Making Time Management Work for You: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #10



TLDRVideoen handler om å forbedre tidsstyring og arbeidsorganisering for å unngå stress og ineffektivitet. Evelyn fra Internett diskuterer viktigheten av å forstå egen arbeidsstil og tilpasse tidsstyring deretter. Enten du er en morgenperson eller nattugle, kan du forbedre produktiviteten ved å gjøre viktige oppgaver når du er på ditt mest produktive. Unngå multitasking da det er en ineffektiv metode for arbeid, bruk heller sjekklister for prioritering. Deleger oppgaver intelligent og lær å si nei når forpliktelser blir for mange. Øv på gode søvn- og helsevaner for optimal ytelse, og bruk kalendere for å holde deg organisert.


  • 🕒 Ingen one-size-fits-all-tidsstyring.
  • 👌 Unngå multitasking – det er ineffektivt.
  • 📝 Bruk sjekklister for å holde oversikt.
  • 🔄 Arbeid med din naturlige arbejdsrytme.
  • 🤝 Deleger oppgaver når det er mulig.
  • ❌ Lær å si nei til overflødige forpliktelser.
  • 💤 Sørg for nok søvn for bedre ytelse.
  • 💪 Trening kan redusere stress.
  • 🗓️ Bruk kalender for å organisere tidsbruk.
  • ✨ Prioriter kvalitet over kvantitet i arbeid.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    I løpet av denne delen diskuteres de utfordringene mange står overfor når de går seg vill i internettets mange kaninhull. Dette kan resultere i dårlig tidsstyring og en følelse av å ha gått glipp av viktige oppgaver, som lesing til prøver eller jobbforpliktelser. Evelyn fra Internett introduserer temaet Crash Course Business: Soft Skills, som fokuserer på strategier for effektivt arbeid, delegering av oppgaver og tidsstyring.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:59

    Den andre delen fortsetter å utforske hvordan man kan håndtere ansvar mer effektivt ved å forstå når man skal delegere en oppgave. Diskusjonen inkluderer tips om hvordan man kan si nei til oppgaver når man allerede er overbelastet, og viktigheten av å planlegge kalenderen for å få en bedre visuell oversikt over tidsbruk. Dette inkluderer også strategier for å opprettholde balanse i livet, ved å prioritere søvn, trening og personlig velvære for å sikre at man presterer best mulig.

Mind Map

Video-Fragen und Antworten

  • Hva er en effektiv måte å håndtere tid på?

    Bruk sjekklister for å prioritere oppgaver og unngå multitasking.

  • Hvordan kan man delegere oppgaver effektivt?

    Deleger oppgaver du ikke er best på og utnytt teammedlemmers styrker.

  • Hva skal man gjøre hvis man har for mye å gjøre?

    Lær å si nei til nye forpliktelser når tidsplanen er full.

  • Hvordan kan jeg forbedre min produktivitet?

    Arbeid på viktige oppgaver når du er mest produktiv og unngå distraksjoner.

  • Hvorfor er multitasking ineffektivt?

    Fordi hjernen ikke klarer å fokusere på flere oppgaver samtidig, noe som fører til lavere effektivitet.

  • Hva er noen tips for å oppnå bedre balanse mellom arbeid og fritid?

    Sørg for å få nok søvn, trene regelmessig, og prioritere oppgaver smart.

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Automatisches Blättern:
  • 00:00:05
    You know that moment when you’ve gone too far down an internet rabbit hole?
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    You’re in the depths of Wikipedia, reading a ridiculously long article about deep sea
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    fish… those things are so weird.
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    Then, you look at the clock and SOMEHOW it’s 3 a.m.
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    You’ve got a reading you didn’t do, a test to finish cramming for, and class in
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    the morning.
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    Or even a job!
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    And you wish you had managed your time just a little bit better.
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    Well, we’ve all been there.
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    So, today, we’re going to give you strategies to work more efficiently, delegate tasks,
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    and manage your time better so you’re not late, very late, for your very important dates.
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    I’m Evelyn from the Internets.
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    And this is Crash Course Business: Soft Skills.
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    [Intro Music Plays]
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    There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to time management.
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    Remember: we’re not going to ask you to change yourself to become a business robot.
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    The first step to feeling in control of your time is thinking about your working style,
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    your work, and even your personality.
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    Maybe you like detailed schedules or have a pretty structured job, like a secretary
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    or government employee.
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    Or maybe you think regimented schedules are suffocating and want the flexibility to work
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    on your own timeline.
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    I mean, that’s why I quit my office job and became a freelancer.
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    So don’t listen to those management gurus who say there’s only one way to make a
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    daily schedule.
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    Managing your day down to the minute with a sticky note system and a productivity tracker
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    is just as valid as prioritizing big projects and diving in.
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    And you probably have a time of day that you work best, too.
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    Some people are morning larks who get up early for yoga and a protein smoothie, and then
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    do their best work first thing.
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    Some of us are night owls who would love to sit in our pajamas until 11am, eating cereal
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    and watching Netflix, and do our best work later in the day.
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    Even though us night owls may not appreciate chipper morning larks, and you morning larks
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    may assume we’re lazy, there’s nothing wrong with either style.
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    Work with who you are and what you got!
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    Do the super important stuff, like big presentation prep, when you’re most productive.
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    And do the low intensity stuff, like sending daily emails, when you’re in slump time.
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    No matter when or how you work, there are ways to make the most out of your time and
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    stay focused.
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    For one, always avoid multitasking.
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    It’s a myth.
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    You’re just switching inefficiently between a lot of things.
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    You’ll be distractible and probably end up making messes when things could have been
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  • 00:02:31
    So to keep you from running around as mad as a hatter or anxiously dwelling on what
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    you /might/ be forgetting to do, make a checklist.
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    Put the important stuff first, and complete things one at a time.
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    Once you find your flow, do what you can to avoid interruptions.
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    Even little ones snowball into big chunks of time, and it takes longer to refocus than
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    you’d think.
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    Say you’re hard at work and your roommate offers you something to eat.
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    It might only take a minute to grab that snack, but our brains are weird and don’t actually
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    get back to that peak concentration level very easily.
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    This chunk of additional time is called the disruption cost, and you may need something
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    like 15 minutes to get back into the zone.
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    Now, you don’t need to disconnect from people completely and hide in a cottage in the woods
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    like the March Hare or Ron Swanson.
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    It may take a bit of coordination with your coworkers, but if you can, go somewhere away
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    from that open-office floor plan for an hour or two and unplug.
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    I know it’s hard to disconnect from electronics, because we give them so much attention every
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    single day.
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    You’ve got texts, DMs, and Facebook messages coming in, plus reminders, and your work may
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    want you online for emails or Slack.
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    But you can limit those distractions by printing out your reports or taking handwritten notes,
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    setting a certain amount of media minutes each day, leaving your phone in airplane mode
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    for a bit, or using a screen blocker app.
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    Now, sometimes work is pretty straightforward and specific to you, like writing a report.
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    But you won’t always be able to work solo.
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    No matter your job, you’ll eventually be a team member or a leader.
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    And if your to-do list has a bit of everything and you’re spread too thin, prioritize your
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    tasks, and then strategically delegate things that aren’t your specialty.
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    Think about it this way.
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    With a little delegation, the Queen of Hearts managed to get an entire garden repainted
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    in, like, 20 minutes.
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    Despite her faults, she was an efficient villain.
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    But… you probably shouldn’t model your people skills after her.
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    So don’t delegate things that could seriously burden other people, put them in an ethical
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    pickle, or encourage poor behavior.
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    Remember setting SMART goals?
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    Handing work off with ambiguous instructions, like, “Do whatever it takes to meet our
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    sales target!”, could leave room for corners to be cut.
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    And don’t delegate something important just because you don’t want to deal with it or,
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    “it’s not your job.”
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    Sometimes, yes, you could get a request that’s out of line.
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    But for the most part, if everyone said, “it’s not my job,” a lot of important stuff just
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    wouldn’t get done.
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    This avoidance is why HR departments end up handling most sexual harassment claims alone,
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    even though messages of support from leaders and managers about what’s not okay in the
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    office go a long way.
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    You should be thinking critically about why you’re delegating tasks.
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    So, if you’re the best person for the job and you have time, give the work a shot.
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    But if you’re bad at something or your teammate would be a better fit, maybe pass it along.
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    For instance, the designer in your office could work on place settings for the next
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    company fundraising lunch, while you work on the corporate guest list.
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    You’ll accomplish more together if everyone’s playing to their strengths.
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    And if you can teach someone a skill, you’ll demonstrate leadership, save yourself time
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    later, and make your team stronger.
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    But if delegation isn’t cutting it and you still feel like you have too much on your
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    plate, remember that you can say no to another project.
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    Okay, you can sometimes say no.
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    There are times you’ve gotta do what you gotta do, especially if you’re getting an
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    order that’s framed as a request or it’s basically in your job description.
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    If you’re a card soldier, you can’t say no to standing guard.
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    But when you do have the option, remember: there’s only so much time in a day, and
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    you want to put your effort towards things that matter.
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    So an extra responsibility could give you a chance to show your skills.
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    But think about the time commitment, how important it is, how good of a job you think you could
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    do, and if it helps meet any of your own goals.
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    If you’re not hyped about it, then offer a polite, “no thank you.”
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    Just don’t take too long to decide, because whoever’s asking probably has a deadline
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    and needs to find someone else.
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    If you say no, do it respectfully and directly.
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    Thank them for thinking of you, and maybe throw in another way you can help them out,
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    or name-drop someone who can.
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    To see how you can thoughtfully manage your responsibilities, let’s go to the Thought
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  • 00:06:40
    Let’s say you’re in charge of planning a Fall Fair for your small town.
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    It’s a big event, so you’ve got a super long checklist of things to do.
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    Luckily, you’ve got a talented team, so you can delegate some of those tasks.
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    You don’t want to dump random things on people’s plates, and you know that sometimes
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    people have skills that may surprise you.
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    So during the next team meeting, you ask everyone to tell you where they’d be the best fit.
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    Together, you divvy up responsibilities.
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    You’re in charge of vendors and sponsors.
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    Your financially savvy friend is keeping track of the budget.
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    And it turns out that one of your friends does graphic design on the side, so she’s
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    making the flyers and posters.
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    With more of the work spread across the team, you’re still really busy, but you’re
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    definitely less stressed.
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    So when another friend asks you to help plan the annual fundraising breakfast for the local
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    police force, you want to say yes.
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    The event is super important to her, and she makes a mean waffle.
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    You’re happy she trusts your planning skills, but you’re afraid that one more task will
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    turn your perfectly planned calendar upside down.
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    After you sleep on it, you tell her that you’re flattered she asked, and you’re passionate
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    about the cause, but you don’t have time to take on another event.
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    Then, you suggest that she give your super meticulous sister a call, since she’s an
  • 00:07:54
    expert planner during a crisis.
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    Your sister’s got the time and even convinces her boyfriend to help out!
  • 00:08:00
    Now, you’re not overcommitted and distracted by extra responsibilities, and your friend
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    has the help she needs.
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    Thanks, Thought Bubble!
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    It’s easy to overestimate how much time something is going to take and accidentally
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    take on too much.
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    It happens whether you're working a 9-to-5 office job, freelance gigs, or some sort of
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  • 00:08:19
    So if you’re struggling to figure out what you really have time for or what projects
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    you should say no to, try using a calendar.
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    After you’ve mapped out your current schedule, pencil in projects you want to take on and
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    their deadlines.
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    That way you can visualize how busy you actually are.
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    Then, you can use your SMART goals to figure out your priorities, and cut what isn’t
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  • 00:08:41
    Don’t put off projects you really care about until “the right time.”
  • 00:08:44
    Guess what?
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    You’re always busy.
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    Now is the right time!
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    But also remember to pencil in time for you.
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    The key to good quality work is feeling good.
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    If you spread yourself too thin, you won’t be doing anyone a favor.
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    I know I sound like your Internet Mom right now but…
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    You need to get close to 8 hours of sleep.
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    Just because you’ve heard that successful people get up at 4am doesn’t mean you should.
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    Really tired insomniacs who can’t focus get up at 4am too.
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    So get the rest your body needs.
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    And the last thing you probably want to do when you’re overwhelmed is hit the gym,
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    but exercise can help you destress and keep your brain working smoothly.
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    If you sacrifice your sleep, healthy eating, social time, or anything else that’s important
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    to you... you’ll feel worse, do worse work, and spend more time worrying... and probably crying.
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    Take care of yourself!
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    Perfect is the enemy of good, and if you find yourself stressing, don’t overthink it.
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    It’s probably great, and it’s time to put down the pencil.
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    Aaand... with that, we’ve officially used up all our time on time.
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    So don’t forget:
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    Figure out what works for you, because we’re all different!
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    But multitasking isn’t real.
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    Delegate what you can, and do it thoughtfully.
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    Prioritize your tasks by using a checklist and use a calendar to see what’s important.
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    It’s better to do high quality work over high quantity, so it’s okay to respectfully
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    say no.
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    We know you’re making important decisions on college, jobs, and just life in general.
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    So next time, we’ll be talking about how to avoid thought traps and make effective
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  • 00:10:21
    Crash Course Business is sponsored by Google and it’s made with the help of all
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    these nice people and Thought Cafe is our amazing animation team.
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    Crash Course is a Complexly production.
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    If you wanna keep imagining the world complexly with us, you can check out some of our other
  • 00:10:34
    channels like SciShow Psych, where hosts Hank Green and Brit Garner explore the complex
  • 00:10:40
    science of the human brain.
  • 00:10:41
    Also, if you’d like to keep Crash Course free for everybody, forever, you can support
  • 00:10:46
    the series at Patreon; a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you
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  • 00:10:52
    Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued support.
  • tidsstyring
  • effektivitet
  • delegasjon
  • produktivitet
  • arbeidsstil
  • multitasking
  • prioritering
  • sjekklister
  • balanse
  • helse