I Survived 100 Days As A Superhero In Minecraft
TLDR视频中,玩家们在Minecraft中经历了100天挑战,以获得各自的超级能力来对抗强大的敌人Moonstruck Apparition。他们通过挖掘特定矿物及寻找资源,来制备强大的装备和能力,包括火焰、辐射和影子能力。过程中充满了幽默与冒险,展现了团队协作的重要性,以及Minecraft的创造性玩法。最终,他们面对boss战,使用所学得的能力与战斗策略,赢得胜利。
- 💥 开始实验获得超级力量!
- 🔍 探索与挖矿是关键!
- 🔥 获得火焰和爆炸能力!
- 🤖 制作机械铠甲!
- 💎 注意搜集稀有矿石!
- ⚔️ 准备装备以备战!
- 🕶️ 掌握影子能力!
- 🎉 团队合作是成功的关键!
- 🧪 制作药水以增强能力!
- 🌌 准备面对强大的敌人!
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
在Minecraft中,玩家经历了100天的冒险并获得了超级力量,他们的目标是击败名为Moon Struck Apparition的宇宙实体。为了增强实力,玩家们设法获得火焰、爆炸控制,以及影力等能力,同时还需对抗愤怒的宇宙实体。这一切的冒险开始于对无限宝石的滥用,导致强敌的追击。
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
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- 00:30:00 - 00:35:17
在与Moon Struck Apparition的最终战斗中,玩家们利用获取的能力展开激烈的对决,通过团队的协作和各自的超级能力,最终打败了敌人并获得了丰厚的战利品,带来了一段充满欢笑与成就感的时光。
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Video Tanya Jawab
一个团队在Minecraft中经历100天的挑战,获取超级力量以打败强敌Moonstruck Apparition。
Moonstruck Apparition是什么角色?
他们怎么打败Moonstruck Apparition?
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- 00:00:00so plant the TNT right there right there
- 00:00:03like right here run all right good luck
- 00:00:08happy I die I survived 100 days
- 00:00:11unlocking superpowers in Minecraft
- 00:00:13unfortunately for me I ended up angering
- 00:00:15a cosmic entity known as Moon struck
- 00:00:17Apparition and if the name couldn't tell
- 00:00:18you this guy means business so I set out
- 00:00:21to give myself and my team awesome
- 00:00:23superpowers the ability to control fire
- 00:00:25and explosions radioactive mechanical
- 00:00:28sup suits and the ability to harness the
- 00:00:30power of shadows will my friends and I
- 00:00:32be able to defeat him before he takes us
- 00:00:34out be sure to comment down below the
- 00:00:36year of the Jerry guys the universe is
- 00:00:38really really mad at me how so well I've
- 00:00:41been abusing the Infinity Stones this
- 00:00:43yeah it does I've been abusing the
- 00:00:45Infinity Stones and it really apparently
- 00:00:47doesn't like when you do that uh so
- 00:00:49anyway they sent someone called the moon
- 00:00:51struck Apparition after me he's very
- 00:00:53scary uh and I don't want to do this
- 00:00:56thing called dying so I was hoping you
- 00:00:58guys could help me out and unlocking a
- 00:01:00bunch of superpowers the good news is
- 00:01:03they'll make me really powerful the bad
- 00:01:05news is it requires a lot of
- 00:01:08experimentation and they can be
- 00:01:09dangerous I might explode or let on fire
- 00:01:12or pee myself I just peed myself what
- 00:01:15happened what happened to the stones oh
- 00:01:17the stones um I ate them oh they're the
- 00:01:21way too long yeah yeah they're going to
- 00:01:23turn into the kidney stones that was my
- 00:01:25hope cap I was trying to like hide them
- 00:01:27but it turns out that's not a good
- 00:01:29hiding place anyway
- 00:01:31if we're going to get started on these
- 00:01:32experiments a lot of it is typically the
- 00:01:35same to get started as normal Minecraft
- 00:01:37right so we need know all the basic
- 00:01:38stuff right we got to get all your iron
- 00:01:39and stuff like that however along the
- 00:01:42way you're going to find some modded
- 00:01:43ores like titanium some of these modded
- 00:01:45ores like titanium in particular as the
- 00:01:47example needs a diamond pickaxe so at
- 00:01:51least off the rip today we're going to
- 00:01:52need like a diamond diamond pick I mean
- 00:01:54a diamond sword is nice anyway as well
- 00:01:56just protect yourself not that my
- 00:01:57superpowers won't be able to do that too
- 00:01:59uh you know iron and uh well once we get
- 00:02:01the diamond pick keep your eyes peeled
- 00:02:03for any kind of like Titanium or
- 00:02:04anything you know what I'm saying okay
- 00:02:06okay let's go I'm a little scared
- 00:02:09honestly also do you think that Steve's
- 00:02:11not here do you think he's Thanos I mean
- 00:02:13not Thanos I mean I guess his Moon
- 00:02:14struck Apparition but might as well be
- 00:02:16struck Apparition yeah possibly go into
- 00:02:20a the other call and call him that right
- 00:02:23now you acting like a whole Moon struck
- 00:02:26Apparition out here Steve eh eh I know
- 00:02:28your secrets all he had to say for
- 00:02:30himself is what
- 00:02:33huh you like that crafting table cap I
- 00:02:35made it myself yeah it's pretty tight
- 00:02:38man can't even lie that's what I'm
- 00:02:40saying dude you know you know your boys
- 00:02:41got it I need to get you still got man
- 00:02:44dropsy you just run in there all crazy
- 00:02:46like what about like you know uh food I
- 00:02:50usually go food oh I accidentally made
- 00:02:52an extra Stone axe this one's yours
- 00:02:53Cappy here you go okay I mean I'll get
- 00:02:55some extra wood why not yeah I just I I
- 00:02:58meant to do a pickaxe and a hatchet but
- 00:02:59but instead I made a two Stone axes cuz
- 00:03:01I'm kind of a little bit nervous about
- 00:03:02this whole Moon struck Apparition guy I
- 00:03:04wonder what superpowers I'm going to be
- 00:03:05able to get I bet you can get the speed
- 00:03:07farce oh dude you heard him you know the
- 00:03:11flesh spe you said farce oh that's not
- 00:03:14the FL that's the flush that's a
- 00:03:16different hero yeah you did you know
- 00:03:19that because of
- 00:03:20localization in like one in an Asian
- 00:03:23country there was a situation where they
- 00:03:26couldn't call The Flash The Flash
- 00:03:30okay and so they they actually did have
- 00:03:32to call him the flush in certain areas
- 00:03:35wait seriously 100% that's actually
- 00:03:40hilarious so what like in in those
- 00:03:42localities they had their own like uh
- 00:03:45copyrighted the flash of like something
- 00:03:47else I guess like uh some sort of like
- 00:03:50company just had flash as like copyright
- 00:03:54they were threatening the suit local was
- 00:03:57it a copyright or was it a lost in
- 00:03:59transl
- 00:04:00thing I I honestly don't know I just
- 00:04:02know localization is is like a step
- 00:04:04further than just straight up
- 00:04:06translation where you try to make it
- 00:04:07make sense contextually in the language
- 00:04:10all I know is I watched a video about it
- 00:04:13and I saw a comic where it was just the
- 00:04:15flush but it was the flash I was more so
- 00:04:18implying that he was like toilet based
- 00:04:20but but yeah no no no it was just a
- 00:04:23completely unrelated company that was
- 00:04:25like n uh-uh found a wild pack of cows
- 00:04:28give me a Meats kid give me give me give
- 00:04:31me your mutton kid I just don't want to
- 00:04:33have to like come back up there's
- 00:04:34nothing worse than going mining and then
- 00:04:37finding everything like like you know
- 00:04:38halfway to what you need and then you
- 00:04:40got to come back up anyway cuz of food
- 00:04:42and you're like ah why didn't I just
- 00:04:43take care of this earlier and it's like
- 00:04:45probably cuz I'm dumb and then you get
- 00:04:47AR for yourself true gamer yeah you know
- 00:04:50gamer moves Gamers always pack snacks
- 00:04:53let's be real all right that's probably
- 00:04:56enough for now 17 raw beef so guys give
- 00:04:58you an idea of some of these Powers I
- 00:05:00was looking it up a little bit there's
- 00:05:02like Shadow Powers there's radioactive
- 00:05:04like nuclear Powers there there's all
- 00:05:06sorts of crazy ones so we can all kind
- 00:05:08of what type what was that second one uh
- 00:05:10Shadow no after that one um or was that
- 00:05:14the last one you did uh nuclear
- 00:05:17radioactive superpowers yes talk to me
- 00:05:20more about that Jerry well I was
- 00:05:22thinking that it would be pretty on
- 00:05:23brand if dropsy had those abilities
- 00:05:25right cuz you know she's the S I'm
- 00:05:27quitting right now
- 00:05:29can't please fine you could be the
- 00:05:32radioactive then I call the shadow one I
- 00:05:34want the shadow ones all right I'm
- 00:05:36almost done cooking up this food and
- 00:05:37then I'll be able to join you guys deep
- 00:05:38down in the mines there I don't even
- 00:05:40have a single iron in it yet up iron oh
- 00:05:42hey nice I'm down here I've got like uh
- 00:05:46nine raw iron so far your boy just found
- 00:05:47his first bit of iron oh I found a big
- 00:05:49Cave System Too down here guys I don't
- 00:05:51know which say I haven't found a big
- 00:05:53opening yet but there is a decent start
- 00:05:56yeah I don't know which route you guys
- 00:05:58took but this oh this there is stacking
- 00:06:01that's what the kids say stacking yeah
- 00:06:03that's the word they use drop's
- 00:06:05disappointed cuz it that well that one
- 00:06:06actually they do say sometimes no never
- 00:06:10you swung and you missed bro I you know
- 00:06:13it's true what are you talking about
- 00:06:15stacking up you know I got no one just
- 00:06:19says like I let me rephrase I have not
- 00:06:23heard people just saying stacking
- 00:06:26sometimes it Stacks up and sometimes it
- 00:06:28don't got a bunch of angry skeletons
- 00:06:30bunch of angry zombies the good news is
- 00:06:32this area has
- 00:06:34loads was skeleton too but I'm still on
- 00:06:37my pr- skeleton face I always wondered
- 00:06:39how it works like with skeletons you
- 00:06:42know like I I get like okay Undead you
- 00:06:44got to suspend like reality a little bit
- 00:06:46here but like how do the bones stay
- 00:06:48together like you know what I'm saying
- 00:06:49like normally like in the body they got
- 00:06:50ligaments and muscles and stuff holding
- 00:06:52it all together but like what how do B
- 00:06:54how do bones be sticking together they
- 00:06:57have they obviously drink their milk
- 00:06:58that's all I'm saying
- 00:07:00that that doesn't even make sense like
- 00:07:02even within the body they're not like
- 00:07:03attached you know what I'm saying like
- 00:07:05that doesn't oh doesn't need to make
- 00:07:07sense for you Jerome yes back to you on
- 00:07:09that all the I was going to say it's uh
- 00:07:12it's connected because of said tendons
- 00:07:14and everything like if those weren't
- 00:07:16there then uh skeleton no work I'm going
- 00:07:20to write them a letter the skeleton
- 00:07:21skeleton what's the opening line dear
- 00:07:25skeleton what would you do I don't know
- 00:07:27I don't want to be rude I don't know
- 00:07:29drops it we got the pick at the same
- 00:07:31time de Mr bone or M bone you said we're
- 00:07:36looking out for titanium too yeah any
- 00:07:39titanium specifically but there are also
- 00:07:41other modad doors I would just collect
- 00:07:43any modad doors you can however keep in
- 00:07:45mind like I said you probably do need
- 00:07:47Diamond to mine it up oh okay I've been
- 00:07:50feeling weird since I picked up this new
- 00:07:53like mineral it's weird like I don't
- 00:07:55know why it's affecting me like this is
- 00:07:57it green I don't know how to pronounce
- 00:07:59it
- 00:08:00no it's it's weird it's I don't know how
- 00:08:02to pronounce this I think it's
- 00:08:04pronounced
- 00:08:06lead
- 00:08:07ah um oh I put that down yeah that's
- 00:08:12that's not dropsy I think he's trying to
- 00:08:13say lead I get the feeling it could be
- 00:08:15really useful in like paint or something
- 00:08:19oh no and pipes for water no no no no
- 00:08:24you're really on to something here Jerry
- 00:08:26I wonder if there was like a meat they
- 00:08:29had where was like yeah this is a great
- 00:08:30idea what something similar probably
- 00:08:33happened yeah but what were what was
- 00:08:35their justification is like was it like
- 00:08:37it's here and there's a lot of it or no
- 00:08:40let prely let it's here there's a lot of
- 00:08:42it it's soft and malleable like very
- 00:08:45easy to work with lead piping and stuff
- 00:08:47comparatively anyway Humanity sadly only
- 00:08:50learns not to do things the hard way so
- 00:08:53we used it a lot and then someone was
- 00:08:55like Hey a lot of people are getting
- 00:08:57sick a lot more recently I wonder why
- 00:08:59that is and so they start testing a
- 00:09:01bunch of stuff and then they realized oh
- 00:09:04no it's everywhere outside the toxicity
- 00:09:08Plastics I say outside the toxicity of
- 00:09:11it cap it's like it's totally very
- 00:09:12useful like let is super useful but it
- 00:09:15also just make your brain go dumb
- 00:09:17halfway there all right I got like 20
- 00:09:20extra iron I got a full set now I just
- 00:09:23need to find some diamonds quick oh I
- 00:09:25found some
- 00:09:26diamonds let's go yeah yeah all right
- 00:09:30please I have a bunch of extra iron it's
- 00:09:32at least three so I can make the pickaxe
- 00:09:35which is a great start obviously it
- 00:09:37doesn't hurt to have extra diamonds for
- 00:09:39the future but for now I just want to be
- 00:09:41able to at least get a little bit of
- 00:09:42this titanium going all right perfect
- 00:09:45now I need to look up what titanium even
- 00:09:47looks like
- 00:09:49titanium uh okay white it's like a
- 00:09:52whitish kind of ore oh I think I've seen
- 00:09:54that the uh the titanium I think I'm
- 00:09:58like right on one I just want have a
- 00:09:59diamond block okay so what is this
- 00:10:01custom or there's a new one as well this
- 00:10:02one is raw lead oh it's the lead hey you
- 00:10:07know drop see as far as things go that
- 00:10:08might be a
- 00:10:10first in in one of these I forgot that
- 00:10:14you don't have to fall from like a
- 00:10:17height for that to hit you um just
- 00:10:22falling on a one block tall little spiky
- 00:10:25does half a heart of damage and a witch
- 00:10:28had just poison me to half a heart of
- 00:10:31damage and well we need those
- 00:10:34superpowers stack um I found a solid
- 00:10:37yellow green block I mined it gamma
- 00:10:41block I'm not dying I found another I
- 00:10:44found two gamma blocks oo that's got to
- 00:10:48be useful found some I found some
- 00:10:50titanium guys big oh nice one and two
- 00:10:55perfect well let's keep mining all right
- 00:10:57so dropsy we need your expertise cuz we
- 00:11:00need to go to the Nether in order to
- 00:11:02help out Cappy for his set but in return
- 00:11:04I am going to have your superpowers
- 00:11:07already set up for you okay you get
- 00:11:09something really cool because you're
- 00:11:10like a sciency kind of person so I'm
- 00:11:12going to be making for you Redstone Mech
- 00:11:14armor and I'm even going to tear it up
- 00:11:16to the Mark I which is super stupidly
- 00:11:19powerful sound good uhhuh okay yeah so
- 00:11:23the Redstone Mech boots what what what
- 00:11:25do you need what do you need what do you
- 00:11:27no no it's it's fine help us later burn
- 00:11:31sounds good I'm going to get some water
- 00:11:33Redstone Mech right so in order to make
- 00:11:35this you need two flint and steel two
- 00:11:36iron ingots one Redstone Dust and black
- 00:11:39fabric now we're going to need a lot of
- 00:11:40black fabric so I actually went ahead
- 00:11:42and got a bunch of this ready and oh I
- 00:11:44might have overkilled it on some things
- 00:11:47I didn't realize it makes seven well we
- 00:11:50got enough black fabric to last a
- 00:11:51lifetime um yeah sometimes crafting
- 00:11:54recipes don't say the amount it's just
- 00:11:55like yep it makes this yeah well uh
- 00:11:58anyway we have have one Redstone Mech
- 00:12:01boots nice now next on the list we're
- 00:12:04going to make the chest plate so make
- 00:12:06the chest plate you need two more flint
- 00:12:08and Steels ooh that's where I fell short
- 00:12:11so you you win some you lose some Cappy
- 00:12:13can you go out and find me some gravel
- 00:12:15with a flint and steel for Flint flint
- 00:12:16and steel pile thank you I'm sorry buddy
- 00:12:20dude I'm not very bright all right let's
- 00:12:22see if we can upgrade These Boots now in
- 00:12:24order to upgrade the boots you need to
- 00:12:25make two Pistons here and there we go
- 00:12:28ready Stone Mech boots level two how
- 00:12:31many do you need um I'm probably only
- 00:12:34going to need another let me see I think
- 00:12:38two flint literally just two flint not a
- 00:12:40huge deal some gravel Unbreaking it
- 00:12:41right I'm going to say it was a slight
- 00:12:43oversight not a huge like setback uh
- 00:12:46okay now leggings are next so in order
- 00:12:48to make that it's black fabric iron and
- 00:12:50a little bit of redstone nothing to see
- 00:12:53here to upgrade it though this where
- 00:12:54gets complicated we have the titanium
- 00:12:55ingots which we got titanium and smelted
- 00:12:57then there's something called titanium
- 00:12:59gold ingots which are gold combined with
- 00:13:02titanium I know crazy so we got Mech
- 00:13:06leggings oh two Mech leggings level
- 00:13:11level two right there let me just uh no
- 00:13:13one saw that anyway are we going to need
- 00:13:16another Flint to light the portal
- 00:13:19H I'm going I might might have lied to
- 00:13:23you cppy yeah it's kind of funny um okay
- 00:13:27so chest plate now the two flint and and
- 00:13:29steel the two Redstone torches the black
- 00:13:31fabric the block of redstone and the
- 00:13:32iron an easy win right there to upgrade
- 00:13:35it we need a redstone flux Crystal which
- 00:13:37we found mining two titanium gold ingots
- 00:13:40and I think we are all set and then next
- 00:13:43up you need the Redstone Mech helmet now
- 00:13:45funny enough the Redstone Mech helmet
- 00:13:47has a person's face on it so I do kind
- 00:13:49of want to see what that's about at
- 00:13:50first uh but we do need to make
- 00:13:52ourselves actually wait do you make the
- 00:13:54glass pane first and then you die no I
- 00:13:56think you make the glass the DI glass
- 00:13:59first and then you dye it so let me do
- 00:14:01that yeah you do that and then you do
- 00:14:04that all right good good I made it the
- 00:14:06right way I I did things the right way
- 00:14:07so now we have this so dropsy uh here's
- 00:14:10the helmet real quick oh wait no it
- 00:14:13looks sick oh yeah that's not what it
- 00:14:16shows here I'm just going to let you see
- 00:14:17it real quick no no I saw it in your
- 00:14:18hand where I was like oh it's just going
- 00:14:20to be some dude's face but no dude it
- 00:14:22looks it looks awesome huh well uh if
- 00:14:24you don't mind passing it back I'm about
- 00:14:26to upgrade it so it's going to
- 00:14:27supposedly look even more awesome aome
- 00:14:29than that uh okay so Redstone repeaters
- 00:14:32there's one what did I do wrong here oh
- 00:14:35I just need a singular extra redstone
- 00:14:38torch you know what as far as problems
- 00:14:40go that could be way worse not a bad one
- 00:14:42to have and upgrade that perfect all
- 00:14:46right droppy here is your full set of
- 00:14:50armor so y besides looking cool and
- 00:14:54giving you really cool like uh like you
- 00:14:56know like like armor armor effects and
- 00:14:58all that that and droppy it gets cooler
- 00:15:01you could toggle a suit on and off you
- 00:15:03get to aim and fire a laser you get a
- 00:15:05grenade you can alter your size with a
- 00:15:07scroll wheel and you can miniaturize the
- 00:15:09suit so you can alter size shoot out oo
- 00:15:13bro hit me with it hit me with it hit me
- 00:15:15with
- 00:15:16it and dropsy your name changed the
- 00:15:19Redstone Mech you're no longer dropsy
- 00:15:21you're Redstone Mech oh that was a
- 00:15:24grenade uh and then I might need a
- 00:15:27little help this is so cool Co droppy
- 00:15:30this so your scroll wheel says minimizes
- 00:15:32your size but I don't think that's true
- 00:15:34cuz you're it probably is conflicting
- 00:15:36maybe go and check it out you mini Su no
- 00:15:39it's a mini suit look at it okay okay
- 00:15:42see if you can change your size see if
- 00:15:43you can change your size oh yeah yeah
- 00:15:45hold on I got to power back up okay um
- 00:15:48oh oh oh wait are you in the snow snow
- 00:15:50oh my go still at her she I'm in the
- 00:15:55snow that's hilarious dude all right
- 00:15:58I'll come back now
- 00:16:02hi
- 00:16:04y so droppy you uh are are you feeling
- 00:16:08are you okay are you are you good yeah
- 00:16:10no I'm good I was just testing it out
- 00:16:11dude that's sick I just keep it in my
- 00:16:13inventory so um I gu all it left just go
- 00:16:17to the nether now Cappy I want to remind
- 00:16:19you before we go do this that you're the
- 00:16:22one who wanted to be the radioactive uh
- 00:16:25kind of crazy guy so um with that
- 00:16:28reminder
- 00:16:29that this is your choice we need to get
- 00:16:32all right see you the whole point we're
- 00:16:33here
- 00:16:35a actually that's really good droppy can
- 00:16:38you find us another Fortress because
- 00:16:40what we need so so ke let's just wait
- 00:16:42here for her to give us the quarts so
- 00:16:44what we need is a fire resistance potion
- 00:16:46the reason we need the fire resistance
- 00:16:48potion actually wait why she doing that
- 00:16:49we should mine up quartz and glowstone
- 00:16:51and stuff um is because you need to be
- 00:16:53able to survive falling in lava while
- 00:16:55exploding with a TNT ooh
- 00:16:59okay it's quite the uh thing to over you
- 00:17:03think a shield counts I think I just
- 00:17:04found the Fortress wait no you didn't
- 00:17:07did I go the wrong way did you actually
- 00:17:11cap sorry man hold on I'm flying back
- 00:17:14better luck next time all right let's
- 00:17:16loot The Fortress up then so we need
- 00:17:17glowstone cor actually dropsy being you
- 00:17:20can fly do you mind get some glowstone
- 00:17:21off the roofs real quick that actually
- 00:17:22would help out yeah uh do we need ender
- 00:17:24pearls I found a giant W Forest um my at
- 00:17:29the moment I don't I don't think we need
- 00:17:31them at the moment so let's head inside
- 00:17:34here now we only need enough blaze rods
- 00:17:36to cook up some uh potions and also make
- 00:17:39the brewing stand so I guess like I
- 00:17:42don't know like what like five six
- 00:17:45seven whatever that's fine 5 six seven
- 00:17:47blaze rods is good so let's look around
- 00:17:49for that cap well that's convenient uh
- 00:17:53all right let's each choose one don't
- 00:17:55wor fellas I got this all right I'll
- 00:17:57take this side that's hilarious ious so
- 00:17:59close to each other like that I got two
- 00:18:01already I'm also on fire and it burns so
- 00:18:05cap I'm not going to lie you were way
- 00:18:07more enthusiastic about the whole being
- 00:18:08lit on fire and thrown into a vat of
- 00:18:10lava and TNT at the same time yeah but
- 00:18:12like all the best super powers come from
- 00:18:15some crazy stuff Spider-Man get bit by
- 00:18:17radioactive spiders like Hulk get
- 00:18:20blasted by gamma radiation Batman losing
- 00:18:23his parents oh yeah he didn't get
- 00:18:26superpowers for that but he's wicked
- 00:18:28smart
- 00:18:29hey three blaze rods did you get any
- 00:18:31dropsy probably not cuz I'm better
- 00:18:32anyway I have three anyway let's go home
- 00:18:35we got enough oh wait I almost forgot
- 00:18:38something very important for a lot of
- 00:18:39potions I don't really know fire
- 00:18:41resistance needs Nether wart but we
- 00:18:43might as well get this what does fire
- 00:18:44resistance actually before we leave the
- 00:18:46nether let's make sure this fire
- 00:18:47resistance potions are a blind spot for
- 00:18:50dude same here which is kind of
- 00:18:52disgusting because I've played the game
- 00:18:54now for 14 and2 years I think it's magma
- 00:18:57cream for fire resistance
- 00:18:59it is good thing we didn't leave yet we
- 00:19:01got to find magma cubes that's fine we
- 00:19:03can go grind one out that is so
- 00:19:05embarrassing though 15 years in this
- 00:19:06game and I can't make a Fire Res this
- 00:19:08potion without looking at the
- 00:19:10wiki dropy that was kind of unnecessary
- 00:19:12but also cool can you come down here now
- 00:19:14let's go I want to make I want to make I
- 00:19:16want to do the thing I want to do the
- 00:19:17thing I want to throw C in a batt of
- 00:19:18lava I want to throw C in lav B of lava
- 00:19:21yeah he want to be thrown B of lava come
- 00:19:23on four more years of Cappy being thrown
- 00:19:26into a bat of lava oh God ow ow God my
- 00:19:30gamer
- 00:19:31T gamers don't sleep don't you know that
- 00:19:34get over here you little punk uh I can't
- 00:19:37drops are too high up you're going to
- 00:19:39have to deal with that yeah I got it use
- 00:19:41your space lasers I I am
- 00:19:44spacers thano huh that was a close call
- 00:19:47do I jump Now Jerry do I jump now jump
- 00:19:49what do you mean jump no don't jump
- 00:19:50don't jump do I jump now no no no no you
- 00:19:52have it you don't even have your stuff
- 00:19:53yet Cappy you got chill homie okay so
- 00:19:56brewing stand has now been made uh next
- 00:20:01up what do you do you power it with
- 00:20:02blaze powder right I think okay good uh
- 00:20:06we need to get some sand for bottles
- 00:20:08okay over here's a river that'll work
- 00:20:10that'll do donkey that'll do how's my
- 00:20:14Shrek impression by the way is that
- 00:20:15pretty good or that's something okay I
- 00:20:17think I mean I'll just make three yeah
- 00:20:20three sand it's enough for three bottles
- 00:20:23it's good enough I know we're not
- 00:20:24supposed to think too much into it but
- 00:20:25it is kind of funny so three sand Makes
- 00:20:28Three bottles but when you think about
- 00:20:30the size of stuff in Minecraft that's
- 00:20:32supposed to be 1 M Cube glass so one
- 00:20:37cubed meter of sand makes a single
- 00:20:39bottle in Minecraft
- 00:20:42logic I mean that's just the I mean I
- 00:20:45don't know I'm not going to act like I
- 00:20:46know how glass making Works maybe though
- 00:20:49it is it sounds like a lot maybe they're
- 00:20:52really big bottles if that if it took a
- 00:20:55whole cubed meter per glass bottle I
- 00:20:57feel like glass bottles would be like
- 00:21:02$100 super luxury item yeah like that's
- 00:21:05a lot of Sand Dude 1 cubic meter of sand
- 00:21:10weight in pounds
- 00:21:131,984 pounds of sand per bottle oh my
- 00:21:17God oh my goodness wow that's a lot yeah
- 00:21:21yeah that's oh my gosh yeah that's like
- 00:21:24a $100 bottle per bottle um okay dropsy
- 00:21:28I think we might oh wait actually don't
- 00:21:30put it in yet okay fire resistance
- 00:21:32requires what's on the bottom here an
- 00:21:34awkward potion so in order to make an
- 00:21:36awkward potion we need Steve to stare at
- 00:21:39it for five minutes that can't be why
- 00:21:42don't you make
- 00:21:44three uh no uh it's a Nether wart right
- 00:21:47is it a Nether wart I've got a Nether
- 00:21:48wart I have Nether wart I just wanted to
- 00:21:50make sure is that actually what it is I
- 00:21:51believe so doesn't there need to be
- 00:21:53water in that glass if not you can just
- 00:21:55drink the potion if it's wrong and we
- 00:21:56can start again doesn't there need to be
- 00:21:58water in yes do you have a water bucket
- 00:22:01still drops you by any chance oh
- 00:22:04yes oh okay you were saying
- 00:22:08cppy
- 00:22:09literally doesn't water in there what
- 00:22:13are you the feds there need to be water
- 00:22:14in those other ones too what are you the
- 00:22:17fed scappy I'm only making one cuz I
- 00:22:20don't want to go get more sand and we
- 00:22:21might need other potions for other
- 00:22:23things so I'd rather just like fair
- 00:22:24enough yep awkward potion awkward potion
- 00:22:27check uh all right slam that mag a cream
- 00:22:28in all right well that's going actually
- 00:22:30realized we don't even have TNT ready so
- 00:22:33I need to go oh no I got it oh you have
- 00:22:36it who you think that is bro him ay so
- 00:22:41cppy I'm himothy Clarkson if I'm
- 00:22:43understanding correctly all you need to
- 00:22:45do for nuclear Powers drink that go off
- 00:22:48the diving board into the lava then blow
- 00:22:51yourself up do you have a a thing to
- 00:22:53trigger the TNT I was just going to let
- 00:22:55the lava do its thing uh I got got a
- 00:22:58button for you all right cabie hop on in
- 00:23:01and let's do it okay one second I don't
- 00:23:04want to damage my armor SM cheers mate
- 00:23:08get on in there
- 00:23:10buddy
- 00:23:11ow uh kabby kabby you got to uh swim to
- 00:23:15the surface so plant the TNT right there
- 00:23:18right there like right here run all
- 00:23:21right good Lu
- 00:23:24happy I died
- 00:23:32maybe you needed that armor on to
- 00:23:35survive maybe I yeah
- 00:23:41maybe don't worry don't worry wait wait
- 00:23:44wait wait wait I have powers oh do you
- 00:23:46actually have them you have them yes I
- 00:23:49have powers guys all right hey whatever
- 00:23:51works man you or not no we do fire fire
- 00:23:57fire okay and and then there's laser oh
- 00:24:00flamethrower I call this one the FL and
- 00:24:03warer Cappy we should find a village for
- 00:24:06you to help okay so like I I've got like
- 00:24:11oo wait what was that do it again so you
- 00:24:14can fly
- 00:24:15to Y sick what's up dude I want my
- 00:24:19shadow Powers I want my shadow Powers
- 00:24:21now cap I'm going to need to punch you
- 00:24:23in the head for this next part but if I
- 00:24:25punch you did a new bar just appear on
- 00:24:26your screen yo yo yeah it's going up let
- 00:24:29me know when it's full punching me let
- 00:24:30me know when it's full punching me keep
- 00:24:32punching me keep punching me Jerry
- 00:24:34you're not punching me enough I'm
- 00:24:36trying okay okay it's almost there it's
- 00:24:38almost there yes okay you got it okay
- 00:24:41okay let's go FL wait you know what this
- 00:24:45is the perfect spot right here like
- 00:24:47right over here it's very dramatic it's
- 00:24:49like a Target you know yeah yeah yeah
- 00:24:50get him get him get him okay flame
- 00:24:54on my God that was a supernova that
- 00:24:57almost killed me uh oh my gosh it killed
- 00:25:01me but dropsy too all the way from over
- 00:25:03there how so cap I'm guessing that's a
- 00:25:06single use and you have to recharge kind
- 00:25:08of thing yeah yeah dang bro yeah I guess
- 00:25:14the next time you want to use this give
- 00:25:15us a warning cuz that almost killed me
- 00:25:18that was well I I did technically say I
- 00:25:20had a new power move into the Target and
- 00:25:22then say I was using it so yeah fair
- 00:25:26enough guys I'm pretty excited cuz today
- 00:25:28he I get my Powers you both have had
- 00:25:31powers who needs this puny old Shield
- 00:25:33where I'm going so with this I need to
- 00:25:35make something called the potion of
- 00:25:37Darkness now it is two Phantom membranes
- 00:25:40two blaze powder two amethyst shards and
- 00:25:42one potion of night vision now in order
- 00:25:44to make a potion of night vision you
- 00:25:46need to go ahead and make a golden
- 00:25:48carrot then oh dropy may I have the
- 00:25:50magical water bucket yes yes yes yes
- 00:25:54here you go nice so I put that in there
- 00:25:56put the Nether wart down and then I put
- 00:25:58the golden carrot in there and that
- 00:25:59should give me the potion of night
- 00:26:01vision then I think now I could be wrong
- 00:26:03here I think I just drink it and the
- 00:26:06rest is kind of History you don't have
- 00:26:08to explode like Cappy does do you I
- 00:26:11can't promise that
- 00:26:14okay but oh no butts I can't promise
- 00:26:18that I'm just going to have this ready
- 00:26:20in case yeah it might be a safe bet uh
- 00:26:23okay so golden carrots going in there
- 00:26:25now the thing is I don't exactly know
- 00:26:26off hand what my abilities are so I need
- 00:26:28to look these up quick I think the magic
- 00:26:30though is that once I drink this potion
- 00:26:32it should just appear in my hot bar go
- 00:26:35here boom boom all right guys not me
- 00:26:39yeah that was kind of a mistake wasn't
- 00:26:40that oh go ahead
- 00:26:42potion
- 00:26:44Darkness I'm
- 00:26:45blind oh well I have blindness you know
- 00:26:49we could have guessed that I no buttons
- 00:26:53no no I have I have buttons but all
- 00:26:56right let's see what we got here so oh
- 00:26:58never mind my blindness is gone good it
- 00:27:00was temporary thank God okay so if I hit
- 00:27:02M the Phantom knight sword 10 attack
- 00:27:05damage sick who needs Diamond blit I was
- 00:27:08going to say it has an animated uh thing
- 00:27:10it's cool what if I drop it can I give
- 00:27:12you guys here you can have
- 00:27:13one make another there you go C broke no
- 00:27:17it no it it broke we can't hold it here
- 00:27:19have another one no I here have another
- 00:27:21one thank you here have another one here
- 00:27:23I have another one here I have another
- 00:27:24one here I have another one here I have
- 00:27:25another one here I have another one here
- 00:27:26I have another one yeah they're all gone
- 00:27:28do I have just the thing for you okay
- 00:27:31anyway um so we have the KN sword it
- 00:27:33says 10 attack damage uh the only I
- 00:27:35don't know is maybe it has an effect or
- 00:27:37something so uh you nope okay it just
- 00:27:39does a lot of damage and looks cool
- 00:27:41that's fine next up I have n which what
- 00:27:45I'm blind now what is happening dude
- 00:27:48it's a
- 00:27:49cube what you have a domain
- 00:27:52expansion dude probably closer to a
- 00:27:55bongai though can you toggle it yeah
- 00:27:58just toggled it off okay next up let's
- 00:28:01see can I fly I just hover I don't I
- 00:28:06don't even I can try sprinting while
- 00:28:09doing it yeah try this is sprinting I'm
- 00:28:11this is this is what Peak Performance
- 00:28:13looks like cppy oh dang yeah I wonder if
- 00:28:16I could I wonder what I could do with a
- 00:28:18fishing rod in that like oh no please
- 00:28:20don't drag me around all right here's B
- 00:28:23oh you're you're uh smoke I can fly
- 00:28:27quick now oh oh
- 00:28:29y okay you just have to become smoke
- 00:28:31particles nice can I go into walls no
- 00:28:34that's still cool though so I become a
- 00:28:36trail of smoke and I can fly around
- 00:28:39that's Neo I wonder if mobs would still
- 00:28:41be tracked to me like do you think they
- 00:28:42would try and hurt me oh to us you're
- 00:28:46not even like a player so maybe I can
- 00:28:49hit the spider oh wait that's sick it's
- 00:28:53not targeting you he hit me when I got
- 00:28:55close but if I'm not close I really pass
- 00:28:57to me maybe spider wasn't the right one
- 00:28:59to choose cuz they get kind of glitched
- 00:29:00up there let's see creepers aren't pull
- 00:29:03they're not pulled to oh that it went
- 00:29:06okay if I get too close to them so weird
- 00:29:10well I think it's like a lot of mobs
- 00:29:11your invisibility works until you like
- 00:29:13nudge them accidentally and then it
- 00:29:15doesn't yeah oh that's Neo all right so
- 00:29:18that that's a pretty cool attack and
- 00:29:19then my last attack is called it's V it
- 00:29:21looks like Sonic kind of booms ow oh my
- 00:29:24God
- 00:29:26ow ow that is that cool is that cool am
- 00:29:30I cool now yeah let see how much damage
- 00:29:32does this cow over here all right hello
- 00:29:35Mr Cow goodbye I missed
- 00:29:38goodbye yay I won hit the cow guys this
- 00:29:42is really neat all right well I guess
- 00:29:44all we got to do then is get ourselves
- 00:29:46all stacked up and ready for the boss
- 00:29:49fight which uh so give me a second here
- 00:29:51I'm going to get us ready to enchant all
- 00:29:53right it's time to enchant and Cappy for
- 00:29:55both of us I used up our team set of
- 00:29:58diamonds in order to get us exactly
- 00:30:00enough here boom drop it behind you for
- 00:30:03us to make diamond armor cuz we deserve
- 00:30:07it buddy dropsy you have armor so you
- 00:30:10cool I was to say I have armor yeah how
- 00:30:12come it's annoying only yours came with
- 00:30:14armor there we go well full set to be
- 00:30:17fair the armor is the power so if my
- 00:30:19armor ever breaks I lose it oh does have
- 00:30:22durability yeah oh dang okay yeah it's
- 00:30:25kind of a drawback I'm breaking then
- 00:30:26right yeah you might uh here you want
- 00:30:29pickles yes yeah I love pickles all the
- 00:30:32pickles pickles pickles nice uh can I I
- 00:30:37can enchant my sword I don't know if
- 00:30:39that's going to be like 11 attack damage
- 00:30:42I mean I guess as long as it's in my
- 00:30:44hand is not going to delete itself so
- 00:30:46cool surprised that worked like that I
- 00:30:48still have some levels left I might as
- 00:30:50well just throw on the pickaxe and the
- 00:30:52axe give it a little
- 00:30:53efficiency yeah all right I'm pretty I'm
- 00:30:57pretty p about this I'm going to take
- 00:31:00our bed just in case for this boss fight
- 00:31:02you know what I'm saying might need to
- 00:31:03replant it down got to stay safe all
- 00:31:06right I am good to go if you guys are
- 00:31:09let me turn into ghost mode let's get
- 00:31:13this evil
- 00:31:14man yeah go him I mean to be fair I
- 00:31:17don't really know if he's evil I mean
- 00:31:18he's kind of just stopping me from being
- 00:31:20an abusive Infinity Stoner but it's fine
- 00:31:23with the power of forest fires I can
- 00:31:26stop him no
- 00:31:28why was that with the cad like no no no
- 00:31:30no no no like the Star Wars like all
- 00:31:34right get ready guys for the long travel
- 00:31:36to where the fight is going to go down
- 00:31:39okay yeah where is it Jerry where all
- 00:31:41right set your spawns it's this thing oh
- 00:31:43my God break the bed for that that's a
- 00:31:46long walk dropsy jeez what are you we
- 00:31:49all
- 00:31:50flew yeah exactly it was a long flight
- 00:31:54okay I'm never going to redeem these
- 00:31:55frequent fly miles guys what happened
- 00:31:58why the lights go out cabby
- 00:32:02oh Apparition so this is the guy he
- 00:32:06doesn't seem mad right now but oh well
- 00:32:08now he's
- 00:32:10mad what the heck oh my God oh my God oh
- 00:32:13my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh
- 00:32:15my
- 00:32:15God oh he do take fire damage cap that's
- 00:32:18actually epic let's get him let's get
- 00:32:21him let's get him oh my that D like four
- 00:32:23hearts on me dude let me try to use my
- 00:32:25ability on him oh my gosh he might be
- 00:32:27too high up oh dang what is happening
- 00:32:31wait when I'm in ghost mode oh it's the
- 00:32:33wrong button ouch he hurts a little bit
- 00:32:37when I when I go into ghost mode I
- 00:32:38wonder if I can use my shurikens and if
- 00:32:40he won't like attack me or not let's see
- 00:32:43where are you he's up top okay I'm
- 00:32:47hitting him I'm able to hit him from up
- 00:32:49here fire a
- 00:32:51dang okay where did he go he keeps
- 00:32:54flying around oh my gosh oh my
- 00:32:58hold on pick Maneuvers ow maybe I'm not
- 00:33:01able to hit him as often as I think like
- 00:33:03this either that or I might come in a
- 00:33:05weird phas oh no I accidentally turned
- 00:33:07on a narrator dude I heard it yeah I
- 00:33:10can't hit him while in ghost mode this
- 00:33:12going to be oh I need to turn the
- 00:33:15narrator off where's my stuff he's all
- 00:33:17the way up there can we get him down to
- 00:33:19the ground see see if you can hear C
- 00:33:21land land down and see if he'll come
- 00:33:23back plate yeah I AG him he TP back
- 00:33:28there we go keep striking
- 00:33:32him I'm able to use my shuriken attack
- 00:33:35actually do a decent amount of damage
- 00:33:36get a lot of damage yeah I'm I'm
- 00:33:38actually chipping away at him oh my gosh
- 00:33:41who even is the moon struck Apparition
- 00:33:44who even are you I know but this is your
- 00:33:46Jerry hit me Jerry hit me what wait what
- 00:33:48you want me to oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
- 00:33:49charge you up charge you up yeah yeah
- 00:33:51charge me up Jerry charge me up Char how
- 00:33:53you looking y okay I'm almost dead but
- 00:33:55keep going keep going I can die don't
- 00:33:57worry okay I'm
- 00:33:59ready did it
- 00:34:01cppy okay here we go fire fire time to
- 00:34:08explode I think he moved I think he
- 00:34:11moved Jerry charge me up again oh my
- 00:34:14gosh oh my C charge me okay okay I'm I'm
- 00:34:17doing some serious damage to him though
- 00:34:20charge me all right let me know how much
- 00:34:22you got more power dying cap I'm dying
- 00:34:28charge me okay H where is he I'm coming
- 00:34:33way up okay get him ouch ouch ouch ouch
- 00:34:38ouch ouch did you just kill him with one
- 00:34:40explosion wait are you
- 00:34:43serious wait are you serious cat be BL
- 00:34:47punk I knew that thing was powerful but
- 00:34:49my goodness another star oh nice you
- 00:34:53going to eat it or ah
- 00:34:59have this
- 00:35:00feeling Haven F long took a hold of
- 00:35:05me I've been sleeping cut me off my
- 00:35:10guard cuz you're in my space and now I'm
- 00:35:14[Music]
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