Johnny Gets POSSESSED In Minecraft!
TLDRIm Video dreht sich alles um eine humorvolle Auseinandersetzung in einer Familie, bei der Kinder ihren Vater nach McDonald's fragen, aber stattdessen nur Karottensuppe serviert bekommen. Die Kinder setzen alles daran, ihren Willen durchzusetzen, einschließlich eines Streichs mit einer geisterhaft klingenden Türklingel. Diese führt zu einem vermeintlich magischen Ereignis, bei dem McDonald's Essen vor der Tür erscheint. Zusätzlich gibt es eine alberne Nebenhandlung, die ein Geisterproblem im Haus involviert. Johnny, einer der Kinder, wird am Ende sogar von einem Geist heimgesucht und die Familie lädt einen "Ghostbuster" ein, um das Problem zu lösen. Trotz aller Bemühungen bleibt das Chaos bestehen und bringt lustige Wendungen mit sich, besonders als die Geistersituation außer Kontrolle gerät. Schlußendlich geht das Video in einem komischen Stil weiter, wobei Johnny letztlich im Geisterchaos gefangen bleibt.
Punti di forza
- 🍲 Kinder bevorzugen ungesunde Snacks anstelle von gesunder Nahrung.
- 🎭 Humorvolle Darstellung von familiären Konfrontationen.
- 👻 Ein Hauch von Übernatürlichem mit einem Geisterstreich.
- 🔔 Die Türglocke wird als Schlüsselobjekt für Streiche verwendet.
- 💡 Kinder zeigen Einfallsreichtum, um ihren Willen durchzusetzen.
- 🏠 Die Handlung spielt hauptsächlich im Heim der Familie.
- 📚 Es werden diverse Tricks und Methoden eingeführt, um ihre Pläne zu verwirklichen.
- 😅 Die Geschichte endet mit einem chaotischen und lustigen Abschluss.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
John wollte Daisy und Gooby McDonald's bestellen, aber Daddy entschied sich, stattdessen Karottensuppe zu machen, was Unzufriedenheit auslöste. Es entstand eine Diskussion darüber, dass sie McDonald's möchten, aber Daddy bleibt standhaft und sagt, sie müssen gesünder essen.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Die Kinder behaupten, sie hätten eine Möglichkeit, McDonald's zu bekommen, indem sie die Videolikes erhöhen. Daddy ist skeptisch, aber nachdem sie viele Likes bekommen, scheint es plötzlich McDonald's zu geben. Dies sorgt für Konflikte, da Daddy auf gesündere Ernährung besteht.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Die Kinder täuschen vor, dass sie den Haustürgong klingeln lassen, und Daddy versucht, den Streich herauszufinden. Es kommt zu Missverständnissen über den Ursprung der Geräusche, da die Kinder behaupten, sie hätten nichts damit zu tun.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Daddy weigert sich, an einen Spuk zu glauben, der von Johnny behauptet wird, nachdem er im Keller etwas Gruseliges gesehen hat. Trotz Beweisen auf Video überwältigt ihn der Glaube nicht. Die Türglocke spielt weiter eine Rolle in den angeblichen Spukvorkommnissen.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Johnny beobachtet nachts mit Überwachungskameras paranormale Aktivitäten, wird von Daddy jedoch nicht ernst genommen. Trotzdem geht Johnny der Sache eigenständig nach und stößt im Keller auf rätselhafte Entdeckungen, die seinen Verdacht erhärten.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:45
Ein Ghostbuster wird gerufen, um Johnnys behaupten Spuk zu untersuchen, aber es gibt Missverständnisse und Chaos insbesondere, da der Spuk möglicherweise zu stark ist. Die Familie muss gemeinsam Wege finden, die Geister loszuwerden und Johnny zu retten.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Warum hat der Vater kein McDonald's bestellt?
Der Vater sagt, dass es gesünder sei.
Wie versuchen die Kinder, den Vater zu überreden?
Sie versuchen den Vater zu überreden, McDonald's zu bestellen, erfinden Tricks und behaupten, sie könnten jederzeit McDonald's bekommen.
Gibt der Vater nach und bestellt McDonald's?
Nein, er bleibt bei seiner Entscheidung, dass sie gesünderes Essen brauchen.
Wie bekommen die Kinder letztendlich McDonald's?
Die Kinder inszenieren einen Streich mit einem klingelnden Türglockensystem.
Wie reagiert der Vater auf die Idee von Geistern im Haus?
Er glaubt zunächst nicht an Geister und ist skeptisch.
Gibt es tatsächlich Geister im Haus?
Ja, schließlich gibt es Anzeichen, dass ein Geist im Haus ist.
Was passiert mit Johnny am Ende des Videos?
Er wird am Ende von einem Geist heimgesucht, was das Chaos verstärkt.
Wer ist Gary im Video?
Ein Freund der Familie, der als Ghostbuster hilft, aber erfolglos bleibt.
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- 00:00:00daddy did you order me Daisy and Gooby
- 00:00:02the McDonald's we asked for uh no John
- 00:00:05didn't order it what why because I
- 00:00:07thought it would be better if I gave you
- 00:00:09guys carrot soup and stad so you got
- 00:00:10that right there carrot soup yeah gross
- 00:00:14look how healthy this is Daddy this is
- 00:00:17disgusting no one wants to eat your
- 00:00:19poopy carrot soup well it was easy to
- 00:00:21make okay all I had to do was cut up
- 00:00:23some carrots throw it in water and
- 00:00:24called carrot soup it would have just
- 00:00:25been easier to order chicken nuggets
- 00:00:28yeah Daddy I want my RM Shake no you are
- 00:00:31not getting that purple stupid shake a I
- 00:00:34want a McGriddle where's the McGriddles
- 00:00:36MC Gooby it's like 3:00 in the afternoon
- 00:00:38I'm not going to get you a MCG griddle
- 00:00:40well you can fly to China and get it
- 00:00:42jail Gooby you know how expensive that
- 00:00:45would be to fly to China get you a
- 00:00:46McGriddle and fly back here just so you
- 00:00:48can eat it yes please it's was it m it's
- 00:00:50a McGriddle do it Daddy do it no no no
- 00:00:53and no I am not getting you guys
- 00:00:55McDonald's you guys need to eat
- 00:00:56healthier stuff well Daddy I am not
- 00:00:58going to stand for this and I'm going to
- 00:00:59go on the table and yell at you yeah you
- 00:01:01want to get on the table I'll get on the
- 00:01:03table too sit down hey I'm only allowed
- 00:01:05on the table hey hey you come here you
- 00:01:07come here get off the table no Daddy get
- 00:01:09away from me no one is having Mickey D's
- 00:01:11in this house well Daddy guess what I
- 00:01:14have a superpower that you don't have
- 00:01:16what do you mean you got superpower my
- 00:01:18superpower is I can get McDonald's any
- 00:01:20second of the day at any time no you
- 00:01:23can't that's physically impossible no
- 00:01:25one on this Earth has that ability all
- 00:01:27right guys check this out arey you
- 00:01:28watching this if you like the video in
- 00:01:30the next 3 seconds then me and my
- 00:01:33friends are going to get McDonald's in
- 00:01:34Minecraft no Johnny this is unfair you
- 00:01:36can't do this quick everyone like the
- 00:01:38video in three two
- 00:01:411 guys someone just rang the doorbell is
- 00:01:45that our chicken nuggets no you can't do
- 00:01:48this I think so Daddy we just got like
- 00:01:50thousands of likes in your face no no no
- 00:01:53that that's unfair you can't use that
- 00:01:54that that ability is no that's bad no
- 00:01:57McDonald's There You Go Daddy there's
- 00:01:59some carrot soup I made you hey no you
- 00:02:00you're supposed to eat this we don't
- 00:02:01want this you can have this one too oh
- 00:02:04come on come on guys our McDonald's at
- 00:02:07the door waiting for us follow me woo I
- 00:02:10want this McDonald's me too I'm starving
- 00:02:14all right let's see what we got it's a
- 00:02:16box wao there's McDonald's in here yes
- 00:02:20oh and there's chicken nuggets I'm
- 00:02:22taking the Happy Meal I got a cheese ble
- 00:02:25let's go guys this is going to taste so
- 00:02:28much better than my daddy's cooking all
- 00:02:30right let's bring these inside and eat
- 00:02:31them at the Kitchen come on guys stupid
- 00:02:34kids eating their McDonald's I'm sitting
- 00:02:35here eating carrot soup hey Daddy I got
- 00:02:38a Happy Meal oh you got a Happy Meal
- 00:02:39well guess what I'm being healthy yeah
- 00:02:42I'm not going to get fat like you guys
- 00:02:44you already are fat hey I am not fat
- 00:02:47Daisy okay I am just I'm bulking well do
- 00:02:50you want a chicken nugget no I don't
- 00:02:52want your stupid chicken nuggets fine a
- 00:02:54really good though daddy oh God what'd
- 00:02:56you get Gooby I got a cheese boole see
- 00:02:59want cheese burer mhm cheeseburger I
- 00:03:02really like cheeseburgers but I can't I
- 00:03:03can't I got to sit here in the corner by
- 00:03:05myself and eat this carrot soup oh my
- 00:03:08gosh you guys wanted more food no I
- 00:03:10didn't Daddy I didn't ask for likes
- 00:03:12again oh great you know what now I'm
- 00:03:13going to go out there and see if there's
- 00:03:15more food cuz if you want more food you
- 00:03:16guys are all getting in big trouble oh
- 00:03:18my gosh I'm going to have to eat all
- 00:03:19this food this is horrible no Teddy it's
- 00:03:21if there's more McDonald's is mine what
- 00:03:23there's nothing here what the heck who
- 00:03:25rang the doorbell
- 00:03:27then I see you guys are pranking me good
- 00:03:30prank yep woohoo you really got your dad
- 00:03:33all this McDonald's daddy we're not
- 00:03:35pranking you look let me go ask Gooby
- 00:03:36and Daisy Gooby Daisy did you guys ring
- 00:03:39the doorbell no I was sitting here the
- 00:03:41whole time yeah Daddy look they didn't
- 00:03:43even move how would they ring a doorbell
- 00:03:45if they were in the kitchen oh I see I
- 00:03:47see what you guys did you guys did the
- 00:03:49old string on the doorbell trick what
- 00:03:51string on the doorbell no yep so I
- 00:03:53couldn't see it hold on I'm going to go
- 00:03:54see if the string Daddy really yep you
- 00:03:56guys just put the string around the
- 00:03:57house and you pulled it in the window
- 00:03:59how would you even swing on a d Bell yes
- 00:04:01you can you can wrap it around the
- 00:04:02button and just pull it I don't see
- 00:04:03nothing here though it's kind of weird
- 00:04:05are you guys actually pranking me or not
- 00:04:06tell me we're not we're not okay maybe
- 00:04:09it was just the doorbell being weird
- 00:04:11everyone let's just go inside and finish
- 00:04:12our McDonald's whatever you guys say oh
- 00:04:14my goodness McDonald's tastes so good
- 00:04:19yeah oh my gosh are you guys kidding me
- 00:04:22then it wasn't me maybe you guys put a
- 00:04:24button on your on your seat so every
- 00:04:26time you sit on it the doorbell rings
- 00:04:28how would we even do that
- 00:04:30it's not doing anything Daddy not
- 00:04:31working who's ringing the
- 00:04:34doorbell oh my God oh my God oh my God I
- 00:04:38don't know maybe it is the wind hold on
- 00:04:40let me see if it's windy outside nope I
- 00:04:41I don't feel any wind I think the button
- 00:04:43is just broken maybe you think it's
- 00:04:45broken yeah Daddy I think Gooby is right
- 00:04:47I think you need to go replace it yeah
- 00:04:48well I I need my tools to do that oh
- 00:04:50John can you go in the basement and get
- 00:04:52my wrench wait what you want me to go in
- 00:04:53the basement I'm going to need a wrench
- 00:04:55to you know pry that doorbell off o
- 00:04:57Daddy I can't really go down there
- 00:04:59because you know my leg's not working so
- 00:05:00I think we send Daisy down there I'm not
- 00:05:02going in the basement are you crazy
- 00:05:04she's going in the basement daddy Johnny
- 00:05:06you're going in the basement I asked you
- 00:05:07first and you're the oldest so you got
- 00:05:09to go down there and get it no but Daddy
- 00:05:11the basement's kind of scary don't but
- 00:05:13Daddy me okay you know what how about
- 00:05:15this we will sit on top of the staircase
- 00:05:17and we'll watch you go down are you sure
- 00:05:18daddy are you guys not going to pull a
- 00:05:20prank of me and run away no we're not
- 00:05:21going to do that just go down there and
- 00:05:23you'll see the wrench right on the wall
- 00:05:24right when you walk down hold my
- 00:05:25McDonald's I'm going in why you do this
- 00:05:27to me you know I'm going to eat this
- 00:05:28which me luck guys good luck all have
- 00:05:31fun okay everybody leave everyone leave
- 00:05:32them everyone leave them what oh no this
- 00:05:34going to be a good prank we can't leave
- 00:05:37Johnny that's mean no it's aank it's a
- 00:05:41blank come here mean that you guys got
- 00:05:42McDonald's and didn't ask me that's
- 00:05:44really mean you said you didn't want any
- 00:05:46I love McDonald's you guys kidding me
- 00:05:47look how fat I am well you should have
- 00:05:49Ed us some earlier no I was trying to
- 00:05:51make a point and you guys didn't listen
- 00:05:52to the point oh gosh it's super super
- 00:05:55dark down here I don't like this I
- 00:05:58thought I saw something something it was
- 00:06:00just a chest all right I'm looking for a
- 00:06:02crowbar of some sort I don't even know
- 00:06:05where my daddy put his tools it could be
- 00:06:07in any one of these chests or barrels
- 00:06:09yes I found a crowbar let's go I found
- 00:06:12the Crowbar wait a minute what the heck
- 00:06:15what's that over there there's like a
- 00:06:17hole in the wall behind these crafting
- 00:06:19benches what is this place oh my
- 00:06:24goodness the skeletons what is that
- 00:06:27Bailey Boo what is this thing
- 00:06:30it's a gravestone I got to get out of
- 00:06:34here Daddy Daddy what guys where are you
- 00:06:38oh my goodness
- 00:06:42guys that's not funny that's not funny
- 00:06:46stop pulling pranks on me pranked you
- 00:06:48that's what you get for pranking me
- 00:06:50everyone shut up shut up and listen to
- 00:06:51me when I was downstairs getting this
- 00:06:53crowbar I saw a hole that went to a
- 00:06:56gravestone and there were skeletons and
- 00:06:59it said B boo on the grave Johnny I
- 00:07:01don't know if you were scared or what's
- 00:07:03going on in your head because there's no
- 00:07:04grave underneath this house yes there is
- 00:07:06Daddy I saw my two eyes well you need to
- 00:07:09get your two eyes checked cuz no one's
- 00:07:10living underneath this house yeah you
- 00:07:12sure you just didn't eat your Happy Meal
- 00:07:14a little too fast no Gooby I didn't eat
- 00:07:16a Happy Meal guys come on you need to
- 00:07:18follow me down
- 00:07:20there what was that what's wrong with
- 00:07:22you the doorbell again guys the
- 00:07:24doorbell's broken we we already been
- 00:07:26through this no Daddy I think it was the
- 00:07:27ghost Bailey Boo there's no ghost named
- 00:07:30B boo God dang it Johnny you need to get
- 00:07:33your stuff in order guys come on you
- 00:07:34need to follow me downstairs everyone
- 00:07:36follow me I don't want to go down there
- 00:07:37there's no need for me to go down there
- 00:07:39well Daisy and Gooby are going to come
- 00:07:40down here and daddy if you want this
- 00:07:42crowbar you need to come downstairs okay
- 00:07:44fine fine I need to fix this doorbell
- 00:07:45the doorbell is giving me a headache
- 00:07:47come on guys come down it was right here
- 00:07:50wait what no where' it go where' it go
- 00:07:52well Johnny there's never been a hole
- 00:07:53there and there never will be a hole
- 00:07:55there daddy there was literally a hole
- 00:07:56right here I don't know what happened
- 00:07:59Donnie I just think that you're scared
- 00:08:00being in the basement okay I'm not that
- 00:08:02scared Daisy well now I'm scared cuz I
- 00:08:05know that there's a Bailey Boo down here
- 00:08:07what your belly boo it was the name of
- 00:08:09the ghost Gooby oh my goodness No One
- 00:08:11Believes Me no I don't believe you at
- 00:08:14all Now give me that crowbar so I can
- 00:08:15fix the doorbell oh my goodness here go
- 00:08:17daddy stupid all right I'm going to pry
- 00:08:20this doorbell off the door all right you
- 00:08:21guys watching you seeing this yes Daddy
- 00:08:24just fix the doorbell hurry up pry it
- 00:08:25off now you see me I have a new doorbell
- 00:08:27you guys see this right yeah I see it
- 00:08:29new doorbell wow what the it just went
- 00:08:32off daddy it just went off okay that's
- 00:08:35uh that's strange you just press it no I
- 00:08:38did not press it Gooby I didn't press
- 00:08:40any of it let me try pressing it yep
- 00:08:42that's how they work obviously it's
- 00:08:43going to work if you press it Gooby but
- 00:08:45it went off by itself what if it's like
- 00:08:46just like the wiring in the house or the
- 00:08:49electricity no it can't it can't be that
- 00:08:51cuz we just got our wires done it's got
- 00:08:53to be maybe the doorbell manufacturer or
- 00:08:55the type of doorbell but that makes no
- 00:08:56sense either okay guys I got an idea
- 00:08:58show the doorbell won't go off anymore
- 00:09:00we're just going to have no doorbell
- 00:09:01okay we we could try that out it's not
- 00:09:03like anyone visits us anyways yeah
- 00:09:06that's true all right let's go back
- 00:09:07inside I want to go play some fortnite
- 00:09:09or something no no fortnite it's SS like
- 00:09:12fun guys I just heard something in this
- 00:09:14room what do you mean you heard
- 00:09:15something in this room I think it was
- 00:09:16this Bell right here just went off no it
- 00:09:19didn't I swear Daddy I swear I saw it
- 00:09:21move what do you mean you saw it move it
- 00:09:23did this see that see how it's moving so
- 00:09:25you did that I just saw you do that no
- 00:09:27Daddy I walked in and it was doing that
- 00:09:28I'm telling you oh no it must be bells
- 00:09:31are broken day what bells are broken day
- 00:09:35that's not a day yes it's a wheel day
- 00:09:37it's where all the bells in the world
- 00:09:38are broken Gooby that's not real what
- 00:09:42yes it is well first there's the
- 00:09:43doorbell and now it's this hanging bell
- 00:09:46something's not right Daddy I don't like
- 00:09:48this guys it's fun it's daytime it's
- 00:09:50daytime right now yeah woohoo ghost
- 00:09:52don't work in the day o daddy you're
- 00:09:55right it's way too bright out for the
- 00:09:57ghost to be out we got to catch them at
- 00:09:59night time yep definitely at night time
- 00:10:01but you know what I think you guys might
- 00:10:02be a little too tired maybe that's why
- 00:10:04you're freaking out cuz you ate a lot of
- 00:10:05McDonald's but Daddy you need to believe
- 00:10:07me I'm telling you there's a ghost in
- 00:10:09this house well I do not believe you
- 00:10:11okay so I'm actually going to go to bed
- 00:10:13right now and I'm going to go to sleep
- 00:10:14because I had a lot of this oh this
- 00:10:15carrot soup what well uh Daisy and Gooby
- 00:10:18you guys believe me
- 00:10:20right sure Johnny joh I really believe
- 00:10:24you but um I'm pretty child too so no
- 00:10:27don't leave me we got to catch a ghost
- 00:10:29He I think we're just going to hit the
- 00:10:30hay we'll see you tomorrow guys no no no
- 00:10:33no no you're not leaving me you're my
- 00:10:34bestest friends and you need to help me
- 00:10:36catch the ghost yeah ghost are a little
- 00:10:38too scary too so I think me and J are
- 00:10:41just going to get a quick Duos game in
- 00:10:43and then hit the no no no wait can we
- 00:10:46play trios uh nope uh there special um
- 00:10:49Double XP for duo so we go do that guys
- 00:10:53you're not you're not even going up the
- 00:10:54stairs Gooby okay really I missed a
- 00:10:56little bit we'll see you tomorrow no God
- 00:10:59guys oh my goodness No One Believes Me
- 00:11:02well you know what when it turns dark
- 00:11:04out I have a perfect idea I'm going to
- 00:11:06set up cameras and I'm going to make
- 00:11:07them Believe Me by catching the ghost on
- 00:11:10camera this is going to me a perfect
- 00:11:11idea oh my goodness it got so dark
- 00:11:15outside I think everyone's sleeping
- 00:11:17though let me check on Daisy yep she's
- 00:11:19dead let me check on Gooby mhm oh God
- 00:11:22he's snoring and everything shut up
- 00:11:25Gooby oh my goodness I can't go to bed
- 00:11:28because I know that there's a ghost in
- 00:11:30the house so I'm going to set up these
- 00:11:32security cameras and catch the ghosts so
- 00:11:34all I got to do is place on the wall
- 00:11:36like that connect it and boom now I have
- 00:11:39a security camera all right I'm going to
- 00:11:41place down a bunch of them H maybe I'll
- 00:11:43Place one by the front door since the
- 00:11:46doorbell is going off a lot all right
- 00:11:48maybe we place one in the kitchen by
- 00:11:51this Bell let me place it right here ooh
- 00:11:54that looks perfect and now I need to go
- 00:11:56down into the basement and place a
- 00:11:58camera this is where where the most
- 00:11:59activity has been coming from so oh gosh
- 00:12:02this is really scary I don't want to go
- 00:12:04down here maybe I'll just place it right
- 00:12:06here on the ceiling all right now let's
- 00:12:08just make sure it works yep works
- 00:12:11perfect all right now I just need to go
- 00:12:13back into my room before the ghost sees
- 00:12:15me go go go go go go go and now all
- 00:12:18that's left to do is sit here and look
- 00:12:20at the security cameras and wait to find
- 00:12:22something I'm sure something's going to
- 00:12:24happen very very soon anything in the
- 00:12:27kitchen I saw that Bell move earlier
- 00:12:30come on why are you not ringing now oh
- 00:12:32my God what is that what is that I just
- 00:12:34saw footsteps I swear I just saw someone
- 00:12:37run across the oh my God oh my God the
- 00:12:40Bell just went off oh my God just did it
- 00:12:42again yes yes yes I'm getting a lot of
- 00:12:44good footage here there's no one around
- 00:12:46the bell and it's going off by itself
- 00:12:48that literally means that there's a
- 00:12:49ghost all right let me check the front
- 00:12:52door and see if there's any activity
- 00:12:53there I'm not seeing anything yet what
- 00:12:55about outside oh my God oh my God I saw
- 00:12:58something something just flew across my
- 00:13:00screen oh oh the doorbell just went off
- 00:13:03the doorbell just went off oh my
- 00:13:06goodness I literally just heard the
- 00:13:08doorbell go off wait that makes no sense
- 00:13:10we literally got rid of the doorbell but
- 00:13:12I'm still hearing a doorbell Johnny was
- 00:13:15with all the screaming in here what the
- 00:13:17heck daddy you just scared me scared you
- 00:13:20you've been scaring me I can't sleep at
- 00:13:21night cuz you're screaming like a little
- 00:13:22girl well Daddy I set up a bunch of
- 00:13:24cameras downstairs and guess what I'm
- 00:13:26actually catching ghost on them oh oh my
- 00:13:29gosh Johnny you got to drop this ghost
- 00:13:31thing there's no ghost in this house but
- 00:13:33but but but but but but Daddy I
- 00:13:35literally heard I heard the doorbell go
- 00:13:38off I saw something outside the bell in
- 00:13:40the kitchen went off Bell in the kitchen
- 00:13:42went off you're sure a breeze didn't
- 00:13:43just come through the house and just you
- 00:13:45know ring the bell no Daddy it's not a
- 00:13:47breeze it's a ghost there's no ghost do
- 00:13:50you have actual proof of seeing a ghost
- 00:13:52yes like an actual ghost did the ghost
- 00:13:54come up to the camera and say hey I'm a
- 00:13:55ghost look at me I'm living in the in
- 00:13:57the house well Daddy they might do that
- 00:13:59if I just keep looking at the cameras
- 00:14:01well you know what Johnny if looking at
- 00:14:02the cameras at night makes you feel
- 00:14:04better then okay you can look at them
- 00:14:05but no more screaming okay I need to
- 00:14:07sleep I need to get my beauty sleep not
- 00:14:09one peep Daddy not one no cuz if you do
- 00:14:12that I'm going to wake up and I'm going
- 00:14:13to come in here and slap you across the
- 00:14:14face okay Daddy fine all right no more
- 00:14:18screaming all right daddy there's no way
- 00:14:20you just did that there's no way you
- 00:14:21just you want to slap in the face I I'll
- 00:14:23slap you right now daddy daddy it wasn't
- 00:14:24the ghost I just remembered your face in
- 00:14:27my brain and I saw that it was really
- 00:14:28ugly and I screamed okay okay you know
- 00:14:31what shut up in here shut up okay Daddy
- 00:14:34I guess I'm just going to check the
- 00:14:36cameras again and see if there's any
- 00:14:37more ghosts all right I already checked
- 00:14:40the kitchen I checked the front door but
- 00:14:42I haven't checked the basement
- 00:14:44something's definitely going to be down
- 00:14:46here hello anyone down here wait what
- 00:14:50what is this thing there's a sign with
- 00:14:52like a box on top of it this was
- 00:14:54definitely not here when I got the
- 00:14:56Crowbar I think this sign says open me
- 00:14:59it says open me with a box I need to go
- 00:15:02down there and open it I'm going to get
- 00:15:04to the bottom of this ghost all right
- 00:15:06just going to sneak downstairs no one's
- 00:15:08going to know oh God this is really
- 00:15:10scary I need a flashlight or something
- 00:15:12hello anyone down here seems to be safe
- 00:15:15so far all right let's open this box and
- 00:15:18see what's
- 00:15:19inside what is a book inside let me read
- 00:15:23the book I like your body give it to me
- 00:15:27okay that's a little weird why would it
- 00:15:29say that oh my God it's a ghost what is
- 00:15:32that thing oh my God oh my goodness help
- 00:15:34me help
- 00:15:37me where to go where to go I got to get
- 00:15:40out of here I got to get out of here
- 00:15:42Daddy Gooby Daisy wake up wake up wake
- 00:15:45up wake up wake up Gooby gooby help me
- 00:15:49oh my God Johnny what's happening what's
- 00:15:51going on in here why are you screaming
- 00:15:53guys I was downstairs and and there was
- 00:15:55a box the lights went out and I saw a
- 00:15:57ghost oh my God enough of this ghost
- 00:16:00stuff Johnny enough guys I'm not kidding
- 00:16:02look read that you me to read a book I
- 00:16:05just woke up read the book Daisy see
- 00:16:08what it says it doesn't say anything
- 00:16:11Daisy give it back it has to say
- 00:16:12something let me see this Dy give it to
- 00:16:14me hold on I want to see it yep there's
- 00:16:15nothing not one word it said something
- 00:16:18about possessing my body it said give me
- 00:16:20your body in it Daddy yeah okay what
- 00:16:22happen definely didn't say that it's
- 00:16:25really weird look guys I've been
- 00:16:26catching ghosts on the camera all night
- 00:16:28and and then I saw my own eyes Johnny
- 00:16:30what did I tell you before when I went
- 00:16:32in the room and I said not to scream you
- 00:16:34said to keep screaming and look at the
- 00:16:35camera no I said If You Scream one more
- 00:16:37time I'd slap you across the face oh you
- 00:16:39know what John I won't slap you across
- 00:16:41the face cuz it's 3:00 in the morning
- 00:16:42but I need you to give me your stuff
- 00:16:43right now I need to confiscate that
- 00:16:45Daddy know I need the camera give me the
- 00:16:46camera a what about the book it's
- 00:16:48evidence yeah evidence that nothing
- 00:16:50happened give me the book oh my goodness
- 00:16:53what else do you have on you nothing
- 00:16:54Daddy I'm completely naked all right
- 00:16:56good now go back to bed oh fine dad
- 00:16:59No One Believes Me I'm put ghost strong
- 00:17:01can't believe you would wake all of us
- 00:17:02up like this at 3:00 in the morning
- 00:17:04screaming that there's a ghost there's
- 00:17:05no ghost this so stupid all right
- 00:17:07everybody go to bed you too Johnny good
- 00:17:10night Daddy no good night to you I guess
- 00:17:13no one will believe me and I just got to
- 00:17:15go to bed but I don't really feel too
- 00:17:18good I think when I was in the basement
- 00:17:20that ghost touched me oh God I'm
- 00:17:21starting to sweat a lot oh god daddy
- 00:17:25daddy daddy I need help in you I don't
- 00:17:27feel good a Johnny Johnny there is no
- 00:17:31way you're screaming after we just told
- 00:17:33you to go to bed you can't be doing this
- 00:17:37stuff you're
- 00:17:39floating and making weird noises okay
- 00:17:42this is not normal Daddy come here go me
- 00:17:45and Daisy wake up go me and da right now
- 00:17:46the sergeant what's going on what's
- 00:17:48going on everyone follow me everyone
- 00:17:50follow me right now to John's
- 00:17:52room he's floating and he's making weird
- 00:17:55demonic noises oh heck no oh oh out uh
- 00:17:59get out of there that's too scary
- 00:18:02flating he's possessed everyone get out
- 00:18:03I'm blocking this up blocking it up he's
- 00:18:05coming out he's coming over it block
- 00:18:09it block it where he go lots of glass
- 00:18:12really block this up Gooby I don't think
- 00:18:14he can get through that this is not good
- 00:18:16guys I don't know what happened to
- 00:18:17Johnny but he's he's doing weird noises
- 00:18:20he's
- 00:18:21floating this not good maybe he's right
- 00:18:24maybe there is a ghost in the basement
- 00:18:27the ghosts aren't real look at right now
- 00:18:29and tell me ghosts aren't real okay
- 00:18:31ghost are real he's right there oh God
- 00:18:33oh God no I'm Going To Go's room
- 00:18:35everyone Come To Go's room I come in
- 00:18:37here okay okay okay wait I know what to
- 00:18:39do I'll just email my friends I got to
- 00:18:41send him a message he's a really cool
- 00:18:43guy he's a Ghostbuster Ghostbuster goofy
- 00:18:46that's a movie that's not real life no
- 00:18:48no it's real it's real hold on let me
- 00:18:50just message him what are you going to
- 00:18:51say what are you going to tell him come
- 00:18:52here Mr ghost buser we have a ghost that
- 00:18:55needs busting okay I mean do you think
- 00:18:57he'll actually show up yeah he always
- 00:18:59answers if you ask him okay well is he
- 00:19:01going to come right now is he is he on
- 00:19:03his way is he running here with his
- 00:19:05Ghostbuster gun to shoot John in the
- 00:19:07face how are we supposed to know when
- 00:19:08he's here we don't have a doorbell oh
- 00:19:11that is true uh maybe we should go
- 00:19:12downstairs and wait from him then seems
- 00:19:13like a good idea everyone be careful
- 00:19:15when we go past the door of Johnny don't
- 00:19:17make any noise cuz I don't want him to
- 00:19:19know we're here okay we're almost
- 00:19:21[Applause]
- 00:19:22there he doesn't still there oh run oh
- 00:19:27God that was scary that was horrible hey
- 00:19:30guys need some busting is this your
- 00:19:32friend Gooby there yes thank you so much
- 00:19:35for coming and noce that's okay Gooby
- 00:19:38where there's ghosts I'm here okay Gary
- 00:19:41I have some stuff to tell you about this
- 00:19:43this demonic ghost so my son Johnny we
- 00:19:45we actually ordered McDonald's before
- 00:19:46right guys you guys pranked Me by
- 00:19:48getting McDonald's and the doorbell was
- 00:19:49ringing it was ringing all day long and
- 00:19:52we couldn't get to stop so I I asked
- 00:19:53Johnny to go downstairs in the basement
- 00:19:55to get me a wrench you know to fix the
- 00:19:57doorbell we fixed the doorbell and it
- 00:19:59still was ringing we actually got rid of
- 00:20:01the doorbell and it was still ringing it
- 00:20:03made no sense Gary no sense at all then
- 00:20:05Johnny he got a camera he thought there
- 00:20:07was a ghost in the house obviously he
- 00:20:08was right he saw some ghost activity
- 00:20:10then boom I we think he got possessed uh
- 00:20:12let me take a look at the basement maybe
- 00:20:15there'll be some Clues as to what kind
- 00:20:16of ghost it is oh yeah yeah yeah let me
- 00:20:18uh let me show you come over here okay
- 00:20:20Gary it's right down here oh my goodness
- 00:20:23there's ghost balls down here ghost
- 00:20:24balls yeah they're ghosty balls oh this
- 00:20:27is bad this is ooplasm what it's
- 00:20:30residual balls from the ghost so so
- 00:20:33there's actually a ghost in do you think
- 00:20:34this is where like the ghost is living
- 00:20:35it's very well could be let me read it
- 00:20:37with my Ghost Scanner oh yeah oh yes
- 00:20:41that there is high readings of ghost
- 00:20:43activity especially from this wall right
- 00:20:44here what the wall that's that's weird
- 00:20:47because my son he said there was a hole
- 00:20:48in the wall over there but there's
- 00:20:49clearly no hole really hold on let me
- 00:20:52investigate this okay what are you about
- 00:20:54to do I'm going to have to break the
- 00:20:55wall a little bit what you're going to
- 00:20:56break my wall yeah Gary there's a hole
- 00:20:59in the wall yeah well I just put it
- 00:21:01there but look there's stuff behind the
- 00:21:03hole o he was right yep this looks like
- 00:21:06an ancient burial ground ancient burial
- 00:21:09ground what do you mean ancient burial
- 00:21:10ground what does that even mean somebody
- 00:21:12in olden times was buried here under the
- 00:21:14house and it looks like their spirit is
- 00:21:16now haunting you well that is not good
- 00:21:19so how do we get you know rid of this
- 00:21:21this Bailey Boo yeah there's only one
- 00:21:23way why do you have a gun it's not a
- 00:21:24real gun it's a ghost gun it shoots
- 00:21:26ghosts out of people can we do that that
- 00:21:28to our to my son look see I'll shoot you
- 00:21:31it's harmless oh yeah it didn't do
- 00:21:32nothing I felt like air it shoots ghost
- 00:21:35bullets that only affect ghosts okay
- 00:21:38well can we use this on my son upstairs
- 00:21:39you know who's got the Ghost Inside of
- 00:21:41him yes but the problem is with the age
- 00:21:44of this ghost being so old some of my
- 00:21:47new technology might not be as effective
- 00:21:49on it well that doesn't help us Gary
- 00:21:51what what then what are we supposed to
- 00:21:52do about that I mean we'll give it a try
- 00:21:54but I also brought some salt here in
- 00:21:56case that could help you know I could
- 00:21:58have just got salt from my kitchen right
- 00:22:00oh no no no no this is professional
- 00:22:02grade salt okay well uh let's go
- 00:22:04upstairs let's go see how Johnny's doing
- 00:22:06with this demon inside of him yeah let
- 00:22:07me see the patient yeah he's up here we
- 00:22:10trapped him in the room he's making Wily
- 00:22:11whe sound
- 00:22:13[Music]
- 00:22:15shall he
- 00:22:17that guys this is too
- 00:22:21scary oh no K catch him help
- 00:22:24him everyone stand
- 00:22:27back yeah
- 00:22:29H get him
- 00:22:32Gary okay okay I'm going to try using my
- 00:22:34gun on him let's see if I can shoot the
- 00:22:36ghost out of him get out of there get
- 00:22:38out of
- 00:22:40him it's not working guys it's not
- 00:22:42working I'm going to throw salt
- 00:22:45salt I think you're making it
- 00:22:49worse it's not working it's making it
- 00:22:52more Angry yeah I know Gary you're
- 00:22:54making it worse the ghost is really
- 00:22:56strong quick put the glass back put the
- 00:22:57glass back go oh uhoh uhoh give us
- 00:23:00Johnny back we trapped him we got him we
- 00:23:02got him we got him this is probably the
- 00:23:05worst ghost I've ever seen this
- 00:23:07possession might be a little too strong
- 00:23:09for me but you guys yours family I think
- 00:23:11you have the most power here just maybe
- 00:23:13go downstairs see if there's any clues
- 00:23:15around that grave site you'll be fine
- 00:23:18Gooby I I'll see you later what you just
- 00:23:20going to leave us Gary yeah I got more
- 00:23:22ghosts to handle this is horrible Gooby
- 00:23:24your friend stinks yeah you didn't even
- 00:23:26handle this ghost uh see you later Gooby
- 00:23:29you're still on for bowling Friday oh
- 00:23:30yeah Zoe I'll see you then what you
- 00:23:33didn't even invite me to okay you know
- 00:23:34what okay we got to go back down in the
- 00:23:36basement and we got to find Clues we got
- 00:23:38to try to get this demon out of Johnny
- 00:23:39there got to be something down there
- 00:23:40that can help us Gooby is right let's go
- 00:23:43look okay everyone follow me let's go
- 00:23:45back in this stupid basement and see if
- 00:23:47there's anything in there we got to
- 00:23:48check all the chests we have to check
- 00:23:49all the barrels maybe something
- 00:23:50underneath the hay I don't know I have
- 00:23:52no clue where something could be this is
- 00:23:54really scary okay I found a book I found
- 00:23:58a book book I found a book I found a
- 00:23:59book I found a book is it empty no
- 00:24:01there's words in here here Gooby you
- 00:24:03read it oh no I'm bad at reading all
- 00:24:05right here we go okay it
- 00:24:07says you all finding gift must mean that
- 00:24:10you have been someone that's possessed
- 00:24:13okay yeah I be boo oh that's that is the
- 00:24:17name of the ghost she's a real ghost and
- 00:24:20only way to save your friend from Hall
- 00:24:23is the collect five things that he likes
- 00:24:26hey does it say what the five things are
- 00:24:27keep reading once you collect these
- 00:24:29things bring them to her grave finally
- 00:24:33you must bring you must sing her a song
- 00:24:35to sing this goes a song sing a song Yes
- 00:24:39it goes like this B Boo Bailey Boo we
- 00:24:42don't like you Bailey Bailey
- 00:24:46Boo someone new please cuz Bailey Boo is
- 00:24:50poo poo is that how the song actually
- 00:24:52goes uh it's something like that I kind
- 00:24:54of made up the last part anyway so the
- 00:24:56list of items you have to get or a ghost
- 00:24:58bone how Okay a grim apple a swinge a
- 00:25:03golden Nomo and a
- 00:25:05SC what AM we supposed to find this stop
- 00:25:08I don't know that's end in the book okay
- 00:25:10maybe it's around the house okay we have
- 00:25:12to go on a little scavenger hunt
- 00:25:14everybody spread out and start looking
- 00:25:15for stuff okay oh look I just found
- 00:25:17these tups it's not on the list Gooby
- 00:25:19you literally have the list in your hand
- 00:25:21oh oops uh maybe someone else's old list
- 00:25:23give it to Daisy she's smart go okay I
- 00:25:26think that we need to split up so Mar
- 00:25:28party go look for a ghost bone okay
- 00:25:30Gooby go look for a grim apple and I'll
- 00:25:33look for a syringe okay everyone go go
- 00:25:36go what's the Grim Apple uh maybe to the
- 00:25:38kitchen just look for an apple I found
- 00:25:41the Apple where to the kitchen come here
- 00:25:43come here where would a syringe even be
- 00:25:46it's up here wao that looks scary
- 00:25:49actually yes I got the Apple okay that's
- 00:25:51good that's good and I think a garden
- 00:25:53gnome was on the list too so that's
- 00:25:55going to be outside I found a syringe
- 00:25:57wait where was it it was a gym oh okay
- 00:25:59okay oh I see the Gard home wao it's so
- 00:26:02dark out here have we found the ghost
- 00:26:04bone ghost bone no I didn't find the
- 00:26:06ghost bone maybe it's in this fire OU
- 00:26:09get out of fire oh my gosh was that up
- 00:26:13Johnny I think we need to hurry he's
- 00:26:15getting worse he sounds so silly okay
- 00:26:18the uh the last two items maybe they're
- 00:26:20upstairs we need a ghost bone and a
- 00:26:22scythe all right everyone follow me uhoh
- 00:26:24uhoh we need to be quick otherwise this
- 00:26:26this ghost might take giant forever it's
- 00:26:28okay Johnny we're going to help you what
- 00:26:31Gooby why do you have the scy in your
- 00:26:32room oh that's where the scyth is it was
- 00:26:34above your computer oh yeah I always
- 00:26:36thought that was just a cool toy okay oh
- 00:26:39wait guys guys I just thought something
- 00:26:40crazy what if the ghost bone is in the
- 00:26:42room with Johnny uhoh are you serious I
- 00:26:45think it might be that's not good okay
- 00:26:47guys I'm going to do what I have to do
- 00:26:49what do you mean you're going to do what
- 00:26:50you have to do take the syringe and take
- 00:26:52the book just in case I don't make it
- 00:26:55well no if you grab the ghost bone we
- 00:26:56just have to instantly start singing the
- 00:26:58stupid stupid song Wait don't we have to
- 00:26:59take it to our grave oh you're right
- 00:27:01dang it okay you have to go in there
- 00:27:03Daisy I'm going to be really really
- 00:27:04quick okay I've been training for this
- 00:27:07okay you got
- 00:27:12thisy I got it I got
- 00:27:15itet pocket blocket I got the ghost bone
- 00:27:19what do we do now okay well you need to
- 00:27:21give me all the stuff give me everything
- 00:27:22so I have the ghost bone and then the
- 00:27:23Grim Apple where's the Grim apple right
- 00:27:25here okay good we have to go downstairs
- 00:27:26go back to her grave quick Qui shut up
- 00:27:28ghost we don't like you's going to get
- 00:27:30lost forever okay okay okay ooh it's
- 00:27:33super dark in here super dark in here oh
- 00:27:34this is creepy okay uh here you take the
- 00:27:37book and I'm going to throw the stuff on
- 00:27:39the grave and you start singing the song
- 00:27:41and we'll repeat after you I don't want
- 00:27:42to sing the song Gooby you sing the song
- 00:27:44we're all going to sing the song no okay
- 00:27:46okay I'm going to throw everything on
- 00:27:47the grave right now and then Gooby after
- 00:27:49I do that you got to start singing then
- 00:27:50we'll repeat the song back to you okay
- 00:27:52yes okay here we go okay 1 2 3 4 5 go go
- 00:27:56go a b B Boo Bailey Boo we don't like
- 00:28:01you baile boo baile boo we don't like
- 00:28:05you Bailey Boo Bailey Boo possess
- 00:28:09someone new Bailey Boo Bailey Boo
- 00:28:12possess someone Bailey Boo Bailey Boo
- 00:28:17it's time that you must Sho baile Boo
- 00:28:20Bailey Boo it is time you must po
- 00:28:27po
- 00:28:29po I made the last part I don't think
- 00:28:32get to play this song that's you well
- 00:28:34guys I we I think we did it all we need
- 00:28:36to go upstairs and see if Johnny's okay
- 00:28:37yeah let's see if it works go go go oh
- 00:28:40God hopefully he's okay show gum
- 00:28:42fortnite
- 00:28:44Johnny Johnny guys what are you doing
- 00:28:47are you okay what are you doing yeah I'm
- 00:28:49okay I've been playing fortnite I got
- 00:28:51really scared looking at the cameras and
- 00:28:53I couldn't go to bed so I just been you
- 00:28:54know playing fortnite uh you actually
- 00:28:57possessed by a ghost wait what I was
- 00:28:59possessed by a ghost what are you
- 00:29:01talking about you flying in the sky and
- 00:29:04screaming all crazy and it was just
- 00:29:06crazy but then we got rid of it by
- 00:29:08singing a song um guys I don't remember
- 00:29:11anything about being possessed by a
- 00:29:13ghost what are you talking about it's
- 00:29:15almost morning time last time we talked
- 00:29:17to you it was 3:00 a.m. um I thought I
- 00:29:20just got lost playing fortnite no yeah
- 00:29:23so and we also had to lock you in your
- 00:29:25womb um by putting all I cuz you a crazy
- 00:29:29monster oh yeah I wonder why that was
- 00:29:32there oh gosh guys I don't feel so good
- 00:29:34it's coming out my
- 00:29:35[Music]
- 00:29:38mouth oh my
- 00:29:42godh out of here go go I'm going
- 00:29:44downstairs go go go get out of here go
- 00:29:47go go we need to get out of this
- 00:29:49house wait guys where's Gooby ey oh no
- 00:29:52he's probably still in the house goopy
- 00:29:55oh
- 00:29:56no uh ah no no
- 00:30:00don't
- 00:30:03no guys I think I heard Gooby scream we
- 00:30:06can't leave him in there alone let's go
- 00:30:08get him wait I'm kind of scared though I
- 00:30:10don't want to go back in air well I have
- 00:30:11to it's my brother come on no D don't go
- 00:30:15come on Daddy we got to go get Gooby oh
- 00:30:16go go we just leave him alone Gooby
- 00:30:19gooby where are you gooby is in your
- 00:30:22room
- 00:30:25guys what go be
- 00:30:29oh God oh God it's over the fortnite
- 00:30:31it's over the video game oh my goodness
- 00:30:33oh my goodness everyone we got to get
- 00:30:35out of here I'm leaving sorry
- 00:30:38guys well if you guys enjoyed watching
- 00:30:40this video then make sure to leave a
- 00:30:42like And subscribe right now bye
- Karottensuppe
- McDonald's
- Kinder
- Streich
- Geister
- Türklingel
- Familie
- Chaos
- Lustig
- Ghostbuster