Aquarius: #1111 -JACKPOT- You FINALLY start believing in UR dreams & they do this. Don't look back!
TLDRThe video is a tarot reading for Aquarius, signaling an end of a cycle and advising on self-analysis, healing, and balance under the current lunar phase in Virgo. The reading emphasizes serving from a place of wholeness, detached from chaos, and suggests Aquarius focus on health and rest. The reading brings awareness to fulfilling emotional states, recognizing the wealth of knowledge, and understanding soul connections beyond romantic notions. By rejecting negative influences, Aquarius is encouraged to make insightful decisions and focus on emotional enlightenment.
- 🌕 Focus on analyzing life during the Moon in Virgo.
- 🌟 Embrace the end of emotional cycles and start anew.
- 🧘 Prioritize self-care with good rest and a healthy diet.
- 💪 Reject negative influences for emotional balance.
- ❤️ Recognize soul connections beyond romance.
- 🧠 Use wisdom and knowledge for fulfillment.
- 🔥 Burn bridges with unnecessary conflicts.
- 🔮 Trust in your intuitive decisions.
- 🎯 Seek emotional enlightenment and clarity.
- 🌼 Serve from a place of wholeness.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
The video begins with a focus on Aquarius, discussing the end of a cycle and the movement of the moon into Virgo. It emphasizes the importance of serving from a place of wholeness, using food as medicine, and the significance of understanding one's moon sign. The narrator mentions upcoming events like full moon prediction videos and 2025 prediction videos on Patreon, encouraging viewers to join for more content.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
The narrative explores the Nine of Cups card, suggesting that many Aquarians may feel their wishes are being fulfilled, leading to a happy emotional state. The importance of balance, especially between dark and light energies, is highlighted as the narrator explains the concept of soulmates, which isn't limited to romantic partners but includes deep, spiritual connections like family and friends.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Discussion of major tarot cards continues with the Devil and Chariot cards, representing polarity and the necessity of balance. The narrator stresses the importance of not being in imbalanced relationships and making decisions that align with one's values. There's an urge to detach from negative energies and focus on personal growth and balance in relationships.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
The video shifts to discussing sacrifices and healing, encouraging Aquarians to cut ties with relationships that don't serve them. It underlines the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's worth. The narrator shares personal insights about overcoming challenges and the feeling of freedom that comes from breaking away from toxic connections.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
There's an emphasis on spiritual growth, aligning with soulmate energy, and the potential for new financial opportunities. The narrator encourages focusing on positive changes, ignoring negative influences, and highlights the power of prayer and meditation in fostering personal development and maintaining balance.
- 00:25:00 - 00:33:21
The video concludes by reminding viewers of the strength gained through overcoming hardships and the necessity of rest as part of self-care. It reinforces the message of dignity and self-respect, urging Aquarians to stay true to their values and avoid getting trapped in negativity, focusing instead on healing and personal victories.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
What is the focus of the Aquarius reading?
The reading focuses on the end of a cycle, self-analysis, and achieving emotional balance.
How should Aquarius approach self-care during this time?
Aquarius should focus on proper rest, healthy diet, and using food as medicine.
What is the significance of the number 11 in the reading?
The number 11 signifies a master number representing light and the power to make important decisions.
What are the themes of the tarot cards drawn for Aquarius?
The tarot cards indicate positive emotional states, fulfillment of wishes, and understanding soul connections.
What is the importance of the moon in Virgo for Aquarius?
The moon in Virgo encourages Aquarius to analyze life practically and objectively, avoiding conflict and serving from a place of wholeness.
Lihat lebih banyak ringkasan video
- 00:00:01hello to my
- 00:00:03Aqua
- 00:00:05Aquarius all right Aquarius we got a lot
- 00:00:08going on here we got a lot going on here
- 00:00:11so let's see what's in your cards let's
- 00:00:12see what's in your cards all right we
- 00:00:15are at the end of a
- 00:00:18cycle we're at the end of a cycle
- 00:00:20Aquarius hopefully you all are having a
- 00:00:22great weekend at least a peaceful one
- 00:00:24the moon has moved into Virgo for those
- 00:00:26of you all who uh follow the moon phases
- 00:00:29right right don't forget to journal when
- 00:00:32the moon has moved into Virgo just in
- 00:00:34general right um think of it as a time
- 00:00:39of serving from a place of wholeness
- 00:00:41Virgo is a earth sign it's a really
- 00:00:44health conscious sign it's the I analyze
- 00:00:46sign like you all are the I know sign
- 00:00:48it's the I analyze sign so really um
- 00:00:51analyzing looking at your life through a
- 00:00:54practical and a and objective lens not
- 00:00:58wanting to be um um connected
- 00:01:02to um conflict
- 00:01:06chaos um drama any of those things right
- 00:01:10but just like serving from a place of
- 00:01:12wholeness making sure your diet is
- 00:01:14intact using food as medicine those kind
- 00:01:17of things making sure you're pouring
- 00:01:18into making sure you're air sign but
- 00:01:20you're a water Bearer making sure your
- 00:01:22cup is your cup of water is flushed out
- 00:01:25you know uh circulation of water you
- 00:01:28know um you know knowing what what your
- 00:01:30moon sign is Right knowing what your
- 00:01:32moon sign is
- 00:01:34um getting your proper rest rest is one
- 00:01:37of the most overlooked rituals all of
- 00:01:39those things right so let's get right
- 00:01:40into your reading let's get into your
- 00:01:42reading we try to keep it short and
- 00:01:43sweet I think you all going to have a
- 00:01:44bonus video I think every sign or almost
- 00:01:46every sign is going to have a bonus
- 00:01:47video on the um membership side and
- 00:01:51we're going to get geared up for the
- 00:01:52full moon prediction videos over on the
- 00:01:55patreon side coming up very soon as well
- 00:02:00we're going to also do a full 2025
- 00:02:03prediction video coming up on the
- 00:02:04patreon side as well so we got a lot of
- 00:02:06good things coming up for those of you
- 00:02:08all who have won giveaways don't forget
- 00:02:12um you can reach out to me for giveaways
- 00:02:14you have my numbers below so if you're
- 00:02:15new to my channel welcome if you're
- 00:02:17coming back welcome back welcome back
- 00:02:21Aquarius let's get into it let's get
- 00:02:23into it happy holidays to you all let's
- 00:02:25get into it Aquarius ah let's see let's
- 00:02:28see let's see so yeah if you wanted any
- 00:02:30giveaways congratulations let's do it
- 00:02:33let's see what's in your cards all right
- 00:02:35y'all oo nine of Cups somebody getting a
- 00:02:38lotted bam so here we have nine of Cups
- 00:02:42so yes somebody going to feel like this
- 00:02:43person feel like they hit the lottery
- 00:02:45right so if y'all hit the lottery hey
- 00:02:48cousins so anyway here we go nine of
- 00:02:51Cups this person look like they got
- 00:02:53their back all arched and everything
- 00:02:54look like they jumped out of a treasure
- 00:02:56chest I love it so nine of Cups so a lot
- 00:02:58of your wishes are being fulfilled
- 00:02:59Aquarius then we got the king of
- 00:03:00Pentacles king of Pentacles is not
- 00:03:02always about um money though just so
- 00:03:05we're Crystal
- 00:03:06Clear um somebody is in a really really
- 00:03:09happy place somebody's in a really
- 00:03:11really good space like you're just in a
- 00:03:14just in a good emotionally you're in a
- 00:03:16good space so I love it I love it I love
- 00:03:18it right here we have the devil
- 00:03:20[Music]
- 00:03:22card right
- 00:03:25um here we have the two of Cups
- 00:03:28here so it looks like so 9 and two
- 00:03:31obviously is 11 right so 11 is a master
- 00:03:35number y'all know that because in
- 00:03:36tropical astrology and we're not talking
- 00:03:38about a fucus cuz then that would make
- 00:03:40it 13 signs right but in tropical
- 00:03:43astrology and I'm speaking to siderial
- 00:03:46and tropical astrology but for my
- 00:03:49readings but in tropical astrology there
- 00:03:52are 11 I mean excuse me 12 Zodiac signs
- 00:03:56and so but you all are the 11th zodiac
- 00:03:59sign in tropical astrology but the
- 00:04:01number 11 is a master number right which
- 00:04:05symbolizes light l i g HT so you see the
- 00:04:09number 11 in a lot of different shapes
- 00:04:11sizes obviously numbers it comes in a
- 00:04:13lot of different forms like 2 and N 3
- 00:04:15and 8 four and 7even 5 and 6 6 and 5 all
- 00:04:18the way up to 9 and two and many
- 00:04:20different ways right you see the number
- 00:04:2111 but it's a it's um symbolizes like
- 00:04:25meaning get off the fence and make a
- 00:04:27decision about something right and so
- 00:04:29what what was the what would be the
- 00:04:30opposite what's what's the only thing
- 00:04:32that opposes the Creator or Source would
- 00:04:36be the enemy right but who does the
- 00:04:39enemy have to go to per to get
- 00:04:41permission to even try to wreak havoc in
- 00:04:44your life right the enemy has to go to
- 00:04:46source for permission so somebody could
- 00:04:48be going through
- 00:04:51um um could have gone through sort of
- 00:04:54like a job you know situation you know
- 00:04:57in their lives you know you could have
- 00:04:59gone through a CH you or somebody you
- 00:05:01know could have gone through a really
- 00:05:02challenging situation in their lives
- 00:05:04that now your prayers your wishes are
- 00:05:07being fulfilled for either you or
- 00:05:09somebody else or other people that you
- 00:05:11could have been praying for you could
- 00:05:13have been operating in by faith and not
- 00:05:16fear you know for you or other people
- 00:05:19right these two hands symbolize
- 00:05:23Duality right symbolize Duality the dark
- 00:05:25and light of situations right so when we
- 00:05:29talk about like Soul tribe or Soul
- 00:05:32Community or Soul Circle or soulmate
- 00:05:35it's not always
- 00:05:36lovers that's where a lot of people get
- 00:05:38it mixed up your soulmate could be a
- 00:05:41sibling it could be a best friend it
- 00:05:43could be somebody on a whole another
- 00:05:44continent right somebody where your soul
- 00:05:47is connected to there so you know see I
- 00:05:50was getting ready to say a little joke
- 00:05:52but uh I'm not it it could be like you
- 00:05:57you feel what they feel when they're
- 00:05:58going through things things right you
- 00:06:00know how like you have a friend and like
- 00:06:02you say Okay um oh yeah I haven't talked
- 00:06:04to so and so today let me I you know um
- 00:06:08it could be like a good friend like
- 00:06:09let's say you work with somebody y'all
- 00:06:11could be like they could be a member of
- 00:06:12your soul Community right you haven't
- 00:06:14talked to that friend he like oh I
- 00:06:15haven't talk to them you know they could
- 00:06:19be standing in the line getting lunch
- 00:06:23somewhere and their stomach could be
- 00:06:25growling your stomach could be growling
- 00:06:27at the same time like oh that's right
- 00:06:30you know I was thinking about you like I
- 00:06:32was thinking about whatever right like
- 00:06:34stomach growling whatever your stomach
- 00:06:36was growling at the same time whatever
- 00:06:37if they sick you could be sick at the
- 00:06:39same time or they happy you could be
- 00:06:40happy or whatever going through um yeah
- 00:06:44but here we have the um king of
- 00:06:46Pentacles and king of Pentacles is not
- 00:06:47always about money it's just it's like
- 00:06:50you you have a wealth of knowledge about
- 00:06:55um another person's soul it's like
- 00:06:58you've you've traveled
- 00:07:00your soul has traveled like the same
- 00:07:02Journey that their soul has traveled and
- 00:07:05so somebody feels like you've been
- 00:07:07through that same Journey that somebody
- 00:07:09else's Soul has traveled
- 00:07:13um and um and so somebody is picking up
- 00:07:17on that right so here we have the
- 00:07:19Chariot card right so these are polarity
- 00:07:21signs so this is Capricorn and this is
- 00:07:24cancer these are polarity signs right
- 00:07:27and so um
- 00:07:29so this would be like
- 00:07:31um the mother of the zodiac us to be
- 00:07:34like the father of the zodiac right
- 00:07:39um yeah
- 00:07:41so we know
- 00:07:45that let me see with's
- 00:07:49um yeah so um somebody this is the I
- 00:07:53feel sign right so you feel everything
- 00:07:57Your Soul Community feel that's why when
- 00:08:00you know you know like what your soul
- 00:08:02Community that's when you'll know who
- 00:08:04your soulmate you'll know who your
- 00:08:07soulmate is and again I got to reiterate
- 00:08:09it's not always a romantic interest it's
- 00:08:11not always a romantic interest even
- 00:08:13though people think it's a romantic
- 00:08:14interest it's not always a romantic so
- 00:08:16when people are running oh that's my
- 00:08:18soulmate I know that's my
- 00:08:20boo it's not always what you think it is
- 00:08:24like no you know so it's not always
- 00:08:27operating in the flesh it's not always
- 00:08:29that sometime you think it is and so so
- 00:08:31so um no it's not always that right
- 00:08:35sometimes somebody just operating in the
- 00:08:37flesh so anyway a decision has been made
- 00:08:41a decision has been made right um about
- 00:08:44something a decision has been made
- 00:08:47um a a final decision has been made
- 00:08:50right so you're definitely tossing some
- 00:08:51things into a burning Bowl any kind of
- 00:08:54confusion so there is a Aries Leo or
- 00:08:57Sagittarius and it could be
- 00:09:00um see this sun right here in the
- 00:09:02background that sunlight in the
- 00:09:04background so somebody's
- 00:09:09um the sun illuminates the moon moon has
- 00:09:12an affinity with water so somebody's
- 00:09:14moon sign could be a Aries Leo or
- 00:09:16Sagittarius I don't know if it's yours
- 00:09:18or somebody else's moon sign could be
- 00:09:19Aries Leo or Sagittarius something
- 00:09:21you're tossing into
- 00:09:27the a fire um
- 00:09:30a burning
- 00:09:31Bowl yeah um that is that is um that
- 00:09:38you're detaching from that you're
- 00:09:40detaching from something you're
- 00:09:41detaching from you know Aquarius
- 00:09:44something that you're detaching from
- 00:09:46that is not a sacred relationship it's
- 00:09:48not a sacred relationship it's not a
- 00:09:50sacred Bond right you got this black
- 00:09:53horse and you have this White Horse you
- 00:09:54need duality in order to push to pull
- 00:09:58things forward right there can't be you
- 00:10:02cannot we talking about balance here
- 00:10:04we're talking about balance here right
- 00:10:06you cannot be in any kind of a
- 00:10:08relationship where where it there is and
- 00:10:10there's an imbalance there cannot be an
- 00:10:13imbalance where somebody is talking to
- 00:10:14you as if you're this this dark entity
- 00:10:17where there's this light energy they're
- 00:10:19they're all light and you're all
- 00:10:20Darkness so they can't be looking at you
- 00:10:23like you're just a devil incarnate why
- 00:10:25they just this
- 00:10:26angel don't matter who they are right
- 00:10:29right or you can't be the lesser of the
- 00:10:31two in a relationship it has to be a
- 00:10:33partnership in a relationship like
- 00:10:35you're the helper they're the helper it
- 00:10:37can't be a you know and we talking about
- 00:10:38Soul connected like you can't be the um
- 00:10:42you know the the darker spirited friend
- 00:10:45why they're they're the good friend and
- 00:10:47you're the dark friend like you I'm
- 00:10:48obviously I'm not talking about skin
- 00:10:50color I'm talking about like you so it
- 00:10:51can't be it has to be a decision made it
- 00:10:54has to be fairness there has to be you
- 00:10:55know you have to be balanced out within
- 00:10:58just like they have to be balanced out
- 00:10:59within you're not looking for Perfection
- 00:11:01just like they shouldn't be looking for
- 00:11:02perfection in you so it takes um this is
- 00:11:06you and this is you balance balance
- 00:11:10right they also have to be balanced out
- 00:11:11too so somebody can be seeing you as
- 00:11:14like you there a demon like you just got
- 00:11:17like you just got horns com on the top
- 00:11:19of
- 00:11:22your woo so we had the seven of Cups
- 00:11:26here so yeah so yeah so so
- 00:11:31um that's what that's what um you know
- 00:11:34balance is all about so I definitely
- 00:11:35feel like you know the scales from your
- 00:11:37eyes have been removed just like the
- 00:11:38scales from quite a few people's eyes
- 00:11:41have been removed scales from people's
- 00:11:43eyes everybody's eyes are being removed
- 00:11:44to say about balance right knowing your
- 00:11:46worth knowing your value yep knowing
- 00:11:48your worth knowing your value
- 00:11:51yep yep so you're in your vault door
- 00:11:54okay let me show you this right here
- 00:11:56okay you're in your vault door Aquarius
- 00:11:58see these kids back here here and this
- 00:12:00little this kid right here what of the
- 00:12:03reason why your um your card is a star
- 00:12:05card because uh Stars can shine amongst
- 00:12:08other stars right star/ sunsh sign right
- 00:12:12star/ sunsh sign right where's that
- 00:12:15card and the sun being a star
- 00:12:21right source is
- 00:12:24saying that sun being fire right but
- 00:12:29fire connecting us with the solar plexus
- 00:12:32chakra being one of the the last lower
- 00:12:35of the chakras
- 00:12:40right where you where there's judging
- 00:12:42competing comparing basically like there
- 00:12:45it's all about me it's all about just I
- 00:12:49like who would be competing with Source
- 00:12:52right the enemy is almost like okay
- 00:12:54competing with so like real like the
- 00:12:56Creator created the enemy like what what
- 00:12:59kind of right so here we have the the 10
- 00:13:03of Pentacles so source is saying to you
- 00:13:06you
- 00:13:07feel you feel um you don't need to
- 00:13:10compete with
- 00:13:11anybody whether you invited or not
- 00:13:14invited you're good you're in good
- 00:13:17spirits you you good right you smiling
- 00:13:20whether you here or here right you here
- 00:13:23here you're good right
- 00:13:27so yeah so somebody that's why you you
- 00:13:29feel like you jumping out of a treasure
- 00:13:30chest you're
- 00:13:33good
- 00:13:34yeah so source is actually rewarding you
- 00:13:38source is actually rewarding you um for
- 00:13:41having an innate spiritual understanding
- 00:13:43of what you're dealing with you don't
- 00:13:44need to be indecisive you've already
- 00:13:47sacrificed a lot you've sacrificed a
- 00:13:50lot so things are not on pause for
- 00:13:54you let's see what else we got going on
- 00:13:56here you've sacrificed a lot so
- 00:14:00you're in really good spirits Aquarius
- 00:14:01looking at your cards I don't know who
- 00:14:02I'm talking to but somebody's in really
- 00:14:04good spirits that's why you started out
- 00:14:05with the nine of
- 00:14:08um what's it yeah that's why you started
- 00:14:10with the nine of Cups so congratulations
- 00:14:13to you congratulations to
- 00:14:19you all right so here we have the two of
- 00:14:22Cups here well all right here
- 00:14:26soulmate um yeah
- 00:14:29so yeah you got soulmate energy right
- 00:14:32there in your cards and again I don't I
- 00:14:34don't feel like this soulmate energy is
- 00:14:35necessarily romantic I feel like for
- 00:14:38somebody it's just really like I said I
- 00:14:40mean like a member of your soul
- 00:14:41Community looking at your cards here I
- 00:14:43don't feel like it's necessarily
- 00:14:44romantic here we have the Knight of Cups
- 00:14:46here so I definitely feel like um
- 00:14:48somebody feels free somebody definitely
- 00:14:51feels free somebody feels free
- 00:14:55yeah so in a very Meek way excuse me in
- 00:14:59a very Meek way you're you like I said I
- 00:15:01feel like you feel Meek I feel like you
- 00:15:02learn how to heal your Spirit
- 00:15:05Matters um here we have the six of coins
- 00:15:08you're going to get out of whatever you
- 00:15:09put into this soulmate situation here um
- 00:15:14and I I feel like it's very valuable you
- 00:15:16know to you six of coins here um and I
- 00:15:21do feel like for
- 00:15:26somebody it's definitely balance here
- 00:15:29definitely balanced here this is good
- 00:15:32very nice very nice Definitely balanced
- 00:15:35out
- 00:15:37yeah okay so this person this other
- 00:15:40person too has made a lot of sacrifices
- 00:15:43themselves so you and somebody have made
- 00:15:45a lot of
- 00:15:47sacrifices um yourselves a lot of you
- 00:15:49and the other person have had to heal um
- 00:15:52have definitely had to heal your own
- 00:15:54Spirit Matters as well you and somebody
- 00:15:57coming together
- 00:16:00have learned how to heal um oops
- 00:16:03yourself so very nice Aquarius very very
- 00:16:08nice very nice I definitely feel like
- 00:16:10you and somebody have um it's going to
- 00:16:12feel like y'all are winning I tell you
- 00:16:14that got it back in the saddle again
- 00:16:17winning #
- 00:16:20winning right so we got some new money
- 00:16:24coming across your past so he has 689
- 00:16:26yeah so um certain things you won't be
- 00:16:30talking about certain things you won't
- 00:16:32be talking about like you're not even
- 00:16:33going to give any time to certain things
- 00:16:35I mean certain things you won't be
- 00:16:36giving any time too cuz it's not worth
- 00:16:38it I mean time is precious and do you
- 00:16:41want to waste time talking about certain
- 00:16:42things no it's not even worth it all
- 00:16:46right let's see what else we
- 00:16:48got let's see what else we got going on
- 00:16:50Aquarius all right so yeah emotionally
- 00:16:52you going to feel like you hit the
- 00:16:53jackpot so it's
- 00:16:56good yeah so
- 00:17:00very
- 00:17:02nice very very nice 68
- 00:17:07n so definitely um I'm seeing like I
- 00:17:11said Financial Independence here but
- 00:17:15yeah this a financial Independence there
- 00:17:16certain things you won't even be giving
- 00:17:18time to at all certain things you won't
- 00:17:20be giving time to so congratulations
- 00:17:24yeah certain energies you won be given
- 00:17:25time to certain things you won't give
- 00:17:27time to cuz I'm I'm seeing here like
- 00:17:29this prayer Warrior came out something
- 00:17:31prayer Warrior who we um have come out
- 00:17:33as
- 00:17:36something right prayer Warrior has come
- 00:17:38out of something here's the um eight of
- 00:17:40Swords
- 00:17:41here prayer Warrior has come out of
- 00:17:48something and so you're definitely
- 00:17:50cutting Tides with something definitely
- 00:17:52cutting ties with something here's the
- 00:17:53um six of
- 00:17:55Cups six of Cups so
- 00:18:00[Music]
- 00:18:0288
- 00:18:05yeah
- 00:18:14yeah yeah certain conversations you all
- 00:18:16won't be having about people um
- 00:18:18challenging people's mental health like
- 00:18:20people calling people crazy and all this
- 00:18:22other mess like y'all won't even have I
- 00:18:24mean certain things don't certain things
- 00:18:26won't even um certain things won't
- 00:18:31even deserve any energy I mean for real
- 00:18:35it it just won't even deserve any
- 00:18:40energy yeah so three situations there
- 00:18:44like I said you've sacrificed a lot
- 00:18:48um and
- 00:18:53um and
- 00:18:55so yeah it's disappointing as certain
- 00:18:57conversations with being you moved on
- 00:18:59from past certain things certain things
- 00:19:01you may have heard people may have said
- 00:19:03certain things but yeah whatever you've
- 00:19:07left certain energies behind people who
- 00:19:09like to keep people in the dark about
- 00:19:10certain
- 00:19:11things like I said it was three three
- 00:19:14energies who like to keep people in the
- 00:19:15dark about things in the past you moved
- 00:19:17on from those energies here we have the
- 00:19:19nine of Wands here you never even want
- 00:19:20to be bothered be connected to those
- 00:19:23types of
- 00:19:25energies right you've already made a
- 00:19:27decision so love Lover's card again is
- 00:19:29not necessarily about
- 00:19:32lovers um lovers card is about
- 00:19:34Partnerships and Business Partnership is
- 00:19:37Partnerships right not to be connected
- 00:19:39to energies who like to talk down to
- 00:19:41people who like to just demonize people
- 00:19:45um try to make themselves look good like
- 00:19:48make everybody else look bad in business
- 00:19:50Andor in love uh and that's a decision
- 00:19:52that people make you know and and it's a
- 00:19:54decision to believe that it's a it's a
- 00:19:57decision to believe or
- 00:19:59or disbelief there's even belief and
- 00:20:01disbelief right that's a choice to
- 00:20:03believe or disbelieve things
- 00:20:05but source is saying no more um
- 00:20:10imbalanced um relationships but yeah so
- 00:20:14I definitely see somebody is definitely
- 00:20:16um dreaming bigger we seeing here
- 00:20:20definitely somebody is definitely
- 00:20:21dreaming bigger
- 00:20:23here you deserve better the metri cards
- 00:20:27here you definitely deserve better
- 00:20:40so yep so um y you deserve
- 00:20:46better better so all
- 00:20:50right let's close it out let's uh close
- 00:20:53it out let's close it out let's close it
- 00:20:55out let's close it out
- 00:20:59get away from energies who don't know
- 00:21:01their worth and know their value who
- 00:21:02like to just sit around and talk trash
- 00:21:04about people close out your vault door
- 00:21:06do like this sit around just talk gossip
- 00:21:08and talk trash about people and use
- 00:21:10people as Pawns in a chess
- 00:21:12game something should just be black or
- 00:21:15white for you they bringing gossip to
- 00:21:16you they feel like that that's all they
- 00:21:18worth and value is close out the
- 00:21:20conversation close it out that's all
- 00:21:22they doing is just bringing go oh guess
- 00:21:24what I heard about some don't want to
- 00:21:26hear
- 00:21:31that's all I want to hear you that
- 00:21:33shouldn't even want
- 00:21:39no don't want to hear the
- 00:21:42conversation don't even want to hear the
- 00:21:44conversation they going to think you
- 00:21:45judging them or
- 00:21:47whatever going to be a part of the
- 00:21:49conversation
- 00:22:21yep all right so
- 00:22:25um yep so um
- 00:22:37yep so that's what source is trying to
- 00:22:39help somebody do is like you
- 00:22:42know there are some energies who ignore
- 00:22:46the call on their lives and those are
- 00:22:48the energies that you don't want to
- 00:22:51associate with those are energies who
- 00:22:53don't believe in their call on their
- 00:22:55lives and so it they mixing with those
- 00:22:57types of energies all they like to do is
- 00:22:59sit around and talk trash about other
- 00:23:01people cuz they're ignoring the call on
- 00:23:02their lives so it's going to be hard for
- 00:23:04them
- 00:23:05to believe that you have a call on your
- 00:23:08life so they going to think you're
- 00:23:10judging them so just saying but stop the
- 00:23:12conversation right there just stop
- 00:23:14it stop the conversation right
- 00:23:17there that's why you're starting out
- 00:23:19with the um and they going to think you
- 00:23:21crazy they going to you know say dark
- 00:23:23things about you end up using you and
- 00:23:25other people as pawns you know that kind
- 00:23:28of of stuff just stop the conversation
- 00:23:30there's nothing else to talk
- 00:23:32about nothing else to talk about
- 00:23:36so yeah heal people just move
- 00:23:38differently yeah you are who they pray
- 00:23:40for yeah you are who a lot of people
- 00:23:42pray for um Aquarius and I'm talking to
- 00:23:43even my crosswatchers because lot it's
- 00:23:46not even coincidence you watching this
- 00:23:47video that's why you feel like you
- 00:23:49jumping out of a treasure chest because
- 00:23:51people pray for people who know at some
- 00:23:54point wake up to their purpose why
- 00:23:57you're here on planet Earth right
- 00:23:59because it it inspires people to follow
- 00:24:01to follow their star that's why people
- 00:24:02say hash whatever their zodiac sign is
- 00:24:05like what's the purpose of saying that
- 00:24:07if you don't believe it right so here we
- 00:24:11have somebody have somebody um so
- 00:24:13something was definitely trying to box
- 00:24:14your emotions and like basically trying
- 00:24:16to make you feel like okay you're the
- 00:24:18one that's going crazy like drink your
- 00:24:20own poison drink their poison basically
- 00:24:22make them make you feel like okay you're
- 00:24:24the one that's going crazy for believing
- 00:24:26that you have a purpose on planet Earth
- 00:24:27but you are who they prayed for the
- 00:24:30compassionate person the soulmate that
- 00:24:32they prayed for to feel with their
- 00:24:34feeling to pour into their dreams and
- 00:24:37help them to create what they're trying
- 00:24:39to create for themselves but
- 00:24:44then yeah so like I said before yeah
- 00:24:48your inner child is very proud of you
- 00:24:49you have a whole new attitude and guess
- 00:24:51what more water exploring to you like
- 00:24:53more water more creative gifts are
- 00:24:54flowing to you you have to GI the clear
- 00:24:56sentience um you pick up on other
- 00:24:58vibrations their emotions their moves
- 00:25:00their feelings she apologizes for
- 00:25:01betraying you see I
- 00:25:05mean yeah somebody hung you out the dry
- 00:25:08I mean for real one yes from God is all
- 00:25:10you need solar plexus chakra cleanse I
- 00:25:12got kind of figure out who I listen the
- 00:25:16you know make a list of pros and cons
- 00:25:18yep but back straight just walk away be
- 00:25:21patient the answers are coming there
- 00:25:22still somebody still telling lies about
- 00:25:24you but you don't care um drink more
- 00:25:26water as a form of self-care pray and
- 00:25:28meditate you have the gift of
- 00:25:30precognition your check your request
- 00:25:32list again these are in I'm telling yall
- 00:25:34it it keeps coming out in your reading
- 00:25:36Aquarius and we going to go ahead and
- 00:25:37close this out these are energies where
- 00:25:39I feel like when you see the Moon card
- 00:25:41just lets me know that and you see these
- 00:25:43three um uh hang um hang ones or hang
- 00:25:47woman hang man whatever hang
- 00:25:50ones it looks
- 00:25:52like you got to a place where you got
- 00:25:55enough information and just like what
- 00:25:57your creative gifts where you said okay
- 00:25:59I'm starting to believe in myself this
- 00:26:00is you Aquarius that I'm getting ready
- 00:26:02to start creating something and start
- 00:26:04when I get to a place you just where you
- 00:26:06said you can get to a place so you can
- 00:26:07get situated so you can start helping
- 00:26:09other people to create something for
- 00:26:11themselves and it literally was like you
- 00:26:14couldn't even get
- 00:26:16situated and this is sad like for real
- 00:26:19like sad but I mean you needed to find
- 00:26:21out exactly how people felt you couldn't
- 00:26:24even get to a place where you get
- 00:26:26situated so you can go back and help
- 00:26:30other
- 00:26:31PE wow that's all I can say that's all I
- 00:26:34can say is just wow so drink more water
- 00:26:37is a form of
- 00:26:38selfcare like I said when the moon is in
- 00:26:40um Virgo or the Moon is in Virgo and so
- 00:26:43it looks like it looks like if somebody
- 00:26:45couldn't get to you they could have
- 00:26:46gotten to somebody else to be use them
- 00:26:48as a pawn in a chess game to make them
- 00:26:50drive them crazy you know to somehow get
- 00:26:53to you in some way shap from or fashion
- 00:26:56um you know um Aquarius
- 00:26:58to try to get to them in some way shape
- 00:27:00form of just I mean to try to get to
- 00:27:04you to try to get to you to bring you
- 00:27:07back into something to just I mean just
- 00:27:09just stir up a bunch
- 00:27:12of couldn't even give you a chance I
- 00:27:14don't know who I'm talking to but
- 00:27:15couldn't even give you a chance to even
- 00:27:17get situated so that you can get get
- 00:27:21your feet on Solid Ground to help some
- 00:27:23other people something is very
- 00:27:26wrong something is is very very
- 00:27:30wrong very very very
- 00:27:34wrong somebody is definitely dealing
- 00:27:36with some energies who have a God
- 00:27:38complex definitely dealing with some
- 00:27:40energies who have a God
- 00:27:45complex so get some
- 00:27:47rest get some
- 00:27:51rest you couldn't somebody couldn't get
- 00:27:53themselves together to help to come back
- 00:27:56and help some
- 00:27:58that's why you tossing some things into
- 00:28:00a burning bow it's just like you
- 00:28:01couldn't get yourself together like
- 00:28:03scales from your eyes see when your the
- 00:28:05scales from your eyes are removed that's
- 00:28:06like that is literally like I mean
- 00:28:08literally this would be like a person
- 00:28:10who says you know
- 00:28:12what let's say you working for a company
- 00:28:14or organization and you say you know
- 00:28:15what I feel like if I can get in that
- 00:28:17leadership position and that if that job
- 00:28:19I can get in that leadership position I
- 00:28:21could I would hire this friend that I
- 00:28:23work with I can hire this friend I can
- 00:28:25work for I can hire this friend I see
- 00:28:27all this potential in my friends that
- 00:28:29I'm working with here in the workplace
- 00:28:31you see all this potential around you
- 00:28:34but you can also see the people that's
- 00:28:35in the leadership positions they won't
- 00:28:38even hire the people that you working
- 00:28:40with right you can even tell the people
- 00:28:43that you work with let me just let me
- 00:28:45get in this position and I can help
- 00:28:46y'all get to the position let if I if I
- 00:28:48was in that position I I would hire
- 00:28:50everybody you can't even get situated
- 00:28:52without some people trying to sabotage
- 00:28:54you except
- 00:29:04yeah letting
- 00:29:06go everything is indeed out of control
- 00:29:09and God will hold it all I can safely
- 00:29:11let go there it
- 00:29:12is if y'all needed some clear and
- 00:29:15concise answers there it
- 00:29:19is these are some of your friends these
- 00:29:21are some of your love one whatever let
- 00:29:23it go too busy talking
- 00:29:26trash talking trash where you live you
- 00:29:29can't even get situated like anytime you
- 00:29:31move on from something and you leave
- 00:29:33something behind there's a there's a
- 00:29:34reset there's a reset like starting over
- 00:29:37trying to get situated trying to
- 00:29:41get people calling people crazy that's a
- 00:29:44heartbreaking part because the the lips
- 00:29:46are moving about it people talking
- 00:29:48that's the heartbreaking part and it was
- 00:29:50black and white for
- 00:29:51them so somebody was fixated on calling
- 00:29:54you crazy like somebody was literally
- 00:29:56fix oh this person cra judging you and
- 00:29:59basically for them it was their way of
- 00:30:01to hi I mean just you
- 00:30:04couldn't child here we have love I treat
- 00:30:07my body with love and respect I release
- 00:30:09the need to control the people see the
- 00:30:11control the people in my life I give
- 00:30:12thanks for the abundance and peace and
- 00:30:14joy that is flowing into relationships
- 00:30:22yep see I bet you're not crazy for
- 00:30:25trying to help people I bet you when you
- 00:30:26was pouring into people I bet you going
- 00:30:34crazy that's what this was soon as
- 00:30:37things start taking off I don't know I I
- 00:30:38really don't know who this is for again
- 00:30:40take only what resonates with you all
- 00:30:41Aquarius but that's why you starting out
- 00:30:43with the nine of Cups a lot of your
- 00:30:44wishes are being fulfilled but you and
- 00:30:46somebody will be tossing some things
- 00:30:47into a burning bowl and
- 00:30:58child that's all I can
- 00:31:00say that's all I can
- 00:31:03say this want be a conversation no more
- 00:31:07be no more conversation about this mess
- 00:31:09anymore you won't be talking about it
- 00:31:11anymore CU I be invoking a
- 00:31:16nightmare literally be invoking a
- 00:31:18nightmare that will make somebody cry
- 00:31:20cuz it's that's just that
- 00:31:22sad it literally would just be that
- 00:31:26sad that people can be like
- 00:31:31that and just sit yourself on your
- 00:31:34throne just carefully just vetting your
- 00:31:40thoughts yeah let's Source handle this
- 00:31:43for
- 00:31:43[Music]
- 00:31:54real what um oh the person who created
- 00:31:58these card cuz I know people always ask
- 00:32:00about the cards hold on people always
- 00:32:01ask about the cards I hope this reading
- 00:32:03not too long hold on I'm trying to oh
- 00:32:05try to make this short as
- 00:32:09possible hold on so peace waves of Peace
- 00:32:12are washing over my body I find
- 00:32:14Stillness in the eye of the storm I am
- 00:32:16stronger than my circumstances I release
- 00:32:18all feelings of anxiety I I feel I am
- 00:32:21free from overwhelmed today I smile
- 00:32:23because I'm alive I am blessed to be
- 00:32:24here now all is well and I am healing
- 00:32:28all right um was there a
- 00:32:31number yeah so get your rest get your
- 00:32:33rest like I said rest is one of the most
- 00:32:35overlooked um
- 00:32:38rituals yeah rest is the one one one of
- 00:32:40the most overlooked rituals you know
- 00:32:43aquarius so you don't even need to doubt
- 00:32:46yourself you don't need to be the inner
- 00:32:48critic anymore you don't need to ignore
- 00:32:51the call on your
- 00:32:52life you know all of
- 00:32:56this it's just sad that people jump to
- 00:32:58conclusions when you start believing in
- 00:33:00yourself knowing good and well you
- 00:33:02believe in that they have a star to
- 00:33:05follow as well and they just go just do
- 00:33:07the most 1111 I am Awakening the
- 00:33:11universe is arranging people and
- 00:33:12experiences on your path to help you
- 00:33:14succeed and helping you to wake up to
- 00:33:16who you truly are that's what I have for
- 00:33:18you all right I'll see you in the next
- 00:33:20video bye
- Aquarius
- Tarot Reading
- Emotional Balance
- Self-Care
- Moon in Virgo
- End of Cycle
- Soul Connections