How a Christian Conquers Life's Giant Challenges | Mark Finley
TLDRCe discours traite de la confrontation des "géants" dans la vie en se basant sur l'histoire biblique de David et Goliath. Il souligne que tout le monde fait face à des défis énormes, mais avec la foi en Dieu, ces géants peuvent être surmontés. L'orateur rappelle que Dieu est plus grand que tous nos problèmes et encourage les auditeurs à avoir confiance et à mettre en pratique leur foi à travers la prière et l'action.
- 🧗♂️ Les géants représentent des défis terrifiants dans la vie.
- 📖 La foi en Dieu est essentielle pour surmonter les géants.
- ⏳ Les épreuves peuvent durer, mais elles renforcent notre foi.
- 🚫 Le doute limite notre capacité à vaincre les géants.
- 💪 David a affronté Goliath avec foi, non avec force physique.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Le discours débute par une réflexion sur les 'géants' de la vie qui nous terrifient, posant des questions sur les défis et les peurs que chacun peut rencontrer.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
L'histoire de David et Goliath est introduite comme un exemple intemporel de confrontation avec des défis gigantesques, évoquant des leçons pour les temps modernes.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
L'orateur partage ses expériences d'excavation à Kbet Kayaa, une ville liée à l'histoire biblique, pour mettre en lumière le moment où David a affronté Goliath dans la vallée d'Éla, soulignant la taille et l'armement du géant.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
L'ampleur de Goliath est décrite en détails, avec des comparaisons à la taille des athlètes modernes pour renforcer l'image de sa stature intimidante, et la peur qu'il soulève parmi les Israélites est évoquée.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
L'accent est mis sur le fait que tous, à un moment donné, sont confrontés à leurs propres géants de santé, de finances, de famille ou d'anxiété, et que ces défis peuvent nous terrifier.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Malgré la peur, l'orateur souligne que les géants peuvent être vaincus grâce à notre foi en un Dieu qui est plus grand que nos problèmes, avec David comme exemple de courage face à l'adversité.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
La discussion se poursuit sur la notion que les défis ne disparaissent pas toujours rapidement, en soulignant que les géants peuvent persister et nécessiter du temps pour renforcer notre foi et notre résilience.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
L'orateur évoque que dans l'histoire biblique, 40 jours représentent une période de test et que Dieu utilise ces périodes pour approfondir notre foi, citant de multiples exemples bibliques de telles épreuves.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Les leçons sont tirées de l'importance de la mémoire de nos victoires passées, pour nous encourager dans l'affrontement actuel de nos géants, en appelant à la reconnaissance des agissements de Dieu dans nos vies.
- 00:45:00 - 00:52:28
En conclusion, on exhorte l'auditoire à ne pas fuir leurs problèmes, mais à les affronter avec foi, en se souvenant que Dieu est un 'tueur de géants' qui nous fortifie dans toutes nos luttes.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Quels sont les "géants" évoqués dans le discours ?
Les "géants" représentent les problèmes, les peurs et les défis terrifiants dans la vie, tels que les problèmes de santé, les soucis financiers ou les préoccupations familiales.
Comment David a-t-il réussi à vaincre Goliath ?
David a vaincu Goliath non pas par sa force physique, mais en ayant confiance en la puissance de Dieu, qui était plus grande que le géant.
Quels rôles la foi et la prière jouent-ils dans la lutte contre les géants ?
La foi et la prière sont essentielles pour faire face aux géants, car elles nous donnent force et courage venant de Dieu.
Que représente le chiffre 40 dans la Bible en relation avec les épreuves ?
Le chiffre 40 représente souvent une période de test et de préparation spirituelle, comme dans les cas de Moïse, de Jésus et des Israélites.
Qu'est-ce que l'auteur conseille de faire face aux géants ?
Il encourage à prier, à se rappeler des promesses de Dieu, et à affronter les problèmes avec foi et préparation.
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- 00:00:00there are a lot of problems in our life
- 00:00:02that are giants they terrify us they're
- 00:00:05huge they're too big for us to solve
- 00:00:09what Giants are you facing today what
- 00:00:11challenges what problems what
- 00:00:13difficulties are almost overwhelming to
- 00:00:16you what fear strikes your heart what
- 00:00:18concern terrifies you
- 00:00:36our message this morning focuses on
- 00:00:38another battle in the Middle East
- 00:00:41although this battle took place in
- 00:00:43another time in another place it has
- 00:00:46lessons that are vital it's a story that
- 00:00:49you know well a story that you may have
- 00:00:52even told your children it's a story
- 00:00:55about David and Goliath but yet there
- 00:00:59are fresh lessons in that story that
- 00:01:02relate to an Endtime people waiting for
- 00:01:05the coming of Jesus you might even have
- 00:01:07taught your children to sing only a boy
- 00:01:10named David you know that song only a
- 00:01:12little Brooke I would sing it for you
- 00:01:14but it would empty the church now a few
- 00:01:17years ago I led a tour to Israel led
- 00:01:20many tours to Israel and we went up to
- 00:01:22the Ila Valley I was in search of kbet
- 00:01:27kayaa now kbet kayaa
- 00:01:30was a city that was reported about in
- 00:01:33National Geographics and uh this city
- 00:01:38was a city that was excavated in
- 00:01:412011 by Southern Adventist University
- 00:01:45team and when they excavated it they had
- 00:01:48to excavate 200,000 pounds or 200,000
- 00:01:52tons of stone I mean it was just an
- 00:01:54amazing excavation and our team under Dr
- 00:01:57Michael hosle was there Excavating
- 00:02:00now let's look at some of the vital
- 00:02:01lessons we can learn from an experience
- 00:02:04that took place right here so if you're
- 00:02:07looking to the left of your screen
- 00:02:10there's kbet kayaa this is the camp of
- 00:02:12Israel The Valley in the center is the
- 00:02:15Ila Valley here is sukko up on the right
- 00:02:18where the Philistines camped David came
- 00:02:23down into that Valley from kbet Gaya
- 00:02:27Goliath came down from sukko they met in
- 00:02:30the middle of the valley and they
- 00:02:32battled together and this is where David
- 00:02:35slew Goliath now let's look at some of
- 00:02:38the lessons we can learn here's lesson
- 00:02:40number
- 00:02:41one lesson number one puts it this way
- 00:02:45Giants are huge and Goliath was large
- 00:02:49and
- 00:02:50terrifying what are the Giants that you
- 00:02:52face in your life today I want you to
- 00:02:55think of giants as something that's huge
- 00:02:58that you're facing that's a problem you
- 00:02:59can't solve I want you to think of
- 00:03:01giants as something that's absolutely
- 00:03:04terrifying that strikes fear into your
- 00:03:06heart 1 Samuel 17 verse
- 00:03:114-7 and a champion went out from the
- 00:03:15camp of the Philistines named
- 00:03:18Goliath he came from gath whose height
- 00:03:21was six cubits in a span now how much is
- 00:03:24a cubit a cubit is the distance from the
- 00:03:27end from the elbow to the end the tip of
- 00:03:30the finger it's about 18 in that's what
- 00:03:33a cubit is about a foot and a half so
- 00:03:35how tall is is Goliath he is six cubits
- 00:03:39that's about 9 feet a span the span of
- 00:03:42your hand so he's over 9 feet 9 feet
- 00:03:45five inches now if you are are are David
- 00:03:49how old is David here probably he's in
- 00:03:52his teens he is not old enough to go
- 00:03:54into military service so he's back out
- 00:03:57tending sheep he's not known for his
- 00:04:00large huge stature so here you have this
- 00:04:03giant approaching you he's huge he's
- 00:04:06terrified now also we see something else
- 00:04:11about the giant verse five he had a
- 00:04:13bronze helmet on his head he was armed
- 00:04:15with a coat of mail the weight of the
- 00:04:18coat was 5,000 shekels of bronze now
- 00:04:22that's 5 th how much is that 150 PBS 150
- 00:04:26pounds now how many of you have ever
- 00:04:28carried on your back 150 lb pack have
- 00:04:32some of you carried a pack some of you
- 00:04:33may have carried a pound 150b but that's
- 00:04:36not all we get the size of the armor on
- 00:04:39his legs and the javelin between his
- 00:04:42soldiers that's a staff of spear like a
- 00:04:46Weaver's beam look there for
- 00:04:49example at uh verse five and six in the
- 00:04:54text it's quite amazing when you look at
- 00:04:57it he has this huge
- 00:05:01huge armor on 150 pounds but in addition
- 00:05:05to that he has a staff that's the size a
- 00:05:08Weaver's be he has an iron spearhead
- 00:05:11that weighs 600 shekels you can hardly
- 00:05:14even carry that well let's do some
- 00:05:17comparisons who if you look at sports
- 00:05:20today who are some of the tallest people
- 00:05:22in sports well what's the average size
- 00:05:25of an NBA player 6 feet 6 in what's the
- 00:05:29average size of an American male 510
- 00:05:32what's what's gath over 9 feet tall nine
- 00:05:38feet
- 00:05:39tall what Giants are you facing I want
- 00:05:44you to think about Goliath's size 9 feet
- 00:05:47tall so strong and muscular he could he
- 00:05:52could carry 150 to 200 pounds I want you
- 00:05:55to think of him
- 00:05:57taunting the people of Israel
- 00:06:001st Samuel
- 00:06:0217:10 says
- 00:06:04this 1st Samuel
- 00:06:0617:10 he says the Philistines says I
- 00:06:10defy the armies of Israel this day give
- 00:06:12me a man that we may fight together I
- 00:06:15defy the armies what Giants are defying
- 00:06:18you
- 00:06:19today what
- 00:06:22Giants are facing you today here was a
- 00:06:27challenge that was too large for is is
- 00:06:29to ignore but too great for them to
- 00:06:33confront here was a problem that was too
- 00:06:35big for them to solve but too great for
- 00:06:40them to run away from here was a
- 00:06:43difficulty too enormous for them to make
- 00:06:45believe it didn't exist the armies of
- 00:06:48Israel could not change the fact that
- 00:06:52they were confronted with the Giant and
- 00:06:55there are a lot of problems in our life
- 00:06:56that are giants they terrify us they're
- 00:07:00huge they're too big for us to
- 00:07:03solve in the face of the Giants
- 00:07:06challenge the men of Israel were
- 00:07:08confused they were perplexed they were
- 00:07:10terrified they were afraid there are
- 00:07:13times too that we just wish our problems
- 00:07:16would go away I don't want to deal with
- 00:07:20this but the giant stands there staring
- 00:07:25Us in the face what Giants are you
- 00:07:29facing today what challenges what
- 00:07:32problems what difficulties are almost
- 00:07:34overwhelming to you what fear strikes
- 00:07:37your
- 00:07:38heart what concern terrifies you we all
- 00:07:42face Giants in our
- 00:07:44life not one of us is ever going to get
- 00:07:47through this
- 00:07:49world without facing our Giants for some
- 00:07:53our Giants are health problems financial
- 00:07:57problems for some our Giants or family
- 00:08:00issues for others our Giants may be fear
- 00:08:04worry or anxiety about some situation
- 00:08:08that we're facing that's overwhelming
- 00:08:10for others our Giants may be
- 00:08:12discouragement despair or doubt for some
- 00:08:16are giants are Temptations or trials or
- 00:08:19some trauma we've
- 00:08:20experienced but here is the
- 00:08:23incredibly good news our Giants need not
- 00:08:28traumatize us
- 00:08:29our Giants need not terrify us our
- 00:08:34Giants need not discourage us or lead us
- 00:08:36to despair because because there is a
- 00:08:40giant slayer in the land
- 00:08:44Hallelujah David was not intimidated by
- 00:08:47the giant why wasn't David intimidated
- 00:08:51by the size of the giant he wasn't
- 00:08:53intimidated by the size of the giant
- 00:08:56because the size of his God was bigger
- 00:08:57than the size of the Giant
- 00:09:00he was not troubled by gath's boastful
- 00:09:02claims because he served a god whose
- 00:09:05Promises of Deliverance were greater
- 00:09:07than goas boasts of defeat when things
- 00:09:11seem out of control God is still in
- 00:09:16control Giants do not intimidate those
- 00:09:21whose God Is Bigger Than The Giant
- 00:09:24Giants only intimidate you if your God
- 00:09:27is smaller than the Giant when things
- 00:09:30seem out of control God's in control now
- 00:09:32the story of David and Goliath has
- 00:09:36powerful lessons for us today lesson
- 00:09:39number one God is always bigger than the
- 00:09:43biggest giant that you ever face now
- 00:09:47here is lesson number two often the
- 00:09:50challenges of life do not disappear
- 00:09:54quickly we would wish when we prayed oh
- 00:09:58God I'm praying for this God I want this
- 00:10:01giant to go away I want him to to leave
- 00:10:05often the Giants often the challenges of
- 00:10:08life don't disappear quickly I want to
- 00:10:10show you something fascinating 1 Samuel
- 00:10:1417
- 00:10:16ver6 1 Samuel 17 and verse
- 00:10:2116 the scripture puts it this way and
- 00:10:25the Philistine Drew near and presented
- 00:10:28himself 40 days morning and
- 00:10:30evening so I want you to think about
- 00:10:33this statement for a few moments every
- 00:10:36day for 40
- 00:10:38days Goliath entered the valley of ela
- 00:10:42and shouted his defiant challenge to
- 00:10:45Israel every day Their Fear grew more
- 00:10:49intense so it wasn't that Goliath walked
- 00:10:52into that Valley in one day and said I
- 00:10:55defy the armies of Israel send down your
- 00:10:58Warrior not at all
- 00:10:59how many days did he go there 40 days he
- 00:11:04walked through that Valley 40 days he
- 00:11:07said I defy you 40 days their hearts
- 00:11:10trembled with fear 40 days they were
- 00:11:16traumatized often the Giants that we
- 00:11:20face do not disappear quickly have you
- 00:11:25ever noticed the number of times in the
- 00:11:28Bible that 40 is used have you ever
- 00:11:31noticed that the number of 40 is
- 00:11:34significant in the Bible and this is
- 00:11:36what 40 represents as I'm going to show
- 00:11:38you 40 represents in the Bible always a
- 00:11:42time of testing and always a time when
- 00:11:47God is testing our faith to strengthen
- 00:11:51our faith so 40 is a
- 00:11:55representation of a God that wants to
- 00:11:57strengthen your faith in trial and
- 00:12:00restore your relationship with him in
- 00:12:03that trial during this time of trial the
- 00:12:07B the Holy Spirit leads us to deeper
- 00:12:11deeper commitment to him so let's look
- 00:12:13at some times in the Bible where 40 days
- 00:12:17are used I'll list the text but we won't
- 00:12:20uh go over them all Noah enters the ark
- 00:12:23and as he's in the ark it rains for 40
- 00:12:25days and 40 nights so just think about
- 00:12:28that thunderous C flashing light isn't
- 00:12:30flashing no is in the ark but is testing
- 00:12:32his faith no is they're praying it's
- 00:12:36testing his faith that that the ark is
- 00:12:38going to survive in that storm look
- 00:12:41Israel spies out the land for 40 days
- 00:12:44what's that it's a test of their faith
- 00:12:47of whether they believe God is powerful
- 00:12:50enough for them to face the Giants you
- 00:12:53think of Moses on Mount Si 40 days in
- 00:12:57Exodus 34 what's that all about it's
- 00:13:00testing the faith of Israel whether they
- 00:13:03believe that God is sufficient enough to
- 00:13:06guide their Nation or we go on you look
- 00:13:08at Elijah he fasts 40 days as he goes to
- 00:13:11mount harb uh as he's fasting is God
- 00:13:14sufficient can God Supply him food can
- 00:13:17God challenge the Heathen Jonah preaches
- 00:13:20to Nineveh 40 days what's this all about
- 00:13:23it's giving Nineveh time during that
- 00:13:27period to repent of their sins
- 00:13:29and it's it's testing their faith Jesus
- 00:13:33fasts in the wilderness how long does
- 00:13:35Jesus fast in the wilderness according
- 00:13:36to Matthew 4:2 how long does he fast
- 00:13:38there 40 days what's that all about
- 00:13:41Jesus is preparing for his three and a
- 00:13:44half years of ministry and he goes and
- 00:13:46face Temptation Of Satan where he's
- 00:13:49tested and he gets strength from the
- 00:13:51father and he says by the word of God
- 00:13:55there will be Victory so what is this 40
- 00:13:58days all about in each of these
- 00:14:00instances there's a 40-day period of
- 00:14:02trial designed by God to give time to
- 00:14:06develop deeper trust a closer dependence
- 00:14:08on him and a renewal of spiritual
- 00:14:10strength now I am not suggesting to you
- 00:14:12that your trial is only going to go on
- 00:14:14for 40 days not at all but what I'm
- 00:14:16saying to you is
- 00:14:18this many of the trials that we go
- 00:14:20through in life are not solved in five
- 00:14:24minutes they're not and God has a Divine
- 00:14:28Purpose in that to strengthen our faith
- 00:14:33when we Face our Giants God often lets
- 00:14:36us go through a period of testing to
- 00:14:39deepen our faith and then vividly
- 00:14:41demonstrate his power life's challenges
- 00:14:44are not often solved in an instant at
- 00:14:47times we have prolonged trials and God's
- 00:14:49purpose in this is to increase our
- 00:14:52confidence in his power to save and
- 00:14:55allow us time to develop a belief system
- 00:14:58that will not fail when times get tough
- 00:15:02are we facing difficult times in the
- 00:15:04future of the world are we facing that
- 00:15:07are we facing times according to
- 00:15:09Revelation 12 13 and 14 when church and
- 00:15:13state will unite do we still believe
- 00:15:15that is that still going to happen
- 00:15:17indeed it is God is preparing you and me
- 00:15:22today to face those trials by allowing
- 00:15:25us to face our Giants and allowing us to
- 00:15:28know that God is bigger than our Giants
- 00:15:30and to develop our faith when we face
- 00:15:33those giants I love what it's put in the
- 00:15:36book reflecting Christ and in the book
- 00:15:39reflecting Christ it says this trial is
- 00:15:43part of the education given in the
- 00:15:46school of Christ to purify God's
- 00:15:48children from the dross of earthliness
- 00:15:52so if you are facing your giant today if
- 00:15:55you're facing some trial today you are
- 00:15:58in the school of Christ and he is
- 00:16:01working in your life to purify us from
- 00:16:04our earthliness it is because God is
- 00:16:07leading his children that trying
- 00:16:09experiences come upon them wait a minute
- 00:16:12because God is leading us that's why
- 00:16:15sometimes we go through trials
- 00:16:16experience it's exactly trials and
- 00:16:19obstacles are his chosen methods of
- 00:16:23discipline and his appointed conditions
- 00:16:25of success so God allows us at time to
- 00:16:30go through trials not because he wants
- 00:16:33to destroy us but because he wants to
- 00:16:36deepen our faith and trials and
- 00:16:39obstacles are what everybody they're his
- 00:16:41methods of discipline and his appointed
- 00:16:44conditions of what his appointed
- 00:16:47conditions of of success we are in the
- 00:16:50school of Christ in our loving heavenly
- 00:16:53father is getting us ready for heaven
- 00:16:56and part of that process is helping us
- 00:16:58to face our Giants and by the grace of
- 00:17:02God to slay them our Giants reveal how
- 00:17:06big our God is the strength of the
- 00:17:09Giants we face pales into insignificance
- 00:17:12into the enormity of allmighty God David
- 00:17:16was just a young lad with a sling and
- 00:17:20five smooth Stones his youthfulness and
- 00:17:23simplicity of the weapons he used the
- 00:17:25sling and F through Stones only confirm
- 00:17:28the power of God
- 00:17:30Giants fall in the face of men and women
- 00:17:34of Faith who acknowledge their weakness
- 00:17:37and learn totally to depend on God
- 00:17:40lesson number
- 00:17:42one Our God Is Bigger Than The Giants we
- 00:17:46face lesson number
- 00:17:48two problems are often not solved in an
- 00:17:52instant God gives us time to develop
- 00:17:56Faith lesson number three
- 00:17:59don't let doubt ever keep you from the
- 00:18:03victory over your
- 00:18:05Giants you see David's Brothers mocked
- 00:18:08him tried to instill doubt King Saul
- 00:18:11mocked him declaring that he was
- 00:18:14incapable of solving the
- 00:18:16problem they doubted his ability to
- 00:18:18fight goath and goath mocked him you
- 00:18:20remember what iLab said his brother you
- 00:18:23see iLab was David's Older Brother David
- 00:18:26had a number of brothers and what does
- 00:18:27his brother say to him his brother says
- 00:18:29to him hey young man he's not even
- 00:18:33eligible to to enroll in the Israeli
- 00:18:36Army hey go back and her your sheep
- 00:18:40let's look at the text there 1 Samuel
- 00:18:43chapter
- 00:18:4517 ilad speaks to to David he he he
- 00:18:49mocks David the and as David
- 00:18:53comes iLab speaks to him and the and
- 00:18:57he's yelling out you know and iLab verse
- 00:19:0028 now iLab his oldest brother heard
- 00:19:04when he spoke to the men and iab's anger
- 00:19:06was aroused against David he said why
- 00:19:08did you come down here and with whom
- 00:19:10have you left those few sheep in the
- 00:19:12wilderness in other words young
- 00:19:15boy we're the Army here if we can't
- 00:19:18fight this Goliath how do you think you
- 00:19:20ever can fight him go back young boy go
- 00:19:24back and her your sheep that's where you
- 00:19:27belong instilling doubt in David's mind
- 00:19:31Saul says to him you're just a lad what
- 00:19:34can you do against a
- 00:19:36giant and goath mocks him goath says to
- 00:19:41him I will tear you
- 00:19:44apart and feed
- 00:19:47you to the
- 00:19:49birds God loves to do the
- 00:19:54impossible God loves it when in our
- 00:19:57weakness in our Frailty we approach our
- 00:20:01Giants in the name of
- 00:20:03Jesus you see doubt robs God of his
- 00:20:07ability to deal with the
- 00:20:10situation Faith opens the door for God
- 00:20:15to work a
- 00:20:17miracle there is one thing that limits
- 00:20:20God's ability to Deliver Us from the
- 00:20:22Giants we face it's doubt and
- 00:20:27unbelief you remember in Psalm
- 00:20:3178:41 there's a very unusual text can
- 00:20:35you limit the illimitable one can you
- 00:20:39limit the illimitable one in describing
- 00:20:43Psalm 78 ver 41 if you have your Bible
- 00:20:45turn to it if not we can look at it on
- 00:20:47the screen Psalm
- 00:20:5178:41 can you limit the illimitable
- 00:20:55one Psalm 78 is the description of
- 00:20:59Israel wandering in the
- 00:21:02wilderness and it shows how Israel's
- 00:21:05unbelief kept them from entering into
- 00:21:07the promised land God wanted them to go
- 00:21:10into the promised land but as the result
- 00:21:13of their unbelief their doubt of God's
- 00:21:16power because they saw the Giants and
- 00:21:19didn't see the power of God because they
- 00:21:22saw the formidable armies and they
- 00:21:24didn't recognize that God's angels could
- 00:21:27have delivered them verse 41 says yet
- 00:21:32again and again this Psalm 78 they
- 00:21:34tempted God and limited the Holy One of
- 00:21:38Israel what did they do what what's that
- 00:21:41word that's so key in that text they did
- 00:21:44what to the Holy One of Israel they did
- 00:21:45what limited him how did they limit the
- 00:21:48Holy One of Israel they limit the Holy
- 00:21:50One of Israel by their doubt by their
- 00:21:53unbelief so when we Face our Giants we
- 00:21:58limit what God can do by doubt and
- 00:22:01unbelief Hebrews 3: 19 Hebrews 3 and
- 00:22:07verse
- 00:22:0819 for every giant that we Face God will
- 00:22:13strengthen us to face the giant does
- 00:22:16this mean that God is always going to
- 00:22:18miraculously heal us no does this mean
- 00:22:21that God is always going to miraculously
- 00:22:23when we need money send a send a million
- 00:22:28in the mail and we can win the lottery
- 00:22:30not at all the health wealth and
- 00:22:33Prosperity Gospel is not the gospel at
- 00:22:36all it is humanism but what does it mean
- 00:22:41when scripture says that uh that that
- 00:22:45God is going to enable us to face the
- 00:22:47Giants here's what that means that God
- 00:22:49is going to strengthen us for whatever
- 00:22:52problem we face and either he is going
- 00:22:54to solve the problem or he's going to
- 00:22:56give us the courage to deal with it look
- 00:22:59at Hebrews 3: 19 doubt and unbelief Rob
- 00:23:05god of what God wants to do Faith opens
- 00:23:08the door for the miracle of God either
- 00:23:11in our own hearts or in the circumstance
- 00:23:13Hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 why did they
- 00:23:16not enter the promised
- 00:23:18land so we see that they could not enter
- 00:23:21in because of what unbelief a negative
- 00:23:25mindset of doubt and unbelief Li what
- 00:23:29God wants to do for us during those
- 00:23:31times of life when the giant seems so
- 00:23:35large It is Well to remember that God is
- 00:23:39our Giant
- 00:23:41Slayer during those times of life when
- 00:23:45the problem seems unsolvable it's
- 00:23:47important to remember that there's no
- 00:23:49unsolvable problems for God no challeng
- 00:23:51is too great for God to handle no
- 00:23:54difficulty is too difficult for him to
- 00:23:56unravel Matthew 19 19: 26 when we Face
- 00:24:00our Giants we say with God read it off
- 00:24:03the screen with me Matthew 19:26 reading
- 00:24:06together with men this is what this is
- 00:24:11what but With God all things are what do
- 00:24:15you believe it is God a giant slayer I
- 00:24:19love what it says in the book my life
- 00:24:22today page
- 00:24:24181 my life today 181 worry is is blind
- 00:24:29and cannot discern the future but Jesus
- 00:24:33sees the end from the beginning in every
- 00:24:36difficulty you how many difficulties
- 00:24:38everybody every how many difficulties
- 00:24:41every difficulty he has a way prepared
- 00:24:44to bring relief our heavenly father has
- 00:24:48a thousand ways to provide for us of
- 00:24:51which we know nothing those who accept
- 00:24:54the one principle of making the service
- 00:24:57and honor of God Supreme
- 00:24:58will find perplexities vanish in a plain
- 00:25:01path before their feet how many ways
- 00:25:04does God have to solve our problems how
- 00:25:06many ways a thousand a thousand that we
- 00:25:08don't see let me give you a very simple
- 00:25:10illustration of this that took place
- 00:25:12when we're building this church a number
- 00:25:13of years ago 2015 2016 we're getting
- 00:25:17ready for our grand opening of the
- 00:25:19church we had sent out our invitations
- 00:25:21we needed one final inspection so the
- 00:25:25inspector came through looked at the
- 00:25:26church and then he walked out in the
- 00:25:28parking lot and he walked out on the
- 00:25:29road and he saw the light out there a
- 00:25:33car had hit it it was knocked down and
- 00:25:35he said I can't give you the permit for
- 00:25:39your gr opening because the you you you
- 00:25:43own those lights out there I said wait a
- 00:25:45minute those lights are on the road he
- 00:25:46said did you know that you own half the
- 00:25:48road because it's a private road and
- 00:25:51your church owns half the road I thought
- 00:25:52well I'm going to put up a toll booth if
- 00:25:53we own half that road you know we need a
- 00:25:56little extra for the church and so
- 00:25:58anyway that's what he said to me he
- 00:25:59saidou own half the road and he said we
- 00:26:01can't give you now you don't go down to
- 00:26:04Lowe's and buy a light pole that looks
- 00:26:06like this let me show you the light pole
- 00:26:08here's the light pole we need so we need
- 00:26:10a light pole like this you don't go down
- 00:26:12to Lowe's and say I want a light pole
- 00:26:13they don't have them there you don't go
- 00:26:14down to so I'm thinking Lord we can't
- 00:26:16open we got to open in five days how
- 00:26:19many ways does God have to solve our
- 00:26:21problems how many ways a thousand so I
- 00:26:23begin to pray and it's good to make
- 00:26:25friends with people so I made friends I
- 00:26:27had made friends previously with the
- 00:26:30manager of this whole shopping center I
- 00:26:32knew her well I knew her by name I knew
- 00:26:34I had her personal phone number so I
- 00:26:35called her I said look I'm in a real
- 00:26:36problem I said where can I purchase a
- 00:26:38light a light pole like that we need a
- 00:26:40light pole this a giant for us we're
- 00:26:42gonna open our church we have all these
- 00:26:44people
- 00:26:45coming she said Pastor Mark something
- 00:26:48very strange happened she said you know
- 00:26:50that store right next to Giant over
- 00:26:52there she said nobody rented it and we
- 00:26:54are using that as a storage place and
- 00:26:58she said I don't know why this happened
- 00:27:00but the other day I walked in there and
- 00:27:02there was one light pull on the floor
- 00:27:04one light pull on the floor and she said
- 00:27:07Pastor Mark here is the combination to
- 00:27:09the lock go down and take that light
- 00:27:12pole it's my gift to your
- 00:27:14church so I called the guys up that were
- 00:27:17working on the church and I said don't
- 00:27:20wait I'll meet you at that store I know
- 00:27:22the combination we're getting that light
- 00:27:23pool and here it is the day we got the
- 00:27:26light pool and now you're going to see
- 00:27:27the next picture
- 00:27:28the day the light pole is up
- 00:27:32look that was a giant for me you may say
- 00:27:35it was a little giant but we had this
- 00:27:36church rated open God it was God's
- 00:27:40illustration to me that when we Face our
- 00:27:45Giants God has a thousand ways to solve
- 00:27:48that problem did God know that that
- 00:27:50light pole was in that store all the
- 00:27:53time did God know that did we know that
- 00:27:56that light pole was there I had no
- 00:27:59absolutely no clue that that light pole
- 00:28:02was there but God knew that light pull
- 00:28:06was there do you know the solution to
- 00:28:09the problems you face you don't know
- 00:28:12them but we can trust God in every
- 00:28:15possible
- 00:28:17situation because God knows the end from
- 00:28:21the beginning why did God wait to the
- 00:28:25last minute to reveal where that light
- 00:28:27PB was
- 00:28:28because God wanted us to trust him by
- 00:28:32faith God Is Bigger than any giant you
- 00:28:36face God often doesn't answer our
- 00:28:39prayers immediately because he wants us
- 00:28:41to develop
- 00:28:43faith and when we doubt and we have
- 00:28:46unbelief it limits what God can do
- 00:28:51here's the fourth lesson from the story
- 00:28:54when you face your
- 00:28:56giant remember how God has delivered you
- 00:29:00from some giant in the
- 00:29:02past when You Face your giant I want you
- 00:29:06to take your Bible and turn to 1 Samuel
- 00:29:0917 some of you may be facing Giants
- 00:29:12right
- 00:29:13now some of you are going to face Giants
- 00:29:16this week that you don't know anything
- 00:29:19about first Samuel chapter 17 verse
- 00:29:2530-37 why was it that David Avid could
- 00:29:28face Goliath why could he do that David
- 00:29:32could face
- 00:29:34Goliath because he had already tackled a
- 00:29:36beay and he already tackled a lion and
- 00:29:39he saw God's Deliverance in the past
- 00:29:42first Samuel chapter 17 verse
- 00:29:4730-37 elab tries to insinuate doubt go
- 00:29:50back and work with the
- 00:29:53Sheep
- 00:29:55the king tries to insinuate out you're a
- 00:29:58little boy go back there the Goliath
- 00:30:01taunts him but what does David say then
- 00:30:05he turned from
- 00:30:07him toward another and he said the same
- 00:30:09thing so they're all taunting it and
- 00:30:11when The Words which David spoke were
- 00:30:13heard they reported him to Saul and send
- 00:30:15for
- 00:30:16him David says to Saul let no man's
- 00:30:18heart fail because of him that giant
- 00:30:21your servant's going to go and fight
- 00:30:22this Philistine and Saul said to David
- 00:30:25you're not able to go him you're just a
- 00:30:28boy a youth verse 34 David says to him
- 00:30:32your servant used to keep his father's
- 00:30:34sheep and when a lion and a bear came
- 00:30:38and took a lamb out of the flock I went
- 00:30:41after it and struck it and delivered the
- 00:30:43lamb from its mouth and when it Rose
- 00:30:45against me I caught it by its beard and
- 00:30:47struck it and killed it your servant
- 00:30:49killed both The Lion and the bear and
- 00:30:51this uncircumcised one will be like one
- 00:30:53of them seeing he has defied the armies
- 00:30:56of the Living God moreover David said
- 00:30:58the Lord who delivered me now get this
- 00:31:00don't miss it the Lord who delivered me
- 00:31:02from the poor of the lion and from the
- 00:31:04poor of the bear he will deliver me from
- 00:31:06the hand of the Philistine Saul says to
- 00:31:08David go and the Lord be with you what
- 00:31:11does David say does David say I can go
- 00:31:12in My Own Strength David said look I
- 00:31:15know God I know God God delivered me
- 00:31:19from the bear God delivered me from The
- 00:31:20Lion I have confidence in this God when
- 00:31:24you are faced with a giant remember
- 00:31:27three things first remember how God
- 00:31:29delivered you in the past secondly
- 00:31:31review God's past working in your life
- 00:31:34thirdly rehearse God's goodness in his
- 00:31:36past dealings with you God has been
- 00:31:39working in your life and he has not
- 00:31:41forsaken you and this God is a good god
- 00:31:45Psalm
- 00:31:4627:3 the greatest evidence that God is
- 00:31:49going to deliver you from your giant is
- 00:31:51what God has done for you in the
- 00:31:54past God will not forsake you when you
- 00:31:57face your
- 00:31:58Giants Psalm
- 00:32:0127:3 scripture
- 00:32:03says I would have lost heart what's that
- 00:32:06mean I would have lost heart I would
- 00:32:08have become discouraged disappointed I
- 00:32:10would have lost heart unless I had
- 00:32:13believed that I would see the goodness
- 00:32:15of God in the land of the living David
- 00:32:18says God's led me in the past and I'm
- 00:32:20going to see God's goodness when I face
- 00:32:22my giant Psalm 31 verse 19 Psalm 3
- 00:32:281 verse
- 00:32:3119 oh how great is your
- 00:32:35goodness which you have laid up for
- 00:32:37those who fear you that's who trust you
- 00:32:40which you have prepared for those who
- 00:32:42trust you in the presence of the sons of
- 00:32:46men the goodness of God Psalm 52 verse
- 00:32:53one David through the Psalms in spite of
- 00:32:57the challenges is that he faced in spite
- 00:32:59of the difficulties that loomed before
- 00:33:01him in spite of the Giants that he
- 00:33:04confronted David in the Psalms
- 00:33:08continually speaks of the goodness of
- 00:33:11God Psalm 52 verse
- 00:33:15one why do you boast in evil oh Mighty
- 00:33:18Man the goodness of God endures
- 00:33:21continually when you are facing your
- 00:33:25giant maybe your giant is a health
- 00:33:28problem maybe your giant is a family
- 00:33:31problem maybe your giant is a financial
- 00:33:34problem maybe your
- 00:33:36giant is a relationship problem maybe
- 00:33:41your giant is an attitude of Despair or
- 00:33:44discouragement watch your giant when
- 00:33:47you're facing your giant remember the
- 00:33:51goodness of
- 00:33:53God rehearse how God has led you in the
- 00:33:57past
- 00:34:00recognize that the god of
- 00:34:02Heaven is a good
- 00:34:05god focus on God's goodness the more we
- 00:34:10focus on the Giants the larger the
- 00:34:13Giants
- 00:34:15become fear grows as you feed it fear
- 00:34:20grows as you feed it the more we focus
- 00:34:23on God's goodness the more we sense
- 00:34:28his goodness the more our faith grows do
- 00:34:31you remember the story some of you may
- 00:34:34have read it Paul Bun's Pilgrims
- 00:34:38Progress Paul bunan wrote that in
- 00:34:42Bedford my wife and I lived in England
- 00:34:44for a number of years and we went up to
- 00:34:46Bedford to go through the Museum of Paul
- 00:34:50bunan he where wrote Pilgrim's Progress
- 00:34:53and in that story he tells the story of
- 00:34:56Pilgrim and hopeful and they're
- 00:34:59traveling you know to the celestial City
- 00:35:01that's the whole point of it to get from
- 00:35:03Earth to the celestial City and as
- 00:35:05they're traveling they come to doubting
- 00:35:08Castle doubting castle and they get to
- 00:35:11doubting castle and the giant is in
- 00:35:13doubting castle and he grabs hopeful he
- 00:35:16grabs Christian and he throws them in
- 00:35:18the dungeon of Despair and so they're in
- 00:35:21the dungeon of Despair and and and
- 00:35:24Christian is complaining you know we're
- 00:35:27in the D of Despair the Giants going to
- 00:35:29eat us up you know we're in the dungeon
- 00:35:31of Despair the Giant's going to kill us
- 00:35:33and hopeful is's trying to encourage you
- 00:35:34he's trying to encourage him but all day
- 00:35:37all night Christian is you know he's
- 00:35:39complaining they're in the dungeon of
- 00:35:40Despair all we see is the giant but then
- 00:35:44as they pray through the night and as
- 00:35:46they're
- 00:35:47praying Christian remembers that he has
- 00:35:51the key of Promise in his sack and he
- 00:35:54takes out the key of Promise which
- 00:35:57represents the word of God and
- 00:35:59confidence in God's word and he opens
- 00:36:02the prison doors and hopeful and
- 00:36:05Christian walk out on their Journey to
- 00:36:08the celestial city are you in doubting
- 00:36:12Castle are you in doubting
- 00:36:15Castle do you see the giant right before
- 00:36:17you here's the incredible good news
- 00:36:20you've got the Kia promise the promises
- 00:36:23of God's
- 00:36:25word and in those promise Promises of
- 00:36:28God's
- 00:36:29word they free us from the doubting
- 00:36:33castle and put us again on the on the
- 00:36:35pathway to Celestial City the key that
- 00:36:37unlocks our doubts and demolishes our
- 00:36:40fears is faith in the promises of God
- 00:36:44now there is a fifth lesson from the
- 00:36:48story David began where he
- 00:36:51was and he used what he had and the only
- 00:36:56place to begin
- 00:36:58is where you
- 00:37:00are begin with the faith that God has
- 00:37:05placed in your heart already you might
- 00:37:08say Pastor my faith is pretty weak take
- 00:37:11your Bible and turn to Romans chapter
- 00:37:1512 Romans chapter
- 00:37:1712 I'm speaking to somebody here this
- 00:37:21morning who is facing a great giant but
- 00:37:25you are feeling that your faith is quite
- 00:37:27weak
- 00:37:29faith is a gift that God puts in our
- 00:37:32heart not something that we work up in
- 00:37:35our human
- 00:37:36strength and in Romans 12:3 it says for
- 00:37:42I say through the grace given to me to
- 00:37:44everyone who's among you not to think of
- 00:37:47himself more highly than he ought to
- 00:37:48think but to think soberly and it's the
- 00:37:51last part of the verse I'm interested in
- 00:37:54as God has dealt to each one a measure
- 00:37:57of
- 00:37:58faith God has dealt to each one a
- 00:38:01measure of what faith where do we get
- 00:38:05Faith where does that Faith come from
- 00:38:07God when we come to Christ as a
- 00:38:10Christian God places within our heart a
- 00:38:13Measure of Faith as we exercise that
- 00:38:16faith that Faith grows and Jesus said if
- 00:38:19you have faith as a grain of mustard
- 00:38:21seed and you say to this mountain this
- 00:38:24giant to move it's going to move so as
- 00:38:27you you exercise the faith that God has
- 00:38:30given you and do not live in the dungeon
- 00:38:33of Despair with a heart filled with
- 00:38:35doubt but as you believe that Jesus is a
- 00:38:39giant slayer your faith is going to grow
- 00:38:42and grow and grow begin where you are
- 00:38:45now
- 00:38:46notice all all David has his five smooth
- 00:38:50Stones all David has is a sling a sling
- 00:38:55and look why does David have five smooth
- 00:38:58Stones because Goliath had four brothers
- 00:39:00and he was going there prepared you send
- 00:39:02me one giant I'm going to knock him down
- 00:39:04you send me a second giant he's going to
- 00:39:07you send me a third giant he's going to
- 00:39:09David doesn't have five spoth Stones
- 00:39:11because he thinks he's gonna miss David
- 00:39:13has five St spones because he is
- 00:39:16prepared for every
- 00:39:18eventuality whatever the devil throws at
- 00:39:21you whatever the devil throws at
- 00:39:24you God
- 00:39:28has those five smooth
- 00:39:30Stones I began to think about it what
- 00:39:33are the five smooth stones of Christian
- 00:39:36faith here are the five smooth stones of
- 00:39:38Christian faith you know the Bible says
- 00:39:41in 2 Corinthians chapter 10 when we Face
- 00:39:44our giant when we Face Satan the devil
- 00:39:48wants to intimidate us the devil wants
- 00:39:51to frighten us the devil wants to scare
- 00:39:54us the devil wants to terrify us the
- 00:39:57devil wants to make us think that he is
- 00:39:59more mightier than God I thank God that
- 00:40:03I have in Jesus Christ a giant slayer
- 00:40:07second Corinthians chapter 10 we're
- 00:40:09looking there at verse four and five for
- 00:40:12the weapons of our Warfare did David
- 00:40:15have some weapons he had a sling didn't
- 00:40:17he and five smooth stones but the
- 00:40:19weapons of our Warfare are not carnal
- 00:40:23it's not our wisdom that we fight Satan
- 00:40:26with it's not our strength strength that
- 00:40:27we fight Satan with it's not our
- 00:40:29arguments that we fight Satan with it's
- 00:40:32not our human power they're not carnal
- 00:40:34but the mighty in God for the pulling
- 00:40:38down of
- 00:40:40strongholds casting down arguments in
- 00:40:43every High thing that exalts itself
- 00:40:44against the knowledge of God bringing
- 00:40:47every thought into captivity to The
- 00:40:49Obedience of Christ here are the five
- 00:40:52smooth stones that God has given us in
- 00:40:55his word to slay the giant every time
- 00:40:58here they are first prayer Psalm
- 00:41:0246:10 God is our refuge in strength a
- 00:41:05very present help in time of what
- 00:41:07trouble therefore will not we fear
- 00:41:09though the Earth be removed and the
- 00:41:10mountains carried into the midst of the
- 00:41:12sea though the waters swell thereof look
- 00:41:14at verse 10 in 46 be still and know that
- 00:41:19I am God Psalm 46 verse 10 what does God
- 00:41:23do when you are facing a giant that you
- 00:41:26cannot hand handle facing a giant that
- 00:41:29is bigger than you Facing a Giant that
- 00:41:32terrifies you God calls us to find
- 00:41:36strength and power in prayer Psalm 46:10
- 00:41:41he says don't be frustrated don't let
- 00:41:43your stomach be in a whirl don't let
- 00:41:46your head be in heada headache fashion
- 00:41:49be still and know that I am God I will
- 00:41:51be exalted among the Nations I'll be
- 00:41:53exalted in the Earth the Lord of hosts
- 00:41:55is with us the god of Jacob is our
- 00:41:57refuge find in God our strength find in
- 00:42:01God our power the second smooth stone is
- 00:42:03the word of God Acts 20 verse 32 the
- 00:42:08word of God the word of God builds us up
- 00:42:11when we feel weak the word of God
- 00:42:13strengthens us when we feel frail the
- 00:42:15word of God enables us to face the power
- 00:42:19of the evil one Acts 20 verse 32 Paul
- 00:42:23says now Brethren I commend you to God
- 00:42:27and the word of his grace which is able
- 00:42:29to build you up and give you an
- 00:42:30inheritance among all those that are
- 00:42:32Sanctified look when you are facing a
- 00:42:35giant in your life God Is Bigger Than
- 00:42:39The Giant Come To God In Prayer be still
- 00:42:43and know that I am God when you're
- 00:42:44feeling weak no the word of God will
- 00:42:48Build You Up reach out not in doubt but
- 00:42:51in faith Hebrews 11 verse 5 Hebrews 11
- 00:42:56vers verse 5 the five smooth stones to
- 00:43:00slay any giant that you face Hebrews 11
- 00:43:05verse 5 notice what it
- 00:43:07says he that comes to God must believe
- 00:43:10that he is and that he is a rewarder of
- 00:43:14those that diligently seek him so we
- 00:43:17come to God in faith we pray we spend
- 00:43:20those Still Moments seeking God's
- 00:43:22strength we come to the word of God and
- 00:43:24we are built up we come by faith and and
- 00:43:27believing that he is a rewarder to those
- 00:43:30that diligently seek him we claim the
- 00:43:32promises of God second Peter chapter
- 00:43:361 second Peter chapter
- 00:43:391 you see the devil wants to terrorize
- 00:43:42us the devil wants to intimidate us but
- 00:43:46in the face of Prayer in the face of the
- 00:43:48word of God in the face of of of faith
- 00:43:53God is indeed a giant slayer
- 00:43:57second Peter chapter 1 we come armed
- 00:44:01with the promises of God's word
- 00:44:04notice speaking of those promises 2
- 00:44:08Peter 1 ver4 by which have been given to
- 00:44:11us exceeding great and precious promises
- 00:44:14that by these you might be partakers of
- 00:44:17the divine nature having escaped we
- 00:44:19escape the giant of fear we escape the
- 00:44:21giant of worry we escape the Giants of
- 00:44:24problems before us having escaped the
- 00:44:26corruption that is in the world through
- 00:44:28lust and how do we do that by claiming
- 00:44:30the promises of God and lastly what's
- 00:44:34that fifth smooth stone look at Psalm 50
- 00:44:37verse 23 Psalm 50 verse 23
- 00:44:43church when the giant stands before us
- 00:44:47we kneel before God In Prayer when the
- 00:44:50giant boasts of his victory we boast of
- 00:44:54the word of God when the Giant
- 00:44:56insinuates doubt we speak faith when the
- 00:44:59giant claims what he's going to do we
- 00:45:02quote the promises of God when the giant
- 00:45:06tries says I'm going to defy you what do
- 00:45:09we do Psalm 50 verse
- 00:45:1323 whoever offers praise glorifies me
- 00:45:17and to him who orders his conduct a
- 00:45:19right I will show the salvation of God
- 00:45:23we praise God and we see his
- 00:45:25salvation now one thing that the devil
- 00:45:28wants us to do is this run from our
- 00:45:30problems and here's a
- 00:45:32principle never run from your problems
- 00:45:35when you're facing the giants run to
- 00:45:38Jesus because if you try to run from
- 00:45:40your problems they are going to run to
- 00:45:43you look what David did 1 Samuel chapter
- 00:45:4617 verse
- 00:45:4748 David did not run from his problems
- 00:45:51our problems are not solved when we try
- 00:45:53to run away from them because you try to
- 00:45:56run away a
- 00:45:58problem the Giants are only going to
- 00:46:00mightily harass us they're only going to
- 00:46:02chase us will we try to flee from
- 00:46:06them 1 Samuel chapter 17 verse
- 00:46:1148 notice what the scripture says and it
- 00:46:15was so when the Philistine arose and
- 00:46:18came and Drew near to meet David that
- 00:46:20David hastened and ran toward the Army
- 00:46:24to meet the Philistine then David put
- 00:46:26his hand in his bag took out a stone
- 00:46:29slung it struck the Philistine in his
- 00:46:30forehead so the stone struck in the
- 00:46:32forehead and he fell on his face on the
- 00:46:34earth David jumps on him takes his sword
- 00:46:37cuts off his head and so David
- 00:46:38approaches him with those five smooth
- 00:46:41stones and David says in verse 47 the
- 00:46:44battle is the Lords and God is going to
- 00:46:48give him to me the victory is the Lord
- 00:46:54we come with our five spoth stones we
- 00:46:57don't run from our problems we don't
- 00:46:59make believe our problems don't exist we
- 00:47:02we don't try to dodge our problems we
- 00:47:04come and we confront the enemy with
- 00:47:06prayer we confront the enemy with the
- 00:47:09word of God we confront the enemy with
- 00:47:11faith we confront the the
- 00:47:15enemy and with the promises of God's
- 00:47:17word we confront the enemy with with
- 00:47:20praise and we remember
- 00:47:23this throughout the Bible David is
- 00:47:28mentioned more than any other single
- 00:47:32individual David is mentioned more than
- 00:47:351100 times in the
- 00:47:38Bible why because David in a sense was a
- 00:47:44type of
- 00:47:45Christ after his victory over
- 00:47:48Goliath David becomes the king of
- 00:47:51Israel he is a type of Jesus the true
- 00:47:55king of the universe who who's never
- 00:47:57lost a battle with giants David was King
- 00:48:00by Divine
- 00:48:02ordination Christ was chosen from all
- 00:48:05eternity to be the supreme ruler the
- 00:48:08king of the universe the monarch of all
- 00:48:11mankind David assails the giant Jesus
- 00:48:15asals the Giants we Face David assails
- 00:48:19the strong Fortress of his foes Christ
- 00:48:22Our warrior king lays Siege to the human
- 00:48:26heart fortified against him by unbelief
- 00:48:29doubt and sin he summons it to surrender
- 00:48:33he brings the battery of Truth against
- 00:48:35the walls of the
- 00:48:37heart he promises pardon if we open the
- 00:48:40gates he promises strength if we open
- 00:48:43the gates David conquered the Fortress
- 00:48:46and dwelt in it Jesus conquers the
- 00:48:49Fortress of our
- 00:48:51hearts David slew Goliath and Jesus
- 00:48:54slays the Giants that so torment us
- 00:48:57the greatest giant that we face is the
- 00:48:59Fallen Angel Lucifer by name he is too
- 00:49:03much for us his power is too great for
- 00:49:06us to overcome his deceptions are too
- 00:49:09cunning he's always there to deceive and
- 00:49:11hassle us but Jesus is stronger than the
- 00:49:14evil one he's more powerful than any of
- 00:49:17his greatest Temptations more mightier
- 00:49:19than his strongest appeals Jesus is King
- 00:49:22of Kings Jesus is Lord of lords Jesus is
- 00:49:26our our mighty warrior in battle Jesus
- 00:49:29is our light in the darkness Jesus is
- 00:49:31our refuge in the time of storm Jesus is
- 00:49:33the Strong Tower we can flee to in times
- 00:49:35of difficulty Jesus Is Our Savior Our
- 00:49:38Risen Lord our interceding priest our
- 00:49:41coming King and Jesus Hallelujah is our
- 00:49:44Giant Slayer he has never lost a battle
- 00:49:47yet this
- 00:49:49week face your
- 00:49:52Giants with the
- 00:49:55confidence that INR
- 00:49:57Christ by Christ through Christ you'll
- 00:50:01be
- 00:50:02victorious let Faith demolish doubt and
- 00:50:07live in the joy of the Lord let's pray
- 00:50:11together and as we
- 00:50:14pray is there somebody here
- 00:50:18today that you are facing a
- 00:50:21giant too big for you to handle
- 00:50:27a giant that's so great that at times it
- 00:50:30terrifies you and you just want to say
- 00:50:35Jesus I sense today that you're bigger
- 00:50:37than any
- 00:50:40Giant and today I want to approach my
- 00:50:44Giants with my five smooth
- 00:50:47stones of
- 00:50:51Prayer of the
- 00:50:54word of faith
- 00:50:58of the promises of God In
- 00:51:01Praise and Lord I want to leave this
- 00:51:03place here
- 00:51:05today not with doubt and
- 00:51:10unbelief but with confidence in a
- 00:51:13God that slays
- 00:51:17Giants is there somebody here today
- 00:51:19that's facing a very specific
- 00:51:22Giant and you want to say Jesus by faith
- 00:51:27I grasp your strength as the Giant
- 00:51:31Slayer just lift your hand as we
- 00:51:37pray oh my father in the quietness we
- 00:51:41come we come to a Jesus who's never lost
- 00:51:45a battle with Satan
- 00:51:46yet we come to a
- 00:51:50Christ who invites us to face our
- 00:51:54Giants a Christ that tells us that we're
- 00:51:58not going to be able to avoid Giants
- 00:52:00they're going to confront us we can't
- 00:52:02run from
- 00:52:03them but a Christ that's bigger than any
- 00:52:08difficulty greater than any challenge
- 00:52:11larger than any problem so we trust
- 00:52:14you oh
- 00:52:17Lord may we see the Giants before us
- 00:52:21tumble and we'll praise your name from
- 00:52:24now through all eternity in Christ name
- 00:52:27amen
- Géants
- David
- Goliath
- Foi
- Confiance en Dieu
- Défis
- Épreuve
- Prière
- Promesses de Dieu
- Victoire