

TLDRIn this video, various professionals share how they utilize computers in their work. A musician records music and manipulates sounds using a computer linked to their keyboard and synthesizers. An office worker emphasizes the importance of email for international communication, stating it has changed their work life significantly. An electrical designer employs computer software for designing installations and managing records, emphasizing efficiency in lighting and cable needs. Lastly, a librarian explains their role in cataloging library materials, assisting users with inquiries, and managing services such as printing and faxing, showcasing the integral role of technology in diverse job functions.


  • 🎶 Musicians use computers to record music and control synthesizers.
  • 📧 Email revolutionizes communication for international office workers.
  • 💡 Designers rely on computers for efficient installations and record-keeping.
  • 📚 Librarians catalog materials and assist users with technology.
  • ⌨️ Computers link hardware and software for diverse professional needs.

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  • 00:00:00 - 00:02:30

    In this segment, various speakers discuss the different ways they utilize computers in their daily work. Speaker 1 emphasizes how they write music for videos and plays, using the computer to record and control sounds from synthesizers through a keyboard. Speaker 2 highlights the efficiency of email in an international office setting, managing communications across global branches. Speaker 3 explains the usage of computers in designing electrical installations, mentioning software that assists in calculating lighting needs and cable placements, along with maintaining records for testing installations. Lastly, Speaker 4 shares their role in a library, where they catalog materials, assist users with IT resources—including online databases, and manage library services like printing and faxing.

Peta Pikiran

Video Tanya Jawab

  • What is the main use of the computer for the musician?

    The musician uses the computer to record music and control the sounds from synthesizers.

  • How does the office worker benefit from using email?

    The office worker finds email most useful for efficient communication with international offices.

  • What task does the electrical designer perform using a computer?

    The electrical designer uses a computer to design installations, calculate lighting needs, and keep records.

  • What role does the librarian have in using computers?

    The librarian catalogs materials, assists users, and manages library services using computers.

  • How often do installations need to be tested according to the electrical designer?

    Installations need to be tested every 5 years.

  • What types of materials does the librarian manage?

    The librarian manages books, newspapers, DVDs, and other materials.

  • What software does the librarian assist with?

    The librarian assists with IT hardware, software, online databases, and CD ROMs.

  • What does the musician control with the computer?

    The musician controls different kinds of sounds from various synthesizers using the computer.

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Gulir Otomatis:
  • 00:00:03
    infotech English for computer users
  • 00:00:07
  • 00:00:11
    edition unit one task three speaker one
  • 00:00:16
    I write music mainly for videos and
  • 00:00:19
    plays I work on a keyboard connected to
  • 00:00:22
  • 00:00:23
    computer I use the computer in two ways
  • 00:00:27
    really first of all to record or store
  • 00:00:31
    what I play on the keyboard secondly the
  • 00:00:34
    computer controls the sounds I can make
  • 00:00:37
    with the different synthesizers I have
  • 00:00:39
    here I can use it to get different kinds
  • 00:00:42
    of sound from the
  • 00:00:44
    synthesizers the computer is the link
  • 00:00:47
    between the keyboard which I play and
  • 00:00:49
    the synthesizers which produce the
  • 00:00:52
    sounds speaker to I use my computer to
  • 00:00:56
    do the usual office things like writing
  • 00:00:59
    memos faxes and so on but the thing I
  • 00:01:02
    find most useful is email we're an
  • 00:01:06
    international company and we have
  • 00:01:07
    offices all over the world we're linked
  • 00:01:10
    up to all of them by email with email I
  • 00:01:13
    can communicate with the offices around
  • 00:01:14
    the world very efficiently it's really
  • 00:01:17
    changed my life speaker 3 well I use
  • 00:01:22
    computers for almost every aspect of my
  • 00:01:24
    job I use them to design electrical
  • 00:01:27
    installations and Lighting systems for
  • 00:01:30
    example a program will tell you how much
  • 00:01:33
    lighting you need for a particular room
  • 00:01:35
    or how much cable you need and it'll
  • 00:01:37
    show you where the cable should go I
  • 00:01:40
    also use the computer to make drawings
  • 00:01:42
    and to keep records we have to test our
  • 00:01:45
    installations every 5 years and that
  • 00:01:47
    information is stored on computer
  • 00:01:50
    too speaker four I use computers to
  • 00:01:54
    catalog and classify all the materials
  • 00:01:56
    received in the library and record all
  • 00:01:59
    the books newspapers DVDs Etc that users
  • 00:02:02
    borrow I also assist customers and
  • 00:02:05
    visitors in the use of it hardware and
  • 00:02:07
    software including online databases and
  • 00:02:10
    CD ROMs I help people with their
  • 00:02:13
    inquiries for example if children or
  • 00:02:16
    elderly people need to find some
  • 00:02:18
    specific information either in our
  • 00:02:21
    Online Library catalog or on the
  • 00:02:23
    internet I'm also in charge of other
  • 00:02:25
    Library services such as Printing and
  • 00:02:28
    fax machines
  • music
  • computers
  • email
  • office work
  • design
  • library
  • synthesizers
  • communication
  • technology
  • assistance