TLDRVideomøtet handler om introduksjonen av et nytt firma ledet av tvillingene Reagan og Megan Lynch. De ønsker å gi økonomisk frihet gjennom entreprenørskap og ny teknologi. Deltakerne presenteres for en kompensasjonsplan basert på en 3x10 tvungen matrise for inntjening. For å bli 'Legend qualified', må man rekruttere syv nye medlemmer. Videre oppfordres deltakerne til å registrere seg, dele informasjon, og delta på fremtidige treninger. Produktene selskapet tilbyr, skal hjelpe brukerne å tjene penger. Det legges stor vekt på å skape håp og tro på personlig og økonomisk vekst.
Punti di forza
- 👨👩👧👦 Firmaet er en familievirksomhet.
- 🌟 Betydningen av å skape håp og fremtidstro.
- 🗓 Planer om lansering i februar.
- 💰 Mulighet for høy inntekt gjennom matrisesystemet.
- 🔗 Fokus på nettverksbygging og deltaking.
- 📈 Selskapet krever strategisk posisjonering i matrisestrukturen.
- 🤝 Stort fokus på samarbeid og mentorprogram.
- 🎓 Tidligere erfaringer innen entreprenørskap deles.
- 💼 Produktene skal lette økonomisk uavhengighet.
- 🌍 Globalt markedsfokus og tilgjengelighet.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Samtalen ønsker å være en familieaffære, og deltakerne blir oppfordret til å introdusere seg ved å angi navn og hvor de ringer fra.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Møtet fortsetter med flere introduksjoner fra ulike geografiske områder, og deltarne deler sin entusiasme over å møte sine forretningspartnere.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Reagan introduserer seg selv som en entreprenør og kreativ, som fokuserer på å hjelpe folk med enkle steg. Hun er kontaktpersonen for spørsmål.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Hovedtaler deler sin bakgrunn i entreprenørskap og tidligere erfaring med diverse prosjekter for å gi kontekst til diskusjon om økonomisk suksess.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Diskusjonen handler om viktigheten av skapelse og positiv tenkning for å tiltrekke seg velstand, og viktigheten av å omgi seg med mennesker som tror på muligheter.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Det fokuseres på troen på loven om tiltrekning og viktigheten av håp for fremtiden, med anekdoter om økonomiske utfordringer og suksesser.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Talerne beskriver sitt fellesskap som håpsskapere, og oppfordrer deltakerne til å bli med i muligheter for å øke inntekt.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Møtet omtaler en lanseringsplan hvor deltakerne skal registrere seg, spre ordet til potensielle partnere og delta i en tvungen matrise.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Deltakere oppfordres til å dele lenker og få posisjoner i matrisen for å maksimere økonomisk utbytte med fokus på å skape relasjoner.
- 00:45:00 - 00:53:14
Møtet avsluttes med motiverende ord og oppfordring til å handle, registrere seg i matrise og bruke tilgjengelige ressurser effektivt.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Hva handler videoen om?
Videoen handler om lanseringen av et nytt selskap, der deltakerne diskuterer forretningsmuligheter og strategier.
Hvem er ledere av selskapet?
Reagan Lynch og Megan Lynch er ledere av selskapet.
Hva er målet med forretningsmuligheten som presenteres?
Målet er å gi økonomisk frihet gjennom entreprenørskap og teknologi.
Hvilken type kompensasjonsplan er diskutert?
Kompensasjonsplanen inkluderer inntektsmuligheter gjennom en 3x10 tvungen matrise.
Hvordan kan man bli 'Legend qualified'?
Man blir 'Legend qualified' ved å rekruttere sju personer som kjøper et medlemskap.
Hva skal deltakerne gjøre i forkant av lanseringen?
Deltakerne bør registrere seg på nettsiden, dele informasjonen med nettverket sitt og delta på treningssamtaler.
Hva gir selskapets produkter og tjenester?
Produktene og tjenestene er ment å hjelpe brukerne med å tjene penger ved å utnytte teknologi.
Hvordan kan medlemmer tjene penger gjennom selskapet?
Medlemmer kan tjene penger gjennom å matche andres inntjening, delta i matrisen og verve andre.
Hvilke betalingsmuligheter er tilgjengelige?
Videoen nevner at det vil være flere måter å betale på, men spesifiserer ikke hvilke.
Hvorfor er fokus på å skape håp viktig?
Fokuset på å skape håp er viktig for å motivere og inspirere deltakerne til å investere tid og krefter i forretningsmuligheten.
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- 00:00:02all right so uh we want this to be a
- 00:00:04family affair um and definitely we want
- 00:00:08to hear from you guys today as well
- 00:00:09there are some questions you know we're
- 00:00:11not going to answer but I'm gonna I'm
- 00:00:12gonna start giving you a little bit more
- 00:00:14of the timeline today too so go ahead do
- 00:00:16me a favor unmute for me please state
- 00:00:19your name let me know where you're
- 00:00:21calling from and then hey twins what's
- 00:00:23up this Rufus R Atlanta
- 00:00:26Georgia hey there sisters all right
- 00:00:30welcome guys you can turn on your video
- 00:00:32if you want if you are um
- 00:00:34appropriate so if you guys are
- 00:00:36appropriate so we can see you um go
- 00:00:39ahead you can turn your camera on and H
- 00:00:41we're gonna get right down to business
- 00:00:43as well so go ahead unmute state your
- 00:00:44name let me know where you're calling
- 00:00:47from Wayne Mor is from Florida welc from
- 00:00:52Toronto right
- 00:00:54welcome he Palmer from Pennsylvania all
- 00:00:57right welcome from Pennsylvania
- 00:01:01psylvia Denise from Maryland bonnyman
- 00:01:05from New
- 00:01:07York Chicago from Virginia in
- 00:01:13Tennessee
- 00:01:14Louis Jer atanta
- 00:01:17Georgia Tia
- 00:01:20Texas all right welcome
- 00:01:22Texas
- 00:01:25fromt from Virginia
- 00:01:34in from
- 00:01:36barbos all right hey from Barbados
- 00:01:39welcome Barbara from Alabama all right
- 00:01:43welcome from Alabama welcome welcome
- 00:01:47Cassandra good here in Albany Georgia
- 00:01:49all right
- 00:01:52welcome Albany Georgia welcome to the
- 00:01:54call thank you for joining us so listen
- 00:01:56everybody go ahead um in the chat
- 00:01:58because I like to AI
- 00:02:08sorry Miss Beverly I I had to meet you
- 00:02:10out you can make me c oh okay hold on
- 00:02:13one second so welcome everybody go ahead
- 00:02:17and uh let's see what is that okay go
- 00:02:22ahead and unmute for me state your name
- 00:02:24let us know where you're calling from
- 00:02:25please where are you Jan
- 00:02:28Georgia all right welcome
- 00:02:31har from Texas Elise Columbia South
- 00:02:34Carolina all right welcome to the call
- 00:02:43Denise welcome to from Houston welcome
- 00:02:48Christine from
- 00:02:50Georgia welcome from Georgia from
- 00:02:54colia right
- 00:02:56welcome eframe Corpus CHR Texas all
- 00:03:00right welcome from Texas is Kathy from
- 00:03:04Houston all right hey Kathy
- 00:03:07welcome Don from
- 00:03:10Ohio all right hey welcome from
- 00:03:15Ohio how yall doing doing well thank you
- 00:03:18so much how are you good thank you
- 00:03:23you're
- 00:03:24welcome all right Hey listen it's Friday
- 00:03:27night and we're older so we ain't going
- 00:03:30nowhere we're no we're in the we're in
- 00:03:32the dungeon right now working we are
- 00:03:34actually um drove to meet with some of
- 00:03:37our uh business partners so we are here
- 00:03:40until Sunday at a different location
- 00:03:44right now and we have been doing some
- 00:03:46great work so I'm super excited um I'm
- 00:03:48really excited to hear from you guys too
- 00:03:50so I want to just kind of Jump Right In
- 00:03:52and get down to business um let me see I
- 00:03:56am gonna mute you out for just a second
- 00:03:58though
- 00:03:59all right and then Reagan will be man in
- 00:04:02the chat but I'm going to go ahead and
- 00:04:03let Reagan introduce herself and because
- 00:04:05I know we have some new folks on tell
- 00:04:06her tell a little bit about herself and
- 00:04:09then I'll do the same and then we're
- 00:04:10going to Dive Right In and get down to
- 00:04:12this training and I want to keep it
- 00:04:14short and sweet tonight on Friday nights
- 00:04:17uh because we'll do the call Monday
- 00:04:18through Friday except on New Year's Eve
- 00:04:20we're not going to do a call um that New
- 00:04:24Year's Eve okay um but Monday through
- 00:04:27Friday in from now on until I say we're
- 00:04:31not we're going to do uh double header
- 00:04:33so we're going to be in the dungeon
- 00:04:35training so I'm going to go ahead and
- 00:04:36allow Reagan to introduce herself go
- 00:04:38right ahead yes my name is Reagan Lynch
- 00:04:41half of the Lynch twins um I would just
- 00:04:44say you know I'm an entrepreneur I'm a
- 00:04:46creative um I really focus on you know
- 00:04:50working with people and I am the steps
- 00:04:53Queen so that's the only time you'll
- 00:04:54probably you know Megan always says
- 00:04:56she's the the bossy twin but that's the
- 00:04:58time that you'll you'll get the
- 00:05:00bossiness out of me it's it's just love
- 00:05:03steps and things being easy for you guys
- 00:05:05so I'm going to be the main person that
- 00:05:07you guys reach out to when you're you
- 00:05:09know when you have questions or anything
- 00:05:11like that so I'm just excited to get
- 00:05:14started all right well um for those of
- 00:05:17you who uh have been on our calls before
- 00:05:20you know that we've been in other um
- 00:05:21opportunities we ran our own business I
- 00:05:24spent 17 years in the classroom as a
- 00:05:26high school English teacher uh and coach
- 00:05:29and then I got into entrepreneurship
- 00:05:31really because my daughter was playing
- 00:05:33volleyball and I don't know if you guys
- 00:05:35have kids who play Au or who play any
- 00:05:38type of sports I mean uh to be honest
- 00:05:42volleyball was like
- 00:05:43$5,300 just to get in the door and as a
- 00:05:45single parent my thought was like how am
- 00:05:47I going to take care of my kids and pay
- 00:05:50$5,000 plus travel fees so I really
- 00:05:53started looking for different
- 00:05:54opportunities and Reagan and I have done
- 00:05:56a lot of different things I mean we had
- 00:05:58a t-shirt company we've always been
- 00:06:00entrepreneurial-minded we used to sell
- 00:06:02pictures when we were like five you know
- 00:06:05we'd go door too we lived in a small
- 00:06:07town in Princeton Indiana but everybody
- 00:06:09in our family were athletes so we went
- 00:06:11to college we played Sports um Reagan
- 00:06:14actually had three open heart surgery so
- 00:06:16she had to walk away from UM playing
- 00:06:18volleyball I continued uh playing at the
- 00:06:21Collegiate level but then after I got
- 00:06:23out of college it was kind of like what
- 00:06:25do you do now right so I got into
- 00:06:28entrepreneurship and then and our Focus
- 00:06:30has always been to help as many people
- 00:06:32as possible so a long time ago we had
- 00:06:34this Vision that we were going to well
- 00:06:36Reagan did um she had this dream that we
- 00:06:39were GNA be like you remember your dream
- 00:06:43oh well you're Moses and the the new
- 00:06:46Moses and Aaron like we're we're
- 00:06:47operating in that so you know and we and
- 00:06:51I thought it was a really interesting
- 00:06:52dream back in like 2012 and she had
- 00:06:55written it down and from that point on
- 00:06:57you know we really got involved in a lot
- 00:06:59of different things I actually started a
- 00:07:01program for young men called SOS saving
- 00:07:03our sons uh because unfortunately a lot
- 00:07:05of my uh young males were literally
- 00:07:09dying in the streets I buried kids every
- 00:07:11single year so I got involved with um
- 00:07:15just teaching people how to make
- 00:07:17legitimate money that that's where this
- 00:07:19entrepreneurial Spirit was born um
- 00:07:21Reagan did a lot of things ourselves we
- 00:07:25we uh really truly understand the power
- 00:07:28of Entrepreneurship and then after she
- 00:07:30had her third open heart surgery she
- 00:07:32started athletes have heart uh because
- 00:07:34every 3 days uh a athlete dies from
- 00:07:37Sudden cardiac arrest so we've been
- 00:07:39doing a lot of things you know and as
- 00:07:41single parents the main problem or
- 00:07:44challenge for us has always been um
- 00:07:47money and that was only because we were
- 00:07:50always focused on lack okay put a one in
- 00:07:53the chat if you guys agree you you know
- 00:07:55people who are always talking about
- 00:07:56money but they're always talking about
- 00:07:58it in a negative
- 00:08:00they're always talking about what they
- 00:08:01don't have and then as we started to get
- 00:08:04into our you know our spirituality and
- 00:08:06we started to understand that we we have
- 00:08:08the power to create so I want you guys
- 00:08:10to type that word in the chat create you
- 00:08:13have the power to create you cannot
- 00:08:16focus on what you don't have because you
- 00:08:17will draw that to you right and then now
- 00:08:20you're going to start running into a ton
- 00:08:22of people who are talking about not
- 00:08:24having they don't have this I don't have
- 00:08:26money for this how much is this going to
- 00:08:28cost and we started to think about what
- 00:08:30will it cost if we don't do something
- 00:08:33different okay right that's it like if
- 00:08:36we don't get in alignment if we don't
- 00:08:38correct our language if we don't um
- 00:08:42correct our our vibration the things
- 00:08:45that we put out we're going to stay in
- 00:08:46the same place that we've always stayed
- 00:08:48so we understand that you know it is a
- 00:08:51true law of attraction you will attract
- 00:08:54what you think about you will attract
- 00:08:56what you talk about and then all of a
- 00:08:58sudden you're going to start saying well
- 00:08:59see I told you everybody's broke no
- 00:09:02they're not right money's everywhere and
- 00:09:05if you're not attracting it you're not
- 00:09:06an alignment to attract it and money is
- 00:09:10not the most important thing but I want
- 00:09:11you guys to understand that you cannot
- 00:09:13live without it right now not in this
- 00:09:15climate you cannot raise a family and
- 00:09:18not have money but you have to stop
- 00:09:20focusing on not having and start uh
- 00:09:24really truly aligning yourself with
- 00:09:26people who are creators and what we
- 00:09:29create more than anything everybody type
- 00:09:31the the word hope in the in the chat you
- 00:09:35just have to have a little bit of hope
- 00:09:37that your your best days are still in
- 00:09:40front of you not behind you right um and
- 00:09:43Reagan and I have had some tough roads I
- 00:09:45mean we've we've not had money we've had
- 00:09:47a lot of money we've partnered with
- 00:09:49great people we've partnered with the
- 00:09:51wrong people but we don't focus on that
- 00:09:54what we focus on is what we learned in
- 00:09:56the process of being creators and now
- 00:09:59guess what we're now that her and I are
- 00:10:01in alignment and we start speaking
- 00:10:05abundance guess what now people start
- 00:10:08coming to us hey I got a million dollar
- 00:10:10I spent a million dollars on this
- 00:10:12product and I would love for you guys to
- 00:10:14have it because you care about people
- 00:10:17it's those types of things that start to
- 00:10:19happen so I want you guys to understand
- 00:10:21stop worrying and start creating start
- 00:10:26asking get into the mode of asking for
- 00:10:29things things because I promise you if
- 00:10:31you're in alignment with the right
- 00:10:32people and you start asking you're going
- 00:10:34to start receiving
- 00:10:36so I'm gonna get off my soap box now no
- 00:10:39right that was good stuff so who is my
- 00:10:42napkin down right so listen that's
- 00:10:46that's our that's going to be the whole
- 00:10:49focus of what we do we have created an
- 00:10:52opportunity for all of you also for our
- 00:10:55kids because our kids need to get out of
- 00:10:57our pockets you know and and I'll tell
- 00:11:01you a real quick story my son uh and
- 00:11:05Reagan's son are you know they've been
- 00:11:07in companies with us and they've made
- 00:11:09more money than most adults have made
- 00:11:12and my son said the other day it was
- 00:11:14almost like well I was making 20,000 a
- 00:11:17month as an
- 00:11:1818yearold and now he has a job and he
- 00:11:21does really well but I can tell like you
- 00:11:25know when you go from having that much
- 00:11:27to trying to live kind of a normal race
- 00:11:29regular life it can weigh on you a
- 00:11:31little bit but this time I told him I
- 00:11:32said this time you got to run with us
- 00:11:35but you got have to learn how to
- 00:11:38appreciate that type of money because
- 00:11:4120,000 a month how many of you guys
- 00:11:42would love to make an extra and I'm not
- 00:11:44saying quit your job how many of you
- 00:11:46would love to make an extra 20,000 a
- 00:11:49month or maybe cut it in half just put
- 00:11:52me in the chat or you would love to make
- 00:11:54an extra 10,000 a month or cut it in
- 00:11:57half maybe you just need an extra 5,000
- 00:12:00a month to get started or cut it in half
- 00:12:03maybe you just need an extra 2500 a
- 00:12:05month right now there are some people
- 00:12:07out here who are just like I need to get
- 00:12:09out of the red that's it I just need
- 00:12:11some hope that my kids going to college
- 00:12:15that I I have a little bit so you can do
- 00:12:19that in this platform because we we
- 00:12:21created it we birthed it like how can we
- 00:12:24get people the most money possible
- 00:12:29legally cuz ain't nobody going to jail
- 00:12:31for nobody right how can we create and
- 00:12:35we said type this in the chat guys um
- 00:12:39relationship you have to go back to your
- 00:12:41old relationships Reagan and I have met
- 00:12:44people who have made millions and
- 00:12:46billions I went to bise with a guy who
- 00:12:49has made a billion dollars and I'm on a
- 00:12:52farm in the middle of bise like and he
- 00:12:55created it it was like aund million doll
- 00:12:58Farm I stayed for a week and he's
- 00:13:00walking around in flip-flops and he
- 00:13:03employed all these people from bise who
- 00:13:05were once poor and now they live on the
- 00:13:07farm it was the most amazing thing ever
- 00:13:09I'm like how did you do it and he said I
- 00:13:13don't hang around with people who don't
- 00:13:15believe that it's possible he said you
- 00:13:18get seven minutes of my time and that
- 00:13:21will determine if I give you another
- 00:13:22seven minutes that's what he said we're
- 00:13:24sitting there and I'm like taking notes
- 00:13:27he's like you get seven minutes of my
- 00:13:30time and it will determine if I give you
- 00:13:32another seven minutes so I want you guys
- 00:13:34to understand that you have to believe
- 00:13:36that this is going to work and you have
- 00:13:38to start asking and then I need you guys
- 00:13:40to get out of the mode of asking for
- 00:13:42things and start getting in a receiving
- 00:13:45mode and allowing you got to start
- 00:13:47allowing things to happen
- 00:13:51so this is a money call I'm going to
- 00:13:53tell you a little bit about the product
- 00:13:55just a little bit but I need you to stop
- 00:13:57asking about the product because we
- 00:14:00worked really hard to make sure that you
- 00:14:02have exactly what you need but I need
- 00:14:04you guys to get in the the um allowing
- 00:14:08mode of taking this knowledge so that
- 00:14:11you can have as much money as possible
- 00:14:14and then you take that money and you
- 00:14:15create whatever it is you want to create
- 00:14:18right go save the whales go help the
- 00:14:20homeless go do whatever it is that you
- 00:14:22want to do Reagan's going to help you
- 00:14:24know uh athletes who are dying of sea
- 00:14:27like she's going to get
- 00:14:30a fifth wheel and leave us and travel
- 00:14:32all over the world that's what she wants
- 00:14:33to do so guess what we need money to do
- 00:14:36that so we want to help you guys create
- 00:14:39it as well so I'm gonna slide in here
- 00:14:41Reagan is gonna slide out for a second
- 00:14:43and I only have a couple slides so I'm
- 00:14:46gonna turn my video off for just a
- 00:14:47second but I want you guys to understand
- 00:14:49that I am super serious about building
- 00:14:53write that in your notes okay put that
- 00:14:55in your notes put build somebody type it
- 00:14:57in the chat we are becoming
- 00:15:01Builders and I only build certain ways
- 00:15:06so if it's if I'm going into somebody's
- 00:15:09company I'm not going into that company
- 00:15:12immediately I never do I spend 24 to 48
- 00:15:16hours and I become an expert and then I
- 00:15:20get with my team and I start teaching
- 00:15:22them how to build it we're going to
- 00:15:23build it this way we're all going to do
- 00:15:25it the same way so why would I do it any
- 00:15:28different and our own company and the
- 00:15:31way that we have set up this
- 00:15:32Compensation Plan it's really set up for
- 00:15:35the person who is never going to sign up
- 00:15:38very many people right but if you do
- 00:15:42sign up people everybody type the number
- 00:15:44seven in the chat type seven we're going
- 00:15:47to learn how to get Legend qualified and
- 00:15:50you know a legend can make upwards to a
- 00:15:53half a million dollars a month so that's
- 00:15:56what we're focused on why would I teach
- 00:15:58you how to make 500 a month when we
- 00:16:00created a plan where it maxes out at
- 00:16:03442,000 a month and it it I promise you
- 00:16:07it's doable because the crazy thing is
- 00:16:10on the structure Reagan and I have done
- 00:16:12it multiple times we just didn't do it
- 00:16:15in a Compensation Plan like this
- 00:16:19so I'm G show you guys how to do it okay
- 00:16:22we are coming out of retirement so when
- 00:16:24you hear me say that it's because I took
- 00:16:26a little
- 00:16:27break um and I wanted to just focus on
- 00:16:32focusing right so coming out of
- 00:16:35retirement and our modotto really right
- 00:16:37now guys is one more time I need you to
- 00:16:39kind of trust the process one more time
- 00:16:42okay trust this process one more time so
- 00:16:46let me pull this up can you guys see my
- 00:16:48screen okay can you see my screen
- 00:16:50right yes okay so all right so we're
- 00:16:55going to have a money conversation and
- 00:16:56this is the new company launch and
- 00:16:59you're going to hear us say it a lot one
- 00:17:01more time so I want you guys to make
- 00:17:03sure that when you share with other
- 00:17:05people and they say I don't want to do
- 00:17:07it again just ask him say just one more
- 00:17:09time do it with me one more time last
- 00:17:11time I said that to Reagan she was at 20
- 00:17:13and 50,000 a month and she was like I'm
- 00:17:16done with network marketing never want
- 00:17:17to do it again and I'm like give me one
- 00:17:20more time didn't have to convince her
- 00:17:22this time because we were in creative
- 00:17:23mode together so this is what you guys
- 00:17:26are going to want to do during this
- 00:17:27pre-launch
- 00:17:29here's the timeline because I know you
- 00:17:31want to know okay number one you should
- 00:17:34have filled out the launch information
- 00:17:36on the website or on the Google form so
- 00:17:38you can stay connected okay I'll show
- 00:17:41you that again send people to the
- 00:17:43website we're going to be sending people
- 00:17:44to that particular landing page this the
- 00:17:47rest of this week and next week the
- 00:17:50reason why we're doing that is because I
- 00:17:53don't want people inside of the back
- 00:17:55office in that Matrix and they don't
- 00:17:57know what they're signing up up for
- 00:17:59because then I'm going to have to
- 00:18:01compress them out we're going to have to
- 00:18:03get rid of them and I don't want to have
- 00:18:06to do that to a whole bunch of people
- 00:18:07who just put their name down and signed
- 00:18:10up and got into a back office and it um
- 00:18:14you know it and you got you have 10,000
- 00:18:16people sitting in your downline and none
- 00:18:18of them know what's going on so
- 00:18:21understand that when everybody type the
- 00:18:23or write the word in your notes because
- 00:18:25I'm training you right now on how to
- 00:18:27launch a huge networking business
- 00:18:28business
- 00:18:30okay you just have to put it out there
- 00:18:33to everybody you know so guess what I
- 00:18:35did before I went to Mexico at
- 00:18:396:30 at night I decided to message some
- 00:18:43people and say I'm doing a call in an
- 00:18:45hour and a half and I'm launching a new
- 00:18:48company be on the call and 120 some odd
- 00:18:51people got on that call 120 people I
- 00:18:55just sent a message I made a little
- 00:18:57flyer on canva and I just sent a out and
- 00:18:59I'm like hey go tell everybody you know
- 00:19:01and I just started sending it out I and
- 00:19:03an hour and a half I text so many people
- 00:19:07I was just texting texting emailing
- 00:19:09texting emailing I didn't talk to
- 00:19:11anybody on the phone I just texted and
- 00:19:14emailed everybody that I possibly could
- 00:19:17in my contacts and half of them I didn't
- 00:19:19even know okay that's what you have to
- 00:19:21do when you're launching something you
- 00:19:23have to tell everybody and the reason
- 00:19:25why I did that is because I wanted to
- 00:19:26tell all of you guys before somebody
- 00:19:28else told you that I was launching a new
- 00:19:30company okay and then once I did that it
- 00:19:33was 8:00 and 120 some odd people got on
- 00:19:36the call and I was on that call for 13
- 00:19:39minutes and I said I'm Reagan and I are
- 00:19:41launching a new company give me one more
- 00:19:43time I did my little Spiel I dropped a
- 00:19:46Google form and I said go share it and
- 00:19:49now at this point we have well over
- 00:19:511,500 people that have opted in to that
- 00:19:54Google form because it's the power of
- 00:19:57sharing one person shares Melvin shared
- 00:19:59with this person and this person shared
- 00:20:01with that person that's all you have to
- 00:20:03do and if people start asking you
- 00:20:05questions just say get on the call right
- 00:20:08so you fill out the launch information
- 00:20:10that's what you guys did so you can stay
- 00:20:11connected what you guys want to do is
- 00:20:13you want to share the link with
- 00:20:15potential partners that link is Join one
- 00:20:18more
- when they go to that website
- 00:20:22they're going to see a video that will
- 00:20:24forever be changing and then just make
- 00:20:26sure that they put your information down
- 00:20:29number two Reagan's dropping those
- 00:20:31things in the chat you guys have to make
- 00:20:33sure that you get connected um in our
- 00:20:36database because our emails haven't been
- 00:20:39going through because Gmail's weird so
- 00:20:41we have a new system so in the next day
- 00:20:43or two you guys are going to start
- 00:20:44getting emails from our system but again
- 00:20:48we wanted you to build on Google forms
- 00:20:50because I'm looking somebody type the
- 00:20:52word leader in the chat right now Reagan
- 00:20:54and I are looking for leaders so we're
- 00:20:57looking for people who will go and
- 00:20:59share cuz it's free to share are those
- 00:21:03people going to join you in business
- 00:21:04maybe maybe not it's a law of numbers at
- 00:21:07this point but you know what Reagan and
- 00:21:09I are really looking for go-getters
- 00:21:11we're not looking for people to call us
- 00:21:13and say hey well you better position me
- 00:21:15on top but if I position you on top and
- 00:21:17you don't do anything you're going to
- 00:21:19sit there and you're not going to help
- 00:21:20me spill over into other people's
- 00:21:23organizations so why why do you need to
- 00:21:25be on top and I understand that some
- 00:21:28people are like I'm just not good at
- 00:21:31recruiting no you haven't learned the
- 00:21:33skill set of sharing with conviction
- 00:21:36that's your problem you don't believe in
- 00:21:38what you're doing yet right you don't
- 00:21:41believe in what you're doing yet so you
- 00:21:43got to figure out what you care about
- 00:21:47and push that it's part of the reason
- 00:21:48why I don't do a lot of juices pills and
- 00:21:50potions and I stay in the financial
- 00:21:51space because I can very much be Harriet
- 00:21:54Tubman I can very much stand on a soap
- 00:21:57box and tell you guys that yes our
- 00:21:59finances are messed up but money is
- 00:22:01everywhere right if you want to go save
- 00:22:03people you got to save yourself first
- 00:22:05because no one's listening to you if you
- 00:22:06don't start believing in yourself first
- 00:22:09so I can do that in the financial space
- 00:22:11I feel like it's where Reagan and I
- 00:22:13thrive so I need you guys to get some
- 00:22:15conviction about what it is you're doing
- 00:22:17you don't have to know what the product
- 00:22:20is to understand that there's
- 00:22:23$442,000 a month on the table and we're
- 00:22:26going to get it because we created it
- 00:22:28for you to get it so share the link to
- 00:22:32the opportunity so you can get
- 00:22:33positioned early into the powerful 3x10
- 00:22:36forced Matrix right the more you share
- 00:22:39the more income you could earn because
- 00:22:42for every person that you refer and if
- 00:22:44they decide to sign up and people fall
- 00:22:47under them or they decide that they want
- 00:22:49to move you're going to match their
- 00:22:51check 100% it's a big deal right so how
- 00:22:55many incomes do you want to create right
- 00:22:58now and again I don't care if Denise
- 00:23:01makes $10 in The Matrix you're going to
- 00:23:05make $10 if you brought her a board and
- 00:23:07then Denise goes and signs up you know
- 00:23:10um Aaron n and Aaron n is like I I I got
- 00:23:14kids that need to go to college I have
- 00:23:16grandkids I have this I I'm telling
- 00:23:18everybody and I'm gonna make them tell
- 00:23:20me no right and then Aaron null goes out
- 00:23:24and tells five or six people and he's
- 00:23:27making a
- 00:23:29a month in The Matrix well guess what
- 00:23:31Miss Denise you're making $1,000 you're
- 00:23:34matching him 100% you get paid what he
- 00:23:37gets paid it's a big deal and don't let
- 00:23:40Aaron go and tell you know uh Alita
- 00:23:43Jackson Who and Alita Jackson I'm just
- 00:23:45picking names out of the chat right
- 00:23:47Alita Jackson goes and says you know
- 00:23:50what I'm gonna do the same and Alita
- 00:23:51Jackson's now making $1,000 and now Miss
- 00:23:55Denise yeah you might have only brought
- 00:23:57in Aaron but Aaron made a th000 a month
- 00:24:00in The Matrix so you match him and then
- 00:24:03Aaron brought in Alita and Alita makes
- 00:24:061,000 a month and you match her 50% so
- 00:24:09you make another 500 all of a sudden
- 00:24:11you're making 1,500 a month and you told
- 00:24:15one person but if one can chase a
- 00:24:18hundred and a 100 can chase a thousand
- 00:24:20who says that we couldn't have a million
- 00:24:22people right companies have done it
- 00:24:25before so I need you guys to start
- 00:24:26getting in the mindset of creating and
- 00:24:29having some hope the third thing that's
- 00:24:31going to happen in the month of January
- 00:24:35right which January is right around the
- 00:24:37corner so everybody wants to know like
- 00:24:39what's the process okay um attend the
- 00:24:42Matrix training and every day I'm going
- 00:24:44to tell you stuff and we're going to
- 00:24:46teach and bring people to the call
- 00:24:48because we're not just going to talk
- 00:24:50money some people are hurting and we got
- 00:24:52to get their minds right and money
- 00:24:55doesn't fix everything but I'd rather be
- 00:24:57you know depr depressed with money than
- 00:25:01depressed and broke because my view
- 00:25:03looks different I'm still depressed but
- 00:25:05I could be depressed on the beach it's a
- 00:25:07difference right so I want you to
- 00:25:09understand money does matter I don't
- 00:25:11care what people say if they tell you it
- 00:25:13doesn't matter it's because they've
- 00:25:14given up on it mattering but it matters
- 00:25:16because I've been very wealthy and I you
- 00:25:18know I felt very wealthy and I've been
- 00:25:21broke and broke sucks I don't like it
- 00:25:26right so attend the Matrix
- 00:25:29training then I want to I want you guys
- 00:25:31to get Legend qualified um because
- 00:25:34Legend qualified is going to open up all
- 00:25:3610 levels of the Matrix here's how you
- 00:25:39get Legend qualified you will choose
- 00:25:41write this down you will choose the
- 00:25:44legend bundle right and we kept all the
- 00:25:47price points of the bundles low and we
- 00:25:50only have two or three right so Reagan's
- 00:25:54going to drop the telegram for you but
- 00:25:56the only way you you can just get
- 00:25:58qualified to be a legend and get unlock
- 00:26:01all 10 levels if you referred seven
- 00:26:04people who got a a membership whether it
- 00:26:08be the affordable membership or the even
- 00:26:12more affordable membership it doesn't
- 00:26:14matter and you had seven people and you
- 00:26:17have the legend
- 00:26:19bundle you you unlock all 10 levels
- 00:26:22right so that we're going to all get
- 00:26:24Legend qualified while we're free we're
- 00:26:26going to tell everybody that we possi
- 00:26:28can we're going to get those people to
- 00:26:30fill out the form and then what we're
- 00:26:33going to do is we are going to have a
- 00:26:35company name reveal in January too we're
- 00:26:39going to tell you the name so we're
- 00:26:40keeping it exciting for you so if
- 00:26:41somebody's like well what's the company
- 00:26:43just tell them we're hope creators just
- 00:26:45say that we create hope and there's a
- 00:26:48lot of things going on in the month of
- 00:26:49January and I don't want you to miss out
- 00:26:50on it so get on this call well what just
- 00:26:52get on I gotta go I got other people to
- 00:26:54talk
- 00:26:55to right the company name will be
- 00:26:59revealed the product bundles will be
- 00:27:02revealed in the month of January as well
- 00:27:04so we'll start breaking that down so you
- 00:27:06guys can understand which bundle works
- 00:27:08best for you and I'll talk about the
- 00:27:10bundle in just a second okay the next
- 00:27:13thing that you're going to do in the
- 00:27:14month of January this is going to happen
- 00:27:16really soon um and I say soon like we
- 00:27:19really want it to happen by the end of
- 00:27:21next week where now you guys are going
- 00:27:23to get to go into the back office and
- 00:27:25you create a free account and you lock
- 00:27:27in your spot for
- 00:27:29$25 you do not want to not have people
- 00:27:34on board right Wayne if you come aboard
- 00:27:37and you create your free account and you
- 00:27:39lock your spot for $25 you want to have
- 00:27:42your three people right there like
- 00:27:44listen I'm locking my spot I'm giving
- 00:27:47you my link lock your spot now not
- 00:27:49tomorrow not when you feel like it
- 00:27:51because you're timestamped and Wayne
- 00:27:55very much so you want your personals to
- 00:27:58to be as close to the Top If not on your
- 00:28:00top level as possible when that Matrix
- 00:28:03fills up you don't want you know the the
- 00:28:07rain to come and other people are
- 00:28:08sprinkling in there and then you don't
- 00:28:10get your top three levels now can you
- 00:28:12still make money if you don't get your
- 00:28:14top three levels yes but you want your
- 00:28:17people sitting on the top of your Matrix
- 00:28:20because then when the
- 00:28:22spillover uh potentially comes into your
- 00:28:25organization because we only have one
- 00:28:26Matrix and I'll show it to you you guys
- 00:28:29you want those people to fall under your
- 00:28:31people because then your people make
- 00:28:34money on anybody in the organization and
- 00:28:37you match your personals check so you
- 00:28:41already want to be pre-building that's
- 00:28:42why we're giving you guys an opportunity
- 00:28:44right now to go and tell everybody you
- 00:28:46know and sift them and get them on the
- 00:28:48Google form basically right once you get
- 00:28:52them on the Google form we'll start
- 00:28:54sending it to you guys so you know who
- 00:28:55filled out the Google form under your
- 00:28:57name and then you need to start talking
- 00:28:59to them start letting them know like you
- 00:29:01got to be on these calls we're going to
- 00:29:03build a massive team um ah I've never
- 00:29:06done network marketing before yes you
- 00:29:08have you just don't get paid to do it
- 00:29:10right we're gonna teach you how to get
- 00:29:11paid to run your mouth and to share and
- 00:29:14to create hope right so you want them to
- 00:29:17sign up as close to you as possible
- 00:29:20because it everybody's timestamped and
- 00:29:23then I would tell you guys share like go
- 00:29:25wide go seven wide you want to
- 00:29:29sign up as many people as you can in
- 00:29:30that free stage and then when you get to
- 00:29:32the $25 stage Johnny Galaxy you might
- 00:29:37sign up 20 people who locked their spot
- 00:29:40for $25 and we're going to pay you $10
- 00:29:43for each one of those people so now all
- 00:29:45of a sudden Johnny has created what what
- 00:29:49is that $200 $200 worth worth of income
- 00:29:52already during
- 00:29:54pre-launch so we don't need to keep the
- 00:29:56money we're going to give it back back
- 00:29:58to you I mean obviously we have
- 00:29:59programming costs and things like that
- 00:30:01but we we're going to give it back to
- 00:30:03you that $25 is for the training it's
- 00:30:05for you to lock your spot but also we're
- 00:30:08creating income as well so we're going
- 00:30:10to give you $10 of that back so how much
- 00:30:12income do you want to make okay and then
- 00:30:16the month of February it's just all out
- 00:30:19massive we're going to run as hard as we
- 00:30:21can we're going to be doing events all
- 00:30:24over the globe right not just the states
- 00:30:28all over the globe so we want to go
- 00:30:29where the leaders are we want to do many
- 00:30:32super Saturdays because we build belly
- 00:30:34to belly and I don't care if we come to
- 00:30:36your city and you have 20 people in the
- 00:30:38room I don't care we'll do a meeting
- 00:30:40with 20 people but I promise you when we
- 00:30:43double back and come back in 90 days you
- 00:30:45should have 200 people in the room right
- 00:30:48because that's how we've been taught by
- 00:30:50the best of the best to build we went
- 00:30:52from eight people in an organization to
- 00:30:5521,000 people and I was in a two-bedroom
- 00:30:58apartment during covid and I never left
- 00:31:01my house never because we were it was
- 00:31:04covid it was
- 00:31:06lockdown so I want you guys to
- 00:31:08understand that we've done it before so
- 00:31:11our goal is is to get you guys into the
- 00:31:14back office by next week but we wanted
- 00:31:17to do some sifting and get rid of the
- 00:31:19people who are just filling out stuff
- 00:31:20and they don't know what they're filling
- 00:31:22out and their negative Neds and NES we
- 00:31:24wanted to get rid of them I don't want
- 00:31:26those people just with free
- 00:31:28accounts you know it's not necessary
- 00:31:32when you get your free account you won't
- 00:31:33go into the Matrix right away when you
- 00:31:35pay your $25 that puts you in The Matrix
- 00:31:37and then in the month of February we
- 00:31:39just run okay let me show you this real
- 00:31:42quick so this is our last thing and then
- 00:31:45we're going to look at the Matrix but I
- 00:31:46want you guys to talk to me okay and ask
- 00:31:49questions so everybody wants to know
- 00:31:51what the product is and the product is
- 00:31:53very simple it's empowering Financial
- 00:31:56Freedom through technology
- 00:31:59okay it's empowering Financial Freedom
- 00:32:02through technology and that's that the
- 00:32:05technology that we have and I say
- 00:32:07products okay um and services help you
- 00:32:11to earn okay our products help you to
- 00:32:15make
- 00:32:16money and some people you know um don't
- 00:32:20use technology very well I'm
- 00:32:21technologically challenged as well uh
- 00:32:24but we we've done some other things and
- 00:32:26we've helped people do some other things
- 00:32:28and we realize people are really truly
- 00:32:30technologically challenged right so
- 00:32:33we're like we got to think of something
- 00:32:34else that's easier more simple for
- 00:32:37people to do so products and services
- 00:32:40should make you money should help you to
- 00:32:42earn and then you should learn how to
- 00:32:45earn independently as well and there are
- 00:32:47some things that we're going to be doing
- 00:32:49that none of you have done before right
- 00:32:53I I feel like we have some great things
- 00:32:54that none of you have done and we want
- 00:32:57to help you to do that and then you can
- 00:32:59earn in the lucrative compensation plan
- 00:33:02because we're pre-building it right now
- 00:33:04so our goal is is that when we do flip
- 00:33:06the switch and you pay your membership
- 00:33:08at the beginning of February and the
- 00:33:10reason why we're doing it at the
- 00:33:11beginning of February is because all the
- 00:33:13month of January we need to learn and
- 00:33:16share so that we can earn
- 00:33:19forever if that makes sense okay and
- 00:33:22then when people pay their
- 00:33:25membership you're going to be able to
- 00:33:26pay multiple ways so don't worry about
- 00:33:29that we're Global there isn't going to
- 00:33:31be a way um I'm sorry let me take that
- 00:33:34back there every person is going to have
- 00:33:36a way to get into this company we made
- 00:33:38sure of it we're a global opportunity we
- 00:33:40have people all over the world okay so I
- 00:33:43want you to understand that everybody's
- 00:33:45going to be able to participate it's
- 00:33:47Global and our system you're going to
- 00:33:49have the perfect marketing tools because
- 00:33:52it's all about automation right now and
- 00:33:54I used to do literally 10 to 15 calls a
- 00:33:57day day and I lost my voice I made
- 00:34:00100,000 a month doing it lost 15
- 00:34:04PBS but I didn't really get to see my
- 00:34:06family that much during that that build
- 00:34:08and I don't want to build like that this
- 00:34:10time so we have some phenomenal
- 00:34:12automation where you're going to be able
- 00:34:15to send someone a link and they can get
- 00:34:17on a live Zoom that seems like it's live
- 00:34:20that runs three times a day so they
- 00:34:23can't tell you that they can't watch it
- 00:34:25and then if they say you know what I
- 00:34:26really like this and we're going to keep
- 00:34:28the presentation ridiculously short 15
- 00:34:31minutes you know um because people have
- 00:34:34short attention spans they can watch
- 00:34:36that video and then they can sign up
- 00:34:38because it's connected to your link so
- 00:34:41you don't even have to be there you
- 00:34:42don't even have to be on a zoom just
- 00:34:44send it to people and say hey this live
- 00:34:46Zoom is going on right now jump in there
- 00:34:48and there's people commenting and
- 00:34:50everything and if they say I like it
- 00:34:53just tell them okay push the button and
- 00:34:55it's connected to you so we have some
- 00:34:58great tools we hired a phenomenal
- 00:35:00marketing director because most people
- 00:35:02companies fall short when it comes to
- 00:35:04marketing and then you got to do it all
- 00:35:06yourself so trust and believe we're not
- 00:35:09new to this we've been around the block
- 00:35:11and we G to do it smarter and not harder
- 00:35:13this time okay last thing I want to show
- 00:35:16you guys is um there's two parts to the
- 00:35:20compensation plan on the front end it's
- 00:35:23more of a direct sales that you can
- 00:35:26participate in or not it's more like
- 00:35:28affiliate and you can you know purchase
- 00:35:31different things that can help you be
- 00:35:33successful and to in making money you
- 00:35:36can Market those you can even be a free
- 00:35:40member and never pay a membership and
- 00:35:43sell products and we'll pay you we won't
- 00:35:46pay you what you would make if you were
- 00:35:49a member but we'll pay you so nobody has
- 00:35:51a reason to say oh I don't have the
- 00:35:53money well if you don't have the money
- 00:35:55then figure figure it out because when I
- 00:35:57didn't have the money I sold everything
- 00:36:00legal I sold my shoes I sold my clothes
- 00:36:02I sold any purse I had I did what I had
- 00:36:05to do to be able to get into different
- 00:36:08opportunities right so I want you guys
- 00:36:11to understand that that you're going to
- 00:36:12have opportunities to um Market some
- 00:36:16phenomenal products on the front end but
- 00:36:18what we're focused on right now is
- 00:36:20getting you guys to understand that when
- 00:36:21you get a product bundle which
- 00:36:23everybody's going to want a product
- 00:36:24bundle and they're from affordable to
- 00:36:28more affordable okay and you can get a
- 00:36:30product bundle so you can kind of have
- 00:36:33everything that you want well that
- 00:36:35product bundle puts you in um The Matrix
- 00:36:39okay let me move this over that product
- 00:36:42bundle will put you in the Matrix and
- 00:36:44when you get into the Matrix depending
- 00:36:46on which product bundle you have you'll
- 00:36:47make up to $5 for every Matrix position
- 00:36:51that falls underneath you it maxes out
- 00:36:53at
- 00:36:55$442,000 a month but what if you did
- 00:36:58half of that or what if you did 8% of
- 00:37:01that I think 8% of that number is like
- 00:37:033500 a month last time I checked guys if
- 00:37:07you got a did a test and there was a 100
- 00:37:11questions and you only got eight
- 00:37:13right what grade did you
- 00:37:17get somebody type it in the chat what'
- 00:37:20you
- 00:37:21get 8% on your spelling test and you go
- 00:37:25home somebody said eat
- 00:37:29right you got a f but F over here stands
- 00:37:32for you know finances Financial right
- 00:37:36because 8% of 442,000 is like 3500 a
- 00:37:41month and I'm sure that some of you guys
- 00:37:42would still be happy failing over here
- 00:37:45in this comp plant so understand that
- 00:37:49every time you refer a person you make a
- 00:37:52fast start bonus every month that they
- 00:37:54pay their membership let me say it again
- 00:37:56every time they pay their membership you
- 00:37:59get paid a fast start bonus every time
- 00:38:02they pay their
- 00:38:03membership most companies uh yes I'm
- 00:38:05recording most
- 00:38:07companies only pay you a fast start
- 00:38:09bonus when people customers come through
- 00:38:11the door and then they make the money on
- 00:38:13the life of that customer we're paying
- 00:38:16you a fast start bonus every time they
- 00:38:18pay their membership through two levels
- 00:38:21so it could be upwards to $40 or it
- 00:38:24could be upwards to uh $20 on the second
- 00:38:28level and we pay instantly So eventually
- 00:38:31you guys you're going to be getting paid
- 00:38:33every day because people are going to be
- 00:38:36uh paying their memberships every day
- 00:38:38and as we start to do a month and we do
- 00:38:41two months and we do three months and
- 00:38:44then now people's memberships are
- 00:38:46overlapping you're going to be getting
- 00:38:49up to5 Dollar on every person that falls
- 00:38:51in your organization every day though
- 00:38:54and then you're going to be getting fast
- 00:38:55start bonuses depending on how many
- 00:38:58people you bring in and when their
- 00:38:59memberships are you're going to be
- 00:39:01getting fast start bonuses every day
- 00:39:04some of you you're going to be getting
- 00:39:05paid every day and I would say at one
- 00:39:07point I think I was making 3,000
- 00:39:10something dollars a day it's a lovely
- 00:39:12thing there's not much you can't
- 00:39:14do right you can get a flat tire or four
- 00:39:17of them and you just fix it and you move
- 00:39:19on about your life you don't let it
- 00:39:21hinder you so I want you guys to
- 00:39:23understand we build a comp plan that I
- 00:39:25would want to work that Reagan would
- 00:39:27want to work that won't bankrupt the
- 00:39:29company because the more money you make
- 00:39:31actually the more money the company will
- 00:39:33make in a forced Matrix and then on the
- 00:39:35check match bonus we talked about that
- 00:39:37everybody you sign up 100% match
- 00:39:39everybody they sign up it's a 50% match
- 00:39:41no matter where they fall in The Matrix
- 00:39:44so last thing I want to show you guys
- 00:39:47is um we only have one Matrix so that's
- 00:39:51good and we're on top of it and that's
- 00:39:53what that's what you want you want you
- 00:39:55want to be in somebody's organiz ation
- 00:39:57that's actually a builder so it doesn't
- 00:40:00matter that you guys aren't Builders
- 00:40:02because we're Builders Dre's a builder
- 00:40:05Reagan's a builder right we got a lot of
- 00:40:07leaders coming aboard and they're all
- 00:40:09Builders as well and you can very well
- 00:40:12just position yourself in The Matrix and
- 00:40:14pay your membership every month and
- 00:40:16collect your um Matrix position bonuses
- 00:40:20and never refer a person you'll make
- 00:40:23income through a certain amount of
- 00:40:25levels but what if you just signed up
- 00:40:27one extra person okay and the Matrix
- 00:40:30fills up from left to right so if this
- 00:40:33person puts in three people they're
- 00:40:36going to hit one two three and then
- 00:40:39let's say that these three people don't
- 00:40:42sign up anybody yet because they're
- 00:40:43sitting around
- 00:40:45waiting and this person signs up some
- 00:40:48people or somebody above they don't have
- 00:40:50anywhere to fall they have to fall in
- 00:40:52these slots so this person has their own
- 00:40:55Matrix that's getting ready to start but
- 00:40:57it's a part of me and Reagan's Matrix up
- 00:41:00here well we have 1500 people on a forum
- 00:41:03right now so you guys can kind of do the
- 00:41:05math that the Matrix is going to fill up
- 00:41:07pretty quickly
- 00:41:10okay so understand that as the Matrix
- 00:41:13fills up it fills up one person here and
- 00:41:16then it's going to go to this person's
- 00:41:18leg here and fill up under that person
- 00:41:20then it's going to go to this person's
- 00:41:22leg and fill up here then it's going to
- 00:41:24go backwards and pick up the second spot
- 00:41:27second spot second spot third spot third
- 00:41:30spot third spot then it's going to go
- 00:41:32down to the bottom well this is only 12
- 00:41:35people I mean I promise you guys our
- 00:41:37goal is you know to sign up front line
- 00:41:41three to four to 500 people if not more
- 00:41:44than
- 00:41:45that why would why wouldn't we create
- 00:41:49400 check
- 00:41:50matches you know what I mean so I want
- 00:41:53you guys to think about it like yes it's
- 00:41:54a lovely thing to get spill over but you
- 00:41:56want to take up as many of your top
- 00:41:59spots as quickly as possible and Let the
- 00:42:02Rain Fall underneath your people because
- 00:42:04you match
- 00:42:05them okay so it's 7:45 and I was
- 00:42:10supposed to be off this call in 30
- 00:42:11minutes and and the other owners were
- 00:42:13betting that I couldn't get off in 30
- 00:42:15minutes and they won and but anyway so I
- 00:42:18could be a little long-winded I know we
- 00:42:19are going to be making some videos on
- 00:42:21the compensation plan if you guys want
- 00:42:24to pre-build Reagan will drop this in
- 00:42:26the chat you can only do it on a desktop
- 00:42:29though you can go to What's called glue
- 00:42:32Maps let's say that you want to start
- 00:42:34putting your team
- 00:42:35together it's
- 00:42:38G you can't do it on your phone
- 00:42:42you have to do it on a desktop and you
- 00:42:43can save this and you can send it to
- 00:42:46your team right so maybe you have one or
- 00:42:49two or you have three people or maybe
- 00:42:51you have 10 or 20 people and your team
- 00:42:53is already starting to form you can
- 00:42:56actually BR out just by adding you know
- 00:43:00these
- 00:43:01extra you know levels right here so I
- 00:43:04was kind of giving you guys an idea of
- 00:43:06if a person fell into your organization
- 00:43:08let's say a fell in and they're
- 00:43:10spillover you're not going to check
- 00:43:12match them and then a doesn't do
- 00:43:14anything and 300 people fall in
- 00:43:17somewhere underneath them it is not a
- 00:43:19volume based company so you don't have
- 00:43:21to worry about legs you just got to run
- 00:43:24and put people in that's it there is no
- 00:43:26Rhyme or Reason to how you should build
- 00:43:29except try to take up your first spots
- 00:43:31before anybody else does that's it right
- 00:43:34it's a race to get as many of your top
- 00:43:37spots as you possibly can before
- 00:43:38somebody else gets into those spots but
- 00:43:41let's say this person doesn't sign up
- 00:43:43anybody but there's 300 people and these
- 00:43:45people get the legend bundle they're
- 00:43:48going to $5 is going to roll up 300
- 00:43:50times $5 this person didn't refer
- 00:43:53anybody is going to make 1,500 a month
- 00:43:55right but now let's go over here oh
- 00:44:00sorry this person is going to make 1,500
- 00:44:03a month but this person who signed them
- 00:44:05up so if I go over here to like this is
- 00:44:07you and you signed up that person
- 00:44:10there's only three spots but I have a
- 00:44:11lot of different
- 00:44:13scenarios you would make an extra
- 00:44:18$1,555 because you have
- 00:44:20$35 people in this leg so you would make
- 00:44:25$1,555 if they all had the same bundle
- 00:44:28give or take if people get lower bundles
- 00:44:30you might have a little less cuz it
- 00:44:33might be a roll up of $3 instead of five
- 00:44:36okay but let's say that you beat those
- 00:44:39300 people to the spot and you signed up
- 00:44:42just one person before those people
- 00:44:45started to spill over you're going to
- 00:44:47double your income because this person
- 00:44:49is going to make
- 00:44:51$1500 you're going to make
- 00:44:55$1,555 and you're going to going to
- 00:44:57match this person's check for another
- 00:45:01$1,500 right it's a big deal so you want
- 00:45:05to get your people here now what if it's
- 00:45:07this scenario and you sign up a person
- 00:45:09and then you beat them to some of their
- 00:45:11spots and more of your personals fall in
- 00:45:15and then they sign up just a few people
- 00:45:17look you signed up one two three four
- 00:45:20five six people strategically wherever
- 00:45:23they fall wherever and they sign up a
- 00:45:26few people and now your income is
- 00:45:286,425 because you're matching this
- 00:45:30person's check you're matching this
- 00:45:32person's check this person you're 50%
- 00:45:35matching this person you're 100%
- 00:45:37matching this person 50% here 50% here
- 00:45:40this person is spillover so they only
- 00:45:42count like for that $5 or whatever that
- 00:45:44rolls up um these people you didn't sign
- 00:45:48up but you still make money off of when
- 00:45:51they pay their membership and you check
- 00:45:53match this
- 00:45:55person it's a totally different type of
- 00:45:58income so the goal is and these are each
- 00:46:00leg so each one of your legs that's
- 00:46:03going to fill up there's only three
- 00:46:05spots in your Matrix at the top but if
- 00:46:08this is me and Reagan and we only have
- 00:46:11three spots and we only have nine spots
- 00:46:13and we only have 27 spots and we only
- 00:46:15have 81 and 243 on this level and 729 on
- 00:46:20this level and 2187 on this level my
- 00:46:23goal was is to have in during pre-launch
- 00:46:2610,000 people people doesn't mean
- 00:46:28they're all going to pay but then maybe
- 00:46:30half of them pay the $25 and get in the
- 00:46:33Matrix and then maybe half of
- 00:46:36them upgrade and pay their membership
- 00:46:39and then if the rest of them don't pay
- 00:46:40their membership we'll just compress
- 00:46:42them out in the next you know 60 days
- 00:46:46because we have compression like if you
- 00:46:48can't sit into the Matrix and not do
- 00:46:50anything we'll just compress them out so
- 00:46:54it's a very powerful thing and I'm
- 00:46:56excited about it so let me do this it's
- 00:47:007:49 I am going to actually only take
- 00:47:05five
- 00:47:07questions I was gonna unmute don't do it
- 00:47:10Reagan's like don't unmute okay so
- 00:47:12because I'm up to date on answering
- 00:47:14she's up to date on answering so I do
- 00:47:16want to hear though let me do this not a
- 00:47:19question I actually would like to
- 00:47:22hear um because you shouldn't have any
- 00:47:24questions right now go get your link and
- 00:47:27go share it right there's nothing else
- 00:47:29you have a question about what's the
- 00:47:30product not telling you right not your
- 00:47:32link but your your uh the website go
- 00:47:35share the website get in the telegram
- 00:47:37make sure you attend the trainings
- 00:47:39there's nothing else you should worry
- 00:47:41about just go run right get as many
- 00:47:44people as you can but I would like to
- 00:47:45hear um three people and then I got to
- 00:47:48get off of here because I gota get back
- 00:47:50to work and we're going to be up until
- 00:47:51like 6:00 in the morning um so we only
- 00:47:54have until Sunday to be here so let me
- 00:47:56unmute
- 00:47:58raise your hand can somebody give me a
- 00:48:00thought like what what are you feeling
- 00:48:02right
- 00:48:03now what's your your excitement level
- 00:48:07positivity
- 00:48:10please I'm ready hi Carlos hey hey hey
- 00:48:15hey what's your
- 00:48:16feel's you need to get to work get off
- 00:48:19this phone let's go get up we got stuff
- 00:48:21to do right Carlos I'm ready let's go
- 00:48:25good deal thank you so much I'm I'm
- 00:48:26excited I'm I'm really excited Carlos is
- 00:48:28already putting together some event
- 00:48:31spaces in Cal or in uh Florida right
- 00:48:34Carlos um Florida Colorado there's
- 00:48:37several places yeah I'm lining up so so
- 00:48:40you know he's not waiting on me he's
- 00:48:42already like okay let me get my spots
- 00:48:44together I don't care if you got to go
- 00:48:45to a coffee shop and meet with people
- 00:48:47there I used to meet in a Panera and I
- 00:48:50would take the space over and there'd be
- 00:48:52like 30 of us sitting in there talking
- 00:48:54about whatever business we had so Carlos
- 00:48:57I'm excited as well thank you unmute let
- 00:48:59me get two more people and then I really
- 00:49:01do have to get off of
- 00:49:05here can you get the website again
- 00:49:09please yes
- 00:49:12it okay and Reagan's dropping it in the
- 00:49:14chat for you but it's Join one more
- Join one more
- 00:49:26thank you you're
- 00:49:29welcome this is the one you guys can
- 00:49:31feel comfortable sharing right because
- 00:49:33you know people are going to make some
- 00:49:34great income good question Kathy One
- 00:49:38Last Time One One Last Time One Last
- 00:49:42Cathy one more time right we're gonna do
- 00:49:44it one more time only for you guys one
- 00:49:46last time we appreciate it take it
- 00:49:50lightly thank you you're
- 00:49:52welcome hey Megan yes maam this is need
- 00:49:56a question can someone from overseas
- 00:49:59join or is it just in America it's
- 00:50:02everywhere Global it's everywhere it's
- 00:50:06Global everywhere okay so you guys are
- 00:50:09gonna have the pay system on how because
- 00:50:11it's a guy in Kenya every kimya he was
- 00:50:14interested
- 00:50:16okay the world the world is your oyster
- 00:50:20so now
- 00:50:22go go
- 00:50:24be okay
- 00:50:27can I ask a question hello go right
- 00:50:30ahead B oh you're gonna have another
- 00:50:33other
- 00:50:34languages we definitely are yes we
- 00:50:37already have yes we
- 00:50:39are those are simple simple plug plugins
- 00:50:43because if we're going to be everywhere
- 00:50:44then we have to learn to be everywhere
- 00:50:47right so yes yeah I know some Hispanic
- 00:50:50people well you talk to Carlos because
- 00:50:53he's got a really big uh leader and so
- 00:50:56you know we're looking for leaders if
- 00:50:57you speak a language then and I don't
- 00:50:59speak that
- 00:51:00language great you're a
- 00:51:03leader you how to you know do a
- 00:51:11zoom absolutely absolutely I took
- 00:51:14Spanish in at 8 o'clock in the morning
- 00:51:16so in college I don't know much but well
- 00:51:19guys listen I got to get off here
- 00:51:21because my other partner's here and I
- 00:51:23said I was going to be off in 30 minutes
- 00:51:25and they're over here now Meg I have a
- 00:51:27question yes go ahead when is the next
- 00:51:30schedule Zoom every Monday through
- 00:51:32Friday at 12: PM Eastern and at 800 PM
- 00:51:35Eastern but not on New Year's
- 00:51:38Eve got it thank you um New Year's Day I
- 00:51:42am do calls on New Year's Day is that
- 00:51:45Eastern Standard Time Eastern Standard
- 00:51:48Time yep and it's on the website guys so
- 00:51:50you can start going to the website join1
- 00:51:53more and we have a lot of
- 00:51:55things on the website and well we're
- 00:51:56going to put FAQs for the next week to
- 00:51:58week and a half while we're there until
- 00:52:00we get into the back office
- 00:52:03okay all right so I gotta go because I'm
- 00:52:06gonna get in trouble and I got a lot of
- 00:52:07work to do and we're going to be up all
- 00:52:09night so um thank you guys so much I
- 00:52:11appreciate it um I will upload this to
- 00:52:14YouTube and I'll also drop it in the
- 00:52:16telegram so I need all of you guys to
- 00:52:18get into the
- 00:52:19telegram and the playback is on the join
- 00:52:23One More Time website oh perfect from
- 00:52:25yesterday so then this one will be added
- 00:52:27so they'll all be so the and the
- 00:52:30playback to the old calls are on the
- 00:52:32website as well so you can go to those
- 00:52:34all right we gotta go I will see you
- 00:52:36guys on Monday go be
- 00:52:39fruitful go
- 00:52:41share see you guys tegram um the
- 00:52:44telegram is on the website as well so go
- 00:52:46to join and everything's on
- 00:52:49there and get in the telegram so that
- 00:52:51you don't miss
- 00:52:53anything okay appreciate people that
- 00:52:57good night good night good night hey
- 00:52:59there's 234 of you guys on here if
- 00:53:01you're not in get in now click the link
- 00:53:03right now get into the telegram okay
- 00:53:06flood that
- 00:53:07telegram all right peace and blessings
- 00:53:10everybody peace and blessings night bye
- økonomisk frihet
- entreprenørskap
- ny teknologi
- kompensasjonsplan
- Legend qualified
- nettverksbygging
- personlig vekst
- produktinnovasjon
- forretningsmulighet
- samarbeid