TLDREn aquest vídeo, Chendan del canal
- 💡 Es poden resoldre problemes d'edats sense paper i bolígraf.
- ⌛ Important ser ràpid i eficient en els exàmens.
- 📝 Utilitzar la verificació d'opcions pot estalviar temps.
- 🔄 Els problemes d'edat solen seguir patrons repetitius.
- 📏 Les proporcions són clau per solucionar els problemes.
- 📚 Ideal per a estudiants que es preparen per a proves de competència.
- 🧠 Cal comprendre i analitzar bé les preguntes.
- 📈 Els mètodes proposats cobreixen el 95% dels casos.
- 🧮 Mitjana i progressions són eines útils.
- 🎯 Enfocament en estratègies úniques per destacar.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
El vídeo comença amb una salutació i una presentació del canal de YouTube 'Channel Logics', animant els espectadors a subscriure's si encara no ho han fet i compartint que el vídeo proporcionarà tècniques per resoldre qüestions del tema 'edats' sense utilitzar paper i llapis, destacant la seva rellevància en exàmens competitius.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Les tècniques explicades inclouen un mètode basat en la simplificació de ràtios mitjançant parts iguals per resoldre qüestions sobre edats, exemplificant amb un problema d'edats on les edats actuals estan en una proporció de 3:5. Es destaca la importància d'estalviar temps utilitzant mètodes intel·ligents en exàmens.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Es descriu com utilitzar la verificació d'opcions per a estalviar temps en exàmens. Quan es tracta d'un problema en què les edats actuals d'A i B estan en proporció de 3:5, s'indica com identificar la resposta correcta mitjançant les opcions proposades, subratllant la utilitat d'entendre ben les preguntes en exàmens competitius.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Es presenta un altre exemple on es utilitzen mètodes de verificació d'opcions per identificar ràpidament la resposta correcta. Utilitzar correctament la informació donada en una pregunta pot permetre una resolució eficient i sense fer càlculs extensos, fent ús del mètode intel·ligent.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
L'exemple mostra com calcular ràpidament la suma d'edats en un problema relacionat amb la mitjana d'edats. La clau resideix a identificar que els termes estan en progressió aritmètica i que per tant l'edat mitjana és el terme mig, destacant la simplificació a través d'aquesta observació crítica.
- 00:25:00 - 00:32:28
El vídeo conclou amb l'advertència sobre la importància d'entendre bé les preguntes i pensar de manera innovadora per tenir èxit en exàmens competitius, impulsant els espectadors a treballar dur i utilitzar estratègies úniques per destacar entre la competència, i animant a seguir el canal per més contingut útil.
Mind Map
Video-Fragen und Antworten
De què tracta aquest vídeo?
El vídeo tracta sobre tècniques per resoldre problemes de càlcul d'edats de forma ràpida i eficient.
Quines tècniques es presenten?
Es presenten tècniques per resoldre problemes de càlcul d'edats sense utilitzar paper i bolígraf.
Aquestes tècniques són útils per a quin tipus d'exàmens?
Són útils per a exàmens de competències com bancs, SSC, defensa, i exàmens CAT.
Quina és l'estratègia clau suggerida pel vídeo?
L'estratègia clau és utilitzar la verificació d'opcions i càlcul ràpid de diferències en parts i anys.
És necessari utilitzar paper i bolígraf?
No, el vídeo destaca tècniques que la majoria dels problemes es poden resoldre sense paper i bolígraf.
Quantes preguntes cobreix el vídeo?
No es menciona un nombre específic de preguntes cobertes.
Quin és el ratio inicial d'edats d'A i B plantejat en el vídeo?
Inicialment, les edats d'A i B són en la proporció de 3:5.
Weitere Video-Zusammenfassungen anzeigen
- 00:00:01[Music]
- 00:00:02[Applause]
- 00:00:06hi everyone this is chendan and welcome
- 00:00:08to channel logics hope all you guys are
- 00:00:11preparing well and staying safe at your
- 00:00:13home if you are new to our channel and
- 00:00:15if you have not yet subscribed to our
- 00:00:17channel please subscribe to our channel
- 00:00:18and click on the bell icon so that you
- 00:00:20will be getting notification once the
- 00:00:21video is uploaded and if you like our
- 00:00:23videos don't forget to share our videos
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- 00:00:27preparing for
- 00:00:29if you're looking for telugu videos then
- 00:00:31subscribe to our telugu channel we have
- 00:00:33provided link in the description and if
- 00:00:35you want to download free pdf materials
- 00:00:37you can join our telegram group we have
- 00:00:39provided our telegram group link in the
- 00:00:41description so in this video we're going
- 00:00:44to discuss questions from topic ages
- 00:00:47actually ages is one of the simplest
- 00:00:50topic and truly speaking 95 percent of
- 00:00:54questions from topic ages can be
- 00:00:57answered without using your pen and
- 00:00:59paper yes without using your pen and
- 00:01:02paper 95 percent of questions can be
- 00:01:05solved very very easily in just fraction
- 00:01:08of seconds
- 00:01:09i am going to share the wonderful
- 00:01:11technique where you can solve 95 percent
- 00:01:15of questions from topic ages without
- 00:01:18using your pen and paper so just watch
- 00:01:20the video completely and you are going
- 00:01:22to get complete idea how to solve
- 00:01:24questions from ages without using your
- 00:01:27pen and paper okay
- 00:01:29and this is very important topic and
- 00:01:31from this topic you're going to get
- 00:01:33questions frequently in every committee
- 00:01:35to exam whatever the examination you're
- 00:01:37going to write whether it is bank exam
- 00:01:39or ssc exam or railway or defense or cat
- 00:01:42or afghan examination whatever the
- 00:01:44examination may be definitely you are
- 00:01:45going to get questions from topic ages
- 00:01:47okay look here here we have a question
- 00:01:50the ages of a and b are presently in the
- 00:01:54ratio three ratio five
- 00:01:57nine years ago
- 00:01:59this ratio will become 12 ratio 23 what
- 00:02:03is the present age of a so we are
- 00:02:05supposed to say what is the present age
- 00:02:07of a and don't forget in this video i am
- 00:02:10not going to discuss complete concept i
- 00:02:13am going to share you smart approaches
- 00:02:16to solve questions in examination point
- 00:02:18of view okay now look here we are
- 00:02:20supposed to say present age of a
- 00:02:23actually this question can be solved in
- 00:02:26several ways
- 00:02:27first what generally most of the
- 00:02:29students do i am going to show that
- 00:02:31observe carefully what most of the
- 00:02:33students will do is they will take
- 00:02:35present ages as
- 00:02:373 x
- 00:02:385 x yes or no percentages 3 x 5 x
- 00:02:43next question said 9 years ago this
- 00:02:47ratio will become 12 ratio 23 nine years
- 00:02:50ago means i have to subtract yes or no
- 00:02:53nine years ago means i have subtract if
- 00:02:56percentage is three x
- 00:02:57nine years ago means it should be three
- 00:02:59x minus nine if percentage is five x
- 00:03:02means nine years ago means it should be
- 00:03:045 x minus 9 9 years ago what is the
- 00:03:07ratio ratio is 12 ratio 23 yes now what
- 00:03:12we have to do we have to do cross
- 00:03:14multiplication once we do cross
- 00:03:16multiplication we'll come to the value
- 00:03:18of x once we know the value of x then we
- 00:03:20can say ash and bh also yes now this is
- 00:03:25how most of the students do in
- 00:03:27examination this is one way to solve the
- 00:03:30question okay one more way one more way
- 00:03:32to solve the question is observe
- 00:03:34carefully percentage ratio is what
- 00:03:37percentage ratio is 3 ratio 5 yes or no
- 00:03:40present ages ratio is 3 ratio 5
- 00:03:45years ago this ratio will become 12
- 00:03:48ratio 23 nine years ago ratio is 12
- 00:03:52ratio 23 now observe here most of the
- 00:03:55students they will try to do with parts
- 00:03:58when they are trying to do with parts
- 00:04:00look here what's the difference here 3
- 00:04:0212 difference is nothing but 9
- 00:04:04okay next similarly if you observe here
- 00:04:075 or 23 what is the difference 5 23
- 00:04:10difference is nothing but 18 okay
- 00:04:13now observe here this is nine parts this
- 00:04:16is 18 parts which means parts are not
- 00:04:19same when parts are not the same we have
- 00:04:22to make them same how to make them same
- 00:04:24just to take above difference three five
- 00:04:26difference is what two
- 00:04:28next take below difference 12 23
- 00:04:31difference is what level take above
- 00:04:33difference take below difference and
- 00:04:35next what you have to do is multiply
- 00:04:38above difference below multiply above
- 00:04:40difference below okay next similarly
- 00:04:44multiply below difference above now once
- 00:04:46if you are going to do this then
- 00:04:48automatically parts is going to become
- 00:04:50same if you want you can check 3 into 11
- 00:04:53now is going to be 33 5 into 11 now this
- 00:04:56is going to be 55 okay similarly observe
- 00:04:59here similarly if you observe here just
- 00:05:01a minute this is 3 into 2 so if you
- 00:05:04observe here 2 into 12 now is going to
- 00:05:06be 24 23 into
- 00:05:092 now this is going to be 46 okay now
- 00:05:13observe carefully once after getting the
- 00:05:15new ratios you have to neglect old
- 00:05:18ratios once after getting new ratios you
- 00:05:20can neglect old ratios now check whether
- 00:05:23the parts are same or not now observe
- 00:05:26here 33 24 means difference is going to
- 00:05:28be how many parts 33 24 means difference
- 00:05:31is going to be 9 parts yes similarly 46
- 00:05:3555 46 55 is different is going to be how
- 00:05:38many parts nine parts yes now observe
- 00:05:41your parts are same yes parts are same
- 00:05:44and this is nothing but present ratio
- 00:05:47yes this is present ratio this one is
- 00:05:49what this is nine years ago ratio which
- 00:05:52means difference in parts is nine parts
- 00:05:56yes difference in parts is nine parts
- 00:06:00difference in years is nine years yes
- 00:06:03parts difference is nine parts years
- 00:06:05difference is nine years so i can simply
- 00:06:07say nine parts is equal to nine years
- 00:06:11yes if nine parts is nine years we can
- 00:06:14say one part is equal to one year if one
- 00:06:17part is one year we need to know present
- 00:06:21age of a present age of a is nothing but
- 00:06:2433 parts so if one part is one year 33
- 00:06:27parts is going to be 33 years so we can
- 00:06:29say answer for this question is going to
- 00:06:31be 33 years yes
- 00:06:33now this is one way to solve the
- 00:06:35question even if you solve in this way
- 00:06:37it is going to consume time in
- 00:06:38examination yes we have one more way
- 00:06:41observe carefully one more way and after
- 00:06:43this i am going to say
- 00:06:45how to solve the question just by
- 00:06:48looking at the question just by looking
- 00:06:49at the question how to solve ages
- 00:06:51questions very easily okay absolutely
- 00:06:53carefully one more method
- 00:06:55one more method to solve this question
- 00:06:57is percentages ratio is what percentage
- 00:06:59ratio is three ratio 5
- 00:07:02present age ratio 3 ratio 5
- 00:07:059 years ago ratio will become 12 ratio
- 00:07:0823 yes so 12 raise to 23 when nine years
- 00:07:12ago as it is 98 ago minus 9 minus 9 okay
- 00:07:15now what you can do is do cross
- 00:07:17multiplication 3 into 23 what is 3 into
- 00:07:2023 it is going to be 69 so 69 parts 12
- 00:07:24into 5 it is going to be 60 so this is
- 00:07:26going to be 60 parts now 69 parts 60
- 00:07:29parts means difference is going to be
- 00:07:30how much 9 parts so difference in terms
- 00:07:33of parts is 9 parts similarly 12 into
- 00:07:37minus 9 now this is nothing but minus 9
- 00:07:40into 12 okay similarly minus 9 into 23
- 00:07:44minus 9 into 23 minus 9 into 23 and you
- 00:07:48have to subtract as you have to subtract
- 00:07:50minus of minus means now this is going
- 00:07:52to be plus yes or no so plus 9 into 23
- 00:07:55now observe here just for the purpose of
- 00:07:57making calculations simple what i am
- 00:07:59going to do is i am going to take 9 9
- 00:08:02common if i take 9 common this is going
- 00:08:05to be how much 9 common then it is going
- 00:08:07to be 23 minus 12 yes or no if i take 9
- 00:08:11common this is 9 into 23 9 into 23 minus
- 00:08:149 into 12 you can write in this way yes
- 00:08:16or no 9 into 23 minus 9 in 12 if you
- 00:08:18take 9 common it will be 23 minus 12
- 00:08:21which means 9 into 11. now observe here
- 00:08:24we got in terms of parts nine parts nine
- 00:08:27parts equal to nine into eleven now from
- 00:08:30this if you observe nine nine gets
- 00:08:32cancelled so we can say one part equal
- 00:08:34to eleven if one part is eleven now we
- 00:08:37need to know the present age of a
- 00:08:39present age of a is going to be how many
- 00:08:41parts percentage of a is 3 parts if one
- 00:08:44part is 11 3 parts will be 3 into 11
- 00:08:46that is going to be 33 yes now even this
- 00:08:49is going to consume lot of time in
- 00:08:50examination then how to solve these type
- 00:08:53of questions very easily in examination
- 00:08:56observe carefully what you can do is
- 00:08:58whenever you have questions based upon
- 00:09:01ages what you can do is most of the time
- 00:09:0495 percent of time you can solve these
- 00:09:06questions just by using option
- 00:09:08verification yes just by applying option
- 00:09:11verification you can solve these
- 00:09:13questions but when you are applying
- 00:09:14option verification you have to read the
- 00:09:17question carefully understand the
- 00:09:19question carefully and then you have to
- 00:09:21apply option verification okay now our
- 00:09:23requirement what is our requirement our
- 00:09:25requirement is present age off in
- 00:09:28whenever you're trying to apply option
- 00:09:30verification first of all you need to
- 00:09:32know what are the given options so given
- 00:09:35options are present age of a okay these
- 00:09:38are present days of a in the question it
- 00:09:40is very clearly said that a b present
- 00:09:43ratio is 3 ratio 5 which means yes
- 00:09:46percentage is going to be 3 multiple 3
- 00:09:49ratio 5 means 3 into something 3 into
- 00:09:52something means 3 multiple yes or no now
- 00:09:54is a 27 multiple of 3 yes is 33 multiple
- 00:09:58of 3 yes sir is 49 multiple of 3 no is
- 00:10:0155 multiple of 3 no which means out of
- 00:10:04four options two options eliminated okay
- 00:10:08now we have two more options you need
- 00:10:10not worry we have statement something
- 00:10:12okay we have extra statements in the
- 00:10:14question read that extra statements next
- 00:10:17nine years ago this ratio will become 12
- 00:10:20ratio 23 which means nine years back
- 00:10:23ratio was given nine years back ratio 12
- 00:10:26ratio 23 i am looking for a y means in
- 00:10:29options i have a as i have a that is
- 00:10:31reason now yes age should be multiple of
- 00:10:3512 yes a should be multiple of 12 when
- 00:10:38nine years back nine years back it
- 00:10:40should be multiple of twelve nine years
- 00:10:42back means i need to subtract nine yes
- 00:10:44from 27 if you subtract 9 this is going
- 00:10:46to be how much 18 yes he is 18 multiple
- 00:10:49of 12 no so this is also going to be
- 00:10:51wrong answer yes y means 18 is not
- 00:10:53multiple of 12. now observe carefully
- 00:10:56out of four options three options
- 00:10:57eliminated which means definitely i can
- 00:10:59say 33 is going to be my answer yes if
- 00:11:02you want you can verify also if you
- 00:11:03verify 9 years back means 33 minus 9 if
- 00:11:07you subtract 33 minus 9 it is going to
- 00:11:09be 24. now look is 24 multiple of 12 yes
- 00:11:1324 is multiple of 12 so we can say
- 00:11:15answer is going to be 33 so 33 is going
- 00:11:18to satisfy the condition so we can solve
- 00:11:20either in this way or in this way or in
- 00:11:22this way or you can solve using option
- 00:11:25verification also when you are trying to
- 00:11:27solve question using option verification
- 00:11:29this question can be solved without
- 00:11:31using pen and paper but for all these
- 00:11:33techniques obviously you have to use pen
- 00:11:35and paper so that is the reason try to
- 00:11:38be always smart and unique in
- 00:11:40examination if you're smart and unique
- 00:11:42in examination then obviously you can
- 00:11:44save lot of time in examination just
- 00:11:47getting the mark is not important in how
- 00:11:49much time you're getting the mark it is
- 00:11:51very very important in competitive exams
- 00:11:53always you have to be smart always you
- 00:11:55have to be unique try to utilize the
- 00:11:57information given in the question
- 00:11:59properly if you are able to utilize the
- 00:12:01information given in the question
- 00:12:02properly then you can solve these type
- 00:12:04of questions very very easily almost 95
- 00:12:07percent of questions from topic ages can
- 00:12:09be solved just by using option
- 00:12:12verification yes
- 00:12:14we can solve one more question look at
- 00:12:15this
- 00:12:16the respective ratio of the present age
- 00:12:19of a mother and daughter is seven ratio
- 00:12:21one
- 00:12:23four years ago the respective ratio of
- 00:12:25their age was 19 ratio one
- 00:12:28what will be the mother's age four years
- 00:12:31from now we are supposed to know
- 00:12:33mother's age four years from now so
- 00:12:35given options are mother's age after
- 00:12:38four years yes or no mother's age after
- 00:12:41four years now even now this question
- 00:12:43can be done using option verification if
- 00:12:46you want to verify option verification
- 00:12:48first you need to know what is the
- 00:12:50option we can know that options are
- 00:12:52nothing but mother's age after four
- 00:12:54years now what is given in the question
- 00:12:56in the question it is said present age
- 00:12:58of mother daughter is seven ratio one
- 00:13:01which means percentage of mother should
- 00:13:03be multiple of seven yes mother's
- 00:13:05present day should be multiple of seven
- 00:13:07if i need to know mother's percentage
- 00:13:09means i need to subtract four y means
- 00:13:12these ages are after four years after
- 00:13:15four years these are ages of mother if i
- 00:13:18need to know percentage means i have to
- 00:13:20subtract 4 now subtract 42 minus 4 it is
- 00:13:23going to be 38 is 38 multiple of 7 no so
- 00:13:27this is wrong answer next 38 minus 4
- 00:13:30that is going to be 34 is 34 multiple of
- 00:13:347 no wrong answer next 46 minus 4 it is
- 00:13:38going to be 42 yes is 42 multiple of 7
- 00:13:42yes 42 is multiple of 7 so this can be
- 00:13:45our answer next 36 minus 4 it is going
- 00:13:48to be 32 yes now is 32 multiple of 7 no
- 00:13:53so this is wrong answer so i can simply
- 00:13:55say answer for this question is going to
- 00:13:56be 46
- 00:13:58and look at these are the exact
- 00:14:00questions exact options that came in
- 00:14:02examination now so many students they
- 00:14:04will think like options are framed in
- 00:14:07such a manner where it is going to be a
- 00:14:10multiple no it's not framed by me these
- 00:14:13are the exact questions that came in
- 00:14:14examination if you want even you can try
- 00:14:16you can open the book and you can try
- 00:14:18questions whatever that came in ages
- 00:14:2195 percent of questions definitely you
- 00:14:23can solve just by looking at the
- 00:14:25question itself yes it's true if you
- 00:14:26want you can try it
- 00:14:28is it clear you can try it then you'll
- 00:14:30come to know you whether you're able to
- 00:14:32solve these questions without using your
- 00:14:34pen and paper or not okay so answer for
- 00:14:36this question is nothing but 46 years
- 00:14:38very very simple
- 00:14:39let us look at one more question and one
- 00:14:41more important thing if you like this
- 00:14:43video click on the like button and try
- 00:14:45to share this video with as many friends
- 00:14:47as possible so that it will be
- 00:14:49very supportive for us and it will be
- 00:14:51very booster for us also so that we'll
- 00:14:53be coming across with
- 00:14:54best content which is going to be
- 00:14:56helpful for you in company to exams okay
- 00:14:58don't forget to share with all your
- 00:15:00friends who are preparing for complete
- 00:15:01exams
- 00:15:02next one average age of abc is 10 years
- 00:15:07less than age of c
- 00:15:09if ratio of age of abc is 3 ratio 4
- 00:15:14ratio 5 look here here ratio of age it
- 00:15:18was mentioned but whether it is
- 00:15:19presentage or
- 00:15:21whether it is after 5 years or whether
- 00:15:23it is three years ago nothing was
- 00:15:25mentioned if nothing was mentioned you
- 00:15:27are supposed to take it as present age
- 00:15:30only is it clear very important point if
- 00:15:32nothing was mentioned you're supposed to
- 00:15:34take percentage only percentage ratio of
- 00:15:36abc is 3 ratio 4 ratio 5 we are supposed
- 00:15:40to know what is the sum of age of a and
- 00:15:44c so we are supposed to know sum of
- 00:15:46edges of ac sum of edges of ac now
- 00:15:50observe carefully in the question abc
- 00:15:52age ratio was mentioned yes what is abc
- 00:15:55age ratio abc age ratio is 3 ratio 4
- 00:16:00ratio 5 yes or no 3 ratio 4 ratio 5 we
- 00:16:05are supposed to find sum of edges of ac
- 00:16:08which means sum of present days of ac
- 00:16:11nothing was mentioned means percentage
- 00:16:13now observe carefully percentage of a
- 00:16:16should be multiple of 3 percentage of c
- 00:16:18should be multiple of 5 sum means 3 plus
- 00:16:225 that is going to be 8 parts 8 parts
- 00:16:24means our answer should be multiple of 8
- 00:16:27yes or no our should be multiple of 8
- 00:16:29let us check 80 is multiple of 8 72 is
- 00:16:32multiple of 8 85 is not multiple of
- 00:16:35eight 78 is not multiple of eight which
- 00:16:38means out of four options two options
- 00:16:40are eliminated and we are left with two
- 00:16:42more options yes now read the
- 00:16:45information whatever that you have a
- 00:16:47guest why in the question we have some
- 00:16:49more information if we observe in the
- 00:16:51question is clearly said
- 00:16:53average age of abc average age of abc is
- 00:16:5810 years less than age of c
- 00:17:02look average age of abc is 10 years less
- 00:17:06than age of c now observe carefully if
- 00:17:08you observe carefully average age of abc
- 00:17:11means three four five three four five
- 00:17:14these are nothing but ages ratio which
- 00:17:17means average of three four five is what
- 00:17:20three four five average is nothing but
- 00:17:22four which means middle term what means
- 00:17:24three four five are in arithmetic
- 00:17:25progression when the given series is an
- 00:17:27arithmetic progression average is
- 00:17:29something but middle term so middle term
- 00:17:30means for which means average age of abc
- 00:17:34is going to be four parts and age of c
- 00:17:37is going to be five parts and in the
- 00:17:39question it is clearly said that average
- 00:17:41age of abc is
- 00:17:4310 years 10 years less than age of c so
- 00:17:4710 years less than age of c means
- 00:17:49difference between average and age of c
- 00:17:52is going to be 10 years yes or no now
- 00:17:55observe carefully we know that average
- 00:17:58of abc in terms of parts it is four
- 00:18:01parts
- 00:18:02c is age in terms of parts five parts
- 00:18:05difference between these two is going to
- 00:18:07be one part so one part equal to ten
- 00:18:09years if one part is ten years we are
- 00:18:12supposed to know sum of ages of ac sum
- 00:18:15of ace of ac is eight parts so 18 to 10
- 00:18:18we can say answer is going to be 80
- 00:18:20years so 72 is also eliminated is it
- 00:18:22clear very very simple just a fraction
- 00:18:25of seconds everything is given in the
- 00:18:27question itself and this one also exact
- 00:18:30question that came in examination you
- 00:18:32will have complete information in the
- 00:18:34question itself but you are supposed to
- 00:18:37be in a position to understand the
- 00:18:39question carefully and
- 00:18:41collect the key point that was mentioned
- 00:18:43the question if you're able to collect
- 00:18:45the key points that is mentioned the
- 00:18:46question then obviously you can solve
- 00:18:48these questions in fraction of seconds
- 00:18:50without using your pen and paper
- 00:18:52average of three four five i can say
- 00:18:54average of three four five something but
- 00:18:56four which means average is four and c
- 00:19:00sage is five parts
- 00:19:02four parts five parts difference is one
- 00:19:04part in the question it is clearly said
- 00:19:06that average of abc is 10 years less
- 00:19:09than age of c which means difference in
- 00:19:11terms of years is 10 years difference in
- 00:19:13terms of parts is one part so one part
- 00:19:16is 10 years we are supposed to know age
- 00:19:18of aac together age of ac is nothing but
- 00:19:21total eight parts eight parts means
- 00:19:23eighteen to ten eight years just a
- 00:19:25fraction of seconds
- 00:19:27always you have to be smart and unique
- 00:19:30you have to be smart and unique once if
- 00:19:32you are smart and unique then you can
- 00:19:34save lot of time in examination when
- 00:19:37thousands lacks of students are writing
- 00:19:39examination then why only you need to
- 00:19:41get the job just think of that why you
- 00:19:44need to get the job means then
- 00:19:45definitely you have to work hard you
- 00:19:48have to be unique you have to be smart
- 00:19:50you have to spend a lot of time for the
- 00:19:52purpose of practice you have to come
- 00:19:54across with many innovative thinkings
- 00:19:56which is going to helpful for you in
- 00:19:58examination when you're doing lot of
- 00:20:00hard work lot of smart work if you're
- 00:20:02going to do all of this then only you're
- 00:20:04going to get success why means we know
- 00:20:06that there is a huge competition any
- 00:20:09exam whatever the examination you're
- 00:20:10going to trade there is a huge
- 00:20:11competition in this huge competition if
- 00:20:14you are going to be one out of those
- 00:20:17selected students means definitely your
- 00:20:19hard work your smart work your guidance
- 00:20:21and how well you're practicing what are
- 00:20:23the approaches how much time you're
- 00:20:25spending how much time you're spending
- 00:20:27for questions how much time you're
- 00:20:28spending every day all these are going
- 00:20:30to play vital role who is going to work
- 00:20:33hard work smart and they are going to
- 00:20:35practice regularly only for them success
- 00:20:38is going to come in this competition why
- 00:20:40means there is a huge competition for
- 00:20:42community exams yes or no
- 00:20:44let us look at the next question
- 00:20:46sushil got married six years ago
- 00:20:49his age is seven by six times of his age
- 00:20:53at the time of his marriage
- 00:20:56three years ago his son was three years
- 00:20:59old
- 00:21:00the ratio of his sun and sushil at
- 00:21:03present so we are supposed to know
- 00:21:05present age ratio of
- 00:21:08sushil's sun
- 00:21:10and sushil okay so we are supposed to
- 00:21:12know sushil sun and sushil age ratio
- 00:21:16this is very very simple question even
- 00:21:18in this question also complete
- 00:21:21information is given in the question
- 00:21:22itself but most of the students they
- 00:21:24don't understand the question carefully
- 00:21:27there is reason commentary to
- 00:21:28examination it's all about reading the
- 00:21:31question carefully understand the
- 00:21:33question carefully once you very able to
- 00:21:35understand question and if you are able
- 00:21:37to collect the key points then it is
- 00:21:39very simple to mark the answer look here
- 00:21:42it is very clearly said that
- 00:21:44sushil got married six years ago so six
- 00:21:48years ago sushil got married
- 00:21:50his age is
- 00:21:52seven by six times of his age at the
- 00:21:55time of his marriage
- 00:21:57which means it is said that presentage
- 00:22:00of sushil is
- 00:22:01seven by six times of
- 00:22:04his age at the time of marriage
- 00:22:06which means which means this is
- 00:22:08presentage yes or no this is percentage
- 00:22:11and this is at the time of marriage
- 00:22:14percentage of socially seven parts and
- 00:22:17age of sushil at the time of marriage is
- 00:22:20six parts now difference between these
- 00:22:22two is going to be how many parts one
- 00:22:24part yes or no difference between these
- 00:22:26two is one part and it's very clear that
- 00:22:28sushil got married six years ago which
- 00:22:31means age difference in terms of parts
- 00:22:35is one part age difference in terms of
- 00:22:37years is six years so one part is equal
- 00:22:41to six years if one part is six years
- 00:22:44then i can say presentage of sushil is
- 00:22:47going to be seven parts seven parts
- 00:22:48means seven into six that is going to be
- 00:22:5142 years so sushil percentage is 42
- 00:22:54years i need to know sun percentage in
- 00:22:56the question it is clearly said three
- 00:22:58years ago his son was three years old
- 00:23:01three years ago his son was three years
- 00:23:04old means three years back three years
- 00:23:07then what is the percentage three plus
- 00:23:09three it is going to be six years yes or
- 00:23:11no
- 00:23:13let us say three years back my age is 24
- 00:23:16years if three years back my age 24
- 00:23:18means now it is going to be 24 plus 327
- 00:23:21similarly here also three years back sun
- 00:23:24sage is three years now will be what is
- 00:23:26the age means three plus three six years
- 00:23:28now calculate the ratio if you calculate
- 00:23:30the ratio what happened six cancels here
- 00:23:33one time six cancels here seven times so
- 00:23:35ratio is going to be one ratio seven
- 00:23:38just a fraction of second complete
- 00:23:40information is given in the question
- 00:23:41itself so it's very clearly mentioned
- 00:23:44that what is his age
- 00:23:46present and what is the
- 00:23:49age when he was got married ratio was
- 00:23:52mentioned very clearly ratio was seven
- 00:23:54ratio six and it's very clearly said
- 00:23:56that he got married six years back which
- 00:23:58means the difference in terms of parts
- 00:24:00is one part difference in terms of years
- 00:24:02is six years one part is six years if
- 00:24:04one party is six years we are supposed
- 00:24:05to know president is a social present is
- 00:24:07seven parts seven into six forty two
- 00:24:09years so social age present is 42 years
- 00:24:12social sun age is nothing but six years
- 00:24:14six ratio 42 which is same as 1 ratio 7
- 00:24:18okay complete information given in the
- 00:24:20question now without understanding the
- 00:24:22question what many students will do
- 00:24:23they'll go on doing the rough work no
- 00:24:25you are not supposed to do that
- 00:24:27understanding the question is very very
- 00:24:29important understand the question if
- 00:24:30you're able to understand the question
- 00:24:32then obviously getting the answer is
- 00:24:34very easy without understanding the
- 00:24:35question then how you are going to solve
- 00:24:37the question you have to understand the
- 00:24:39question read the question carefully
- 00:24:41understand the question what is given in
- 00:24:44the question you have to understand this
- 00:24:46once you are able to understand the
- 00:24:47information that is given in the
- 00:24:48question then obviously solving
- 00:24:50questions will be very very simple okay
- 00:24:53let us look at one more question
- 00:24:55sunigra's age is one by sixth of her
- 00:24:58father's age
- 00:24:59which means sunita's age will be one by
- 00:25:02sixth of our father's percentage so
- 00:25:05nothing was mentioned means here the
- 00:25:06information is about the percentages
- 00:25:08okay next her father's age will be twice
- 00:25:12the
- 00:25:13twice of varun sage after 10 years after
- 00:25:1610 years her father's age will be twice
- 00:25:18of varun say it seems if varun's eighth
- 00:25:21birthday was celebrated two years ago
- 00:25:23very important point warren's eighth
- 00:25:25birthday was celebrated two years ago
- 00:25:28then what is sunita's percentage so we
- 00:25:32are supposed to know sunita's percentage
- 00:25:34observe carefully in this question if
- 00:25:36you need to find suritas age means first
- 00:25:38you need to know father's age if you
- 00:25:40really know father says means first you
- 00:25:42need to know varun says once if you know
- 00:25:44one stage based upon varun sage you can
- 00:25:46say father sage once if you know father
- 00:25:48say then automatically you can say
- 00:25:49sunitas h yes first of all try to know
- 00:25:52what is varun sage it is very clearly
- 00:25:54said warren's eighth birthday was
- 00:25:56celebrated two years ago which means two
- 00:25:59years ago varun celebrated eighth
- 00:26:02battery means warren's age was eight
- 00:26:04years when two years ago two years ago
- 00:26:07eight years means present it should be
- 00:26:10eight plus two ten years yes which means
- 00:26:13warren's presentation is going to be ten
- 00:26:15years okay warren's a percentage
- 00:26:18actually this question can be done
- 00:26:20orally without using pen and paper but
- 00:26:22as you guys need to understand that is
- 00:26:24reason i am using pen paper okay so
- 00:26:27warren's present is going to be 10 years
- 00:26:29now what it is said in the question her
- 00:26:31father's age will be twice of varun sage
- 00:26:35after 10 years now percentage is 10
- 00:26:38years means warren's present days 10
- 00:26:39years means after 10 years after 10
- 00:26:43years warren sage will be how much 10
- 00:26:45plus 10 20 yes if varun sage is 20 means
- 00:26:48father say should be double so father
- 00:26:50should double means 20 double that is
- 00:26:52going to be 40 which means father's age
- 00:26:55is going to be 40 years after 10 years
- 00:26:58but we are supposed to know what is
- 00:27:00sunita's percentage if i need to know
- 00:27:02what is present it means first of all i
- 00:27:04need to know what is father's percentage
- 00:27:06father's age after 10 years is 40 after
- 00:27:0910 years 40 means percentage of father
- 00:27:11is going to be 30 percentage of father
- 00:27:1330 means it is very clearly said that
- 00:27:16sunita's age is one by sixth or father
- 00:27:18so one by sixth or father means one by
- 00:27:20six in two fathers is going to be 30 so
- 00:27:2330 cancels in six how many times five
- 00:27:25times so we can say sunita's present day
- 00:27:27is going to be five years is it clear
- 00:27:29very very simple and truly speaking all
- 00:27:32this information we need not write
- 00:27:35but as i was explaining you each and
- 00:27:37every student should be clear that is
- 00:27:40reason i have written very clearly but
- 00:27:42this question can be done orally if
- 00:27:44varun celebrated
- 00:27:45his eighth birthday two years back means
- 00:27:47warren's present day is going to be 10
- 00:27:49years if one's present days 10 years
- 00:27:51means after 10 years warren says will be
- 00:27:5328 and it's very clear that father's
- 00:27:55sage is going to be twice of varun sage
- 00:27:57after 10 years so 20 double will be 40.
- 00:28:00so father's day is going to be 40 years
- 00:28:02when after 10 years after 10 years 40
- 00:28:04means present it is going to be 30 years
- 00:28:06father's present is 30 years if father's
- 00:28:08present day is 30 years suritas age is
- 00:28:11one by six of father so one by six of 30
- 00:28:13one by six of 30 means 5 which means
- 00:28:16sunita's present day is going to be 5
- 00:28:18years is it clear very very simple
- 00:28:20question
- 00:28:21so let us look at one more question the
- 00:28:23sum of ages of 5 children born at the
- 00:28:27regular intervals of 3 years each
- 00:28:30is 50 years find out the age of youngest
- 00:28:34child so we are supposed to find the age
- 00:28:35of angus to child
- 00:28:37actually this question is also very
- 00:28:39simple question you can just mark the
- 00:28:41question in fraction of seconds but what
- 00:28:44most of the students will do is like
- 00:28:46they will as they does not know when the
- 00:28:48smallest child was born they will take
- 00:28:51the smallest childless x
- 00:28:53after every three years new child born
- 00:28:55yes or no so
- 00:28:57firstly child x means next to it will be
- 00:28:59x plus 3
- 00:29:00next to chill it will be x plus 6
- 00:29:03next chill it will be x plus 9
- 00:29:05next child it will be x plus 12 yes or
- 00:29:08no total how many children 5 children 1
- 00:29:10two three four five so total five
- 00:29:13children every three years every three
- 00:29:15years new child born first child exceeds
- 00:29:17means next child x plus three years next
- 00:29:20shall explain six years next year next
- 00:29:22plus nine years next child x plus 12
- 00:29:24years yes or no now what they're saying
- 00:29:27some of their ages some of their ages is
- 00:29:29going to be how much some of their ages
- 00:29:31is something but 50 years now what many
- 00:29:33students will do they will do some and
- 00:29:35they will equal it to 50 and they will
- 00:29:37find the value of x and then they will
- 00:29:39say what is the age of youngest child
- 00:29:42yes or no then they will say what is the
- 00:29:44age of the youngest child yes but truly
- 00:29:46speaking if you are going to do this in
- 00:29:48examination it is going to waste lot of
- 00:29:50time in examination yes or no if you are
- 00:29:53really smart it is very clear that sum
- 00:29:56is 50 yes or no sum is 50 if some is 50
- 00:29:59what is average average of five children
- 00:30:02is going to be 50 by 5 that is going to
- 00:30:05be 10 years yes or no which means
- 00:30:07average of five children is nothing but
- 00:30:10ten years it is very clear that
- 00:30:12x i x plus three x plus six x plus nine
- 00:30:15x plus twelve this is in arithmetic
- 00:30:17progression yes or no as the given
- 00:30:19series is an arithmetic progression
- 00:30:21average is nothing but a middle term
- 00:30:23middle term is nothing but x plus 6 so x
- 00:30:25plus 6 is nothing but 10 if x plus 6 is
- 00:30:2810 then what is the value of x value of
- 00:30:30x is nothing but 4 years yes or no so
- 00:30:32you can directly say answer is going to
- 00:30:33be 4 years you need not calculate it you
- 00:30:36do not elaborate it nothing is required
- 00:30:38commentary to exams no one will check
- 00:30:41your rough sheet how much paper work
- 00:30:43will you be you have done
- 00:30:45will anyone check it no one will check
- 00:30:47it after completion of your examination
- 00:30:49you will throw it in the discipline so
- 00:30:50always you have to avoid paperwork if
- 00:30:54you have to avoid paperwork means
- 00:30:56definitely you have to be smart yes or
- 00:30:58no if you are smart only then you can
- 00:31:00avoid paperwork so try to be smart try
- 00:31:03to be unique so that you can avoid
- 00:31:05paperwork if you're going to avoid
- 00:31:07paperwork then obviously you can save a
- 00:31:09lot of time in examination is it clear
- 00:31:11so answer for this question is going to
- 00:31:13be four years okay so with this we are
- 00:31:15going to end the session and if you're
- 00:31:17looking for more videos you can download
- 00:31:19channel noise app from google play store
- 00:31:21if you have any doubts you can contact
- 00:31:23through these members and don't forget
- 00:31:25to like our video if you like this
- 00:31:27session and don't forget to subscribe to
- 00:31:29our channel and if you like this videos
- 00:31:30try to share these videos with as many
- 00:31:32friends as possible why means if you're
- 00:31:34going to share these videos with as many
- 00:31:36friends as possible then it is going to
- 00:31:38be a boost up for us encouragement for
- 00:31:40us and we are going to come across with
- 00:31:42best unique contents which are going to
- 00:31:44be helpful for us that is reason i
- 00:31:45request each and every student to try to
- 00:31:48share these videos with as many friends
- 00:31:50as possible try to share in facebook
- 00:31:51groups whatsapp group telegram group try
- 00:31:53to share with maximum person so that it
- 00:31:55is going to be helpful for us and we are
- 00:31:57going to come across with more and more
- 00:32:00unique techniques which are going to be
- 00:32:01helpful for you in examination okay and
- 00:32:03as situations are not good try to be
- 00:32:05safe at your home meet in the next
- 00:32:07session thank you have a nice day bye
- 00:32:12[Music]
- 00:32:27you
- Aritmètica
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