AUGUST 12, 2024 DAY 1
TLDRDas Video gibt einen Überblick über die wesentlichen Aspekte der Umweltplanung, beleuchtet die Notwendigkeit umfassender Analyse-Methoden und die Umsetzung strategischer Planungsprozesse. Es legt dar, dass Umweltplanung die Analyse demografischer, wirtschaftlicher und flächennutzungsbezogener Daten umfasst, um nachhaltige und lebenswerte Gemeinschaften zu schaffen. Die Vorlesung diskutiert auch die Herausforderungen beim Ausgleich von öffentlichen und privaten Interessen und die Wichtigkeit von fundierter Entscheidungsfindung in der städtischen und regionalen Planung. Im weiteren Verlauf werden rechtliche Grundlagen und internationale Ansätze thematisiert sowie Gedanken zu Prüfungsanforderungen im Bereich der Umweltplanung gegeben.
Punti di forza
- 🌍 Bedeutung der Umweltplanung für nachhaltige Gemeinschaften.
- 📈 Wichtige Methoden: demografische und wirtschaftliche Analyse.
- 🏡 Landnutzungsentscheidungen beeinflussen Flächennutzung und Infrastruktur.
- 🚦 Verkehrsanalysen verbessern urbane Pläne und Mobilität.
- 🔍 Planung erfordert interdisziplinäre Ansätze und vorausschauende Analysen.
- 🛤️ Planung unterstützt nachhaltige städtebauliche Entwicklungsstrategien.
- 🗺️ Effektive Nutzung begrenzter Ressourcen durch fundierte Planung.
- ⚖️ Aufgabe der Planung ist, öffentliche und private Interessen auszugleichen.
- 🏢 Legalität und Zielsetzung prägen die Prinzipien der Ortsgestaltung.
- 📚 Unterrichtsmethoden und Prüfungsvorbereitung für Planungsstudien.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Der erste Abschnitt behandelt die Bedeutung von Analyseprozessen im Rahmen einer umfassenden Planungsstrategie. Wichtige Themen sind demografische Analysen, Wirtschaftsanalyse, Landnutzungsanalysen und Verkehrsanalysen. Jede dieser Methoden liefert unterschiedliche Einblicke in die Aktivitäten einer Gemeinschaft und ist wesentlich, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, die nachhaltige und lebenswerte Gemeinschaften gestalten.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Im zweiten Abschnitt wird die Rolle der Planung im Alltagskontext erläutert. Es wird hervorgehoben, dass Planung mehr ist als ein Prozess: Es ist eine Strategie, um auf Entscheidungen vorzubereiten, insbesondere bei begrenzten Ressourcen oder bei der Risikoabschätzung. Die Planung umfasst die Bewertung zukünftiger Möglichkeiten und Beschränkungen sowie das Abwägen kurz- und langfristiger Konsequenzen.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Der dritte Abschnitt hebt die Bedeutung von Zielen in der Planung hervor. Es wird erklärt, wie Planungsmaßnahmen mit den Zielen und Vorgaben eines Projekts verknüpft werden müssen. Klare, verständliche Informationen sind entscheidend, um Entscheidungsträger zu unterstützen, insbesondere im Kontext der Erstellung und Durchsetzung von Zonierungsregelungen.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Der vierte Abschnitt beschreibt die Rolle der Planung in der Entscheidungsfindung. Es wird darauf eingegangen, dass Planer verschiedene Bereiche abdecken müssen, wie z.B. Umweltverträglichkeit, wirtschaftliche Vorteile und soziale Veränderungen. Planung schafft die Grundlage für Entscheidungen, die zu den besten Ergebnissen für die Gesellschaft führen.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Im fünften Abschnitt geht es um die Entwicklung alternativer Strategien zur Problemlösung. Es wird betont, dass Planung ein systematischer Prozess ist, der Struktur erfordert. Ebenfalls wird die Notwendigkeit vorhersehbarer Veränderungen und die Rolle der Planung im Ausgleich öffentlicher und privater Interessen hervorgehoben.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Der sechste Abschnitt betont die Bedeutung der Nachhaltigkeit in der Planung. Es wird beschrieben, wie Planer zukünftige Herausforderungen antizipieren und Strategien entwickeln müssen, die sich anpassen und nachhaltig sind. Planung wird als Vermittlungsprozess beschrieben, der zwischen konkurrierenden Interessen vermittelt.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Im siebten Abschnitt wird die Planungsstrategie als ein systematischer Prozess beschrieben, der die Entwicklung und den Erhalt von Landschaften integriert. Es wird auf die Notwendigkeit eingegangen, Ressourcen effizient zu nutzen und die Bedürfnisse der heutigen und zukünftigen Generationen zu berücksichtigen.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Der achte Abschnitt behandelt die strukturierte Herangehensweise in der Planung. Es wird erklärt, dass jeder Schritt im Planungsprozess beabsichtigt ist und darauf abzielt, die geplanten Ziele effizient zu erreichen. Es wird die Bedeutung einer umfassenden Bewertung der gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Zustände der Umgebung betont.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Der neunte Abschnitt beschreibt die Rolle der Lage, Form und Intensität im Planungsprozess. Es wird erörtert, wie Planer den Standort menschlicher Aktivitäten optimieren, die physische Gestaltung von Bereichen beachten und die Entwicklungsdichte regulieren müssen, um negative Auswirkungen zu vermeiden.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Der zehnte Abschnitt fokussiert auf das Zusammenspiel alter Gesetze und deren Relevanz in Bezug auf die heutigen Planungsstrategien. Es wird beschrieben, wie historische rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen die Grundlage für modernes Umweltplanungsdenken bieten und weiterhin in Prüfungen und der Praxis relevant sind.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Im elften Abschnitt werden internationale Perspektiven der Stadt- und Raumplanung besprochen. Unterschiede in der Gesetzgebung und Planungsansätzen zwischen Ländern wie Australien und Neuseeland werden hervorgehoben. Dadurch wird die Notwendigkeit einer gut durchdachten Planung unterstrichen, um kostspielige Fehler zu vermeiden.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Der zwölfte Abschnitt ist fokussiert auf die Bedeutung von Zoning in der Stadtplanung. Es wird erklärt, wie Zonierungsverordnungen die ordentliche räumliche Entwicklung unterstützen und eine ausgewogene Nutzung der Landressourcen sicherstellen, um städtische Ausbreitung zu vermeiden und natürliche Ressourcen zu bewahren.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Der dreizehnte Abschnitt behandelt flexible und dynamische Planungsstrategien, die es ermöglichen, auf sich ändernde gesellschaftliche und technologische Bedingungen zu reagieren. Die Integration von Neuheiten wie Smart-City-Technologien ist wesentlich, um Städte effizienter und lebenswerter zu gestalten.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Der vierzehnte Abschnitt legt den Fokus auf die Finanzierungsaspekte in der Planung. Gute Planung kann Mittel sichern, indem sie klare Projektpläne liefern, die Investoren und Agenturen Vertrauen geben. Zidierung und Effizienz werden als Schlüsselkomponenten zur Risikominimierung und erfolgreichen Mittelbeschaffung beschrieben.
- 01:10:00 - 01:17:00
Im letzten Abschnitt geht es um die Bedeutung korrekter Erinnerung an Planungsbegriffe und Theorien für Prüfungen. Die Notwendigkeit, die Ansätze verschiedener Theoretiker zu verinnerlichen und zu assoziieren, wird betont, wobei eine detaillierte Kenntnis der Konzepte für den Erfolg bei Prüfungen entscheidend ist.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Was sind die Hauptthemen der ersten Vorlesung?
Die Hauptthemen sind die grundlegenden Konzepte und die Bedeutung der Umweltplanung.
Welche Arten von Analysen sind bei der Planung wichtig?
Demografische Analyse, wirtschaftliche Analyse, Landnutzungsanalyse und Verkehrsanalyse sind wichtig.
Welche Rolle spielt die Umweltplanung?
Die Umweltplanung hilft, nachhaltige und lebenswerte Gemeinschaften zu schaffen, indem sie fundierte Entscheidungen ermöglicht.
Warum ist Planung in der Stadtentwicklung entscheidend?
Planung hilft bei der Entscheidungsfindung in Bezug auf Ressourcenzuteilung, Infrastrukturentwicklung und nachhaltige Nutzung von Land.
Welche Herausforderungen gibt es bei der Umsetzung von Planungen?
Politische Einflüsse und die Notwendigkeit, Interessen öffentlicher und privater Akteure in Einklang zu bringen, sind Herausforderungen der Planung.
Welche Fähigkeiten sind für zukünftige Umweltplaner wichtig?
Fähigkeiten zur fundierten Entscheidungsfindung und umfassender Analyse sind essentiell.
Wie werden die Prinzipien der Ortsgestaltung im Planungsprozess angewendet?
Sie werden angewendet, um lebenswerte, funktionale und nachhaltige Umgebungen zu schaffen.
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- 00:00:05Okay So we're down to the to lecture one
- 00:00:09kay hang on ah i-ano mo kaya diyan gawin
- 00:00:16mo siyang
- 00:00:25ano What do we see there ah
- 00:00:31Okay
- 00:00:32y and of course you go to the next
- 00:00:38slide you can see we are lecture one is
- 00:00:43key concepts and environmental planning
- 00:00:46and of course there are questions in the
- 00:00:50next next
- 00:00:53slide you know there are when we analyze
- 00:00:58human activities
- 00:01:01[Musika]
- 00:01:03um Yeah when we are planners and we we
- 00:01:06try to analyze especially in the context
- 00:01:09of formulating Comprehensive luse plan
- 00:01:13um there are key questions like what
- 00:01:16you're saying on
- 00:01:18screen So
- 00:01:20um Yeah we need to we need to
- 00:01:24perform some series of
- 00:01:27analysis like number one is demographic
- 00:01:31analysis So um this method Uh answers
- 00:01:35the question Who are they and it involve
- 00:01:38studying the characteristics of a
- 00:01:40population within a specific area Uh
- 00:01:43like age gender Education educational
- 00:01:47level and many more so a demographic
- 00:01:52analysis might reveal a high number of
- 00:01:54working age individuals Uh which impacts
- 00:01:58housing transportation and service needs
- 00:02:01Uh such data is crucial when planning
- 00:02:05for resources services and
- 00:02:08infrastructure another um type of
- 00:02:11analysis is economic analysis So um it
- 00:02:16answers
- 00:02:18um so questions like What do they do and
- 00:02:23this involves looking at employment
- 00:02:25rates income levels and economic
- 00:02:28activities
- 00:02:30So
- 00:02:31um Like for example Uh When We try to
- 00:02:35study or analyze Cebu City Isn't it that
- 00:02:39yeah Why do
- 00:02:40we Why are we seeing Cebu as a vibrant
- 00:02:44tourism and business and Uh business
- 00:02:47area and Uh So it requires economic
- 00:02:52analysis to plan for growth while
- 00:02:55ensuring sustainability So this analysis
- 00:02:58helps planners anticipate changes in the
- 00:03:02economy and their effects on land use
- 00:03:05and housing
- 00:03:07demands our third method is landuse
- 00:03:10analysis focusing on Where do these
- 00:03:13activities
- 00:03:14occur So this identifies how land is
- 00:03:17used whether for residential commercial
- 00:03:21industrial or um agricultural
- 00:03:25purposes For instance When We try to
- 00:03:29analyze Len
- 00:03:31um in a particular region like Davao and
- 00:03:35so There's something very special about
- 00:03:39tavo and um it can help determine the
- 00:03:42expansion also of agricultural lands
- 00:03:45versus urban development So this
- 00:03:48analysis is pivotal in zoning decisions
- 00:03:52and in managing urban
- 00:03:54spr transportation analysis um
- 00:03:59when we examine
- 00:04:02um an area and Uh you we look at how
- 00:04:08human activities are connected spatially
- 00:04:11So it answers or spatially it answers
- 00:04:14how our human activities connected
- 00:04:17spatially and example is Uh the
- 00:04:22assessment of traffic patterns in a
- 00:04:24particular City so by understanding the
- 00:04:27flaw of people and good
- 00:04:30planners can design more effective
- 00:04:33transportation systems that reduce
- 00:04:36congestion and improv accessibility so
- 00:04:39each of these methods provides Us with
- 00:04:42different layers of understanding about
- 00:04:45a
- 00:04:46community as future environmental
- 00:04:49planners mastering these tools will
- 00:04:52enable you to make informed decisions
- 00:04:55that shape sustainable and livable
- 00:04:58communities
- 00:05:00always consider how these methods
- 00:05:03interlink and impact the overall
- 00:05:05planning process so maybe we can go to
- 00:05:09the next
- 00:05:12slide next
- 00:05:15slide
- 00:05:18Um okay
- 00:05:20so we
- 00:05:22planning is that the one parang hindi
- 00:05:32so let me see that one Okay it is the
- 00:05:34process of understanding so now
- 00:05:38um
- 00:05:39Yeah everyday Uh we plan
- 00:05:43about about anything right So um
- 00:05:47planning
- 00:05:49um is is a process first things first
- 00:05:53It's a process but um because we are
- 00:05:56doing this because we are preparing for
- 00:05:58board exam and we need to understand Uh
- 00:06:02the minutest detail of what planning is
- 00:06:07so planning begins with um understanding
- 00:06:10the types of decisions that need to be
- 00:06:12made Uh we think about the decisions
- 00:06:16that local governments for example um
- 00:06:20must make when facing rapid urbanization
- 00:06:23so For instance deciding Where to
- 00:06:25allocate limited resources like funding
- 00:06:28for public infrastructure or how to
- 00:06:30manage Disaster Risk in flood areas
- 00:06:34these decisions require a deep
- 00:06:36understanding of the community's needs
- 00:06:39and the potential impacts of its choice
- 00:06:42next Uh planning involves assessing the
- 00:06:46opportunities and limitations of the
- 00:06:49future So this is about recognizing
- 00:06:53potential benefits and constraints
- 00:06:56within a given
- 00:06:57context so for example the opportunities
- 00:07:01presented by developing a new ecotourism
- 00:07:04site
- 00:07:06um balance against um environmental
- 00:07:09conservation limitations and the
- 00:07:12capacity of local communities to support
- 00:07:15increased tourism so another one Uh
- 00:07:19planning is about Identifying the short
- 00:07:22and longterm consequences of alternative
- 00:07:25choices this means considering various
- 00:07:28scenarios and their possible
- 00:07:31outcomes so for example when considering
- 00:07:36construction of a new Expressway in
- 00:07:38Metro Manila So Short term Uh It Might
- 00:07:42alleviate traffic congestion but long
- 00:07:45term It Could lead to higher pollution
- 00:07:48levels or disrupt local businesses
- 00:07:50during the construction phase planners
- 00:07:54must evaluate these
- 00:07:56alternatives Thor Uh to make
- 00:08:00that will benefit the community um
- 00:08:04sustainably so as environmental planners
- 00:08:07your ability to navigate this process
- 00:08:11effectively will determine the success
- 00:08:13of your projects and the wellbeing of
- 00:08:16the communities you serve so remember
- 00:08:18planning is not just about making
- 00:08:20decisions It's about making informed
- 00:08:23decisions that will lead to the best
- 00:08:26possible
- 00:08:27outcomes we can go the next slide Okay
- 00:08:32um so it's still a continuation of The
- 00:08:36What is planning and so planning must
- 00:08:39always be linked Uh to the goals okay to
- 00:08:43the goals and objectives established for
- 00:08:46a particular project or area Uh for
- 00:08:50example we consider the goal of reducing
- 00:08:52urban congestion in a City alternative
- 00:08:56decisions could involve Increasing
- 00:08:58public transportation options
- 00:09:01implementing car pooling for example car
- 00:09:03pooling initiatives or developing new
- 00:09:06Road infrastructure so each decision
- 00:09:09directly correlates with the objective
- 00:09:11of easing traffic flow and improving
- 00:09:14quality of life for residents It's also
- 00:09:18crucial that the information we gather
- 00:09:21and present as planners is Expressed in
- 00:09:25a form that's easily understandable and
- 00:09:28useful to decision makers this involves
- 00:09:32clear concise and actionable insights
- 00:09:36For instance when proposing a new zoning
- 00:09:39regulation
- 00:09:40um to preserve its natural landscapes
- 00:09:45you present data on tourist capacity and
- 00:09:48then you do environmental impact
- 00:09:51assessments and then Uh We We also do
- 00:09:54you also do economic forecast in clear
- 00:09:58visual formats like maps And graphs it
- 00:10:02can help policy makers make informed
- 00:10:04decision so was planners your ability to
- 00:10:08align your planning activities with
- 00:10:11organizational or community objectives
- 00:10:14is critical it ensures that every
- 00:10:17decision Made is a step towards
- 00:10:20achieving these goals so we go to the
- 00:10:24next
- 00:10:27slide okay Okay the primary purpose of
- 00:10:33planning is to generate information
- 00:10:37That's crucial
- 00:10:38for decision makers this information
- 00:10:42helps them understand the potential
- 00:10:46consequences of different actions and
- 00:10:49choices so it's not just about
- 00:10:52collecting data but about interpreting
- 00:10:54it in a way that reveals how one
- 00:10:58decision could lead to different
- 00:11:00outcomes compared to another So
- 00:11:04um like when you consider the planning
- 00:11:08of a new urban development in your City
- 00:11:11So planners must generate information
- 00:11:13regarding environmental impacts
- 00:11:16potential economic benefits and social
- 00:11:19Changes So this can involve data on how
- 00:11:22the development might affect local
- 00:11:24ecosystems um contribute to the Uh
- 00:11:27economy or or alter the social fabric of
- 00:11:32the community also in areas pront to
- 00:11:35natural disasters um like you know typon
- 00:11:40Yolanda in Tacloban for example so
- 00:11:42planners gathered that gather and
- 00:11:45analyze data to forecast the impacts of
- 00:11:48similar events in the future and this
- 00:11:51information is vital for creating
- 00:11:54effective evacuation plans and designing
- 00:11:57resilient infrastructure and informing
- 00:12:00the community about safer practices um
- 00:12:04in the context of transportation for
- 00:12:07example transportation systems
- 00:12:09um Uh planning involves Generating
- 00:12:13information on traffic patterns commuter
- 00:12:16behaviors and the efficacy of current
- 00:12:19public transportation So this helps in
- 00:12:22making decisions about Where to add new
- 00:12:24bus rotes Uh build bridges or implement
- 00:12:27new traffic clows so by Generating
- 00:12:30detailed actionable
- 00:12:33information planners empower decision
- 00:12:36makers to choose paths that lead to the
- 00:12:39most beneficial outcomes for society So
- 00:12:42your role as future environmental
- 00:12:45planners will involve a significant
- 00:12:48amount of this analytical and predictive
- 00:12:50work making your contribute
- 00:12:52contributions vital to the nation's
- 00:12:55progress so we go to the next slide
- 00:13:00slide
- 00:13:02Okay
- 00:13:06um planners identify multiple viable
- 00:13:11approaches to solve a problem or
- 00:13:13capitalize on an opportunity this could
- 00:13:17mean For instance choosing between
- 00:13:20constructing a new Highway Uh enhancing
- 00:13:23public transit systems or implementing
- 00:13:25traffic management technologies to solve
- 00:13:28urban congestion
- 00:13:29Uh also
- 00:13:32um each alternative action Okay
- 00:13:36Uh carries potentially impacts economic
- 00:13:41um environmental social
- 00:13:46Uh or cultural So
- 00:13:52um Yeah it isn't Now what i'm trying to
- 00:13:55tell is planning isn't
- 00:13:57Accidental it involves a series of Uh
- 00:14:01deliberate and purposeful actions this
- 00:14:05means each step in a planning processes
- 00:14:08intentional designed to address specific
- 00:14:10issues or achieve defined goals For
- 00:14:14instance the development of a new
- 00:14:15residential area would involve steps
- 00:14:18such as visibility studies community
- 00:14:21consultations environmental impact
- 00:14:23assessments and final design and
- 00:14:25approval so professional planning is
- 00:14:28system
- 00:14:30meaning it follows a structured method
- 00:14:32to solve problems this approach ensures
- 00:14:36that all aspects of a problem are
- 00:14:38considered and Nothing is overlooked so
- 00:14:42in the context of costal management for
- 00:14:44example in Philippines systematic
- 00:14:46planning might involve steps to assess
- 00:14:49erosion risks consult with marine
- 00:14:52biologist for example and engage with
- 00:14:54local communities and develop zoning lws
- 00:14:56that balance development with
- 00:14:58conservation
- 00:15:00planners must also anticipate future
- 00:15:03Changes So um and guide the development
- 00:15:07or conservation efforts through rational
- 00:15:09decision making Uh this foresight
- 00:15:12involves predicting
- 00:15:15economic environmental and Social Trends
- 00:15:18and Preparing strategies that are
- 00:15:20adaptable and
- 00:15:22sustainable so a significant part of
- 00:15:25planning is balancing
- 00:15:29of public and private entities this
- 00:15:32means ensuring that the needs and goals
- 00:15:36of the general public are harmoniously
- 00:15:39integrated with the aspirations and
- 00:15:41objectives of private developers and
- 00:15:43businesses So
- 00:15:45um Yeah an example Might Be reconciling
- 00:15:50the need for public Park spaces with the
- 00:15:53desires of developers to build High
- 00:15:56density housing complexes so um planning
- 00:16:00access and
- 00:16:02arbitration process between competing
- 00:16:04forces planners often find themselves in
- 00:16:08the middle of conflicting needs such as
- 00:16:12economic development versus
- 00:16:14environmental preservation or community
- 00:16:17welfare versus political agendas
- 00:16:21effective planning requires making
- 00:16:24informed decisions that consider All
- 00:16:26These aspects to achieve the most
- 00:16:29equitable and beneficial outcomes so
- 00:16:33professional planning is much about more
- 00:16:37than just creating maps and policies
- 00:16:40It's about understanding deep and
- 00:16:43complex relationships within a community
- 00:16:45and the environment making strategic
- 00:16:47decisions that will shape the future of
- 00:16:50our
- 00:16:51societies so it's a challenging yet
- 00:16:54rewarding field demanding both vision
- 00:16:57and metic lose attention to detail um we
- 00:17:01go to the next
- 00:17:06slide next slide is it the one Okay um
- 00:17:12planning is this is are all this are all
- 00:17:15basic concepts of environmental planning
- 00:17:17so just to make sure that um you're
- 00:17:21hearing tonight um diverse perspectives
- 00:17:25and diverse you know the Multi the
- 00:17:29faceted
- 00:17:30um definition and concepts of planning
- 00:17:34so planning Uh here in this slide Uh
- 00:17:38plays a pivotal role in how scars
- 00:17:40resources such such as land water and
- 00:17:45energy are allocated and this process
- 00:17:47Might Be or must be managed carefully to
- 00:17:50ensure resources are used efficiently
- 00:17:53and benefit both individuals and society
- 00:17:56as a whole It's about Making The Most
- 00:18:00out of limited resources to meet the
- 00:18:02needs of the population without
- 00:18:04compromising future generations ability
- 00:18:07to meet their own needs So that's I
- 00:18:10that's exactly the definition of
- 00:18:13sustainable development right so
- 00:18:16efficiency in planning refers to the
- 00:18:19optimal use of resources to achieve the
- 00:18:22best possible outcomes for example in
- 00:18:24urban planning this could mean designing
- 00:18:27City layouts Uh that reduce the need for
- 00:18:31long commutes thereby saving energy and
- 00:18:35reducing pollution so the goal is to
- 00:18:38create environments that provide maximum
- 00:18:41benefits such as accessibility
- 00:18:44sustainability and livability with
- 00:18:46minimal Resource
- 00:18:48expenditure planning must also respect
- 00:18:52the needs Okay um of
- 00:18:57nature so not just it's not just our
- 00:19:00needs right nature also has some needs
- 00:19:03and this involves integrating
- 00:19:05environmental considerations into all
- 00:19:09um stages of planning to ensure that
- 00:19:13development does not lead to ecological
- 00:19:15degradation an example can be seen in
- 00:19:18the construction of new developments for
- 00:19:20example Manila Bay so probably You've
- 00:19:24heard about the controversial
- 00:19:26reclamation projects around Manila pay
- 00:19:29where where now planners must consider
- 00:19:32the impact on natural habitats and
- 00:19:35ensure compliance with environmental
- 00:19:38laws to preserve
- 00:19:41biodiversity sustainability is at the
- 00:19:44heart of modern planning So it requires
- 00:19:47a forward looking
- 00:19:49approach considering how today's
- 00:19:52decisions will affect future generations
- 00:19:55this includes planning for climate
- 00:19:59change
- 00:20:00mitigation for sustainable energy use
- 00:20:03and preservation of natural resources so
- 00:20:06practical example is the implementation
- 00:20:09of renewable energy projects like wind
- 00:20:13or solar farms Uh in areas Like for
- 00:20:17example so Palawan probably locos Norde
- 00:20:20which not only provide energy today but
- 00:20:24do So in a way that's sustainable for
- 00:20:27the future So effect planning requires
- 00:20:29careful balance between immediate human
- 00:20:33needs and longterm environmental
- 00:20:35sustainability
- 00:20:36it demands that we think critically
- 00:20:40about how we use our resources and make
- 00:20:43decisions that that are ethical
- 00:20:46efficient and beneficial for all so we
- 00:20:49go to the next
- 00:20:53slide
- 00:20:55Okay planning again Uh it is not ha
- 00:20:59hazard All right so it's a deliberate
- 00:21:02and organized effort aimed at achieving
- 00:21:06specific outcomes this means Every step
- 00:21:09in the planning process is intentional
- 00:21:12and structured to address predefined
- 00:21:15objectives For instance when planning a
- 00:21:18new public transportation system every
- 00:21:21stage from root Selection to vehicle
- 00:21:24procurement is meticulously planned to
- 00:21:27ensure efficiency and
- 00:21:31effectiveness this So um also
- 00:21:36um we need to identify different
- 00:21:40elements and aspects of the environment
- 00:21:42like because this refers to the
- 00:21:44comprehensive assessment of all factors
- 00:21:47involved in a planning area and planners
- 00:21:50analyze physical economic social and
- 00:21:54environmental elements understand how
- 00:21:57they currently f and
- 00:22:00interupt so for example in a flood PR
- 00:22:03area and planners need to consider
- 00:22:06topographical data historical flood
- 00:22:09patterns urban development and community
- 00:22:13vulnerability among others so
- 00:22:16understanding the current state and
- 00:22:19interactions of these elements is
- 00:22:22crucial this involves um assessing how
- 00:22:26how well different parts of the them
- 00:22:28work together and Identifying any issues
- 00:22:32that might disrupt functionality so For
- 00:22:35instance recognizing that increased
- 00:22:38urban development in Metro Manila has
- 00:22:41led to heavier traffic and evaluating
- 00:22:43how this affects quality of life and
- 00:22:46economic
- 00:22:48activity so planners project the future
- 00:22:53states of these elements under various
- 00:22:56scenarios this forecast helps in
- 00:22:59understanding potential challenges and
- 00:23:02opportunities allowing for better
- 00:23:06preparedness so
- 00:23:08of based on comprehensive analysis and
- 00:23:13projections planners developed and
- 00:23:16implement strategic actions aimed at
- 00:23:19achieving the desired outcomes these
- 00:23:22actions could range from policy changes
- 00:23:25and infrastructure projects to community
- 00:23:29programs and legal frameworks so for
- 00:23:32example creating Uh green buffer zones
- 00:23:35in urban areas to enhance environmental
- 00:23:39resilience and improve urban aesthetics
- 00:23:42so as future environmental planners your
- 00:23:45role will involve navigating This this
- 00:23:49complex process to craft solutions
- 00:23:52that's that are sustainable equitable
- 00:23:55and responsive to the needs of both
- 00:23:57people and the
- 00:23:59planet so we go to the next
- 00:24:05slide Okay um so location Okay location
- 00:24:11is pivotal in planning it refers to
- 00:24:15where human activities take place so
- 00:24:20proper planning ensures that activities
- 00:24:24are suitably located to minimize
- 00:24:28negative impacts and maximize benefits
- 00:24:32for example positioning industrial areas
- 00:24:35away from residential zones to reduce
- 00:24:39pollution exposure to Residence or
- 00:24:42placing a commercial District in a
- 00:24:44location that's accessible by public
- 00:24:47transit to reduce traffic congestion
- 00:24:50You've seen them a lot you see them a
- 00:24:53lot here in Metro Manila Isn't it that
- 00:24:57it's access accessible by public transit
- 00:25:00so form form relates to the physical
- 00:25:05layout and design of developments and
- 00:25:08spaces So this includes the architecture
- 00:25:12of buildings the design of public spaces
- 00:25:15and the overall urban design good
- 00:25:18planning considers form to enhance
- 00:25:21functionality aesthetics and
- 00:25:23environmental integration so think
- 00:25:27of the BGC form and function align to
- 00:25:32create a space that's both attractive
- 00:25:34and efficient for business and
- 00:25:37leisure intensity is another thing
- 00:25:40intensity involves The scale or degree
- 00:25:43of development and activity in a
- 00:25:46particular area planning regulates
- 00:25:49intensity to prevent
- 00:25:53overdevelopment manage resources
- 00:25:55efficiently and ensure that
- 00:25:57infrastructure can support the
- 00:25:59population density For instance zoning
- 00:26:02lws dictate how tall buildings can be in
- 00:26:05certain areas How much green space is
- 00:26:08required and how densely a neighborhood
- 00:26:11can be
- 00:26:13populated So planners must consider the
- 00:26:16effects of human activities on both the
- 00:26:19buil and the natural environments and
- 00:26:21this includes impacts like noise traffic
- 00:26:25pollution and strain on utilities and
- 00:26:29effective planning mitigates negative
- 00:26:31impacts through strategic design and
- 00:26:34regulatory measures for example
- 00:26:37implementing green building standards to
- 00:26:39reduce energy consumption and
- 00:26:41environmental impacts So um planning is
- 00:26:45about anticipating future changes and
- 00:26:48managing them in a way that's
- 00:26:50sustainable this means making decisions
- 00:26:53that accommodate growth and change
- 00:26:55without depleting resources or harming
- 00:26:57the environment over the long term
- 00:27:01sustainable planning practices might
- 00:27:04include promoting renewable energy
- 00:27:07encouraging the use of public
- 00:27:09transportation or planning for green
- 00:27:12spaces in urban areas so as you can see
- 00:27:15professional plan is a multidimensional
- 00:27:19process that requires thoughtful
- 00:27:22consideration of many factors to shape
- 00:27:25environments that's that are livable
- 00:27:27functional and sustainable so which
- 00:27:29aspect location form intensity and
- 00:27:32effect plays a crucial role in ensuring
- 00:27:35that our communities can drive today and
- 00:27:39in the future So we go to the next slide
- 00:27:43Uh This is this are all you know we
- 00:27:48already are have r8 and 587 but then
- 00:27:52again Uh in the board exams um old
- 00:27:55questions old laws old policy is
- 00:27:59um are still being asked Okay so because
- 00:28:03it's computer generated So it would
- 00:28:05still be relevant Uh for you to um be
- 00:28:10aware Uh that the predecessor law of r8
- 00:28:1510587 Uh
- 00:28:18is Okay
- 00:28:20ah PD
- 00:28:221308 so Uh Yeah for PD 1308
- 00:28:28Uh it defines environmental planning as
- 00:28:31activ so it's also the same as r8 587
- 00:28:34you're seeing the same thing but still
- 00:28:36Uh Yeah just to make sure na nadaanan
- 00:28:40natin and so Uh Yeah it define in this
- 00:28:45particular policy it defines
- 00:28:47environmental planning as activities
- 00:28:50connected with the management
- 00:28:51development of plan as well as
- 00:28:53preservation conservation and Management
- 00:28:55of the human environment So this
- 00:28:57decreases the foundation for how
- 00:28:59environmental planning should be
- 00:29:01approach in Philippines emphasizing a
- 00:29:04holistic management of land that
- 00:29:06includes not only its development but
- 00:29:08also the conservation of its natural and
- 00:29:12human aspect so it's about integrating
- 00:29:14landes planning with environmental
- 00:29:16sustainability and also
- 00:29:19um We also need to be aware that the
- 00:29:23Speedy 933 series of 1976 that that de
- 00:29:28Creating the human settlements
- 00:29:29Commission and later hsrc later hlurb So
- 00:29:34um Yeah this the chronology of this Uh
- 00:29:39human settlements and then until it
- 00:29:41became this Uh but please be aware that
- 00:29:45PD 933 um established the human
- 00:29:49settlements Commission later became the
- 00:29:52hlurb so its objective is to liberate
- 00:29:55communities from urban blight please
- 00:29:58remember this um to liberate communities
- 00:30:01from urban blight and congestion and to
- 00:30:04promote ecological balance and this is
- 00:30:06key to gu in guiding how urban areas are
- 00:30:09developed ensuring they are livable so
- 00:30:11that's the content of PD um PD 933 Uh so
- 00:30:17maybe we can go to because these legal
- 00:30:20frameworks form the backbone of
- 00:30:22environmental planning in Philippines
- 00:30:24and they are designed not just to guide
- 00:30:26the physical layout of but to ensure
- 00:30:29this spaces are developed with a focus
- 00:30:31on sustainable and equitable growth so
- 00:30:35Okay can we can go to the next
- 00:30:39slide Okay the rational of rational of
- 00:30:43town and country planning
- 00:30:46um Yeah so each country has Uh a name of
- 00:30:51They they Nam the Uh their the field of
- 00:30:55profession sa town and country planning
- 00:30:58for example most in the UK they use Town
- 00:31:01and Country planning and in Australia so
- 00:31:06they call
- 00:31:08also Australia New Zealand they call
- 00:31:10themselves town town Planner or town
- 00:31:14planning but of course they have
- 00:31:16different laws in Australia the the main
- 00:31:20environmental law or planning law is
- 00:31:24biodiversity act while in New Zealand
- 00:31:26they call it rma or Resource management
- 00:31:29act so Uh in philippines so we have this
- 00:31:33but in Philippines we have thousands
- 00:31:35Right No I'm just exaggerating hundreds
- 00:31:38only but of course in other countries
- 00:31:41They only have one So um of course let
- 00:31:45me read that it would avoid unnecessary
- 00:31:47implementation expenditure so in the
- 00:31:50context of town and country planning
- 00:31:52It's crucial to it says here it's
- 00:31:55crucial to avoid wastage of resource So
- 00:31:58that's what it means and this includes
- 00:32:00financial resources human effort and
- 00:32:03time so by planning effectively we can
- 00:32:07prevent unnecessary expenditures that
- 00:32:10often result from a half hazard trial
- 00:32:13and error approach so consider a
- 00:32:16scenario where a local government
- 00:32:19intends to improve public transportation
- 00:32:21so without a detailed and well research
- 00:32:24plan they might spend on solutions that
- 00:32:26do not affect
- 00:32:28address the root root issues such as
- 00:32:32buying more passes for roots that are
- 00:32:34not frequently used or rather than
- 00:32:36improving existing popular rots so a
- 00:32:39well plan approach would involve
- 00:32:41conducting thorough traffic and comm
- 00:32:45commuter analysis to determine the most
- 00:32:48efficient use of resources so the you
- 00:32:53know the cost So you if you can imagine
- 00:32:57the cost of trial and error So this the
- 00:33:00trial and error method in urban planning
- 00:33:02can lead to significant financial and
- 00:33:06operational inefficiencies and so this
- 00:33:08approach involves making untested
- 00:33:11changes to planning layouts or policies
- 00:33:14and then adjusting them based on what
- 00:33:16works and what doesn't not only is this
- 00:33:19costly but it can also lead to public
- 00:33:23dissatisfaction and the loss of trust in
- 00:33:25planning authorities
- 00:33:28so strategic planning involves careful
- 00:33:30analysis and forecasting it aims to
- 00:33:34predict how different planning
- 00:33:36strategies will perform TH minimizing
- 00:33:39the risk of failure and the need for
- 00:33:42costly corrections and this method is
- 00:33:45not only more cost effective but also
- 00:33:49ensures that the solutions implemented
- 00:33:51are more likely to succeed from the
- 00:33:54outset so Uh that's what we call
- 00:33:57strategic planning in this context um we
- 00:34:01go to the next
- 00:34:04slide Okay
- 00:34:07um so proper Uh Town and Country
- 00:34:11planning enables Uh areas to establish a
- 00:34:16well-founded basis for Uh changing
- 00:34:19landuse classifications Uh this means
- 00:34:22that any decision to modify how land is
- 00:34:24used is backed by thorough analysis and
- 00:34:28aligns with broader societal needs for
- 00:34:30example converting an agricultural area
- 00:34:33into residential zone would involve
- 00:34:35evaluating the impact of foods on food
- 00:34:38security local economies and existing
- 00:34:41land rides So um Yeah we take to heart
- 00:34:46as a planners the consistency with m
- 00:34:49multifaceted
- 00:34:51considerations like reclassification
- 00:34:53must consider multiple dimensions
- 00:34:57legally Uh ensuring compliance with
- 00:35:00zoning laws and landuse regulations
- 00:35:04environmentally assessing impacts on
- 00:35:06ecosystems Uh water sources and
- 00:35:10biodiversity so on the social
- 00:35:14sociologically considering the effects
- 00:35:16and community dynamics and access to
- 00:35:18services politically aligning with gover
- 00:35:22governmental Uh policies and development
- 00:35:24goals and economically support
- 00:35:27sustainable economic growth and
- 00:35:29development So if we for example if we
- 00:35:33consider um a Coastal area being
- 00:35:37considered for tourism development so
- 00:35:40planners would need to ensure that such
- 00:35:43development complies with environmental
- 00:35:46protection laws it so supports the local
- 00:35:50economy so we need to ensure that it
- 00:35:53supports the local economy without
- 00:35:55displacing communities
- 00:35:57and fits into National tourism
- 00:36:01strategies while preserving the area's
- 00:36:03ecological integrity so exactly these
- 00:36:06are you know when Uh we are trying to
- 00:36:08define this we trying to articulate on
- 00:36:11this particular slide Uh exactly we are
- 00:36:15trying to describe the you know the the
- 00:36:18steps in the eia process So if that's
- 00:36:21done correctly appropriately then I
- 00:36:24think Uh we are indeed comp responsive
- 00:36:30to this particular need or particular um
- 00:36:34process So um when passing when planning
- 00:36:38proposals are well founded and take All
- 00:36:42These aspects into account they are more
- 00:36:45likely to pass through the necessary
- 00:36:48approval
- 00:36:49process processes smoothly Uh this
- 00:36:53avoids delay and conflicts the proposals
- 00:36:56align with the expectations and
- 00:36:58requirements of both local and national
- 00:37:01authorities so the ability to create a
- 00:37:05rational and Sound basis for
- 00:37:07reclassifying land use is a testament to
- 00:37:11the effectiveness of meticulous planning
- 00:37:14so as future planners you will be
- 00:37:17responsible for ensuring that every
- 00:37:19reclassification proposal is robust and
- 00:37:23comprehensive considering all necessary
- 00:37:26facets to facilitates seamless um
- 00:37:29approvals Uh but of course the you know
- 00:37:34reality bites because I'm very much
- 00:37:38aware that at the lgu level um
- 00:37:41reclassification Uh the classifying land
- 00:37:45uses must be very challenging must some
- 00:37:49not sometimes but most often political
- 00:37:53also Okay so we must be very much
- 00:37:56prepared on
- 00:37:58to be more you know to be acting
- 00:38:02like more as an advisor rather than just
- 00:38:05be obedient Uh so that we can you know
- 00:38:10be very true to what Uh Uh we we pledge
- 00:38:15as as environmental planners so we could
- 00:38:19go to the next
- 00:38:21one Okay it would serve as basis for
- 00:38:25enacting zoning ordinance more balance
- 00:38:28and orderly spatial development So um
- 00:38:32Town and Country planning Um establishes
- 00:38:36okay the groundwork necessary for
- 00:38:39creating zoning ordinances so these
- 00:38:42ordinances dictate how land within
- 00:38:44certain zones can be used whether for
- 00:38:47residential commercial industrial or
- 00:38:50recreational purposes so the planning
- 00:38:52process involves extensive research and
- 00:38:56consultation to the determine the best
- 00:38:58uses for land taking into consideration
- 00:39:01the current needs and future Uh growth
- 00:39:04of the area so the goal of zoning
- 00:39:06ordinances is to ensure that development
- 00:39:09is balanced this means that no Single
- 00:39:12area is overburdened with one type of
- 00:39:15land use which can lead to issues like
- 00:39:17congestion pollution or lack of services
- 00:39:21and so balance zoning helps distribute
- 00:39:23activities such as housing industry
- 00:39:26Commerce and leisure across a region in
- 00:39:30a way that supports sustainable growth
- 00:39:32and minimizes conflicts between
- 00:39:34different land uses so imagine a
- 00:39:37scenario where a new residential area is
- 00:39:40planned near a buling City Center
- 00:39:43without proper zoning regulations
- 00:39:45derived from careful planning this area
- 00:39:48might inadvertently become congested
- 00:39:51with mixed use developments that could
- 00:39:53strain local infrastructure so proper
- 00:39:55zoning ensures residential areas are
- 00:39:58supported by adequate Road Networks
- 00:40:02public services and green spaces that
- 00:40:04enhance living condition so zoning
- 00:40:07ordinances contribute to orderly spatial
- 00:40:10development by clearly defining where
- 00:40:14and how specific developments can occur
- 00:40:17this helps also in managing urban spr
- 00:40:21preserving natural resources and
- 00:40:23improving accessibility to essential
- 00:40:26services and amities also facilitates
- 00:40:29the efficient provision of utilities and
- 00:40:32services by local governments so
- 00:40:34effective and effective Town and Country
- 00:40:38planning culminating in well crafted
- 00:40:41zoning ordinances often leads to
- 00:40:44smoother regulatory approval processes
- 00:40:48So um we go to next
- 00:40:52one next slide Okay
- 00:40:55um so down and Country planning allows
- 00:40:58for the incorporation of nutrients that
- 00:41:01make the management of territories
- 00:41:04dynamic and responsive to current needs
- 00:41:07This adaptability is essential as it
- 00:41:10ensures that planning strategies remain
- 00:41:13relevant and effective in the face in
- 00:41:15the face of evolving social
- 00:41:18technological and environmental
- 00:41:20challenges so consider the Rise of Smart
- 00:41:24cities technologies Uh planning can
- 00:41:27integrate this New Trends such as um
- 00:41:30internet of things sensors iot sensors
- 00:41:32for monitoring traffic flows or energy
- 00:41:36use making cities more responsive to the
- 00:41:39needs of Residence and the environment
- 00:41:41So this dynamic approach enables cities
- 00:41:44to improve efficiency and quality of
- 00:41:47life in real time so planning also play
- 00:41:50a pivotal role in steering development
- 00:41:54along sustainable path that this decs
- 00:41:57made today are designed to benefit not
- 00:42:00just the current population but future
- 00:42:03generations as well exactly the meaning
- 00:42:05of or the definition of sustainable
- 00:42:07development so sustainability in
- 00:42:09planning covers economic social and
- 00:42:12environmental aspects ensuring that
- 00:42:15development is holistic and beneficial
- 00:42:18over the long term Uh in the context of
- 00:42:22um a growing town or Municipality
- 00:42:25sustainable planning might Involve the
- 00:42:28development of mixed use spaces that
- 00:42:30reduce the need of transportation the
- 00:42:32preservation of green spaces also to
- 00:42:35enhance biodiversity and investment in
- 00:42:38renewable energy sources and many more
- 00:42:41Uh to decrease Reliance of Fossil fuels
- 00:42:45but of course um I think our Philippines
- 00:42:49is strong now on solar energy and Uh so
- 00:42:55i think we are okay except that um yeah
- 00:42:59the cost of doing so Uh Might
- 00:43:03Be Yeah it's it's very challenging so m
- 00:43:08government should really Uh our
- 00:43:11government should have more you know to
- 00:43:15develop measures that to lower I'm not
- 00:43:19sure to lower some cost Fe by
- 00:43:24ah Ano yun agglomeration or whichever Uh
- 00:43:29whichever Uh strategy we have so that
- 00:43:34um majority of especially urban areas
- 00:43:38would be into this particular Direction
- 00:43:41right so through the introduction of new
- 00:43:44Trends and commitment to sustainable
- 00:43:46development Town and Country planning
- 00:43:48ensures the territories are not only
- 00:43:51equipped to handle today's challenges
- 00:43:53but are also prepared for the future um
- 00:43:58So that's that's Actually why why we
- 00:44:01plan is for the future Generation that's
- 00:44:04motherhood statement But anyway we can
- 00:44:07go to the next
- 00:44:09slide
- 00:44:11Uh Yeah effective plan um That's more
- 00:44:16than just outline the goals but also
- 00:44:19serv as a tool to attract and Secure
- 00:44:22funding So how should we do that our
- 00:44:24lgus um
- 00:44:27capable of doing this I mean Uh
- 00:44:31especially in securing funding because
- 00:44:33lgus are era dependent I mean mostly of
- 00:44:38the lgus right so 90% and Above era
- 00:44:41dependency Uh if this goes for a long
- 00:44:45while and then probably
- 00:44:47Uh Yeah those visions will not
- 00:44:51be will not be obtained so i think
- 00:44:56securing funding other than
- 00:44:58era should be the one that we are
- 00:45:01focused on so well developed plans
- 00:45:04provide a clear roadmap of proposed
- 00:45:07projects which is essential for funding
- 00:45:10Bodies whether governmental private or
- 00:45:13international agencies to understand
- 00:45:16where their investments are going so
- 00:45:19clup for example and those other plans
- 00:45:23are
- 00:45:24needed Yeah we need to update especially
- 00:45:28at the lgu level Uh because it's the one
- 00:45:32of it's the Main thing that they look
- 00:45:35for especially for the funding
- 00:45:36institutions that Uh lgus have updated
- 00:45:40clup Otherwise
- 00:45:43um source fun sourcing would be
- 00:45:46impossible almost impossible I should I
- 00:45:49should say So
- 00:45:52um by having a well thought out Uh well
- 00:45:57fought out plan funding can be allocated
- 00:46:00more efficiently and this minimizes the
- 00:46:03risk of Resource wastage and as this
- 00:46:06aspect of the plan is tailored to
- 00:46:08achieve specific studied outcomes so for
- 00:46:11funders a precise plan means a lower
- 00:46:15risk investment ah and so i
- 00:46:19think Yeah more work to do for planners
- 00:46:23right and that's why you are here
- 00:46:24tonight preparing
- 00:46:27Uh from from day one through to the Uh
- 00:46:32board exam days right So um building
- 00:46:35capacity with building credibility with
- 00:46:38funding agencies Anyway so a systematic
- 00:46:41and professional
- 00:46:42town a plan a good plan enhances the
- 00:46:47credibility of the local government or
- 00:46:49planning body in the eyes of funding
- 00:46:52agencies and this credibility can lead
- 00:46:54to more favorable funding condition and
- 00:46:57Yeah eas your access to necessary
- 00:47:00finances Anyway
- 00:47:01Uh Um what does it say here so Okay we
- 00:47:06can go to the next slide
- 00:47:08Uh now I think like
- 00:47:12um
- 00:47:14Yeah in your board exams um of course
- 00:47:19There are many perspectives of planning
- 00:47:21but just be just note
- 00:47:25Uh which
- 00:47:27which context are are they asking so
- 00:47:31which context Like for example Uh Peter
- 00:47:34hall define planning as blah blah blah
- 00:47:37or Who said what and who or um Yeah who
- 00:47:43Whose theory is like this
- 00:47:47or probably um They would
- 00:47:52say the making of an orderly sequence of
- 00:47:55action that will lead Achievement So who
- 00:47:57stated that so one two TH and they Uh
- 00:48:00Peter hall number two Okay
- 00:48:02Uh probably
- 00:48:06um Patrick ges three blah blah blah so i
- 00:48:10think Uh you don't need to memorize but
- 00:48:13just take it by heart and
- 00:48:15understand and imagine and put some
- 00:48:19images in your thoughts um Who said what
- 00:48:24Okay um So what i'm trying to tell you
- 00:48:27is um because you're Preparing Anyway
- 00:48:29for one year and Just Just enjoy the
- 00:48:31ride So that's a tip Uh and you don't
- 00:48:36need to be hard on yourself and trying
- 00:48:39to memorize everything and doing the
- 00:48:42pneumonics but just Okay do it by
- 00:48:46Association so one Okay associate Uh
- 00:48:52Peter hall with something else with the
- 00:48:54definition that the making of an orderly
- 00:48:57sequence so sequence orderly sequence of
- 00:49:00action that will lead to the Achievement
- 00:49:03of stated goals or go easy right to
- 00:49:06remember the answer Peter hall or
- 00:49:10probably Peter hall stated that planning
- 00:49:13is 1 two TH Parang ganoon ' ba So
- 00:49:17ah yeah by this time at this very moment
- 00:49:21you need to Remember already this one so
- 00:49:23that on day two
- 00:49:25um yeah
- 00:49:27you need to do a process also in Uh
- 00:49:30remembering all the definitions Because
- 00:49:32is the
- 00:49:33most the most challenging eh yyung how
- 00:49:36to Remember
- 00:49:38names to the to the to the ano to the to
- 00:49:43their con to the to the
- 00:49:46specific concept Okay so to planning as
- 00:49:51defined there involves creating an
- 00:49:54orderly sequence of actions and this
- 00:49:56means that each step so in the planning
- 00:50:00process is carefully organized and
- 00:50:02follows a logical order
- 00:50:05ah probably Peter hall Peter hall hall
- 00:50:10is long or long I'm not sure if you can
- 00:50:14how you would like to Remember kasi
- 00:50:15iba-ibang Generation kayo and so
- 00:50:19iba-ibang style gen ah gen Z ah gen X Y
- 00:50:25Magkakaiba yan eh yung thinking eh so
- 00:50:29ah Maybe you can put a face Maybe you
- 00:50:32can look for the face of Peter hall so
- 00:50:34that you will remember
- 00:50:36Uh How did he define planning So okay Ah
- 00:50:41so This is structured approach helps
- 00:50:44ensure that Nothing is overlooked and
- 00:50:46that each phase of development
- 00:50:49contributes towards the overarching
- 00:50:51objective so probably just have to take
- 00:50:55that or to
- 00:50:57um to remember that Okay so Anyway Uh
- 00:51:03the ultimate aim So that's what he said
- 00:51:06that the ultimate aim of town planning
- 00:51:09is to achieve specific predefined goals
- 00:51:12right So this goals could range from
- 00:51:15improving transportation Networks
- 00:51:16enhancing quality of life promoting
- 00:51:19economic development to conserving
- 00:51:21environmental resources so just create
- 00:51:24some stories
- 00:51:26create scenarios in your mind Okay so
- 00:51:30maybe I'm just trying to give you some
- 00:51:34ideas on how to remember things Ah so we
- 00:51:39go to the next
- 00:51:41one Okay let me look Some names here
- 00:51:48ah just a moment I'd like to
- 00:51:54ah probably si ano
- 00:51:59ah si Menandro Menandro can you can you
- 00:52:04recite yyung ano ni ni Peter hall So
- 00:52:07what do you remember from Peter hall's
- 00:52:09definition of planning iano mo nga ito o
- 00:52:13sige
- 00:52:14game
- 00:52:18Menandro sorry ma'am Yes po Oo What do
- 00:52:22you remember ' ba I just mentioned and
- 00:52:24tried to explain about
- 00:52:27how Peter hall had thein planning so
- 00:52:30maybe can you can you give me the G So
- 00:52:34if that that will be asked during your
- 00:52:36board exam So can you tell me Uh So how
- 00:52:40did he define planning si Peter hall
- 00:52:44ahek Maam k alalahanin yamung ano yung
- 00:52:49purposive na goals and objectives Ah
- 00:52:53sige nga sige keep going
- 00:52:56ah Tapos
- 00:52:59Wait medyo purol na Ma'am
- 00:53:02sorry Sige ha ah Just hang on there hang
- 00:53:05on there How about mire unmute ka nga
- 00:53:08diyan mire Sige para marinig So this are
- 00:53:13Uh Yeah you're with 2024 Batch okay
- 00:53:18Miller can you what do you remember
- 00:53:20about Peter
- 00:53:22Hall I remember my my professor noon sa
- 00:53:26sarp e si Attorney ano astea Santiago
- 00:53:31Favorite niya yung Peter hall na yan
- 00:53:33milar Hi mire Are you there ah si
- 00:53:37Vincent na lang O sige tingnan natin
- 00:53:39sinong mas magaling March 24 25 Hello
- 00:53:44Okay Hello po Can you tell me what
- 00:53:46member basta naalala ko po ah yung ah
- 00:53:51isang process po siya na kailangan
- 00:53:53mag-lead into ah ah to a specified goals
- 00:53:59or objectives Okay something like that
- 00:54:02Okay sige ha Okay ah thanks for that and
- 00:54:06ah noy me sige nga Noy me what do you
- 00:54:09remember from Peter
- 00:54:11hall Hi
- 00:54:14Noy
- 00:54:17Hello unmute Please sige nga para at
- 00:54:22least
- 00:54:24Hello si ano si si rodante nga rodante
- 00:54:28architect
- 00:54:30rodante Yes ma'am good evening po okay
- 00:54:34Can you tell me what you remember from p
- 00:54:36Peter h's definition of ah
- 00:54:40planning din fine po ni Peter h ang
- 00:54:44pwedeng ilakas Yes oo as an organized
- 00:54:48sequence okay and yun po ko okay
- 00:54:55sequence Yes sin n sequence po para at
- 00:54:58least ma ma po lahat ng mga Okay I'd
- 00:55:03like to ask someone Melody Sige nga
- 00:55:05Melody How do you remember from Peter
- 00:55:08hall how how he defined
- 00:55:12planning
- 00:55:13Hello ang yung sequence po ng
- 00:55:16pagkakasunod-sunod kung paano siya Okay
- 00:55:20gagawin i-assess yung mga ah
- 00:55:23opportunities yung limitation yung pang
- 00:55:27Short term and pang long term Okay so
- 00:55:31Jen Would you like to ano go back to
- 00:55:34Peter hall now so let so everyone would
- 00:55:37see Okay ah Freddy can you can you read
- 00:55:42ay hindi yung isa Peter hall si ke yan
- 00:55:49eh Sige pa yung ano kanina yung kanina
- 00:55:53hindi parang medyo lumalayo ka hindi
- 00:55:56yung
- 00:55:58kanina lumalayo ka
- 00:56:00na Wait lang po
- 00:56:06O ayan Okay di ba yan lang oh ah Freddy
- 00:56:10can you read planning is Okay
- 00:56:15Freddy Yes ma'am planning the making of
- 00:56:19an orderly sequence of action that will
- 00:56:23lead to the Achievement of
- 00:56:27go or goals tama naman lahat sila e ba
- 00:56:31kailang ch ch chap siya parang
- 00:56:34ano so so at this moment I'll giving you
- 00:56:38I'm giving you all one minute okay na
- 00:56:41kabisaduhin na yan the making of an
- 00:56:45orderly sequence of
- 00:56:47[Musika]
- 00:56:49action that will lead to the Achievement
- 00:56:51of stated goals dalawa lang naman ba
- 00:56:54orderly sequence of action and ano and
- 00:56:57achievement of the goals ' ba So dalawa
- 00:57:00lang yun na key concepts e
- 00:57:03Okay so ah That's How You Do it I hope
- 00:57:07you remember them Okay na hindi na natin
- 00:57:10kasi madami pa kayong i-memorize so Uh
- 00:57:12once it occurs on a specific slide it
- 00:57:16occurs on the screen And that's your
- 00:57:20opportunity to already memorize or ah
- 00:57:25remember already no Okay we go to the
- 00:57:28next
- 00:57:30slide puro memory work ito
- 00:57:33eh
- 00:57:34Ah
- 00:57:36okay yan key Hello Maam excuse Po tanong
- 00:57:42lang po ang word exam po ba ay ano
- 00:57:44written Hindi naman
- 00:57:47ah modified meron modified
- 00:57:51um Ano to ah MC multiple choice Ah okay
- 00:57:58po oo pero alam mo yun ah either they
- 00:58:02ask for the name or they ask for the ano
- 00:58:06kapag madami ng mga sentences a the art
- 00:58:09of blah blah blah and and then the ano
- 00:58:12kung marami k pipilian you will get
- 00:58:15confused and you lose the chance to
- 00:58:18pass kapagka hindi mo siya
- 00:58:23kabisado MM
- 00:58:27Bale 2 days din po yun ha 2 days po ang
- 00:58:31cover ng exam Oo 2
- 00:58:34days 2
- 00:58:36days and you know what maraming Hindi
- 00:58:39pumapasa because of history and Theory
- 00:58:44ah kasi kapagka kulang ka ng one ng
- 00:58:48isang
- 00:58:49item kumbaga What if your score is kasi
- 00:58:5470 ang passing rate natin What if you
- 00:58:56got 69 so Siguro yung 1% equivalent to 5
- 00:59:02questions
- 00:59:03yon may hindi ka nakuha Sayang naman
- 00:59:06napakadali pala ng question lang if you
- 00:59:09followed your reviewer di ba yung
- 00:59:10techniques and and that's why we're
- 00:59:13doing it for six months para to make
- 00:59:15sure na yung mag-build up yung momentum
- 00:59:18ninyo at hindi lang yung memory work
- 00:59:20kasi that's very
- 00:59:22dangerous strategy yung memorization so
- 00:59:26you need to understand and that's why
- 00:59:28we're doing this do you get
- 00:59:33me Yes ma'am Thank you po okay Okay so
- 00:59:36Ah si kibol naman he answered ah he
- 00:59:40defined the art and Science of ordering
- 00:59:44So pwede mo siyang maconfuse doon kay
- 00:59:47Peter hall the art and Science of
- 00:59:49ordering the use of land and citing of
- 00:59:52buildings and communication rotes ' ba
- 00:59:55napakahaba ba so as to Secure the
- 00:59:57maximum practicable degree of autonomy
- 01:00:01convenience and
- 01:00:03beauty So that's ke how he defined kable
- 01:00:09um kapag ba ganyan and then you Listen
- 01:00:13to me and then Uh and then we keep
- 01:00:16moving on our topics and and if i okay
- 01:00:22if I ask genen Jen if you can move it
- 01:00:24further yung
- 01:00:26ano yung slide natin iove fther mo Okay
- 01:00:30ah So how did k define it April
- 01:00:36joyo yung maalala mo lang ite-test ko
- 01:00:39lang kasi hindi ko kayo kilala e ngayon
- 01:00:41lang tayo mago mag-meet I would like to
- 01:00:44Ano so that I can support and I can help
- 01:00:48you Paano
- 01:00:49tayo We will be on the same
- 01:00:53pagei I noti all batches ano starting
- 01:00:57from
- 01:00:582014 when I started this one kasi it's
- 01:01:02been a it's been a decade I've been
- 01:01:03doing this Magkakaiba eh Magkakaiba yung
- 01:01:06strength and may nahuhuli so pagdating
- 01:01:10sa pagdating sa ano to sa Mac exams
- 01:01:15madami talaga yung nahuhuli so I would
- 01:01:17like to Ano medyo sabay-sabay tayo so I
- 01:01:20can make it more interactive if you join
- 01:01:22What do you remember from pan kaya ke
- 01:01:26key
- 01:01:29concepts art and science ma of of of
- 01:01:33land
- 01:01:35po okay how about o Al John kaya si Al
- 01:01:42John evening po the art of Science
- 01:01:46of use of land and communication
- 01:01:52R so pag Makikita mo na y Makikita mo na
- 01:01:56ung mga keywords na yun ano So you Might
- 01:01:58as well remember ano parang
- 01:02:01ganon Yes po lalo po kapag Oo naka ital
- 01:02:06siya madali pong Ah hindi siya maga ital
- 01:02:10hindi nila gagawin yan Opo sa sa
- 01:02:13pagre-review po ah okay okay okay So
- 01:02:17that's what you mean I mean in the board
- 01:02:19exams kapag k encounter them maalala mo
- 01:02:21kaya si k ganon Ah si Grace kaya si
- 01:02:27race Hi po ang understanding ko po is
- 01:02:31parang art and science siya So parang
- 01:02:33may strategy siya Oo na na gagamitin to
- 01:02:39to attain yung yung effective planning
- 01:02:44Oo Okay so Ah okay Can we bring that
- 01:02:48back tingnan natin jen and i bring that
- 01:02:52back Okay so the art and science correct
- 01:02:55naman sa the art and Science of
- 01:02:57ordering So parang providing order
- 01:03:00parang si parang si ano din lang no si
- 01:03:03Peter hall Uh the but this this time
- 01:03:06around the use of land so more specific
- 01:03:09use of land and citing of buildings Okay
- 01:03:13please try to imagine Uh put image into
- 01:03:18that definition use of land and sighting
- 01:03:21of buildings and communication rotes so
- 01:03:25us to Secure the maximum practicable
- 01:03:27degree of autonomy convenience and
- 01:03:30beauty so a acb pwede ring ABC ' ba para
- 01:03:36mas ma maano ninyo ma ma-remember ninyo
- 01:03:41autonomy Beauty and convenience so those
- 01:03:45are those are some of those objectives
- 01:03:49of ah the definition yung why we plan
- 01:03:54Okay so now now I gave you strategies on
- 01:03:59how to memorize mga definitions kasi a
- 01:04:02lot of definitions really Uh on area on
- 01:04:06this particular area of the board exam
- 01:04:09so it's mcq Anyway Uh Yeah probably we
- 01:04:13can have a
- 01:04:17weekly Mac exams so that Ah hindi ninyo
- 01:04:21maano hindi hindi ninyo makalimutan
- 01:04:24Anyway we go to the next
- 01:04:28next one this is Thomas sharp so there
- 01:04:32are
- 01:04:33two theories or thinkers that define
- 01:04:37town planning And they said town
- 01:04:40planning is an attempt to formulate the
- 01:04:42principles that should Guide us in
- 01:04:45creating a
- 01:04:46civilized physical background for human
- 01:04:50life Whose main impetus is for seeing
- 01:04:53and guiding change
- 01:04:56so Linger a little
- 01:04:58while and Then let me call some some of
- 01:05:02you that What do you remember
- 01:05:06so I'm just asking for key concepts So
- 01:05:10you don't need to do it so that how you
- 01:05:13would like to
- 01:05:14Remember Thomas sharp and brian mclin
- 01:05:17yung una Peter hall and then ke and then
- 01:05:21now we have two people Thomas sharp and
- 01:05:24brian Molin
- 01:05:27okay and So
- 01:05:29um like to remina kay si
- 01:05:33remina Okay parang nabawasan tayo ng isa
- 01:05:36takot bang mag tayo Okay Yes po
- 01:05:40okay if you can move to the other para
- 01:05:43hindi makita Okay
- 01:05:45ahina what do you remember What the ke
- 01:05:49regarding key concepts of Brian mcl and
- 01:05:51Thomas sharp
- 01:05:53um creating
- 01:05:57creating civilize a creating a civilized
- 01:06:01physical background for human life
- 01:06:05mm Okay so that's what you remember no
- 01:06:09tapos si ano si Marsha Marsha
- 01:06:15Hello 2024 si
- 01:06:18marsh
- 01:06:22Hi Sige si kel na lang
- 01:06:28Hello Hello po Good evening po evening
- 01:06:31again Opo ang na-remember ko po ay
- 01:06:36ah formulation po siya ng Principles
- 01:06:39toward po sa for seing and guiding
- 01:06:42change po Yeah at least you remember
- 01:06:45that forcing parang ano siya e no parang
- 01:06:48forecast ano because you you for you
- 01:06:53forc for forcing and guiding change at
- 01:06:57least those are the keywords makita Moon
- 01:07:00sa question sa board exams and you will
- 01:07:03remember that came from Thomas sharp and
- 01:07:05brian m Okay so
- 01:07:10Anyway
- 01:07:12si
- 01:07:16Christopher Christopher John vena
- 01:07:25Sige Uh can you can you tell us uh what
- 01:07:28do you remember nak key concepts doan
- 01:07:32basta ung main parang yung impetus
- 01:07:35impetus is for seeing and guiding change
- 01:07:39parang po yung my impetus Opo Oo like a
- 01:07:45driver no like a motivation parang gann
- 01:07:48Anyway So we're now down to another Uh
- 01:07:52definition Uh because nasa lecture one
- 01:07:56pa lang naman tayo no So this is
- 01:07:58concerned with providing the right s ito
- 01:08:00madali ito right s at the right time in
- 01:08:04the right place for the right people
- 01:08:07that's that came from John ratcliff
- 01:08:11Ah so si ah sharine Joy Ay sorry iano pa
- 01:08:16jan iano mo natin i-move natin para
- 01:08:19ma-practice lang Okay so that's the last
- 01:08:22one Sige nga si sh Joy sh
- 01:08:27Hello po ma'am good evening po bale po
- 01:08:29yung Natatandaan ko lang po sa UM
- 01:08:32definition Based po ni general is yung
- 01:08:35um right side at the right time right
- 01:08:39place and right people y
- 01:08:42yeah ah Thank you for that Ah sige last
- 01:08:47si
- 01:08:48Ronald si Ronald kumukunti tayo kasi
- 01:08:52mite ako last na yon okay Hi Ronald What
- 01:08:56do you remember I'm just helping you Uh
- 01:08:58the right strategies ano kasi para at
- 01:09:01least Uh pagtulung-tulungan natin and
- 01:09:04how how I can help you in your
- 01:09:07strategies Ronald What do you remember
- 01:09:09from
- 01:09:10Uh Sino na yan Si Brian
- 01:09:14molen Hi
- 01:09:18Ronald ay si si ano na lang si ah
- 01:09:25Hi Abigail si Abigail Hi
- 01:09:31Abby
- 01:09:34Hello
- 01:09:36Wala
- 01:09:39daw
- 01:09:40Hi Yes ma'am Okay what do remember from
- 01:09:44Brian mcl
- 01:09:46Ah yung Ma'am
- 01:09:49yung for rights m which is the S the
- 01:09:53time the place and the people Ma'am
- 01:09:56great so ganon ha Huwag niyong kalimutan
- 01:10:00ang mga yon So OP mga Apat ba sila no
- 01:10:04apat apat sila so I would like to ano
- 01:10:06Kasi this is ano a whole This is a long
- 01:10:10presentation so i' would like to end it
- 01:10:12here para hindi kayo mapagod ano baka
- 01:10:15mamaya ma phobia na kayo ag sobrang haba
- 01:10:18Ah so I'd like to go into that to
- 01:10:24explain yeah ang ano What's that about
- 01:10:26cc siguro si genen kaya niyang i-explain
- 01:10:29So um okay that's the concept what
- 01:10:33you're seeing there Okay i-ano ko muna
- 01:10:35ito Okay what you're seeing there now is
- 01:10:38the concept ano of urban and regional
- 01:10:41planning as place making Uh process and
- 01:10:46Uh and so this approach views planning
- 01:10:48not just as a technical task but as a
- 01:10:51creative process that shapes our living
- 01:10:54environments to enhance the quality of
- 01:10:56life so that diagram Uh we can break
- 01:11:00down so you can see governance right Uh
- 01:11:03Lahat naman tayo we know what's
- 01:11:05governance but in this context Uh it is
- 01:11:08effective governance is foundational for
- 01:11:11successful placemaking because it
- 01:11:14ensures that planning processes are
- 01:11:16transparent inclusive and accountable
- 01:11:20governance and planning covers
- 01:11:22everything from public participation
- 01:11:26in decision making to the enforcement of
- 01:11:29land use policies that support
- 01:11:31sustainable development and then next is
- 01:11:34transport and connectivity um these are
- 01:11:38vital to the functionality of any area
- 01:11:41well plan transport Networks improve
- 01:11:45accessibility reduce travel times and
- 01:11:47enhance the overall efficiency of cities
- 01:11:52So this includes integrating public
- 01:11:55Transit pedestrian pathways and cycling
- 01:11:59infrastructure Uh to cater to diverse
- 01:12:02mobility needs then we have the services
- 01:12:05Uh being well Served means having access
- 01:12:08to essential services such as health
- 01:12:11care education and utilities so
- 01:12:14effective planning ensures that these
- 01:12:17services are distributed throughout
- 01:12:19communities in a way that they are
- 01:12:22accessible to all residents promoting
- 01:12:26equity and improving quality of life um
- 01:12:30environmental sensitivity there is
- 01:12:33crucial in making or in place making
- 01:12:37because this involves planning that
- 01:12:39respects and integrates natural features
- 01:12:43promotes biodiversity and implements
- 01:12:46sustainable practices that mitigate the
- 01:12:49impact of urban development on the
- 01:12:52environment economy okay that's what you
- 01:12:55call what you see in the diagram so let
- 01:12:58me just Complete the concept a thriving
- 01:13:00economy um is a is a key goal of plac
- 01:13:04making this involves creating
- 01:13:07opportunities for economic activities
- 01:13:10through supportive infrastructure zoning
- 01:13:13that encourages business development and
- 01:13:16policies that foster a favorable
- 01:13:19economic environment then there's
- 01:13:23housing and built environment means that
- 01:13:26quality housing and thoughtful built
- 01:13:29environment design are essential for
- 01:13:32good plac making this includes not only
- 01:13:35the aesthetic aspects of
- 01:13:38architecture and many other Fields but
- 01:13:41also the and planning so but also the
- 01:13:45functionality affordability and Uh
- 01:13:48sustainability of housing options social
- 01:13:50and culture or social and cultural
- 01:13:53considerations in help faster
- 01:13:56communities with strong identities and
- 01:13:59inclusive public spaces this encompasses
- 01:14:03everything from parks and recreational
- 01:14:07areas to community centers And public
- 01:14:10art installations that reflect local
- 01:14:13Heritage and
- 01:14:14values active Okay active inclusive and
- 01:14:18safe ensuring that spaces are active
- 01:14:21inclusive and
- 01:14:24safe is essential for a high quality of
- 01:14:27life this means designing public spaces
- 01:14:30that are welcoming and accessible to
- 01:14:34everyone including vulnerable
- 01:14:36populations and that promote health and
- 01:14:40wellbeing through active
- 01:14:42lifestyles
- 01:14:44equity It's about fairness Okay
- 01:14:49Uh This this is a principle fairness and
- 01:14:53equity are Principles that ensure all
- 01:14:56community members benefit from urban
- 01:14:59development planning must strive to
- 01:15:02address disparities and provide equal
- 01:15:05opportunities for all residents so as we
- 01:15:08can see place making is a comprehensive
- 01:15:12approach to urban and regional planning
- 01:15:14that encompasses multiple dimensions of
- 01:15:18human Life It's about creating places
- 01:15:20that are not only functional and
- 01:15:23sustainable but also enriching and
- 01:15:26equitable so for tomorrow I will
- 01:15:28continue on the same slide so Jen
- 01:15:32um will will give you advance copies so
- 01:15:36you can study And that's so tomorrow so
- 01:15:38I I will not pressure you so it's We're
- 01:15:41just having fun right So what what
- 01:15:43remember about the p about the recent
- 01:15:47slide etc so Uh it's just day one and I
- 01:15:51hope Uh Yeah I made you inspire
- 01:15:56and um to to study more and we try to
- 01:15:59build up our momentum Uh for study and
- 01:16:04Our strategies also Uh then when we do
- 01:16:07some Mac exams So you don't worry if you
- 01:16:11don't get um the the score that you want
- 01:16:15Because we're just starting Anyway Uh so
- 01:16:18Uh we need to I would also like to build
- 01:16:21a test taking techniques among you so
- 01:16:24that you get a head and sa that um most
- 01:16:27if not all of you pwede namang magt
- 01:16:30kayong lahat for for the the top Ano '
- 01:16:33ba top rank in the board exam so Uh
- 01:16:35that's our goal um I would like you to
- 01:16:38be more inspired I would like you to be
- 01:16:40more Driven and so I really Wish you
- 01:16:42luck for today for day one I hope that
- 01:16:46you get a good sleep for tonight Jen so
- 01:16:50please ask them to
- 01:16:52um let's have some photo documentation
- 01:16:56for a while please open your camera Hi
- 01:16:59Camille
- Umweltplanung
- Nachhaltigkeit
- demografische Analyse
- wirtschaftliche Analyse
- Planungsprozess
- Lebensqualität
- Ressourcenzuteilung
- Fundierte Entscheidung