Guidewire India | TechTalks
TLDRKash, CTO di Zeroda, illustra la sua filosofia di vita come 'assurdità' e la sua esperienza nel mondo della tecnologia e dei mercati finanziari. Parla di come Zeroda abbia trasformato il settore del trading in India, operando una quota significativa degli investimenti al dettaglio con un piccolo team di 35 persone, grazie all'adozione dell'open source. Zeroda utilizza tecnologie come Redis e Go, e incoraggia i suoi sviluppatori a contribuire attivamente a progetti open source. Kash riflette sul significato culturale dell'open source in India, sottolineando che mentre esistono molti sviluppatori, la loro partecipazione effettiva ai progetti open source è limitata. Propone che le direzioni aziendali debbano promuovere una cultura di condivisione e contributo. Inoltre, Kash discute le controversie che circondano la sostenibilità finanziaria dei progetti open source e le possibili soluzioni future. Con un'inclinazione all'assurdo e alla frugalità, Kash dirige un'organizzazione che pone un grande enfasi sull'efficienza e sul continuo miglioramento attraverso l'innovazione tecnologica.
Punti di forza
- 🚀 Zeroda ha rivoluzionato il settore del trading in India.
- 🧩 L'open source è fondamentale per l'innovazione tecnologica di Zeroda.
- 📈 Zeroda gestisce una significativa fetta di investimenti al dettaglio in India.
- 🎯 La filosofia di vita di Kash è basata sull'assurdità e le coincidenze.
- 🤝 Il contributo open source è parte integrante della cultura aziendale di Zeroda.
- 🛠️ Tecnologie come Redis e Go sono cruciali per Zeroda.
- 🌐 Il supporto all'open source è incentivato anche finanziariamente da Zeroda.
- 💡 L'innovazione continua è guidata da micro innovazioni e progetti R&S.
- 💰 La sostenibilità finanziaria dell'open source è un tema di dibattito.
- 📚 Kash promuove una cultura di apprendimento e collaborazione.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Introduzione informale con il CTO di Zeroda, Kash, e discussione sull'evoluzione del mercato azionario più accessibile tramite tecnologia, paragonando l'acquisto di azioni al fare la spesa online.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Zeroda è una grande società di brokeraggio tecnologico in India, gestendo il 20% degli investimenti al dettaglio con un forte focus su tecnologia open source.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
L'importanza dell'open source: Kash spiega come ha imparato a programmare utilizzando e contribuendo a progetti open source e l'influenza di questo sullo sviluppo di Zeroda.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Come Zeroda ha sfruttato l'open source per costruire e scalare la propria infrastruttura tecnologica, sostituendo componenti vendor-based con soluzioni open source.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
La distinzione tra il codice proprietario e quello open source presso Zeroda e le sfide normative che impediscono di open source il codice della piattaforma di trading.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Discussione sull'approccio pratico di Kash all'uso e al contributo all'open source, sottolineando il saldo tra proprietà intellettuale e condivisione delle conoscenze.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Esplorazione delle esperienze tecniche passate di Kash, come la costruzione di uno dei suoi primi progetti open source di successo, un software di blogging chiamato B Machine.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Strategie di Zeroda per incentivare l'innovazione interna utilizzando cultura open source e collaborazione tra i membri del team.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Pratiche di assunzione presso Zeroda: importa più l'atteggiamento e l'allenabilità di un candidato rispetto alle competenze specifiche, enfatizzando il lavoro di squadra.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Discussione sulle attività ricreative dei dipendenti, come giochi come Counter Strike, e l'innovazione continua tramite progetti di ricerca e sviluppo.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Valutazione della soluzione ai problemi tecnici e valutazione continua di tecnologie emergenti, come usando Clickhouse per migliorare le prestazioni del database.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Strategie per incoraggiare la cultura open source nelle aziende, suggerendo l'istituzione di programmi che promuovano attivamente i contributi open source.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Problematiche legate al finanziamento dei progetti open source e il ruolo delle aziende nel sostenerli finanziariamente.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Discussione sulla governance del software open source all'interno delle organizzazioni attraverso un Ufficio Programmi Open Source (OSPO).
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Importanza delle licenze open source, con riflessioni su diverse tipologie come GPL e MIT, e il loro impatto sull'adozione tecnologica.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
Anticipazioni sui progetti futuri di open source da Zeroda, inclusi aggiornamenti significativi a progetti esistenti.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
Discorso accessorio sulle esperienze negative con Kubernetes e le alternative adottate da Zeroda per la gestione delle infrastrutture tecnologiche.
- 01:25:00 - 01:30:00
Problemi di sostenibilità e etica nell'open source, e le sfide poste dalla crescente commercializzazione dei progetti open source.
- 01:30:00 - 01:36:28
I progetti di Kash e Zeroda nel supportare la comunità con risorse open source e idee future alla scoperta delle potenzialità del mondo open source.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Chi è Kash?
Kash è il CTO di Zeroda, la più grande società di intermediazione tecnologica in India.
Qual è la filosofia di Kash sull'assurdità?
Kash si autodefinisce un assurdo sostenitore, credendo che la vita sia una serie di coincidenze fortunate piuttosto che grandi piani.
Che cos'è Zeroda?
Zeroda è una società di tecnologia finanziaria che offre piattaforme di trading e investimenti, gestendo una parte significativa degli investimenti al dettaglio in India.
Come ha iniziato Kash la sua carriera nell'open source?
Kash ha iniziato copiando e modificando codice che trovava online e lo condivideva nuovamente, scoprendo poi che questo approccio era la base dell'open source.
Come Zeroda favorisce l'open source?
Zeroda incoraggia attivamente i suoi sviluppatori a usare e contribuire a progetti open source, sostenendo finanziariamente progetti da cui trae valore.
Perché Kash non ha mai eseguito uno scambio commerciale?
Nonostante sia il CTO della più grande società di intermediazione in India, Kash non ha mai eseguito uno scambio perché si concentra sull'innovazione tecnologica piuttosto che sui mercati finanziari.
Quali progetti open source sono stati cruciali per Zeroda?
Progetti come Redis e Go sono stati fondamentali per Zeroda, fornendo le basi per il loro stack tecnologico.
Come Zeroda gestisce i progetti open source?
In Zeroda, si enfatizza la cultura della condivisione e del contributo, supportando i progetti interni ed esterni logisticamente e finanziariamente.
Come Zeroda affronta l'innovazione continua?
Attraverso micro innovazioni e progetti di R&S costanti, Zeroda tenta costantemente nuove soluzioni per migliorare e innovare i suoi servizi.
Quale è la posizione di Kash sui contribuiti open source dall'India?
Kash crede che il contributo dei programmatori indiani all'open source debba aumentare, nonostante l'India abbia il più grande numero di sviluppatori su GitHub.
Visualizza altre sintesi video
- 00:00:17good afternoon
- 00:00:20people is it a heavy
- 00:00:23lunch we are we are here with the CTO of
- 00:00:26the largest India's largest tech broking
- 00:00:28firm I'm on come on we can we can be a
- 00:00:30little more chaotic than
- 00:00:34that okay first question how many of us
- 00:00:37in this room
- 00:00:41trade I just got to know that this man
- 00:00:44sitting here who's responsible for all
- 00:00:46of us trading is least interested in
- 00:00:48finance okay that's just an Insider tip
- 00:00:51but if you have to you know if we were
- 00:00:54if we were all asked to think of like
- 00:00:56imagine the stock market 10 years back
- 00:00:58what is the image that comes to mind
- 00:01:01anyone anyone can guess like when you
- 00:01:02say the word stock market what's the
- 00:01:05what are some of those images that come
- 00:01:06to any of I mean you know any image that
- 00:01:08comes to your
- 00:01:10mind like a big room lot of chaos people
- 00:01:14screaming on the phone I
- 00:01:18mean like anxious men BPS going up and
- 00:01:21down that was the image maybe 10 years
- 00:01:23back but today when we think of stock
- 00:01:26market and when we think of buying or
- 00:01:28selling stocks what's the image that
- 00:01:30comes to our
- 00:01:32mind it's as simple as buying groceries
- 00:01:34on blinket or shopping on Amazon right
- 00:01:38and today we have the honor of sitting
- 00:01:40in the same room as that one human being
- 00:01:43or one individual who has Chang the
- 00:01:46perception of stock market not just for
- 00:01:49us in this room but for our entire
- 00:01:51country and that is Dr kashad CTO of
- 00:01:55zeroda huge round of applause please
- 00:02:00but what's also observed is that this
- 00:02:03person who's built the Tex stack for
- 00:02:06zeroda which is today a 3.6 billion
- 00:02:08dollar company is not a software
- 00:02:10engineer by choice he's a hobby software
- 00:02:14and he built this out of his hobby of
- 00:02:16you know his love for technology or as a
- 00:02:18hobby software is what he has built the
- 00:02:20Tex act for zeroa he's of course a BC in
- 00:02:24um computer science and a doctorate in
- 00:02:26habian cell assemblies Ai and
- 00:02:28computational linguist dists from middle
- 00:02:30sex University in
- 00:02:32London he's a self-proclaimed absurdist
- 00:02:35and which I definitely want to know more
- 00:02:37about it when we start the conversation
- 00:02:39who believes in frugality he there were
- 00:02:41a I think there were a tech team of 35
- 00:02:44people when he built zeroda and they had
- 00:02:46about thousand customers today they are
- 00:02:48still a team of 35 people and they have
- 00:02:51over 13 million customers
- 00:02:55so so welcome Kash it's an honor and a
- 00:02:58privilege to have you amidst us as as a
- 00:03:00part of our guide by Tech talk and in
- 00:03:02conversation with him is our very own
- 00:03:04tinkerer um you know ano gopala Krishnan
- 00:03:07who's joined us uh he's a VP of
- 00:03:09engineering at this is for those benefit
- 00:03:10of those joining us on Zoom uh join he's
- 00:03:13a VP of engineering and based out of San
- 00:03:15Matthew and um lover of Open Source
- 00:03:19software and loves to Tinker with it and
- 00:03:22um over to you both I think today's
- 00:03:24conversation is all about discovering
- 00:03:27tinkering and poking at technology to
- 00:03:28find out what life is on the other side
- 00:03:30of what we don't see as yet yeah over to
- 00:03:33both of you well first of all thank you
- 00:03:35all for showing up and uh also I'm more
- 00:03:38I don't know about you guys but I
- 00:03:39definitely am excited to talk to Kash
- 00:03:41about all the things that he has done
- 00:03:43but we'll start off with where uh lxmi
- 00:03:46ended why do you call yourself an
- 00:03:49absurdist that's my that's my philosophy
- 00:03:53of T
- 00:03:55service in really simple terms I don't
- 00:03:58believe in Grand plans in life and my
- 00:04:02personal experience all these years I my
- 00:04:05life have been sh series of Lucky
- 00:04:08coincidences like like a lot of hard
- 00:04:11work but
- 00:04:14never I think once you read enough
- 00:04:16history you realize that history is
- 00:04:17always shaped by the Chinese here there
- 00:04:21we have a tendency to make big plans for
- 00:04:23the next 10 years 20 years 50 years plan
- 00:04:26out our entire life all the things is
- 00:04:29Miss get to
- 00:04:32fall that's
- 00:04:33myosh oh that's a good one so let's hope
- 00:04:36we don't have any fiveyear plans about
- 00:04:38what we need to do in G um starting off
- 00:04:42again um on zeroda success uh if you
- 00:04:45don't mind at least for the
- 00:04:46international audience or people who are
- 00:04:48not in India um can you in your words
- 00:04:51explain what zeroa does getting back to
- 00:04:53the manual
- 00:04:54stuff yeah Zera is a is a financial
- 00:04:58technology company today we're a stock
- 00:05:00broker we offer Financial products and
- 00:05:03services trading and investment platform
- 00:05:06that allow people to easy buy and sell
- 00:05:09stocks participate in the stock market
- 00:05:11we are this is our 14th year we started
- 00:05:14building the technology team and Tech
- 00:05:16products in
- 00:05:172013 the first three years of our
- 00:05:20existence was as a
- 00:05:22offering lowcost Investments we continue
- 00:05:26to be lowcost investment provider but
- 00:05:28today we are also a large final
- 00:05:30technology and by activity and volume of
- 00:05:34the number of people who log in and buy
- 00:05:37and sell stocks on the Indian stock
- 00:05:39markets every day we' be the largest
- 00:05:41stock broker handling about 20% of all
- 00:05:44retail investment and
- 00:05:47trading how does this compare uh to all
- 00:05:50the things that happen in the world how
- 00:05:52those
- 00:05:53stats I think uh I can't substantiate
- 00:05:56this but I'm reasonably certain that we
- 00:05:59be the largest retail grer in the world
- 00:06:01in terms of activity uh on June 4th when
- 00:06:05the election results came out markets
- 00:06:07were very volatile we handled 35 Plus
- 00:06:10million orders in a single day all
- 00:06:11orders punched by individuals human
- 00:06:14beings retail investors and Traders so
- 00:06:17that must have been the largest for any
- 00:06:18broker retail broker in the world
- 00:06:20awesome this is this is great to hear
- 00:06:23Round of Applause
- 00:06:27fora the next question I have is u
- 00:06:30you're a CTO you're a member of the
- 00:06:32false United Foundation you're member of
- 00:06:34the rain rain matter Foundation you're
- 00:06:37matter you're a member of indc digital
- 00:06:39AKA Foundation you're a member of the
- 00:06:42sagata
- 00:06:43foundation how do you manage
- 00:06:46time I have nothing else to do in life
- 00:06:48this is all I do 247 seven days a week
- 00:06:52but I enjoy doing it so this is all I do
- 00:06:54all
- 00:06:56stuff well I think we all need to take
- 00:06:59some notes from him after this session
- 00:07:01um on how he enjoys every all of those
- 00:07:05things now coming back to the topic and
- 00:07:08point right we're all here to understand
- 00:07:11how we can unlock uh the potential of
- 00:07:14Open Source and drive Innovation across
- 00:07:17our companies and the industry as a
- 00:07:19whole can you share what is your
- 00:07:23personal and professional view about
- 00:07:25open
- 00:07:27source my entire
- 00:07:30mental Foundation of being an engineer
- 00:07:32uh being a developer thinker is built on
- 00:07:36the idea of Open Source when I first
- 00:07:39started coding or accidentally
- 00:07:41discovered the idea of coding in my
- 00:07:42early teenage years I I was copy pting
- 00:07:45code I found on the internet IOP pasting
- 00:07:48them locally making tweaks running them
- 00:07:51and whatever worked I was sharing it I
- 00:07:53was pasting it back on the internet and
- 00:07:56I didn't at that point when I was doing
- 00:07:58this I didn't realize that this was a
- 00:08:01fundamental tener of Open Source where
- 00:08:03code is freely available to you to do
- 00:08:05whatever you'd like uh do with it and
- 00:08:08you share it back and after a couple of
- 00:08:11years of doing this this is how I
- 00:08:12learned I think every good developer is
- 00:08:15self-made self taughts uh you learn
- 00:08:18through trial and error I figured this
- 00:08:20this entire thing was called open source
- 00:08:22and there was this concept of legal
- 00:08:24artifacts open source licenses Etc that
- 00:08:26I realized a couple of years later but
- 00:08:28it felt so natural to me how else would
- 00:08:30I learn how else would anyone learn
- 00:08:31right if you can't freely uh copy paste
- 00:08:34knowledge tweak it and you know share it
- 00:08:37back so that's that's been my entire
- 00:08:39foundation and that was 24 25 years ago
- 00:08:43and that's what I've been doing ever
- 00:08:44since I've been working on Hobby open
- 00:08:46source projects since forever I continue
- 00:08:48to work on them today almost on a daily
- 00:08:51basis uh when we I have no Affinity
- 00:08:56towards Finance I've never punched a
- 00:08:58trade in my life so this comes from the
- 00:09:01city of zeroda which is the largest
- 00:09:03stock broker broker firm in India so but
- 00:09:07so when I met Nan Nan is the founder of
- 00:09:10zeroda it was a completely coincidental
- 00:09:13meeting that happened in
- 00:09:15Bangalore one of those absurd events and
- 00:09:20uh stock markets Finance was a green
- 00:09:22field for me as an engineer I was really
- 00:09:24excited by as a developer Tinker I was
- 00:09:27really excited by the prospects of
- 00:09:29building new stuff and every developer
- 00:09:31wants to build new stuff you know it's
- 00:09:33very exciting that's how I ended up in
- 00:09:36finance but what has worked for us there
- 00:09:38is uh we all have our DNA we all have
- 00:09:43our lenses and people with the right
- 00:09:46knowledge in different domains
- 00:09:48collaborate enough to produce whatever
- 00:09:50we produced that's why I've never traded
- 00:09:52but it doesn't matter there are people
- 00:09:54who understand trading in finance there
- 00:09:56with whom let's say I collaborate so
- 00:09:58when we started the tech in 2013 the
- 00:10:00first thing I did was download python uh
- 00:10:04start writing Python scripts to slowly
- 00:10:06digitize the a from within and what else
- 00:10:09I didn't what else could you even do
- 00:10:11right if you want a programming language
- 00:10:13you'll download a python or a go or PHP
- 00:10:16these are all open source systems so 10
- 00:10:1812 13 years ago the world had already
- 00:10:21been consumed by open source today
- 00:10:24there's no question of Open Source
- 00:10:26versus non-op Source in that sense right
- 00:10:28any piece of technology that anybody's
- 00:10:29building you start by downloading high
- 00:10:32quality open source components your
- 00:10:34front-end Frameworks your back end
- 00:10:35Frameworks your databases your
- 00:10:36programming languages your runtime
- 00:10:38environments everything is open sourced
- 00:10:40so at zeroda that's what we've done
- 00:10:42that's all I knew and I wouldn't do
- 00:10:45anything otherwise so we've slowly
- 00:10:47evolved uh building we've slowly evolved
- 00:10:51from a broker trying to digitized to a
- 00:10:54larger Financial technology company
- 00:10:56that's built a lot of tech all on open
- 00:10:58source compon always contributing back
- 00:11:02to the uh best possible extent and F
- 00:11:06United foundation for instance that we
- 00:11:09uh started in 2010 in collaboration with
- 00:11:12our other open source Enthusiast that
- 00:11:15was a reflection of whatever we were
- 00:11:17trying to do and we continue to have
- 00:11:19those initiatives today so everybody in
- 00:11:21our team is encouraged to uh Produce
- 00:11:25open source software to contribute back
- 00:11:26to constantly think of what we what comp
- 00:11:29we can open source uh and to always use
- 00:11:33the best highest quality open source
- 00:11:35Technologies to build whatever we
- 00:11:37building so just as a followup so first
- 00:11:40things first what I understand from what
- 00:11:42you're saying is that you started off
- 00:11:44your foundation for Zera from with open
- 00:11:46source it was never it was never a
- 00:11:48change from commercial off the off the
- 00:11:51sh software to open source you always
- 00:11:53started from a base of Open Source is
- 00:11:54that correct that is right but there's a
- 00:11:57Nuance here uh when when Z was started
- 00:12:00in 2010 there were vendor based
- 00:12:03components that a Brer had to use
- 00:12:07uh backend pieces in the home system
- 00:12:10order management system like the back
- 00:12:11office system there were off the shell
- 00:12:14products there uh but when we started
- 00:12:18our Tech Team but there was no Tech Team
- 00:12:20it was just something when a broker
- 00:12:21started out people would come install
- 00:12:24these things for a broker and that's how
- 00:12:25it works so when we started our de team
- 00:12:27we started out using open source
- 00:12:30Technologies building everything from
- 00:12:32scratch all the new things that we want
- 00:12:34to be built from scratch using F green
- 00:12:36open
- 00:12:37source and once we found a footing we
- 00:12:41started replacing the vend Bas
- 00:12:43conference also with force and that
- 00:12:45can't happen overnight that's been a
- 00:12:46multi-year long journey so yeah
- 00:12:49absolutely started with force on day one
- 00:12:51buil everything using for and also
- 00:12:53migrated non force dependencies over a
- 00:12:55period of time awesome how do you
- 00:12:59differentiate what needs to be your IP
- 00:13:02versus what needs to become open source
- 00:13:05that the very interesting about uh the
- 00:13:10financial organization India just that
- 00:13:14uh there are Dums of encumbrances and
- 00:13:17propriety licenses regulations that bind
- 00:13:21who you or what you can do so our
- 00:13:23trading we our investment platform
- 00:13:25trading platform is called kite the way
- 00:13:28it should be structured option that
- 00:13:29should be shown on it the version number
- 00:13:31that has to be displayed on the screen
- 00:13:33all of that is regulator so for anyone
- 00:13:35to even offer a trading platform you
- 00:13:37need need to have a special license so
- 00:13:41even if you were to dump the code for a
- 00:13:42trading platform on it would be usful
- 00:13:45because nobody can use it legally only a
- 00:13:48broker with the right licensees can can
- 00:13:50use it and that's just the trading
- 00:13:51platform there are n number of other
- 00:13:52proprietary licenses an organization has
- 00:13:54to obtain from various exchanges
- 00:13:57depositories
- 00:13:59Etc to even run as a broker so you can't
- 00:14:03in isolation even open source that
- 00:14:06concept doesn't even gel in this
- 00:14:07industry doesn't work uh in the US for
- 00:14:11instance you can build an open source a
- 00:14:13trading platform and you can pick up any
- 00:14:15platform that you'd like and you can
- 00:14:16connect it to any broker that you'd like
- 00:14:18and you can trade that's not even legal
- 00:14:20in India so we don't look at Zera as an
- 00:14:24organization that can build an open
- 00:14:25source platform because you legally
- 00:14:27can't but we're just looking at open
- 00:14:30sourcing whatever we can that is
- 00:14:31reusable by others from within our
- 00:14:34stack okay so now coming back to your
- 00:14:36teenage years um sorry going back uh
- 00:14:39that long those were cringe
- 00:14:42years I'm sure also the learning years
- 00:14:45right uh so what was the project that
- 00:14:49inspired you or what was the scratch
- 00:14:50that you were it that you were trying to
- 00:14:52um you know satisfy with open source
- 00:14:55your first four RS into open source what
- 00:14:57was it that you were trying to do was it
- 00:14:58gaming was it you know as a teenager I
- 00:15:02assume I think uh so before I started
- 00:15:05tinkering with I was always tinkering
- 00:15:07that much I remember I was tinkering
- 00:15:09with little mechanical gadgets rubber
- 00:15:11band toys wooden toys paper craft stuff
- 00:15:13I was always tinkering and in in school
- 00:15:17we had an Electronics club where one
- 00:15:20period in a week would be dedicated to
- 00:15:23electronics soering stuff building
- 00:15:24circuits Etc so my tinkering immediately
- 00:15:27got uh transfused into electronic
- 00:15:30stinker it felt naturally and when I got
- 00:15:34my first personal computer and that in
- 00:15:36itself was a big coincidence in the year
- 00:15:392000 to get a personal computer in a
- 00:15:42tiny unknown City where I'm from uh that
- 00:15:47in itself was an impossible highly
- 00:15:49improbable event that happened for
- 00:15:51reasons I still don't understand and
- 00:15:53that's why I'm an absurdist that changed
- 00:15:56my life so when I got access to a
- 00:15:59personal computer my interest in
- 00:16:02tinkering with electronics and little
- 00:16:05circuit boards immediately you know it
- 00:16:07it shifted to uh software and that was
- 00:16:11natural so I don't remember it being as
- 00:16:15a singular event where I suddenly got
- 00:16:17interested in software I think was a
- 00:16:19natural extension of whatever I was
- 00:16:21trying to do was urge to do something
- 00:16:23create something you know build that
- 00:16:26little thing and software is Limitless I
- 00:16:29mean it's intangible Hardware is limited
- 00:16:31you need to solder you need to burn your
- 00:16:33hands you need to buy stuff once you use
- 00:16:35a board it's done so it just felt very
- 00:16:38natural and my first big breakthrough
- 00:16:40came through when I managed to publish
- 00:16:44my first published my first big open
- 00:16:46source project it was a blogging
- 00:16:47platform came out in 2002 it's called be
- 00:16:50machine uh GP licensed it was and that
- 00:16:54became big it had and this was the early
- 00:16:57days of blogging on the internet there
- 00:16:59was a thing called blogosphere blog spot
- 00:17:01was there this was pre- WordPress there
- 00:17:03was a wordpress's precursor was called
- 00:17:06B2
- 00:17:07Evolution and then B Machine came out I
- 00:17:11must have been 15 years old and then it
- 00:17:14found a large user base it found a
- 00:17:15community it found contributions before
- 00:17:17git there was a forum there were tons of
- 00:17:19people there were hundreds of thousands
- 00:17:21of blogs that ran on the internet using
- 00:17:23this piece of software and I was working
- 00:17:25on it tinkering with it building it
- 00:17:28every single day after coming back from
- 00:17:29school sitting in my little bedroom in
- 00:17:31you know in my home and that just that
- 00:17:35joy and
- 00:17:36satisfaction was intense immense I never
- 00:17:39looked back awesome thanks to B Machine
- 00:17:43and I hope we have zeroda now uh but
- 00:17:47going back to the drive for Innovation
- 00:17:50within Enterprises right how do you
- 00:17:53think in your experience all across how
- 00:17:56can we unlock that um
- 00:17:59uh that drive within Enterprises to
- 00:18:02cater to open source not just by using
- 00:18:05them but also contributing back what are
- 00:18:07the things that youve used within zeroda
- 00:18:09where you've encouraged or gotten your
- 00:18:10people encouraged to contribute back to
- 00:18:13open source and how how is it that we
- 00:18:15could emulate that in other
- 00:18:17organizations I'll be blunt you need
- 00:18:20management buying it's a culture pretty
- 00:18:23sure most of the products that you build
- 00:18:24here you they all use open source
- 00:18:26components Frameworks languages Etc all
- 00:18:29open source uh I think in organizations
- 00:18:32small and big the management has to
- 00:18:35create room for the culture of
- 00:18:37contribution and sharing to evolve it
- 00:18:40has to you need constant encouragement
- 00:18:42and over a period of time it becomes a
- 00:18:43way of thinking way of doing so Zera
- 00:18:46from day one because we are using open
- 00:18:47source Technologies to build stuff and
- 00:18:50I'm an open source hacker myself it was
- 00:18:52a no brainer to find people who had such
- 00:18:54an inclination to join the team so the
- 00:18:57culture permeates and people are
- 00:18:59constantly encouraged to build and give
- 00:19:02out stuff now it's not an isolation from
- 00:19:05work where you say you do your Z work
- 00:19:07then you do other open source work and
- 00:19:09push it out there it doesn't work that
- 00:19:11way it's a way of thinking in any large
- 00:19:13complex system you'll build so many
- 00:19:15compliments uh you look at from a
- 00:19:17certain lens you realize that you will
- 00:19:20realize that oh other people out there
- 00:19:22will also have this issue maybe I can
- 00:19:24make this a little generic and push it
- 00:19:26out there and that needs to be a culture
- 00:19:29that way of thinking has to be
- 00:19:31encouraged and instilled by technical
- 00:19:33leadership and management and over a
- 00:19:35period of time it just becomes culture
- 00:19:37everybody does it on their own nobody
- 00:19:38comes to you saying oh I have this idea
- 00:19:40people just open source absolutely so it
- 00:19:42has to become culture for the and it has
- 00:19:44to perate through uh but if we were to
- 00:19:47talk about management who are largely
- 00:19:49non-technical in nature
- 00:19:51tyal well that was a strong word but uh
- 00:19:55how can we help those uh people in man
- 00:19:58at that level to understand or let's
- 00:20:01assume that they have uh the blessings
- 00:20:04they given the blessings what are the
- 00:20:05some of things that you followed or you
- 00:20:07could suggest to companies as programs
- 00:20:10that you might want to do to encourage
- 00:20:13open source other than you know
- 00:20:15encouraging people is not a one-time
- 00:20:17thing it has to be constant and then you
- 00:20:19need to have programs of some sort that
- 00:20:20will sort of uh you know make it easy
- 00:20:23and permeate into the culture what are
- 00:20:25some of the things that you might you
- 00:20:26might suggest to such non-technical man
- 00:20:29I think to uh to make non-technical
- 00:20:33management understand the value of false
- 00:20:36you simply have to show evidence your
- 00:20:38product only exists because You' picked
- 00:20:40up an open source language to write the
- 00:20:42product in product only exists because
- 00:20:44you picked up an open source database
- 00:20:46your mobile app only exists because you
- 00:20:48have picked up an open source uh
- 00:20:49framework otherwise the product couldn't
- 00:20:51even exist so it's very easy to list
- 00:20:54that down and show evidence and maybe
- 00:20:56even put dollar values to it saying we
- 00:20:59couldn't even have built this product if
- 00:21:00it wasn't for all these open source
- 00:21:01components for which we paid nothing so
- 00:21:04let's pay something back it could be
- 00:21:06Financial it could be code contribution
- 00:21:08so this can be Quantified as a financial
- 00:21:11report even if it comes to that just
- 00:21:14show people what is being used how much
- 00:21:17you paid for it which is zero for most
- 00:21:1999.99% of F
- 00:21:22and you can also institutionalize some
- 00:21:26of this and you were just telling about
- 00:21:28the oso idea that you have that's a
- 00:21:30great way of doing it and it'll have
- 00:21:32some open source program office uh it'll
- 00:21:35have some programs and activities that
- 00:21:38give structure to this uh you could have
- 00:21:41a contribution Drive uh to contribute to
- 00:21:44valuable projects projects that you
- 00:21:46derive Great Value from you can do
- 00:21:48Financial contributions and let the team
- 00:21:51pick and choose ultimately developers
- 00:21:53who work with these Technologies know
- 00:21:54best they know how valuable this tiny
- 00:21:56piece of library is to the stack so we
- 00:22:00have a system where people who use
- 00:22:02various libraries Etc in the tech team
- 00:22:04they can just say that this thing is
- 00:22:06really really valuable uh let's donate
- 00:22:08to it and uh we have a FSE fund
- 00:22:11internally we're going to expand it and
- 00:22:13announce it soon next month really and
- 00:22:16uh so a developer has the ability to
- 00:22:19voice their support for a piece of
- 00:22:20technology open source technology that
- 00:22:22they really like can use and we the AUG
- 00:22:25donate money to it because we deriving
- 00:22:27value from it so so that also becomes
- 00:22:30that gives agency to the developers who
- 00:22:31are really working on these Technologies
- 00:22:34firsthand and that instills the culture
- 00:22:37of giving back giving back can be
- 00:22:38Financial it could be fixes it could be
- 00:22:40new projects themselves and just simply
- 00:22:43getting together and thinking sitting
- 00:22:45brainstorming and deciding what could be
- 00:22:47a meaningful open- source project that
- 00:22:49you could carve out of the work you're
- 00:22:50doing right now in itself is a
- 00:22:52collective exercise like I said over a
- 00:22:54period of time it just becomes culture
- 00:22:56nobody has to think of it absolutely
- 00:22:59thank you very much so big round of
- 00:23:01applause for zeroda announcing funds for
- 00:23:03open source it's not we have to remember
- 00:23:06majority of these people are working off
- 00:23:08of their you know regular office hours
- 00:23:11and spending times in the evenings there
- 00:23:13are some hugely used open source
- 00:23:15projects be it lock forj curl Etc with
- 00:23:19very few uh contributors who spend a lot
- 00:23:22of their personal time I'm not talking
- 00:23:24about L of stols or other people but
- 00:23:26just talking about even regular projects
- 00:23:28so it's great that zeroda is uh find you
- 00:23:32know instituting a fund U that will help
- 00:23:35uh these open source projects you know
- 00:23:36be more viable because you mentioned C
- 00:23:39we actually sent money to C just
- 00:23:41appreciating how amazing C is absolutely
- 00:23:43it is amazing the best softwares
- 00:23:46ever and I want to uh you know touch a
- 00:23:49little bit on the opo part which is
- 00:23:51about open source project management of
- 00:23:53program man office uh which is about how
- 00:23:55do we Institute within organizations uh
- 00:23:59institu institutionalized process around
- 00:24:03what and governance around open source
- 00:24:05right it's about for different companies
- 00:24:08the focus could be different some could
- 00:24:10be about retaining talent for others it
- 00:24:12could be about you know the stack is
- 00:24:14important to us so we want to have a say
- 00:24:16in it and third it's security all of
- 00:24:20these combined could become a governing
- 00:24:22Factor within osbo that would help uh
- 00:24:26bring programs um as well as you know
- 00:24:29Tech talks and all of the other ways
- 00:24:31that you can um encourage open- Source
- 00:24:34uh Drive within your
- 00:24:37organization do you have an opo at
- 00:24:40zeroda I think we are an
- 00:24:43ospo that's you don't have a thing
- 00:24:45called o because you just
- 00:24:48started that's
- 00:24:53great so as a CTO within your
- 00:24:56organization Zara um Are there specific
- 00:24:59open source projects that have been like
- 00:25:01game changers for you or you know almost
- 00:25:03everything you use all of them but is
- 00:25:05there any one project that you might
- 00:25:07think is has been absolutely critical
- 00:25:11for zeroda from the open source World
- 00:25:14there are multiple but I always cite
- 00:25:16redis redis as an example redis has had
- 00:25:20a very unfortunate turn of events in the
- 00:25:22recent months uh a heavily VC backed a
- 00:25:25takes over its maintenance suddenly it's
- 00:25:27no longer open source it's been fked but
- 00:25:29that's the beauty of Open Source the
- 00:25:31community will folk it and maintain it
- 00:25:33red is has been
- 00:25:34instrumental I think around
- 00:25:3720134 I was tinkering with go which was
- 00:25:40a nent experimental programming language
- 00:25:44uh from Google and I was building little
- 00:25:47projects in it and for this one
- 00:25:49particular use case after evaluating a
- 00:25:51bunch of other languages and Frameworks
- 00:25:53I decided to give goo a shot at zeroa
- 00:25:55for building one component and that
- 00:25:57worked out really well so we built
- 00:25:59another one and another one and today I
- 00:26:02think bulk of a stack is go so go has
- 00:26:05been absolutely instrumental to us uh
- 00:26:10when we hire a let's say we rarely hire
- 00:26:12but when we hire a developer and uh
- 00:26:15let's say they're a python developer
- 00:26:16they're able to learn go and start
- 00:26:19contributing a little bit within a
- 00:26:21couple of weeks in three four months
- 00:26:23they're writing fluent proficient go
- 00:26:25code contributing to critical systems
- 00:26:27that's the Simplicity of the language so
- 00:26:31developer productivity the ability to
- 00:26:33collaborate Etc and go is quite amazing
- 00:26:37and like I said red is has been Rock
- 00:26:39Solid it just runs forever I mean
- 00:26:41nothing ever breaks and absolutely
- 00:26:44stunning piece of software it is there
- 00:26:46are several but these these two
- 00:26:49awesome thank you so much I know we are
- 00:26:51also tinkering around with go uh in
- 00:26:53guidewire there's some projects out
- 00:26:55there and we in in fact having a tech
- 00:26:58talk next week this is a Shameless
- 00:26:59plugin for the god folks uh this 24th we
- 00:27:03have a tech talk on go
- 00:27:06um so now you talked about hiring U what
- 00:27:11are the key activists you look for in an
- 00:27:13engineer uh when you hire folks into
- 00:27:17Zera skills for sure but more than
- 00:27:21skills uh the general attitude and
- 00:27:24expectations uh so we are a very small
- 00:27:26team and we started the Tech Team in
- 00:27:282013 it was it was just me and then we
- 00:27:33had another hacker a first engineer and
- 00:27:36slowly over 11 plus years we've built a
- 00:27:39small team of very closely knit people
- 00:27:43and everybody's a full stack there so
- 00:27:47the ability to learn is I value that uh
- 00:27:51more than their current set of skills
- 00:27:54somebody doesn't know a certain language
- 00:27:55but if they have that Knack of learning
- 00:27:58learning meta understanding they'll pick
- 00:27:59up that language in 2 three months
- 00:28:01that's okay so we don't really look for
- 00:28:03very specific skill sets in a certain
- 00:28:06language or framework generally that
- 00:28:08that's rare and expectation and general
- 00:28:13attitude in life is something that is
- 00:28:16weighed heavily up heavily on and uh you
- 00:28:19can figure those out in a few casual
- 00:28:21conversation so we don't really want
- 00:28:25Rockstar 10x ninja engineers in our team
- 00:28:29other words you don't want brilliant
- 00:28:31jerks we don't want that sort of an
- 00:28:33archetype some people are very skilled
- 00:28:36some people may not really be that
- 00:28:38skilled I mean that's natural but we
- 00:28:41want everybody to collaborate with
- 00:28:42everybody else and help everybody else
- 00:28:45so that whole idea of a superstar
- 00:28:49developer becoming a silo in themselves
- 00:28:51is not something that we want so we have
- 00:28:54a small team of developers who all
- 00:28:56collaborate with each other irrespective
- 00:28:58of how skilled they are and expectations
- 00:29:03also I mean every person that I've hired
- 00:29:06I've told them that 80 90% of the work
- 00:29:09that we're going to do here is super
- 00:29:10boring but that is true in any company
- 00:29:13anywhere in the world there is
- 00:29:14misconception that at Google you get to
- 00:29:17work on Cutting Edge Innovation every
- 00:29:19single day that's not true for any or in
- 00:29:21the world yeah 80% of it is really
- 00:29:23boring maintenance stuff 20% would be
- 00:29:26those bouts of excitement and Innovation
- 00:29:29engineering so I set the expectations
- 00:29:31very very clearly and
- 00:29:34that these are the risk that you deal
- 00:29:36with we are in a heavily regulated
- 00:29:38industry so the people who are okay with
- 00:29:40all of that and not some world changing
- 00:29:42whatever those are the kind of people
- 00:29:44who have come on board and they've all
- 00:29:46stuck around because they're there for
- 00:29:48the right reasons and right expectations
- 00:29:50so that's how we hire typically okay
- 00:29:53that's awesome what do you guys do for
- 00:29:56fun lots of things we play Counter
- 00:29:59Strike every
- 00:30:00day we still playing I think counter we
- 00:30:03play condition Z 1.6 I think it's 25
- 00:30:06years old low poly you know MSP level
- 00:30:10Graphics but it's so much fun we still
- 00:30:11play it every single day we're very
- 00:30:13competitive about it that's
- 00:30:16yeah all kinds of things with this
- 00:30:18specific and I am the best at
- 00:30:22CS I I I can
- 00:30:24imagine how about hackathons do you guys
- 00:30:27do anything of that sort you know
- 00:30:29sometimes hackathons can
- 00:30:31help uh if you look at a way to mutate
- 00:30:34your thinking right otherwise you going
- 00:30:36in one strand all the time and this
- 00:30:38helps you mute it what's your idea and
- 00:30:41thought about hackathons and running
- 00:30:42them on a regular basis what do you do
- 00:30:45them in the first place we don't we
- 00:30:47don't have structured hackathon but we
- 00:30:49have lots of R&D projects and that R&D
- 00:30:53run or Sprint to replace something or
- 00:30:56try something out in itself becomes kind
- 00:30:58of like a hackathon thing for a small
- 00:31:01number of people it may run for a couple
- 00:31:03of days few weeks or even months so
- 00:31:05there are constant we constantly have a
- 00:31:07large number of small little R&D
- 00:31:09projects running evaluating a whole new
- 00:31:11way of doing something and every team
- 00:31:15teams are tiny two to three four people
- 00:31:18and these projects constantly have
- 00:31:21overlaps between people from teams so no
- 00:31:24structured hackathons but actual stuff
- 00:31:28that has to be built for the or which is
- 00:31:30a part of our uh ideas of improvement or
- 00:31:33future plans or whatever they become
- 00:31:36small little hackathon like R&D projects
- 00:31:39and either they fail or they succeed and
- 00:31:41become a part of the uh mainstream
- 00:31:44that's how we do it it's it's become
- 00:31:45cultural we don't even think of it like
- 00:31:48a hackathon it's just something we do so
- 00:31:50something like an innovation Sprint that
- 00:31:51you do once in a while or is it like no
- 00:31:53it's fluid it happens on a daily basis
- 00:31:55it's a part of all projects it's a part
- 00:31:57of a workflow
- 00:31:58and when you approach any of these
- 00:31:59projects um is it with the intent that
- 00:32:02uh you ask yourself is this open
- 00:32:04sourceable is this idea open sourceable
- 00:32:06or you focus first on solving the
- 00:32:09problem and then looking it after if
- 00:32:11it's open
- 00:32:12sourceable I think problem first if you
- 00:32:15go with the is it open sourceable angle
- 00:32:18first before the problem is well
- 00:32:20understood I don't think it will work
- 00:32:22either way uh we understand the problem
- 00:32:25first we arrive at a certain solution
- 00:32:27after our then we realize oh this is
- 00:32:30generic and it can be open sourced or it
- 00:32:32can't be so it's like that and to give
- 00:32:35you an example of an R&D project let's
- 00:32:37say we have a large database with
- 00:32:39humongous amounts of data some process
- 00:32:41is taking an hour it used to take 30
- 00:32:44minutes 2 years ago now it's taking an
- 00:32:45hour and that is a signal for us to
- 00:32:50relook at it and it's possible to keep
- 00:32:52it at 1 hour AF it's affordable for us
- 00:32:55to do it at 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours and
- 00:32:576 or 7 years down the line it might end
- 00:32:59up being uh 8 hours but unmanageable
- 00:33:03amounts of data so we always look for
- 00:33:05those stress points within the system
- 00:33:08and then suddenly there's a small little
- 00:33:09experiment you know what there's this
- 00:33:11new database called click house that
- 00:33:13we've been reading about why don't we do
- 00:33:15a PO in it and somebody will pick that
- 00:33:17up as a project do a POC spend days
- 00:33:19weeks or months on it and the outcome
- 00:33:21will determine the future of this
- 00:33:23project so every single large technical
- 00:33:25change in Innovation we've done has come
- 00:33:27like this so today click house is a
- 00:33:29great example we've inducted click house
- 00:33:32heavily into our stack we' benefited
- 00:33:33from it immensely and it started out as
- 00:33:36a experiment as an experiment so what
- 00:33:38I'm hearing is that micro innovations
- 00:33:40that happen every time is is a is a way
- 00:33:43of life at zero that is how everything
- 00:33:45works at zero and micro can become Mega
- 00:33:48in no time in no time and how how does
- 00:33:51this a start is it usually something
- 00:33:54that is bottom up in terms of uh people
- 00:33:58realizing the time or is it more like
- 00:33:59from your level down identifying you
- 00:34:03know at a higher level things are
- 00:34:04untenable at this the space or how how
- 00:34:07does innovation happen it's mostly from
- 00:34:10the ground up uh we don't really have a
- 00:34:14hierarchy we don't have any hierarchy in
- 00:34:16the tech team so everybody's kind of
- 00:34:17clued on
- 00:34:19everything everything just enough and
- 00:34:22people who own certain products and
- 00:34:24projects it's again it's become a part
- 00:34:26of our culture to question when
- 00:34:28something slows down look for those
- 00:34:30signals something's taking one hour but
- 00:34:32it ideally shouldn't you know that
- 00:34:33nagging feeling uh so somebody just
- 00:34:36brings that up like this could be better
- 00:34:38a bunch of us sit together and look at
- 00:34:40possible Pathways and somebody picks up
- 00:34:43the picks it up as a project and does it
- 00:34:46feel so the count the counter that I
- 00:34:48have seen my experience is people tend
- 00:34:50to get into a stockh home syndrome this
- 00:34:52is how it's worked all the while so this
- 00:34:55is probably the way it should go how do
- 00:34:57you tackle that so you asked us you said
- 00:35:00this great thing about question
- 00:35:01everything right and that again is a
- 00:35:04cultural aspect that has to I think
- 00:35:06permeate from the top question
- 00:35:08everything even and allow the bottom to
- 00:35:11question uh upward too absolutely how do
- 00:35:14you how do you encourage this on a
- 00:35:16regular basis is it by I mean probably
- 00:35:18by uh demonstrating it yourself or what
- 00:35:21other methods do you follow is there any
- 00:35:24management method method to this or is
- 00:35:25it you know as as you said regarding
- 00:35:29absurdus being an absur is just do it I
- 00:35:33I think it's very difficult to create a
- 00:35:35program around this think then it'll end
- 00:35:37up being something like agile where it
- 00:35:39backfires and doesn't work uh as
- 00:35:42originally intented you have to set
- 00:35:45examples you have to show success
- 00:35:47stories obviously and that would have
- 00:35:48been for when we were a young old I do
- 00:35:51this myself uh and I've also learned
- 00:35:54quite a bit over the years and people
- 00:35:55around me people who sit with me and
- 00:35:57work work with they also learn by
- 00:35:59example and at some point it becomes a
- 00:36:02muscle now if you question absolutely
- 00:36:04everything nothing gets done so it's a
- 00:36:07trade-off this isn't right it's okay
- 00:36:09it's acceptable for it to continue like
- 00:36:11this for a while and this isn't right
- 00:36:13but this this can't go along you know
- 00:36:15that sense it becomes a muscle in the
- 00:36:18collective conscious of the team and it
- 00:36:20starts emerging but yes absolutely this
- 00:36:22has to be set from the top just like all
- 00:36:25culture is set from the early days until
- 00:36:27becomes a muscle in the
- 00:36:29team so I'm assuming that zeroda has
- 00:36:32some open- Source projects that that are
- 00:36:35heavily used by other organizations as
- 00:36:37well yeah so what's your experience
- 00:36:40managing those projects is it more like
- 00:36:42uh hurting cats or conducting a
- 00:36:45symphony it's a bit of both uh some
- 00:36:49projects have a lot of users and no
- 00:36:52issues such projects are G nobody bugs
- 00:36:54you uh some projects will have last
- 00:36:57number of users and therefore large
- 00:36:59number of questions large number of
- 00:37:01complaints or large number of questions
- 00:37:03just questions not even complaints
- 00:37:05people don't nobody wants to read the
- 00:37:06manual everybody will come post an issue
- 00:37:08saying tell me or teach me how to use
- 00:37:10this or this so it's a bit of both and
- 00:37:13that load is shared between the
- 00:37:15principal project maintenance of those
- 00:37:17respective projects or in general if
- 00:37:19it's a shared project somebody or the
- 00:37:21other from the team will go respond Etc
- 00:37:23so their experience will I think in the
- 00:37:25open source World it'll always be mixed
- 00:37:28it will depend on the kind of audience
- 00:37:30you have if you have a Dev tool
- 00:37:32something that's in that developers
- 00:37:34it'll have a different kind of respons
- 00:37:35if you have something that is aimed at
- 00:37:37non-technical people of projects that'll
- 00:37:39have a whole different kind of uh
- 00:37:41Dynamic about it so it's a mix of
- 00:37:44everything
- 00:37:47mix okay so now um for most of people
- 00:37:52here I I can say at least a tech folks
- 00:37:55is that everybody's use open source
- 00:37:58almost every engineer in here and on
- 00:38:01Zoom I'm sure has used open source but
- 00:38:05then the challenge comes to how do you
- 00:38:06contribute open source um I've obviously
- 00:38:10heard a lot of my share of you know uh
- 00:38:13reasons but what are some of the reasons
- 00:38:14that you thought were sort of
- 00:38:16interesting on why people don't
- 00:38:19contribute back into the open source
- 00:38:21World there are there are many reasons
- 00:38:24for me personally it's a matter of value
- 00:38:26and principles if you're taking
- 00:38:28something and using it heavily for free
- 00:38:30if you're deriving value it's only
- 00:38:33ethical and moral that you give back I'm
- 00:38:35a hacker I enjoy giving back that's
- 00:38:37another uh contributing that's another
- 00:38:41another thing but generally uh the
- 00:38:44apprehension stems from Mostly
- 00:38:46misunderstandings uh how do you
- 00:38:48contribute to a large project will your
- 00:38:51contribution match up to the Quality
- 00:38:53expected by the project will it be
- 00:38:57will there be a rebuke all of these
- 00:38:59feelings are very natural and a lot of
- 00:39:02Open Source projects have douchebag
- 00:39:04maintainers and you sent I named one in
- 00:39:08this so these are all valid reasons and
- 00:39:12you build something but it's too tiny
- 00:39:14why should I do this there are so many
- 00:39:15people doing bigger things why should I
- 00:39:16even contribute
- 00:39:18like I one of the JavaScript library
- 00:39:22that I recently open sourced was 500
- 00:39:24lines of 500 bytes some 100 lines of
- 00:39:26coal really tiny it was a cool hack and
- 00:39:30I was happy open sourcing it I'm pretty
- 00:39:32sure a bunch of people use it for
- 00:39:33various things now so whether something
- 00:39:36is useful to others or not uh I think
- 00:39:39it's very hard to predict even the most
- 00:39:41Niche obscure tiny thing that you end up
- 00:39:43building may end up being useful to a
- 00:39:46lot of other people and you can't
- 00:39:48predict that future or its trajectory so
- 00:39:51you have to put it out there so you have
- 00:39:53to lose some of your inhibition of
- 00:39:55opening up and and even the tiniest
- 00:39:59contribution even documentation
- 00:40:01contribution in fact I would love
- 00:40:02documentation contribution developers
- 00:40:04hate writing documentation even those
- 00:40:06are extremely useful I mean I want
- 00:40:09documentation contribution more than
- 00:40:10code contribution because reviewing code
- 00:40:13contribute contribs are a huge mental
- 00:40:16Rin so you should just push that tiny
- 00:40:20little thing out and some of my biggest
- 00:40:22projects have started out as tiny little
- 00:40:24projects that have just changed and
- 00:40:26that's true for every single open source
- 00:40:28developer in the world and just to add
- 00:40:30for everyone in here GitHub has labels
- 00:40:33for uh many of these issues that are
- 00:40:36there in the open source world you could
- 00:40:37search for good first contribution label
- 00:40:40or things like that where you can easily
- 00:40:42contribute back U I've heard reasons
- 00:40:45where people said um you
- 00:40:48know the open source maintainance could
- 00:40:50be judgmental that's one like he said
- 00:40:53any like he said but that shouldn't stop
- 00:40:56you from you know uh having a having
- 00:40:58that conversation in fact I feel that
- 00:41:01the more conversations you have with
- 00:41:03open source and diverse open source not
- 00:41:04just focus on one project is you improve
- 00:41:07your own uh developer Capital you
- 00:41:10improve your own ideas and thoughts that
- 00:41:13uh you know that that could help you
- 00:41:14become a better developer um and that
- 00:41:17you should you should never look at it
- 00:41:18as oh it's about you know somebody
- 00:41:21judging me for the contribution uh I've
- 00:41:24made or the comment I've put in it's
- 00:41:27it's okay to get rejected your PR is
- 00:41:28rejected it's fine you can always raise
- 00:41:30a new one based on the feedback they've
- 00:41:32given so you're always improving
- 00:41:34yourself right think of yourself as a
- 00:41:38you know versioning system that is
- 00:41:40incrementing your patch version one
- 00:41:42after the other I I'd like to site an
- 00:41:44example here uh so it doesn't have to be
- 00:41:46a contribution this is not the example
- 00:41:48that comes next there not it's not
- 00:41:51really about contributing to large
- 00:41:52projects you can
- 00:41:54always open source your little hacks and
- 00:41:57most open- Source projects including
- 00:41:59Linux itself has been the result of
- 00:42:01somebody's frustration you get so pissed
- 00:42:03off with this problem nothing really
- 00:42:04works for you you do that Library you do
- 00:42:07that little tool you write that bad
- 00:42:08script because you're so pissed off so
- 00:42:11the origin story of some of the biggest
- 00:42:14if not the most if not most Open Source
- 00:42:16Products out there would be pist off
- 00:42:18people and my example is from 2010 when
- 00:42:21I was in the University uh I'm a I'm a
- 00:42:24malum speaker that's my native language
- 00:42:26and I was
- 00:42:27really pissed off at the lack of a
- 00:42:29quality mum dictionary online and there
- 00:42:32were a few ones Su ridden spammy
- 00:42:35horrible websites You' search for a word
- 00:42:37it take 15 seconds for it to load and
- 00:42:40this would drive me nuts for years so in
- 00:42:432010 I got so pissed off that I sat down
- 00:42:45and I think took an English dictionary
- 00:42:47and typed out some 5,000 English to
- 00:42:49marum words and I was in Rage in pure
- 00:42:52rage then I made a little web app around
- 00:42:55it and I published
- 00:42:58then uh for myself because I was so
- 00:43:00pissed off then I scraped together a
- 00:43:03bunch of more words and more words and
- 00:43:06people added a little contribution form
- 00:43:08people started contributing to it and
- 00:43:10this was an open source project and the
- 00:43:11data was also open data and the
- 00:43:15Project's been running for it's called
- 00:43:16olum the project has been running for 14
- 00:43:19years now and today it's used by 2 and a
- 00:43:23half million malayalis every month so
- 00:43:26awesome
- 00:43:29it's an open source open data project uh
- 00:43:31it's out there and over the last many
- 00:43:34years I've greatly enjoyed working in it
- 00:43:37and that's Al also been spun off to a
- 00:43:40Canada dictionary called aler which is
- 00:43:41also now gaining lot of usage but I
- 00:43:44couldn't have foreseen where this would
- 00:43:46go but when I look at this project and I
- 00:43:49think of the value it brings to so many
- 00:43:52people right such a simple thing a
- 00:43:54dictionary that is I mean that can't be
- 00:43:57replaced this could not have been
- 00:43:58planned if I wasn't pissed off back then
- 00:44:02or if I hadn't channeled my rage and
- 00:44:04angs to a simple open source hack like a
- 00:44:07tool it wouldn't have happened the moral
- 00:44:09of the story is not to get pissed off
- 00:44:11but what
- 00:44:12happens if you get pissed off make sure
- 00:44:15you make a open source contribution uh
- 00:44:18but that's that's awesome to hear and
- 00:44:20the other thing is that you never know
- 00:44:21how big your contribution can become
- 00:44:23right when you start off you're being a
- 00:44:25harbinger of an issue that you're facing
- 00:44:29and then you never know how others are
- 00:44:30going to take it from there and that's a
- 00:44:33great feeling um if you are especially
- 00:44:35an open source author um so again like
- 00:44:39he said be pissed but then don't just
- 00:44:41remain pissed uh fix it open source your
- 00:44:46anger uh now talking about instances
- 00:44:50where you've use open source projects
- 00:44:51has there been projects where you know
- 00:44:54you've had to take you took some project
- 00:44:56that seemed cursed from from the
- 00:44:57beginning of sorts uh we can all relate
- 00:44:59to some of those things uh and then
- 00:45:02suddenly you had to take ownership or
- 00:45:05Zer have to take ownership and turn it
- 00:45:06around has there been any such projects
- 00:45:09are you talking about
- 00:45:11Gates could be
- 00:45:13anything uh thankfully not too many
- 00:45:16that's because before we pick up a piece
- 00:45:18of technology and induct it we do this
- 00:45:21R&D thing we test it out we build a p we
- 00:45:25we batter it
- 00:45:27and we get to a certain level of
- 00:45:29confidence before saying oh this looks
- 00:45:31good enough uh it seems like a safe bet
- 00:45:34so thankfully because we've done that
- 00:45:36with almost everything we haven't really
- 00:45:39been uh hurt much but there have been a
- 00:45:42few libraries Etc that have completely
- 00:45:45backfired which we've had to you know
- 00:45:46which we've had to firefight but the
- 00:45:48trick is to do a proper technical
- 00:45:50objective evaluation and decide based on
- 00:45:53that level of confidence that has saved
- 00:45:55us over the last decade it's
- 00:45:59awesome do you worry about the economics
- 00:46:01of Open Source projects is that
- 00:46:04something that comes your you know as as
- 00:46:06you know we all agree here about the
- 00:46:09amount of impact open source projects
- 00:46:11have uh in our lives is you know in our
- 00:46:14lives because everything right from our
- 00:46:15phone to a lot of things that we do um
- 00:46:19are shaped by open source but then there
- 00:46:22are there are not as many contributors
- 00:46:24back into the open source world as there
- 00:46:27needs to be um do you worry about the
- 00:46:30fact that it is um it is becoming a
- 00:46:34problem of pandemic proportions of uh
- 00:46:36you know corporates mostly just using
- 00:46:40and consuming and not giving
- 00:46:42back yes I do and the question of
- 00:46:47sustainability Financial sustainability
- 00:46:49in the open source world has been a it's
- 00:46:51been a really big question mark uh
- 00:46:53forever and over the last few years the
- 00:46:55debate has become extremely Ed elastics
- 00:46:59licensing Fiasco mongod and the most
- 00:47:01recent hashicorp and redis right these
- 00:47:03are all symptoms of this particular
- 00:47:06problem way back open source technology
- 00:47:09was built by Enthusiast put out there
- 00:47:12and users individuals use them small
- 00:47:14little logs use them other hackers use
- 00:47:17them and contributed back then with the
- 00:47:21massive
- 00:47:22commercialization of the internet uh and
- 00:47:25all of us are part of it you know
- 00:47:27uh over the last decade or so more over
- 00:47:30the last 10 15 years it has become a
- 00:47:32really big problem when you have
- 00:47:33trillion dollar corporations consume
- 00:47:36open source built by two people who were
- 00:47:38struggling to pay their bills and they
- 00:47:40build multi-billion dollar Enterprise on
- 00:47:42top of force again uh built by people
- 00:47:45who have nothing that's that's unethical
- 00:47:48outright unethical but there's no legal
- 00:47:50boundary of it so for licenses the
- 00:47:53ideology was crafted in an era that
- 00:47:55didn't really foresee
- 00:47:57all of this this it was mostly about
- 00:47:59developer freedoms but users today are
- 00:48:03not individuals they are trillion dollar
- 00:48:05corporations billion dollar corporations
- 00:48:07right and that disparity is a huge huge
- 00:48:10problem thankfully it's a big
- 00:48:12uh point of discussion and contention
- 00:48:15also and we're seeing you know things
- 00:48:18like open Collective GitHub sponsorship
- 00:48:20etc etc uh these are all slow models
- 00:48:24that are emerging uh there's widespread
- 00:48:27criticism of large organizations
- 00:48:29consuming and extracting from open
- 00:48:31source it's all out there in the
- 00:48:32mainstream so I'm hoping that some of
- 00:48:34these models will emerge or some of the
- 00:48:36other model will that will emerge that
- 00:48:38will address this to a large extent so
- 00:48:41even the false fund I said we're going
- 00:48:43to announce we've been we as an OG in
- 00:48:47our organizational capacity have been
- 00:48:49sending money to products that we derive
- 00:48:51value from stuff that we use that we
- 00:48:53like but uh our next step is to do this
- 00:48:56F fund that's open to all F projects in
- 00:48:58the world where you can request for
- 00:49:00funding globally so I'm hoping more
- 00:49:03companies will do it it's yet another
- 00:49:05model we need a large number of models
- 00:49:08that will start tackling this problem
- 00:49:10and I'm hoping it will happen in the
- 00:49:12next five years uh do you see your uh
- 00:49:16yourself in zeroda leading that effort
- 00:49:18to build a collective not just of each
- 00:49:21company giving you know having siloed
- 00:49:24programs but having One Singular program
- 00:49:26prog at the top that will help uh fund
- 00:49:29these open source projects or do you
- 00:49:30expect every company to sort of like
- 00:49:33have their own siloed processes around
- 00:49:35funding I think it should be a mix of
- 00:49:37both any sort of One Umbrella one model
- 00:49:41that is large and centralize will not be
- 00:49:43good we need all kinds of models to
- 00:49:45emerge we need multiple collectives to
- 00:49:47emerge we need multiple individual
- 00:49:49efforts to emerge so our hope with this
- 00:49:52is of course we want to genuinely fund
- 00:49:54open source projects which is why we're
- 00:49:56doing it
- 00:49:57but uh our other big hope is that that
- 00:50:01this maybe pressurizes or inspires other
- 00:50:04organizations to also I love the word
- 00:50:07inspire I like the word
- 00:50:09pressurized to also try stuff like this
- 00:50:12these are all models being
- 00:50:15tried and you talked a little bit about
- 00:50:17licenses this is also where I think you
- 00:50:20know we have the strong copy left uh
- 00:50:24licenses versus the permissive licenses
- 00:50:26be lgpl GPL to MIT P
- 00:50:31um where do your thoughts recite because
- 00:50:35sometimes the lgpl GPL also becomes uh
- 00:50:38in a way it is it is to it will prevent
- 00:50:41these other companies coming in and
- 00:50:43taking over things but it also sometimes
- 00:50:46prevents um adoption itself for legal
- 00:50:49reasons uh whatever be so U where where
- 00:50:53where do your thoughts lie on these
- 00:50:55licensing uh models with present within
- 00:50:57the open source
- 00:50:58world I don't really have a set view on
- 00:51:02this I think different scenarios context
- 00:51:05projects uh environments have different
- 00:51:07licensing requirements I have personal
- 00:51:09projects that are AGP licensed I also
- 00:51:12have personal projects that are uh MIT
- 00:51:14licensed and I pick based on some loose
- 00:51:18criteria that I have in my head but
- 00:51:20people should pick the licenses that
- 00:51:22they want uh and you yes all of us want
- 00:51:26adoption for our projects but you
- 00:51:28shouldn't be
- 00:51:31uh you shouldn't be candy wrapping your
- 00:51:33project for some hypothetical trillion
- 00:51:36dollar Corporation to or multibillion
- 00:51:38dollar Corporation to come pick up your
- 00:51:39project and use it uh I think you should
- 00:51:42really forget about that and focus on
- 00:51:44quality that's been my experience this
- 00:51:46AGP licensed project it's called lism
- 00:51:48it's a new manager uh I've been working
- 00:51:50on it for six years it's agpl and I
- 00:51:53think Google has an explicit policy that
- 00:51:55says that
- 00:51:57uh we will not use agpl products right
- 00:52:00but the Recently I found out that uh one
- 00:52:03of the Departments of the US federal
- 00:52:06government has a lism installation I
- 00:52:08think they send newsletters I don't know
- 00:52:10so it doesn't matter you should focus on
- 00:52:13you should have a decent license that is
- 00:52:15appropriate like you shouldn't have an
- 00:52:17egpa license on a CSS library that would
- 00:52:19make no sense you should focus on the
- 00:52:21quality and usability of your product
- 00:52:23and have a decently appropriate license
- 00:52:25and will always be user
- 00:52:27and the large organizations or
- 00:52:29corporations who have a problem with the
- 00:52:30license they don't have to use it they
- 00:52:31can make their own or fork or whatever
- 00:52:33so I that's that's my viewpoint and this
- 00:52:37I've seen it play
- 00:52:39out what what is your loose criteria
- 00:52:41that you Ed to you know make sure
- 00:52:44project agpl or
- 00:52:46MIT so uh MIT for instance if it's a
- 00:52:50small little library and few hundred
- 00:52:52lines or whatever Mi MIT makes more
- 00:52:55sense Take It remix do whatever you want
- 00:52:58but if I'm putting in tons of effort
- 00:53:00into a project and if somebody's making
- 00:53:03improvements to it I'd rather see those
- 00:53:05improvements come out in the open uh so
- 00:53:08list monk is agpl because it's also a
- 00:53:10web app it's a networked service network
- 00:53:13serviced app which is why it's a agpu uh
- 00:53:16and AG is specifically for networked uh
- 00:53:19projects you know things that can
- 00:53:21operate as s and I like working on it I
- 00:53:23spend a lot of time on it if somebody's
- 00:53:25using it if any ra is using it and they
- 00:53:28make changes I I'd rather see those
- 00:53:30improvements come back into the main uh
- 00:53:32project itself
- 00:53:35yeah so we've talked a lot about what
- 00:53:38zeroa is doing and what it plans to do
- 00:53:40in the future um what trends are you
- 00:53:43seeing out in the open with regards to
- 00:53:45open source and you know anything that's
- 00:53:48on the bright side and what do you think
- 00:53:50are some of the things that that concern
- 00:53:52you in general uh but from your Vantage
- 00:53:56Point what what are the things that you
- 00:53:57think are going to be great for open
- 00:54:00source open source has completely
- 00:54:03consumed the world so that is that's
- 00:54:05great everything runs on open source
- 00:54:07there's no denying absolutely everything
- 00:54:08is built on open source the number of
- 00:54:11Open Source Products that come out every
- 00:54:13year is immense the quality of false is
- 00:54:16just unimaginably it's amazing back in
- 00:54:19the day they used to be this thing that
- 00:54:20oh it's open source it's not user
- 00:54:22friendly this other thing is user
- 00:54:23friendly all of that is flipped the best
- 00:54:25quality ux today is in F products and
- 00:54:29Microsoft is the biggest Global
- 00:54:31supporter of f right now that should
- 00:54:33tell you something so
- 00:54:36uh there is massive amounts of money
- 00:54:39coming into Force I don't know if it's
- 00:54:41good or bad I mean the jury is still out
- 00:54:44uh there are entire Venture capitalists
- 00:54:46who started false portfolios they'll
- 00:54:48only there are VCS who go on GitHub
- 00:54:51sought by stars and write to project
- 00:54:53developers saying I'm a VC I'd like to
- 00:54:55fund your project so money coming into
- 00:54:57for is great the sustainability question
- 00:54:59but we see money coming in what sort of
- 00:55:02money what's its Dynamic what the
- 00:55:03outcome is I don't really know uh but
- 00:55:06yeah these are the trends and then of
- 00:55:08course we have amazing Force projects
- 00:55:11flip and become uh open core and non
- 00:55:14Force like red Etc that's
- 00:55:18concerning cool one last question do you
- 00:55:21have any open source projects or ideas
- 00:55:23that are still in the crazy phase or
- 00:55:25you're thinking about to open source
- 00:55:28anything that you would like all of us
- 00:55:30to
- 00:55:32follow I have a to-do list that
- 00:55:36stretches back 17 18 years every
- 00:55:38developer has one day I will work on
- 00:55:41this it's a text file it keeps on
- 00:55:43growing and I never look back I really
- 00:55:45don't liking at that file so there's
- 00:55:46that but uh with there's a large update
- 00:55:51to the dictionary coming very large
- 00:55:53update but what I've spent quite a bit
- 00:55:56of time over the last two months is on
- 00:55:57version four of this monk uh with
- 00:56:00multi-user multi- tency IDC etc
- 00:56:04etc I like working on it I don't even
- 00:56:06know why but I keep working on it but uh
- 00:56:09that is something that I'm very excited
- 00:56:10about and I think this will make it
- 00:56:12organization friendly so leson could
- 00:56:15only had one super user you could log in
- 00:56:17as one user and maintain your
- 00:56:19newsletters Etc but I I see that a lot
- 00:56:22of companies use it government
- 00:56:23departments use it NGS use it and you
- 00:56:26need multi-user access so that's what
- 00:56:28I've been working on it come out
- 00:56:29hopefully this month so that's been
- 00:56:32quite a lot of work good to hear about
- 00:56:36that and thank you so much for all the
- 00:56:38questions you patiently answered uh
- 00:56:40we're not done yet because we now we're
- 00:56:42going to turn it over to the audience to
- 00:56:44be able to ask questions um so do we
- 00:56:47have a mic that we could pass on please
- 00:57:07I was saying the other day drinking
- 00:57:08water during interviews is a very
- 00:57:10sensitive thing to do these
- 00:57:14days I won't ask the reason we can talk
- 00:57:17after this is a this is a question for
- 00:57:19both of you since both of you are open
- 00:57:21source St words you know no I don't
- 00:57:24compare me to him um my question is
- 00:57:26about uh so adoption of uh you know High
- 00:57:29maturity projects is you know always an
- 00:57:31easy decision right but uh organization
- 00:57:34adoption of low maturity products is
- 00:57:35something that I'm you know curious
- 00:57:36about like what is your you know view on
- 00:57:39you know how it gets absolved especially
- 00:57:41when there is no support right how it
- 00:57:43eventually matures into something how
- 00:57:45would it even mature into something that
- 00:57:46is you know like a
- 00:57:48spring that's so if I may repeat your
- 00:57:53question you're asking about low
- 00:57:54maturity open source projects
- 00:57:57spring is one of the most supported
- 00:57:59projects in the world I'm seeing you how
- 00:58:01does the low maturity open source
- 00:58:02project you know eventually what is the
- 00:58:04trends been like it how does it
- 00:58:05eventually become a spring okay I'll let
- 00:58:07him are you also asking about one's
- 00:58:10decision how do you decide to use yes I
- 00:58:12mean so how does an organization you
- 00:58:14know because there's no support for it
- 00:58:16right so then the organization has spend
- 00:58:18their own you know sweat capita into
- 00:58:20that right so both it's a tradeoff and
- 00:58:24it's a risk but there are a bunch of
- 00:58:25things that you can look at you can do a
- 00:58:28technical evaluation of the project
- 00:58:29itself to kind of gauge its quality its
- 00:58:32extensibility and then you can uh if you
- 00:58:35really need to use it and doesn't have
- 00:58:37support you can evaluate whether worst
- 00:58:40case scenario you can FOC it and
- 00:58:42maintain it yourself and if you have the
- 00:58:44ability to do that that's the biggest uh
- 00:58:47sense of Liberty you can derive from a
- 00:58:49project and uh one example I could site
- 00:58:52is uh flutter Google's mobile fra uh
- 00:58:57mobile
- 00:58:58framework we started evaluating flutter
- 00:59:02in 2017 when it was pre-alpha and I
- 00:59:05don't think there was any uh flutter
- 00:59:07serious flutter project in the world on
- 00:59:09the App Store and our trading platform I
- 00:59:12think was the first serious flutter
- 00:59:13project ever to hit the markets we spent
- 00:59:17several days in fact we have a very long
- 00:59:19blog post on this particular topic
- 00:59:21describing the entire journey of
- 00:59:23evaluation so we had such a big issue
- 00:59:26with react native there we'd rather you
- 00:59:28know it was okay to bet on a on an
- 00:59:32experimental pre-alpha project than live
- 00:59:35with react native so you have all those
- 00:59:37trade-offs then we did a technical
- 00:59:38evaluation and realized that even if
- 00:59:40Google killed the project Google Never
- 00:59:42Kills projects
- 00:59:43right just need to go to the
- 00:59:46graveyard even if Google killed the
- 00:59:48project we'd still be okay to run
- 00:59:50flutter in that version for at least 3
- 00:59:52four years which would give us ample
- 00:59:54time to figure something else out we
- 00:59:56also figured that some of the quirks it
- 00:59:58had then we could put in some effort and
- 01:00:01you iron those out so it's a trade-off
- 01:00:03and you have to look at it very
- 01:00:05contextually and take that
- 01:00:07bet just to add to what kalash said also
- 01:00:10if your question is about open source
- 01:00:12projects let's say started within
- 01:00:14guidewire or is it outside so then I
- 01:00:16subscribe to the same view if it's
- 01:00:17critical to your your application then
- 01:00:20you better have contributors into that
- 01:00:22open source ecosystem if it is critical
- 01:00:24to what you're doing example is we have
- 01:00:26CUA which is something that we have been
- 01:00:29now contributing to very uh consciously
- 01:00:32as the maintainers of sort of step down
- 01:00:35uh to some extent so if it is critical
- 01:00:38make sure it's part of your regular
- 01:00:39development
- 01:00:46effort so thanks Kash for the inspiring
- 01:00:49stories my question is on where do you
- 01:00:52see the Indian developer Community
- 01:00:53contributing to this open
- 01:00:56source
- 01:00:59software question what else do you
- 01:01:02expect the developers a lot of IND out
- 01:01:04here so what do you expect uh where do
- 01:01:06you see India these building starting
- 01:01:10projects uh rather than rather than know
- 01:01:12expecting someone else to build it and
- 01:01:14contributing to it so if I may also just
- 01:01:17tag on to that question I think I saw
- 01:01:20some um survey results we have large
- 01:01:24amount of developers I don't think we
- 01:01:25have that as many amount of Open Source
- 01:01:27contributions so that reflects from the
- 01:01:29question that you're he's asking you've
- 01:01:32just triggered me this is a
- 01:01:34very this is a very touchy topic for me
- 01:01:36and one of the reasons why we set up the
- 01:01:38entire for nonprofit foundation in 2020
- 01:01:42was to address this one particular issue
- 01:01:44so on GitHub there are about I think 16
- 01:01:47million developers from India which
- 01:01:50represent the single represents the
- 01:01:52single largest developer demographic on
- 01:01:54GitHub in the world
- 01:01:56but you look at the number of projects
- 01:01:58that come out of India on GitHub we rank
- 01:02:00amongst the among the lowest and that
- 01:02:04disparity that it's so disproportionate
- 01:02:06it's sad it makes me angry uh should
- 01:02:10make all of us angry
- 01:02:11too uh and I've I've been thinking about
- 01:02:14this for a for many years why is it so
- 01:02:17right we and and the entire Indian
- 01:02:20startup ecosystem the mega boom over the
- 01:02:22last decade plus has been built on top
- 01:02:24of every Indian startup has developers
- 01:02:27working on react native or flutter or
- 01:02:30python or whatever whatever right
- 01:02:31everything is open source why don't we
- 01:02:32contribute anything back and uh
- 01:02:36anecdotally lots of thinking lots of
- 01:02:38interactions with industry folks startup
- 01:02:40folks developer communi students I think
- 01:02:44maybe the key to this is a cultural
- 01:02:46problem at the management level in the
- 01:02:49industry because
- 01:02:51uh engineering students uh students in
- 01:02:56colleges typically the ones doing
- 01:02:57engineering they're so excited to
- 01:02:59contribute they participate in
- 01:03:01hackathons they they so excited to build
- 01:03:05stuff keep asking the people keep asking
- 01:03:08how do I contribute Etc so where where
- 01:03:10do they go uh where does their
- 01:03:12enthusiasm go to die in the Indian
- 01:03:14industry is what I've understood so
- 01:03:16defin jobs they end up in large large
- 01:03:19and small company startups Etc but then
- 01:03:22they they vanish there's nothing coming
- 01:03:24back how can that be right it goes back
- 01:03:26to our early conversation this has to be
- 01:03:28a culture that is set from the top a
- 01:03:32tech company's management should that
- 01:03:35users Force should have this culture
- 01:03:38ingrained from day one or they should
- 01:03:40make an attempt at least give developers
- 01:03:43and Engineers an Avenue at least an
- 01:03:45encouragement to contribute back most
- 01:03:48augs like 9.99% of Indian alls don't
- 01:03:51have it and something that pains me
- 01:03:53greatly so yes it's a it's actually kind
- 01:03:57of a shame that we represent the single
- 01:03:59largest developer community in the world
- 01:04:02and yet we also produce practically no
- 01:04:06open source contributions
- 01:04:08relatively well let's hope we the people
- 01:04:11here in this room are going to be agents
- 01:04:13to change that we pissed
- 01:04:17off hi Rahul great to have you here uh
- 01:04:20my question is around licensing we were
- 01:04:22talking about it bit earlier uh I ran
- 01:04:25into this one while contributing to
- 01:04:28something last week it was uh CLA
- 01:04:30agreement that I had to sign up uh so
- 01:04:33what's your view on that and more
- 01:04:35importantly would you encourage uh
- 01:04:37contributions to projects that force you
- 01:04:40to sign a CLA and would zeroda ever uh
- 01:04:44make something open source that requires
- 01:04:46a CLA I'm not a fan of clas but I
- 01:04:49wouldn't outright dismiss them certain
- 01:04:52projects uh CLA is an agreement where
- 01:04:55the developer says that I'm contributing
- 01:04:57something but the maintainers and owners
- 01:04:59of the project are free to relicense the
- 01:05:01contribution at a later Point that's
- 01:05:03what a CA is and many large projects
- 01:05:05force you to sign a CLA before you
- 01:05:08contribute something and it's not a
- 01:05:09great sign why would a project that has
- 01:05:11a good open source license need a CLA
- 01:05:13from others unless they have a plan to
- 01:05:15change contingency to relicense at some
- 01:05:18point so I'm not a fan of CLA but I
- 01:05:20think there could be those rare
- 01:05:21occasions where some projects may have
- 01:05:23to have a CLA uh open street map
- 01:05:27relicensing was a big example of like a
- 01:05:30legit CA thing they had to go after
- 01:05:32thousands of developers and get their
- 01:05:34consent later to do a change that was
- 01:05:36really warranted but generally for large
- 01:05:40projects it's it's not the case we would
- 01:05:42never do a CLA I mean I I'm not a fan of
- 01:05:44clas and I don't have CLA on any of my
- 01:05:48projects thank
- 01:05:51you behind behind you
- 01:05:56okay so uh my question is Rel to
- 01:05:59learning can you can you hold the mic
- 01:06:01near yeah as a so my question is related
- 01:06:04to machine learning uh I found out in
- 01:06:07intro that they introduced like you have
- 01:06:10done your PhD in machine learning which
- 01:06:12is really great like in 2011 around that
- 01:06:15area but since you've been working zero
- 01:06:19so this question is for both of you what
- 01:06:21do you think this machine learning in uh
- 01:06:23fintech or in Zera
- 01:06:26I have seen like in Z you guys are not
- 01:06:29using machine learning so is there any
- 01:06:32plan about using machine learning in
- 01:06:35zeruda in future or again this question
- 01:06:37to both of you do you think machine
- 01:06:40learning or open- Source uh projects
- 01:06:42that we have currently will be useful in
- 01:06:46either zeruda or in guide I know there
- 01:06:49are couple of projects in guide but any
- 01:06:52major PL in Z guide
- 01:06:55machine learning and make it more uh
- 01:06:58user friendly or make it to reach more
- 01:07:04uh
- 01:07:06people answer um so at least for guide I
- 01:07:11know Douglas isn't here so I can't speak
- 01:07:13for his department but that said our aim
- 01:07:16is to use a lot of Open Source projects
- 01:07:18right I mean machine learning and if I
- 01:07:19look at models in general there's a lot
- 01:07:21of growth that is happening in the open
- 01:07:23source world you go to hugging face you
- 01:07:25can you you can download lot of models
- 01:07:26in there these are all found most of
- 01:07:29these are foundational models you'll
- 01:07:30have to build things that are contextual
- 01:07:32to your industry your uh you know how
- 01:07:36your company Works
- 01:07:38Etc I do feel over time that this will
- 01:07:41also expand to such an extent that
- 01:07:43there's a lot of things that would be
- 01:07:45common in nature that you could give
- 01:07:47back to the um uh to the to the industry
- 01:07:50or to the open source world there's
- 01:07:52always going to be a danger in how how
- 01:07:55much you open source there some of this
- 01:07:57could be IP related could be regulatory
- 01:07:59could I mean insurance is also one of
- 01:08:01the most regulated um Industries in the
- 01:08:03world um so there could be those
- 01:08:06restrictions in play but if you look at
- 01:08:08the ecosystem around it you know be it
- 01:08:11like for example running models in a
- 01:08:14smaller models in let's say K8 I you
- 01:08:16don't like K but still U I love KS so uh
- 01:08:20there could be things like that so
- 01:08:21there's tools like bent ml Etc how you
- 01:08:23could run simple models so we could we
- 01:08:25could expand our footprint into those
- 01:08:28ecosystem to make it easy to use and run
- 01:08:32models for developers right right now
- 01:08:34you have to handle a lot of
- 01:08:36infrastructural components to be able to
- 01:08:38get there so I think in that area you
- 01:08:40will see an explosion of Open Source
- 01:08:42tools and then over time it'll
- 01:08:44consolidate into a few good ones that
- 01:08:47everybody can use uh but that's that's
- 01:08:49what I
- 01:08:50feel I think uh the question shouldn't
- 01:08:55idly be framed from that perspective
- 01:08:58will Zera use machine learning that's
- 01:09:00like asking will Zera use databases or
- 01:09:03will Z use machine learning is a very
- 01:09:05very broad term it's an entire field
- 01:09:07it's an entire Spectrum so it would be a
- 01:09:10very
- 01:09:11solution
- 01:09:12first problem second sort of a
- 01:09:15question if there's a certain business
- 01:09:18use case that requires the use of a
- 01:09:20certain machine learning technology then
- 01:09:22any company including Zera would use it
- 01:09:25uh over the last 10 years we haven't had
- 01:09:30to use any sort of machine learning
- 01:09:32models or AI models despite my
- 01:09:35background uh in research being that but
- 01:09:38over the last two years uh since the
- 01:09:41really big Transformer llm breakthroughs
- 01:09:43we found some very interesting use cases
- 01:09:45after the release of a lot of Open
- 01:09:47Source models where we can sell for
- 01:09:49certain models and solve certain
- 01:09:51problems much much much better uh
- 01:09:56which than what was possible before
- 01:09:58certain problems that had no Solutions
- 01:10:00today suddenly have Solutions down to
- 01:10:03some of these models so we've been
- 01:10:04experimenting internally so it should be
- 01:10:07like any other technology if there's a
- 01:10:08specific problem it will solve you can
- 01:10:11use it you will definitely end up using
- 01:10:12it but it shouldn't be really looked at
- 01:10:15from a top down uh
- 01:10:18manner answer your question Kare does
- 01:10:20have machine learning models that we use
- 01:10:22we have an entire team model so
- 01:10:28Yeah question yeah so actually I wanted
- 01:10:32to ask are you sure the mic is on yeah
- 01:10:35am I AUD yes uh so you said that zeroa
- 01:10:40kind of operates uh millions of orders
- 01:10:43each day uh so how the fall tolerance
- 01:10:46works like uh because it is quite time
- 01:10:49sensitive right uh in in between I was
- 01:10:52hearing about some orders were getting
- 01:10:55placed but not executing so how do you
- 01:10:59kind of uh work around that I just I was
- 01:11:03just curious it's extremely complex uh
- 01:11:06there was an issue last week I think
- 01:11:08July 12th where for 30 minutes BC The
- 01:11:12Exchange couldn't fulfill orders orders
- 01:11:15were going through but they hung there
- 01:11:18and to even figure out that it was a
- 01:11:20market-wide issue with the exchange it
- 01:11:22took a while so every single client Ross
- 01:11:25a number of brokers who were trading
- 01:11:26that particular segment had their ORD
- 01:11:28stuck but we got murdered on social
- 01:11:30media it got incorrectly attributed to
- 01:11:33us because the fast feedback happens to
- 01:11:35Zera where is slow and it's natural
- 01:11:37because we have a large number of people
- 01:11:39trading and uh it's natural so this was
- 01:11:44one of those rare occasions where orders
- 01:11:46went and hung in the exchange and then
- 01:11:48everybody had to wait for 30 minutes for
- 01:11:50the orders to be unlocked and Brokers
- 01:11:52couldn't do anything nobody could do
- 01:11:54anything it was a new scenario
- 01:11:56so the markets are so complex the level
- 01:11:59of activity in the Indian markets have
- 01:12:00skyrocketed so much in the last four
- 01:12:02years that every few months we see a new
- 01:12:04scenario that has never played out
- 01:12:06before across exchanges across Brokers
- 01:12:10uh the week prior to that we had an
- 01:12:13issue unfortunate issue in a in an old
- 01:12:15Legacy component that uh affected a
- 01:12:19small thankfully it's a distributed
- 01:12:21architecture so there's an issue it's
- 01:12:23contained to that Shard of and user are
- 01:12:25shed there which lasted 20 minutes where
- 01:12:29your order updates wouldn't refresh and
- 01:12:33it happened in a manner that was never
- 01:12:35seen before so it's very difficult and
- 01:12:39uh you have to try and envision all
- 01:12:42possible edge cases you have to learn
- 01:12:45from whatever goes wrong and to and you
- 01:12:47have to keep building these metrics so
- 01:12:48we have we have an automated test Suite
- 01:12:50of some 860 or 900 tests that run again
- 01:12:55a bunch of parameters throughout the day
- 01:12:57trying to these systems try to give us
- 01:12:59early warnings so any issue that happens
- 01:13:01in our stack uh is despite all of this
- 01:13:07despite all the rigorous testing despite
- 01:13:09all the whatever technology we built all
- 01:13:11the mechanisms we have despite an
- 01:13:14860 rule test speed running constantly
- 01:13:18trying to warn us so it's extremely
- 01:13:20complex and the Indian Indian industry
- 01:13:22uh the stock markets the scale it's seen
- 01:13:25in the last four years is unlike ever in
- 01:13:27the history of the markets the entire
- 01:13:29landscape including all the large
- 01:13:31institutions like exchanges Brokers are
- 01:13:33all evolving and I'm hoping that in the
- 01:13:34next 2 three years you would all have
- 01:13:40stabilized
- 01:13:42yeah Kash thank you so much for all your
- 01:13:44stories they were very inspiring for
- 01:13:46sure sorry who's speaking I
- 01:13:49can't um KES my my my question is uh
- 01:13:53pertaining to you you you shared many
- 01:13:55stories about how small projects were
- 01:13:57hosted as open source and it helped a
- 01:13:59lot of people out there right and um
- 01:14:02this is where my question comes from
- 01:14:04from this publishing strategy
- 01:14:05perspective one of the fears that many
- 01:14:08developers or many open source
- 01:14:10contributors or want to contribute have
- 01:14:12is that they put out something there but
- 01:14:15it may not reach the Right audience or
- 01:14:17right Community to get the necessary
- 01:14:19feedback it's similar to the pressure a
- 01:14:21content creator feels on a social media
- 01:14:23platform right now do you have some tips
- 01:14:25to tackle that from a publishing and
- 01:14:27marketing strategy
- 01:14:29perspective the reality is that
- 01:14:3399.99999% of the projects that are
- 01:14:35published don't find any users so we
- 01:14:38just have to accept that the odds are so
- 01:14:41the odds hinge entirely on the quality
- 01:14:43and usability of a project but if a
- 01:14:46project finds 50 users that in itself is
- 01:14:48a big deal that puts you in the top 10
- 01:14:50of all cost projects out there so you
- 01:14:52have to you have to have a realistic
- 01:14:55view of the landscape and uh the best
- 01:14:59Discovery platform are today's big code
- 01:15:02sharing platforms like GitHub GitHub in
- 01:15:04itself is slowly transforming into a
- 01:15:05social media like system which I'm not a
- 01:15:08fan of but if you have a good read me if
- 01:15:10you tagged it properly GitHub has
- 01:15:13categories tags Etc if you have images
- 01:15:16if you have a demo Etc it brings users
- 01:15:19in so list monk this example that I
- 01:15:22cited the only thing I done I did was
- 01:15:25was I had a demo I click here to see the
- 01:15:27product in action demo setup on day one
- 01:15:30I had a nice read me documentation Etc
- 01:15:33and uh I remember also posting it on
- 01:15:35product hunt and somehow it got 100
- 01:15:38users then word of mouth and over many
- 01:15:40years it's picked up a lot of users but
- 01:15:42when I released it it was in a very very
- 01:15:44raw shape uh it was a pre-alpha version
- 01:15:48and it took one and a half years or two
- 01:15:49years for it to even become stable at
- 01:15:511.0 so just put an effort into making a
- 01:15:55project presentable and using the
- 01:15:58utilities of things like GitHub that are
- 01:16:01there for Discovery and that works
- 01:16:03GitHub itself drives traffic to
- 01:16:05projects yeah so so the trucks of the
- 01:16:08matter is being persistent right like
- 01:16:10you said
- 01:16:1199.9% in life with everything yes
- 01:16:13exactly thank you so
- 01:16:17much I think question
- 01:16:21there hi kalash my name is f I'm from
- 01:16:24manuk
- 01:16:25or uh I would like to know why you don't
- 01:16:28like
- 01:16:30kubernetes and what is the specific
- 01:16:32reason behind that because again the
- 01:16:35kubernetes is a mammoth of among the the
- 01:16:38question yourself it's a mammoth and
- 01:16:40yeah but there is a huge community
- 01:16:42support and it's doing well um almost
- 01:16:45most of the uh companies using
- 01:16:48kubernetes for their infrastructure
- 01:16:50deployment and what do you guys use I'm
- 01:16:52presuming that you are not using kuber
- 01:16:55for your infrastructure deployment so
- 01:16:56what you guys use so one other thing
- 01:16:58before you answer is that just because
- 01:17:00everybody is using something it should
- 01:17:01never be the reason why we we tend to
- 01:17:03use it correct right it has to be
- 01:17:04contextual so um let's erase that for a
- 01:17:08second and then I'll let him
- 01:17:10answer yeah I would like to know his
- 01:17:12perspective why not using kubernetes so
- 01:17:15You' ask me that question what were
- 01:17:17those failures false project failures
- 01:17:18Kates was one of those we actually used
- 01:17:20it piloted it slowly extended it over a
- 01:17:22period of 2 years and it just didn't
- 01:17:24work out so our goal uh wasn't really to
- 01:17:28scale uh the features of gates that
- 01:17:31allow you to scale Etc that wasn't
- 01:17:33really the goal our goal was to have a
- 01:17:35uniform developer deployment packaging
- 01:17:39experience and we started moving small
- 01:17:42little projects and we ended up with a
- 01:17:45nightmarish hell of nested yaml files
- 01:17:48yaml within yaml in fact we had to open
- 01:17:51source build an open source multiple
- 01:17:53tools that will that would help help us
- 01:17:55handle the an and this is despite our
- 01:17:57programs having very few dependencies
- 01:17:59having it designed in the old school you
- 01:18:01know 12 Factor whatever way Etc and at a
- 01:18:04point it became a drain we wanted
- 01:18:06developers to quickly write manifest so
- 01:18:08that they could do you know participate
- 01:18:11in the uniform abile is tell that no no
- 01:18:15that's that that smile is because that's
- 01:18:16exactly the problem that we're trying to
- 01:18:18solve uh through though by extending
- 01:18:20kubernetes in our way uh but please go I
- 01:18:23think it's unsolvable that's the way
- 01:18:24nature of K so uh it backfired for us
- 01:18:27maybe it works for mins I have no
- 01:18:29problems with that but at Zera it failed
- 01:18:32spectacularly and we put in so much
- 01:18:34effort over two years then we switched
- 01:18:36to Nomad Hashi cops NAD and it's such a
- 01:18:40simple system everybody can see what
- 01:18:42goes on instantly it is a it takes like
- 01:18:46a minute to install deploy uh your app
- 01:18:48goes and runs in a Docker container or a
- 01:18:51raw instance or a CH root ship
- 01:18:55and the Manifest for an average app is
- 01:18:58like 25 lines and I can read somebody
- 01:19:00else's deployment manifest the XL file
- 01:19:03and understand it in 10 seconds and
- 01:19:05nobody to today complains of deployments
- 01:19:07anymore that's the greatest sign nobody
- 01:19:09spends time on writing deployment
- 01:19:11manifests and it's a super super simple
- 01:19:14system with much fewer abstractions to
- 01:19:18uh run I also remember Cades some weird
- 01:19:21Cades quirks it has a proxy Cube proxy
- 01:19:24proxy Q proxy thing uh we have to
- 01:19:27transmit massive files among services at
- 01:19:29the end of the day huge data Dums that
- 01:19:32it would just there would be TCP breaks
- 01:19:34there would be TCP failures where Q
- 01:19:36proxy would just stop transmitting a
- 01:19:38fire what do you do where do you go
- 01:19:39debug it's such a rabbit hole of layers
- 01:19:43and layers of complexity and we really
- 01:19:46shun complexity like that with Nomad you
- 01:19:48know exactly what's going on it'll go
- 01:19:50around your app wherever and it's very
- 01:19:52easy to understand visualize
- 01:19:55yeah our use case was setting a platform
- 01:19:58for our customers right so a context
- 01:20:00where we started using kuet is very
- 01:20:03different from where he's coming from uh
- 01:20:06his is mostly a SAS plat SAS level
- 01:20:09application is how I would see we were
- 01:20:10like selling platforms to customers to
- 01:20:13develop on top of um and we buil the
- 01:20:15abstractions there but that is not
- 01:20:18saying that kubernetes is not complex it
- 01:20:20is complex hence we built abstraction
- 01:20:23now the question is how do we build non-
- 01:20:26leaky abstractions um it is it is an
- 01:20:29effort it isn't it isn't done in a day I
- 01:20:32think we've we've gotten to some you
- 01:20:34should set up a small Sprint R&D team
- 01:20:36that evaluates Nomad we we use NAD
- 01:20:39before we move from Nomad to kubernetes
- 01:20:42for certain cases um yeah absolutely
- 01:20:46like I said it's Case by case basis I'm
- 01:20:48sure yeah it didn't work for us it may
- 01:20:50work for others
- 01:20:5735 member team is buil and man can you
- 01:21:00hold the mic closer so you mentioned 35
- 01:21:03member team is you know built and
- 01:21:05maintaining so just curious what is the
- 01:21:08development process the testing process
- 01:21:10how that efficiency is
- 01:21:13POS automation huh automation yeah tons
- 01:21:18of automation uh and you have to write
- 01:21:22software that is simple to understand
- 01:21:24and maintain extend so that somebody can
- 01:21:27pick it up and work on it so it's not
- 01:21:29one thing it's not one framework it's a
- 01:21:31collection of a lot of principles built
- 01:21:33over a period of time you have to make
- 01:21:36every single service that you write so
- 01:21:37simple that it requires very little
- 01:21:40maintenance automate absolutely
- 01:21:43everything uh that things run on their
- 01:21:46own keep have software engineering
- 01:21:49principles you know architectural
- 01:21:50patterns Etc that help you keep
- 01:21:54everything
- 01:21:55small and simple so we don't have
- 01:21:56microservice heals we don't have dozens
- 01:21:58and dozens and dozens of microservices
- 01:22:00the entire trading and investment
- 01:22:01platform is a collection of probably
- 01:22:02four five Services meaningfully split so
- 01:22:05it's a lot of those practices that come
- 01:22:08together that uh allow a small team to
- 01:22:11build maintain and run large systems and
- 01:22:15this is the same team that runs uh
- 01:22:18installs maintains and runs all kinds of
- 01:22:20internal applications also even our
- 01:22:22employee interet portal where people log
- 01:22:24in and apply for you that's also an open
- 01:22:26source system that we uh maintain in in
- 01:22:30house uh our support ticketing system we
- 01:22:32don't use a SAS in fact we don't use any
- 01:22:35sort of a SAS product for any of these
- 01:22:37things that's also another open source
- 01:22:38system that we install and Main do you
- 01:22:40have teams that manage these internal
- 01:22:42applications as well or is it like more
- 01:22:44shared responsibility there are teams
- 01:22:47but there uh so it's an open source
- 01:22:49system called OS ticket it's a support
- 01:22:51titing system we picked it up in install
- 01:22:54called it 10 years ago it still runs we
- 01:22:56upgrade it once in a while it requires
- 01:22:57so little maintenance that two people
- 01:22:59who are responsible for it they have to
- 01:23:01log in once a year or once a bus wants
- 01:23:03to look at it so you make those choices
- 01:23:06to get Battle tested Technologies you
- 01:23:10don't have a mesh of 100 things that
- 01:23:12talk to each other you have a you have
- 01:23:13five things so you have to simplify your
- 01:23:16you don't use something like yaml or
- 01:23:18sorry nested Yamin Kates so all those
- 01:23:21choices matter
- 01:23:25oh testing is standard you have unit
- 01:23:28tests yeah you have unit tests you have
- 01:23:31integration tests then we get our
- 01:23:34extended support Etc teams to test these
- 01:23:37things there are first beta testers for
- 01:23:38any uh any product release then we also
- 01:23:42release user phasing products on a
- 01:23:44private Forum to selected customers also
- 01:23:47so many layers of automated testing unit
- 01:23:49testing integration testing human
- 01:23:51testing before something actually goes
- 01:23:53right
- 01:23:57not a fan of those labels they're just
- 01:23:59too rigid and they always backfire so
- 01:24:02DDD forces you to think in terms of
- 01:24:05tests which I don't think is a great way
- 01:24:07of doing it yes you need tests but you
- 01:24:09can't think your worldview entire
- 01:24:11worldview can't be test first I that's
- 01:24:14my
- 01:24:19view depends we sometimes feature freeze
- 01:24:23to make an improvement for weeks and
- 01:24:25months also it it's all it all is
- 01:24:27contextual but thankfully in our in our
- 01:24:30industry there's a silver lining uh
- 01:24:32there are aftermarket hours there are
- 01:24:34weekends so a lot of things we reserve
- 01:24:37for weekends so that's the Silver Lining
- 01:24:39we have in this otherwise real time
- 01:24:41industry okay we take two more questions
- 01:24:44one from this row anybody here yeah yeah
- 01:24:49uh go ahead we take two more this is
- 01:24:52rajes there are two I want to share one
- 01:24:55is appreciation for the Zera one
- 01:24:57personal experience I would like to
- 01:24:58share it here last month I just went to
- 01:25:01my bank where I have my salary account
- 01:25:04to open the second trading
- 01:25:06account maybe during the conversation I
- 01:25:09found that one it's taking a lot of time
- 01:25:12comped sitting into the same bank
- 01:25:15reception I just opened the Zer account
- 01:25:18in 12 minutes it is the last month I
- 01:25:21really appreciate the simplicity
- 01:25:25user friendly how exactly a common man
- 01:25:28or whoever it may be having having on
- 01:25:29mobile phone can open the trading
- 01:25:31account only thing I was about to need
- 01:25:33that one white paper some code I need to
- 01:25:35write and make that selfie I really
- 01:25:37appreciate for that thank you second
- 01:25:39thing um I also understand that fors and
- 01:25:43Rain matter you open that foundations
- 01:25:46any thought process why you could not
- 01:25:48able to put it into kind of a Zera
- 01:25:50Foundation which is a more branding
- 01:25:52perspective or maybe user acceptable
- 01:25:54perspective rather than that having the
- 01:25:56two different foundations to support our
- 01:25:59community it's it's it's a choice it's
- 01:26:03by Design it's rain matter Foundation by
- 01:26:05zeroda but uh corporate foundations do
- 01:26:09amazing work but there's a bit of a
- 01:26:11problem there we want all of these
- 01:26:13institutions to have their own identity
- 01:26:15have their own philosophy that really
- 01:26:17permeates from our philosophies we don't
- 01:26:19want everything to be everything we do
- 01:26:21to be tied to a corporate
- 01:26:25at the end of the day we are a
- 01:26:25for-profit corporate entity and we don't
- 01:26:29really know what happens tomorrow so
- 01:26:32it's it's our choice to not mix our
- 01:26:35corporate identity with every other uh
- 01:26:38project that we do especially in the
- 01:26:39social sector but I think people know
- 01:26:42that it's rain matter Foundation by Z
- 01:26:43and that's
- 01:26:44enough and the last maybe you also
- 01:26:47mentioned that this month or next month
- 01:26:48something is going to be given for the
- 01:26:50NGO space perspective for uh something
- 01:26:53you mentioned talk I think a false fund
- 01:26:56okay yeah which can be used by noos to
- 01:26:59have a platform not noos uh it was
- 01:27:01family for open source projects yeah
- 01:27:05Okay cool so there was one question here
- 01:27:09okay somebody pass the mic okay we'll
- 01:27:13come to
- 01:27:14you we'll come to you
- 01:27:17after let let him finish the question
- 01:27:20and then go ahead
- 01:27:28and wow so there are lot ofg in
- 01:27:33Z lot
- 01:27:37ofs so for an open source like Community
- 01:27:42even start
- 01:27:44to what what are
- 01:27:46the you have in mind uh uh like there is
- 01:27:52data related things and uh like lot of
- 01:27:55insights into the
- 01:27:57market so what what criteria do you have
- 01:28:01for integrating
- 01:28:03those so all of the Integrations that
- 01:28:06you see are also startups that we've
- 01:28:08funded so since we launched our rain
- 01:28:11matter Capital Financial Fund in 2016
- 01:28:14and uh this sector this industry didn't
- 01:28:17exist so we've been funding startups to
- 01:28:20create this ecosystem uh of technologies
- 01:28:22that provide value around financial
- 01:28:24markets so uh confidence and trust is a
- 01:28:29is the biggest Factor we can't I mean we
- 01:28:32evaluate it based on that and because
- 01:28:35these are all integration that you see
- 01:28:36are startups that we ourselves have
- 01:28:37funded we've known them from from day
- 01:28:39one and we also have skin in the game so
- 01:28:43the ab the ability to trust that
- 01:28:46integration uh because of the very
- 01:28:48sensitive nature of the entire thing is
- 01:28:51the single biggest Factor
- 01:28:55okay can you pass the mic okay this is
- 01:28:58the last
- 01:28:59question so hey Kash I had a question
- 01:29:02about open source contribution like so
- 01:29:05I'm sure a lot of people would have
- 01:29:07Innovations about like you already
- 01:29:08mentioned about you know maybe lack of
- 01:29:12Competency whether my contribution would
- 01:29:15be good enough or am I good enough to
- 01:29:18contribute or not did you when you were
- 01:29:20starting did you face that or if you did
- 01:29:24how did you like kind of overcome
- 01:29:28it he was contributing while he was a
- 01:29:30teenager so there was less inhibition
- 01:29:32then I think I didn't even my first
- 01:29:35false contributions came when I was 13
- 01:29:37years old I think so I don't think I
- 01:29:41even had that mental markup of maturity
- 01:29:44to even uh think of this like no
- 01:29:47inhibitions and I thought everything I
- 01:29:49was making was the best thing in the
- 01:29:51world plastered it all over the Internet
- 01:29:53that's why I said those so cringe years
- 01:29:55now that I look back at some of the
- 01:29:57things I posted Etc I mean it's but
- 01:29:59that's what a young pre- teenager would
- 01:30:01do so I guess that turned out to be like
- 01:30:05a
- 01:30:07very that turned out to be like a huge
- 01:30:10factor of luck for me that I started out
- 01:30:12in an era where nobody had Innovations
- 01:30:15on the internet you just plaster there's
- 01:30:16no G there's no force was a hacker it
- 01:30:20was a proper hacker space
- Source yeah
- 01:30:24it still exists still ex that used to be
- 01:30:26the GitHub back then Mercurial there was
- 01:30:29Mercurial yeah yeah so I'm glad I got
- 01:30:33lucky that I that was my mental markup
- 01:30:35and I came from that era and by the time
- 01:30:37I had matured as a developer I I I
- 01:30:40thought I figured was okay you can
- 01:30:41publish whatever yeah um so then what do
- 01:30:45you suggest that one should I mean
- 01:30:47obviously there's you should just put
- 01:30:50it be
- 01:30:52young be pissed
- 01:30:55young pleas please completely so what
- 01:30:58what do you think that any let's say a
- 01:31:01person was spent five seven years in the
- 01:31:03industry what do they think I mean what
- 01:31:06do they what do you suggest they should
- 01:31:08do to come out of that you know that
- 01:31:10shell that okay you're competent enough
- 01:31:12you should do it you should try at least
- 01:31:15you should try that's the only thing no
- 01:31:17amount of lecturing or inspiration will
- 01:31:19work you need to build and break every
- 01:31:21engineer has to build and break and
- 01:31:23learn by trial and error you need to
- 01:31:25public publish projects if they fail
- 01:31:27they fail but you need to keep
- 01:31:28publishing so uh she was asking me
- 01:31:31earlier there's like 50 plus projects
- 01:31:33listed on my website but I was telling
- 01:31:36here telling her there are thousands of
- 01:31:37projects that I haven't listed all the
- 01:31:39tiny little failures over the last two
- 01:31:41plus decades right I I've only published
- 01:31:43listed what I really liked that I was
- 01:31:45proud of but there were countless little
- 01:31:47hacks and projects that have just failed
- 01:31:49so there's a big survivorship bias at
- 01:31:52play there it's not that all my projects
- 01:31:54are you know big most of them are not
- 01:31:56but the ones that did well I've shared
- 01:31:59them uh and lots of projects that I
- 01:32:01published also have just faded away I've
- 01:32:03forgotten about them on the Internet
- 01:32:05doesn't matter I think one other thing
- 01:32:08I'd like to add is that you're most
- 01:32:10likely using a lot of Open Source
- 01:32:11projects within your own team right why
- 01:32:14not look at some of those projects and
- 01:32:16see what they've listed as issues that
- 01:32:18you could take up right things that are
- 01:32:20important to your team um instead of
- 01:32:22waiting for somebody else to do it for
- 01:32:23you
- 01:32:24you could contribute that back find a
- 01:32:27find a teammate you you want to pair
- 01:32:29with or do it independently but I think
- 01:32:31take the plunge there uh there's no
- 01:32:34shortcut to that that's the best place
- 01:32:37to start fixing problems in technologies
- 01:32:39that you can relate to that you're very
- 01:32:41familiar with uh you can't just go pick
- 01:32:44a random project on GitHub and
- 01:32:45contribute because you don't understand
- 01:32:47it so look around you look for problems
- 01:32:49that P see of and solve
- 01:32:51them thank you yeah so I just one last
- 01:32:55question yeah here we'll take the last
- 01:32:58one yeah okay so this Arjun here so I
- 01:33:01just want to know whether zero is
- 01:33:04planning to get into web3 space building
- 01:33:06anything on that no crypto exchange I
- 01:33:09don't like the word web3 I've written a
- 01:33:11blog post saying the entire thing is a
- 01:33:12sham okay web3 is a sham it's dead also
- 01:33:16okay can you elaborate a little bit like
- 01:33:18why it's see web
- 01:33:203 there's no clear definition for what
- 01:33:23web three even is what is web3 I mean
- 01:33:26who came up with that term right how do
- 01:33:28you where is the clear spec or
- 01:33:30definition is some blockchain here
- 01:33:32there's some NFD there's some token you
- 01:33:34combine all of that suddenly your web
- 01:33:36three it makes no sense so my entire
- 01:33:39view on this whole web3 it's on my
- 01:33:40website there's a full blog post that
- 01:33:42should idly answer your questions and
- 01:33:44it's also been riddled with scam and
- 01:33:47spam and the entire blockchain stuff has
- 01:33:51had now 10 14 years to prove itself
- 01:33:54there are some use cases it's a piece of
- 01:33:55technology at the end of the day this
- 01:33:57whole web3 thing has a huge marketing F
- 01:33:59and where is web3 now I don't even hear
- 01:34:01of it anymore the last 24 months it's
- 01:34:03just filed
- 01:34:05out I'll go through your blog yeah I'll
- 01:34:08piss you
- 01:34:09off I think web3 I felt it was at in
- 01:34:12very early stages just to bring it to
- 01:34:14frusion and there are uh folks who are
- 01:34:18really not uh you know having confidence
- 01:34:20on the fiat currency and looking more
- 01:34:21into a decentralized economy and stuff I
- 01:34:24thought it's very early stages just
- 01:34:25wanted to know your point of view I mean
- 01:34:28yes fiat currency uh foreign Reserve
- 01:34:31centralization these are all large
- 01:34:33problems but blockchain and nfts are not
- 01:34:37really the solution to that it could
- 01:34:38have been but it's been over overrun by
- 01:34:41spammers multi-billion dollar scams FTX
- 01:34:45collapsing was a big deal right so those
- 01:34:48are different sociopolitical discussions
- 01:34:51Fiat versus distributed but I think web3
- 01:34:54blockchain is the solution yeah you
- 01:34:55decentralize the uh the currency along
- 01:34:59with that you decentralize the problems
- 01:35:00too and which government in the world
- 01:35:03would want to lose the power of
- 01:35:04maintaining the currency right it's a
- 01:35:06political problem not a tech problem
- 01:35:08okay thank you cool with that thank you
- 01:35:12very much Kash let's all give him a
- 01:35:14round of applause it was amazing having
- 01:35:16you and uh this a wonderful talking to
- 01:35:19about all the open source stuff I hope
- 01:35:22everybody here and on Zoom sufficiently
- 01:35:24inspired to pick up opest to pick up the
- 01:35:28next uh contribution into the open
- 01:35:30source world thank you all
- 01:35:33thanks thank so much coming down I've
- 01:35:37been following with Kyla for quite a
- 01:35:39long period of time almost two years you
- 01:35:42don't remember to get him to to to a
- 01:35:46venue again thanks for coming
- 01:35:49down we have a
- 01:35:59spelled my name right spell wrong yeah
- 01:36:02just taken care
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