Do I Need a Break From Social Media? | Ali Hammuda
TLDRIl video discute l'evoluzione della comunicazione, concentrandosi sull'impatto di internet e dei social media. Mette in evidenza come, negli ultimi cent'anni, le modalità di comunicazione siano cambiate drasticamente a livello globale, con internet e i social media che consentono comunicazioni rapide e diffuse. Il discorso esplora i benefici di queste tecnologie, come la diffusione di conoscenze islamiche e collegamenti globali, ma anche i pericoli, tra cui dipendenza, isolamento sociale e la perdita di introspezione. Viene presentato un "test casalingo" per valutare la propria dipendenza dai social media, considerando vari aspetti della vita personale e dell'interazione sociale. Infine, viene discussa l'importanza di valutare criticamente il proprio uso dei social media per equilibrare benefici e svantaggi.
Punti di forza
- 🕌 Il discorso si svolge nel contesto di un centro islamico a Cardiff.
- 📜 La comunicazione è evoluta da orale a digitale.
- 💻 L'internet ha trasformato la comunicazione globale.
- 📱 I social media hanno pro e contro significativi.
- 📊 Viene presentato un test per identificare la dipendenza dai social media.
- 🔍 Il video promuove la riflessione sull'uso dei social media.
- 📚 Importanza della moderazione nell'uso digitale.
- 📴 L'oratore promuove una pausa o digitale detox dai social media.
- 🔗 I social media possono collegare persone globalmente.
- ⚖️ Bilanciare benefici e svantaggi dei social media è cruciale.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Benvenuti al primo di una serie di incontri mensili dedicati a riflessioni su temi attuali nella comunità musulmana di Cardiff. Si sottolinea il ruolo centrale della moschea nella comunità e si auspicano nuovi progetti per il futuro.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Il relatore discute l'evoluzione della comunicazione attraverso i secoli, dall'oralità all'uso del papiro, fino all'era digitale con l'avvento di Internet e dei social media. Sottolinea come i social media abbiano rivoluzionato il modo di comunicare.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Viene citata una profezia del Profeta Maometto riguardo al cambiamento dei mezzi di comunicazione. Il relatore accenna al ruolo positivo dei social media nella diffusione delle informazioni islamiche, ma sottolinea anche i numerosi danni provocati.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Si esplorano i danni dei social media, come la dipendenza dai dispositivi, l'impatto sui ritmi del sonno e la capacità di godere della propria compagnia. Si evidenzia come i social media possano indurre isolamento e depressione.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Il relatore avverte che i social media possono rendere le persone socialmente incompetenti e infantili, compromettendo la loro capacità di avere interazioni umane reali e gratifiche differite, e di gestire situazioni complesse.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Si parla dell'importanza di valutare ogni tecnologia che cambia radicalmente la società. Viene introdotto un test personale in sette punti per verificare se si è dipendenti dai social media, iniziando dalle interazioni di genere problematica.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Il discorso prosegue illustrando il test di autocontrollo con altre sei domande legate all'uso dei social media: il mostrare i propri peccati, l'invidia, il controllo dello sguardo, l'incoraggiare il peccato, l'essere falsi e la gestione del tempo.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Particolare enfasi è posta sulla questione del tempo perso sui social media e sull'influenza dannosa che essi esercitano sulla nostra vita quotidiana, sottraendo tempo prezioso destinato alla crescita personale e spirituale.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Si consiglia di riflettere su come i social media influenzino la percezione di sé stessi e di considerare un uso limitato e più consapevole delle tecnologie digitali per migliorare il proprio stato spirituale e il benessere mentale.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Il punto di vista dell'oratore suggerisce una valutazione equilibrata tra pro e contro dei social media, incoraggiando un uso che arricchisca la vita spirituale piuttosto che distoglierci dai nostri obiettivi e valori.
- 00:50:00 - 00:57:22
Si conclude con un appello a limitare o eliminare l'uso dei social media se ciò risulta dannoso, invocando la necessità di proteggere la propria salute mentale e il tempo, e mantenendo la rilevanza sociale senza il peso della connessione costante.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Qual è stato il principale cambiamento nella comunicazione negli ultimi cent'anni?
Il principale cambiamento è avvenuto con l'arrivo di internet e dei social media, che hanno rivoluzionato la comunicazione rendendola istantanea.
Chi ha creato la prima piattaforma di social media e quale era?
Mark Zuckerberg ha creato Facebook, inizialmente per gli studenti di Harvard.
Quali sono alcuni benefici dei social media secondo la prospettiva islamica?
Permettono di promuovere l'Islam, condividere conoscenze religiose, e connettere persone da tutto il mondo.
Quali sono alcuni degli svantaggi dei social media menzionati nel discorso?
Possono causare dipendenza, disturbi del sonno, isolamento sociale, e perdere la capacità di stare da soli in maniera riflessiva.
Qual è un test che puoi fare a casa per capire se sei dipendente dai social media?
Valuta le tue interazioni con i generi, la divulgazione di peccati, la visualizzazione della felicità, il tempo trascorso, e la tua competenza sociale.
Cosa ha predetto il Profeta Muhammad riguardo i cambiamenti nella comunicazione?
Ha predetto che le persone avrebbero comunicato in modi che all'epoca sembravano impossibili, anticipando sviluppi come la tecnologia mobile.
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- 00:00:07welcome to your brothers and sisters to
- 00:00:09what we hope will be the zeitgeist
- 00:00:11a
- 00:00:12monthly
- 00:00:13uh lecture that we do in the city of
- 00:00:16wales
- 00:00:17we're very grateful to
- 00:00:19the south world islamic center
- 00:00:21its committee its imam and all of those
- 00:00:23involved the volunteers barakallahu
- 00:00:25vikum for facilitating this giving the
- 00:00:27opportunity
- 00:00:29and this masjid is at the heart of our
- 00:00:31community it is central to us and who we
- 00:00:34are as
- 00:00:35cardiff muslims
- 00:00:36we ask allah subhanahu wa tala to allow
- 00:00:38the light of iman and barakat and to
- 00:00:41emit from this masjid
- 00:00:43to make this
- 00:00:44a beginning of many projects
- 00:00:47and an extension of the projects that
- 00:00:49this masjid already carries out
- 00:00:50allahumma amin
- 00:00:54so in the last 100 years
- 00:00:57so many things have
- 00:01:00changed
- 00:01:01globally
- 00:01:02so many things have developed
- 00:01:06at an exponential rate so many things
- 00:01:08have devolved as well
- 00:01:10mainly from a moral perspective
- 00:01:14and perhaps nothing has evolved as fast
- 00:01:18as the
- 00:01:19means of communication
- 00:01:22if we go through a quick breakdown of
- 00:01:24what communication was like since
- 00:01:26antiquity
- 00:01:28in the beginning it was largely an oral
- 00:01:30transmission
- 00:01:32people saying something
- 00:01:34hearing it memorizing it
- 00:01:36and then passing it on to others
- 00:01:39then this would gradually develop
- 00:01:42and people would start engraving things
- 00:01:44on stone
- 00:01:46tablets
- 00:01:47and then stone became
- 00:01:50bones
- 00:01:51bones became leather parchments that
- 00:01:53they would write on
- 00:01:55and then
- 00:01:57those leather parchments became scrolls
- 00:02:00of sophisticated paper
- 00:02:02and communication was growing
- 00:02:05and becoming more effective
- 00:02:07and more detailed
- 00:02:10and then things began to evolve yet
- 00:02:12further and now there was the invention
- 00:02:14of what they call the homing pigeons
- 00:02:17giving a pigeon or training birds to
- 00:02:20take a message and to transfer it from
- 00:02:22country to country
- 00:02:25and then human messengers would also
- 00:02:27take messages transferring it from
- 00:02:29person to person country to country
- 00:02:31continent to continent
- 00:02:33on foot or on horseback
- 00:02:36they would also develop the technique or
- 00:02:38the technology of relay stations using
- 00:02:41fire to communicate messages so one
- 00:02:43station would light up with fire which
- 00:02:45would ignite another station which would
- 00:02:48ignite another station and a message is
- 00:02:50communicated from country to country
- 00:02:52or province to province
- 00:02:56the biggest shift in communication
- 00:02:59however
- 00:03:01was around you can say in the early
- 00:03:04parts of the 1990s
- 00:03:07when commercial internet service
- 00:03:09providers emerged
- 00:03:12and internet had become a
- 00:03:14household product for everyone to use to
- 00:03:17communicate for the first time in human
- 00:03:20history
- 00:03:22at the speed of light
- 00:03:25so the post office had happened the
- 00:03:27newspaper had happened magazines were
- 00:03:29printed
- 00:03:30this was in europe now you have
- 00:03:33communication at the speed of light
- 00:03:35from europe to china
- 00:03:38within a fraction of a second
- 00:03:42then we fast forward to around 2004
- 00:03:47where you had a gentleman
- 00:03:49a harvard university
- 00:03:52student at the time
- 00:03:54by the name of
- 00:03:56mark
- 00:03:58zuckerberg
- 00:03:59who
- 00:04:01developed the first social media
- 00:04:03platform known as facebook
- 00:04:05and the intention of facebook was just
- 00:04:08to be used by other fellow students at
- 00:04:10his university at harvard in
- 00:04:12america and everyone in the university
- 00:04:15started using it it just exploded in
- 00:04:16popularity
- 00:04:18then
- 00:04:19most of the universities in boston
- 00:04:21started to use it
- 00:04:23and within just two years in
- 00:04:262006 the whole globe
- 00:04:30was familiar
- 00:04:32with this product called
- 00:04:34facebook
- 00:04:36with
- 00:04:36hundreds of millions of subscribers
- 00:04:40and then since then
- 00:04:42you had
- 00:04:43the likes of linkedin and myspace and of
- 00:04:47course twitter and instagram
- 00:04:50more recently tick tock
- 00:04:52and soon this very lecture whoever
- 00:04:54watches it on the video will become
- 00:04:56outdated it'll be out of date it loses
- 00:04:58shelf life because we stop that tick
- 00:05:00tock there's going to be a whole range
- 00:05:01of other social media platforms that we
- 00:05:03haven't listed things are still evolving
- 00:05:08what is interesting their brothers and
- 00:05:09sisters is that i wanna be prophet
- 00:05:11sallallahu alaihi wasallam predicted
- 00:05:13that there will be towards the end of
- 00:05:16time
- 00:05:17a change in the way that people
- 00:05:18communicate
- 00:05:21he said in the hadith which ahmad
- 00:05:22narrates on the authority of abu sayidin
- 00:05:24al-qudri he said
- 00:05:41i swear by the one who owns my life he
- 00:05:43said
- 00:05:44the day of judgment is not going to
- 00:05:46happen
- 00:05:48until a day comes when man
- 00:05:51will be speaking to wild creatures
- 00:06:11and the day will come when man
- 00:06:14will speak into the tip of his whip
- 00:06:18and will speak to the shoelace of his
- 00:06:21sandal the lace of his sandal
- 00:06:24and his thigh
- 00:06:26will tell him about what his family were
- 00:06:29getting up to since he left them
- 00:06:32what does this mean is this in reference
- 00:06:34to mobile phone technology allah knows
- 00:06:36best
- 00:06:38the point is that he sallallahu alaihi
- 00:06:40wasallam prophesies that there's going
- 00:06:41to be what a change in
- 00:06:44a change in communication
- 00:06:47now without doubt
- 00:06:49and it goes without saying
- 00:06:51social media has brought with it so much
- 00:06:53good from an islamic perspective
- 00:06:56the ability to advertise a talk like
- 00:06:58this record it publish it share it
- 00:07:01allowing people from the four corners of
- 00:07:03the globe to benefit from it
- 00:07:07the
- 00:07:07countless brothers and sisters who spend
- 00:07:09their evenings thinking about how to
- 00:07:11carefully craft that next islamic
- 00:07:13reminder to help people find their way
- 00:07:15back to their religion thousands of
- 00:07:17people who found their way to islam
- 00:07:19through social media
- 00:07:20quran that is recited hadith that is
- 00:07:23promoted misinformation that is
- 00:07:24corrected
- 00:07:29and when someone does a good because of
- 00:07:32something you post expect the same
- 00:07:34reward without any of their reward
- 00:07:35detracting
- 00:07:37it has brought with it opportunities not
- 00:07:38just from an islamic perspective from a
- 00:07:41non-muslim secular perspective a
- 00:07:43business perspective career perspective
- 00:07:46linkedin to know the other fellow
- 00:07:48professionals out there to know your
- 00:07:50tribesmen to know your family to
- 00:07:51communicate with people in philistine or
- 00:07:54in yemen or pakistan somalia it helps
- 00:07:56you discover who your cousins are your
- 00:07:58aunties are your greats are
- 00:08:01those who want to further their career
- 00:08:02climb up the ladder the corporate ladder
- 00:08:04it helps you do that by allah's
- 00:08:06permission
- 00:08:09so on and so forth
- 00:08:11that's on one side of the spectrum but
- 00:08:12on the other side of the spectrum it has
- 00:08:14also brought with it a heap
- 00:08:16full of harms
- 00:08:19on the adults and on the children as
- 00:08:21well social media although this is not
- 00:08:24the focus of this particular talk but
- 00:08:26what are some of these harms to list
- 00:08:28just a few
- 00:08:32a person's nightlife is quite ruined
- 00:08:35if you become obsessively addictive with
- 00:08:36social media
- 00:08:38you can't sleep a proper full night
- 00:08:40anymore
- 00:08:41these blue light emissions that you are
- 00:08:44absorbing all of the time it affects
- 00:08:46your sleep rhythms
- 00:08:47and then if you add to that that
- 00:08:49obsessive twitch to quickly
- 00:08:51uh
- 00:08:52uh un or remove the fly mode from your
- 00:08:54phone and to check your latest
- 00:08:56notification and then you get that next
- 00:08:58hit of dopamine and adrenaline and now
- 00:09:00you're awake and you can't sleep and it
- 00:09:02becomes even shorter of a night
- 00:09:04so you're knackered in the night you
- 00:09:06can't sleep and by day you're naked
- 00:09:07because you haven't slept and then your
- 00:09:08whole life becomes a misery
- 00:09:12that's one thing a second thing think
- 00:09:14about your ability to be alone with
- 00:09:16allah alone with yourself young boys
- 00:09:18young girls can't do that anymore
- 00:09:21because because social media has for the
- 00:09:24most part remove that ability from us
- 00:09:27because every opportunity that you're
- 00:09:29not speaking to someone or working or
- 00:09:31doing something it's an opportunity to
- 00:09:33put your hand in your pocket and to see
- 00:09:35what's going on the other side of the
- 00:09:36world so you have no time for yourself
- 00:09:39so with the passage of 5 10 15 years you
- 00:09:42lose the ability of finding contentment
- 00:09:44with just being alone
- 00:09:48to sit in
- 00:09:51a lot of us can't do that especially the
- 00:09:52younger generation
- 00:09:54because you're looking inwardly or
- 00:09:56you're looking outwardly all of the time
- 00:09:58outwardly outwardly outwardly and then
- 00:10:00when you're sat alone you're looking
- 00:10:01outwardly into what the world is doing
- 00:10:04you are unable to sit and to think
- 00:10:07inwardly for a moment about your lord
- 00:10:08subhanahu wa and this is an issue
- 00:10:12one of the greatest ways of boosting
- 00:10:13iman
- 00:10:15is learning how to sit alone without a
- 00:10:17phone without a friend without their
- 00:10:19parent for a moment in your day or night
- 00:10:22and for many of us we can't do that
- 00:10:24anymore
- 00:10:26because we feel that there's value in us
- 00:10:28that's missing so we try to find that
- 00:10:30value elsewhere that's number two number
- 00:10:33three
- 00:10:35there's heaps of evidence now to prove
- 00:10:37beyond fact that some of the loneliest
- 00:10:39saddest most depressed and anxious
- 00:10:41people on planet earth are those who use
- 00:10:43their phones their social media
- 00:10:44specifically most it's interesting you
- 00:10:47think that the more friends you had
- 00:10:48online
- 00:10:50the less lonely you feel that's not the
- 00:10:52situation that's not the science at all
- 00:10:54actually
- 00:10:56it's like the more chocolate you have in
- 00:10:57an aisle in the super supermarket does
- 00:10:59not help you curb your desire for
- 00:11:01chocolate any more than an aisle that
- 00:11:04has fewer chocolates
- 00:11:07lonely
- 00:11:08why because you are constantly comparing
- 00:11:11your life
- 00:11:12you're miserable or boring life that
- 00:11:15doesn't have vacations doesn't have
- 00:11:16business doesn't have the latest jordans
- 00:11:18you're comparing your life
- 00:11:20to the highlight reel of your neighbor
- 00:11:22to the highlight reel of someone in
- 00:11:24australia
- 00:11:26and they've removed all of the blemishes
- 00:11:28and the flows of their day so they feel
- 00:11:29lonely
- 00:11:31social media usually feel isolated they
- 00:11:33feel inadequate
- 00:11:36that's number three
- 00:11:37number four look at how social media has
- 00:11:40for many people made them completely
- 00:11:43socially incompetent especially maybe
- 00:11:45the younger generation gen z
- 00:11:48they can't hold
- 00:11:50a long and deep and meaningful
- 00:11:52conversation with you looking at you eye
- 00:11:54to eye that's gone because over the
- 00:11:57passage of years when you're obsessively
- 00:11:59using social media what happens your
- 00:12:01mind now is hardwired and
- 00:12:03short-circuited to only be able to deal
- 00:12:06with short comments lols thumbs up likes
- 00:12:09hashtag shares
- 00:12:11and you lose the ability to become an
- 00:12:13interpersonal human being
- 00:12:15you can't do it anymore
- 00:12:18so social media teaches you that if
- 00:12:20there's a problem in your relationships
- 00:12:21don't worry you can just get out of it
- 00:12:23just click the blog button end of story
- 00:12:26does that represent reality
- 00:12:29reality is far more sophisticated than
- 00:12:31that
- 00:12:32far more messy far more entangled far
- 00:12:34more intertwined you've got to be
- 00:12:35intelligent you've got to be socially
- 00:12:36smart you got to look at people you got
- 00:12:38to talk with them you got to know how to
- 00:12:39deal with difficult circumstances show
- 00:12:42social media says to you that this is an
- 00:12:44image that you gave over you
- 00:12:46impress over you share you comment you
- 00:12:48like that's it it doesn't teach you to
- 00:12:51look at a woman for example as a mother
- 00:12:56or a
- 00:12:57as a neighbor
- 00:12:58it doesn't train you doesn't give you
- 00:13:00those tools
- 00:13:01it strips you of them
- 00:13:03so you're left socially incompetent
- 00:13:06maybe you feel that
- 00:13:07i have felt that and i've experienced as
- 00:13:10some of you have the generation or the
- 00:13:11era before social media and after social
- 00:13:13media i can tell you i'm not the same
- 00:13:15person
- 00:13:16and alhamdulillah i'm taking a break at
- 00:13:18this moment in time it's been about a
- 00:13:19year and a half i'm fasting
- 00:13:21trying to give myself a break
- 00:13:23and i have seen the effects of the detox
- 00:13:26i don't know how long it's going to last
- 00:13:28but it's been phenomenal
- 00:13:30so that's another thing
- 00:13:32the element of what
- 00:13:34the element of what brothers
- 00:13:36what were we just talking about
- 00:13:41how it makes people
- 00:13:43socially incompetent
- 00:13:45add to the list another point this is
- 00:13:47your number five and that is
- 00:13:49look at how
- 00:13:50social media with time and with
- 00:13:52obsession with addiction it can
- 00:13:54infantilize your mind
- 00:13:56it can make your brain like the brain of
- 00:13:58an infant
- 00:14:00a child
- 00:14:02what do children love the most
- 00:14:05flashing lights and
- 00:14:07buzzing sounds
- 00:14:09what does social media train you train
- 00:14:11you to love the most
- 00:14:14flashing lights
- 00:14:15buzzing sounds they just call them more
- 00:14:17sophisticated terms like notifications
- 00:14:21and then look at the tantrum that the
- 00:14:23child kicks up when he or she they have
- 00:14:26their desires not met there and then
- 00:14:28instant gratification why not it's now
- 00:14:31the child kicks up a fuss they can't
- 00:14:33they're not patient they're not
- 00:14:34resilient they're just weak staff now
- 00:14:37and the users of social media what have
- 00:14:38they become
- 00:14:40like a child
- 00:14:41living off the next dopamine hit like an
- 00:14:45addict
- 00:14:46living and waiting for the next
- 00:14:47notification to feel that you're
- 00:14:49validated by society otherwise you don't
- 00:14:51feel that buzz that hit
- 00:14:53looking for instant gratification we
- 00:14:56become childlike with scattered
- 00:14:58attention we're unable to focus you pick
- 00:15:00up a book you read half a page and then
- 00:15:02you have that you're earning to see
- 00:15:03what's going on on the on your socials
- 00:15:05but your phone hasn't even gone off it's
- 00:15:06a phantom notification they call it you
- 00:15:09feel that your phone has gone off but it
- 00:15:10hasn't gone off it's an imagination
- 00:15:12because the wired the brain has been
- 00:15:14rewired
- 00:15:16so that a human being becomes childlike
- 00:15:19living off instant gratification
- 00:15:21tantrums when you don't get the way you
- 00:15:23want
- 00:15:24distracted anxious all over the place
- 00:15:27and unable to carry out a meaningful
- 00:15:29task
- 00:15:31so this is putting social media in the
- 00:15:34balance
- 00:15:35therefore brothers and sisters anything
- 00:15:38take as a rule
- 00:15:40that causes so much change in society
- 00:15:44anything that is adopted by most of
- 00:15:46humanity requires attention from us
- 00:15:50and to minimally dedicate to it a talk
- 00:15:52like this or a series as we have done
- 00:15:53before in other massages
- 00:15:56so i want to share with you
- 00:15:59a
- 00:16:00a home test kit
- 00:16:02you're going to go home this evening
- 00:16:04inshaallah brothers and sisters with a
- 00:16:05home test kit you can take with you to
- 00:16:07your house
- 00:16:09and you have seven parts that make up
- 00:16:12this home test kit
- 00:16:14you test yourself
- 00:16:16if you find that you fail this criteria
- 00:16:19of seven points i'm going to share with
- 00:16:21you then realize that you're testing
- 00:16:23positive
- 00:16:25for
- 00:16:26social media addiction and therefore
- 00:16:28there is a huge reshuffling that you got
- 00:16:30to make in your life
- 00:16:34seven milestones seven litmus tests i
- 00:16:36want you to think about and you then
- 00:16:38decide whether social media is the best
- 00:16:40thing for you or not people will come
- 00:16:42with different answers at the end of
- 00:16:43this
- 00:16:44take note of it
- 00:16:47number one
- 00:16:49the element of gender interactions
- 00:16:52boys and girls
- 00:16:54talking communicating befriending one
- 00:16:56another on social media this is the
- 00:16:58first point we'd like to speak about
- 00:17:03can boys and friends boys and girls just
- 00:17:05be friends
- 00:17:15we have made you a fitna for one another
- 00:17:18allah said will you be patient
- 00:17:21undoubtedly
- 00:17:23communication did exist between the men
- 00:17:25and the women from the companions of the
- 00:17:27prophet muhammad sallallahu no one can
- 00:17:29challenge that they did speak but what
- 00:17:32type of speak what type of speech
- 00:17:35it was a speech that was
- 00:17:38uh shadowed with umbrellas of decency
- 00:17:42and adeb
- 00:17:43and mannerisms
- 00:17:45respect
- 00:17:46and take note of this one
- 00:17:48necessity
- 00:17:50that was their communication with one
- 00:17:52another
- 00:17:53adam mannerisms respect
- 00:17:56decency and necessity that's how they
- 00:17:58spoke
- 00:18:01and there was this famous study that
- 00:18:03happened at the university of wisconsin
- 00:18:05wisconsin ucla where they took 44
- 00:18:09college age students some of them were
- 00:18:12single others were in a relationship and
- 00:18:15they and they paired them together
- 00:18:17and they studied them over a period of
- 00:18:20about a year
- 00:18:22and these people were friends before
- 00:18:25up to two years to 11 years of a
- 00:18:26friendship boys and girls they put them
- 00:18:28together and then they assessed they
- 00:18:30gave them an interview afterwards and
- 00:18:32they found
- 00:18:34that
- 00:18:36men almost always had an attraction
- 00:18:39towards the girl but the girl didn't
- 00:18:42always have an attraction towards the
- 00:18:43boy
- 00:18:45they found when they were interviewing
- 00:18:47them that the men
- 00:18:48consistently overestimated the
- 00:18:50relationship thinking that something was
- 00:18:52going on there's interest
- 00:18:55and the women consistently
- 00:18:57underestimated their relationship saying
- 00:18:59there was nothing going on we're just
- 00:19:00friends
- 00:19:02and now subhanallah with the whole metoo
- 00:19:05movement it it's showing islam as being
- 00:19:07morally superior yet again it was so
- 00:19:10wise when it said to you be careful be
- 00:19:13careful how you speak to the opposite
- 00:19:15gender and how you interact and with
- 00:19:16social media this opportunity has just
- 00:19:19mushroomed it's just exploded
- 00:19:22back in the days you wanted to talk with
- 00:19:23the girl you liked
- 00:19:25it was just i guess a piece of paper you
- 00:19:27write a message in it you make it into a
- 00:19:29paper airplane and you launch it and you
- 00:19:31hope you'll get into the window for her
- 00:19:32room not into the lap of her father that
- 00:19:34is and some of the stories that our
- 00:19:36elders shared with us prior to them
- 00:19:38practicing are hilarious
- 00:19:41now you don't need no paper aeroplane
- 00:19:43you don't need a ladder to climb into
- 00:19:45someone's room you just need an 11 digit
- 00:19:46number
- 00:19:47right or you need the social media
- 00:19:49profile name you're into the bedroom of
- 00:19:51that person
- 00:19:52you're telling me that's not a test
- 00:19:56it's a serious problem brothers and
- 00:19:58sisters
- 00:19:59so this is the first one i want you to
- 00:20:01think about and put yourself under the
- 00:20:02litmus test if you're failing this one
- 00:20:04maybe you need to walk away
- 00:20:07and look subhan allah
- 00:20:09what we did now is prove
- 00:20:11look at the arrangement of salah
- 00:20:13look at the formation of salah
- 00:20:17how was salah at the time of the prophet
- 00:20:19muhammed where women and men they prayed
- 00:20:22in the same room but how
- 00:20:24well look salah the purest of all
- 00:20:26actions
- 00:20:27carried out by the companions the purest
- 00:20:29of all people in masjidu never we one of
- 00:20:31the purest of all places on earth but
- 00:20:34look at the separation because islam is
- 00:20:36realistic it's pragmatic it don't throw
- 00:20:38you under the bus like that
- 00:20:42imam is a man never a woman
- 00:20:45there's bowing there's prostration
- 00:20:48there's compromising positions there's
- 00:20:49also an element of leadership
- 00:20:52there is an imam
- 00:20:54and then you have men who pray at the
- 00:20:56front where do women pray
- 00:20:58women they pray at the back
- 00:21:01what are the greatest roles for men in
- 00:21:04terms of reward
- 00:21:06the
- 00:21:07the front rows what are the most
- 00:21:08rewarding roles for our sisters
- 00:21:11the rosa are furthest away from the men
- 00:21:13the back rows
- 00:21:16then the prophet sallallahu alaihi
- 00:21:17wasallam would say to the companions
- 00:21:18when they finish their salah you don't
- 00:21:20turn around
- 00:21:22till your sisters they get up and leave
- 00:21:23first
- 00:21:25and there was a door for them called
- 00:21:27babu nisa the door of the women and they
- 00:21:29would leave by themselves uninterrupted
- 00:21:31in a dignified manner not having to push
- 00:21:33and shove with men
- 00:21:35he would say you stay there don't turn
- 00:21:36around
- 00:21:37until they leave
- 00:21:39this is in salah full hijab
- 00:21:42face faces covered
- 00:21:43[Music]
- 00:21:46and then the men would get up and they
- 00:21:47would leave so you're telling me that
- 00:21:49this is the arrangement in salah but all
- 00:21:50of a sudden on social media what's going
- 00:21:52on says dm me
- 00:21:54and that's not going to affect you this
- 00:21:56is okay
- 00:21:58this is a if that was the case our
- 00:22:00religion would be bipolar it'd be
- 00:22:01schizophrenic
- 00:22:03that it tells you that you do your salah
- 00:22:04like this but then outside of salah when
- 00:22:06there's no holiness involved everything
- 00:22:08is a free for all this is number one
- 00:22:10what was number one yeah
- 00:22:13gender interactions test yourself on
- 00:22:15that be honest number two
- 00:22:24allah does that mean
- 00:22:28see
- 00:22:29every one of us has a
- 00:22:32demon in his closet
- 00:22:34every one of us let's be honest has a
- 00:22:37sin that he or she is battling
- 00:22:39a a very difficult battle against
- 00:22:42whether it's pertaining to dress or
- 00:22:44music or women or men or whatever it may
- 00:22:46be we all have that individual battle
- 00:22:48every one of us
- 00:22:49one thing is committing the sin
- 00:22:52and then weeping about it and seeing
- 00:22:53astagfirullah and then doing it again
- 00:22:55because you're human
- 00:22:57but you say for allah and you don't
- 00:22:59forget you don't for you don't give up
- 00:23:01this person is near the mercy of allah
- 00:23:04that's one thing another thing however
- 00:23:06is doing the sin and then showing the
- 00:23:09world this is my sin this is what i'm
- 00:23:11getting up to
- 00:23:13as if to say
- 00:23:15not only am i committing the sin yeah
- 00:23:17allah i don't even care
- 00:23:20that then transforms the sin and
- 00:23:23hyperbolizes it it and it aggrandizes it
- 00:23:27it causes it to grow
- 00:23:28to a new level of severity and crime in
- 00:23:31the eyes of allah
- 00:23:32not because of the sin necessarily but
- 00:23:34because of the the mentality the
- 00:23:36approach the carelessness involved
- 00:23:39this is my sin and so what and let me
- 00:23:42show the world what i'm doing too this
- 00:23:44is called an arabic word
- 00:23:47what is the word for it
- 00:23:50exactly
- 00:23:53there is a hadith
- 00:23:55uh which bukhari and muslim narrate on
- 00:23:56the authority of
- 00:23:58the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam
- 00:23:59said
- 00:24:01um
- 00:24:05every member of my nation will have
- 00:24:08safety on the day of judgment except the
- 00:24:11people of mujahara those who publicly
- 00:24:13disclose their sins and then he explains
- 00:24:30foreign
- 00:24:34every member of my nation will have
- 00:24:36safety on the day of judgment except the
- 00:24:38people who show off their sins
- 00:24:40and then he said what this means is the
- 00:24:42following a man who commits a sin at
- 00:24:44night and allah covers him allah does
- 00:24:47not expose him
- 00:24:50and then he gets up the next day he says
- 00:24:52to the world i committed last night this
- 00:24:54and this this that and the other this is
- 00:24:56what i got up to last night
- 00:24:58the prophet alaihi wasallam said that
- 00:25:00night allah had covered him but he then
- 00:25:02tears apart the veil of allah
- 00:25:07so now with the advent of social media
- 00:25:09it's easier than ever before to show the
- 00:25:10world your mistakes
- 00:25:12your yearnings your
- 00:25:14your your your sins
- 00:25:17now keep that between you and allah that
- 00:25:19sin is not to be celebrated
- 00:25:21that sin is to be wept about when you
- 00:25:23think about it you cry
- 00:25:25your heart breaks why am i like this i
- 00:25:28shouldn't be this person when allah is
- 00:25:30my lord and he's lent me my limbs it's
- 00:25:32all unknown i'm going to have to return
- 00:25:34it i'm going to be six feet under i have
- 00:25:36a resurrection ahead of me my life is
- 00:25:38getting shorter i see gray hair why am i
- 00:25:40still committed that's the type of talk
- 00:25:41that's the type of discourse that should
- 00:25:42be when a person commits a sin let alone
- 00:25:45showing it to the world
- 00:25:46ya rasulullah
- 00:25:48a man said a messenger of allah
- 00:25:51tell me about safety how do we reach
- 00:25:53safety
- 00:25:55he said to him
- 00:25:57control what you say
- 00:25:59number two
- 00:26:01you took and your home should be enough
- 00:26:02for you not in and out in and out like
- 00:26:04your home is some sort of bed and
- 00:26:06breakfast never to be seen no your home
- 00:26:08should be sufficient for you unless you
- 00:26:09need to go out number three and cry
- 00:26:13cry when you commit a sin
- 00:26:15cry over your sins not show the world
- 00:26:17your sins
- 00:26:20and who knows who knows
- 00:26:23who is will be encouraged to do what
- 00:26:24when they see your post on your share or
- 00:26:26your hashtag or the image that you
- 00:26:28posted or your status or where you were
- 00:26:30last in the where you were where you
- 00:26:32were at in the last 24 hours who knows
- 00:26:34who will be encouraged to do what one
- 00:26:36can't bear to think about the prospects
- 00:26:38of meeting allah with his own sins let
- 00:26:40alone carrying the sins of others
- 00:26:43because of your encouragement because of
- 00:26:44your opposed this is mujahra this is
- 00:26:47showing allah i don't care it's a new
- 00:26:48level of criminality akhil kareem
- 00:26:52i speak for myself and i tell you this i
- 00:26:54have my own addictions
- 00:26:55i have my own problems i have my own
- 00:26:58demons and the skeletons are closeted
- 00:27:00i'm trying to overcome so please the
- 00:27:02same way it would be unfair for me to
- 00:27:04draw you into my world it would be
- 00:27:06unfair for you to draw me into your
- 00:27:08world
- 00:27:10why share with each other our mistakes
- 00:27:12and our vulnerabilities why help each
- 00:27:15other grow towards allah subhanahu wa
- 00:27:17does it make you happy with your brother
- 00:27:18that your carefully curated photo was
- 00:27:21then used by a sister or seen by a
- 00:27:22sister and now her heart breaks because
- 00:27:24she can't have you and she's thinking
- 00:27:26about you and salla does that make you
- 00:27:27happy that you managed to pull someone
- 00:27:29away from allah
- 00:27:30does it
- 00:27:31please you dear sister to do the same
- 00:27:34whether it's your profile picture or
- 00:27:35your social media app image whatever it
- 00:27:37may be and now this person institute
- 00:27:39instead of thinking about his lord he's
- 00:27:41prostrating and thinking about you how
- 00:27:43is that success
- 00:27:45or is that not a sign of worthlessness
- 00:27:47of a person in the eyes of allah that
- 00:27:49he's used him for this type of behavior
- 00:27:52so this is what number one
- 00:27:55number two
- 00:27:56veil yourself dear brothers and sisters
- 00:27:58in islam
- 00:28:14said
- 00:28:19he said
- 00:28:20stay away from these impure sins that
- 00:28:22allah has forbidden
- 00:28:25however he said anybody who commits one
- 00:28:27of them
- 00:28:28let him repent to allah subhanahu wa
- 00:28:30ta'ala let him veil himself with the
- 00:28:32veil of allah let him do what
- 00:28:35veil himself don't tell the shaykh don't
- 00:28:37tell the imam don't tell the peers don't
- 00:28:39tell any one of them tell allah say i am
- 00:28:41sorry
- 00:28:43and most importantly don't tell the
- 00:28:45people through a post that you share
- 00:28:50this is number two
- 00:28:52number three
- 00:28:54the third part of your home test kit
- 00:28:55before you decide whether social media
- 00:28:57is for you or not
- 00:28:59the element of
- 00:29:00displaying your happiness to people your
- 00:29:03joys the things that you got up to
- 00:29:06hold on a minute
- 00:29:08the next time you're out with your
- 00:29:09friends at stakeout or whatever it may
- 00:29:12be
- 00:29:13you're enjoying yourself with your
- 00:29:14brother your sister your spouse
- 00:29:16and then you feel that impulse to put
- 00:29:19your hand in your pocket and to snap
- 00:29:21what you're doing hold on a minute just
- 00:29:22pause for a minute say to yourself why
- 00:29:24am i feeling that
- 00:29:27why am i feeling the need to show people
- 00:29:30what i'm doing why am i feeling that
- 00:29:32what made me feel there
- 00:29:34why is it that i
- 00:29:36need people to validate my happiness
- 00:29:40why do i need people to reassure me
- 00:29:42that i'm having a good time
- 00:29:44it's as if i can't have fun unless
- 00:29:46people tell me that you're having fun
- 00:29:50now keep the phone there in your pocket
- 00:29:52and realize that when you are constantly
- 00:29:55showing the world your joys your
- 00:29:57successes the barbecues the vacations
- 00:30:00the barbados
- 00:30:02what are you doing you're bringing the
- 00:30:03eyes of people upon yourself
- 00:30:05you are bringing their eyes upon you and
- 00:30:07your family and your money your health
- 00:30:10and then you wonder
- 00:30:12why you have anxieties
- 00:30:14why you're depressed why you're why your
- 00:30:17your life is melting away before your
- 00:30:19life before your very eyes you brought
- 00:30:21this upon yourself we did
- 00:30:24and that is why the nabi sallallahu
- 00:30:25alaihi wasallam he said
- 00:30:27the hadith
- 00:30:29on the authority of
- 00:30:30he said
- 00:30:32is
- 00:30:40he said
- 00:30:41make sure that you hold on to privacy
- 00:30:44when you're fulfilling your endeavors
- 00:30:47because everybody who has a blessing is
- 00:30:49envied
- 00:30:50did you get the hadith phenomenal words
- 00:30:53hold on to privacy secrecy when you're
- 00:30:56fulfilling and endeavor don't go telling
- 00:30:58everyone about it why because every
- 00:31:01blessed man has an envy
- 00:31:06so keep people away from you keep the
- 00:31:08eyes of people away from your family
- 00:31:09away from your property away from your
- 00:31:10life
- 00:31:12and if you need to share something only
- 00:31:14share it with the people you love
- 00:31:16mom dad siblings you know they only want
- 00:31:18the best for you
- 00:31:22by the way there's another element here
- 00:31:24of showing the world what you go up to
- 00:31:26what you got up to and the food and the
- 00:31:28latest steak that you just had hold on a
- 00:31:30minute does everyone have the
- 00:31:31opportunity to eat me twice three times
- 00:31:33four times a week
- 00:31:35does everyone have the opportunity to
- 00:31:36spend 30 quid on a steak
- 00:31:40you just got married and you're showing
- 00:31:41everyone your beautiful spouse okay fair
- 00:31:44play too you've blurred out her face
- 00:31:45jazakallah
- 00:31:48what about your brother next door who
- 00:31:49can't get married
- 00:31:50what about the fella next door who
- 00:31:52wanted to marry the girl that you're
- 00:31:53married to
- 00:31:55you graduated mashallah your dad got you
- 00:31:57a bm
- 00:31:59does everyone need to see that
- 00:32:01maybe my car is a banger i'm struggling
- 00:32:03with a basic skoda
- 00:32:05is everyone a well-wisher for you and
- 00:32:06then you wonder why am i feeling so
- 00:32:08anxious so sad
- 00:32:10it must be it must be black magic
- 00:32:13let just go to your feed you'll mostly
- 00:32:15you will find the answer there without
- 00:32:17becoming obsessed with the idea of ain't
- 00:32:19magic and the rest of it
- 00:32:22so this is number one number three
- 00:32:24the element of displaying your joys are
- 00:32:25you a culprit to that are you a victim
- 00:32:27of that you just can't help showing the
- 00:32:28world everything you're doing
- 00:32:31and what is interesting is that
- 00:32:33the unhappiest people science says the
- 00:32:36unhappiest of all people are those who
- 00:32:38portray themselves to be the happiest of
- 00:32:40people and if it was just about you
- 00:32:43being happy maybe we can achieve that no
- 00:32:46we want to be happier
- 00:32:48than other people
- 00:32:51and social media
- 00:32:53is designed
- 00:32:54to show you that people people are
- 00:32:56happier than they actually are so how
- 00:32:58can you ever win
- 00:33:00as they say that jealousy
- 00:33:03is about all the fun you thought they
- 00:33:04have
- 00:33:05jealousy is about the all the fun that
- 00:33:08you thought they had
- 00:33:10so cover your affairs brothers and
- 00:33:12sisters
- 00:33:15the fourth point is the element of the
- 00:33:17gaze this is number one number four the
- 00:33:20gaze
- 00:33:22the eyes
- 00:33:24do we need to elaborate
- 00:33:26what has happened because of this since
- 00:33:28the introduction of social media and the
- 00:33:29unfettered access to the opposite gender
- 00:33:31come on kareem 95 million photos and
- 00:33:34videos uploaded on
- 00:33:36instagram on a daily basis
- 00:33:40and
- 00:33:40350 million photos on facebook uploaded
- 00:33:43on a daily basis that's a lot of content
- 00:33:46you know the average 13 year old today
- 00:33:49sees more content in one day than maybe
- 00:33:52my granddad has seen in his whole life
- 00:33:56because of the feed
- 00:33:59right
- 00:34:00so if you're unable to restrain the gays
- 00:34:03we know who we are
- 00:34:05then think whether social media is the
- 00:34:07best thing for you
- 00:34:10and that is why bukhari and muslim
- 00:34:12narrate on the authority of abu sayyaf
- 00:34:14that the messenger sallallahu alaihi
- 00:34:15wasallam said
- 00:34:18julius beware of sitting in public roads
- 00:34:24you know public roads you know your sea
- 00:34:25roads you know your edge will roads
- 00:34:27where people just sat there with their
- 00:34:29pipes or whatever they may be doing just
- 00:34:30staring at people walking
- 00:34:33he said don't sit in public pathways
- 00:34:36don't do it
- 00:34:38they said the companions
- 00:34:43we've got nowhere else to sit
- 00:34:45this is where we talk
- 00:34:47in other words
- 00:34:49their houses were not like our houses
- 00:34:50with a kitchen a kitchen and a bedroom
- 00:34:52dining room and tea room and
- 00:34:55it was just a small space
- 00:34:58so they were genuine they said where
- 00:34:59else are we gonna sit and talk and get
- 00:35:00to he said to them look for in
- 00:35:05if you insist on seeing in the public
- 00:35:06roads public spaces
- 00:35:10your costas your lounges
- 00:35:14make sure you give the road it's right
- 00:35:16they said what is the right of the road
- 00:35:17he said five things
- 00:35:20are lowering the gaze
- 00:35:22that came number one number one lowering
- 00:35:25the case
- 00:35:26if you're going to sit there you've got
- 00:35:28to carry out the conditions
- 00:35:29number one lowering the gains
- 00:35:32number two kaful ada to not harm anyone
- 00:35:36number three radu salaam to return the
- 00:35:38greeting of salaam was
- 00:35:41number four al-anm
- 00:35:51it's quite expensive it's quite a task
- 00:35:54it's quite a responsibility you want to
- 00:35:55sit in a place like that fine by all
- 00:35:57means these are the five conditions
- 00:36:00and it begins with the lowering of the
- 00:36:02gaze
- 00:36:03why do i quote this hadith because this
- 00:36:05is not just about
- 00:36:07the physical highways the physical roads
- 00:36:09that's also the roads of information
- 00:36:14the highway information roads social
- 00:36:16media they are roads
- 00:36:18each app is made up of roads your feed
- 00:36:21is a road that requires you to lower
- 00:36:24your gaze and to not harm and to give
- 00:36:26salaam and to enjoy good and forbid evil
- 00:36:28it begins with the lowering of the gaze
- 00:36:31it's a huge responsibility this
- 00:36:34device here this miraculous organ
- 00:36:38has blessed you and i with
- 00:36:40one of the greatest pathways to your
- 00:36:42heart
- 00:36:43it is like a gutter
- 00:36:45that is pouring into your heart all what
- 00:36:47you feel inside of that gutter and this
- 00:36:49is the pathway here as the poet he said
- 00:36:59he said all calamities they began with
- 00:37:02the glance
- 00:37:04and all fires they begin with a spark
- 00:37:19and your heart
- 00:37:20there is going to be a question about
- 00:37:23all of them on the day of judgment allah
- 00:37:25said
- 00:37:27so there's no point somebody posting a
- 00:37:29picture of himself herself and then they
- 00:37:30go no pervs please
- 00:37:33or
- 00:37:34you shouldn't be looking who told you to
- 00:37:36look
- 00:37:38the one who told you to lower the gaze
- 00:37:40is the same one who told you to dress up
- 00:37:43appropriately and careful how you
- 00:37:44present yourself it came from the same
- 00:37:46source don't cut and paste
- 00:37:55and to protect their private parts that
- 00:37:57will be purer for them allah he knows
- 00:37:59what you are doing
- 00:38:01and then he
- 00:38:02says and tell the believing women to
- 00:38:05lower their gains and to protect their
- 00:38:07hearts and to not show their adornments
- 00:38:09except what is apparent from it and then
- 00:38:11the ayah gives a description of the
- 00:38:12hijab so the same ayah that tells men to
- 00:38:15lower their gaze and fear allah is the
- 00:38:17same set of verses that tell our
- 00:38:19counterparts to fear allah with respect
- 00:38:21to dress presentation
- 00:38:23that's balance
- 00:38:25that's justice
- 00:38:27the lowering of the gaze most of it is
- 00:38:29not real brothers
- 00:38:31dear sisters you are aware of that it's
- 00:38:33the whole fake it till you make it
- 00:38:34approach
- 00:38:36you know that
- 00:38:38and that's why ibn mufli when he was
- 00:38:40giving us advice about how to help us
- 00:38:41lower the gaze he says beautiful words
- 00:38:43he said
- 00:39:02he says because you will see something
- 00:39:06that you cannot attain in a way that
- 00:39:08does not represent its reality
- 00:39:10did you get this
- 00:39:12think about it it will help you and i to
- 00:39:14lower the gaze
- 00:39:15it's a beautiful statement
- 00:39:17fear allah when it comes to the lowering
- 00:39:19of the gays why because you will see
- 00:39:22something
- 00:39:23a that you can't attain most of it is
- 00:39:26outreach
- 00:39:28and the second problem
- 00:39:29it does not represent its reality
- 00:39:33it's not real
- 00:39:35and that's why most things that you look
- 00:39:37at and you think whoa
- 00:39:39should you get a little bit closer you
- 00:39:40say uh
- 00:39:42is that not the case that's most things
- 00:39:44alive
- 00:39:46it's an illusion the whole dunya is
- 00:39:49the enjoyment of illusion
- 00:39:52no those cheekbones are not that high
- 00:39:55and that face is not that slim nor is
- 00:39:56the nose and the contouring is all fake
- 00:39:59it's just a filter
- 00:40:00right and there's no dou eyes involved
- 00:40:02either
- 00:40:03right because you got to be careful
- 00:40:04nowadays
- 00:40:06yeah brothers and sisters let's be
- 00:40:07honest here i mean just one instagram
- 00:40:10filter now can it's it's just it's just
- 00:40:12better than a whole facial coverage of
- 00:40:14foundation and setting powder and a
- 00:40:16bronzer and contouring and and all of
- 00:40:19that just one filter is all what you
- 00:40:20need
- 00:40:23so the gains
- 00:40:24how are the gains
- 00:40:28we ask allah to help us with this one
- 00:40:31so test yourself against that and be
- 00:40:32honest
- 00:40:36so this is number one
- 00:40:38number four
- 00:40:40the fifth one brothers and sisters is
- 00:40:42this
- 00:40:44beware of encouraging sin
- 00:40:46and that can happen so
- 00:40:50subtly when using social media beware of
- 00:40:52encouraging sin
- 00:40:54what is the obligation by the way we all
- 00:40:56know the answer when you see a sin in
- 00:40:58front of you what are the obligations to
- 00:41:00change it with your
- 00:41:02with your hand if you are an authority
- 00:41:04if you can't change it with your hand
- 00:41:05what do we do we change it with our
- 00:41:07with our speech if you can't change it
- 00:41:08with your speech what do you change it
- 00:41:10with
- 00:41:11your heart and that is the
- 00:41:13the weakest of iman
- 00:41:15these are the options
- 00:41:18this is the order of obligation
- 00:41:20interestingly
- 00:41:21interestingly that there are some people
- 00:41:23who disregard this completely and they
- 00:41:25go for a fourth option
- 00:41:27instead of changing it with their hands
- 00:41:29or with their mouths or just staying
- 00:41:30quiet about it but feeling pain
- 00:41:32they encourage the sin
- 00:41:35they promote the behavior
- 00:41:37and that's exactly what you have done
- 00:41:40what i have done when we see that image
- 00:41:42and we click like
- 00:41:45what are you doing
- 00:41:46that sin by association
- 00:41:50or when you share
- 00:41:52or when you drop a comment
- 00:41:54that does not help that brother that
- 00:41:56sister come out of their
- 00:41:58darkness their sin
- 00:42:00that sin by association and that is why
- 00:42:06he
- 00:42:07once or his
- 00:42:08people
- 00:42:10arrested a group that were caught
- 00:42:11drinking alcohol in the city
- 00:42:14this is haram in islam and the
- 00:42:15punishment
- 00:42:16the capital punishment or was about to
- 00:42:18carry out upon them
- 00:42:20which is lashing
- 00:42:22so there was one man who who said i
- 00:42:24wasn't drinking alcohol with him i was
- 00:42:26fasting
- 00:42:28he said okay inshaallah we'll begin with
- 00:42:29you
- 00:42:31the punishment will begin what are you
- 00:42:32doing sat with them
- 00:42:34you're fasting why didn't you advise
- 00:42:36them why didn't you move away that is
- 00:42:37what we call sin by association
- 00:42:40so just him being there without saying
- 00:42:43anything um
- 00:42:46that he is to deserve the same
- 00:42:48punishment for not speaking out against
- 00:42:50it and then he quoted the ayah from
- 00:42:53surah nisa
- 00:42:55where allah
- 00:43:06that allah has already revealed to you
- 00:43:08in the book that if you hear people
- 00:43:10mocking the signs of allah or
- 00:43:12disbelieving in allah
- 00:43:14then don't sit with them until they talk
- 00:43:16about something else
- 00:43:20otherwise you will be just like them
- 00:43:24the same sin
- 00:43:25if you're in that gathering you don't
- 00:43:26move what then of somebody who
- 00:43:28encourages through a like or a share or
- 00:43:30an encouragement
- 00:43:31so you see a brother who posts an image
- 00:43:33or he posts let's say a status
- 00:43:36and there is clear backstabbing here
- 00:43:39he's venting his frustration of another
- 00:43:41shaykh
- 00:43:42of knowledge it's clear backstabbing you
- 00:43:44drop a comment you're like you show him
- 00:43:45who's boss bro
- 00:43:47can you go for it show what you're made
- 00:43:49out of you're right i'm with you on that
- 00:43:51expect the same sin from allah if he is
- 00:43:53sinful
- 00:43:55or a sister of ours who posts an image
- 00:43:58of herself that really compromises her
- 00:44:00religion
- 00:44:01and then a sister instead of saying to
- 00:44:03her say your sister may allah bless you
- 00:44:06may allah strengthen you keep this for
- 00:44:07your husband keep this for your muharram
- 00:44:08remember what you will look like when
- 00:44:10the when the maggots start eating into
- 00:44:12your eyes and eating in your intestines
- 00:44:13a week after your death when your body
- 00:44:15swells up and remember remember you give
- 00:44:17her these hot softeners her sister
- 00:44:18advises her no you click the like button
- 00:44:21you just encourage her to continue if
- 00:44:23this person is sinful expect the same
- 00:44:25share for yourself
- 00:44:28yes so beware of encouraging the sin
- 00:44:31dear brothers and sisters
- 00:44:36so i want to mention a sixth one
- 00:44:40and that is the element of being
- 00:44:41two-faced
- 00:44:43two-faced measure yourself against that
- 00:44:45some people
- 00:44:46they have a particular demeanor a
- 00:44:48persona in public
- 00:44:52you know everything is going well
- 00:44:55but then you look on the social media
- 00:44:56you think whoa okay is this person
- 00:44:57schizophrenic does he have a split
- 00:44:59personality is there a bipolar disorder
- 00:45:01some sort it's a completely different
- 00:45:03person it's an all-out pimp
- 00:45:06how can it be it's the same brother in
- 00:45:08the masjid but look how he's presenting
- 00:45:10himself on social media
- 00:45:12this is what i listen to this is the
- 00:45:13people i mix with here's images of me
- 00:45:15what i was doing last weekend this is my
- 00:45:17business it's all haram
- 00:45:19that's being two-faced
- 00:45:23and the messenger sallallahu alaihi
- 00:45:24wasallam said about the people who are
- 00:45:26two-faced and by the way the same
- 00:45:27applies to our counterparts our sisters
- 00:45:29our mothers our
- 00:45:30daughters who in in public she may be
- 00:45:33wearing the finest hijab may allah
- 00:45:35strengthen them it is a test the hijab
- 00:45:37especially today but on social media the
- 00:45:39presentation as if
- 00:45:41everyone's a mahram
- 00:45:43everyone is maharam
- 00:45:44nothing
- 00:45:45how come
- 00:45:47is this not a form of being two-faced
- 00:45:50and the messenger
- 00:45:52said
- 00:45:54he said that the messenger salallahu
- 00:46:11he said you will find that the worst of
- 00:46:14all people on the day of judgement
- 00:46:17with allah will be those who had two
- 00:46:19faces
- 00:46:21they would give a face to these people
- 00:46:22and they would give a different face to
- 00:46:24these people and he said in the hadith
- 00:46:26of abu dhabu
- 00:46:33whoever has two faces in the life of
- 00:46:35this world
- 00:46:36will have two tongues of fire in his
- 00:46:38mouth on the day of judgment
- 00:46:40because you spoke to these people with
- 00:46:42this type of tongue and you spoke to
- 00:46:44these people different type of tongue
- 00:46:45that would be exposed on the day of
- 00:46:47judgment so measure yourself against
- 00:46:49that one as well they're brothers and
- 00:46:50sisters that's number six and i conclude
- 00:46:52with the seventh
- 00:46:53which is
- 00:46:54time time
- 00:46:59what's time saying in your life now that
- 00:47:02you are a social media user how much of
- 00:47:04your day in your evening is it taking
- 00:47:05from you
- 00:47:08and i want you to realize that some of
- 00:47:09us when we have something nicked from
- 00:47:10our lives we hop onto social media guys
- 00:47:13have you seen my phone someone's think
- 00:47:14my phone it's a nokia it's a samsung
- 00:47:16well nokia's old it's an apple or you
- 00:47:19say my car's been nicked it's a bmw
- 00:47:22there's a registration number plate it's
- 00:47:23a black bmw
- 00:47:24but now it's gone
- 00:47:27so you go to social media to complain of
- 00:47:29thieves not realizing that social media
- 00:47:31has been thieving from you for the last
- 00:47:3310 years of the life stealing the most
- 00:47:35precious thing that you have and the
- 00:47:37irreplaceable one that's called time
- 00:47:41we have been the subject of daylight
- 00:47:43robbery
- 00:47:44think about it that's most of us i say
- 00:47:48that's why
- 00:47:49a man like dr calvin newport who was an
- 00:47:51associate professor at georgetown
- 00:47:52university he said that
- 00:47:56social
- 00:47:57media platforms have hired
- 00:48:00entertainment engineers who borrow their
- 00:48:03entertainment techniques from the la
- 00:48:05casino gambling houses to make social
- 00:48:08media as addictive as possible there's a
- 00:48:11whole psychotherapy there's a whole
- 00:48:13psychology behind the design of social
- 00:48:15media that notification that sound the
- 00:48:17color contrast that red number that
- 00:48:19appears over that blue icon makes you
- 00:48:21feel that you want to check it
- 00:48:23in fact if i showed you my phone now and
- 00:48:25you saw a notification on my socials you
- 00:48:28would want to check it for me
- 00:48:30it's like you wanna
- 00:48:32sorry what
- 00:48:33you want to check your notifications if
- 00:48:35it's mine it's not yours
- 00:48:37that's what happens because it's highly
- 00:48:39addictive it's highly entertaining it's
- 00:48:41a slot machine that's been put onto your
- 00:48:43phone and you've installed onto your
- 00:48:44heart
- 00:48:46right so time what does that do to time
- 00:48:48it usurps you it saps you of your time
- 00:48:52if we are not careful that
- 00:49:00he said oh son is adam you are made up
- 00:49:04of days skin bone nerves no he said
- 00:49:06you're made up of days so when a day
- 00:49:09from your life passes by part of you has
- 00:49:11disappeared
- 00:49:13part of you has disappeared
- 00:49:17and even
- 00:49:20who has authored the biggest book
- 00:49:23in history
- 00:49:24in terms of volume numbers called
- 00:49:26kitabul funon he said in
- 00:49:31i have made it haram for me to waste a
- 00:49:34single moment from my life
- 00:49:37time dear brothers and sisters what are
- 00:49:39you spending your time with please
- 00:49:41see a concluding message before we wrap
- 00:49:44up this message in this lecture and that
- 00:49:45is
- 00:49:49it's about how you see yourself
- 00:49:53what light do you see yourself in yani
- 00:49:56when you look into the mirror what
- 00:49:58person do you see
- 00:50:01do you see a helpless person mosquito
- 00:50:03with no ambitions no vision no future
- 00:50:06so khalas you've got to occupy yourself
- 00:50:08with going through endless scrolls and
- 00:50:10endless feeds and seeing the latest
- 00:50:12tick-tock dance and trying to copy it
- 00:50:14how do you see yourself it's about how
- 00:50:15you see yourself or do you look into the
- 00:50:17mirror and you say dignified muslim
- 00:50:20dignified muslim i have a project ahead
- 00:50:22of me
- 00:50:23i have a paradise i have to justify my
- 00:50:26tears for i have a short life ahead of
- 00:50:29me i have a lord i need to honor him
- 00:50:31please
- 00:50:32i have a community i need to build i
- 00:50:34have a religion i have to glorify i have
- 00:50:36a message i have to convey i have a body
- 00:50:38i want to keep healthy i have my dad i
- 00:50:40want to honor
- 00:50:41if you see that person then you wouldn't
- 00:50:44allow yourself to spend hours of your
- 00:50:46day endlessly scrolling because you know
- 00:50:48your time is gold and you know your
- 00:50:50worth is more than that
- 00:50:54want to know your worth
- 00:50:56look at where allah has stationed you
- 00:50:57what are you doing
- 00:51:04whoever wants to know of his station
- 00:51:06with allah
- 00:51:08just look at where allah has stationed
- 00:51:10you
- 00:51:12what defines your day
- 00:51:14like how do you know if an employee has
- 00:51:17a particular status at work you look at
- 00:51:19where his employer has stationed him if
- 00:51:21he stationed him with the trash you know
- 00:51:23that this is his position if he
- 00:51:25stationed him as a treasurer you know
- 00:51:26his this is his position so where has
- 00:51:28allah stationed you
- 00:51:30if you're spending your days just going
- 00:51:32through other people's waste and sewage
- 00:51:36could it be a sign of your station in
- 00:51:38the eyes of allah is not that high
- 00:51:40so he's kept you busy with these petty
- 00:51:42stuff
- 00:51:44or is it that you say no it's time to
- 00:51:46give it a break
- 00:51:47it's time to think big now to plan
- 00:51:49visionary style this is a sign of where
- 00:51:51your station is in the eyes of allah
- 00:51:53brothers and sisters
- 00:51:55i personally believe it's no longer
- 00:51:57sufficient
- 00:51:58to say
- 00:52:00i'm going to have social media because
- 00:52:01it's harmless
- 00:52:03so i'll have social media because it's
- 00:52:05not affecting me i think that
- 00:52:07argument is out of date
- 00:52:10today with what we know and the effects
- 00:52:13we are seeing on us and our children
- 00:52:16the only opportunity the only choice we
- 00:52:19have is to sit down with ourselves to
- 00:52:21check in
- 00:52:22and to look at the positives that you
- 00:52:24are gaining from your social media and
- 00:52:26then you weigh it up against the heaps
- 00:52:28of evidence that are speaking today
- 00:52:31against or about the harmful effects of
- 00:52:33social media then you make the decision
- 00:52:36and you will find if you are honest with
- 00:52:39yourself dear brother dear sister that
- 00:52:40for the overwhelming majority of us
- 00:52:43social media is purely and only and
- 00:52:46solely and exclusively a source of
- 00:52:48entertainment nothing more nothing else
- 00:52:50and a form of escapism to run away from
- 00:52:53the challenges and the struggles of real
- 00:52:54life work and real life grind
- 00:52:59so you want to know if social media is
- 00:53:01halal or
- 00:53:02no one's going to give you a ruling like
- 00:53:03that
- 00:53:06but you can give yourself a ruling on an
- 00:53:08individual level
- 00:53:10because why is alcohol in gambling haram
- 00:53:22say to people there is good in gambling
- 00:53:24or say to people there is great sin in
- 00:53:27gambling and alcohol and benefit for
- 00:53:30people
- 00:53:31so allah is saying look at how balanced
- 00:53:33the religion is
- 00:53:34there is some good in alcohol
- 00:53:37it can give you perhaps
- 00:53:38temporary stress-free life temporary
- 00:53:42moments
- 00:53:44there's some benefit in it people make
- 00:53:45money out of it for example haram money
- 00:53:47but it's money
- 00:53:49gambling again people also make some
- 00:53:51money out of it
- 00:53:52there are some benefits for people in it
- 00:53:54but there are great sins and allah says
- 00:54:00but the sins involved in them both
- 00:54:02outweigh their good thus they are
- 00:54:06so you look at your social media in the
- 00:54:07same light
- 00:54:10is the evil outweighing the good i've
- 00:54:12given you six or seven elements to think
- 00:54:15about
- 00:54:16is the sin outweighing the good
- 00:54:19at the end of the evening do you feel
- 00:54:20empowered enriched do you feel
- 00:54:21spiritually refined because of social
- 00:54:23media i say to you good for you bro more
- 00:54:25power to you
- 00:54:27if you feel that no you feel you feel
- 00:54:29that inner sense of rot man
- 00:54:32lost
- 00:54:33dark you're not the feeling
- 00:54:36you just wasted an hour on nothing
- 00:54:38let alone sin
- 00:54:40then careful it could be haram for you
- 00:54:42as an individual
- 00:54:44you give the ruling based upon how you
- 00:54:45feel at the end of the day when you use
- 00:54:47it end of the year
- 00:54:50so brothers and sisters please this is
- 00:54:52an appeal appeal even if you've decided
- 00:54:55to stay on socials for one reason or
- 00:54:57another i say to you
- 00:55:00remove those electronic hallucinations
- 00:55:02from your life
- 00:55:05check in with your lord
- 00:55:07and remove the applications that you
- 00:55:09don't use uninstall as many of them as
- 00:55:11you can
- 00:55:12keep the bare minimum if you have to
- 00:55:14stay
- 00:55:16and then the notifications disable them
- 00:55:20disable them move the application to a
- 00:55:22page that's not on your homepage so that
- 00:55:24it's not always telling you you've got a
- 00:55:25new message and then disable the app the
- 00:55:27notification so that you can't hear it
- 00:55:31and then you assess yourself whether you
- 00:55:32have an addiction or not if you get
- 00:55:34nervous when your phone is out of sight
- 00:55:36you're an addict
- 00:55:38if the very first thing you feel to do
- 00:55:40when you wake up in the morning and you
- 00:55:42still got one eye closed and you're
- 00:55:43tapping around trying to find your phone
- 00:55:45before you say asmulkul
- 00:55:51if it's the last thing you look at
- 00:55:53before going to sleep
- 00:55:55you're an addict
- 00:55:58if you panic when you feel a buzz in
- 00:56:00your pocket and
- 00:56:02you really want to interrupt the
- 00:56:03conversation you don't seem rude you
- 00:56:04want to see who messaged you you're an
- 00:56:07addict
- 00:56:08when you realize this
- 00:56:11so brothers and sisters life is short
- 00:56:13your life is precious
- 00:56:15and only put your time and effort in
- 00:56:18that which will give you the greatest
- 00:56:19returns in the hereafter and about the
- 00:56:21fomo the fear of missing out don't worry
- 00:56:23you're not going to miss out
- 00:56:25you can walk away from social media if
- 00:56:27that's what you decided to do and you've
- 00:56:28concluded that it's harming you you can
- 00:56:30walk away and guess what you live a
- 00:56:32little bit happier too
- 00:56:34and you'll still be relevant
- 00:56:36and you still know what you know what's
- 00:56:38going on in the news
- 00:56:39and you still be relevant in the economy
- 00:56:41and people still want to hire you as a
- 00:56:42professional you're not gonna miss out
- 00:56:44you just might
- 00:56:46be a little bit happier and a little bit
- 00:56:48closer to the pleasure of allah
- 00:56:53these are
- 00:56:55some bits of reflection i wanted to
- 00:56:56share with you about social media
- 00:56:59maybe i've come across as a little bit
- 00:57:00biased
- 00:57:01it wasn't the intention the intention is
- 00:57:03simply to share with you
- 00:57:05seven
- 00:57:06uh components that you can measure
- 00:57:08yourself against and then you decide
- 00:57:10honestly what your future is with these
- 00:57:13platforms
- comunicazione
- evoluzione tecnologica
- social media
- internet
- islam
- pro e contro
- detox digitale
- dipendenza
- socializzazione
- sicurezza online