe it's going to be watching  YouTube videos like the one you're watching right
  • 00:09:09
    now to really understand how language learning  works according to science because to be effective
  • 00:09:15
    language learning doesn't necessarily have to  be super difficult you don't have to suffer to
  • 00:09:21
    acquire a language I mean these two words to  suffer and to acquire they don't really work
  • 00:09:28
    together because quiring happens naturally when  you're having fun and the level of the language
  • 00:09:34
    you're surrounded with is slightly above your  current level okay now let's turn to memory
  • 00:09:40
    again and talk about the method of lowside it is  a mental strategy for improving your memory and
  • 00:09:46
    obviously working with your memory when you're  trying to memorize a lot of new words a lot of
  • 00:09:51
    new vocabulary is extremely important if you want  to become fluent in English this method is really
  • 00:09:57
    great because it uses your spatial memory and  US human beings we're really good at remembering
  • 00:10:04
    places so by associating the information you want  to remember with a familiar place it sticks in
  • 00:10:09
    your memory so much better the idea behind this  method is that when you need to recall those
  • 00:10:14
    specific items you can just walk through your  familiar Place through your house through your
  • 00:10:20
    apartment your office and find all of those words  in there let me give you an example with an actual
  • 00:10:26
    idiom in English usually idioms phrasal verbs are  very useful but it's just very hard to memorize
  • 00:10:33
    them and so the EDM we're going to look at is  to burn the Midnight Oil it means to work late
  • 00:10:39
    so you can picture your room your apartment your  kitchen whichever place you want to but you have
  • 00:10:45
    to be very familiar with that place so imagine a  candle burning in your bedroom late at night and
  • 00:10:53
    this candle reminds you to stay up late to work  or study and maybe you have a clock in your room
  • 00:11:01
    and you can look at the clock and see that it's  12 a.m. and it reminds you of the idiom to burn
  • 00:11:08
    the Midnight Oil and finally let's talk about  the concept of automaticity this is quite a new
  • 00:11:13
    word in English for me that's why I haven't really  reached automaticity saying the word automaticity
  • 00:11:21
    yet if you know what I mean good example to give  you guys to really understand this concept is when
  • 00:11:25
    you're learning to drive because at the beginning  you concentrate on everything on steering breaking
  • 00:11:32
    using the turn signals Everything feels new and  your body is very tense because you're making sure
  • 00:11:38
    that you're not forgetting anything you're driving  okay two hands on the wheel steering braking
  • 00:11:44
    everything so it doesn't feel automatic at all but  then after a while those actions become easier and
  • 00:11:50
    easier to do and at some point everything starts  to feel automatic you no longer have to think
  • 00:11:57
    about all the actions consciously because because  your body just does them and that's automaticity
  • 00:12:04
    in action and obviously we'll understand that  it's a skill that comes with repetition and
  • 00:12:10
    practice and if you want to become fluent in  English automaticity means that you can use the
  • 00:12:14
    language smoothly pronunciation grammar vocabulary  your brain knows how to respond automatically to
  • 00:12:22
    all of those common situations so one of the best  ways to achieve automaticity in pronunciation and
  • 00:12:27
    accent is through a method called shadowing this  technique involves listening to a native speaker
  • 00:12:33
    or a recording maybe watching a YouTube video  and immediately repeating what they say may
  • 00:12:39
    making their pronunciation intonation and Rhythm  as closely as possible let's say you're practicing
  • 00:12:45
    the sound the for me at the very beginning when  I just started learning English this sound was
  • 00:12:51
    extremely difficult because in my native language  Russian we don't have this sound that's why a lot
  • 00:12:56
    of Russian speakers who try to speak English  often say sink sinks instead of think or thanks
  • 00:13:04
    just because we don't have the sound and obviously  it doesn't really come automatically to my brain
  • 00:13:10
    to be able to pronounce the sound well and also  without hesitation so when you use shadowing and
  • 00:13:16
    when you repeat after a native speaker you force  your tongue to be placed in a specific way because
  • 00:13:22
    you can hear that a native speaker is pronouncing  this word in a different way you can hear that the
  • 00:13:27
    native speaker is not saying sink sinks they're  saying something different and you have to listen
  • 00:13:33
    more maybe watch some videos explaining the sound  try to say the Sound by yourself again and again
  • 00:13:40
    and obviously at the beginning it's going to be  hard why because of the concept of automaticity
  • 00:13:46
    just like learning to drive a car at the beginning  everything is hard but then over time your brain
  • 00:13:51
    learns how to make the sound automatically without  any extra effort and you can easily say think
  • 00:13:58
    and think and one thing that a lot of language  Learners Overlook when trying to become fluent in
  • 00:14:03
    English is learning the Rhythm and intonation of  the language because speaking English isn't just
  • 00:14:09
    about saying words correctly it's also about  knowing the intonation and the rhythm of the
  • 00:14:15
    language because the truth is different languages  have different intonations our native languages
  • 00:14:21
    really influence the way we start speaking all the  foreign languages we're learning and so when you
  • 00:14:26
    Shadow you help yourself internalize the flow of  English which is essential for sounding natural
  • 00:14:33
    and sounding fluent okay so I think it's going  to be it for this video I really hope you liked
  • 00:14:38
    it and found it useful if you did don't forget to  give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube
  • 00:14:43
    channel if you want to stay connected when you  travel abroad please check out Alla fly their
  • 00:14:47
    eims work really well and you're going to have  internet when you travel abroad with my discount
  • 00:14:52
    code Veronica's language Diaries you will get 5%  off one question that you guys ask me very often
  • 00:14:58
    is how can I improve my speaking skills how can I  speak better in English so I actually have a video
  • 00:15:04
    about this on my YouTube channel if you want to  check it out if you want to learn more about how
  • 00:15:08
    to improve your speaking skills in any language  just click right here and keep on watching
  • fluent in English
  • forgetting curve
  • spaced repetition
  • language learning
  • zone of proximal development
  • automaticity
  • shadowing technique
  • memory techniques
  • effective learning
  • language practice