How to Know You're Saved #gospel #salvation #howtogetsaved #howtoknowyouaresaved #getsaved
TLDRIn this video, Robert Breaker explains how one can know they are truly saved, emphasizing that salvation is about certainty and knowledge rather than doubt. He compares salvation to being married, pointing out that just as one knows they're married, they should also know if they're saved. He stresses the importance of understanding the gospel and trusting in Jesus' sacrifice, rather than relying on works. Using various scripture references, particularly from 1 John and Ephesians, Breaker reassures viewers that belief in the gospel is what leads to salvation and knowledge of it.
- ✅ Salvation is knowing you're saved.
- 📖 You can find assurance in the scriptures.
- ⛪ Trust in Jesus’ sacrifice, not your works.
- 📅 Reflect on your understanding of being lost.
- ⛓️ Salvation is a gift, not earned.
- 🔑 Faith in the gospel is essential for salvation.
- ✝️ You cannot lose your salvation in Christ.
- 👂 Hearing the gospel leads to faith.
- 🔍 Doubt often indicates a misunderstanding of salvation.
- 🙌 Share your salvation experience for encouragement.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Robert Breaker from the Cloud Church discusses the question of how to know if one is saved. He emphasizes that salvation is something you can know for certain, likening it to knowing you're married or that you're born. Many people in Christianity express uncertainty about their salvation, but Breaker asserts that the Bible provides clarity on this matter.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
He refers to 1 John 5:13, which states that the Scriptures are written so that individuals may know they have eternal life. Breaker highlights that knowledge is a key component of salvation, as one must understand the gospel to be saved. He argues against the so-called 'bloodless gospel' that reduces salvation to simply repeating a prayer without understanding the fundamental truths of salvation.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Breaker stresses that salvation comes through knowledge, specifically the knowledge of being lost and the understanding that salvation is by faith, not works. He cites scriptures that emphasize the importance of knowing the truth of the gospel for one to be saved. He also shares his concerns over common misconceptions about salvation, particularly the misunderstanding of the role of prayer in relation to genuine faith in Jesus Christ.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
He elaborates on the misconception that good works can lead to salvation. Breaker references Ephesians 2:8-9, affirming that salvation is through grace and not of works, reinforcing that the only way to heaven is through Christ's sacrifice. He discusses the importance of understanding that one’s righteousness cannot save them; rather, it is through faith in Jesus Christ that one gains eternal life.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
The preacher speaks further about recognizing one’s lost state before they can be saved. He explains that many do not grasp the concept of salvation, and often people think of being saved in a physical sense, rather than a spiritual one. This understanding, or lack thereof, is what he believes leads many to confusion about their salvation.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
He outlines that to be saved, one must comprehend that it’s not about their good works or rituals; true salvation comes solely from faith in what Jesus did. He emphasizes that no one can be justified by the works of the law, as it is only through faith in Jesus that we can be saved. He also notes that many people claim to be Christians without realizing the true essence of what it means to be saved.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
The speaker shares his personal testimony regarding how he came to understand salvation by grace through faith, recounting that he had been in church all his life but only realized the gospel at the age of 18. This revelation provided him with certainty of his salvation, which he believes is available to all who truly seek to understand the scriptures and believe in the gospel.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Breaker continually refers to various biblical scriptures to support his teachings on salvation, explaining how the knowledge of Jesus’ sacrifice along with belief in it is essential for one to know they are saved. He underscores 1 John 5:13 again, stating that these teachings are provided so that believers might have assurance of their eternal life through Jesus.
- 00:40:00 - 00:49:54
Lastly, he invites viewers to reach out if they have found assurance through his message or if they are still learning about salvation, reinforcing community support and engagement in understanding God’s message. He encourages people to attend the Cloud Church for consistent teachings in Spanish and English, fostering a deeper exploration of salvation through Christ.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
How can I know that I am saved?
Salvation is about knowing; you should have an undeniable awareness of your salvation.
What is the connection between salvation and knowledge?
Salvation involves understanding your state before God and accepting Jesus' sacrifice.
Is salvation based on works?
No, salvation is not about works but faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What scripture assures us of our salvation?
1 John 5:13 assures believers that they can know they have eternal life.
What role does the gospel play in salvation?
The gospel is the message of Christ's sacrifice, which we must believe to be saved.
Can someone be saved without knowing it?
No, if someone is truly saved, they should be aware of it.
What to do if I doubt my salvation?
Refer to the scriptures and understand the gospel to gain assurance.
How does faith relate to salvation?
Faith is essential in trusting the gospel for salvation.
What does it mean to be born again?
Being born again refers to spiritual rebirth through faith in Christ.
Can I lose my salvation?
According to scripture, genuine salvation cannot be lost.
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- 00:00:00welcome back to the cloud church I'm
- 00:00:01Robert breaker missionary evangelist of
- 00:00:03Spanish and English speaking people and
- 00:00:05I want to make a little video here for
- 00:00:06you today to answer this question how to
- 00:00:09know that you're saved how to know that
- 00:00:12you're saved a lot of people um ask that
- 00:00:15question how can I know that I'm saved I
- 00:00:18like to say that salvation is a no so
- 00:00:20salvation when you're saved you know it
- 00:00:22you know you're saved so salvation is
- 00:00:25all about knowing that you're saved yet
- 00:00:27I've heard a lot of people today they
- 00:00:29they walk around they say well so and so
- 00:00:30got saved they just didn't know it what
- 00:00:33what huh I mean that doesn't even make
- 00:00:36sense the Bible says that being saved is
- 00:00:38like two different things it's like
- 00:00:39being married when you're saved it's
- 00:00:41like you're married to Christ well who
- 00:00:44got married and they didn't know it now
- 00:00:46if you're if you're married and you're
- 00:00:47watching this I'll guarantee one thing
- 00:00:49you know your wife you know who she is
- 00:00:51and you know you're married or you know
- 00:00:53your husband you know his name you know
- 00:00:55who he is so you know that you're
- 00:00:56married it's also like being born it's a
- 00:00:59spiritual birth when we get saved we're
- 00:01:00born again well nobody walks around
- 00:01:03saying well I wonder if I ever got born
- 00:01:05am I Born am I even here am I Born when
- 00:01:08you're born you know it so when you're
- 00:01:10saved you know it there shouldn't be any
- 00:01:12doubt that you're saved or not and yet
- 00:01:15many people today in Christianity say
- 00:01:17well how do I know if I'm saved and many
- 00:01:19of them worry about it which is good you
- 00:01:21should wonder if you don't know you need
- 00:01:24to know and so that's what this message
- 00:01:25is about today how can you know that
- 00:01:28you're saved I'm going to start with
- 00:01:30John uh 1 John that is 1 John CH 5 and
- 00:01:34verse 13 because the Bible teaches what
- 00:01:36I like to call a noo salvation a Bible
- 00:01:39teaches that you can be saved and know
- 00:01:42that you're saved unfortunately there's
- 00:01:44some denominations that say oh you can
- 00:01:45never know if you're saved or not until
- 00:01:47you die but that's not what the Bible
- 00:01:49says and this verse is a case in point 1
- 00:01:52John 5:13 says these things have I
- 00:01:54written unto you that believe on the
- 00:01:56name of the son of God now watch this
- 00:01:58that you may know that you have eternal
- 00:02:01life and that you may believe on the
- 00:02:04name of the son of God so the Bible says
- 00:02:07you can know that you have eternal life
- 00:02:09these things the Bible is written so
- 00:02:11that we may know that we have eternal
- 00:02:14life or not so the answer is yes you can
- 00:02:17know that you're saved and salvation
- 00:02:21that's what it is it's knowledge it's
- 00:02:22knowing something and believing what you
- 00:02:25know well what is that well let's look
- 00:02:27at a couple more verses about this
- 00:02:29salvation being being knowledge
- 00:02:31salvation is by knowledge 1 Timothy 2
- 00:02:34and: 4 and in 1 Timothy
- 00:02:372:4 the Bible tells us
- 00:02:41this 1 Timothy
- 00:02:442:4 speaking about Jesus Christ the
- 00:02:47Savior verse three verse four says who
- 00:02:49will have all men to be saved God wants
- 00:02:52everybody to get saved who will have all
- 00:02:55men to be saved and to come to the
- 00:02:57knowledge of the truth so to be be saved
- 00:03:00there has to be some knowledge there you
- 00:03:01have to understand something you have to
- 00:03:03know something and you can't know you're
- 00:03:06saved until you know the knowledge of
- 00:03:08how to get saved or how to be saved you
- 00:03:11know many people in Christianity Today
- 00:03:13they don't understand that and so they
- 00:03:15preach what I like to call the bloodless
- 00:03:17gospel if you get a chance to go to the
- 00:03:18cloud Church look up past sermons The
- 00:03:20bloodless gospel and they go around and
- 00:03:22tell people well just do this and repeat
- 00:03:23this prayer after me and then they tell
- 00:03:25the person well you're safe cuz you
- 00:03:27repeated this prayer after me and so
- 00:03:29they tell tell that person that the
- 00:03:30prayer saves is that what the Bible
- 00:03:33teaches no prayer saves no one what
- 00:03:36saves is Jesus Christ and what saves is
- 00:03:38faith in the gospel so you have to know
- 00:03:42the gospel before you can get saved and
- 00:03:44I've met tons of people that have told
- 00:03:47me over the years well I thought I was
- 00:03:48Sav for years but then I realized I was
- 00:03:50just trusting in my prayer rather than
- 00:03:52trusting in what Jesus Christ did for me
- 00:03:55and so that's that's a problem now I'm
- 00:03:56not against prayer actually you can say
- 00:03:58a prayer at the very moment you get
- 00:04:01saved but it's not the prayer itself
- 00:04:04that saves you first there has to be
- 00:04:06some knowledge some understanding and
- 00:04:09then you have to know what to believe in
- 00:04:13look at 2 Timothy 3 and ver1 15 second
- 00:04:15timy 3:15 says and it's Paul talking to
- 00:04:18a young man who got saved through his
- 00:04:20ministry and it says and that from a
- 00:04:22child thou Hast known the holy
- 00:04:24scriptures which are able to make thee
- 00:04:26wise into salvation through faith which
- 00:04:28is in Christ Jesus so there's some
- 00:04:30knowledge involved when it comes to
- 00:04:32Salvation that's why the question is how
- 00:04:34to know if you're saved well you need to
- 00:04:36know and how can you know well you have
- 00:04:37to have some knowledge where does the
- 00:04:39knowledge come from to where we know
- 00:04:41that we're saved right here it says
- 00:04:43through the holy scriptures now let's go
- 00:04:45to Luke chapter 1 another good
- 00:04:49verse so in Luke 1 and verse 76 and 77
- 00:04:53the Bible says and thou child shall be
- 00:04:55called the prophet of the highest for
- 00:04:57Thou shalt go before the face of the
- 00:04:58Lord to prepare his ways and to give
- 00:05:01knowledge of Salvation unto his people
- 00:05:05now it's talking talking about here John
- 00:05:07the Baptist and of course John the
- 00:05:08Baptist was the precursor to Jesus and
- 00:05:10so when John the Baptist went he went
- 00:05:12and he was preaching to the Jews we
- 00:05:14looked at a couple sermons ago in the
- 00:05:16cloud Church the difference between the
- 00:05:17ministry of Jesus and Paul but I thought
- 00:05:20it was interesting it says to give
- 00:05:21knowledge of Salvation so salvation is
- 00:05:24through knowledge through knowing
- 00:05:26something and the believing what it is
- 00:05:28that you know
- 00:05:30and what is it that you must know well
- 00:05:32first of all you need to know that
- 00:05:34you're
- 00:05:35lost you know problem with the world
- 00:05:37today is a lot of people don't
- 00:05:39understand what it means to be saved to
- 00:05:41be saved means your sins are forgiven
- 00:05:43and you're going to heaven when you die
- 00:05:45to be lost means you're going to hell
- 00:05:48and you're on your way to hell so which
- 00:05:50is it in your life when did you realize
- 00:05:53that you're lost a lot of people like to
- 00:05:55go around and they say hey man are you
- 00:05:56saved are you saved a lot of Christians
- 00:05:58like to ask people that question
- 00:06:00especially lost people hey are you saved
- 00:06:02when didd you get saved but a lot of
- 00:06:04things I found a lot of times is that
- 00:06:06people don't know what that means I had
- 00:06:09a cousin one time and I asked him I said
- 00:06:10hey cousin when'd you get saved and my
- 00:06:12cousin in Oklahoma he says well I'm a
- 00:06:15pilot and I was flying an airplane and
- 00:06:17man it was scary I was running out of
- 00:06:19gas and I had to call a Mayday and I
- 00:06:21brought the plane down and man I just
- 00:06:23wow God saved me that day I said do do
- 00:06:28you know what I'm asking when I'm at
- 00:06:29asking when didd you get saved that
- 00:06:32sounds like you feel that God saved your
- 00:06:35life and kept you from dying he goes
- 00:06:36yeah yeah that's the day I got saved God
- 00:06:37saved me from dying that day I said no
- 00:06:40no no that's not what I'm talking about
- 00:06:42I want to know when did you get saved
- 00:06:44spiritually not physically when did God
- 00:06:47save your soul and he looked at me like
- 00:06:49blink blink like an owl you know blink
- 00:06:52what does that mean so you see when you
- 00:06:55you go around you ask people are you
- 00:06:56saved if they're lost they don't know
- 00:06:58what it means to be saved saved so I
- 00:07:00found it's a lot easier to go around and
- 00:07:01say hey man when did you realize you
- 00:07:02were lost when did you get lost instead
- 00:07:04of saying hey when did you get saved hey
- 00:07:06when did you get lost and they go what
- 00:07:07do you mean get lost well do you realize
- 00:07:10that you're lost and on your way to hell
- 00:07:11right now without Jesus Christ do you
- 00:07:13realize if you don't trust Jesus Christ
- 00:07:15and his shed blood and the gospel that
- 00:07:18you're going to go to hell when you die
- 00:07:20and think oh oh I didn't realize that
- 00:07:23and often times people don't realize
- 00:07:24that they're lost so before you can get
- 00:07:27saved there must be a knowledge and
- 00:07:28there must be an a time in your life
- 00:07:30when you realized man I'm lost and I
- 00:07:33need to be saved
- 00:07:35spiritually well you also need to know
- 00:07:38that salvation is not by works but by
- 00:07:41faith there are a lot of people in
- 00:07:44Christianity Today that think well if my
- 00:07:47good works outweigh my bad works and
- 00:07:49these are my good works then maybe God
- 00:07:52will accept me and I'll go to heaven
- 00:07:53when I die and so their knowledge is
- 00:07:57well if God can accept me by what I do
- 00:07:59so if I I do good maybe I'll make it to
- 00:08:02Heaven is that what the Bible teaches
- 00:08:04that we get to heaven based upon what we
- 00:08:06do a thousand times no the Bible teaches
- 00:08:09that we get to heaven based upon what
- 00:08:11Jesus Christ did and it's all by faith
- 00:08:15see if you're thinking that you can get
- 00:08:16to heaven based upon your works then
- 00:08:18you're trusting in yourself you're
- 00:08:20trusting in what you do rather than what
- 00:08:22Jesus Christ did for you so in Ephesians
- 00:08:252 and 8 and9 Ephesians 2: 8 and9 the
- 00:08:29Bible was very very clear on this point
- 00:08:31for by grace are you saved through faith
- 00:08:34and that not of yourselves it is the
- 00:08:35gift of God not of works not of Works
- 00:08:39lest any man should boast you see the
- 00:08:42cross of Calvary was all about the
- 00:08:44Savior dying for our sins before that
- 00:08:48there was the Old Testament in the Old
- 00:08:49Testament yeah there were a lot of works
- 00:08:52that you had to do one of them was if
- 00:08:55you sinned you had to take a lamb for
- 00:08:56your sin you know that took some effort
- 00:08:59that took some work because the sinner
- 00:09:00actually had to take the knife and cut
- 00:09:02the throat of the lamb for the priest to
- 00:09:04catch it so we have an Old Testament
- 00:09:06where yeah there's some Works involved
- 00:09:09you want to go to the cloud church and
- 00:09:11look up past sermons look up the ones
- 00:09:13intitled Works versus
- 00:09:15Grace and how we're saved by faith today
- 00:09:18in the church age not by works also have
- 00:09:21one called the law versus Grace that's a
- 00:09:24good sermon as well that you need to go
- 00:09:26to and see so salvation what before you
- 00:09:30can be saved you have to know that
- 00:09:31you're lost before you can be saved you
- 00:09:34have to know that salvation is not by
- 00:09:36what you do a lot of people today think
- 00:09:39well I got to do right and if I do go
- 00:09:41right then God will accept me where do
- 00:09:43they get that from it's not from the
- 00:09:45scriptures the scripture says you are
- 00:09:47not saved of Works lest any man should
- 00:09:49boast Titus 3 and verse
- 00:09:525 and that's what's so sad is that many
- 00:09:55people claim to be Christians and they
- 00:09:57don't even know what it is to be a
- 00:09:58Christian what's a Christian someone who
- 00:10:01follows Christ why because Christ saves
- 00:10:03us we can't save ourselves if you if you
- 00:10:06claim to be a Christian and yet you
- 00:10:08think you can get to Heaven by your own
- 00:10:09Works you're not following Christ you're
- 00:10:11trying to do it your way you're trying
- 00:10:13to get to heaven based upon what you do
- 00:10:16rather than what Jesus did for you in
- 00:10:19Titus chap 3: 5 it says not by works of
- 00:10:21righteousness which we have done but
- 00:10:23according to his Mercy he saved us by
- 00:10:26the washing of R generation and the
- 00:10:27renewing of the Holy Ghost here Paul is
- 00:10:29speaking as a Christian a saved man
- 00:10:31writing to save people and he says not
- 00:10:35by works of righteousness which we have
- 00:10:36done but according to his Mercy he has
- 00:10:39saved us so it's by grace that we're
- 00:10:41saved it's not by works that we do that
- 00:10:44gets us saved it's by the work of Jesus
- 00:10:47Christ what I like to call the finished
- 00:10:50work of Jesus Christ what he did on the
- 00:10:54cross for us in our place let's go to
- 00:10:57Romans chapter 4 just to reiterate at
- 00:10:59this point because most Christians I
- 00:11:02hate to say it but so many Christians
- 00:11:04today are
- 00:11:06lost because in their eyes Christianity
- 00:11:09is all about me doing good works to for
- 00:11:12God to accept me well if that's the case
- 00:11:14then why did Jesus Christ die on the
- 00:11:16cross if we can do good works and get to
- 00:11:19heaven on our good works then why did he
- 00:11:23die kind of pointless wasn't it for him
- 00:11:25to die on the cross for the sins of the
- 00:11:27whole world if we can get to heaven in
- 00:11:29our own way without going through what
- 00:11:31he did for us Christianity is kind of
- 00:11:34pointless Jesus is nothing and we're
- 00:11:38everything if salvation's by our works
- 00:11:40but you see we're nothing the Bible
- 00:11:42teaches and Jesus is everything because
- 00:11:44our works are the work of a sinner all
- 00:11:47our righteousnesses the Bible says are
- 00:11:49as filthy rags and we can't in our own
- 00:11:52sinful way get to heaven we have to have
- 00:11:55our sins washed away before we can get
- 00:11:57there I don't care how many baths you
- 00:11:59take you'll never be able to bathe all
- 00:12:01your sins away only the blood of Jesus
- 00:12:05can wash our sins away and so that's why
- 00:12:08salvation isn't by our works and what we
- 00:12:11do it's by what Jesus did for us because
- 00:12:13he paid for our sins on the cross of
- 00:12:16Calvary Romans 4:
- 00:12:185-8 but to him that worketh not but
- 00:12:21believeth on him that justifieth the
- 00:12:22ungodly his faith is counted for
- 00:12:24righteousness so it's not for him that's
- 00:12:27working we don't get God's righteous by
- 00:12:29our works what does it say verse 6 even
- 00:12:32as David also described the blessedness
- 00:12:34of the man unto whom God imputeth
- 00:12:36righteousness without works we call this
- 00:12:38the doctrine of imputation if you get a
- 00:12:41chance go to Cloud Church look under my
- 00:12:42past sermons about what the Bible says
- 00:12:45about imputation also another good one
- 00:12:48justification salvation it's God
- 00:12:50imputing his righteousness to us through
- 00:12:53faith not through what we do but through
- 00:12:56trusting in what he did for us it says
- 00:12:59verse 7 saying blessed are they whose
- 00:13:01iniquities are forgiven and whose sins
- 00:13:03are covered blessed is the man to whom
- 00:13:05the Lord will not impute sin so if you
- 00:13:08can get to heaven based upon your works
- 00:13:09then Jesus died for nothing on the cross
- 00:13:12because you're good enough to get to
- 00:13:14heaven well the problem is no one's ever
- 00:13:16good enough to get to heaven one sin is
- 00:13:18all it takes for God to say nope don't
- 00:13:20ever want you to come in here so if you
- 00:13:22sined once too bad how do you get rid of
- 00:13:25that sin I don't care how many times you
- 00:13:27flagellate yourself or how many times
- 00:13:29you whip yourself or how many times you
- 00:13:31try to make up for that sin you're still
- 00:13:34a sinner and no sinner will be allowed
- 00:13:36into heaven so you got a problem you can
- 00:13:39live your whole life doing good works
- 00:13:40and hoping God will accept that but
- 00:13:43you're still a dirty low down sorry good
- 00:13:46for nothing Rascal and a sinner that God
- 00:13:48will never accept so there's only one
- 00:13:51way that you can have those sins washed
- 00:13:53away and be accepted by God how is that
- 00:13:57through the blood atonement of Jesus
- 00:13:59Christ matter of fact get a chance to go
- 00:14:00to Cloud Church look at past sermons and
- 00:14:02check out the sermon on the blood
- 00:14:03atonement that's such a good sermon to
- 00:14:05show that it's only through the death of
- 00:14:07Christ the burial and the resurrection
- 00:14:09what Jesus did that we can have our sins
- 00:14:12forgiven and it's all based upon his
- 00:14:14work not our works so we're not saved by
- 00:14:18works we're Saved By
- 00:14:21Faith Galatians chapter 2 verse 16 there
- 00:14:24are still some people today that that
- 00:14:26completely ignore Jesus Christ
- 00:14:29and they completely ignore what Jesus
- 00:14:31Christ did on the cross and so they're
- 00:14:33back over here thinking well I get to
- 00:14:35Heaven by keeping the law what does the
- 00:14:37Bible say about that Galatians 2:16
- 00:14:40knowing that a man is not justified by
- 00:14:44The Works of the law but by the faith of
- 00:14:46Jesus Christ even we have believed in
- 00:14:48Jesus Christ that we might be justified
- 00:14:50by the Faith of Christ and not by The
- 00:14:52Works of the law for by The Works of the
- 00:14:53law shall no flesh be justified so
- 00:14:57however good a person you you are and
- 00:14:59however wonderful you are in keeping the
- 00:15:02law too bad so sad The Works of the law
- 00:15:05cannot justify you because we know verse
- 00:15:0816 knowing that a man is not justified
- 00:15:11by The Works of the law do you know that
- 00:15:13you know you can't know you're saved
- 00:15:15until you know that you can't get to
- 00:15:17Heaven by your Works knowing that a man
- 00:15:20is not justified by The Works of the law
- 00:15:22do you know
- 00:15:23that when you know that then you realize
- 00:15:26well that can't save me what can oh
- 00:15:29Jesus can because Jesus died and shed
- 00:15:32his blood so what does a person need to
- 00:15:34know to be saved first they need to know
- 00:15:36their lost next they need to know that
- 00:15:38salvation isn't by what they do
- 00:15:41salvation is only through faith now the
- 00:15:44question is Faith in what well we'll get
- 00:15:47to that in a second but the the answer
- 00:15:50is faith in the
- 00:15:52gospel and we're going to look at what
- 00:15:54the gospel is let me quote a verse real
- 00:15:57quick
- 00:15:59this verse is Romans chapter 10 and
- 00:16:01verse1 17 one of my favorite verses in
- 00:16:04Romans 10:17 says faith let me make sure
- 00:16:07I quote it correctly I to misquote
- 00:16:09things Romans 1017 says so then Faith
- 00:16:12cometh by hearing and hearing by the
- 00:16:15word of God all right to get saved first
- 00:16:18you have to know you're lost next you
- 00:16:21have to know the Salvation is by faith
- 00:16:24alone and not by works well faith is
- 00:16:28what saves us then
- 00:16:30and then Faith cometh by what how do we
- 00:16:32get Faith does faith just boom pop on us
- 00:16:34and we're like wow wow I'm saved now I
- 00:16:36didn't even know it no I'm not a
- 00:16:38calvinist that's what Calvinists believe
- 00:16:40though against your will one day God
- 00:16:42just goes boom and you're saved you're
- 00:16:43just like wow I'm saved now but that's
- 00:16:45not what the Bible teaches the Bible
- 00:16:47says faith cometh by hearing and hearing
- 00:16:49by the word of God you've got to hear
- 00:16:52from the Bible how to be saved in order
- 00:16:54to be saved and so that's why the word
- 00:16:56of God is so important it's what makes
- 00:16:58us WI into salvation so what does the
- 00:17:01bible tell us to put our faith in well
- 00:17:04the answer is the gospel First
- 00:17:06Corinthians chap 15 1-4 now this video
- 00:17:10is for saved people and lost people
- 00:17:12maybe you're a person that claims to be
- 00:17:14a Christian but you say well I doubt my
- 00:17:15salvation all the time and I I wonder if
- 00:17:17I'm saved and maybe you clicked on this
- 00:17:19video because you just want to know how
- 00:17:21to know that you're saved well this
- 00:17:23video should help you but if you're lost
- 00:17:26this video will help you as well to know
- 00:17:28how to be
- 00:17:29saved and maybe you're watching this and
- 00:17:31it's it's true you're lost you've never
- 00:17:33come to a time in your life when you
- 00:17:35realize you were lost you never
- 00:17:36understood the Salvation was by grace
- 00:17:38through faith well here is for you this
- 00:17:41is what you need to hear faith comes by
- 00:17:42hearing hear by the word of God you need
- 00:17:44to hear the gospel now the gospel is
- 00:17:46found in 1 Corinthians chap 15 veres
- 00:17:501-4 and the Bible tells us this moreover
- 00:17:53Brethren so Paul is writing to people
- 00:17:55who are saved he says moreover Brethren
- 00:17:58I declare unto you that gospel which I
- 00:17:59preached unto you which also you've
- 00:18:01received and wherein you stand by which
- 00:18:03also you are saved verse two so this is
- 00:18:07how we get saved we are saved through
- 00:18:11the
- 00:18:11gospel I'm spell the word through wrong
- 00:18:14we're saved through the gospel by faith
- 00:18:17in
- 00:18:19it so it's faith in the gospel that
- 00:18:22saves us now how can a person have faith
- 00:18:24in the gospel if they never heard it I
- 00:18:27told you earlier I like to ask people
- 00:18:28when did you get lost I also like to ask
- 00:18:31people when was the very first time in
- 00:18:33your life when you ever heard the gospel
- 00:18:35because you're saved by the gospel well
- 00:18:37how can you be saved by the gospel if
- 00:18:38you've never heard it so there must be a
- 00:18:40time in your life when someone for the
- 00:18:42very first time preached to you the
- 00:18:44gospel that I'm about to preach right
- 00:18:46here think about it when was the first
- 00:18:48time you ever heard this a lot of people
- 00:18:50never heard this gospel it says here in
- 00:18:52verse two if you keep in memory what I
- 00:18:54preached unto you unless you believed in
- 00:18:56vain what is vain well we get the word
- 00:18:58vanity from vain it it comes from self a
- 00:19:00lot of people are trusting in themselves
- 00:19:02rather than the gospel and it says in
- 00:19:05verse three what the gospel is it says
- 00:19:06for I delivered unto you first of all
- 00:19:08that which I also received how that
- 00:19:10Christ died for our sins according to
- 00:19:14the scriptures and that he was buried
- 00:19:16and he rose again the third day
- 00:19:19according to the scriptures so the
- 00:19:22gospel is Jesus Christ God manifest In
- 00:19:24the Flesh died in my place for my sins
- 00:19:29now I don't know anybody else that did
- 00:19:30that for me God chose and know this
- 00:19:34important word how it's not just that
- 00:19:37Christ died for our sins it's how how
- 00:19:39did he do it how did Jesus Christ die
- 00:19:41for our sins by shedding his precious
- 00:19:44blood in the Old Testament to be
- 00:19:46forgiven of sins you had to have a blood
- 00:19:48sacrifice and the Bible says without the
- 00:19:50shedding of blood there's no remission
- 00:19:51of sins God does not forgive sins
- 00:19:53without blood being shed and here Jesus
- 00:19:56Christ came and he died on the cross and
- 00:19:58he shed his blood to show you I love you
- 00:20:01so much I want to die in your place for
- 00:20:03your sins so it's like God in heaven
- 00:20:07instead of grabbing you and throwing you
- 00:20:09straight into hell and making you pay
- 00:20:11for your sins he allowed Jesus Christ to
- 00:20:15take your sins upon himself and God
- 00:20:20said and and cast out all his anger and
- 00:20:23wrath on Jesus for every evil thing that
- 00:20:26you ever did and he did all that so that
- 00:20:29if you trust the gospel then you don't
- 00:20:32have to go to hell because Jesus paid
- 00:20:34for your sins in your place now wow and
- 00:20:38that's what's so amazing about the
- 00:20:39gospel you see you can either do it
- 00:20:41yourself and do good works and think I
- 00:20:43deserve to get to heaven and then die
- 00:20:45and go to heaven and God says you don't
- 00:20:46deserve anything go straight to hell you
- 00:20:48sinner because you rejected what I did
- 00:20:50for you or you can come to Jesus and say
- 00:20:53Jesus I realize that I'm a sinner and I
- 00:20:56can't save myself so I trust you and I
- 00:20:59trust the gospel and God says that'll do
- 00:21:01it you're saved because you trust what I
- 00:21:04did for you not what you do to get to
- 00:21:07heaven the problem with many people
- 00:21:09today is they want to be their own
- 00:21:10savior they want to say well I can get
- 00:21:12to heaven because what I do so I'm going
- 00:21:14to do right and it's all about me and
- 00:21:16that spits in the face of Jesus Christ
- 00:21:19who came and loved the world so so much
- 00:21:21that he died for the sins of the world
- 00:21:22you
- 00:21:23included so what are you going to do are
- 00:21:25you going to spit in Jesus face and say
- 00:21:27I don't want that are you going to say
- 00:21:29you know what I've got some knowledge
- 00:21:31now that according to the Bible I'm a
- 00:21:33sinner and I can't save myself myself
- 00:21:35and that salvation's only by faith in
- 00:21:37the gospel I'm going to trust that
- 00:21:39Gospel of Salvation well that's how you
- 00:21:42know you're saved you know you're saved
- 00:21:44because Jesus did the same you see a lot
- 00:21:46of people that live on this side they
- 00:21:48can never know that they're safe because
- 00:21:50they never know if they did good enough
- 00:21:52works to get to heaven and so they're
- 00:21:54always thinking I hope God accepts what
- 00:21:57I did well you'll never know till you
- 00:21:59die and stand at the judgment and
- 00:22:01according to the authority of the word
- 00:22:03of God Jesus Christ will say depart from
- 00:22:06me you work that workers of iniquity I
- 00:22:08know you not I never knew you because
- 00:22:13you were trying to get to heaven based
- 00:22:14upon what you do and you did nothing
- 00:22:17with what I did for you to save you and
- 00:22:20that's the problem with many Christians
- 00:22:22today they want to save themselves they
- 00:22:24don't want to come to Jesus and they
- 00:22:26want to live in a Perpetual state of
- 00:22:28well I don't know I was in Honduras as a
- 00:22:31missionary and I went to a Catholic
- 00:22:33church and I don't know why I just
- 00:22:35marched right in knocked on the door and
- 00:22:36said hey Mr priest I want to ask you
- 00:22:38some questions and the priest said well
- 00:22:39come on in and so I sat down in this
- 00:22:42priest uh little living area next to the
- 00:22:45church and I said Mr priest I said I'm
- 00:22:47an independent Baptist Minister and
- 00:22:49that's what I was an M I'm an ordained
- 00:22:51Independent Baptist Minister I said Mr
- 00:22:54uh Mr priest I want to ask you one
- 00:22:55question and I said all I ask is that
- 00:22:57you answer me this question from the
- 00:22:59Bible and he looked at me and he was
- 00:23:01already like I said my one question is
- 00:23:05how do you know that you're saved I said
- 00:23:07let me rephrase that question is it
- 00:23:09possible that a person can know that
- 00:23:11they're saved and on their way to heaven
- 00:23:14and that priest looked down for a second
- 00:23:16kind of went like this he looked at him
- 00:23:18he
- 00:23:21goes he said to me which means
- 00:23:23translated look your question is
- 00:23:27foolishness he said to me nobody can
- 00:23:29know if they're saved until they die I
- 00:23:33said let me show you a Bible verse Mr
- 00:23:34priest he goes no no I don't want to
- 00:23:35talk to you anymore you leave I said no
- 00:23:37no no no I'd like to show you one verse
- 00:23:39and I showed him 1 John 5:13 these
- 00:23:41things have I written unto you that you
- 00:23:43may know that you have eternal life I
- 00:23:45said the Bible just says you can know
- 00:23:47that you have eternal life and you told
- 00:23:49me nobody can know that they're saved I
- 00:23:52said what's the problem here you are a
- 00:23:54leader of this church of all these
- 00:23:55people that come here and where are you
- 00:23:57leading them you don't even know
- 00:23:59yourself where you're leading these
- 00:24:01people cuz you don't know where you're
- 00:24:03going when you die I i' like to tell you
- 00:24:05something I know where I'm going when I
- 00:24:07die the Bible tells me that if I trust
- 00:24:09the gospel that I'm saved I'm sealed
- 00:24:11with the Holy Spirit of promise I know
- 00:24:13where I'm going by the authority of the
- 00:24:15word of God I have a mansion in heaven
- 00:24:18of pure gold the Bible tells me I said
- 00:24:20sir I know where I'm going when I die I
- 00:24:22said I wish you'd know would you like to
- 00:24:24know he said get out I said okay thank
- 00:24:26you for your time and I walked out but
- 00:24:28how sad how sad that priests and
- 00:24:30preachers and Bishops and so-called
- 00:24:33missionaries and evangelists in this
- 00:24:35world are preaching the works Gospel of
- 00:24:37oh do these good things do these good
- 00:24:39things do these good things and they
- 00:24:40don't preach the gospel of Christ and if
- 00:24:43you ask them straight up do you know
- 00:24:45you're saved their answer is well nobody
- 00:24:48can know until they die and that's not
- 00:24:51what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches
- 00:24:53and no so salvation you can be saved and
- 00:24:55know it well how do you know well first
- 00:24:57you have to know when you were lost when
- 00:24:59was the first time you realized hey my
- 00:25:02Works can't save me it doesn't matter
- 00:25:05how good or how bad I am I'll never be
- 00:25:08good enough to get to
- 00:25:09heaven I need somebody to save me next
- 00:25:13you need to know hey you can't be saved
- 00:25:15by works it's by faith and you need to
- 00:25:17realize that faith is in the gospel so
- 00:25:19you need to hear the gospel in order to
- 00:25:21trust in the gospel so a good question
- 00:25:23is when's the first time that you ever
- 00:25:25that you remember in your life that
- 00:25:27you've heard the gospel preached
- 00:25:28preached and you understood it for me it
- 00:25:31was when I was 18 years old I've been in
- 00:25:34churches my entire life southern baptist
- 00:25:36churches Pentecostal churches uh
- 00:25:38Independent Baptist Churches Methodist
- 00:25:41Episcopalian uh my mom took me to all
- 00:25:44different kind of churches my dad took
- 00:25:45me to the Indie baps and all these
- 00:25:47different churches and I never I repeat
- 00:25:50never one time in my life remember
- 00:25:54hearing the gospel preached now I'm not
- 00:25:57saying they didn't preach it maybe I
- 00:25:58just happened to visit that week when
- 00:26:00they weren't preaching it but I know
- 00:26:02personally in my life I never heard the
- 00:26:04gospel until I was 18 years old and when
- 00:26:07I heard that it was like a light bulb
- 00:26:09went off of my head and I realized why
- 00:26:11didn't someone tell me this all my life
- 00:26:14I'm trying to do good works hoping I can
- 00:26:15get to heaven and I'm just sitting there
- 00:26:17living in doubt and just oh tearing my
- 00:26:19hair out I don't want to go to hell God
- 00:26:22what why how can I be saved and God
- 00:26:25brought me the gospel and when I saw
- 00:26:27that it was like
- 00:26:28what a relief I don't have to do
- 00:26:31something to get to heaven it's all been
- 00:26:34done for me and all God ask is that I
- 00:26:36trust that gospel and on July 29th 1992
- 00:26:41about 10:00 in the morning sitting on
- 00:26:43the kitchen table here in the very house
- 00:26:44that I live in
- 00:26:46today I trusted the Gospel of Jesus
- 00:26:49Christ I trusted the blood that he shed
- 00:26:51on the cross of Calvary and that's the
- 00:26:54day I got saved and guess what I know
- 00:26:56I'm saved because it's not me it's not
- 00:26:58what I do it's not because some man told
- 00:27:01me that I'm saved it's because the
- 00:27:03scriptures the Bible tells me this is
- 00:27:06how you're saved and this is how you
- 00:27:08know it so I've tried today to tell you
- 00:27:10how to be saved and know it I just like
- 00:27:12to give you a couple more verses um some
- 00:27:14people say well that's not good enough
- 00:27:15you know I'm a Christian I think I'm a
- 00:27:18Christian I just I doubt it all the time
- 00:27:21well are you I'm going to give you a
- 00:27:23couple more verses that hopefully will
- 00:27:25help you so that you can make sure that
- 00:27:28you know that you're saved 2 Corinthians
- 00:27:306:2 says for he saith I have heard thee
- 00:27:33in a Time accepted and in the day of
- 00:27:35salvation have I secured thee behold now
- 00:27:38is the accepted time behold now is the
- 00:27:40day of salvation you know there is a
- 00:27:42time in your life that you need to pin
- 00:27:44down as the day that you got saved first
- 00:27:48you had to realize you were lost then
- 00:27:50you had to realize hey it's not a works
- 00:27:52it's by faith and then you had to hear
- 00:27:54the gospel so when did that take place
- 00:27:56in your life what day you say what well
- 00:27:58I know it was in such and such a year
- 00:27:59okay that's good if you know for certain
- 00:28:01that you heard the gospel preached and
- 00:28:03you trusted it you don't have to know
- 00:28:04the exact day there was the day that it
- 00:28:06happened but it's good if you know that
- 00:28:09and I've talked to a lot of Christians
- 00:28:11and a lot of them say you
- 00:28:12know I've never heard that preach before
- 00:28:15you know I was a little kid my mom told
- 00:28:17me to repeat a prayer and the rest of my
- 00:28:19life she said well you're safe because
- 00:28:20you did that and I was trusting in what
- 00:28:22she told me but there never was a day
- 00:28:24when I realized I was lost I just did
- 00:28:26what mommy told me repeat this prayer
- 00:28:28prayer or I've heard people say well
- 00:28:30I've never realized that that it's not
- 00:28:33what I do it's what Jesus did and I've
- 00:28:35never heard the gospel before and you
- 00:28:38know what a lot of those times those
- 00:28:39people say well right now right now is
- 00:28:42when I realized I was lost and I just
- 00:28:44got saved I get lots of emails from
- 00:28:46people saying brother breaker thank you
- 00:28:48for your videos because they helped me
- 00:28:49so much to
- 00:28:51realize all these years I've been
- 00:28:53trusting in what I did rather than what
- 00:28:55Jesus Christ did for me and now I know
- 00:28:59that I'm saved and I know the very day
- 00:29:01and the Very hour when I got saved so
- 00:29:04maybe in your life you don't know I'm
- 00:29:06not telling you you're saved or you're
- 00:29:07not I'm not trying to make you doubt
- 00:29:09salvation if you are saved praise God
- 00:29:11but if you doubt it you got a problem
- 00:29:15you see doubt is the opposite of faith
- 00:29:18and most of the time from what I see is
- 00:29:20the reason that people doubt if they're
- 00:29:21saved or not is because they Wonder well
- 00:29:24did I do enough did I do enough did did
- 00:29:27I do enough to be saved well guess what
- 00:29:29that's the wrong mentality that shows
- 00:29:31you don't understand the gospel because
- 00:29:33the gospel is Jesus did it all and we
- 00:29:36can never do enough so we have to trust
- 00:29:38what he's done so the people that Wonder
- 00:29:41well I wonder if I'm saved I wonder if
- 00:29:42I'm saved the problem with them is
- 00:29:44they're probably not now I'm not saying
- 00:29:46they are or they're not I'm just saying
- 00:29:48most likely the problem is they've never
- 00:29:50been saved because they don't understand
- 00:29:52what it means to be
- 00:29:54saved because when you're saved there
- 00:29:56should be no doubt why should there be
- 00:29:59no doubt because when you're saved you
- 00:30:01realize it's not me it's him and I can
- 00:30:05do nothing to earn it I have to trust
- 00:30:08the gift the free gift that he offers
- 00:30:12the Bible tells us that the reason you
- 00:30:14can know you're saved is by reading the
- 00:30:17scriptures there are some Christians
- 00:30:19that that are living in sin and because
- 00:30:21they're living in sin they start to
- 00:30:23doubt I wonder if I'm saved or not now I
- 00:30:25can't tell you you are I'm not going to
- 00:30:26tell you you're not but I'll tell you
- 00:30:29one thing I know for sure most likely
- 00:30:30you're not reading the Bible we read it
- 00:30:32earlier but let me read it again these
- 00:30:33things have I written unto you that
- 00:30:34believe on the name of the son of God
- 00:30:36that you may know that you have eternal
- 00:30:39life that's 1 John 5:13 how do you know
- 00:30:43by the things written in the scriptures
- 00:30:45are you reading the scriptures you see a
- 00:30:47lot of Christians they they do get saved
- 00:30:49but then later in life they I wonder if
- 00:30:51I'm saved because they're not reading
- 00:30:52the
- 00:30:53Bible Well the Bible is what tells us
- 00:30:56how to be saved and the more we read it
- 00:30:58the more we know yeah it's true it's
- 00:31:00true so it's possible that a person
- 00:31:02could be saved and have a little doubt
- 00:31:04in their heart because they're living in
- 00:31:06sin but they shouldn't now most of the
- 00:31:09time when a person doubts their
- 00:31:10salvation though it's because they're
- 00:31:13not Sav to begin with especially in this
- 00:31:16day and age when people are preaching so
- 00:31:18many different gospels and because of
- 00:31:20that we have problems we have people
- 00:31:22that claim well I'm a Christian and you
- 00:31:24say okay tell me your
- 00:31:26testimony and guess guess what their
- 00:31:28testimony doesn't line up with the Bible
- 00:31:31my dad used to always ask people this
- 00:31:33one question and I love this question my
- 00:31:36dad used to say now listen if you were
- 00:31:38to die right now and stand eyeball to
- 00:31:40eyeball with Jesus Christ and he were to
- 00:31:43say why should I let you into heaven how
- 00:31:45would you respond and my dad said by
- 00:31:48just asking someone that question and
- 00:31:50listening to how they respond you can
- 00:31:52kind of get a glimpse into their heart
- 00:31:53to see what they're believing in or not
- 00:31:56I've asked that question of a lot of
- 00:31:57people and a lot of people say well I've
- 00:31:59been baptized so I deserve to go to
- 00:32:00heaven I'm sorry you're lost cuz you're
- 00:32:03trusting in your water baptism and
- 00:32:05you're not trusting in the gospel of
- 00:32:06what Jesus did for you I've heard people
- 00:32:08say well I'm a good person uhoh what is
- 00:32:12that someone trusting in their works and
- 00:32:13thinking that they're good enough to get
- 00:32:14to heaven on their
- 00:32:16own other people say well you know I was
- 00:32:19catechized and circumcised and I I did
- 00:32:22all these things as a kid and and I go
- 00:32:24to church and did all the rituals and
- 00:32:26got confirmed and and so I guess I
- 00:32:28deserve Heaven because I've done all
- 00:32:30these things oh once again you're
- 00:32:32trusting in what man told you to do
- 00:32:34rather than what the Bible says trust
- 00:32:37the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that's a
- 00:32:39good question to ask people to try to
- 00:32:40get a glimpse into what they're trusting
- 00:32:43the best way to answer that question how
- 00:32:45if God says why should I let you into
- 00:32:46heaven is Just Two Words the blood
- 00:32:50that's the only way to get to heaven is
- 00:32:51through the blood of Jesus Christ see
- 00:32:54it's through what he did see the blood
- 00:32:56is what washes our sins away we can't
- 00:32:58wash our sins away we have to trust
- 00:33:00Christ trust his blood atonement John
- 00:33:0419:35 another good verse about the
- 00:33:07record about the scriptures you see we
- 00:33:10know that we're saved because the Bible
- 00:33:12tells us so so John 19:35 says and he
- 00:33:15that saw it bear record and his bear and
- 00:33:17his record is true that he knoweth that
- 00:33:19he saith true that you may believe so we
- 00:33:23know the record the Bible is a record go
- 00:33:26to John chap
- 00:33:2820:31 but these things are written that
- 00:33:31you may believe that Jesus is the Christ
- 00:33:33the son of God and that through
- 00:33:34believing you might have life through
- 00:33:35his name so we
- 00:33:38believe because the Bible says it I like
- 00:33:41what it says over here in Romans chapter
- 00:33:4310 that's why that's why it's so
- 00:33:45important to read the Bible and like I
- 00:33:47said you may be a Christian but you
- 00:33:49might have some doubt in your heart well
- 00:33:51it's probably because you're living in
- 00:33:52sin and you're not reading the
- 00:33:54scriptures and if you want to know that
- 00:33:57you're saved
- 00:33:59that knowledge comes from reading the
- 00:34:00Bible the more you read it the stronger
- 00:34:02you feel yep I know I'm saved because
- 00:34:05God said so but in Romans chap 10: 15-1
- 00:34:0917 it says how shall they be sent or how
- 00:34:11shall they preach except they be sent as
- 00:34:12it is written how beautiful are the feet
- 00:34:14of them that preach the gospel of peace
- 00:34:15and bring Glad Tidings of good things
- 00:34:18but they have not all obeyed the gospel
- 00:34:19for as Isaias saith Lord who hath
- 00:34:22believed our report so then Faith cometh
- 00:34:24by hearing and hearing by the word of
- 00:34:26God so how beautiful are the feet of
- 00:34:28them which preach the gospel so before
- 00:34:31you can be saved someone's got to preach
- 00:34:32the gospel to you and then Faith cometh
- 00:34:35by hearing and hearing by the word of
- 00:34:37God so you heard the gospel today has
- 00:34:39there been a time in your life when
- 00:34:40you've heard this preached before if you
- 00:34:43say yes and I believed it then good you
- 00:34:45should know you're saved or maybe you
- 00:34:47say well no no I don't think I've ever
- 00:34:49heard that before well why don't you get
- 00:34:51saved today now is the time behold now
- 00:34:53is the day of salvation this is the
- 00:34:55report the report is all these men saw
- 00:34:59it and wrote it down that Jesus Christ
- 00:35:01died he was God manifested In the Flesh
- 00:35:03he rose again the third day according to
- 00:35:04the scriptures and that salvation is
- 00:35:06only through that blood that he shed and
- 00:35:08trusting by faith in that shed blood now
- 00:35:13here's something I want to show you
- 00:35:14Isaiah chapter
- 00:35:1653 in Isaiah chapter 53 we have
- 00:35:19something pretty amazing in Isaiah 53 we
- 00:35:23have a prophecy of Jesus Christ before
- 00:35:25it even took place and here it is 700
- 00:35:30years before Jesus Christ the prophet
- 00:35:32Isaiah writes about what happens to
- 00:35:35Jesus and uh you read of it verse four
- 00:35:37surely hath borne our griefs and carried
- 00:35:39our sorrows yet we did esteem him
- 00:35:40stricken smitten of God and
- 00:35:42Afflicted five but he was wounded for
- 00:35:45our transgressions he was bruised for
- 00:35:46our iniquities the chastisement of our
- 00:35:48peace was upon him and with his stripes
- 00:35:50were healed so we
- 00:35:52have a prophecy of Jesus before he even
- 00:35:55died dying for our sins in our place for
- 00:35:57our
- 00:35:59transgressions here it is in verse six
- 00:36:02and the Lord laid upon him the iniquity
- 00:36:04of us all in verse 7even he's a lamb to
- 00:36:07the slaughter and so this whole passage
- 00:36:10of Isaiah 53 is the prophecy of Jesus
- 00:36:12but to get down there to verse 11 and
- 00:36:15verse 12 this is what's so interesting
- 00:36:17about this prophecy a lot of people like
- 00:36:19to preach from Isaiah 53 but very few
- 00:36:23preach the last two verses and I don't
- 00:36:25know why cuz it's so good because these
- 00:36:27last two verses show us how we can know
- 00:36:30that we're
- 00:36:31saved verse 11 he shall see the travail
- 00:36:33of his soul and he shall be satisfied
- 00:36:36and who's the he well it's talking about
- 00:36:38God the Father in heaven looking down at
- 00:36:41God the son on the cross and God the
- 00:36:43Father shall see the travail of his soul
- 00:36:46and be
- 00:36:48satisfied be satisfied now back it up
- 00:36:53there verse 10 I said verse 11 and 12 I
- 00:36:56meant verse 10 and 11
- 00:36:58in verse 10 he says yet it pleased the
- 00:37:00Lord to bruise him Heath put him to
- 00:37:03grief when thou shalt make his soul an
- 00:37:05offering for sin he shall see his seed
- 00:37:07he shall prolong his days and the
- 00:37:09pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in
- 00:37:12his hand so two things that we find in
- 00:37:15this Old Testament prophecy that God was
- 00:37:18pleased with the sacrifice of Jesus
- 00:37:21Christ and that God the father was
- 00:37:25satisfied with what Jesus did
- 00:37:28and he was pleased that this was the one
- 00:37:30sacrifice for all sins and so God the
- 00:37:33father said what the god the son did
- 00:37:35that sacrifice was enough and I'm
- 00:37:38pleased with it what does that mean that
- 00:37:40means God the Father will never put into
- 00:37:43hell those that come to him for
- 00:37:45salvation because he accepts on their
- 00:37:47behalf the sacrifice of Jesus for all
- 00:37:50sins and that God the father is
- 00:37:53satisfied with what Jesus did as
- 00:37:55sufficient to take away
- 00:37:58I like that word
- 00:38:00sufficient to take away all sins so if
- 00:38:03it was good enough for God the father
- 00:38:06that sacrifice of Jesus is it good
- 00:38:08enough for
- 00:38:09you you see that's the problem people
- 00:38:12say well you know you can never know if
- 00:38:14you're saved or not oh in that case
- 00:38:15they're not pleased with what Jesus did
- 00:38:17and they're not satisfied with what he
- 00:38:19did so to them what Jesus did isn't
- 00:38:21sufficient enough to take away all their
- 00:38:24sins so their mentality is no Jesus
- 00:38:26didn't do it all got to do something to
- 00:38:28get to heaven and they're
- 00:38:30lost but when you're saved you know
- 00:38:33you're saved because you're pleased with
- 00:38:36Jesus sacrifice it's sufficient you view
- 00:38:39that as that's it that's for all my sins
- 00:38:42and I'm saved based upon what Jesus has
- 00:38:45done for me and then you know that
- 00:38:48you're saved because Jesus says so
- 00:38:51Romans chapter 3 if you get a chance to
- 00:38:53go to the cloud church and uh look up
- 00:38:55past sermons and there's my testimony
- 00:38:56and I give my testimony salvation and I
- 00:38:59got saved on this verse here Romans chap
- 00:39:013 and: 25 this is the verse I got saved
- 00:39:04reading and I I want to read verse 24-
- 00:39:0728 Romans chapter 3 starting there in
- 00:39:10verse 24 being justified freely by his
- 00:39:12grace through the Redemption that is in
- 00:39:14Christ Jesus a person is Justified or
- 00:39:17saved given eternal life freely by God
- 00:39:20when they believe in the Gospel of Jesus
- 00:39:23Christ it says in verse 25 whom God had
- 00:39:25set forth to be a
- 00:39:28propitiation there's a word there
- 00:39:32propitiation what does that word
- 00:39:33propitiation mean it literally means the
- 00:39:36act of
- 00:39:39appeasing
- 00:39:41wrath look at that word appeasing well
- 00:39:45that's that goes back to pleased if
- 00:39:47somebody's pleased they've been
- 00:39:49appeased so when Jesus Christ died on
- 00:39:52the cross as our propitiation as our
- 00:39:55substitute his death his sacrifice
- 00:39:58appeased the wrath of almighty God and
- 00:40:02God was satisfied with that sacrifice
- 00:40:04what does that mean that means if you
- 00:40:06come to Jesus and trust him as your
- 00:40:08savior you can never go to hell because
- 00:40:12Jesus paid for all of your sins he took
- 00:40:14your hell on the cross for for you so no
- 00:40:18wrath can ever come upon a Christian
- 00:40:21because that wrath of God has been cast
- 00:40:23out on your sins at the
- 00:40:26cross man that's wonderful so Jesus
- 00:40:29Christ died as your substitute God's
- 00:40:31Wrath on your sin has been appeased
- 00:40:33through Jesus Christ shed blood it was
- 00:40:36good enough for God so the question is
- 00:40:39is it good enough for you do you see the
- 00:40:42death barrial and Resurrection the shed
- 00:40:44blood of Jesus Christ as all sufficient
- 00:40:47as all it takes to pay for your sins are
- 00:40:49you trusting in that alone for salvation
- 00:40:51if so then you know you're saved because
- 00:40:54you know he did it all and that you trus
- 00:40:56in what he did then you know that you're
- 00:40:59saved you see doubt comes by wondering
- 00:41:01did I do enough did I do enough oh I
- 00:41:03hope God accepts me cuz I hope I did
- 00:41:05enough well you can never do enough
- 00:41:07Jesus did everything he did everything
- 00:41:11that could be done to take away your
- 00:41:14sins do you trust that 1 Thessalonians
- 00:41:181:5 says for Our Gospel came not unto
- 00:41:20you in word only but also in power and
- 00:41:22in the Holy Ghost and in much Assurance
- 00:41:25as you know what manner of men we were
- 00:41:26among you for your sake a lot of people
- 00:41:28today say well I'm saved but I just
- 00:41:30don't have Assurance of Salvation well
- 00:41:31how do you get assured that you're saved
- 00:41:33the scriptures are written these things
- 00:41:35have I written that you may know the
- 00:41:37gospel here it says is is preached unto
- 00:41:40you with much Assurance if you believe
- 00:41:43what the Bible says then you have
- 00:41:45Assurance of Salvation then you know
- 00:41:47you're saved the problem with many
- 00:41:49people is they don't know what the Bible
- 00:41:51says they're not trusting in the
- 00:41:52scriptures and so they're thinking well
- 00:41:54I can get to heaven based upon what I do
- 00:41:57but but if you read the Bible you find
- 00:41:58out very quickly the Bible says what you
- 00:42:00do is filthy rags it's nothing it's the
- 00:42:04works of a sinner and God will never
- 00:42:05accept a sinner so you need something to
- 00:42:08take your sin away and guess what there
- 00:42:10it is the shed blood of Jesus
- 00:42:12Christ Hebrews chapter 10 tells us and
- 00:42:17oh boy this I mean in your face pretty
- 00:42:20clear you can't deny this Hebrews 10:
- 00:42:2412-14 but this man Jesus Jesus after he
- 00:42:28had offered one sacrifice for sins
- 00:42:31forever so there it is all sins paid for
- 00:42:35once right there after he had offered
- 00:42:37one sacrifice for sins forever set down
- 00:42:40on the right hand of God from henceforth
- 00:42:42expecting till his enemies be made his
- 00:42:44foot stol for by one offering have be
- 00:42:46perfected forever them that are
- 00:42:49Sanctified so if you're saved that means
- 00:42:51you're Sanctified and you're perfected
- 00:42:53forever that's eternal security if you
- 00:42:56get a chance go Cloud church I've got a
- 00:42:58message entitled eternal security under
- 00:43:00past sermons I also have one once saved
- 00:43:02always saved the Bible teaches that once
- 00:43:04you trust the gospel you're saved you
- 00:43:07can't lose it and you'll know you're
- 00:43:09saved because you know what it is to
- 00:43:11trust in to get salvation and you'll
- 00:43:13know I can never be good enough to get
- 00:43:15to heaven that's why I'm trusting in the
- 00:43:17gospel because it's all what Jesus did
- 00:43:19to save me oh it's so great to be saved
- 00:43:22and to know that you're on your way to
- 00:43:25heaven well let's finish with uh Second
- 00:43:28Timothy chapter 1 second Timothy chapter
- 00:43:321 the only way you can know you're saved
- 00:43:35is by believing what the Bible says and
- 00:43:38so I've done the best I could today to
- 00:43:40show you exactly what the Bible says
- 00:43:42about salvation and I forgot to give you
- 00:43:44a verse let me go back to it and then
- 00:43:46we'll come to First Timothy Ephesians
- 00:43:481:13 tells us what happens when you
- 00:43:50believe it says in Ephesians 1:13 in
- 00:43:52whom you also trusted after that she
- 00:43:54heard the word of Truth The Gospel of
- 00:43:55your salvation in whom also after that
- 00:43:57you believed you were sealed with that
- 00:44:00Holy Spirit of Promise so see the order
- 00:44:03there you cannot be saved until you
- 00:44:06first hear the gospel Faith cometh by
- 00:44:08hearing hearing by the word of God so
- 00:44:10when you hear the gospel and you believe
- 00:44:12that you're sealed with the Holy Spirit
- 00:44:14of Promise a lot of people are living
- 00:44:16over here and they've never heard the
- 00:44:18gospel and they think well I'm a good
- 00:44:20person there's a lot of people I've
- 00:44:22known that say well ever since I was
- 00:44:23born I tried to live right and do right
- 00:44:26they've never even realized realized
- 00:44:27that they were lost and they hadd never
- 00:44:29heard the gospel well how do you get
- 00:44:31saved and know you're saved first
- 00:44:32realize you're lost know that salvation
- 00:44:35isn't by works hear the gospel and then
- 00:44:38you're saved if you believe it I'm going
- 00:44:40to close with second Timothy chapter 1
- 00:44:43and verse
- 00:44:449-2 knowing this well that's what this
- 00:44:47whole message is about how to know
- 00:44:50you're saved if you want to be saved you
- 00:44:52have to know you're saved how do you
- 00:44:53know well it says here knowing this
- 00:44:58I'm in first Timothy let me go over to
- 00:45:01Second Timothy my
- 00:45:06bad and now in second Timothy
- 00:45:101:9 the Bible says who has saved us and
- 00:45:13called us with an holy calling not
- 00:45:16according to our works see you're not
- 00:45:18saved by your works all I can do is tell
- 00:45:20you what the Bible says cuz these things
- 00:45:23are written that you may know you have
- 00:45:24eternal life you can't know if you're
- 00:45:26thinking will my Works save me the only
- 00:45:28way to know you're saved is by going to
- 00:45:30the Bible the scriptures and Faith come
- 00:45:33by hearing hearing by the word of God
- 00:45:34faith in what faith in the gospel to be
- 00:45:36saved who has called us with a holy
- 00:45:39calling not according to our works but
- 00:45:40according to his own purpose and Grace
- 00:45:42which was given us in Christ Jesus
- 00:45:44before the world began but is now made
- 00:45:46manifest by the appearing of our Lord
- 00:45:47Jesus Christ who hath abolished death
- 00:45:49and hath brought life and immortality to
- 00:45:51light through the gospel where to I am
- 00:45:55appointed a preacher and apostle the
- 00:45:57teacher of the Gentiles for the which
- 00:45:58cause I suffer these things nevertheless
- 00:46:00now watch what he says I am not ashamed
- 00:46:03for I know whom I have believed and am
- 00:46:08persuaded that he is able to keep that
- 00:46:10which I have committed unto him against
- 00:46:13that day so Paul says I know whom I have
- 00:46:18believed and am persuaded that he's able
- 00:46:21able to keep that which I have committed
- 00:46:22un him against that day Paul says I know
- 00:46:26that that I'm saved the question is do
- 00:46:29you know that you're saved I tried to
- 00:46:32show you today how to know the way to
- 00:46:33know you're saved is to believe what the
- 00:46:35Bible
- 00:46:36says is God a liar well matter of fact
- 00:46:39there's a verse in the Bible says let
- 00:46:40God be true but every man a liar there's
- 00:46:43another verse that says God which cannot
- 00:46:45lie so it's either true or it's a lie if
- 00:46:49God's a liar then you can never know
- 00:46:50you're safe but if he's not a liar then
- 00:46:53guess what you can know your safe and
- 00:46:56the way you know you're saved is by
- 00:46:57trusting what God wrote the report the
- 00:47:00scriptures and God wrote you trust this
- 00:47:03gospel you trust this shed blood for I
- 00:47:06dying in your place then you're saved
- 00:47:09and you'll know it so I'm persuaded are
- 00:47:11you persuaded I hope so I hope this has
- 00:47:14helped you to see how to be saved if
- 00:47:16you're not saved it's so simple to be
- 00:47:17saved you simply trust in the Gospel of
- 00:47:20Jesus Christ people say but you got to
- 00:47:22repent well repent means to turn from
- 00:47:24one thing to another and it means to
- 00:47:27feel sorry for something let me ask you
- 00:47:29a question do you feel sorry that you
- 00:47:31killed Jesus Christ because basically
- 00:47:34that's what he did he died in your place
- 00:47:36for your sin so you're guilty of his
- 00:47:39death do you feel feel bad about that
- 00:47:42well if you feel bad then you're
- 00:47:43repenting you're feeling bad now if you
- 00:47:46trust that and you were before trusting
- 00:47:49in your works then guess what you've
- 00:47:50repented you've turned from trusting in
- 00:47:52what you did to trust what Jesus did
- 00:47:54you've actually turned from going to
- 00:47:56hell trusting in what you do if you
- 00:47:58trust Jesus go into heaven so there's a
- 00:48:01turning there a lot of people get
- 00:48:03confused by the word repentance repent
- 00:48:05they don't understand what it means well
- 00:48:07the Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus
- 00:48:09Christ and thou shalt be saved trust in
- 00:48:12the gospel in whom also you trusted
- 00:48:14after you heard the word of truth you're
- 00:48:16sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise
- 00:48:17so salvation is by trusting the gospel
- 00:48:20do you trust the gospel do you trust
- 00:48:24Jesus Christ and what he's done as
- 00:48:28sufficient are you pleased with that
- 00:48:30sacrifice are you glad that it's done on
- 00:48:32your behalf and do you accept it or do
- 00:48:36you still think nope I don't want
- 00:48:37anything to do with that I think I'm
- 00:48:39good enough to get to heaven you can
- 00:48:41either choose to accept Jesus Christ or
- 00:48:43reject Jesus Christ and the way you
- 00:48:46accept him is by trusting the gospel but
- 00:48:49know this to not accept the gospel to
- 00:48:52not trust is to reject Jesus Christ and
- 00:48:55if you reject what he's done for you he
- 00:48:57will reject you I hope this has been a
- 00:48:59help to you as I tried as quickly and
- 00:49:02briefly as possible to show how to know
- 00:49:03you're saved the only way to know is
- 00:49:06through the scriptures and I'll close
- 00:49:08with 1 John 5:13 one last
- 00:49:12time these things have I written unto
- 00:49:15you what are these things the scriptures
- 00:49:17the Bible the Bible tells us how to be
- 00:49:19saved that believe on the name of the
- 00:49:21son of God that you may know that you
- 00:49:23have eternal life and that you may
- 00:49:25believe on the name of the son of God
- 00:49:27do you know that you're saved I hope so
- 00:49:29and we'd like to Rejoice with you if you
- 00:49:31got saved through this or maybe it just
- 00:49:32helped you to know you're saved why
- 00:49:34don't you give us an email uh shout out
- 00:49:37via email hey man I got saved through
- 00:49:38this video that'd be encouraging and' be
- 00:49:40a blessing we'd love to hear from you
- 00:49:42God bless you and come every Sunday to
- 00:49:43Cloud as we have a new sermon
- 00:49:46in English and Spanish have a good one
- Salvation
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Gospel
- Assurance
- Bible
- Trust
- Eternal Life
- Works
- Belief