Leather Lessons | glue tutorial



TLDREl vídeo proposa una guia pas a pas sobre com enganxar cuir utilitzant ciment de contacte. Primer, explica la importància de rugir les superfícies per millorar l'adhesió. Descriu tres configuracions bàsiques per enganxar el cuir: cares oposades, revers a revers o cara a revers. El procés consisteix en aplicar una capa de ciment a ambdues peces, esperar que el ciment passa d'estar enganxós a enganxifós, i després unir-les amb pressió. Finalment, es deixa assecar. El presentador també esmenta futurs vídeos sobre cosir cuir.


  • 🔑 Importància de rugir les superfícies abans d'enganxar.
  • 🧪 Utilització de ciment de contacte per al cuir.
  • ⏳ Esperar adequadament perquè la cola passi a ser enganxifosa.
  • 📐 Diferents maneres d'enganxar cervell (cara a cara, revers a revers, etc.).
  • 📚 Recomanació d'utilitzar estris pesats per a mantenir la pressió.
  • 🔧 Conèixer el temps d'assecat del ciment.
  • 🎥 Futur vídeo sobre configuracions de costura de cuir.
  • 🪡 Costura i acabar vores com a temes futurs.
  • 👌 Beneficis de la pràctica per familiaritzar-se amb el procés.
  • 🧼 Netejar les superfícies abans d'aplicar cola.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:50

    En aquest vídeo, Cxizent ens mostra el procés bàsic d'enganxar un tros de cuir amb un altre utilitzant ciment de contacte. Destaca que qualsevol ciment de contacte pot funcionar si no es té accés al ciment especial per cuir. El procés d'enganxat exigeix que les superfícies estiguin netes i rugoses per augmentar l'àrea de superfície, cosa que millora l'adherència. Es poden enganxar les tres combinacions de superfícies següents: cara amb cara, revers amb revers, o cara amb revers, depenent de la finalitat de l'objecte que es vol crear. Després d'aplicar el ciment, cal esperar que aquest passi d'estar líquid i enganxós a ser gomós i enganxifós abans d'ajuntar les peces.

Mind Map

Video-Fragen und Antworten

  • Quin tipus de cola s'utilitza per enganxar cuir?

    S'utilitza ciment de contacte, preferiblement específic per al cuir.

  • Per què és important rugir la superfície del cuir abans d'aplicar la cola?

    Rugir la superfície augmenta l'àrea de contacte, facilitant així una millor adhesió.

  • Quant temps s'ha d'esperar perquè la cola estigui llesta per enganxar?

    Generalment s'espera entre 30 i 90 segons, fins que la cola passi d'estar enganxosa a enganxifosa.

  • Quins són els tres mètodes bàsics per enganxar cuir?

    Es pot enganxar cara a cara, revers a revers o cara a revers.

  • Quin és el pas més difícil a l'hora d'enganxar cuir?

    El pas més difícil és esperar el temps adequat perquè la cola passi a ser enganxifosa.

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  • 00:00:00
    hey guys what's up it's Cxizent here with another  exhaustive video on a simple process so today
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    we're going to be gluing one  piece of leather to another
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    I've always maintained that if you know how  to attach one bit of material to another
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    you can basically make whatever you want.  Obviously there's a bit more nuance that
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    goes into it than that but with simple geometric  shapes it's certainly not far from the truth,
  • 00:00:28
    so this video on gluing and the next one on  stitching (tease tease) we'll be showing you
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    some of the simple ways that you can stick one  bit of leather to another. These are techniques
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    that I use literally every single time that I work  with leather and just require a bit of practice to
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    get comfortable with. So, glue. We use it to  glue things but what kind of glue do we use?
  • 00:00:52
    I'll be using some purpose-made leather crafting  cement but if that's hard for you to get don't
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    worry basically anything that's billed as a  "contact cement" can be used for our purposes.
  • 00:01:02
    I've personally used contact cement from woolies  before and it's turned out just fine they all have
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    a similar function; contact cement basically  wants two surfaces that are clean and rough
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    to bind together. The roughness is important for  reasons that I'll explain with a helpful diagram:
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    suppose that you have a perfectly flat surface  because you are a physicist that exists in a
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    frictionless vacuum. You only have this amount of  surface area to stick the two things together, a
  • 00:01:30
    way that we can cheat this is by scoring, marking,  or just roughing a surface up and so you can see
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    we've now increased the total amount of surface  area available on any given surface and more
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    surface area means that there's more space for  the glue to actually bind the two things together.
  • 00:01:50
    So then for leather if you're gluing the top  side to something just go over it with a scratch
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    awl like this to rough it up. You don't want any  dust or particulate in there so it's a good idea
  • 00:02:02
    to wipe it down or give it the Nintendo reboot  special. There are basically only three ways
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    that you can glue one piece of leather to another.  That is: top side to top side, reverse to reverse,
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    or topside to reverse. These two different  sides have plenty of names that you'll just
  • 00:02:20
    need to pick up through context, sorry about  that. Examples of when you might want to glue
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    topside to topside are: when you're making  something inside out that needs to be turned,
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    when you're doing a french seam with a backing,  or when you want to strengthen a single seam.
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    You might end up gluing topside to reverse if  you're: adding layers for bulk or strength,
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    doing a lapped seam, or you're putting  some decorative trim onto an edge.
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    Whereas you'd glue reverse to reverse  for things that you don't want to have a
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    front side like these coasters or this costume  that I'm going to use for demonstration purposes.
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    When you're working with the reverse side or flesh  side or suede side you often don't need to do much
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    roughing up but it is good to ensure that there  are no loose fibers that will only gum up the
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    works. These fibers here are fairly tightly packed  so I'll just run an awl over them briefly but this
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    isn't totally necessary. Now for the actual  content of this video: applying glue to leather.
  • 00:03:23
    I like to run a bead over the area that I  would like to stick and then spread it out,
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    usually with a piece of scrap leather  because it's plentiful in supply.
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    Now contact cement is going to want an application  on both pieces that are to be attached so make
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    sure to spread evenly on both pieces the next  step is always the most difficult: waiting
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    You want the glue to have a little time exposed to  air between 30 and 90 seconds typically but it's
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    hard to be prescriptive with this because what  we're looking for is actually conditional;
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    we want the glue to stop being a liquid that is  sticky and become more like a gum that is tacky.
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    I understand that the difference between  sticky and tacky is not wholly empirical
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    and I really can't emphasize enough the importance  of familiarity. Yes it surely does breed contempt
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    in some cases but you'll find that the more often  you do something and the more familiar you become
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    with that something the more that you'll  be able to differentiate between nebulous
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    quantities of that something as provided by  a voice over on a Youtube video. So once the
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    glue is tacky just align the pieces and apply  a little bit of pressure, each glue will have a
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    cure time that's written on the bottle but after  20 minutes it should be well and truly stuck. If
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    you're gluing a couple of flat pieces like me here  just put them on a flat table under a heavy book.
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    Ah, how fitting. You shouldn't have to  keep it under much pressure for long
  • 00:04:56
    And that's it, now you've got two pieces of  leather that are firmly stuck together and
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    you're wondering what else can be done with them.  If that's the case then you'd better subscribe to
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    the channel so that you don't miss the next  video in this tutorial installment where I'll
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    be talking about stitching and maybe even a little  bit about what can be done about these ugly edges
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    I really hope that you guys enjoyed watching  you guys take it easy and I'll catch you later.
  • 00:05:30
    you guys take it easy take it easy
  • 00:05:36
    there we go take it easy seriously
  • 00:05:42
    too wet not wet enough whoops
  • 00:05:47
    that's better oh
  • cuir
  • enganxar
  • ciment de contacte
  • manualitats
  • D.I.Y.
  • rugir
  • adhesió
  • tutorial