舂坎角女傭被殺案⓵|本港首宗以科學鑑證入罪 案件疑點重重 翁靜晶花數月調查|危險人物2.0【第二十九集】(中/英 字幕)
- 🕵️♀️ 主持人表示比佳宁案花费更多时间于陈汉堂案件
- 📜 1972年,黄玉莲成为谋杀 victim
- 🔎 陈汉堂案件是香港第一宗科学鉴证案
- 📚 视频将分析案件的法律与社会背景
- 💼 主播翁静晶认为陈汉堂是冤屈的
- 🔍 制作团队花费时间研究案件细节
- 🏛️ 背景为殖民地法律系统的缺陷
- 🤔 律师强调科学鉴证的局限性
- 📖 视频承诺未来还将继续深入解读案例
- 🗣️ 观众被鼓励评论与分享意见
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- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
- 00:20:00 - 00:29:41
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Video Tanya Jawab
视频中提及的谋杀 victim是谁?
谋杀 victim是17岁的黄玉莲。
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- 00:00:00大家可能以为我们做佳宁案, People might think that we're working on the Carrian case,
- 00:00:02这一案件是用了很多时间去做佳宁。 but we spent much more time on this case than Carrian
- 00:00:05但是我可以告诉你们, I can tell you,
- 00:00:07我用了最多最多时间, I've spent the most time,
- 00:00:10我想我应该用了几个月时间, around several months,
- 00:00:13去调查的一宗案件, to look into a this case.
- 00:00:14不是这一个佳宁, than Carrian
- 00:00:17而是这宗陈汉堂案件。 The case concerned a man called Chan Hon Tong
- 00:00:20我的心一直都很不舒服, I have always felt sorry for him
- 00:00:22我觉得陈汉堂是被冤枉的。 because I believe he is innocent
- 00:00:25你们听完之后, After you hear me out on this,
- 00:00:26你们再思考是否认同我的看法 Please let me know if you agree with my observation
- 00:00:39翁静晶《危险人物2.0》 "Dangerous Person 2.0" with Yung Ching Ching
- 00:00:50欢迎大家收看《危险人物2.0》 Welcome to "Dangerous Person 2.0”
- 00:00:53我身边的是杨云峰律师 Next to me is Attorney Martin Yeung
- 00:00:55今天我要说的一件案件 Today, I'm going to talk about a case
- 00:00:58可以说是 Perhaps
- 00:00:59大家可能以为我们做佳宁案这一件案件 You might think we spent a lot of time on the Carrian case
- 00:01:02是用了很多时间去做佳宁案 devoted significant time to it
- 00:01:05但是我可以告诉你们 But I can tell you
- 00:01:06我用了最多最多时间 We spent most time on the case today
- 00:01:10我想应该用了几个月的时间 I spent several months
- 00:01:12去调查的一宗案件 to study every details
- 00:01:14不是这一个佳宁 This is not a fraud case like Carrian
- 00:01:17而是这一宗陈汉堂案件 but a murder case about Chan Hon Tong
- 00:01:21陈汉堂案件是发生在1972年的3月 This case occurred in March 1972
- 00:01:24以前在我的《危险人物》的书里 Previously in one of my "Dangerous Person” true crime series
- 00:01:26都有说过这一宗案件 I wrote about this case
- 00:01:28但是说得比较简单 but I talked about it quite briefly
- 00:01:30但是我是觉得心里一直都很不舒服 having always felt uneasy about it
- 00:01:34我觉这个陈汉堂是被冤枉的 I believe Chan Hon Tong was wrongly convicted
- 00:01:37你们听完之后 After you hear me out
- 00:01:38你们再思考是否认同我的看法 Please consider whether you agree with my opinion
- 00:01:40嗯 Umm
- 00:01:43在这个年代 During this time era
- 00:01:44一九七几年,六几年的时候 in the 1960s and 1970s
- 00:01:45其实香港的法治在很多方面 Hong Kong's legal system had many imperfections
- 00:01:49都有很多不完善的地方 in various aspects
- 00:01:51这一种不完善的情况 Such imperfections
- 00:01:53其实都是源自一个殖民地政府时候 actually stemmed from the colonial government policy
- 00:01:56的一些法律,还有各样的事 with its laws and various issues
- 00:01:59还有一些不公平的审讯 as well as unfair trials
- 00:02:01首先在没有开始说这件案件之前 Firstly, before I delve into this case
- 00:02:04很多网民都在问我 Many internet users have been asking me
- 00:02:06想知道这本书 about this book
- 00:02:09一共有两本的 which consists of two volUmmes
- 00:02:12上一次我们做佳宁案的时候有说过 As we mentioned during our previous discussion on the Carrian
- 00:02:14这两本书就是《香港法制史》 they are "The Legal History of Hong Kong”
- 00:02:18就是香港開埠之后 written shortly after Hong Kong became a colony
- 00:02:20就由一个 written by
- 00:02:21叫做James William Norton-Kyshe的人 a gentleman named James William Norton-Kyshe
- 00:02:24他写了两本 who wrote two volUmmes
- 00:02:25他是法庭里面的一个总书记 he served as the Chief Clerk in the court
- 00:02:28他就把每一天发生的大事就写进里面 and he recorded significant daily events
- 00:02:31很多案例都写进了这书里 Many important cases were recorded in these books.
- 00:02:33但是这两本书很难买 But these two books are difficult to find in stores
- 00:02:35就算我们买这些七几年出版的 editions published in the 1970s,
- 00:02:37有一位网友跟我分享 a netizen shared with me
- 00:02:40他都用了600英镑去买这两本书 costs him 600 pounds sterling
- 00:02:43都好贵的 They're quite expensive.
- 00:02:44变成古书了 They've become antique books.
- 00:02:46这两本很难得的 These two volummes are rare.
- 00:02:47当然我们觉得版权 Of course, we believe that the copyright
- 00:02:49应该已经超过一百年 should have expired being a hundred years old
- 00:02:50就算你重印应该可以的 you may be allowed to reprint them
- 00:02:54但如果你很懒惰的话 If you feel lazy
- 00:02:57不想看书的话 and don't want to read English books,
- 00:02:59我曾经写过一本书 I have written a Chinese one
- 00:03:01这本书是一个华人的血泪史 which is a sad colonial history of the Chinese
- 00:03:05就是《殖民地時期華人血淚史》 It is tilted” “The Blood and Tears of the Chinese During the Colonial Era.”
- 00:03:07这本书其实就是将这两本难读的书 My book summarized some of the contents of those two books
- 00:03:11这么艰辛的书里面的内容 which are much harder to read
- 00:03:13就写了出来 I simplified them
- 00:03:15里面有很多故事 It contains many stories
- 00:03:16如果有兴趣的话 If you're interested,
- 00:03:17你可以看看 feel free to take a look.
- 00:03:19通过这些感人的故事 By reading these emotional stories
- 00:03:21你可以了解那个时期的历史 that speak to the resilience and spirit of the Chinese people
- 00:03:24这些故事展现了那个时期 you will understand the history of this era.
- 00:03:26华人的韧性和精神 How the Chinese strived
- 00:03:17如果你不想看太多英文的话 If you are lazy to read English,
- 00:03:18你可以看看《百年賣身的回憶─殖民地時期華人血淚史》这本书 you can take a look at "Memoirs of a Century of Enslavement - The Blood and Tears of the Chinese in the Colonial Era”.
- 00:03:24这本书其实就是简化了那两本书的内容 This book simplifies the contents of those two volumes
- 00:03:27关于1972年发生的那个案件 This is a case from 1972.
- 00:03:30由于比较复杂,所以需要仔细研究 This is quite a complex case and requires careful observation
- 00:03:34我会尽量简化并解释给你们听 I will do my best to explain it in simple terms.
- 00:03:37那么陈汉堂案件有什么特别之处呢? What makes this case so special?
- 00:03:39因为这个案件才是香港真正意义上的第一宗 Because this case, was in fact, the first
- 00:03:42以科学鉴证作为定罪依据的案件 to use scientific evidence as the basis for a criminal conviction.
- 00:03:44而普遍的认知是 It was generally accepted
- 00:03:46欧阳炳强案才是第一宗 the Au-Yeung Bing Keung’s case was the first
- 00:03:48以科学鉴证入罪的案件 to use forensic evidence for a criminal conviction.
- 00:03:51当然,很多人会认为 Of course, many people may argue that
- 00:03:53欧阳炳强案的科学鉴证存在很大问题 there were significant flaws with the forensic evidence in the Au-Yeung case
- 00:03:55其实并不稳定 and it was actually quite unreliable.
- 00:03:56换句话说,它是不确定的。 In other words, it was inconclusive.
- 00:03:57尤其是在当代,有了DNA技术后, Especially in modern times, with DNA technology,
- 00:03:59你会发现那时候的鉴定手段 you can see how the flawed forensic methods back then
- 00:04:01竟然能导致定罪 were actually enough to convict someone.
- 00:04:03仅凭颜色相同, Based solely on matching colours,
- 00:04:05纤维近似,就判定了罪行。 and similar fibers, a person could be found guilty.
- 00:04:07如果你了解陈汉堂案, If you look at the Chan Hon Tong case,
- 00:04:09你会觉得更加不可思议。 you'll find it is even more unbelievable.
- 00:04:11陈汉堂案件发生在1972年, Chan Hon Tong case occurred in 1972,
- 00:04:13而欧阳炳强案, while the Au-Yeung Bing Keung case
- 00:04:14则是发生在1974年。 occurred in 1974.
- 00:04:16相差两年 There was a two-year difference
- 00:04:18其实欧阳炳强案很有机会 There is a good chance that Au-Yeung Bing Keung’s case
- 00:04:20就是因为这件案入罪,照搬照抄出来的 was a forensic copy cat of the Chan case
- 00:04:24好了,我们首先说说这件案件的发生 Alright, let's talk about what happened in the first case.
- 00:04:28这件案件时发生在72年的3月17日 Chan’s case occurred on March 17th, 1972.
- 00:04:32发生的地点就是赤柱舂坎角高級公務員宿舍 The location was the high-ranking civil servant dormitory at Chung Kan Kok, Stanley.
- 00:04:39这个地方的楼房有四层高 The building there has four floors.
- 00:04:41发现这个情况是3月17日 The crime was discovered on March 17th.
- 00:04:45由当时房子户主的太太 By the wife of the homeowner at that time,
- 00:04:49叫做麦理安太太 Mrs. Mclean (Mak Lee On)
- 00:04:51下班回家之后,6点左右 After she came home from work around 6 pm.
- 00:04:54开始揭发这一个案件 A dead body was discovered.
- 00:04:57首先说一下这个公务员宿舍 First, let's talk about this civil servant dormitory.
- 00:04:59这个高级公务员宿舍里面是住什么人? Who resided in this high-ranking civil servant dormitory?
- 00:05:02就是住高级政府律师,高级警务督察 It was mainly occupied by high-ranking government lawyers and senior police inspectors
- 00:05:06主力住客都是这一类人群 These were the main residents of this dormitory.
- 00:05:11当然就是还有他们的家属 Of course, their families also lived there.
- 00:05:12刚刚说的麦理安这个名字 The Chinese interpreted name from"Mclean" (Mak Lee On) mentioned earlier,
- 00:05:15并不容易知道的 was very difficult to identity.
- 00:05:17那是为什么呢? Why is that?
- 00:05:18其实这个案件在被报道的时候 Actually, when this case was reported, the name was unclear
- 00:05:21他只是说他叫做麦宁而已 it was reported that the name was Mak Ning.
- 00:05:23没有把他的真名说出来 The real name was not disclosed.
- 00:05:25中文报纸叫他麦宁 Chinese newspapers reported as Mak Ning.
- 00:05:26而只有一个英文名叫McLean Although his English last name, Mclean was mentioned
- 00:05:29就是这么多了 That was all that was disclosed
- 00:05:31而案件后来直到被告人 After the police arrested Chan
- 00:05:34陈汉堂被定罪之后 and after Chan’s conviction
- 00:05:36再重新出现的时候 when the family of the deceased sued
- 00:05:38你就会见到是一个麦理安的太太 Only at this time the name Mrs.Mclean was identified
- 00:05:42作为被告人就被这个死者家属追讨 the deceased's family sue the Mclean
- 00:05:46因为他是雇主 Mrs.Mclean was identified as the employer,
- 00:05:47这个女孩死在了你家里 and the girl died in their home
- 00:05:48她是你的工人 She was their maid
- 00:05:49于是这个死者的家属 Therefore, the family of the deceased
- 00:05:52就去告这个麦太太了 decided to sue Mrs. Mclean
- 00:05:53但是你看到麦太太自己本人的名字 But you see, Mrs. Mclean’s full name,
- 00:05:57Erica这个名是没有用上的 Her first name Erica, was not used.
- 00:05:58她只是用了个简称 She was identified only by an abbreviation.
- 00:06:00她的名字简化成了J. L. G. McLean Her name was shortened to J. L. G. McLean.
- 00:06:04是用简化的名字作为被告人的名字 The simplified name was used as the defendant's name.
- 00:06:08这个用Mrs. 即是麦理安太太 Here, "Mrs" means she was the wife of Mr.Mclean
- 00:06:11她自己有名有姓的,却没有用 She has a given name and surname, but they were not used.
- 00:06:14就用麦理安太太 Instead, only "Mrs. J. L. G. McLean" was used.
- 00:06:16这个是非常之不常见的 This is quite uncommon.
- 00:06:18是啊! 通常隐名作姓 Ummm! Usually, they use initials in order for the name to remain anonymous.
- 00:06:20隐藏叫Mrs.X To hide the identity, the court sometimes use "Mrs. X".
- 00:06:21Mr简写 "Mr." is shortened.
- 00:06:22这些大多数都是保护一个证人 Mostly this is done to protect a witness.
- 00:06:25要不就是青少年犯 Or it could be to protect the identity of a minor offender.
- 00:06:26嗯 Hmm.
- 00:06:27要不就是譬如有些婚姻官司 Or in cases like marital disputes, for example.
- 00:06:29还有一些风化案的被害人 There are also victims of sexual offences
- 00:06:32需要保护她的身份 where their identities need to be protected
- 00:06:34以及被勒索案的被害人 as well as victims in blackmail cases
- 00:06:35就可以申请这种叫隐藏名字的法庭命令 they can apply for a court order to have their name hidden
- 00:06:39但是这个被告人 But in this case, the defendant
- 00:06:41这个民事诉讼的被告人 the defendant in this civil lawsuit
- 00:06:42居然是没有写到她的名字出来 unexpectedly did not have her full name identified
- 00:06:45反而原告人的名字 Instead, the names of the plaintiffs
- 00:06:46死者的爸爸,兄弟姐妹 such as the father and siblings of the deceased
- 00:06:48全部都列了出来 were all listed out in full
- 00:06:50但这个女人的名字 However, the name of this lady defendant
- 00:06:52这个高官太太的名字 the name of this government official's wife
- 00:06:54是用回高官,高官麦理安太太这样的 was only referred to as "Mrs. J. L. G. McLean”
- 00:06:57嗯 Umm
- 00:06:57在资料搜集这方面 In terms of research
- 00:07:00是很难很难做的 it is extremely difficult for us
- 00:07:02而我们看到的中文报纸上的报道都很少 there were few reports in Chinese newspapers that we could find
- 00:07:06我们手上只是查到两个判词而已 We only have two court verdict to start with
- 00:07:10第一个判词就是 The first judgment
- 00:07:11这个谋杀案裁定陈汉堂有罪的谋杀案的判词 the verdict of the murder case that convicted Chan Hon Tong of murder
- 00:07:16这个是上网查到的 This was found online
- 00:07:17但是上网查都这个判词很奇怪 But the verdict found online was quite strange
- 00:07:20里面说的很多都说看不到 it contained far too many “illegible”
- 00:07:22全部都是看不到 meaning parts of the judgment not readable online
- 00:07:24嗯 Umm
- 00:07:25他说原判的判词里面 In the verdict of the original trial
- 00:07:27有些字他看不清楚 there were some words that was not displayed and marked “illegible”
- 00:07:28他在电脑上面找到的判词里面 the verdict we found online
- 00:07:31就有很多句子都说因为看不到 there were many sentences that was marked as illegible
- 00:07:33所以没有刊载了 illegible therefore not available for display
- 00:07:34所以为了要知道全面的情况 So, to understand the full situation
- 00:07:37我亲自去了高等法院的图书馆 I pay a visit to the library of the High Court
- 00:07:39去查找并复印了原审的案件资料 to search for and photocopy the original case book
- 00:07:42嗯 Umm
- 00:07:43我发现原审的资料中,那些内容是完全可以看到的 I found that the verdict in the original trial materials was entirely readable
- 00:07:46不知道为什么说看不到 I don't understand why it was marked illegible online
- 00:07:48我全部重新查看了一遍 I went through it in detail
- 00:07:50并做了对比 and made a comparison.
- 00:07:51里面有很多关键的信息 There were many crucial pieces of information
- 00:07:53都被说成是看不到的 that were all said to be illegible
- 00:07:54但现在我是看得很清楚 But now I see them clearly.
- 00:07:55话说回来,这些所谓的科学鉴定里面 To get back to the point, in these so-called forensic examinations
- 00:07:58提到的物料的颜色啊,各种东西 there were mentions of the colour of the fabric and various other things.
- 00:08:00这个就是第一奇怪点 That was the first odd point.
- 00:08:02第二个奇怪点 The second odd point was that
- 00:08:03就是,我记得我那时 I remember at that time
- 00:08:04写欧阳炳强案件在《危险人物》的时候 when I wrote about the Au-Yeung Bing Keung’s case in my book
- 00:08:07嗯 hmm
- 00:08:07大概都有20年前,我去高等法院的时候 It was probably 20 years ago, when I went to the High Court.
- 00:08:10是可以拿回欧阳炳强原审的时候的判词 I was able to retrieve the verdict of Au-Yeung’s case at the original trial.
- 00:08:15哦 Oh
- 00:08:15就要去问图书管理员 I had to ask the librarian
- 00:08:18要说给他听判案的日期 and tell him the date of the trial.
- 00:08:20他就会在里面拿出一本簿子给我 He would then retrieve a file from within and give it to me.
- 00:08:22里面一叠的就是当日的判词 Inside was a stack of verdicts from that day.
- 00:08:24我是有他的原审判词 I had his original verdict.
- 00:08:26所以才能写得这么详细 That's why I was able to write with such detail.
- 00:08:28这一次我去问拿这个陈汉强的原审判词 This time, I went to ask for the original verdict of Chan Hon Tong
- 00:08:32竟然是没有的 But surprisingly, it wasn't available
- 00:08:33嗯 Umm
- 00:08:34那我问为什么没有 So I asked why it wasn't available
- 00:08:36新来的图书管理员 The new librarian
- 00:08:39我就告诉他20年前 I told him that 20 years ago,
- 00:08:40我来这里是能拿到这些原审判词的 I came here to retrieve these original trial verdicts.
- 00:08:42嗯 Umm
- 00:08:42他说:不好意思,翁律师 She said, "I'm sorry, Ms Yung
- 00:08:43我都是在这里工作了十年 I've been working here for ten years.
- 00:08:45我不知道之前的事 I don't know about things that happened 20 years ago
- 00:08:48我就只看到墙上面 I then see the labels the wall
- 00:08:49现在只剩下,好像是零几年已经是最久了 Now, the oldest records left are from around the early 2000s.
- 00:08:52你想找回一九几几年的,都没有了 If someone is looking for something from the 1990s, they're all gone.
- 00:08:54零几年不是很久之前 Year 2000 was not that long ago.
- 00:08:56知道啊,全部没有了 Well, they're all gone.
- 00:08:57接着我去找一九七几年的那些 Then I went to look for the 1970’s records.
- 00:08:59问谁呢? Who should I ask?
- 00:09:00我说你上级可不可以问一下他 Could you ask your superior about it?
- 00:09:02他说我上级都是来了十几年而已 She said her superior has only been here for a decade as well
- 00:09:04嗯 Umm
- 00:09:04即是说知道当时有这些判词的人 That means the people who knew about these verdicts back then
- 00:09:07已经不在了 are no longer here.
- 00:09:08哦 Oh
- 00:09:09即是我好像个疯婆子似的 It feels like I'm a nut case
- 00:09:10即是我20年前见过的东西 Like the things I saw 20 years ago
- 00:09:12一是我幻想出来的 are just figments of my imagination.
- 00:09:14但是不可能啊 But that's not possible.
- 00:09:14因为我写了《危险人物》,8,000字 Because I wrote an 8,000-word piece of work in "Dangerous Person,"
- 00:09:17欧阳炳强的故事 on the story of Au-Yeung Bing Keung
- 00:09:18是《危险人物》第一集 It was the first episode of "Dangerous Person."
- 00:09:19没有这个判词,我怎么写呢? Without this verdict, how could I have written it?
- 00:09:21我有两个判词 I even had two verdicts.
- 00:09:22因为他审了两次 Because he was tried twice.
- 00:09:23而现在没有了 And now they're gone.
- 00:09:24那好了,就变得非常辛苦 Well, that makes it more difficult.
- 00:09:27又也要去找资料 I have to look for other information.
- 00:09:28但是皇天不负有心人 But in the end, hard work pays off.
- 00:09:30嗯 Umm
- 00:09:31我也找到很多资料出来 I've found a lot of information.
- 00:09:32好了 Alright.
- 00:09:33首先说一说这个案件 First, let's talk about this case.
- 00:09:35刚刚有说到 As I mentioned earlier,
- 00:09:37案件里面被人杀死的那个 the victim in this case,
- 00:09:39就是一个17岁的女孩 was a 17-year-old girl.
- 00:09:41她叫黄玉莲 Her name was Wong Yuk Lin
- 00:09:44我们知道的资料 From the information we have,
- 00:09:45就是这个黄玉莲长得很漂亮 Yuk Lin was very beautiful.
- 00:09:47是美女来的 She was a beauty
- 00:09:49她就是帮洋人打工的 She worked for expatriates
- 00:09:52那时很多年轻的女孩 At that time, many young girls
- 00:09:55都是帮这些洋人打工的 worked for foreigners.
- 00:09:57她们尤其是住在赤柱 Especially for those who lived in Stanley
- 00:10:00浅水湾这带的 and Repulse Bay areas,
- 00:10:01他们都会请附近居住的一些比较穷的女孩来打工 they would hire peasant girls living nearby to work for them.
- 00:10:06这个女孩很孝顺 This girl was very filial.
- 00:10:07她有很多兄弟姊妹 She had many brothers and sisters.
- 00:10:09她的爸爸年纪都老了 Her father was old.
- 00:10:10都是做些苦力的工人 He worked as a labourer.
- 00:10:12清洁工人 a cleaning worker
- 00:10:13是清洁工人,都是辛苦的工人 He was a cleaning worker, a hardworking labourer.
- 00:10:15她在十几岁的时候已经没有读书 When she was in her early teens, she stopped going to school.
- 00:10:20十三四岁已经辍学 She dropped out of school at around thirteen or fourteen.
- 00:10:22原因就是因为她一定要出来打工 The reason was because she had to work to support her family.
- 00:10:24去养弟弟妹妹 to raise her younger siblings.
- 00:10:25所以你看到后来告这个雇主太太是她的家人 So you can see later the family sue the employer's wife
- 00:10:30因为她是家里主力赚钱的人 Because she was the main bread winner in the family.
- 00:10:32嗯 Hmm.
- 00:10:33黄玉莲还有一个姐姐都是帮洋人打工的 Yuk Lin had an older sister who also worked for expatriates
- 00:10:36他们有一个叫洋務組的組織 They was a group of girls whom worked for expatriates
- 00:10:39相信当时殖民政府的时候 I believe during the colonial government era,
- 00:10:42他们是有去帮这些高官去请佣人的 the government would assist their high-ranking expatriate officials in hiring domestic servants
- 00:10:45他们有一个叫洋務組 They had a expatriate service committee
- 00:10:47就去招聘一些年轻的 responsible to recruit some young girls
- 00:10:50有气有力做得动的一些女孩 who were energetic and capable of household chores
- 00:10:52就是帮这些高官,洋高官打工的 to work as servant for these high-ranking expat officials
- 00:10:55就是做家庭佣工这样的 They were domestic servants.
- 00:10:57做家庭佣工的 Doing domestic work.
- 00:10:59这个女孩是打两份工作 This girl had two jobs.
- 00:11:01她的一份工作就是帮这位麦太太 One of her jobs was assisting Mrs. Mclean
- 00:11:04就是在舂坎角高官宿舍打工 in the high-ranking official's residence at Chung Hom Kok.
- 00:11:07她是做下午一点半的 She started work at 1:30 pm.
- 00:11:09她上班时间是下午一点半 Her working hours were from 1:30 pm
- 00:11:10做几个小时 for a period of a few hours
- 00:11:12而她在星期一三五的时候 And on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
- 00:11:14她就在西区,即是山顶半山这边 she would work in the Western District on the mid-levels of the Peak.
- 00:11:18就帮另外一个洋人打工 She worked for another expat
- 00:11:21嗯,这个就是第一点 Well, that's the first point.
- 00:11:23她是星期一三五早上去帮另外一个人打工 On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, she would work for another person in the morning.
- 00:11:25她下午时间就是来帮这个麦太太打工 In the afternoon, she would come to work for Mrs. Mclean
- 00:11:28那3月17日,1972年 So on March 17th, 1972,
- 00:11:31首先是星期五来的 First of all, that was a Friday.
- 00:11:33嗯 Umm.
- 00:11:34星期五她是不应该上午在麦太太家打工的 On Fridays, she was not supposed to work at Mrs. Mclean’s in the morning.
- 00:11:39这个我要先要告诉你 Please bear this in mind
- 00:11:40一会儿你听到一些口供会出现问题 Later, when you hear the testimonies, you'll notice some inconsistencies.
- 00:11:44好了 Alright.
- 00:11:45而这个女孩辍学之后就去负担家庭 After this girl dropped out of school, she took on the responsibility of supporting her family.
- 00:11:49她姐姐也是打洋务工 Her sister also worked as a domestic servant for expats
- 00:11:521972年 3月17日 On March 17th, 1972
- 00:11:54她的尸体被发现 Her body was found
- 00:11:57是在一个杂物房里被发现 Her body was found in the storeroom.
- 00:12:00其实发现过程 Now, regarding the discovery process,
- 00:12:03首先就是麦太太进到屋子里 it began when Mrs. Mclean entering the unit.
- 00:12:05她声称就看到一些不对劲的情况 She claimed to have noticed something unusual.
- 00:12:08已经叫上她住在附近一个叫做米路士警司来 She immediately called a nearby police inspector named Miles who lived in the same building.
- 00:12:15即是她住的这栋大厦里面 He lived in the same building as her.
- 00:12:16刚刚都有说过 As I mentioned earlier,
- 00:12:17住了很多警司 there were many police officers living there.
- 00:12:20第一件事我想我们稍微往前推一推 First, I think we should backtrack a bit.
- 00:12:25这个说法就是 Let me point out
- 00:12:27就是这一个高官的太太-麦太太 Mrs.Mclean was the wife of a high-ranking official
- 00:12:31她就是早上7点半出门 She claimed to have left her home at 7:30 in the morning.
- 00:12:35她说她在早上7点半出门口的时候 She said that when she left the house at 7:30,
- 00:12:38就把事交代了给阿莲 she had instructed Yuk Lin with some tasks.
- 00:12:40即是这个女死者阿莲 That is, the deceased, Yuk Lin
- 00:12:43就说今晚我会晚点回来 She told Yuk Lin she’d 'be coming back late that evening
- 00:12:46下午会有人送货过来 and there would be some deliveries in the afternoon
- 00:12:48有些食物会送过来 Some food was to be delivered."
- 00:12:52你要帮我收货 Yuk Lin needed to help to accept delivery
- 00:12:53嗯 Umm.
- 00:12:54这一天下午是有两班人来过来送货 On this particular afternoon, there were two separate rounds of delivery
- 00:12:59好了,她就告诉她 Alright, she told Yuk Lin
- 00:13:00我今晚会晚点回来,有人会送货上来 "I'll be coming back late tonight. There will be some deliveries."
- 00:13:03这个送货的很重要 "These deliveries are very important."
- 00:13:03因为送了什么货过来呢? "Because what's being delivered was
- 00:13:04送了大量的食物 "...a large quantity of food."
- 00:13:06很显然这些食物送来的原因 Obviously, the reason for these deliveries was
- 00:13:09就是因为晚上有大餐要煮 because there's going to be a big dinner that evening.
- 00:13:10有肉啦 “There was fresh meat."
- 00:13:11有杂货啦 "And groceries."
- 00:13:12有牛奶公司的牛奶 There was fresh milk from the dairy company.
- 00:13:14那时牛奶公司有送牛奶服务 dairy product from dairy farm
- 00:13:16有送肉的人就来送肉 meat from the butcher store
- 00:13:19好了,奇怪的地方在哪里? Alright, what so strange about that?
- 00:13:23她一个人能吃这么多东西吗? Could she have eaten all this by herself?
- 00:13:25她晚上准备宴请什么人呢? Who was she planning to make dinner for that evening?
- 00:13:28至少是不是她老公回来吃饭 Was it possible that her husband was coming back for dinner?
- 00:13:31所以她才会煮这么多东西 That's why she prepared so much.
- 00:13:33那在案发之后第一件事 So, after the incident, the first thing that happened was...
- 00:13:36那些人就问这个户主在哪里 People asked where the husband was.
- 00:13:38这么凑巧这个麦理安先生 And coincidentally, Mr. Mclean
- 00:13:41这个高官 This high-ranking official,
- 00:13:42一会才介绍他的身世 we'll introduce his background later,
- 00:13:44凑巧刚好去了纽西兰 coincidentally, he had just gone to New Zealand
- 00:13:47嗯 Ummm.
- 00:13:48他刚刚好这一天去度假 He just happened to go on vacation that day.
- 00:13:49这么巧合呢 Such a coincidence, isn't it?
- 00:13:50那买这么多食物 ordering so much food,
- 00:13:53你又刚好要去度假的 but the husband just happened to leave town
- 00:13:55都不知道煮给谁吃了 we don't know who she was going to cook for
- 00:13:56是这样了,其实我就觉得 That’s it, I am wondering
- 00:13:58会不会他其实又真的是在案发之后才去旅行的 Could it be that he actually went on vacation after the incident?
- 00:14:02又真的那么巧合呢 Could it really be such a coincidence?
- 00:14:03是吧? Right?
- 00:14:04即是这个时间很关键了 So this timing is crucial.
- 00:14:05但是没有人去引证 But no one had provided any evidence about that
- 00:14:06他究竟是什么时候离开香港的 Exactly, when did he leave Hong Kong?
- 00:14:09那好了,普遍说法 Alright, the common narrative is...
- 00:14:12包括判词 Including the court's verdict,
- 00:14:13甚至是报纸上面的说法 and what was reported in the newspapers,
- 00:14:16都是说晚上6点多的时候 all state that Mrs. Mclean returned around 6:00 pm.
- 00:14:18麦太太就回来了 Mrs. Mclean returned home.
- 00:14:19嗯 Umm.
- 00:14:20回来之后 After she came back,
- 00:14:21你刚刚所说看到一些不妥的东西 you mentioned seeing something unusual,
- 00:14:23是啊 Umm.
- 00:14:24这些不妥的事有多少个说法 There are several accounts of these unusual things,
- 00:14:27不妥的事 unusual occurrences.
- 00:14:28有说柜子是打开的 Some say that certain cabinets were open.
- 00:14:32他当年已经有冰箱 They already had a refrigerator back then.
- 00:14:35因为他们是高官来的 Since they were high-ranking officials,
- 00:14:36找到尸体的杂物房 the storeroom where the body was found,
- 00:14:38还有洗衣机 there was also a washing machine.
- 00:14:40是啊,所以是高官才有的 Umm, that's something only high-ranking officials would have
- 00:14:42我猜在那个年代 back in those days,
- 00:14:42当然啦 Of course.
- 00:14:43冰箱门又打开了 The fridge door was open too.
- 00:14:45嗯 Umm.
- 00:14:46又有一些已开瓶的汽水放在地上 There were also some opened bottles of soda on the ground.
- 00:14:52她平时不放这些东西在那里的 They usually didn't keep these things there.
- 00:14:54所以她觉得很奇怪 So she found it strange.
- 00:14:55有些报道就说 Some newspapers reported
- 00:14:58要找一个可乐瓶 the police were looking for a Coke bottle.
- 00:14:59因为在地上找到一些汽水瓶盖 Since some soda bottle caps were found on the ground,
- 00:15:02这些瓶盖的数应该是和瓶子数相配 the number of caps should match the number of bottles.
- 00:15:03就发现少了个瓶子 It was discovered that a bottle was missing.
- 00:15:05就说所有的警察 It was said that the police
- 00:15:06很努力在找一个可乐瓶 were putting lots of effort to find the Coke bottle.
- 00:15:08这是一个说法 That's one account.
- 00:15:10但是这个关于可乐 But regarding the Coke,
- 00:15:11冰箱打开的这些事 the fridge being open and other things,
- 00:15:13在判词上面是没有说的 non was mentioned in the verdict.
- 00:15:15这个判词上面只是说 The verdict only stated that,
- 00:15:17简单来说就是 in a nutshell,
- 00:15:19麦太太发现有些不对劲 Mrs. Mclean noticed something unusual,
- 00:15:21于是就走去找人帮忙 so she went to seek help.
- 00:15:23就是说得很少 very little detail was mentioned in the judgment
- 00:15:25这个可乐瓶绝口不提 The Coke bottle was never mentioned.
- 00:15:28好了 Alright.
- 00:15:29你刚刚所说的 What we mentioned earlier,
- 00:15:30就说她看到觉得不妥 about her sensing something unusual,
- 00:15:32其实她见到不妥的 Actually, what she found odd was
- 00:15:33最不妥就是为什么所有买来的牛奶 the most unusual thing was why the milk,
- 00:15:37肉啊,面包都放在家门口 meat, and bread were all left outside the door
- 00:15:40没有人收货呢? with no one to collect them?
- 00:15:42这个其实已经是很大问题了 That was actually a red alert
- 00:15:44你在敲门没有人开门都已经很大问题了 Knocking on the door and no one answering is already a red alert
- 00:15:47这基本上是你第一个警觉 That should basically be your first alarm bell.
- 00:15:51但她不是这样说的 But she didn't say that.
- 00:15:52她说开了门进去之后 She said that after she opened the door and went inside,
- 00:15:54是啊 Umm.
- 00:15:55看到里面的东西不对劲,她才有警觉 She only became suspicious when she saw something was wrong inside.
- 00:15:57那这个其实我觉得有一点不合理 I think that's a bit unreasonable.
- 00:15:59是不 make sense It doesn't make sense.
- 00:16:00应该一看到这些在门口就不合理了,是不是? Shouldn't seeing all those things outside the door have been suspicious enough?
- 00:16:03没有错了 Exactly.
- 00:16:04因为工人会收货的 Because the maid would have collected the deliveries.
- 00:16:05所以这样已经不合理了 It doesn’t make sense
- 00:16:06好了,接下来她说进去之后 Alright, moving on, she said that after going inside,
- 00:16:09就看到房里有点凌乱 she noticed that the room was a bit messy.
- 00:16:11而她没有周围去检查 But she didn't look around
- 00:16:14也没有去找这个女孩究竟还在不在 or look for the girl to see if she was still there.
- 00:16:17没有! No!
- 00:16:18她做的就是立刻走去隔壁房子找米路士 Instead, she immediately went to look for Mr. Miles, he neighbour
- 00:16:21米路士,我们在一些报纸上 Mr. Miles, from some of the newspapers we've read,
- 00:16:25看完所有的报纸 after reading all the newspapers,
- 00:16:27就去找到米路士原来是一个高级警员来的 we found out that Mr. Miles was a senior police officer.
- 00:16:31即是高级警师 That is, a senior police inspector.
- 00:16:32但是这个米路士是警司的身份 However, the fact that Mr. Miles was a police inspector
- 00:16:35在判词上面也都绝口不提 was never mentioned in the verdict.
- 00:16:37嗯 Right.
- 00:16:39那好了,她第一件事就是找邻居米路士 So, her first action was to get her neighbor, Mr. Miles.
- 00:16:42找到米路士之后 After fetching Mr. Miles,
- 00:16:44也在这个时候 at that very moment?
- 00:16:45楼上有一个女工人 There was another maid whom worked upstairs.
- 00:16:48这个女工人也都是在打洋务工的 This maid was also designated to work for expat government officers
- 00:16:50她的名叫阿兰 Her name was Lan
- 00:16:53阿兰和这位死者是朋友 Lan and the deceased were friends.
- 00:16:55嗯 Ummm.
- 00:16:56阿兰就说 Lan said that
- 00:16:57其实她最后看到死者是在一点多的时候 she had last seen the deceased around 1:00 pm.
- 00:16:59她是最后见到死者的 She was the last witness to see the deceased.
- 00:17:01嗯 Right.
- 00:17:01因为她叫死者顺便帮她买点东西 She recalled she asked the deceased to buy her something
- 00:17:03她就见到她 she last saw the deceased ,
- 00:17:05死者上去她的单位 when the deceased went up to her unit.
- 00:17:07她是在楼上的单位打工的 Lan worked in a unit upstairs.
- 00:17:09上去和她聊了一下 The deceased went up there to chat with Lan
- 00:17:10说她大概1:20左右离开的 She said the deceased left around 1:20 pm.
- 00:17:14而后来就有人来按门铃送货 And later, the delivery man rang the doorbell.
- 00:17:16没有人开门, No one answered the door,
- 00:17:18一直按门铃,砰砰砰地敲门、拍门声 he rang the doorbell repeatedly, knocking the door loudly
- 00:17:20楼上都能听得到。 It could be heard upstairs.
- 00:17:22不是啊,接着还有两点的时候 No, wait, there's something else that happened at 2:00.
- 00:17:24阿兰下楼 Lan went downstairs
- 00:17:26这个阿兰下楼想去问死者借熨斗 because she wanted to borrow an iron from the deceased.
- 00:17:28是。 Yes.
- 00:17:29即是1:20和2点之间 That was between 1:20 and 2:00.
- 00:17:31在2点的时候已经找不到她了 And by 2:00, no one saw deceased again
- 00:17:332点的时候已经找不到她了。 Lan couldn't find her at 2:00.
- 00:17:35其实她的死亡时间大概是1:20到2点左右 this means, her time of death was probably around 1:20 to 2 o'clock.
- 00:17:38后来有人过来送货 Later, someone attempted delivery
- 00:17:39又没有人开门 no one answered the door.
- 00:17:40阿兰就通过厨房望见死者的钱包 Through the window, Lan could see the deceased's wallet.
- 00:17:46和她的手表都在桌面上 And her watch on the kitchen table
- 00:17:48就是看不到死者 But she couldn't see the deceased.
- 00:17:49嗯 Umm.
- 00:17:50后来又有人来送牛奶 Later, someone else came to deliver milk.
- 00:17:51也是一直没有人开门 But again, no one answered the door.
- 00:17:53嗯 Umm.
- 00:17:53好了,这个麦太太完全不觉得这是有问题 Well, Mrs. Mclean didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all.
- 00:17:58她就走过去找米路士 So she went to look for Mr. Miles.
- 00:18:00上面打工的阿兰都走了下来 Lan, who worked upstairs, also came down.
- 00:18:04于是他们三个人 So there were three of them.
- 00:18:07这个阿兰,在判词上是没有说到她的 Lan is not mentioned in the verdict.
- 00:18:10嗯 Umm.
- 00:18:11这个判词上基本只说米路士和麦太太两个人进去这个单位 The verdict basically only mentioned Mr. Miles and Mrs. Mclean entering the unit.
- 00:18:16其实阿兰是有进去的 But in fact, Lan also went in
- 00:18:18为什么会知道阿兰是有进去呢? How do we know that Lan went in?
- 00:18:20这个也是很辛苦找到的 This was actually quite difficult to find out.
- 00:18:21原来在南华早报的旧报纸上 It was reported by the South China Morning Post
- 00:18:24你真的去找南华早报拿,是拿不到的 I could not get it directly from the South China Morning Post.
- 00:18:28网上版本都是没有的 Their online version doesn't have it.
- 00:18:29所以写信去南华早报那里 So I wrote to the South China Morning Post.
- 00:18:31写Email 去问他 I sent them an email to ask.
- 00:18:33我怎样可以找到这十几篇报道呢? How can I find these dozen of articles?
- 00:18:36因为中文报纸报得很少 Because there are very few Chinese newspapers reporting on it.
- 00:18:37嗯 Umm.
- 00:18:38南华早报回复,他们没有 The South China Morning Post replied that they didn't have it.
- 00:18:40我是要去图书馆里找的 I had to go to the library to find it.
- 00:18:42嗯,我要去 Umm, I need to do this in person
- 00:18:44看一些micro film,找出来 I had to look through some microfilms to find it.
- 00:18:45是啊,要去找微型菲林找出来 Umm, I had to find the microfilm to retrieve it.
- 00:18:48后来我们经过很多周章 After going through a lot of trouble,
- 00:18:51我也都找了城市大学的屈大成教授 I also contacted Professor Wat Tai Sing from the City University of Hong Kong.
- 00:18:55因为他做佛学研究的 He specializes in Buddhist studies.
- 00:18:56他也帮我找了一些回来 He also helped me find some of them.
- 00:18:59我才可以将整个故事 Only then was I able to piece together
- 00:19:00拼凑成一幅比较完整的拼图 the entire story into a more complete picture.
- 00:19:03但是屈教授也是还有一份没有找到 However, Professor Wat was unable to find one piece.
- 00:19:06我都要去找微型菲林 I still had to look for the microfilm.
- 00:19:07所以是很艰难的 So it was quite challenging.
- 00:19:08差不多周围都找不到资料的 It's like there's almost no information to be found anywhere.
- 00:19:11所以现在要去做资料搜集 So now if you want to do some research.
- 00:19:12你去找回七几年的资料 You need materials from the 1970s.
- 00:19:14你再不去做 If you don't start to do it now,
- 00:19:15我想你永远都做不了 I think you'll never be able to do it.
- 00:19:16越来越难找资料 It's becoming increasingly difficult to find information.
- 00:19:18嗯 Umm.
- 00:19:18好了,米路士不会提到的 Alright, Mr. Miles wasn’t mentioned
- 00:19:20只是找回英文报纸才找到 We only found it by searching through English newspapers.
- 00:19:23这个麦太太肯定要多找几个陪队 Mrs. Mclean needed more people to stay with her
- 00:19:27多找几个证人才进去房子里面 She needed to find more witnesses before entering the house.
- 00:19:30去的地方就是储物室 The place they went to was the storage room.
- 00:19:33储物室里的门,都不是她打开的 The door in the storage room wasn't opened by her.
- 00:19:37原本门是掩住 The door was originally ajar.
- 00:19:38她也要找米路士去打开这道门 She needed to get Mr. Miles to open the door.
- 00:19:41由米路士先发现这个尸体 Mr. Miles was the first to discover the body.
- 00:19:43而这个阿兰就在后面也都看到 And Lan saw it all from behind.
- 00:19:46那时候是看到死者躺在地上 At that time, they saw the deceased laying on the ground.
- 00:19:48穿着一件工人穿的碎花衬衫 SHE was wearing a floral shirt typically worn by maids
- 00:19:54即是以前那种唐装 It was the kind of traditional Chinese shirt worn in those days
- 00:19:57接着就是穿着条裤子 And she was wearing pants.
- 00:19:58就躺在洗衣机旁边 She was laying next to the washing machine.
- 00:20:01尸体很奇怪的 The layout was weird
- 00:20:03尸体是面朝天的 The body was facing up.
- 00:20:07她一只手像这样打开,面朝天的 One of her hands was open like this, facing up.
- 00:20:10但是另一只手就弯到背后 But the other hand was bent behind her.
- 00:20:12被身体压住 Pressed down by her body.
- 00:20:14像这样压住的,好了 Like this, pressed down. Alright.
- 00:20:16而她的颈部有一条松松的绳子绑住 There was a loose rope tied around her neck.
- 00:20:21嗯 Umm!
- 00:20:22然后手腕也有一条松松的绳绑着 And there was also a loose rope tied around her wrist.
- 00:20:26不是绑得很紧 It wasn't tied tightly.
- 00:20:28但是最奇怪的是什么呢 But what's the strangest thing of all
- 00:20:29最奇怪的就是她喉咙上面 The strangest thing was her throat.
- 00:20:32看到上面插了两把刀 There were two knives sticking out.
- 00:20:36有两把刀柄突了出来 Two knife handles sticking out.
- 00:20:37嗯 Umm.
- 00:20:38然后看不到的就有两把刀插进了喉咙里面 And there are two blades inserted into her throat
- 00:20:42是看不到的 You can't see them.
- 00:20:42但你是怎么知道她还有两把在里面? But how do you know there are two blades inside her?
- 00:20:44就是因为地上有两把刀柄 It's because there are two knife handles on the ground.
- 00:20:48是了 Right.
- 00:20:49尸体旁有两把刀柄 There are two knife handles next to the body.
- 00:20:51而其中一把刀的刀柄甩了出来 One of the knife handles had fallen out,
- 00:20:56而刀片在里面 while the blade was inside.
- 00:20:57这里又有一把刀片 And there was another blade there
- 00:20:58就共有四把刀 So there were four knives in total.
- 00:20:59其中一把刀是这一种来的 One of the knives was this type.
- 00:21:02这个当然是胶的 This one is plastic, of course.
- 00:21:04那一把是铁的 that one was made of metal.
- 00:21:05嗯 Umm.
- 00:21:06做蛋糕的刀 It was spatula, a cake knife.
- 00:21:08即是切蛋糕的刀插了进去 The spatula was inserted into her.
- 00:21:10嗯 Umm.
- 00:21:11有些犯罪心理学家说这些很女性化 Some criminal psychologists say it's very feminine.
- 00:21:16所有这些刀都在现场找出来的 All these knives were found at the scene
- 00:21:19这四把刀都是属于这个宿舍单位的 These four knives belong to this dormitory unit
- 00:21:22没有错 That's right.
- 00:21:24而后来当然是法医来了 And then, of course, the forensic doctor arrived.
- 00:21:26法医姓黄的 The forensic doctor's surname is Huang.
- 00:21:28好像名字是黄阳坤 His name was One
- 00:21:30法医就来了 The forensic doctor arrived.
- 00:21:31Mr.Ong,他来的时候 Mr. Ong, when he came
- 00:21:33他都证实看到这些东西 he confirmed everything we just said
- 00:21:35也都看到有把刀插在上面 and the situation of the knives inserted into her throat.
- 00:21:38他的说法就是这个女孩是窒息而死的 According to him, the girl died of asphyxiation.
- 00:21:42是 Umm.
- 00:21:43但是一定不是脖子上面那条这么细的绳弄死她的 But it definitely wasn't that thin rope around her neck that killed her.
- 00:21:46死于窒息 She died of asphyxiation.
- 00:21:47嗯 Umm.
- 00:21:48而这个窒息是因为她喉咙里面有块骨头 And the asphyxiation was caused by the crushing of a bone in her throat.
- 00:21:51嗯 Umm.
- 00:21:51被人很大力掐住 She was choked very hard.
- 00:21:52这块骨压了进去 The bone was crushed into her throat
- 00:21:54这块骨在里面断了截停了气管 The bone broke inside and blocked her airway.
- 00:21:58就是这样窒息而死得 That's how she died of asphyxiation.
- 00:21:59有块骨都被压断了并陷了进去 A bone was broken and crushed into her throat
- 00:22:02破坏了脖子里面的那块骨头 It damaged the bone in her neck.
- 00:22:04而这四把刀是在她死了之后插进去的 Those four knives were inserted into her body after she died.
- 00:22:09嗯 Umm.
- 00:22:10不是在她死之前插的 They weren't inserted before she died.
- 00:22:11但是他要造成这个假象 But the killer wanted to create the illusion
- 00:22:13就像是被刀插死的 that she was killed by the knives.
- 00:22:14但是她已经是被掐死的 But she was choked to death.
- 00:22:16然后才把这几把刀插进身体的 And then these knives were plunged into her body.
- 00:22:18嗯 Ummm.
- 00:22:19而她穿的裤子是被人脱了下来 Her pants were pulled down by someone.
- 00:22:23嗯 Umm.
- 00:22:24她条裤是被脱了下来 Her pants was partially removed.
- 00:22:26但是后来验了尸体之后 But after the autopsy,
- 00:22:27发现她还是处女来的 it was revealed that she was still a virgin.
- 00:22:29很明显这个要造成一个什么的现象 Obviously, the intention was to create a certain scenario.
- 00:22:31装作有性侵犯出现过的现象 To pretend that there had been sexual assault.
- 00:22:35嗯 Umm.
- 00:22:36就要装作她被人性侵犯 It was to pretend that she had been sexually assaulted,
- 00:22:39然后接着用刀插死 and then killed by the knives.
- 00:22:42这个人很显然在这里摆了一个局 It's obvious that someone had set up a scene here.
- 00:22:46而四周围的柜子全部打开 All the cabinets around were open.
- 00:22:48没有东西不见 Nothing was missing.
- 00:22:50没有任何失物 Absolutely nothing was taken.
- 00:22:51就是要造成一个劫杀,奸杀的一个情况 It was meant to create a scenario of robbery and sexual assault followed by murder.
- 00:22:56好了,米路士发现了这些之后 After Miles made these discoveries,
- 00:23:00他不是立刻去报警 he didn't immediately call the police.
- 00:23:02他立刻去叫楼上的夏里斯高級督察下来 Instead, he went upstairs to fetch Inspector Harris.
- 00:23:07找这Harris To get Harris.
- 00:23:09就叫上Harris下来 He got Harris to go downstairs.
- 00:23:10就让大家看清楚这个情况 So that everyone could see the scene
- 00:23:13大家来做证人了 Everyone could be witnesses.
- 00:23:14麦太太是后期才进来 Mrs. Mclean was not the first person to see the body
- 00:23:15我先发现这个尸体 Miles was first to discover the body
- 00:23:17全部是这样的 everything is set
- 00:23:18之后才去报警 they then called the police
- 00:23:20好了,接着当然是很紧张 Well, the police was on high alert
- 00:23:22紧张的最大原因 The main reason for that was
- 00:23:23就是因为这个是高官宿舍,是不是? because this case happened at a high-ranking official's residence, right?
- 00:23:26而到这个时候,我们可以说一下这个McLean了 And at this point, we can talk about McLean,
- 00:23:29即是这个麦先生,麦理安 that is, Mr. McLean
- 00:23:32当时报纸上是写麦宁的 At that time, the newspapers wrote his name as Mak Ning.
- 00:23:34其实我们去找了很多宪报终于找出来 We searched through many government gazettes and finally found out
- 00:23:39他的名叫做麦理安 his official Chinese name was Mak Lee On.
- 00:23:40他是一个政府高级律师 He was a senior government lawyer.
- 00:23:43他做过很多部门 He had worked in many departments.
- 00:23:44我第一件事找到的是 The first thing I found out was
- 00:23:47因为他的老婆用的是简称 because his wife had used an abbreviation
- 00:23:49我就用他的简称J. L. G. McLean So I searched using his initials, J. L. G. McLean.
- 00:23:52在香港的网上可以搜索到那些判词 You can search for his judgments online in Hong Kong.
- 00:23:56就找到在七几年的时候 And I found that in the 1970s,
- 00:23:57他的名字出现过 his name appeared.
- 00:23:58就是代表政府去打版权的官司 He represented the government in a copyright case
- 00:24:02打Trade Mark的官司 Handling Trade Mark litigation
- 00:24:03打这个注册商标的官司 Dealing with trademark registration cases
- 00:24:04他就是代表政府的 He represented the government.
- 00:24:06作为原告代表 As the plaintiff's representative ??
- 00:24:07即是说他其实是一个有法律资格的人 That means he was a qualified legal professional.
- 00:24:10后来他又去了破产管理局 Later, he went to work at the Insolvency Department.
- 00:24:13看到他一直步步高升 I saw that he was constantly promoted.
- 00:24:15直到这件案案发之后 Until this case occurred
- 00:24:17他也是有再升级的 He was promoted again
- 00:24:19这是因为我想看看他什么时候离开 That's because I wanted to find out when he left.
- 00:24:21离开政府部门的 Left the government service
- 00:24:23麦理安就是1932年出世的 McLean was born in 1932
- 00:24:26从小在纽西兰长大,也在这里出世 He was born in New Zealand and grew up there as well
- 00:24:29他的太太叫Erica His wife's name is Erica
- 00:24:31他是法律毕业的 He graduated in law
- 00:24:32是在维多利亚大学毕业 From Victoria University
- 00:24:34然后辗转去到香港 And then he went to Hong Kong
- 00:24:37做了香港政府的高级律师 worked a senior lawyer for the Hong Kong government
- 00:24:40殖民地政府的高级律师 A senior lawyer for the colonial government
- 00:24:43穿梭过很多不同的部门 He worked in many different departments
- 00:24:46包括破产管理处和其他部门等等 Including the Insolvency Department and other departments
- 00:24:49很奇怪的是,在这一件案发生之后 interestingly, after this case occurred
- 00:24:53他很快地离开了政府 He shortly left the government
- 00:24:55并加入了香港一间律师楼 And joined a law firm in Hong Kong
- 00:24:58叫Deacons Called Deacons
- 00:25:00之后他就去了美国生活 After that, he went to live in the United States
- 00:25:05并在那里担任 And served there as
- 00:25:07香港在美国的港事顾问 a representative and advisor of US affairs for Hong Kong
- 00:25:10即所有重大的经济政策 Meaning all HK major economic policies
- 00:25:13都会找他去咨询 the government would seek his advice
- 00:25:15是一个很重要的人物 He was an important man
- 00:25:17好了,除了他以外 Alright, aside from him,
- 00:25:19我想说一下他的兄弟 I'd like to mention his brother
- 00:25:20他的哥哥还是弟弟,叫Denis His brother, the name is Denis
- 00:25:23他在一九七几年,70年代的时候 In the 1970s
- 00:25:2679年的时候 In 1979
- 00:25:27就是纽西兰的国防部长 He was the Minister of Defense in New Zealand
- 00:25:29后来就做了纽西兰驻美的大使 Later, he became the New Zealand Ambassador to the United States
- 00:25:33即是一个相当大的家庭背景 That's quite a significant family background
- 00:25:36很宏厚的 Very impressive
- 00:25:38而他有个太太 And his wife
- 00:25:41刚刚我们看到有说的 As we mentioned earlier
- 00:25:42当死者家属控告她的时候 When the deceased's family sued her
- 00:25:45他太太的名字是没有写出来的 Her name was not mentioned
- 00:25:47她的名是Erica Her name is Erica
- 00:25:48在事发之后 After the incident
- 00:25:50其实就有一班洋务姐妹 There was a group of maids
- 00:25:52即是打洋人工,住家工的一班女孩 Who worked as domestic helpers for foreigners
- 00:25:56就操兵似的很多人 They gathered like soldiers
- 00:25:58十几二十人就走去舂坎角里找Erica With tens of girls, they marched to Chung Hum Kok to look for Erica
- 00:26:01去找这个麦太太算账 To confront Mrs. McLean
- 00:26:03就说现在人死了 complaining that the deceased was killed
- 00:26:04她又没有钱买墓地 And the family didn't have the money to bury her
- 00:26:06要追她赔偿 So they wanted to pursue Eric for compensation
- 00:26:08其实为什么会追她赔偿呢? Why did they want to pursue compensation from her?
- 00:26:10为什么找到她头上呢? Why did they target her specifically?
- 00:26:11其实这有点耐人寻味的 There's actually quite a bit to ponder about here
- 00:26:14但是根据当时的报道 But according to the reports at that time
- 00:26:17就是她们找不到她 They couldn't find her
- 00:26:18因为她避走他处 Because she had moved elsewhere to “avoid it”
- 00:26:20这个是报纸写她躲起来了 The newspaper wrote that she had gone elsewhere to avoid the confrontation
- 00:26:21那她去了哪里? Where did she go?
- 00:26:23后来就知道 Later we know
- 00:26:25原来她回了美国 It turned out that she had returned to the United States
- 00:26:26她是美国人 She was American
- 00:26:27她回美国之后 After she went back to the United States
- 00:26:29她就立刻去读法律 She immediately went to study law
- 00:26:31拿到律师牌 And became a lawyer
- 00:26:33后来在美国很成功地开了一间律师行 Later, she successfully established a law firm in the United States
- 00:26:36即是麦太太? That's Mrs. McLean?
- 00:26:37她钻研法律 She studied law
- 00:26:39就在这件事发生之后回去读法律 After this incident, she went back to study law
- 00:26:41所以后来麦理安就去了美国和她一起共同生活 So later, Mr. Mclean went to the United States to live with her
- 00:26:45嗯 Umm
- 00:26:46香港很多重要的政策 Hong Kong has many important policies
- 00:26:48关于对美国的政策 Regarding policies towards the United States
- 00:26:49尤其是一些经济政策 Especially some economic policies
- 00:26:51都是找这个麦理安 They often sought the advice of Mclean
- 00:26:52麦理安在香港后来 Later in Hong Kong, Mclean
- 00:26:54差不多直到他离开,是在90年代的时候 almost until he left in the 1990s
- 00:26:57离开香港去美国之前 before he left Hong Kong for the United States
- 00:27:00都是香港商界入面举足轻重 He was a pivotal figure in Hong Kong's business community
- 00:27:04很多商会的代表 representing many chambers of commerce
- 00:27:07你可以看到这个麦理安 You can see that Mclean
- 00:27:09其实就不是一个简单的人 was not a nobody
- 00:27:12而说回这个案发现场 And speaking of the crime scene
- 00:27:15案发现场发现有很多很多的脚印 There were numerous footprints found at the crime scene
- 00:27:18这些脚印是多而杂乱的 These footprints were numerous and messy
- 00:27:21但是你看到他的屋里是有工人的 Bear in mind they had a maid taking care of the place
- 00:27:23他的地板是有人抹的 His floor should be constantly mopped
- 00:27:25嗯 Umm
- 00:27:25我们可以相信 We can believe
- 00:27:26就是他的地板在案发之前一定是抹干净 that his floor was definitely cleaned before the murder
- 00:27:29他的工人天天都来 A maid was working there
- 00:27:30但是当警察进去的时候 But when the police arrived
- 00:27:32发现地下是被人踩到全部都是脚印 They found that the floor had been trampled by many footprints
- 00:27:35嗯 Umm
- 00:27:36而没有办法去解释 And there was no way to explain
- 00:27:40为什么会有这么多人进过这间屋里 why so many people had entered the house
- 00:27:43即是在警察到场之前 even before the police arrived
- 00:27:44他们已经找到很多脚印 There was already many footprints
- 00:27:46判词也没有特别提到这些事 The verdict did not mention the footprints at all
- 00:27:47判词没有提,是吧? The verdict didn't mention it, right?
- 00:27:49所有这些疑点的事 All these suspicious aspects
- 00:27:51我们都是从这个南华早报上面找的 We found them in the South China Morning Post
- 00:27:57南华早报是报道得比较准确的 The South China Morning Post reported everything in detail
- 00:28:00好了,有很多细节的地方 Alright, there are many details
- 00:28:02重要细节的地方 that are important
- 00:28:04都是在判词里略过不说 that are omitted from the verdict
- 00:28:06当然这个判词也有很多的事告诉你是看不到 Of course, there are many points illegible in the online verdict
- 00:28:09要去找正规的判词 that could only be read on the hardcopy verdict
- 00:28:11我们现在知道的是麦理安是有这样的背景 What we know now is that McLean had such a background
- 00:28:14而且又这么巧合得这么恰到好处 And it's such a coincidence that it fits perfectly
- 00:28:16尸体发现的当天 On the day the body was found
- 00:28:17他又刚刚去了纽西兰度假 he had just gone to New Zealand for a vacation
- 00:28:19不是说公干,是说度假 Not for business, but for vacation
- 00:28:21因为我又找过所有的宪报 Because I also searched through all the gazettes
- 00:28:24他那时候没有公干的 There is no evidence he was on official business at that time
- 00:28:26好了,直到这个点为止 Alright, up to this point
- 00:28:30他们就说一直不知道谁是凶手了 they said they didn't know who the killer was
- 00:28:32当时大为紧张 and the police took the case most seriously.
- 00:28:34就抽查所有四周地盘的工人 They questioned all the construction workers in the proximity,
- 00:28:38抽查所有附近出没的人 and all the people who were seen in the vicinity
- 00:28:41又建起路障 and set up roadblocks
- 00:28:43问了几百人 In conjunction with interviewing hundreds of people
- 00:28:44一直都是找不到究竟谁是凶手 and yet they could not identified the killer.
- 00:28:47来到这个位置 Up to this point
- 00:28:48其实大家都会感受到 actually, everyone could sense that
- 00:28:50这案件是一件事有跷蹊的案件 This was a very particular case
- 00:28:53因为一个很不寻常过分简单的判词 due to the manner in which the verdict was written.
- 00:28:57去找一些背景资料竟然又是要找很多其他当年的资料 We managed to discover a good deal of background information, during the material time.
- 00:29:02包括报纸 including newspaper archives.
- 00:29:03很辛苦才可以搜集这些拼凑出来 It was not easy to put all the pieces in the puzzle together.
- 00:29:07看回这件案情 Looking back at this case
- 00:29:09至于为什么到最后会抓到这个陈汉堂 As to what lead to the arrest ofChan,
- 00:29:12法庭认为他是凶手呢? and a reason why the court believed his was the murderer
- 00:29:14有很多详细原因 and other related circumstances,
- 00:29:16不如留下一集 is a discussion for the next episode
- 00:29:17我们再慢慢和大家分享 with a full analysis.
- 00:29:19下次见 See you next time
- 00:29:20如果喜欢这个channel If you like this channel
- 00:29:21记住comment,like and share remember to comment, like, and share
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