Calata Foundation: The State of Philippine Farming and Agriculture



TLDRThe video explores the challenges facing the agricultural sector in the Philippines, with a focus on the aging farmer population, which has an average age of 57. Joseph Collata, a leading young entrepreneur and billionaire, is driving efforts to revitalize agriculture through the Collata Foundation. The foundation aims to inspire young Filipinos to pursue farming by introducing modern technology and providing education. It proposes to pair students with experienced farmers for apprenticeships, aiming to nurture a new generation of educated, technology-savvy farmers. These efforts are crucial in combating food shortages and securing the future of Philippine agriculture. The video stresses the importance of immediate action in addressing these agricultural challenges.

Punti di forza

  • 🌾 The average Filipino farmer is 57 years old, indicating a need for younger generations in agriculture.
  • 👨‍🌾 Joseph Collata, a young self-made billionaire, is leading efforts to inspire young agriculture enthusiasts.
  • 🎓 The Collata Foundation focuses on educating future farmers with modern technology.
  • 🤝 Students are paired with experienced farmers for hands-on learning and apprenticeships.
  • 🚜 Modern agriculture techniques and tools are at the heart of the foundation's approach.
  • 🌱 The foundation aims to change the perspective of farming from laborious to entrepreneurial.
  • 🍽️ Tackling food shortage is a key objective, requiring urgent action.
  • 🌍 The initiative encourages self-reliance in agriculture, preventing brain drain.
  • 💡 Innovative approaches are presented as solutions to the farming crisis.
  • 🇵🇭 The initiative emphasizes the resilient spirit of Filipinos in overcoming farming challenges.

Linea temporale

  • 00:00:00 - 00:08:29

    The video highlights the aging Filipino farmer population, with the average farmer being 57 years old. It introduces Joseph Coolatta, a 33-year-old self-made billionaire and CEO of Coolatta Corporation, emphasizing the urgent need for younger people in agriculture. The Department of Agrarian Reform warns of food shortages and a potential future without enough farmers to feed the population. The Coolatta Foundation is actively working to counter this issue by inspiring, cultivating, and sustaining new farmers through education and the application of modern technologies. This includes establishing a university that offers a blend of academic and practical farm management training. Emphasizing entrepreneurship among farmers, the foundation aims to rebrand farming as a modern, prosperous career and encourage the younger generation to view it as a viable and rewarding life path, helping to alleviate the agriculture crisis in the Philippines.

Mappa mentale

Video Domande e Risposte

  • Who is Joseph Collata?

    Joseph Collata is one of the youngest self-made billionaires in the Philippines and the CEO of Collata Corporation, an agricultural products distributor.

  • What is the current average age of farmers in the Philippines?

    The average age of farmers in the Philippines is 57 years old.

  • What is the main goal of the Collata Foundation?

    The main goal of the Collata Foundation is to inspire, cultivate, and sustain the new generation of farmers through education and technology.

  • Why is the issue of aging farmers a problem for the Philippines?

    Aging farmers is a problem because it leads to fewer young people entering agriculture, potentially causing food shortages and lack of agricultural production in the future.

  • How does the Collata Foundation propose to address the farming crisis?

    The Collata Foundation plans to address the crisis by training young people with the latest agricultural technology and pairing students with older farmers for apprentice and on-the-job training.

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Scorrimento automatico:
  • 00:00:04
    the Filipino farmer is a dying breed our
  • 00:00:17
    average instant farmers a Philippines 57
  • 00:00:20
    years old
  • 00:00:34
    we introduce you to exist ass man who at
  • 00:00:37
    the age of 31
  • 00:00:38
    that wasn't certified billionaire 33
  • 00:00:40
    year-old Joseph Coolatta
  • 00:00:41
    is known as one of the country's
  • 00:00:42
    youngest self-made billionaires he's the
  • 00:00:45
    CEO of colada corporation a recognized
  • 00:00:48
    agriculture products distributor the
  • 00:00:51
    Philippines is very rich in land that it
  • 00:00:54
    would be expected we should focus on
  • 00:00:57
    helping these Filipinos to ignite the
  • 00:01:00
    Inca dito salute Anatole I'm farmer
  • 00:01:03
    Constantine and I'm a suburban la jolla
  • 00:01:06
    per minute our bar is a former American
  • 00:01:12
    again Molly's not here of Powys do
  • 00:01:21
    anything and German gabbatha enough
  • 00:01:28
    Kayla rather my Safari menu Saban I
  • 00:01:30
    gotta buy her a Somali if we are not
  • 00:01:34
    encouraging and inspiring young people
  • 00:01:36
    to go into farming I think that's going
  • 00:01:40
    to be a big problem in the future
  • 00:01:46
    for example in a one-column foundation
  • 00:01:49
    well I'm with somebody any said I know
  • 00:01:50
    I'm future not fire me come against
  • 00:01:53
    entire panel under my future enough I
  • 00:01:55
    mean well I well I McGee initiate well
  • 00:01:58
    I'm gonna make my mother nice wala and
  • 00:02:00
    future non-farming well I'm at a I'm
  • 00:02:02
    against a car battery totally in the
  • 00:02:05
    future surely on in 30 years not the
  • 00:02:19
    Department of agrarian reforms of a
  • 00:02:21
    sibling food shortage kumuk button is no
  • 00:02:24
    way to earn a living to feed a thing
  • 00:02:25
    kappa LOL honest america province is
  • 00:02:28
    expected to lose at least half its
  • 00:02:30
    crossing the problem is obvious no more
  • 00:02:36
    people to farm it aware no more crops to
  • 00:02:40
    harvest no more food on the table hunger
  • 00:02:44
    american population at and in 30 years
  • 00:02:47
    the nine billion do you know my ability
  • 00:02:49
    odd-eyes a bum bands a vine DNA thing
  • 00:02:51
    about we became patent in China and rice
  • 00:02:52
    people capita in general rice cinema no
  • 00:02:56
    99 i unite i fell upon a fine Italian
  • 00:02:58
    convenience event
  • 00:03:00
    what about up in the penis Google a
  • 00:03:02
    cantata indeed for sure
  • 00:03:04
    no motive allowed the situation is dire
  • 00:03:08
    but not helpless
  • 00:03:10
    actions must be done and they must be
  • 00:03:13
    done right now so well epic impose over
  • 00:03:16
    Dennis I think oh I'm giving back to
  • 00:03:19
    society not in the co-operative a device
  • 00:03:23
    lahmacun company not an urgency is of
  • 00:03:25
    the utmost importance and the Coolatta
  • 00:03:28
    foundation boldly takes the lead in
  • 00:03:30
    solving this crisis well on Bastogne
  • 00:03:34
    Kumasi Ghana field
  • 00:03:35
    so your foundation is part of our minds
  • 00:03:37
    paralyzed in a maze Parramatta the aim
  • 00:03:40
    of the foundation is threefold inspired
  • 00:03:44
    cultivate sustain so this this
  • 00:03:47
    University will give them the knowledge
  • 00:03:49
    to manage to the business so they know
  • 00:03:53
    how to for the me for the new technology
  • 00:03:56
    for a new future and then they can
  • 00:03:57
    expire everybody else
  • 00:03:59
    Perryman habitat the narasimham banza
  • 00:04:02
    parabolic in mo dito a tsunami so Miggy
  • 00:04:05
    implement campano gerenian latest
  • 00:04:07
    technology as la misma making future
  • 00:04:09
    farmers and tripping your farmers the
  • 00:04:12
    income above Bagon Bagon alguien
  • 00:04:15
    adelardo maraming macoco operator to
  • 00:04:17
    lowest usamos added as we say in
  • 00:04:19
    argentina if you're a farmer you're a
  • 00:04:21
    rich man because you have the technology
  • 00:04:24
    the tools do the work for you you know
  • 00:04:25
    and you can even improve you here your
  • 00:04:27
    yields you can even do a lot better more
  • 00:04:30
    efficient the Philippines is in lead of
  • 00:04:34
    farmers intelligent skilled modern and
  • 00:04:38
    dedicated farmers Magoo here the mindset
  • 00:04:43
    is stopped at human farmer lebar go
  • 00:04:47
    entrepreneur farmer parents are us so
  • 00:04:51
    you'll foundation in Angola
  • 00:04:52
    but being entrepreneur far away equal to
  • 00:04:55
    eight among young people are emerging
  • 00:04:58
    entrepreneur finally to initiate change
  • 00:05:00
    is to inspire people to change their
  • 00:05:03
    mindset and open their horizons but it's
  • 00:05:07
    very important the Philippines know how
  • 00:05:08
    to either tools we don't want to come
  • 00:05:10
    here and say this our way we impose this
  • 00:05:12
    we want them to learn learn our ways
  • 00:05:15
    educating the university which is they
  • 00:05:17
    were given the best tools are preparing
  • 00:05:19
    a specific program from them they will
  • 00:05:21
    go to school half a day do you have an
  • 00:05:22
    apprenticeship on-the-job training for
  • 00:05:24
    half a day to really much much one
  • 00:05:25
    student with one farmer to cultivate
  • 00:05:28
    necessitates giving the new breed of
  • 00:05:30
    farmers the proper education and
  • 00:05:32
    equipping them with technology arming
  • 00:05:35
    them with tools to set them up for
  • 00:05:37
  • 00:05:39
    Kalama Simula semana bata and I'm a
  • 00:05:44
    total moon in the latest technology and
  • 00:05:45
    then Alana McCarran amar center and undo
  • 00:05:48
    lahat Nana tools the MA farmer Morrow
  • 00:05:52
    meseta spoke to farming you're not gonna
  • 00:05:54
    be labor they're gonna be no with the
  • 00:05:56
    boss they're gonna be agronomist
  • 00:05:58
    agriculture science they're gonna be the
  • 00:06:00
    the knowledge guys Toto rock Dylan our
  • 00:06:03
    time on a fertilized missile analysis
  • 00:06:08
    among supply chain to sustain the
  • 00:06:13
    program we come back full circle to the
  • 00:06:15
    now modern Filipino farmer it starts
  • 00:06:18
    with her it ends with him from Mata an
  • 00:06:27
    anaemic a Greek and the Latin support
  • 00:06:30
    same time in my facility para su
  • 00:06:34
  • 00:06:36
    I can feel the fill this Filipino spirit
  • 00:06:38
    you know that nothing stops the very
  • 00:06:40
    resilient they always go forward
  • 00:06:43
    hard-working the problems facing
  • 00:06:46
    Philippine agriculture are deep and wide
  • 00:06:49
    many attempts to solve them seem futile
  • 00:06:53
    at worst and temporary at best but steps
  • 00:06:57
    must be made actions must be done the
  • 00:07:01
    Coolatta foundation is at the forefront
  • 00:07:03
    of initiating change as Emma heat up
  • 00:07:07
    unchanged if I click back open
  • 00:07:09
    I really see slapping if I hear a middle
  • 00:07:11
    knuckle again but I think about how I so
  • 00:07:14
    mean if we now make it up you can change
  • 00:07:16
    so I think if they see the mission there
  • 00:07:18
    and they become feel they can bring that
  • 00:07:20
    here there's no need to go abroad to
  • 00:07:22
    work you know
  • 00:07:23
    they need to be away from your family
  • 00:07:25
    they could have an amazing life here
  • 00:07:27
    because a Camaro anak that's a bit
  • 00:07:31
    starting inaudible not invented on
  • 00:07:33
    momentum Polly and Mo are using good or
  • 00:07:36
    Papa to reverse a center Godavari Tarim
  • 00:07:39
    dito Navi Gita tayo yeah I'm gonna have
  • 00:07:42
    nothing event I had come here I'm gonna
  • 00:07:44
    deal with a vendor panel and indeed any
  • 00:07:45
    event the the foundation takes it upon
  • 00:07:49
    itself to spread information about the
  • 00:07:51
    crisis at hand
  • 00:07:52
    awareness is the first step
  • 00:07:55
    however the solutions are multifaceted
  • 00:07:58
    and involves multiple sectors the
  • 00:08:01
    Coolatta foundation invites you to be
  • 00:08:04
    part of this solution
  • 00:08:11
  • Philippines
  • agriculture
  • young farmers
  • Joseph Collata
  • farming crisis
  • Collata Foundation
  • education
  • technology
  • food shortage
  • modern farming