BFDIA 14: PointyPointyPointy ♫
TLDREn ĉi tiu epizodo de BFDIA, la konkurantoj alfrontas diversajn defiojn por atingi la litojn sur malgranda spiro dum ili partoprenas en Cake at Stake por premioj kaj eliminadoj. La malfeliĉo de Golf Ball estas prominentaj, kaj la interagoj inter la karakteroj ofte tendencas al komedio, donante vivon al la rakonto. La finale, Ruby kaj Book trovas sin supozeble elirintaj de la konkurso, kio kreas intensecon por la sekva epizodo.
Punti di forza
- ⚡ La situacioj ofte estas absurdaj kaj amuzaj.
- 👍 La voĉdonado de la spektantoj decidas la sorton de roluloj.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
La grupo evitis danĝerajn basketball-badolinojn, kaj ĉiuj ĝojas krom Fanny, kiu timas flugadon. Ŝi mencias, ke ŝi ne povas helpi ĉar ŝi ne havas brakojn. Ili malkovras enorman spiran konstrukcion antaŭ ili, kaj Lollipop instigas ilin ne kraŝi, dum ili tiam komencas paroli pri la aspekto de nubo. La eniro de bugoj memorigas ilin pri la 'Cake at Stake'.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Malgraŭ ties necerteco, Nickel trovas, ke lia Yoyle Straw povas traduki Bug-ese al angla. Sep ludantoj estas sub eliminacio, kaj la participantoj atendas la rezultojn de la voĉdono ĉe la 'Cake at Stake'. Pin gajnas premion, sed estas ankaŭ malagrabla momento kiam Ŝarĝado de la ruinaĵo pigra alvenas, konfrontante amaskomunikilojn.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
La rezultoj de la voĉdono malkaŝas, ke Coiny, Pin, kaj aliaj estas sekuraj, dum Golf Ball ricevas malaltan rangon. Ili malkovras, ke la bugoj, la antaŭaj gastigantoj, estas finfine mortigitaj kaj Barf Bag estas elektita nova gazdanto pro ŝia problemo. Mihaviĝo al la voĉdonada procezo kaŭzas malfacilaĵojn.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Post la eliminacio, ĝi estas konfirmita ke Golf Ball estis forigita, kaj la grupo dividiĝas por la venonta konkurso. Ili devis formi teamojn por atingi litojn sur la pinto de spiro, kun klara regulo ke se iu grupo ne atingas la celon, ili estos sub risko de eliminacio.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
La ludantoj konkurencas por aliri la litojn sur la pinto de la spiro per diversaj insuletoj, kun teamoj komencantaj albumi malantaŭen. Kelkiu esploriĝas kaj malkovras, ke ili devas uzi jetpakojn por atingi la venontan insulon, alportante diversajn sortojn de dolĉaĵoj kaj pliajn produktojn por plivastigi iliajn kapablojn.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Ili alvenas en Donut Island, kie ili devas plenigi jetpakojn kun dolĉaĵo. La kreado de malgrandaj landoj efikas en la enhavo de iliaj jetpakoj, kio kontribuas al la interago inter la ludantoj, kaj iliaj interagoj subtenas la temon de la epizodo.
- 00:30:00 - 00:37:27
Premiante la ludantojn, la epizodo finiĝas kun kelkaj ludantoj estantaj eksaj el la ludo. Berganta momentoj estas enmetitaj, dum pluraj teamoj progresas plene dum aliaj devis renkonti danĝerojn, rezultante en maldungo kaj vivtenado por la sekvaj epizodoj.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Kio estas la ĉefa temo de la epizodo?
La epizodo temas pri la konkurso de diversaj objektoj kiuj provas atingi la lanĉan liton per diversaj defioj.
Kio okazas dum la Cake at Stake?
Dum la Cake at Stake, la konkurantoj ricevas premiojn kaj estas eldonitaj laŭ voĉdonoj de la spektantoj.
Kiuj karakteroj estas en la fina du?
La fina du karakteroj estas Ruby kaj Book, kiuj estas supozeble subendan.
Kiel la teamoj atingas la litojn?
Ili atingas la litojn traversante kelkajn flosantajn insulojn.
Kiel la konversacioj inter la roluloj influas la intrigon?
La interagadoj ofte humoras la epizodon, kio faras ĝian etoson pli vivanta kaj amuza.
Kio okazas al Golf Ball en la epizodo?
Golf Ball estas eliminita dum la voĉdonado en Cake at Stake.
Kiel la aliaj objektoj reagas al la malvenko de Golf Ball?
Ili evidentiĝas malĝojaj kaj interagas pro la malvenko de Golf Ball.
Kiel la teamoj organizas sin por konkuri?
Ili devas formi teamojn kaj dividi en parojn por konkurenci.
Kiel la humoroj de la roluloj kontribuas al la rakonto?
La humoroj, ofte evidentigitaj de konkurencaj interagadoj, aldonas leĝeran etoson al la serio.
Kio okazas fine de la epizodo?
La epizodo finiĝas kun apartigo, kie Ruby kaj Book estas postulataĵoj por elimini.
Visualizza altre sintesi video
- 00:00:15Good news, we dodged the Basketball Showers!
- 00:00:18- Everyone: Hooray! - Fanny: I hate flying!
- 00:00:19Yeah, easy for you to say, lazy, crazy, dazy Fanny. You aren’t even cranking.
- 00:00:24I don’t have any arms, so I CAN’T help you guys!
- 00:00:34- Everyone: Yay! - Barf Bag: Don’t hurt her!
- 00:00:36Y’know what, I’LL crank it!
- 00:00:38Balloony: Uh guys, what’s that spire in front of us? It’s huge!
- 00:00:42Just like your massive inflated noggin.
- 00:00:44And is that… a bunk bed on top?
- 00:00:46Lollipop: Well, steer away from it, I don’t want to crash.
- 00:00:49Sure thing!
- 00:00:50What do you think that CLOUD looks like?
- 00:00:52I think the cloud looks like a…
- 00:00:54Snowball. Because I’m not blind!
- 00:00:57Well, I think it looks like how big my enormous brain is.
- 00:01:04- Wait! - BUUUUGS!
- 00:01:06Eew ewioe teoi ewituoew.
- 00:01:07Silly Coiny! The bugs are our host. And they’re just telling us it’s time for Cake at Stake.
- 00:01:13♪ Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh ♪
- 00:01:15♪ CAKE! CAKE! CAKE! CAKE! ♪
- 00:01:20♪ CAKE AT STAKE! ♪
- 00:01:21[VOCALS DISTORT]
- 00:01:23Ewrtewwe weruie ewuiouewoe.
- 00:01:25I can’t understand them.
- 00:01:27Not a problem, Nickel! My Yoyle Straw can also translate Bug-ese into English. Watch!
- 00:01:33Seven of you are up for elimination.
- 00:01:36SHHH! So rude!
- 00:01:38What do you mean, “so rude”? You bought tickets to WATCH this cake at stake!
- 00:01:42Oh. Right.
- 00:01:44Bugs: Nickel. Pin. Bomby. Fries. Tennis Ball. Golf Ball. And Coiny.
- 00:01:47Whoever gets the most likes gets a prize.
- 00:01:50Whoever gets the most dislikes is eliminated.
- 00:01:52Isn’t this thrilling?
- 00:01:53Well let’s see who won the prize!
- 00:02:02Pin wins the prize!
- 00:02:04Congratulations, buddy!
- 00:02:08Spin the wheel already, Pin! We don’t got all day.
- 00:02:11Well, since you won’t spin it, it looks like you’ll win…
- 00:02:14…excruciating pain for 2,763 years.
- 00:02:17[LAUGHS] Sounds fu-
- 00:02:19STOP! Stop, stop! I have had ENOUGH of Pin being the butt of your jokes! I will spin it.
- 00:02:23[GASP]
- 00:02:25Whoops!
- 00:02:26Fries: Regain your face, your size, and a state-of-the-art mech suit? Oh my tater!
- 00:02:33Coiny, Bomby, and Nickel: Pin shall rise! Pin shall rise! Pin shall rise!
- 00:02:38Ruby: Um, guys? I’m feeling uneasy… [CHANTING CONTINUES IN BACKGROUND]
- 00:02:41Coiny, Bomby, and Nickel: Return of the WOAH! Return of the WOAH! Return of the WOAH!
- 00:02:46Yay, I’m back to regular size! And I got my face!
- 00:02:50And I got my limbs- Oh.
- 00:02:52Wait, they got my face on the wrong side.
- 00:02:53[SCOFFS] Maybe Pin can get her brain back too?
- 00:03:01Wow, you fixed it!
- 00:03:01Coiny, Bomby, and Nickel: Welcome back, Pin!
- 00:03:03Pin, it’s so nice you’re complete again! What’s the first thing you want to do now?
- 00:03:07Oh, that’s an easy one!
- 00:03:09[VOICE DEEPENS] Tear down the FreeSmarters who did this to me.
- 00:03:12[BOOK GULPS]
- 00:03:13Pencil: Ruuuuuuun!
- 00:03:15You need to stop violating Cake-at-Stake etiquette, Pencil.
- 00:03:19Maybe NOW you’ll learn your lesson.
- 00:03:21Oh my WORD, the bugs poisoned Pencil! How could we let her suffer such a fate?
- 00:03:25Oh yeah, um, we’d NEVER let that happen…
- 00:03:28Oh, if the bugs are gonna kill us, then WE gotta kill the BUGS!
- 00:03:32With SPONGY!
- 00:03:33Huh?
- 00:03:38Buh?
- 00:03:39Onto the elimination!
- 00:03:42We got 57,725 dislikes. You’ll get a poisoned instrument if you’re safe.
- 00:03:48Bugs: Coiny and Pin are the first ones safe.
- 00:03:51Yes! Body back, and now I’m in the final 10? This day just keeps getting better and better!
- 00:03:56Tennis Ball is also safe with 5K!
- 00:03:59Yayyy!
- 00:04:00Cello there, Golfie.
- 00:04:01That joke is adequately funny. C+.
- 00:04:05Now we’re down to Nickel, Bomby, Fries, and Golf Ball.
- 00:04:08The lead switched hands between you guys at least 3 times.
- 00:04:11And all of you got over 10,000 dislikes,
- 00:04:14you repulsive dislike magnets.
- 00:04:17Fries: Ironic you’re calling US repulsive!
- 00:04:19Uhm, I wouldn’t call our hosts repulsive, Fries.
- 00:04:22Nickel is nice, so he’s safe.
- 00:04:24Woo! Kindness wins again.
- 00:04:26Fries is mean, but he’s safe.
- 00:04:28…And it’s dead.
- 00:04:29Wait, but that means-
- 00:04:31Bugs: It’s down to Bomby and Golf Ball!
- 00:04:33But I’m so used to getting prizes, this can’t be happening!
- 00:04:36TB, calculate my chances of winning!
- 00:04:38Hmm. It's one out of eleven, so 9.090909 repeating percent.
- 00:04:42But don’t you normally like doing the math yourself? Are you nervous?
- 00:04:46Not nervous! Just verifying…
- 00:04:51Uh, for Spongy to kill the bugs, we need them all in one place! I heard they like sugar.
- 00:04:56I got you covered!
- 00:04:57Perfect! Uh, place them where Spongy’s going to land!
- 00:05:03It’s working! Keep going!
- 00:05:04Here we go! Here we go!
- 00:05:07Save some for me!
- 00:05:10Okay now back up!
- 00:05:15- Ruby, Needle, and Book: Hooray! - Spongy: Buh…
- 00:05:17Golf Ball: Uh, so who’s eliminated?
- 00:05:18Golf Ball, don’t you see? Our host has been killed!
- 00:05:22No matter, we’ve been through this before!
- 00:05:25COME HOST NOW!
- 00:05:27But Golfie, who the heck is My Next Meal?
- 00:05:32Who’s calling me?
- 00:05:38Ummm… what’s that noise?
- 00:05:44[SPONGY SCREAMS]
- 00:05:46[SNATCH!]
- 00:05:48Barf Bag (ON PHONE): What? I can’t hear you-
- 00:05:50START CRANKING!!
- 00:05:51Barf Bag (ON PHONE): Oh right, How could I forget!
- 00:05:55Phew! That was too close…
- 00:05:57I’m gossipping about this.
- 00:05:59Hey BFF, you would not believe what I just saw!
- 00:06:01Barf Bag (ON PHONE): No way bestie, spill the beans!
- 00:06:03Was that Barf Bag’s voice? But isn’t she-
- 00:06:09Spongy just died.
- 00:06:10Barf Bag (ON PHONE): For real? Hold on, my friends broke their bones. Call you back.
- 00:06:12Sure. Uh, see you later.
- 00:06:14Enough dying! Who’s eliminated?
- 00:06:16Well, all the bugs are dead, and Barf Bag picked up the phone, so I guess she’s the host?
- 00:06:20Awesome! Wait- excuse me, out of my way, hold on-
- 00:06:23I’d love to host. Let’s reveal the votes!
- 00:06:33Golf Ball, I don’t really know you.
- 00:06:34But you,
- 00:06:35are,
- 00:06:36ELIMINATED!
- 00:06:37WHAT! But I’m the world lead- [STAMMERS] team leader!
- 00:06:40Nooo, not Golfie!
- 00:06:43Wow, this is like, gonna be SO satisfying.
- 00:06:47Golf Ball: Uh, Tennis Friend, keep inventing devices, that’s how you can win this for the both of us!
- 00:06:50Now my chances of winning went from 9.09 repeating percent to 0.000%.
- 00:06:56Ehh, wait. Is that a golf club?
- 00:07:04- Awesome! Another Team No-Namer! - Oh, great.
- 00:07:06Match: Like, now that that stupid bozo brain bossy bot is gone, spin the, like, wheel to choose the contest!
- 00:07:12Ruby and Book: Yaaay! Match is back!
- 00:07:13Get out of here, Match, I’m the host now!
- 00:07:16But I gotta do this for FreeSmart! And I wanna like, see Pence-pence!
- 00:07:19Rules are rules!
- 00:07:20Coiny: Why don’t we have EVERYBODY in the Locker of Losers host?
- 00:07:23Match and Barf Bag: Okay!
- 00:07:24Everybody in the LOL: Yay!
- 00:07:25But seriously, spin that contest wheel already.
- 00:07:30Um, guys?
- 00:07:31Crowd: OH MY GOSH! PAN FLUTE!
- 00:07:33I’m not dead.
- 00:07:34Oh my gosh you’re alive! But… we paid a lot for that poster, so…
- 00:07:39[CROWD CHEERS]
- 00:07:48Enough killing, I would never advocate for that!
- 00:07:51♪ [INTRO PLAYS] ♪
- 00:08:04What bunk bed?
- 00:08:05The one atop the spire, silly!
- 00:08:09Bottle: Since the bed only fits two, you’ll have to split into five pairs to compete.
- 00:08:14Sounds good. Pin, wanna form a team?
- 00:08:16Of course!
- 00:08:18Oh my gumdrop, FreeSmart, we gotta form a team!
- 00:08:21You can’t have all 4 members on one team. You have to split up.
- 00:08:24Darn! Well, Pencil’s dead, and Needle’s the rookie. So we could do a team of me and Book.
- 00:08:30Gee, thaaaaaanks.
- 00:08:34Aw man, without my Golfie by my side, who could I POSSIBLY team with?!
- 00:08:38Why not me? I have the same shape and limbs as her!
- 00:08:42Eugh… I guess you’ll do…
- 00:08:45Woo! I feel so appreciated right now!
- 00:08:48Bomby: WAIT, but that means I have to team with…
- 00:08:51…the... THE KIDNAPPER!
- 00:08:54You literally tried to murder me.
- 00:08:57Yo, weaklings! have you all formed teams yet?
- 00:09:00Everyone: Yeah!
- 00:09:01Snowball: Then let’s crash that bunk bed!
- 00:09:04Everyone: Okay!
- 00:09:09We’re here!
- 00:09:11Taco: So, let’s go over the rules. Get to the bunk bed on the top of the spire. There will be 5 floating islands along the way.
- 00:09:17Bottle: Don’t slow down, because a certain someone sure doesn’t like trespassers!
- 00:09:23Who’s that?
- 00:09:24Silly question! Anyway, the last team to get to the end will be sleep-deprived, and up for elimination.
- 00:09:32Only two people in danger, that’s so few!
- 00:09:34But, how will we get to Island One?
- 00:09:37Wait! Who asked that question?
- 00:09:39Me, the only ball with lines.
- 00:09:41Well, “only ball with lines,"
- 00:09:43FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF! 3-2-1 GO!
- 00:09:52Pin: Can you believe it, Coiny? Now that I have wheels, we’re in first!
- 00:09:57No, Pin, we’re in last.
- 00:09:59Aw, man!
- 00:10:00Fries: Climb that spire, Bomby! The bunk beds are probably in the air!
- 00:10:03Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! I’m not your servant, YOU do it!
- 00:10:06Well I sure as dirt ain’t listening to YOU!
- 00:10:09NO WAY.
- 00:10:10We ought to go for the vines, Ruby!
- 00:10:12Aw yeah, made it here first! Those who are GREEN are a speedy MACHINE!
- 00:10:16Clearly [GRUNTS] that rule doesn’t apply to [GRUNTS] everyone, huh?!
- 00:10:22Oh my word, we left our dear rookie behind!
- 00:10:25Well, Pencil always promised me that if she ever died, we could bury her in the FreeSmart SuperCoffin.
- 00:10:30Pencil… wanted to be buried in a coffin… with a rocket engine?
- 00:10:34Of course! Watch this!
- 00:10:38Ruby: Put Pencil inside!
- 00:10:46Hello, contestants! I’m Donut, first boot of BFDIA, and welcome to my island.
- 00:10:51As a prize for getting here, you may take a blanket.
- 00:10:54Oh my blacksmith, Donut? I haven’t seen you since the days you said “NO!”
- 00:10:58Yeah… that’s me alright.
- 00:11:00On this island, your goal is to fill these jetpacks with fuel, and try to use them to fly to Island 2!
- 00:11:05Ooh, sounds delightful! Now where could I find this fuel you speak of?
- 00:11:12Hey Pin, can your mech suit climb vines?
- 00:11:14It... can!
- 00:11:15- Oh my felt, we’re falling behind, Nickel! - Stop shaking me,
- 00:11:18stop shaking me! I mean, we’re the only team with no arms anyway.
- 00:11:22- What did you expect? - Wait!
- 00:11:23I know what to do!
- 00:11:25I invented metal-to-fuzz glue!
- 00:11:28Whoa!
- 00:11:28- What’re you doing? - Now between the two of us,
- 00:11:30we have four limbs!
- 00:11:32Oh yeah!
- 00:11:34You have arms, so YOU should climb.
- 00:11:36I’m NOT gonna!
- 00:11:38- Would you do it for one of my Fries? - No, I hate Fries-
- 00:11:42SO SWEET!
- 00:11:44Want more? Come and get it!
- 00:11:45Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- 00:11:49We’ve reached Island One!
- 00:11:52- Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! - So have we!
- 00:11:53Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my go-
- 00:11:54Sugar crash.
- 00:11:55Donut: Welcome to Donut Island, teams two and three! Ruby, Book, Fries, Bomby, long time no see!
- 00:12:00Indeed! And, I think your island is…
- 00:12:04[TAKES BITE OUT OF ISLAND] …tasty!
- 00:12:05Book, Donut said we have to fill these jetpacks with fuel, but I can’t find any!
- 00:12:09Needle, there’s no fuel on Donut Island.
- 00:12:12It’s. Cherry. Filling.
- 00:12:14Ohhhhh, I get it!
- 00:12:20[RUBY SCREAMS]
- 00:12:23- Climb! Climb! Climb! Climb! - Ruby: AHHHHH!
- 00:12:28Phew!
- 00:12:31I’m excited we get to compete again!
- 00:12:34- And I’M excited for revenge! - But wait!
- 00:12:36- Your power cable! - Huh?
- 00:12:41Go figure.
- 00:12:43I’d like to order 2,763 extension cables!
- 00:12:46Yellow Face (ON PHONE): Thank you for our order! [LAUGHS]
- 00:12:56I built an ecosystem-destroying oil rig to extract jelly filling as fast as possible!
- 00:13:01And I built… um.
- 00:13:03- Well, [STAMMERS] I’m not really sure how to contribute? - Uhhh…
- 00:13:06You could... suck the pollution out of the air with this straw?
- 00:13:12[NICKEL COUGHS]
- 00:13:13- It’s done! Nickel, let’s go! - [NICKEL COUGHS]
- 00:13:15Sure thing!
- 00:13:18Ooh, I wanna use the oil rig too!
- 00:13:21Would you look at that! Our only armless team soars to first place. Congratulations, Tennis Ball and Nickel!
- 00:13:27Why thank you, Donut!
- 00:13:28You know, I haven’t heard much from you since you said “No!”
- 00:13:31But you don’t make a bad host after all.
- 00:13:34Huh.
- 00:13:35The coin and ball already finished?!
- 00:13:37Bomby, wake up! I need your help!
- 00:13:40Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- 00:13:41- Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! - Get digging, Bomby, the ingredients are probably underground.
- 00:13:46Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- 00:13:48Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- 00:13:49Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- 00:13:51- Hey Book, how does this jet pack look? - Whoa!
- 00:13:53You got it so full, Ruby!
- 00:13:54- Let’s fly to Island Two now! - Yay!
- 00:13:56Aw man, you guys are so fast!
- 00:13:58- If only I had a living team member! - Yeah, um,
- 00:14:02we’ll be SURE to give Pencil a stern-talking-to at the next alliance meeting.
- 00:14:15Ooh, these must be the extension cables.
- 00:14:18AUGH! Not Evil Leafy!
- 00:14:21- You’re all plugged in now! - It’s working!
- 00:14:23CLIIIIIMB!
- 00:14:25Ooh, what a picturesque island. And it’s got a vat of anti-poison on it!
- 00:14:29But… who’s hosting this island?
- 00:14:37Oh, it’s you. Fine, I’ll take a pillow.
- 00:14:40Wow, there’s more of me out there? Fascinating!
- 00:14:43But wait, how can Dora host an island?
- 00:14:45- Doesn’t she EAT- - SHHH!
- 00:14:47Don’t say it!
- 00:15:02Looks like someone’s got the munchies!
- 00:15:08What an unhinged host we have here!
- 00:15:11And I’m referring to her JAW, not her MIND.
- 00:15:13Uhhh, Dora, you know you won’t be able to taste any of the islands through the metal walls, right?
- 00:15:21[DORA INHALES]
- 00:15:30We have to EAT an island to ascend? I don’t like the sound of that.
- 00:15:34Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- 00:15:35Oh great, you’re here too now. What’s with your friend?
- 00:15:39Sugar crash.
- 00:15:43We’re flying, we’re flying!
- 00:15:44- WHEEEEEE! - Yes you are, Ruby.
- 00:15:47From here we can see the pink- frosted mountains, the glazed hills, the churro pillars, and the donut sinkholes, and Needy!
- 00:15:55Whoa! What’s happening? Are you sure the fuel you collected was pure jelly filling?
- 00:16:00Uhm… I think so? It was from TB’s oil rig.
- 00:16:03OIL RIG?! That garbage is polluted!
- 00:16:06Polluted? No…
- 00:16:09Yes…
- 00:16:13Finally done!
- 00:16:19Needle: Oh no, they’re doomed! Hmm…
- 00:16:21To become a FreeSmart member, one must show an act of sacrifice!
- 00:16:29Ow! Watch where you’re going!
- 00:16:31Oh, I KNOW where I’m going!
- 00:16:38Ruby and Book: Augh!
- 00:16:39Wait! Needle threw her jetpack at us!
- 00:16:42CATCH IT!
- 00:16:42Ruby and Book: [VOCALIZING]
- 00:16:50[SLOW-MO] SNATCH!
- 00:16:53Pin: Next time, think TWICE before shrinking my body!
- 00:16:57I… can’t believe that just happened.
- 00:17:00Let’s give up.
- 00:17:01Yeah…
- 00:17:08Wake up wake up!
- 00:17:09Huh? Where am I?
- 00:17:10Eat an island!
- 00:17:12No, that sounds disgusting! YOU do it!
- 00:17:14Eat another sugary fry!
- 00:17:17Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- 00:17:19Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- 00:17:21Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- 00:17:23AHHHH!
- 00:17:26Okay.
- 00:17:39Wanna eat an island?
- 00:17:40I would, but my doctor says I’m allergic to minerals.
- 00:17:43Ooh, how about this?! I’ll cook and season an island,
- 00:17:47which will make it SUPER appetizing for you to eat!
- 00:17:50Oh! Uhm. Okay!
- 00:17:54[NICKEL COUGHS]
- 00:17:55BLEUGH! It has an awful chemically aftertaste.
- 00:17:58Really? Well, try to stomach it!
- 00:18:00- [NICKEL CHOKES] - It’s like they [GRUNT] always say, vegetables are... good for you. And [GRUNT] grass is basically [GRUNT] vegetables, right?
- 00:18:07- [NICKEL GROANS] - Wait, that’s that sound?
- 00:18:11FreeSmart’s BACK...
- 00:18:16...and BACK to life!
- 00:18:18Huh? Where am I?
- 00:18:19You’re on Dora’s island and I’m your team member!
- 00:18:22Eh... Gotta eat! Gotta eat! Gotta eat!
- 00:18:25Ahhh… I feel better.
- 00:18:27Side-effects of anti-poison. Y’know. I would know.
- 00:18:30Weird.
- 00:18:37No way! Dora, you’re still alive?
- 00:18:40Dadadadadadadadadadada!
- 00:18:46Oooh nice, teddy bears!
- 00:18:50Hey Teardrop, what do you want us to do on this island?
- 00:18:56- Eugh... W-What? - Fries!
- 00:18:58Bomby: Teardrop is saying there’s a lot of chatterboxes on this island whose blabbering is annoying the other droplets!
- 00:19:05- So, you want us to… - She wants us to make the chatterboxes SHUT UP,
- 00:19:08and then her cousin droplets will give you a gift to say thanks!
- 00:19:12- I can’t believe we were so far ahead, and now we’re in dead last. - It’s over…. It’s over… It’s over…
- 00:19:16It’s over… It's-
- 00:19:18Oh, it’s REALLY over.
- 00:19:20AHHHH!
- 00:19:24What’s that?
- 00:19:30They remembered us!
- 00:19:32Swim up the stream, you guys!
- 00:19:36It’s the FreeSmart comeback of the century!
- 00:19:47Dadadadadadadadada!
- 00:19:48- WHAT! We have to eat islands? - Yeah. Like THEM.
- 00:19:54[NICKEL COUGHS] Tastes bad! Tastes bad!
- 00:19:56It does? Probably because of all that gunk in your mouth.
- 00:19:59Let’s brush it out!
- 00:20:01Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! FASTER!
- 00:20:04Oh hey! Did you know that bees can recognize faces? I read somewhere that-
- 00:20:06- [WHISTLE RAMBLES] - Yo Whistle. You’re being obnoxious! Honeydrop doesn’t like that.
- 00:20:10It’s time to be quiet!
- 00:20:13Oh yeah? What if I don’t WANT to be quiet?! [WHISTLE SCREAMS]
- 00:20:20Pencil, Needle, Ruby and Book: Yay! FreeSmart is back together again!
- 00:20:22Well, we’re not ALL back. Aren’t you FORGETTING someone?
- 00:20:26Wait, you don’t mean… Oh I get it!
- 00:20:35What’s up guys? I’m back!
- 00:20:38Pencil, Bubble, Ruby, Book: YAY! Bubble’s back!
- 00:20:39And I promise not to pop her!
- 00:20:41Glad to hear it, Needy!
- 00:20:44Alright, why don’t we stick together now?
- 00:20:49Then what do you want from us?
- 00:20:54Wait! “Eat an island?” I already did that, see?
- 00:21:01You were saying?
- 00:21:05Ruby, Book, Needle, Pencil, and Bubble: Hooray!
- 00:21:09Are you done brushing?
- 00:21:10Only like 2% the way there!
- 00:21:14Pin: Do you like it?
- 00:21:15Does it look like it? It’s 90% dirt!
- 00:21:18Well, if you don’t like it, garbage disposal!
- 00:21:25- Hooray! - Awesome!
- 00:21:29GAH!
- 00:21:33We're here!
- 00:21:40[FRIES SCREAMS]
- 00:21:43Oh my Bubble Blower, is this Teardrop’s island?
- 00:21:48I miss TD!
- 00:21:49Well, oh look! There’s a Teardrop family reunion happening over there! Let’s check it out.
- 00:21:55Why hello there, you ONE distinguished guest!
- 00:21:58Uh, TWO distinguished guests!
- 00:22:00Oh, hey there! Did you know I've been scrubbing Yoyle toilets for years? It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it!
- 00:22:04- Speaking of scrubbing, have you ever noticed how many different kind- - SHUT UP!
- 00:22:06AHHHH!
- 00:22:08Huh?
- 00:22:10I think Coffeedrop is thankful you got rid of that obnoxious brush!
- 00:22:14You’re welcome, Coffee. But what do I do with this microphone?
- 00:22:17And what do I do with a helium tank?
- 00:22:20I’m dumb and I eat gumdrops!
- 00:22:23OW!
- 00:22:24No, HERE’S how you use it!
- 00:22:31Book, Ruby, Needle, and Pencil: Hooray!
- 00:22:34Ahh! Evil Leafy’s here! Are my teeth clean enough yet?
- 00:22:38Just a little more! Oh, this brush isn’t fast enough!
- 00:22:48Tennis Ball: Now your teeth are clean and shiny! Thanks TB!
- 00:22:51Wooho-
- 00:22:53[NICKEL GULPS]
- 00:22:58No time to talk!
- 00:23:09The FreeSmarters are getting away! This is unacceptable!
- 00:23:13You know what’s actually unacceptable? You not listening to my dream,
- 00:23:15where 30 giraffes stampeded into my bedroom and stole all my socks,
- 00:23:16so I had to go the store and buy more,
- 00:23:18- but they ran out! So, I burnt it to the ground- - THAT'S IT!
- 00:23:19AHHHH!
- 00:23:21These are the springy shoes Bubble’s always wanted!
- 00:23:28Oh my mint, is that the shipwreck from that urban legend?
- 00:23:31- You mean how Teardrop was a pirate? - Y-Yeah! Uh, yeah!
- 00:23:34Here, here, [STAMMERS] get a photo of me with the ship!
- 00:23:36For sure! But first, I need to back up!
- 00:23:41You know, I've been really thinking about my own mortality lately!
- 00:23:44I keep getting this feeling that I'm about to die soon!
- 00:23:45Did you know, statistically, people are more likely to die from getting run over by a-
- 00:23:48AHHHHH!
- 00:23:49Say cheese!
- 00:23:52Pin: Aw man, this photo's RUINED!
- 00:23:54Eh, can I see the pic?
- 00:23:55Sure, but first, this Milkdrop gave me rockets!
- 00:23:58Whoa! What does this button do?
- 00:24:05What is this place?
- 00:24:06Ugh! It’s like, my matchstick factory, you Coin-ster! It’s where they build more of, like, me!
- 00:24:11- Really? - Yeah!
- 00:24:11- Gross. - Hey!
- 00:24:12- Yeah! - Really?
- 00:24:13- Yeah! - Wha?
- 00:24:14- Yeah! - Grrr!
- 00:24:15- Hey! - Match!
- 00:24:15- Yay! - Stop.
- 00:24:16- Why? - 'Cause!
- 00:24:17- No! - Yes.
- 00:24:18- Hey! - Wha?
- 00:24:18- Weird. - Jerk.
- 00:24:19- Hey! - Coiny!
- 00:24:20- Pencil! - Pin!
- 00:24:21- Book! - Ruby!
- 00:24:23Anyway, what do we do here?
- 00:24:25Oh! Well, first off, welcome to, like, my beautiful island! Feel free to pick up, like, a nightcap for catching Z’s!
- 00:24:31The challenge is to, like, build a raft to ride the volcano to, like, the next island!
- 00:24:36- Got that? - Yeah, I-I guess?
- 00:24:37But also, like, OMG, Pence Pence! I haven’t seen you in like, forever! We have like, like, like, SO much to, like, like, like, talk about!
- 00:24:45- Huh? Uh, hey, Match. I guess we could? Uh, but I’m kinda busy. - Oh.
- 00:24:50Well, Pin, let’s make that raft!
- 00:25:07- Do we have to do that too? - Well, you guys are, like, my BFFs.
- 00:25:11So, I’ll let you in on a little secret! There’s an extra raft near the shipwreck on Teardrop’s Island!
- 00:25:16Oh!
- 00:25:17Higher, Bomby, higher! I can almost smell the sweetness of Match’s Island!
- 00:25:22This island smells rancid.
- 00:25:23- Hey! - Yeah!
- 00:25:24- HEY! - OW!
- 00:25:25Be more careful!
- 00:25:27We made it!
- 00:25:31Grrr!
- 00:25:35- Yay! - Awesome!
- 00:25:39Now DON’T kill me again!
- 00:25:40If you say so.
- 00:25:43Grrrr²!
- 00:25:44Eueguegueg!
- 00:25:47- Whatever. - Phew!
- 00:25:50How about THIS?!
- 00:25:52[SNATCH!]
- 00:25:53Augh! Grrr!
- 00:25:55Fries and Bomby: Woohoooo!
- 00:25:59Heh! Nice bounce, jiggle boy!
- 00:26:01Yeah, uhm, don’t call me that.
- 00:26:03Team kidnapper is back!
- 00:26:05Match, you’re just an object. With stupid ugly red hair.
- 00:26:08Well, at least I can say I’m not, like, a pinhead.
- 00:26:11Match, your friends are jumping off a cliff.
- 00:26:12Oh, I’m well aware.
- 00:26:15Hello there, Teardrop! My former Squashy Grape!
- 00:26:21Need anything from us?
- 00:26:27You want us to tell them to be quiet?
- 00:26:29Got it!
- 00:26:32We’re here to save you! Nickel, do your thing.
- 00:26:35AHHHHHH!
- 00:26:51Wow, this must be Match’s island!
- 00:26:54Now our raft is done!
- 00:26:56Sharing is caring!
- 00:26:57HEY! It would be sharing if you, like, ripped it in half and gave us the other half, because sharing is when both people get something. This is just stealing!
- 00:27:03Whatever!
- 00:27:04WAIT! WOAH-Bunchers have to stick together!
- 00:27:08LAME.
- 00:27:10[GASP] Thanks, Bomby!
- 00:27:14Alright, FreeSmarters! Where do you think the extra raft would be?
- 00:27:18Hmm. Match said it was around the ship, so… I’ll check the Bow!
- 00:27:21- I’ll check the Foremast! - I’ll check the Deck!
- 00:27:23- I’ll check the Inside! - I’ll check the Afterpeak!
- 00:27:28Book, Ruby, Pencil, and Needle: I didn’t find anything.
- 00:27:29- And Bubble? - I was too scared to go inside!
- 00:27:34TB, are you sad GB’s gone?
- 00:27:36Yeah, it is sad. Although, the extra space lets me hone in my own building skills!
- 00:27:41Like this!
- 00:27:42Nice! Let’s ride it up the volcano!
- 00:27:51Welcome to the most colorful island! Pick up a bedtime story!
- 00:27:55♪ OMG, I love reading bedtime st- Wait, does this island make ALL of us sound like this? ♪
- 00:28:03♪ I hope not. ♪
- 00:28:06[NORMAL VOICE] That’s better. So Puffball the backstabber. We meet again!
- 00:28:10So we do! You’re now within earshot of the Bunk Bed.
- 00:28:14Your task is to sing a lullaby! If I like it, the puffy platform will rise, and you’ll be able to step into bed. That’s the finish line!
- 00:28:22Oooh, a lullaby? I wanna try!
- 00:28:25♪ BOOM BOOM BOOM! That’s me exploding! BOOM BOOM BOOM! ♪
- 00:28:30- That was horrible! - Aww, okay.
- 00:28:33Let me try.
- 00:28:33♪ Puffball, you betrayed us, you’re a filthy BRAT! You deserve to burn, I will crush you flat! ♪
- 00:28:43Pin: That was SO off-topic, Fries! Gimme the mic.
- 00:28:49♪ Pointy, pointy, pointy! My point is sharp and pointy! Pointy, pointy, pointy! My point is sharp and pointy! ♪
- 00:28:56I don’t wanna go in!
- 00:28:57You only live once!
- 00:28:59[BUBBLE SCREAMS]
- 00:29:11That must mean the raft is under the ship!
- 00:29:13Nice! Let's just get outta here!
- 00:29:22Look! Trapdoor!
- 00:29:24Ruby and Pencil: Hnnngh!
- 00:29:27I got it!
- 00:29:29ACK! NOOO!
- 00:29:31PENCIL!
- 00:29:35Out! Everyone out!
- 00:29:51- We escaped! - Hooray!
- 00:29:52But wait! Where's Book?
- 00:29:53- She made a noble sacrifice, we gotta move on. - Wait!
- 00:29:58[BOOK COUGHS]
- 00:30:00I made it!
- 00:30:01Needle, Bubble, Ruby, and Pencil: Yay!
- 00:30:10Oh, there's the raft.
- 00:30:11♪ Pointy, pointy, pointy! My point is sharp and pointy! Pointy, pointy, pointy- ♪
- 00:30:15- That was atrocious! - Aww.
- 00:30:17Who’s next?
- 00:30:18We are!
- 00:30:21♪ Close your eyes ♪
- 00:30:23- ♪ Go to sleep ♪ - ♪ Let your prefrontal cortex emit melatonin and lose consciousness! ♪
- 00:30:28- OW! - That wasn’t very lullaby-like!
- 00:30:29But look! It worked.
- 00:30:31So you pass!
- 00:30:32[DING!]
- 00:30:34Gasp! It’s the Bunk Bed!
- 00:30:35You can get in first, TB, you earned it.
- 00:30:38YAAAAY! This is for you, Golfie!
- 00:30:40Tennis Ball and Nickel are the FIRST team to get in the Bunk Bed! They are safe.
- 00:30:45[THROUGH SPEAKER] ♪ Close your eyes. Go to sleep ♪
- 00:30:56We’re back!
- 00:30:57Yay! FreeSmart stays on TOP!
- 00:30:59But what rank are we now?
- 00:31:00You’re on the bottom.
- 00:31:02The last two ranks.
- 00:31:03Nobody’s behind you.
- 00:31:04Yeah.
- 00:31:05Ohhh...
- 00:31:09Well, no time for crying, we got the raft you told us about!
- 00:31:12Book, Pencil, and Needle: YOYLECA-
- 00:31:13Wait, let Bubble say it-
- 00:31:15YOYLECAKE!
- 00:31:16Pencil: Let’s go!
- 00:31:20- ♪ Puffball, you betrayed us, ♪
- 00:31:21- ♪ Puffball, you betrayed us, ♪ - RESTORED!
- 00:31:22- ♪ you’re a filthy BRAT! ♪
- 00:31:23- ♪ you’re a filthy BRAT! ♪ - FRIEND!
- 00:31:24- ♪ You deserve to burn, ♪
- 00:31:25- ♪ You deserve to burn, ♪ - LIVE!
- 00:31:26- ♪ I will crush you flat! ♪
- 00:31:26- ♪ I will crush you flat! ♪ - LIKE!
- 00:31:26- ♪ I will crush you flat! ♪
- 00:31:27- ♪ I will crush you flat! ♪ - FRIEND!
- 00:31:28Wow, your song improved!
- 00:31:30[DING!]
- 00:31:32Yeah! We did it!
- 00:31:33You know, maybe we don’t need to kidnap and murder each oth-
- 00:31:37GO TO BED!
- 00:31:38[THROUGH SPEAKER] ♪ Puffball, you RESTORED us, you're a filthy FRIEND! ♪
- 00:31:42Bomby and Fries are safe at SECOND PLACE!
- 00:31:47Which means it’s down to Coiny and Pin, and the FreeSmart teams. Who will survive? Find out after the break!
- 00:31:53Break!
- 00:31:54We’re back!
- 00:31:55[PIN INHALES]
- 00:31:56Maybe I should try singing this time.
- 00:31:58Take it away!
- 00:32:01[COINY EXHALES]
- 00:32:02[COINY INHALES]
- 00:32:03♪ Pointy, pointy, pointy! My point is sharp and pointy! Pointy, pointy, pointy! It's so sharp and pointy! ♪
- 00:32:12TERRIBLE! You have learned NOTHING!
- 00:32:15Well then it’s my turn to sing, right?
- 00:32:16♪ Uh, One sheep, two sheep, red sheep, blue she- ♪
- 00:32:20STOP!
- 00:32:22A team cannot sing twice in a row if there are other teams ready to go.
- 00:32:27But… there aren’t?
- 00:32:28Ruby: Oh, but there ARE.
- 00:32:32NO!
- 00:32:32And now, it’s time for us to get in the bunk-bed we deserve.
- 00:32:37Hit it, Pencil!
- 00:32:42Gah... Gulp! I have no idea what to sing, do you?
- 00:32:46I’ve got something up my sleeve.
- 00:32:48♪ I dreamed a dream, where no one called me Needy. You dreamed a dream, where nobody called you Puffy. ♪
- 00:33:00♪ We dreamed a dream of a world with no name-calling. Only there can we sleep peacefully, our eyelids falling. ♪
- 00:33:15That was BEAUTIFUL! You pass!
- 00:33:18[DING!]
- 00:33:20Yay! I owe you a big one, Needle!
- 00:33:22[THROUGH SPEAKERS] ♪ I dreamed a dream, where no one called me Needy. ♪
- 00:33:26Pencil and Needle safe at THIRD PLACE. Now only TWO teams have NOT finished!
- 00:33:35Alright, NOW it’s our turn-
- 00:33:37No. By the rules, you can’t sing twice until we get a chance to sing!
- 00:33:40- GRRR! - Rules are rules.
- 00:33:44Please sing when you are ready.
- 00:33:47It’s us versus them, Book! This is our shot to remove our biggest rival from the game.
- 00:33:52But do we even know what to sing? I’m not a lyrics booklet!
- 00:33:56What about Spongycake?
- 00:33:59No, I’ve got a-
- 00:34:00Ahem! We don’t have all day!
- 00:34:03I’ve got a back-up plan.
- 00:34:06[THROUGH MICROPHONE] ♪ Pointy, pointy, pointy! My point is sharp and pointy! ♪
- 00:34:08Gasp! Wha?! [STAMMERS] They can’t-
- 00:34:10Hmm. I feel like I’ve heard this before…
- 00:34:13This isn’t working...
- 00:34:15[THROUGH MICROPHONE] ♪ My point is sharp and pointy! ♪
- 00:34:17[THROUGH MICROPHONE, AUTOTUNED] ♪ Pointy, pointy, pointy! My point is sharp and pointy! ♪
- 00:34:21Hold on, hold on, I’m feeling this!
- 00:34:23Now they’ve resorted to STEALING MY SONG?!
- 00:34:26Whoa! Pin, are you good?
- 00:34:28This is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE! You can’t claim someone else’s song as your own!
- 00:34:35♪ My point is sharp and pointy! ♪
- 00:34:37I liked the sound of that remix! You pass!
- 00:34:40[DING!]
- 00:34:41Yay! We did it!
- 00:34:43YOYLECAKE!
- 00:34:45GRRRR! THAT'S IT!
- 00:35:22FreeSmart, you fools. You have crossed far too many lines.
- 00:35:26You ripped off my face, you crushed my body, you didn’t let Ice Cube come swing with me,
- 00:35:31and now you have the gall to steal my song?!
- 00:35:33No wonder your team name abbreviates to “FART”. It’s time you feel my pain.
- 00:35:38It’s time you feel the gravity of all the atrocities you have inflicted upon me.
- 00:35:42Ruby and Book, I have no remorse in saying that
- 00:35:46you.
- 00:35:47Are.
- 00:35:48Up.
- 00:35:49For.
- 00:35:50ELIMINATION!
- 00:35:55Whoa! Uhm. What just happened?
- 00:35:57- Pin, do you know- - ♪ Mary had a little lamb! ♪
- 00:36:00Good!
- 00:36:00[DING!]
- 00:36:02Ehh, I won’t question it.
- 00:36:04[THROUGH SPEAKER] ♪ Mary had a little lamb! ♪
- 00:36:08Puffball: Well, that settles it! Pin and Coiny snatched FOURTH and LAST spot in the Bunk Bed, so they are safe.
- 00:36:14Only Ruby and Book failed to reach the Bunk Bed, so they are up for elimination.
- 00:36:18Go to the voting videos in the description, and like the contestant you want to give a prize, and dislike the one you want eliminated!
- 00:36:24See you in BFDIA 15!
- 00:36:31Bubble: Hey guys!
- 00:36:33Hi!
- 00:36:33I’m Michael,
- 00:36:34and if you liked the episode and want to help us out,
- 00:36:36then please,
- 00:36:37press “SUBSCRIBE” and make sure you’re subscribed.
- 00:36:40Or else I’ll turn into RAGING PIN!
- 00:36:42Also right now, as you’re watching this episode,
- 00:36:44the Tennis Ball, Golf Ball, and Evil Leafy plushes are finally available for you to order today.
- 00:36:50Thank you to everyone who came and saw the episode early at the BFDI & II 2024 Tour!
- 00:36:54It was amazing getting to meet you guys.
- 00:36:56Goodbye!
- 00:37:15SUBTITLES: TAFFYMARZI & Benjamin Cross
- Cake at Stake
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