TLDRL'épisode suit Guihan alors qu'il cherche à retrouver le recruteur et à démanteler l'organisation responsable des jeux mortels. Après avoir évité la capture, il rejoint une équipe déterminée à renverser les forces obscures qui manipulent les participants. Le recruteur est finalement confronté à Guihan dans un duel de roulette russe, mais il meurt, dévoilant encore plus de secrets. Les tensions internes entre les participants mènent à une guerre ouverte, où des trahisons et des alliances stratégiques se forment. L'épisode se termine sur une note sombre, alors que la menace des jeux mortels continue de peser sur les survivants.
Punti di forza
- 🎭 Guihan se bat pour démanteler l'organisation.
- 🎱 Le recruteur meurt dans un jeu lethal.
- 🔍 Les policiers tentent de découvrir la vérité sur l'île.
- 💔 Young Il trahit Guihan, mettant en péril l'évasion.
- 💰 La quantité d'argent dans le piggy bank est énorme.
- 🤝 Les alliances stratégiques se forment parmi les participants.
- ⚔️ Les rivalités internes provoquent des conflits violents.
- 🧩 Les secrets de l'organisation sont progressivement révélés.
- ⏳ La pression des jeux pousse les participants à des limites extrêmes.
- 🔄 Le chaos à la fin de l'épisode laisse présager plus de souffrance.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Le premier épisode commence dans un aéroport où Gun, visiblement perturbé, reçoit un appel d'une voix robotique l'avertissant qu'il ne peut pas échapper à Yun. Déterminé à le trouver, il se rend à Séoul et découvre une puce implantée derrière son oreille qu'il parvient à extraire. Gun rencontre ensuite un prêteur de fonds et lui confie des valises remplies d'argent pour retrouver un recruteur mystérieux opérant dans les gares.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Jun Ho, un policier, se remet d'un coma et continue de faire des cauchemars à propos du Frontman, son propre frère qui l'a tiré deux ans auparavant. Malgré le scepticisme des autres, il est déterminé à découvrir la vérité sur les jeux macabres. Sailant à la recherche de l'île où se déroulent les jeux, il ne trouve aucune trace tangible et doit revenir les mains vides, promettant de revenir dès que le temps le permet.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Finalement, le prêteur de fonds trouve le recruteur à une station, qui se lance dans un jeu de roulette russe avec des hommes de main. Le jeu tourne mal et l'un des hommes se fait abattre, ignorant la vraie nature de l'homme qu'il poursuivait. Jun Ho, poursuivant son enquête, découvre des informations sur Gun et son lien avec le prêteur de fonds.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Gun, réalisant le danger que représente le recruteur, se rend à l'hôtel Rosa et se retrouve face au recruteur. Il lui lance un défi de jeu, mais ce dernier meurt rapidement d'une balle dans la tête. Jun Ho arrive peu après, mais est temporairement neutralisé par un homme de main. Le recruteur détruit par Gun laisse derrière lui une carte contenant une adresse et une date qui pourrait mener à des indices cruciaux.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Ils s'affrontent alors que Gun est interrogé par Jun Ho. Gun fait part de son intention de mettre fin aux jeux, affirmant que l'argent qu'il accumule a été obtenu au prix de vies perdues. Ensemble, ils conçoivent un plan pour infiltrer l'organisation. Parallèlement, une femme nommée N, qui travaille comme serveuse déguisée, se trouve en détresse et se prépare à participer aux jeux pour sauver la vie d'une enfant malade.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Gun et l’équipe de Jun Ho se retrouvent sur les lieux d'une fête costumée où ils soupçonnent que l'organisation se regroupe. Dans la confusion, Gun est capturé et se retrouve à lutter contre un système bien huilé, où la vie des joueurs est mise à l'épreuve à chaque instant. Les jeux répètent l'horreur habituelle, et Gun, avec l'aide de Jun Ho, essaie désespérément de naviguer dans les dédales de cette machination.
- 00:30:00 - 00:37:58
À l'intérieur, la tension monte lorsque les participants réalisent qu'ils sont à nouveau piégés dans les jeux mortels. Gun et les autres doivent faire face à des épreuves faussement innocentes, mais dont les conséquences sont mortelles. La misère et le chaos se répandent entre les joueurs, accentuant le danger alors qu'ils doivent choisir entre leur survie et leur éthique.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Quel est le but de Guihan dans cet épisode ?
Guihan cherche à détruire l'organisation derrière les jeux mortels et à sauver les participants.
Que se passe-t-il avec le recruteur ?
Le recruteur propose un jeu macabre de roulette russe, finissant par mourir.
Qui trahit Guihan ?
Young Il, qui se révèle être le frontman, trahit Guihan.
Quel est le sort de Jung B ?
Jung B est tué par Young Il, laissant Guihan dévasté.
Quel est le montant du prix à la fin de l'épisode ?
Le piggy bank contient 41.1 milliards.
Comment les participants font-ils face à la pression des jeux ?
Certains s'allient pour survivre, tandis que d'autres provoquent des conflits internes.
Quel jeu précédant est mentionné dans cet épisode ?
Le test du cookie dalgona est mentionné en rappelant la tension et le risque.
Quelles alliances se forment pendant l'épisode ?
Une alliance se forme entre Guihan et d'autres participants pour renverser l'organisation.
Que découvrent les policiers sur l'île ?
Ils découvrent que les signaux de GPS ont été manipulés, les détournant de leur véritable destination.
Quel était l'objectif des soldats à la fin de l'épisode ?
Les soldats tentent de rétablir le contrôle pendant le chaos qui s'ensuit.
Visualizza altre sintesi video
- 00:00:00the episode begins at an airport songun
- 00:00:02visibly Disturbed moves quickly while
- 00:00:04taking a call from a robotic voice
- 00:00:06warning him you cannot Escape Yun
- 00:00:09responds furiously that he won't hide
- 00:00:11and that he'll find that person no
- 00:00:13matter what he then takes a taxi to Soul
- 00:00:16shortly after he's seen in a public
- 00:00:18bathroom meticulously checking his body
- 00:00:21until finding a small chip implanted
- 00:00:23behind his ear he manages to extract it
- 00:00:26and with evident concern disposes of it
- 00:00:29we learned that gun owns a place called
- 00:00:31Hotel Rosa there he meets with a lone
- 00:00:34shark to whom he delivers suitcases full
- 00:00:36of money he orders him to find the
- 00:00:38recruiter a suited man with a briefcase
- 00:00:41and game chips who operates in train
- 00:00:43stations approaching indebted people and
- 00:00:46then disappearing without a trace the
- 00:00:48lone shark motivated by the immense
- 00:00:50reward GE hun offers deploys his men
- 00:00:53across various stations and public
- 00:00:55places to find this mysterious figure
- 00:00:59meanwhile police officer hang junho who
- 00:01:02woke up from a coma after the events of
- 00:01:03the first season suffers constant
- 00:01:06nightmares about the front man in these
- 00:01:08Visions he remembers the moment when the
- 00:01:10masked figure removed his mask revealing
- 00:01:13he was his own brother wangen ho and
- 00:01:16that it was he who shot him before he
- 00:01:17fell into the sea two years later junho
- 00:01:20has resumed his position in the police
- 00:01:22force but few believe him his account of
- 00:01:24macabra games lacks photos or solid
- 00:01:26evidence his Superior refuses to help
- 00:01:28him without evidence but junho remains
- 00:01:31determined to unmask those who run these
- 00:01:32lethal tournaments Wang junho still
- 00:01:35recovering after being shot by his own
- 00:01:36brother has spent months trying to
- 00:01:38locate the island where the games are
- 00:01:40organized at the Port Captain Park an
- 00:01:43experienced sailor receives him in a
- 00:01:44small fishing boat to track new points
- 00:01:46marked on the map the sea becomes
- 00:01:48increasingly stormy but junho insists
- 00:01:52there are still unexplored areas where
- 00:01:53crucial evidence might be hidden Captain
- 00:01:56Park between misgivings and warnings of
- 00:01:59danger admits they've gone more than a
- 00:02:01year without finding any Trace though he
- 00:02:04respects junho's
- 00:02:05determination after fruitless hours and
- 00:02:08an increasingly violent storm they must
- 00:02:10return without results and the captain
- 00:02:12suggests that perhaps the currents
- 00:02:14diverted them from their objective
- 00:02:16despite the frustration junho doesn't
- 00:02:19give up he promises to return as soon as
- 00:02:22weather permits one day the lone shark's
- 00:02:24men finally locate the recruiter at a
- 00:02:26station performing the same slapping
- 00:02:27game for money that he used with guihan
- 00:02:29in the past F immediately the lone shark
- 00:02:32calls guihan who drives at full speed to
- 00:02:34get there after exceeding the speed
- 00:02:36limit guihan is stopped by a patrol
- 00:02:39among the officers is by chance junho
- 00:02:42when requesting his papers junho notices
- 00:02:45guan's tension as well as the large
- 00:02:47number of phones and tablets he carries
- 00:02:49his suspicions are aroused and he
- 00:02:51decides to investigate on his own even
- 00:02:53without knowing what role this man plays
- 00:02:55in The Conspiracy he's pursuing after
- 00:02:57evading the police Gian heads to the
- 00:02:59station but the lone shark impatient
- 00:03:02decides to act on his own he and one of
- 00:03:05his thugs follow the recruiter to an
- 00:03:07alley intending to catch him however
- 00:03:09they underestimate his dangerousness the
- 00:03:11recruiter knocks them out and leaves
- 00:03:13them unconscious when they wake up they
- 00:03:15are bound and blindfolded while
- 00:03:17classical music plays in the background
- 00:03:20the recruiter with a sadistic attitude
- 00:03:22proposes a macabra game of Russian
- 00:03:24Roulette combined with rock paper
- 00:03:27scissors in each round the the loser
- 00:03:30must face a shot with the gun whose
- 00:03:32chamber has been loaded randomly after
- 00:03:34several empty chamber clicks the Fatal
- 00:03:36turn comes to the lone shark who
- 00:03:38receives the bullet and dies instantly
- 00:03:41meanwhile junho continues investigating
- 00:03:43guan's identity he discovers that this
- 00:03:46man has put a fortune at stake to find
- 00:03:48the recruiter and that many of the lone
- 00:03:50shark's debtors have mysteriously
- 00:03:53disappeared searching through the now
- 00:03:55deceased lone shark's office junho finds
- 00:03:57details about hotel Rosa which confirms
- 00:04:00to him that guun is orchestrating a
- 00:04:02massive search against the enigmatic
- 00:04:04recruiter guihan alerted about the
- 00:04:06recruiter's latest movements returns to
- 00:04:09his own motel hotel Rosa upon entering
- 00:04:12he senses something strange the
- 00:04:14reception is deserted but the lights
- 00:04:16remain on he enters cautiously and comes
- 00:04:18face to face with the recruiter who
- 00:04:20points a gun at him the recruiter
- 00:04:22mentions that guihan should have boarded
- 00:04:24that plane as seen at the end of the
- 00:04:26first season instead of seeking Revenge
- 00:04:28guihan demands to know the Mastermind
- 00:04:30behind the games accusing him of
- 00:04:32recruiting helpless people with false
- 00:04:34promises the recruiter simply challenges
- 00:04:37him to a Russian Roulette duel the gun
- 00:04:39holds a single bullet in one of its six
- 00:04:41Chambers each must shoot themselves in
- 00:04:43turns after several shots that don't hit
- 00:04:45the loaded chamber the definitive round
- 00:04:47arrives Yun manages to avoid it one last
- 00:04:50time and hands the gun to the recruiter
- 00:04:53mocking him calling him a master's lap
- 00:04:55dog and trash the recruiter without
- 00:04:57breaking his crazed gaze pulls the
- 00:04:59trigger and receives the Fatal shot guun
- 00:05:02searches the body and finds a mysterious
- 00:05:03card with the date October 31st and a
- 00:05:06club address police officer hang junho
- 00:05:08bursts in with his weapon drawn
- 00:05:10inspecting room by room in one of them
- 00:05:13he finds the lone shark's Thug the only
- 00:05:15Survivor tied up and crying upon
- 00:05:18learning that guun is in room 410 he
- 00:05:20runs there and temporarily detains him
- 00:05:22accusing him of murder however the thug
- 00:05:25manages to hit the officer with a fire
- 00:05:27extinguisher knocking him unconscious
- 00:05:30recovered from the shock the thug
- 00:05:32explains to guihan that he worked for
- 00:05:33the murdered lone shark that he has no
- 00:05:35ill intentions and that he's glad to see
- 00:05:37the recruiter dead responsible for the
- 00:05:39death of his boss and friend Gian with
- 00:05:43the card in hand takes note of the date
- 00:05:45and place where he might find new Clues
- 00:05:47shortly after junho interrogates guihan
- 00:05:51both remember how they coincided in the
- 00:05:53events of the previous season Gian
- 00:05:55confesses that the recruiter died
- 00:05:57playing not because he directly killed
- 00:05:59him and explains that his goal is to
- 00:06:01stop the game not perpetuate it junho
- 00:06:05mentions that the leader the frontman
- 00:06:07never showed his face but he knows he's
- 00:06:10the central figure of the
- 00:06:11organization then guihan takes junho and
- 00:06:14the thug to a room full of money he
- 00:06:17confesses that this Fortune is the
- 00:06:19result of lives lost in the past game
- 00:06:21and that he uses it to dismantle the
- 00:06:24organization the officer clarifies that
- 00:06:26he's not interested in the money while
- 00:06:28the thug despite eyeing it sideways
- 00:06:30feels more motivated to avenge his
- 00:06:32boss's death junho warns that it won't
- 00:06:35be easy to face heavily armed soldiers
- 00:06:37but guihan reveals a professional
- 00:06:39Arsenal hidden in the motel right there
- 00:06:42he proposes to junho to leave the police
- 00:06:44to join his mission junho hesitates but
- 00:06:47both agree that if they cooperate they
- 00:06:49have better chances of success meanwhile
- 00:06:53a young woman named n Works disguised as
- 00:06:55a pink rabbit in an amusement
- 00:06:57park a sick girl daughter of a comic
- 00:07:00artist becomes fond of her and gives her
- 00:07:02a drawing but nle hides some scratches
- 00:07:05on her wrist so the girl doesn't see
- 00:07:07them we see that the little girl is
- 00:07:10waiting for a transplant and her family
- 00:07:12lacks
- 00:07:13resources later n who sleeps in her car
- 00:07:15in a parking lot tries to find out the
- 00:07:18whereabouts of someone close at first
- 00:07:20it's not clear if it's her daughter or
- 00:07:21her mother she meets with a man who has
- 00:07:24also spoken with kihan before he returns
- 00:07:26her money and tells her there's no trace
- 00:07:28of the person she's looking for
- 00:07:30still n begs him not to give up that
- 00:07:33night someone in a dark suit approaches
- 00:07:35her in the parking lot and hands her a
- 00:07:37card with the game symbols inviting her
- 00:07:39to participate police officer Jun ho
- 00:07:41visits a cemetery to place flowers on
- 00:07:43his sister-in-law's grave who died
- 00:07:45sometime ago later dining with his
- 00:07:47mother the family truth comes to light
- 00:07:50hang inho his brother was forced to
- 00:07:53accept bribes to pay for his wife's
- 00:07:54treatment who ultimately didn't survive
- 00:07:57additionally inho donated a kid to junho
- 00:08:00when he needed it which bound them with
- 00:08:02a deep connection however after his
- 00:08:04wife's death inho disappeared leaving
- 00:08:07junho desperate and suspicious that his
- 00:08:09brother is behind the organization of
- 00:08:11the new games the mother distressed
- 00:08:14laments the family breakdown while junho
- 00:08:16clings to discovering the truth several
- 00:08:18days later kihan undergos A peculiar
- 00:08:21procedure a clandestine dentist embeds a
- 00:08:23GPS chip in a tooth inside Hotel Rosa
- 00:08:26itself this way his position can be
- 00:08:29tracked in real time if something goes
- 00:08:30wrong at the same time he recruits a
- 00:08:33team of thugs willing to infiltrate
- 00:08:35wherever necessary as he and the police
- 00:08:37officer have discovered a clue about
- 00:08:39October 31st and a certain nightclub
- 00:08:42where organization members will
- 00:08:44supposedly appear guihan also makes an
- 00:08:46international call to his daughter who
- 00:08:48lives abroad and is named caun but
- 00:08:51overcome with emotion he doesn't dare to
- 00:08:53speak and hangs up in silence n who
- 00:08:56works in Disguise at the amusement park
- 00:08:59forms a a special bond with a sick girl
- 00:09:01the artist's daughter to whom she gives
- 00:09:03a drawing one day the little girl faints
- 00:09:06and is rushed to the hospital with her
- 00:09:08father unable to afford the treatment
- 00:09:11moved nle picks up the Hat the girl
- 00:09:13dropped and goes to see her where seeing
- 00:09:15the gravity of the situation she feels
- 00:09:18even more the absence of her own
- 00:09:19daughter and decides to participate in
- 00:09:21the Sinister game convinced that the
- 00:09:24money she could obtain might help save
- 00:09:26the girl's life and perhaps allow her to
- 00:09:28find the daughter she
- 00:09:30lost the designated night arrives in a
- 00:09:34nightclub full of costumed people some
- 00:09:36movement from the game is
- 00:09:38expected yun's team splits up junho
- 00:09:42fearing being recognized as he had
- 00:09:44infiltrated the games before stays
- 00:09:46outside
- 00:09:47monitoring Gian enters with other men
- 00:09:50scrutinizing every corner suddenly a
- 00:09:53group of people in red jumpsuits appears
- 00:09:56identical to the game soldiers alarmed
- 00:09:58Jun tries to enter with his weapon the
- 00:10:01situation becomes complicated inside a
- 00:10:04masked Soldier silently approaches guun
- 00:10:06and indicates him to follow another
- 00:10:08Soldier immobilizes the lone shark's
- 00:10:10Thug while Jun ho from outside calls on
- 00:10:13the radio and gets no response guihan
- 00:10:16ends up being led to a private area and
- 00:10:18finally to a white limousine that picks
- 00:10:20him up seeing the limousine start moving
- 00:10:23junho orders guan's allies to block it
- 00:10:26however they are repelled by sniper fire
- 00:10:28revealing that the organization has a
- 00:10:30well orchestrated
- 00:10:32plan inside the limousine a robotic
- 00:10:35voice calls guun player and reproaches
- 00:10:37him for not boarding the plane that time
- 00:10:39Yun demands they stop the game and
- 00:10:41accuses the organizers of abusing
- 00:10:43desperate people the robotic voice
- 00:10:46impassive assures that participants
- 00:10:48choose voluntarily and disqualifies
- 00:10:51those who die as
- 00:10:52trash guun shoots at the door but his
- 00:10:55weapon is useless desperate he begs to
- 00:10:58be allowed to play against
- 00:10:59he believes this way he can end the
- 00:11:01organization from within the voice
- 00:11:04enigmatic mentions the idea that he
- 00:11:06won't be any hero capable of changing
- 00:11:08the world and immediately releases a gas
- 00:11:10that leaves guihan
- 00:11:12unconscious when the limousine door
- 00:11:14opens the silhouette of the front man
- 00:11:16masked is distinguished welcoming him
- 00:11:19back to the game meanwhile n who
- 00:11:22accepted the invitation arrives at a
- 00:11:24parking lot where several people appear
- 00:11:26with their own cards they climb into
- 00:11:28containers set up his changing rooms
- 00:11:31surprisingly we see that Newell doesn't
- 00:11:33end up as a contestant but instead puts
- 00:11:35on a soldier's uniform indicating that
- 00:11:37she will be part of the staff guarding
- 00:11:39the new game the next day police officer
- 00:11:41hang junho the lone shark's Thug and
- 00:11:44several other men board Captain Park's
- 00:11:46boat they trust the GPS implanted in
- 00:11:49song gun's tooth to locate the island
- 00:11:50where the games take place while sailing
- 00:11:53the officer detects on his phone a
- 00:11:55location in the middle of nowhere
- 00:11:57convinced that's where guun is me
- 00:11:59meanwhile giun opens his eyes in an
- 00:12:01immense dormatory where there are
- 00:12:03hundreds of participants in bunk beds
- 00:12:05his uniform Bears the number 4 5p6 a
- 00:12:08mysterious woman approaches him talking
- 00:12:10about rituals and cleansing his karma
- 00:12:13just then the pink soldiers enter and
- 00:12:15line up all the players they announce
- 00:12:17six games promising a large sum of money
- 00:12:20some participants protest one demands
- 00:12:22his sneakers another complains about not
- 00:12:24having his phone and a purple-haired
- 00:12:26rapper number 230 boasts about his Fame
- 00:12:29the cryptocurrency scammer number 333
- 00:12:32the conceited girl number 196 and
- 00:12:35several others are also there each with
- 00:12:38pending debts or crimes the soldiers
- 00:12:41emphasize that everyone has come
- 00:12:42voluntarily and offer the possibility to
- 00:12:44leave if they wish but no one
- 00:12:47withdraws next they distribute a
- 00:12:49contract that everyone must sign to
- 00:12:51participate the soldier warns that
- 00:12:53whoever refuses is out friction occurs
- 00:12:57no 230 purple hair and his friend number
- 00:13:01124 threaten scammer number 333 blaming
- 00:13:05him for ruining their lives meanwhile
- 00:13:08another character Jean Young from what
- 00:13:10little is known studies the rules
- 00:13:12carefully but ends up signing as well
- 00:13:15back on the boat captain park and junho
- 00:13:17talk this time they don't plan to fail
- 00:13:20they use a drone to fly over the island
- 00:13:22that appears in the GPS signal
- 00:13:25simultaneously a team group disembarks
- 00:13:27in an inflatable raft to a approach from
- 00:13:29another Shore hoping to find guun on the
- 00:13:32real Island the participants are led to
- 00:13:34a gigantic Courtyard with a robotic doll
- 00:13:37in the background Yun very nervous
- 00:13:40recognizes the deadly game from the
- 00:13:41previous season while the game unfolds
- 00:13:44junho and his team realized that the
- 00:13:46island they're exploring isn't the
- 00:13:48correct one a local fisherman reveals
- 00:13:51that someone paid him to take the
- 00:13:52supposed GPS tooth to that location
- 00:13:55diverting them from their route they
- 00:13:57discover with frustration that they've
- 00:13:59fallen into a trap set by the
- 00:14:01organization which has removed the chip
- 00:14:03from gun's mouth and used it to deceive
- 00:14:05them with the storm approaching the
- 00:14:07captain warns that they must return
- 00:14:09without having found the real
- 00:14:10whereabouts of the games he tries to
- 00:14:12warn everyone that if they move after
- 00:14:14red light they'll die when detected by
- 00:14:16the doll sensors most think he's
- 00:14:18Delirious until a player the conceited
- 00:14:21girl number 196 laughs from a wasp sting
- 00:14:24and receives a lethal shot Panic spreads
- 00:14:28many run and fall under bullets kihun
- 00:14:31shouts for them to stay still but the
- 00:14:32initial chaos causes dozens of deaths
- 00:14:35still some players react and begin to
- 00:14:38advance during the green light intervals
- 00:14:41the purple-haired rapper number 230
- 00:14:43pushes anyone who crosses his path
- 00:14:45showing his ruthless character giun
- 00:14:48moved helps an injured participant by
- 00:14:51trying to drag him to the Finish Line
- 00:14:53although he manages to cross the line
- 00:14:55the injured companion doesn't survive
- 00:14:57here we see it was n
- 00:14:59in her role as a lethal and ruthless
- 00:15:01sniper the final count yields a
- 00:15:04devastating result 91 people die and 365
- 00:15:08managed to pass the test the survivors
- 00:15:11returned to the large bunk room
- 00:15:13exhausted and in shock kihan receives
- 00:15:16complaints some suspect he knew too much
- 00:15:19but don't understand why he's here again
- 00:15:20if he supposedly had won before the
- 00:15:23soldiers announced there are 365
- 00:15:25survivors and 91 eliminated a wave of
- 00:15:29pleas breaks out for them to end this
- 00:15:31hell and let them leave guihan invokes
- 00:15:34Clause number three of the contract
- 00:15:36which allows the game to be terminated
- 00:15:38if the majority so decides before voting
- 00:15:41the soldiers show the famous transparent
- 00:15:43piggy bank that descends over the room
- 00:15:45and begins to fill with stacks of bills
- 00:15:48the initial count is 99,100 million the
- 00:15:52sound of money hypnotizes many who had
- 00:15:54been about to give up the voting begins
- 00:15:57and players pass one by one
- 00:15:59some dead scared vote not to continue
- 00:16:03While others blinded by the possible
- 00:16:05Fortune choose
- 00:16:07continue gun votes no the rapper 230
- 00:16:12eager for power and money votes yes as
- 00:16:16it progresses the voting becomes very
- 00:16:18close with an almost total tie when
- 00:16:20tension reaches its climax the last to
- 00:16:23vote is player 001 who turns out to be
- 00:16:26someone of enormous importance as he
- 00:16:28places places his hand on the button he
- 00:16:30smiles and presses
- 00:16:33yes with this the balance tips in favor
- 00:16:36of continuing the game upon raising his
- 00:16:39gaze we discover that he is actually the
- 00:16:41masked leader that is the police
- 00:16:44officer's missing brother xong gun and
- 00:16:46His companion talk while eating in the
- 00:16:47Great Hall surrounded by coffins that
- 00:16:50soldiers prepare with ribbons the
- 00:16:52atmosphere is tense but some contestants
- 00:16:54try to maintain a moment of calm
- 00:16:56suddenly the leader the man with the
- 00:16:58black m previously identified as number
- 00:17:01001 approaches and talks with guun while
- 00:17:04other participants observe them the
- 00:17:06topic of dalona cookies from the
- 00:17:08previous season comes up when someone
- 00:17:09mentions that the second game might be
- 00:17:11about cutting shapes from melted sugar
- 00:17:14some ask which shape is the easiest and
- 00:17:16which is the hardest remembering that
- 00:17:18the umbrella shape carried an enormous
- 00:17:20risk Gian suggests he would like to
- 00:17:22share this information with everyone so
- 00:17:24they don't die but the leader seems to
- 00:17:26have other ideas in mind not everyone
- 00:17:29wants the entire group to pass the test
- 00:17:31as this would reduce the money
- 00:17:33accumulation in the large piggy bank the
- 00:17:35participant with glasses and curly hair
- 00:17:38identified as number
- 00:17:39388 approaches looking for his mother
- 00:17:42who is feeding a pregnant contestant
- 00:17:44with number
- 00:17:45222 several contestants discussed their
- 00:17:48situation and the group consisting of
- 00:17:50the cryptocurrency scammer and the
- 00:17:52purplehair rapper number 230 appears
- 00:17:55along with his friend number 124
- 00:17:59the rapper confronts the scammer about
- 00:18:00losing a lot of money due to his digital
- 00:18:02currency and a fight breaks out some
- 00:18:05intervene timidly while leader 001 makes
- 00:18:08his way through stops the fighting and
- 00:18:10ends up dominating the rapper with an
- 00:18:12impressive show of strength when he
- 00:18:14leaves him on the ground most applaud
- 00:18:16relieved that the situation isn't
- 00:18:18getting worse meanwhile in another
- 00:18:20section of the place the soldiers return
- 00:18:22to their lockers nle is seen cleaning
- 00:18:25her face and leaving an apparent hurry
- 00:18:27when the scene returns to the bunk area
- 00:18:29the large piggy bank full of bills
- 00:18:31continues sparkling above many
- 00:18:34participants are restless and cannot
- 00:18:36sleep Yun can't sleep either the leader
- 00:18:39approaches him and they talk about guilt
- 00:18:42past deaths and the need for money for
- 00:18:44loved ones at this point the narrative
- 00:18:47shows an Abrupt change to a Sinister
- 00:18:48room where a group of soldiers
- 00:18:50manipulates recent corpses as if trying
- 00:18:52to extract something from them it's
- 00:18:54suggested that some contestants didn't
- 00:18:56die immediately but were finished off to
- 00:18:58prevent them from staying alive in
- 00:19:00parallel a soldier in black uniform
- 00:19:02communicates through a walkie-talkie and
- 00:19:04then reprimands nle giving her strict
- 00:19:07orders it seems clear that this black
- 00:19:09uniform Soldier is an important
- 00:19:10Commander different from leader 001 who
- 00:19:13is inside the game he refers to an organ
- 00:19:17trafficking operation a practice he
- 00:19:19justifies by saying that the
- 00:19:20participants bodies sooner or later were
- 00:19:23going to perish he speaks nostalgically
- 00:19:26about how he recruited who is now there
- 00:19:28as a soldier reminding them that
- 00:19:30initially their work supposedly
- 00:19:32consisted of ending the suffering of
- 00:19:34hopeless people the black soldier
- 00:19:37regrets that some mercy shots have
- 00:19:39spoiled organs they plan to sell and
- 00:19:41also maintains that no one in the
- 00:19:43organization will find out about these
- 00:19:44dealings because on another occasion an
- 00:19:47internal doctor gave Clues to a
- 00:19:49participant and they were almost
- 00:19:50discovered but this time they hired an
- 00:19:52outside doctor to leave no Loose Ends
- 00:19:55the subordinate doesn't seem satisfied
- 00:19:57as they believe their mission would be
- 00:19:59different and feels betrayed tension
- 00:20:01grows when they discuss the morality of
- 00:20:03using the organs of the recently
- 00:20:04deceased finally the black soldier
- 00:20:06demands obedience but the other leaves
- 00:20:08reluctant to continue with this practice
- 00:20:11the police officer enters the station
- 00:20:13where his Superior scolds him and calls
- 00:20:15him stubborn for insisting on going
- 00:20:17after that supposed game Island unable
- 00:20:19to show conclusive evidence the officer
- 00:20:21is on the verge of definitively losing
- 00:20:23his position later while driving he
- 00:20:26contacts the lone shark Thug and the
- 00:20:28captain to organize two search teams as
- 00:20:30soon as the weather improves they meet
- 00:20:32in a venue where the captain explains
- 00:20:34that he trusts his experience at Sea and
- 00:20:36Promises to sail with them the next day
- 00:20:38the officer and the thug insist they
- 00:20:40cannot delay because each passing day
- 00:20:43puts the participants including song gun
- 00:20:46in danger the captain observes the men
- 00:20:48the thug has recruited they tough guys
- 00:20:50ready to fight if necessary finally they
- 00:20:53agree that at dawn they'll divide the
- 00:20:55group into two vessels to track
- 00:20:56different areas meanwhile while in the
- 00:20:59game compound songun has a nightmare in
- 00:21:02which he remembers the dalgona cookie
- 00:21:03game but upon waking discovers that the
- 00:21:06upcoming test is completely different
- 00:21:08the next competition approaches and the
- 00:21:10pregnant contestant with number 222
- 00:21:12exchanges words with the cryptocurrency
- 00:21:14scammer other characters like the
- 00:21:17purple-haired rapper number 230 and his
- 00:21:19friend number 124 prepare themselves
- 00:21:22with nerve
- 00:21:23pills there are many crossed
- 00:21:25conversations the mother with the
- 00:21:27curlyhair glasses ing son she's an
- 00:21:29elderly lady with unknown number he's
- 00:21:32007 the mysterious girl who dresses
- 00:21:35peculiarly the supposed Wizard or
- 00:21:38spiritualist everyone tries to guess
- 00:21:40what the second test will consist of
- 00:21:42while soldiers give vague instructions
- 00:21:45when the moment arrives the robotic
- 00:21:47voice announces a game for teams of five
- 00:21:49people with legs tied two by two to
- 00:21:51advance in a six legs style they must
- 00:21:54overcome five mini challenges inspired
- 00:21:56by Korean children's games for example
- 00:21:59flipping Tak G throwing stones in a
- 00:22:01hopscotch like game playing gongi
- 00:22:03spinning a top and kicking the jegy each
- 00:22:06team has 5 minutes to complete all tests
- 00:22:08in a multicolored circuit if they fail
- 00:22:11at any stage or time runs out they're
- 00:22:13eliminated groups form frantically some
- 00:22:16compete to recruit strong or skilled
- 00:22:18people others discard those who seem
- 00:22:20weak or pregnant Gian gathers a small
- 00:22:23team that trusts him for having played
- 00:22:24before although he doesn't actually know
- 00:22:26this modality tension escalates when
- 00:22:29several lose time or fail the tests
- 00:22:32certain teams begin to suffer immediate
- 00:22:34executions pink clad solders drag bodies
- 00:22:37to ribbon adorned coffins and some
- 00:22:40participants who are still breathing are
- 00:22:42finished off without
- 00:22:43Mercy the purple-haired rapper takes
- 00:22:46another of his nerve pills and
- 00:22:47encourages his people with boastful airs
- 00:22:50meanwhile pregnant number
- 00:22:52222 the cryptocurrency scammer and
- 00:22:55several others discuss throwing
- 00:22:57strategies and who will do each game
- 00:23:00sweat fear and urgency cause fatal
- 00:23:02errors not everyone manages to reach the
- 00:23:05goal before the timer runs out and the
- 00:23:07speakers announce the numbers of those
- 00:23:09eliminated amidst this confusion more
- 00:23:12coffins are seen arriving and
- 00:23:13Desperation spreads among the survivors
- 00:23:16some continue protesting because they
- 00:23:18thought the next test would be the sugar
- 00:23:20cookie or something gun would Master but
- 00:23:23the organization varies the rules as it
- 00:23:25sees fit as executions are carried out
- 00:23:28and bodies are collected there's an
- 00:23:30unsettling pause in the end several
- 00:23:32teams complete the circuit agonizingly
- 00:23:35While others collapse at the Finish Line
- 00:23:37struck down by gunfire pregnant girls
- 00:23:39team and the curly-haired boys team with
- 00:23:41his mother and the witch continue
- 00:23:42struggling in the colored circuit where
- 00:23:44tests like throwing Dice and spinning
- 00:23:46the top Remain the glasses wearing boy's
- 00:23:49mother 007 makes a perfect throw with
- 00:23:52the dice while the rest very nervous
- 00:23:55cheer her on the witch has to spin the
- 00:23:57top but the floor is stained with blood
- 00:24:00which further complicates the
- 00:24:02situation she hesitates and the boy who
- 00:24:05dresses as a woman ends up pushing her
- 00:24:07out of her shock with barely a second
- 00:24:09remaining they manage to get the top to
- 00:24:11spin long enough and the team completes
- 00:24:13the stage just in time several deaths
- 00:24:16occur in other teams that fail to
- 00:24:18overcome the tests or run out of time
- 00:24:20soldiers bring coffins and finish off
- 00:24:22those who are still breathing only a few
- 00:24:24reach the Finish Line safe and sound two
- 00:24:27teams remain in play one of them with
- 00:24:29gun and the leader
- 00:24:31001 they Advance with great tension
- 00:24:34because the leader repeatedly fails in
- 00:24:36the spinning top test each error
- 00:24:38consumes precious seconds and reproaches
- 00:24:41and Desperation begin in the last
- 00:24:44attempt the top stays upright and the
- 00:24:46team moves to the next phase guun takes
- 00:24:50charge of the final test a kind of duck
- 00:24:52or object throwing game when time seems
- 00:24:55to be running out he manages to hit the
- 00:24:57target in the last second while the
- 00:24:59other team falls behind and ends up
- 00:25:01being executed although they celebrate
- 00:25:04their success there's a Bittersweet
- 00:25:06atmosphere back in the bunk bedroom some
- 00:25:09contestants who passed the test chat the
- 00:25:11purple-haired rapper 230 and his group
- 00:25:14gather including the pregnant woman 222
- 00:25:17and the purple-haired friend
- 00:25:19124 separately the boy who dresses as a
- 00:25:22woman the elderly mother the young man
- 00:25:24with glasses and curls
- 00:25:27007 and the the witch also share their
- 00:25:29relief at having survived between both
- 00:25:32groups they discuss the risks of the
- 00:25:34game and debate possible strategies for
- 00:25:36what's to come meanwhile in a locker
- 00:25:39area Soldier 011 or Soldier n is
- 00:25:42surrounded by colleagues who hold her
- 00:25:44back and confront her she defends
- 00:25:46herself although it's not clear what her
- 00:25:48capts are planning shortly after gun's
- 00:25:52team returns triumphant and receives
- 00:25:54distant greetings from the others the
- 00:25:56leader shares some reflections with with
- 00:25:58them and the pregnant woman
- 00:26:00222 appears intrigued by the mysterious
- 00:26:03001's intentions when the alarm sounds
- 00:26:06soldiers burst into the dormatory again
- 00:26:08and line up all participants to announce
- 00:26:10that after the most recent casualties
- 00:26:13the prize has risen to 78 billion one
- 00:26:16they also introduce a mysterious box no
- 00:26:18one knows for certain what it contains
- 00:26:21and the main Soldier vaguely explains
- 00:26:22the new instructions some contestants
- 00:26:25appear euphoric upon hearing the
- 00:26:27accumulated amount
- 00:26:28others discuss whether to continue
- 00:26:30playing or leave as deaths and
- 00:26:32psychological pressure have been
- 00:26:34increasing the curly-haired boy mother
- 00:26:36the elderly lady along with the pregnant
- 00:26:39woman and the young man who dresses as a
- 00:26:41woman talk about what they could do if
- 00:26:43they abandoned the game they see the
- 00:26:45enormous piggy bank full of bills and
- 00:26:47debate whether it's worth continuing
- 00:26:49while in another group song gun and the
- 00:26:52leader
- 00:26:53001 exchange views with their people a
- 00:26:57vote begins to decide whether the game
- 00:26:59continues or not each player must press
- 00:27:01a button reflecting their stance
- 00:27:04nervousness erupts when within the same
- 00:27:06teams there are those who wish to leave
- 00:27:08and those who want to risk more for
- 00:27:10money some participants argue heatedly
- 00:27:13the pregnant woman cries asking for a
- 00:27:15way out and the elderly man shouts
- 00:27:17desperately while the leader insists
- 00:27:19that most people will choose to
- 00:27:21continue finally giun votes but the
- 00:27:24preference to continue wins again
- 00:27:26frustrated those who wanted to stop
- 00:27:28return to their bunks the next morning
- 00:27:31everyone goes to breakfast and new
- 00:27:32conversations break out the mother the
- 00:27:35grandma and her son the curly-haired one
- 00:27:38engage in a conversation where he begs
- 00:27:40for something that isn't clear while the
- 00:27:42pregnant woman and The Feminine looking
- 00:27:44boy share confidences about their past
- 00:27:47lives meanwhile the cryptocurrency
- 00:27:49scammer
- 00:27:51333 finds himself cornered in the
- 00:27:53bathrooms by the purple-haired rapper
- 00:27:55230 and his accomplice 124 who continued
- 00:28:00demanding answers about the money they
- 00:28:01lost because of him when threats turned
- 00:28:04physical the leader bursts in interrupt
- 00:28:06the scuffle later in the dormatory
- 00:28:09several contestants move mattresses and
- 00:28:10pillows fearing another night of
- 00:28:12violence guihan and player 390 discuss
- 00:28:16strategies to avoid being attacked while
- 00:28:18sleeping at night the elderly lady shows
- 00:28:21her son a small knife hidden in her hair
- 00:28:23and explains they must defend
- 00:28:25themselves then the pregnant woman the
- 00:28:28lady and the young man who dresses as a
- 00:28:30woman convince a soldier to let them go
- 00:28:33to the
- 00:28:33bathroom there they seem to plan
- 00:28:36something the pregnant woman is
- 00:28:37distressed and the other two try to
- 00:28:40instill courage in her meanwhile the
- 00:28:42police officer and the captain continue
- 00:28:44their attempts to locate the island they
- 00:28:47adjust the search plan change radio
- 00:28:49frequency and agree not to use phones to
- 00:28:51avoid new ambushes the next day the
- 00:28:54music sounds again with lights suddenly
- 00:28:56turning on the soldiers order
- 00:28:58participants to get up and form lines
- 00:29:01among them is Soldier n or 011 who leads
- 00:29:05them through colored stairs to a
- 00:29:06circus-like enclosure with a rotating
- 00:29:08platform in the center the robotic voice
- 00:29:11gives General instructions about the
- 00:29:12next test though without clarifying them
- 00:29:15completely some like guihan and the
- 00:29:17leader observe the surroundings and
- 00:29:19wonder what it will be about the
- 00:29:21platform begins to move like a Carousel
- 00:29:23and there the scene cuts off leaving the
- 00:29:25mystery of what the next game will be
- 00:29:27like the episod episode opens with the
- 00:29:28rotating platform in full operation but
- 00:29:31chaos soon breaks out soldiers appear
- 00:29:33shooting and Collective hysteria pushes
- 00:29:35players to run from one room to another
- 00:29:38as if they needed to find shelter before
- 00:29:40the guards reached them during each
- 00:29:42pause some managed to break free and
- 00:29:44take refuge in time others fall under
- 00:29:46bullets or find themselves trapped as
- 00:29:48the room doors
- 00:29:50close sangun and the leader 001 move
- 00:29:54with apparent calmness amid the
- 00:29:55confusion without it being clear why
- 00:29:58they appear more Serene than the others
- 00:30:00the elderly mother Grandma about to be
- 00:30:03left out manages to enter a room along
- 00:30:05with guihan there are brief exchanges of
- 00:30:08nervous words the lady checks if her son
- 00:30:11the curly-haired boy has also managed to
- 00:30:13protect himself between each round of
- 00:30:16platform movement conversations
- 00:30:18accelerate and various participants
- 00:30:20either reunite or separate
- 00:30:23forever during this coming and going the
- 00:30:25leader bursts into a room and executes a
- 00:30:28contestant who doesn't understand why he
- 00:30:29is the target some corpses continue
- 00:30:32breathing inside coffins but the
- 00:30:34soldiers proceed to incinerate them
- 00:30:36anyway the survivors return exhausted to
- 00:30:39the collective dormitory giun talks with
- 00:30:41player 390 to try to understand the
- 00:30:44brutality of the rules and the apparent
- 00:30:46arbitrariness of the deaths meanwhile in
- 00:30:49another location the captain and the
- 00:30:51police officer discuss on the boat about
- 00:30:54the strategy to find the island
- 00:30:55reviewing maps and coordinating the crew
- 00:30:57[Music]
- 00:30:59after the brutal Carousel test the
- 00:31:01survivors gather for a new money count
- 00:31:03and another vote that will decide
- 00:31:05whether they continue or Not In Parallel
- 00:31:08the police officer and his group along
- 00:31:10with the captain advance in their search
- 00:31:12for the island discovering hidden Gates
- 00:31:14and passages one of their men even
- 00:31:16suffers an accident with an explosion
- 00:31:19meanwhile in the main dormatory song gun
- 00:31:22the leader 001 and other participants
- 00:31:25alternate between moments of tension and
- 00:31:27short breaks to eat or debate what
- 00:31:29strategy to follow regarding the vote
- 00:31:31when nightfalls two antagonistic
- 00:31:34factions the purple-haired rapper 230
- 00:31:37and his people versus the cryptocurrency
- 00:31:39scammer 333 with his group become
- 00:31:43entangled in a verbal struggle inside
- 00:31:45the bathroom The Clash evolves into an
- 00:31:48explicit fight pushing punching and at a
- 00:31:51critical moment someone tries to stab
- 00:31:53another with a fork or something sharp
- 00:31:56that had been hidden
- 00:31:58both sides accuse each other of
- 00:31:59manipulating voters and forcing results
- 00:32:01Thanos and the rest of the contestants
- 00:32:03face off as if it were a fight to the
- 00:32:05death because essentially it is among
- 00:32:08shouts and blows some players who are
- 00:32:10still alive begin counting how many
- 00:32:12remain Nam gu badly wounded appears
- 00:32:15alongside several of his people and
- 00:32:17explains the situation group X ambushed
- 00:32:20them by surprise he's Furious and
- 00:32:22accuses his enemies of having provoked
- 00:32:24everything to manipulate tomorrow's vote
- 00:32:27player 47 doesn't believe it
- 00:32:29counterattacks saying that it's namu
- 00:32:31himself and his people who have planned
- 00:32:33to reduce the competition in a matter of
- 00:32:36seconds chaos erupts and everyone starts
- 00:32:39pointing fingers at each other meanwhile
- 00:32:41Captain Park's drone flies over one of
- 00:32:43the islands in the middle of a stormy
- 00:32:45night the pilot catches Park
- 00:32:47manipulating the recording equipment and
- 00:32:49tension immediately explodes Park stabs
- 00:32:52him several times and throws him
- 00:32:53overboard Mok hearing noise approaches
- 00:32:57to investigate
- 00:32:58but Park pretends everything is normal
- 00:33:00and manages to dismiss him before he
- 00:33:02notices anything strange among the
- 00:33:04contestants many do quick calculations
- 00:33:07if no one changes sides their group will
- 00:33:10win the vote by just one vote they feel
- 00:33:12optimistic believing they will finally
- 00:33:14get out of this nightmare through the
- 00:33:17speakers the official voice warns them
- 00:33:19that in 30 minutes the lights will go
- 00:33:21out the plan is clear no one will betray
- 00:33:24their faction and everyone will vote
- 00:33:26first thing
- 00:33:28at that moment game employees receive
- 00:33:30orders through the speakers the special
- 00:33:32game is about to begin and they must go
- 00:33:34to their posts workers are seen leaving
- 00:33:37the rooms and taking formation in
- 00:33:39different corners of the complex as
- 00:33:41players prepare for the night yun's team
- 00:33:43outlines their strategy they suspect the
- 00:33:45opposing side will try to attack while
- 00:33:47they sleep to alter the voting some
- 00:33:50propose striking first but gun refuses
- 00:33:53he explains that joining The Killing
- 00:33:54only benefits those at the top the ones
- 00:33:57pulling the strings of the show instead
- 00:34:00he proposes attacking the control room
- 00:34:01during the disorder they'll wait for a
- 00:34:04new fight to break out and amid the
- 00:34:06confusion they'll sneak in and surprise
- 00:34:08the guards the blackout comes and guan's
- 00:34:11team follows the instructions they hide
- 00:34:14under the bunks in silence outside chaos
- 00:34:18breaks out with rival factions hunting
- 00:34:20each other there's a real blood bath
- 00:34:23according to guan's plan they don't
- 00:34:25intervene if they took part they could
- 00:34:27lose lose valuable allies and risk their
- 00:34:29plan besides kihun trusts that the
- 00:34:31guards won't let the number of
- 00:34:33contestants reduce too much finally the
- 00:34:35soldiers burst in to stop the massacre
- 00:34:37and check who's still alive the moment
- 00:34:39guihan was waiting for arrives they play
- 00:34:41dead and when the guards lower their
- 00:34:43guard his team attacks them and seizes
- 00:34:45some weapons other contestants also
- 00:34:47manage to escape in the midst of chaos
- 00:34:49but guihan manages to hold a guard and
- 00:34:51forces Him to guide them to the control
- 00:34:53room at this point Gian and his people
- 00:34:56rebel completely they shoot at the
- 00:34:58cameras and the Mast officer orders all
- 00:35:00units to concentrate sirens sound and
- 00:35:02the guards prepare but the players don't
- 00:35:04waste time they collect weapons and
- 00:35:06ammunition from the Fallen Soldiers
- 00:35:08guihan encourages other companions to
- 00:35:10join especially those who know how to
- 00:35:12handle weapons several join in including
- 00:35:15a former Special Forces Sergeant who
- 00:35:17gives brief instructions on using
- 00:35:18machine guns thus gun Jung B Yung IL
- 00:35:23yunju deho and others climb the stairs
- 00:35:26Guided by the guard they've captured a
- 00:35:28shootout occurs where they take down
- 00:35:30groups of soldiers The Mask officer from
- 00:35:33his post orders blocking the advance
- 00:35:35toward the control area Yun devises a
- 00:35:37trick he puts on the guard's mask and
- 00:35:40manages to enter the command room while
- 00:35:42Yung B accompanies him young ill stays
- 00:35:44behind to hold off the soldiers and buy
- 00:35:46time giun uses the radio to request
- 00:35:49reinforcements and ammunition and young
- 00:35:51ill sends two players to support him
- 00:35:53while hyunju looks for more bullets Deo
- 00:35:55offers help but loses courage and do
- 00:35:57doesn't return When young ill and his
- 00:35:59small group reach guihan and Jung Bay
- 00:36:02they discover that the control room is
- 00:36:03heavily protected giun proposes finding
- 00:36:06an alternative entrance and young ill
- 00:36:08claims to know a back way he takes the
- 00:36:10two players promising to take the guards
- 00:36:12by
- 00:36:13surprise guihan and Jung Bay continue
- 00:36:16exchanging fire with the soldiers while
- 00:36:18young ill leaves with the ammunition
- 00:36:20guihan has given
- 00:36:21him the Betrayal erupts young ill
- 00:36:25actually an infiltrator executes the two
- 00:36:27players accompanying him over the radio
- 00:36:30he pretends to be wounded and makes guun
- 00:36:32believe All Is Lost then he contacts the
- 00:36:35soldiers revealing that he is the
- 00:36:37frontman and ordering them to end the
- 00:36:39uprising meanwhile yanju tries to
- 00:36:42communicate with Deo
- 00:36:44unsuccessfully the guards burst in and
- 00:36:46capture several of gun's team members
- 00:36:48hju wants to face them but gum Jaja
- 00:36:51stops him asking him not to waste his
- 00:36:53life Yun and Jung B find themselves
- 00:36:55cornered unaware that young ill is
- 00:36:58actually the front man with his face
- 00:37:00covered by his black mask Jill stands
- 00:37:02before guihan and mocks his heroism as a
- 00:37:05finale he shoots Jung B in the chest
- 00:37:08leaving guun devastated as he watches
- 00:37:10his friend die season 2 closes with the
- 00:37:13piggy bank at 41.1 billion one if in the
- 00:37:16hypothetical season 3 the remaining 45
- 00:37:19players were to vote to leave each would
- 00:37:21take more than 900 million however after
- 00:37:24the credits a new twist is shown in the
- 00:37:27Red Light Green Light test there are now
- 00:37:29not one but two gigantic mannequins that
- 00:37:32rise threateningly before the
- 00:37:33contestants as a PR that the terror is
- 00:37:36not over
- 00:37:39[Music]
- 00:37:57oh
- survie
- trahison
- alliances
- jeux mortels
- quête de vengeance
- manipulation
- révélations
- suspense
- confrontation
- violence