Rob Jung (11-22-2024)
TLDRThis interview features Rob Young, a Minnesota-based author known for his mystery and thriller novels written under the pen name Rob Young, real name Robert William Young Hance. Educated at Harvard, he is involved in various literary projects and organizations including Minnesota Mystery Night, now a radio show. He collaborates with Midwest Mystery Works on a novel titled "Fivefold." Young incorporates social issues into his fiction to provoke thought without confrontation. His recent trilogy discusses topics like censorship and historical events.
- 📚 Rob Young is a mystery writer using a pen name to simplify his real name.
- 📝 He collaborates with other authors to write a thriller novel.
- 🤝 Active member of literary communities like The Loft and Sisters in Crime.
- 🎙️ Minnesota Mystery Night transitioned into a radio show.
- 📖 Incorporates social issues into his writing to stimulate discussion.
- 🔍 His latest work addresses censorship and historical accuracy.
- 🎨 Diverse career background, including law and book publishing.
- 🌍 Uses fiction to discuss important social themes.
- 🗞️ Publishes a monthly newsletter with a humorous lens on life.
- 📟 Engages in multimedia storytelling through live events, radio, and planned catalogs.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Calan出版社引入了一种新的商业模式,与作者平等合作,使许多书籍在文学界获奖。Rob Young,真名Robert William Young Hance,是一位受过哈佛教育的律师,他在不同领域非常活跃,包括文学创作和社区活动。他的新书《The Reaper》涉及一个失踪画作的故事,并成为了一个完整的三部曲。
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Rob Young还参与了许多项目,如'Minnesota Mystery Night'。这个活动在一个餐馆关闭后,成功转到另一个地点继续进行。他们在新地点的开幕夜上有两位嘉宾作家,包括节目的主持人。下个月的活动将会有更多的嘉宾作家参演。
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Rob参与许多写作相关活动,包括出版别人和自己的书。他计划将'Minnesota Mystery Night'发展为广播节目,并一直在努力推动独立作者获得更多曝光机会。他也在计划制作一本涵盖240位作者的电子目录,以扩大中西部地区的图书宣传。他还关心书籍审查问题,最近的一本书便是围绕这一主题进行写作。
- 00:20:00 - 00:29:36
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Who is Rob Young?
Rob Young is a pen name for Robert William Young Hance, a Harvard-educated lawyer and author from Minnesota.
What is Rob Young's writing style?
Rob Young writes mystery and thriller novels, often incorporating social issues into his stories.
What is Minnesota Mystery Night?
Minnesota Mystery Night is a live literary event featuring mystery authors, and it has recently transitioned into a radio show.
What is the group project Rob Young is involved in?
Rob Young is collaborating with four other authors from Midwest Mystery Works to write a thriller novel titled "Fivefold."
What other roles does Rob Young have in the literary community?
Rob Young is involved with The Loft Literary Center, produces books, and is a member of the Sisters in Crime organization.
What are some themes in Rob Young's books?
Rob Young often incorporates current social issues into his books, such as water shortages, foreign land ownership, and censorship.
What is Rob Young's approach to writing about social issues?
He uses fiction to discuss social issues, allowing readers to think about these topics without feeling personally threatened.
What is Rob Young's latest book about?
His latest book, part of a trilogy, addresses censorship and book banning, drawing on historical events.
What is the view from Middle Spunk Creek?
It's Rob Young's monthly newsletter offering a humorous take on current events, history, and more.
What is Sisters in Crime?
Sisters in Crime is a national organization of mystery writers and fans, which now includes male members like Rob Young.
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- 00:00:06[Music]
- 00:00:14[Music]
- 00:00:19calan editions an Eclectic publisher of
- 00:00:22fiction non-fiction in poetry introduced
- 00:00:25a new business model nearly a decade ago
- 00:00:27in which the publisher and author work
- 00:00:29as equal part Partners in a joint
- 00:00:31venture their stable of authors have won
- 00:00:33numerous and prestigious prizes across
- 00:00:35literary forums where traditional
- 00:00:37Publishers fail to see the value in
- 00:00:38projects Calumet cooperates with his
- 00:00:40authors in realizing a book's
- 00:00:42[Music]
- 00:00:57potential welcome to writer's corner
- 00:01:00once again Alan Miller with you and our
- 00:01:03guest today and he's been on the show
- 00:01:05once before but not individually Rob
- 00:01:09young now Rob young is really not Rob
- 00:01:13young that's a pen name it is so why
- 00:01:16don't you tell us that story okay my
- 00:01:18real name is Robert William young Hance
- 00:01:21and the young Hance is spelled j u n g h
- 00:01:25NS and I always tell people that I
- 00:01:28couldn't spell it until I was 12 so when
- 00:01:30I started writing books I decided to
- 00:01:32shorten it up so it would be uh easier
- 00:01:34to read and now I wish I'd never done
- 00:01:36that now the interesting thing about Rob
- 00:01:40young uh who's also called Bob by some
- 00:01:43people uh is called robt by some people
- 00:01:47uh there there are other things that I'm
- 00:01:49called by some people too but we'll skip
- 00:01:51those I use the
- 00:01:53Rob he is a Harvard educated
- 00:01:58lawyer uh he was born not in Minnesota
- 00:02:03but in Petaluma
- 00:02:05California and then moved to moved to
- 00:02:09the Midwest to Minnesota a small town
- 00:02:11wiona
- 00:02:13Minnesota when I was young and didn't
- 00:02:16have the ability to object and then
- 00:02:19ultimately to the University of
- 00:02:21Minnesota no actually I I was a
- 00:02:24newspaper writer and I hopscotched all
- 00:02:26over the state of Minnesota getting my
- 00:02:28undergraduate degree in the process took
- 00:02:31me seven years to get a bachelor's
- 00:02:33degree and then to Harvard Law School
- 00:02:35and then to Harvard Law
- 00:02:37School and now you are the
- 00:02:40entrepreneur of
- 00:02:42of I don't know how many
- 00:02:45things Minnesota mystery night Minnesota
- 00:02:49mystery night yep you are involved with
- 00:02:51the Loft literary Center uh I'm a member
- 00:02:54of The Loft yes have taken classes there
- 00:02:57uh you have a group of five writers who
- 00:03:02are called Midwest mystery Works Midwest
- 00:03:05mystery works and uh in fact I think the
- 00:03:11other four have actually been on this
- 00:03:13show at various times I think they all
- 00:03:16have to as well so and your most recent
- 00:03:21book which is now coming out in an audio
- 00:03:23book is well the the book that's coming
- 00:03:26out in audio about December 10th I think
- 00:03:29is um called The Reaper which is the
- 00:03:32first book of a
- 00:03:34Trilogy and as a matter of fact we have
- 00:03:36all three books of the trilogy we do and
- 00:03:38the and the cover of the reaper I think
- 00:03:40is the one that is facing outward so
- 00:03:42that viewers can see it uh the other two
- 00:03:45you can just see the
- 00:03:46spine but uh the reaper is a story that
- 00:03:50arises out of a missing
- 00:03:53painting um the painting uh is
- 00:03:56technically called or is is called el
- 00:03:58segador which is a Catalin term uh that
- 00:04:02is translates to the reaper or the
- 00:04:04farmer and uh the painting disappeared
- 00:04:09and this is historically accurate and I
- 00:04:12use that as the foundation for a book
- 00:04:15that started out as a standalone and
- 00:04:17ended up being a Trilogy and the trilogy
- 00:04:20is now complete it is the the latest of
- 00:04:23the trilogy was Judgment Day and that
- 00:04:26came out in
- 00:04:29March I believe of this
- 00:04:32year but writing is not the only thing
- 00:04:35you do you are a rack on tour you are a
- 00:04:42a wine of
- 00:04:43Fado you are a grandfather and a
- 00:04:47great-grandfather I am all of that you
- 00:04:49are so many different
- 00:04:52things uh well i' I've I've been blessed
- 00:04:55to lead a very interesting and and eclec
- 00:04:59life you're also a book producer uh yes
- 00:05:02I did I've published uh other people's
- 00:05:05books and uh I've written my own and uh
- 00:05:09and the latest project that is almost
- 00:05:13there now as we've taken uh Minnesota
- 00:05:16mystery night which is a live monthly
- 00:05:18event and we have parlayed it into a
- 00:05:22radio show I realize that's the wrong
- 00:05:24media for what we're for today but uh I
- 00:05:28think uh all things being equal we will
- 00:05:31have our first radio
- 00:05:33broadcast uh in uh January of the next
- 00:05:37year now actually Minnesota mystery
- 00:05:40night has been going for about three
- 00:05:41years yeah we're we're into our third
- 00:05:44year yeah it was held at Axel restaurant
- 00:05:48in Mendota and suddenly without notice
- 00:05:51Axel closed yes U we got notice of that
- 00:05:56we'd gone we'd been there for two years
- 00:05:57very successful 2-year run
- 00:06:00and we were quite happy there and then
- 00:06:02one day I got an email from a friend
- 00:06:04some person who comes to Minnesota my
- 00:06:07night regularly that said do you know
- 00:06:09that axles is closing and I did not know
- 00:06:12that axles was closing nobody had
- 00:06:14notified me of that and uh
- 00:06:17and within two weeks they were closed
- 00:06:19and uh we were out of a place to hold
- 00:06:22Minnesota mystery
- 00:06:24night so you sced around like crazy and
- 00:06:28I I know this because I was part of it
- 00:06:31for uh really over a month yeah we
- 00:06:34scrambled looking for and you only
- 00:06:36missed one show that's true and then you
- 00:06:40opened again we opened U last November
- 00:06:4518th uh at luy's 13 Pub in Mota you
- 00:06:52could practically throw stones from
- 00:06:54luy's 13 to where axles was located it's
- 00:06:57about a football field length distance
- 00:07:00between the two places and uh if not for
- 00:07:03my wife we probably would have never
- 00:07:05have gone there but we were
- 00:07:07leaving um axles
- 00:07:10after on the day they they actually
- 00:07:13closed pck because we had to pick some
- 00:07:15stuff up that we had there and as we
- 00:07:17drove out she said why don't we stop
- 00:07:19here and look and I had stuck my head in
- 00:07:23there once before um when we first were
- 00:07:26looking for space and it didn't seem
- 00:07:27like a place that would fit
- 00:07:30uh but we did I we stopped and lo and
- 00:07:33behold it turned out to be a great spot
- 00:07:36and uh and we were really happy with it
- 00:07:38and you kicked off this past Monday
- 00:07:40night this past Monday night with really
- 00:07:43really good guest authors oh that's
- 00:07:45right you were one one out of two anyway
- 00:07:47one out of two anyway
- 00:07:50was you
- 00:07:52Andel very good author we uh we
- 00:07:56weich I was there for comic relief no
- 00:07:59well you you who knew you were such a
- 00:08:01comedian alen it was a great it was a
- 00:08:03great night all the way around my my uh
- 00:08:06earlier life well the I think the thing
- 00:08:10that that astounded me most of the whole
- 00:08:13evening was to realize that Michael
- 00:08:15Pharisee has written 81 books
- 00:08:18unbelievable how do you do that unb you
- 00:08:20know that's one one book for every one
- 00:08:22of the years I've here been here okay
- 00:08:25next month one of our two guests in
- 00:08:28addition to uh
- 00:08:29I'm trying to think but Allan eskins M
- 00:08:33he's written a fleet of books Allan is
- 00:08:37probably on his he's about a dozen I
- 00:08:39think somewhere in there easily yeah
- 00:08:42easily he's he's going to be here next
- 00:08:44month with Brian ludman oh great Brian
- 00:08:47is one of the members of the of the
- 00:08:49Midwest mystery works right and he and I
- 00:08:52and the other three members are
- 00:08:54writing cooperatively writing a single
- 00:08:57book which has really been an adventure
- 00:08:59Venture and a lot of fun it certainly
- 00:09:01has to be and uh the name of the book
- 00:09:03for working purposes is called
- 00:09:06fivefold um and I should
- 00:09:09explain if you'll allow me the uh the
- 00:09:14the rather oddl looking uh bookends that
- 00:09:16I have right here
- 00:09:20um
- 00:09:22this as you can tell I think is a high
- 00:09:25heel um and U I happen to be in Galina
- 00:09:30Illinois a few weeks ago researching a a
- 00:09:34book
- 00:09:36and uh ran across these at a thrift
- 00:09:39store that's another story but I bought
- 00:09:42them because the first line of the book
- 00:09:44that we are jointly doing together this
- 00:09:46five-fold book is who in the hell wears
- 00:09:495in spikes in a
- 00:09:51snowstorm who is the five there's the 5
- 00:09:54in spikes so I thought fortunately we
- 00:09:56don't have a snowstorm at the moment
- 00:09:58thank gosh thank goodness for that yes
- 00:10:01indeed well how do five people get
- 00:10:05together to write a
- 00:10:07book um Brian uh it was his
- 00:10:12idea uh and he is uh the the ultimate
- 00:10:17decider uh when if there's ever a
- 00:10:19dispute remarkably we're almost done
- 00:10:22with the first draft we've been working
- 00:10:23on it for roughly a year um and
- 00:10:28remarkably there there have been really
- 00:10:30no ego
- 00:10:31issues uh among any of the five writers
- 00:10:34I think I can safely say that and uh uh
- 00:10:38if there is some sort of debate about uh
- 00:10:41a plot point or the direction of a port
- 00:10:44of the story or where a scene should fit
- 00:10:47or something like that uh ultimately we
- 00:10:50have all agreed that Brian has the final
- 00:10:52say is it a mystery a thriller what is
- 00:10:54it it it is a uh it is a
- 00:10:58thriller um
- 00:10:59very it it revolves
- 00:11:03around
- 00:11:05um medical implants and the ability to
- 00:11:10manipulate them
- 00:11:12remotely um and that's kind of the the
- 00:11:15the thread that runs through this and uh
- 00:11:19Sharon are you
- 00:11:22listening yeah if you have an implant
- 00:11:24this book may not uh allow you to sleep
- 00:11:28for a few nights but that's that's the
- 00:11:30thread and it's it's it has to do with
- 00:11:33corporate Espionage and and uh blackmail
- 00:11:36and uh other Sury things that uh people
- 00:11:41who who want greed and or have are
- 00:11:44greedy and want power so you came up
- 00:11:46with a concept MH and also required a
- 00:11:49lot of research MH who did the research
- 00:11:52well luckily uh John bar Rogers one of
- 00:11:54the other uh uh of the five of us
- 00:11:59is a a uh techie
- 00:12:03um by occupation own several uh
- 00:12:08technological companies and has a great
- 00:12:11deal of in of uh knowledge about it and
- 00:12:15as does Julie
- 00:12:17Holmes um she has uh not because she was
- 00:12:21she was a techie in the sense that Julie
- 00:12:24uh before she became an author was an
- 00:12:25airline mechanic one of the few female
- 00:12:28Airline mechanics in the country uh and
- 00:12:31knows a lot about electronics and things
- 00:12:33like that so I didn't have to do hardly
- 00:12:36any research at all we each took a
- 00:12:38character from one of our other books or
- 00:12:40a series of our other books and
- 00:12:42Incorporated them into this so five we
- 00:12:45have five characters one from each
- 00:12:48author who collaborate on this thing and
- 00:12:50I have the only villain you have the
- 00:12:52only villain I am the only villain so
- 00:12:55the the other the other people wrote
- 00:12:57Good People now are you writing
- 00:12:59individual chapters are you coordinating
- 00:13:02on the chapters how does that work um
- 00:13:05we're writing individual
- 00:13:07scenes and then they are they are sort
- 00:13:10of put together like a jigsaw puzzle um
- 00:13:14and uh so there any given chapter there
- 00:13:18might be uh scenes from all five of
- 00:13:22us
- 00:13:24hypothetically uh or more than likely
- 00:13:28maybe there will be
- 00:13:29uh the scene will have uh writings by
- 00:13:32three different authors in it and it
- 00:13:35will have three you know we'll switch
- 00:13:36points of view in the in the course of
- 00:13:38the scene so it's been quite interesting
- 00:13:42I always think about it we don't you
- 00:13:43know nobody knows how it's going to end
- 00:13:45up in terms of what it's going to feel
- 00:13:48like when you read the final product
- 00:13:51when do you think that's going to be uh
- 00:13:53realistically I would think the book
- 00:13:55would be ready to you know be made
- 00:13:59public
- 00:14:01sometime middle to the 3/4 Mark of next
- 00:14:05year know when we'll get the first draft
- 00:14:07done we'll do a thorough critique and
- 00:14:10rewrite of that and that probably will
- 00:14:12take us into the spring and then we'll
- 00:14:14turn it over to an editor and have them
- 00:14:17tell us how badly we have to rewrite it
- 00:14:19again but I keep thinking remember Ellen
- 00:14:22when they had the uh years ago they used
- 00:14:25to take the the the prettiest nose and
- 00:14:27the prettiest eyes and the you know the
- 00:14:29shape of the face and they they take all
- 00:14:31those and put them all together and the
- 00:14:33result was somebody that was really ugly
- 00:14:36I I have a fear that that's what this
- 00:14:37book is going to be we're going to take
- 00:14:39all these really neat things that we
- 00:14:40have and we're going to put them all
- 00:14:42together but as a conglomerate they
- 00:14:44don't fit really well so I don't know
- 00:14:46you got five really accomplished
- 00:14:48writers uh and uh I don't see that
- 00:14:51that's what's going to happen we hope
- 00:14:53not we certainly hope not that that's
- 00:14:55always been running through my brain
- 00:14:57that that sometimes the five the five
- 00:14:59prettiest things together don't always
- 00:15:01make the prettiest result and are you
- 00:15:03going to publish it you going to be the
- 00:15:05publisher um I don't think so um I think
- 00:15:08that we are going to go out and uh and
- 00:15:11find another publisher um and we don't
- 00:15:15know who that is yet have some ideas but
- 00:15:18nobody we haven't had a consensus on
- 00:15:20where we're going to go with it every
- 00:15:21each of us do our own publishing or have
- 00:15:24our own publisher and and uh so we'll
- 00:15:27see we're we're a little premature on
- 00:15:29that decision yet so interesting though
- 00:15:32it's certainly an ambitious undertak
- 00:15:35well it was it was uh it was a lot of
- 00:15:37fun I mean is a lot of fun uh uh you
- 00:15:40know but like anything in our lives uh
- 00:15:43trying to carve out enough time to to uh
- 00:15:47to focus on it and do a good job espe
- 00:15:49especially your life you also put out a
- 00:15:52monthly newsletter oh yeah yeah um a
- 00:15:55monthly newsletter I really enjoy
- 00:15:57putting out it's called the view from
- 00:15:59middle spunk Creek it's my sort of
- 00:16:01tongue and cheek look at the world and
- 00:16:04what's going on and some of its a little
- 00:16:06Nostalgia and some of it's uh oh every
- 00:16:09once in a while I'll throw in a recipe
- 00:16:10because I'm also a gourmet cook and uh
- 00:16:13or something comedic something I try to
- 00:16:16look for something comedic always I I
- 00:16:19think like you um I think it would one
- 00:16:25of the things that helps you get through
- 00:16:27life is to to look at it in a comedic
- 00:16:31from a comedic Viewpoint because
- 00:16:34sometimes if you don't look at it that
- 00:16:36way you you'll end up in tears that's
- 00:16:38true that's true so true I try to I try
- 00:16:41to find the humor in most things
- 00:16:45so now you're also a member of sisters
- 00:16:48in crime that's true yep they are one of
- 00:16:52our sponsors National Organization and
- 00:16:55there's a local affiliate here in
- 00:16:56Minnesota I'm a actually I'm I am a uh
- 00:17:00member of two local uh part uh sisters
- 00:17:05and crime Affiliates one here in uh
- 00:17:09Minnesota and one in the Hudson uh
- 00:17:12Valley Hudson River Valley in New York
- 00:17:15which is an interesting story in itself
- 00:17:17of itself well um so I got a bunch of
- 00:17:20books returned from publisher and I made
- 00:17:24them available through my newsletter to
- 00:17:25book
- 00:17:26clubs and uh I just said I'll give you
- 00:17:29I'll send you 10 free books for your
- 00:17:30book clubs if you want to feature this
- 00:17:32book it was The Reaper actually and I
- 00:17:36how they got my got a cold in my
- 00:17:38newsletter I have no idea but somebody
- 00:17:40from uh a book club called the mavens of
- 00:17:45Mayhem I think they're called uh got in
- 00:17:48touch with me and said yeah we'd like to
- 00:17:49do it and they're all made up of of
- 00:17:52members of that sisters and crime
- 00:17:54chapter out in the Hudson River Valley
- 00:17:56so I became a member and
- 00:17:59now explain how you are a member of
- 00:18:01sisters in crime oh well sisters in
- 00:18:04crime originally was uh an all female
- 00:18:07organization um disclosure I am also a
- 00:18:10member yeah uh and yeah now it is now
- 00:18:13it's co-ed and I don't know the history
- 00:18:16behind why they they finally let us in
- 00:18:20um and uh whether they regret it or
- 00:18:23whether they don't but it's it is while
- 00:18:25it's called sisters in crime it is no
- 00:18:27longer just just sisters it is brothers
- 00:18:30and sisters in CR now and it's a very
- 00:18:33active writing organization it is it's
- 00:18:36an organization of both writers and fans
- 00:18:39um so some people that are members of
- 00:18:41that are just readers of mysteries um
- 00:18:46and uh well we meet monthly and uh we
- 00:18:49did it by Zoom during Co um we do it
- 00:18:53hybrid now um where you can attend
- 00:18:57either in person or
- 00:18:59through uh through uh
- 00:19:02Zoom um and we have a featured author
- 00:19:05and we bring in a featured speaker and
- 00:19:06there's a lot of trading of ideas and
- 00:19:10and um you know you know what it's like
- 00:19:12it's been there but it's a it's an
- 00:19:13interesting organization these are ideas
- 00:19:16that just take off yeah and and it's
- 00:19:18good as is writer's Corner sure it was a
- 00:19:22an idea really brought about because of
- 00:19:26my association with you
- 00:19:29and Minnesota mystery night and uh here
- 00:19:33we are yeah almost two years later I
- 00:19:36think it's been a great synergistic
- 00:19:39concept that that has worked on in many
- 00:19:42formats and we've had great
- 00:19:44feedback went from live to TV or you
- 00:19:47know live event to television now to
- 00:19:51radio um and I've been questioned about
- 00:19:54podcasts and my reaction to that is
- 00:19:59that's really a very nice idea but I've
- 00:20:01been to two seminars about podcasts and
- 00:20:03walked out of both of them at the ends
- 00:20:05thinking they're way too much work so I
- 00:20:08don't know if I'll ever do one or not
- 00:20:10well the trick is to get a good crew
- 00:20:14which is what we have here MH a good
- 00:20:17location state-ofthe-art I mean just
- 00:20:21look at the books we've accumulated yep
- 00:20:23and uh yeah well there you go maybe
- 00:20:28maybe someday but that's off in the
- 00:20:30future my next project is to try to get
- 00:20:32independent authors a little better
- 00:20:35exposure that's actually the reason that
- 00:20:37Minnesota mystery night came about the
- 00:20:38whole idea was be behind it was to to uh
- 00:20:43give a venue for Minnesota mystery
- 00:20:47authors and now it's become Midwest
- 00:20:49mystery authors um
- 00:20:53to introduce themselves and their work
- 00:20:56to more people um that's why the radio
- 00:20:59thing is rolling out but I'm in the Pro
- 00:21:03I had a because of axles closing and and
- 00:21:06that took a bunch of time I had to put
- 00:21:08it on the back burner for now but my
- 00:21:102025 project is to develop a uh an
- 00:21:13electronic catalog I'm going to start
- 00:21:16with 240 authors that will be featured
- 00:21:19the authors in their books will be
- 00:21:21featured in the catalog and they will be
- 00:21:23distributed to the 325 independent
- 00:21:26bookstores in the Midwest and the 7,000
- 00:21:29libraries in the midwest which is a big
- 00:21:32undertaking yeah they get it in front of
- 00:21:35you know 7500 book buyers who then buy
- 00:21:40so that the book readers can people are
- 00:21:42reading books again I think so really I
- 00:21:46think it's picked up and uh
- 00:21:51also there is a movement out there a
- 00:21:54large national movement to censor our
- 00:21:58books the ban our books yeah where's
- 00:22:00your where's your most recent one that
- 00:22:03just was released actually at Minnesota
- 00:22:05Myster night on Monday um if if if that
- 00:22:09hasn't been uh mentioned before on your
- 00:22:11show it needs to it's called firefight
- 00:22:13and Shelter Rock actually it hasn't been
- 00:22:15mentioned on the show before well Allen
- 00:22:18Allen we're going to do a a show on it
- 00:22:21yeah but at this the the thread of the
- 00:22:23whole story is about censorship and book
- 00:22:26Banning um and it is a really
- 00:22:30sensitive uh Hot Topic uh and it's one
- 00:22:34that seems to recur about
- 00:22:36every what three four decades and you
- 00:22:40know it's fictionalized real events yeah
- 00:22:44and it took a lot of research but the
- 00:22:47fact of the matter is the sad fact of
- 00:22:50the matter is that everything in there
- 00:22:52is based on something that has happened
- 00:22:54in this nation uh as people try to take
- 00:22:58our choices of what we read or what our
- 00:23:03children Avail themselves of yeah and
- 00:23:07censor it based on their particular
- 00:23:11prejudices bigotry or whatever yeah and
- 00:23:16it's of great concern to me which is
- 00:23:19what
- 00:23:20stimulated that book I think it's an
- 00:23:23awesome uh subject matter and I think
- 00:23:25anybody who has any con concern or
- 00:23:29thoughts about that should pick up your
- 00:23:30book and read it I think it's uh it is
- 00:23:34it is a thought-provoking and thought in
- 00:23:38inspiring uh book and it it just it's a
- 00:23:41subject matter that needs to be uh
- 00:23:44brought out in the open brings up a
- 00:23:45really interesting point I think Ellen
- 00:23:48and you and I have chatted about before
- 00:23:49on other occasions
- 00:23:52um using
- 00:23:55fiction to talk about
- 00:23:58social
- 00:23:59issues is very effective way to get
- 00:24:03people to think about them without
- 00:24:07making people
- 00:24:09defensive because it's a fictionalized
- 00:24:11version so they're not personally
- 00:24:13threatened um but I found um my books
- 00:24:18all have some sort of social current
- 00:24:21social thread in them I think that's so
- 00:24:24important each of my three and I started
- 00:24:27out only planning to write one as part
- 00:24:30of my you know something I wanted to do
- 00:24:34uh on my bucket list we we've now had
- 00:24:37the
- 00:24:38trilogy uh whether there'll be a fourth
- 00:24:41or not I don't know I'm compiling a lot
- 00:24:43of research and information now and
- 00:24:46we'll see where that goes but you know
- 00:24:49people for instance the first one was
- 00:24:52involved in the water
- 00:24:54shortage and I I published it a year
- 00:24:58before before the news really hit the
- 00:25:01second one was about foreigners buying
- 00:25:04up um base basically Native American
- 00:25:08lands in this country and also that's
- 00:25:12something that legislators have dropped
- 00:25:15uh jumped in and tried to stop and of
- 00:25:18course this one on book Banning so I I
- 00:25:20think it's really important and I think
- 00:25:23people will read a novel about a social
- 00:25:27issue much faster than they will read
- 00:25:30documentary material well I think
- 00:25:33they'll not only read it faster but I
- 00:25:34think they'll discuss it more openly I
- 00:25:39think they'll discuss it because at
- 00:25:40least this is my perspective is is that
- 00:25:44it we write fiction and so they're not
- 00:25:47threatened by the characters as if if
- 00:25:50you and I got into assuming we were on
- 00:25:53opposite sides of a political issue um
- 00:25:56and you and I got into a face-to-face de
- 00:25:58debate at least in today's society the
- 00:26:00first thing that happens is the hackles
- 00:26:01come up and you know it's you know it
- 00:26:04becomes ugly pretty quickly usually you
- 00:26:07can talk about the same issue in a
- 00:26:10fictional setting by discussing what's
- 00:26:12in a book and discussing the issues in
- 00:26:13it without that same sort of tension
- 00:26:17that conflict between people and uh and
- 00:26:20hopefully it'll help resolve some of
- 00:26:23those conflicts well I think anytime you
- 00:26:25can get some discussion on them it's
- 00:26:27it's a good thing you know and anytime
- 00:26:29we can sit down and talk with people who
- 00:26:31have different Viewpoint than we do and
- 00:26:34talk about it without it becoming
- 00:26:36hostile um I think is uh is is the as
- 00:26:41the way we're going to fix this uh
- 00:26:44dichotomy that we're in right now in
- 00:26:47this country that seems to be so uh so
- 00:26:50so concise and so drastic we become so
- 00:26:54partisan it's really uh yeah it's it
- 00:26:57worries me I look back at history and I
- 00:27:00like you I'm a student of history and I
- 00:27:02look back and the only other time I can
- 00:27:05other than the very beginning of the
- 00:27:06country but the only other time I can
- 00:27:08see uh this country being as partisan as
- 00:27:11it is now is just before the Civil War I
- 00:27:14I just wrote an article which I think is
- 00:27:16going to be out next month for a uh a
- 00:27:19local publication called it's not the
- 00:27:22economy it's the Democracy stupid yeah
- 00:27:26and really that's what really worries me
- 00:27:29what's worried me about this last
- 00:27:31election and uh yes the economy is a
- 00:27:35problem and obviously the economy I
- 00:27:37think is what turned this last election
- 00:27:40but the attack on our
- 00:27:43democracy and the foundations and our
- 00:27:46founding and our Constitution and the
- 00:27:48Bill of Rights and Free
- 00:27:51Speech really frightened
- 00:27:55me yeah you're preaching to the choir
- 00:27:57yeah
- 00:27:59I feel the same way it's now we only
- 00:28:01have a minute left so what are you
- 00:28:03working on for the next book other than
- 00:28:06the five authors uh next book um I've
- 00:28:09got I've got pieces of three that I'm
- 00:28:12working on the one I went to uh two of
- 00:28:14them are are paranormal Thrillers um my
- 00:28:18very first book was a paranormal
- 00:28:20Thriller it was called the uh Cloud
- 00:28:22Warriors I'm working on this book in
- 00:28:25Galina uh that Galina illino has an
- 00:28:28interesting place it was ulyses S
- 00:28:30Grant's home and uh it U had nine
- 00:28:35generals for the Union Army in the civil
- 00:28:37war came out of Galina of town of about
- 00:28:39at that time maybe 6,000 people um and
- 00:28:42that's a paranormal it's a paranormal
- 00:28:44one because we're really running down on
- 00:28:46our time so so it's either that one or
- 00:28:49another paranormal one that's set in
- 00:28:50Ireland um and we're talking with Rob
- 00:28:53young uh we could go on forever and ever
- 00:28:58but
- 00:28:59unfortunately time does not permit Rob
- 00:29:02thank you so much for coming in
- 00:29:03especially as an emergency guest at the
- 00:29:06last minute
- 00:29:07here Alan I will always make sure that I
- 00:29:10can move anything on my calendar if you
- 00:29:12need need need me to uh come and have a
- 00:29:17chat with you because it's so delightful
- 00:29:19thank you so much thank you
- 00:29:35[Music]
- Rob Young
- Minnesota Mystery Night
- Midwest Mystery Works
- Sisters in Crime
- social issues
- censorship
- thriller
- author interview
- literary collaboration
- fiction writing