Fractals Basics explained in detail I Russell Capital Group
TLDREl vídeo és una explicació sobre els conceptes bàsics dels fractals en trading, centrat en la interacció entre els números de PIV, les transicions de mercat i l'ús de waves per a estratègies de trading. S'explica que un nombre més alt de PIV resulta en menys transicions a la gràfica, mentre que un nombre més baix permet observar més moviment. Les línies de suport i resistència es descriuen mitjançant imprints i les seves implicacions en la presa de decisions de trading. També es presenta l'analitzador d'opcions com una eina útil per avaluar probabilitats
- 📈 Entendre el concepte de fractals és essencial per al trading.
- 📊 Un nombre alt de PIV implica menys transicions en el mercat.
- 🚀 Les onades es poden utilitzar per a estratègies de swing i scalping.
- 🔍 Les línies de suport (imprints negres) i resistència (línies vermelles) són vitals per identificar punts d'entrada i sortida.
- 🔗 La compressió de la desviació estàndard indica possibles moviments explosius en el mercat.
- 📊 L'analitzador d'opcions ajuda a predir la probabilitat de formació de màxims i mínims.
- 🌀 La funcionalitat de replay en gràfics permet practicar i revisar estratègies.
- ⚖️ Les probabilitats són essencials per avaluar les meves oportunitats de trading.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
En aquest vídeo, Rob conversa amb un membre de RCG sobre els conceptes bàsics dels fractals i l'anàlisi de gràfics. Explica que l'ús de nombres més alts redueix les transicions visibles en els gràfics, així com la importància del concepte del PIV com a punt neutral.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Continuant la discussió, Rob mostra com els diferents nombres de pes afecten les següents transicions en el mercat i la importància del nombre de dies per entendre millor les tendències recents de moviment del mercat.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Rob especifica que per a operacions de scalping es poden utilitzar nombres de pes més baixos, mentre que per al swing trading es poden usar nombres més alts. Comença a entrar en detalls sobre la importància de les línies de suport i resistència.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Es discuteix la formació de resistències a partir de les transicions del mercat. Rob explica com les línies negres representen suport i les línies vermelles, resistència, i proporciona exemples visuals del gràfic.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Rob continua amb l'explicació sobre la formació de clústers a partir de repunts repetits en el mercat. Indica que les resistències es poden usar per identificar àrees crítiques en les tendències de preus.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
El vídeo es mou cap a la discussió sobre la darrera línia de defensa, que és fonamental per identificar punts de ruptura en el mercat. Rob explica com les àrees clares de resistència poden facilitar els comerços.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Després, es presenten els conceptes de probabilitats de preu i com els valors “H” i “L” ajuden a identificar alçades i baixades importants en els gràfics. Un enfocament detallat sobre les probabilitats per a les tendències de mercat és presentat.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Rob explica l'eina de l'analitzador d'opcions, que ajuda a identificar les probabilitats de formació de màxims i mínims. Proporciona exemples de com els gràfics mostren la probabilitat d'aconseguir un determinat màxim o mínim.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Sobretot, Rob detalla les aplicacions pràctiques de les eines descrites en la gestió del mercat, i com aquestes poden ser útils per als operadors a l'hora d'analitzar el comportament dels preus.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:52
El vídeo conclou amb Rob recordant l'important de la pràctica i la revisió d'aquests conceptes per dominar l'anàlisi dels gràfics i les tendències del mercat.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Què són els fractals en el context del trading?
Els fractals són patrons en els gràfics de preus que ajuden a identificar possibles punts d'entrada i sortida en les operacions.
Com afecten els nombres de PIV a les transicions del mercat?
Un nombre més alt de PIV resulta en menys transicions visibles a la gràfica, mentre que un nombre més baix mostra més moviment.
Quina és la relació entre les onades i les estratègies de trading?
Per estratègies de swing trading, s'utilitzen més onades, mentre que per al scalping es fa servir menys onades.
Com s'identifiquen les línies de suport i resistència?
Les línies de suport són indicades per imprints negres en el gràfic, mentre que les línies de resistència es representen amb línies vermelles.
Què és la compressió de la desviació estàndard?
La compressió de la desviació estàndard indica que es pot esperar un moviment explosiu en el mercat, però no determina la direcció d'aquest.
Quina utilitat té l'analitzador d'opcions?
L'analitzador d'opcions proporciona la probabilitat de què es formi un màxim o un mínim en funció de les dades històriques.
Com s'usa la funcionalitat de replay en els gràfics de fractals?
La funcionalitat de replay permet revisar moviments passats del gràfic per practicar estratègies de trading.
Quina és la importància de les probabiliats en trading?
Les probabilitats ajuden a determinar si un trade és favorable o no, avaluant la història de moviments del mercat.
Lihat lebih banyak ringkasan video
- 00:00:00hi uh welcome back to another video I'm
- 00:00:03Rob so this video is a call between one
- 00:00:06of the members of rcg and me and I
- 00:00:09explained the fractal Basics to them so
- 00:00:12anybody new to the fractals watching
- 00:00:14this video this can be very helpful to
- 00:00:16them and anybody who wants to revise
- 00:00:19their Concepts and they do not
- 00:00:20understand something about the options
- 00:00:23analyzer and the fractal charts Basics
- 00:00:26they can watch this video and so yeah
- 00:00:29just enjoy the video and have a good day
- 00:00:32okay okay so I was explaining what is a
- 00:00:36simple concept is that the higher the
- 00:00:39number use the lower transations you
- 00:00:42will see on the chart okay like right
- 00:00:45here uh the market move from above the
- 00:00:48per to below the PIV so like that s
- 00:00:50transition okay Market from below the
- 00:00:53PIV to about like that position okay so
- 00:00:56like we are using R 10 here so we see
- 00:01:00that we very limited my transations
- 00:01:03right I'm I'm I'm audible right
- 00:01:10yeah
- 00:01:11okay so you can see that we have very
- 00:01:14limited amount of transition sorry the
- 00:01:17limited amount of base right now I'm
- 00:01:19going to move it to like 50 and just
- 00:01:22notice the transition right the last 10
- 00:01:25days we are in the B 10 we so like funny
- 00:01:29but just say or after transs of the the
- 00:01:35with we are see one two
- 00:01:39right you can see the difference so like
- 00:01:43it is the same rule of for the lower
- 00:01:45number of P for
- 00:01:47example the lower the big number
- 00:01:52use the
- 00:01:54Lesser both the
- 00:01:57conditions the higher
- 00:02:02number you will see on your
- 00:02:06chart number the higher the number of
- 00:02:10Foundations you will see your J okay let
- 00:02:15me let me see if I get let me see if I
- 00:02:18get so the lower the the number of
- 00:02:24Weights you will see more
- 00:02:28movement below
- 00:02:31or above
- 00:02:33P the higher the number of the Waves you
- 00:02:37would see less moves below or above
- 00:02:44period all right you got it okay perfect
- 00:02:48yes that's perfect yeah the greater of
- 00:02:51you're using wa what right
- 00:02:5450 minut it right get this right they're
- 00:02:59like what yeah have 40 to 50 rations
- 00:03:01more less in the past 10
- 00:03:05day 15 minute right yeah so
- 00:03:10like it makes sense the definition I
- 00:03:14just gave you
- 00:03:17that so we move to w we should say Les
- 00:03:25move yeah you going see right here make
- 00:03:29sense
- 00:03:31pop up refresh okay yeah I
- 00:03:35see that's probably or 12 8 to 12 cycle
- 00:03:40something like that
- 00:03:42right the more of that actually I so
- 00:03:46okay let's just count one two three four
- 00:03:50uh
- 00:03:51five yeah five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- 00:03:57yeah you were right so like
- 00:04:008 to 12 like 13 transitions in the past
- 00:04:0310 days with W at 15 minut with
- 00:04:10shft make sense yes
- 00:04:13yeah now I'm going to
- 00:04:16chle so the idea of the wage are if you
- 00:04:21want if you want to um
- 00:04:30yeah go bird if you want to do like U if
- 00:04:35you want to work a swing you would have
- 00:04:39more waves if you want to do like scalps
- 00:04:43you will do uh less
- 00:04:49waves um yeah right okay
- 00:04:53yeah so like you know the point of Lage
- 00:04:57is that youing more crun
- 00:05:00right you can do do like quick by R
- 00:05:02trade okay like you know if you can just
- 00:05:05see this
- 00:05:07s
- 00:05:09okay don't talk about cyle just not talk
- 00:05:14about them right now and we copy that
- 00:05:17but like the lower wave number can be
- 00:05:20used for
- 00:05:21scalps absolutely correct for scalps
- 00:05:25even using that the tire base okay I'm
- 00:05:27going to show that to you
- 00:05:30then I'm done with the
- 00:05:32solarization option right here so like
- 00:05:35that and I makes sense with it name that
- 00:05:38it loads the number
- 00:05:40data want see right now see that so like
- 00:05:46I want to see more day I want to see
- 00:05:48more resistance I want to see more
- 00:05:50support I'll
- 00:05:52go the D right so the number of dat data
- 00:05:57increased Mak sense that is all you need
- 00:05:59to know about the days Lo right and the
- 00:06:03agregation the agregation is basically
- 00:06:05time okay daily 16 minute 30 minute 15
- 00:06:09minute 5 minute but
- 00:06:13iation okay and and there are one minute
- 00:06:17minute 15 minute 30 minutes 60 minutes
- 00:06:20and
- 00:06:22dat
- 00:06:26yeah
- 00:06:28yeah okay and now I'm going to tell you
- 00:06:31about the support and resistances we
- 00:06:34have at the prac right you understand be
- 00:06:36concept about the PIV right the PIV is
- 00:06:39the neutral light of this Graal chart
- 00:06:42whatever you're musing if you're
- 00:06:45about the light like you're in this cell
- 00:06:49so it means that you are bullish right
- 00:06:52in terms of bias okay and let just say
- 00:06:57that you're loow we that your here right
- 00:07:02so
- 00:07:04currently we market and it's above the
- 00:07:08right we can see that the price is 483
- 00:07:12but the price
- 00:07:1448244 so like this is deal as a bullish
- 00:07:17bi fact the chart
- 00:07:20okay
- 00:07:21now uh I'm going to tell you about the
- 00:07:24support and resistances on this chart
- 00:07:26right but there are black lights now we
- 00:07:29see these black lights right
- 00:07:32here
- 00:07:35yes so these are like all the resistance
- 00:07:39okay all the black livs that are above
- 00:07:42the pivot are resistance basically be
- 00:07:45colum
- 00:07:46imprints okay make sense so the black
- 00:07:50lines are
- 00:07:53support and the red lines are
- 00:07:58resistance h and you called them what no
- 00:08:02no no no no no what no I did not tell
- 00:08:04you anything about the black and red
- 00:08:06lights I said only the black imprints
- 00:08:09you see on this side of the chart oh say
- 00:08:13the okay the black imprint okay yeah
- 00:08:15yeah
- 00:08:19should I'm going to use like uh Mouse
- 00:08:23highlight yes yes please I'm I was lost
- 00:08:29I like that car you
- 00:08:36know and you see it now awesome
- 00:08:41yes so like all the imprint you see
- 00:08:44right here all these are resistant okay
- 00:08:47because we are both the privid then if
- 00:08:49you're down bullish and you're looking
- 00:08:52like for reversal for trades you know
- 00:08:54you usually take reversal trates right
- 00:08:57yes so you must be looking for the so it
- 00:09:00gives you all the resistances now I Must
- 00:09:03Be Wondering okay we see the resistances
- 00:09:06but how they actually
- 00:09:09fall right so okay I'm going to give you
- 00:09:12the idea that this sit Al right here you
- 00:09:14see that the market
- 00:09:17reversed from 4 by 3.6 L correct yeah
- 00:09:22you see it so it means that this turn
- 00:09:28into an imprint we saw a transition you
- 00:09:31understand the transition right a
- 00:09:32transition means that when the market
- 00:09:35gets below the in the okay
- 00:09:39okay so
- 00:09:42like I will to show you that
- 00:09:50b okay you see the market is about the
- 00:09:55B right so now now you want to see that
- 00:09:59when that it when we saw
- 00:10:05transation loow you see the transition
- 00:10:07we had the transition right here so that
- 00:10:11led to the formation of this resistance
- 00:10:14you know like uh you know sometimes in
- 00:10:17the market people you know use previous
- 00:10:20highs or they say
- 00:10:22liquidities you know and use them as
- 00:10:24support and
- 00:10:26resistances right so this is kind a
- 00:10:29similar similar to that but of course
- 00:10:31this is morei data this is not something
- 00:10:34this right not this is not like like
- 00:10:37everyone is see you know so of course
- 00:10:41this is what we are using is actual data
- 00:10:44and what people look at using those nor
- 00:10:46the charts of reading or anything else
- 00:10:49are just linear charts and they are like
- 00:10:52they not making sense to a lot of people
- 00:10:55so this makes sense these resistance you
- 00:10:58see
- 00:10:59all of these were you know the system is
- 00:11:03like doing some complex calculations you
- 00:11:06actually just figure them out for you
- 00:11:08and just show you in the most easiest
- 00:11:11way possible so that's do dat Financial
- 00:11:14positioning Mark
- 00:11:16okay so I think so the resistances are
- 00:11:20pretty much clear and in some areas you
- 00:11:23must be seeing that these resistances
- 00:11:25are real much more B
- 00:11:29right so that means that it FS a cluster
- 00:11:33so how is a cluster form basically then
- 00:11:36like the market takes reversal from one
- 00:11:40area continuously least to a formation
- 00:11:43cluster okay like right here e Market
- 00:11:47reverse from this fire right here then
- 00:11:49this fire right
- 00:11:51here okay and then this point right here
- 00:11:55to so that led to the formation of
- 00:11:57Bluster Plus maret uh revers from that
- 00:12:01point like three Dives and three
- 00:12:03imprints just were very
- 00:12:05real F there that led to the formation
- 00:12:09of the cluster okay so this was the T
- 00:12:12about the cluster now we tell you about
- 00:12:15the last line of
- 00:12:17te basically last line of te is like the
- 00:12:21last bra top that we see a break out
- 00:12:24like the llot or the last defense is
- 00:12:28like the breakout level here you can see
- 00:12:32that the breakout level is 43.69 so
- 00:12:35means that if you see a break of of
- 00:12:3743.69 we should see more
- 00:12:39continuation okay so 43.69 can be used
- 00:12:43as a Target if you're seeing like in Mar
- 00:12:46pretty much very like in a trend day and
- 00:12:50you can use it as a breakout level right
- 00:12:54you see that market is broken above the
- 00:12:56elaser defense then you can you know
- 00:12:59take more logs right you can take calls
- 00:13:03and just
- 00:13:05benefit make sense so what you're saying
- 00:13:08to me is once is in that
- 00:13:12point and you see a breakout from that
- 00:13:15point you'll be most likely to get to
- 00:13:19have a bullish momentum and you can take
- 00:13:22calls in that
- 00:13:23point yeah momentum is not I can judge
- 00:13:28or anyone and judge right it all depends
- 00:13:31on the market but it means that we have
- 00:13:33a breakout and we do not have any
- 00:13:36further resistance right because we do
- 00:13:37not see any in this area so there's a
- 00:13:40break make sense okay
- 00:13:42yeah like same thing right here you know
- 00:13:45after this you see a break at 493 69 so
- 00:13:49this whole clear area is like you know
- 00:13:52the market can just slide through it if
- 00:13:55it sees no turbulence right but here in
- 00:14:00all the area from the PIV
- 00:14:03for
- 00:14:05uh or 8 7.62 is full of turbulence right
- 00:14:09the full of resistance so this is not
- 00:14:12like a clear area of the resistance this
- 00:14:15is a clear area of no resistance this is
- 00:14:18a clear area of no resistance make sense
- 00:14:21yeah I I I I am
- 00:14:26understand okay great see see this red
- 00:14:29lights and this black
- 00:14:31lights yes
- 00:14:34I so these lights okay not the uh
- 00:14:38imprints right
- 00:14:39here okay these lights but these red
- 00:14:43lights that are about the are actually
- 00:14:46like open States or targets like you see
- 00:14:50the open state right here you see the
- 00:14:52open state right here so these open
- 00:14:54States you see can be used as start okay
- 00:14:58like I just use a
- 00:15:01slider targets these can be used as
- 00:15:04Target yeah I'm going to escape okay so
- 00:15:09here I'm going to just go back it tight
- 00:15:12so I me just re play chart just show you
- 00:15:17how it works
- 00:15:32you see that we
- 00:15:36have two open States right here know
- 00:15:40like
- 00:15:434782 you
- 00:15:45see you know it's working oh but right
- 00:15:48here you see make sense you see
- 00:15:51it yeah right so let's just say that
- 00:15:56your bias was pollish and you were
- 00:15:58looking Barb stet right and you are in a
- 00:16:02a bullish stet let just say and you're
- 00:16:05looking for a Target right so the best
- 00:16:07thing to do is to look for open states
- 00:16:11to choose a start you can use any typ in
- 00:16:13this 5 minute 10 minute sorry the 5
- 00:16:16minute 15 minute 1 minute or like even
- 00:16:19the daily time frame if you see that the
- 00:16:22market is near an open State as a Target
- 00:16:25like right here you are in the bullish
- 00:16:27trade you the target okay then the
- 00:16:30target should be
- 00:16:32like you
- 00:16:36this yeah so we just got above these
- 00:16:42sits right here for uh 80.0 and 48023
- 00:16:47because we saw the transition so the
- 00:16:49numbers change right because the valti
- 00:16:53after every transition I'm going to come
- 00:16:55to that but you can see that if you
- 00:16:58could takeen like a bullish trip right
- 00:17:00here this should have been your card
- 00:17:04right it makes sense it
- 00:17:09does so same is for below okay like let
- 00:17:13just say that you know like uh right
- 00:17:15here we saw the transition and you were
- 00:17:18looking for a Target right you could
- 00:17:19have used this open State when it was
- 00:17:21open because it wasn't closed by another
- 00:17:24gab right so this could have been used
- 00:17:27as a Target
- 00:17:29right now you have this open St right
- 00:17:32here this open St right here this open
- 00:17:34St right here this open St right
- 00:17:38here and this open sh right here and let
- 00:17:40just see that you uh
- 00:17:45just have a beish bias one day and
- 00:17:49you're looking for beish targets right
- 00:17:51you had them P right you took the pr
- 00:17:53right here and you could have used
- 00:17:55inside Target now you're doing just
- 00:17:57iight so so it doesn't really help you
- 00:18:00in anyway by using this it but I'm just
- 00:18:03giving an example okay okay just to
- 00:18:07explain
- 00:18:09yeah you can see like these open states
- 00:18:12are very closed so no like let just say
- 00:18:15I was in a be stre right there so I
- 00:18:18could have used it
- 00:18:20Sor then the next thing I should must
- 00:18:23have explained you is like uh probably
- 00:18:26bads so I'm going to give you the like
- 00:18:29how do these TR bands work I'm just
- 00:18:32going to explain to you so you see the
- 00:18:3480% 50% the 20% and the 5%
- 00:18:38band right basically what they mean is
- 00:18:42that the market has 80% chance to reach
- 00:18:4743.6
- 00:18:49C Mak sense the market had 50% chance to
- 00:18:55reach 4 86.1
- 00:18:59standing Market has
- 00:19:0120% chance to reach all I up there now
- 00:19:05this also works as like reversal
- 00:19:08probabilities let just say the market is
- 00:19:10at the 20% back it's near for
- 00:19:154932 so the market has
- 00:19:1880% chance of
- 00:19:21reversal from this open Save Right
- 00:19:24Here make
- 00:19:26sense for
- 00:19:30okay perfect that's great so that is all
- 00:19:35you need to know about the prob back to
- 00:19:37this it is a very very very simple
- 00:19:40concept these can also be used as
- 00:19:42targets along with UPS okay make sense
- 00:19:47yes are we good awesome abolutely so if
- 00:19:51you have any doubt get out no this I I
- 00:19:58got
- 00:20:01okay so you understood this perfect
- 00:20:05yes great great good job good
- 00:20:10job so now uh I'm going to tell you
- 00:20:14about the AC and the standard deviation
- 00:20:18okay okay so this a simple concept about
- 00:20:22the standard deviation is that you see
- 00:20:24the standard deviation squeeze you know
- 00:20:27look at my cursor
- 00:20:31yes those little dots so with that meat
- 00:20:34set and
- 00:20:37there sorry but those little dots the
- 00:20:40standard
- 00:20:45deviation dots I don't get two do the
- 00:20:51the the green and the red
- 00:20:54um stops yeah these stops these stop
- 00:20:57yeah
- 00:21:00yeah yeah perfect it's correct but I
- 00:21:03wasn't talking about that okay you you
- 00:21:05understood perfect great job okay first
- 00:21:08need to know like what the stand divis
- 00:21:11does okay basically it tells you that
- 00:21:15when we can see what theing the market
- 00:21:17then we can see consolidation and also
- 00:21:19when we can see reversal okay so it
- 00:21:22makes all of that easier for you now I'm
- 00:21:26going to tell you how it does that and
- 00:21:28how you can actually get you see the
- 00:21:31standard Dev squeeze right yeah you see
- 00:21:37it so whenever the standard devation
- 00:21:41does just give me a minute just uh give
- 00:21:43me a second
- 00:22:18okay Sor uh sorry about that it's
- 00:22:22okay okay
- 00:22:26so I'm so can already see the market of
- 00:22:31the stops in the standard Dev sorry I
- 00:22:36get that no we worri you you were
- 00:22:37explaining me the that standard
- 00:22:39deviation
- 00:22:42squeeps yeah so whenever you see these
- 00:22:46dots of the standard deviation in the
- 00:22:49standard deviation space the r is trying
- 00:22:53to tell you that okay brace yourself
- 00:22:55you're going to see an explosive
- 00:22:57move now it does not tell you the
- 00:22:59direction but it gives you the hints
- 00:23:02okay now I'm going to tell you how it
- 00:23:04gives the hints you see the micro Trend
- 00:23:08Yeah so basically it tells you that the
- 00:23:11old bias or you could say the how the
- 00:23:14market is tuned according to the
- 00:23:16standard deviation okay so you see that
- 00:23:20the market was in The Squeeze right here
- 00:23:23right in the squeeze right there and we
- 00:23:26macro but we still saw
- 00:23:31a
- 00:23:33red bearish move right this was an
- 00:23:36explosing mve say right with the hint
- 00:23:38but it didn't never give you the
- 00:23:41100% protction that any marking is going
- 00:23:44to Golden that Terror
- 00:23:47right make
- 00:23:49sense yeah hello yeah
- 00:23:55yeah okay now let's just see right here
- 00:23:58the mark was in thee so it was telling
- 00:24:00us okay that we can see like a explosive
- 00:24:05and look at it we had the red macro
- 00:24:07right here
- 00:24:09right and we saw the explosive move then
- 00:24:12the market revers and because it was in
- 00:24:15then out by the
- 00:24:17S the market to wor then the microprint
- 00:24:21changed to three again and then because
- 00:24:24of the macr we saw such a a great move
- 00:24:28to the upside for almost
- 00:24:31three
- 00:24:34days okay
- 00:24:38so it uh must have make sense to that
- 00:24:42how
- 00:24:43important this m CR is because it gives
- 00:24:47the bi of the gold
- 00:24:50chart they get to you know the
- 00:24:54probab direction of scul right makes
- 00:24:57sense
- 00:24:59Soo hello yes yes I'm I'm I'm getting
- 00:25:02the
- 00:25:04map so and uh and I'm getting the
- 00:25:07standard deviation
- 00:25:12squits okay so the standard devation
- 00:25:15squeeze is pretty simple whenever you
- 00:25:17see that the uh whatever TI using and
- 00:25:21the thoughts the standard devation dots
- 00:25:22are the sque it that okay you can expect
- 00:25:26an explosive move here to either the
- 00:25:28direction at it does not tell standard
- 00:25:32we should only tells you that okay we're
- 00:25:34going to see an
- 00:25:35explosive but I don't know what
- 00:25:37direction it's going to be Mak sense you
- 00:25:41can use you know these tractor orbs or
- 00:25:44there chances to actually figure out
- 00:25:45okay the market can reverse from here so
- 00:25:49we can see like a
- 00:25:51bullish squeeze okay
- 00:25:54so you know you can predate that
- 00:25:59with xeres anyone can't do that but it
- 00:26:01takes time
- 00:26:03okay then the next thing we going to
- 00:26:06talk you know these shs have do meaning
- 00:26:10when they start to consolidate or you
- 00:26:11know just blacken
- 00:26:13out
- 00:26:15either we're going to see a reversal or
- 00:26:18we're going to see the market uh like
- 00:26:21reverse okay make
- 00:26:24sense that's tells me no like right here
- 00:26:28we
- 00:26:31can go
- 00:26:33for
- 00:26:35okay that means
- 00:26:42conservation yeah now here you saw that
- 00:26:46the standard divion was FL so this week
- 00:26:48said
- 00:26:51okay this soft consolidation same was
- 00:26:54right
- 00:26:57here stand Devion flat we
- 00:27:00saw
- 00:27:04consolidation
- 00:27:13yeah so Cho right
- 00:27:17here so let's
- 00:27:21see yeah exactly we saw some chiness
- 00:27:24right here and right here okay whenever
- 00:27:27the devation was
- 00:27:30flat but right here when we saw that the
- 00:27:33devation was flat we saw a reverse right
- 00:27:37make sense and the same thing right here
- 00:27:40standard deviation reversed and it was
- 00:27:43flag for like two dots and we saw a
- 00:27:46reversal make
- 00:27:54sense so when it's flat it could be see
- 00:27:58charge
- 00:27:59yourself yeah yeah yeah yeah go go for
- 00:28:03it when it's flat it could mean a
- 00:28:07consolidation or a reverse when it's
- 00:28:11down it could be a squeeze like gigantic
- 00:28:18Mo yeah gigantic guard that say a all
- 00:28:22the time yeah yeah makes
- 00:28:25sense nice he got it yeah and you know
- 00:28:30like the ex the expenditure of the S
- 00:28:34deviation basically tells you like you
- 00:28:37know to what extent the move is going to
- 00:28:39be like right here we saw a reversal
- 00:28:41from five standard deviation right five
- 00:28:44number right
- 00:28:46here and the market move from this
- 00:28:50squeeze right here this
- 00:28:53squeeze
- 00:28:56the right
- 00:28:58here H your mouth is your m is your
- 00:29:03mouse is right this was
- 00:29:050.5 your mouse is okay so this was the
- 00:29:09expenditure we saw or this W okay okay
- 00:29:12it can we
- 00:29:15different
- 00:29:19okay yeah you can hear it right yes yes
- 00:29:28I think so there's some problem good
- 00:29:35Mouse okay can you see my screen and my
- 00:29:39AUD yeah
- 00:29:40yeah yeah and I can see your mouse as
- 00:29:43well okay so you know you
- 00:29:46get okay so now you can you know just
- 00:29:48make out that you know we saw the peak
- 00:29:50right here and we saw the reversal and
- 00:29:52we saw the extended W till the point
- 00:29:54high standard
- 00:29:55deviation right and it depends move to
- 00:29:58move actually like to what extent see
- 00:30:02the move so it all depends on that right
- 00:30:05so you know from this squeeze to this
- 00:30:082.6 Mar right
- 00:30:10here we saw many moves right we saw many
- 00:30:14transition so even if in the like you
- 00:30:18could say that when
- 00:30:20the standard debation is like kind of
- 00:30:23like platy right you can't see a s okay
- 00:30:29you know whenever you see that the
- 00:30:31market move is you know really strong it
- 00:30:34means that okay you're going to see a
- 00:30:36middle squee
- 00:30:38okay whenever the stand Mission
- 00:30:42dos are like in the
- 00:30:44.59 so and they like kind of flat but in
- 00:30:48the market wolves are inreasing theity
- 00:30:52is increasing it means that okay you
- 00:30:54can't see an explosing move with the St
- 00:30:58Vision too and in the future it can
- 00:31:01actually help you with a reversal like
- 00:31:05right here was flat right and these all
- 00:31:08kind of like a consolidation right
- 00:31:11here right so with multiple mes
- 00:31:15to this standard deviation can be pretty
- 00:31:18much
- 00:31:18helpful right it now depends on the
- 00:31:22person's practice so it doesn't matter
- 00:31:25how which I explain know
- 00:31:29everyone just needs to go to some charts
- 00:31:33this like for week actually know did it
- 00:31:37clicks to their own M that how the stuff
- 00:31:39actually works make sense yeah
- 00:31:46yeah okay so yeah I explained to you the
- 00:31:50open States I explain to
- 00:31:54the
- 00:31:56waves and the application B load side
- 00:32:00deviation the probable pads yeah one
- 00:32:04more thing we did not talk about p l
- 00:32:07values and the H values I remember do
- 00:32:11you
- 00:32:14remember but you
- 00:32:17you yeah yeah awesome yeah sure
- 00:32:21um uh when when we see the L values or
- 00:32:25the H values L stands for low and H
- 00:32:28stands for high and when we see um like
- 00:32:33when we see like uh like at the right
- 00:32:36far right side of the uh of the um of
- 00:32:41the I'm I'm sorry the far left of the of
- 00:32:44the screen we say h uh four that means
- 00:32:50price where so that plays four
- 00:32:53times and and the other one that's H2 it
- 00:32:56means no
- 00:32:58wrong World
- 00:33:02okay okay so explain the edge values
- 00:33:06concept G so these H values actually
- 00:33:11tell you the number of height okay oh
- 00:33:15the number of tles that are above
- 00:33:19perod
- 00:33:23exact exact no right here not on Okay so
- 00:33:28acting sure you can see right there
- 00:33:31before first candle second candle High
- 00:33:35and the thir and
- 00:33:38I saw the H3 make sense
- 00:33:46yeah then we saw like first candle High
- 00:33:49then second candle high but after that
- 00:33:51we did not see any high right we did not
- 00:33:54see any candle like closing above or
- 00:33:58even sh you the B action
- 00:34:01about scandals
- 00:34:04high right so it was stuck at edge2 all
- 00:34:08these ice or all the no not the ice all
- 00:34:11these scals did not actually matter
- 00:34:15sense yes yeah because they didn't broke
- 00:34:19the
- 00:34:20heart okay exactly yeah that is all
- 00:34:25about the edge and L Val same is like
- 00:34:27like for
- 00:34:29the
- 00:34:31uh uh L Y like for
- 00:34:38example
- 00:34:40here for two those no first low and
- 00:34:45second low
- 00:34:47but after that video not see any other
- 00:34:51low Mak sense uhhuh
- 00:34:55so that that did not see any higher El
- 00:34:59that it
- 00:35:03must you're breaking up
- 00:35:06rubs makes sense you're breaking
- 00:35:15up hello
- 00:35:18yeah can you hear me now yeah make sense
- 00:35:25yeah okay so I I think so we are done
- 00:35:28with the basics part and now you can
- 00:35:31watch this video again and also be when
- 00:35:33we upload this
- 00:35:35video uh for everyone in the bom Capital
- 00:35:39group YouTube channel you can also see
- 00:35:41it right
- 00:35:42there okay now I'm going to explain you
- 00:35:46about the options analyzer is pretty
- 00:35:48useful tool and I actually love to use
- 00:35:51it it was the like my go to every single
- 00:35:55day and there was no right to find out
- 00:35:58Dev okay this when you right click and
- 00:36:02you see the second option that is your
- 00:36:05options
- 00:36:08okay basically what it actually does is
- 00:36:11that it actually the prob you hear me
- 00:36:15right yeah
- 00:36:17yeah so it actually tells you the
- 00:36:19probability of forming high and lows
- 00:36:23okay like uh I'm going to maximiz this
- 00:36:28like right it now it the thing that
- 00:36:32there is
- 00:36:35100%
- 00:36:37probability okay 100% probability of
- 00:36:40forming
- 00:36:42hed2 you
- 00:36:43know when you see transition above the
- 00:36:46build and the C1 so the chart will be
- 00:36:51past that days speak selling that there
- 00:36:54is 100% probability of for and
- 00:36:58two make
- 00:37:01sense
- 00:37:05yeah and it just say me H2 okay now you
- 00:37:10must be Wonder okay so what's the
- 00:37:12probability of foring H3 okay it's
- 00:37:15written right here
- 00:37:1880% ex sense how what the probability of
- 00:37:22farming H4
- 00:37:2470% what's the probability of forming H5
- 00:37:29it is uh less than 70% more than 50%
- 00:37:32it's still more than 50%
- 00:37:35so and then what's the probability of
- 00:37:39farming at six it's 50/50 and then after
- 00:37:42that you know it's less than 50% but
- 00:37:45more than 40% okay so you know why it
- 00:37:49just jumped to the uh H3 after at6 it's
- 00:37:55because uh
- 00:37:57probably we did not see any F7 on this
- 00:38:01chart that is why it is not showing us
- 00:38:05any probabilities about the H7 or h8 or
- 00:38:10H9 or h10 or H1 or
- 00:38:13H2 okay we saw H4 H2 h30 h60 you know
- 00:38:19at60 right here 10% probability only
- 00:38:22right here okay you can see the odds are
- 00:38:25pretty bullish correct
- 00:38:30and now for below the pivot for the L
- 00:38:34okay let me just maximize
- 00:38:40that okay you get see this right yeah
- 00:38:47sure okay so you know it tells you that
- 00:38:51there is 100% probability of for me L do
- 00:38:56same thing we had for the H2 right or
- 00:38:59ver probability of that but for H3 there
- 00:39:03is 67% probability
- 00:39:06whereas when we were looking at U our
- 00:39:10H we had
- 00:39:1380% right the market is tuned somewhat
- 00:39:16bullish
- 00:39:22correct makes sense yeah had for Edge
- 00:39:27Board was 70% but oh but here it's 44
- 00:39:30it's less than like
- 00:39:32%. so you know we you must be see that
- 00:39:36but that last two weeks we have we see
- 00:39:38like more like bullish
- 00:39:41moves right so you can see that the ODS
- 00:39:45are also favored towards the bullish
- 00:39:48side but as the penalty bi changes we s
- 00:39:53we see more be St moves these odds can
- 00:39:56change
- 00:39:58okay now here I just see that I'm not
- 00:40:01satisfied with you know this am of data
- 00:40:04I want to lose more they I will to see
- 00:40:08in more chances and more ODS right so
- 00:40:12you can know I just increase the D go
- 00:40:14from De 20 okay so like right
- 00:40:22here okay
- 00:40:29see okay so right here you can see the
- 00:40:32odds now they are pretty much different
- 00:40:35you know why because in the past 10 days
- 00:40:38we have been very very
- 00:40:41buly this we saw that those ORS were
- 00:40:45very bookish but you know now we have
- 00:40:47been using 20 days so it's like almost
- 00:40:50like a month right yeah 20 30 days in a
- 00:40:54month so it's like almost like a month
- 00:40:58all right so now this is like the data
- 00:41:01for month for B 10 15 minute 20 days to
- 00:41:04load right now we are at H4 right now
- 00:41:09for H5 what is the probability no you
- 00:41:12are looking for trade you're wondering
- 00:41:15okay should I take hold site or should I
- 00:41:17go for be side what should be my
- 00:41:22direct right so for Edge F there is less
- 00:41:25than 46% chance so Aros playable app OS
- 00:41:30playable tell
- 00:41:34me the probability what yeah the
- 00:41:42probability yeah the probability are
- 00:41:44those you know good good odds for H5
- 00:41:47less than 46% but more than 33% are
- 00:41:51those good Dos to actually go for a call
- 00:41:54site right you tell no it does it
- 00:41:58doesn't favor Pro
- 00:42:02prob
- 00:42:03exactly makes sense you know you are
- 00:42:06getting let just say the market is at H
- 00:42:0911 and you're okay so are we going to
- 00:42:12see H2 or
- 00:42:15not
- 00:42:17well there is less than 21% chance of SE
- 00:42:21that so it me that we are 80
- 00:42:24sorry yeah so in less than 79% so we
- 00:42:28have so we have 70 yeah like 79% chance
- 00:42:33of being a reversal from H1 you know H1
- 00:42:40right here and here you can see that how
- 00:42:42many
- 00:42:43times uh you're going to actually see
- 00:42:46the X3 like the S3 from on this chart
- 00:42:52five times H4 on done this chart three
- 00:42:55times H six from done this chart three
- 00:42:57times okay you can just count it right
- 00:43:00here now even if when you are watching
- 00:43:02this video again you can just count it
- 00:43:04they're going to come out to be three
- 00:43:06and at 60 is going to come out to be one
- 00:43:10okay make sense
- 00:43:13yeah same is for below now going to tell
- 00:43:18you about this chart okay and what it
- 00:43:20actually does basically just uh you know
- 00:43:24it just
- 00:43:29uh Pates all the highs and the lows into
- 00:43:33like whatever order you see them on
- 00:43:37this uh fractal charts right here you
- 00:43:40know so it just configurat them it into
- 00:43:43the barf okay like right here cl2 then
- 00:43:48is CH4 then the cl4 then you see H1 then
- 00:43:51you see L3 and same thing right here L2
- 00:43:55H4 L4 h one and to right make sense but
- 00:44:00nine must be wor okay so ra is supposed
- 00:44:03to
- 00:44:04benefit okay so if you are looking for
- 00:44:07what to benefit from it we just need to
- 00:44:09click on sort histogram and it just
- 00:44:13sorts out
- 00:44:14the you know all the statea for you and
- 00:44:18then what are you supposed to do you
- 00:44:21know let's just say that you see that
- 00:44:24the market actually after ITR position
- 00:44:28greatly Lo like in the
- 00:44:325.8% we see on the right side of the
- 00:44:35chart you see the
- 00:44:371%
- 00:44:3942.4
- 00:44:41yeah so and you have one thing okay so
- 00:44:44the open like way above the right like
- 00:44:48it's like about the % B and now pce odds
- 00:44:53might not be the best day to look
- 00:44:58at cor right you know because these Arts
- 00:45:02are just telling you the probability of
- 00:45:04high you know but here in this example
- 00:45:08you just opened up way above the pit and
- 00:45:11now you're looking for something more
- 00:45:12reli okay then you can just go for this
- 00:45:17uh Sol histogram thing right here and
- 00:45:19the problem by they
- 00:45:22per
- 00:45:24okay so yeah yeah 1% Mark you can see on
- 00:45:29the left side of the chart so how many
- 00:45:33highs it we
- 00:45:35see above the
- 00:45:39m%
- 00:45:42so yeah so uh out done like 44
- 00:45:49charts uh we
- 00:45:55saw I for eyes we saw only two about uh
- 00:46:01like 5.8% so that's like
- 00:46:058.3% or
- 00:46:0724 uh
- 00:46:10yeah 8% something like that so there's
- 00:46:13like 92%
- 00:46:16probability of um where yeah eight uh
- 00:46:218.3
- 00:46:23Subs yes that's like 92% % chance of
- 00:46:28reversal from
- 00:46:30that price for you know because we often
- 00:46:34way about the pivot makes
- 00:46:38sense I
- 00:46:41got yeah so that is like the part art
- 00:46:47unique know about this uh s hisr and the
- 00:46:51option satellizer then we had the M the
- 00:46:55mm uh like
- 00:47:00dude hey you know the M dud or no no I
- 00:47:05don't know this is this is not to me
- 00:47:08okay we all this is not to me yeah so
- 00:47:11basically we do have a yeah I have so
- 00:47:15basically we do have a video on mm2 yeah
- 00:47:19I
- 00:47:20because I've seen all videos you can
- 00:47:23watch that I've seen all the videos but
- 00:47:27I don't know since I never had
- 00:47:31this I never um I needed to see this the
- 00:47:35way you're you're you're you're doing it
- 00:47:37right now so and and so the mm tool is
- 00:47:44the one below the the charts that you
- 00:47:48have right now
- 00:47:51right yeah but you're not going to talk
- 00:47:54about it today okay we because uh it's
- 00:47:57pretty complicated and L and think so
- 00:48:00it's worth to talk about it right now
- 00:48:02it's going to confuse you more than it's
- 00:48:04going to help you okay that is why I'm
- 00:48:06not going to teach anything about it so
- 00:48:09yeah I think so I talk to you
- 00:48:12the the option analyzer and I T you the
- 00:48:17basics of the chart right and then the
- 00:48:21one last thing can talk about now
- 00:48:24basically we also have a we play
- 00:48:27in the practice you know again just use
- 00:48:31it right here I rarely use it to be H I
- 00:48:36use these sliders right
- 00:48:40here now if I just want to play the
- 00:48:44recording or like the replay of this
- 00:48:46chart I can do it by just clicking on
- 00:48:49replay and it just replay for okay that
- 00:48:52is all it does you know we can go a lot
- 00:48:55more back and it and let to say that you
- 00:48:57want to backest something you know like
- 00:49:01the you want to backest the moves of the
- 00:49:03we you know this blue light is actually
- 00:49:07the wi wave and they just say you want
- 00:49:09to practice that you can actually do
- 00:49:11that using this tool right here the
- 00:49:13animate one and also you can do that by
- 00:49:16using the slider make
- 00:49:18sense
- 00:49:21yes
- 00:49:24okay what does per periscope
- 00:49:29so I
- 00:49:32just so peris yeah Periscope basically
- 00:49:35gives the option contracts for certain
- 00:49:38setups Bic we had a big video on option
- 00:49:42analy that actually Mr Russell himself
- 00:49:45explain about it now I'll suggest you to
- 00:49:48watch that video If you it was the that
- 00:49:51were that was you and Mr Russ combine
- 00:49:57no no no it was uh another one it was
- 00:50:01like uh from eight months ago I guess Mr
- 00:50:04rle explain the Periscope to send you
- 00:50:08the video the video link okay and I want
- 00:50:11you to watch that okay make sense yeah
- 00:50:15yeah so I think so uh for today we are
- 00:50:19done and I also need to work on
- 00:50:22something else right
- 00:50:24no very
- 00:50:30sorry it's been very
- 00:50:36useful so uh I didn't get you what I
- 00:50:39trying to say yeah yeah you're you're
- 00:50:42very useful you're you're helping me a
- 00:50:46lot oh I need so
- 00:50:49much that's great helping me
- fractals
- trading
- transicions
- suport
- resistència
- estadis
- anàlisi de gràfic
- optimització
- estratègies de trading