D5 Render Full Beginner Tutorial!
TLDRI denne videoen lærer seerne hvordan man bruker D5 Render for å bearbeide 3D-modeller og skape vakre renderinger og animasjoner. Den gir en grundig innføring for nybegynnere, inkludert systemkrav, nedlasting av programvaren og import av 3D-modeller. Seerne føres gjennom brukergrensesnittet, verktøyene for å legge til materialer, vegetasjon, og møbler, samt bruk av AI-verktøy for å generere teksturer og forbedre designprosessen. Det avsluttes med tips for å lage animasjoner og optimalisere rendering av bilder, samt hvordan man kan bruke samfunnsressursene D5 Render tilbyr.
Punti di forza
- 🖥️ D5 Render er gratis for grunnleggende bruk!
- ⚙️ Sjekk systemkravene før nedlasting.
- 📦 Du kan importere modeller fra forskjellige 3D-programmer.
- 🌳 Bruk vegetasjon biblioteker for realistiske scener.
- 🎨 AI-funksjoner for å generere teksturer automatisk.
- 💡 Lyssetting kan simuleres med emissive materialer.
- 💻 Lag animasjoner med forskjellige kamerateknikker.
- 🌤️ Tilpass miljøeffekter for mer livaktige renderinger.
- 📷 Bruk LUTs og postprosessering for fargekorrigering.
- 🌐 Delta i D5 Render-fellesskapet for tips og inspirasjon.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Introduksjonen til D5 render, en nybegynnerveiledning som oppdaterer tidligere versjoner. Videoen forklarer hvordan man bruker AI-funksjoner for forbedret design og 3D-modellering. Det nevnes tidsstempler for navigering i videoen.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Systemkravene for D5 render presenteres, inkludert anbefalte spesifikasjoner for operativsystem, grafikkort og prosessorer. Brukeren bekreftes på å teste programvaren med et benchmark-verktøy for å se om PC-en sine spesifikasjoner kan kjøre D5.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
D5 render er tilgjengelig gratis, med en pro-versjon for 30 dollar i måneden. Brukeren anbefales å laste ned programvaren og se demo-scener, samt muligheter for å importere 3D-modeller fra forskjellige programvareløsninger.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Det forklares hvordan man lager en ny fil og importerer 3D-modeller ved hjelp av D5 render-grensesnittet, inkludert hvordan man orienterer modellen i sentrum av visningen. Hovedgrensesnittet blir vist med verktøylinjer og navigasjonsalternativer.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Brukeren blir guidet om å lagre scener i D5 render og hvordan man kan legge til og justere materialer i modellen sin, inkludert bruk av AI til å generere egendefinerte teksturer og kart for økt detaljnivå og realisme.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Vegetasjon blir deretter lagt til modellen ved bruk av D5 renders vegetasjonsbibliotek, der brukeren demonstrerer hvordan man enkelt kan male inn trær og busker med forskjellige verktøy for effektiv spredning.
- 00:30:00 - 00:36:47
Det er nå fokus på å legge til møbler og detaljer i interiøret, inkludert bruk av dynamiske partikler for ekstra liv, samt hvordan man kan gjøre lyset mer realistisk ved å bruke emissive materialer.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Hva er D5 Render?
D5 Render er et program for 3D rendering og visualisering som bruker AI for å forenkle designprosessen.
Er D5 Render gratis?
D5 Render har en gratisversjon som gir deg tilgang til de fleste funksjoner, og en profesjonell versjon som koster 30 dollar per måned.
Hvilke systemkrav har D5 Render?
Du trenger minst Windows 10 eller nyere, samt et NVIDIA GTX 1060 eller over, eller AMD Radeon RX 6000 eller høyere.
Hvordan kan jeg importere modeller i D5 Render?
Du kan importere modeller ved å bruke 'File' menyen og velge 'Import'.
Hvilke verktøy er tilgjengelige for å legge til vegetasjon?
Du kan bruke børsteverktøy, scatter-tool og sti-verktøy for å legge til vegetasjon effektivt.
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- 00:00:00by the end of this video I'm going to
- 00:00:00show you how I turned this 3D model into
- 00:00:03this beautiful image and these beautiful
- 00:00:05animations welcome to another tutorial
- 00:00:08this is going to be a D5 render tutorial
- 00:00:10completely for beginners from scratch if
- 00:00:13you have no idea what D5 render is and
- 00:00:15want to start learning all about it this
- 00:00:17is the video for you I'd made a video
- 00:00:19similar to this one a few years ago but
- 00:00:21D5 render has been updated since then it
- 00:00:24has a ton of new features and a ton of
- 00:00:25new things so I wanted to create an
- 00:00:27updated version of this video among
- 00:00:29these new features we have have the
- 00:00:30ability to accelerate the design and 3D
- 00:00:32creation process using AI this is truly
- 00:00:35exciting and I'll be incorporating these
- 00:00:36features into this video this is going
- 00:00:38to be a really long video so there will
- 00:00:40be timestamps at the bottom of this
- 00:00:42video and also in the description so you
- 00:00:43can jump to the part that interest you
- 00:00:45the most or you can just watch it all
- 00:00:46along with me and I think that's enough
- 00:00:48talking let's Jump Right In so one of
- 00:00:49the most important things you need to
- 00:00:50know before downloading def5 render is
- 00:00:52the system requirements does your
- 00:00:54computer handle it or do you need to
- 00:00:55update it right here we are in the D5
- 00:00:57render website and if you go to product
- 00:00:59and go to system requirements you're
- 00:01:01going to be able to see the specific
- 00:01:02requirements that D5 suggests you have
- 00:01:04so for example Windows 10 operating
- 00:01:06system or above in NVIDIA GTX 1060 gigb
- 00:01:09or above or an AMD Radeon RX 6000 or
- 00:01:12above if you want to go more in detail
- 00:01:14into these system requirements you can
- 00:01:16just click right here on detailed info
- 00:01:18and here you will see different types of
- 00:01:20graphics cards or processors that D5
- 00:01:23render recommends to run smoothly uh D5
- 00:01:26render also D5 render has a free
- 00:01:28Benchmark tool which you can download or
- 00:01:30you can also download defy render and
- 00:01:32just test it out on your computer does
- 00:01:34it run does it not run it's all
- 00:01:35dependent on You So currently I have an
- 00:01:37Intel processor core I9 12th generation
- 00:01:40I also have 32 gigs of memory and most
- 00:01:43importantly for D5 render we need to see
- 00:01:45what graphics card we have and for me my
- 00:01:48case is a GeForce RTX 3080 TI laptop GPU
- 00:01:52now this is very different from desktop
- 00:01:55computer CPU you can test out and see
- 00:01:57the different benchmarks but overall
- 00:01:58these settings have worked pretty well
- 00:02:00for me let's talk about the pricing of
- 00:02:01D5 render the pricing is one of the most
- 00:02:03interesting things that this software
- 00:02:04has specifically because it's free it
- 00:02:06has a free version which you can create
- 00:02:08your projects create different renders
- 00:02:10you can have different assets you have
- 00:02:11access to a very big library inside of
- 00:02:14D5 but if you want the pro version it's
- 00:02:16only $30 a month which from my
- 00:02:18perspective is not that expensive if you
- 00:02:20compare it with other softwares in the
- 00:02:21same industry now if you want to
- 00:02:23download D5 render just go to the
- 00:02:24download tab and click on the get the
- 00:02:26windows app so as soon as you download
- 00:02:28D5 render and open the main window this
- 00:02:30is going to be the first window that
- 00:02:31you're going to see first we have a few
- 00:02:33demo scenes which you can download
- 00:02:35completely for free and test out D5
- 00:02:36render if you work with a specific 3D
- 00:02:39modeling program you can download the
- 00:02:40plugin for free and install it on your
- 00:02:43specific software so for example I use
- 00:02:45the SketchUp Liv sync plugin but there
- 00:02:46are also compatibility options for 3D
- 00:02:49Max for Revit for Rhino aryad Cinema 4D
- 00:02:52and blender so it has a ton of different
- 00:02:53options depending on your 3D modeling
- 00:02:55software now let's create a new file and
- 00:02:57let me show you how to import a 3D model
- 00:02:59you're going to go to file import and
- 00:03:00I'm going to select my fbx model and
- 00:03:02double click on it and as soon as the
- 00:03:03model loads I'm just going to click on
- 00:03:04it once and place it inside the
- 00:03:06interface here I'm just going to type in
- 00:03:07zero for all the cord inat so it can be
- 00:03:09centered and this is the model that
- 00:03:11we're going to be working with and I
- 00:03:12want to show you the main interface of
- 00:03:14D5 render so as you can see we have
- 00:03:15three main bars and one Central viewport
- 00:03:18in the left bar we have three options we
- 00:03:20can create a new scene we can add
- 00:03:21different layers and we can see our
- 00:03:23imported models or we can also see the
- 00:03:25objects that we have inside of the model
- 00:03:26and use this to filter that or use the
- 00:03:28search bar to filter it in the top bar
- 00:03:30we have our assets window where you can
- 00:03:31find your models your materials your
- 00:03:33particles and your hdris and you can
- 00:03:35also find your own local models then we
- 00:03:37have the D5 Studio option which we will
- 00:03:39see more in depth later we have some
- 00:03:40shortcuts to add lights to add specific
- 00:03:43paths we can add tools add particles add
- 00:03:45a camera and add a section we're going
- 00:03:47to see all of this throughout the video
- 00:03:48and in the right bar we have two main
- 00:03:50tabs which are the environment Tab and
- 00:03:52the effect tab for the environment tab
- 00:03:54it controls everything from the sky also
- 00:03:56the hdri that you can place instead of
- 00:03:58the sky and also a weather tab where you
- 00:03:59can modify the clouds the fog the wind
- 00:04:01and precipitation and for the effect tab
- 00:04:03this is something that you're going to
- 00:04:04be using towards the end of your images
- 00:04:06so you can add specific Styles you can
- 00:04:08add color grading postprocessing and
- 00:04:10even add your own specific L and here at
- 00:04:11the top bar we see some options to
- 00:04:13create an instant render to create an
- 00:04:14animation or to watch the render queue
- 00:04:16to navigate inside of the viewport you
- 00:04:18can just use the W ASD keys to move
- 00:04:20forward backwards to the side and you
- 00:04:23can also use the Q and E tools to move
- 00:04:25either up or down if you press shift on
- 00:04:27your keyboard it will go faster if you
- 00:04:28press space your keyboard it will go
- 00:04:30much slower you can modify all these
- 00:04:32settings right here where it says
- 00:04:33navigation you can either be in fly mode
- 00:04:35orbit mode or walk mode next we have the
- 00:04:38camera settings where you can adjust the
- 00:04:39exposure the field of view the focal
- 00:04:41length the camera clipping plane the
- 00:04:43depth of field option and also to see it
- 00:04:45in two perspective mode or just see it
- 00:04:47in perspective mode these are some quick
- 00:04:49toggles where you can see your image
- 00:04:50from different points of view and
- 00:04:52finally in the display option you'll
- 00:04:53have the option to see your model in
- 00:04:55different modes in different quality
- 00:04:57modes that is maybe going to make your
- 00:04:58computer a little bit faster or a little
- 00:05:00bit slower you can also filter your
- 00:05:02model by hiding or showing any of these
- 00:05:04things now let's start working with our
- 00:05:05model the first thing that I'm going to
- 00:05:06do is I'm going to save a scene just so
- 00:05:08I can come back to it and reference it
- 00:05:10and start improving this scene as the
- 00:05:11main render if I'm going to add a new
- 00:05:13scene I can just click on this button
- 00:05:15that says add scene or I can also update
- 00:05:17this previous scene by just hitting
- 00:05:19right here on the update scene button
- 00:05:21what you can also do is edit the camera
- 00:05:23inside of the scene and start moving
- 00:05:25around and you can edit the physical
- 00:05:26camera so for example I can drag it down
- 00:05:28drag it to the front and here in the
- 00:05:30camera options I can also control the
- 00:05:32aspect ratio for example if I want a 4x3
- 00:05:3516x9 9x 16 aspect ratio I can control
- 00:05:39all this through here and also I can
- 00:05:41control the depth of field camera
- 00:05:42clipping plane focal length Etc as soon
- 00:05:45as I finish modifying it I just click on
- 00:05:46update and that is it now let's start
- 00:05:48applying materials to our model the
- 00:05:50first thing that I'm going to do is I'm
- 00:05:51going to go to my assets window and
- 00:05:52click on the material tab let me just
- 00:05:54make this a little bit bigger so you
- 00:05:55guys can see the whole window here I
- 00:05:56have different categories of materials
- 00:05:58for for example suround camic fabric
- 00:06:00plastic wood flooring Etc and the search
- 00:06:03bar inside of D5 render is also really
- 00:06:05good so as soon as you start typing in
- 00:06:07certain type of material so for example
- 00:06:09it's typ in concrete it's going to give
- 00:06:11me different options within different
- 00:06:12categories of the materials that maybe
- 00:06:14I'm searching for or if not I can also
- 00:06:16filter my selection by name by the
- 00:06:19newest and latest material or the
- 00:06:22materials that are free or the materials
- 00:06:23that are not free I can also change the
- 00:06:25icon size and scroll through the
- 00:06:27different pages so in this case I'm
- 00:06:28going to type in white concrete so as
- 00:06:30soon as you have a series of options
- 00:06:31selected let's say that I wanted to
- 00:06:33select this one I can just click on
- 00:06:35download wait a few seconds for it to
- 00:06:37download click on it and just select the
- 00:06:38surface that I want to apply it to in
- 00:06:40this case I'm going to select the white
- 00:06:41concrete and place it on the roof and
- 00:06:43walls of my house as soon as I apply my
- 00:06:45material I'm going to have some material
- 00:06:47options on the right bar of my screen so
- 00:06:49here I can modify the specific maps for
- 00:06:51example the normal map specular map
- 00:06:53roughness map metallic ambient occlusion
- 00:06:55Etc I can modify the emissive and
- 00:06:57reflection CICS and most importantly I
- 00:06:59can modify the size of my maps so for
- 00:07:01example if I wanted to make it smaller
- 00:07:03bigger move it rotate it or in this case
- 00:07:05adjust it to complicated surfaces I can
- 00:07:07click on options like Tri planner and UV
- 00:07:09randomizer here you guys can see that my
- 00:07:12texture will be applied in a very
- 00:07:13interesting way now if you wanted to
- 00:07:15save the specific material and use it
- 00:07:16later in your project or use it for
- 00:07:18other projects what you can do is go to
- 00:07:20the top bar right here and click on add
- 00:07:22to local as soon as you see this you can
- 00:07:23go to your local library and here you
- 00:07:25can see that I've added the white
- 00:07:26concrete as maybe one of my favorites or
- 00:07:28I've just downloaded it to make it
- 00:07:30easier to access later on now one of the
- 00:07:32biggest features that D5 render has is
- 00:07:34the ability to use AI as a companion
- 00:07:37inside of D5 run I think this is the
- 00:07:38first software at the moment that uses
- 00:07:41AI inside of their program which is
- 00:07:42truly amazing and we're going to be
- 00:07:44using AI throughout this whole tutorial
- 00:07:46and I'm going to show you the specific
- 00:07:47parts now for adding specific materials
- 00:07:49you can use AI to generate your own
- 00:07:51custom maps let me show you how now here
- 00:07:53I want to apply a wood deck texture to
- 00:07:56this surface right here what I'm going
- 00:07:57to do is I'm going to go to my asset set
- 00:07:59window go to materials and select a
- 00:08:01basic material inside of this category
- 00:08:03you can select your custom material and
- 00:08:05I'm going to apply custom materials to
- 00:08:06my Surface as soon as I have my window
- 00:08:08option right here I'm going to go to my
- 00:08:10base color map option click inside this
- 00:08:12color map and select the texture that I
- 00:08:13want to use so as you can see we have
- 00:08:15our default texture but we don't have a
- 00:08:16normal map specular map roughness map
- 00:08:19Etc D5 render automatically tries to
- 00:08:21simulate what this texture would look
- 00:08:23like so for example if it didn't have
- 00:08:24that simulation it would look very flat
- 00:08:27kind of like this and what we can do
- 00:08:29with the help of AI is go to this button
- 00:08:31right here which is which says AI
- 00:08:33generated texture maps and as soon as I
- 00:08:35have this I just click once on it wait
- 00:08:37for it to load and D5 render will
- 00:08:39automatically generate its own texture
- 00:08:41Maps based on the map that I gave it as
- 00:08:43soon as I have my texture Maps I can
- 00:08:45modify the roughness I can modify the
- 00:08:47parameters also I can modify the texture
- 00:08:49size and then add it to my local library
- 00:08:51and here I can apply it to all the
- 00:08:52different surfaces where I'm where I'm
- 00:08:53going to use the same material now let's
- 00:08:55apply a Terrain material onto our model
- 00:08:57this specific terrain material was
- 00:08:58downloaded from the quick Piel library
- 00:09:00now the first thing that I'm going to do
- 00:09:01is I'm going to press I on my keyboard
- 00:09:02to select the surface that I want to
- 00:09:03apply the material to and here we're
- 00:09:05going to use a very cool tool by D5
- 00:09:06render which is batch importing our PBR
- 00:09:09textures previously you had to import
- 00:09:10them one by one and this could take some
- 00:09:12time but now in D5 render you can just
- 00:09:14click on batch import PBR textures
- 00:09:16select all of them at once and click on
- 00:09:18open and in a matter of seconds you'll
- 00:09:19have your own terrain material here we
- 00:09:21can perfect it just a little bit if we
- 00:09:23Zoom away we can see a very obvious
- 00:09:25repetition in all of the material which
- 00:09:26we don't really want so what I can do is
- 00:09:28go over here where it says UV randomizer
- 00:09:30and turn this option on the material
- 00:09:32will be well spread out and well
- 00:09:34texturized and now I'm going to click on
- 00:09:35the duplicate option and apply it to
- 00:09:37this surface as well and now we have the
- 00:09:38terrain material now for this concrete
- 00:09:40entrance I'm going to show you how you
- 00:09:41can apply materials in a different way
- 00:09:42first I'm going to type I and click on
- 00:09:44my Surface then I'm going to open my
- 00:09:46material window and start dragging in
- 00:09:48the different maps that I'm going to use
- 00:09:49so for example the albo map the normal
- 00:09:51map the roughness map the ambient
- 00:09:53occlusion map and that's it by dragging
- 00:09:55and dropping my textures I'm saving a
- 00:09:57ton of time now let's say you wanted to
- 00:09:58add add some water into your model there
- 00:10:00are many options that you can choose
- 00:10:01from the first option that you can
- 00:10:02choose from is selecting the surface on
- 00:10:04your computer clicking on material
- 00:10:05template selecting the water option and
- 00:10:07customiz it from there you can also go
- 00:10:09to your assets tab select the water
- 00:10:11option and select the one that you like
- 00:10:12the most or what you can also do is
- 00:10:14Select for example this type of surface
- 00:10:16click on flowing water and in less than
- 00:10:18no time you have a river inside of your
- 00:10:19model now that I have the majority of my
- 00:10:21materials applied let me show you how to
- 00:10:22add glass onto your model the first
- 00:10:24thing that I'm going to do is I'm going
- 00:10:25to select the surface which the glass is
- 00:10:27on I can create my own custom glass by
- 00:10:29going to material template and selecting
- 00:10:31transparent or I can also go to assets
- 00:10:33search for the glass category and you
- 00:10:35can apply this normal glass I'm also
- 00:10:36going to apply it on this surface and
- 00:10:38also on this surface right here as soon
- 00:10:40as you have it applied we can see some
- 00:10:41customization options right here on the
- 00:10:43right part of our screen the most
- 00:10:44important part is adjusting the
- 00:10:46refraction and the thickness of your
- 00:10:47material to modify your glass material
- 00:10:49you can select the refraction option and
- 00:10:51also adjust the thickness of your glass
- 00:10:53now that I have all of my materials
- 00:10:54applied onto my model let me show you
- 00:10:56two quick tips to make your materials
- 00:10:58look much more realistic the first tip
- 00:11:00is rounding your Corners so select your
- 00:11:02surface and at the bottom select on the
- 00:11:04option round corner I like to keep this
- 00:11:06at a radius of three this is before
- 00:11:08rounding the corners and this is after
- 00:11:10I'm going to repeat the same process
- 00:11:11with all of my materials the next tip is
- 00:11:14adding decals onto your surfaces so you
- 00:11:17have to go to assets model and select
- 00:11:19the decals option here you will find
- 00:11:21different categories of things that you
- 00:11:22can place onto different surfaces to
- 00:11:24make them look much more realistic I'm
- 00:11:26going to select this wall dirt right
- 00:11:27here and place it on this wall I'll
- 00:11:29adjust the size just a little bit adjust
- 00:11:31the placement and modify the opacity you
- 00:11:33don't want to overdo it here just very
- 00:11:36subtle opacity is the key now let's
- 00:11:38start adding our vegetation inside of
- 00:11:40our model one of the coolest features
- 00:11:41that D5 render has is the vegetation
- 00:11:43Library it has vegetation from all over
- 00:11:45the world and the best thing is that you
- 00:11:47can filter it by species or you can also
- 00:11:49filter it by type of vegetation and to
- 00:11:51add a tree is very easy you just have to
- 00:11:53select the tree wait for it to download
- 00:11:55and then place it on your model and to
- 00:11:56add vegetation in a faster way we can
- 00:11:58use three three tools the brush tool the
- 00:12:00scatter tool and the path tool with the
- 00:12:02brush tool you can select it right here
- 00:12:04from this top bar and we're going to
- 00:12:05select the trees that we want to paint
- 00:12:06in after having these trees selected I'm
- 00:12:08going to adjust the brush parameters
- 00:12:10like the radius the density the size and
- 00:12:13of course here I'm going to select line
- 00:12:15to terrain here you will see a preview
- 00:12:17of the brush and if I start painting it
- 00:12:18in very softly you can see that I start
- 00:12:20to get many trees at the same time but
- 00:12:22here I want to adjust my parameters just
- 00:12:24a little bit I want to increase the
- 00:12:25radius decrease the density click on
- 00:12:27random size in start painting it in
- 00:12:29again and just like that you can paint
- 00:12:31in trees very quickly but let's use our
- 00:12:33second tool which is the path tool for
- 00:12:35the path tool I'm also going to select a
- 00:12:37group of trees in this case I'm going to
- 00:12:38select some shrubs and as soon as I have
- 00:12:40my selection ready I'm going to create a
- 00:12:42path around this walkway here I can
- 00:12:44select different noes From the Path
- 00:12:46adjust the smoothness and I can also
- 00:12:47increase the number of elements inside
- 00:12:49of my path change direction randomize
- 00:12:51the direction randomize the spacing as
- 00:12:53well and randomize the offset if I want
- 00:12:55to modify the elements inside of the
- 00:12:57path I can also eliminate some of them
- 00:12:59like for example this one and this one
- 00:13:00and randomize the size as well now if
- 00:13:02this was a path that you were going to
- 00:13:04use later in the future in other parts
- 00:13:05of your model you can save this path as
- 00:13:07a preset just click on create preset
- 00:13:10select the path name like for example
- 00:13:12small scale bushes and click on Save in
- 00:13:14the next time you wanted to create
- 00:13:15another path select the small scale
- 00:13:17bushes create the path and that's it you
- 00:13:19don't have to personalize it all over
- 00:13:21again and our third tool for adding
- 00:13:22vegetation is using the scatter tool
- 00:13:24here you can just go to your top bar
- 00:13:26select scatter select the model that you
- 00:13:28would want to SC like for example this
- 00:13:29one right here adjust the parameters
- 00:13:31like radius density and size and select
- 00:13:33the surface which in this case it's
- 00:13:35going to be this one right here since
- 00:13:36it's such a big surface it's going to
- 00:13:37take a little bit to load but as soon as
- 00:13:39I have it on you can see that all the
- 00:13:40trees were scattered in a very fast way
- 00:13:42now in case you mess up you don't have
- 00:13:44to erase the trees one by one you can
- 00:13:45just select on One Tree and here you can
- 00:13:47see some brush records where you can
- 00:13:48either repeat the same parameter or
- 00:13:50click on apply to eraser to erase this
- 00:13:52whole action now one of the best ways to
- 00:13:54add more realism and also save some
- 00:13:56space in your computer is by using
- 00:13:58backdrop planes so if you go to your
- 00:13:59asset Library go to your models select
- 00:14:01on landscapes and also select backdrop
- 00:14:04plane you can select from different
- 00:14:05kinds of backdrop planes that you can
- 00:14:07add to the backdrops of your images in
- 00:14:09this case we're going to select the
- 00:14:10Autumn trees and Autumn trees to option
- 00:14:12as soon as we have it we're going to
- 00:14:13place it on the external edge of our
- 00:14:15model now one quick tip if you want to
- 00:14:17rotate your object before you place it
- 00:14:19you can just press r on your keyboard
- 00:14:21and the object will rotate before you
- 00:14:23place it and I'm going to press contrl D
- 00:14:25to duplicate it and put it on the other
- 00:14:26side now I'm going to press contrl D to
- 00:14:28dup at it once more and just rotate it
- 00:14:30now as soon as I added my backdrop
- 00:14:32planes it seems as if though I've added
- 00:14:34a ton of trees in the background while
- 00:14:36I've just repeated the same image over
- 00:14:38and over again okay so let me show you
- 00:14:39the model with all of the vegetation and
- 00:14:41all of the materials applied here you
- 00:14:42can see the backdrop planes that we
- 00:14:44talked about earlier also some big scale
- 00:14:46trees towards the outside of my house
- 00:14:48and once we get closer to the house we
- 00:14:50can see some small scale vegetation that
- 00:14:53I've painted in with the brush tool to
- 00:14:55make it seem very random and organic to
- 00:14:57paint in this grass I've just selected
- 00:14:59the grass cluster added it as a brush
- 00:15:01tool and started painting it in randomly
- 00:15:03on my terrain just like this to add that
- 00:15:06extra level of realism we don't want to
- 00:15:08paint the grass all over the place
- 00:15:10because realistically that's not how it
- 00:15:12happens we just want to paint it in
- 00:15:13certain parts that make it look kind of
- 00:15:16imperfect and kind of patchy to really
- 00:15:18sell this image now in case you want to
- 00:15:20add some Vines onto your model D5 render
- 00:15:22has a really interesting tool to add
- 00:15:24Vines adapted to each surface so let me
- 00:15:26show you how it works first you're going
- 00:15:28to go to your aets Tab and search for
- 00:15:30Vines as soon as you see this you're
- 00:15:31going to select this icon I'm going to
- 00:15:33place it on my wall and I'm going to
- 00:15:34make sure this Leaf is projected onto
- 00:15:36this wall or into the surface that you
- 00:15:38want to apply it to and now I'm going to
- 00:15:39click on generate and just like that we
- 00:15:41have a Vine inside of our model here I
- 00:15:43can adjust the leaf density the angle
- 00:15:45the length and even the Leaf color now
- 00:15:47this is where you may start to get a
- 00:15:49little bit overwhelmed and your model
- 00:15:51managing skills are going to come in
- 00:15:52handy for this so that's where this
- 00:15:54object tab is really important here you
- 00:15:56can select this grid and filter your
- 00:15:57objects by category so for example here
- 00:16:00I just want to see all of my nature
- 00:16:02objects I can select all of my nature
- 00:16:04objects and I can either lock them place
- 00:16:06them in a group by pressing contrl G and
- 00:16:08hide them all at once this just makes my
- 00:16:10modeling process so much easier as soon
- 00:16:12as I have my group ready I'm going to
- 00:16:13name it vegetation so now you've seen
- 00:16:16how I've Applied Materials to my model
- 00:16:18and also how I've applied vegetation to
- 00:16:20my model now let's take a look at how we
- 00:16:22can add different Furniture assets to
- 00:16:24make this scene look much more realistic
- 00:16:26and so much better okay so let's open
- 00:16:27our asset window and I'm going to go to
- 00:16:30Furniture the key to adding good
- 00:16:31Furniture is adding a general piece of
- 00:16:33furniture like for example this exterior
- 00:16:35chair and then adding some details on it
- 00:16:38to top it off like for example a towel a
- 00:16:40table some food something to drink of
- 00:16:42course and of course some company now
- 00:16:44this is looking really good let's also
- 00:16:45add an outdoor dining set press crl D
- 00:16:48and duplicate it and rotate it just a
- 00:16:50bit now let's talk about the interior
- 00:16:51assets for just a bit I'm going to go to
- 00:16:53assets and start adding Interior
- 00:16:54Furniture like my living room my kitchen
- 00:16:57different little assets here and there
- 00:16:58so I'm going to add this black leather
- 00:17:00multi-seat sofa press r on my keyboard
- 00:17:02to rotate it and let's also add some
- 00:17:04chairs of course we have to add our
- 00:17:05coffee table and I always love to add
- 00:17:07some Greenery for my Interiors so one of
- 00:17:09the more interesting things that we can
- 00:17:10also add to our Interiors is for example
- 00:17:12some Dynamic particles D5 render has a
- 00:17:15set of dynamic particles which you can
- 00:17:16add to to give more realism and movement
- 00:17:19to your renders so if I wanted to add a
- 00:17:20fireplace I would just click on fire
- 00:17:22right here and place it in the fireplace
- 00:17:24of course I can adjust the size and this
- 00:17:26gives just much more realism to my image
- 00:17:28now some really cool Dynamic particles
- 00:17:30you should definitely add into your next
- 00:17:31render is for sure some birds and why
- 00:17:33not some leaves as well and just like
- 00:17:35this your render is getting prettier and
- 00:17:37prettier now I've imported all of my
- 00:17:39models from the asset Furniture library
- 00:17:41and I want to show you what models I
- 00:17:43have mostly on the interior side of my
- 00:17:45house just so you can get an idea of
- 00:17:47what I placed inside so first we have
- 00:17:48this long dining table then if we go to
- 00:17:51the living room right here you can see
- 00:17:52that I changed the sofa up just a little
- 00:17:55bit and I also added this furniture in
- 00:17:57the background right here here now for
- 00:17:59this wide open space here in the back
- 00:18:00there is a Furniture library that is
- 00:18:02made out of different types of assets
- 00:18:04that are found inside of the asset
- 00:18:06library and towards the back we can see
- 00:18:08another dining room another bar type
- 00:18:10dining room and that is basically it and
- 00:18:12finally there are also some rocks right
- 00:18:14here just so it gives it a little bit
- 00:18:16more landscap is kind of Vibes now this
- 00:18:18is all the furniture that I've added
- 00:18:19inside but just in case you don't have a
- 00:18:21lot of time to add piece by piece there
- 00:18:23is also another tool inside of D5 that
- 00:18:26you can use to add a Feeling of a warm
- 00:18:29interior so we're going to go to our
- 00:18:30assets window and we are going to go to
- 00:18:32Interior Parallax next we're going to
- 00:18:34select the residential category and I'm
- 00:18:36going to select the residential interior
- 00:18:3811 for example as soon as I select it
- 00:18:41I'm going to press r on my keyboard to
- 00:18:43rotate it and just place it right behind
- 00:18:44the glass facade now as soon as I have
- 00:18:46my interior Parallax placed I'm going to
- 00:18:48go to this Goin Skylight and just place
- 00:18:50this at night just so you can get a
- 00:18:52better idea of what I'm talking about
- 00:18:53and I'm going to select again my
- 00:18:55residential interior Parallax here I can
- 00:18:57adjust the lighting of the space so here
- 00:18:59I can just make it much brighter or much
- 00:19:02dimmer I can also adjust the intensity
- 00:19:04of the light I can adjust the
- 00:19:05temperature of the light so if I want a
- 00:19:06warmer light or a cooler light and if we
- 00:19:08get a little bit closer to the image
- 00:19:10like for example right here I can adjust
- 00:19:12the position of the elements so for
- 00:19:14example I can make it look even deeper
- 00:19:16like even closer to the window or or
- 00:19:18even farther away so I think this would
- 00:19:20look interesting or I can just erase the
- 00:19:22elements all together after I have this
- 00:19:23I can duplicate it and place it on the
- 00:19:25other side and just like that we have a
- 00:19:27really interesting interior without all
- 00:19:29the hassle of placing all the inside
- 00:19:31elements I recommend you use this of
- 00:19:33course if you're not going to create
- 00:19:34interior renders but if you are going to
- 00:19:36create interior renders you may want to
- 00:19:38spend some time adding very specific
- 00:19:40Furniture elements to just make your
- 00:19:41image stand out much more okay so now we
- 00:19:43have the materials we have vegetation
- 00:19:45and we also have our interior models now
- 00:19:48let's talk about artificial lighting and
- 00:19:49ways to add light inside of your model
- 00:19:52so we had already talked a little bit
- 00:19:53about Dynamic particles like for example
- 00:19:55this fireplace right here which also
- 00:19:57gives some light in but right now what
- 00:19:58I'm going to do is I'm going to turn a
- 00:20:00surface into an emissive material just
- 00:20:02so I can simulate the idea of a light
- 00:20:04fixture on the ceiling of my house so
- 00:20:06I'm just going to go inside of my house
- 00:20:08like just like this and from the
- 00:20:09interior model I have a different
- 00:20:10surface that is supposed to be a strip
- 00:20:12light that goes around the whole living
- 00:20:13room so if I press I on my keyboard and
- 00:20:16select this surface I can see that the
- 00:20:18map is just a normal map that doesn't
- 00:20:20have any materials applied whatsoever
- 00:20:22but what I can do is just go over here
- 00:20:24where it says emissive and turn the
- 00:20:26emissive option on just like this and as
- 00:20:29soon as I turn it on you guys can see
- 00:20:30that this acts as a light and it
- 00:20:32illuminates the whole Space so I'm just
- 00:20:33going to turn the exposure down just a
- 00:20:36little bit so for example if I turn it
- 00:20:37off once again you guys can see how
- 00:20:39everything just goes dark and starts
- 00:20:41looking underexposed but if I turn the
- 00:20:43admissive option on it starts to look
- 00:20:45much much nicer it starts to look very
- 00:20:47interesting and here inside of the
- 00:20:48admissive option of course I can control
- 00:20:50the intensity of the admissive miss the
- 00:20:52color of the light for example I think
- 00:20:53this is a very greenish tone for me so I
- 00:20:56think I'm going to select a more reddish
- 00:20:57kind of tone for example something like
- 00:20:59this I think would look much more
- 00:21:00interesting that goes along with the
- 00:21:02fire or I can also select a specific
- 00:21:04temperature which I think is much easier
- 00:21:06and much more precise now if you go
- 00:21:07outside of the model and we see the
- 00:21:09interior lights you can see that just
- 00:21:10with this light how much light we can
- 00:21:13see now in our in our Interiors also
- 00:21:15another way of adding lights is just
- 00:21:17going over here to the top where it says
- 00:21:18add lights and we can add either a point
- 00:21:20light spotlight strip light or
- 00:21:22rectangular light and we can also add a
- 00:21:24stage light so for example I really like
- 00:21:26to use rectangular lights so I'm just
- 00:21:28going to place this right here and start
- 00:21:29modifying the length and the width of
- 00:21:32this and I'm going to click on show
- 00:21:33light shape so I can see the whole shape
- 00:21:35of the light and I'm going to keep on
- 00:21:36modifying these Dimensions just a little
- 00:21:39bit here and this would all be done with
- 00:21:40a rectangular light all right so now
- 00:21:42that I have all of my interior lights
- 00:21:44set and also some exterior lights as
- 00:21:46well which are just you know these Point
- 00:21:48lights that just make everything look a
- 00:21:49little bit warmer and contrast a little
- 00:21:51bit more with the outside I want to go
- 00:21:53ahead and start adding the environment
- 00:21:56effects which I think this is maybe the
- 00:21:57most fun fun part for me which is giving
- 00:21:59some life and personality to this whole
- 00:22:02image so I'm going to walk you through
- 00:22:03the options of of adding some
- 00:22:04environments either through the goo and
- 00:22:06Sky effects or also through the hdri
- 00:22:08effects whichever of these you choose
- 00:22:10you can create really really good images
- 00:22:12with so let's start with the goo and sky
- 00:22:14so for the GE and Sky you can think of
- 00:22:15it as its own built-in Skylight system
- 00:22:18where you can personalize what time of
- 00:22:20day it is where the north is coming from
- 00:22:22or you can also maybe go into these
- 00:22:24interior settings and specify the month
- 00:22:26the day long ude latitude you know be
- 00:22:29very specific about your location and
- 00:22:31the newest option inside of D5 render is
- 00:22:33using the custom Sun so with the custom
- 00:22:35Sun I can adjust the sunlight intensity
- 00:22:38I can also adjust the alt altitude as
- 00:22:40well as the azoth and here if I increase
- 00:22:42the disc radius and if I increase the
- 00:22:44light intensity you guys can see that
- 00:22:46it's going to be increased right here as
- 00:22:47well so I can take this to an extreme or
- 00:22:50also maybe say that there's little to no
- 00:22:52sunlight kind of like this and I'm also
- 00:22:54going to see the effect as well so for
- 00:22:56example if I I place my image in a in a
- 00:22:58high altitude and variate the asmo and
- 00:23:00what I'm going to do is I'm going to
- 00:23:02change the altitude just to make it a
- 00:23:03little bit lower and I'm also going to
- 00:23:05change the asouth I'm going to increase
- 00:23:07the sunlight intensity just a little bit
- 00:23:09I'm going to go to my camera option
- 00:23:11press f8 and also press on walk mode and
- 00:23:13just lower the whole height of this now
- 00:23:15as soon as I have this defined let's say
- 00:23:17that this is the sun setting that I want
- 00:23:19I can start adding much more things like
- 00:23:21clouds fogs wind and precipitation so
- 00:23:23let's go one by one to see how I would
- 00:23:25use it in this case but if I toggle the
- 00:23:26cloud option I can control the amount of
- 00:23:29clouds my image has so for example I can
- 00:23:31make it a very cloudy image of course I
- 00:23:32would have to adjust the sunlight
- 00:23:34intensity just so it makes a little bit
- 00:23:35more sense I can also adjust the cloud
- 00:23:37thickness the cloud density the cloud
- 00:23:39height I can indicate it to cast some
- 00:23:42shadow on the ground so when it cast
- 00:23:44Shadows you guys can see that I don't I
- 00:23:45I no longer have my sunrays and my
- 00:23:47shadows and I can go back and change the
- 00:23:50amount something more like this and
- 00:23:52maybe change the thickness just a little
- 00:23:54bit and of course why not the density
- 00:23:56now as soon as I have my cloud settings
- 00:23:57ready I'm I'm going to go to my fog
- 00:23:58option and here I don't want to add too
- 00:24:00much fog but if I turn the fog option to
- 00:24:02an extreme like you seeing right here
- 00:24:04and I and I start adjusting it you can
- 00:24:06start seeing how this is going to affect
- 00:24:08my final image but but again we don't
- 00:24:10want to exaggerate this too much because
- 00:24:12it starts to look fake so I'm just going
- 00:24:14to add just a little bit of fog and
- 00:24:15leave the rest as it is and finally for
- 00:24:17the precipitation effect if I turn it on
- 00:24:19and I turn it to an extreme like for
- 00:24:21example let say I want some snow and I
- 00:24:24increase the strength my image is going
- 00:24:26to to totally change but in this case
- 00:24:28let's say I just want some small little
- 00:24:30puddles so I'm just going to I'm going
- 00:24:31to leave the strength at zero puddles
- 00:24:33I'm just going to leave at 28 I think or
- 00:24:35maybe a little bit a little bit higher I
- 00:24:37think just so it looks like it it just
- 00:24:39finished raining now these are some of
- 00:24:41the effects we can get with a Geo and
- 00:24:42Sky option so if we go to the hdri
- 00:24:45option you guys can see that my image
- 00:24:46changes completely except for the
- 00:24:48weather options the weather options are
- 00:24:50going to remain the same if I go inside
- 00:24:52of my hdri if I click inside of this
- 00:24:54window I'm going to be able to select
- 00:24:56from some default hdris that are
- 00:24:59included inside of D5 and if I click on
- 00:25:01any of these hdris my mood is going to
- 00:25:03start to change so for example I'm going
- 00:25:05to turn the fog option for now and the
- 00:25:07precipitation option for now just so you
- 00:25:08guys can see how the hdri changes the
- 00:25:11whole image so I can select a cloudy
- 00:25:13hdri kind of like this and inside of
- 00:25:15your hdri you can also personalize and
- 00:25:18customize the lighting settings so for
- 00:25:20example I can increase the Skylight I
- 00:25:23can increase the the amount of light
- 00:25:25coming from the background image I can
- 00:25:27also rotate my hdri or to indicate where
- 00:25:29the brightest point of my image is
- 00:25:31coming from I can adjust the color
- 00:25:33temperature of my hdri to make it either
- 00:25:35cooler or warmer and if we take a look
- 00:25:38at this from another point of view like
- 00:25:39for example let's say from right here we
- 00:25:41can see that the puddles give it give
- 00:25:42this image a lot of life and makes it
- 00:25:44look much more interesting so I can
- 00:25:46adjust the background light here you can
- 00:25:48also import your own custom hdri which I
- 00:25:50also like to use and I'm going to select
- 00:25:52this hdri for now which I think looks
- 00:25:54really interesting okay so now we have
- 00:25:56our hdri we have our vegetation we have
- 00:25:58our lights we have our materials we have
- 00:26:00our models we have the majority of
- 00:26:02things already set what we need to do is
- 00:26:04we're going we need to add our special
- 00:26:06effects to our image which means color
- 00:26:08correction which means exposure uh
- 00:26:11contrast highlights all of these things
- 00:26:13so let's jump into that right now so
- 00:26:15here in the effects tab AI also starts
- 00:26:18to play a very important role but before
- 00:26:21I show you the very special AI tool that
- 00:26:24D5 render has inside of this newer
- 00:26:26version Let Me show you how I did it
- 00:26:29before AI the first thing that I did was
- 00:26:31adjust this postprocessing window which
- 00:26:33is just you know adjusting the whole
- 00:26:35exposure of my image just like this I
- 00:26:37can also adjust the Highlight local
- 00:26:39exposure as you guys can see I can
- 00:26:41modify a little bit of the contrast and
- 00:26:43maybe I want to make this whole image
- 00:26:45much much colder or maybe much warmer
- 00:26:48you know this could also look nice I can
- 00:26:50change the tint of my image decrease the
- 00:26:52bloom I don't like to use the bloom
- 00:26:53effects a lot I don't know why you can
- 00:26:55also add your own custom l so for for
- 00:26:57example if I turn on this slot you guys
- 00:26:59can see that it gives me a sort of
- 00:27:01filter very special filter D5 render has
- 00:27:04their own specific lots that you guys
- 00:27:07can try out or you can just quick click
- 00:27:09on customize lot and load your own
- 00:27:11different Lots so this looks nice I'm
- 00:27:13just going to lower the intensity just a
- 00:27:14little bit now I'm going to go to Color
- 00:27:16grading for color grading I have
- 00:27:18different options I can adjust the
- 00:27:19global color grading or go specifically
- 00:27:21into the shadows midtones and highlights
- 00:27:24so these are all the things that I would
- 00:27:25do if I did not have an AI option but
- 00:27:28now I want to show you the newest tool
- 00:27:29from D5 render which is AI atmosphere
- 00:27:32match now this is going to save us all
- 00:27:35this time a ton of time a ton of work
- 00:27:37because the Luts that we appli the
- 00:27:39postprocessing everything is going to be
- 00:27:42applied from a reference image using AI
- 00:27:44so let me show you how to use it first
- 00:27:46of all we're going to go over here to
- 00:27:48the top where it says AI atmosphere
- 00:27:50match and here I'm going to upload a
- 00:27:52reference image now I have a ton of
- 00:27:54different render saved that I've created
- 00:27:56from past tutorial some of you can
- 00:27:58recognize for example this is from our
- 00:28:00last D5 render tutorial and since right
- 00:28:02now I'm creating a Kind of Night image
- 00:28:05for example I think this one would look
- 00:28:07pretty pretty interesting again I'm
- 00:28:08going to snap the current View and I'm
- 00:28:10going to click on start generating I'm
- 00:28:12going to wait and click on apply now and
- 00:28:15as soon as it's done you guys can see
- 00:28:16the incredible work that we have here so
- 00:28:18the sky is very greenish very greenish
- 00:28:21bluish like the one we have in our
- 00:28:23reference image we also have a very
- 00:28:25textur kind of vibe from the wall walls
- 00:28:27which we have also in a reference image
- 00:28:29and the whole vegetation the whole
- 00:28:31surroundings is also very desaturated
- 00:28:34very green and I just love this entirely
- 00:28:37so this is something that I want to use
- 00:28:38so for example right now I'm going to
- 00:28:40create a new scene that's going to save
- 00:28:42it with all of the effects now I'm going
- 00:28:44to maybe move my camera around just a
- 00:28:47little bit so I can have a different
- 00:28:48sense of a different scene that I want
- 00:28:50so for example start testing out with
- 00:28:52one more image to see how it can look so
- 00:28:54for example this image right here which
- 00:28:57I think maybe I'm going to change the
- 00:28:59view let's maybe let's go something
- 00:29:01around this tone and snap the current
- 00:29:03View and click on start generating and
- 00:29:05wow I mean honestly this is amazing
- 00:29:08normally I would have spent a few hours
- 00:29:11just adjusting the different tones of
- 00:29:12the image but now with my reference
- 00:29:14images I can export a ton of different
- 00:29:16renders with the same Vibe with the same
- 00:29:19kind of filter if you like so now let me
- 00:29:21show you some of the different scenes
- 00:29:23that I've created using the AI
- 00:29:25atmosphere match so these are some of my
- 00:29:27favorite images and I think this tool
- 00:29:29has so much potential because in a
- 00:29:32matter of really seconds in a matter of
- 00:29:34minutes you can import maybe five
- 00:29:37different reference style images like
- 00:29:39for example here you guys can see that
- 00:29:41the the whole mood and whole and
- 00:29:45everything in general is completely
- 00:29:47different one from the other so for
- 00:29:49example these are some of my favorite
- 00:29:52images that I've generated with this now
- 00:29:54that we have it ready let's render our
- 00:29:56image so as as soon as I have my scene
- 00:29:58ready I'm going to go to the image Tab
- 00:30:00and start adjusting the final parameters
- 00:30:02so here you can just adjust once more
- 00:30:05everything that you had the option to
- 00:30:06adjust from the camera option so I can
- 00:30:08adjust the focal length the horizontal
- 00:30:10view I can also select the camera
- 00:30:12settings right here and adjust the
- 00:30:14specific camera settings like for
- 00:30:15example the depth of field option I can
- 00:30:18turn it on and set the focus plane right
- 00:30:21here towards the middle ground kind of
- 00:30:23like this and turn on the Blurred option
- 00:30:25I think this is looking interesting
- 00:30:27thing and for sure I can modify the the
- 00:30:30aspect ratio kind of like either I if I
- 00:30:32want a 9 9 by 16 image or 16x9 which
- 00:30:36maybe is kind of the way to go or maybe
- 00:30:38a 4x3 image I think this is more of a
- 00:30:40classic render as soon as I have this I
- 00:30:43can select the channels that I want if I
- 00:30:44want to export with Sky mask amb
- 00:30:46occlusion material ID reflection in this
- 00:30:49case I'm not going to export with any of
- 00:30:50them because I'm not going to um modify
- 00:30:52this anymore I can select this or I can
- 00:30:54also select the preset size in my case I
- 00:30:56want to export a 2K image but you can
- 00:30:59export up to 16k and as soon as I have
- 00:31:01it ready I'm going to click on render
- 00:31:02now this is how our final render came
- 00:31:04out and I loved it because you can see
- 00:31:06the out of focus option right here you
- 00:31:08can see the textures you can see the boy
- 00:31:10in the background just posing for I
- 00:31:12don't know someone else and I thought it
- 00:31:14looked really interesting here are some
- 00:31:16other images that I rendered which I
- 00:31:17thought also looked really interesting
- 00:31:20like for example this one right here
- 00:31:21this one right here I think the the
- 00:31:24ambient the whole vibe was just so cool
- 00:31:26but now let's go back to a render and
- 00:31:28let's say that I want to animate this
- 00:31:29scene as well what I would do is go to
- 00:31:31the video option right here and I can
- 00:31:33create a new clip just by clicking on
- 00:31:35create clip and this is going to create
- 00:31:36like a whole entire scene for me and
- 00:31:39inside of this clip I can include
- 00:31:41different shots so for example I'm going
- 00:31:42to add this view it includes the shot
- 00:31:45but now let's say I want to add a
- 00:31:46close-up view maybe with a different
- 00:31:48kind of camera setting like for example
- 00:31:51something that is much more like this I
- 00:31:54can also add add this current view on
- 00:31:56top top and finally I maybe let's
- 00:31:59include a top down view top you know
- 00:32:02something like kind of like this which
- 00:32:03maybe also looks super interesting so as
- 00:32:06you guys can see we have three different
- 00:32:08shots so for example this first one then
- 00:32:10then we have the second one and then we
- 00:32:12have the third one so if we just play it
- 00:32:13out just like this it's just going to be
- 00:32:15a few still shots that are just going to
- 00:32:17be right there but now if you don't have
- 00:32:19any idea of what shots you should
- 00:32:21include let's say let's go for example
- 00:32:22to a new scene if you have no idea what
- 00:32:24shots you could you should include D5
- 00:32:26render also gives you some templates for
- 00:32:29some shots which I think are really
- 00:32:31interesting so for example I have my
- 00:32:32shot here but you can go to the template
- 00:32:34and here you guys can see different
- 00:32:36types of templates and say you don't
- 00:32:38know what pan down is you can just hover
- 00:32:40over it and you can see what the pan
- 00:32:42down would do or let's say a 360 pan a
- 00:32:45dolly twist out Dolly twist in you know
- 00:32:46a ton of technical names but you don't
- 00:32:48even have to know or understand them you
- 00:32:50just have to hover over them and see
- 00:32:52maybe okay so I want the slide left I
- 00:32:53think this looks interesting I'm going
- 00:32:55to apply it and if I go to this to this
- 00:32:57scene and play it out it starts to slide
- 00:33:00left this is super interesting now let's
- 00:33:01add another scene horizontal push which
- 00:33:03is like a zooming in right so I'm just
- 00:33:05going to click on horizontal push and
- 00:33:07I'm going to click on play and it starts
- 00:33:08to zoom in wow this is crazy and now
- 00:33:11let's look for another view let's just
- 00:33:13maybe start right here something like
- 00:33:16this I think this looks interesting and
- 00:33:18now let's click on slide down I think
- 00:33:20would look really interesting right so
- 00:33:21as soon as we click on play this looks
- 00:33:24nice but maybe it's a little bit too
- 00:33:25fast or it's just like sliding too fast
- 00:33:27so what I can do is just modify the
- 00:33:29amount of seconds that it slides down so
- 00:33:31for example I don't want it to be in 3
- 00:33:33seconds I want it to be in 5 seconds so
- 00:33:34I just type in five and this looks
- 00:33:36perfect but I can also modify the
- 00:33:38direction of which it slides so for
- 00:33:40example right now it just slides down
- 00:33:42but I could tell it to slide just to the
- 00:33:45side just like this which would work as
- 00:33:47well would work pretty well and I could
- 00:33:50also change the perspective mode and
- 00:33:52change the camera clipping plane and wow
- 00:33:55I think all of this looks amazing just
- 00:33:57like these three scenes they look really
- 00:33:59interesting the next thing that I'm
- 00:34:01going to do is just click on render to
- 00:34:03render them render them both right so
- 00:34:05I'm going to select the size you know I
- 00:34:07can modify the size right here or I can
- 00:34:09modify this the export resolution right
- 00:34:11here as well so I'm just going to select
- 00:34:12a 1080p size 30 frames per second would
- 00:34:15look nice for me and I'm going to click
- 00:34:17on render let's wait and see the results
- 00:34:19okay so this was probably one of the
- 00:34:20longest tutorials I've ever made I've
- 00:34:22had so much fun exploring D5 render
- 00:34:25probably I could stay here for hours and
- 00:34:27hours and explore more possibilities
- 00:34:29with the new AI tools and also with all
- 00:34:32the different tools that just make my
- 00:34:34life much easier when I'm starting to
- 00:34:36render I'm enjoying D5 render a lot I
- 00:34:38hope you guys enjoy this video as well
- 00:34:40but I would love to create more videos
- 00:34:42on more advanced settings like creating
- 00:34:44an advanced animation creating realistic
- 00:34:46grass creating you know selecting the
- 00:34:48right templates for the AI atmosphere
- 00:34:50match you know there are so many things
- 00:34:52there are so many Advanced intermediate
- 00:34:54and advanced things that we could talk
- 00:34:55about which I would love to talk about
- 00:34:56about with you guys so if you guys have
- 00:34:58any video recommendations please comment
- 00:35:00them down below and also one of the
- 00:35:01things that I haven't talked about D5
- 00:35:03render which I think you know this video
- 00:35:05is pretty long but if you're here for
- 00:35:06the video I think you know you would
- 00:35:08also want to be interested in this is
- 00:35:09that D5 render has a really interesting
- 00:35:12community space that is very active so
- 00:35:14if you go to D5 render there will be an
- 00:35:16option to go to D5 render community and
- 00:35:18you can see what people are creating
- 00:35:20with D5 what problems are they having
- 00:35:23you know what other companies are using
- 00:35:24D5 render that are using like creating
- 00:35:27really amazing results which I think you
- 00:35:29would love to check out so the community
- 00:35:31feature or the Comm the whole Community
- 00:35:33tab is really interesting uh I want to
- 00:35:35thank also D5 for sponsoring this video
- 00:35:38for for letting me explore around with
- 00:35:40this model I think it it was a very
- 00:35:42lovely model I'm going to create a ton
- 00:35:44of images renders posts and stories and
- 00:35:47post them all through my social so if
- 00:35:49you see this on the social comment on
- 00:35:51social share it I would it would just
- 00:35:53really helps the channel out there will
- 00:35:55be a link to download D5 render in the
- 00:35:57description I hope you guys enjoy it and
- 00:35:59I'll just leave you with the final
- 00:36:00images and with all the explorations
- 00:36:02that I did right here so you can just
- 00:36:04enjoy them much more thank you guys for
- 00:36:06watching and I will see you in the next
- 00:36:07video
- 00:36:13[Music]
- 00:36:25bye
- 00:36:38[Music]
- 00:36:46he
- D5 Render
- 3D Modellering
- Renderingsprogramvare
- Beginners
- AI
- Vegetasjon
- Møbler
- Lyssetting
- Animasjon
- Designverktøy