New Education Policy | Analysis by Dhruv Rathee



TLDRExpressing gratitude, 'thank you' is used worldwide to show appreciation and politeness. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts and has various equivalent expressions in different languages.

Punti di forza

  • 😊 'Thank you' is a universal way to express gratitude.
  • 🌍 It can be translated into many languages, such as 'gracias' in Spanish and 'merci' in French.
  • 🤝 Suitable for both formal and informal exchanges.
  • 💬 Alternative phrases include 'thanks,' 'I appreciate it,' and 'much obliged.'
  • 📜 The phrase has Old English origins, from the word 'þancian.'

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Mappa mentale

Video Domande e Risposte

  • How do I say 'thank you' in different languages?

    In Spanish, say 'gracias'; in French, say 'merci'; in German, say 'danke'; in Italian, say 'grazie'; and in Japanese, say 'arigatou.'

  • What is the significance of saying 'thank you'?

    Saying 'thank you' is a way to express gratitude and appreciation towards someone for their help, service, or kindness.

  • Can 'thank you' be used in formal settings?

    Yes, 'thank you' is appropriate in both formal and informal settings.

  • What are some alternative ways to say 'thank you'?

    You can say 'thanks,' 'I appreciate it,' 'much obliged,' 'thanks a lot,' or 'thanks so much.'

  • What is the origin of the phrase 'thank you'?

    The phrase 'thank you' has roots in the Old English words 'þancian' or 'thancian,' which mean to express gratitude or gratitude itself.

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Scorrimento automatico:
  • 00:12:13
    Thank you
  • gratitude
  • appreciation
  • politeness
  • thank you
  • languages