奧斯卡影帝傑米福克斯回顧代表作!超幽默能唱能演還能彈鋼琴超有才!白爛喜劇、飛車動作、音樂劇通通難不倒他!|明星的經典角色|GQ Taiwan
- 🎤 杰米·福克斯称碧昂丝才华横溢,几乎超乎凡人。
- 🎬 他在《雷》中努力再现雷·查尔斯的真实形象。
- 🎹 学习钢琴对他演绎角色至关重要。
- 💡 与莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥合作时讨论了表演对奴隶制度的表达。
- 🎉 他分享了与导演的合作过程,强调了情感的重要性。
- 🎥 福克斯记得与音乐高管的互动,展示自我的价值。
- 🎭 强调了幽默和喜剧在表演中的重要性。
- 👩👧 与儿女关系的表现被看作电影的金点子。
- 📽️ 电影制作的挑战与乐趣让他感到兴奋。
- 🎉 影片希望成为家庭友好的娱乐作品。
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
在访谈中,Jamie Foxx表达了他对音乐和演出的热情,以及他与Beyoncé合作的深刻印象。他称赞Beyoncé的才华异常出众,认为她的音乐几乎不属于人间。Jamie讲述了他在音乐项目中所获得的认可,以及角色的复杂性,强调如果角色缺乏坏的一面,其他角色的表现将无从谈起。
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
接着,Jamie Foxx分享了他拍摄电影《Ray》的经历,包括制作过程中的挑战和与Ray Charles的互动。通过与Ray的交流,Jamie不仅学习到了如何演奏钢琴,还深入理解了角色的情感层面。他提到了制作中重要的历史细节,以及如何将角色从年轻到成年时期的变化展现出来。
- 00:10:00 - 00:16:11
在谈及《Django Unchained》的拍摄时,Jamie提到与演员Leonardo DiCaprio的合作,以及他在角色塑造上所面临的挑战。他强调,通过深入理解角色的历史背景,演员才能够更好地演绎复杂的人物关系,体现出角色的真实感和深度。对导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的极高评价也贯穿了他的分享,展现出对创作过程的尊重和喜爱。
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Gulir Otomatis:
- 00:00:00I remember Oprah I didn't like you
- 00:00:01playing a bad guy Jamie Fox Jamie Fox is
- 00:00:05not a bad
- 00:00:06guy you know over start singing hey
- 00:00:10Vanity Fair I'm Jamie Fox AKA Kendrick
- 00:00:12Lamar and we're going to watch some
- 00:00:14scenes from some of my movies
- 00:00:18[Music]
- 00:00:27[Applause]
- 00:00:27[Music]
- 00:00:30I always knew two work together I knew
- 00:00:35ging up me she
- 00:00:37[Music]
- 00:00:42had and j
- 00:00:45h it's Beyonce man like Beyonce is
- 00:00:49almost too talented for earth like when
- 00:00:52you listen to a Beyonce record it's like
- 00:00:53what the this some alien [ __ ] like she
- 00:00:56can sing every every octave she's like
- 00:01:00the most talented and so quiet you know
- 00:01:02she would do her
- 00:01:04thing and
- 00:01:08cut like what she was like she was she's
- 00:01:11the most
- 00:01:13talented who's this
- 00:01:16dude go ahead
- 00:01:19hair when you watch this movie it's
- 00:01:20about music right and everybody's like
- 00:01:23oh Jamie Fox is such a heel you know
- 00:01:25where I got the most compliments of the
- 00:01:28music executives
- 00:01:30I don't get it without you what what
- 00:01:32would they have done you took that piece
- 00:01:34of coal and made it a diamond I was like
- 00:01:37you guys are you guys are heartless I
- 00:01:40how was the [ __ ] like I don't get it
- 00:01:42you were
- 00:01:44valuable I remember o I didn't like you
- 00:01:47playing a bad guy Jamie Fox Jamie Fox is
- 00:01:50not a bad
- 00:01:52guy you know when over started singing
- 00:01:55Jimmy F but when we were putting it
- 00:01:57together I said if the guy isn't bad
- 00:02:00then the other characters don't have
- 00:02:02anything to get
- 00:02:10over when it came to the big scene where
- 00:02:13she had
- 00:02:14to I said take your time with that that
- 00:02:17song and that moment is like the one and
- 00:02:22you watch her in the process of it
- 00:02:26really find the spirituality of that
- 00:02:29character and you we watched it on we
- 00:02:31watched her said she just won whatever
- 00:02:34award she just won it right there we
- 00:02:35were at a Premiere and it was like a big
- 00:02:37Premiere you know big stars in there man
- 00:02:39she got through singing they was on
- 00:02:40their feet Standing Ovation in the
- 00:02:41premiere she was amazing all right let's
- 00:02:43get into collateral yeah collateral
- 00:02:46[Music]
- 00:02:51okay as if somebody had a gun to your
- 00:02:54head said you got to tell me what's
- 00:02:55going on with this person over here or
- 00:02:57I'm going to kill you
- 00:03:01what is driving Michael man you know you
- 00:03:04couldn't do it could you
- 00:03:06because they would have to kill your ass
- 00:03:08because you don't know what anyone else
- 00:03:11is thinking the car that's pulling us
- 00:03:14the exhaust was somehow floating into
- 00:03:18the car bro and I had slept you know 12
- 00:03:2313 hours cuz it's time cops soon as I
- 00:03:26get in there take
- 00:03:30I said what the hell why am I sleeping
- 00:03:32director wake your ass I said I don't
- 00:03:35know what's going and they found out
- 00:03:36that the exhaust was so they had to
- 00:03:39switch it around because I
- 00:03:41was I was
- 00:03:43snoozing you know how you fall asleep
- 00:03:44don't know you asleep they hit you yeah
- 00:03:47Tom Tom Top Gun he was sleep too we shot
- 00:03:51that on a video it wasn't film so
- 00:03:55Michael man loves to do long takes I'm
- 00:03:57driving the cab time in the back and
- 00:04:01we're just driving but it the takes so
- 00:04:03long and we shot at night so imagine 5:
- 00:04:05in the morning and I was
- 00:04:07like I hope I don't kill the Top
- 00:04:16Gun cute title who wrote it I
- 00:04:19did ah you wrote it yeah well sing it to
- 00:04:23me man sing it yeah it ain't like I
- 00:04:26could read the lyrics okay well it's uh
- 00:04:29key of G G okay
- 00:04:31K
- 00:04:33uhhuh yeah yeah but it's kind of Pete
- 00:04:37Johnson thing P
- 00:04:40Johnson yeah yeah that's it you like
- 00:04:43that here we go two three you can talk
- 00:04:46about the pit barbecue the band was
- 00:04:49jumping the people too they're doing the
- 00:04:51mess around yeah doing the mess
- 00:04:55around Ra was crazy Ra was something
- 00:04:59else Ray was an independent film so it
- 00:05:01didn't have a studio as a matter of fact
- 00:05:03the guy who paid for his name was Phil
- 00:05:04an shoots he's a devout Christian he
- 00:05:07says uh I'll do the movie but the drugs
- 00:05:10bothered him he didn't like the fact
- 00:05:12that Ray was doing drugs so if you put
- 00:05:14the Redemptive quality I will give you
- 00:05:17the money but he gave us half the money
- 00:05:19first just to get us started Phil ANS
- 00:05:22comes to New Orleans to check on his
- 00:05:25investment so we
- 00:05:27recreated the Sanger theater 1967 this
- 00:05:31isn't in the movie we got a 30 piece
- 00:05:34Orchestra there and uh when Phil anus
- 00:05:37walks in we're going to do a song to
- 00:05:40show him you know so he's he's literally
- 00:05:42transported back in the 1967 he walks in
- 00:05:46they hit me and we do a uh let the good
- 00:05:49times roll so when he walked in hey
- 00:05:51y'all tell everybody Ray Charles in town
- 00:05:54got a dollar and a quarter and I'm just
- 00:05:56ready to clown don't let nobody play me
- 00:05:59cheap I got 50 cents more than I plan to
- 00:06:03keep now let the good times roll B sh
- 00:06:07sh oh baby and it's like the roof came
- 00:06:11off and then I said I'm not going to
- 00:06:14break character just walk me over to
- 00:06:17Phil and shoes so they walk me over to
- 00:06:19Phil and shoes I said hey man somebody
- 00:06:22told me the money bags was here man we
- 00:06:24we we we needed a couple of more dollars
- 00:06:26man and then he wrote the check all
- 00:06:28right that's pretty good let me take it
- 00:06:29from here now this man's going to play
- 00:06:32from 9 to one everybody here going to
- 00:06:36have some fun doing
- 00:06:38[Music]
- 00:06:40toess the director when he hired me says
- 00:06:42listen the only thing I got to do is I
- 00:06:44got to find someone that can play the
- 00:06:45piano cuz other than that have to I
- 00:06:47can't shoot you like this I said I play
- 00:06:49the piano I went to college on the
- 00:06:50classical piano ship really yeah I got a
- 00:06:53scholarship when I said that now he
- 00:06:56wanted me to learn every single note so
- 00:07:00it looks authentic and then I met R
- 00:07:02Charles he comes in I'm at the studio
- 00:07:04hey yeah hey man good good to see you
- 00:07:06man good good to see you man I said well
- 00:07:09Mr Charles I'm just trying to do the
- 00:07:10best I can to portray you look look baby
- 00:07:13can you play the blues if you can play
- 00:07:14the blues man you can do anything man
- 00:07:17and so there we are on uh dual pianos
- 00:07:20and we start playing the blues with each
- 00:07:22other when I hit a wrong
- 00:07:23note
- 00:07:25damn you I you his ears are
- 00:07:28senstive now why would you do that why
- 00:07:30you hit that I said I'm sorry Mr Charles
- 00:07:31I'm just trying to catch up with you
- 00:07:34well hit the right note man you know
- 00:07:36what that's what life is man taking the
- 00:07:38time to hit the right note I said oh so
- 00:07:41I took the time hit the right note once
- 00:07:43we finished he got him said hey kids got
- 00:07:45it and he walked out the other thing
- 00:07:47though is that was the old Ray Charles
- 00:07:50so I had to find the young so I went to
- 00:07:54Quincy Jones out so he goes in his room
- 00:07:56and comes out with a cassette tape maybe
- 00:07:58you could find something on here I'm
- 00:07:59like well first of all I got to find a
- 00:08:01cassette plate you know this is the 21st
- 00:08:04century so I had to rent a car from from
- 00:08:07the airport on the cassette was uh a
- 00:08:10lady named dinosaur she had a show back
- 00:08:12at that time and you hear hi this is
- 00:08:14dinosaur with the dinosaur show here
- 00:08:16today with two wonderful musicians and
- 00:08:18Mr Kenny Rogers and Mr Ray Charles and
- 00:08:21in the back you here the young Ray you
- 00:08:23know what D I'm just so happy to be here
- 00:08:25you know I didn't know you know my music
- 00:08:26that's just so Grand you know and I I
- 00:08:28and just just being here your show and I
- 00:08:30was like wow that's a young Ray now
- 00:08:32here's how we build
- 00:08:33Ray at one point Don Shore goes talk
- 00:08:37about the drugs Ray and what you've been
- 00:08:38dealing with and Ray started to
- 00:08:41stutter wa you know I I just Tred so I
- 00:08:45stopped the tape and I said that's it
- 00:08:47that's the character the young Ray when
- 00:08:49he's in control of everything when he's
- 00:08:51in control of his music things like that
- 00:08:53he doesn't stutter but when he's asked
- 00:08:55to be responsible for his action when he
- 00:08:58cheats on his wife and has a a
- 00:09:00baby it made him uncomfortable so we
- 00:09:03took that uh as that U that DNA and then
- 00:09:06we you see the progression of how Ray
- 00:09:09got to be
- 00:09:14[Music]
- 00:09:16Ray now let's meet The Bachelors you
- 00:09:19didn't pick Wanda Bachelor number one
- 00:09:23Derek
- 00:09:25Clinton oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh now say
- 00:09:30hello to Bachelor number three Steve Big
- 00:09:33Bun this is
- 00:09:36[Applause]
- 00:09:45[Applause]
- 00:09:51funny now let's meet The Bachelor you
- 00:09:53did pick here's Bachelor number two
- 00:09:56lucky Paul Nelson
- 00:09:58[Applause]
- 00:10:00a not the underwear not the Dukes not
- 00:10:04the Dukes you can't do that today even
- 00:10:08today I mean come on so these are
- 00:10:10initial reaction they didn't they didn't
- 00:10:12see me cuz I would say don't tell them
- 00:10:14how I
- 00:10:15look I actually did part of one the the
- 00:10:18way I got on to the show I wouldn't let
- 00:10:20them see what I what I had on until they
- 00:10:23you know they were so when they're
- 00:10:24walking around that corner you know it's
- 00:10:26uh authentic we knew that we were doing
- 00:10:28something great in comedic Cinema like
- 00:10:32you don't get these types of moments
- 00:10:34often and I don't think you actually
- 00:10:36have seen a pairing like that in
- 00:10:39generations and you have great guys out
- 00:10:41there Key and Pill and Saturday Night
- 00:10:43Live but but you would comedians would
- 00:10:45give their left arm to have that type of
- 00:10:48comedic Juggernaut of a of a sketch now
- 00:10:51wearing the dress came with
- 00:10:54complications you know you get known for
- 00:10:55that and this but uh the history of of
- 00:10:59of w and the spirit of Gerald deine and
- 00:11:03all the great guys who dawned uh these
- 00:11:07characters to play whether it's some
- 00:11:09like at hot or whether it's Eddie Mur
- 00:11:11shman shman shman shman shman yes these
- 00:11:15characters uh were like artistic
- 00:11:18statements and comedy you know that we
- 00:11:21want to we want to entertain you and we
- 00:11:22just having fun we just being funny
- 00:11:28[Music]
- 00:11:31oh hell yeah I'm not in addressing this
- 00:11:35Steve how you like my new
- 00:11:38Duds you know for now I didn't know that
- 00:11:40burky was my
- 00:11:42color incredible it was it was an
- 00:11:44All-Star Game Kristoff was me and
- 00:11:46Kristoff worked for 12 weeks first
- 00:11:48before anyone else came on the set so we
- 00:11:51shootting nothing Kristoff's amazing and
- 00:11:53then all of a sudden Here Comes Leonardo
- 00:11:56Dicaprio and samuy Jackson onto the set
- 00:11:58walking inow slow motion with their
- 00:12:00Vapes I said o these [ __ ] is
- 00:12:02called here was the thing though the
- 00:12:04subject matter the nword specifically
- 00:12:06Leo had a hard time saying the n-word
- 00:12:10we're doing a read and Leo say and then
- 00:12:13he hey man hey guys cut I I I I I I just
- 00:12:17can't do this this is this is not me
- 00:12:19Samuel Jackson say that [ __ ]
- 00:12:22[ __ ] it's just another Tuesday
- 00:12:25[ __ ]
- 00:12:27him and I and I told Leo us and Leo you
- 00:12:30know in slavery days we would never talk
- 00:12:32to each other so I'm not your friend I'm
- 00:12:34not Jamie Fox I'm you know I'm Jango so
- 00:12:36and as I told him I said you won't be
- 00:12:38able to play that character unless you
- 00:12:39really understand what slavery was about
- 00:12:41it was it was tough it was horrific
- 00:12:43ain't no key King with the slave so the
- 00:12:44next day I see Leo he walks in Leo
- 00:12:47what's
- 00:12:48up
- 00:12:49l l what's up he don't speak to me he
- 00:12:53ready so everybody started you know uh
- 00:12:57digging in
- 00:12:59M show him
- 00:13:01Sam show him Sam give him that range I
- 00:13:05count six shots and samuy Jackson was
- 00:13:07better than all of us he should have got
- 00:13:08an Oscar the way he would turn it on and
- 00:13:10turn it off say action M candy who's
- 00:13:14this on this
- 00:13:16snack M can I say who is this on this
- 00:13:21snack say cut cut what you think and I'm
- 00:13:25like this [ __ ] is alien I was
- 00:13:27waiting him to do like this but
- 00:13:30that's what the level was in this
- 00:13:32incredible movie you up son of
- 00:13:38a Quon Tarantino he the best matter of
- 00:13:41fact CRA people don't know like you in
- 00:13:42the movie when the when the house blew
- 00:13:44up it didn't go like that if he blew the
- 00:13:46house up which is supposed to be the end
- 00:13:47of the movie he goes ah it's all wrong
- 00:13:49it's all wrong everybody go home I did
- 00:13:51it in the wrong order I'm going to
- 00:13:52rewrite the whole ending of the movie we
- 00:13:54faked the explosion because he had
- 00:13:57already blew the house up and they had
- 00:13:58took months to blow it up but the genius
- 00:14:00of Quinton Tarantino he just re rewrote
- 00:14:02it and made it what you what you
- 00:14:09[Applause]
- 00:14:09[Music]
- 00:14:12[Applause]
- 00:14:14saw what do you have against youin got
- 00:14:17it's been a long time since I've done
- 00:14:19this well maybe you just distracted
- 00:14:20because your old boyfriend is trying to
- 00:14:21kill us went on one dayon we talked
- 00:14:24about Manchester United the entire time
- 00:14:26so you admit it it was a day go
- 00:14:35Cameron
- 00:14:36is back in Action Cameron is a National
- 00:14:41Treasure she's done so many Incredible
- 00:14:43movies and uh trying to get her to come
- 00:14:45back I said Cameron listen we got this
- 00:14:47movie we promise that your feet won't
- 00:14:49touch the ground you just have a good
- 00:14:50time and if you just wave at your fans
- 00:14:52there's a lot of fans that are needing
- 00:14:54you think about it she thought about it
- 00:14:56for a while and she came back and then
- 00:14:58we were like oh oh man I hope we don't
- 00:14:59[ __ ] the bed I hope the movie is
- 00:15:01actually good but what was great about
- 00:15:02her when she got on the set she would
- 00:15:04see things okay why don't we put this
- 00:15:05here and put that there and do this that
- 00:15:06and do this thing the other and so she
- 00:15:08was handson making sure that what you
- 00:15:10saw was amazing and then the kids now
- 00:15:12luckily I was I have a 16y old so I I
- 00:15:15said Cameron I can tell you how it Go
- 00:15:17when they turn
- 00:15:1916 they go somewhere else and you get
- 00:15:21them hella short answers you know you
- 00:15:24you be excited aren't you just happy
- 00:15:25good good morning yeah hey I'm your
- 00:15:29father I'm Jamie Fox I get it so we were
- 00:15:32able to to to put that into the film and
- 00:15:35Beyond the incredible action and the
- 00:15:37fighting I think the Quiet Moments with
- 00:15:39Cameron trying to connect with her
- 00:15:42daughter is like gold I said if if if
- 00:15:44we're able to do that through this movie
- 00:15:47it's great it's popcorn friendly it's
- 00:15:49Netflix just sitting at the house you
- 00:15:50want the whole family to check it out
- 00:15:52and then the kids that were in it were
- 00:15:54amazing you know so it was a
- 00:15:57um fun ride and and and at this point in
- 00:16:00our careers that's what you want
- 杰米·福克斯
- 碧昂丝
- 雷·查尔斯
- 电影
- 表演
- 剧本
- 导演
- 成就
- 音乐
- 合作