ICR Conference 2025 Keynote - Michael Saylor
TLDRÎn discursul său, Michael Saylor discută despre provocările economice și tehnologice cu care se confruntă investitorii și companiile, subliniind că Bitcoin este soluția viitorului. El indică faptul că Bitcoin nu doar depășește alte active în performanță, dar este și cel mai popular activ digital. Saylor subliniază cum Bitcoin poate transforma capitalul investit și oferă exemple de companii care, precum MicroStrategy, au adoptat acest standard pentru a-și crește valoarea și lichiditatea. De asemenea, el menționează că Bitcoin reprezintă o schismă în cadrul piețelor financiare tradiționale, oferind o alternativă durabilă și sigură pentru păstrarea valorii.
- 🚀 Bitcoin este soluția pentru provocările economice și tehnologice.
- 📊 MicroStrategy deține 450,000 Bitcoin, adoptând standardul Bitcoin.
- 💰 Bitcoin depășește alte active în performanță, oferind creșteri spectaculoase.
- 🌐 Bitcoin este un activ global, independent de jurisdicții locale.
- 📈 Estimările arată o creștere continuă pentru Bitcoin în următorii 21 de ani.
- 🏦 Companiile sunt încurajate să integreze Bitcoin în portofoliile lor pentru a reduce riscurile.
- 💡 Bitcoin oferă oportunități unice pentru păstrarea valorilor în fața instabilității.
- 🗳️ Reformele legislative pot stimula adoptarea Bitcoin-ului pe scară largă.
- 👨💼 Bitcoin reprezintă o transformare digitală a capitalului.
- ⏳ Bitcoin este o alternativă durabilă și sigură la activele tradiționale.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Prezentarea lui Michael Saylor, fondatorul și președintele executiv al MicroStrategy, care discută despre provocările economice și tehnologice cu care se confruntă investitorii și executivii în prezent, incluzând problematica inflației monetare și utilizarea strategiilor financiare eficiente.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Michael Saylor subliniază importanța digitalizării și a investițiilor în monedele digitale, având în vedere că monopolurile digitale dețin puterea în economia globală. El menționează că majoritatea companiilor trăiesc sub rata de creștere de 15% și devin „companii zombie” dacă nu cresc organizat.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Saylor introduce conceptul valutar al Bitcoin ca soluție la provocările economice și tehnologice actuale, evidențiind creșterea rapidă a acestei monede și importanța sa în portofoliile de investiții.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Prezentând Bitcoin ca fiind cel de-al șaptelea cel mai mare activ global, Saylor subliniază că acesta crește mai repede decât alte active semnificative precum Microsoft, promovând Bitcoin ca o alternativă valoroasă la monedele tradiționale și activele de investiții.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
El afirmă că Bitcoin este un activ digital care poate fi transformat rapid în lichiditate, având capacitatea de a fi utilizat eficient în tranzacții globale fără restricții fizice, comparativ cu aurul, care are limitări în transferabilitate.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Michael Saylor confirmă că Bitcoin a depășit performanța multor active tradiționale și că va continua să crească datorită adoptării globale și a cererii crescânde pentru acest activ digital inovator.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Discuția abordează holistic aventurile ETF-urilor bazate pe Bitcoin și impactul lor pozitiv asupra piețelor, demonstrând că acestea depășesc alte fonduri de investiții în performanță și că sunt soluții viabile pentru investitorii moderni.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Saylor discută despre cum companiile mari pot beneficia de o alocare pe termen lung în Bitcoin pentru a îmbunătăți performanța financiară, punând accent pe premisa că Bitcoin este un activ care minimizează riscurile și maximizează câștigurile pe termen lung.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
El sugerează că Bitcoin ar trebui să fie adoptat pe scară largă de către investitori instituționali și de către țări pentru a avea un impact pozitiv asupra stabilității economice globale, echilibrând provocările politice și financiare.
- 00:45:00 - 00:53:26
În concluzie, Michael Saylor face apel la acțiune, îndemnând investitorii să îmbrățișeze Bitcoin ca parte din strategia lor de investiții și să sprijine o tranziție globală către un sistem monetar digital mai sigur.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Cine este Michael Saylor?
Michael Saylor este fondatorul și președintele executiv al MicroStrategy, deținătorul a 450,000 Bitcoin.
De ce Bitcoin este considerat un activ important?
Bitcoin este considerat un activ important datorită creșterii rapide a valorii sale și a capacității sale de a acționa ca un rezervor de valoare fără riscurile traditonale ale activelor fizice.
Ce este strategia Bitcoin a MicroStrategy?
MicroStrategy a adoptat strategia Bitcoin, acumulând 450,000 Bitcoin pentru a-și îmbunătăți lichiditatea și performanța financiară.
Cum se compară performanța Bitcoin cu alte clase de active?
Bitcoin a avut o performanță superioară, cu o creștere anualizată de 147% din 2011, comparativ cu aurul și alte active tradiționale.
De ce este Bitcoin numit 'Aur digital'?
Bitcoin este numit 'Aur digital' datorită proprietăților sale de rezervă de valoare și a capacității sale de a fi tranzacționat rapid și eficient.
Care este prognoza lui Saylor pentru viitorul Bitcoin?
Saylor estimează că Bitcoin va continua să crească, cu o rată annuală de aproximativ 29%, devenind un activ major de capital.
Care sunt riscurile asociate cu Bitcoin?
Riscurile includ volatilitatea prețului și reglementările care ar putea afecta adoptarea și utilizarea sa.
Ce rol joacă Bitcoin în strategia investițională a companiilor?
Companiile sunt încurajate să integreze Bitcoin în portofoliile lor pentru a reduce riscuile asociate cu activele tradiționale.
Ce reforme legislative ar putea influența Bitcoin?
Reformele care facilitează ETF-urile Bitcoin și reglementările favorabile ar putea stimula adoptarea pe scară largă.
De ce este important ca Bitcoin să fie văzut ca un activ global?
Bitcoin oferă oportunități de investiție la scară globală, independență față de jurisdicții locale și o metodă sigură de păstrare a valorilor în fața instabilității economice.
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- 00:00:02thank you very much we'd like everyone
- 00:00:04to take their seats and I know uh people
- 00:00:05are like grabbing lunch and they'll be
- 00:00:07kind of coming in uh over the next few
- 00:00:10minutes but uh Michael sailor is the
- 00:00:12founder and executive chairman of micro
- 00:00:15strategy which as most of you know is a
- 00:00:17publicly traded uh business intelligent
- 00:00:20firm and the holder as of today of
- 00:00:23450,000 Bitcoin at an average cost of
- 00:00:27approximately 62,000 per coin the
- 00:00:30company has allocated over 28 billion to
- 00:00:32their Bitcoin treasury
- 00:00:35strategy Michael's also the founder of
- 00:00:37alarm.com he's a named inventor on over
- 00:00:4048 patents and the author of the book
- 00:00:43The Mobile wave he founded the Sailor
- 00:00:46Academy a nonprofit that has provided
- 00:00:48free education to over 2 million
- 00:00:52students and as we all know he's one of
- 00:00:54the world's leading advocates for the
- 00:00:56Bitcoin standard with dual degrees from
- 00:00:58MIT in Aerospace Engineering in the
- 00:01:00history of science Michael posts his
- 00:01:03views on X as sailor and on his website
- 00:01:06michael.com if you want more information
- 00:01:09and we're very fortunate that he's
- 00:01:10agreed to speak with us today how about
- 00:01:12a warm welcome for Michael
- 00:01:14[Applause]
- 00:01:20sailor thank you uh thanks for
- 00:01:23coming uh I know I took you away from
- 00:01:26probably a nonbox lunch
- 00:01:31but I'll try to make it worth your while
- 00:01:34[Music]
- 00:01:35um everybody in the world every investor
- 00:01:38every executive is facing an economic
- 00:01:40and a technology
- 00:01:43challenge you could specify the economic
- 00:01:47challenges it's very difficult to
- 00:01:49outperform monetary inflation when you
- 00:01:51look at the rate at which the currency
- 00:01:54Supply is
- 00:01:55expanding um most Investments don't
- 00:01:58outperform it you know that the S&P 500
- 00:02:02is to a certain degree the cost of
- 00:02:04capital but all of the safer investment
- 00:02:07and asset classes underperform and even
- 00:02:10though you're getting wealthier nominal
- 00:02:12terms and real terms you're really
- 00:02:14not and if you're a company executive
- 00:02:17and your company isn't growing
- 00:02:19organically 15% a year or more
- 00:02:23institutional investors tend to lose
- 00:02:25interest in you 15% is a hurdle rate and
- 00:02:30uh and when they lose interest your
- 00:02:32liquidity and your stock dries up and
- 00:02:34then the options Market dries up and
- 00:02:38that's a challenge you become in in many
- 00:02:40ways you could be a zombie company my
- 00:02:43company was a zombie company um we got
- 00:02:46to the point where the stock traded $2
- 00:02:48million a day there was no options
- 00:02:51Market uh we were dead money nobody
- 00:02:55tuned into our earnings calls and it
- 00:02:57wasn't clear how we were going to to get
- 00:03:00ahead and and I would say half of the
- 00:03:03Russell 2000 are stuck in that same spot
- 00:03:06if not 90% of all
- 00:03:09companies and here's one of the reasons
- 00:03:12why um the winners in the 21st century
- 00:03:16they're all digital monopolies if you
- 00:03:19have an Investment Portfolio and it
- 00:03:21doesn't include apple and Amazon or
- 00:03:23Facebook or Google or Nvidia or the like
- 00:03:26you're probably not winning it's very
- 00:03:28hard to see how you could be a
- 00:03:30successful investor without some
- 00:03:32exposure to those
- 00:03:34companies and if you look at the rest of
- 00:03:38the S&P normally the S&P is the 500
- 00:03:41Greatest companies in the United
- 00:03:44States 493 of them are fairly boring how
- 00:03:49do you how do you actually compete
- 00:03:51against a digital Monopoly when someone
- 00:03:54has I think Facebook has two billion
- 00:03:57users a day or of a billion customers um
- 00:04:03and when you can ship a product to a
- 00:04:04billion people overnight with a A Punch
- 00:04:06of a button that's an enormous
- 00:04:10Advantage so all of us we struggling
- 00:04:14with this issue how how do you how are
- 00:04:16you going to be a winner when you're not
- 00:04:18one of the seven
- 00:04:19winners um the technology challenge is
- 00:04:24very intertwined with this which is you
- 00:04:26can't win if you miss the next
- 00:04:28technology wave
- 00:04:31you know that there was personal
- 00:04:32Computing and there was the internet and
- 00:04:34there was mobile Computing and now
- 00:04:36there's artificial
- 00:04:38intelligence and I'm here to say that I
- 00:04:42think everybody in the world understands
- 00:04:45artificial intelligence is the next
- 00:04:48technology wave but I think very very
- 00:04:51few people not so many really appreciate
- 00:04:54there's another technology wave taking
- 00:04:56place and it's it's a digital
- 00:04:59transformation of capital it's the it's
- 00:05:01digital Capital it's it's happening
- 00:05:03right in front of people's faces but
- 00:05:06because it's unexpected and it's a
- 00:05:08paradigm shift and it's an inversion of
- 00:05:10everyone's world view they tend to
- 00:05:12dismiss it as
- 00:05:14something random unlikely unlucky
- 00:05:19scary and um I'm here to talk about
- 00:05:23Bitcoin and so bitcoin's the solution to
- 00:05:26the problem it's the solution to the
- 00:05:28economic problem how do you win when
- 00:05:30there's only seven companies that can
- 00:05:32win and it's a solution to the
- 00:05:34technology question how do you get on
- 00:05:37the next technology wave and how do you
- 00:05:40exploit it to the benefit of your
- 00:05:42investors your family your company your
- 00:05:49customers now how do I know Bitcoin is
- 00:05:51the next wave why should you think it's
- 00:05:53the next wave well here's a chart of the
- 00:05:57top 10 largest assets in the world right
- 00:06:01now and so if you look at the 10 uh
- 00:06:04bitcoin's number seven it is the seventh
- 00:06:07largest asset in the world goals number
- 00:06:09one then you've got these Magnificent
- 00:06:11Seven companies Nvidia Apple Microsoft
- 00:06:14Amazon alphabet
- 00:06:17meta and you got Saudia
- 00:06:20ramco and you got a little bit of
- 00:06:22silver but of them the fastest growing
- 00:06:26of these is Bitcoin Bitcoin is growing
- 00:06:29three times faster than Microsoft why is
- 00:06:33it why is it the next wave well it's not
- 00:06:37just the fastest growing asset in the
- 00:06:39world it's the most popular asset in the
- 00:06:43world it's literally the most popular
- 00:06:45asset in the world everyone wants to
- 00:06:47talk about it it's the most
- 00:06:49interesting it's the most digital asset
- 00:06:52in the world right you you you can't
- 00:06:55digitally transform you can't move um
- 00:06:58these other assets at the speed of light
- 00:07:01a million times a second between 8
- 00:07:03billion computers the way you can with
- 00:07:05Bitcoin it's the most useful asset in
- 00:07:08the world if you need a billion dollars
- 00:07:10in five minutes on a Saturday afternoon
- 00:07:13this is the only asset you can
- 00:07:15liquidate right it is it is useful to
- 00:07:18every company on Earth to every person
- 00:07:19on Earth it is global you know these
- 00:07:22other things aren't Global assets with
- 00:07:24the exception of gold so in essence
- 00:07:28Bitcoin is the digit digal gold but but
- 00:07:31you know you can't beam gold between 8
- 00:07:33billion iPhones and gold is a 5,000 year
- 00:07:36old idea and Bitcoin is that idea
- 00:07:39reinvented for the 21st
- 00:07:42century and now I'm going to give you a
- 00:07:44set of suggestions or or a set of
- 00:07:47indicators as to why maybe this is
- 00:07:49something big why it's not just
- 00:07:52random this is Bitcoin versus that asset
- 00:07:56allocation chart and you can see that
- 00:07:59that um it looks hard to find a solution
- 00:08:01when you don't include Bitcoin and when
- 00:08:03you put Bitcoin on the chart it renders
- 00:08:05every other solution
- 00:08:06irrelevant it's like it's pretty clear
- 00:08:08there's one thing that's interesting and
- 00:08:10everything else is just more of the same
- 00:08:14Bitcoin punches a hole into the chart
- 00:08:1960% over the past four
- 00:08:22years and
- 00:08:24um if we zoom into that a little bit
- 00:08:27closer this is as set performance uh
- 00:08:31since micro strategy adopted the Bitcoin
- 00:08:33standard the S&P is uh returning 13% a
- 00:08:37year real estate's 10% a year gold 7% a
- 00:08:42year bonds are minus 5% a year as you
- 00:08:45can see the cost of capital the hurdle
- 00:08:47rate there is 13 the only thing that's
- 00:08:49beating it that's conventional is the
- 00:08:51Magnificent 7 which is a bit more than
- 00:08:53doubling it and then Bitcoin is doubling
- 00:08:55the Magnificent s so one of these things
- 00:08:59things is is is really an
- 00:09:02overwhelming uh winner Bitcoin more than
- 00:09:06four times conventional performance
- 00:09:09let's look out over 14 years it's the
- 00:09:11winter in 11 of 14 years so it's not
- 00:09:15just it's up over the last four years
- 00:09:17it's up more over 10 years 8 years 12
- 00:09:21years here's another slice you can look
- 00:09:24at everything in the world trying to
- 00:09:25find
- 00:09:27something which is more compelling but
- 00:09:29Bitcoin is showing a annualized
- 00:09:31performance of 147% from
- 00:09:352011 but again you know after Bitcoin
- 00:09:38you just fall to like your best growth
- 00:09:40stock
- 00:09:42idea and
- 00:09:45uh it's not just it's the best
- 00:09:47performing asset it's the best
- 00:09:49performing uncorrelated asset it's got
- 00:09:52the highest sharp ratio it's also got
- 00:09:55the lowest correlation these are these
- 00:09:57are Fidelity numbers so the entire ire
- 00:09:59world is looking for an investment idea
- 00:10:02that's uncorrelated to risk assets you
- 00:10:05know we have entire conferences
- 00:10:06alternative investment conferences and
- 00:10:09we talk about should it be real estate
- 00:10:10should it be natural gas rights should
- 00:10:13it be intellectual property well Bitcoin
- 00:10:16is the global fungible liquid
- 00:10:18alternative
- 00:10:20asset and uh you don't have to believe
- 00:10:22me or look you don't have to understand
- 00:10:24the fundamentals even if you even if you
- 00:10:25don't want to spend a thousand hours
- 00:10:27studying it you can just look at the
- 00:10:28chart published by Fidelity it gives you
- 00:10:31the same
- 00:10:33answer Black Rock announ they launched a
- 00:10:36Bitcoin ETF a year
- 00:10:38ago uh that
- 00:10:41ETF um leaped above
- 00:10:451,100 ETFs that they sell to be number
- 00:10:4913 in 12 months so that just shows you
- 00:10:52how fast it's
- 00:10:54moving you know blowing past a thousand
- 00:10:56other ETFs but it's more than that um
- 00:11:01that ETF is the most successful ETF
- 00:11:04launch in the history of ETFs and I
- 00:11:07would say if you look at Wall Street
- 00:11:08over 40 years the last big innovation in
- 00:11:11Wall Street was the ETF the idea that
- 00:11:14you could buy spy or you could buy uh a
- 00:11:18portfolio a
- 00:11:20QQQ uh or a diversified portfolio of
- 00:11:23assets that was the big
- 00:11:25idea uh big enough to attract trillions
- 00:11:27of dollars of capital
- 00:11:30and the most successful example of that
- 00:11:32big idea is
- 00:11:36ibit Right which has just been a
- 00:11:38screaming home
- 00:11:41run not only is it run past nearly all
- 00:11:44of the Black Rock ETFs and all the other
- 00:11:47ETFs it's actually outstripped black
- 00:11:50Rock's gold fund which is around forever
- 00:11:52I and it did it in 12
- 00:11:55months right digital gold is better than
- 00:11:59gold uh just like digital photos are
- 00:12:01better than physical photos and digital
- 00:12:04videos are better than your you know
- 00:12:07then your VHS cassettes right it's it's
- 00:12:10not a complicated idea I digitally
- 00:12:13transform something it's a million times
- 00:12:15smarter a million times faster a million
- 00:12:18times more ubiquitous a million times
- 00:12:21you know lighter than the thing that it
- 00:12:26replaced in 2024 10 of the top 20 ETFs
- 00:12:30launch were all based on
- 00:12:33bitcoin right so everybody's cool ideas
- 00:12:37right it's based on bitcoin or some
- 00:12:38derivative of
- 00:12:42Bitcoin uh those spot Bitcoin ETFs they
- 00:12:45are um they're they're compliance
- 00:12:48gateways or or wrappers if I want to buy
- 00:12:52Bitcoin then I have to solve the
- 00:12:54compliance problem the compatibility
- 00:12:56problem the convenience problem and in
- 00:13:00January of 2024 the first ETFs got
- 00:13:04approved in the US to do this this is
- 00:13:07the list of them uh in that 12 months
- 00:13:11they siphoned up $ 109 billion of
- 00:13:14AUM so it gives you a sense of just how
- 00:13:16fast they
- 00:13:18moved um they were a solution to a
- 00:13:21problem right but it's not just a US
- 00:13:25phenomena uh ETFs that are backing
- 00:13:28Bitcoin coin or or a back by Bitcoin are
- 00:13:30popping up every country in the world
- 00:13:33and so you can see they're in Canada
- 00:13:35they're in Sweden they're in Germany
- 00:13:37they're in Singapore they're in
- 00:13:39Switzerland they're in
- 00:13:41Australia right um they solve a
- 00:13:44fundamental issue right uh in some cases
- 00:13:47it solves the issue of reporting tax
- 00:13:50compliance it may solve the issue of
- 00:13:51capital
- 00:13:53controls right you know you're seeing
- 00:13:55ETFs popping up in Hong Kong eventually
- 00:13:58the Chinese will let you own Bitcoin but
- 00:14:00they're more likely to let you own it if
- 00:14:02it's custody in a bank in
- 00:14:05Shanghai right me many uh many countries
- 00:14:10they're not cons they're not trying to
- 00:14:12keep their citizens or their companies
- 00:14:14from getting
- 00:14:15rich they're simply trying to keep the
- 00:14:18capital from flowing out of the company
- 00:14:21or the country so is so it's it's
- 00:14:24totally fine for a billion people to
- 00:14:26make an investment that makes them money
- 00:14:28as long as they keep it in the country
- 00:14:30in question and so these ETFs in many
- 00:14:33cases they're handles or they're
- 00:14:34wrappers but they're um they're also
- 00:14:37just solving the problem of how do you
- 00:14:39be politically
- 00:14:41correct and how do you be harmonious
- 00:14:43with all the with all of The Regulators
- 00:14:46around the
- 00:14:50world wealthy families they're always
- 00:14:53looking for how to diversify their
- 00:14:55assets it's like uh I own a bunch of
- 00:14:57real estate or I own Diversified
- 00:14:59portfolio stocks or I want some all
- 00:15:01other alternative assets well there's 60
- 00:15:04Global billionaires that we know
- 00:15:06publicly are invested in Bitcoin I give
- 00:15:08you a short list but uh the more
- 00:15:11important point is Bitcoin is the
- 00:15:13fastest growing alternative investment
- 00:15:15for high net High net worth individuals
- 00:15:18in the world and it's
- 00:15:21a it's a it's a very straightforward
- 00:15:23powerful
- 00:15:25idea you know I'm going to buy a
- 00:15:27building that's that's buying property
- 00:15:30to diversify myself and get away from
- 00:15:34risk exposure that's great but buildings
- 00:15:37are liquid and they're not
- 00:15:40fungible uh what if I could buy a
- 00:15:42digital building and I could buy it $200
- 00:15:44at a time or $200 million at a time or2
- 00:15:47billion doar at a time and what if it
- 00:15:50offered the same economic property
- 00:15:53rights if it offered the same
- 00:15:55characteristics whether you bought $200
- 00:15:57or $200 million
- 00:15:59of it that's a powerful idea it's a
- 00:16:02fungible idea it's a global idea it's an
- 00:16:06idea people can remember right and it's
- 00:16:09not likely that you can buy the same
- 00:16:11physical assets that Elon Musk and Mark
- 00:16:14Zuckerberg own but you can buy the same
- 00:16:17Bitcoin they own and you've got the same
- 00:16:19rights per pursue to
- 00:16:22them there's s 70 public companies that
- 00:16:26are capitalizing on bitcoin right now
- 00:16:28you're starting to see this
- 00:16:30explode uh companies like simler
- 00:16:33companies like Mara and Riot and and CER
- 00:16:37you know all of them are realizing that
- 00:16:40if they recapitalize on bitcoin they go
- 00:16:43from investing in uh a bond that loses
- 00:16:4610% of its value a year to a Bitcoin
- 00:16:49that gains 40% more value a year it's
- 00:16:53simply flipping of a light switch this
- 00:16:55is a virtuous economic Dynamic it's
- 00:16:58spreading
- 00:17:02you see 70 companies then it'll be 700
- 00:17:05then it'll be 7,000 then it'll be 7,000
- 00:17:07there's 400 million companies in the
- 00:17:09world who doesn't want
- 00:17:13money um those Bitcoin ETFs are
- 00:17:17outperforming all the commodity ETFs so
- 00:17:21I show you every commodity ETF what you
- 00:17:23see is bitcoin's crushing
- 00:17:25Everything Gold is second best
- 00:17:29the rest are just trading
- 00:17:31Vehicles right you can buy some gold and
- 00:17:34you'll get an average performance you
- 00:17:36can buy Bitcoin and get good performance
- 00:17:38everything else is just a trade all
- 00:17:40other Commodities are pretty awful to
- 00:17:42hold for more than a few years you're
- 00:17:43not going to invest your family's life
- 00:17:45savings and natural gas or soybeans for
- 00:17:49100 years and you can probably figure
- 00:17:51out
- 00:17:53why um Bitcoins those ETFs are also
- 00:17:56outperforming the bond portfolios as you
- 00:17:58can see if you're thinking Bitcoin
- 00:18:00versus bonds well you know bonds are all
- 00:18:03fairly lame
- 00:18:05boring
- 00:18:07um right now you're starting to see a
- 00:18:09movement to 1 to 3% allocation you know
- 00:18:12the 6040 Bond portfolio that that's
- 00:18:15going to change right that's not going
- 00:18:17to last much longer uh that 1 to 3% uh
- 00:18:22allocation to bitcoin will eventually
- 00:18:23become a 5 to 10% allocation to bitcoin
- 00:18:27when you start to see conventional
- 00:18:28portfolios with just 1 two 3% allocation
- 00:18:32you know the price of Bitcoin skyrockets
- 00:18:35but when it gets to 5 to 10% allocation
- 00:18:37it's definitely going to be in the
- 00:18:40millions and so if I put Bitcoin up
- 00:18:42against every other ETF what you can see
- 00:18:45is that it's you know it's still
- 00:18:47outperforming them all it's the fastest
- 00:18:50horse in the
- 00:18:51race you can see where black Rock's ibit
- 00:18:54sits on the leaderboard right now but
- 00:18:57you can also see that at the rate that
- 00:19:00it's growing ibit may very well be the
- 00:19:02largest ETF in the world within 10 years
- 00:19:05I I would think it's more likely than
- 00:19:07not based upon the performance
- 00:19:09characteristics of the
- 00:19:13industry uh bitcoin's beating your
- 00:19:16favorite hedge
- 00:19:17fund right uh it is The
- 00:19:21Benchmark um it was up 121% in the last
- 00:19:25year but again when I when I look I'm
- 00:19:28looking at out and I'm saying well we're
- 00:19:29getting 60% a year from Bitcoin like
- 00:19:33show me a hedge fund that's going to
- 00:19:34give me 60% a year over four years you
- 00:19:37know show me someone that's going to
- 00:19:39promise me 30% a year for the next 20
- 00:19:41years and not charge me a
- 00:19:44fee right and give me complete liquidity
- 00:19:47and Redemption it's not easy so you see
- 00:19:51the world's inverting you know
- 00:19:54um and that takes us to the question of
- 00:19:57what is bitcoin well Bitcoin just
- 00:19:59requires a return to First principles
- 00:20:01it's a it's a new form of Technology it
- 00:20:04is it is economic technology I think of
- 00:20:07it as digital
- 00:20:09energy
- 00:20:11but you know if you started with this
- 00:20:13Trope and you said what did Satoshi do
- 00:20:16Satoshi discovered a method to transfer
- 00:20:19value uh without a trusted
- 00:20:21intermediary and people often times
- 00:20:23repeat that but that's the small idea
- 00:20:27it's not the big idea
- 00:20:29yes we transfer a billion dollars from
- 00:20:32point A to point B without a
- 00:20:35bank the big idea is in order to
- 00:20:38transfer value without an intermediary
- 00:20:40you have to store the value without an
- 00:20:43intermediary the big idea is I put the
- 00:20:46billion dollars into
- 00:20:48cyberspace
- 00:20:50forever money and order the big idea is
- 00:20:53we launched a payload into orbit when
- 00:20:56you launch a payload into a ballis
- 00:20:58trajectory it comes back to earth when
- 00:21:01you launch it into orbit it orbits
- 00:21:04forever right when you get to escape
- 00:21:06velocity maybe it's never coming back so
- 00:21:09imagine the idea that I could put a
- 00:21:11billion dollars into a bank in
- 00:21:13cyberspace that would stay there
- 00:21:16untarnished not
- 00:21:18corroding right without being debased
- 00:21:22forever like forever is such a powerful
- 00:21:25idea right it's frictionless it's
- 00:21:27superconducting
- 00:21:28the big idea is store value without an
- 00:21:31intermediary it means you transcend
- 00:21:33Banks you transcend physical laws right
- 00:21:37it this represents a digital
- 00:21:38transformation a capital from financial
- 00:21:41and physical assets to digital pure
- 00:21:44digital like how how much does a book
- 00:21:48weigh if it's the encyclopedia Botanica
- 00:21:51how much does it weigh when is a digital
- 00:21:53encyclopedia branica one of them is a
- 00:21:56billion trillion times
- 00:21:59lighter than the other it's the
- 00:22:01fundamental phase shift and now what's
- 00:22:04that worth well Global wealth is divided
- 00:22:07across a bunch of assets here's a $900
- 00:22:09trillion wealth
- 00:22:11chart people own half those things for
- 00:22:14utility they own buildings to to live in
- 00:22:16or work in and they own cars to drive
- 00:22:19and they own companies to operate but
- 00:22:21the other half of the assets are just
- 00:22:23held as a long-term store of capital you
- 00:22:26bought it because you had money and you
- 00:22:28needed to put the money to work so you
- 00:22:30bought the you have a land bank you
- 00:22:32bought a bunch of land you bought a
- 00:22:34bunch of commercial real estate you
- 00:22:36bought a bunch of
- 00:22:38bonds half of everything is just
- 00:22:40long-term
- 00:22:42capital so if that's what half of
- 00:22:45everything is what's the problem well
- 00:22:48the problem is when you put your money
- 00:22:50your 450 trillion into that long-term
- 00:22:52capto investment you get hit with taxes
- 00:22:56income tax you get hit with wage control
- 00:22:58price controls
- 00:23:00regulations there's a fire in California
- 00:23:04there's a
- 00:23:05hurricane in Florida there's a war in
- 00:23:09Russia and Ukraine there's a currency
- 00:23:12collapse in Egypt there's a bank failure
- 00:23:14in
- 00:23:15Lebanon right these are all the things
- 00:23:18that cause you to lose money if you're
- 00:23:20an investor and you've lived long enough
- 00:23:22you can probably give me 30 40 50 ways
- 00:23:25you lost money most 10ks have 30 40
- 00:23:29pages of risk factors of just ways you
- 00:23:31can lose money there's a lot of ways you
- 00:23:33can lose in the world that's I'm going
- 00:23:36to call it entropy I'm going to call it
- 00:23:38chaos I'm going to call it the passage
- 00:23:39of time your Warehouse just gets older
- 00:23:43it was a good warehouse and 40 years
- 00:23:45later it's not a good Warehouse you have
- 00:23:47to rebuild
- 00:23:48it what's that cost well that cost about
- 00:23:52$1 trillion a year it's 3% of 450
- 00:23:56trillion right it's costing us money to
- 00:24:00store you know I'm going to put a
- 00:24:02billion dollars in your hands and you
- 00:24:04got to go buy up everything you want in
- 00:24:07Asia and hold it a 100 years then play
- 00:24:10all these out and you realize there's
- 00:24:12going to be an entropic lapse there's
- 00:24:14going to be an inefficiency
- 00:24:17there well Bitcoin is an asset without
- 00:24:20that Financial Risk of the currency the
- 00:24:22stock or the bond you're going to buy
- 00:24:24and it doesn't have the physical risk of
- 00:24:26real estate or property because you put
- 00:24:28it in cyberspace it is an orbit it is
- 00:24:32outside of the political domain outside
- 00:24:34of the physical domain outside of a
- 00:24:37currency
- 00:24:38domain and that is and that is a a
- 00:24:42solution to long-term capital so what
- 00:24:46you see is you see smart money
- 00:24:48everywhere in the world smart PE here's
- 00:24:51the big idea of Bitcoin you get to keep
- 00:24:55your
- 00:24:56money that's the idea
- 00:24:58who cares people that live in China and
- 00:25:02Russia and Africa and South America and
- 00:25:05Asia and Europe that want to keep their
- 00:25:08money and so the money is
- 00:25:11Flowing from those long-term capital
- 00:25:14assets from that warehouse from that uh
- 00:25:18currency from that South American
- 00:25:21bond from that bar of
- 00:25:26gold is flowing into
- 00:25:29Bitcoin Bitcoin is digital Capital so I
- 00:25:32would I would submit to you I think the
- 00:25:35greatest digital transformation of the
- 00:25:3721st century more important than digital
- 00:25:40music or digital books or digital video
- 00:25:43or digital education or digital Fillin
- 00:25:45the blank is the digital transformation
- 00:25:48of capital Bitcoin is digital capital
- 00:25:54and if it's digital Capital it's going
- 00:25:55to transform the capital markets
- 00:25:59so imagine your $100 million building I
- 00:26:03give you a $100 million and you own a
- 00:26:05building in
- 00:26:07La okay or put it in Miami or put it in
- 00:26:11any city in the world in
- 00:26:14Istanbul and now digitally transform it
- 00:26:17what happens when you digitally
- 00:26:18transform the100 million building well
- 00:26:21you get rid of all the things that are
- 00:26:23liabilities you get rid of the tax the
- 00:26:25traffic the tenants the torts the
- 00:26:27trouble the weather the corrosion the
- 00:26:30regulator this the
- 00:26:33the the um fact that you can't move it
- 00:26:37and then you add all the things that
- 00:26:39make something more valuable right how
- 00:26:41do you make the building more valuable
- 00:26:43you make it invisible indestructible
- 00:26:46Immortal teleport programmable divisible
- 00:26:50you make it fungible configurable you
- 00:26:52make it volatile these things make the
- 00:26:55building more valuable the other things
- 00:26:57make the building less valuable Bitcoin
- 00:27:00is in essence just that digital
- 00:27:03transformation if you had your1 million
- 00:27:06building in
- 00:27:07Ukraine or you had it in Syria or you
- 00:27:10had it in fill in the blank Venezuela or
- 00:27:13Cuba or
- 00:27:15LA or you had it in the in the path of
- 00:27:18whatever storm or you had it in
- 00:27:21Moscow what's it worth now right and and
- 00:27:25how does it degrade
- 00:27:28digital capital is global
- 00:27:31Capital right this idea of a building
- 00:27:34right it's like we can debate whether or
- 00:27:35not you want your building in New York
- 00:27:37or Miami or LA or San
- 00:27:41Francisco but if I took a if I gave you
- 00:27:44a billion dollars and I dropped you in
- 00:27:48Africa and I said to you okay I want you
- 00:27:51to go buy a mixture of African uh assets
- 00:27:55worth a billion dollars buy anything you
- 00:27:57want buy it in any country buy land buy
- 00:28:01The Bu buy the buildings buy the
- 00:28:04companies buy your favorite African
- 00:28:06currency buy the Egyptian pound buy the
- 00:28:09naira buy the krugger
- 00:28:12Rand buy a concession on a whatever
- 00:28:16Safari buy tents buy mineral rights buy
- 00:28:20it all the catches you have to hold it
- 00:28:22for 100 years in
- 00:28:25Africa what are you going to buy
- 00:28:28and now here's the second question if I
- 00:28:30gave you a choice you can either buy all
- 00:28:32that stuff and be locked in that in that
- 00:28:35investment for a 100 years or you can
- 00:28:38buy digital capital on the Bitcoin
- 00:28:40Network that all the other smart rich
- 00:28:42people own and that you can carry with
- 00:28:45you uh in your pocket or you can zap it
- 00:28:48out of the you know Out of
- 00:28:50Africa and it's in cyers space and it's
- 00:28:53not subject to African political
- 00:28:56jurisdiction and no Warlord AFC is going
- 00:28:58to take it you don't have to trust an
- 00:28:59African
- 00:29:02bank and you you can live in Africa as
- 00:29:05long as you want until you decide you
- 00:29:07want to move so is it even a I mean is
- 00:29:11it even a difficult
- 00:29:13question let me play the question a
- 00:29:15different way I'm going to take all your
- 00:29:17money right now I'm gonna I'm gonna uh
- 00:29:20cast a spell and I'm going to teleport
- 00:29:22it all and I'm going to spread it
- 00:29:24equally across a mixture of Market
- 00:29:26Basket of assets Ina afca and I'm going
- 00:29:29to say hey I played a magic trick on you
- 00:29:31I moved all of your assets into the
- 00:29:33middle of all these countries in Africa
- 00:29:35and now I'm going to give you a a green
- 00:29:38button you can hit the green button and
- 00:29:39move it all
- 00:29:42back or I'm going to give you an orange
- 00:29:44button you can move it to cyberspace or
- 00:29:46you can leave it there and and so when
- 00:29:49people wonder like why is money flowing
- 00:29:51into Bitcoin why is the price going up
- 00:29:54it's not going up randomly it's it's
- 00:29:57going up in the same same way that water
- 00:29:58flows downhill and it's it's going in
- 00:30:02the same way that that capital is always
- 00:30:04fleeing from a less secure situation to
- 00:30:08a more secure
- 00:30:10situation because it's just a natural
- 00:30:13human
- 00:30:15behavior you have a billion dollars in
- 00:30:18Nigeria you can buy a billion in Bitcoin
- 00:30:20but you you cannot buy a billion dollars
- 00:30:22of real estate in New York City and you
- 00:30:24cannot put your billion dollars into JP
- 00:30:26Morgan and so you see on a relative
- 00:30:29basis there's a certain appeal here and
- 00:30:32then here we we can see Bitcoin is
- 00:30:36um it's a revolutionary advance in
- 00:30:38capital preservation everything you own
- 00:30:40in this world probably has a useful life
- 00:30:42of 10 to 100
- 00:30:44years so what if I give you something
- 00:30:46with a useful life of a thousand
- 00:30:48years like when gold inflates a 2% a
- 00:30:52year that means it's got a halflife of
- 00:30:5435 years your capital and gold as a 30 5
- 00:30:58year halflife when something inflates at
- 00:31:010% a year your capital on that thing has
- 00:31:03a half life of
- 00:31:05forever there's a the difference between
- 00:31:072% and 0% is I live 35 years I live for
- 00:31:12a billion
- 00:31:13years it's a pretty big difference when
- 00:31:16you compound
- 00:31:18it so this thing we call Bitcoin it's a
- 00:31:21network it's secured by energy it's by
- 00:31:25electrical energy by computer power by
- 00:31:27political Power by economic power it's
- 00:31:30simply put it's the most powerful crypto
- 00:31:33Network in the world has the most
- 00:31:35popular support it has more computer
- 00:31:38power than Amazon or Microsoft could
- 00:31:41muster if they wanted to people say
- 00:31:43What's it back by it's just backed by
- 00:31:46power a lot of power right the political
- 00:31:50power to topple or tip an election which
- 00:31:53is what just happened in the US right
- 00:31:56the computer power that that is is such
- 00:31:59a dense hash wall that every computer on
- 00:32:03Earth turned against it wouldn't Dent
- 00:32:05it um let me switch gears to a 21-year
- 00:32:09Outlook of Bitcoin what do I think's
- 00:32:12going to happen well I've got an open
- 00:32:13source model it's called Bitcoin 24 you
- 00:32:16can Google it it's on GitHub you can
- 00:32:18download this you can plug in all your
- 00:32:20assumptions and create your own
- 00:32:22forecast but I think looking out over
- 00:32:25the next 21 years you know I just I I
- 00:32:28think the money supply the currency
- 00:32:30Supply will continue to grow you're
- 00:32:32going to you're going to continue to see
- 00:32:34Innovation you're going to see equities
- 00:32:36continue to grow gold will gradually
- 00:32:39underperform of course bitcoin's going
- 00:32:41to overperform equities will overperform
- 00:32:46because of AI and
- 00:32:48technology and this is a simple a simple
- 00:32:51view I put fourth in Nashville in July
- 00:32:54and I haven't really changed from it I
- 00:32:56expect the bitcoin's going to go from
- 00:32:5860% AR decelerating to 20% for a blended
- 00:33:02rate of
- 00:33:0329% I think the volatility of Bitcoin
- 00:33:06will go from 60 Vol decelerating to 20
- 00:33:09Vol for a blended Vol of whatever the
- 00:33:11same and I think that you know if you
- 00:33:14look out 20 years it's still going to be
- 00:33:16growing faster than the S&P a bit 50%
- 00:33:19more it's still going to be 50% more
- 00:33:21volatile than the
- 00:33:23S&P but you want a simple view of the
- 00:33:26market you just think here's something
- 00:33:28which is 29% AR for the next 21 years
- 00:33:32targeting $13 million a
- 00:33:35coin and if you look at that against our
- 00:33:38map of wealth it's not that radically
- 00:33:41different um just Bitcoin becomes the
- 00:33:44global monetary index a $280 trillion
- 00:33:47asset class equities will still be
- 00:33:49bigger real estate will still be bigger
- 00:33:52bonds will still be bigger it's just you
- 00:33:55know if you want to get rich you're not
- 00:33:56getting rich investing in
- 00:33:58gold right if you want to stay Rich you
- 00:34:01can probably hold a diversified
- 00:34:02portfolio of real estate and Equity if
- 00:34:05you want to outperform you're going to
- 00:34:07need
- 00:34:08Bitcoin we're entering the era of
- 00:34:11institutional adoption now this 10 years
- 00:34:13this is the Gold Rush
- 00:34:15era right in 24 Bitcoin emerged as a
- 00:34:19viable alternative to bonds and a in a
- 00:34:22corporate portfolio that was the first
- 00:34:24year now you see all these public
- 00:34:27entities that that are holding Bitcoin
- 00:34:29115 different ones so this is
- 00:34:32spreading as I said it's a virus it's
- 00:34:34going to
- 00:34:35accelerate uh there's a wave of
- 00:34:37political support for Bitcoin it's
- 00:34:39surging you can see the entire cabinet
- 00:34:41is pro Bitcoin the White House is pro
- 00:34:44Bitcoin the Senate and the house are pro
- 00:34:47Bitcoin you know you've got a senator uh
- 00:34:50proposing a Bitcoin strategic
- 00:34:54Reserve you've got Larry thinkink
- 00:34:56advocating for Bitcoin on CNBC and I
- 00:34:59just showed you the Black Rock numbers
- 00:35:00they're
- 00:35:02Stellar you've got Donald Trump never
- 00:35:05sell your Bitcoin right it's all you
- 00:35:09need to
- 00:35:10know you've got Senator lumus I
- 00:35:13encourage people to buy and hold I
- 00:35:15encourage them to say Bitcoin for their
- 00:35:17retirement for their
- 00:35:19future you've got Joe Karan debating
- 00:35:22with Mohamad a lot of people that are
- 00:35:24nodding with you because we can deflate
- 00:35:26our way out of some of the step but the
- 00:35:28difference between 2% and 3% compounded
- 00:35:31for the dollar is devastating and and
- 00:35:34you're saying you should buy
- 00:35:36Bitcoin um in 2025 with the first year
- 00:35:40of the crypto
- 00:35:41Renaissance right I think what you're
- 00:35:43going to see is um you'll see
- 00:35:45improvements to the Wall Street ETFs um
- 00:35:48you're going to see fair value
- 00:35:49accounting from fby which will be a big
- 00:35:52boost uh you've got 250 plus pro crypto
- 00:35:56uh Representatives or senators in
- 00:35:59congress I think you'll see the repeal
- 00:36:01of Sab 121 which allows Banks to enter
- 00:36:04the asset class and start to bank
- 00:36:06Bitcoin that's going to be a big deal
- 00:36:08the end of the war in crypto is just a
- 00:36:10big deal and uh I think the arrival of a
- 00:36:14digital assets framework and a bunch of
- 00:36:16Bitcoin standard companies all of these
- 00:36:18things are are in progress process right
- 00:36:23now uh a few words on micro strategy
- 00:36:26we're powered by digital
- 00:36:28Capital what do we do we flipped to the
- 00:36:30Bitcoin standard about four years ago we
- 00:36:32started buying Bitcoin and we've just
- 00:36:34been accumulating every
- 00:36:36quarter 46 48 successive announcements
- 00:36:40we're up to 450,000 Bitcoin as of this
- 00:36:45morning and uh what are we doing what we
- 00:36:48do is is we issue Securities debt
- 00:36:52Securities like convertible bonds or the
- 00:36:55like in order to create Leverage
- 00:36:58we raise permanent capital and then we
- 00:37:01have an equity which is a bit more
- 00:37:03volatile and a bit higher performance
- 00:37:05than Bitcoin we generate The Leverage
- 00:37:07with fixed income instruments which are
- 00:37:10less volatile uh lower performance than
- 00:37:13Bitcoin and on top of our Equity is a
- 00:37:16very vibrant options market and then uh
- 00:37:19and then the fixed income instruments
- 00:37:21offer a different
- 00:37:23opportunity uh for fixed income
- 00:37:25investors you could think of us as like
- 00:37:27a Bitcoin Refinery you know crude oil
- 00:37:29goes in one side and you have like
- 00:37:32kerosene gasoline coming out the other
- 00:37:35side um Bitcoin is just crude Capital 60
- 00:37:40Vol 60 AR the world's full of people
- 00:37:42that that want 15
- 00:37:44ARR and 10v they don't want 6060 so
- 00:37:48we're just stepping down the Bitcoin and
- 00:37:51we're giving people the flavor they want
- 00:37:54uh what's happened well we basically
- 00:37:57almost doubl the performance of Bitcoin
- 00:37:59not quite over the last four years and
- 00:38:02you so you can see how uh the phrase I
- 00:38:06have and I use often is the only thing
- 00:38:07better than Bitcoin is more
- 00:38:09Bitcoin it you can't beat 60% ARR you
- 00:38:14can't beat that except if you borrow
- 00:38:16money at 0% interest and you buy the 60
- 00:38:20AR then you can beat it so we borrow
- 00:38:22money at 0% or 1% interest with
- 00:38:25convertible bonds then we buy something
- 00:38:27going up 60% and that's how we beat
- 00:38:30Bitcoin and you have to have a public
- 00:38:32company with a large permanent Capital
- 00:38:34base in order to lever it so we're using
- 00:38:38our permanent Bitcoin capital in order
- 00:38:40to issue the fixed income securities in
- 00:38:42order to create the
- 00:38:44leverage and that has allowed us to
- 00:38:46outperform every S&P 500 company over
- 00:38:49these four years by a large margin um
- 00:38:54and of course part of the trick is to be
- 00:38:56more volatile we're the most volatile
- 00:38:58company out of the S&P
- 00:39:00500 okay and volatility is thought to be
- 00:39:03a bug we think it's a feature capital is
- 00:39:06thought to be toxic we think it's an
- 00:39:08asset right and so we pursue the
- 00:39:11volatility the volatility gives the
- 00:39:13stock options uh value and that gives
- 00:39:16the convertible bonds value and that's
- 00:39:18how we're able to raise Capital
- 00:39:20quickly right and if you look at what's
- 00:39:22what volatility has done for us it's
- 00:39:25made us one of the the top top 10 uh
- 00:39:29biggest options markets in the S&P
- 00:39:31universe and we're also one of the top
- 00:39:3310 most traded names in the S&P universe
- 00:39:37and the thing on the left is interesting
- 00:39:39but the thing on the right kind of tells
- 00:39:41you the story what's really going on
- 00:39:43here we have the largest options open
- 00:39:46interest as percentage of market cap in
- 00:39:48the entire market and we have the
- 00:39:50highest daily trading volume the most
- 00:39:53liquidity as percentage of market cap in
- 00:39:55Mar in the market another way to say it
- 00:39:57is we're we're running very hot we've
- 00:40:00created a crypto reactor Bitcoin is the
- 00:40:04fuel and conventional wisdom is strip
- 00:40:07volatility from the balance sheet strip
- 00:40:09volatility from the p&l but when you do
- 00:40:12it you destroy the options market and
- 00:40:14you destroy your own
- 00:40:16liquidity right and of course we are
- 00:40:18serving as the institutional Gateway for
- 00:40:20you to short Bitcoin or go long Bitcoin
- 00:40:23with leverage and we're happy for people
- 00:40:26to do either have to be two sides to
- 00:40:28every trade so you can see we're about
- 00:40:30you know not quite 10 times bigger than
- 00:40:33the options market for straight
- 00:40:37Bitcoin you should power your company
- 00:40:39with Bitcoin this is the speech I gave
- 00:40:42to Microsoft I said they should try some
- 00:40:44Bitcoin why because it's the highest
- 00:40:46performing uncorrelated asset a
- 00:40:49corporation can hold on its balance
- 00:40:52sheet right Microsoft's 18% a year uh
- 00:40:57performance versus Bitcoin
- 00:40:5962% bonds minus 5% those are the only
- 00:41:03three numbers you need to see now what
- 00:41:04look what happens
- 00:41:06next if you're Microsoft and you
- 00:41:09generate a 100 billion in cash flow and
- 00:41:11you sweep your cash flows into your own
- 00:41:14stock you underperform Bitcoin by
- 00:41:1997% you basically lose 97% of your gains
- 00:41:23because you're
- 00:41:24buying you're buying a plus 18 instead
- 00:41:27of a plus 62
- 00:41:30right but look at this one if you're
- 00:41:33Microsoft and you put 100 billion
- 00:41:35dollars into US treasury bills it's a
- 00:41:38minus
- 00:41:4199.7% trade it's
- 00:41:44horrific the bonds are
- 00:41:46toxic now anybody that went to Harvard
- 00:41:49Business School knows this but their
- 00:41:51solution is the wrong solution the
- 00:41:53solution is surrender all the money
- 00:41:57throw the money away because the money
- 00:41:59is toxic s show me a rich family that
- 00:42:03came up with the idea of throw all the
- 00:42:05money away to solve their
- 00:42:07problems right if you're going to
- 00:42:09perform in a superior way you're not
- 00:42:11going to do it without digital Capital
- 00:42:14there's Microsoft there's Nvidia that's
- 00:42:16micro strategy in the same time
- 00:42:18period we're not smarter than them and
- 00:42:21we don't work harder than them right
- 00:42:24we're the people building with steel and
- 00:42:26they're building building with
- 00:42:28wood I have a gun they have a bow and
- 00:42:32arrow it's
- 00:42:34technology right look at micro strategy
- 00:42:37versus Microsoft here we have
- 00:42:40effectively the same size options
- 00:42:44market and our stock trades more than
- 00:42:48theirs why because they stripped the
- 00:42:51volatility from the balance sheet and
- 00:42:53they stripped the volatility from the
- 00:42:56p&l because that's what Harvard B School
- 00:42:58classic Finance tells you to do what
- 00:43:01happens when you strip your volatility
- 00:43:03you have a 98% collapse in your options
- 00:43:06Market you have a 99% collapse in
- 00:43:09liquidity and this is masked by the fact
- 00:43:11that they're so large but this is not
- 00:43:14good for them this is not good for
- 00:43:16someone holding 10 billion dollar of
- 00:43:18Microsoft stock it's not as good a
- 00:43:21collateral and it doesn't generate the
- 00:43:23same return this is not what you should
- 00:43:25be aspiring to
- 00:43:27so every company has a choice to
- 00:43:30make cling to the past which is
- 00:43:34conventional I buy treasury bonds I do
- 00:43:37BuyBacks I pay out dividends or embrace
- 00:43:41the future which is I use Bitcoin as
- 00:43:44digital capital a different idea Bitcoin
- 00:43:48buys instead of stock
- 00:43:51BuyBacks the first choice is regression
- 00:43:54you're divesting your earnings yearly
- 00:43:56you're increasing investor risk and
- 00:43:58you're slowing your own growth the
- 00:44:01second choice is progression you're
- 00:44:04investing your earnings back into your
- 00:44:06own business you're decreasing risk and
- 00:44:09you're accelerating
- 00:44:11growth right this is actually Microsoft
- 00:44:14in the past five years they have
- 00:44:16surrendered $200 billion of
- 00:44:19capital just surrendered it right they
- 00:44:22generated 200 billion and and how does
- 00:44:24it help the sholders today it doesn't
- 00:44:27it's gone they literally gave it
- 00:44:31away and what did they do by giving it
- 00:44:33away they an these are the risk factors
- 00:44:36in Microsoft's
- 00:44:3810K not mine theirs they disclose them
- 00:44:42they're amplifying their own risk when
- 00:44:45you're buying your stock back you're
- 00:44:48Levering up your own equity on your own
- 00:44:51risk
- 00:44:52factors how do you get out of that
- 00:44:54vicious cycle right the best way to
- 00:44:56escape the cycle is reverse the process
- 00:45:00and start to invest in a diversified
- 00:45:03uncorrelated highly performing asset so
- 00:45:07Bitcoin is the asset without
- 00:45:08counterparty risk you don't have risk to
- 00:45:11a competitor a country a corporation a
- 00:45:13creditor a culture or currency that's
- 00:45:16the point get rid of the
- 00:45:18risk now now what if you could buy a
- 00:45:21digital Monopoly growing at 60% a year
- 00:45:24at one times
- 00:45:25Revenue and what if that company was
- 00:45:28more profitable than your own company
- 00:45:30would you do it who wouldn't do
- 00:45:33it what if you could keep doing it every
- 00:45:36year
- 00:45:39forever well that's Bitcoin right
- 00:45:42Bitcoin is the universal Perpetual
- 00:45:46profitable merger partner right what
- 00:45:49you're doing is the transformational
- 00:45:51merger but you're doing it with a a
- 00:45:53crypto Monopoly so when you evaluate
- 00:45:57your options you can plug in that same
- 00:45:59model and I did it for Microsoft and I
- 00:46:02looked at their business I looked at
- 00:46:03their cash
- 00:46:06flows right and I looked at what happens
- 00:46:08if they convert their existing assets to
- 00:46:10bitcoin or if they sweep their dividends
- 00:46:12into Bitcoin or they replace their
- 00:46:14BuyBacks with Bitcoin or they just
- 00:46:16borrow a little bit of money cheap to
- 00:46:17buy Bitcoin and what's the result the
- 00:46:20result is if they just convert some of
- 00:46:23their spare cash that make 155 bucks a
- 00:46:25share and if they replace the dividend
- 00:46:28they make $362 a
- 00:46:31share right and if they get rid of the
- 00:46:33BuyBacks
- 00:46:34$477 so it's worth anywhere from $100 to
- 00:46:37$500 a share do they have to change
- 00:46:40their Core Business not at all right the
- 00:46:43other catch is they double the value of
- 00:46:45the
- 00:46:46company right what happens to the market
- 00:46:48cap of the company well status quo is
- 00:46:52nothing
- 00:46:53good that little change is worth a
- 00:46:56trillion dollar
- 00:46:58right if you go to full triple Maxi it's
- 00:47:00$5
- 00:47:01trillion right you can just be worth
- 00:47:04five you know8 trillion instead of three
- 00:47:06trillion or whatever what's the downside
- 00:47:09no you just get
- 00:47:12rich okay this is another way to see
- 00:47:15Microsoft 5% of Microsoft's value is
- 00:47:18based upon its tangible assets it's it's
- 00:47:21actual liquid assets right now 95% is
- 00:47:25based upon forward expectations
- 00:47:28when you actually start to reinvest in
- 00:47:31Bitcoin your stock is valued 41% on on
- 00:47:35your assets and only 59% based on
- 00:47:39expectations so conventional wisdom says
- 00:47:41value the company based on forward
- 00:47:43expectations but but you know the
- 00:47:45richest people in the world aren't
- 00:47:47valued based on expectations of how hard
- 00:47:49they're going to work Bernard Arno and
- 00:47:51Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk they're not
- 00:47:53valued based on how hard they're going
- 00:47:55to work they're valued based on what
- 00:47:57they own your family's value based so
- 00:48:00why wouldn't you want to own something
- 00:48:03right Bitcoin is the thing to own so the
- 00:48:07snapshot here is you know you can crank
- 00:48:12the stock price up improve the ARR you
- 00:48:15know the growth rate for the investors
- 00:48:17create trillions of dollars of value all
- 00:48:20you have to do is manage your balance
- 00:48:21sheet differently you're capitalizing on
- 00:48:25bitcoin not capitalizing on
- 00:48:28bonds and I'll just end with some
- 00:48:30observation if it's good for your family
- 00:48:32and good for your portfolio and good for
- 00:48:34your company it's probably good for your
- 00:48:36country why not power your country based
- 00:48:38on bitcoin so this is Senator lum's
- 00:48:42proposal the idea is to buy some Bitcoin
- 00:48:45for the United States actually a million
- 00:48:47Bitcoin over the course of five years
- 00:48:50why because it's a peaceful Equitable
- 00:48:53solution for solving political
- 00:48:55differences it'll actually lay in place
- 00:48:58a foundation for the US to lead lead
- 00:49:01economically and ideologically without
- 00:49:04violence in the 21st
- 00:49:06century it's because you're harnessing
- 00:49:09you're you're assuming economic and
- 00:49:10Technology leadership in the world
- 00:49:13trillions of dollars of money is going
- 00:49:15to flow into this network and you can be
- 00:49:18the primary beneficiary if you're the US
- 00:49:21and you own it the US already has the
- 00:49:23world Reserve currency why wouldn't you
- 00:49:26want to own the world's Reserve Capital
- 00:49:28Network that's what Bitcoin is the
- 00:49:30world's Reserve Capital Network and what
- 00:49:33you're doing when you support it is
- 00:49:35you're attracting the capital from the
- 00:49:37Chinese the Russians the Africans the
- 00:49:39South Americans the Europeans into the
- 00:49:42network all that capital is going to
- 00:49:45flow and we're going to be the
- 00:49:48beneficiaries if you plug that Bitcoin
- 00:49:5024 model in the lumus bill what it does
- 00:49:53is cut the US debt in half over 20 years
- 00:49:58but if you think about the
- 00:49:59Precedence we bought the Louisiana
- 00:50:02Territory for next to nothing $15
- 00:50:05million and then we bought California
- 00:50:07and Mexico and uh and Texas from in in
- 00:50:11the Mexican War and then we bought
- 00:50:13Alaska look at all those
- 00:50:16purchases when we bought Alaska we
- 00:50:18bought a bunch of territory not even
- 00:50:19knowing what it was
- 00:50:21worth and then a hundred years later
- 00:50:24there's a trillion dollars of uh mineral
- 00:50:26rights under underneath it they weren't
- 00:50:28thinking that in
- 00:50:301867 right and
- 00:50:32so we paid I think 40 million do for
- 00:50:36three quarters of the United States $40
- 00:50:39million if you know where the people are
- 00:50:42going if you know the future California
- 00:50:45what could they possibly do in
- 00:50:47California right we bought California
- 00:50:49for 18 million bucks so Bitcoin is
- 00:50:54simply cyber Manhattan
- 00:50:57all the AIS are going there all the
- 00:50:59global capital is going there all we
- 00:51:01need to do is buy it it's all going to
- 00:51:04arrive so if you think about the
- 00:51:06greatest deal of the 21st century it's
- 00:51:09just buy 20 25% of cyber space when the
- 00:51:13US buys it every company will follow
- 00:51:16every country will follow all the
- 00:51:18capitalists will follow and we end up
- 00:51:21you know in the extreme case the Trump
- 00:51:23Max case you make $81 trillion doar just
- 00:51:27buying the future what you're doing is
- 00:51:30you're tipping you're inverting the
- 00:51:33entire world
- 00:51:34order uh instead of relying upon 20th
- 00:51:38century Capital
- 00:51:40assets that 450 trillion will flow into
- 00:51:4421st century digital assets if you know
- 00:51:49that the world is moving from the 20th
- 00:51:51to the 21st century if you believe in
- 00:51:54the progression of Technology if you
- 00:51:56think that people would rather have a
- 00:51:58billion dollars of Bitcoin than a
- 00:52:00billion dollars of frozen tundra in
- 00:52:02Siberia or natural gas rights in Cuba or
- 00:52:06whatever then you can just buy it now
- 00:52:09you can buy it for next to nothing and
- 00:52:12so that's the logic of the Bitcoin
- 00:52:14strategic reserve for the United States
- 00:52:17and it works for any country it works
- 00:52:20for any company right and and uh I guess
- 00:52:24the best thing I can say about Bitcoin
- 00:52:26is is is it's happening everybody needs
- 00:52:30it nobody can stop it very few people
- 00:52:33understand it and it's just volatile
- 00:52:35enough to be scary enough that if you
- 00:52:37don't do the work and get the conviction
- 00:52:39you'll just stare at it and watch it
- 00:52:41pass you by but I don't really mind the
- 00:52:45volatility because what I say to people
- 00:52:47is if Bitcoin appreciated at 60% a year
- 00:52:51in a perfect exponential with no
- 00:52:53volatility people stupider than me
- 00:52:57richer than me would own it all and I
- 00:52:59would have no opportunity and so I kind
- 00:53:02of like the way it's evolved and um I
- 00:53:05want to thank everybody for your time
- 00:53:07today and just leave you with the
- 00:53:08thought do the right thing for your
- 00:53:11family for the country for your
- 00:53:13investors and adult Bitcoin
- Bitcoin
- investiții
- MicroStrategy
- Saylor
- active digitale
- creștere economică
- strategii financiare
- volatilitate
- ETF-uri
- capital