Charli D’Amelio: When I Hit 100M Followers I Was At My Lowest Mentally… @CharlidAmelio
TLDREn aquest episodi del podcast, la convidada, una jove famosa que va guanyar popularitat a través de TikTok, comparteix les seves experiències i desafiaments al ser a l'ull públic. Parla sobre com la seva vida ha canviat radicalment des que es va fer famosa, incloent-hi l'atenció constant al seu aspecte, el que diu, i com això ha afectat la seva salut emocional. Reflecteix sobre el suport de la seva família i com ha tingut el repte de mantenir la seva identitat personal i autoestima enmig de la crítica pública. També discuteix com intenta mantenir-se humil tot i l'èxit, i explora la seva pròpia identitat separada de la imatge pública. A més, parla sobre la importància de l'autoacceptació i del creixement personal i de la seva nova trobada amb activitats com netejar i cuidar els seus gossos per trobar alegria en les petites coses quotidianes. Al llarg de l'episodi, es reflexiona sobre el balanç necessari entre la vida privada i pública, especialment quan es té una carrera en auge a les xarxes socials.
Punti di forza
- 🌟 La fama pot ser un canvi sobtat i aclaparador.
- 💬 Els comentaris negatius poden impactar emocionalment malgrat les aparences.
- 🧠 És important descobrir i mantenir la pròpia identitat personal.
- 👪 El suport familiar és essencial per mantenir l'equilibri emocional.
- 💕 L'autoacceptació ajuda a afrontar la pressió pública.
- 🎭 La imatge pública sovint no reflecteix la persona real.
- 🐾 Trobar alegria en coses senzilles ajuda a equilibrar l'estrès.
- 🏡 Tenir espais privats on un pot ser autèntic és fonamental.
- 🕊️ Mantenir-se humil malgrat l'èxit és un repte constant.
- 🎶 Les passions com la dansa poden ser una sortida emocional.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
En aquest fragment, l'autor reflexiona sobre com el seu estatus públic va canviar de sobte, passant de ser ignorat a ser el centre d'atenció. Reconeix la dificultat d'afrontar les crítiques malgrat l'aparent indiferència que mostrava al públic, i admet la confusió sobre la seva identitat.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
El presentador convida a l'audiència a subscriure's al seu podcast, destacant la importància del suport de la comunitat. A continuació, l'entrevistat elogia l'habilitat i la dedicació de la convidada, suggerint que el seu èxit a TikTok és el resultat d'anys de treball dur.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
La convidada reflexiona sobre com percebre el seu èxit com a sort pot afectar la seva autoestima. Malgrat sentir que no mereix l'èxit, recorda la importància de separar la seva imatge pública de la seva identitat real per mantenir-se alineada amb qui és.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Esmenta com els assoliments en 'Dancing with the Stars' i els 'Kids Choice Awards' la van fer sentir realment orgullosa de si mateixa, destacant la separació entre l'imatge pública i la seva autèntica personalitat. La maduració i l'acceptació personal són processos continus.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
La invitada explica la dificultat de ser autèntica donada la pressió pública i de les xarxes socials, on una publicació pot desencadenar una reacció exagerada. Subratlla la importància de reconnectar amb un mateix per sobreviure a aquestes expectatives externes.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Es detallen els desafiaments d’haver crescut ràpidament en l’atenció pública i com això va portar a una introspecció personal. La separació entre la seva persona en línia i la seva identitat real continua sent una lluita constant.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Continua discutint amb el presentador sobre la lluita per establir una vida equilibrada entre la seva imatge pública i la seva vida personal privada. Això inclou trobar comoditat en les amistats genuïnes i incorporar autèntiques experiències de vida.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
La convidada troba alegria en les petites coses, com passar temps amb els seus gossos, centrant-se en allò que és personalment significatiu i no condicionat per les expectatives externes. Això li proporciona estabilitat emocional i satisfacció.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Reflexiona sobre la importància de les relacions que aporten suport i comprensió autèntica, allunyant-se d'amistats superficials. Tingueu una comunitat de suport sembla reforçar la seva seguretat en si mateixa.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
La invitada descriu com la seva percepció personal ha evolucionat gràcies a la distància del soroll social i a la reflexió sobre el que realment valora, com les relacions autèntiques i les experiències personals significatives.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Examina la complexitat d’estar constantment observada, i com això ha modelat la seva supervivència i resposta emocional. L'autoconeixement i la cura personal esdevenen centrals.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Enfronta les realitats i exigències de la fama, particularment com això afecta la seva relació. Subratlla la necessitat de comunicació i comprensió tant en la seva vida professional com personal.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
La conversa aprofundeix en l’impacte de fer públics els aspectes privats de la seva vida, com les emocions o problemes familiars. L’enfocament és com la fama i la visualització massiva poden distorsionar històries.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Exploren el tema de la separació d’identitats: persona pública versus privada. Explica que una part important de la seva salut mental reposa en aquesta separació.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Continuen parlant sobre la pressió constant a la vida pública i com l'establiment i manteniment de límits personals i professionals són crucials.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
Reflexiona sobre la importància de reevaluar constantment les relacions, incloent familiars i amics, per determinar què és saludable i què cal deixar enrere.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
Acaba amb la idea que preservar una identitat separada del públic li permet existir segons les seves pròpies regles. Això inclou activitats que reconcilien les seves passions amb el que el públic espera.
- 01:25:00 - 01:32:59
El diàleg es tanca explorant noves prioritats personals i professionals, enfocant-se en un viatge continu de descobriment personal i de recreació de si mateixa, mentre gestiona les expectatives socials.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
De què tracta aquest episodi del podcast?
Aquest episodi tracta sobre les experiències personals d'una famosa amb la fama i les xarxes socials, i com això ha afectat la seva vida personal.
Com ha afectat la fama a la seva vida personal?
La fama ha provocat canvis dràstics en la seva vida, incloent-hi l'atenció constant i les crítiques que rep, cosa que afecta la seva salut emocional.
Quina és la seva relació amb les xarxes socials?
Encara que al principi gaudia de les xarxes socials, les crítiques i l'expectativa pública l'han fet replantejar-se la seva presència en elles.
Com maneja les crítiques i els comentaris negatius?
Encara que diu que els comentaris negatius no l'afecten, admet que hi ha moments en què realment li impacten i li provoquen tristesa.
Com descriu la seva identitat actual?
Encara està en procés de descobrir qui és realment, diferenciant-se de la imatge pública que la gent projecta d'ella.
Quina importància té el suport emocional per a ella?
És fonamental i agraeix tenir amics i família que li donen suport emocional, ajudant-la a mantenir-se equilibrada.
Quins aspectes de la seva vida sembla que més la preocupen?
La pressió de mantenir una imatge publica coherent i la dificultat d'encaixar la seva vida personal dins d'aquesta imatge la preocupen significativament.
Quines iniciatives o activitats l'ajuden a mantenir-se centrada?
Activitats com la dansa l'ajuden a expressar-se i mantenir un equilibri emocional, proporcionant-li una sortida creativa.
Ha comentat alguna vegada considerar parar o allunyar-se de la fama?
Sí, ha considerat prendre descansos o allunyar-se temporalment per cuidar de la seva salut mental.
Quin consell ofereix per a altres joves que també busquen l'èxit en les xarxes socials?
Aconsella ser autèntics, mantenir un bon suport emocional i ser conscients de la salut mental en enfrontar crítiques.
Visualizza altre sintesi video
- 00:00:00it was one day no one cared what I did
- 00:00:02no one cared what I wore what I looked
- 00:00:04like what I said and then all of a
- 00:00:06sudden that was all anyone would talk
- 00:00:08about I think back to some of the things
- 00:00:10that I said in interviews yeah hate
- 00:00:12comments don't bother me and I was like
- 00:00:14you went home and cried all night
- 00:00:16because of it while filming season 3 our
- 00:00:18entire family was going through a lot
- 00:00:21it's hard to watch back those episodes I
- 00:00:23say I don't know to everything but the
- 00:00:25thing is I don't know who I am
- 00:00:30before we jump into this episode I'd
- 00:00:32like to invite you to join this
- 00:00:33community to hear more interviews that
- 00:00:36will help you become happier healthier
- 00:00:38and more healed all I want you to do is
- 00:00:40click on the Subscribe button I love
- 00:00:42your support it's incredible to see all
- 00:00:44your comments and we're just getting
- 00:00:46started I can't wait to go on this
- 00:00:48journey with you thank you so much for
- 00:00:50subscribing it means the world to me the
- 00:00:52bestselling author and host the number
- 00:00:54one Health and Wellness podcast on
- 00:00:56purpose with J
- 00:00:58shett I want to say this to you because
- 00:01:00I don't think I've ever talked about
- 00:01:01this with you but you come up in more
- 00:01:04conversations or when I'm doing Keynotes
- 00:01:07on stages and it's really funny because
- 00:01:10I kind of think of you randomly and
- 00:01:12often I want to share this with you I've
- 00:01:13never said this to you and it comes up
- 00:01:15because I have watched your journey from
- 00:01:18afar as everyone has for such a long
- 00:01:20time and I've really deeply admired just
- 00:01:23how phenomenally skilled you are at what
- 00:01:25you do I think you're a phenomenal
- 00:01:27dancer you're an incredible performer
- 00:01:29thank you and if I'm ever presenting or
- 00:01:31talking to anyone about social media or
- 00:01:33digital or whatever is I always bring
- 00:01:35your name up because I think you're one
- 00:01:37of those people that obviously got your
- 00:01:40moment on Tik Tok when it took off and
- 00:01:42everything but I feel like there were
- 00:01:44just years and years of practice and
- 00:01:46hard work that went behind it that we
- 00:01:48don't always see and I just I just
- 00:01:50wanted to share that with you as we kick
- 00:01:51off today that I think it's incredible
- 00:01:53and I think you've been practicing for
- 00:01:55this life that you live since you were
- 00:01:57like four years old and so I I always
- 00:02:00try and highlight that and so I don't
- 00:02:01know I I think of you in that context
- 00:02:03often so no thank you I mean I
- 00:02:05appreciate that I think when it comes to
- 00:02:08social media it's very easy to get on
- 00:02:10yourself and say it was just luck but to
- 00:02:13hear that from someone like you is
- 00:02:15definitely you know puts it into a
- 00:02:17different perspective that I don't
- 00:02:19always let myself feel which is really
- 00:02:22nice good I'm glad thank you do you
- 00:02:24still kind of kid yourself and just say
- 00:02:26it's luck to yourself now after all
- 00:02:28these years do you still feel that way I
- 00:02:30do and I think that you know having that
- 00:02:34in the back of my mind definitely keeps
- 00:02:36me a little bit more humble and helps me
- 00:02:40you know this wasn't something that I
- 00:02:44was asking for looking for but I mean
- 00:02:47I've all like my entire life I've been
- 00:02:52filming videos whether it's like I was
- 00:02:5510 and look at how I do this or this how
- 00:02:58I do my makeup like always just making
- 00:03:01videos that was always something I loved
- 00:03:03and I never shared them with anyone
- 00:03:05until Tik Tok so it's really it's crazy
- 00:03:08to think back about those times and how
- 00:03:11they probably really did help me get to
- 00:03:13where I am now I love what you said that
- 00:03:15luck or viewing your success as luck
- 00:03:18helps you stay humble I think that's
- 00:03:20such a beautiful trait and quality to
- 00:03:22Aspire for and to always practice at the
- 00:03:25same time though I'm guessing that when
- 00:03:27you see it through the lens of luck
- 00:03:30sometimes it can affect your self-esteem
- 00:03:32or selfworth because you're like oh I
- 00:03:34just got lucky and maybe I don't deserve
- 00:03:36this I don't know if those thoughts come
- 00:03:38up at the same time as trying to stay
- 00:03:39humble there's this side of like low
- 00:03:42self-esteem that we all go through I
- 00:03:44mean absolutely I think it's hard not to
- 00:03:47feel that way especially a lot of my
- 00:03:49journey was everyone telling me that I
- 00:03:54didn't deserve it kind of feeding into
- 00:03:57that and it's starting to really affect
- 00:03:59you know how I think about myself do I
- 00:04:01deserve anything why am I where I am I
- 00:04:03don't do anything special I'm not
- 00:04:06different than anyone there's millions
- 00:04:08of people that would probably be better
- 00:04:10at my job than I am but somehow it's me
- 00:04:14and you know I kind of try
- 00:04:18and separate myself online from who I am
- 00:04:21in person I always like to say it's
- 00:04:23Charli demilio who everyone else sees
- 00:04:25and Charlie who I am when it's just me
- 00:04:29and you know you really have to
- 00:04:32appreciate the things that you work hard
- 00:04:35for because I feel like those are the
- 00:04:37moments where I really do feel proud of
- 00:04:39myself because I don't always even when
- 00:04:42achieving these amazing things I'm like
- 00:04:44well it's not really me it's the people
- 00:04:47that are watching me that got me here
- 00:04:49you know like they could have done this
- 00:04:50to anyone but when it comes to things
- 00:04:53like Dancing with the Stars or hosting
- 00:04:56the Kids Choice Awards like those were
- 00:04:58two of probably my favorite
- 00:05:01accomplishments of mine because I really
- 00:05:03felt like I had to work for that and it
- 00:05:07was just moments where I I really truly
- 00:05:11felt proud of myself and I don't feel
- 00:05:13like that very often I'm so glad that
- 00:05:16you shared that with us because yeah
- 00:05:18it's it's interesting isn't it it's like
- 00:05:20the reason why you did so well on both
- 00:05:23of those is because you've done it for
- 00:05:25years and years and years but sometimes
- 00:05:27you need to have a moment where you're
- 00:05:29working hard on one specific thing so
- 00:05:31that you can see it how long did it take
- 00:05:33you to make
- 00:05:36this awareness of like there's Charlie
- 00:05:38demilio and then there's Charlie like
- 00:05:40how long did it take you to figure that
- 00:05:41out for yourself and to even explain it
- 00:05:44in that way yeah it definitely took
- 00:05:47me a while I always knew in the back of
- 00:05:50my mind I was like I would do certain
- 00:05:53brand deals or ads and they'd have this
- 00:05:55creative and I do it and I put on this
- 00:05:58like super happy smiley like obviously
- 00:06:01catering to a younger audience which I
- 00:06:03love doing but that's not who I am at
- 00:06:06heart and I think growing up and I
- 00:06:09started this when I was what 15 years
- 00:06:11old and then I was turning 17 and 18 and
- 00:06:14I was you know getting tattoos and I
- 00:06:17would curse and everyone would be like
- 00:06:19whoa this is crazy and I was like this
- 00:06:21is what I do in my normal day-to-day
- 00:06:23life like this is who I am so I really
- 00:06:26just had to the version that people
- 00:06:29don't like isn't even me you know it's
- 00:06:32what they nitpick out of certain things
- 00:06:34that I do and I think coming to that
- 00:06:37realization honestly over the past few
- 00:06:40months maybe this past year I think has
- 00:06:42been probably one of the most helpful
- 00:06:44things to not let what other people say
- 00:06:47get to me I empathize and feel so
- 00:06:50compassionate for how difficult that
- 00:06:51could be to be that young and to have
- 00:06:54millions and millions and millions of
- 00:06:55people having an opinion on everything
- 00:06:58from what you wear to what you say to
- 00:07:00what you do and who you date and just
- 00:07:03everything right like I can't imagine
- 00:07:05being your age and being put under a
- 00:07:08magnifying glass like in the way you
- 00:07:10have which I think is also very unique
- 00:07:12because I think Tik Tok put people under
- 00:07:15a magnifying glass in a way that it also
- 00:07:17never been done before it's like a first
- 00:07:19time thing so what has changed
- 00:07:22about then 15 and you're only 18 now so
- 00:07:26it's only been 3 years right 19 19 now
- 00:07:29you're it's been years in those four
- 00:07:32years what
- 00:07:33has what would you say is the
- 00:07:36biggest change that you've seen
- 00:07:39in who you thought you were then and who
- 00:07:42you are now I think I just you know I
- 00:07:46was in high school it was one day no one
- 00:07:49cared what I did no one cared what I
- 00:07:51wore what I looked like what I said and
- 00:07:54then all of a sudden that was all anyone
- 00:07:56would talk about it it happened so fast
- 00:07:59and I put up a a shield to kind of
- 00:08:02protect myself which helped me but also
- 00:08:06hurt me a little bit because it was hard
- 00:08:08to get out of that shell and I mean I
- 00:08:12think back to some of the things that I
- 00:08:14said in interviews like three years ago
- 00:08:17yeah hate comments don't bother me and I
- 00:08:19was like you went home and cried all
- 00:08:21night because of it like I would say
- 00:08:23things to make people think one thing
- 00:08:26but inside I was very
- 00:08:30sheltered and I went through a a pretty
- 00:08:34big stage for maybe like the first two
- 00:08:37years where I always looked out for the
- 00:08:40best in people and I got myself hurt a
- 00:08:42lot you know people wanted to make
- 00:08:45videos together and and they would
- 00:08:47invite me over for collabs and then they
- 00:08:50would all hang out and I wouldn't be
- 00:08:51invited and I would I would be so
- 00:08:53confused and the excuse was always
- 00:08:56you're too young or you know whatever
- 00:08:58and I was like you guys are just hanging
- 00:08:59out at a house like how am I too young
- 00:09:01for that but not too young to have in
- 00:09:03all your videos and it took a lot of you
- 00:09:08know distancing myself a lot of talking
- 00:09:13to my family going to therapy you know
- 00:09:16figuring out who I am outside of anyone
- 00:09:19watching
- 00:09:21to be a little bit more content with
- 00:09:24myself and understand that I don't need
- 00:09:27to have all of these people people like
- 00:09:29me you know I'm fine on my own I love
- 00:09:33being by myself I'm fine with the
- 00:09:34friends that I have in my corner that
- 00:09:36I've had for years are the new friends
- 00:09:39that come into my life that actually
- 00:09:41love me for me and you know there's
- 00:09:45nothing that I can do I feel like now
- 00:09:49I'm kind of at a point
- 00:09:51where you know whatever like that's kind
- 00:09:55of my motto I always am just like all
- 00:09:57right okay I don't I don't know I don't
- 00:09:59care
- 00:09:59and focusing more on the things that
- 00:10:01really matter to me like it sounds so
- 00:10:03lame cuz I constantly talk about my dogs
- 00:10:05like they're my children but literally
- 00:10:08like spending the day with them taking
- 00:10:10care of them my responsibility being
- 00:10:12them and not myself I don't have to
- 00:10:15worry about work or anything they don't
- 00:10:17care if I have a million followers or
- 00:10:19none like I don't know just focusing
- 00:10:21more on the things that actually matter
- 00:10:24the fans that actually love me no matter
- 00:10:26what like have been there for years or
- 00:10:29brand new and actually like who I am and
- 00:10:32not just what I put out you know yeah
- 00:10:36and it's and it's so hard because so
- 00:10:39much of what you put out is you or is a
- 00:10:42part of you and it can feel like the
- 00:10:44biggest part of you because it gets the
- 00:10:46biggest response yeah and it's it's
- 00:10:48almost confusing in your brain to be
- 00:10:50like when you're with your dogs M it's a
- 00:10:53small part of your life or there's a
- 00:10:55small amount of people there but it's
- 00:10:56actually a bigger yeah bigger importance
- 00:10:59or big significance to you cuz I have so
- 00:11:02much life that no one sees I have so
- 00:11:05much about me that no one knows about
- 00:11:08and I'm fine with that you know I don't
- 00:11:12feel like I need to change myself for
- 00:11:15anyone because I've I did that for so
- 00:11:18long and it was so exhausting and I
- 00:11:20worked so much while being so burnt out
- 00:11:24and just wanting to kind of get away
- 00:11:28from everyone yeah that now what I want
- 00:11:32to do is definitely a lot more important
- 00:11:34than what everyone's telling me to do
- 00:11:36and that's and that's really tough like
- 00:11:38when I've spoken to even like young M
- 00:11:41musicians and and music stars it's like
- 00:11:44most people get their break when they're
- 00:11:45like 15 years old or something like that
- 00:11:47and naturally everyone's older than you
- 00:11:49and as a 15-year-old you're used to
- 00:11:51having parents or people older than you
- 00:11:53telling you what to do and so whether
- 00:11:54it's your manager or whether it's your
- 00:11:56agent or your team or whatever it is
- 00:11:58they book you you and then you're doing
- 00:12:00what they say cuz you're doing what the
- 00:12:01adults say it's kind of normal and now
- 00:12:03that you're an adult yourself you're
- 00:12:05kind of like trying to take that back
- 00:12:08what was it that you felt you did that
- 00:12:10wasn't you or that you felt you were
- 00:12:12doing because the adults are saying to
- 00:12:13do it or what were those things that you
- 00:12:15felt like you moved away from who you
- 00:12:17wanted to be or who you were I think I
- 00:12:21you know for quite some time tried to
- 00:12:26just do whatever anyone said to make
- 00:12:29them like me whether it was how I
- 00:12:31dressed or how I talked or what I said
- 00:12:34anything what type of videos I make I
- 00:12:36was listening to every comment whether
- 00:12:38it was
- 00:12:39like I hate that hoodie well I'm never
- 00:12:41wearing that again like this person
- 00:12:43doesn't like it and dictating every
- 00:12:45decision I made through what other
- 00:12:48people said and I mean
- 00:12:52for a long time the beginning um I was
- 00:12:58only surrounded by a bunch of adults and
- 00:13:0225-year-olds and all of this stuff and
- 00:13:06they would always say how mature I am
- 00:13:09but I was just trying to fit in you know
- 00:13:13I was still in high school still like
- 00:13:16you know you want to be with the cool
- 00:13:18kids so the people that I thought was
- 00:13:20cool I would do anything to be like them
- 00:13:22you know dress different every day or or
- 00:13:25speak about specific things or try to
- 00:13:28sound cool or change myself and it's
- 00:13:31just so not worth it cuz why why am I
- 00:13:35going to do that and how long am I going
- 00:13:37to do that until they realize that it's
- 00:13:40like okay we get it like you like
- 00:13:42whatever we like you don't have to do
- 00:13:44that you know it's just I think it's
- 00:13:48it's so unfair to yourself
- 00:13:50to have to do that all the time I love
- 00:13:54that I love that you use that word
- 00:13:55unfair yeah it's almost like it's just
- 00:13:58unfair to do that to yourself that that
- 00:14:00really hit me and resonated with me
- 00:14:02because it's it's almost like you're
- 00:14:05just doing yourself such a big
- 00:14:07disservice by molding yourself into what
- 00:14:11you think someone wants and that was
- 00:14:12just a thought they had on one day in
- 00:14:15one second in one comment and then and
- 00:14:17then you have no idea who you are I I
- 00:14:20had to sit with myself and say I have no
- 00:14:23idea what I like I have no idea how I
- 00:14:25want to dress I have no idea how I want
- 00:14:27to do my makeup or what's my favorite
- 00:14:29song or what's my favorite movie I just
- 00:14:33I don't know like I do not know anything
- 00:14:36about myself and my answer to every
- 00:14:38question was I don't know and I actually
- 00:14:42had to talk to my therapist about this
- 00:14:44and I was like I say I don't know to
- 00:14:46everything but the thing is I really
- 00:14:49don't know I don't know who I am I feel
- 00:14:52like all I know is what anyone tells me
- 00:14:55to do and I mean it's
- 00:15:00it's a really weird feeling because how
- 00:15:02do you get out of that how do you find
- 00:15:04out what you like but you really just
- 00:15:07have to try things get out of your house
- 00:15:10I was not leaving my
- 00:15:12house ever like I would go through these
- 00:15:15phases where I don't want anyone to talk
- 00:15:16to me I don't want to do anything I just
- 00:15:18want to stay in my room all day watch TV
- 00:15:21like not get ready nothing and I've been
- 00:15:25really low a couple times and I think
- 00:15:29this Pastime that I got really low was
- 00:15:31when I was like okay my parents even
- 00:15:34said they were like We're Not Gonna Let
- 00:15:36You we're not going to sit here and
- 00:15:38watch you rot in bed all day and not do
- 00:15:41anything and just like we can't do that
- 00:15:46that's so unfair and especially when you
- 00:15:47don't live with your parents and they're
- 00:15:49noticing that it's an issue so I had to
- 00:15:53kind of really dig deep and ask the
- 00:15:55questions
- 00:15:56that I didn't ask for so long for
- 00:15:59whatever reason maybe I didn't want to
- 00:16:01know the answer or it was too much or
- 00:16:03scary to figure it out and be your own
- 00:16:06person but I think it's just so much
- 00:16:10easier and I and I think it's also just
- 00:16:14you know being it's really hard when
- 00:16:16you're living your own journey and then
- 00:16:19you realize as you're getting older and
- 00:16:22as you are maturing as as everyone does
- 00:16:24you're looking back going I can't really
- 00:16:26expect my 15-year-old self to know all
- 00:16:28this this anyway like I think you know
- 00:16:31for me when I think about being back to
- 00:16:3315 and I didn't know anything about
- 00:16:35myself and I wasn't dealing with the
- 00:16:36pressures you dealt with or the
- 00:16:38challenges that you had and sure I had
- 00:16:42different challenges and different
- 00:16:43stresses as I'm sure everyone does has
- 00:16:45their own thing but the point is that as
- 00:16:48a 15-year-old self you don't really know
- 00:16:49what you like anyway because it is true
- 00:16:51you are trying to be with the cool kids
- 00:16:53or you are trying to be like the other
- 00:16:54people and you're getting involved in
- 00:16:56all sorts of things just for people to
- 00:16:57give you approval and valate you and
- 00:17:00then all of a sudden it's amazing that
- 00:17:02you're now coming to that point where
- 00:17:03you're like I want to know and I think
- 00:17:05what I love about what you said is and
- 00:17:07it's because I said this often in my
- 00:17:08books and my work is that knowing what
- 00:17:11movies you like what foods you like what
- 00:17:13songs you like that is the beginning of
- 00:17:14self-awareness like it's that basic it's
- 00:17:17it's not this
- 00:17:18complicated Deep thing that it begins
- 00:17:21with it really starts with those things
- 00:17:23it starts with these really simple
- 00:17:25everyday choices that we all have to
- 00:17:27make so I want to ask you simple
- 00:17:29everyday choices what is it now that
- 00:17:31Charlie likes like what is it that
- 00:17:33Charlie has discovered that not Charlie
- 00:17:35demilio but Charlie enjoys and
- 00:17:37appreciates that what are the joys of
- 00:17:39life that your dogs obviously you
- 00:17:40mention but what are some of the things
- 00:17:42that brings you Joy that you feel you're
- 00:17:44discovering for the first time things
- 00:17:47that bring me joy I love cleaning that's
- 00:17:51something that sounds so lame but is so
- 00:17:53therapeutic I love um what about
- 00:17:56cleaning cuz I want to know I want to
- 00:17:59know now the way you said that was so
- 00:18:00much genuiness I'm like all right what
- 00:18:02about cleaning honestly to me it's just
- 00:18:06therapeutic like put something on my TV
- 00:18:08clean my room organize my stuff make it
- 00:18:13how I like it you know because there can
- 00:18:15be certain things that oh well you know
- 00:18:20this is cool I guess I like this but
- 00:18:23what picture do I want out what am I
- 00:18:26proud of and want presented how do I
- 00:18:28like my bed made how do I like my
- 00:18:31Chargers to be set up it's like such
- 00:18:33minuscule things that I think make such
- 00:18:35a difference and it also makes you feel
- 00:18:38productive and makes me feel like I have
- 00:18:40my stuff together and I mean as someone
- 00:18:44who struggles with obsessive compulsive
- 00:18:47disorder that's one of my like big
- 00:18:50things where I feel like when I'm doing
- 00:18:51that I'm almost clearing my head so I
- 00:18:54don't know it's just something that I
- 00:18:56genuinely enjoy doing and I think is
- 00:18:58super fun like this morning cuz I've had
- 00:19:00such bad jet lag I was like okay I can
- 00:19:03either try to go to sleep for the next 3
- 00:19:05hours or get up and clean the kitchen
- 00:19:09and play with the dogs and I was like
- 00:19:11all right let's just get up and do it
- 00:19:13you know I'll get up in 5 minutes and
- 00:19:17we'll start to do this stuff you order
- 00:19:18your coffee and do all the things that
- 00:19:20you need to do to feel together and that
- 00:19:22made me happy and I was really proud I
- 00:19:24did that and I started my day on a great
- 00:19:27note and now I feel great so it's just
- 00:19:29like little things that I just I find so
- 00:19:32much fun in mhm yeah no I I mean the
- 00:19:35team will attested this too I'm like
- 00:19:37addicted to organizing shelves and
- 00:19:39bookshelves so I'll take you to the
- 00:19:41house afterwards and I have like I have
- 00:19:43this bookshelf in there that I
- 00:19:44personally curated and like everything
- 00:19:46and like even if my wife moves one book
- 00:19:49I'll notice it and I'll be like where's
- 00:19:50that book going but it's like I get that
- 00:19:53like organizing spaces and creating
- 00:19:56spaces to be spaces you want to live in
- 00:19:58and sit in like even this room right now
- 00:20:00like I curated it because I want to be
- 00:20:02in this space and I want it to feel
- 00:20:04comfortable for my guests and for myself
- 00:20:06and I want it to also spark curiosity or
- 00:20:08whatever it may be and I think it's
- 00:20:10interesting how all these tiny things
- 00:20:12when you're intentional about them they
- 00:20:14can spark so much joy without trying
- 00:20:16that hard and I mean it might be a
- 00:20:19little bit of
- 00:20:20like the very few parts of my life that
- 00:20:23I genuinely get to control you know it's
- 00:20:26not up to anyone else it's not you know
- 00:20:30do it this way or wear this or show this
- 00:20:34product it's like I just get to do this
- 00:20:36and make it how I want the way I want it
- 00:20:39on my own schedule and I'm fully in
- 00:20:42control of this task start to finish
- 00:20:45which you know yeah it's a way to deal
- 00:20:48with being a little bit of a control
- 00:20:50freak no and you're right I think that's
- 00:20:52such a great point it's rare that we
- 00:20:54have that much certainty and control
- 00:20:57over anything in life
- 00:20:59and if we don't do it at home we're
- 00:21:01going to potentially try and do it
- 00:21:02everywhere else where we can't and no I
- 00:21:04think that's a great point what else
- 00:21:05would you say that you've discovered
- 00:21:07about your likes and dislikes like what
- 00:21:08was something that you thought you liked
- 00:21:10before or someone had told you to like
- 00:21:12before and now you're like uh I you
- 00:21:15change now like that's not how I feel
- 00:21:17about it o um there's definitely a few
- 00:21:20I'd say one thing that I started to
- 00:21:25specifically like my own way was music I
- 00:21:29you know would listen to whatever's
- 00:21:31popular and I feel like now I really
- 00:21:33only listen to the songs that I
- 00:21:35genuinely enjoy listening to or I relate
- 00:21:37to and even if it's the most random
- 00:21:40playlist ever where it's like rap sad
- 00:21:43music country music like allinone I
- 00:21:46enjoy listening to that and I don't have
- 00:21:48to listen to whatever everyone else is
- 00:21:51listening to and I also can if I want to
- 00:21:53if I want to listen to whatever's the
- 00:21:56top 100 I'm going to do that you know
- 00:21:59even in front of other people like I can
- 00:22:02play what I like and I'll take
- 00:22:04suggestions and not just what's your
- 00:22:06favorite song well whatever one's the
- 00:22:08top one right now like you know having
- 00:22:10that to myself is also something really
- 00:22:12nice have you discovered any new artists
- 00:22:15or anyone recently that you're like
- 00:22:16someone that maybe we haven't heard of
- 00:22:18or someone that maybe is less heard of
- 00:22:20that you're like well my favorite artist
- 00:22:22his name is PIM Stones he doesn't make
- 00:22:25music anymore which is really really sad
- 00:22:27but he's my favorite artist ever he's
- 00:22:29made like some of the most incredible
- 00:22:32songs I've ever heard and they're just
- 00:22:34so beautiful to listen to and one of
- 00:22:37them has been my favorite song for a
- 00:22:39while actually someone at my dance
- 00:22:41studio when I was like probably 13 had a
- 00:22:44solo to it wow and ever since then I've
- 00:22:47been obsessed and he only has like two
- 00:22:51songs out on Spotify but I will listen
- 00:22:54to the two of them just on repeat
- 00:22:56forever and ever and ever cuz they're so
- 00:22:58so good wow wow that's amazing yeah I
- 00:23:01love it I'll check it out only two songs
- 00:23:03on Spotify so him Stones all right I'm
- 00:23:05going to go check it out after this
- 00:23:06interview no I love that and I think
- 00:23:08it's really refreshing and it must feel
- 00:23:11so good I can see in your face so you
- 00:23:13just seem so like genuinely happy
- 00:23:15talking about the things that spark joy
- 00:23:17that bring you that sense of comfort and
- 00:23:19ease and make life that much more what
- 00:23:22if someone right now is listening and
- 00:23:25they're like Charlie I'm struggling with
- 00:23:27what what you just said like I find it
- 00:23:29hard to be open and honest about the
- 00:23:32things I like because people make fun of
- 00:23:34me or ridicule me or maybe people tell
- 00:23:37me that's not cool or whatever it is
- 00:23:39like what has slowly given you the
- 00:23:42confidence to get there and what what do
- 00:23:44you think people need to hear to almost
- 00:23:46feel confident in themselves to say that
- 00:23:49I think it just starts with giving
- 00:23:50yourself permission to be open with
- 00:23:53yourself because it really like as much
- 00:23:57as it sucks to hear like it is all in
- 00:24:00your head you have to work on your selft
- 00:24:02talk and I think positive selft talk is
- 00:24:05something that is so often overlooked
- 00:24:07because everyone's so overly critical of
- 00:24:10themselves you see your face you know in
- 00:24:13the reflection of your phone you're in
- 00:24:15pictures background of photos you're
- 00:24:17like oh I hate this one but this one
- 00:24:19posted it and I can't do anything about
- 00:24:21it you know you have to once you start
- 00:24:24speaking in a more positive tone about
- 00:24:26yourself and the people around you the
- 00:24:28easier it is to feel more positive you
- 00:24:30know instead of oh I hate the way I look
- 00:24:33today you know what my hair is doing
- 00:24:35something different and I kind of like
- 00:24:36it you know starting with those little
- 00:24:38little things that sound so so like it's
- 00:24:43so tiny who who even cares you know it's
- 00:24:45in my head it's not affecting anyone but
- 00:24:48it's affecting yourself so I think just
- 00:24:50the more you can be positive and open
- 00:24:53with yourself and not so overly critical
- 00:24:57of yourself if you like a movie and no
- 00:25:00one else likes that movie doesn't mean
- 00:25:02it's a bad movie and you you can't like
- 00:25:03it you can still enjoy watching it and
- 00:25:07okay we just have different opinions
- 00:25:08that's normal and they probably like
- 00:25:12like stuff I don't like but that doesn't
- 00:25:14take away from what they like it's just
- 00:25:16you know the way you talk to yourself is
- 00:25:18so important yeah you're so right and
- 00:25:20it's it's so subtle like those thoughts
- 00:25:23as you just said like I love that switch
- 00:25:25that you just made between I don't like
- 00:25:27how my hair look looks today or oh my
- 00:25:29head's doing something different today
- 00:25:30and that's interesting or it looks cool
- 00:25:32whatever it may be there's an amazing
- 00:25:35book uh for those who who are more
- 00:25:37interested in what Charlie's talking
- 00:25:38about right now it's called psycho
- 00:25:39cybernetics and it's this whole idea of
- 00:25:42how our thoughts completely define our
- 00:25:45reality and how as you just said studies
- 00:25:49showed that we have 60 to 80,000
- 00:25:51thoughts per day and 80% of them are
- 00:25:54negative and repetitive so we're often
- 00:25:56having the same thought which is like I
- 00:25:58don't like how I look or I don't like
- 00:26:01how my hair looks or I don't like this
- 00:26:03about me or whatever it may be and you
- 00:26:05keep having that thought oh yeah and
- 00:26:07then it just Spirals and then that's all
- 00:26:09you feel about yourself and then it
- 00:26:11becomes your reality so that book really
- 00:26:13helped me it's it's an old school
- 00:26:15classic in this space but it convinces
- 00:26:18you that you can change your thoughts
- 00:26:20and it's not like you're lying to
- 00:26:22yourself right like I I want to address
- 00:26:23this for people who think that positive
- 00:26:26this is not about positive thinking this
- 00:26:27is not like looking at yourself and
- 00:26:28going I'm amazing and I'm special like
- 00:26:31that stuff doesn't work either but it's
- 00:26:32almost just tweaking your thoughts
- 00:26:34slightly to being how do you change from
- 00:26:36being critical to just being curious and
- 00:26:39that little switch can change everything
- 00:26:41exactly and it's I think it's so
- 00:26:42important because getting to the point
- 00:26:45where you have a more positive selft
- 00:26:49talk it's it's not linear you know
- 00:26:52you're going to have dips and and bad
- 00:26:54days and good days and bad months and
- 00:26:56good months you just that's that's how
- 00:26:58how it works but I notice when I start
- 00:27:00to see myself slip and realize I've been
- 00:27:04super critical of myself and you know
- 00:27:06what I've had such a bad week that's
- 00:27:08probably why I'm feeling so insecure and
- 00:27:11maybe I'm taking it out on other people
- 00:27:13or I'm I don't want to leave my house
- 00:27:15because I've critiqued everything about
- 00:27:17the way I look and not focus on one
- 00:27:19positive thing at all you know it really
- 00:27:23that's when I noticed when I started to
- 00:27:25dip again how important it is to really
- 00:27:27focus on being kind to yourself yeah and
- 00:27:31I and I I I hope people really hear that
- 00:27:35because I think the reason why we're
- 00:27:37hard on others is because we're so hard
- 00:27:39on ourselves and the reason we're so
- 00:27:41hard on ourselves is because we're so
- 00:27:42hard on others and it's almost like if
- 00:27:44we were just able to be kinder to the
- 00:27:47stranger our friend our family member
- 00:27:50then I think we'd actually be able to be
- 00:27:52more kind to ourselves and vice versa as
- 00:27:54well even like in friendships and
- 00:27:57relationships I think it's important I
- 00:27:59if you're telling jokes back and forth
- 00:28:02to each other and maybe they're like you
- 00:28:04know how you joke with your friends
- 00:28:06like sometimes it can be a little mean
- 00:28:09I've you know I've done the why don't we
- 00:28:11try and just be really really nice to
- 00:28:13each other for a little bit let's really
- 00:28:15focus on bringing each other up and I've
- 00:28:17actually had that conversation before
- 00:28:18and I think it's something that sounds
- 00:28:22almost corny like let's be super nice to
- 00:28:25each other but it really is helpful to
- 00:28:27have the people that you love and maybe
- 00:28:29you say it when you're a little bit down
- 00:28:30so you know you're not asking for
- 00:28:32compliments you're just asking for a
- 00:28:35more positive environment around you and
- 00:28:37I think that there's something so
- 00:28:39special about that and the people around
- 00:28:41you that love you will definitely be
- 00:28:44open to it you know and I think that
- 00:28:47there's also something in that the
- 00:28:48people that you have around you every
- 00:28:49day you need
- 00:28:51to try and build up with you MH yeah and
- 00:28:55that's I get I get that people find that
- 00:28:57hard because I'm also in England we
- 00:28:59banter a lot and so I banter a lot with
- 00:29:01my team with my wife like if if people
- 00:29:04see me and my wife together like they're
- 00:29:05like you guys hate each other because
- 00:29:07we'd go so hard and even my friends I
- 00:29:09just came back from London for my
- 00:29:10sister's wedding and I was there with
- 00:29:12all my boys and I was so we're so
- 00:29:14intense with each other and that's how
- 00:29:17close we are like the more intense we
- 00:29:18can be but you're right that sometimes
- 00:29:20and it's really interesting because when
- 00:29:21you get into a one-on-one with a friend
- 00:29:23they'll say how much they need the
- 00:29:25opposite like when you're with a group
- 00:29:26of people and you're all ban it's but
- 00:29:28when you're oneon-one with you how
- 00:29:31someone's like you know I need a bit of
- 00:29:33encouragement need to know that you
- 00:29:35think I'm doing good at this or whatever
- 00:29:37it may be so and also like don't be
- 00:29:39afraid to be the person that is going to
- 00:29:42text all the people around you every
- 00:29:44time you see them do something I'm so
- 00:29:45proud of you like you looked amazing at
- 00:29:47this or this was so cool that you did
- 00:29:49this like be that person be the annoying
- 00:29:52person you know I wish I did it more and
- 00:29:55I should and that's something that I'll
- 00:29:57take into the the rest of the day um but
- 00:29:59this morning even I I had a conversation
- 00:30:01with my mom and she's got back into
- 00:30:04modeling she's in Louisiana right now so
- 00:30:06I haven't seen her in a couple days and
- 00:30:08she was sending me photos and I didn't
- 00:30:10answer my phone for a little bit just
- 00:30:12because I've been jetlagged and crazy
- 00:30:14and I was like gez like if I sent her
- 00:30:18something I would want to hear back how
- 00:30:19proud she is of me so let me just go
- 00:30:22over the top because sometimes you need
- 00:30:25to be that person especially if that's
- 00:30:28the energy that you're trying to get
- 00:30:29back you can't get that without giving
- 00:30:30it too yeah well said and how's that
- 00:30:33been because obviously that's a big part
- 00:30:35of it right especially with the new new
- 00:30:37docy series as well like the new season
- 00:30:38like this idea of your whole family is
- 00:30:41now in the spotlight and it's almost
- 00:30:43like people just lump everyone together
- 00:30:46especially when it's a a big family and
- 00:30:47everyone's got exciting things happening
- 00:30:49and you know I've obvious obviously
- 00:30:51interviewed your whole family before so
- 00:30:53I've I've sat with them and it's it's
- 00:30:55wonderful and at the same time it's hard
- 00:30:56to find your own space and cve your own
- 00:30:59identity right like that's challenging
- 00:31:01yeah I think that the family Dynamic is
- 00:31:04something that is really really
- 00:31:07confusing especially for me I'm the
- 00:31:09youngest so you spend all your time
- 00:31:12trying to impress your older sister you
- 00:31:14spend all your time trying to prove
- 00:31:18something to your parents even when
- 00:31:19they're already proud of you you know
- 00:31:22it's really confusing you don't know
- 00:31:24where you fit in I'm like I live with
- 00:31:28sister I don't live with my parents but
- 00:31:30you know I still want the same support
- 00:31:31that I got when I lived with them but I
- 00:31:32can't just go up to their room anytime
- 00:31:35I'm having a bad day they don't know
- 00:31:36what's going on with me all the time
- 00:31:38when we're working together and on a
- 00:31:40shoot you know I I hate to say this but
- 00:31:43sometimes they want more stuff of me or
- 00:31:46whatever it is or we want this H for the
- 00:31:49family and then they'll you know expect
- 00:31:51extra for me and it's like well where do
- 00:31:54I fit in because I'm the youngest but
- 00:31:58sometimes they want the most and well
- 00:32:01you know it gets to the point where it's
- 00:32:03like well they they they're not there
- 00:32:05for me and it's like well you know what
- 00:32:08everyone's doing their own stuff like
- 00:32:10everyone has their own stuff going on
- 00:32:11Dixie is music my mom's modeling my
- 00:32:13dad's doing business stuff
- 00:32:16like there's so much going on for all of
- 00:32:19us at the same time it can get hard to
- 00:32:21celebrate every single achievement when
- 00:32:24there's just four of us all doing
- 00:32:27different things all at the same time
- 00:32:28running from place to place traveling
- 00:32:31you know we're still figuring that out
- 00:32:33now I think while filming season 3 our
- 00:32:36entire family was going through a lot
- 00:32:38like mentally and with work so it's hard
- 00:32:43to watch back those episodes
- 00:32:46because we were just all in such a
- 00:32:48different place and so confused at where
- 00:32:52we all stand and taking it out on each
- 00:32:55other which I think is
- 00:32:58probably the biggest regret I have
- 00:33:01through all of this with my family is
- 00:33:03like we need to have each other's backs
- 00:33:06through everything cuz you know through
- 00:33:10it all you work with people you make
- 00:33:11friends
- 00:33:13whatever you have to have family or
- 00:33:16people that you've kind of adopted as
- 00:33:20family that are there to support you
- 00:33:23when there's no cameras or when there's
- 00:33:25no likes or followers anything like you
- 00:33:27need that
- 00:33:28and the hardest time for all of us was
- 00:33:31when we didn't have each other to lean
- 00:33:32on and that is really really shown in
- 00:33:35season three and like even when I see
- 00:33:38Clips I'm like I don't want to see it at
- 00:33:40all like that was such a hard time for
- 00:33:42all of us and it's so embarrassing at
- 00:33:45times to see that like people posting it
- 00:33:48reposting it edits of it edits of times
- 00:33:51where I was like really really really
- 00:33:53struggling and hearing people she's so
- 00:33:55dramatic but you hear a tenth of what
- 00:33:57was actually going on you know so it's
- 00:34:00it's a lot or things are you know maybe
- 00:34:03I was upset about one thing but in the
- 00:34:06show it looks like I'm upset about
- 00:34:07something else it's like a whole bunch
- 00:34:09of stuff that's just I don't even want
- 00:34:12to pay attention to it it must be so
- 00:34:14challenging like I've always I've always
- 00:34:17thought about it like having a show
- 00:34:19where every one of your feelings and
- 00:34:21emotions is being
- 00:34:23documented and then broadcast sounds
- 00:34:25like the most challenging thing ever
- 00:34:27it's a lot yeah it's like even just that
- 00:34:30as a premise and I know it's been around
- 00:34:31forever and you know families have been
- 00:34:33followed forever and there's this format
- 00:34:36has been around forever but I'm like it
- 00:34:38doesn't get easier because of that
- 00:34:41because as humans we love to watch Drama
- 00:34:43We love to watch the gossip we want to
- 00:34:46see the scoop the show has like twists
- 00:34:49and changes and you know characters that
- 00:34:52are upset at each other and you have all
- 00:34:54of this going on but then behind all of
- 00:34:56that there's a real human with real
- 00:34:58emotions trying to figure it all out
- 00:35:01have you been able to separate like
- 00:35:03yourself and then the character on the
- 00:35:04show too like do you feel or do you feel
- 00:35:06that's just so in interrelated that
- 00:35:08you're like in ways yes for sure
- 00:35:12but like people don't realize when
- 00:35:15you're filming sometimes you forget you
- 00:35:17have a mic on and you say something and
- 00:35:18you're like it really wasn't that deep
- 00:35:20like yeah it's not that important
- 00:35:23sometimes you're really really upset or
- 00:35:27you're maybe mentally struggling a
- 00:35:29little bit and you don't have a reason
- 00:35:32cuz sometimes you don't need a reason
- 00:35:34sometimes you just feel really bad and
- 00:35:36that happens so you go through these
- 00:35:42well why are you well what was happening
- 00:35:44you know was it this person's fault and
- 00:35:45it's like I don't know I was just really
- 00:35:48feeling bad and I didn't have a handle
- 00:35:51on it and I had to film so you know it's
- 00:35:54like I don't get a choice of how how
- 00:35:58I how I go into filming you know I can
- 00:36:02try and go in with a positive mindset
- 00:36:04but after a couple hours you know like
- 00:36:06I'm tired and you see how maybe I was
- 00:36:08really feeling that day maybe it's
- 00:36:10nothing that was at all in the show like
- 00:36:13people watching have no idea but it is
- 00:36:16so many real emotions that it's really
- 00:36:18really hard to separate the two but
- 00:36:23hopefully you know if another season
- 00:36:25happens I'll be able to do that and why
- 00:36:27do you feel though in season 3 that it
- 00:36:29got harder with family than easier like
- 00:36:31you'd hope that season 3 like made it
- 00:36:33easier but why do you think it got
- 00:36:35harder is it just that everyone's more
- 00:36:36busy now or yeah I think we were just
- 00:36:38all going through so much individually
- 00:36:41and constantly taking it out on each
- 00:36:43other and you know that's building
- 00:36:45blocks to working with your family no
- 00:36:48family that works together is perfect
- 00:36:49all the time and if you say you are you
- 00:36:51are so wrong especially when you know we
- 00:36:54talk about it all the time like family
- 00:36:56is everything but when you're in those
- 00:36:58moments where you're like I'm pissed at
- 00:37:01this person in my family because of
- 00:37:03maybe it's something stupid but to me
- 00:37:06it's like it feels like a lot it feels
- 00:37:09like the entire world on my shoulders
- 00:37:12for maybe something that isn't that big
- 00:37:14of a deal but it feels like that to me
- 00:37:16you know it's
- 00:37:17just we were all going through so much
- 00:37:20at the same time that there was no way
- 00:37:24that these cameras weren't going to
- 00:37:25catch it it sounds sounds like even even
- 00:37:28though obviously you said that you know
- 00:37:30when you're a kid you still want your
- 00:37:31family to take care of you and obviously
- 00:37:33now you're in a position where obviously
- 00:37:35you take care of yourself you you live
- 00:37:37with your sister but what would you say
- 00:37:40has been the biggest skills you've
- 00:37:42learned in how to take care of yourself
- 00:37:45when you don't have your family to rely
- 00:37:46on I don't even know I feel like that's
- 00:37:50something that is so confusing to me
- 00:37:54still I feel so independent because you
- 00:37:58know I'm traveling without any of my
- 00:38:01friends or family I'm on these big work
- 00:38:05calls like I have no training for this I
- 00:38:09I didn't even finish High School like I
- 00:38:11don't know how to do this I don't know
- 00:38:13if I'm making the right decision I don't
- 00:38:15know if this is you know good or bad I
- 00:38:18still call my dad all the time and I'm
- 00:38:20like okay but seriously what do you
- 00:38:22think about this because I like this
- 00:38:25sounds not that cool to me but
- 00:38:27apparently it's really like I have no
- 00:38:29idea how this works and you know the
- 00:38:32more I do it the more I get comfortable
- 00:38:35and learn but I missed so much of the
- 00:38:39normal growing up going to college and
- 00:38:42then coming back for Thanksgiving or
- 00:38:44Christmas or whatever it is that I kind
- 00:38:47of had to like race to figure it out
- 00:38:49because it was one day you're a kid and
- 00:38:52you're in high school and you have no
- 00:38:53responsibilities and now you have people
- 00:38:56that are working for you and and you're
- 00:38:59responsible for them and you're
- 00:39:00responsible for everything that you do
- 00:39:02and you're not allowed to mess up but
- 00:39:04I'm 16 I don't know how to not mess up I
- 00:39:06don't know anything like how am I
- 00:39:09supposed to learn that without having
- 00:39:12these real life experiences so I think
- 00:39:13the more as time goes on and the more
- 00:39:16I'm put in these situations where I have
- 00:39:18to be independent and a grownup you know
- 00:39:21the easier it gets but it's still
- 00:39:23something that I really have to figure
- 00:39:25out in each indiv ual situation yeah I'm
- 00:39:2936 and I still don't know how not to
- 00:39:31mess up like it's just because I think
- 00:39:33what we don't realize is you've got
- 00:39:35yourself and your identity like you as
- 00:39:37an individual which is always changing
- 00:39:39so whether you're 36 or whether you're
- 00:39:4119 you're still dealing with that on top
- 00:39:44of that you've now got the industry is
- 00:39:45always changing so like the platforms
- 00:39:47are changing and the business is
- 00:39:49changing and the social whatever all of
- 00:39:50that's always changing so you've never
- 00:39:52done it before and most people have
- 00:39:54never done it before so no matter how
- 00:39:56smart someone was 5 months ago
- 00:39:59Everything's changed and so everything's
- 00:40:00being updated and then on top of all of
- 00:40:03that you've got everyone around you
- 00:40:05who's constantly changing and growing
- 00:40:06and evolving and so it's so hard to ever
- 00:40:09feel you ever have a handle on on all
- 00:40:12areas of your life yeah and so
- 00:40:14definitely as a 16-year-old now a
- 00:40:1619-year-old like it's it's so much to
- 00:40:19learn quickly and I think you had your
- 00:40:21you recently had your prom or you did
- 00:40:22your prom here right like you yeah I had
- 00:40:25I had two we did one on the show
- 00:40:28and then I went to my high school prom
- 00:40:30back in my hometown yeah which was
- 00:40:32really fun and like the bit of senior
- 00:40:35year that I got to have which was really
- 00:40:38nice because I didn't get that at all
- 00:40:41and a lot of kids didn't during Co and
- 00:40:44everything so I'm definitely not the
- 00:40:46only person feeling like this a lot of
- 00:40:48freshman sophomore year at College like
- 00:40:51people didn't get that people didn't get
- 00:40:53that very very intrical part of growing
- 00:40:56up or whether it's your first job like
- 00:40:58this was my first job I had never had
- 00:41:02any true responsibility before and I
- 00:41:05don't know how and there's no rule book
- 00:41:07to say well this is how you be an adult
- 00:41:09so it's kind of
- 00:41:11just figuring it out and messing up
- 00:41:14along the way but when you mess up and
- 00:41:16you have so many people telling you how
- 00:41:19you messed up and how that's horrible
- 00:41:20and you're are doing all of these things
- 00:41:23wrong you're like yeah I know but this
- 00:41:25is all I know how to do kind of
- 00:41:28just every day learn a little bit and
- 00:41:32just continue to do your best cuz that's
- 00:41:34all you can do yeah yeah and do you know
- 00:41:36what it's interesting because we're
- 00:41:38hearing that from you and I think
- 00:41:39everyone who's listening right now is
- 00:41:40going that's me too like you know I
- 00:41:42think it doesn't matter how old you are
- 00:41:44or how wise you are or how smart or
- 00:41:48whether you have your own business or
- 00:41:49you don't or whe we're just all feeling
- 00:41:52that way because everyone is just trying
- 00:41:56to do their best and sometimes their
- 00:41:58best is not good enough for everyone
- 00:41:59else but that's all they could give and
- 00:42:02I feel that for anyone and everyone
- 00:42:05today and so I think what you're saying
- 00:42:07resonates or feels very relatable at
- 00:42:09least even to me and I'm sure everyone
- 00:42:11who's listening is thinking that as well
- 00:42:12like I'm just trying yeah and that's
- 00:42:15like the normal human experience and I
- 00:42:18definitely get on myself about it
- 00:42:21but everyone's just doing their best
- 00:42:24like my parents are still figuring out
- 00:42:25who they are you know it's ever changing
- 00:42:29like my grandmother before she passed
- 00:42:33started to get a a handle on all of the
- 00:42:36Social Media stuff and like had to watch
- 00:42:38me she would watch YouTube videos or
- 00:42:40like see see things online articles and
- 00:42:43she would be like I heard you did this
- 00:42:45and I'm like well that's not true that's
- 00:42:46just like an article you know and she's
- 00:42:48like no no no but I saw it in the press
- 00:42:50and I was like yeah I know but it's not
- 00:42:52it's not true so we like had to get a
- 00:42:55handle on that but she was changing and
- 00:42:57she was evolving with the times and she
- 00:42:59didn't know how it worked and she was
- 00:43:01you know she was she was a lot older and
- 00:43:04and still figuring out who she is and
- 00:43:07well how do I do this and and I want to
- 00:43:09watch you but I have to discover this
- 00:43:11whole new thing like everyone is
- 00:43:13learning something and she was just
- 00:43:16doing her best to watch her
- 00:43:18grandchildren on social media like it's
- 00:43:20something that is so cute and something
- 00:43:22that seems so simple to me like we'll
- 00:43:25just download Tik Tok and watch my
- 00:43:26videos
- 00:43:29but learn once you realize that
- 00:43:32literally every is just try to do their
- 00:43:35best to get to the next day like you can
- 00:43:39be a lot easier on yourself but also a
- 00:43:40lot easier on everyone around you mhh
- 00:43:43and also even just what you said about
- 00:43:45your grandmother like learning about how
- 00:43:49she's reading something that sounds so
- 00:43:51true and you're like no it didn't happen
- 00:43:53that way and it's funny cuz I go through
- 00:43:56similar things with me my family so my
- 00:43:58parents will read an article about me or
- 00:44:00whatever and they'll get really upset
- 00:44:01for me or they'll get offended for me
- 00:44:04because there's something in it that
- 00:44:05they don't like or whatever it is or
- 00:44:07there's something said about the family
- 00:44:08which you must have to deal with way
- 00:44:10more than I do because your family's in
- 00:44:12the spotlight too but then they're like
- 00:44:14oh well why did they say that about the
- 00:44:15family and this and that and I'm like I
- 00:44:17didn't say anything like you know it's
- 00:44:19almost like I didn't even talk about
- 00:44:21that I didn't mention anything it's just
- 00:44:22someone coming up with something yeah
- 00:44:25and I can't imagine for you like it's
- 00:44:27like the clickbait Articles I'm like I'm
- 00:44:30telling you that this isn't real or
- 00:44:32she'd like see someone online she's like
- 00:44:35I don't like them and why they said
- 00:44:38something about you three years ago well
- 00:44:39they're my friends now she's like I
- 00:44:41don't know I don't like them like all
- 00:44:44right you're going to think whatever you
- 00:44:46think like that's fine she was so cute
- 00:44:48and so so supportive like she spent all
- 00:44:51day on her iPad just watching YouTube
- 00:44:53compilations of my Tik toks and every
- 00:44:55time I see her she'd be like need stop
- 00:44:57cursing on the internet and I was like I
- 00:44:58know I
- 00:45:01know that's so sweet that's so funny
- 00:45:04yeah I mean and and you nice of you not
- 00:45:06to block her from those videos either oh
- 00:45:08yeah even I know so many people that do
- 00:45:09that my other grandma she like still
- 00:45:11swipes up on all my story she's like you
- 00:45:13look great or she'd like reply to fan
- 00:45:15pages like a lot of people's
- 00:45:17grandparents I hear this all the time
- 00:45:19from all the social media kids it's like
- 00:45:21my grandma responds to my fan pages
- 00:45:23thinking they're me and I'm like but
- 00:45:26it's so it's so sweet and I love it and
- 00:45:30I mean my grandma that's my grandma my
- 00:45:33dad's side like she like she still texts
- 00:45:36me all the time like you look so good in
- 00:45:39this or this is so cool or anytime I do
- 00:45:42anything where it's like something that
- 00:45:44she would like I'll like send her a
- 00:45:46photo and you know she's just proud you
- 00:45:49know that's also a good person to talk
- 00:45:51to that's just like always going to be
- 00:45:53proud of me is really nice to have yeah
- 00:45:56definitely to allow that in do you find
- 00:45:58that you found like I know you're close
- 00:46:01with marel who I love too he's such a I
- 00:46:04I love marquel's energy I've only met
- 00:46:06him a couple of times but he's so
- 00:46:07awesome have you found that you've got a
- 00:46:10good group of friends around you in the
- 00:46:13industry because what I found is that so
- 00:46:16I have a bunch of great friends back in
- 00:46:17London who are like my best friends like
- 00:46:19my best man at my wedding and like my
- 00:46:21closest friends that I grew up with and
- 00:46:23I speak to them like I speak to my best
- 00:46:25friend like three times a week still
- 00:46:26because it's so important to me and I
- 00:46:29need it and at the same time I also need
- 00:46:31friends who are in the industry because
- 00:46:33there are certain things that we can all
- 00:46:35understand about the industry kind of
- 00:46:37like the idea of yeah don't trust the
- 00:46:39Press on that and whatever because they
- 00:46:40already know that because they go
- 00:46:41through the same stuff do you find I it
- 00:46:44sounds like you have a great group of
- 00:46:45friends back at home do you find that
- 00:46:47you've also found good friends in the
- 00:46:49industry that you can kind of compare
- 00:46:51notes with a bit too and be like oh I
- 00:46:53just went through that this is how I'm
- 00:46:55feeling yeah definitely I mean marquel's
- 00:46:57like he's family to me he has
- 00:47:03shown so much to me just as a person
- 00:47:07whether it's talking to me oneon-one or
- 00:47:10defending me online or you know
- 00:47:13defending me to the people around him
- 00:47:15like he is someone that every person
- 00:47:18that meets him has so much amazing
- 00:47:20things to say about him and I'm so
- 00:47:22thankful that I have him in my life
- 00:47:24whether it's like we're doing nothing or
- 00:47:27we're out with a bunch of people and I
- 00:47:29we want to have a dance party in the
- 00:47:30middle of the dance floor and it's just
- 00:47:31us to like we'll do it or in the middle
- 00:47:34of a restaurant whatever it is like I
- 00:47:35love that but I've definitely found a
- 00:47:38lot of people that are in the industry
- 00:47:41and a lot of the friendships that I have
- 00:47:43I tend to keep quiet about and a lot of
- 00:47:46the friendships that I have I've met
- 00:47:48them in very very weird ways because how
- 00:47:52am I supposed to meet people you know I
- 00:47:54don't go out super often I don't
- 00:47:57I am not usually around people my own
- 00:47:59age like a lot of my friends that I met
- 00:48:02they were actually dancers at the Kids
- 00:48:06Choice Awards and we just clicked and I
- 00:48:10started to hang out with them and I
- 00:48:12really liked them and they're really
- 00:48:13cool people and they're in an industry
- 00:48:16that I'm so fascinated by and yeah they
- 00:48:20do so much similar things to me but it's
- 00:48:22also different and I think that that's
- 00:48:24really special and after meeting it
- 00:48:27was really refreshing to be around
- 00:48:30people my own age and also just have
- 00:48:35people that are hardworking and
- 00:48:38determined and not competitive with me
- 00:48:40at all and just happy to see me happy
- 00:48:43and I can have fun with whether we're
- 00:48:44filming or not you know but even like my
- 00:48:47boyfriend he's in the industry and you
- 00:48:50know we we tend to handle things a
- 00:48:51little bit differently but sometimes I I
- 00:48:54have to be like it's not worth it you
- 00:48:56know we don't have to respond we don't
- 00:48:57have to do anything like it's not worth
- 00:48:59it I know you you know me whether people
- 00:49:03are saying things about me or people are
- 00:49:04saying things about our relationship you
- 00:49:06know having each other to kind of
- 00:49:10navigate
- 00:49:11that on our own is is really nice
- 00:49:14because it's
- 00:49:15also what two 19-year-olds in a
- 00:49:18relationship have their lives together
- 00:49:21you know there's ups and downs like
- 00:49:25whether I'm working all the time time or
- 00:49:27he's working all the time or I'm
- 00:49:28traveling or whatever it is like there's
- 00:49:31always so much going on that can so
- 00:49:33easily put a strain on a relationship
- 00:49:35and also just coming into adulthood with
- 00:49:39two teenagers that have no idea what
- 00:49:41they're doing and just trying their best
- 00:49:43like you know it's been really confusing
- 00:49:47to navigate but also really refreshing
- 00:49:49to have someone else there that's
- 00:49:52like just trying to figure it out day by
- 00:49:55day mhm it's almost yeah it's almost
- 00:49:57easier in one sense because you have
- 00:49:59someone to bounce it off of as opposed
- 00:50:01to you're like am I crazy are you crazy
- 00:50:03is this like is this okay you know so
- 00:50:07it's it's really nice do you do you
- 00:50:09think the hardest part about success and
- 00:50:11fame is having a relationship in the
- 00:50:14public eye would you say that that's the
- 00:50:16hardest part in terms of when it comes
- 00:50:18to your relationships or that's not
- 00:50:20sometimes I feel
- 00:50:22like you know when two people that are
- 00:50:25in a relationship have like
- 00:50:27an off week or whatever there can be the
- 00:50:32whole this person didn't like their
- 00:50:33photo or they haven't posted together
- 00:50:35they're broken up or this person's
- 00:50:37starting a rumor like even if you you
- 00:50:40two are struggling that's for you to go
- 00:50:42through and handle it however is
- 00:50:44appropriate whether you guys part ways
- 00:50:46or continue to work through things
- 00:50:47together like no relationship is perfect
- 00:50:50ever you have moments where so much is
- 00:50:54going on like during dancing with the
- 00:50:56star
- 00:50:57I was dancing s days a week I was never
- 00:51:00home he was like I felt like I didn't
- 00:51:03have a girlfriend and that was really
- 00:51:06hard it was hard on my parents you know
- 00:51:08like it's a lot and especially for two
- 00:51:11young teenagers to go through like we
- 00:51:14don't we don't know how to do this no
- 00:51:16one knows how to do this so we're just
- 00:51:18doing our best and there's ups and downs
- 00:51:21but we work through it and that's just
- 00:51:24being a person you know yeah yeah yeah
- 00:51:27no absolutely and and and just the idea
- 00:51:31of it is interesting when you've got two
- 00:51:33people who have crazy lives and and have
- 00:51:35different Journeys and have different
- 00:51:37you know commitments and family
- 00:51:39commitments and there's just so much
- 00:51:40going on to keep up with it all what
- 00:51:42have you found what has helped you both
- 00:51:45kind of keep up with each other's
- 00:51:47schedules in each other's lives because
- 00:51:48that's not going to change at least not
- 00:51:51right now and so how what what has
- 00:51:53helped what has worked I think you know
- 00:51:56we've obviously talked about this so
- 00:51:58much just as a whole I was I was just
- 00:52:02gone for almost two weeks and we were on
- 00:52:05different time zones just trying to text
- 00:52:08and update each other but it it's
- 00:52:10figuring out what each other needs you
- 00:52:13know if he wants me to keep him updated
- 00:52:16then I'll keep him updated because
- 00:52:17that's what he needs if he if I need him
- 00:52:21to tell me what's going on in his week
- 00:52:24so I don't feel left out like that's
- 00:52:26totally cool that's what I need it's
- 00:52:27just having that conversation and
- 00:52:29realizing that people's needs change and
- 00:52:32adapting with that and not feeling like
- 00:52:35well I don't want to make him upset like
- 00:52:37he's working a lot and I know he's super
- 00:52:39busy like I need a shoulder to lean on
- 00:52:41it's also having the conversation like
- 00:52:43sometimes I'll literally say I'm really
- 00:52:46really sensitive right now like I just
- 00:52:47need some extra support and then he
- 00:52:50knows to well she needs this right now
- 00:52:52okay like that's totally cool that's two
- 00:52:55people in a Rel relationship doing
- 00:52:57whatever they can to make the other
- 00:52:58person happy just normal human things
- 00:53:02and definitely not worrying about what
- 00:53:05anyone online has to say it's so not
- 00:53:08worth it it really isn't cuz 99% of
- 00:53:11these people are looking for you to
- 00:53:13respond like even today I woke up to
- 00:53:17some crazy person talking about me and
- 00:53:19like the most wildly disrespectful ways
- 00:53:23like I've really seen in a long time the
- 00:53:26thing is like me and this person were at
- 00:53:29an event together and this person
- 00:53:30introduced themselves I introduced we
- 00:53:32tried to be nice this kid was not nice
- 00:53:34to me and then went and talked very
- 00:53:36poorly on me and Landon's like well let
- 00:53:39me call this kid and I'm like it's not
- 00:53:41that big of a deal like it's not that's
- 00:53:42what he's looking for is it taking
- 00:53:45everything in me not to respond or not
- 00:53:47to text him yeah but I know if I text
- 00:53:50him he's going to post it and that's
- 00:53:51going to be a thing and he's going to
- 00:53:53get exactly what he wants me to respond
- 00:53:56and give to whatever story he wants to
- 00:53:59portray to the people that watch him
- 00:54:01it's not it's not my problem like I know
- 00:54:05who I am and that's good enough for me
- 00:54:08like it doesn't matter yeah and it's so
- 00:54:11hard to get to that point but it's so
- 00:54:13liberating when you do like it's so
- 00:54:15freeing when you realize that where
- 00:54:17you're like actually not responding is
- 00:54:19not getting caught up in someone else's
- 00:54:21thing yeah and like then it just gives
- 00:54:24people an opportunity to well if I say
- 00:54:27this about her then she's going to
- 00:54:28respond and it's like I don't have time
- 00:54:31to respond to every little thing that
- 00:54:32people have to say about me and it it
- 00:54:35takes so
- 00:54:37much it's so draining to to have to see
- 00:54:41that and the more you talk about it the
- 00:54:43more your fans talk about it and people
- 00:54:46in the Press talk about it and it's like
- 00:54:48for what reason because I was angry at
- 00:54:51this kid who I met once like who cares
- 00:54:55yeah and and it's hard when the person
- 00:54:58you're in a relationship with wants to
- 00:54:59defend you too and like and he's so
- 00:55:01sweet he is so quick to defend me in
- 00:55:06every way possible and I just have to be
- 00:55:07like it's cool like it's good I feel
- 00:55:10like I tell him that all the time cuz he
- 00:55:12gets so upset whenever people have
- 00:55:15something negative to say about me or
- 00:55:17his family and I mean I
- 00:55:20think I definitely told him like many
- 00:55:23many times it's cool like it's it's
- 00:55:25totally fine they're going to say it no
- 00:55:28matter what and even if you respond and
- 00:55:29are like well this isn't true because
- 00:55:31this is this they're not they're they
- 00:55:33already read it and they think what they
- 00:55:34think about you they're not going to
- 00:55:36change their minds you know yeah you're
- 00:55:38arguing with people that don't care what
- 00:55:40you have to say mhm yeah it's already
- 00:55:42lost like yeah it's it's a lose lose
- 00:55:44situation so moving on is the best thing
- 00:55:47you can do yeah no and and it's
- 00:55:48wonderful to be with someone and have
- 00:55:50that with someone who you know cares
- 00:55:52about you that deeply and my wife's like
- 00:55:54that like my wife gets very defensive
- 00:55:56about me and like can get really
- 00:55:58activated and she gets really upset for
- 00:56:00me and whatever it may be and I I really
- 00:56:02always appreciate that because I can see
- 00:56:05that she knows who I am and that's kind
- 00:56:06of what it goes back to where I always
- 00:56:07say the same thing to her I'm like I'm
- 00:56:09just glad I have someone who knows who I
- 00:56:10am especially like when someone cares
- 00:56:13about you like that to see you upset
- 00:56:15because of something and not being able
- 00:56:17to fix the problem CU they just want to
- 00:56:20see you happy like I understand
- 00:56:24how upset that might make you you know
- 00:56:27and I I feel bad cuz sometimes I feel
- 00:56:29like I drag him into the drama just
- 00:56:31because of the relationship but I think
- 00:56:34knowing that you know we have each other
- 00:56:39and I can tell him like this was this
- 00:56:42actually really hurt my feelings today
- 00:56:43and and it was it was a lot and I just
- 00:56:46need some comfort and I need you to be
- 00:56:49by my side and that's good enough for me
- 00:56:52you know yeah definitely definitely
- 00:56:53Charlie what are you excited about right
- 00:56:55now like what's kind of like you know
- 00:56:56you've done so many amazing things and I
- 00:56:58feel like this journey that you're
- 00:56:59saying with your identity of like
- 00:57:01getting to know yourself better yeah
- 00:57:04you've done so many things and I'm
- 00:57:05guessing some of them you're like oh
- 00:57:06yeah that was Charlie demilio and then
- 00:57:08this is Charlie it's like what is
- 00:57:09Charlie like really excited about or
- 00:57:12curious about or passionate about or
- 00:57:13like what's coming up or you're like I
- 00:57:15really want to try that out or learn
- 00:57:17that or whatever whatever it may be like
- 00:57:19open floor
- 00:57:20um okay I think first thing that I'm
- 00:57:24most excited about is my dogs I have a
- 00:57:26puppy um I know I sound so lame I have
- 00:57:30I'm not laughing because I think it's
- 00:57:31lame I'm laughing cuz it's cute it's
- 00:57:33just like yeah you going to have to open
- 00:57:34up a dog shelter or something I know I'm
- 00:57:36like in love with her uh I have my like
- 00:57:39older dog who's nine she's literally me
- 00:57:41as a dog and I'm I'm obsessed with her
- 00:57:44she's most adorable dog ever she's
- 00:57:46literal human but then I have this puppy
- 00:57:48that L and I adopted
- 00:57:51from
- 00:57:52Nashville and she's like she was
- 00:57:56abandoned and she was like it was a
- 00:57:59horrible story and it really like pulled
- 00:58:00at my heartstrings and I was like okay I
- 00:58:02need to take you home now like I will
- 00:58:04take care of you I love you and like
- 00:58:07watching her grow up and being
- 00:58:09responsible for her I think has been
- 00:58:11very refreshing to me because my older
- 00:58:13dog she's you know she's very
- 00:58:16self-sufficient she's also very lazy so
- 00:58:19I'll be up in the morning and she'll
- 00:58:21wake up 2 hours later ready to be fed
- 00:58:23like she is not she has her own schedule
- 00:58:26and I love that about her because that's
- 00:58:28how I raise her she's a very like
- 00:58:30laidback dog can have all the lights on
- 00:58:33and she's sleeping like I love that but
- 00:58:35this puppy you know you have to train
- 00:58:36her you have to it's very specific and
- 00:58:38these formative puppy years are so
- 00:58:40important to who this dog becomes
- 00:58:42there's no bad dogs there's only bad dog
- 00:58:45owners so I just like am loving this
- 00:58:48journey of truly cuz you know I got my
- 00:58:50dog N9 years ago I was 10 I wasn't
- 00:58:54actually raising her and now getting the
- 00:58:56chance to raise a dog and it's really
- 00:58:59really exciting and special and seeing
- 00:59:01the two of them together is like my
- 00:59:03favorite thing ever I think something
- 00:59:04else that I'm excited for is I have a
- 00:59:08dance room in my garage so I love just
- 00:59:11going down there any time of the day
- 00:59:14whether it's 4: in the morning or 1:
- 00:59:16p.m. and just like letting go and being
- 00:59:19open with myself and using movement as
- 00:59:22therapy and also getting a little bit of
- 00:59:24a workout in you know like being
- 00:59:26productive I love that
- 00:59:28and
- 00:59:31probably experimenting more with my
- 00:59:33style that's something that I've just
- 00:59:36recently started to get into I think
- 00:59:39Landon and my sister had a lot to do
- 00:59:41with that because I I love the way that
- 00:59:43they put together outfits I think that
- 00:59:45they both have really good Styles and it
- 00:59:46comes very natural to them and to me
- 00:59:49it's a lot harder because I always go
- 00:59:51for what I know instead of stepping out
- 00:59:53of the box but I'm trying so that's
- 00:59:57something exciting and it's fun to
- 00:59:59experiment you know yeah I love how FAL
- 01:00:02all those were those were great they
- 01:00:03were great choices thank you yeah I love
- 01:00:05how none of them were career career
- 01:00:07related and like none of them were work
- 01:00:09related and that's awesome because I can
- 01:00:11tell that you've you've really started
- 01:00:13carving those two things as separate
- 01:00:15yeah um workwise you know using my voice
- 01:00:18more online I think that you know even
- 01:00:21doing a podcast is something very
- 01:00:24outside of my comfort zone a lot of my
- 01:00:26career has been not talking so it's been
- 01:00:30very hard for me to get into using my
- 01:00:32voice and figuring out what do I want to
- 01:00:34say especially when you don't know
- 01:00:36yourself how do you answer questions I
- 01:00:38don't you can't just say I don't know
- 01:00:40for everything so that's something
- 01:00:42that's been special and I've been trying
- 01:00:43to make more content for my fans and
- 01:00:48trying to use my voice more and like
- 01:00:50even little things finishing a get ready
- 01:00:52with me which I film 50 of them and I
- 01:00:56post one of them like trying to get more
- 01:00:57into it and go back to the reason why I
- 01:01:00started social media because I like it
- 01:01:02and I'm finally at a point where I like
- 01:01:04it again which is really refreshing and
- 01:01:06nice it doesn't feel like
- 01:01:08work I love that and what what's been
- 01:01:11what is that when you say you want to
- 01:01:13use your voice and even doing the
- 01:01:14podcast today like you coming on today
- 01:01:16and you know being open and and trusting
- 01:01:19me and trusting this space and just
- 01:01:21being vulnerable with the idea of like
- 01:01:23you said I don't know I'm trying to
- 01:01:24figure out who I am yeah and and being
- 01:01:27okay with that which I think by the way
- 01:01:28for a 19y old is is completely normal
- 01:01:31and wonderful and good and like I think
- 01:01:33that's amazing that you want to
- 01:01:35spend this time in your life figuring
- 01:01:37out who you are I think it's the best
- 01:01:39investment you could ever make I'm so
- 01:01:41happy that you're doing it and I'm
- 01:01:42hoping that you take your whole audience
- 01:01:45and community on a journey to do it for
- 01:01:47themselves because you're going to save
- 01:01:48so many people from so many stressful 20
- 01:01:52to 30 year old Journeys right like
- 01:01:54literally like you can either do it now
- 01:01:56or you can do it when you're 30 and if
- 01:01:58you do it now it's like you're going to
- 01:01:59help so many people what is is that kind
- 01:02:03of like when you say using your voice is
- 01:02:04that the type of Journey you want people
- 01:02:06to go on with you or are you are you
- 01:02:08still figuring out what that Journey it
- 01:02:10is that you want people to go on with
- 01:02:11you yeah as of right now it's literally
- 01:02:15just talking talking online just
- 01:02:18actually using my voice you know for so
- 01:02:22long it was a song and no words like it
- 01:02:26sounds so little but just talking I feel
- 01:02:30like that's something that is which is
- 01:02:32so weird but it's so out outside of my
- 01:02:34comfort zone and I feel
- 01:02:38so like weird doing it but has honestly
- 01:02:42been really refreshing for me because
- 01:02:46you know I'm growing up and a part of
- 01:02:50growing up is being confident with what
- 01:02:52you have to say and using your words and
- 01:02:55just
- 01:02:56talking with you know a little bit of
- 01:02:59purpose and I'm growing up but also so
- 01:03:02are all of the people that are watching
- 01:03:04me and I think bringing them on that
- 01:03:06journey of this is literally just what
- 01:03:09I'm doing I'm not talking about anything
- 01:03:13that's really of any importance
- 01:03:15sometimes sometimes I'm just talking but
- 01:03:18that's what I need to do to move to this
- 01:03:20next step of my life to hopefully talk
- 01:03:22about something important and talk about
- 01:03:24what matters to me I think that that's
- 01:03:26this is a very intrical step of growing
- 01:03:30up I think that's really smart I
- 01:03:31genuinely do I think that takes a lot of
- 01:03:33courage to even say that I don't think
- 01:03:35it's I don't think it's like
- 01:03:37insignificant at all I think it it makes
- 01:03:39a lot of sense to me that in order for
- 01:03:42you to stand for something you need to
- 01:03:44get to a point where you just feel
- 01:03:45comfortable being open and sharing yeah
- 01:03:48and so much of the beginning few years
- 01:03:51of this journey every time I
- 01:03:54talked someone had something to say and
- 01:03:58you know you get cancelled every 5
- 01:04:00Seconds like that was what was happening
- 01:04:03to me for so long anytime I opened my
- 01:04:05mouth so I just stopped talking I
- 01:04:07stopped saying anything that was
- 01:04:08important to me I stopped doing anything
- 01:04:11that was outside of the box that I was
- 01:04:14put in where I couldn't go wrong if I
- 01:04:16just didn't do anything you know and I
- 01:04:19have opinions I have thoughts I have
- 01:04:21things I like I have things I don't like
- 01:04:24why can't I just say it like like who is
- 01:04:26stopping me the people that actually
- 01:04:28care what I have to say they're going to
- 01:04:31support me even if they disagree you
- 01:04:33know whether it's I really like this
- 01:04:36outfit and they don't like that's cool
- 01:04:38they respect my opinion I respect theirs
- 01:04:40that's awesome the people that don't
- 01:04:42like me they're not going to like me no
- 01:04:44matter what they didn't like me when I
- 01:04:45wasn't saying anything they're not going
- 01:04:47to like me now that's fine I'm I'm not
- 01:04:50making my videos for them mhm yeah
- 01:04:53definitely when when you say you still
- 01:04:55want to get to know who you are and your
- 01:04:57identity what are the parts that you're
- 01:04:58like I'm still just trying to figure
- 01:05:00this out or this part I'm like really
- 01:05:01curious about I'm trying to learn about
- 01:05:03this about myself but I don't know what
- 01:05:04like what are those parts of yourself
- 01:05:06yeah I think a lot of it has to do with
- 01:05:09the way that I present myself whether
- 01:05:13it's how do I like my makeup done how do
- 01:05:17I like to dress how do I like to look
- 01:05:20how do I like to show myself to other
- 01:05:22people not just what is
- 01:05:27going on at the moment how do I like to
- 01:05:30smell you know I like born dreamer I
- 01:05:32know I like that and let's discover for
- 01:05:35future with born dreamer what else do I
- 01:05:36like you know whatever I know I like go
- 01:05:39a little bit deeper and you know
- 01:05:42something's so simple I've been doing
- 01:05:43more colors with my nails which is so
- 01:05:46random and so small it's your nails you
- 01:05:50know people get their nails done all the
- 01:05:51time but I did bright green and I
- 01:05:53thought about that for 3 weeks before
- 01:05:55before I did it and like why I enjoyed
- 01:05:59it I liked the color I wanted it on my
- 01:06:00nails it made me happy every time I saw
- 01:06:02them I was like I did that that was
- 01:06:04something different I normally do nude
- 01:06:07let's do something fun like that little
- 01:06:10thing was so much fun for me and it
- 01:06:12brought me so much happiness and I would
- 01:06:15match this color to this and it's just
- 01:06:17so fun why am I robbing myself of fun
- 01:06:20because I don't want to put myself out
- 01:06:22there yeah good for you I honestly like
- 01:06:25you're literally doing all the Practical
- 01:06:27steps that it takes to build your values
- 01:06:29like and that's what it is all of these
- 01:06:30little habits for anyone who's listening
- 01:06:32all these little habits and these little
- 01:06:33changes that you're making they turn
- 01:06:35into values that you appreciate about
- 01:06:37yourself so a value could be and I'm not
- 01:06:39putting a value on you I'm just throwing
- 01:06:41it out there is for a reflection but a
- 01:06:43value could be I like Freedom or I like
- 01:06:46self-expression or I like uh random can
- 01:06:49be a value or whatever it may be and
- 01:06:52like and then those values become things
- 01:06:54you can use in the future for how you
- 01:06:56make decisions now when you make so one
- 01:06:58of my values has always been to take
- 01:07:00risks I feel like I took risks ever
- 01:07:01since I was 14 18 21 and I've noticed
- 01:07:05that pattern in my life and so now when
- 01:07:07I'm taking a risk I'm not that scared
- 01:07:08anymore because I've always taken risks
- 01:07:10my whole life and I love
- 01:07:13how when I first took a risk I didn't
- 01:07:15even know what a risk was like when I
- 01:07:17was 14 years old or 18 I just did it and
- 01:07:20now when I look back I'm like oh no
- 01:07:21that's a skill I have now and so it's
- 01:07:24almost like when you're doing all these
- 01:07:25things you're just collecting lots of
- 01:07:27different like skills and then one day
- 01:07:29they'll evolve into values which will
- 01:07:31form an identity and then you'll be able
- 01:07:33to be like these are the three things
- 01:07:35that I value and that really matter to
- 01:07:37me and you know I love that you I love
- 01:07:40how simple you've made it for yourself
- 01:07:42and I love how you've broken it down
- 01:07:44because I think a lot of us try to like
- 01:07:47Leap Frog to like this is who I am now
- 01:07:49and we almost want the the performance
- 01:07:52part before the work part and it's like
- 01:07:54I feel like you're doing the work part
- 01:07:56yeah and it's it's great to watch it's
- 01:07:58really great to see thank you Charlie
- 01:07:59what have I not asked you about that
- 01:08:01you're like I really want to share this
- 01:08:02so this been on my heart on my mind or
- 01:08:04like something you want to talk about
- 01:08:05that you're like this is what I want to
- 01:08:07use my voice for and you haven't asked
- 01:08:08me about it or it just didn't come up
- 01:08:10something for me that I think is
- 01:08:13very interesting which is very random
- 01:08:16and has nothing to do with my career my
- 01:08:18personal life or anything I love the San
- 01:08:21Diego Safari Park which is so random but
- 01:08:24I've recently found I watch this like
- 01:08:25whole video on it this like very
- 01:08:28specific thing that you have to go
- 01:08:30through a lot of steps to be able to get
- 01:08:32it for like a zoo or aquarium or
- 01:08:34anything but it's a certificate that
- 01:08:36shows if it's Humane to the animals and
- 01:08:39learning about that has been really
- 01:08:41interesting because I love going there
- 01:08:43and I love how free the animals are and
- 01:08:45how it's just like they are in the wild
- 01:08:47and how they help the animals and that's
- 01:08:49definitely something that I want to get
- 01:08:51more into is like figuring out exactly
- 01:08:53what it is and going to more places like
- 01:08:55that and you know not appreciating
- 01:08:58places like SeaWorld that treat their
- 01:08:59animals horribly you know like little
- 01:09:01things like that that I think is so
- 01:09:02interesting cuz I love animals so that
- 01:09:05was something I I need to find the name
- 01:09:07of exactly what that little like thing
- 01:09:09is but it's really cool and like to get
- 01:09:11that you have to go through a lot of
- 01:09:12work and every place is constantly
- 01:09:14trying to outdo each other so the bar is
- 01:09:16constantly being raised which I think is
- 01:09:18so interesting it's the quality of how
- 01:09:20they treat the animals there and they
- 01:09:22have to pass a certain number of right
- 01:09:24right right wow so that's really cool
- 01:09:26and something random that I discovered
- 01:09:28no I love that yeah my my wife's a big
- 01:09:30fan of uh visiting animals as much as we
- 01:09:33can and so she's she's kind of always
- 01:09:35LED there and we've gone to some of the
- 01:09:37randomest places in in LA because of her
- 01:09:40but her relationship with animals is
- 01:09:42really beautiful and she can like you
- 01:09:44know start a relationship with I love
- 01:09:46you know yeah and it's really special to
- 01:09:47watch and it's really interesting
- 01:09:49because we went to a couple last year
- 01:09:50and she'd always come back really like
- 01:09:53even more calm and even more just still
- 01:09:55and and I and it was really beautiful to
- 01:09:58see just how when you're connected to
- 01:10:01Nature and we are nature and you know
- 01:10:03we're a part of that but now we feel so
- 01:10:05disconnected from it but animals are
- 01:10:07such a great way of reconnecting what
- 01:10:09what do you find I guess fulfilling or
- 01:10:13meaningful about being obviously your
- 01:10:15dogs but with these animals like what is
- 01:10:17it about it for you specifically that
- 01:10:18you appreciate about it I think it's
- 01:10:20just
- 01:10:21so peaceful and to learn so so much like
- 01:10:26when you go to these places I will come
- 01:10:28back only talking about animal facts for
- 01:10:30like a month and I love it and sometimes
- 01:10:34people are like that's like where did
- 01:10:36you even come up with that but I think
- 01:10:38it's so cool and so interesting to see
- 01:10:40all these animals
- 01:10:43in with each other and and how they
- 01:10:46respond to things and I love places
- 01:10:48where it's like if they're out and you
- 01:10:49see them that's great if not they don't
- 01:10:51feel like being out that's just how it
- 01:10:53is I just think it's so interesting and
- 01:10:56I literally I've been to the San Diego
- 01:10:59Safari twice and the first time talked
- 01:11:03about animal facts for like 2 months the
- 01:11:05second time I leading up to going that
- 01:11:09was all I could talk about and I brought
- 01:11:11I got so many other people excited about
- 01:11:13it because I like but you don't
- 01:11:14understand how cool it is like you are
- 01:11:1820 ft away from ma cheetah with like
- 01:11:20there's no big fence up you know like
- 01:11:23it's crazy just to see
- 01:11:26these animals just living not worried
- 01:11:29about anything that is so materialistic
- 01:11:33or anything like that like I don't know
- 01:11:34I just find so much joy in it yeah yeah
- 01:11:37definitely have you been to anywhere in
- 01:11:38Africa before I haven't and I really
- 01:11:40want to go I've like I've seen so many
- 01:11:43videos and so many of my friends have
- 01:11:44gone and it just seems so cool yeah I i'
- 01:11:48I've talked about this before on the
- 01:11:49podcast but I'm sharing it because it's
- 01:11:50natural in our conversation I went to
- 01:11:52Rwanda last year wow and Rwanda R's
- 01:11:55gorillas so literally every time there's
- 01:11:57a new gorilla in Rwanda the the
- 01:11:59community comes together and they name
- 01:12:00it and they have this whole ceremony for
- 01:12:02it and so they've had these uh gorilla
- 01:12:05sanctuaries for years and so same as
- 01:12:07what you're saying there's no fences or
- 01:12:10walls or whatever it's basically the
- 01:12:11mountains and you take tracks into the
- 01:12:14mountains and you discover gorilla in
- 01:12:15their natural habitat and there's
- 01:12:17families so we followed we I went three
- 01:12:20days and one of the days we discovered a
- 01:12:22family that had like 20 gorillas in it
- 01:12:24then we discovered another one and you
- 01:12:25get to see the babies and the adults and
- 01:12:27it was easily one of my favorite things
- 01:12:29I've done in my entire life and it was
- 01:12:33just the most magical experience because
- 01:12:35you're truly in nature the animals are
- 01:12:37in their habitat so you're going into
- 01:12:39their home yeah and they're going to Res
- 01:12:42they're so respectful and let you do
- 01:12:44your thing and at the same time you get
- 01:12:46to learn about them in this really
- 01:12:48intimate way it was beautiful to just
- 01:12:51see how they took care of the kids how
- 01:12:52the kids played around how they were
- 01:12:54defens if we got too close like just
- 01:12:57everything about them and the guides
- 01:12:59that we had said that you can also go
- 01:13:00and walk so this was walking with
- 01:13:02gorillas but they said you could go walk
- 01:13:03with elephants too that's cool and me
- 01:13:05and my wife have been talking about
- 01:13:06doing that we're like I'd love to go
- 01:13:07walk with elephants like how cool would
- 01:13:09that be and so there's all these
- 01:13:10incredible experiences out there and you
- 01:13:12know whether it's a local Safari or or
- 01:13:14whether it's being able to go there and
- 01:13:16have this experience I I definitely feel
- 01:13:20and my other team someone on my team's
- 01:13:21been talking about going to see The
- 01:13:22Great Migration which is what so the
- 01:13:25easy version of I'm giving a very bad
- 01:13:26explanation but just to make it
- 01:13:28relatable for everyone it's basically
- 01:13:30what happens in The Lion King when all
- 01:13:31the wilder beast are like running across
- 01:13:34like so that's the Great Migration where
- 01:13:36they're like stampeding across the
- 01:13:38Stampede where maasa unfortunately dies
- 01:13:40like that moment is what the Great
- 01:13:42Migration is and it happens every single
- 01:13:44year that's so cool so yeah anyway I'm
- 01:13:46I'm getting carried away too but no I
- 01:13:48mean it's so easy to yeah it really is
- 01:13:51yeah and it's magical to think that
- 01:13:52these things exist and you can go and
- 01:13:55them or even watch them online or a
- 01:13:57documentary whatever you know well at
- 01:13:58the San Diego Safari they're literally
- 01:14:01like with the southern white rhinos and
- 01:14:03the northern white rhinos it's like one
- 01:14:05one of them is going extinct and they're
- 01:14:06literally figuring out through stem
- 01:14:08cells like how to bring it it back it's
- 01:14:10so so wild and so interesting and
- 01:14:14hearing these people talk about it and
- 01:14:17and all of the steps they're going
- 01:14:18through with scientists and zoologists
- 01:14:21and literally everyone to help you know
- 01:14:24bring back the species of R rhinos it's
- 01:14:27like this is so cool and has nothing to
- 01:14:30do with anything that I do in my normal
- 01:14:32everyday life but how interesting is
- 01:14:35that to just hear and and see and like
- 01:14:40what that's crazy but I don't know I
- 01:14:42just think that that's so cool I love it
- 01:14:45I love it and I hope you just keep
- 01:14:46pursuing and following all of these
- 01:14:48things that you think are cool and you
- 01:14:50know you're it's not that you don't know
- 01:14:52yourself I wouldn't say that you don't
- 01:14:53know who you are I just say that you're
- 01:14:55you're firmly on that path yeah like
- 01:14:57you're on that path of self-discovery
- 01:14:59and you're doing it at a perfect time in
- 01:15:01your life and you're taking every one of
- 01:15:03the right steps like you know it's not
- 01:15:05that you don't know who you are or
- 01:15:06you're confused you're just you're just
- 01:15:09taking those steps and and all of it's
- 01:15:11going to become more and more clear as
- 01:15:13you continue to take more steps So yeah
- 01:15:15thank you for sharing the this part of
- 01:15:17the journey with me because I'm hoping
- 01:15:20that in a few years time you'll come
- 01:15:22back and then you'll be like Jay I
- 01:15:24figured this out these are all of my
- 01:15:26favorite things that I've decided yeah
- 01:15:28yeah and I and I hope and I hope they'll
- 01:15:30change again and you know I but I I'm
- 01:15:33glad that you came and shared this part
- 01:15:35because this is the hardest part to
- 01:15:36share when you're not sure and you're
- 01:15:39figuring it out and I'm glad that we had
- 01:15:41the opportunity to capture that today
- 01:15:43yeah and I'm really really appreciate
- 01:15:47you sharing that with people because it
- 01:15:48is the hardest part to share when you're
- 01:15:50like I don't know I'm not quite there
- 01:15:52but this is where I am now yeah perfect
- 01:15:55Charlie thank you so much no thank for
- 01:15:58coming on the show today and we end
- 01:16:00every episode with a final five and
- 01:16:02these I'm going to totally ruin these
- 01:16:04because I enjoy doing that but you meant
- 01:16:06to answer them in one word to one
- 01:16:08sentence maximum but I will probably ask
- 01:16:11you to expand because they always lead
- 01:16:13to more thoughtful answers so all right
- 01:16:15Charlie these are your final five the
- 01:16:17first question is what is the best
- 01:16:18advice you've ever heard or received or
- 01:16:21even given to someone this is probably
- 01:16:23the only thing that keeps me me saying
- 01:16:26whether it's good or bad everything
- 01:16:28happens for a reason you can't control
- 01:16:31it and that's something you hold on to
- 01:16:33it sounds like makes me feel like I'm
- 01:16:35not going crazy when have you used that
- 01:16:37the most you can expand Beyond one
- 01:16:39sentence I mean when I feel like I have
- 01:16:42no idea what to do next or I feel like
- 01:16:45everything's coming crashing down this
- 01:16:47is important because it's helping me get
- 01:16:49to the next step of my life and as much
- 01:16:51as this sucks right now I need it and
- 01:16:55some of the worst Parts where I I feel
- 01:16:57like I'm at an all-time low that helped
- 01:17:00me get to that next step so next time
- 01:17:03I'm I'm feeling like that I know how to
- 01:17:04I know first I can get myself out of it
- 01:17:07and second that you know maybe it's not
- 01:17:10that big of a deal and in a year not
- 01:17:13even going to remember it absolutely
- 01:17:15love that all right second question
- 01:17:17what's the worst advice you've ever had
- 01:17:19or
- 01:17:20received probably that I need
- 01:17:23to say yes to everything because you
- 01:17:26don't know when this is going to
- 01:17:27end sometimes you just need to say no
- 01:17:30and take that time for yourself I'm so
- 01:17:32glad you brought that up so many young
- 01:17:34creators here that just overwhelm
- 01:17:37themselves and it's you're doing a
- 01:17:40disservice to yourself give yourself
- 01:17:42time to figure out who you
- 01:17:44are and I think you're so right like
- 01:17:47I've I've said this to a lot of people
- 01:17:49too
- 01:17:51that it will only end when you want it
- 01:17:54to like nothing can end if you're if
- 01:17:56you're alive and you're creating and
- 01:17:59you're building like things just don't
- 01:18:00end and I think we use the end as a
- 01:18:03scarcity tactic or a fear tactic to get
- 01:18:06more out of someone or to get the most
- 01:18:08out of it right now not realizing that
- 01:18:11someone could take a break for three
- 01:18:12years if that's what they wanted to do
- 01:18:14and come back even stronger and bigger
- 01:18:16and better and whatever and I just don't
- 01:18:18think we allow people to have that space
- 01:18:21and I think it's really unhealthy for
- 01:18:23anyone to think that oh if I'm not don't
- 01:18:25do this I'm going to be irrelevant or
- 01:18:26whatever it's like actually if you're an
- 01:18:28artist you could take time out and come
- 01:18:30back in years from now and create a
- 01:18:32masterpiece yeah I mean the first like
- 01:18:36three years of my career all anyone was
- 01:18:38saying was it could be over like that no
- 01:18:40one's going to care about you and I
- 01:18:42spent so much time when is it going to
- 01:18:45end everyone keeps telling me it's going
- 01:18:46to end like do I want it to end maybe I
- 01:18:49want it to end maybe I want a break and
- 01:18:51it just to all be over and go back to my
- 01:18:52normal life I've Tak breaks I've taken
- 01:18:55step backs I've done everything that was
- 01:18:59coming to me at the moment and it's like
- 01:19:02letting whether the people that are
- 01:19:05watching you are going to stay or leave
- 01:19:07dictate every move you make those people
- 01:19:09that really care about you they're not
- 01:19:11just going to leave if you stop posting
- 01:19:13for a month or a week or however long
- 01:19:16like put your
- 01:19:18own mental state first yeah yeah because
- 01:19:22if you don't put your mental state first
- 01:19:24then then it's definitely going to go
- 01:19:25away yeah you're going to get burnt out
- 01:19:27and then no one's going to care cuz you
- 01:19:28don't care exactly or you're not going
- 01:19:30to be able to put anything out like you
- 01:19:32know and if you look at that perspective
- 01:19:34it's like yeah you just keep pushing and
- 01:19:35pushing and pushing you lose yourself
- 01:19:37and then you have nothing to share and
- 01:19:39then you've definitely you know lost out
- 01:19:41no really really great answer I love
- 01:19:43that uh question number three what is
- 01:19:45the craziest rumors you've heard about
- 01:19:48yourself one that made you laugh and one
- 01:19:50that made you cry ones that make me
- 01:19:53laugh are
- 01:19:57probably the ones where I'll like I'll
- 01:19:59seem
- 01:20:01super I'll see like blind items about
- 01:20:05myself and it's like she did this crazy
- 01:20:09thing at this party and it was wild and
- 01:20:12and I was like didn't even go to a party
- 01:20:14that's so like like where did you guys
- 01:20:17come up with this I wasn't even there um
- 01:20:19so those ones always make me laugh when
- 01:20:21they're like so not true I just have to
- 01:20:23be like okay
- 01:20:25crazy yeah I it's funny you said about
- 01:20:28not being at the party like so I I
- 01:20:31officiated Ben and Jen's wedding last
- 01:20:33year and there was a guest list that was
- 01:20:36printed and the guest list just had
- 01:20:38everyone's name on it and everyone was
- 01:20:41like asking me like oh did you see this
- 01:20:43person did you see this person I was
- 01:20:44like they weren't there like it was a
- 01:20:46really private wedding yeah but it's
- 01:20:48like everyone assumes that all these
- 01:20:50people were there now that all these
- 01:20:51magazines are printed it everyone
- 01:20:53assumes that it was just this big
- 01:20:54celebrity wedding it's like well it
- 01:20:56wasn't it it was just a really intimate
- 01:20:58friends and family wedding makes you
- 01:21:00laugh you guys pulled this out of
- 01:21:02nowhere nowhere like it was just crazy
- 01:21:04to me I was like how do you make this up
- 01:21:06like you know and so there was no
- 01:21:08official guest list printed externally
- 01:21:10anyway all right uh yeah and then one
- 01:21:12that kind of like got to you or if there
- 01:21:14was one that like made you more
- 01:21:15emotional or things that make you more
- 01:21:16emotional in general like things that
- 01:21:18make me more emotional are definitely
- 01:21:21ones that try to display my character in
- 01:21:25a way where you know I I don't want to
- 01:21:30defend everything that I do I don't want
- 01:21:32to defend every rumor that comes out
- 01:21:34about me but it's like to think that
- 01:21:37people think I'm capable of
- 01:21:39doing these things that you know are
- 01:21:42sometimes so horrible or you know there
- 01:21:47especially when I was like 16 16 was
- 01:21:51really hard for me and I would hear the
- 01:21:54grown adults every single day Charlie
- 01:21:57did this Charlie did that Charlie did
- 01:21:59this I literally it was actually right
- 01:22:02when I hit a 100 million I think I was
- 01:22:04at the lowest mental state possible and
- 01:22:07I looked so happy
- 01:22:10online and it got to the point where I
- 01:22:12was I was like I not doing this anymore
- 01:22:16like I physically cannot do this like it
- 01:22:20got really dark to where I was like I
- 01:22:21don't even want to be here anymore and I
- 01:22:25think back to those times and the grown
- 01:22:27adults that put 16-year-old me in that
- 01:22:31mindset and I'm just like like you guys
- 01:22:34have kids now like you guys are are
- 01:22:39grown and first of all never got an
- 01:22:41apology through a direct message never
- 01:22:44got an apology or anything besides if it
- 01:22:47was for other people or that they want
- 01:22:51something from me and I just like
- 01:22:55I wish that they could see what they did
- 01:22:57to me and how truly horrible they
- 01:23:00treated
- 01:23:01me and like what if that was your kid
- 01:23:04what if what if that was you how would
- 01:23:06you feel and like I'm so proud of myself
- 01:23:11for getting myself through that cuz that
- 01:23:14really like depending on how I responded
- 01:23:17to that could have changed the
- 01:23:18trajectory of my life whether I started
- 01:23:21to cope in unhealthy ways or or or
- 01:23:25harmed myself or did something that you
- 01:23:28know would make these people feel bad
- 01:23:32like I'm just very glad that I have the
- 01:23:35people around me and also got to give
- 01:23:37some credit to myself was able to get
- 01:23:39out of that M I can't I mean even just
- 01:23:42hearing you talk about it like it feels
- 01:23:44so hard and heavy and like I can feel
- 01:23:47how intense it could have been like what
- 01:23:49got you through that like what was it
- 01:23:51that because at 16 I mean you don't have
- 01:23:53a lot to pull on like what gets you
- 01:23:55through all of that especially being
- 01:23:57around you know now your family's more
- 01:23:59used to it so everyone has a bit more
- 01:24:01doesn't make it easier I'm not saying it
- 01:24:03makes it easier but people are more
- 01:24:05aware of it yeah for sure but at that
- 01:24:07time it's like right at the
- 01:24:09beginning you
- 01:24:11know it was really hard for a long time
- 01:24:15and especially at that point I showed
- 01:24:18myself in a very specific light
- 01:24:21and didn't want to let anyone know it
- 01:24:24was getting to me and then I would go
- 01:24:26and and cry on live and and I think back
- 01:24:29to that and I think it was the people
- 01:24:33that I had around me like it was getting
- 01:24:35to the point where like people were
- 01:24:36coming to my house to check on me like
- 01:24:38it was bad and like I don't know if
- 01:24:41these people that did this like I think
- 01:24:43they know who they are but are ever
- 01:24:45going to see this like first of all I
- 01:24:47think I deserve an apology second of all
- 01:24:50not that I need one because I'm content
- 01:24:52with how it happened whatever but the
- 01:24:55fact that there's no accountability for
- 01:24:57those people but there was so much
- 01:24:59accountability for a 16-year-old I think
- 01:25:02is so wild and there's so like honestly
- 01:25:06the hardest stuff to deal with was the
- 01:25:07people that were grown adults that were
- 01:25:10like just ripping on me every second of
- 01:25:13every day like 20 videos like what I now
- 01:25:18look back and I'm so disgusted by the
- 01:25:21fact that these people like thought that
- 01:25:22that was okay it's so wild and I'm just
- 01:25:26I'm very thankful that I had my friends
- 01:25:29and my family
- 01:25:31and enough in myself to want to get
- 01:25:36through it and come out the other side
- 01:25:38and show these people that they can't
- 01:25:41ruin me and I have more to show people
- 01:25:46than what I've done so
- 01:25:48far that's so powerful and it's so no it
- 01:25:51really is it's so powerful to hear that
- 01:25:53and it's it it breaks my heart hearing
- 01:25:55it too
- 01:25:57because I totally get what you're saying
- 01:25:59in terms of just like when you have kids
- 01:26:02we live in a world that wants to
- 01:26:03prioritize mental health but then when
- 01:26:05we take people apart whether they've
- 01:26:07made a mistake or not yeah we're not
- 01:26:09mindful of their mental health at all
- 01:26:12and it's almost like if someone's made a
- 01:26:14mistake or maybe not even made a mistake
- 01:26:16it's almost like well now we don't have
- 01:26:18to treat them as if they have mental
- 01:26:20health yeah at all or it's like people
- 01:26:23loved me because I was n perfect and I
- 01:26:25was authentic but then anytime I would
- 01:26:28mix up my words or make a mistake or do
- 01:26:31anything outside of what was okay for
- 01:26:34these people it was like yeah well I
- 01:26:37hate her and everyone should hate her
- 01:26:38and she's a horrible person because of
- 01:26:40this and I was like but what did I do
- 01:26:43like it was so hard to come to terms to
- 01:26:44the fact that so many people hated me
- 01:26:48mhm and I was just doing my best I was
- 01:26:51like but I I don't get get it like all I
- 01:26:55do is try to please everyone around me
- 01:26:57and they're not happy like how do I how
- 01:27:00do I do this I'm never going to win and
- 01:27:04you know that's really hard like I give
- 01:27:07myself so much credit for how I handled
- 01:27:09this stuff the best way I knew how
- 01:27:14like so wild if you ever doubt how tough
- 01:27:17you are you just got to remember 16year
- 01:27:19old Charlie cuz she was a beast that's
- 01:27:22so tough that is really really intense
- 01:27:25it is really really intense how have you
- 01:27:27dealt with that feeling of like trying
- 01:27:29to keep everyone else I know you've
- 01:27:31talked about it before the idea of like
- 01:27:32trying to keep everyone else afloat and
- 01:27:34you want to kind of let go of that
- 01:27:36pressure do you feel like you've let go
- 01:27:38of it or do you feel like you're letting
- 01:27:39go of it I think I am in certain aspects
- 01:27:42but also leaning into it a little you
- 01:27:44know like maybe not what the internet
- 01:27:47wants but what does my family want what
- 01:27:49do my friends want what does my
- 01:27:50boyfriend want you know like those
- 01:27:53people what do my true fans want what do
- 01:27:56they want me to put out that would make
- 01:27:58them happy cuz I'm doing it for these
- 01:28:01people and maybe if I'm feeling a little
- 01:28:04bit burnt out right now I really think
- 01:28:07back to well this is the reason that I
- 01:28:09started doing it you know but
- 01:28:14also understanding that I have to listen
- 01:28:16to myself and what I need yeah figuring
- 01:28:19out that balance which I don't think
- 01:28:21I'll ever truly get the hang of because
- 01:28:23it's always changing but at least
- 01:28:26acknowledging it mhm mhm all right
- 01:28:28question four and five lost two
- 01:28:30questions what's something new that
- 01:28:32you're trying to learn this year or
- 01:28:34something that a skill that you're
- 01:28:36trying to develop I want to get better
- 01:28:38at
- 01:28:39packing I love that and like traveling
- 01:28:41cuz you travel so much yeah and it's
- 01:28:43such a stressor for me literally every
- 01:28:46single time before I leave for a trip I
- 01:28:48will have a little mental breakdown full
- 01:28:52like tears everything
- 01:28:55it's a that's another control thing and
- 01:28:58a very obsessive compulsive thing that I
- 01:29:02do because I like to have my stuff
- 01:29:04around me I like to have my things I
- 01:29:06like to
- 01:29:07have everything that I could possibly
- 01:29:09need like even in my purse I have
- 01:29:11everything that I could possibly need
- 01:29:13for if I go on a 3-day vacation like it
- 01:29:17just causes me so much stress that I
- 01:29:18would like to be able to take a
- 01:29:21overnight trip and just like can go
- 01:29:24without worrying so much like that would
- 01:29:26be the dream yeah that's a great that I
- 01:29:29think that's a great skill that I wish
- 01:29:30everyone was to out definitely there are
- 01:29:33great Packers and there are bad Packers
- 01:29:35and I'm a bad Packer for sure and I get
- 01:29:37that do what my wife does my wife just
- 01:29:39takes six suitcases she just lit my
- 01:29:41sister she will go places pack like an
- 01:29:44hour before she's like only brought one
- 01:29:47shoe yeah like how how do you do this
- 01:29:50this is insane yeah that's amazing I
- 01:29:53love love it all right great Charlie
- 01:29:55final question Fifth and final question
- 01:29:57if you could and you can take your time
- 01:29:58with this if you could create one rule
- 01:30:01or one law that everyone in the world
- 01:30:03had to follow what would it be lead with
- 01:30:07empathy don't be so hard on every single
- 01:30:12thing every situation everything no
- 01:30:15matter what like you never ever know
- 01:30:18what someone's truly going through even
- 01:30:22you can ask me what's wrong and I get
- 01:30:24tell you one thing and maybe deep down
- 01:30:25it's something else that I'm embarrassed
- 01:30:27to tell you about like you just never
- 01:30:30know the struggle that someone's dealing
- 01:30:32with when they're by themselves so just
- 01:30:34be a little more empathetic I feel like
- 01:30:36Co really you know caused people to
- 01:30:40react fast just take a step back you
- 01:30:44know cure people
- 01:30:45out just calm down calm down a little
- 01:30:49bit yeah it's so needed for oursel and
- 01:30:51others and it's amazing how many of us
- 01:30:54we all know we need that
- 01:30:56world but it's almost like the system
- 01:30:59and society and the way it works it's
- 01:31:01set up to make us not be that yeah right
- 01:31:04like we all want that we all say that
- 01:31:05and then something happens in the press
- 01:31:07and then everyone jumps on it and like
- 01:31:09it and I have to say that to myself too
- 01:31:11yeah keep yourself in check you know
- 01:31:14definitely Charlie I love how this
- 01:31:16conversation's been so fun and deep and
- 01:31:19like random and unique and I love that
- 01:31:22because that's what all of us are right
- 01:31:24think if you try and have a conversation
- 01:31:26that's just deep or just cool or just
- 01:31:28whatever it doesn't work but when you
- 01:31:29just get to know someone 360 it's it's a
- 01:31:32bit quirky it's a bit funny it's it was
- 01:31:34super thoughtful and insightful and I'm
- 01:31:36so glad that it was truly you I hope you
- 01:31:38felt that way yeah definitely this is
- 01:31:41refreshing for me good I'm glad and
- 01:31:43thank you so much for trusting me and uh
- 01:31:45being here and I'm so grateful and
- 01:31:47everyone who's been listening or
- 01:31:47watching whether you're walking your
- 01:31:49dogs because I know you do that whether
- 01:31:51you're at the gym whether you're driving
- 01:31:53to and from work work or whether you're
- 01:31:55editing a video right now I want to say
- 01:31:57thank you to you for listening and I
- 01:31:58hope that you're going to share your
- 01:32:00highlights of so many great insights
- 01:32:02thoughts just Reflections I think that
- 01:32:04Charlie shared with us today make sure
- 01:32:06you share the ones that stood out to you
- 01:32:08tag both me and Charlie as well whether
- 01:32:10you're using Tik Tok X or Instagram
- 01:32:12because I love seeing what you related
- 01:32:14to and what you connected to there was
- 01:32:15so many parts today I felt when I was
- 01:32:18listening I was like oh I get that like
- 01:32:19I hear that and I want to know what you
- 01:32:21heard and what you understood and what
- 01:32:23you learned uh Charlie thank you so much
- 01:32:25again I hope you come on many many more
- 01:32:26times in the fut than you for having me
- 01:32:28seriously this was really nice to be
- 01:32:31able to have the space to talk about
- 01:32:34anything well you're always welcome
- 01:32:35thank you you're always welcome thank
- 01:32:37you if you love this episode you will
- 01:32:39also love my interview with Kendall
- 01:32:41Jenner on setting boundaries to increase
- 01:32:44happiness and healing your inner child
- 01:32:47you could be reading something that
- 01:32:48someone is saying about you and being
- 01:32:50like that is so unfair cuz that's not
- 01:32:51who I am and that really gets to me
- 01:32:54sometimes but then looking at myself in
- 01:32:55the mirror and being like but I know who
- 01:32:57I am why does anything else matter
- fama
- xarxes socials
- identitat personal
- salut emocional
- crítiques
- autoacceptació
- creixement personal
- família
- suport emocional
- TikTok