Achieving Designs that Satisfy Stakeholders Through Better Requirements
TLDRTammy Katz, en systemingeniørekspert, præsenterer om betydningen af at udvikle bedre krav ved at forstå interessenternes behov. Hun diskuterer, hvordan man gennem en struktureret tilgang til behovsudvikling bedre kan valideres systemer, så de faktisk opfylder nødvendige stakeholder behov og ikke blot formelle krav. Hun fremhæver vigtigheden af at sætte større fokus på behov frem for umiddelbar kravudvikling for at opnå bedre systemintegritet og stakeholder tilfredsstillelse. Katz introducerer en ny manual fra INCOSE, der beskriver disse koncepter nærmere, og opfordrer til at tage en datadrevet tilgang i systemudvikling. Desuden opfordrer hun til feedback på denne manual fra de praktiserende ingeniører, som vil blive nyttiggjort ved fremtidige opdateringer.
- 🛠️ Fokus på behov før krav fører til bedre systemdesign.
- 💼 INCOSE manualer og vejledninger er tilgængelige for medlemmer.
- 🔄 Verifikation og validering af systemer sker gennem hele livscyklussen.
- 🎯 Betydningen af en datadrevet tilgang til systemudvikling.
- 📚 Den nye manual giver en dybdegående guide til behovs- og kravstyring.
- 🤝 Samarbejde mellem interessenter er vigtigt for succesfuldt design.
- 🗂️ Sammenkoblede data sikrer præcise systemkonstruktioner.
- 🚀 Systemer valideres imod interessenters reelle behov.
- 🌍 Tilpasning og forståelse af kontekst er kritisk under kravsudvikling.
- 🔍 Aktualisering af materialer i systemingeniørpraksis.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Mød Tammy Katz, en beundringsværdig kvinde med dyb interesse i kravfastlæggelse og mission arkitektur. Hun præsenterer om at opnå design, der tilfredsstiller interessenter gennem bedre kravfastsættelse. Formålet er at belyse vigtigheden af at forstå og udvikle interessenternes behov som grundlag for gode krav.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Materialet fra INCOSE Requirements Working Group hjælper systemudviklere med at opnå systemvalidering gennem en bedre forståelse af behov og krav. Det omfatter en ny manual til behov og krav samt vejledninger til anvendelse, der dækker forskellige industridomæner.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Indsatsen for at afklare de forvirrende termer i systemkravudvikling fremhæves, herunder forskelle mellem behov og krav og vigtigheden af behovsidentifikation for at sikre validering. Tilpasninger forventes i næste udgave af SE håndbogen for at afklare misforståelser.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Fokusering på behov i systemudviklingen kan føre til bedre overensstemmelse med interessenternes ønsker og validering. Verifikation og validering skal behandles i sammenhæng med livscyklusprocesser. En datacentrisk fremgangsmåde opfordres for at forbedre integration.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Verifikation og validering bør ikke forveksles, da de er essentielle men forskellige processer i systemudviklingen. De sikrer, at produktet opfylder både krav og behov gennem hele sin livscyklus.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Introduktion til processen for at etablere et integreret sæt af behov gennem mission, mål og interessenter, samt hvordan disse oversættes til krav. Datacentrisk tilgang foreslås for bedre at forbinde udviklingsdokumentation.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Brugen af et integreret sæt af behov kan udføres selv ved lavere samlingsniveauer og ikke blot på kundens eller brugerens krav. Dette hjælper med at sikre, at alle interessenter, herunder interne, er repræsenteret i behovsanalyse.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Alle systeminteressenter bidrager til et integreret sæt af behov, som senere transformationer til systemkrav. Dette hjælper med at sikre, at udviklede systemer opfylder de forventede funktioner og præstationer.
- 00:40:00 - 00:49:10
Behov og krav transformation i kontekst – vigtigheden af datacentrisk praksis og modellering for systemudvikling og validering. Understreger interkoblede data og spredning af kraften i dataanalyse i udviklingsprocessen.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Hvem er aftenens taler?
Aftenens taler er Tammy Katz, en kvinde med stor faglighed inden for systemingeniørfeltet.
Hvad er den primære fokus for Tammy Katz's præsentation?
Fokus for præsentationen er at opnå systemdesign, der tilfredsstiller interessenter gennem bedre forståelse af behov og krav.
Hvad diskuterer Tammy omkring systemdesign og krav?
Hun diskuterer hvordan et system kan opfyldes interessenternes behov ved korrekt viden om og håndtering af krav.
Hvilken organisation er Tammy Katz en del af?
Tammy Katz er en del af INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering).
Hvad er et væsentligt udbytte af at fokusere på behov før krav?
Ved at fokusere på behov før krav kan man skabe et system der validerer de oprindelige interessentbehov og ikke kun opfylder formelle krav.
Hvornår skal en system validering finde sted ifølge præsentationen?
Systemet skal valideres mod interessenternes behov gennem hele dets livscyklus.
Hvad er en vigtig opfattelse i kravspecificeringsprocessen ifølge Tammy Katz?
At forene interessenternes reelle behov med de krav der udvikles til systemdesignet.
Hvilken opdatering er udgivet i januar 2023, som Tammy Katz nævner?
En ny manual om behov og krav fra INCOSE's requirements working group.
Hvad opfordrer Tammy deltagerne til at gøre efter præsentationen?
Hun opfordrer deltagerne til at bruge og give feedback på den nye manual og dens indhold.
Lihat lebih banyak ringkasan video
- 00:00:00and now what we've all been waiting for
- 00:00:02tonight's speaker meeting
- 00:00:05tammy katz is is a um
- 00:00:09a woman of wonder she's an esep
- 00:00:11she's a phd
- 00:00:13she's chair of the cozy uh requirements
- 00:00:15working group
- 00:00:16she's a chief engineer she does mission
- 00:00:19architecture studies
- 00:00:20don't know where you find the time tammy
- 00:00:22but um i i appreciate people like you
- 00:00:25who are interested in these topics and
- 00:00:28and willing to share your knowledge with
- 00:00:30us
- 00:00:31and she has lots of things to share with
- 00:00:32us this evening
- 00:00:35um several needs and requirements um
- 00:00:38specifics are in that guide
- 00:00:41uh there's a white paper on
- 00:00:43integrated data
- 00:00:45a guide on verification and validation
- 00:00:48one to write requirements and of course
- 00:00:50she also contributes to the sc handbook
- 00:00:52and the systems engineering
- 00:00:54body of knowledge so she provides
- 00:00:56guidance across um the the boundaries of
- 00:01:00all areas of emposi
- 00:01:02we are very happy to have tammy um with
- 00:01:05us today and i'm proud to call her one
- 00:01:07of our own in the inclusi organization
- 00:01:11so without further ado i'm gonna stop
- 00:01:13sharing tana would you like to share or
- 00:01:15would you like me to
- 00:01:16flip your slides
- 00:01:18i'll go ahead and share i've got them
- 00:01:20set up on the screen
- 00:01:21so i'm gonna
- 00:01:23get this going hopefully we get the
- 00:01:24right screen
- 00:01:27please confirm if you see my slides
- 00:01:31confirm
- 00:01:33excellent thank you and thank you for
- 00:01:35that very nice introduction i really
- 00:01:37appreciate it um so the title of my talk
- 00:01:40today is achieving designs that satisfy
- 00:01:42stakeholders through better requirements
- 00:01:45and it doesn't say it boldly in here but
- 00:01:48really what i'm going to be talking
- 00:01:50about is developing our needs and
- 00:01:52understanding the needs because that's
- 00:01:54the foundation of establishing good
- 00:01:56requirements that satisfy our
- 00:01:58stakeholders and i'm going to give a lot
- 00:02:00of credit to my fellow members of our
- 00:02:03requirements working group here in a
- 00:02:04minute so i'm going to introduce us
- 00:02:06as a group
- 00:02:07so i'm going to show how our material
- 00:02:10through the in cozy requirements working
- 00:02:11group
- 00:02:12can help develop system developers
- 00:02:16get an effort that really satisfies
- 00:02:18their stakeholders ultimately achieving
- 00:02:20system validation we're going to
- 00:02:22highlight our new needs and requirements
- 00:02:24manual and and just talk about examples
- 00:02:26of how someone could apply it and some
- 00:02:28some key lessons i hope you take away
- 00:02:30from that manual
- 00:02:33so our requirements working group has
- 00:02:35been around for some time
- 00:02:37and everyone
- 00:02:38who's an cozy member is welcome to join
- 00:02:41we uh really are just trying to advance
- 00:02:43the practice of how to apply
- 00:02:46requirements development management in
- 00:02:48our various industries as systems
- 00:02:50engineers and now we've also
- 00:02:52incorporated the idea of needs and
- 00:02:54requirements development and after my
- 00:02:56talk today i hope you understand why
- 00:02:58and we're really a group for
- 00:02:59practitioners although we have quite a
- 00:03:01diverse array of both
- 00:03:04experienced industry folks
- 00:03:07academic
- 00:03:08participants and everyone in between so
- 00:03:11we've got folks who've just started
- 00:03:13their journey as systems engineers and
- 00:03:15and folks like lou that you just met
- 00:03:17who've been practicing it for for a few
- 00:03:19decades now
- 00:03:21this is the leadership here of our group
- 00:03:24um i've been the chair for about three
- 00:03:25years before me uh lou wecraft was the
- 00:03:28chair and he's now kindly agreed to
- 00:03:30support me as a co-chair
- 00:03:32we've got mike ryan who just retired he
- 00:03:35works out in australia and he's been a
- 00:03:38co-chair for a while and we have raymond
- 00:03:40wolfgang who works out in sandia
- 00:03:42national labs
- 00:03:43and besides the the four of us we have
- 00:03:46400 plus members and that sounds uh
- 00:03:49pretty impressive uh it's quite the
- 00:03:51diverse large group of uh working group
- 00:03:54members that we've got
- 00:03:56it's one of our largest in and cozy and
- 00:03:58what we really enjoy is being able to
- 00:04:00get together frequently and having
- 00:04:02dialogues of what's challenging folks
- 00:04:05you know what are the issues that people
- 00:04:07are seeing that we can try to solve as a
- 00:04:10group
- 00:04:11we have several resources i'm going to
- 00:04:12point you to and i'll bring them up
- 00:04:14later again if you'd like to see them
- 00:04:15and the slides will be made available so
- 00:04:17you can get to our sites but we have an
- 00:04:19external site where we publish a lot of
- 00:04:22our upcoming
- 00:04:24i guess meetings and and presentations
- 00:04:27and we have a youtube channel so if
- 00:04:29you're actually to go on
- 00:04:30the youtube uh
- 00:04:32if you go on youtube and search for in
- 00:04:34cozy requirements working group or in
- 00:04:36cozy rwg you'll find our channel and we
- 00:04:39put a lot of information about our
- 00:04:41material there including our guest
- 00:04:43speakers and our workshop
- 00:04:45sessions
- 00:04:47now you saw earlier a form of our
- 00:04:49products this is actually our product
- 00:04:51tree
- 00:04:52and we are very responsive to the in
- 00:04:54cozy system engineering handbook so you
- 00:04:57see that up here we've supplied inputs
- 00:04:59to version 5 and that really forms how
- 00:05:03we generate our material which is
- 00:05:05practical guidance in support of that
- 00:05:07material and i'm going to hit some of
- 00:05:10how we also respond to
- 00:05:12the 15 288 standard as well here
- 00:05:15um we also try to align very closely
- 00:05:17with the cboc which has a lot of uh i
- 00:05:20would say more living material
- 00:05:22associated with systems engineering
- 00:05:23practices
- 00:05:25our document that we just put out this
- 00:05:27year is called the needs and
- 00:05:28requirements manual and i'm going to
- 00:05:29share a bit about it with you and i'm
- 00:05:31going to show you excerpts from it today
- 00:05:34but before we publish that we had
- 00:05:35published a white paper a few years ago
- 00:05:38called
- 00:05:40integrated data as a foundation of
- 00:05:41systems engineering and it's really
- 00:05:43about a data centric practice of systems
- 00:05:45engineering and how that intertwines a
- 00:05:47lot of requirements with our other
- 00:05:50artifacts of development and how
- 00:05:52important that is that that all talks to
- 00:05:54each other and i'm going to bring up
- 00:05:55elements of that today as well because
- 00:05:57that also worked its way into our manual
- 00:06:00and uh that was also one of the uh in
- 00:06:03cozy technical operation uh like best
- 00:06:06paper awards a few years ago from a
- 00:06:09working group
- 00:06:10we have practitioner guides though so
- 00:06:12the manual itself
- 00:06:14pretty large has a lot of information
- 00:06:18we realize some people want the easy
- 00:06:20option so we put together a handful of
- 00:06:22guides that give practical application
- 00:06:25guidance and examples so they speak to
- 00:06:27the material but in a little simpler
- 00:06:29form
- 00:06:30the shorter
- 00:06:32and and then the like i said have
- 00:06:33examples so we have the guide to needs
- 00:06:35and requirements we have the guide to
- 00:06:37verification and validation and then we
- 00:06:39also have the guide to writing
- 00:06:40requirements which has been around for a
- 00:06:41while and we're going to go ahead and do
- 00:06:43a refresh on that uh over this next few
- 00:06:45years with even more characteristics and
- 00:06:48examples
- 00:06:50and we have work with other working
- 00:06:52groups to provide more domain specific
- 00:06:55guides since we work across many
- 00:06:56industries we find some industries think
- 00:06:59about security or aerospace perhaps
- 00:07:02might want to focus in on some guidance
- 00:07:04just for domains that are very
- 00:07:07specialized
- 00:07:10and i certainly encourage everyone to go
- 00:07:11to the store the cozy store has all this
- 00:07:14material you can you know here's
- 00:07:15screenshots of where you can find it
- 00:07:18we know this material is pretty uh
- 00:07:21low cost if you're not a member but if
- 00:07:23you are a member it's even lower it's
- 00:07:25free to download so
- 00:07:27uh i hope you get an opportunity to go
- 00:07:30to the cozy store and check out our
- 00:07:32needs and requirements requirements
- 00:07:34manual and some of our guides
- 00:07:36and we are going to put this plea at the
- 00:07:38end and i'll start off now saying we
- 00:07:40welcome your feedback we put this
- 00:07:41material together over several years
- 00:07:43with a lot of peer reviews and user
- 00:07:46inputs and the best thing that we can
- 00:07:48hear is folks who have been using it
- 00:07:50with recommendations on how to improve
- 00:07:51it and make it even better
- 00:07:55so i'm going to go in and talk a little
- 00:07:57bit about why
- 00:07:58we're trying to solve certain problems
- 00:08:00what what is it we saw needed to be
- 00:08:02addressed what are some of the confusing
- 00:08:05things out there in the practice of
- 00:08:07developing requirements and what we
- 00:08:10believe could be a way to approach it
- 00:08:13that could be a little bit more
- 00:08:14beneficial a little more effective
- 00:08:17so i'm going to start by talking about
- 00:08:18the current system engineering technical
- 00:08:20processes themselves
- 00:08:23and i'm sure many of you are aware of
- 00:08:255288 and it's a technical standard for
- 00:08:27systems engineering in general right so
- 00:08:30it covers uh processes across many
- 00:08:32lifecycle stages not just requirements
- 00:08:35obviously but it is in there
- 00:08:37they also put together a 29148
- 00:08:41standard in 2018 and it is very focused
- 00:08:44on requirements engineering and it tries
- 00:08:46to get a little bit more focused in
- 00:08:48terms of terminology concepts
- 00:08:51my opinion a little less user-friendly
- 00:08:53in terms of practical application so
- 00:08:57what we saw then is in the cozy systems
- 00:08:59engineering handbook it expands also on
- 00:09:0115 288 and does define a little bit more
- 00:09:06on how some of these technical processes
- 00:09:08could be done
- 00:09:10but what the requirement working group
- 00:09:11did is decide to take that
- 00:09:14and write more material that can help
- 00:09:16the users with very specific sets of
- 00:09:19those technical processes
- 00:09:21and if you're not familiar haven't read
- 00:09:23it recently these are the overview of
- 00:09:25the 15 288 processes that we're talking
- 00:09:27about and specific the technical
- 00:09:29processes are really um
- 00:09:32probably the the most
- 00:09:33that people think about when they think
- 00:09:34about developing a product right they're
- 00:09:36certainly the ones people think about
- 00:09:38when they think about developing your
- 00:09:40requirements developing verification
- 00:09:42understanding you know your transition
- 00:09:44and and your designs so these are the
- 00:09:47ones a lot of the engineers think of
- 00:09:49when they're developing a product and
- 00:09:52if you read 15 288 and the sc handbook
- 00:09:54you'll recognize they're done
- 00:09:56iteratively and recursively and this is
- 00:09:58one of the areas that some folks tend to
- 00:10:00miss is some of these
- 00:10:02don't necessarily happen in order or
- 00:10:04they can go back and we can mature them
- 00:10:06further as we go through a development
- 00:10:08life cycle so we're going to talk a
- 00:10:10little bit how that can work with some
- 00:10:12of the examples i'm going to give today
- 00:10:15now obviously how these processes are
- 00:10:17implemented can greatly affect the
- 00:10:19outcome of a product
- 00:10:21one of the things i'm going to focus on
- 00:10:22are the first three
- 00:10:24um so the technical process is here i'm
- 00:10:27going to give a little bit more
- 00:10:28attention to the first three of this
- 00:10:30group
- 00:10:33now this material i'm presenting now is
- 00:10:36your as is state so when you see updates
- 00:10:39to uh the sc handbook in my next summer
- 00:10:42when it's published much of this is
- 00:10:44going to go away and i'm going to talk a
- 00:10:46little bit about why it's going to go
- 00:10:47away but if you were to look at the
- 00:10:49system engineering handbook now this is
- 00:10:51what you would see
- 00:10:52and it's what a lot of people try to put
- 00:10:53into practice today so i'm going to just
- 00:10:55go ahead and expand on it and then talk
- 00:10:57about some of the
- 00:10:59more evolved material that we're we're
- 00:11:01putting out
- 00:11:02so when you think about
- 00:11:04your technical process for business and
- 00:11:06mission analysis one of the things
- 00:11:08you're thinking about here
- 00:11:10is your preliminary life cycle concepts
- 00:11:13and your business needs and what is
- 00:11:15what is it you're trying to do when
- 00:11:18where are you trying to solve a problem
- 00:11:19or an opportunity where are you going to
- 00:11:21put your money what market are you going
- 00:11:23for
- 00:11:24and as you look on it it kind of gets
- 00:11:26into the part where you're starting to
- 00:11:28just skim the surface of what are we
- 00:11:31aiming for
- 00:11:32the concept here is you then get from
- 00:11:35you know this initial concept to a set
- 00:11:37of business requirements
- 00:11:38and they could be published in some sort
- 00:11:41of business requirement specification
- 00:11:44now i don't know about you i've never
- 00:11:46seen or written a business requirement
- 00:11:48specification
- 00:11:49however this idea of starting with your
- 00:11:51problem statement or what opportunity
- 00:11:53you're solving that's real right i mean
- 00:11:56we do do that as various companies
- 00:12:00and then the next process is called the
- 00:12:02stakeholder needs and requirements
- 00:12:05technical process so it has has both
- 00:12:06those terms in there
- 00:12:08and it's really about
- 00:12:10understanding then
- 00:12:12what stakeholders are out there
- 00:12:15for that problem or opportunity what are
- 00:12:17you solving and what is it they need and
- 00:12:19they inform it in terms of requirement
- 00:12:22statements from the stakeholder
- 00:12:23perspective
- 00:12:24and
- 00:12:25the
- 00:12:26the requirements standard actually goes
- 00:12:28quite a bit into this process as well
- 00:12:31but when you're done with this step it's
- 00:12:32expected that you will have some sort of
- 00:12:35stakeholder requirement specification
- 00:12:38and
- 00:12:39you see here on this figure
- 00:12:41the strs is the outcome of this process
- 00:12:45and there is a transformation step
- 00:12:47within this technical process where you
- 00:12:49take your stakeholder needs as after you
- 00:12:51acquire them and you kind of transform
- 00:12:54them into requirement statements from a
- 00:12:56stakeholder perspective
- 00:12:58and then you enter your next technical
- 00:13:00process called system requirements
- 00:13:02and this is where you get through to
- 00:13:05what is the system of interest supposed
- 00:13:06to do to meet those stakeholder needs
- 00:13:09and requirements and when you exit this
- 00:13:12process you get to your system
- 00:13:13requirement specification
- 00:13:16and that ultimately captures what the
- 00:13:17system needs to do how well it needs to
- 00:13:20do it under what conditions many of us
- 00:13:22are very familiar with this particular
- 00:13:25form of requirements
- 00:13:27now this is very interesting to me to
- 00:13:29see all the steps that go into that
- 00:13:31because in my practice as an engineer
- 00:13:34i've often not seen those other steps
- 00:13:36this is actually
- 00:13:37where i've spent a bulk of my time
- 00:13:40and i find as i talk to other peers
- 00:13:43that's where a lot of other folks tend
- 00:13:45to focus as well
- 00:13:47so then that gets into the challenges
- 00:13:49what what are the actual challenges with
- 00:13:52these approaches in these technical
- 00:13:53processes and what can we do to kind of
- 00:13:55put a spin on it to help make them more
- 00:13:57effective
- 00:14:01so first i'd like to highlight that
- 00:14:03second process stakeholders needs and
- 00:14:05development it's very critical and when
- 00:14:07you think about the definition of
- 00:14:09validation in the system engineering
- 00:14:11handbook one of the things you'll see is
- 00:14:13that actually this the system is
- 00:14:15actually validated against these the
- 00:14:17stakeholder needs and requirements
- 00:14:20and
- 00:14:21it's very important then to understand
- 00:14:23them very well
- 00:14:26however
- 00:14:28you know in practice we've noticed that
- 00:14:30the approach to capture our stakeholder
- 00:14:32requirements and system requirements
- 00:14:34they tend to be combined people tend to
- 00:14:37shortcut it and go right to the system
- 00:14:39set of requirements
- 00:14:41and they focus more on it and and
- 00:14:43sometimes what you hear is why do that
- 00:14:45double work you know ultimately we want
- 00:14:48the system requirements
- 00:14:49um there's also additional confusion in
- 00:14:52my opinion from iso 29148 which refers
- 00:14:56to stakeholder owned system requirements
- 00:14:59so okay is that a stakeholder
- 00:15:01requirement let's get a system
- 00:15:02requirement right
- 00:15:04so
- 00:15:05it really comes down to this is a very
- 00:15:07important step understanding the
- 00:15:09stakeholder needs is a very critical
- 00:15:11step to achieving system validation
- 00:15:13because ultimately we want to show we
- 00:15:15built the right thing
- 00:15:16and missing that stakeholder needs and
- 00:15:18requirements process can result in a
- 00:15:20system that really conforms to your
- 00:15:22requirements it's fully verified
- 00:15:24but it doesn't address the needs of the
- 00:15:25stakeholders it's not validated
- 00:15:30and then we get down to the other thing
- 00:15:32we've noticed a confusion of is it a
- 00:15:34need or is it a requirement now we have
- 00:15:37here
- 00:15:38the definitions obviously the terms are
- 00:15:40defined differently but when we think
- 00:15:42about it in terms of the technical
- 00:15:43processes uh they are very different uh
- 00:15:46statements right so needs are more in
- 00:15:50the um view sorry i'm gonna move that
- 00:15:53right there
- 00:15:54capabilities or things that are lacking
- 00:15:57but wanted or desired by one or more
- 00:15:59stakeholders and they're often in the
- 00:16:00viewpoint of the stakeholders
- 00:16:03so you know i really want
- 00:16:07the ability to image something i really
- 00:16:10need to be able to take pictures right
- 00:16:12and that ultimately can be decomposed to
- 00:16:14a series of requirements around a system
- 00:16:16that can do those things and have those
- 00:16:18capabilities
- 00:16:19so
- 00:16:21researching many publications and
- 00:16:23courses what we see is a lot of emphasis
- 00:16:25on developing the requirements which are
- 00:16:28those formal structured statements that
- 00:16:30can be verified and we'll say validated
- 00:16:33now and i'll give you a little insight
- 00:16:35later what we mean when we say and
- 00:16:36they're validated
- 00:16:37there may be more than one requirement
- 00:16:39defined for each need so you have this
- 00:16:41capability concept from a stakeholder
- 00:16:43perspective in form of a need but most
- 00:16:45of the training that we've seen most of
- 00:16:47the guidance most of the published
- 00:16:49material really focuses right on the
- 00:16:51requirements that formal structured
- 00:16:54almost contractual set of terms on what
- 00:16:57a thing needs to do
- 00:16:59and so what we're finding is uh
- 00:17:02less focus on needs in terms of
- 00:17:04education in terms of practice
- 00:17:07now i took this from the system
- 00:17:09engineering handbook very specifically i
- 00:17:11see many flavors of the system
- 00:17:13engineering be
- 00:17:14and some of them do start with the
- 00:17:17capture of needs and the you know what
- 00:17:19is it our business is trying to do
- 00:17:22many of them start right here with the
- 00:17:23system the system viewpoint system
- 00:17:26requirements and a lot of system
- 00:17:28engineers are almost trained from the
- 00:17:31get-go that the very top of that v is
- 00:17:33our system and then we go down and
- 00:17:35decompose to a lower level like a
- 00:17:38subsystem and maybe a component and that
- 00:17:40really just again reinforces this idea
- 00:17:43we go right to the system requirements
- 00:17:46but where do those requirements come
- 00:17:47from right what is the thing that really
- 00:17:49prompts those requirements and that's
- 00:17:51really where we want to get focused on a
- 00:17:52little bit more
- 00:17:55so nomenclature challenges this is not
- 00:17:57my favorite figure and i know that uh
- 00:18:00you know some of some of my peers helped
- 00:18:02develop it so i hope you know i can say
- 00:18:04that and not get in trouble but the idea
- 00:18:06is it's a nomenclature challenge
- 00:18:09i think of myself as a technical person
- 00:18:11and a systems engineer and i see this
- 00:18:14statement of business operations and my
- 00:18:16head immediately goes to oh those other
- 00:18:18people you know the folks that manage
- 00:18:21the business side of things not
- 00:18:22necessarily the technical side of things
- 00:18:24that's not really true in this
- 00:18:25particular technical process it's a very
- 00:18:28critical step where they're taking
- 00:18:29stakeholder needs and transforming them
- 00:18:31to stakeholder requirements which
- 00:18:33ultimately feed system requirements it's
- 00:18:35a very critical step but a lot of folks
- 00:18:38get turned off by the name of business
- 00:18:39operations so again it takes a little
- 00:18:41less importance then
- 00:18:44of getting on to the idea of what your
- 00:18:46needs are for the system of interest
- 00:18:48that you're developing in the framework
- 00:18:50of those who are going to use that
- 00:18:51system or are impacted by that system
- 00:18:54so we just find that's a misleading
- 00:18:56nomenclature and one thing you will
- 00:18:58learn is a lot of this material is going
- 00:19:00to be updated in the next revision of
- 00:19:02the system engineering handbook but this
- 00:19:04is what's out there today
- 00:19:06um we also like to remind you that this
- 00:19:0815288 processes they are iterative and
- 00:19:11recursive right so this needs
- 00:19:12development don't just happen one time
- 00:19:14at the very beginning they can happen
- 00:19:17throughout the levels of abstraction so
- 00:19:19as you go down to the subsystem level
- 00:19:21there are stakeholders there right and
- 00:19:23they they definitely have some needs and
- 00:19:25viewpoints of that lower level uh that's
- 00:19:27being developed and then you get to
- 00:19:29maybe the component level and there are
- 00:19:30stakeholders there as well so this
- 00:19:32process does happen
- 00:19:34uh multiple times throughout the life
- 00:19:36cycle of a system of interest
- 00:19:37development
- 00:19:41so
- 00:19:42got through a lot of terms that were
- 00:19:43confusing and concepts that were being
- 00:19:45missed and so now i'm going to highlight
- 00:19:47some thoughts from the cozy requirements
- 00:19:49working group on material we put
- 00:19:51together we think might help
- 00:19:53um make things a little more clear when
- 00:19:56we're developing our requirement set and
- 00:19:58how to actually ensure we're getting all
- 00:20:00of the requirements and we're getting
- 00:20:02them from the right perspectives and it
- 00:20:04really will ultimately address the
- 00:20:06problem that's being solved or the
- 00:20:08opportunity that's trying to be realized
- 00:20:11so
- 00:20:11the requirements uh needs and
- 00:20:13requirements manual is actually rather
- 00:20:15large and there's a lot of concepts in
- 00:20:17it and i certainly can't do justice in
- 00:20:19the time i have today on all of it but
- 00:20:21if you take away three things today
- 00:20:23these are the three things that i would
- 00:20:25love for you to see as effective ways to
- 00:20:28improve requirements development efforts
- 00:20:31one is focus more on the needs right and
- 00:20:34i have charts on all of these but
- 00:20:36particularly when you focus more on the
- 00:20:37needs we're going to give you a methods
- 00:20:39for establishing what we call the
- 00:20:41integrated set of needs
- 00:20:43and by moving more emphasis to what's
- 00:20:45really needed before the development of
- 00:20:47your system requirements
- 00:20:49we believe that you ultimately get a
- 00:20:51system that's
- 00:20:52achieving system validation it's going
- 00:20:54to be meeting your stakeholder needs
- 00:20:56it's it's really ultimately going to be
- 00:20:58the right thing
- 00:21:00the other thing that we would like you
- 00:21:02to take away is verification and
- 00:21:04validation is really based on context so
- 00:21:06i'm going to give examples of this but
- 00:21:08the vnv terms
- 00:21:09when we say vnv get interchanged a lot
- 00:21:12right verification and validation do
- 00:21:14absolutely mean different things
- 00:21:16and based on where you are in your life
- 00:21:18cycle and the thing you're trying to
- 00:21:20verify or the thing you're trying to
- 00:21:22validate those are different activities
- 00:21:24so i'm going to talk a little bit about
- 00:21:26what that means in relationship then to
- 00:21:28also our needs and our requirements
- 00:21:30and then the third takeaway which i
- 00:21:32think is just huge and fundamental and
- 00:21:35many many people are are dealing with
- 00:21:38this beyond just the requirements aspect
- 00:21:40is dealing with more of a data centric
- 00:21:42approach we're going beyond a
- 00:21:44document-centric viewpoint where we just
- 00:21:46think about isolated documents while
- 00:21:49we're developing a system a a spec a b
- 00:21:52spec an icd an environment spec you know
- 00:21:55these things are just no longer
- 00:21:57stovepiped individual documents what
- 00:21:59we're really dealing with is a set of
- 00:22:01needs and requirements data that are
- 00:22:04intertwined with all your other
- 00:22:06system development artifacts
- 00:22:08so i'm going to talk a little bit more
- 00:22:10about that as we go through as well
- 00:22:14and the last thing is um
- 00:22:17okay i thought i would just look at the
- 00:22:18chat briefly um we will address
- 00:22:20questions of course but i just want to
- 00:22:22make sure there was no you know
- 00:22:23immediate question
- 00:22:25let me talk a little bit about what we
- 00:22:26mean when we say focus more on the needs
- 00:22:29let's define it right needs represent a
- 00:22:31stakeholder and customer or acquire view
- 00:22:34of the system of interest so we'll say
- 00:22:36system of interest or soi here this
- 00:22:38could be a mission of some nature it
- 00:22:41could be a medical device
- 00:22:43it could be you know anything that's
- 00:22:45being developed to solve a problem
- 00:22:47and it could be a lower level of
- 00:22:49something and so you know something part
- 00:22:52of a bigger system
- 00:22:53but needs represent the stakeholder and
- 00:22:55customer require view of that what do
- 00:22:57they need it to do to result in their
- 00:22:59problem being resolved or their
- 00:23:00opportunity being realized and of course
- 00:23:03there are some defined constraints
- 00:23:04associated with that
- 00:23:06needs communicate what the stakeholders
- 00:23:08expect the end state to be
- 00:23:10once we get the system of interest
- 00:23:12developed
- 00:23:13and delivered
- 00:23:14what will satisfy the stakeholder but
- 00:23:16the other aspect of it the stakeholders
- 00:23:19could also be part of the development
- 00:23:20process it could be other members of the
- 00:23:22team
- 00:23:23that need something during the
- 00:23:25development or verification activities
- 00:23:27or or production right so they're not
- 00:23:30just limited to the customer or the end
- 00:23:32user they could be reflected of those
- 00:23:34impacted by the system in some way even
- 00:23:36including internal stakeholders
- 00:23:38and ultimately your system of interest
- 00:23:40is going to be validated against your
- 00:23:42integrated set of needs and i'm going to
- 00:23:44give examples of that shortly so you can
- 00:23:46see what integrated needs are versus
- 00:23:48this other thing we're calling
- 00:23:49requirements
- 00:23:51and requirements are your technical
- 00:23:53developer view of the system of interest
- 00:23:55so what must the soi do what must the
- 00:23:58system do in order to meet those needs
- 00:24:00it's an input to the design process
- 00:24:02right so to think about then we're going
- 00:24:05from needs to requirements to ultimately
- 00:24:08a design solution
- 00:24:10both the design and the realized system
- 00:24:12the produced system will be verified
- 00:24:15against the requirements so validated
- 00:24:17against the integrated set of needs
- 00:24:19verified against the requirements
- 00:24:23so integrated needs again represent the
- 00:24:25stakeholder needs that were transformed
- 00:24:27from what we call the life cycle
- 00:24:29concepts for the system of interest the
- 00:24:31set of needs communicate all of the
- 00:24:33stakeholder perspectives
- 00:24:35concerning their expectations
- 00:24:37and because needs are not requirements
- 00:24:39they don't contain the word child so
- 00:24:41we'll give some examples shortly
- 00:24:43and then we're going to add a little
- 00:24:45modifier to the word requirements
- 00:24:47because remember earlier we were talking
- 00:24:49about things called stakeholder
- 00:24:51requirements and system requirements but
- 00:24:53we're actually going to view it a little
- 00:24:54more simply than that i'm just going to
- 00:24:56call it design input requirements you
- 00:24:58could still say requirements for short
- 00:25:00because i would like you to recognize
- 00:25:02that sometimes this can be a mouthful
- 00:25:04but think about it in terms of design
- 00:25:06input requirements they represent those
- 00:25:09technical requirements that were
- 00:25:11transformed from your baselines out of
- 00:25:13integrated needs
- 00:25:14or the system of interest their inputs
- 00:25:16into the architecture and design
- 00:25:17definition process they're written in a
- 00:25:20structured
- 00:25:21natural language as textual shell
- 00:25:23statements
- 00:25:24yeah they could actually be written in
- 00:25:26terms of models too i think that in the
- 00:25:28needs requirements manual we do say
- 00:25:30there's a room for both right this is
- 00:25:32the structured shell
- 00:25:34so it's you're being measured against it
- 00:25:37and and we do have rule sets for good
- 00:25:39characteristics of writing requirements
- 00:25:41that these are bounced against
- 00:25:43so i will have you know there's a little
- 00:25:45less emphasis on this word called
- 00:25:47stakeholder requirements
- 00:25:49our intent is to mitigate the confusion
- 00:25:51of terms between stakeholder
- 00:25:52requirements with stakeholder wants and
- 00:25:54system requirements what the system is
- 00:25:56expected to do we're trying to just keep
- 00:25:58things a little more simple your
- 00:25:59integrated set of needs
- 00:26:01and then that feeds your design input
- 00:26:04requirements
- 00:26:07so this is what it visually could look
- 00:26:09like then when you're developing your
- 00:26:10integrated set of needs and we even
- 00:26:12formulate a series of steps that could
- 00:26:14be useful so you know you can think
- 00:26:16about
- 00:26:17everything holistically and you don't
- 00:26:19miss major inputs
- 00:26:21so
- 00:26:22you know real highlight here
- 00:26:24first you define the why what problem
- 00:26:26are you trying to solve or your you know
- 00:26:29opportunity that you're trying to
- 00:26:30realize and you often to think about in
- 00:26:32terms of mission
- 00:26:34goals objectives and measures
- 00:26:36mgos right and this idea is um you're
- 00:26:40thinking about your problem or your
- 00:26:42opportunity your mission goals
- 00:26:43objectives and that'll start formulating
- 00:26:47this idea that will eventually take the
- 00:26:49form of life cycle concepts so your
- 00:26:51initial architecture your initial
- 00:26:53mission your initial set of use cases
- 00:26:56but what is it you're trying to do let's
- 00:26:58solve what thing are you trying to solve
- 00:27:00and then
- 00:27:01who's impacted define the who
- 00:27:04you've got a lot of stakeholders that
- 00:27:05could either be an acquirer or a
- 00:27:07customer
- 00:27:08you've got stakeholders that could be
- 00:27:09users testers builders coders you've got
- 00:27:14users who could be regulatory
- 00:27:16they could be certifying they could be
- 00:27:18safety
- 00:27:19so you've got a lot of stakeholders that
- 00:27:22ultimately will relate to your system in
- 00:27:24some way look at things from their
- 00:27:26viewpoint so then start defining what is
- 00:27:28needed from their viewpoint right by
- 00:27:30eliciting needs from those stakeholders
- 00:27:32and there will be some prioritization
- 00:27:35scheme you'll need to work out because
- 00:27:36not everyone gets an equal vote and
- 00:27:38there might be some conflicts between
- 00:27:40what different stakeholders want but
- 00:27:42you'll work through those
- 00:27:44prioritizations some stakeholders get a
- 00:27:46a bigger vote so to speak
- 00:27:48um as you then go through that you're
- 00:27:50going to think about your constraints
- 00:27:51right you've got boundaries you've got
- 00:27:53drivers things that will enable and
- 00:27:55you've got constraints things you've got
- 00:27:57to make sure you're within
- 00:27:59operational environments as an example
- 00:28:02um you will also have risks right
- 00:28:04there's things out there that could be
- 00:28:06your risk to success you need cyber
- 00:28:08security potentially you know something
- 00:28:09like that that could be a threat or a
- 00:28:11risk to success like not enough money
- 00:28:13not enough enough schedule and you'll
- 00:28:15start working through those and
- 00:28:16understand how they can influence your
- 00:28:18system
- 00:28:19and they might have needs that come out
- 00:28:21from that
- 00:28:22and then you go through some life cycle
- 00:28:25concepts right and you think about your
- 00:28:26life cycle concepts from several
- 00:28:28perspectives so your life cycle concepts
- 00:28:31analysis and maturation will ultimately
- 00:28:33go look at use cases activities this is
- 00:28:37where your model based systems
- 00:28:38engineering really can help
- 00:28:40as you start crafting out what the
- 00:28:42system would do and start thinking about
- 00:28:44then all your inputs your risks your
- 00:28:47regulations your existing systems your
- 00:28:49costs and ultimately through all of that
- 00:28:52you'll develop an integrated set of
- 00:28:54needs
- 00:28:55now i have heard
- 00:28:57that some folks would say but i have a
- 00:28:58customer specification i don't need to
- 00:29:00do all this well the example i'm going
- 00:29:03to share with you today is actually
- 00:29:04going to show what happens when you may
- 00:29:06be at a lower level of assembly and you
- 00:29:08have a customer specification and some
- 00:29:11of this could still apply
- 00:29:13so just because you might be at the end
- 00:29:15of a contract where you're a producing
- 00:29:18something for someone else doesn't mean
- 00:29:20you don't get to do some subset of this
- 00:29:22and likewise we would like to put more
- 00:29:24emphasis on those who acquire systems to
- 00:29:27make sure they do full justice to this
- 00:29:30they think about truly what it is
- 00:29:31they're trying to solve for many
- 00:29:33viewpoints so when they do put the
- 00:29:35requirements together for some sort of
- 00:29:37you know acquisition contract it's a
- 00:29:39complete set of requirements and looked
- 00:29:41at from multiple perspectives
- 00:29:46so
- 00:29:47requirements come from the integrated
- 00:29:49set of needs
- 00:29:50the efforts described on the prior
- 00:29:52slides ultimately talk about this
- 00:29:55and it's the set of needs that will be
- 00:29:57transformed to the set of requirements
- 00:29:59which the system of interest is going to
- 00:30:01be generated against
- 00:30:03the approach in iso 1528 is to develop
- 00:30:06stakeholder needs and requirements and
- 00:30:09we recommend you actually instead think
- 00:30:11about it in terms of an integrated set
- 00:30:13of needs so we're not going to rewrite
- 00:30:1515 to 88 those terms are still going to
- 00:30:17be there but when you're actually
- 00:30:19applying these concepts we believe
- 00:30:22you'll look at all the different
- 00:30:24influencers into what it is you're
- 00:30:26developing come up with the integrated
- 00:30:28set of needs and ensure that your
- 00:30:30requirements stem from that
- 00:30:32for the iterative and recursive concepts
- 00:30:34here the set of needs is unique for each
- 00:30:37level in the hierarchy and the system of
- 00:30:38interest and this is actually worked at
- 00:30:40each level and again my example will go
- 00:30:42through a much lower level effort show
- 00:30:44you how that can be done
- 00:30:47but before i go to my example i want to
- 00:30:48talk about our second recommendation
- 00:30:50which is verification and validation in
- 00:30:52context
- 00:30:53those terms don't mean the same thing
- 00:30:55they are distinctly different depending
- 00:30:57on how they're used
- 00:30:59unfortunately they're often used
- 00:31:00interchangeably
- 00:31:01and
- 00:31:03unless we're clear on the context of use
- 00:31:06uh people may think that they're
- 00:31:08validating something when they're really
- 00:31:10verifying something right and so what
- 00:31:12what does that mean
- 00:31:13this idea of needs verification and
- 00:31:15needs validation well we can talk about
- 00:31:18that but that's that idea of you're
- 00:31:21dealing with your need expressions are
- 00:31:23they correct and are they right
- 00:31:25and are they high quality are they
- 00:31:27written well and are they the right
- 00:31:29needs you get to your requirement
- 00:31:31verification and validation are they
- 00:31:32correct are they right
- 00:31:34your design
- 00:31:36and your system so these all these
- 00:31:37different aspects and so there's visuals
- 00:31:39that go along with this one because it
- 00:31:41can be quite a lot to to think about so
- 00:31:43this is a figure and it's actually
- 00:31:45already out of date because the system
- 00:31:47engineering handbook is still in
- 00:31:48development but this is a figure
- 00:31:50that we have that's going into version
- 00:31:53five of the system engineering handbook
- 00:31:55it tries to put the idea of verification
- 00:31:57and validation in context so again we
- 00:32:00start real here with the stakeholder
- 00:32:02real world expectations and they get
- 00:32:03transformed to
- 00:32:05integrated set of needs or in the 15 to
- 00:32:0888 words stakeholder needs and
- 00:32:10requirements
- 00:32:12and they are validated against that
- 00:32:15ultimate concept of what the
- 00:32:17stakeholders wanted right
- 00:32:19and you get to your system requirements
- 00:32:21then and they are validated against well
- 00:32:24those integrated set of needs you
- 00:32:25developed then and so on so we're going
- 00:32:28to talk a little bit about what should
- 00:32:29each of these lines mean shortly but the
- 00:32:32idea is verification and validation
- 00:32:34happens throughout your life cycle and
- 00:32:36it happens against different things
- 00:32:39so key concept then what i just said
- 00:32:43each stage of the life cycle addresses
- 00:32:44quality and content of your development
- 00:32:46artifacts validation is more important
- 00:32:49than verification we're going to state
- 00:32:50that boldly it's better to build the
- 00:32:52right thing
- 00:32:53than to build the wrong thing right
- 00:32:55right so validation is against a set of
- 00:32:57needs that represent key stakeholders
- 00:33:00and not just the customer
- 00:33:02and needs requirements verification and
- 00:33:04validation are the common threads that
- 00:33:05tie all the system engineering
- 00:33:06activities together so we see this
- 00:33:08interwoven throughout the entire
- 00:33:10development life cycle
- 00:33:13so when you think about requirements
- 00:33:15verification then you think about the
- 00:33:17term
- 00:33:18verification of the requirement
- 00:33:20statements
- 00:33:21and that ultimately is against are they
- 00:33:24right are they um defined correctly
- 00:33:27right um are they is the math right you
- 00:33:30know did we use good conventions
- 00:33:32um
- 00:33:35your design verification is against best
- 00:33:37practices and requirements in other
- 00:33:39words we also make sure conforms to the
- 00:33:42requirements and we make sure we use the
- 00:33:44best practices for design for our
- 00:33:46organization or industry
- 00:33:50system verification against the design
- 00:33:52artifacts
- 00:33:54did we build the right system i mean in
- 00:33:55terms of is it built right
- 00:33:58and we look at it against the
- 00:33:59requirements so it's built correctly and
- 00:34:02satisfies the requirements
- 00:34:05needs validation is against that
- 00:34:07stakeholder set of original inputs
- 00:34:10but after that everything is against
- 00:34:12those needs
- 00:34:13system requirements are checked against
- 00:34:15the needs that's how they're validated
- 00:34:17to be the right requirements
- 00:34:19your design is checked against the needs
- 00:34:22that's how we know we've got the right
- 00:34:24design because it's against what the
- 00:34:27stakeholders needed
- 00:34:29and you realize system of interest is
- 00:34:31checked against the needs
- 00:34:35so i'm going to go on our third concept
- 00:34:37and then i'm going to go into an example
- 00:34:39because this is a lot that i've gone
- 00:34:40through and again it's not the entire
- 00:34:42set of information we'd like to relay
- 00:34:44from our needs and requirements manual
- 00:34:46but i think these are the three
- 00:34:47takeaways i'd love for you to have
- 00:34:49so the last takeaway of course is the
- 00:34:50thing that enables all of this to work
- 00:34:52together which is the data centric
- 00:34:54approach
- 00:34:55here's an artifact from our needs and
- 00:34:57requirements manual it's a slight update
- 00:34:59from the figure we had in the integrated
- 00:35:01data as a foundation of system
- 00:35:02engineering white paper
- 00:35:04and
- 00:35:05what you see here is a lot of your
- 00:35:08artifacts so to speak are all really
- 00:35:10part of an integrated or federated
- 00:35:12shareable set of data now this could be
- 00:35:14a uber tool or it could be a set of many
- 00:35:17different tools but there's a single
- 00:35:19source of truth and it is based on the
- 00:35:20data that's there and you can leverage
- 00:35:23data instead of just
- 00:35:26duplicating it manually through a series
- 00:35:28of documents and this is where the world
- 00:35:30is going through the lot of our digital
- 00:35:32engineering work that you see happening
- 00:35:34and so the idea is you get the right
- 00:35:36tool sets uh going on in your
- 00:35:38organization and they all talk to each
- 00:35:41other so you can have your needs and
- 00:35:42requirements talk to your design
- 00:35:44artifacts
- 00:35:46talk to your test or you know build
- 00:35:49artifacts and ultimately you can produce
- 00:35:52reports
- 00:35:53metrics other artifacts things that can
- 00:35:56satisfy uh your your contract so this
- 00:35:59data centric practice versus a document
- 00:36:02century practice really enables that
- 00:36:03single source of truth and it ultimately
- 00:36:06enables you to get your system um
- 00:36:09validation through all these artifacts
- 00:36:11that intertwine we think it's just an
- 00:36:13enabler
- 00:36:14could you do a system without being data
- 00:36:17centric yes and they have for many years
- 00:36:20but it is an enabler and perhaps even a
- 00:36:22little bit more precise if you do have
- 00:36:25that data centric capability
- 00:36:29so again then you get your data
- 00:36:31traceability you would ultimately have
- 00:36:34all the threads to get your validation
- 00:36:36and your verification
- 00:36:38addressed so your different parts your
- 00:36:39life cycle
- 00:36:42so i'd like to give you an example
- 00:36:43application particularly with this
- 00:36:45aspect of developing an integrated set
- 00:36:46of needs at a lower level because most
- 00:36:49people i have talked to you think this
- 00:36:50is the reason you don't do it you have a
- 00:36:53contract you're just going to deal with
- 00:36:54that spec
- 00:36:55why would you try to develop an
- 00:36:57integrated set of needs
- 00:37:00so let's talk about in a sample
- 00:37:03problem right
- 00:37:04so we've got this
- 00:37:07company you know fictitious company
- 00:37:10with a potential customer um and they've
- 00:37:12given them a spec a specification an
- 00:37:14operational concept
- 00:37:16and this this company has a project
- 00:37:18proposal team who then just develops
- 00:37:20this concept the system of interest
- 00:37:22concept that complies with those those
- 00:37:24operational concepts and the
- 00:37:26specification so it basically looks like
- 00:37:28it'll do the job
- 00:37:30and they model it how will it do the job
- 00:37:32right you know what are the activities
- 00:37:33and use cases that show can handle those
- 00:37:35concepts
- 00:37:36and then they start looking at their
- 00:37:38their view of internal external
- 00:37:41stakeholders okay who beyond the
- 00:37:43customer will interface with the system
- 00:37:46right does it need to be regulated
- 00:37:48licensed um is there safety you know
- 00:37:50implications
- 00:37:52how is it going to be produced how is it
- 00:37:53going to be tested how it's going to be
- 00:37:55certified you know there's all these
- 00:37:57different concepts of where we're going
- 00:37:58to build it right and they start
- 00:38:00thinking about all of this
- 00:38:02and not all of that specified in a
- 00:38:03customer stack right that's really their
- 00:38:06own way to develop their product a lot
- 00:38:08of it is very unique to them
- 00:38:10so they're going to generate an
- 00:38:12integrated set of needs by capturing
- 00:38:14these life cycle concepts their use
- 00:38:16cases
- 00:38:17throughout both perhaps build and
- 00:38:20operations maybe disposal
- 00:38:23they'll look at expected functions this
- 00:38:25is where you start getting into your
- 00:38:26functional analysis they start looking
- 00:38:29at performance they'll start looking at
- 00:38:31constraints
- 00:38:32and through that then they'll get an
- 00:38:34integrated set of needs that are traced
- 00:38:36to different stakeholders to different
- 00:38:37customer documentation like conops
- 00:38:40statement of work online items and
- 00:38:42they'll get a system model where they'll
- 00:38:44build this traceability model then of
- 00:38:47this integrated set of needs to both the
- 00:38:49sources of where they come from and how
- 00:38:51they're going to be implemented in the
- 00:38:53system of interest
- 00:38:55and during their concept design
- 00:38:56development the team will also ensure
- 00:38:58the system of interest concepts just
- 00:39:00address the need uh those needs as well
- 00:39:02as the customers back right so they're
- 00:39:04gonna look at it in both terms
- 00:39:05contractual compliance and also does it
- 00:39:08really solve the problem that's trying
- 00:39:10to be solved and can we produce it can
- 00:39:12we test it right is this thing
- 00:39:14achievable
- 00:39:16as they go then they look at the
- 00:39:17integrated set of needs they're going to
- 00:39:18put attributes against them and they may
- 00:39:20be simple but little things like
- 00:39:22criticality priority right risk because
- 00:39:26some of these needs might be really more
- 00:39:28important in terms of system validation
- 00:39:31than others
- 00:39:32right um and and the system acceptance
- 00:39:36uh might be based on a few of the needs
- 00:39:38compared to all of them so they're going
- 00:39:39to prioritize them they're going to mark
- 00:39:41them somehow and then they'll develop
- 00:39:43their validation plans against the shall
- 00:39:45we say highly critical highly
- 00:39:46prioritized set of needs
- 00:39:49they could choose all of them but you
- 00:39:51know maybe it's really more important to
- 00:39:53spend their time on the bang for the
- 00:39:56buck type of needs where they know these
- 00:39:58are the most important the system can be
- 00:39:59validated when these are addressed these
- 00:40:01others are enablers to ensure the system
- 00:40:04will really work well
- 00:40:07so some examples right of some set of
- 00:40:10needs they uncover as they go through
- 00:40:11and look at all their different
- 00:40:13stakeholders and these are based on
- 00:40:16functional decomposition and analysis
- 00:40:17from their life cycle concepts they're
- 00:40:19based on their stakeholder inputs and
- 00:40:21reviews
- 00:40:22but their customer needs their system
- 00:40:24operational by 2026 right that's kind of
- 00:40:27a constraint that got put in place so
- 00:40:29they don't have forever to develop this
- 00:40:31thing
- 00:40:32customer needs a system to support
- 00:40:34activities
- 00:40:35and the operational concepts provided in
- 00:40:37the request for proposal right so
- 00:40:39there's very specific life cycle
- 00:40:41concepts and and mission type concepts
- 00:40:43that need to be addressed so that's a
- 00:40:45source of their derived functions they
- 00:40:46should start working use cases and
- 00:40:48activities for those
- 00:40:50the system of interest operators need a
- 00:40:52method to upload new configurable
- 00:40:54parameters during the mission and that's
- 00:40:56actually a derived function they come
- 00:40:57out as they start working through those
- 00:40:58lifecycle concepts and they realize you
- 00:41:01know as it's being used from the user
- 00:41:02perspective they need to be able to
- 00:41:04upload something real time
- 00:41:07customer needs to leverage existing
- 00:41:09operation infrastructure and software
- 00:41:10well there's an interface constraint
- 00:41:12right so all of a sudden our solution
- 00:41:14space whittles down a little bit because
- 00:41:15of this need from the customer
- 00:41:18and that gets into that that boundaries
- 00:41:20those drivers and constraints
- 00:41:23the company's production team needs to
- 00:41:25be able to transport the system within
- 00:41:27their facilities right so we got to be
- 00:41:29able to pick it up move it around right
- 00:41:31and all of a sudden that gets into a
- 00:41:32little bit of design
- 00:41:34you know characteristics that need to
- 00:41:36exist maybe they need some lifting and
- 00:41:38handling features maybe they need to
- 00:41:39develop some support equipment or use
- 00:41:41some existing ones
- 00:41:43the project test team needs to be able
- 00:41:45to connect their test equipment to the
- 00:41:46system to provide power upload software
- 00:41:49send commands obtain telemetry inputs
- 00:41:51all of a sudden now maybe you need test
- 00:41:52ports right and compatible software now
- 00:41:55this isn't something your customer is
- 00:41:57necessarily going to put in a
- 00:41:58specification right this is something
- 00:41:59you'll develop at your level and realize
- 00:42:01oh we need to think about how we're
- 00:42:03going to do these activities even before
- 00:42:05we deliver it
- 00:42:06and then of course company leadership
- 00:42:08strategically needs to leverage work
- 00:42:10done on a prior effort right so all of a
- 00:42:13sudden it's like i would like to reuse
- 00:42:15stuff instead of reinvent stuff because
- 00:42:17that's a better use of our resources and
- 00:42:19it might drive down our costs on this
- 00:42:21product
- 00:42:22so that becomes a bit of a design
- 00:42:24constraint because now we're kind of
- 00:42:26forced into using an existing thing
- 00:42:28versus a big open you know field of
- 00:42:30design work so you see all of a sudden
- 00:42:33these integrated set of needs aren't
- 00:42:34necessarily dictated from the customer
- 00:42:36some of them are but some of them are
- 00:42:38very internal to this company at that
- 00:42:40level of assembly
- 00:42:42so then what would that look like when
- 00:42:44we start thinking about our requirement
- 00:42:45space
- 00:42:47so after contract award this team
- 00:42:49captures this final customer
- 00:42:51specification right in the in their
- 00:42:53requirements tool so we're getting a
- 00:42:54data centric practice and they refine
- 00:42:57their concept model based on final
- 00:42:58agreement with the uh customer
- 00:43:01and then they scrub their integrated set
- 00:43:02of needs for any additional needs to
- 00:43:05ensure that they're still the right
- 00:43:06needs you know they didn't miss any
- 00:43:07stakeholders they're still accurate per
- 00:43:09the contract
- 00:43:11and they start to build their
- 00:43:12traceability model you know they've got
- 00:43:14their needs that they've derived and
- 00:43:16they're integrated and they've got this
- 00:43:17customer contractual specification
- 00:43:20and they start thinking about all those
- 00:43:22other contract documents you know maybe
- 00:43:24there's some standards they have to meet
- 00:43:25some icds that are placed in front of
- 00:43:27them and they start to capture those in
- 00:43:29their data model as well kind of make
- 00:43:32this holistic set of requirements then
- 00:43:34into this middle layer called the system
- 00:43:36of interest requirements
- 00:43:38you could bypass that level and if your
- 00:43:41data is centric you could still look at
- 00:43:42all of this holistically up here in the
- 00:43:44top but sometimes people like to see a
- 00:43:47compartmentalized holistic set of system
- 00:43:50of interest requirements that come from
- 00:43:51both your customer so you're going to be
- 00:43:54contractually compliant
- 00:43:56and your integrated set of needs all
- 00:43:58those derived functions all those
- 00:44:00capabilities all those constraints
- 00:44:02and
- 00:44:03ultimately that's what's going to be
- 00:44:05translated then into your lower level
- 00:44:08set of design input requirements for
- 00:44:11your teams this could be your internal
- 00:44:13design teams or at some point you may
- 00:44:15spin off a specification that goes into
- 00:44:18another contract to another supplier who
- 00:44:21then might do the same exercise at their
- 00:44:23level as they start building the thing
- 00:44:25that will help feed your system of
- 00:44:26interest
- 00:44:28now every one of those system of
- 00:44:29interest requirements is traceable to a
- 00:44:31customer requirement or a derived or
- 00:44:33integrated set of need um there's a
- 00:44:36source there right
- 00:44:37and the system of interest requirements
- 00:44:40they could be allocated out or perhaps
- 00:44:42that is the level you're designing to
- 00:44:45um and then you know you start thinking
- 00:44:48about what would we verify against and
- 00:44:50what would we validate against so we're
- 00:44:52going to get to that but first you start
- 00:44:54thinking about all my data is now
- 00:44:55connected i've got my needs i've got my
- 00:44:58requirements now i'm going to start
- 00:44:59building my design i've got verification
- 00:45:01plans i've got test plans and this is
- 00:45:04where you start building and
- 00:45:05interconnecting your models maybe you've
- 00:45:07got some mbse models for your various
- 00:45:11parts of your architecture and your
- 00:45:13functions and your behaviors you might
- 00:45:15have some mathematical models that are
- 00:45:17connected in there so your data is all
- 00:45:20integrated together and now you're able
- 00:45:21to show progress and compliance towards
- 00:45:24those requirements and those needs
- 00:45:28and then as you
- 00:45:30build your system of interest whether
- 00:45:33it's a product a hardware software or a
- 00:45:36service
- 00:45:37you're able to ultimately verify
- 00:45:40against your system of interest
- 00:45:42requirements
- 00:45:43and you're able to validate against that
- 00:45:45integrated set of needs that ultimately
- 00:45:47showed you built the right thing
- 00:45:50and you achieved your stakeholder
- 00:45:52expectations
- 00:45:55now i'm going to talk a little bit about
- 00:45:56where to learn more and then i'm more
- 00:45:58than happy to take questions and i know
- 00:45:59lou will as well
- 00:46:01um so this is the needs and requirements
- 00:46:03manual
- 00:46:04and it was
- 00:46:06originally released in january we did a
- 00:46:07minor update to it in may
- 00:46:10it does align with what's coming out in
- 00:46:12the in cozy system engineering handbook
- 00:46:14version 5 which will be released next
- 00:46:16summer
- 00:46:19we have an external website and we do uh
- 00:46:22put a lot of links on there as well and
- 00:46:24we also highlight upcoming events so we
- 00:46:26have monthly meetings in the
- 00:46:27requirements working group we spend a
- 00:46:29lot of time maybe talking about this
- 00:46:30topic or we'll talk about uh things
- 00:46:33we're doing with other groups like uh
- 00:46:35coming up here in
- 00:46:37august 24th we've got an exchange cafe
- 00:46:40with beth wilson we're going to talk
- 00:46:41about system of system
- 00:46:44versus you know how we can handle the
- 00:46:46needs and requirements manual and apply
- 00:46:48it to a system of systems
- 00:46:50so we're definitely happy to have people
- 00:46:52even lurk if you don't want to join the
- 00:46:54requirements working group but you just
- 00:46:56want to pay attention maybe join some of
- 00:46:58our cafes or some of our presentations
- 00:47:00this is where you can learn about what's
- 00:47:02coming up however you're also welcome to
- 00:47:05join it's it's we don't bother anybody
- 00:47:06we just send regular information and
- 00:47:08communication and you do that on your
- 00:47:10cozy member profile by joining a
- 00:47:12committee you can join a requirements
- 00:47:13working group or any other working group
- 00:47:17and then the youtube channel um you
- 00:47:19don't even need to be in and cozy to
- 00:47:21watch the youtube channel but we put a
- 00:47:22lot of information on here like this
- 00:47:24talk today many resources from lou and
- 00:47:27others
- 00:47:28that help people on all things related
- 00:47:31to requirements or needs and
- 00:47:32requirements
- 00:47:34and then just some some thoughts before
- 00:47:36we go into any questions which is
- 00:47:39we believe a larger focus on the
- 00:47:41integrated set of needs during the
- 00:47:42stakeholder needs and requirements
- 00:47:44definition technical process
- 00:47:47combined with this use of data-centric
- 00:47:49approach towards developing this this
- 00:47:51material enables a system development
- 00:47:53effort that ultimately will satisfy your
- 00:47:55stakeholders
- 00:47:56system engineers
- 00:47:58all of you
- 00:47:59are encouraged to download and start
- 00:48:01using this material you can get the
- 00:48:03manual you can get the guides start
- 00:48:05using it start looking at the examples
- 00:48:07and and really what we're also looking
- 00:48:09for is feedback we would love to see
- 00:48:12practical application of this material
- 00:48:15and we want to hear from the users on
- 00:48:17what works well what may have missed the
- 00:48:19mark what may have not been clear
- 00:48:22maybe even some other examples would be
- 00:48:24great to include
- 00:48:25um
- 00:48:27so
- 00:48:27you can send information to me
- 00:48:30and as the chair and and we'll make sure
- 00:48:32it gets distributed for our next round
- 00:48:34of updates louie craft is also happy to
- 00:48:37take uh input um but this is definitely
- 00:48:40something where encourage those of you
- 00:48:42here uh listening to this material just
- 00:48:44start using the material and give us
- 00:48:46feedback on it there are forms i guess
- 00:48:48that you could fill out and give us
- 00:48:50comments or you could just email us
- 00:48:51directly redlines or comments as well
- 00:48:54and with that being said i haven't paid
- 00:48:56too much attention to the chat but i'm
- 00:48:58certainly welcome
- 00:48:59anything that
- 00:49:01someone may want to comment on or ask
- 00:49:02questions on and and lou as well i think
- 00:49:05is on and he can also weigh in
- systemdesign
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