Replaceable | Film
TLDRVideoclipul explorează momente dramatice din viața mai multor prieteni care se confruntă cu realități dure precum moartea, boala, pierderea și schimbarea personală. Personajele discută despre dileme morale și emoționale, ajungând să reflecteze asupra celor mai importante relații din viața lor. De asemenea, povestea atinge teme precum fericirea de a trăi, lupta cu boala, și importanța păstrării amintirilor vii. Prin conversații intense și emoționante, personajele încearcă să găsească un sens în tot ceea ce se întâmplă și să identifice ceea ce este cu adevărat important în viețile lor. Transformarea și acceptarea sunt în prim-plan, în timp ce personajele navighează spre noi începuturi.
- 👥 Prieteniile pot fi testate în momente de criză.
- 💔 Moartea și boala sunt teme centrale care provoacă reflecție.
- 🤝 Sprijinul grupului este esențial în vremuri grele.
- 🎭 Dilemele morale aduc noi perspective asupra vieții.
- 💡 Fiecare zi este văzută ca o nouă oportunitate de a trăi mai intens.
- 🔄 Schimbarea poate aduce atât frică, cât și eliberare.
- 🏥 Realitatea medicală este un subiect frecvent și complex.
- 🎶 Muzica și expresia artistică joacă un rol cheie.
- 🌟 Există o căutare constantă a sensului personal.
- 🧠 Importanța de a confrunta emoțiile negative pentru vindecare.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
O persoană ezită să intre într-o cameră de spital pentru a-și lua rămas bun de la cineva drag, dar este încurajată să o facă, deși simte că nu este suficient de puternică.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Se discută evenimente despre accidentul și aproape înecul unei persoane. Tensiunile legate de relațiile amoroase sunt evidențiate și apare un moment de revelație când cineva care părea să fie mort își revine.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Se menționează o intervenție chirurgicală care urmează a fi făcută cuiva drag, iar frica de pierdere și incertitudinea legată de ce va urma creează un sentiment de tensiune și îngrijorare.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
O conversație emoțională despre o intervenție medicală miraculoasă care a eliminat o tumoare. Se celebrează viața și prietenia, cu un amestec de emoții și amintiri ale trecutului.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Există un ton de eliberare și reflecție personală despre prietenii și relațiile care s-au schimbat după evenimentele tragice. Se subliniază ideea de a valorifica fiecare zi de viață.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Se dezvăluie că o persoană a evoluat cu abilități noi după o comă, provocând uimire și un sentiment de renaștere. Relațiile personale sunt reevaluate în lumina acestor noi transformări.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Rolul unei posibile sarcini și impactul asupra relațiilor este discutat, iar incertitudinea și lipsa de direcție generează un sentiment de neliniște și urgență.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Se sugerează că o transformare misterioasă și înlocuirea oamenilor de către entități necunoscute are loc pe ascuns, amenințând structura socială și personală existentă.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Planurile de a fugi și a găsi refugiu sunt discutate în fața unei amenințări existențiale. Prietenia și loialitatea sunt revalorizate în fața unui viitor sumbru și incert.
- 00:45:00 - 00:53:35
Se sugerează o invazie silențioasă și graduală a umanității, iar oamenii discută posibilitățile de a lupta înapoi sau de a se adapta la o nouă ordine mondială.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Care este tema principală a videoclipului?
Tema principală include prietenia, pierderea și schimbarea.
Cum reacționează personajele la moarte și pierdere?
Personajele sunt copleșite de emoție și ezitare, arătând dorința de a-și păstra amintirile despre cei dragi așa cum îi știau în viață.
Ce dileme morale sunt abordate în poveste?
Dilemele morale includ acceptarea morții, deciziile privitoare la viață și copii, și salvarea amintirilor în fața schimbării.
Cine sunt personajele principale?
Personajele principale sunt Annie, Terry, Lewis, și Claire, printre alții.
Ce rol joacă muzica sau arta în videoclip?
Muzica simbolizează transformarea și exprimarea emoțională, fiind un mod pentru personaje de a-și comunica sentimentele.
Cum este prezentată tema supraviețuirii?
Supraviețuirea este o temă centrală, cu personaje care reflectă la cum să continue după pierderea celor dragi și confruntarea cu situații dificile.
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- 00:00:01can't go in
- 00:00:03it's horrible they don't understand
- 00:00:06this moment will stay with me for the
- 00:00:08rest of my life i want to remember as
- 00:00:10she was
- 00:00:11mad crazy annoying brilliant beautiful
- 00:00:17not like this stuff full of tubes skinny
- 00:00:20and ugly
- 00:00:21a skeleton in the bed i can't go in
- 00:00:24if you don't you'll be haunted for the
- 00:00:25rest of your life
- 00:00:28you may not know it now but saying
- 00:00:29goodbye is the best thing you could
- 00:00:31possibly do at this moment
- 00:00:33believe me i know with mom i know i know
- 00:00:36but i'm not like you
- 00:00:37i'm not good like you and i'm not strong
- 00:00:39like you i said goodbye when she first
- 00:00:41went on the machine that's good enough
- 00:00:43maybe for you but it wasn't for me i had
- 00:00:45to kiss her i had to hold her hand
- 00:00:47one last time but she's not there it's
- 00:00:50not
- 00:00:50her with your mum she was awake
- 00:00:54she was talking she spoke just before
- 00:00:56she died
- 00:00:57and that's the difference ran's been the
- 00:01:00coming for ages now
- 00:01:01she's dead already oh no but still stop
- 00:01:04it terry
- 00:01:04stop trying to make me like you we're
- 00:01:06different okay
- 00:01:08sometimes there are days when i wonder
- 00:01:10why we're even friends at all what's
- 00:01:12that supposed to mean
- 00:01:13look i don't know what it means we are
- 00:01:16that's all that matters
- 00:01:17so what are you going to do now get a
- 00:01:20coffee
- 00:01:21come back wait
- 00:01:25my my dad would be ages yeah you can
- 00:01:27forget the coffee
- 00:01:28look your mum's coming in now looks like
- 00:01:31it's all over
- 00:01:33annie come quick you'll never believe
- 00:01:35this she's alive she's awake
- 00:01:37she's talking she wants to see you annie
- 00:01:39everything's going to be okay
- 00:01:52stupid signal why is there never any
- 00:01:54damn signal i'm going to do something
- 00:01:56like what i can't do first aid all i'm
- 00:02:00good at doing is panicking
- 00:02:01that's what i'm doing now what are you
- 00:02:04thinking i mind i was thinking how was i
- 00:02:05supposed to
- 00:02:06slip and hurt his head crap nothing's
- 00:02:09happening
- 00:02:10not breathing keep trying it's useless
- 00:02:14oh let me do it but you said i know what
- 00:02:17i said
- 00:02:18but i've seen films on tv and i know how
- 00:02:21to do
- 00:02:22it well it's worth a try anyway
- 00:02:27oh come on you idiot breathe
- 00:02:30do something don't die on me it's too
- 00:02:33late
- 00:02:33it's too late what are we gonna tell his
- 00:02:36mom
- 00:02:37i can't tell her the truth
- 00:02:39[Music]
- 00:02:41well then you tucked his bag in the lake
- 00:02:43and told him to go and get it
- 00:02:44you have a guess or not i'll tell her
- 00:02:46tell her we slipped and hit his head
- 00:02:48it's
- 00:02:48almost what happened nearly look at him
- 00:02:52i was so jealous of you when you were
- 00:02:53with him it's one of the reasons i went
- 00:02:55out with him
- 00:02:56i didn't even like him that much at
- 00:02:58first you [ __ ]
- 00:02:59i lied to him in the end i think i even
- 00:03:02loved him
- 00:03:04in fact this summer i was starting to
- 00:03:06wonder
- 00:03:07if before we all went to uni into
- 00:03:09whatever i thought he might propose
- 00:03:13what would you have done if he had i
- 00:03:15don't know i guess i'll never know
- 00:03:20lewis you're alive no thanks to you
- 00:03:24what time was her appointment 10
- 00:03:28was ages ago i thought she'd have texted
- 00:03:32by now
- 00:03:32maybe it was good news and she's gone
- 00:03:34out to celebrate you think
- 00:03:38it's bad news i know it is if it is then
- 00:03:42she's got you and you've got us
- 00:03:46we're gonna get through this i don't
- 00:03:48think i can well you'll have to
- 00:03:50for claire's sake
- 00:03:52[Music]
- 00:03:57what's it say it's from her mum why are
- 00:04:00you texting her mom
- 00:04:02she's going into surgery
- 00:04:07that's it she's going to surgery
- 00:04:11that's bad isn't it it must be bad for
- 00:04:13them to to rush her in like that
- 00:04:15must be really advanced
- 00:04:19they know what they're doing do they
- 00:04:22they didn't with your mum don't go there
- 00:04:25joe um sorry
- 00:04:29i'm being stupid i'm worried
- 00:04:35she's gonna die isn't she claire's gonna
- 00:04:37die
- 00:04:39you're being stupid she's not going to
- 00:04:41die
- 00:04:42she's too young nobody is going to die
- 00:04:45today
- 00:04:46please don't let her die please she's
- 00:04:49everything to me
- 00:04:52everything do you think he hears you
- 00:04:54he's got two
- 00:05:07it's just amazing i mean a few weeks ago
- 00:05:10people were ready to give up on you and
- 00:05:13now
- 00:05:14here you are alive well
- 00:05:17and putting on weight is that supposed
- 00:05:20to make me feel better about myself
- 00:05:22that came out wrong what i meant to say
- 00:05:26was that
- 00:05:26you just look so thin it's okay
- 00:05:30i was only joking are you so you're
- 00:05:33happy that i'm back then
- 00:05:34i mean because before we weren't
- 00:05:38great i thought you're gonna break up
- 00:05:39with me
- 00:05:42well maybe
- 00:05:46we had been together for ages what
- 00:05:50six months and three three days like i
- 00:05:53said
- 00:05:53uh ages and we were on a bumpy patch and
- 00:05:59i just wasn't ready to commit to
- 00:06:01something before going to college
- 00:06:04well i was going to or doesn't that
- 00:06:06count that's not what i meant to
- 00:06:08anyway you're not going now
- 00:06:11but i am yeah i've deferred
- 00:06:16mum says it's probably best for me to
- 00:06:17get my head straight before i make any
- 00:06:19big changes
- 00:06:20i guess that makes sense anyway like
- 00:06:24i said i wasn't sure
- 00:06:28and are you sure now not a hundred
- 00:06:32percent but
- 00:06:34since you got back it's all been
- 00:06:37starting up again
- 00:06:39right and is that a good thing
- 00:06:44yeah anyway
- 00:06:48what about you after all that has
- 00:06:51happened
- 00:06:52i'd understand if you wanted to be alone
- 00:06:56i've had nothing but time on my own for
- 00:06:57the last few months
- 00:06:59i need to be around people i need you
- 00:07:03you know you still haven't kissed me i
- 00:07:06know
- 00:07:07you never used to be so reluctant in
- 00:07:09fact
- 00:07:10it just seemed
- 00:07:14i just didn't want to hurt you well
- 00:07:16you're hurting me now ben
- 00:07:18i just want things to go back to the way
- 00:07:19they were before
- 00:07:21like nothing ever happened
- 00:07:26i'll try so what are you waiting for
- 00:07:34take amara wake up i need to talk to you
- 00:07:39what is it what happened between you and
- 00:07:41lois
- 00:07:43i was convinced that well he asked me
- 00:07:46what i thought about you being my sister
- 00:07:49it's never going to happen not now
- 00:07:52but why what did you say to him did you
- 00:07:55cheat on him or something
- 00:07:56because that's the only reason i can
- 00:07:57improve i'd never do that
- 00:08:00then what i'd like to know promise you
- 00:08:04won't tell anyone
- 00:08:05okay i promise i nearly killed him
- 00:08:09what me and callie
- 00:08:12we were walking back from school with
- 00:08:15him and
- 00:08:16i grabbed his bag and chucked him in the
- 00:08:18lake and
- 00:08:19dared him to go get it and what he got
- 00:08:22wet and nearly died of a cold
- 00:08:24no he dived in banged his head on a rock
- 00:08:30me and callie we had to drag him out i
- 00:08:33had to give him mouth to mouth
- 00:08:35is that what you call it being serious
- 00:08:38we both thought he was dead he was
- 00:08:40probably faking it
- 00:08:42trying to get you back trying to get you
- 00:08:43back throwing his bag in
- 00:08:45no one can hold their breath for that
- 00:08:46long so that's it
- 00:08:52doesn't sound like a lot why don't you
- 00:08:54come over tonight
- 00:08:55no i can't not after what he said
- 00:08:59when he came round he was so angry i
- 00:09:02can't blame him
- 00:09:04and what i did was stupid it was a
- 00:09:06stupid thing to do so you're gonna give
- 00:09:08up
- 00:09:09just like that yeah well
- 00:09:13come over tonight okay
- 00:09:16but make sure he knows that i'm coming i
- 00:09:18don't want it to be a surprise
- 00:09:19okay i'll do that and what did you say
- 00:09:24about what without me being a cisgender
- 00:09:27that would be talent
- 00:09:39claire you're back can i hunt
- 00:09:44oh it's so good to have you back uh
- 00:09:48do i get one too
- 00:09:52and what about you matt
- 00:09:56i won't break i've just got a few
- 00:09:58stitches
- 00:09:59but when i say a few i mean 36 which is
- 00:10:01quite a lot to her
- 00:10:04only when i laugh so i should be fine
- 00:10:06with you lot you all look so miserable
- 00:10:08i'm a miracle i'm a living breathing
- 00:10:10answer to a prayer
- 00:10:13well mark prayed
- 00:10:16he prayed loads yeah it was odd
- 00:10:20creepy given that he doesn't believe in
- 00:10:22anything i was desperate
- 00:10:25more desperate or not it worked i was
- 00:10:27wheeled into that theater with 20 chance
- 00:10:29of surviving
- 00:10:30and when they opened me up to operate
- 00:10:32there was nothing there
- 00:10:33the tumor were gone i wish you could
- 00:10:36have seen their faces
- 00:10:37i wish i could have seen your faces when
- 00:10:39you heard the news we were in french
- 00:10:42matt got a text and started crying and i
- 00:10:44peeked over his shoulder and read the
- 00:10:46message and then we started cheering
- 00:10:48yeah woo
- 00:10:49that kind of thing mrs bex
- 00:10:52looked like an alien had walked into a
- 00:10:54room sami and joe thought we better
- 00:10:56explain and
- 00:10:57the whole class started cheering it was
- 00:11:00the best lesson
- 00:11:02matt you cried that's sweet well
- 00:11:05you know the emotion of the moment it
- 00:11:07just
- 00:11:08took over well here we all are
- 00:11:11just like we used to be except we're not
- 00:11:14we can't be not after what we've been
- 00:11:16through
- 00:11:18well i'm thinking things going to get
- 00:11:19better like you realize how much you
- 00:11:21miss me and how much i meant to each of
- 00:11:22you
- 00:11:23you can bear to be without me right oh
- 00:11:25listen to you
- 00:11:26you get granted one miracle then all of
- 00:11:28a sudden you've got the head the size of
- 00:11:30a double-decker ball don't make me laugh
- 00:11:32joe
- 00:11:33it really does hurt did you meet any fit
- 00:11:35doctors in hospital
- 00:11:45he texted claire closing matt's
- 00:11:48girlfriend claire
- 00:11:49yes sir didn't think you knew her do you
- 00:11:51know your friends
- 00:11:53we're close we're close what does that
- 00:11:55mean
- 00:11:56what do you think it means you think
- 00:11:59look i invited camaro around what why
- 00:12:01would you do that
- 00:12:03we've broken up she dumped me she did
- 00:12:05but she regrets it now
- 00:12:07she just thought after the accident is
- 00:12:10that what she calls it
- 00:12:11lewis will you just listen okay go on
- 00:12:13after the accident she walked
- 00:12:15after the accident she thought that you
- 00:12:17wouldn't want to see it anymore
- 00:12:18so she thought she'd end it first i told
- 00:12:21her she was being stupid
- 00:12:22you and her are inseparable so you think
- 00:12:25she wants to get back together
- 00:12:27yeah not gonna happen but why did you
- 00:12:30know that she only went out i'm in the
- 00:12:31first place despite her friend callie
- 00:12:33that's not callie really liked me that's
- 00:12:35not true
- 00:12:36she loves you she told me i heard her
- 00:12:39say i was
- 00:12:40coming around from the accident so
- 00:12:43i'm better off without her you think of
- 00:12:45proposing
- 00:12:48was i you know you were you guess what i
- 00:12:50thought of it i told you i thought it
- 00:12:52was brilliant
- 00:12:53you said i was too young yes i did after
- 00:12:56college
- 00:12:57when you had a job maybe not gonna
- 00:13:00happen
- 00:13:00are you finished yes i'm going out to
- 00:13:03meet clare
- 00:13:08my girlfriend
- 00:13:11my ex-girlfriend tried to kill me how's
- 00:13:14that for a star
- 00:13:16let me i'm sure
- 00:13:22yeah camaro don't come out right now
- 00:13:25he's not in a good place
- 00:13:34[Music]
- 00:13:37who's that they're brilliant oh it's
- 00:13:39round
- 00:13:40round i never knew she could play
- 00:13:42neither did we
- 00:13:43what do you mean well she couldn't play
- 00:13:46before she went in the coma
- 00:13:48but now she can the doctor says heard of
- 00:13:51it before
- 00:13:51there's no real scientific explanation
- 00:13:53but
- 00:13:55while it's unique it's not unheard of it
- 00:13:58happens sometimes and how is she
- 00:14:02she's all right clean bit of health
- 00:14:05working hard as ever
- 00:14:06she's going to take a year out so she
- 00:14:09might volunteer at the local hospice
- 00:14:11seems to think she has something to
- 00:14:12bring maybe
- 00:14:14i can see where she's coming from
- 00:14:17how are you okay mum and dad are so
- 00:14:20happy
- 00:14:21she'll be banned i keep smiling all the
- 00:14:24time and asking if we want to go out
- 00:14:26as a family just like we used to
- 00:14:29seems to be enjoying the fuss she keeps
- 00:14:31giving mom hugs
- 00:14:32and you no not the hugging type
- 00:14:37not anymore loose ways she's stopped
- 00:14:43oh hi terry how are you i'm good thanks
- 00:14:46and
- 00:14:47you seem well and the piano amazing yeah
- 00:14:50weird
- 00:14:50but great i always wanted to play the
- 00:14:52piano
- 00:14:53i was i think i wanted to sing as well i
- 00:14:56always dreamed of being a pop star
- 00:14:57i never knew that you're only my little
- 00:15:00sister i don't have to tell you
- 00:15:01everything
- 00:15:02kept some secrets anyway i think my
- 00:15:05dreams of being the next
- 00:15:06early golding or whatever probably
- 00:15:08weren't that serious
- 00:15:09guess not you're off out yeah i thought
- 00:15:12it would is that okay
- 00:15:13yeah of course it's not my guardian
- 00:15:15angel
- 00:15:16always watching over me checking off i'm
- 00:15:18still breathing
- 00:15:20i'm like that bad terrible i can't do
- 00:15:22anything without you noticing
- 00:15:24well it's just i know anyway i'm waiting
- 00:15:27claire for lunch
- 00:15:29cancer claire the miracle girl yeah but
- 00:15:31i think she'd hate being called that
- 00:15:33i didn't know you two are friends it's a
- 00:15:35new thing
- 00:15:36a survivor's thing we have things in
- 00:15:38common it's good to talk
- 00:15:40i get that it was nice seeing you i'm so
- 00:15:42glad
- 00:15:44i know anyway i've got to go
- 00:15:47a survivor's thing that's cool yet
- 00:15:50spooky at the same time
- 00:15:52yeah it is
- 00:16:04i'll not swear this much since i did the
- 00:16:06induction at the gym i didn't know you
- 00:16:07went to the gym
- 00:16:08i don't know much like hard work
- 00:16:13so why did you come today then just felt
- 00:16:15the need to get fit
- 00:16:17you know things people said you know all
- 00:16:19this talk about
- 00:16:20healthy living and nothing to do with
- 00:16:23the fact
- 00:16:24claire's become a sporting superstar
- 00:16:26every night then she's always been good
- 00:16:27at sport
- 00:16:28but i couldn't do much when the cancer
- 00:16:31spread
- 00:16:32yeah she played basketball or something
- 00:16:34didn't she netball
- 00:16:36same difference this has nothing to do
- 00:16:39with clara
- 00:16:40nothing okay maybe a little bit
- 00:16:44but it's only something she said when i
- 00:16:46saw her of lewis the other week
- 00:16:49she was with louis chill they're just
- 00:16:51friends
- 00:16:52yeah i saw him in costa with ran and
- 00:16:56then lewis asked me if i put on weight
- 00:16:57and then claire said a lot more than me
- 00:16:59that's for sure and then they laughed
- 00:17:02doesn't sound like claire she's always
- 00:17:04had a cool streak
- 00:17:05i thought she grew out of it i've never
- 00:17:08seen it
- 00:17:09must be lewis yeah maybe
- 00:17:13i don't know how you two keep up with
- 00:17:14this i'm knackered
- 00:17:16you get used to it yeah if you like
- 00:17:19coughing your guts up and feeling like
- 00:17:21your legs are about to fall off oh come
- 00:17:23on it's fun
- 00:17:24yeah whatever and anyway you could do
- 00:17:27losing a little bit of weight
- 00:17:30thanks just a little bit not helping
- 00:17:33you fine just as you are and but keeping
- 00:17:37fit
- 00:17:37will make you an even better version of
- 00:17:39the already very nice version of you
- 00:17:40that you are
- 00:17:42does that make sense a little bit
- 00:17:45and it's kind of inspiring so come on
- 00:17:48i'll race you to that dead tree last one
- 00:17:53hey kelly
- 00:17:56we've been looking for you well you
- 00:17:58found me where have you been
- 00:18:00been around i've missed you all your
- 00:18:02friends have missed you
- 00:18:04oh it's great it's nice to be missed
- 00:18:06things have happened
- 00:18:08is it about me no
- 00:18:11well yeah what you said about lewis
- 00:18:14that really hurt so what i don't even
- 00:18:16know if i want to be friends with you
- 00:18:18anymore
- 00:18:18it's just cruel it was wrong i was
- 00:18:21stupid
- 00:18:23i'm sorry i shouldn't have put a boy
- 00:18:24before my best friend yeah
- 00:18:26it's what you do it's what we all do i
- 00:18:28don't
- 00:18:30me and ryan give each other space i
- 00:18:32didn't dump all my friends for her
- 00:18:35maybe you're the exception then look
- 00:18:37kelly
- 00:18:39me and louis it's over he doesn't want
- 00:18:42me anymore
- 00:18:42so what you're giving me permission to
- 00:18:44pick up where you left off
- 00:18:46no that's not what i'm saying at all i
- 00:18:48just
- 00:18:49i wish it could be like it used to be
- 00:18:51you know when we used to go out
- 00:18:53for shopping or nightclub go to the
- 00:18:56cinema
- 00:18:58that's why we've come to find you we'd
- 00:19:00like you to come watch a film with us
- 00:19:02you've got no money my treat
- 00:19:05no it's okay you two go i've got things
- 00:19:08to do
- 00:19:08if you're sure i'm sure go on have a
- 00:19:11great time
- 00:19:12see you later yeah
- 00:19:26louis made me jump what are you doing
- 00:19:29here
- 00:19:30just revisiting the scene of the crime
- 00:19:32so to speak okay then
- 00:19:35is that why you're here reliving that
- 00:19:38moment
- 00:19:40that moment when i hit my head and you
- 00:19:42thought i was dead
- 00:19:43no well yeah sort of
- 00:19:46it was horrible i couldn't bear to think
- 00:19:50what might have happened i couldn't bear
- 00:19:51to think if you might have
- 00:19:52died you saved me
- 00:20:00it was nothing i didn't even know what
- 00:20:02to do what you said
- 00:20:05about what about me
- 00:20:08yes that's good
- 00:20:12well now that kamara's gone
- 00:20:15no it's too soon and kamara kamara
- 00:20:20who cares about camaro she screwed
- 00:20:22jewish nearly killed me
- 00:20:24give me one good reason why we should
- 00:20:25think of her she's my friend your friend
- 00:20:28right okay well i can wait if you can
- 00:20:34don't forget now cali
- 00:20:42so how do you feel these days good
- 00:20:45really good at times i feel the most
- 00:20:46alive i've ever felt
- 00:20:48it's a very precious feeling yeah that's
- 00:20:50exactly how i feel
- 00:20:52it's like every day i get up as a new
- 00:20:53adventure it's good to be able to feel
- 00:20:55again
- 00:20:56you two are so sentimental we're alive
- 00:20:59that's it i certainly don't feel like
- 00:21:00anything to celebrate i've got a huge
- 00:21:02lump on my head still
- 00:21:04i get headaches and i suffer from
- 00:21:05sessions of nausea it's no fun being
- 00:21:08mean i'll tell you that for free but it
- 00:21:09beats dying
- 00:21:10the way i feel right now i'd question
- 00:21:12that assumption you were always a
- 00:21:13miserable pessimist
- 00:21:15what do the doctors say what do they
- 00:21:17know they tell me to pass in time
- 00:21:20but it's been weeks how long does this
- 00:21:21body take to heal that's what i want to
- 00:21:23know
- 00:21:23be patient the more impatient you are
- 00:21:25the worse you'll make yourself
- 00:21:27i hear you and kamara split and you're
- 00:21:30surprised
- 00:21:30she'll be hurt i'm hurt my headaches
- 00:21:34yes that's not what she meant and you
- 00:21:35know it well she'll recover
- 00:21:37i'm sure with ben the other day you
- 00:21:39better be careful if she snatched that
- 00:21:40little lover right from the near nose
- 00:21:42i think no i know it's not meant to be
- 00:21:45we had doubts before the accident and
- 00:21:48now it's all just come flooding back
- 00:21:50you're going to break up i think he'll
- 00:21:52make the decision
- 00:21:54if he if he doesn't i will it's
- 00:21:55inevitable it was fun while it lasted
- 00:21:57but now it's over that's sad
- 00:21:59matt is so sweet i like him very much do
- 00:22:02you love him
- 00:22:03maybe i do what's it matter so what's
- 00:22:05going on with you and callie it all
- 00:22:06seems a bit quick
- 00:22:08so as you said i don't like waiting
- 00:22:10around she always does this thing for me
- 00:22:12and what
- 00:22:12oh you old romantic you you do have a
- 00:22:15heart after all
- 00:22:16we'll fix a date soon maybe go to the
- 00:22:18cinema or one of those eat all you can
- 00:22:19restaurants
- 00:22:20she likes some food it's at the time i
- 00:22:22said to meet matt for a game in
- 00:22:23badminton
- 00:22:24go easy on him it's quite good but all
- 00:22:27the same have a good time
- 00:22:30i don't think there's any need to panic
- 00:22:32not yet anyway
- 00:22:40ben what the hell are you doing in
- 00:22:42france's room
- 00:22:44annie thank god i thought it might have
- 00:22:47been you haven't answered my question
- 00:22:50the answer is i don't know
- 00:22:54i'm looking for something but i don't
- 00:22:56know what
- 00:22:57right well when you decide to make any
- 00:22:59kind of sense come and let me know yeah
- 00:23:02annie randomly
- 00:23:05oh sorry
- 00:23:08though i'm not surprised you're thinking
- 00:23:11about it before the accident
- 00:23:12but then i felt differently when she got
- 00:23:14back i thought
- 00:23:17i don't want to ever lose you again when
- 00:23:20i
- 00:23:20wondered so you're looking for some kind
- 00:23:24of evidence that she was seeing someone
- 00:23:25else
- 00:23:26like louis perhaps that's part of it
- 00:23:31but not all of it no
- 00:23:34haven't you noticed anything differently
- 00:23:36she's
- 00:23:37not quite the same as before she's
- 00:23:40cleverer and more independent and
- 00:23:43harder doctors say it's normal
- 00:23:48when people come out of comas as if
- 00:23:49they've been reborn they have completely
- 00:23:51different characters
- 00:23:53they are completely different characters
- 00:23:56she plays the piano now you know
- 00:23:58yeah and she's amazing
- 00:24:02look i'm sorry
- 00:24:05i'm just being insensitive and stupid
- 00:24:10forget this ever happened i was just
- 00:24:12looking for an explanation to
- 00:24:14why she'd ever leave me right
- 00:24:18okay we'll see you around ben i miss
- 00:24:21having you here
- 00:24:22it was nice yeah it was
- 00:24:42annie have you been in my room um yeah
- 00:24:45sorry yeah i was looking for something a
- 00:24:47hairbrush i thought you'd take my
- 00:24:49hairbrush what are you used to
- 00:24:50no i have my own keep out in future will
- 00:24:54you because
- 00:24:55all my room's my own space the only
- 00:24:56place i have that's my own
- 00:24:59um okay bye sorry for intruding just so
- 00:25:02we're clear
- 00:25:02oh we're clear clear is class
- 00:25:07so i've arranged for us all to go on a
- 00:25:09bike ride and a picnic
- 00:25:12like the old days the whole lot of us
- 00:25:16before everything changes we're not all
- 00:25:18going to college
- 00:25:20i know but well everything's changing
- 00:25:23isn't it
- 00:25:24surely you can feel that old friendships
- 00:25:27are calling people are letting go
- 00:25:29mom says that's what happens only if you
- 00:25:32let it
- 00:25:33things only change when you let it
- 00:25:35change it's not inevitable
- 00:25:38just because terry's going to uni in
- 00:25:39edinburgh doesn't mean that we won't
- 00:25:41still be friends
- 00:25:44me well i'm sticking out here in an
- 00:25:47apprenticeship
- 00:25:48no that's right but
- 00:25:52she will make new friends people close
- 00:25:55immediate and available
- 00:25:59well you could always come home at
- 00:26:00weekends and holidays and you can skype
- 00:26:04text whatever it's up to you
- 00:26:08but me i hate change
- 00:26:12i hate it when things die you know
- 00:26:15if it were up to me is it surely you can
- 00:26:19see that with claire
- 00:26:20she's just become a little bit more
- 00:26:23distant lately
- 00:26:24and she's deferred a year it's the
- 00:26:27cancer
- 00:26:29the cure whatever she's not that
- 00:26:33different
- 00:26:34she's still my best friend i thought i
- 00:26:36was your best friend
- 00:26:38you are you both are
- 00:26:42you can have loads of best everything
- 00:26:44best actor
- 00:26:46best player whatever it's a generous way
- 00:26:49of thinking about people
- 00:26:51who are you and what did you do with joe
- 00:26:54since when did you become a philosopher
- 00:26:56about the same time you learned how to
- 00:26:58pronounce the word
- 00:27:00anyway this bike ride is everyone coming
- 00:27:03amazingly yeah
- 00:27:11[Music]
- 00:27:24eyes sparkle eyes glow
- 00:27:27they wave goodbye and say hello
- 00:27:31eyes are brown green hazel blue i'll fix
- 00:27:35my eyes on you
- 00:27:38eyes smile eyes frown
- 00:27:42tears flow and eyes drown
- 00:27:45a package deal not one but two
- 00:27:48i'll fix my eyes on you
- 00:27:53eyes open eyes closed
- 00:27:56eyes conceal and eyes expose
- 00:28:00look carefully they'll give a clue
- 00:28:03i'll fix my eyes on you
- 00:28:06[Music]
- 00:28:07eyes peep and eyes blink
- 00:28:11eyes wander eyes wink
- 00:28:15eyes stare and stick like glue i'll fix
- 00:28:18my eyes on you
- 00:28:22eyes are wide and eyes are deep they
- 00:28:25laugh and scream and sigh and weep
- 00:28:29they look and look and pierce right
- 00:28:31through
- 00:28:32i'll fix my eyes on you
- 00:28:36eyes are fragile eyes go blind
- 00:28:40eyes are pathways to the mind
- 00:28:44give me eyes to see what's true
- 00:28:47i'll fix my eyes on you
- 00:28:51i will throw off every weight that holds
- 00:28:55me back
- 00:28:58keep my eyes locked on you keep these
- 00:29:02feet
- 00:29:03on track you
- 00:29:06are so beautiful you are
- 00:29:10so true so
- 00:29:13i will fix my
- 00:29:19there they go little lovers nah i think
- 00:29:23kelly's bigger than that
- 00:29:24i don't think she's ready for a
- 00:29:25relationship and you would know how
- 00:29:28just an opinion known for ages went to
- 00:29:31primary school together
- 00:29:33we were all at the same clubs i was
- 00:29:35joseph when she was marrying the school
- 00:29:37nativity
- 00:29:38you don't hang around together much
- 00:29:40don't need to
- 00:29:42it's one of those friendships that
- 00:29:43doesn't need constant care
- 00:29:45when we meet up it's great and we talk
- 00:29:47but
- 00:29:49we can go we start seeing each other i
- 00:29:51see her every day
- 00:29:53i used to at least well i guess we're
- 00:29:56all different
- 00:29:57so i don't think i can lewis
- 00:30:00i do like you i don't think i need a
- 00:30:03boyfriend right now
- 00:30:04what about me have you thought of that i
- 00:30:06need you calling
- 00:30:08i need someone like you in my life to
- 00:30:11keep me safe
- 00:30:12i'll drive you around the bend kamara
- 00:30:14says i'll do that to everyone
- 00:30:17oh no lewis just one kiss that's all i
- 00:30:19ask no
- 00:30:20i mean it let's go back not yet
- 00:30:24you heard it everything's fine
- 00:30:31have you seen lewis he's gone off with
- 00:30:34callie oh right
- 00:30:36that's not good why i think he's gonna
- 00:30:40ask her out
- 00:30:41but she's not interested she told me at
- 00:30:43school just before the holiday
- 00:30:46so when they get back it's gonna be
- 00:30:48awkward
- 00:30:49here they come now they holding hands
- 00:30:53they can't be they are
- 00:30:57oh pokemon
- 00:31:16oh so it has i get them all the time
- 00:31:20no you don't i do
- 00:31:23you ask matt matt don't i get nosebleeds
- 00:31:26all the time
- 00:31:28you used to a drama club before a
- 00:31:30performance
- 00:31:32when you're scared or excited
- 00:31:38claire claire what's the matter
- 00:31:44nothing listen i'm fine honest
- 00:31:47you've never been less honest in all
- 00:31:48your life
- 00:31:50tell me you wouldn't understand
- 00:31:54try me what would you have given for
- 00:31:56your mum to have lived
- 00:31:57like i did anything you know that
- 00:32:01what if i told you she's better off dead
- 00:32:07i am so sorry
- 00:32:10so am i
- 00:32:18thanks for coming i didn't know who i
- 00:32:20was to ask
- 00:32:22not carly for sure no
- 00:32:25have you told your parents um
- 00:32:28no i mean if it's positive then i'm not
- 00:32:32keeping it will you tell lewis
- 00:32:36are you kidding me he's the last person
- 00:32:38i want to know can you imagine how he'd
- 00:32:40react so you don't want me to drop any
- 00:32:42hits
- 00:32:44no no not a word to anyone
- 00:32:47not a soul it's a little secret
- 00:32:54good book um not really it's a bit
- 00:32:58trashy
- 00:32:58oh like me you mean no where did that
- 00:33:01come from
- 00:33:02you don't speak to me you used to like
- 00:33:04me you used to
- 00:33:05oh don't play games claire i know what's
- 00:33:08going through that little head of yours
- 00:33:09don't start going with softness
- 00:33:11because i'll have to take matters into
- 00:33:13our own hands don't worry
- 00:33:14i'm the way i've always been there's
- 00:33:16nothing wrong with me see
- 00:33:18fine long as you are claire that's all
- 00:33:20i'm saying
- 00:33:27what's the book oh nothing just a trashy
- 00:33:31chicklet
- 00:33:32i know the swords yeah that's all he
- 00:33:34reads
- 00:33:35honestly he's got a massive stack from
- 00:33:36the other side of his bed you're funny
- 00:33:38matt
- 00:33:40i try what did kelly won nothing
- 00:33:43she was just chatting she seemed angry
- 00:33:45if i didn't know anybody i've described
- 00:33:47her as threatening
- 00:33:48cali threatening don't be so
- 00:33:50melodramatic
- 00:33:51is that how it looked to you ben she
- 00:33:53looked as if she normally looks
- 00:33:55i wasn't really paying much attention
- 00:33:58so how are you feeling that things are
- 00:34:00all over with ran
- 00:34:03puzzled scared
- 00:34:06free relieved i don't know really take
- 00:34:09your pick
- 00:34:11how does anyone feel when something goes
- 00:34:13wrong why scared
- 00:34:16she's changed not just the music but
- 00:34:20she's more i don't know how to say this
- 00:34:24without embarrassing myself
- 00:34:25but she's more yeah we
- 00:34:28get it maybe that's what happens after
- 00:34:31people wake up
- 00:34:33it made me feel uncomfortable it was
- 00:34:35like
- 00:34:36she was a completely different person
- 00:34:38before
- 00:34:39we never she made me promise never to
- 00:34:43ask her to and
- 00:34:45i kept my promise yeah well
- 00:34:48sounds to me like you're better off
- 00:34:49apart yeah maybe
- 00:34:52so how things this match think i've
- 00:34:54changed
- 00:34:56a bit but it's all good
- 00:34:59you have changed everyone says so
- 00:35:03you're nicer not that you weren't nice
- 00:35:06before but
- 00:35:08you're nicer kinder softer
- 00:35:13i don't know this is a weird
- 00:35:16conversation
- 00:35:17maybe we should just talk about
- 00:35:19socioeconomic policies or something
- 00:35:22you boys go ahead i i want to finish my
- 00:35:24book
- 00:35:25is that a brush off yep but a nice one
- 00:35:28see you around boys
- 00:35:38hey sis hi are you watching
- 00:35:42sorry happy thing not really watching it
- 00:35:44where have you been
- 00:35:45where's kelly not that's any of your
- 00:35:47business
- 00:35:48that's fine i don't want to know me of
- 00:35:50your business anyway
- 00:35:52kelly tells me she saw you and kamara
- 00:35:53the doctors the other day
- 00:35:55what was that about none of your
- 00:35:57business if the reason you were there is
- 00:35:59what i think it is then it is my
- 00:36:01business
- 00:36:02oh pissed off lewis stop trying to be so
- 00:36:03happy i'm not trying little sister but i
- 00:36:05will if you don't tell me
- 00:36:07stop him you're frightening me
- 00:36:10tell me why you were there i was feeling
- 00:36:13ill
- 00:36:13and i asked him out to come when you lie
- 00:36:16your face like son
- 00:36:18tell me why you were there no i would
- 00:36:20not say anything
- 00:36:21if you want the truth you have to find
- 00:36:23out some other way than me oh i will
- 00:36:27oh
- 00:36:30you're really good now you take it so
- 00:36:33seriously
- 00:36:34you're not too bad yourself
- 00:36:37i'm more of a sprinter long distance
- 00:36:39tends to bore me
- 00:36:41i'd rather get it all over and done with
- 00:36:42so that i can sit down
- 00:36:44with a cup of coffee and a bar of
- 00:36:46chocolate
- 00:36:49sorry if i'm not like you
- 00:36:52i don't care what i look like people
- 00:36:54need to take me as i am and if they
- 00:36:56don't like it
- 00:36:57tough running isn't about how you look
- 00:36:59it's about how you feel
- 00:37:01don't you feel better for that i do but
- 00:37:04i feel much better for a galaxy to munch
- 00:37:06on
- 00:37:07only kid so here we are in the middle of
- 00:37:10nowhere
- 00:37:11are you going to tell me what all this
- 00:37:12is about i'm not a fool
- 00:37:14do you need to tell me something let's
- 00:37:16wait for the others
- 00:37:17others yeah they'll be here soon we were
- 00:37:20quicker than i expected
- 00:37:21you thought i'd be slower hope you've
- 00:37:24been
- 00:37:24impressed look here's joe and annie
- 00:37:28joe's really slow she makes you look
- 00:37:30like flash is that
- 00:37:31ben and matt behind oh look they're
- 00:37:34sprinting
- 00:37:35they're trying to impress us it's not
- 00:37:37working
- 00:37:44did i win i couldn't see with all the
- 00:37:46sweat in my eyes
- 00:37:48oh let's call it a draw i think it was a
- 00:37:50draw
- 00:37:52matt won he was just being nice like
- 00:37:54always
- 00:37:55damn hey how are you joe
- 00:37:58i feel like i'm going to puke whose idea
- 00:38:01was this anyway
- 00:38:02mine annie how about you good
- 00:38:05so it's hard having to run at a pace
- 00:38:07that joke can keep up with
- 00:38:08we're going slow i thought you were
- 00:38:12testing me and where's camara
- 00:38:16she's in hospital she had an accident
- 00:38:19and
- 00:38:20her face is all messed up she walked
- 00:38:22into a door or something
- 00:38:24claire said she couldn't come but wanted
- 00:38:26to i said i'd tell her everything when i
- 00:38:28got back
- 00:38:29and julie oh
- 00:38:32i forgot to ask it's been a bit weird
- 00:38:35lately anyway
- 00:38:36is anyone going to say what this is all
- 00:38:38about it's about our friends or
- 00:38:42our supposed friends lisa has a theory
- 00:38:46not another one shh terry i want to hear
- 00:38:48it
- 00:38:50well i've noticed since our friends have
- 00:38:53died
- 00:38:55oh so it seems
- 00:38:59they've been acting a little oddly
- 00:39:02differently they look the same they
- 00:39:05sound the same
- 00:39:07they seem the same on the outside
- 00:39:10but inside they're not the same oh i
- 00:39:14can't explain it but
- 00:39:15what i think is our friends are dead
- 00:39:19i think they all died and somehow
- 00:39:21something has replaced them
- 00:39:23it sounds stupid sci-fi
- 00:39:26something ben would think up but
- 00:39:30i can't think of anything else to
- 00:39:31explain it and by all our friends
- 00:39:34do you mean claire yeah
- 00:39:37she's changed she's nicer and what about
- 00:39:41kelly and julie
- 00:39:42i think they die this is stupid this is
- 00:39:45really
- 00:39:46stupid our friends are not dead they're
- 00:39:48alive and well and
- 00:39:51weird but wouldn't you be
- 00:39:54lisa you have no idea how ridiculous you
- 00:39:56sound
- 00:39:57i'm not listening to another word coming
- 00:39:59ben give me a minute
- 00:40:02you forgot there's ran exactly ran
- 00:40:05by psycho sister listen to yourselves
- 00:40:08just
- 00:40:09listen you're mad
- 00:40:13i'm going and i don't want to hear
- 00:40:14another word about it from any of you
- 00:40:18he's going to tell claire it's what i'm
- 00:40:20worried about what do you think
- 00:40:24so what do you think it's good very good
- 00:40:27and he's getting close then let her get
- 00:40:29closer
- 00:40:30it's only a matter of time i suppose i'm
- 00:40:34concerned about things all the same
- 00:40:36perhaps you need to sit back perhaps
- 00:40:38you've taken things too quickly
- 00:40:40we've made mistakes understandable
- 00:40:42mistakes
- 00:40:43perhaps lewis remains an issue and
- 00:40:46claire
- 00:40:47claire can't harm us in fact she's only
- 00:40:50self-harming
- 00:40:51self-harming very fitting so what do you
- 00:40:54want me to do
- 00:40:55you and callie talk to louis if a girl
- 00:40:58with the baby alone
- 00:40:59is she off limits to all of us she is at
- 00:41:02least until the child is born
- 00:41:04louis just enjoys being cool he could
- 00:41:06spoil everything
- 00:41:08perhaps we need to arrange him to meet
- 00:41:10with another fatal accident
- 00:41:12understood so how many of us are there
- 00:41:14now
- 00:41:15so many so many we're almost at the
- 00:41:18tipping point
- 00:41:19almost almost
- 00:41:26go away leave me alone i hate you where
- 00:41:28have you been this time kamara
- 00:41:30you've been off to the clinic again
- 00:41:32you've been trying to get rid of that
- 00:41:33baby
- 00:41:34again because i forbid it you can't it's
- 00:41:36not your say
- 00:41:37it's my baby is it what do you mean by
- 00:41:41that
- 00:41:42you know exactly what i mean just who
- 00:41:44are you because you're not lewis
- 00:41:46i'm not lewis
- 00:41:52he died that day by the lake i came back
- 00:41:55something
- 00:41:56came back not him you are not him this
- 00:41:59is not your baby
- 00:42:01if it's not my baby then it's nobody's
- 00:42:05that's enough camara are you okay don't
- 00:42:08touch me you're just the same you're all
- 00:42:10just the same leave me
- 00:42:12alone i'm your friend come on let's sort
- 00:42:14this don't
- 00:42:16you are not my friend my friend is
- 00:42:18probably dead but you won't get away
- 00:42:19with this
- 00:42:20someone will stop stop it camara you're
- 00:42:23scaring me
- 00:42:24you're ill you need to see a doctor come
- 00:42:26on i'll take you to the clinic i don't
- 00:42:28need your help
- 00:42:29move on my way for a couple of please
- 00:42:32lewis you are out of control you are
- 00:42:35enough is enough understand sure
- 00:42:39but can't i just have a little [ __ ]
- 00:42:41they're so easy to tease and hurt
- 00:42:44you get arrested and then what happens
- 00:42:56that's when i walked off and left them
- 00:43:00because they weren't just being stupid
- 00:43:02they're being crazy stupid
- 00:43:05they're in a complete fantasy
- 00:43:09i kept telling them we'd have to adjust
- 00:43:13of course people change it makes sense
- 00:43:18i read on the subject and i read
- 00:43:22loads of cases where people experienced
- 00:43:25a complete personality change
- 00:43:29some woke up from a coma and could speak
- 00:43:32a new language
- 00:43:34some could play a new instrument some
- 00:43:37even had a different sexuality
- 00:43:40it's crazy but
- 00:43:43it's what happened here right
- 00:43:48i knew about the reports
- 00:43:52we'd counted on them
- 00:43:56claire that is true
- 00:44:02i'm not claire
- 00:44:05claire died she died in the hospital
- 00:44:11and in the moment between the last beat
- 00:44:13of a heart and the first beat of a
- 00:44:14monitor
- 00:44:16i stepped in it's what we do
- 00:44:20we step in and prepare any damage and
- 00:44:23live on
- 00:44:25what makes no sense
- 00:44:28of course you're claire you look like
- 00:44:31her
- 00:44:32you sound like her dislike her
- 00:44:38that's the thing see as far as anyone's
- 00:44:41concerned
- 00:44:43i am glad it's her body but driven by
- 00:44:46someone completely differently
- 00:44:50you see my this world of yours is slowly
- 00:44:53being replaced
- 00:44:55don't look at me like that i'm not mad
- 00:44:59what's happening here is happening all
- 00:45:01over the world
- 00:45:03slowly death by death we inhabit your
- 00:45:06bodies
- 00:45:08who is the young the ones that die
- 00:45:11before their time
- 00:45:15it's not as if we kill people it's not
- 00:45:17as if i killed claire
- 00:45:20it's a mercy we save you grieving
- 00:45:23we take away the pain and leave you with
- 00:45:25joy
- 00:45:28it's just this time something's gone
- 00:45:31wrong
- 00:45:33don't say another word i'm gonna call
- 00:45:35the hospital you're ill
- 00:45:37it's just a hallucination it is clear
- 00:45:41it is dude this time
- 00:45:45one of us lewis has developed a taste
- 00:45:48for killing
- 00:45:50for speeding up the process and one of
- 00:45:53us is
- 00:45:55one of us has fallen in love with one of
- 00:45:58you who
- 00:46:02me matt i've fallen in love with you
- 00:46:07it's never happened before another
- 00:46:09thousands of years that we've existed
- 00:46:11it's strange it's dangerous
- 00:46:14for both of us they'll come for you next
- 00:46:17they'll replace you but then
- 00:46:19it won't be you anymore the problem is
- 00:46:22solved
- 00:46:23what about the police go to the police
- 00:46:26you could but who's to say they've not
- 00:46:28been replaced already
- 00:46:31so many have you know ours is a benign
- 00:46:33invasion
- 00:46:35you think this world is yours it's been
- 00:46:38hours for decades
- 00:46:40you've not got us all no
- 00:46:43but we don't need everyone we're waiting
- 00:46:47we're waiting in our millions
- 00:46:53we can stop you you could
- 00:46:57do you really want to aren't you happy
- 00:47:00claire lived
- 00:47:01haven't these past few months been the
- 00:47:03best days of your life
- 00:47:06yeah but
- 00:47:09now i know i'm not claire
- 00:47:13but it's me you fell in love with this
- 00:47:16me and this body
- 00:47:17i've sensed it i know it
- 00:47:22no don't know
- 00:47:25this is mads i can't
- 00:47:30i won't believe it ma ma
- 00:47:35believe it good care
- 00:47:41goodbye claire wait
- 00:47:45they're gonna do to you i don't know
- 00:47:48they can replace me if they want
- 00:47:50but i don't mind
- 00:47:54i don't love the last time
- 00:48:15terry terry terry i need you to come
- 00:48:18here quick i need you to come and get me
- 00:48:19away from here
- 00:48:20what is it it's around she's here with
- 00:48:23lewis and callie and julie
- 00:48:24they've been in a room but i'm scared
- 00:48:26you need to get out of there quick annie
- 00:48:28go to the corner we'll meet you get out
- 00:48:30there quick okay
- 00:48:31i'll just pack your bag forget the bag
- 00:48:33just move they're coming out of the room
- 00:48:35run annie run she hung up call her back
- 00:48:39maybe she's just packing she'll be okay
- 00:48:41as long as she got out of there
- 00:48:43just call her back
- 00:48:47annie annie you okay yeah
- 00:48:51i'm fine sorry to have scared you um
- 00:48:54they've gone out doing whatever they do
- 00:48:56did you terrified a lot of us
- 00:48:58shall we still come around do you want
- 00:49:00to come and stay with me for a couple of
- 00:49:01days
- 00:49:02sounds nice i'll pack a bag be ready for
- 00:49:04when you get here
- 00:49:05see you she's okay they've gone out
- 00:49:09let's go around she needs to get there
- 00:49:10as soon as possible
- 00:49:16there that was easy wasn't it
- 00:49:31i'm sorry what's wrong
- 00:49:35[Music]
- 00:49:37what are we gonna do
- 00:49:45i'm not sure i want this child anymore
- 00:49:47after what you've just told me
- 00:49:49i wasn't sure at first and i changed my
- 00:49:52mind
- 00:49:53but now who don't give birth to a child
- 00:49:56in a world that's nothing more than a
- 00:49:59giant breeding program for we don't even
- 00:50:02know what they are
- 00:50:05what did your parents say you have told
- 00:50:08them
- 00:50:09they already knew mum said mom's always
- 00:50:12known
- 00:50:13but then i'm starting to wonder if she
- 00:50:15even is my real mum at all and
- 00:50:17it's just mad i don't know what you mean
- 00:50:23so what will you do i don't know
- 00:50:26i can't pretend if everything's okay
- 00:50:28because it's not but
- 00:50:33i didn't think the apocalypse would be
- 00:50:34so
- 00:50:36quiet is that what this is
- 00:50:39isn't it it's the end of the human race
- 00:50:42not quite yet
- 00:50:44no but someday
- 00:50:48in the future we won't exist anymore
- 00:50:51maybe or maybe someday we'll find a way
- 00:50:54to fight back
- 00:50:59i've packed a bag i think i'll run
- 00:51:04maybe go abroad somewhere no one knows
- 00:51:06me and
- 00:51:08try and hide if you go
- 00:51:14i'll come with you i want this baby to
- 00:51:17at least have a shot at life so you'll
- 00:51:20keep it
- 00:51:21i'll keep it huh it's a girl
- 00:51:28[Music]
- 00:51:33look down there on the path oh it's lisa
- 00:51:37and terry
- 00:51:38stop are you mad look who they're with
- 00:51:41brown and
- 00:51:43that's ben they're gone that just leaves
- 00:51:46us
- 00:51:47and claire then it's too late matt
- 00:51:50it's okay she's on our side she's one of
- 00:51:53them
- 00:51:55yeah yeah she is but
- 00:51:58she's on our side not human i know but
- 00:52:02all the same we need to go
- 00:52:05with five minutes we can make it
- 00:52:21i'd stay here for hours if i
- 00:52:25thought that you would speak
- 00:52:30i'd sit in the silence if
- 00:52:33i thought you'd talk to me
- 00:52:37but sometimes i'm afraid
- 00:52:41oh that you won't say a thing
- 00:52:45so i fill the quiet void with these
- 00:52:49six strings
- 00:52:53[Music]
- 00:52:54it's been a long long time
- 00:52:58since i've been this still maybe
- 00:53:02if i could learn to hear your voice
- 00:53:06then i would know your well
- 00:53:10even now it breaks my heart
- 00:53:14to tell you how i feel
- 00:53:18cause i love you i just need
- 00:53:21some time to heal
- 00:53:26cause i love you i just need
- 00:53:30some time to heal
- prietenie
- pierdere
- transformare
- emoții
- supraviețuire
- relații
- decizii