How I Learned to Code in 4 Months & Got a Job! (No CS Degree, No Bootcamp)



TLDRAquest vídeo explica la transformació d'una persona que, després d'abandonar els estudis universitaris i sentir-se atrapada en feines poc motivadores, va decidir aprendre a programar en tan sols quatre mesos. Sense cap títol universitari en ciències de la computació ni participació en bootcamps de programació, aquesta persona va recórrer a recursos gratuïts com FreeCodeCamp, a més dels cursos d'Udemy, per adquirir els coneixements de JavaScript necessaris per desenvolupar aplicacions web. Malgrat les dificultats inicials, va insistir en trobar eines d'estudi eficaces, com la tècnica Pomodoro, i es va apuntar a treballar en espais de coworking per mantenir la concentració. Després de desenvolupar un projecte complet (clonant Pinterest) i contactar directament amb empreses per oferir-se a treballar de manera gratuïta, va acabar aconseguint una feina com a desenvolupador front-end amb un salari inicial de $50,000 anuals, augmentant a $65,000 després del període de prova. Aquesta història subratlla la importància de la persistència i el treball enfocats per aconseguir èxit en el camp tecnològic sense seguir el camí universitari tradicional.

Punti di forza

  • 💪 Autodidacta: Va aprendre a programar pel seu compte en només quatre mesos.
  • 💻 Recursos gratuïts: Va utilitzar plataformes com FreeCodeCamp per iniciar-se en la programació.
  • 🚀 Projecte complet: Va desenvolupar un clon de Pinterest com a primer projecte full-stack.
  • 🏃 Persistència: Va treballar intensament fins a aconseguir dominar les habilitats de programació.
  • 🌍 Treball remot: Va aconseguir un treball amb l'opció de treballar de manera remota.
  • 📚 Aprenentatge efectiu: Va aplicar tècniques com la Pomodoro per millorar la seva capacitat d'estudi.
  • 🔗 Networking proactiu: Va contactar directament amb empleadors potencials per oferir els seus serveis.
  • 💼 Primera oferta contractual: Va obtenir diverses ofertes de treball després d'entrevistes tècniques.
  • 🤝 Treball col·laboratiu: Va aprendre a utilitzar eines com GitHub i Jira per a la col·laboració en equip.
  • 📈 Creixement professional: Va passar de saber poc sobre programació a aconseguir una feina ben remunerada.

Linea temporale

  • 00:00:00 - 00:09:50

    Aquest vídeo explica la història d'algú que va abandonar els estudis universitaris, estava endeutat i treballava 60 hores setmanals en una feina que odiava. Va decidir aprendre a programar en quatre mesos sense un títol en ciències de la computació ni un Bootcamp de codificació, i va aconseguir una feina. Comparteix com va començar aprenent HTML, CSS i JavaScript a través de FreeCodeCamp i va identificar un buit entre saber resoldre problemes lògics i saber programar.

Mappa mentale

Video Domande e Risposte

  • Quant de temps va trigar en aprendre a programar?

    Va trigar quatre mesos a aprendre a programar suficientment per aconseguir una feina.

  • Quines eines va utilitzar per aprendre a programar?

    Va utilitzar FreeCodeCamp, cursos d'Udemy, i recursos com, a més a més de seguir streamings a YouTube.

  • Com es va preparar per treballar en un entorn de desenvolupament real?

    Va implementar eines de gestió de projectes com Jira i va treballar amb control de versions a GitHub.

  • Va obtenir un títol en ciències de la computació?

    No, va aprendre a programar sense obtenir un títol en ciències de la computació.

  • Com va aconseguir la seva primera feina com a programador?

    Va trobar contactes de gestors de contractació, els va enviar presentacions personals, va incloure el seu GitHub i va oferir treballar gratis.

  • Per què va escollir JavaScript com a llenguatge de programació?

    Va escollir JavaScript perquè volia construir aplicacions web i hi ha una gran demanda per aquest llenguatge al mercat laboral.

  • Quin projecte va construir per demostrar les seves habilitats?

    Va construir una aplicació full-stack clonant Pinterest per aprendre les bases de CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete).

  • Com va millorar les seves habilitats d'aprenentatge?

    Va seguir un curs anomenat "Learning how to Learn" de Barbara Oakley i va utilitzar la tècnica Pomodoro.

  • Quants llocs de treball va sol·licitar?

    Va sol·licitar a uns 22 llocs de treball i va rebre 6 respostes.

  • Quin va ser el seu primer salari com a desenvolupador?

    El seu primer salari va ser de $50,000 anuals, augmentant a $65,000 després del període de prova.

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Scorrimento automatico:
  • 00:00:00
    I dropped out of college, was in debt, working 60 hours a week,
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    hated my job, and most importantly, I felt stuck.
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    This is the story of how I learned how to code within four months, and I got a job.
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    I did it with no computer science degree or a coding BootCamp
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    I am going to explain exactly what I learned, how I got a job, and how much that job paid.
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    Let's go.
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    Before I got into tech, I was working a lot of dead end sales jobs,
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    because I dropped out of community college and I didn't really have any other skills.
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    I didn't like the idea of always having to hop from job to job If I didn't like something.
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    I wanted something with a little bit more career mobility long term.
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    I didn't even really know what coding was.
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    I just knew that the tech industry was, let's say, a great environment for
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    $180 grand now
  • 00:00:43
    $200 ish
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  • 00:00:45
    $400,000 annually
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    growth... Yeah.
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    By the way, I'm not knocking sales.
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    I think sales is a really important skill to learn.
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    I just needed a change, and it really just wasn't for me long term.
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    And I wanted to gain the ability to build something of my own.
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    The idea of building something from zero to one seemed like a superpower to me.
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    Day one,
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    I just went on Google and I typed in how to code.
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    That's when I found a site called FreeCodeCamp, and I started to learn about web development.
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    I quickly learned about HTML, CSS,
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    and I learned about my first real programming language called JavaScript.
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    There's a bunch of different programming languages that you could learn,
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    but I personally chose JavaScript because I wanted to build web apps.
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    Even major companies like Uber and Airbnb use it, and there's a massive demand for it in the job market.
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    By using FreeCodeCamp, I started to learn the basics of coding.
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    I learned things like variables, loops, objects, and functions.
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    But even after doing the tutorials, I didn't really feel like I could apply to anything.
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    And I still didn't even know how to do something as basic as building a website.
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    And I realized that I learned how to code, not exactly how to program.
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    I was writing code to solve logic problems, but I didn't know how to program,
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    which is using the code to build something useful.
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    At this point, though, already I was starting to love the journey.
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    I really liked problem solving, and I could see myself doing something like this long term.
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    So I did what any sane person would do and I quit my job and I moved to Korea to minimize my expenses.
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    And I decided to learn full time.
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    Learning full time was a lot harder than I thought.
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    I've actually never studied anything this complicated or tough before,
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    and I was quickly starting to realize that I didn't really know how to study at this pace.
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    I would sit in front of my computer and hours and hours would go by.
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    That was when I went online, I typed in how to learn.
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    And I found a course called "Learning how to Learn" by Barbara Oakley.
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    This course was life changing.
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    My two main takeaways were one, it taught me how to learn in space segments, A technique called Pomodoros.
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    And the course taught me that I needed to create a dedicated space for learning.
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    So I joined a Coworking space, so I could focus better.
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    Now, armed with new knowledge, I got back to studying. And it worked.
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    Here's what a normal day looked like.
  • 00:02:51
    08:00 a.m wake up.
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    8:30, Head to the train station.
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    09:00 a.m. Arrive at the coworking space.
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    9:15, Coffee Journaling reviewing the curriculum.
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    9:30 to 12:30, I would have my first study session,
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    where I did 30 minutes increments of Pomodoros.
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    From 12:30 to 1:30, I would eat lunch and take a small break, then back to studying.
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    From 02:00 p.m to 6:30, it was more 30 minutes increments of Pomodoros until I was ready to head out.
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    From 6:30 to 7:30, I would gym three times a week,
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    And then 8:30 to 9:00, I would eat dinner with my grandma, then help her clean.
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    This was my schedule for six days a week, no exceptions.
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    The next part of FreeCodeCamp was a lot more challenging.
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    Front end projects.
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    They essentially give you a list of projects that you have to build using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
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    To me, this felt like a massive jump because I never actually built anything before.
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    I felt stuck at this stage until I found a YouTube channel of this guy named Stephen
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    who would stream himself building these projects line by line.
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    By copying him and recreating what he was doing,
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    I was able to use that experience and build the next couple of projects on my own.
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    I also found a great resource called, where you watch and code.
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    By following along once again and modeling others, the concepts really started to take hold,
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    and I was really starting to understand what I was doing, not just solving a math problem.
  • 00:04:09
    In exactly one month, I ended up earning my FreeCodeCamp Front End Developer certificate.
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    I was learning a lot, but I never actually built anything full stack before.
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    Something with a front end or an interface, the thing that you see within the browser.
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    A database where all the information lives, essentially,
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    and a server which handles and manipulates all the data in the back end
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    by taking in requests from the front end.
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    So I still felt like an imposter and not a real developer.
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    You're not an intellectual. You're a fake and a fraud.
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    So to become a programmer, I decided to build my first full stack project.
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    Remember Stephen with a YouTube channel?
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    I reached out to him to get his assistance to help me build my first full stack web app,
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    we decided to meet three times a week.
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    Here's what we did.
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    We picked one major overarching project which will teach me the basics of CRUD,
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    which is Create, read, update and delete.
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    These are the foundations for any web application.
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    I decided to clone Pinterest.
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    I honestly don't think I would have gotten a job without this next part, so pay attention.
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    I asked Stephen to treat me like a real junior developer working at a company.
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    We implemented a project management tool called Jira.
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    We used Jira to compartmentalize the entire project and write the requirements of exactly what I'd be building.
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    This taught me how to estimate my work and plan how to build an entire web app from zero to launch.
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    We also set the project up on GitHub, which is a version control application.
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    This taught me how to develop different branches for when I was working on certain features,
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    and I could learn how to control different versions of the code.
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    Most tech companies use some version of the two applications
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    because being a developer isn't just about knowing how to code.
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    It's about knowing how to work collaboratively with other people as well.
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    Stephen grilled me on our pair of programming sessions.
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    He was very strict about me keeping the deadlines and the estimates that I originally wrote out for myself.
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    He would constantly question why I was doing what I was doing.
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    And he even taught me the concept of DRY, just Don't Repeat Yourself,
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    or essentially just making reusable code.
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    I had to learn how to build by Googling for answers and using sites like Stack Overflow.
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    And he would leave me a lot of comments on things that I needed to change.
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    So I learned how to debug my code on my own.
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    This made me feel like I was a real developer.
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    at this time, I supplemented my learning journey with Udemy courses on React and Node
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    because these were the two frameworks that I chose to build my Pinterest clone.
  • 00:06:30
    As a result of building my first full stack project, I ended up learning how to do things like
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    how to design a database, build APIs, set up Auth, and eventually push the app to a cloud server.
  • 00:06:40
    These are all things I would have never learned by just doing tutorials.
  • 00:06:43
    And in around two months, I finished my first full-stack web app.
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    I remember when I finished the app, I felt like a real programmer.
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    That's when reality set in and I realized I'm still broke.
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    I haven't made a single penny in over a couple of months, and I still needed to find a job.
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    It was time to see if everything that I learned was actually worth anything.
  • 00:07:03
    First, I defined the job that I wanted.
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    I wanted to be remote. And most importantly, I wanted to work for a small to medium sized company,
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    because I hate working in a corporate environment.
  • 00:07:13
    I found all the jobs that fit my parameters on sites like and
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    And instead of just applying to these jobs,
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    I found the contact information of the hiring managers and developers who worked at the company,
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    and I messaged them to introduce myself.
  • 00:07:28
    I explained exactly what I had learned up until this point,what I was looking for.
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    I even included the link to my GitHub so they could see the projects that I had built.
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    Most importantly, I included an offer that I know that they couldn't refuse.
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    I offered to work for free.
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    And I understand guys, not everyone can afford to do this, but I had originally estimated
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    that this was going to take me around four months anyways.
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    And I had another month of time that I could essentially dedicate to learning.
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    I knew all I had to do was get my foot into a company,I could essentially learn there
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    and then prove my worth over time to leverage that into a real job long term.
  • 00:08:02
    Overall, I found around 22 jobs I thought fit the parameters of what I was looking for.
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    I got around six responses. From those responses, I got four interviews.
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    And out of the four interviews, I ended up getting three legitimate job offers.
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    Even though I had offered to work for free, after the technical interviews,
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    the employers thought that I had enough skills at that point where I was worth hiring for a full time job.
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    I ended up choosing the company with the best opportunity to learn,
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    and that also happened to have the best compensation package as well.
  • 00:08:32
    My first salary was
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    $50,000 a year,
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    and then after my probationary period, I was making $65,000 a year.
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    My benefits kicked in like health and dental.
  • 00:08:42
    But the biggest perk for me was that I got to work remotely the entire time as long as I worked the US time zone.
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    I'm not saying that you'll be an expert developer if you follow this plan.
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    I'm just sharing what I did to learn just enough to land me a job,
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    as most of the progress that I've had as a developer all came on the job.
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    No luck here, just focused effort.
  • 00:09:01
    Now, I've been working in tech for over a decade,
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    and let me be the first to tell you that nobody cares about your credentials.
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    Learning how to code was mainly two things
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    learning how to solve problems, and two, persisting until you find the answer that you're looking for.
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    If you're interested in seeing us learn more cool stuff, make sure to subscribe to the channel.
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    And also, if you want to see me apply these principles to something other than coding,
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    like something artistic, click on this video.
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    Where we're going to put it?
  • 00:09:28
  • aprendre a programar
  • FreeCodeCamp
  • JavaScript
  • motivació professional
  • treball en tecnologia
  • Full stack
  • Pomodoro
  • gestió de projectes
  • treball remot
  • autodidacta