Eleven Years of AIFMD: Lessons Learned
TLDRLa presentació se centra en les actualitzacions i propostes de reforma de la Directiva sobre gestió de fons a la UE. Descriu el marc regulador implantat inicialment el 2013, destacant aspectes de protecció de l'inversor i mitigació de riscs. El ponent explica les propostes clau dirigides a la gestió de la liquiditat, els serveis de depositori, la transparència en la divulgació de l'ESG, i les regulacions en la delegació de gestió de risc i portafoli. S’analitza també el procés de revisió després de la crisi financera de 2008 i el paper que el marc regulador ha tingut en l’estabilitat del sistema financer europeu. La reforma actual destaca per voler alinear-se amb les realitats i expectatives modernes mitjançant ajustos com la implementació d’elements sostenibles i la transparència en el procés de pre-comercialització de fons.
- 🔍 Introducció al marc regulador per gestors de fons de la UE.
- 📅 Història i implementació inicial de la directiva el 2013.
- 📈 Ressenya de reformes estructurals i de sostenibilitat.
- 📜 Importància de la transparència i protecció dels inversors.
- 📝 Ajustos suggerits com a resposta a la crisi financera.
- 🔄 Canvis proposats a la gestió de la liquiditat i delegació.
- 🌱 Reformes per integrar criteris de sostenibilitat ESG.
- 🔗 Millores en la coherència normativa pan-europea.
- 📊 Revisions sobre supervisió i gestió de riscs.
- 🔍 Avaluació de l'adaptació del marc a les expectatives modernes.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
La presentació introdueix el tema de la revisió de l’AFMD, destacant les reformes clau des de la seva introducció el 2013. Es fa una breu presentació de temes com les polítiques de remuneració i el control de riscos interns de les inversions.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
És mencionada la revisió del 2017, que no es va dur a terme fins al 2019 amb un informe de KPMG. Aquest informe sobre l’AFMD aborda qüestions com el pre-marketing i la falta d’harmonització entre els diferents reguladors nacionals de la UE.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Es discuteixen els aspectes de la regulació SFDR introduïda per harmonitzar les normes de divulgació d’informació ESG per als gestors de fons, requerint que tinguin en compte els riscos de sostenibilitat en les seves decisions d’inversió.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Es tracta la proposta de reforma de la Comissió Europea, que inclou una carta d’ESMA sobre les àrees de millora de l’AFMD. La proposta abasta arranjaments de delegació, gestió de la liquiditat i altres aspectes per millorar la supervisió i estabilitat financera.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
La Comissió Europea va seguir diverses etapes des del 2020 per reavaluar i proposar millores a l’AFMD. La proposta s’enfoca en l’origolació de préstecs i la millora dels serveis de custòdia i harmonització en la gestió de liquiditat.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Les eines de gestió de la liquiditat es detallen en un nou annex que proposa la capacitat de l’ESMA per activar o desactivar eines de gestió de liquiditat en circumstàncies especials, buscant una major coherència a la UE.
- 00:30:00 - 00:37:51
La conclusió assenyala un impacte generalment positiu de la directiva, però amb necessitat de petits ajustos i canvis per adaptar-la a les realitats i expectatives recents, destacant la creació d'un mercat intern per a fons i la millora de la protecció dels inversors.
Mind Map
Video-Fragen und Antworten
Què tracta la presentació sobre les reformes normatives?
La presentació discuteix les reformes normatives dels gestors de fons a la UE, incloent propostes per millorar aspectes com la gestió de riscs, la sostenibilitat i la transparència.
Quin és l'objectiu principal de la directiva del 2011?
L'objectiu principal és oferir un marc regulatori coherent per a la gestió de fons a la UE, enfocant-se en la protecció dels inversors i la reducció de riscs sistèmics.
Quins canvis van ser introduïts amb el Reglament de Sostenibilitat de 2019?
El Reglament de Sostenibilitat de 2019 harmonitza les normes de divulgació d'informació ESG per part dels gestors de fons, requerint considerar els riscs i impactes sostenibles.
Quina va ser la resposta a la crisi financera del 2008 mencionada en la presentació?
La resposta va ser la introducció de la directiva del 2011 que buscava una supervisió més efectiva i la reducció de riscs en la gestió de fons.
Quina és la proposta de reforma en relació a la delegació dels gestors?
Es requereix que els gestors notifiquin si deleguen més del que retenen en la gestió del risc o del portafoli, augmentant així la supervisió.
Com es tracta la pre-comercialització segons la reforma?
La reforma defineix clarament la precomercialització i regula les activitats que els gestors de fons poden realitzar abans de comercialitzar oficialment un fons.
Quin és l'impacte de la nova regulació sobre la liquiditat dels fons?
Els gestors de fons han de seleccionar eines de gestió de liquiditat per als fons oberts i reflectir-les en la documentació proporcionada als inversors.
Weitere Video-Zusammenfassungen anzeigen
- 00:00:04[Music]
- 00:00:15thank you CL for that for that
- 00:00:16introduction uh now focusing on the uh
- 00:00:20on these these 11 years that I need to
- 00:00:22go through in the next 25 minutes um
- 00:00:26what I intend doing is uh basically
- 00:00:29giving a a brief
- 00:00:30introduction uh on on the directive and
- 00:00:33where we started moving to uh reforms
- 00:00:37which happened even pre 2021 principally
- 00:00:40two of them uh which will come to later
- 00:00:43and then I will be focusing mostly on
- 00:00:46the on the commission proposal uh the
- 00:00:49proposal for reform of the
- 00:00:52fmd and in this in this third part of my
- 00:00:55presentation I will be skimming through
- 00:00:58five main points five main proposals for
- 00:01:01reform um without going too much into
- 00:01:05detail um on on a on a number of them
- 00:01:08because you will have sessions later on
- 00:01:10with Manfred right after mine on uh loan
- 00:01:13origination uh delegation and substance
- 00:01:16and tomorrow we will have a session on
- 00:01:18on loan orig on um the depository
- 00:01:20passport and the depository uh the
- 00:01:23depository mechanisms which are being um
- 00:01:25proposed in the in the reform and there
- 00:01:28will also be uh
- 00:01:30a whole session on sustainability so the
- 00:01:32the idea of of my presentation today is
- 00:01:35more to set the scene for the detail
- 00:01:37which you will be going into later on
- 00:01:40today and
- 00:01:42tomorrow so starting off with the
- 00:01:45introduction um the afmd as we know is a
- 00:01:49European union-wide regulatory provides
- 00:01:51for European union-wide regulatory
- 00:01:53framework and it was introduced and
- 00:01:55implemented in
- 00:01:572013 well introduced in 2011 really but
- 00:02:00implemented it came into force in in
- 00:02:03July of
- 00:02:042013 it sets out rules for fund managers
- 00:02:08around a number of different aspects as
- 00:02:10to how those fund managers should be
- 00:02:12operating in relation to their internal
- 00:02:14organization requirements the way in
- 00:02:17which they are marketing the funds which
- 00:02:18they are managing uh and the manner in
- 00:02:21which they are raising private capital
- 00:02:23and there it goes into quite uh quite
- 00:02:25some detail on uh remuneration policies
- 00:02:28which need to be set up and established
- 00:02:30by by the fund manager uh the manner in
- 00:02:33which uh the the fund manager is
- 00:02:36monitoring the risk of its uh of its
- 00:02:39Investments through the funds that it is
- 00:02:42managing uh several reporting
- 00:02:44requirements uh and more recently there
- 00:02:47is a a sustainability slant also given
- 00:02:51um to to this directive principle
- 00:02:53relating to the disclosure
- 00:02:56mechanisms although the directive does
- 00:02:59not not regulate as such the fund so the
- 00:03:02alternative investment fund the aif but
- 00:03:05it is directive regulating the fund
- 00:03:08manager the
- 00:03:10aifm on the other hand there are a
- 00:03:12number of rules uh in the directive
- 00:03:15itself particularly in relation to two
- 00:03:19points really the manner in which the
- 00:03:21manager is managing that fund and the
- 00:03:24the disclosures which that manager needs
- 00:03:26to make in the in the fund documentation
- 00:03:29to investors and secondly even the
- 00:03:32manner in which the
- 00:03:34depository functions and what role the
- 00:03:36depository plays uh in monitoring
- 00:03:40safekeeping uh and generally doing all
- 00:03:43that is required of him in terms of the
- 00:03:45directive which uh in an indirect manner
- 00:03:48is it is the directive is also impacting
- 00:03:51quite heavily onto the fund
- 00:03:54itself uh
- 00:03:56the main name of the the main names of
- 00:03:59the directive were always as these are
- 00:04:01underlying principles of most uh if not
- 00:04:04all EU legislation which is consumer
- 00:04:06protection so the protection of
- 00:04:08investors by introducing stricter
- 00:04:10compliance around around how and what
- 00:04:12information is disclosed and the removal
- 00:04:15of uh or an attempt at removal of some
- 00:04:17of the systemic risks which funds of a
- 00:04:20certain size can pose uh to the EU
- 00:04:23Financial system to the stability of the
- 00:04:25EU Financial system uh which experienced
- 00:04:29um uh uh some some uh which went through
- 00:04:33a a rough patch during the financial
- 00:04:35crisis from 200 dat onwards for a few
- 00:04:38years and in fact as CL pointed out
- 00:04:40previously this directive was was one of
- 00:04:43the responses uh to the financial
- 00:04:48crisis so in so far as the timeline of
- 00:04:51the directive is concerned as we're
- 00:04:54saying the
- 00:04:55afmd came into force in 2011 it was
- 00:04:59implemented mented though in 20133 well
- 00:05:01or it should have been implemented in
- 00:05:032013 most EU member states did so uh by
- 00:05:06the deadline some didn't and implemented
- 00:05:08it much later but those were exception
- 00:05:11the exception not the ru uh in
- 00:05:152017 a review clause in the directive
- 00:05:17should have been triggered um triggering
- 00:05:20off really the uh revisiting of the of
- 00:05:23the directive and this should have
- 00:05:25started in July 2017 for a number of
- 00:05:28reasons uh this didn't happen and uh the
- 00:05:31review really started with a um a report
- 00:05:35commissioned um to KPMG which was
- 00:05:38brought in to assess the directive
- 00:05:40against principles of Effectiveness
- 00:05:41efficiency coherence relevance and added
- 00:05:45value uh the report was published by
- 00:05:47KPMG in January of
- 00:05:492019 we'll come later now we'll pick on
- 00:05:53uh what happened after that because a
- 00:05:55number of different um steps were taken
- 00:05:58by esma by the commission and more
- 00:06:00recently until yesterday documents kept
- 00:06:02on being issued by the European
- 00:06:04Parliament uh just to bring you up to
- 00:06:06speed as much as I can on on the on the
- 00:06:09eer so far of the of the process however
- 00:06:13going back a step and going through what
- 00:06:18occurred prior to the 2021 publication
- 00:06:22of the reform proposal uh so as a first
- 00:06:25step we had uh even at the at Inception
- 00:06:28since 200
- 00:06:3013 we had a a bit of an issue around uh
- 00:06:34what is pre-marketing so one of the of
- 00:06:36the torny tny issues on which we as
- 00:06:40lawyers were being asked to issue legal
- 00:06:41opinions and to give advice but we were
- 00:06:44sometimes a bit lost in view of the
- 00:06:46diverging interpretations of the rules
- 00:06:49by national
- 00:06:51Regulators uh as to what constituted
- 00:06:54what constituted the activity of
- 00:06:56marketing uh of a fund now this was uh
- 00:07:01addressed uh eventually uh through um
- 00:07:06legislative legislative Intervention
- 00:07:08basically new uh EU rules were were
- 00:07:11introduced regulating the pre-marketing
- 00:07:13of aifs which were published in July of
- 00:07:162019 and came into force in August of
- 00:07:192021 um so what is uh what was
- 00:07:23pre-marketing before the issuance of the
- 00:07:25rules was a matter of interpretation now
- 00:07:28the premark is really the promotional
- 00:07:30activity of a fund manager when he has
- 00:07:33which that fund manager is undertaking
- 00:07:35with respect to a fund uh that falls
- 00:07:38short of marketing under the afmd so a
- 00:07:41step which happens before the fund is is
- 00:07:44effectively
- 00:07:45marketing uh at the time there was no
- 00:07:47uniform position across the EU so we had
- 00:07:49some member states uh such as the UK at
- 00:07:53the time taking a very flexible and open
- 00:07:56approach uh I remember where clients
- 00:07:59were being told that the the
- 00:08:00distribution of a red hering prospectus
- 00:08:04constituted pre-marketing
- 00:08:06um and hence uh wouldn't have attracted
- 00:08:09any any form of of Regulation at that
- 00:08:12moment in time whereas other member
- 00:08:14states were taking a much more
- 00:08:15restrictive approach that effectively
- 00:08:17prohibited pre-marketing so it was
- 00:08:19either marketing or not and of course
- 00:08:22the big difference is that once you
- 00:08:24Market you are subject to all the rules
- 00:08:27um arising from the fmd
- 00:08:30the issue was addressed by setting out a
- 00:08:32definition of pre-marketing
- 00:08:33and by regulating on a pan European
- 00:08:36basis what the fund managers can and
- 00:08:38cannot do as part of these pre-marketing
- 00:08:41activities this was defined as being
- 00:08:44limited to the provision of information
- 00:08:46on investment strategies or investment
- 00:08:49ideas uh there could be other fund
- 00:08:52related information such as the proposed
- 00:08:54terms or structure of the fund which um
- 00:08:57again this is this remains subject to a
- 00:08:59little bit of interpretation as to what
- 00:09:01detail can investors be given in in the
- 00:09:05pre-marketing
- 00:09:06stage the effect of these rules was the
- 00:09:09inability to rely on reverse Sol
- 00:09:11solicitation for a period of 18 months
- 00:09:13following the start of the this
- 00:09:15pre-marketing
- 00:09:16campaign um the afms had to notify their
- 00:09:19home regulator of their pre-marketing
- 00:09:21activities within two weeks the fund
- 00:09:24managers had to ensure that these
- 00:09:26activities were adequately adequately
- 00:09:28documented
- 00:09:30and the rules obliged EU member states
- 00:09:32to permit fund managers that are full
- 00:09:34scope EU afms for AFM the purposes to
- 00:09:37undertake premarketing so there was no
- 00:09:39further discussion and debate once these
- 00:09:41rules were were issued um as to whether
- 00:09:45premarketing was allowed or
- 00:09:47not the next
- 00:09:51initiative um related to the um SF
- 00:09:56related to sfdr so the sustainability
- 00:09:59sustainability factors which were
- 00:10:01introduced um as a response to the
- 00:10:05approach taken by a number of fund
- 00:10:06managers which were tackling um ESG
- 00:10:09risks uh at the level of their investe
- 00:10:12companies and drafting ESG action plans
- 00:10:14and purportedly promoting investment
- 00:10:18strategies which were in line with ESG
- 00:10:19principles without any real regulation
- 00:10:22uh and in fact there were questions were
- 00:10:24being raised as to the veracity of the
- 00:10:27relevant characteristics promoted by
- 00:10:29such funds are these funds ESG compliant
- 00:10:32or not I mean how can they be HG
- 00:10:33compliant if there is no real ESG set of
- 00:10:36rules or set of Standards which they can
- 00:10:38comply to which they can comply with uh
- 00:10:42and at the end of it would be would this
- 00:10:44be would this amount to uh a manner in
- 00:10:47which one could raise capital and
- 00:10:49attract investors without really being
- 00:10:52um uh being compliant with any
- 00:10:55particular set of rules and this was
- 00:10:58this was the backdrop to the
- 00:10:59introduction of e regulation
- 00:11:022019 uh 2088 on sustainability relating
- 00:11:06related disclosures in the financial
- 00:11:08services sector also known as sfrd this
- 00:11:13regulation basically harmonize the rules
- 00:11:15for the disclosure of of ESG information
- 00:11:19by fund
- 00:11:20managers once this regulation was issued
- 00:11:23AFM aifms were required to account for
- 00:11:27sustainability risks and factors as part
- 00:11:29of their ordinary uh of their ordinary
- 00:11:32course of Duties and Reporting
- 00:11:34obligations are always towards investors
- 00:11:36both at the management company level and
- 00:11:39at the level of the product so these
- 00:11:40sustainability risks and factors have to
- 00:11:43be considered both at the management
- 00:11:45company level and that product level as
- 00:11:48as a result of sfdr afms are required to
- 00:11:52consider if they want to basically
- 00:11:54promote their fund as ESG compliant as
- 00:11:57as uh catering tackling theg
- 00:12:00risks and as well as integrating their
- 00:12:02investment decisions and management
- 00:12:04processes relevant sustainability risks
- 00:12:08and the relevant principle adverse
- 00:12:10impacts of their Investments on
- 00:12:12sustainability factors so there are two
- 00:12:14elements here which need to be uh which
- 00:12:16need to be considered the relevant
- 00:12:18sustainability sustainability risk and
- 00:12:20the relevant principle adverse impact of
- 00:12:23their investment so on on sustainability
- 00:12:25factors so just as an example and I
- 00:12:28found this in in my research in one of
- 00:12:31the the various Publications which came
- 00:12:33out I think it's one one of the best
- 00:12:34examples I've encountered say
- 00:12:38um the distinction between between these
- 00:12:40two concepts because once you read them
- 00:12:43uh one doesn't really appreciate perhaps
- 00:12:45the difference between the relevant
- 00:12:46sustainability risks and the relevant
- 00:12:49principle adverse impacts of their
- 00:12:51Investments or sustainability factors
- 00:12:53these two elements so coming to the
- 00:12:55first element let's say um a fund
- 00:12:57manager takes um is
- 00:13:01considering to make an investment um
- 00:13:05through the fund of course in in a coal
- 00:13:07plant which is producing electricity so
- 00:13:09the first uh aspect would be what are
- 00:13:13the relevant sustainability risks and
- 00:13:15the relevant sustainability risks which
- 00:13:17that fund manager would need to consider
- 00:13:19would be Water Management uh by the SK
- 00:13:23plant uh the use of child labor
- 00:13:25appropriately health and safety policies
- 00:13:27governance and the plants Etc so
- 00:13:30generally speaking how is this how is
- 00:13:32this cop plant being managed and what um
- 00:13:36what risks are arising from the way in
- 00:13:38which this um this C plant is being
- 00:13:41managed uh across the board at a 360
- 00:13:44degree level on the other hand it would
- 00:13:46also need to be conscious of the
- 00:13:48sustainability factors in the sense
- 00:13:51would an investment in such a business
- 00:13:53also cause principal adverse impact on
- 00:13:56ESG factors in this case mainly the
- 00:13:59environmental one since it is a coal
- 00:14:01plant um and as we know um coal might
- 00:14:05not be the cleanest form of of energy um
- 00:14:10of material that one could use and uh
- 00:14:13balancing out these two factors and then
- 00:14:16disclosing to investors how these two
- 00:14:18factors are being considered in the
- 00:14:20Investments which that fund manager is
- 00:14:22making is one of the Hallmarks of this
- 00:14:26regulation so moving on to
- 00:14:29the um to the reform proposal so the
- 00:14:33reform proposal we really and truly
- 00:14:35started off by a letter sent sent by
- 00:14:38Asma as required in terms of the
- 00:14:39directive itself on the 18th August of
- 00:14:412020 to the commission outlining the
- 00:14:44areas of the fmd which could be improved
- 00:14:47um it then proceeded on the 22nd of
- 00:14:50October of 2020 with the European
- 00:14:52commission launching a consultation on
- 00:14:54the review of the
- 00:14:56fmd 29 January 2021 one so just a a
- 00:15:00quarter three months later um feedback
- 00:15:03was received from interested parties and
- 00:15:06this was required to be submitted as we
- 00:15:07saying by the 29th of January on the
- 00:15:1025th November of 20 2021 then and this
- 00:15:13is one of the of the principal dates um
- 00:15:17the commission published this proposal
- 00:15:19to amend the
- 00:15:20fmd and well finally not really finally
- 00:15:24because the the the the ITA is is is is
- 00:15:27is well we're around um uh halfway there
- 00:15:31is that on the 24th of March of 2022 the
- 00:15:34deadline uh expired for submission of
- 00:15:37feedback to the proposal now at this
- 00:15:38moment in time um the the the status is
- 00:15:44that
- 00:15:47the the the trialogue process needs to
- 00:15:50needs to come in soon there is the
- 00:15:51European Parliament which at the moment
- 00:15:53um I believe the report a report was
- 00:15:56issued yesterday I think it's at the end
- 00:15:58of its first reading I stand to be
- 00:16:00corrected here and then it will move of
- 00:16:02course to also consideration by uh by
- 00:16:06Council um so again going back to uh the
- 00:16:11the the main aim of the directive when
- 00:16:14it was issued in 20 in
- 00:16:162011 it was issued in the wake of of a
- 00:16:19global financial crisis to achieve
- 00:16:21coherent supervision and management of
- 00:16:23risks of
- 00:16:24aifs um article 69 of the directive
- 00:16:28called for a review of its application
- 00:16:30and in this context as we're saying the
- 00:16:32European commission presented its report
- 00:16:36uh and the detailed assessment of the
- 00:16:38European Parliament and the Council of
- 00:16:40the EU the backto back evaluation
- 00:16:45contained in the in the uh commission
- 00:16:47impact assessment on the directive found
- 00:16:50that the directive was largely um
- 00:16:53achieving its
- 00:16:54objectives um which were saying investor
- 00:16:57protection disclosure to invest the the
- 00:16:59main objectives of the directives were
- 00:17:00largely being being achieved however it
- 00:17:03could benefit from some improvements in
- 00:17:06areas that of course 10 years ago might
- 00:17:08not have been sufficiently addressed or
- 00:17:10that which would have evolved
- 00:17:12considerably since then uh it was on
- 00:17:15this basis that the commission and
- 00:17:17against this backdrop also adopted a new
- 00:17:19capital markets Union action plan in in
- 00:17:22September of 2020 so the completion of
- 00:17:26the of the
- 00:17:27CMU um is is one of the priorities as as
- 00:17:31as you know of the of the European Union
- 00:17:32at this moment in time in order to
- 00:17:35support economic recovery um
- 00:17:37uh across across all France and to to
- 00:17:41tackle the challenges which which the
- 00:17:43European Union is facing um in in in in
- 00:17:47this moment so it was against all this
- 00:17:51backdrop and the improvements which were
- 00:17:53being suggested that the reform proposal
- 00:17:56uh was issued and the reform proposal
- 00:17:58even if you look at the title it relates
- 00:18:01to delegation Arrangements liquidity
- 00:18:03risk management supervisory reporting
- 00:18:05provision of depository and custody
- 00:18:07services and loan origination by
- 00:18:10aifs um this is what is referred to as a
- 00:18:13refit initiative so regulatory Fitness
- 00:18:15and perform as part of the fitness and
- 00:18:17Regulatory Fitness and performance
- 00:18:19program initiative of the
- 00:18:24commission um going back to the to the
- 00:18:27as mon going to go through these because
- 00:18:29it will take us it will take us hours
- 00:18:31the the you're free to read the esma
- 00:18:34letter the esma letter highlighted in
- 00:18:36all um well I could identify 19 19
- 00:18:40points uh which the Asma letter um had
- 00:18:43suggested should be looked into by the
- 00:18:46commission um in order for refinement or
- 00:18:49detail not all these were taken up uh by
- 00:18:52the commission and we're going to go
- 00:18:53into those now uh which have which were
- 00:18:57really really then taken up by the
- 00:18:59commission and on the basis of which uh
- 00:19:01the commission uh proceeded to issue it
- 00:19:04its proposal the
- 00:19:09um
- 00:19:12the this proposal was preceded by a
- 00:19:15consultation um uh as we're saying and
- 00:19:18the consultation had had a really six
- 00:19:21pillars which were an analysis asking
- 00:19:24feedback on an analysis of the directive
- 00:19:26on the utility of the passport
- 00:19:29um the scope of the license whether it
- 00:19:31should be extended to smaller fund
- 00:19:33managers the adequacy and effective of
- 00:19:36obligations of aifms acquiring control
- 00:19:38of non-listed entities Financial
- 00:19:41stability generally as to how this
- 00:19:42directive was helping in in achieving
- 00:19:44that that
- 00:19:46objective um the integration of
- 00:19:48sustainability risks which we were
- 00:19:50referring to previously and the more
- 00:19:53coherent approach in the treatment of
- 00:19:54uset because really and truly even when
- 00:19:57one looks at the proposal
- 00:19:58The Proposal is um is also making some
- 00:20:02changes to the to the is also proposing
- 00:20:04the the the some amendments to the uses
- 00:20:07directive in order for um as much as
- 00:20:10possible the direct the two directives
- 00:20:12to be aligned there was there were
- 00:20:14proposals in the past on a single
- 00:20:16license for aifms and uses managers
- 00:20:21however it it it looks like the approach
- 00:20:24taken so far is that the two directives
- 00:20:26will remain separate but as as much as
- 00:20:28possible with obvious exceptions like
- 00:20:31loan origination can't be provided for
- 00:20:33in the uses directive because it jws
- 00:20:35with the whole concept of aits um W with
- 00:20:40with these exceptions as much as
- 00:20:41possible there will be there will be
- 00:20:43some form of cohesion between the two
- 00:20:47directives so picking on the really the
- 00:20:50five points and I can I can add one more
- 00:20:53maybe um the these Five Points which
- 00:20:58form part of the reform proposal are uh
- 00:21:01loan
- 00:21:02origination um Clarity on the
- 00:21:04requirements of the of Delegation and
- 00:21:08with that I would also link substance
- 00:21:10improving the supply of depository
- 00:21:12services in smaller markets
- 00:21:15harmonization of liquidity management
- 00:21:17tools across the union and improving
- 00:21:19level of data gathered through
- 00:21:20regulatory reporting
- 00:21:23um the I think if if if we were to look
- 00:21:26at these these five points uh starting
- 00:21:29off with the with the first three uh all
- 00:21:32these three as I was saying previously
- 00:21:34are going to be tackled uh by other
- 00:21:36speakers and by other panels during this
- 00:21:38conference so I will just really touch
- 00:21:40upon um just a few details on on on each
- 00:21:44just to just to say that I've said I've
- 00:21:46kind of set the SC um so loan
- 00:21:50origination is now being proposed as an
- 00:21:52activity um to be
- 00:21:55added to
- 00:21:57nx1 to the list of AFM activities which
- 00:22:00is the activity of originating lanss and
- 00:22:02also there's also another activity the
- 00:22:04servicing of securitizations special
- 00:22:06purpose entities there is no detailed
- 00:22:09definition at the in in The Proposal as
- 00:22:12to what activities may be included
- 00:22:14within originating loans and whether
- 00:22:16this would also uh extend only to the
- 00:22:19initial legal lender of record however
- 00:22:21this is detail which one would expect to
- 00:22:23see um going forward arising or being
- 00:22:26clarified there is result of this
- 00:22:28amendment is that a fund manager in one
- 00:22:31member State can utilize the manage
- 00:22:33management passport to manage a fund an
- 00:22:36aif in another member state that engages
- 00:22:39in loan
- 00:22:40origination however there is no passport
- 00:22:44for the for the loan origination or loan
- 00:22:46originating fund itself so you could
- 00:22:48have different member states regulating
- 00:22:50loan origination in different in
- 00:22:52different
- 00:22:53ways uh there are also thresholds
- 00:22:55established which mafred will surely go
- 00:22:57into
- 00:22:58uh on the risk management of the manner
- 00:23:00in which and the thresholds which need
- 00:23:02to be applied when when a when a a fund
- 00:23:04is originating
- 00:23:07loans uh moving on to the next one which
- 00:23:09is
- 00:23:10delegation so here as you probably know
- 00:23:14um the there is quite a a chunk of aifms
- 00:23:19in the European Union which delegate
- 00:23:22either the portfolio or the risk
- 00:23:23management of of the funds that they
- 00:23:25manage the uh you can't delegate both
- 00:23:29the the the because that means that the
- 00:23:31that the AFM is a letter box entity
- 00:23:33however one of these either the risk or
- 00:23:36the portfolio management at least in in
- 00:23:37in my experience as a practitioner I
- 00:23:40have seen being invariably uh invariably
- 00:23:43delegated to third parties these third
- 00:23:45parties could even be members of the
- 00:23:47same group of companies as the AFM so
- 00:23:49doesn't need to be um actually they are
- 00:23:53Mo most of the time third parties being
- 00:23:56Affiliates or members of the same group
- 00:23:58group of companies
- 00:24:00what the proposal is achieving is trying
- 00:24:03to achieve here is that
- 00:24:06um the notific a notification process is
- 00:24:10being introduced where the ifm delegates
- 00:24:12more portfolio or risk management than
- 00:24:15it retains there is no uh really a
- 00:24:20definition of what is more um and as you
- 00:24:23will appreciate portfolio or risk
- 00:24:25management you can't really pin it down
- 00:24:27to a percentage so if I delegate 51% of
- 00:24:30my portfolio or risk management am I
- 00:24:32delegating more which means then that I
- 00:24:34would have to
- 00:24:35notify um my national competent
- 00:24:38Authority which would then in turn uh be
- 00:24:41required to notify the European
- 00:24:44Securities and markets Authority on an
- 00:24:46annual basis um so this is probably
- 00:24:50something which which might have to be
- 00:24:51clarified going forward linked to
- 00:24:54delegation there are also substance
- 00:24:56requirements which are being proposed
- 00:24:57osed um which really I I must say stayed
- 00:25:01the obvious because really and truly
- 00:25:03what the substance requirements are
- 00:25:05setting out is that the business of the
- 00:25:08of the aifm needs to be managed by two
- 00:25:11full-time
- 00:25:12employees um or if they're not employed
- 00:25:15fulltime they are committed full-time to
- 00:25:17conducting the business of the fund
- 00:25:18manager and they are resident in the EU
- 00:25:22so the way I read it at least the The
- 00:25:25Proposal is not requiring these people
- 00:25:27to actually
- 00:25:28in the same country of domicile as the
- 00:25:30fund manager but they would have to be
- 00:25:32resident in the EU wherever that is
- 00:25:36um again further detail we probably uh
- 00:25:40you will probably have have further
- 00:25:42detail on the on both both substance and
- 00:25:44delegation in in uh in M session right
- 00:25:48after
- 00:25:49mine uh moving to the third uh point in
- 00:25:53the in the proposal which are the
- 00:25:55deposit res services so um uh the rule
- 00:25:59at the moment in the in the
- 00:26:01directive is that the depository of an
- 00:26:04EU a has to be established in the home
- 00:26:06member state of the fund so if there is
- 00:26:09a fund if I am doic iling a fund in
- 00:26:12Luxembourg then the depository needs to
- 00:26:14be in
- 00:26:16Luxembourg uh that is uh this is a rule
- 00:26:19which um was subject to an exception uh
- 00:26:23which lapsed in in July of
- 00:26:262017 um uh because the until July of
- 00:26:312017 the depository of the fund could
- 00:26:34also be in a different member State and
- 00:26:37not necessarily in the same member State
- 00:26:39as the as the fund and in fact this is
- 00:26:43in a way um
- 00:26:46uh one of the one of the the the reforms
- 00:26:50which are which are being interested in
- 00:26:51a way
- 00:26:53Reviving um the the previous derogation
- 00:26:56which there was article 21 of the
- 00:26:59fmd uh allowing the provision of
- 00:27:01crossborder deposit Services uh this was
- 00:27:04a result
- 00:27:06of um the uh the commission study where
- 00:27:12it was noted that there were there were
- 00:27:15some concentrated markets lacking a
- 00:27:18competitive supply of depository
- 00:27:20Services especially in the in in smaller
- 00:27:22countries uh or in countries where the
- 00:27:25depository offering is is uh is very
- 00:27:28limited to a few
- 00:27:30players the commission has not
- 00:27:34considered introducing or proposing the
- 00:27:37introduction of a
- 00:27:39passport which would also would then
- 00:27:41certainly allow for the crossbo uh
- 00:27:44provision of the of depository Services
- 00:27:48because um at the moment this this
- 00:27:51option wouldn't be feasible given the
- 00:27:53absence of EU harmonization of
- 00:27:55Securities and insolvency laws uh on the
- 00:27:58other hand in its in one of its report
- 00:28:01the the Parliamentary reporter has
- 00:28:03encouraged the the the commission to to
- 00:28:07carry out a study about the feasibility
- 00:28:09of introducing a passport in Du
- 00:28:11course um to note that this derogation
- 00:28:16or this proposal to allow for cross the
- 00:28:18crossborder provisioning of depository
- 00:28:21Services is limited to the fmd and not
- 00:28:25to the uses directive
- 00:28:29so moving to the to the last two really
- 00:28:34um uh proposals one relating to
- 00:28:38liquidity management tools and the last
- 00:28:40one relating to reporting requirements
- 00:28:43so starting off with liquidity
- 00:28:45management
- 00:28:47tools
- 00:28:48um the liquidity management tools there
- 00:28:52is a a whole enex which which outlines
- 00:28:54what they are basically um uh which is a
- 00:28:57new nx5 which is being introduced to the
- 00:29:01directive and the requirement is that if
- 00:29:04where where a manager is managing
- 00:29:06open-ended aifs um uh they must choose
- 00:29:10these these liquidity managements tools
- 00:29:12they are required to choose um the a
- 00:29:15liquidity management tool and and also
- 00:29:18reflect it in there so there's a
- 00:29:20disclosure requirement in the in the
- 00:29:23documentation uh which is which is uh
- 00:29:25distributed to investors
- 00:29:28uh as and there is also a um a proposal
- 00:29:32for esma to have the power to require a
- 00:29:35fund manager this is the The Proposal of
- 00:29:37the of the commission uh to activate or
- 00:29:39deactivate a liquidity management tool
- 00:29:41in particular circumstances there are
- 00:29:43eight of these tools uh which are listed
- 00:29:46in in the proposed suggested anex five
- 00:29:49of the directive and if one looks
- 00:29:52through them all I think the the in in
- 00:29:56in in the that I've been practicing I've
- 00:29:58seen them all other than number five in
- 00:30:02my case at least which is Swing pricing
- 00:30:04because all the others U be it
- 00:30:06suspension of redemptions and
- 00:30:08subscriptions the introduction of
- 00:30:10redemption Gates um uh the introduction
- 00:30:13of notice periods where one has to give
- 00:30:15advanced
- 00:30:17notice to the fund manager that they are
- 00:30:19that an investor is redeeming his shares
- 00:30:22uh the imposition of redemption fees in
- 00:30:25case of
- 00:30:26redemptions uh an anti-dilution Levy
- 00:30:28where you have a levy to pay where there
- 00:30:31is a levy which is charged where um an
- 00:30:35investor is is redeeming his investment
- 00:30:37and the the the the uh by this
- 00:30:40Redemption then prejudicing potentially
- 00:30:42remaining investors
- 00:30:45um which is which then introduces costs
- 00:30:49which are associated with the purchases
- 00:30:51or sales of assets because of large
- 00:30:52inflows or outflows so a single main
- 00:30:55investor might be required to pay a ly
- 00:30:59if they decide to redeem because then
- 00:31:01the the total expense ratio would
- 00:31:03obviously increase because less less
- 00:31:06investors remain and the fund might even
- 00:31:09suffer uh a squeeze on its on it on the
- 00:31:11liquidation of its Assets in order to
- 00:31:13satisfy that Redemption request
- 00:31:15redemptions in kind so this number seven
- 00:31:17redemptions in kind I think um are used
- 00:31:21used frequently in the in the fund
- 00:31:24industry uh particularly where the
- 00:31:27underlying Investments are IL liquid so
- 00:31:30rather than
- 00:31:31liquidating um a piece of a piece of
- 00:31:33immovable property in which the in which
- 00:31:35the fund might have invested at an
- 00:31:37undervalue in a fire sale there is an
- 00:31:40agreement which is reached between
- 00:31:41investors and the fund uh in order for
- 00:31:45these investors to actually be given
- 00:31:47either the whole or a portion of that
- 00:31:49immovable property depending of of
- 00:31:51course on the on the investment strategy
- 00:31:53and the manner in which the funds
- 00:31:54Investments are are structured and
- 00:31:56finally Side Pockets again Side
- 00:31:59Pockets I believe the first time I saw
- 00:32:01them was in 2008 at the beginning of the
- 00:32:04financial crisis um where at the time I
- 00:32:07remember the mfsa had introduced as well
- 00:32:09rules in relation to side pockets and
- 00:32:12how disclosures should be made on side
- 00:32:14pockets um side pockets would would
- 00:32:16allow liquid Investments to be parked
- 00:32:19not to be considered in the in the
- 00:32:21calculation of the of the net asset
- 00:32:23value so they are separated in a in a
- 00:32:25pocket on on on the side from remaining
- 00:32:27liquid investments in order not to
- 00:32:29contaminate the whole uh the whole
- 00:32:32portfolio of the fund so the fund
- 00:32:33manager would be allowed to set aside um
- 00:32:37in in a side pocket diesel liquid
- 00:32:39Investments and these are I mean these
- 00:32:42tools have been utilized by the fund
- 00:32:44industry for for several years now so no
- 00:32:47no no surprises here um it seems however
- 00:32:52that in in in some member states perhaps
- 00:32:55there were a number of instances where
- 00:32:57uh
- 00:32:58these these these tools were not being
- 00:33:01utilized as they should have um I don't
- 00:33:04know about
- 00:33:05that
- 00:33:07finally and this brings me really to to
- 00:33:09a conclusion on the reform proposal the
- 00:33:12reporting requirements there are two
- 00:33:13types of reporting there's the nx4
- 00:33:15reporting where it is being suggested
- 00:33:17that um the reports which are today
- 00:33:21being submitted to the
- 00:33:23ncas about Investments made in PR
- 00:33:27principal markets of main instruments
- 00:33:29which are being managed and principal
- 00:33:31exposures all these
- 00:33:34um uh these these qualifications are
- 00:33:37removed and basically there is a full
- 00:33:39report in relation to all Market
- 00:33:41instruments and exposures uh rather than
- 00:33:44a qualification before each uh before
- 00:33:47each one like main most important
- 00:33:49concentration so the materiality uh
- 00:33:52tests in these um in in in the current
- 00:33:55reporting The Proposal is is is is
- 00:33:57suggesting that it is removed uh
- 00:34:00secondly then another form of reporting
- 00:34:03where there are proposal being made is
- 00:34:04on investor disclosure uh the investor
- 00:34:07disclosure requirements we've already
- 00:34:08touched upon um because these are linked
- 00:34:11really to other proposals where the the
- 00:34:13fund is originating loan originating
- 00:34:16loans so in that case there would need
- 00:34:17to be
- 00:34:18reporting um there would need to be
- 00:34:21sorry disclosure in the in the fund
- 00:34:23documentation um uh the uh the the
- 00:34:27information needs to be disclosed on the
- 00:34:28possibility of using liquidity
- 00:34:30management tools list of fees and
- 00:34:32charges would need to be disclosed in
- 00:34:34connection with the operation of the
- 00:34:36fund and of the manager as well
- 00:34:40um so basically it's it's uh further
- 00:34:45disclosure of investor to to investors
- 00:34:48uh which is being proposed which to my
- 00:34:50mind um sounds sounds
- 00:34:53obvious one last
- 00:34:55point
- 00:34:57which uh which I wanted to make in
- 00:34:59relation to to to the reform proposals
- 00:35:02relates to article 42 uh which is not in
- 00:35:05the
- 00:35:06slides um so article 42 is is the
- 00:35:11establishes the national private
- 00:35:13placement regime so now the proposal is
- 00:35:15is suggesting the introduction of a
- 00:35:17different standard so rather
- 00:35:20than requiring the non-e fund manager or
- 00:35:24the non-eu fund to be established in a
- 00:35:27country which is not listed in the fatf
- 00:35:30uh fatf list of highest jurisdictions
- 00:35:32that is being replaced by requiring that
- 00:35:36the nonu fund manager and the non-u fund
- 00:35:39is not a highrisk jurisdiction pursuant
- 00:35:42to the eu's AML directive and in
- 00:35:45addition to
- 00:35:46that it is also proposing um that there
- 00:35:51is a the the the the this this the
- 00:35:53jurisdiction the domicile of the fund
- 00:35:55manager or the fund is not on the EU
- 00:35:58list of non-cooperative tax
- 00:36:00jurisdictions the rest in relation to
- 00:36:02the signat being signatories to the OCD
- 00:36:04model tax convention Remains the Same um
- 00:36:08and this is really a reflection um which
- 00:36:11has already of of another of of the same
- 00:36:14practically the same change
- 00:36:17um which has already been introduced in
- 00:36:19in in in another directive so similar
- 00:36:22changes um uh were also introduced in
- 00:36:26the
- 00:36:27um uh in in other directives in the
- 00:36:29European Union issued by the European
- 00:36:31Union so that I think brings me to an
- 00:36:35end on the reform proposals the
- 00:36:37conclusion really is that um the
- 00:36:40consultation has shown that the
- 00:36:43directive has had a mostly a positive
- 00:36:44impact it has created an internal market
- 00:36:46for funds as we were saying before it
- 00:36:50has allowed for more effective
- 00:36:51supervisory
- 00:36:53oversight um the and and
- 00:36:57it it it has generally improved investor
- 00:37:00protection as well so really and truly
- 00:37:04the it's quite quite a a positive a
- 00:37:07positive initiative which however
- 00:37:09requires a little bit of tweaking and
- 00:37:12some change in order to bring it in line
- 00:37:15with um more recent expectations and
- 00:37:18more recent realities which have evolved
- 00:37:20over the last over the last 10
- 00:37:24years um I can I think I've come to an
- 00:37:27end of my presentation I can take um
- 00:37:30questions if we have time because I'm
- 00:37:32conscious that I've taken even the
- 00:37:35question I've taken up even the question
- 00:37:40[Music]
- 00:37:49time
- afmd
- reformes
- sostenibilitat
- protecció inversor
- comercialització fons
- gestió riscs
- transparència
- regulació UE
- gestors fons
- directiva