Learn THIS Skill & You'll Never Worry About Money Again!



TLDRThe speaker, having transitioned from homelessness to financial success, identifies four essential skills needed to achieve millionaire status: public speaking, networking, sales, and primary emphasis on content creation and storytelling. They share personal anecdotes and practical insights on each skill, highlighting the importance of overcoming self-limiting beliefs, actively networking, and using storytelling to connect with audiences. The speaker encourages an entrepreneurial mindset, emphasizing that anyone can develop these skills to create income and success.

Punti di forza

  • 💸 Learn essential skills for financial success.
  • 📢 Public speaking can be developed by anyone.
  • 🤝 Networking builds valuable relationships.
  • 💰 Master sales and persuasion techniques.
  • 📖 Content creation is key to audience engagement.
  • ✨ Overcome self-limiting beliefs to unlock potential.
  • 📅 Set networking goals for events you attend.
  • 🛠️ Leverage storytelling in your content.
  • 🔑 Higher-priced offers need fewer views for success.
  • 🌟 Invest in connections, not just transactions.

Linea temporale

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    The speaker shares their journey from homelessness to success, emphasizing the importance of a specific skill that can help anyone achieve their first million. They express their mission to create 1,000 new millionaires, encouraging viewers to believe they can be among them. They introduce a major skill and three additional complementary skills essential for becoming a millionaire, starting with public speaking and communication, which can be learned and are crucial for sharing one's story.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    Next, the speaker discusses the significance of networking and relationship building, differentiating it from mere networking. They emphasize the importance of forming meaningful connections with a few individuals rather than collecting many contacts. The speaker shares their experiences of building networks even when they were financially struggling, highlighting that the relationships established during tough times have led to current opportunities and collaborations.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:15:00

    The third skill highlighted is sales and persuasion, explaining that effective communication is vital because no one will hand over money without it. The speaker reassures viewers that sales skills can be learned, and many individuals have transformed their abilities to succeed in sales through practice, even if they initially believed they couldn’t. They emphasize that anyone can learn this essential skill, which is a key to making money.

  • 00:15:00 - 00:24:03

    Finally, the speaker reveals the number one skill: content creation and storytelling. They emphasize the power of creating valuable content on platforms like YouTube, which can reach millions. The speaker advocates that quality storytelling interwoven with valuable insights can lead to significant financial success. They share their experiences of financial gains through content creation, highlighting that even a smaller audience can convert if the product is positioned well, emphasizing that anyone can harness this potential to succeed.

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Video Domande e Risposte

  • What skills do I need to learn to become a millionaire?

    You need to learn public speaking, networking, sales, and content creation with storytelling.

  • Can anyone learn public speaking and communication?

    Yes, public speaking and communication are skills that can be learned and improved upon.

  • How important is networking in achieving financial success?

    Networking and relationship building are fundamental for collaboration and opportunities.

  • What role does content creation play in making money?

    Content creation and storytelling can significantly increase your reach and credibility, leading to higher income potential.

  • How can I overcome my limiting beliefs as an introvert?

    Push beyond the label of introversion; focus on the skills you can develop for success.

  • Is it possible to sell high-priced items without large viewership?

    Yes, if the item is priced above $1,000, smaller viewership can still lead to successful sales.

  • What has been the speaker's experience with content creation?

    The speaker has seen substantial financial income from consistently creating valuable content.

  • Why does the speaker emphasize storytelling?

    Storytelling engages audiences and builds trust, making it vital for successful content creation.

  • What is the main skill needed for financial success according to the speaker?

    Content creation and storytelling are deemed the most crucial skills for financial success.

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  • 00:00:00
    there is a skill that if you learn it
  • 00:00:04
    and perfect it you are almost guaranteed
  • 00:00:08
    to make your first million your first
  • 00:00:10
    million is the name of my new book I
  • 00:00:13
    have gone from being homeless and
  • 00:00:15
    sleeping on the floor of the San
  • 00:00:17
    Francisco Airport to generating millions
  • 00:00:20
    of dollars and helping other people do
  • 00:00:22
    the same in fact let me show you
  • 00:00:24
    something really quick before I show you
  • 00:00:26
    this skill okay
  • 00:00:30
    a thousand new
  • 00:00:33
    millionaires a thousand new
  • 00:00:35
    millionaires I wear this a lot I wear
  • 00:00:37
    different ones that say this because it
  • 00:00:39
    is my mission to help create 1,000 new
  • 00:00:44
    Millionaires and I want you to believe
  • 00:00:47
    and know that it can be you you can be
  • 00:00:49
    one of those if you believe you can be
  • 00:00:50
    one of those let me know in the comments
  • 00:00:52
    right now now there's a skill that if
  • 00:00:55
    you learn it you are destined to Be A
  • 00:01:01
    Millionaire there's also three other
  • 00:01:05
    skills that if you learn those and you
  • 00:01:08
    stack them with this one major skill
  • 00:01:11
    it's a wrap it's a guarantee so I'm
  • 00:01:14
    going to teach you not just one but all
  • 00:01:17
    four in this quick video and they're all
  • 00:01:20
    going to tie together so make sure you
  • 00:01:22
    listen to all of
  • 00:01:24
    them the first one is public speaking
  • 00:01:29
    and communication
  • 00:01:30
    that's not the main one but I'm going to
  • 00:01:32
    get to the main one in a second but you
  • 00:01:34
    have to know this one first public
  • 00:01:36
    speaking and
  • 00:01:37
    communication now I know what it feels
  • 00:01:40
    like if you just got a pit in your
  • 00:01:43
    stomach and you're like oh no I hope
  • 00:01:45
    that's not one of the skills because I
  • 00:01:47
    don't have it listen I'm 44 right now
  • 00:01:51
    and until I was
  • 00:01:52
    36 I could not speak in front of more
  • 00:01:55
    than five people without breaking into a
  • 00:01:58
    sweat getting really nervous going mute
  • 00:02:01
    just not being able to talk I was so
  • 00:02:04
    nervous my heart would beat so fast and
  • 00:02:07
    I thought that was going to be the way
  • 00:02:08
    forever in fact there is a video out
  • 00:02:11
    there somewhere where I say to the world
  • 00:02:13
    to the world that as I knew it at the
  • 00:02:15
    time I think it was on Twitter or
  • 00:02:17
    something I say I'm never going to do
  • 00:02:19
    public speaking so stop asking me it's
  • 00:02:21
    not going to happen and then fast
  • 00:02:24
    forward just a few years and I have
  • 00:02:27
    spoken around the world
  • 00:02:30
    in back right I have spoken in front of
  • 00:02:32
    crowds of hundreds of people thousands
  • 00:02:35
    of people the largest audience in person
  • 00:02:37
    that I've spoken in front of has been
  • 00:02:40
    20,000 people in that one room and I
  • 00:02:44
    never in a million years thought that
  • 00:02:45
    would be the case I'm here to tell you
  • 00:02:48
    that public speaking and
  • 00:02:50
    communicating are skills that you can
  • 00:02:53
    learn skills that you can overcome uh if
  • 00:02:57
    there are barriers for you and it's so
  • 00:03:00
    important to be able to speak and tell
  • 00:03:02
    your story and use your voice especially
  • 00:03:06
    in a time like this where voices are
  • 00:03:09
  • 00:03:10
    muted there is at least one person if
  • 00:03:13
    not thousands and thousands of people in
  • 00:03:16
    this world who need to hear what you
  • 00:03:19
    have to say and so by watching my videos
  • 00:03:23
    spending time with me you will learn
  • 00:03:26
    public speaking you will learn the art
  • 00:03:28
    of communication it is something that
  • 00:03:30
    can be taught it's not just for a few
  • 00:03:32
    people like the the celebrities of the
  • 00:03:34
    world or the the motivational speakers
  • 00:03:36
    of the world it it's for you too and
  • 00:03:40
    they say say it share your voice even if
  • 00:03:42
    it shakes and that's what I believe now
  • 00:03:45
    the next skill that you can stack on top
  • 00:03:48
    of that and learn over the next few
  • 00:03:51
    weeks and months with
  • 00:03:52
    me is very fun and it is networking and
  • 00:03:57
    relationship building
  • 00:03:59
    now in my book it's about damn time
  • 00:04:02
    which is my first book I talk about how
  • 00:04:05
    there's a difference between networking
  • 00:04:07
    and building networks now you need to
  • 00:04:11
    network networking is important for
  • 00:04:13
    building networks right but building
  • 00:04:15
    networks and relationship building are
  • 00:04:19
    foundational they're
  • 00:04:21
    fundamental they are the the the rock to
  • 00:04:26
    everything else you're doing right the
  • 00:04:28
    networking m conjure up ideas let me
  • 00:04:31
    know in the comments what that feels
  • 00:04:32
    like to you is it like putting your card
  • 00:04:34
    out if you have cards at old school like
  • 00:04:36
    you have a card you give everybody a
  • 00:04:38
    card or smoing or like jumping into a
  • 00:04:41
    conversation to to be interesting and to
  • 00:04:44
    be cool but really what networking means
  • 00:04:47
    is the next time you go to an
  • 00:04:50
    event find think about the fact that I
  • 00:04:54
    my goal is to walk out of this event
  • 00:04:57
    having met one or two people people who
  • 00:05:01
    a year from now I still know and I still
  • 00:05:04
    talk to and if you do that instead of I
  • 00:05:09
    want to get 50 cards out or 50 Flyers
  • 00:05:11
    out or tell a hundred people about my
  • 00:05:14
    company if you do that with that mission
  • 00:05:17
    even if it's a huge event and you do
  • 00:05:20
    that multiple times your network will be
  • 00:05:24
    so valuable over time that is one thing
  • 00:05:28
    that I did even when I was poor and
  • 00:05:31
    broke I couldn't control even if how
  • 00:05:35
    many meals I'd have that day or that
  • 00:05:37
    week but I could control can I go out
  • 00:05:41
    and meet someone can I introduce myself
  • 00:05:43
    to someone can I reach out through email
  • 00:05:46
    can I reach out through social can I go
  • 00:05:48
    to an event that's free or that's very
  • 00:05:50
    low barrier to entry and can I make it
  • 00:05:53
    my mission to meet one person of
  • 00:05:58
    character one person who I align with
  • 00:06:01
    maybe I don't even agree with them on
  • 00:06:02
    everything but we can talk and we can
  • 00:06:05
    then do deals together because a lot of
  • 00:06:09
    the people that I met when I was broke
  • 00:06:11
    this is important a lot of the people
  • 00:06:13
    who I met when I was broke I do deals
  • 00:06:16
  • 00:06:17
    now and you don't think of everyone as
  • 00:06:20
    this transactional can they buy from me
  • 00:06:23
    this moment you think of them as can we
  • 00:06:27
    work together for a common
  • 00:06:30
    goal and I can reach out to them to ask
  • 00:06:32
    questions they can reach out to me and
  • 00:06:34
    there's there's no uh tit fortat you
  • 00:06:37
    know it's not like they owe me something
  • 00:06:39
    I owe them something think about that
  • 00:06:42
    now another part of that networking and
  • 00:06:45
    relationship building is what is the
  • 00:06:48
    next event you're plan planning on going
  • 00:06:50
    to whether it's physical in person or
  • 00:06:53
    it's online because sometimes people
  • 00:06:55
    don't have the means or they don't they
  • 00:06:57
    have um the they don't have the ability
  • 00:07:00
    to physically go to a place but if you
  • 00:07:02
    have the ability to physically go
  • 00:07:05
    somewhere I want you to make it your
  • 00:07:08
    challenge right now to book the next
  • 00:07:10
    thing you're going to is it in February
  • 00:07:13
    April October when is that thing you're
  • 00:07:16
    going to and what will your mission be
  • 00:07:19
    when you're there to learn to soak up
  • 00:07:21
    the atmosphere but to walk away with at
  • 00:07:24
    least one phone number of someone who
  • 00:07:27
    you believe you you can actually partner
  • 00:07:31
    with and collaborate with that's how you
  • 00:07:33
    do it another way to do this another
  • 00:07:36
    hack do you want to know a hack if you
  • 00:07:37
    want to know a hack to networking let me
  • 00:07:40
    know in the
  • 00:07:41
    comments it's like my favorite hack of
  • 00:07:43
    all time when it comes to networking and
  • 00:07:46
    I do this all the time I'm not just
  • 00:07:48
    telling you to do it I do it all the
  • 00:07:50
    time this is that I will have a
  • 00:07:57
    dinner and or a lunch or a coffee or
  • 00:07:59
    hiking whatever it is but the goal of it
  • 00:08:02
    is to have five other people there and
  • 00:08:06
    those five people are not like we're not
  • 00:08:08
    all best friends right we're not all on
  • 00:08:10
    a sitcom the five people either don't
  • 00:08:13
    know each other already or most of them
  • 00:08:16
    don't know each other maybe one knows
  • 00:08:17
    one and
  • 00:08:19
    Etc but the point of it is you get
  • 00:08:22
    together and this is like the the flex
  • 00:08:24
    of all flexes if you can pay for the
  • 00:08:27
    dinner it will come back to you so many
  • 00:08:30
    times over so I'll give you a quick
  • 00:08:33
    example you put together a dinner you
  • 00:08:35
    say we're going to meet at this
  • 00:08:36
    restaurant maybe you even get a private
  • 00:08:38
    room because you call the restaurant and
  • 00:08:40
    you say hey do you have a private room
  • 00:08:42
    and they say yeah it has to be at least
  • 00:08:44
    six people it cost $75 a person like
  • 00:08:47
    this starts to add up but is it an
  • 00:08:51
    investment you can make and you invite
  • 00:08:54
    either invite all five people maybe
  • 00:08:55
    they're people you met at an event maybe
  • 00:08:57
    they people you've had in your phone for
  • 00:08:58
    a while you haven't haven't reached out
  • 00:08:59
    to them whatever the case is or you
  • 00:09:03
    invite the first one or two people and
  • 00:09:05
    you ask them can you invite someone with
  • 00:09:07
    great character someone really
  • 00:09:09
    interesting to join us it's my treat and
  • 00:09:13
    we're going to get together in
  • 00:09:14
    fellowship and this can be entrepreneurs
  • 00:09:17
    this can be investors this can be um
  • 00:09:20
    people who all work at this certain
  • 00:09:22
    company or people who all work in this
  • 00:09:24
    certain field teachers ex- nurses it can
  • 00:09:27
    be have a theme to it or it be a mish
  • 00:09:30
    mash right and then when you get to that
  • 00:09:33
    dinner and hopefully it's in a private
  • 00:09:35
    room or at least a table that you can
  • 00:09:36
    actually hear each other let people talk
  • 00:09:38
    to each other talk to each other for a
  • 00:09:41
    few minutes get to know each other just
  • 00:09:43
    kind of casual then you call attention
  • 00:09:46
    and you say listen I just want to put I
  • 00:09:48
    just want us to to to work together I
  • 00:09:50
    just want us to know each other use this
  • 00:09:53
    day to get to know somebody new and what
  • 00:09:55
    we'll do is we'll go around the table
  • 00:09:57
    and we'll each introduce ourselves we'll
  • 00:09:59
    have 30 seconds to 60 seconds each to
  • 00:10:01
    just introduce ourselves and people will
  • 00:10:04
    do that and then immediately people will
  • 00:10:06
    start to understand each other and like
  • 00:10:09
    say oh I that resonates with me oh
  • 00:10:10
    that's cool that she's cool he's cool
  • 00:10:13
    they're cool and then you might even
  • 00:10:15
    have a theme of the conversation I want
  • 00:10:18
    to have tonight as you're talking to
  • 00:10:20
    people is this theme what is the
  • 00:10:23
    toughest thing that's holding you back
  • 00:10:25
    at work what's the toughest thing that's
  • 00:10:27
    work that you're working on in your
  • 00:10:28
  • 00:10:29
    what is a big challenge in your family
  • 00:10:32
    you can set up a theme that's casual and
  • 00:10:34
    go around the room and then people can
  • 00:10:36
    talk to each other it is one of the best
  • 00:10:40
    hacks I've ever known because you build
  • 00:10:44
    that fellowship and you collaborate now
  • 00:10:46
    you may walk away and only one of the
  • 00:10:49
    people that was there is who you connect
  • 00:10:51
    with but imagine you do this every
  • 00:10:54
    quarter imagine you do this every month
  • 00:10:56
    imagine you do this in different cities
  • 00:10:58
    if you have a company right now if you
  • 00:11:00
    have a company a coaching company a tech
  • 00:11:02
    company any type of business you could
  • 00:11:05
    be doing this if you're not doing this
  • 00:11:07
    right now you're missing out these are
  • 00:11:09
    million dooll moves okay this is what
  • 00:11:12
    this is what people do who have money so
  • 00:11:16
    you do it first before you have money
  • 00:11:19
    and while you're building money now the
  • 00:11:21
    third now remember there's this main one
  • 00:11:23
    that if you get right there's the sky is
  • 00:11:26
    the limit for you but the one you want
  • 00:11:28
    to Stack to public speaking and
  • 00:11:30
    communication to networking and
  • 00:11:32
    relationship building yes they all have
  • 00:11:34
    to do with being uh extroverted but I
  • 00:11:37
    believe that even even introverts have
  • 00:11:39
    an extrovert extrovert in them right I
  • 00:11:42
    believe that
  • 00:11:43
    it's sometimes we'll say well I'm an
  • 00:11:45
    introvert and that'll be it that's like
  • 00:11:47
    the excuse and it's like over but think
  • 00:11:49
    about that do would you rather be an
  • 00:11:51
    introvert or and just be an introvert
  • 00:11:55
    and and broke or would you rather be an
  • 00:11:57
    introvert who sometimes can break out of
  • 00:11:59
    their shell and sometimes can go beyond
  • 00:12:02
    what they've already been and make more
  • 00:12:05
    money like we are we are who we say we
  • 00:12:08
    are We Are Who We believe we are we're
  • 00:12:10
    not who some label we've put on
  • 00:12:13
    ourselves in the past or some label that
  • 00:12:16
    Society has put on us that's not who we
  • 00:12:18
    are you have to break your own limiting
  • 00:12:22
    beliefs right this is important this is
  • 00:12:24
    a matter of life and death you can't
  • 00:12:26
    just say oh I'm an introvert so yeah
  • 00:12:29
    what what are you going to do that's not
  • 00:12:30
    how it works you you push past that now
  • 00:12:35
    the third
  • 00:12:36
    skill is sales and
  • 00:12:39
    persuasion and when I say persuasion I
  • 00:12:42
    mean if anything I've said in this video
  • 00:12:44
    has made you think has made you question
  • 00:12:47
    challenged you at all that's what
  • 00:12:49
    persuasion is it's not forcing a thought
  • 00:12:52
    on you it is can I get you to ponder can
  • 00:12:57
    I get you to question can I get you to
  • 00:13:00
    to either push back or pull pull in
  • 00:13:03
    right lean in and sales are so important
  • 00:13:08
    because there's a transaction that
  • 00:13:11
    happens to for the capital right it's
  • 00:13:13
    it's there's a transaction you go to the
  • 00:13:14
    store you pay for groceries you're
  • 00:13:16
    paying that store they're they're making
  • 00:13:18
    money you go to a
  • 00:13:20
    doctor doctor's doing great work they're
  • 00:13:22
    doing amazing work but they're still
  • 00:13:24
    getting paid a teacher a mechanic a
  • 00:13:27
    plumber they're all getting paid paid
  • 00:13:29
    the airlines you're getting paid so why
  • 00:13:32
    shouldn't you get paid and no one's
  • 00:13:35
    going to come in and just hand you a
  • 00:13:37
    bunch of money that doesn't happen so
  • 00:13:40
    the way that you make money is that you
  • 00:13:42
    learn how to communicate you learn how
  • 00:13:45
    to network and then you learn sales and
  • 00:13:48
    sales can be taught there are several
  • 00:13:51
    videos on this channel that talk about
  • 00:13:52
    sales I'm going to make a playlist about
  • 00:13:55
    sales by the way because I just it's so
  • 00:13:57
    important but if you learn it over time
  • 00:13:59
    and it can be
  • 00:14:01
    taught even the people who believe that
  • 00:14:04
    there's no way that they could be a good
  • 00:14:06
    sales person because they don't have the
  • 00:14:08
    flash they don't have that kind of
  • 00:14:10
    personality those are the people I
  • 00:14:12
    actually see do the best inside of
  • 00:14:15
    Arland all
  • 00:14:16
    access.com my membership there are
  • 00:14:19
    people in there who eight weeks ago were
  • 00:14:21
    like I can't sale like I can't do this
  • 00:14:23
    part or I can't start a YouTube Chanel I
  • 00:14:25
    can't do it and all of a sudden they're
  • 00:14:27
    making thousands of dollars because they
  • 00:14:28
    can be taught to sell it is a it is a
  • 00:14:31
    skill that can be taught it's a million
  • 00:14:33
    dooll skill now I'm going to tell you
  • 00:14:36
    the number one the number one skill
  • 00:14:39
    that's going to make you millions of
  • 00:14:41
    dollars and I implore you I hope that I
  • 00:14:44
    persuade you to learn this skill I'm
  • 00:14:47
    going to tell you that in just one
  • 00:14:48
    moment but before I do I want to talk to
  • 00:14:50
    you just for a second I want to talk to
  • 00:14:53
    the people who have been watching my
  • 00:14:55
    videos maybe you you've just stumbled
  • 00:14:56
    upon me today whatever day it is
  • 00:14:59
    but either way you found value you're
  • 00:15:01
    still here on this video so you found
  • 00:15:03
    some value with it and I want to talk to
  • 00:15:05
    you and I want to ask you if you will do
  • 00:15:08
    a favor for me because I am doing a bit
  • 00:15:10
    of an
  • 00:15:11
    experiment I want to tell you that
  • 00:15:13
    million dooll skill that you came here
  • 00:15:15
    for just one moment but before I do that
  • 00:15:18
    please do something for me and this is
  • 00:15:20
    the only thing I'll ask of you this is a
  • 00:15:22
    free video only thing I'll ask of you is
  • 00:15:25
    if you are not subscribed to my channel
  • 00:15:28
    if if you wouldn't mind just subscribing
  • 00:15:30
    right now if you are already subscribed
  • 00:15:33
    please do not unsubscribe to subscribe
  • 00:15:35
    because that actually is a negative for
  • 00:15:37
    my channel but if you are not subscribed
  • 00:15:40
    Please Subscribe subscribe for a few
  • 00:15:42
    days see if you like it if you don't
  • 00:15:44
    like it then you can unsubscribe later
  • 00:15:47
    but it would do so much good for my
  • 00:15:50
    channel if we can get more people to see
  • 00:15:53
    it and right now I think in 2024 I think
  • 00:15:56
    I gained 92,000 subscribers
  • 00:15:59
    organically amazing and I think we can
  • 00:16:02
    do even better in 2025 and Beyond so if
  • 00:16:05
    you are not subscribed I I I implore you
  • 00:16:09
    to subscribe right now if you are
  • 00:16:11
    subscribed and not subscribed either way
  • 00:16:14
    also like this video because I'm doing
  • 00:16:17
    this experiment I look at my data every
  • 00:16:19
    single day and the videos that get the
  • 00:16:21
    most likes and subscribers are the ones
  • 00:16:24
    that get shown more to the algorithm so
  • 00:16:27
    let's do this sub this uh experiment
  • 00:16:28
    expent I'll tell you how it goes in in
  • 00:16:31
    another video but like it subscribe
  • 00:16:35
    leave a comment just to give any
  • 00:16:37
    insights that you have um share it do
  • 00:16:41
    all the things like with this video if
  • 00:16:42
    nothing else this video because I want
  • 00:16:45
    to see what
  • 00:16:46
    happens when that is like engaged what
  • 00:16:49
    happens to this video I have a video
  • 00:16:52
    that has more than 400,000 views called
  • 00:16:54
    become money and that just blew me away
  • 00:16:57
    it's amazing that that happened but what
  • 00:17:00
    I noticed about it is that people
  • 00:17:02
    subscribed like that was the main driver
  • 00:17:05
    people subscribed people liked they
  • 00:17:07
    shared it they watch it more than once
  • 00:17:10
    they watch it all the way through so
  • 00:17:11
    thank you so much for indulging me there
  • 00:17:14
    that's going to be a huge huge help and
  • 00:17:16
    then I'll also show you the results of
  • 00:17:18
    the experiment now the number one thing
  • 00:17:21
    the number one
  • 00:17:22
    skill that if you
  • 00:17:25
    can dominate here it's a wrap
  • 00:17:29
    it's a wrap okay write this down I hope
  • 00:17:33
    you wrote the other ones down but write
  • 00:17:34
  • 00:17:35
    down content creation and
  • 00:17:40
    storytelling I cannot tell you how much
  • 00:17:44
    I have gained in the past year from
  • 00:17:49
    putting out more
  • 00:17:52
    content and it it it it got so it was so
  • 00:17:57
    interesting to me because I spent all
  • 00:17:58
    this money at at one point and I was
  • 00:18:00
    making everything really fancy and I
  • 00:18:01
    still do that sometimes you'll see that
  • 00:18:03
    on this on this channel for sure but
  • 00:18:05
    then like from July
  • 00:18:08
    2024 till October 2024 I just uploaded
  • 00:18:12
    almost every day just like this on Zoom
  • 00:18:16
    it's not 4K it's not even HD I think you
  • 00:18:20
    know it's just me here talking to you
  • 00:18:24
    the key was have a good mic so you can
  • 00:18:26
    hear me and it's really important in
  • 00:18:28
    video but it was through creating that
  • 00:18:31
    content giving value giving away free
  • 00:18:34
    all of my information for free just
  • 00:18:36
    everything that I can do to help and
  • 00:18:39
    then storytelling so you'll notice in
  • 00:18:42
    some of my
  • 00:18:43
    videos that I'll talk about my past I'll
  • 00:18:45
    talk about something that happened I'll
  • 00:18:47
    talk about oh you know I I Mark Cuban
  • 00:18:50
    invested $6 million in my Venture fund
  • 00:18:53
    you didn't you may not have known that
  • 00:18:54
    but he did and I'll talk about how that
  • 00:18:56
    happened and it'll be interesting and
  • 00:18:58
    people will listen to it and they'll
  • 00:19:00
    weave that into the valuable information
  • 00:19:02
    I'm giving so if you can learn content
  • 00:19:06
    creation and storytelling if you become
  • 00:19:08
    really proficient and both it is a wrap
  • 00:19:11
    because you can especially on
  • 00:19:14
    YouTube especially on YouTube this is
  • 00:19:16
    going to change someone's life today
  • 00:19:19
    because on YouTube you can reach so many
  • 00:19:23
    people that you've never ever been able
  • 00:19:26
    to reach before with the push of a
  • 00:19:28
    button you record something of value
  • 00:19:31
    it's entertaining it's educational it's
  • 00:19:33
    both but you're a great Storyteller you
  • 00:19:36
    take people on a trip a journey you
  • 00:19:39
    upload it you put it out into the world
  • 00:19:42
    and YouTube does the rest sometimes
  • 00:19:44
    you'll get zero views then you'll wake
  • 00:19:46
    up three weeks later and all of a sudden
  • 00:19:48
    it'll have 100 views and you don't like
  • 00:19:50
    you like why what happened sometimes
  • 00:19:52
    you'll get like a thousand views the
  • 00:19:53
    same day that you upload I've seen
  • 00:19:56
    everything I've seen it all and here's a
  • 00:19:59
    key I'm going to leave you with this key
  • 00:20:02
    because I think this is something that a
  • 00:20:04
    lot it surprises a lot of
  • 00:20:06
    people the more money you are charging
  • 00:20:10
    for your offer or for your product or
  • 00:20:12
    for your business the more money you are
  • 00:20:16
    charging the fewer views you have to
  • 00:20:19
    have on YouTube and
  • 00:20:22
    social okay what I mean by that
  • 00:20:25
    is you don't need millions and millions
  • 00:20:28
    of views or even thousands and thousands
  • 00:20:30
    of views on your videos on
  • 00:20:33
    YouTube if what you're selling costs
  • 00:20:37
    more than
  • 00:20:39
    $1,000 and if you think oh I don't know
  • 00:20:42
    how to sell something that cost more
  • 00:20:43
    than $1,000 there are definitely videos
  • 00:20:45
    on my channel that teach you go to my
  • 00:20:47
    playlist go to my homepage arinir
  • 00:20:49
    million.com or just click on my name
  • 00:20:51
    here it'll take you to the playlist
  • 00:20:53
    right at the playlist there's one that's
  • 00:20:55
    like how to make an offer and there's
  • 00:20:57
    several videos about it
  • 00:20:59
    but the point of it is it's really cool
  • 00:21:03
    because you can have like a few hundred
  • 00:21:07
    views in a month on a really good video
  • 00:21:10
    that you record on Zoom from your
  • 00:21:13
    laptop just like on a Wednesday
  • 00:21:16
    morning and that can be seen by 150
  • 00:21:19
    people over a few weeks time and if you
  • 00:21:24
    are able to use your sales and
  • 00:21:26
    persuasion you're able to link off to
  • 00:21:29
    something or tell them hey get on a
  • 00:21:30
    phone call with me or you know go to
  • 00:21:33
    this webinar or go look at this
  • 00:21:35
    website you can get people to convert
  • 00:21:39
    into paying customers because you've
  • 00:21:41
    shown them they can trust you you've
  • 00:21:45
    shown them you have something of value
  • 00:21:47
    to teach them or to entertain them with
  • 00:21:51
    or an event or you know a physical
  • 00:21:54
    product I see it every single day I work
  • 00:21:56
    with more than 400 entrepreneurs and
  • 00:21:59
    creators inside of Arland all
  • 00:22:02
    access.com and they do this like I teach
  • 00:22:05
    them and they do it and then they come
  • 00:22:07
    back and they say look what I did so I
  • 00:22:09
    see it I know it works and not only that
  • 00:22:12
  • 00:22:13
    myself in a in a femon period very
  • 00:22:17
    recently like within the last few days I
  • 00:22:20
  • 00:22:21
    $400,000 from one income stream using
  • 00:22:25
    YouTube and Instagram
  • 00:22:30
    Tik Tok wasn't even mentioned there it
  • 00:22:33
    was a little bit of
  • 00:22:34
    LinkedIn mostly people who had never
  • 00:22:36
    heard of me even with all the accolades
  • 00:22:39
    even with all the uh success I'm still
  • 00:22:42
    grinding every day I'm still an
  • 00:22:44
    entrepreneur right so I'm I'm doing what
  • 00:22:46
    I'm telling you it's not like I'm here
  • 00:22:48
    and I have this huge audience and
  • 00:22:50
    they're the ones that are coming back
  • 00:22:51
    over and over again most people that's
  • 00:22:54
    why I talked about the subscribing
  • 00:22:55
    because most people are discovering me
  • 00:22:57
    for the first time or just known me for
  • 00:22:59
    the last few weeks how long have you
  • 00:23:01
    known me did you did you discover me
  • 00:23:03
    today if you're if you made it this far
  • 00:23:05
    thank you how long have you known
  • 00:23:08
    me you know it's like when you have a
  • 00:23:11
    billboard and you're driving on the down
  • 00:23:12
    the highway and it says the billboard is
  • 00:23:14
    like for sale and it says if you see
  • 00:23:16
    this your customer will too it's true
  • 00:23:19
    this is living proof If you see my video
  • 00:23:21
    right now if you're watching to this
  • 00:23:23
    point it's proof that you putting out
  • 00:23:27
    content will also be seen by people and
  • 00:23:29
    it may be fewer people at first it may
  • 00:23:32
    be it may be all kinds of variables but
  • 00:23:34
    the point of it is is that you now have
  • 00:23:37
    an asset and if you can intertwine
  • 00:23:40
    storytelling so that someone understands
  • 00:23:43
    that they know you that you want the
  • 00:23:44
    best for them I want the 1,000 new
  • 00:23:47
    millionaires right if you want to be one
  • 00:23:50
    of those 10,000 new
  • 00:23:52
    millionaires you feel a kinship with me
  • 00:23:55
    even if you just discovered me today so
  • 00:23:59
    this all comes from experience I want
  • 00:24:01
    you to win and I hope this has been
  • 00:24:02
  • millionaire
  • public speaking
  • networking
  • sales
  • content creation
  • storytelling
  • entrepreneurship
  • financial success
  • overcoming challenges
  • relationship building