Workshop A - Strategic Planning in ODeL



TLDRDe workshop behandelt strategische planning in de context van Online Distanced e-Learning (ODeL). Het legt uit dat strategische planning slechts een onderdeel is van het bredere ODeL-systeem, dat bestaat uit subsysteem voor cursusontwerp, onderwijs, studentenondersteuning en organisatie/management. ODeL onderscheidt zich door de scheiding van onderwijs en leren, waarbij elk subsysteem zijn eigen specialisatie heeft. Om succesvol te zijn, moet ODeL meerdere aanpassingen doorvoeren, zowel in lesmethodologie als in administratieve organisatie. De workshop benadrukt het belang van strategische planning voor ODeL om technologie effectiever in te zetten en te integreren binnen de missie van een instelling. SWOT-analyses spelen een cruciale rol bij het identificeren van sterke punten, zwakten, kansen en bedreigingen ten opzichte van interne en externe factoren. Het uiteindelijke doel is om een strategisch plan te ontwikkelen dat past bij de specifieke context van de instelling.


  • 📚 ODeL vereist een strategische aanpak waarbij lesgeven en leren ontkoppeld zijn.
  • 🔄 Subsystemen binnen ODeL moeten naadloos samenwerken voor effectieve implementatie.
  • 🎯 Strategische planning is cruciaal voor het afstemmen van ODeL met de institutionele missie.
  • 📈 SWOT-analyses helpen bij het identificeren van interne sterktes en zwaktes, en externe kansen en bedreigingen.
  • 🌐 Technologie speelt een sleutelrol in het aanbieden van flexibele lesmodellen in ODeL.
  • 👨‍🏫 Docenten hebben ondersteuning nodig bij cursusontwikkeling en technologiegebruik.
  • 🛠️ Administratieve systemen moeten flexibel zijn om aan ODeL-behoeften te voldoen, zoals online registraties.
  • 💡 Het belang van studentondersteuning is cruciaal, vooral in diverse geografische locaties.
  • 🔍 Regelmatige evaluatie van leerresultaten is essentieel voor ODeL-succes.
  • 🤝 Partnerschappen met externe instanties kunnen helpen bij de implementatie en financiering van ODeL.

Garis waktu

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    In deze sectie wordt het belang van strategische planning in het ODeL-systeem benadrukt, dat gepland leren ondersteunt door de functies van onderwijs en leren te scheiden. Het ODeL-systeem omvat vier subsystemen: cursusontwerp, onderwijs en leren, ondersteuning voor studenten, en organisatie en beheer. Elk subsysteem heeft zijn eigen specialisatie, zoals het ontwerpsubsysteem dat zich richt op het flexibele ontwerp van cursussen. Het onderwijs- en leerproces vereist aanpassingen in methodologie, training voor docenten in het gebruik van technologie, en ondersteuning bij multimedia. Er wordt ook nadruk gelegd op de noodzaak van aanpassingen in de evaluatie- en beoordelingsprocessen van studenten.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    Het belang van het studentondersteuningssysteem wordt besproken, dat speciale vaardigheden vereist om de behoeften van studenten te identificeren en te ondersteunen. De organisatie- en beheerapparaat integreert de subsystemen door middel van strategische planning, technologieverbeterd onderwijs en leren te identificeren en kwaliteitsborging te waarborgen. De strategische planning moet de rol van technologie in onderwijs evalueren, waarbij interne factoren zoals cursusontwerp en studentenondersteuning en externe factoren zoals concurrentie, partnerschappen en wetgeving worden overwogen. Verschillende workshops behandelen diverse aspecten, van cursusontwerp tot studentenondersteuning, wat helpt bij het creëren van een geïntegreerd strategisch plan.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:18:12

    De structuur van effectieve strategische planning in het kader van ODeL wordt geanalyseerd aan de hand van SWOT-analyses, waarbij wordt gekeken naar sterke en zwakke punten, kansen en bedreigingen van een instelling. De noodzaak om interne competenties en externe mogelijkheden te evalueren wordt benadrukt, evenals aanpassingen in administratieve procedures en technologische infrastructuur. De sectie sluit af met het belang van het formuleren van een visie en strategieën die aansluiten bij de missie van de instelling, ondersteund door casestudy-activiteiten om reflectie en discussie te bevorderen.

Peta Pikiran

Video Tanya Jawab

  • Wat is ODeL?

    ODeL staat voor Online Distanced e-Learning, een technologie-ondersteunde leervorm die speciale technieken voor cursusontwerp en communicatie vereist.

  • Welke subsystemen omvat ODeL?

    ODeL omvat subsysteem voor cursussen ontwerpen, onderwijs en leren, studentenondersteuning, en organisatie en management.

  • Waarom is strategische planning belangrijk voor ODeL?

    Strategische planning helpt bij het afstemmen van technologie-ondersteunde onderwijsstrategieën met de missie van de instelling en bevordert ondersteuning van de gemeenschap.

  • Hoe beïnvloedt technologie de leerervaring in ODeL?

    Technologie ondersteunt flexibele en afstandsonderwijsmodellen, vereist aanpassingen in onderwijs- en organisatorische methodologieën.

  • Wat houdt een SWOT-analyse in binnen ODeL-context?

    Een SWOT-analyse identificeert de sterke en zwakke punten, kansen en bedreigingen van een instelling om effectiever ODeL te kunnen implementeren.

  • Welke rol spelen studentondersteunende diensten in ODeL?

    Ze bieden academische, administratieve en technische ondersteuning aan studenten die geografisch verspreid zijn of niet regelmatig fysieke lessen bijwonen.

  • Wat is de rol van docenten in ODeL?

    Docenten worden getraind in cursusmateriaalontwikkeling en technologiegebruik om effectief les te geven in een ODeL-context.

  • Hoe bereidt een instelling zich voor op DE (afstandsleren)?

    Instellingen ontwikkelen competenties in curriculumontwikkeling, mediaproductie en IT-infrastructuur om DE effectief te ondersteunen.

  • Wat zijn de uitdagingen van ODeL voor administratieve systemen?

    Administratieve systemen moeten worden aangepast voor flexibiliteit, zoals online registratie en betalingsprocedures, om DE te ondersteunen.

  • Hoe draagt strategische planning bij aan de evaluatie van leerresultaten in ODeL?

    Het helpt bij het ontwikkelen van strategieën die zorgen voor eerlijke en effectieve evaluatie- en beoordelingspraktijken voor een gedistribueerde studentenpopulatie.

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Gulir Otomatis:
  • 00:00:06
    This workshop is focused on strategic planning. But strategic planning is just
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    part of the whole system of ODeL. Yung other systems are being taken up in the
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    other workshops. So to take a holistic view, we have to understand the whole
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    system first, right? So what is the system's approach to ODeL?
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    This is based on a perspective that ODeL is planned learning as opposed to informal
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    or spontaneous learning. What is unique about ODeL is that the functions of
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    teaching and learning have already been unbundled or disaggregated. So you have
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    different subsystem working on different parts. Each would have its own
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    specialization and they work together to be able to deliver ODeL.
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    I'll be discussing the different parts later on. Now, ODeL is any form of technology-supported
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    learning that requires special techniques of course design, special
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    instructional techniques, special methods of communication, as well as special
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    organizational and administrative arrangements. The fact that students
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    and teachers are separated by time and space, whether it is Blended or full DE,
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    it would require certain adjustments now in terms of not only of teaching
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    methodology but also in terms of organizational systems administrative
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    requirements. So what are these subsystems that comprise the whole
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    system? First, we have the course design subsystem, we have the teaching and
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    learning subsystem, we have the student support subsystem, and we have the
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    organization and management subsystem. So the course design refers to the design
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    of the instructional model how we're going to deliver. So in the first
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    activity, we saw where we are right now. Some of, most of us are doing face to
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    face, few of us are doing DE, and in the middle there is a growing number of
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    blended, who are doing blended. So those are basically the instructional models
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    and in the future parang meron tayong consensus that's going to be more of
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    blended, right? Now, you also need curriculum development and all of us are
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    familiar with curriculum development and of course instructional design.
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    The courses have to be delivered in a flexible mold henceforth the design has
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    to follow that approach. And in terms of teaching and learning, that would be the
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    implementation of the instructional model. The delivery part, how are we going
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    to make the courses accessible to the students. That includes training the
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    faculty members in the art and science of course materials development for
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    flexible or DE. We need to provide instructional support services to our
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    faculty members. Kasi when we deliver it through technology, hindi
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    natin mae-expect na all of the teachers would be familiar with all the
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    intricacies of the technology we are using, so there has to be tech support.
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    The faculty members have to be taught how to use the technology for
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    teaching and learning. They have to be assisted in terms of multimedia
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    production. Hindi naman lahat tayo writers, script writers, directors. So we need these
  • 00:03:23
    creative people to assist us. These are instructional services that would have
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    to be provided to the faculty members. And there's of course assessment and
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    evaluation of learning. So when you deal with flexible education you have the
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    capacity to massify the number of students and if you have hundreds of
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    students per course, then your assessment have to be adjusted as well, and
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    especially if they are located in different parts of the country or the
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    world. How are you going to make sure that the assessment remains effective
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    and valid and retains its integrity as a result of that? Now since your students
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    are geographically dispersed or they don't come to the class on a regular
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    basis like in a blended or flexible or flip-glass mode, then you have to
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    provide student support services. So in regular setting, students will just go to
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    the faculty office, to the college secretary's office, if they have
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    administrative concerns. Walk-in lang yan. But if they're disperse or if they
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    don't come to class on a daily basis then, there has to be a support
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    system to them and they have, you have to provide
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    academic, administrative, and technical support. Academic in terms of academic
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    policies. Yung hindi nila naiitindihan, tatanong nila yan. How do
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    you respond to those questions? administrative, registration procedure,
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    dropping, LOA, things like those. How do they go about it? You have to
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    provide the information and technical support? how do we make use of the LMS?
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    How do we access the learning materials that are online? Things like those. And
  • 00:05:00
    then you have to develop this student support staff. There are special skills
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    that are expected with student support people. They should be able to
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    identify the needs of the learners and be able to provide the cognitive,
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    administrative, and systemic needs of those students. And integrating all of
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    these subsystems would be the organization and management system, and
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    that part would be strategic planning. We should be able to identify the role of
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    technology-enhanced teaching and learning in our own university because if we are
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    not able to do that we are not going to get the support of our community. And
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    then systems development, financial administrative management, and quality
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    assurance. So management has a big role in ensuring the success of all the
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    different subsystems. So as you can see, these concurrent workshops aim to
  • 00:06:00
    provide an overview in our introduction to the subsystems or a particular
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    component of a subsystem. If you have other colleagues here that are attending
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    the other workshops, we can see that Workshop A, this workshop that we are
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    having right now, falls under the organization and management subsystem,
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    Workshop B (instructional design) falls under course design subsystem,
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    Workshop C under teaching and learning, Workshop F also under teaching and learning, and
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    Workshop D under student support subsystem. QA also falls under
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    organization and management subsystem. So pagbalik niyo sa mga institutions niyo if you
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    have other colleagues attending, you integrate all of that and
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    come up with a strategic plan. Now, I'm sure all of you are quite familiar with
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    strategic planning. You're all, almost all of us here are administrators and heads
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    of institutions and you know the basic. So I'm not going to really teach you how
  • 00:07:00
    to do strategic planning. We're just going to touch on the aspects that
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    we have to consider when we do strategic planning in the context of ODeL. So, as
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    we know the three basic questions in strategic planning are: Where are we now?
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    Where do we want to be? and how do we get there? right? Now, in the strategic
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    planning process in the context of ODeL we usually do SWOT analysis and the
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    strengths and weaknesses you should refer to our internal analysis, internal
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    assessment, those factors that are referring to the organization itself.
  • 00:07:36
    And then there are opportunities and threats those are external to us, those are the
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    things that are happening out there in the environment, right? So when we do
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    internal assessment, we have to look at the subsystems because these are the
  • 00:07:51
    factors that we have to put in place when we do technology-enhanced or ODeL.
  • 00:07:57
    So we talked about course design, I've mentioned some of those already, and
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    we have to look at teaching and learning, We have to look at student support,
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    we have to look at our organization and management. Now, some of us are not doing
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    blended or technology enhanced learning yet but we have certain competencies
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    right now that we could develop and turn into something that could be useful for
  • 00:08:22
    ODeL. Like in terms of curriculum development, meron naman tayong experience
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    when it comes to that. When comes the design of instructional model, we have
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    faculties or colleges in education that could also help us. All they have to
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    do is to be trained to the specificities and requirements of DE to be able to
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    apply those learning strategies in the context of DE.
  • 00:08:53
    In comes to teaching and learning, do we have people in the organization that are
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    our experts in media production? Do we have people na maaasahan when it comes to
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    the IT? Of course we have IT offices in the university but are they aware of the
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    requirements in DE? Are they aware of the requirements when it comes to setting up
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    learning management systems? These are the things that we need to consider.
  • 00:09:22
    Now, when it comes to student support staff, we have of course the support staff who
  • 00:09:27
    address the needs of our regular students. But what are the specific
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    requirements of student support when comes to DE? Are they trained? Can they be
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    trained? and if yes, how? Now, the last part would be the organization and management. Other
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    policies or administrative procedures that are in contrast with
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    flexible teaching and learning, we have to take that into consideration and
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    adjust those. Like for instance sa UPOU, before, pagpe-pay ng registration,
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    cash lang. You have to go to the Learning Center but it takes away the flexibility.
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    The students are all over the country. So we have to introduce yung
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    payment by credit card. We have to do online registration, we have to do online
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    submission of grades, we have to do online viewing of grades, and right now,
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    we have already introduced online application for admission. So certain
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    procedures have to be adjusted to ensure that they are relevant to the target
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    learners that you are servicing. So naga-adjust hindi lang yung teaching methodology
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    but also the administrative procedures and requirements but of course you have
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    certain policies to follow as well. You have CHED requirements. In our university,
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    we have the UP code. So even if we ought to make certain things, we have to make
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    sure that we don't break or 'di namin nasusunod yung university
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    code. So these things are things that we have to manage, consider, and balance. Now,
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    of course, administration, it's important that we consider the management support,
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    leadership, and the policies I have mentioned and
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    hiniwalay ko yung resources because this is something that we, that administrators,
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    are also very much interested in. so there are certain sources of funding in
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    revenues that we need to consider like if we offer DE or flexible modes
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    of teaching, what are the sources of funding because it takes a lot
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    to be able to introduce such kind of system in terms of course materials
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    development training and alike. So where are the sources of funds coming
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    from? What are the sources of revenues? Fees? Are we going to sell our course
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    materials? Are we going to charge for face-to-face tutorials? Things like those.
  • 00:11:58
    And then the costs. There are different classes, I've said, like there are fixed
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    costs, fixed recurrent costs, and of course, the variable cost, likewise,
  • 00:12:07
    materials, and learning support. And of course there's technology. How is the
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    status of the infrastructure in terms of IT in our institution? Do we
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    have multimedia production equipment? Do we have access to LMS? Things like those. And
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    then of course we match that with the things that are happening in the
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    environment. Who are our target learners? What are their profile? What's their age,
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    gender, location? Where are they located? What are their preferred learning styles? Do
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    they have the financial capacity to take our courses? If not, are we able
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    to secure scholarships for them? Do they have access to technology? Things like
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    those. And of course digital literacy. Are they prepared for DE? It was mentioned
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    yesterday, I'm adding plenary that we also need to consider the readiness of
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    our target learners for DE, for distance education, or technology-based learning.
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    And we have to look at other educational institutions, of course, in our
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    locality, the courses they are offering and their modes of delivery and the fees
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    they're charging because competition is important. We have to consider
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    especially for those who are privately funded. Of course, you have
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    to consider the partners and linkages in the education sector, professions
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    government, non-government, industry. In the case of yesterday, they were
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    able to raise funds from the alumni to fund their DE program. And there are other
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    sources that we can tap: international funding grants and the
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    alike. We need to study Republic Act 10650 the implementing rules and guidelines
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    and how we can tap that law and the provisions of the law to be able to
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    maximize or to be able to gain the things that we need to prepare for as we
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    offer the programs. And there are also industry organizations like the UPOU
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    has partnered with IBPAP -- IT and Business Process Association of the
  • 00:14:12
    Philippines, and we are offering online courses in service management program to
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    prepare people for the business processing industry. And IBPAP has
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    part with different universities they provide computers, IT infrastructure to
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    be able to help universities that are interested to adopt blended learning as
  • 00:14:40
    a mean for teaching service management to their students. Things
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    like these we have to to be aware of those. Then, of course, the regulatory
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    system accreditation. Of course, there's always the issue of level 3 accreditation
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    and if you are a COD or not COD or not. And of course the technology
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    infrastructure. Not only in the institutions location but also in the
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    location of your target learners. We have to consider that. So as we all
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    know in SWOT analysis, we interrelate yung ating strengths, weaknesses
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    opportunities, and threats. There are opportunities available out there. We all
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    know about them. In fact, we have already made a vision, very idealized vision of
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    the future but we have the strength, the competencies to be take, to take
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    advantage of those. Are our weaknesses crucial enough to prevent us from
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    getting advantage of those opportunities? Are we strong enough to ward off the
  • 00:15:38
    threats facing us? but there are other
  • 00:15:42
    opportunities for us to be stronger in things that in areas where we are weak.
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    So yun yung SWOT analysis 'diba? So based on that, we are able to fine-tune our vision
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    and come up with something that is more concrete, more specific in terms of the
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    role of ODeL or technology-mediated learning in our own institution. So
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    that's our role. So yung ginawa nating vision, that's something that's more
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    macro. That's something that we want to have in the future. But when we do our
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    own visioning for our institution, then we have to consider own context to be
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    able to come up with something concrete. Of course after that, we translate this
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    vision into a statement, we formulate strategies, and then we do tasking
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    and budgeting. That's the time we identify people to implement, we set
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    up the organizational structure, and alike -- things, the nuts and bolts of
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    management. So for this workshop we're not going to that deep.
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    all we want to do is to, for us to reflect on our own respective
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    institutions and be able to see the role of teaching and learning, technology
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    enhanced teaching and learning or ODeL in our own institution, how it's
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    going to support our mission. Because if our constituents, do not see its role
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    in our mission, in our basic mission as an institution, then it's just going to
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    fall by the wayside. Hindi talaga siya uurong. So to help us in terms of
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    our engagement with the process of strategic planning process, we
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    have a caselet and we're going to distribute to you now copies of the caselet.
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    it's entitled to go the distance or not? May kantang ganito yata, 'di ba? And you
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    have to answer the questions at the end of the case as a group but we're going
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    to discuss it, discuss the answers to the questions as
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    a plenary. So hindi na natin idi-discuss, hindi na ipe-present each
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    group. it's a very short case by the way, so we did and then answer the questions
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    among yourselves. You have ten minutes to do this activity and then we'll discuss
  • 00:18:10
    it afterwards.
  • ODeL
  • strategische planning
  • onderwijs systemen
  • technologie-ondersteund leren
  • curriculum ontwikkeling
  • studentenondersteuning
  • organisatie management
  • SWOT analyse
  • onderwijsinnovatie
  • digitale geletterdheid