Ultimate F2P Weekly Farming Routine! *Recommended* | Genshin Impact
TLDRIn deze video deelt Amber haar wekelijkse routine binnen Genshin Impact, waarin ze haar tips en trucs deelt voor efficiënt gamen. Ze bespreekt het beheren van resin, het verzamelen van vriendschap XP, en hoe je je dagelijkse en wekelijkse doelen kan voltooien, zoals missies en bounties. Amber laat zien hoe ze haar teapot optimaliseert voor resource productie en benadrukt het belang van het kiezen van de juiste bounties om reputatie XP te verdienen. Ze biedt ook advies over hoe je je gaming ervaring kunt verbeteren door tijd te besparen en strategisch te plannen.
Punti di forza
- ✨ Begin je dag met het controleren van je resin om efficiënt te kunnen farmen.
- 🤝 Gebruik een team met max vriendschap voor extra XP tijdens missies.
- 🗺️ Kies strategisch de locatie voor je commissions op basis van benodigde resources.
- 🎯 Plan je wekelijkse doelen met behulp van de battle pass als checklist.
- 💎 Vermijd het verspillen van fragile resin - gebruik het alleen als dat echt nodig is.
- 🌱 Zorg ervoor dat de Crystal Fly Trap op een handige plek staat voor efficiënte verzamelingen.
- 👥 Vraag om hulp in co-op als je zelf geen sterke teamleden hebt.
- 📅 Bezoek je teapot wekelijks voor resource verzameling.
- 🍳 Kook eenvoudig voedsel dat je HP herstelt voor toekomstige uitdagingen.
- 🔄 Houd je artifact farming beperkt tot wat je echt nodig hebt om je team krachtiger te maken.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Amber is terug met een video over haar wekelijkse routine, en moedigt kijkers aan om ook tips op te letten. Ze begint met het controleren van haar status in het spel, zoals het aantal residuen, en gebruikt een vriendschapsteam voor haar missies, wat helpt om vriendschapservaring op te bouwen. Dit biedt een diepere kijk op haar wekelijkse activiteiten, inclusief de planning van haar tijd en de keuzes van missielocaties.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Bij het kiezen van missies raadt Amber aan om rekening te houden met de hulpbronnen die je nodig hebt voor je karakters. Door te kiezen voor missies in gebieden waar je noodzakelijke materialen kunt verzamelen, wordt resourceverzameling efficiënter. Als je weet dat je de volgende dag druk bent, is het slim om kortere missies te kiezen, zoals die in Mondstadt.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Amber laat zien hoe ze haar beloningen voor de missies verzamelt en legt uit hoe je je vriendschapsteam het beste kunt gebruiken om die beloningen te maximaliseren. Ze bespreekt ook belangrijke updates in het spel, zoals verbeteringen in het claimen van beloningen, wat het proces sneller en gemakkelijker maakt.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Vervolgens beschrijft Amber haar wekelijkse routine van het vechten tegen baasgevallen, waarbij ze aangeeft dat het belangrijk is om vooraf te plannen welke bazen je nodig hebt op basis van de benodigdheden van je karakters. Ze benadrukt het belang van het optimaliseren van je team om de vechten efficiënter te maken en hoe je de meeste voordelen uit je vechtstrategieën haalt.
- 00:20:00 - 00:28:54
Tot slot bespreekt Amber het belang van het beheer van residuen en hoe je deze het beste kunt gebruiken voor gegarandeerde upgrades, zoals talent en wapens, boven artefacten. Ze eindigt met een oproep aan haar kijkers om hun verzoeken en vragen in de reacties achter te laten, terwijl ze zich voorbereidt om de video af te sluiten.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Wat is de belangrijkste focus van de video?
De video gaat over Amber's wekelijkse routine in Genshin Impact, inclusief tips om efficiënt te spelen.
Hoe beheert Amber haar resin?
Amber controleert regelmatig haar resin en condenseert het indien nodig, om tijd te besparen tijdens het farmen.
Wat zijn enkele tips voor het voltooien van missies?
Gebruik een team met max vriendschap, plan je missies op basis van benodigde resources en kies locaties strategisch.
Wat doet ze met de Crystal Fly Trap?
Ze plaatst de Crystal Fly Trap op een handige locatie om Crystal Flies automatisch te verzamelen.
Welke items verzamelt ze in de teapot?
Ze verzamelt Heroes WID en Mystic Enhancement Ores voor verdere upgrades.
Hoe vaak moet ik mijn teapot controleren?
Zorg ervoor dat je wekelijks terugkomt om je teapot en resources te claimen.
Wat moet ik doen als ik geen vrienden heb om bounties te helpen?
Je kunt hulp vragen aan andere spelers via Discord of andere platforms.
Wat is de rol van de battle pass in de routine?
De battle pass fungeert als een checklist voor Amber om haar wekelijkse doelen te volgen.
Waarom is het belangrijk om de juiste bounties te kiezen?
Kies bounties die je reputatie XP helpen verhogen, vooral in steden waar je nog niet maxed out bent.
Waarom raadt ze aan om geen fragile resin te verspillen?
Fragile resin moet zorgvuldig worden beheerd en alleen worden gebruikt wanneer echt nodig om downtimes in resource farming te minimaliseren.
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- 00:00:00hi everyone it's me Amber and I'm back
- 00:00:02with another video so yes I have been
- 00:00:05gone for a while please read the
- 00:00:06description for the rest of the
- 00:00:08explanation but I don't want to spend
- 00:00:09too much time talking about that because
- 00:00:11today's video is going to be my weekly
- 00:00:14routine this video is different from the
- 00:00:16others I don't normally do routine
- 00:00:17videos since I mostly do tips but I have
- 00:00:20a lot of additional tips that I mention
- 00:00:22in this video so I highly recommend you
- 00:00:23watch through it now my weekly routine
- 00:00:25consists of all the things I do on a
- 00:00:27weekly basis and today is the day where
- 00:00:29I do all of that so I put my entire
- 00:00:31schedule together in one video and
- 00:00:33hopefully you take away some things that
- 00:00:34you can add to your routine so you can
- 00:00:36maximize your resources and get the best
- 00:00:38out of your forming this is going to be
- 00:00:40quite a long video since I have a lot to
- 00:00:42do and a lot of it will be sped up just
- 00:00:44for the sake of watching but I highly
- 00:00:46recommend you grab a snack sit back and
- 00:00:48relax and enjoy the video so let's get
- 00:00:51started here we are starting in Inazuma
- 00:00:53which is where our commissions are today
- 00:00:55but the first thing I usually do when I
- 00:00:56log in is I check the map for how much
- 00:00:59resin I have now if I already have Max
- 00:01:01resin I would go and condense some just
- 00:01:02so that it's not sitting while I do
- 00:01:04commissions but as of now I do not have
- 00:01:06Max resin which means I can continue on
- 00:01:08with the day before I usually start
- 00:01:09commissions I like to switch to my
- 00:01:11friendship team now before I used to
- 00:01:14complete my commissions with a different
- 00:01:15team and then switch when I claim
- 00:01:17rewards but now I just like to complete
- 00:01:19it with my friendship team entirely as
- 00:01:21you can see this team has no Synergy
- 00:01:23it's full of unbuilt characters well
- 00:01:25some of them are unbuilt like yaoya and
- 00:01:26Claren but mainly I'm just here to
- 00:01:28collect their friendship XP as you can
- 00:01:30see their friendship is not maxed out
- 00:01:32but they are close to it however I did
- 00:01:34realize that doing commissions actually
- 00:01:36does grant you quite a bit of friendship
- 00:01:37XP that I don't want to miss out on so
- 00:01:39if you are able to make a team like this
- 00:01:41where they are just built enough to
- 00:01:43fight some normal enemies then I highly
- 00:01:45do recommend that so let's get started
- 00:01:47with our first commission and navigate
- 00:01:49to that with commissions I kind of just
- 00:01:51do them real quick like I speedrun
- 00:01:53through them but the problem is
- 00:01:55friendship teams make that process
- 00:01:57really slow especially if they are
- 00:01:58unbuilt characters which is why on days
- 00:02:01where I need to rush I wouldn't use my
- 00:02:02friendship team and I just use a built
- 00:02:04team instead which works just as fine
- 00:02:06except you just don't get that
- 00:02:07additional friendship rewards if they're
- 00:02:09already maxed
- 00:02:14out honestly this team has no Synergy
- 00:02:17whatsoever so there's no rotations I
- 00:02:19follow it's just use everybody when
- 00:02:20their skills are available and try not
- 00:02:22to die and get hit it's helpful to have
- 00:02:25one Healer at least so that you don't
- 00:02:26have to keep using food all the time or
- 00:02:28at least one steady DP s that can do
- 00:02:30some damage so that you're not tickling
- 00:02:32the enemy all day the difference between
- 00:02:34this video and my daily routine video
- 00:02:36which I posted a little while ago is
- 00:02:38that this video goes into more depth of
- 00:02:40what I do weekly so I can show you all
- 00:02:41the rewards I get such as bounties and
- 00:02:44weekly bosses and all those other weekly
- 00:02:46things because those do give quite a few
- 00:02:48good rewards as
- 00:02:54well okay that commission is complete
- 00:02:57let's move on to our next one but I
- 00:02:59probably need to heal up first because
- 00:03:01my healer is not that good also the last
- 00:03:03routine video I posted was quite a long
- 00:03:05time ago and there have been so many
- 00:03:07updates for quality of life and I'd like
- 00:03:09to include those in this video because
- 00:03:11those new updates actually do help the
- 00:03:13efficiency of your farming routine I
- 00:03:15love how it just auton navigates
- 00:03:16commissions or you can just claim
- 00:03:18rewards faster and Expedition rewards
- 00:03:20and everything like that it just is so
- 00:03:22much more helpful and I'd really like to
- 00:03:24include those in this video also I've
- 00:03:26made a few adjustments to my farming
- 00:03:27routine so that everything flows more
- 00:03:29effici L and smoothly and so that I'm
- 00:03:31not letting my resin sit at cap or I'm
- 00:03:34able to manage my resources better okay
- 00:03:36I genuinely hate this Commission because
- 00:03:38I always get
- 00:03:41caught and I was
- 00:03:48right the thing about using a friendship
- 00:03:50team like this is that a lot of your
- 00:03:52battles could take longer and one thing
- 00:03:54I really notice is that if I'm fighting
- 00:03:56hard enemies the battles take a lot
- 00:03:58longer
- 00:04:06if all your characters are at Max
- 00:04:08friendship and you don't have any
- 00:04:09characters you can use for friendship
- 00:04:11team then just use the characters that
- 00:04:12do a lot of damage so you can get these
- 00:04:14done really fast even though commissions
- 00:04:16are the daily staple they're not really
- 00:04:19what I spend most of my time on
- 00:04:32and it's time for our last commission
- 00:04:34also it's really helpful if you have one
- 00:04:36of those characters that makes
- 00:04:38exploration faster like Gan or Kaza just
- 00:04:41that you can manage the terrain really
- 00:04:43quickly and you can just speedrun
- 00:04:44everything like saou just those
- 00:04:46characters that movement speed is
- 00:04:47increased because it is not fun running
- 00:04:49across terrain without these characters
- 00:04:51that have those passives or skills
- 00:05:04another piece of advice I have about
- 00:05:06deciding where you want your commission
- 00:05:08locations to be is the resources that
- 00:05:10you need specifically the mob drops of
- 00:05:12the character so for example if you know
- 00:05:14that you need enemies from Fontaine for
- 00:05:17characters like if you need those sea
- 00:05:19creatures and everything then choose
- 00:05:21commissions that are in that area
- 00:05:22because the chances are you will have to
- 00:05:24fight mobs that drop those things and it
- 00:05:27just makes resource collection a lot
- 00:05:28easier because it's practically handing
- 00:05:30it to you there and you don't have to
- 00:05:32make an additional stop you just have to
- 00:05:34be in that area fight the commission and
- 00:05:35you get the drops also to plan ahead if
- 00:05:38you know that the next day is going to
- 00:05:39be busier then choose Commissions in a
- 00:05:42place that's really really quick like
- 00:05:44monat I just know that if I won't have
- 00:05:46time the next day to farm I'm going to
- 00:05:48set my commissions to monat because the
- 00:05:50chances are monat commissions are really
- 00:05:53quick and really easy and the mobs are
- 00:05:54not going to be complicated at all and I
- 00:05:56know I can fight it a lot faster so
- 00:05:58those are my two commission tips and now
- 00:06:00that we finished all of them I'm going
- 00:06:01to go claim the rewards but I'm going to
- 00:06:04actually go over to Le because I will
- 00:06:07show you what I have there so here we
- 00:06:09are in L um I'd like to address this
- 00:06:11which is the crystal fly trap which I
- 00:06:13placed a week ago I'm going to claim the
- 00:06:15crystal flies that I've put
- 00:06:17here and as you can see I got 15 Crystal
- 00:06:20cores this really helps because I don't
- 00:06:21have to go and find Crystal flies in the
- 00:06:24wild I know it's not a lot and honestly
- 00:06:27I probably go through more than I get
- 00:06:29it's just hand having it there already
- 00:06:31and you can just claim it whenever you
- 00:06:32feel like it also if you're deciding
- 00:06:33where to put this down put the crystal
- 00:06:35fly trap somewhere that you go
- 00:06:37frequently like I'm going to put it in
- 00:06:39leeway Harbor because I know that it's
- 00:06:40close to a Teleport wayp Point close to
- 00:06:42a crafting table and close to commission
- 00:06:44rewards so I'm going to just drop the
- 00:06:46Trap here again so here it is I'm just
- 00:06:48going to put it down and then I usually
- 00:06:50just pick what I have most of like I
- 00:06:53have a lot of Crystal chunks with me so
- 00:06:55I'm going to put the maximum amount of
- 00:06:57those Crystal chunks are so easy to find
- 00:06:58you can find them out in the wild but
- 00:07:00because I have so many I'm just going to
- 00:07:02put this
- 00:07:03down so this really just takes a week
- 00:07:06and I'll pick it up in a week from now
- 00:07:08but let's go on to where we were trying
- 00:07:10to go to which was the commission
- 00:07:12rewards make sure that you have this
- 00:07:14friendship team on that you're using to
- 00:07:16fight and claim commission
- 00:07:18rewards so I got my primma gems MOA and
- 00:07:21the XP but then also while I'm here I'm
- 00:07:24going to claim my Expedition rewards and
- 00:07:26I love this button it wasn't here back
- 00:07:28when I did my first video and it's just
- 00:07:30so handy also choose characters that
- 00:07:33have bonuses um it's more helpful that
- 00:07:35you choose the characters that have like
- 00:07:36a doubling bonus or will give you more
- 00:07:38resources rather than the ones that cut
- 00:07:40time down because honestly I claim my
- 00:07:42commission rewards and Expedition
- 00:07:44rewards at the same time each day so
- 00:07:47having a shorter Expedition time doesn't
- 00:07:49really add to anything cuz I'm not going
- 00:07:51to go and claim them in the middle of
- 00:07:53the day and it's really not worth my
- 00:07:54time having two schedules based on the
- 00:07:56characters with the passives that make
- 00:07:58time shorter it's just better to choose
- 00:08:00the ones that give you more rewards for
- 00:08:02the long Expeditions so now we've done
- 00:08:04all the daily things and let's go on to
- 00:08:06the weekly things so the first thing we
- 00:08:08going to do is check the battle pass
- 00:08:09because the battle pass is like my
- 00:08:11checklist of what I have to do now I'm
- 00:08:13going to claim the rewards I have here
- 00:08:15and because I chose crystals to be
- 00:08:17farmed in My Expedition I already
- 00:08:18checked off the mine 10 items and I
- 00:08:20don't have to go out and do that I'm
- 00:08:22going to claim my artifact XP but then
- 00:08:25I'm going to go over here and as you can
- 00:08:27see one of the things is cook 20 dishes
- 00:08:29now this is such an easy thing to do so
- 00:08:31I'm going to do that and also it's a
- 00:08:33good supply of food so that I always
- 00:08:35know I have food handy with me so I'm
- 00:08:36going to go over to One restaurant and
- 00:08:38cook those 20 dishes if you're wondering
- 00:08:40what dish to make a lot of people make
- 00:08:42attack food because they like to do
- 00:08:44attack boosting like showcases and
- 00:08:46everything but for me I just love making
- 00:08:49Universal piece this dish gives you so
- 00:08:51much HP back and it's really easy the
- 00:08:52resources you can find anywhere just
- 00:08:55choose dishes that are easy to make and
- 00:08:57give you a lot in return like if you if
- 00:08:59you know that you have a lot of meat
- 00:09:00then you can make Northern apples too or
- 00:09:02if you know you have all these things
- 00:09:03that's really easy obviously don't make
- 00:09:05things that you barely have any of like
- 00:09:07I don't have any of this kind of nut and
- 00:09:09I wouldn't make that because it's just
- 00:09:11difficult and I don't want to farm the
- 00:09:12resources so that's why I'm going to
- 00:09:14make Universal piece and I already have
- 00:09:16it on autoc cook so I'm going to do that
- 00:09:18and I'm going to cook 20 and make sure I
- 00:09:19have a character with that passive so I
- 00:09:21can get more food too and there we go
- 00:09:24I've got food and I've checked something
- 00:09:26off the battle pass so I'm going to
- 00:09:27claim that reward as well another thing
- 00:09:29I do and this is also why I like leway
- 00:09:31Harbor it's because everything is so
- 00:09:33close by I'm going to go over to the
- 00:09:35ironsmith and I'm going to forge some
- 00:09:38Crystal ore now I made some yesterday
- 00:09:40this is why I'm claiming it and I'm
- 00:09:41making a new batch so I'm going to claim
- 00:09:43this tomorrow but this is all stuff that
- 00:09:45I made yesterday so if you have a
- 00:09:46routine you can kind of schedule when
- 00:09:48you're going to claim all these things
- 00:09:50so I'm going to claim all now this
- 00:09:51ensures that you have a steady source of
- 00:09:54these enhancement ores the only issue is
- 00:09:56that you will need to have the crystals
- 00:09:58in the first place or something that you
- 00:10:00can use to craft it now listen to me on
- 00:10:02this do not spend resin on Crafting this
- 00:10:04there are so many better things to do
- 00:10:06resin is not worth crafting these
- 00:10:08crystals instead I just use the crystal
- 00:10:09chunks to create these enhancement ores
- 00:10:12also there is a maximum limit on how
- 00:10:14much you can craft per day so I highly
- 00:10:16recommend you do the highest level
- 00:10:19instead of these ones because it's
- 00:10:20better to spend your limit on things
- 00:10:22that give you more later on such as this
- 00:10:25one rather than this one now instead of
- 00:10:27waiting for these to forge up I probably
- 00:10:29just claim them tomorrow or later
- 00:10:30tonight if I need to but let's take our
- 00:10:33attention away from that and move on to
- 00:10:35more weekly habits and routines I do now
- 00:10:37usually when you think weekly routine
- 00:10:38you think weekly bosses which is exactly
- 00:10:40what I'm going to do now beforehand I
- 00:10:42had already planned out which bosses I
- 00:10:44need to fight for what resources and
- 00:10:47these are the following I had plann to
- 00:10:48fight a pep our Lino's domain and also
- 00:10:51the normal and since I have enough res
- 00:10:53for those I'm going to go and do them
- 00:10:55now the best thing you can do is do
- 00:10:57these bosses when you have time like you
- 00:10:58don't have to do them all in one day one
- 00:11:00after another sometimes if I am on a
- 00:11:02tight schedule I wouldn't do them all at
- 00:11:04once I've been really enjoying using
- 00:11:06this team so far even though it's not
- 00:11:08necessarily the best team I still have a
- 00:11:10lot of fun using finina and Navia
- 00:11:12together so the way I decide which
- 00:11:13bosses I'm going to do is based on the
- 00:11:15characters that I'm building at the
- 00:11:17moment or planning to get so if I know
- 00:11:19that a character needs a certain
- 00:11:21material I will go and farm that or if I
- 00:11:23know I'm building a character that needs
- 00:11:24a material I will also Farm it then
- 00:11:26weekly bosses take a lot more time to
- 00:11:27farm unlike artifacts or Talent domains
- 00:11:30or Ascension materials too so that's why
- 00:11:32pre- farming these weekly bosses is
- 00:11:35pretty helpful these fights with a long
- 00:11:36animations kind of take a while and I
- 00:11:39don't do the most damage individually
- 00:11:40from each character cuz you have to do
- 00:11:42this in a rotation this is also one of
- 00:11:44my spiral abys teams as well so I'm kind
- 00:11:46of getting used to it by playing this
- 00:11:48team my opinions about these weekly
- 00:11:50bosses are that they're getting more
- 00:11:51creative and some of them are getting
- 00:11:53tankier which is definitely the case but
- 00:11:56I think after a while of doing weekly
- 00:11:57bosses it takes less and less time cuz I
- 00:12:00remember taking so long on this fight
- 00:12:02cuz I did not know how to do it I didn't
- 00:12:04know the attack animations and patterns
- 00:12:06and it would take me so long just to
- 00:12:07finish one fight if you're wondering if
- 00:12:09you should do these bosses in Co-op it
- 00:12:11really really depends cuz if you know
- 00:12:13who you're going to be playing with like
- 00:12:15if it's your friends and you know that
- 00:12:16they are really good then definitely
- 00:12:18doing in Co-op speeds up the process by
- 00:12:20a lot but if you're co-oping with a
- 00:12:23bunch of random people it can really
- 00:12:25really change your experience because I
- 00:12:27know that sometimes the people that you
- 00:12:28coop with make the experience a lot more
- 00:12:31difficult since you have to deal with
- 00:12:32their builds and stuff but if you are in
- 00:12:34a hurry I just do not recommend doing a
- 00:12:36co-op session because sometimes waiting
- 00:12:38for people to enter the domain and be
- 00:12:40ready just takes more time than the
- 00:12:41fight itself which I've experienced and
- 00:12:43if your Wi-Fi connection is also pretty
- 00:12:45bad it might not be the best option my
- 00:12:48Bennett died by the way so I'm just
- 00:12:49Reviving him right here this is probably
- 00:12:51what I made that Universal pce for in
- 00:12:53the first
- 00:12:56placey if you're one of those people
- 00:12:58that gets bored really easily of doing
- 00:13:00these things because of how long
- 00:13:01animations take and you just need
- 00:13:03something to entertain yourself I
- 00:13:04recently discovered offer GX and know
- 00:13:06this is not sponsored I just genuinely
- 00:13:08found it really interesting how you can
- 00:13:10play a video on top of genjin so
- 00:13:12sometimes I just have a video right here
- 00:13:14in the corner somewhere and I'd be
- 00:13:16watching that while doing these bosses
- 00:13:17as these animations happen it makes this
- 00:13:19battle process seem a little bit less
- 00:13:21straining because I know doing all these
- 00:13:23repetitive actions can be quite timec
- 00:13:26consuming and really boring
- 00:13:30normally I do not need more than one
- 00:13:32phase to do this but I think it's
- 00:13:34because the team that I'm using I only
- 00:13:36chose to use this team because I wanted
- 00:13:37to practice with it more I don't
- 00:13:39normally fight with this team it's
- 00:13:40better to use teams that are really well
- 00:13:42built for weekly bosses so that you
- 00:13:44spend less time in the domains in the
- 00:13:46first
- 00:13:47place okay so I did get these weekly
- 00:13:49boss drops but I did not get any dream
- 00:13:52solvents or anything that good honestly
- 00:13:54this artifact not the best but I still
- 00:13:56got what I needed so now we are going to
- 00:13:58move on on to our next domain which is a
- 00:14:00pep and hopefully this takes a lot less
- 00:14:02time since there's only two distinct
- 00:14:04phases and you don't have to keep
- 00:14:05switching between Realms like this one
- 00:14:07and I do think it's about time we switch
- 00:14:09up the teams so I'm going to pick this
- 00:14:11team which I've been working on for my
- 00:14:13other half of the abyss and they are
- 00:14:15pretty good they clear things really
- 00:14:16quickly originally this was a taser comp
- 00:14:18with Ryden instead of finina but now
- 00:14:20it's just pretty much a hydro DPS
- 00:14:26team I genuinely really like this team
- 00:14:30because of how easy it is to run and
- 00:14:32because how everyone really synergizes
- 00:14:34pretty well with each other and it works
- 00:14:35well in the spiral Abus too I am
- 00:14:37planning to make another video about
- 00:14:39spiral abys later on so do stay tuned
- 00:14:41for that because I have found out a lot
- 00:14:44of useful tips since I've been doing
- 00:14:45spirus more often and understanding how
- 00:14:48it really works and the best methods for
- 00:14:50team
- 00:14:58building having nette is such a game
- 00:15:00changer because I can clear things so
- 00:15:02quickly and he's so easy to build cuz he
- 00:15:04just scales off HP and a lot of my bad
- 00:15:06artifact rolls end up being in HP and I
- 00:15:08have artifacts that already suit him
- 00:15:10okay time to claim
- 00:15:12rewards and it looks like we got a dream
- 00:15:14solvent so let's go we can add that to
- 00:15:16my collection and I did get the thing I
- 00:15:19wanted so thank goodness for that
- 00:15:21artifact I got from this not the best I
- 00:15:23probably would not use this okay and
- 00:15:25finally we are on to our last boss now
- 00:15:27for the arino boss I actually have not
- 00:15:30fought this many times I think I fought
- 00:15:32it twice and one of them was with a
- 00:15:34friend that basically one-shotted
- 00:15:36everything so I kind of forgot what
- 00:15:38teams to use for this I think I'll go
- 00:15:41with this team and just have kooki there
- 00:15:42this definitely does not synergize well
- 00:15:44but honestly I'm really just trying to
- 00:15:46get through this fight and stay alive
- 00:15:48for the most
- 00:15:52part I really love using kooki her
- 00:15:55healing is so consistent and she is so
- 00:15:57easy to build as well seems like there's
- 00:15:59a trend with characters that I like I
- 00:16:01just like the ones that are really easy
- 00:16:02to build and easy to play too if you're
- 00:16:04a player like me who does not want to
- 00:16:06worry about rotations and everything
- 00:16:08characters like kokami nuet they're all
- 00:16:10really good for
- 00:16:17those okay we finally finished that
- 00:16:19battle it honestly wasn't as bad as I
- 00:16:22had thought it would be I think I kind
- 00:16:24of like using this team it might not be
- 00:16:26navi's best but it still does the job so
- 00:16:29let's claim rewards and looks like no
- 00:16:31dream solvent this time but we did get
- 00:16:33the things that we needed as well and
- 00:16:35our artifact looks pretty bad let's
- 00:16:37leave the domain and I'd like to move on
- 00:16:39to the next thing that I do but first
- 00:16:41i'm going to claim this mission in the
- 00:16:42battle pass which does give a lot of XP
- 00:16:44and it looks like we got a free wish
- 00:16:46here now if you do remember back in the
- 00:16:48days if you checked this Mission menu
- 00:16:51there would be an option for doing
- 00:16:53bounties and requests but now that they
- 00:16:55don't have that the only real benefit
- 00:16:57that you get for completing those
- 00:16:58bounties and requests is the reputation
- 00:17:00XP as for me I still do need reputation
- 00:17:03XP so I'm going to choose the region
- 00:17:06that I need the reputation XP for for
- 00:17:08example mine is Fontaine currently and I
- 00:17:10still need to do Samar but I'm going to
- 00:17:12prioritize Fontaine but I'm going to
- 00:17:14talk to this person over here and get
- 00:17:16the requests first so once I put all
- 00:17:18these requests in my quest menu I don't
- 00:17:20have to come back as often you'll see
- 00:17:22what I mean later now for the bounties
- 00:17:23I'm going to choose the highest level
- 00:17:24Bounty because they're not really that
- 00:17:26difficult and then I just check what the
- 00:17:27enemy is immune to so I won't have that
- 00:17:29type of damage dealer in my team and
- 00:17:31then once I check the map I'm going to
- 00:17:33go teleport over there depending on
- 00:17:35where you are in your genin journey if
- 00:17:36you still need bounties and requests
- 00:17:38then I highly recommend doing them each
- 00:17:40week but if you're at the point where
- 00:17:41you have Max exp for reputation then
- 00:17:44there's really no point in doing these
- 00:17:46so only do this if you know it's going
- 00:17:47to benefit you in the long run and
- 00:17:49you're not just doing it to waste time
- 00:17:50if you are the kind of person that
- 00:17:52thinks reputation is a waste of time I
- 00:17:53will tell you now that it really isn't
- 00:17:56because the reputation allows you to get
- 00:17:57the treasure compass and if you haven't
- 00:17:59explored that area yet having the
- 00:18:01treasure Compass is kind of helpful and
- 00:18:03also there are other rewards such as the
- 00:18:05name cards if you're interested in that
- 00:18:07and also other gadgets that increase
- 00:18:09your quality of life okay so the first
- 00:18:11Bounty is complete and what I'm going to
- 00:18:12do is check the request menu as you can
- 00:18:14see they're a different color thankfully
- 00:18:16they did that now and I'm just going to
- 00:18:17check if there's anything in that area
- 00:18:19because I don't want to have to teleport
- 00:18:20to the same location twice and as of
- 00:18:23right now there aren't any in that area
- 00:18:26but I'm going to go and give these
- 00:18:28request items and fight these request
- 00:18:31enemies first before I go back to claim
- 00:18:33my next Bounty even if you are really
- 00:18:35busy doing requests still give you a
- 00:18:38pretty good amount of Mora and also give
- 00:18:40you XP for reputation so if you don't
- 00:18:42have time to do bounties still do
- 00:18:44requests because they're really simple
- 00:18:45all you have to do are fight enemies or
- 00:18:47give items to a person and it's super
- 00:18:50quick here I am heading to my next
- 00:18:52request location not Bounty I haven't
- 00:18:54claimed the Bounty rewards yet I'm going
- 00:18:56to go and do that but first I want to
- 00:18:58complete these requests and the reason
- 00:19:00why I do this is that I can check how
- 00:19:01much reputation XP I have which will
- 00:19:04determine which bounties I do but
- 00:19:06normally I will just do the highest
- 00:19:07level bounties and I just found out that
- 00:19:09it minimizes my teleportation time if I
- 00:19:12do the requests while I'm still out here
- 00:19:14so there we go that request is complete
- 00:19:16and now I'm going to do the last one and
- 00:19:17here we are at the location of the last
- 00:19:19request if you have a good team these
- 00:19:21should not take you a lot of time at all
- 00:19:24however I do remember back in the days
- 00:19:25where I would have to do really
- 00:19:27difficult bounties it's best you bring a
- 00:19:29friend along for those but if you do not
- 00:19:30have a lot of friends to play genin you
- 00:19:32can ask for help from other players to
- 00:19:34complete a bounty for you I have my
- 00:19:36Discord server Linked In the description
- 00:19:38if you want to find people to play with
- 00:19:39and if you want updates on new videos
- 00:19:42okay that was the last Bounty I'm going
- 00:19:43to go to reputation reward and teleport
- 00:19:45to that place again so I'm going to
- 00:19:47claim rewards for those and as you can
- 00:19:49see I have maxed out Fontaine
- 00:19:52XP I'm going to claim the wind glider
- 00:19:54and normally I would just keep going
- 00:19:56with all of these here and I would do
- 00:19:58the high highest level Bounty but as you
- 00:20:00can see I don't really need to anymore
- 00:20:01for this so I'd only recommend you
- 00:20:03continue these bounties if you still
- 00:20:04need exp but as it shows I've already
- 00:20:06completed it so I'm not going to go dig
- 00:20:08into more of those also here's a piece
- 00:20:10of advice if you're choosing which city
- 00:20:12to do the bounties and requests for and
- 00:20:14I really recommend you listen to this
- 00:20:15piece of advice because it will save you
- 00:20:17a lot of time so if you have multiple
- 00:20:19cities like samaro Fontaine Lea even or
- 00:20:21Inazuma and you still haven't maxed out
- 00:20:23reputation level prioritize the location
- 00:20:25that has the highest amount of completed
- 00:20:27quests because remember that these
- 00:20:29quests give you XP so if I already maxed
- 00:20:31out Fontaine XP and claim these it would
- 00:20:34be pretty useless but if my quests were
- 00:20:36all complete and I just added the extra
- 00:20:38reputation level then I would save a lot
- 00:20:40more time and it would take less time to
- 00:20:42finish bounties and requests to max out
- 00:20:44my reputation and also choose the place
- 00:20:46that was the most explored for exactly
- 00:20:48the same reason looks like I also got an
- 00:20:50achievement so let's go claim that here
- 00:20:52we go level 10 Fontaine and I also
- 00:20:54recently just completed the Natan archon
- 00:20:56Quest so I'm going to claim those
- 00:20:57achievements too and we we also have the
- 00:20:59one from
- 00:21:01today honestly I think these wings are
- 00:21:03pretty cool so I will definitely be
- 00:21:06switching to those okay so we have done
- 00:21:08bounties and requests that we need for
- 00:21:09the week now it is time to go and use
- 00:21:13resin so earlier I did have some
- 00:21:15condensed resin that I saved up for this
- 00:21:17purpose as you can see right here and
- 00:21:19also I have this resin here so as of now
- 00:21:21in terms of resources for each character
- 00:21:23I already have farmed up what I need to
- 00:21:25I just need to do artifacts so I'm going
- 00:21:27to head over to the Navia artifact
- 00:21:29domain because that's what mainly I'm
- 00:21:31looking for and we're going to go and
- 00:21:33farm that a few times if you're farming
- 00:21:35artifact domains just condense your
- 00:21:37resent ahead of time because then you
- 00:21:38have to farm the domain less and it's
- 00:21:40less repetitive depending on who I'm
- 00:21:42raising at the moment I would Farm those
- 00:21:44required resources like if I'm farming
- 00:21:46for Navia then I would Farm Nava's
- 00:21:48Talent books if the domain was open that
- 00:21:50day but since I don't have any
- 00:21:51characters that I need talent books or
- 00:21:53weapon Ascension materials for that's
- 00:21:55why I'm farming artifacts but always
- 00:21:57prioritize weapon Ascension materials
- 00:21:59Talent essential materials and character
- 00:22:01essential materials way before artifacts
- 00:22:03I mentioned this in a previous video but
- 00:22:05these things give you guaranteed
- 00:22:07upgrades so the resin you're spending is
- 00:22:09going to give you an overall benefit to
- 00:22:11the account looks like my artifact
- 00:22:13inventory is full so I'm going to raise
- 00:22:14a few pieces I'm going to roll this crit
- 00:22:16rate circlet and hope it gets crit
- 00:22:18damage or something good that I can
- 00:22:21use okay it rolls def fence I'm going to
- 00:22:23stop right here this one's a Geo damage
- 00:22:25bonus goblet on set so I'm going to try
- 00:22:27rolling this as well
- 00:22:29I'm going to see if I can get more crit
- 00:22:31damage or
- 00:22:34ER okay please crit damage
- 00:22:38rolls okay flat attack not exactly what
- 00:22:41we were looking for we're going to have
- 00:22:42to tap into our four star
- 00:22:45resources okay we got one crit damage
- 00:22:48roll I think we're just going to go to
- 00:22:50Max 20 and hope for the
- 00:22:53best and we got another crit damage roll
- 00:22:55so that's amazing I don't think it's
- 00:22:57worth changing this that I already have
- 00:22:59the only good thing is that it's on set
- 00:23:01but it does not have crit rate which I
- 00:23:03really need so I think I'll just leave
- 00:23:05this in the inventory for now and maybe
- 00:23:07change it later but let's claim those
- 00:23:08rewards I'll use my condensed resin like
- 00:23:10I said and looks like I got the wrong
- 00:23:12set see this is what I mean by primarily
- 00:23:14use your resin first on guaranteed
- 00:23:17upgrades forming Talent Ascension
- 00:23:19domains and weapon Ascension domains
- 00:23:20those give you guaranteed upgrades
- 00:23:22because you know that you're going to be
- 00:23:24raising your character's talents and
- 00:23:26stats however artifacts you are not
- 00:23:28guaranteed what you're going to get so
- 00:23:30you might get something really really
- 00:23:31bad but you've wasted all this resin
- 00:23:34that's why it's best to prioritize what
- 00:23:35you can control before what's out of
- 00:23:37your control I've always farmed this way
- 00:23:39and it seems to help because I know what
- 00:23:41I need to improve after I've maxed out
- 00:23:43the character's full potential in terms
- 00:23:45of leveling such as base level and
- 00:23:47weapon and talents once I've already
- 00:23:48maxed those out then I know what I else
- 00:23:50need in terms of artifacts looks like we
- 00:23:53got another batch of bad artifacts we'll
- 00:23:55do this domain one last time and then
- 00:23:57we're going to move on on to the next
- 00:23:59thing okay last run let's hope for the
- 00:24:02best okay time to claim rewards for the
- 00:24:04last time let's hope for something good
- 00:24:07looks like we got pretty bad things
- 00:24:09today it might just not be our day in
- 00:24:10terms of look but let's leave the domain
- 00:24:12and move on to our next thing I can
- 00:24:14claim this Mission from the battle pass
- 00:24:16which is pretty good cuz it gives you
- 00:24:17Primos and artifact XP so that is pretty
- 00:24:20good okay now it's time to answer the
- 00:24:22question that a lot of you might ask
- 00:24:24this fragile resin right here I've got a
- 00:24:26lot of fragile resin and I don't seem to
- 00:24:28be using it well the main reason why is
- 00:24:30because I just don't see yet a time that
- 00:24:32I need to I will probably use this resin
- 00:24:34if there's a character I really want to
- 00:24:35build or if I know that I'm on a tight
- 00:24:37deadline in terms of raising a weapon as
- 00:24:40you know there are these event limited
- 00:24:42weapons you can see here that there's a
- 00:24:43time limit on the bonus that it gets
- 00:24:45when you're raising it but since you
- 00:24:47only get a certain amount of resin per
- 00:24:48day and the domains for getting these
- 00:24:50Ascension materials are only open on
- 00:24:52certain days if I'm on a really tight
- 00:24:53schedule then I would use my fragile
- 00:24:55resin because that means I could get all
- 00:24:56the resources I need so I can level up
- 00:24:58within that bonus period but other than
- 00:25:00that I wouldn't normally use it unless
- 00:25:02there was a character I'm really waiting
- 00:25:03for again it's your account and you are
- 00:25:05in control of what you do so use the
- 00:25:07fragile resin when you see fit and when
- 00:25:09you think it's beneficial and I already
- 00:25:11have made videos in resin management so
- 00:25:13check those out if you do need some
- 00:25:14advice okay lastly I'm going to go into
- 00:25:16the map and actually go to my teapot
- 00:25:19thankfully you can just teleport
- 00:25:20directly you don't have to go into your
- 00:25:21backpack and put out the pot and
- 00:25:22everything that was so annoying but now
- 00:25:25they seem to have made it easier I'm
- 00:25:26going to plant some flowers in here so I
- 00:25:28can pick them up later I'm just doing
- 00:25:30this for really no reason other than I
- 00:25:32can collect it later on but I'm here to
- 00:25:34actually visit tubby as usual and I'm
- 00:25:36going to first go into my trust rank I'm
- 00:25:38going to claim the Friendship exp that I
- 00:25:40have for these characters looks like
- 00:25:41tinari just reached nine and also claim
- 00:25:43realm currency okay great we've added
- 00:25:45that now I'm going to go into the realm
- 00:25:47Depot also it seems like people have
- 00:25:48been asking how you can access the
- 00:25:50teapot there is a quest that you need to
- 00:25:52do after the Le archon quest to be able
- 00:25:54to access the teapot but if you have
- 00:25:56finished that Quest then you should be
- 00:25:57able to access really easily so the one
- 00:25:59thing that I always buy is Heroes WID
- 00:26:01this is where I get my consistent source
- 00:26:03of Heroes WID per week the shop does
- 00:26:05reset every week so make sure you come
- 00:26:08here weekly I'm going to buy out the max
- 00:26:10amount of Heroes WID and also the Mystic
- 00:26:12enhancement ores I'm going to buy the
- 00:26:13max for those too everything else I do
- 00:26:16not touch I do not buy artifact XP or
- 00:26:18Mora or any of the other things some
- 00:26:21people do use transient resin now my
- 00:26:23opinion on this is if you know that you
- 00:26:25need resin and this is your last resort
- 00:26:28then do it but sometimes based on
- 00:26:30people's busy farming schedules they
- 00:26:31might forget to use this and it's going
- 00:26:33to be a waste so make sure you use this
- 00:26:35in the time that you're given so that it
- 00:26:36does not expire in your inventory and
- 00:26:38that you don't waste the currency that
- 00:26:40you spent because there are so many
- 00:26:41other things that you can buy instead
- 00:26:43like I said other than that I just leave
- 00:26:45all of this be and wait until the weekly
- 00:26:47reset again and then in my teapot I have
- 00:26:50set up a little forging station here so
- 00:26:51I'm going to go here and I can claim all
- 00:26:54the things that I forged this is a great
- 00:26:56way to set up and multitask because
- 00:26:58these can cook while you're doing other
- 00:27:00things and you're not just sitting
- 00:27:01around and waiting so I'm going to go
- 00:27:02and obtain all of them and then wait for
- 00:27:04tomorrow's reset if you're wondering why
- 00:27:06this teapot looks absolutely hideous
- 00:27:08it's because it's my farming teapot as
- 00:27:10you can see I've just laid out a bunch
- 00:27:12of stuff for the Epal energy like here
- 00:27:14there really is no design or concept
- 00:27:15that I'm going for and it gets worse per
- 00:27:17Island actually like this I just laid
- 00:27:19out everything because they give you a
- 00:27:21lot of Epal energy and it's really
- 00:27:23helpful just to have one farming teapot
- 00:27:25because then you can guarantee that
- 00:27:26there is one teapot that's always giving
- 00:27:28you the max amount of resources
- 00:27:30specifically the realm currency is what
- 00:27:32I mean since you get realm currency
- 00:27:34based on your adep energy and if your
- 00:27:36adep energy is at the highest you get
- 00:27:37the most realm currency as you can see
- 00:27:39here floating a boat has the highest
- 00:27:41adep energy compared to all of these
- 00:27:43other ones and that's because all these
- 00:27:45other ones are actually just decorative
- 00:27:47Realms and I use them for experimenting
- 00:27:49with my teapot and a bunch of designs if
- 00:27:51you're interested in seeing what I've
- 00:27:52made in the teapot check out the teapot
- 00:27:54tail series I will be adding to those
- 00:27:56later because I am enjoying the teapot
- 00:27:57and creting more things but my teapot
- 00:27:59tail series basically gives out all my
- 00:28:01useful tips that I use and just tours of
- 00:28:04my teapot in general anyways here we are
- 00:28:06back in in zuma because this is where
- 00:28:08I'd like to wrap up the video I am so
- 00:28:10happy to be back and to see all of you
- 00:28:12if you do have any questions about the
- 00:28:13video or like me to clarify anything
- 00:28:15please put those questions in the
- 00:28:17comments I will try to get to as many as
- 00:28:18possible again thank you everyone for
- 00:28:20your support over this time so far it
- 00:28:22has been great getting back into gin and
- 00:28:24everything and more videos will
- 00:28:26definitely be coming in the future so
- 00:28:27stay stay tuned if you would like to
- 00:28:29request a video or if there's something
- 00:28:31that you need please please please put
- 00:28:33it in the comments because I want to
- 00:28:34make sure your requests and your needs
- 00:28:36are met if there's something you need me
- 00:28:37to cover again put it in the comments
- 00:28:39and I will try and make that happen but
- 00:28:41other than that thank you so much for
- 00:28:42watching the video it means a lot to me
- 00:28:44to have you here and I will see you in
- 00:28:46our next video have a wonderful day good
- 00:28:48luck on your pulse and your genin
- 00:28:49journey and I will see you soon bye
- Genshin Impact
- weekly routine
- tips
- resin management
- friendship XP
- commissions
- battle pass
- teapot
- farming
- bounties