AUGUST 13, 2024 DAY 2
TLDRDas Video thematisiert die Strategien zur Umsetzung von Planungszielen im urbanen Kontext. Fokus liegt auf der Verbesserung von Effizienz durch technologische Innovationen wie smart grids und grüne Bauweisen, sowie auf der Effektivität durch konsequente Durchsetzung von politischen Maßnahmen. Der ökologische Aspekt betont die Balance zwischen Entwicklung und Naturschutz, während die Gleichheit betont, dass alle Gesellschaftsgruppen in Planungsprozessen berücksichtigt werden. Ein Wandel zeigt sich auch in der Planungsphilosophie, weg von produktorientierten zu prozessorientierten Ansätzen, und hin zu mehr Inklusion und Community-basierten Entscheidungen. Schlussendlich wird das Zusammenspiel von Wissenschaft und Kunst, und das iterative, partizipative Naturell von Stadtplanung hervorgehoben. Unterschiede zwischen urbanen Plätzen und Städten werden ebenfalls behandelt, wobei Städte rechtliche Kriterien erfüllen müssen.
- 🔧 Effizienz durch technologische Innovation fördern.
- 🌱 Ökologie in städtische Entwicklung integrieren.
- 👥 Gesellschaftsgruppen in Planung einbinden.
- 📏 Rechtliche Unterschiede zwischen Stadt und urbanem Platz beachten.
- 📊 Von produkt- zu prozessorientierter Planung übergehen.
- 🏛️ Konsistente Durchsetzung von Richtlinien sicherstellen.
- 🌍 Grenzüberschreitende Planung für regionale Herausforderungen.
- 📢 Partizipative Prozesse stärken.
- 🌀 Planungsprozesse sind zyklisch und iterativ.
- 🔍 Detaillierte Analyse für zielgerichtete Maßnahmen.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
In diesem Abschnitt wird ein Überblick über Strategien zur Erreichung von Planungszielen gegeben. Planung wird näher betrachtet, insbesondere die Effizienz durch den Einsatz neuer Technologien und Innovationen zur Verbesserung urbaner Systeme wie automatisierte Verkehrssteuerung und grüne Bauttechniken. Es wird auch die Bedeutung von Effektivität, Verwaltung von Richtlinien und die Erhaltung der ökologischen Balance innerhalb urbaner Umgebungen herausgestellt.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Der Fokus liegt auf modernen Planungsschiften, die von produktorientiert zu prozessorientiert, allumfassend zu strategisch und von kompartimentiert zu integriert reichen. Planungsschiften beinhalten die Anpassung an eine stärker strategische Methodik, Priorisierung von Schlüsselbereichen und integrierte Planung, um überregionale Herausforderungen kohärent anzugehen. Der Beitrag der Metropolitanorganisationen in der grenzüberschreitenden Planung wird ebenfalls diskutiert.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Hervorgehoben wird die Bewegung von agentur-geführter zu gemeinschaftsbasierter Planung und Entscheidungsfindung, wobei ein verstärkter Fokus auf der Einbindung der Gemeinschaft liegt. Wichtige Planungsprozesse beinhalten den Übergang von Top-Down- zu Bottom-Up-Ansätzen sowie den strukturierten Fokus auf Stakeholder-Beteiligung zur effizienteren Ansprache spezifischer Gruppen und deren Bedürfnisse.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Der Planungsprozess wird als sowohl wissenschaftlich als auch künstlerisch beschrieben, ausgewogen zwischen analytischen und kreativen Ansätzen. Er ist multidisziplinär und umfasst Bereiche wie Ökonomie, Soziologie, Umweltwissenschaften und Architektur. Beispiele für umfassende Planung praxisnah erläutert, wie in der Planung neuer Distrikte oder Städte, die vielfältige Bereiche wie Landnutzung und Transport abdecken.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Im Fokus stehen adaptives und kontinuierliches Planen mit innovativen Technologien und smarteren Ansätzen wie AI und IoT. Partizipativer Prozess durch Einbeziehung verschiedener Interessengruppen, kontinuierliche Überarbeitung und Anpassung der langfristigen Pläne an demografische und wirtschaftliche Änderungen sowie die Berücksichtigung eines kontinuierlichen spiralförmigen Musters der Planung werden thematisiert.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Abdeckung der Planungsebenen und deren Reichweite mit Betonung auf den Schwerpunkten von schmal bis breit. Unterschiede zwischen kurzen, mittleren und langen Zeiträumen in der Planungsdauer verdeutlicht. Planung in verschiedenen Sektoren wie Wirtschaft, sozialen Bereichen, physische und umweltbezogene Planungsebenen wird umfassend in den Kontext der Lokal- und Regionalentwicklung gesetzt.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Detaillierte Betrachtung physischer und umweltbezogener Planungsebenen, einschließlich Infrastruktur, Transport und Ressourcenmanagement. Die Notwendigkeit effektiver Strategien hervorgehoben, die auf spezifische ökologische Merkmale eingehen, unter Berücksichtigung der regionalen und nationalen Planungsperspektiven.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Bedeutung sektorübergreifender Planungen und der hierarchischen Beziehung zwischen Sektor, Programm und Projekt. Unterschiedliche Funktionen und Ziele von Konzeptplänen im Vergleich zu Entwicklungsplänen und das Einbeziehen von Stakeholder-Rückmeldungen zur Feinabstimmung von Planungsdokumenten.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Anwendung von Werten, Prinzipien und Normen in der Planung, deren Einbeziehung kritische Dimension der Planungstheorie darstellt. Die Definition und Rolle dieser Elemente zur Untermauerung von Planungsmethoden und Entscheidungsprozessen werden dargestellt. Standards, Ziele und Maßnahmen zur Sicherstellung klarer Outputs und Erfolgskriterien in Planungsprozessen.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Erklärung der Urbanisierung und Unterschiede zu urbaner Entwicklung, mit Schwerpunkt auf den Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten, die durch den Anstieg der städtischen Bevölkerung entstehen. Urbanisierung bedeutet Bevölkerungszuverlässigkeit in städtische Räume und kann durch mehrere Faktoren wie Wirtschaft, Bildung oder Gesundheit beeinflusst werden.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Erläuterung der divergierenden internationalen Kriterien von urbanen Räumen, wobei spezifische Beispiele verschiedener Länder für Urbanisierungsdefinitionen angeführt werden, inklusive ihrer Bevölkerungsdichtekriterien. Betrachtung, wie politische und wirtschaftliche Faktoren diese Definitionen beeinflussen.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Unterschiede zwischen urbanen Orten und Städten mit Verbindung zu rechtlichen Anerkennungen und Governance-Strukturen. Betrachtung formeller Kriterien im Vergleich zu funktionalen Eigenschaften und die Implikationen solcher Unterscheidungen für die Stadtplanung.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Unterscheidung zwischen Planung auf Ebene des urbanen Raums und der legalen Anerkennung als Stadt. Städte sind formal definierte Einheiten, wohingegen urbane Räume funktionale Aktivitäten mit Wirtschaft und Kulturelementen umfassen. Bedeutung dieser Unterscheidung für lokale Entwicklungsstrategien wird hervorgehoben.
- 01:05:00 - 01:13:21
Vertiefte Analyse urbaner Charakteristiken wie Bevölkerungsdichte und kulturelle Diversität, die für urbane Planungsstrategien und Governance-Konzeptionen entscheidend sind. Bush in die Diskussion zukünftiger Themen wie der Region als geplanter Einheit für die Folgevorlesung.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Welche Ziele werden in der Stadtplanung verfolgt?
Ziele sind Effizienz (maximale Ressourcennutzung), Effektivität (Ziele erreichen), Ökologie (Umwelt schützen) und Gleichberechtigung (faire Ressourcenzugänglichkeit).
Wie verbessert technologische Innovation die Effizienz?
Durch Technologien wie automatisiertes Verkehrsmanagement und grünes Bauen können Ressourcen optimal genutzt werden.
Was bedeutet strategische Planung in der Stadtplanung?
Fokussierung auf spezifische Ziele und Ergebnisse statt auf umfassende Pläne.
Wie wird Nachhaltigkeit in der Stadtplanung integriert?
Durch grüne Dächer, durchlässige Pflaster und andere Umwelttechniken wird nachhaltiges Wachstum gefördert.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen urbanen Plätzen und Städten?
Urbane Plätze sind durch Funktionalität definiert, während Städte rechtlich anerkannt sind und spezifische Verwaltungskriterien erfüllen müssen.
Wie wird Bürgerbeteiligung in der Stadtplanung gefördert?
Durch Community-Workshops und Bildungsprogramme, die Stakeholder in Entscheidungen einbinden.
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- 00:00:13okay okay so let's
- 00:00:16see all
- 00:00:20right so that's the strategies in
- 00:00:23achieving goals of planning so we're
- 00:00:26still defining and we're still trying to
- 00:00:28be more
- 00:00:30familiar with all the uh perspectives in
- 00:00:34planning and and so you're seeing that
- 00:00:37on your slide uh the strategies in
- 00:00:39achieving goals of
- 00:00:42planningin
- 00:00:43background so it says effici efficient
- 00:00:47uh
- 00:00:48efficiency so the goal is to improve the
- 00:00:51use of resources to maximize output at
- 00:00:54minimize waste um so one of those
- 00:00:59strategies to achieve uh the goal um to
- 00:01:04demonstrate efficiency is through
- 00:01:07engineering and entrepreneurial
- 00:01:11Innovation and it's this is about
- 00:01:13implementing new technologies and also
- 00:01:17innovative solutions that can enhance
- 00:01:19the efficiency of urban systems like
- 00:01:23automated uh traffic management uh or
- 00:01:26green building techniques so we already
- 00:01:28have um a number of software especially
- 00:01:31in transport planning so that makes our
- 00:01:33work more efficient so for example uh
- 00:01:37yeah there are some smart grid
- 00:01:40technology or Smart City techniques or
- 00:01:44and and some strategies
- 00:01:46available uh for our urban areas so that
- 00:01:50um this technology in urban areas can M
- 00:01:54um optimize electricity distribution for
- 00:01:57example or reduce w wastage uh
- 00:02:00contributing to Greater efficiency in
- 00:02:02energy consumption a lot a lot of
- 00:02:05examples we can um provide um when we
- 00:02:09speak about efficiency how about
- 00:02:12Effectiveness um the goal is to ensure
- 00:02:15that planning initiatives meet their
- 00:02:18intended objectives and outcomes so
- 00:02:22strategy would be enforcement of
- 00:02:24policies um meaning uh robust
- 00:02:27enforcement mechanisms ensure that the
- 00:02:31policies and plans set forth by urban
- 00:02:33planners are implemented correctly and
- 00:02:36achieve the desired impact so um ex one
- 00:02:41of those examples I can provide in
- 00:02:43practice is the strect enforcement of
- 00:02:46zoning lows um help maintain the
- 00:02:49intended uh character and utility of
- 00:02:52different areas within a city preventing
- 00:02:55um misuse and ensuring effective use of
- 00:02:58space
- 00:03:00and you can also um see ecology uh which
- 00:03:04is to support and enhance the natural
- 00:03:07environment within Urban
- 00:03:10settings um the strategy is to maintain
- 00:03:14a balance between development in natural
- 00:03:17preservation ensuring that Urban growth
- 00:03:20does not come at the expense of the
- 00:03:23environment so for example integrating
- 00:03:26green roofs and permeable Pavements in
- 00:03:29Urban designs to manage storm water
- 00:03:32effectively and reduce the urban heat
- 00:03:34island
- 00:03:36effect um so just just one of those
- 00:03:39examples that I can provide there and
- 00:03:42then Equity okay so what is this
- 00:03:46strategy on Equity
- 00:03:49um yeah well the goal is to promote
- 00:03:53fairness and
- 00:03:54inclusivity in access to Urban resources
- 00:03:58and opportunities so strategy uh would
- 00:04:03be you know ensuring that planning
- 00:04:05decisions consider the needs of all
- 00:04:08community members including marginalized
- 00:04:11and under represented groups so when
- 00:04:16designing public transportation
- 00:04:19systems uh that are access accessible to
- 00:04:22individuals with disabilities ensuring
- 00:04:25Equitable access to Mobility so this is
- 00:04:28one of
- 00:04:30of those examples um within this context
- 00:04:34of equity empowerment of people um yeah
- 00:04:38these are these are self-explanatory but
- 00:04:40still we we need to um contextualize it
- 00:04:44in urban planning so we engage and
- 00:04:48Empower local communities in the
- 00:04:50planning process so this is uh through
- 00:04:53education and engagement of many
- 00:04:56sectors by facilitating Community
- 00:04:58workshops and educational programs to
- 00:05:01involve various stakeholders in planning
- 00:05:05decisions
- 00:05:06um so this framework illustrates how
- 00:05:10specific strategies can be aligned with
- 00:05:13planning goals to create sustainable
- 00:05:16effective and inclusive Urban
- 00:05:18environments so maybe we can go to the
- 00:05:21next
- 00:05:22slide again so this is um yeah although
- 00:05:29um
- 00:05:30we already have we can produce more
- 00:05:32shifts in our in modern planning uh
- 00:05:36beyond beyond this framework but we need
- 00:05:39to go over one by one first uh on this
- 00:05:43particular shifts that you're seeing on
- 00:05:47screen
- 00:05:48um from product oriented to process
- 00:05:52oriented means that uh planning before
- 00:05:57uh planning uh was focused primar L on
- 00:06:00the end product such as buildings or
- 00:06:02infrastructure but after emphasis is now
- 00:06:06on the planning process itself ensuring
- 00:06:10that it is inclusive adaptive and
- 00:06:15continuous uh Urban Redevelopment
- 00:06:18projects for example now focus on
- 00:06:21iterative iterative design and
- 00:06:24stakeholder feedback throughout the
- 00:06:27project rather than just delivering a
- 00:06:29final product and then from all
- 00:06:33inclusive to strategic means that before
- 00:06:38um attempts um attempts to address all
- 00:06:43uh possible aspects and needs within a
- 00:06:46plan but the after that framework uh
- 00:06:50pointing to the after which we're
- 00:06:53talking about the shift is that planning
- 00:06:56has become more strategic this time
- 00:06:59around
- 00:07:00uh specific targeting specific goals and
- 00:07:03outcomes to maximize impact so instead
- 00:07:08for example uh instead of creating
- 00:07:10sprawling plans that try to cover every
- 00:07:14possible
- 00:07:15issue um planners now prioritize key
- 00:07:19areas such as uh sustainable transport
- 00:07:22or housing affordability Etc and then
- 00:07:26another shift that you can see there is
- 00:07:29from from compartmental to integrated uh
- 00:07:33which means the transborder framework
- 00:07:35that plans were before Plant were often
- 00:07:38confined by administrative
- 00:07:41boundaries that we have like uh those
- 00:07:44regions isn't it the the the
- 00:07:47administrative boundaries that we have
- 00:07:50um now after that um
- 00:07:54we uh we shifted not totally shifted but
- 00:08:01um it has we stepped up our
- 00:08:03strategies uh because there's a trend
- 00:08:06towards integrated planning across
- 00:08:09borders to address Regional challenges
- 00:08:13cohesively so uh especially after the
- 00:08:18pandemic and so uh it became like
- 00:08:21borderless type of you know Planning and
- 00:08:25Development um
- 00:08:28efforts Metropolitan organizations now
- 00:08:32often uh span multiple cities
- 00:08:35or um to address issues like Transit
- 00:08:39networks and economic development
- 00:08:41regionally
- 00:08:43so uh yeah we have mmda we have the
- 00:08:48Regional Offices of NADA whereby um
- 00:08:52planning is not just limited to you know
- 00:08:54a particular City but um leveraging on
- 00:08:59the RPF or the regional strategies that
- 00:09:03um yeah we we have at the moment if you
- 00:09:06can read the diff different rpfs uh on
- 00:09:10on their website and you would be able
- 00:09:13to uh see specific examples there
- 00:09:16especially the corridor type of of
- 00:09:19development and many more from agency
- 00:09:23Leed to community base means that uh
- 00:09:26planning initiatives were typically led
- 00:09:29by government government agencies
- 00:09:31before and now uh there's a shift
- 00:09:34towards Community Based planning
- 00:09:36remember theg had been very active about
- 00:09:39uh doing Grassroots planning or the
- 00:09:41bottom up approach and other agencies as
- 00:09:45well um and stakeholder participation or
- 00:09:50uh stakeholders um involvement in in
- 00:09:55decision making processes just a okay um
- 00:09:59have been very strong these days even
- 00:10:03before the pre pandemic um yeah
- 00:10:07stakeholders in the in the decision
- 00:10:09making processes have been yeah we most
- 00:10:13lgus leverage on this uh now especially
- 00:10:17especially now that uh digital processes
- 00:10:21also are are being leveraged even during
- 00:10:25stakeholder
- 00:10:26consultation so um community-led Urban
- 00:10:30Design
- 00:10:32projects uh if you notice um yeah we are
- 00:10:38especially Philippines you know we are
- 00:10:40we're very concerned about com
- 00:10:42community-led
- 00:10:44um Urban Design or urban planning
- 00:10:47projects where local residents actively
- 00:10:50participate in shaping their their
- 00:10:53neighborhoods then from top down to
- 00:10:56bottom up uh before this decisions were
- 00:10:59made at higher
- 00:11:01levels just try to Define um about the
- 00:11:06different types of shifts there so
- 00:11:09decisions were made at higher levels of
- 00:11:11government or management and imposed on
- 00:11:13lower
- 00:11:14levels but the a
- 00:11:18after that you can see there it says uh
- 00:11:21bottom up as I mentioned earlier about
- 00:11:24the ilg Frameworks so planning processes
- 00:11:27are increasingly botom up with
- 00:11:30Grassroots initiatives and local input
- 00:11:32shaping
- 00:11:33outcomes um especially with our local
- 00:11:37development plans we have two mother two
- 00:11:39um major or mandatory plans which is a
- 00:11:43clup we have CDP and many other
- 00:11:46supplants uh at the lgu level um of
- 00:11:51course we always start with Community
- 00:11:53workshops or um the sectoral
- 00:11:58consultation that we have to GA input
- 00:12:01before drafting any document then from
- 00:12:05open participation to focus
- 00:12:07participation before there means that
- 00:12:10planning processes often involve broad
- 00:12:14open-ended participation without
- 00:12:16specific
- 00:12:17targets after here means that
- 00:12:21participation is now more focused and
- 00:12:24structured um aiming to engage relevant
- 00:12:28stakeholders effectively so targeted
- 00:12:31stakeholder
- 00:12:32meetings um is being leveraged in this
- 00:12:36particular shift that focus on engaging
- 00:12:40specific groups such as uh the senior
- 00:12:44citizen our business owners the women's
- 00:12:47sector to address their unique needs and
- 00:12:51perspectives so this shifts and planning
- 00:12:54paradigms uh illustrate a broader
- 00:12:57evolution in the fi towards more Dynamic
- 00:13:01more responsive and inclusive
- 00:13:04approaches so we can go to the next
- 00:13:07slide okay um this is easy or U we
- 00:13:12always discuss here
- 00:13:15among um our colleagues you know and in
- 00:13:19your workplace in the in in universities
- 00:13:23so what do we uh are you still confused
- 00:13:27about is it as science or is it an art
- 00:13:30or so how do you um how do you consider
- 00:13:34planning process how do you C categorize
- 00:13:37categorize it um but it's the most
- 00:13:42universal process actually because as a
- 00:13:45science and art plan is both analytical
- 00:13:48and creative combining scientific
- 00:13:51methods for problem solving with
- 00:13:55um uh artist with artistic Vision to
- 00:13:58create functional and aesthetically
- 00:14:00pleasing spaces so using datadriven
- 00:14:06models to predict traffic flow for
- 00:14:08example and creatively designing Road
- 00:14:11layouts to enhance both functionality
- 00:14:14and visual
- 00:14:16appeal um multi-disciplinary means that
- 00:14:20it involves various Fields such as
- 00:14:23economics
- 00:14:25sociology environmental science
- 00:14:28architecture and more reflecting its
- 00:14:32complex nature so let's take um an
- 00:14:37example uh on this being
- 00:14:40multi-disciplinary um for example a
- 00:14:43Redevelopment project might require
- 00:14:46input from Urban designers Traffic
- 00:14:49Engineers uh sociologists and
- 00:14:52environmental planners to ensure a
- 00:14:54holistic approach then it's also a plan
- 00:14:58the planning process processes planning
- 00:15:00process is also
- 00:15:02comprehensive uh because planning seeks
- 00:15:05to address multiple phet of urban life
- 00:15:08from infrastructure to social Equity
- 00:15:11ensuring that all factors are considered
- 00:15:14so comprehensive planning for a new
- 00:15:17District or for a city or for a
- 00:15:20municipality would consider land use
- 00:15:23housing Transportation utilities and
- 00:15:25green spaces making it a comprehensive
- 00:15:28prod process then it is also dynamic
- 00:15:31because the planning process is flexible
- 00:15:34adapting to new information Technologies
- 00:15:38and changing Community needs so um
- 00:15:42adjusting a city's long-term Mobility
- 00:15:45plan for example to incorporate emerging
- 00:15:48Technologies like autonomous uh like um
- 00:15:52electric vehicles or any other um you
- 00:15:56know technology
- 00:16:00driven um yeah some tools there also uh
- 00:16:06and those plant being we we leverage um
- 00:16:11software and all the systems that are
- 00:16:15new and that are especially those
- 00:16:17emerging
- 00:16:20Technologies like the especially when we
- 00:16:23are doing some reports we can leverage
- 00:16:26on uh AI big data and all this uh
- 00:16:31Internet of Things uh to to complete our
- 00:16:35report and uh you know when we implement
- 00:16:38or we when we um become
- 00:16:42more um micro in our approach to
- 00:16:46planning and so we can leverage all this
- 00:16:48technology incorporating them in our
- 00:16:51plans in our strategies in our policies
- 00:16:54so another one it's continuous and it
- 00:16:59cative planning is an ongoing process
- 00:17:02that evolves through cycles of
- 00:17:05development assessment and revision so
- 00:17:09um we update
- 00:17:12um our sale up our CDP or even a city's
- 00:17:17master plan every few years to reflect
- 00:17:21changes in demographics and economic
- 00:17:24conditions and that's why it's a
- 00:17:27continuous we we don't need to wait for
- 00:17:31a year or two years as long as there's a
- 00:17:35change in circumstances or uh probably
- 00:17:38if there are some new development that
- 00:17:41came up uh so we can always update our
- 00:17:46um our plans especially at the lgu level
- 00:17:51it's participatory it because it
- 00:17:53involves stakeholders including uh our
- 00:17:57elderly or the seniors citizens the our
- 00:18:00businesses and other entities in the
- 00:18:03planning process to ensure that it meets
- 00:18:06it meets the needs of those it affects
- 00:18:10so we have Community workshops we have
- 00:18:13um yeah public consultations to gather
- 00:18:17feedback on proposed changes to local
- 00:18:20zoning laws among others it's cyclic
- 00:18:24it's spiral because it follows us uh
- 00:18:29cyclical pattern where each phase builds
- 00:18:32upon the previous one often revisiting
- 00:18:36earlier steps as needed so we use
- 00:18:39feedback probably from a completed urban
- 00:18:42renewal project to inform the next phase
- 00:18:45of development it's time bound while
- 00:18:49continuous specific projects within the
- 00:18:51planning process have set timelines to
- 00:18:54ensure a timely completion and resource
- 00:18:59allocation so for example uh setting a a
- 00:19:03twoyear timeline for the construction of
- 00:19:06a new Public Library with defined
- 00:19:08milestones for funding design and
- 00:19:11construction phases so these attributes
- 00:19:14illustrate the complexity and depth of
- 00:19:18the planning process they underscore the
- 00:19:21need for a thorough understanding of
- 00:19:24various factors that influence Urban
- 00:19:27environments and the import importance
- 00:19:29of a well-rounded adaptive approach so
- 00:19:32we can go to the next slide so I think
- 00:19:36that's uh I
- 00:19:39already but anyway
- 00:19:42um the attributes earlier we're talking
- 00:19:46about the still the attribute right so
- 00:19:48we can go to the next
- 00:19:51page continuous again let's go to the
- 00:19:55next one
- 00:19:57continuous all right
- 00:19:59um okay the levels of
- 00:20:02planning um yeah
- 00:20:05although there were already some changes
- 00:20:09or but but of course uh you're seeing uh
- 00:20:13some information on that slide because
- 00:20:17uh this came out at one point um in the
- 00:20:21EMP lure
- 00:20:24examination so um they will also be
- 00:20:28asking some update or more a more
- 00:20:32updated you know information on planning
- 00:20:35so let's like try to look at this um how
- 00:20:39it was
- 00:20:42defined here like scope or coverage of
- 00:20:46planning um narrow narrow means that it
- 00:20:50focuses on specific
- 00:20:53perspectives uh Concepts or Frameworks
- 00:20:55so these plans uh often address singular
- 00:20:59issues or areas within a broader plan
- 00:21:02and that's why it's um
- 00:21:05yeah it's categorized as a Naros scope
- 00:21:09or coverage of planning and then you
- 00:21:13call it moderate when it involves
- 00:21:16framework uh structures or developmental
- 00:21:20plans that guide specific sectors or
- 00:21:23regions then it's broad when it
- 00:21:27encompasses in integrated and
- 00:21:29comprehensive plans that detail multiple
- 00:21:32aspects and sectors of urban or Regional
- 00:21:36development so Naro plan might Focus
- 00:21:39solely on the development of public
- 00:21:42transportation options within a
- 00:21:44neighborhood whereas a broad plan would
- 00:21:47integrate Transportation with housing
- 00:21:49commercial development and public spaces
- 00:21:52across a city so as to the time frame um
- 00:21:56we normally uh deem it as a short term
- 00:21:59when plans when the plan span spans um
- 00:22:05one to three years as such as annual
- 00:22:09expenditure plans or specific action
- 00:22:11plans for immediate issues then we um we
- 00:22:18consider it or we categorize it as a
- 00:22:20medium-term plan when it covers five to
- 00:22:24seven years um it's not really um yeah
- 00:22:29very strict about 5 to seven years but
- 00:22:33if you find it in the options when you
- 00:22:36encounter it in the board exams then uh
- 00:22:40it would be safe to say that it is a
- 00:22:42medium term when um it considers you
- 00:22:46know beyond three years okay so typical
- 00:22:50for most development developmental plans
- 00:22:53that involve um infrastructure projects
- 00:22:56or urban renewal initiative
- 00:22:59then longterm um yeah in in our hlb
- 00:23:04manual so it says nine years right so
- 00:23:07but it's just a minimum requirement you
- 00:23:09know for
- 00:23:11hlb or the Su um beyond beyond it it's
- 00:23:16it's still a long-term
- 00:23:18plan so um if it's especially if we are
- 00:23:23talking about master plan it goes beyond
- 00:23:2610 years so and uh in some cases 50
- 00:23:30years um but of course um yeah more
- 00:23:35mostly maaba 30 years but of course they
- 00:23:39are all lumped into this category called
- 00:23:43the long-term plan so um our clup is
- 00:23:47considered a long-term
- 00:23:48plan uh because uh we we set the vision
- 00:23:52for extensive periods ensuring long-term
- 00:23:55growth and
- 00:23:57sustainability so so okay we we can go
- 00:24:00to the next
- 00:24:02slide uh what do we have here um still
- 00:24:06levels of planning but um we are seeing
- 00:24:12the different sectors right so we're
- 00:24:14talking about the sectors there like um
- 00:24:17because economic sector um you have sub
- 00:24:21sectors within uh um um
- 00:24:25major uh sector which we call the econ
- 00:24:28iomic sector and among those in the
- 00:24:32looking at the slide among those sub
- 00:24:36sectors number one we have tourism of
- 00:24:39course it involves planning for you know
- 00:24:42travel infrastructure accommodations
- 00:24:45attractions and tourist Services we also
- 00:24:47have a guideline provided by the
- 00:24:50Department of
- 00:24:52Tourism um and then agriculture
- 00:24:55livestock
- 00:24:56Fisheries uh it focuses
- 00:24:59on uh land use for
- 00:25:04agriculture um livestock management
- 00:25:06Fisheries including the associated
- 00:25:08environmental impacts and sustainability
- 00:25:10so industry there of course industry
- 00:25:14means that we are planning for
- 00:25:15industrial areas so along along the way
- 00:25:18we will be dealing with this specific
- 00:25:21you know uh industrial planning tourism
- 00:25:24planning Etc agricultural luse planning
- 00:25:26we will go into that but but at the
- 00:25:28moment because we're still on lecture
- 00:25:30one and we're still famili familiarizing
- 00:25:34with the you know the the generic
- 00:25:36aspects of um environmental planning
- 00:25:40Commerce and trade here involves um the
- 00:25:43planning of commercial districts uh
- 00:25:46especially when we are trying to
- 00:25:48identify our our uh Central business
- 00:25:51district or you know expanding it or um
- 00:25:56having or designating another CBD like a
- 00:26:01um what do you call this one uh when we
- 00:26:04are we have two CVS and of course
- 00:26:09um yeah we also um when we identify also
- 00:26:14some commercial hubs or trade hubs to
- 00:26:18support local and Regional economies so
- 00:26:21all these sub sectors are planned at the
- 00:26:23local level encompassing City municipal
- 00:26:27provincial and
- 00:26:29yeah and social sector uh this is the
- 00:26:32largest or the
- 00:26:35most um yeah the the largest sector
- 00:26:39because it
- 00:26:41encompasses uh okay housing for example
- 00:26:45then you you plan for housing
- 00:26:47developments to accommodate population
- 00:26:49growth demographic changes and there's
- 00:26:52also education where we try to uh
- 00:26:57develop and we try
- 00:26:59to identify some gaps in the end um
- 00:27:06facilities or educational facilities to
- 00:27:08serve Community needs social welfare uh
- 00:27:11planning for facilities and services
- 00:27:14that support social welfare such as
- 00:27:16child care Elderly Care community
- 00:27:19centers and many more and then we have
- 00:27:22the health Subs sector uh planning for
- 00:27:25Health Care Facilities like hospitals
- 00:27:27clein and specialized medical centers
- 00:27:30then population management um uh demogra
- 00:27:35demographics so we we need to have
- 00:27:39strategies to manage population growth
- 00:27:41and distribution effectively then we
- 00:27:44also have sports and recreation um yeah
- 00:27:48development of sports sports facilities
- 00:27:50public parks and recreational areas Etc
- 00:27:54then um yeah and a lot more like parks
- 00:27:57and natural amenities when we try to um
- 00:28:01look for some ways to preserve and
- 00:28:03create green spaces and natural
- 00:28:06environments within Urban settings so
- 00:28:08those things that we normally do uh
- 00:28:12within sectoral planning and then uh
- 00:28:15protective services this is is also
- 00:28:17important because we are planning for
- 00:28:20facilities that ensure Public Safety uh
- 00:28:23such as um police stations of fire
- 00:28:26stations and emergency
- 00:28:28services so the social sector also
- 00:28:31operates at of course
- 00:28:35um because these
- 00:28:37are um the sub sectors at the local at
- 00:28:41the lgu level uh but it's indeed um yeah
- 00:28:47we as urban planners or as environmental
- 00:28:50planners we we we are key or we are
- 00:28:54integral in influencing and um shap
- 00:28:58keeping the community's daily lives and
- 00:29:00long-term
- 00:29:01sustainability and that's why we need to
- 00:29:04do the board exams to make sure we are
- 00:29:08uh the professional the profession is
- 00:29:11regulated so those are this I just
- 00:29:15mentioned about the breakdown of those
- 00:29:19um Subs sector planning and we can go to
- 00:29:22the next slide uh yeah we are now on
- 00:29:26physical planning
- 00:29:31can you can you move that Jen physical
- 00:29:32na ba Yan uh so physical environmental
- 00:29:37so probably I don't need any more to
- 00:29:42um lengthen my discussion on that
- 00:29:44because physical sector it has
- 00:29:46infrastructure transport
- 00:29:49utilities Communications sewage and
- 00:29:52solid waste so and then of course these
- 00:29:56sub sectors generally require planning
- 00:29:58at broader
- 00:30:00scales isn't it um it's not just about
- 00:30:05the at the lgu level uh we also have you
- 00:30:10know at the national level at the uh sub
- 00:30:14the the regional and then Metropolitan
- 00:30:16levels ensuring infrastructure
- 00:30:19development supports both current needs
- 00:30:21and future growth and environmental
- 00:30:25sector there we have land use not
- 00:30:28resources natural hazards but of course
- 00:30:32um this is generic but in the context
- 00:30:36of the um
- 00:30:40hlb manual when we are following that
- 00:30:44manual in our clup then uh we already
- 00:30:48have the Sidra that should be
- 00:30:50incorporated in our analysis so uh but
- 00:30:55in the meantime uh because that is just
- 00:30:58is um the enumeration of the different
- 00:31:02sub sectors so it comprises you can see
- 00:31:05their land use natural resources natural
- 00:31:08hazards air and water quality pollution
- 00:31:12so environmental planning often takes
- 00:31:14place um not only at the municipal or
- 00:31:19city level but it could ALS it's also
- 00:31:22done at the uh Regional uh level
- 00:31:26especially we have the r pfp and then at
- 00:31:29the national level so allowing for
- 00:31:32focused strategies that address specific
- 00:31:35ecological and geographical
- 00:31:37characteristics
- 00:31:39also um so understanding the levels and
- 00:31:43scales at which physical and
- 00:31:45environmental planning operations allows
- 00:31:47planners to devise more effective
- 00:31:50strategies um we can go to the next
- 00:31:53slide which is the
- 00:31:54institutional
- 00:31:56um yeah within the institutional sector
- 00:32:00in that particular
- 00:32:02context
- 00:32:04uh there are Subs sectors namely fiscal
- 00:32:08management where it concerns the
- 00:32:10strategies and structures for managing
- 00:32:13the financial resources of a locality
- 00:32:15including budgeting taxation Financial
- 00:32:18oversight then governance also uh
- 00:32:21involves the Frameworks and processes
- 00:32:24through which decisions are made and
- 00:32:26implemented
- 00:32:28uh encompassing both governmental and
- 00:32:31administrative structures and that's why
- 00:32:33in the board exam we have the area three
- 00:32:36which is the um plan
- 00:32:38implementation law and
- 00:32:41administration
- 00:32:43so um
- 00:32:46because uh it's not our concern is not
- 00:32:50just um planning but all those three
- 00:32:55areas and you and so we need to Exel and
- 00:32:59we need to
- 00:33:00um yeah we need to
- 00:33:03pass so in in in scoring or in the in
- 00:33:07the board exam you cannot have a score
- 00:33:13of lower than
- 00:33:1650 okay and you have you should have an
- 00:33:19average of
- 00:33:2170 so if you aim to tap then you need to
- 00:33:25have a grade of 80
- 00:33:28so that's what uh I'm not sure if it it
- 00:33:31has changed but yeah that's the normal
- 00:33:34one and so I'm
- 00:33:36rooting uh for for all of you to be to
- 00:33:41have a spot at the
- 00:33:44top okay um
- 00:33:46so we also have
- 00:33:49csos um
- 00:33:52ngos and um because in in planning we
- 00:33:56need to engage
- 00:33:58uh not only the public sector but the
- 00:34:01the Civil Society the private
- 00:34:04organizations um to ensure diverse
- 00:34:07Community representation and
- 00:34:10input okay so Manpower human resource
- 00:34:14development there focuses on the
- 00:34:16planning of Workforce um capabilities
- 00:34:20and um capacities essential for
- 00:34:22implementing and sustaining
- 00:34:24institutional strategies actually um
- 00:34:28along the way we would be um yeah we
- 00:34:33will you will also have to be familiar
- 00:34:36with all those
- 00:34:38theories uh involving all this sectoral
- 00:34:41planning there's always there are
- 00:34:43theories surrounding this so it will be
- 00:34:46uh I hope uh it will interest you
- 00:34:49because of course you need to you need
- 00:34:52to have all this at your fingertips you
- 00:34:55know like we have um you need you need
- 00:34:58have Theory and
- 00:35:01history and then uh the the pro planning
- 00:35:04processes and then plan implementation
- 00:35:07to pass right so you need to stitch all
- 00:35:11of this as a in a so your your knowledge
- 00:35:17should be holistic and um and we need to
- 00:35:22bridge some gaps in terms of um your
- 00:35:26your knowledge and in terms of your
- 00:35:28preparation for your board
- 00:35:30exam okay so these sub sectors now I
- 00:35:34would like to go back to this one uh
- 00:35:37which is
- 00:35:38institutional uh institutional planning
- 00:35:41integrates various phases of
- 00:35:43administration and governance ensuring
- 00:35:46that the Machinery of government and
- 00:35:49Civic bodies work in harmony to achieve
- 00:35:52the desired societal outcomes so um I
- 00:35:56mention all all
- 00:35:59the the those sub sectors earlier so we
- 00:36:02can go to the next slide okay I know
- 00:36:07that you know I know that you're
- 00:36:10familiar what is a sector program you
- 00:36:12need you all you already know about this
- 00:36:15one but we need to
- 00:36:17contextualize um sector is an element
- 00:36:22okay um or subsystem of a larger system
- 00:36:27that has coherent functions and is
- 00:36:30governed by Common theic planning
- 00:36:33principles
- 00:36:36um yeah for example what's which
- 00:36:41sectors I just mentioned about sectors
- 00:36:44and sub sectors earlier so
- 00:36:46transportation for example is a sector
- 00:36:48and health education but the they are
- 00:36:52also called um sub sectors
- 00:36:58so they have each have distinct
- 00:37:01functions and are planned according to
- 00:37:05specific thematic needs so that's why
- 00:37:07it's called
- 00:37:08thematic okay because it is on point
- 00:37:11it's it's um it's Focus it's
- 00:37:14targeted okay so program on the other
- 00:37:18hand uh is a collection of complementary
- 00:37:21projects or
- 00:37:24activities designed to achieve the
- 00:37:26objectives of a specific sector programs
- 00:37:30outline the necessary resources and the
- 00:37:33detailed strategies to be
- 00:37:36employed an urban development program
- 00:37:39for example might include projects for
- 00:37:42housing Urban infrastructure and
- 00:37:46Community facilities to meet the
- 00:37:48comprehensive needs of urban expansion
- 00:37:51so it's
- 00:37:53large and so how do you distinguish
- 00:37:56program from a project because a project
- 00:37:59is a
- 00:37:59self-contained unit of investment
- 00:38:02focused on developing specific resources
- 00:38:06of or facilities within a defined area
- 00:38:09and time frame projects are the building
- 00:38:12blocks of a program targeting specific
- 00:38:15outcomes that contribute to the broader
- 00:38:18goals of the
- 00:38:19sector so constructing a new subway line
- 00:38:24within a city um or a to improve its
- 00:38:28public transportation system so that's
- 00:38:31an example of a project so and this
- 00:38:35framework sectors Define the broad areas
- 00:38:38of focus programs link this to specific
- 00:38:42objectives through a series of
- 00:38:44coordinated activities and projects
- 00:38:47implement this strategies in tangible
- 00:38:49ways sometimes we
- 00:38:51interchange um you know we interchange
- 00:38:55them uh so we need to just be very
- 00:38:59conscious for purposes of take uh taking
- 00:39:02the
- 00:39:03exam um that this one uh we need to
- 00:39:09be aware about the hierarchical
- 00:39:14relationship of of um sector program and
- 00:39:19project okay because uh this
- 00:39:22hierarchical relationship ensures that
- 00:39:25planning is systematic and aligns with
- 00:39:28both immediate and long-term goals so we
- 00:39:32can go to the next
- 00:39:35um slide
- 00:39:37okay
- 00:39:39um yeah we also tend to Interchange or
- 00:39:45assume uh
- 00:39:47that you know development plan is
- 00:39:50concept plan and how do we
- 00:39:53differentiate uh how do how do we
- 00:39:55provide Distinction on this
- 00:39:58different types of uh
- 00:40:01planning so we we're not living this you
- 00:40:06know lecture one because it's all about
- 00:40:08definition of terms because this
- 00:40:09provides for uh this provides foundation
- 00:40:13for for you to be able to grasp you know
- 00:40:16to to um be
- 00:40:20more uh knowledgeable on a more complex
- 00:40:24Concept in succeeding lectures so so a
- 00:40:27concept plan represents the initial
- 00:40:31output of the planning stages it
- 00:40:35outlines the overall growth pattern
- 00:40:39strategy and sectoral policies and
- 00:40:41includes population targets and
- 00:40:44forecasts so a concept plan for a new
- 00:40:47residential area might detail where
- 00:40:51homes will be built the expected
- 00:40:54population growth and how it aligns with
- 00:40:58transportation and Commercial
- 00:41:00developments how about development plan
- 00:41:03a development plan is a comprehensive
- 00:41:06okay there's the key word there
- 00:41:07comprehensive so I'm I'm sure um yeah
- 00:41:12you will remember them on you you will
- 00:41:15not be confused during the board exam so
- 00:41:18a development plan is a comprehensive
- 00:41:20document um consisting of written
- 00:41:23statements
- 00:41:25maps and illustration s that Express a
- 00:41:29community's aspirations it integrates
- 00:41:32Community goals policies and programs
- 00:41:35into a cohesive plan focusing on land
- 00:41:38use and physical planning
- 00:41:41so um a city's development plan may
- 00:41:47include details for new parks so if you
- 00:41:50notice I mention
- 00:41:52about some gener yeah the plan I State
- 00:41:57the plan in a generic way okay because
- 00:42:02it's it's supposed to be lecture one is
- 00:42:04supposed to be like that without
- 00:42:06mentioning on a specific plan like CDP
- 00:42:09or clup but I can make it as an example
- 00:42:12but of course uh just to make sure that
- 00:42:15generically uh we will not lose sight of
- 00:42:19uh how things should be defined so a
- 00:42:22city's development plan may include
- 00:42:24details for new parks UPG graded
- 00:42:28infrastructure and Zoning uh changes to
- 00:42:32to support future growth enhancing
- 00:42:35livability for residents
- 00:42:39so you already know about concept plan
- 00:42:42development plan and how about
- 00:42:44consultation and planning so
- 00:42:47consultation and planning involves um
- 00:42:50obtaining technical advice or opinions
- 00:42:54um from stakeholders which May influence
- 00:42:58the planning process but are not
- 00:43:00mandatory you know I'm not supposed to
- 00:43:03be uh defining here because I know that
- 00:43:08you know okay however um that's why it's
- 00:43:12called review because we want to go over
- 00:43:14and try we try to contextualize and we
- 00:43:17try to um
- 00:43:19categorize and so uh you will so that
- 00:43:24confusion will be you know uh we get rid
- 00:43:27of about those extra or those
- 00:43:30overthinking regarding definition of
- 00:43:33terms of this of this important terms
- 00:43:35before we jump into a a complex or a
- 00:43:41more complex set of ideas Concepts and
- 00:43:45theories so um yeah before finalizing a
- 00:43:49plan of course a city might consult with
- 00:43:54engineers local businesses or
- 00:43:58uh and residents to gather input on
- 00:44:01proposed changes uh depends on uh which
- 00:44:04uh which component of the plan you're
- 00:44:07you want to consult with peoples
- 00:44:10ensuring that all perspectives are
- 00:44:13considered so we go to the next one uh
- 00:44:18yeah this one you know what um you're
- 00:44:22seeing there like some Concepts that you
- 00:44:27know even from grade one grade two you
- 00:44:30know fifth
- 00:44:32grader uh
- 00:44:34but uh at some point these questions
- 00:44:38were asked these Concepts were asked in
- 00:44:40the board exam you may not believe it
- 00:44:43but uh they ask they ask you to define
- 00:44:48or they ask you to
- 00:44:51um you know
- 00:44:53identify if what what that that question
- 00:44:59uh is pointing pointing to the values to
- 00:45:03the principles or Norms so we need to
- 00:45:06still go over that um values are the
- 00:45:11core beliefs okay so we should really be
- 00:45:14very patient about this one that you may
- 00:45:17wonder why do we still have to study
- 00:45:21values principles Norms they are part of
- 00:45:24your daytoday you know
- 00:45:27um that you're e maybe you're even more
- 00:45:30familiar than myself but of course
- 00:45:34because at one point it was asked in the
- 00:45:36board exam okay so values are the core
- 00:45:40beliefs or ideals that are deeply held
- 00:45:44by individuals or groups so you try to
- 00:45:47take note about the keyword so that um
- 00:45:52you don't need to
- 00:45:54read um word for reward um during the
- 00:45:58board exams but you need to just uh
- 00:46:01Identify some keywords so that you uh
- 00:46:06you can answer them correctly um they
- 00:46:08reflect what's considered important and
- 00:46:12are emotionally significant so you heard
- 00:46:16some keywords there so in urban planning
- 00:46:19in the context of urban planning values
- 00:46:22might include
- 00:46:24sustainability Community welfare
- 00:46:27or Equity so this guide the decisions
- 00:46:31and priorities within planning
- 00:46:33projects how about principles um so how
- 00:46:37do you um differentiate or how do
- 00:46:41you uh categorize things under
- 00:46:45principles and how do you define that
- 00:46:48because principles are foundational
- 00:46:51statements you values they are the core
- 00:46:54beliefs or ideals that are deeply held
- 00:46:58by individuals or groups while
- 00:47:00principles are foundational statements
- 00:47:04that articulate how values are applied
- 00:47:08and interact within a decision making
- 00:47:12framework they help in judging what's
- 00:47:15right or wrong and often serve as a
- 00:47:19guideline for Behavior so a principle in
- 00:47:22environmental planning could be minimize
- 00:47:26har to the environment so that's a
- 00:47:29principle okay which guides how projects
- 00:47:32are evaluated and
- 00:47:35undertaken so I hope you remember them
- 00:47:39while Norms so how do we Define Norms
- 00:47:43they are established standards of
- 00:47:47behavior that are based on the shared
- 00:47:49values of a community they regulate
- 00:47:52actions and can be
- 00:47:55formal they can be formal in terms of
- 00:47:58flows regulations or they can be
- 00:48:01informal means cultural practices
- 00:48:06expectations so in in um town planning
- 00:48:11or city planning a norm might be the
- 00:48:15public
- 00:48:15consultation processes that ensure
- 00:48:18Community involvement in development
- 00:48:21projects so these concepts are these
- 00:48:25Concepts collectively under
- 00:48:27the planning process influencing
- 00:48:29everything from the creation of policies
- 00:48:32to day-to-day operational decision so as
- 00:48:35future planners understanding and
- 00:48:37aligning your actions with these values
- 00:48:40principles and Norms will be key to
- 00:48:43successful and ethical practice so we go
- 00:48:46to the next
- 00:48:48slide now we have standards goals
- 00:48:52objectives and you can see how they were
- 00:48:55defined uh uh standards
- 00:48:59are okay if you could linger a little
- 00:49:02while so I can have my own so I can
- 00:49:06explain a bit of that um standards are
- 00:49:10established benchmarks or criteria
- 00:49:14derived um from
- 00:49:17principles uh and Norms that allow for
- 00:49:21the measurable evaluation of performance
- 00:49:24or quality so they provide a consistent
- 00:49:27basis for assessing the outcomes of
- 00:49:30various actions and
- 00:49:33initiatives example in urban planning
- 00:49:36standards might might include specific
- 00:49:39requirements for building
- 00:49:41Heights uh Green Space for per capita or
- 00:49:46accessibility features in public
- 00:49:49facilities so these are
- 00:49:51standards then we have
- 00:49:54goals they are the are
- 00:49:57broad long-term aims that provide
- 00:50:03Direction and purpose for planning
- 00:50:06efforts they are generally overarching
- 00:50:09and not always Quantified at the outside
- 00:50:13so a goal in a regional planning could
- 00:50:15be to enhance Regional connectivity to
- 00:50:19boost economic growth or to improve air
- 00:50:22quality by 2030 for example so
- 00:50:29objectives objectives uh we know about
- 00:50:33smart right the specific measurable
- 00:50:35attainable Rel and many more so the
- 00:50:38smart as a an acronym so objectives are
- 00:50:41specific targets set to achieve
- 00:50:45goals so they are characterized by being
- 00:50:48smart as I mentioned so objectives break
- 00:50:51down goals into actionable steps and
- 00:50:56objective to support the goal of
- 00:50:58improving air quality for example might
- 00:51:00be to reduce vehicle emissions by 20%
- 00:51:03within 5 years through increased public
- 00:51:06transit options and emission regulation
- 00:51:09so understanding the distinctions and
- 00:51:12connections among standards goals and
- 00:51:14objectives helps planners design more
- 00:51:17effective and actionable plans and this
- 00:51:20elements ensure that planning processes
- 00:51:22have clear targets methods for
- 00:51:25assessment and criteria for Success all
- 00:51:29crucial for achieving the desired
- 00:51:31outcomes in any planning scenario we go
- 00:51:35to the next
- 00:51:36one I think we are now on urbanization
- 00:51:40and um just let me know cap 10:30 so
- 00:51:43that I don't want you to be very very
- 00:51:45tired because we have a we have one year
- 00:51:48to prepare so just want you to know I
- 00:51:52just want you to be really be very
- 00:51:54familiar and take it by heart
- 00:51:56urbanization and Urban Development so um
- 00:52:01well let me Define
- 00:52:04urbanization refers to the process where
- 00:52:07an increasing percentage of a population
- 00:52:10comes to live in urban areas so that's
- 00:52:14clear okay it's primarily driven by
- 00:52:18migration from rural areas to
- 00:52:23cities or towns as people seek better
- 00:52:28economic opportunities that's one or
- 00:52:31better education second or healthare
- 00:52:35among others so urbanization is a key
- 00:52:38component of modern development as it
- 00:52:41often leads to economic growth but it
- 00:52:46also poses challenges such as housing
- 00:52:49shortages increased pollution
- 00:52:52infrastructure
- 00:52:53strain and and many more while Urban
- 00:52:58Development
- 00:52:59as um as distinguished from
- 00:53:03urbanization involves the physical
- 00:53:06growth of urban
- 00:53:08areas and the Improvement of the quality
- 00:53:11of life of urban residents this includes
- 00:53:14the construction of housing roads and
- 00:53:18other infrastructure as well as the
- 00:53:20provision of services like Education
- 00:53:23Health Care and sanitation so Urban
- 00:53:26Development
- 00:53:27aims to manage the challenges of
- 00:53:31urbanization effectively making cities
- 00:53:34more livable and sustainable
- 00:53:37so
- 00:53:39um we also um urban place so that's the
- 00:53:44main um content there urban place means
- 00:53:50that uh
- 00:53:52yeah there's no single International
- 00:53:56standard for what constitute an urban
- 00:53:59area each country has its own definition
- 00:54:02of an urban place so definitions can
- 00:54:06vary significantly between countries
- 00:54:08based on factors such as population size
- 00:54:12density economic function and
- 00:54:15infrastructure development for example
- 00:54:17the criteria for an urban area in China
- 00:54:20might include a certain population
- 00:54:23density and economic activity which may
- 00:54:26differ from those in Brazil or
- 00:54:28France Philippines so countries may also
- 00:54:33uh reclassify land from rural to Urban
- 00:54:37for various reasons which can be driven
- 00:54:40by
- 00:54:41political economic or strategic
- 00:54:45interests for example legislative
- 00:54:48changes might reclassify a rural area as
- 00:54:52Urban to attract Investments or to to
- 00:54:56change the administrative
- 00:54:58structure
- 00:55:02so
- 00:55:03um
- 00:55:05yeah it's um maybe in succeeding slide
- 00:55:09succeeding slides we can see uh how each
- 00:55:14country are categorizing um Urban Spa or
- 00:55:19Urban places let's see uh I think so so
- 00:55:23in in in the next slide if you can move
- 00:55:26that to another to the next slide and um
- 00:55:30this may not be updated but of course
- 00:55:33you you can still have an idea how each
- 00:55:38country um Define a place urban place I
- 00:55:43can see Sweden there can see the
- 00:55:46us but let's see um yeah I try
- 00:55:50to of course they will not uh the board
- 00:55:54exam would still give old questions
- 00:55:56right right but it will depend on the
- 00:56:00the choices if you can already
- 00:56:04distinguish if the what the board but
- 00:56:07what the board question is asking if
- 00:56:10it's old or new due to the options or to
- 00:56:14the
- 00:56:15choices but if it's old then you they
- 00:56:18will you you you still have to answer
- 00:56:20this updated option and you can still
- 00:56:25answer uh uh it it means that the
- 00:56:27computer detected or the computer
- 00:56:30included a question from
- 00:56:32before okay from prior you know board
- 00:56:36exams uh they don't take away they don't
- 00:56:39really remove uh old questions they
- 00:56:42still being M but they add 100 questions
- 00:56:45each
- 00:56:46year so it it it means that uh the old
- 00:56:50questions are still there like
- 00:56:53okay India Switzerland Japan can go can
- 00:56:57move on to the next
- 00:56:59slide um
- 00:57:03so okay here
- 00:57:07um you can see the
- 00:57:11different criteria there
- 00:57:17um but I would like
- 00:57:20to still
- 00:57:22determine uh if we have an update on
- 00:57:25this but let's say there there are still
- 00:57:27no updates here and um when we try to
- 00:57:31read this one uh it says that there yeah
- 00:57:37cons you consider Urban in Philippines
- 00:57:40if they have a population density of at
- 00:57:42least 1,000 persons per square kilometer
- 00:57:46and this Criterion um aims to identify
- 00:57:49areas with significant population
- 00:57:52concentration so that require Urban
- 00:57:54infrastructure and service so that's the
- 00:57:56concept behind uh classifying it as
- 00:58:00Urban okay because of the concentration
- 00:58:03of population that's why it's and then
- 00:58:06uh population or Central populations or
- 00:58:10District uh these are parts of
- 00:58:13municipalities or cities with a
- 00:58:16population density of at least 500
- 00:58:18persons per square kilometer of thees
- 00:58:22are often the commercial and
- 00:58:24administrative parts of Municipal
- 00:58:26polities hosting a dense concentration
- 00:58:28of businesses government institutions
- 00:58:31and housing you know what I think every
- 00:58:34year I'm not sure of 2023 and 2024 if
- 00:58:38this question was asked but every year
- 00:58:42during the prepandemic
- 00:58:46question and so um yeah it it's my Jen
- 00:58:50it's it's your homework to uh maybe um
- 00:58:54look for some update here on the
- 00:58:56criteria so you can just go into the
- 00:59:00website of PSA but so that I can present
- 00:59:03it tomorrow but in the meantime what you
- 00:59:06see there is um the one that were
- 00:59:11asked in in previous board exams so why
- 00:59:16these definitions matter uh because um
- 00:59:20the Philippine I mean the approach you
- 00:59:23know highlights the importance of popul
- 00:59:26ation density in classifying urban areas
- 00:59:29and density is always a critical Factor
- 00:59:32because it affects everything from
- 00:59:34infrastructure needs the provision of
- 00:59:36services like Health Care education
- 00:59:39public transportation and high density
- 00:59:41areas require different planning you
- 00:59:44know and resources compared to more
- 00:59:47sparsely populated areas so um and there
- 00:59:52are other faets whereby we can really
- 00:59:55this discuss like um the impacts on
- 00:59:59services and infra and then uh of course
- 01:00:03um in terms of especially so why
- 01:00:07population density so there are a lot of
- 01:00:10questions um being thrown to you as when
- 01:00:13you become planner and you discuss uh
- 01:00:17that um you know this opens up a
- 01:00:21conversation on the challenges of urban
- 01:00:24planning in densely populated cities so
- 01:00:28um we go to
- 01:00:31the let letter C I think we are on
- 01:00:35letter C then next
- 01:00:39slide um what is there
- 01:00:43so the street pattern also matter
- 01:00:48because the the Philippine definition of
- 01:00:50an urban place extends Beyond mere
- 01:00:53population density considering the
- 01:00:56actual characteristics and functionality
- 01:00:58of an area so this multifaceted approach
- 01:01:02identifies Urban centers by analyzing
- 01:01:05their social and economic infrastructure
- 01:01:07which is critical to or for determining
- 01:01:10the level of urban services and
- 01:01:12governance so Street
- 01:01:13pattern um as one of those Urban
- 01:01:17characteristics such that urban areas
- 01:01:20are often defined by their layout a
- 01:01:24network of streets whether AR range in
- 01:01:26parallel or at right angles suggest a PL
- 01:01:31structure that supports Urban activities
- 01:01:35so this gridlike pattern facilitates
- 01:01:38movement and
- 01:01:40access uh crucial for economic and
- 01:01:44social interactions in urban
- 01:01:47settings um commercial and service
- 01:01:50establishments as another
- 01:01:53as an urban characteristics
- 01:01:56whereby a minimum of six establishments
- 01:01:59okay what are these commercial
- 01:02:03manufacturing recreational or personal
- 01:02:06services indicates a thriving Community
- 01:02:09with economic activities so this
- 01:02:12Criterion helps classify an area as
- 01:02:15Urban by its ability to support
- 01:02:18livelihoods and provide services that
- 01:02:22meet the resident needs another Urban
- 01:02:25characteris IC is Civic
- 01:02:28infrastructure such that the presence of
- 01:02:31key public buildings and spaces is
- 01:02:35essential and this includes a town hall
- 01:02:40or a municipal Hall church or a chapel
- 01:02:44hosting regular religious Services
- 01:02:47reinforcing the cultural and governance
- 01:02:51aspects of urban life another presence
- 01:02:54of key public bills building and spaces
- 01:02:58yeah like a public Plaza park or
- 01:03:01Cemetery which serves as social and
- 01:03:04recreational spaces vital for Community
- 01:03:08Life a market for example but it has
- 01:03:13another characteristic a market for
- 01:03:15weekly trading
- 01:03:17activities indicating economic
- 01:03:21vibrancy public institutions like
- 01:03:24schools hospitals Li
- 01:03:26they are
- 01:03:27also as crucial for providing essential
- 01:03:31services to the
- 01:03:33community
- 01:03:35so
- 01:03:37um yeah this
- 01:03:39comprehensive perspective on what
- 01:03:42constitutes an urban place helps future
- 01:03:45urban planners understand the complex
- 01:03:48layers of Urban Development emphasizing
- 01:03:51that urban areas are not just population
- 01:03:54centers but hubs of organized functional
- 01:03:58and diverse activities so um yeah you
- 01:04:03need to do some memory work in terms of
- 01:04:08the definition of urban place okay
- 01:04:14um I think
- 01:04:161024 so this will be the last slide for
- 01:04:20tonight urban place versus City not go
- 01:04:24to the next slide
- 01:04:28okay um
- 01:04:30so okay urban place cities okay an urban
- 01:04:34place there is defined by its physical
- 01:04:37economic demographic and cultural
- 01:04:41characteristics these characteristics
- 01:04:43can include population density the
- 01:04:45presence of infra and services as I
- 01:04:48mentioned earlier and the economic
- 01:04:51activities that dominate the area Urban
- 01:04:54places are usually identified by their
- 01:04:56ability to function as hubs of economic
- 01:05:00social and cultural activity regardless
- 01:05:03of their legal status or governance
- 01:05:06structure so if you um because we're
- 01:05:10talking about urban place and consider
- 01:05:13the scenario and imagine a large town
- 01:05:16with bustling markets schools hospitals
- 01:05:21and a dense network of streets but it
- 01:05:24isn't legally Rec recognized as a city
- 01:05:28it has the vibrancy and
- 01:05:30amenities we associate with urban life
- 01:05:33yet it doesn't have City status due to
- 01:05:37not meeting certain legal or
- 01:05:39administrative criteria but but it's
- 01:05:42called it's an urban
- 01:05:46place however or on the other hand a
- 01:05:49city is formally okay so that's the
- 01:05:52difference is formally designated and re
- 01:05:55recognized by legal statuses it meets
- 01:05:58specific criteria such as minimum
- 01:06:01population thresholds economic
- 01:06:03benchmarks and often requires a charter
- 01:06:07or legal act okay so
- 01:06:10keyword requires a charter or legal act
- 01:06:13cities typically have a defined
- 01:06:16territory and governance structures that
- 01:06:19allow for a higher degree of local
- 01:06:22autonomy and
- 01:06:24self-management so so
- 01:06:27um yeah think about a place that's been
- 01:06:30granted City status because it not only
- 01:06:34meets High population and economic
- 01:06:36thresholds but also has a governance
- 01:06:39Charter allowing it to manage its own
- 01:06:42Affairs independently and this official
- 01:06:45status can attract more Investments and
- 01:06:48provide more services reinforcing its
- 01:06:51Urban characteristics so I already I
- 01:06:55specify those key differences I as to
- 01:06:59criteria and um classification because
- 01:07:02Urban places are identified by
- 01:07:04functional characteristics like density
- 01:07:07infrastructure whereas cities are
- 01:07:09legally defined entities with specific
- 01:07:13Privileges and
- 01:07:16responsibilities another key difference
- 01:07:18is governance and autonomy because
- 01:07:20cities often have more self-governance
- 01:07:23capabilities and formal structures
- 01:07:25compared to other Urban places which
- 01:07:28might still be governed as part of a
- 01:07:30larger administrative units again I'm
- 01:07:33not mentioning about uh component cities
- 01:07:36versus highly urbanized cities or
- 01:07:39independent component cities as yet not
- 01:07:42yet because we're talking uh in general
- 01:07:45terms here okay so another key
- 01:07:48difference is development
- 01:07:51implications um while both Urban places
- 01:07:54and cities are centers of growth the
- 01:07:57formal recognition of a city can often
- 01:07:59lead to a more structured Planning and
- 01:08:03Development due to the available legal
- 01:08:05and administrative framework so those
- 01:08:07are key differences between an urban
- 01:08:10place and a city so okay it's because
- 01:08:16this this this why are you making this
- 01:08:20distinction why do we consider it
- 01:08:22important
- 01:08:25because for urban planning um it's
- 01:08:29important or crucial for urban planning
- 01:08:32and governance as it influences funding
- 01:08:35development policies as well and the
- 01:08:38services an area can provide to its
- 01:08:41inhabitants so understanding these
- 01:08:43differences help in planning and
- 01:08:45managing Urban growth more effectively
- 01:08:48ensuring that both Urban places and
- 01:08:50cities can meet their residents needs so
- 01:08:54um can continue that um of
- 01:08:58course uh let me see there's the next
- 01:09:03page I think
- 01:09:07Jen uh yeah still Urban can can we can
- 01:09:10and then let's see if there there's
- 01:09:13still
- 01:09:15another another page there okay now
- 01:09:18bring it back bring it back to the last
- 01:09:22line uh so I
- 01:09:25ation so both both
- 01:09:29Urban
- 01:09:30[Music]
- 01:09:32um okay urban place still we are in
- 01:09:35urban place versus
- 01:09:37city
- 01:09:43um okay let me let me just read that
- 01:09:45Urban places and cities are not found
- 01:09:48everywhere okay they emerge where
- 01:09:52there's a need for concentrated human AC
- 01:09:56activities urban areas typically develop
- 01:09:59where geographical and economic
- 01:10:02conditions favor industrial commercial
- 01:10:05and residential growth reflecting
- 01:10:08society's development stage
- 01:10:13so both Urban places and cities serve as
- 01:10:18aggregate aggregations of people so this
- 01:10:21is uh aggregations of people and
- 01:10:23functions but they more more than just
- 01:10:26populous centers they are vital hubs
- 01:10:28where cultural economic and social
- 01:10:31functions
- 01:10:33coal to
- 01:10:35facilitate higher living standards and
- 01:10:39efficient economic activities so just
- 01:10:42imagine Urban places and cities are
- 01:10:44bustling
- 01:10:46marketplaces people from various
- 01:10:48backgrounds come together uh bringing
- 01:10:51different skills and needs which creates
- 01:10:53a dynamic environment where new ideas
- 01:10:56and businesses can drive so there are
- 01:11:01some distinguishing characteristics like
- 01:11:05um as to population size and density
- 01:11:08urban areas are generally more populated
- 01:11:11um and denser than rural areas right so
- 01:11:14this density supports various services
- 01:11:16and amenities that might not be viable
- 01:11:19in less populated areas as to cultural
- 01:11:24heterogeneity urban areas tend to be
- 01:11:26more culturally diverse than rural
- 01:11:30areas this diversity can lead to a
- 01:11:32richer social fabric but also requires
- 01:11:36nuanced covenants to cater to various or
- 01:11:39to varied needs and expectations urban
- 01:11:43areas typically perform multiple
- 01:11:47functions industrial administrative Ser
- 01:11:51service oriented and more so this
- 01:11:54multifunctionality supports a complex
- 01:11:56economy and diverse job
- 01:11:59markets as to level of administration
- 01:12:02Urban management often extends across
- 01:12:04multiple jurisdictions so necessitating
- 01:12:08complex governance structures to manage
- 01:12:11resources regulations and services
- 01:12:14effectively
- 01:12:16so um now we
- 01:12:19can go to uh whatsa region but uh we can
- 01:12:24do that so because it's is already a
- 01:12:26different context we try to look
- 01:12:29into what's a region and
- 01:12:33then we might misconstrue region as
- 01:12:36something like just administrative
- 01:12:39boundaries like the regions that you
- 01:12:41know but beyond that there are other
- 01:12:45different types of region in fact in
- 01:12:4820 2023 or 2024
- 01:12:52examination uh it asks about
- 01:12:56one of the questions as about uh virtual
- 01:13:00regions I think so we will come to be to
- 01:13:04to to discuss on on this uh the
- 01:13:08different types of a region uh tomorrow
- 01:13:11so I think we can now uh
- 01:13:14end end this so that we can continue
- 01:13:18tomorrow again thank you very very much
- Urban Planning
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