Strategy Update: Mercedes Benz Operating System
TLDRTijdens de presentatie wordt een diepgaande blik gegeven op het Mercedes-Benz Operating System (MBOS). Mercedes-Benz positioneert zich als de architect van dit systeem, waarin zij zowel hardware als software integreren om een digitale markt te beheren die luxe en innovatie combineert. Het systeem maakt gebruik van continue updates en stelt Mercedes in staat om direct in contact te staan met klanten via een unieke ID. Veiligheid en privacy krijgen een centrale rol binnen de architectuur. Belangrijke partners, zoals Nvidia en Google, zijn betrokken bij respectievelijk geavanceerde rijtechnologieën en navigatiediensten, wat zorgt voor een uitgebreid en vernieuwend autotechnologisch ecosysteem. Daarnaast biedt MBOS functies zoals over-the-air updates waardoor voertuigen blijven evolueren en verbeteren in de tijd. Het doel is om niet alleen auto's te verkopen, maar een geïntegreerde digitale ervaring te leveren die past bij het merk Mercedes-Benz.
Punti di forza
- 🚗 MBOS is essentiëel voor de digitale toekomst van Mercedes-Benz.
- 🤝 Partnerschappen met Nvidia en Google versterken innovatie.
- 🔒 Privacy by Design is van cruciaal belang in MBOS.
- 🌐 Een service-georiënteerde chip-tot-cloud architectuur.
- 📱 Over-the-air updates houden auto's vernieuwd.
- 🖥 Mercedes-Benz blijft in contact met klanten via unieke ID's.
- 🎮 Een verbeterde rijervaring door geavanceerde technologieën.
- 🌍 Globale rol van Google Maps binnen het systeem.
- 🔧 Integratie van hardware en software voor maximale efficiëntie.
- 📈 Toekomstgericht voor economische groei en klantgerichtheid.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Introductie van het Mercedes-Benz-operatiesysteem (mbos) en de rol van Mercedes-Benz in het bouwen van 's werelds meest begeerde auto's. Het merk streeft naar een symbiose van innovatie en technologie, samen met moderne luxe.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Bespreking van de gekozen rol van Mercedes-Benz als 'The Architects' voor mbos, inclusief specificatie, ontwerp en ontwikkeling van het operatiesysteem. Samenwerking met partners om het systeem te bouwen en te integreren in voertuigen.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Principes van mbos besproken: doelgericht ontwerpen, open voor partners, focus op unieke klantidentificatie voor gepersonaliseerde diensten, en privacy vanaf het ontwerp.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Concept van 'Privacy by Design', waarbij dataprivacy en beveiliging van klanten voorop staan. Bespreking van OTA (over-the-air) upgrade mogelijkheden om producten met de tijd te verbeteren.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Inleiding van een 'service-oriented chip to Cloud'-architectuur, met gedetailleerde technische uitleg door experts over hoe dit wordt geïmplementeerd en de rol van verschillende toepassingsdomeinen zoals infotainment en geautomatiseerd rijden.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Focus op klantgerichtheid en hoe mbos economische waarden creëren voor het bedrijf en aandeelhouders. Voorbeelden van hoe premium hardware-ervaringen worden verbeterd door digitale innovaties.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Bespreking van samenwerkingen met Nvidia en andere partners voor technologie-integratie in voertuigen. Introductie van nieuwe geautomatiseerde rijfuncties die Mercedes-Benz naar het volgende niveau tillen.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Het gebruik van AI en geavanceerde sensoren in voertuigen, met een gezamenlijke inspanning met Nvidia om voertuigprestaties te optimaliseren. Omniverse wordt gebruikt voor digitale transformatie van de productie.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Strategisch partnerschap met Google aangekondigd om de rijervaring te verbeteren door gebruik te maken van de meest actuele navigatietechnologieën en AI-mogelijkheden om wagenprestaties te verbeteren.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Presentatie van de nieuwe Mercedes E-Class, die elementen van de mbos-architectuur bevat. Uitgebreide entertainmentopties en de mogelijkheid tot personalisatie benadrukt.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Bespreking van ruime entertainmentopties en partnerschappen om de digitale ervaring in auto's te verbeteren. Het implementeren van een platform voor snelle app-integratie.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Het belang van geautomatiseerd rijden, de lange geschiedenis van Mercedes-Benz in het verbeteren van veiligheid en gemak in voertuigen, en de introductie van nieuwe systeeminitiatieven.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Technologische ontwikkeling benadrukt met partners zoals Luminar voor verbeterde sensortechnologieën en focus op het implementeren van geautomatiseerd rijden in brede voertuigseries.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Discussie over geavanceerde sensoren en AI-gestuurde functies voor verbeterd automatisch rijden en parkeren. Verdere uitleg over het verzamelen en gebruik van voertuigdata voor verbeterde rijervaringen.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Bespreking van rij- en oplaadfuncties binnen auto's, en de rol van mbos bij het creëren van een naadloze gebruikerservaring en verbeterde laadmogelijkheden door geavanceerde data-integratie.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
Overzicht van de financiële vooruitzichten en economisch modellen achter mbos, inclusief hoe samenwerking met Nvidia inkomsten genereert en financiële voordelen biedt.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
Samenvatting van de investeringen en strategische focus op EV's (elektrische voertuigen) en software-ontwikkeling om Mercedes-Benz klaar te maken voor toekomstige uitdagingen.
- 01:25:00 - 01:30:00
Belang van digitale extra's zoals het Mercedes me-platform voor het bieden van een verbeterde klantervaring en het verhogen van de omzet via geavanceerde digitale diensten.
- 01:30:00 - 01:35:00
Marktuitbreiding en gebruik van bedrijfsmodellen voor directe verkoop om de klantinteractie en innovatieve betrokkenheid verder te verbeteren.
- 01:35:00 - 01:50:11
Concluderende opmerkingen die de focus op software als kerncompetentie benadrukken, samen met de noodzaak van sterke partnerschappen en toekomstige ontwikkelingsdoelen voor de mbos 1.0-fase.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Wat is MBOS?
MBOS staat voor het Mercedes-Benz Operating System, een softwareplatform dat in hun auto's gebruikt wordt.
Wat is het doel van MBOS?
Het doel is om een platform te creëren dat innovatie en modern luxe biedt door middel van voortdurende updates en partnerschappen.
Wie zijn de partners van Mercedes-Benz voor MBOS?
Mercedes-Benz werkt samen met Nvidia en Google voor de ontwikkeling van MBOS.
Wat is de rol van Nvidia in MBOS?
Nvidia levert technologie voor geavanceerde rijfuncties en supercomputerachtige prestaties in elke Mercedes.
Welke rol speelt Google in MBOS?
Google biedt navigatiediensten die geïntegreerd worden in het Mercedes-Benz systeem.
Wat is het voordeel van over-the-air updates bij MBOS?
Over-the-air updates zorgen ervoor dat het product over de tijd verbetert en steeds actueel blijft.
Hoe zorgt MBOS voor privacy en veiligheid?
MBOS is ontworpen met privacy by design, wat inhoudt dat het transparant is over datagebruik en hoge beveiligingsstandaarden biedt.
Wat voor technologieën ondersteunt MBOS?
MBOS ondersteunt diensten zoals automatisering, ontspanning en gepersonaliseerde klantenervaringen. Het integreert ook geavanceerde rijhulpmiddelen.
Hoe profiteert de klant van MBOS?
Klanten profiteren van een gepersonaliseerde en verbonden ervaring met hun voertuig, inclusief constante innovaties en up-to-date functies.
Wat is de opzet van MBOS architectuur?
Het is een servicegerichte chip-tot-cloudarchitectuur die hardware en software cycli decoupleert.
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- 00:01:52thank you
- 00:02:00[Music]
- 00:02:17thank you
- 00:02:29good morning good morning everybody and
- 00:02:32welcome to our Mercedes-Benz tech center
- 00:02:35here in Sunnyvale California and also a
- 00:02:39warm welcome to all of you that are
- 00:02:42joining us virtually from around the
- 00:02:45world today we are going to talk about
- 00:02:48the Mercedes-Benz operating system
- 00:02:52mbos and lift the veil and look behind
- 00:02:55what is behind these four letters mbos
- 00:03:00but it really it really starts with our
- 00:03:03strategy we have set us the mission in
- 00:03:06our strategy we will build the world's
- 00:03:08most desirable cars
- 00:03:10if you think about the Mercedes brand
- 00:03:12promise for a second what is Mercedes
- 00:03:14all about it's always been this Perfect
- 00:03:16Blend symbiosis between Innovation and
- 00:03:20Technology on the one hand but also
- 00:03:22Modern Luxury on the other hand we want
- 00:03:26to use mbos to fulfill this brand
- 00:03:30promise take it to the next level as far
- 00:03:32as digital experience is concerned in
- 00:03:35our products but also in our whole
- 00:03:37company
- 00:03:38so when I say we will build how does
- 00:03:43that fit into mbos well we're a car
- 00:03:45company we make things both in the
- 00:03:49physical world but also increasingly in
- 00:03:52the digital world so if you're a builder
- 00:03:55and you start on on this endeavor to
- 00:03:57develop an operating system from the
- 00:03:59ground up you got to choose your role
- 00:04:02and the role that we have chosen for
- 00:04:04ourselves is that we are The Architects
- 00:04:07We Are The Architects what does that
- 00:04:09mean to be the architect of mbos well it
- 00:04:12means we specify we design of course we
- 00:04:15develop what this whole operating system
- 00:04:17is going to be all about but we also
- 00:04:19procure and partner if you're an
- 00:04:21architect partial Builder you don't have
- 00:04:24to lay every tile yourself you select
- 00:04:26the best Partners around the world and
- 00:04:28you work with the best to build this
- 00:04:31software house this operating house we
- 00:04:34integrate it into the vehicle the
- 00:04:36sophisticated high-tech cars that we
- 00:04:39build and of course we keep it fresh
- 00:04:42with constant upgrades
- 00:04:45let's talk for a few minutes about what
- 00:04:47are the principles that we set out for
- 00:04:49ourselves when we made the first
- 00:04:52architect drawing of mbos
- 00:04:55let's start with the first principle yes
- 00:04:58it is purpose-built yes it is Mercedes
- 00:05:01that controls the digital Marketplace in
- 00:05:04the car it is we that have the
- 00:05:05one-to-one relationship with the
- 00:05:07customer but as I said uh we work with
- 00:05:09the best I see we have some of our old
- 00:05:12friends here in the in the audience
- 00:05:14today with uh Jensen and Sarah from
- 00:05:16Nvidia and Austin and everybody is here
- 00:05:19we're gonna have uh some new guests as
- 00:05:21well but we're also going to announce a
- 00:05:23new partnership uh that is new to the
- 00:05:25team on mbos and that is Google and uh
- 00:05:29Marcus Schaefer who runs our r d
- 00:05:31Department he's going to talk more about
- 00:05:33that together with Thomas curion later
- 00:05:36in the presentation so first principle
- 00:05:39purpose built but open to Partners it's
- 00:05:42really important
- 00:05:44second principle and I talked about the
- 00:05:47one-to-one relationship with the
- 00:05:48customer it all centers around a unique
- 00:05:52customer ID
- 00:05:53so we are the product is directly in
- 00:05:57contact with the person it gets
- 00:05:59personalized Services the car knows you
- 00:06:01you know who you are I mean uh already
- 00:06:04today if you take the Mercedes me up I
- 00:06:07can open up here and I see my car I'm
- 00:06:10driving an eqs 580. the car knows who I
- 00:06:13am I'm in my profile is stored in the
- 00:06:15cloud when I step into my car it
- 00:06:17recognizes me it puts the seat in the
- 00:06:19right position it chooses the radio
- 00:06:20station that I like to listen to it puts
- 00:06:22the heating into the right spot all of
- 00:06:25those different things so uh this
- 00:06:28Digital Universe really centers around
- 00:06:31the customer and to be able to serve the
- 00:06:33customer you have to have a relationship
- 00:06:34with the customer through a unique
- 00:06:36Mercedes ID not just for the car also
- 00:06:39for the enterprise we will hear
- 00:06:41breakdown the marketing and sales side
- 00:06:42talk about what this means in The Wider
- 00:06:45context of the Mercedes-Benz universe
- 00:06:48third principle privacy by Design from
- 00:06:52the very beginning we take data privacy
- 00:06:54data security very seriously that is why
- 00:06:57we are transparent vis-a-visor customers
- 00:06:59with regard to this in the Mercedes-Benz
- 00:07:02privacy Center you can you can choose
- 00:07:04your settings and decide what you want
- 00:07:07to share and we have as I would say a
- 00:07:11basic philosophy
- 00:07:12um
- 00:07:13always work in the interest of the
- 00:07:15customer so when you receive data what
- 00:07:17are you going to do with that data you
- 00:07:18use that data to improve the experience
- 00:07:20for the customer to improve the lives of
- 00:07:22the customers so privately by Design is
- 00:07:25very very important and I think it goes
- 00:07:27without saying that in terms of
- 00:07:29cyber security encryption and so on we
- 00:07:32use the highest standards that are
- 00:07:33available uh state of the art in the
- 00:07:35market today
- 00:07:37uh fourth and last principle
- 00:07:41if you buy Mercedes
- 00:07:43sometimes it could be like I don't know
- 00:07:45buying a very good french wine it
- 00:07:48ages with Grace and it gets better over
- 00:07:51the years but imagine now in the
- 00:07:54software space
- 00:07:55that you know the master winemaker and
- 00:07:59for every Year's New Harvest he comes
- 00:08:02with a couple of new bottles and puts it
- 00:08:04into your seller that is what OTA
- 00:08:06over-the-air upgradability is all about
- 00:08:09the product doesn't get old it actually
- 00:08:12gets better over time and we will talk
- 00:08:15extensively about this especially when
- 00:08:17we talk about automated driving later on
- 00:08:20how you can decouple Hardware from
- 00:08:23software and make sure that the product
- 00:08:25product is alive over the whole
- 00:08:29lifespan of the car
- 00:08:32so if I then put that together and say
- 00:08:35we let's try to sum up what is this
- 00:08:38architect strong what is this building
- 00:08:39it is what we call a service oriented
- 00:08:42chip to Cloud architecture sounds
- 00:08:44complicated uh but I have two uh very
- 00:08:47qualified people Marco Shaffer and
- 00:08:49Magnus osberg who is here today our
- 00:08:50chief strategy officer they will go into
- 00:08:52all the nuts and bolts of what that
- 00:08:54means and how we have done this from a
- 00:08:57technical point of view
- 00:08:59for the customers the domains and these
- 00:09:02are the application domains that's
- 00:09:03usually what you see when you use the
- 00:09:05product you have infotainment the
- 00:09:07obvious thing is what most people think
- 00:09:08about when they think about the digital
- 00:09:10car but it's only one of four domains of
- 00:09:12course automated driving maybe the most
- 00:09:14exciting domain where there's so much
- 00:09:15going on and we want to take it to the
- 00:09:17next level body and comfort it is a
- 00:09:19physical product we are physical beings
- 00:09:21how do you create a well-being for the
- 00:09:24humans in the car and then the obvious
- 00:09:26thing for a car driving charging the
- 00:09:29battery management software everything
- 00:09:30that's going on there and it is a
- 00:09:33proprietary operating system but it's
- 00:09:35open it's open to partner with the best
- 00:09:40now have we done mbos uh are we doing
- 00:09:45technology here for the sake of
- 00:09:47Technology no we're not
- 00:09:49it's all about the customer and to
- 00:09:52deliver a superior product experience
- 00:09:54for the customer
- 00:09:57and if we do that successfully we build
- 00:09:59economic value for the company and
- 00:10:01ultimately our shareholders so if you
- 00:10:04take that approach you put the customer
- 00:10:05at the center of all things you're also
- 00:10:08going to have economical benefits from
- 00:10:09it let me just give you a few glimpses
- 00:10:12of what I'm talking about and then the
- 00:10:14other guys are going to go into more
- 00:10:15details later
- 00:10:17well at Mercedes if we now peek into
- 00:10:21this building here what's what's inside
- 00:10:22the house
- 00:10:24for Mercedes and for a car company of
- 00:10:27course the hardware is crucially
- 00:10:28important desirable Hardware think about
- 00:10:31the interior of your cars maybe as your
- 00:10:34living room you have now just gone out
- 00:10:36and bought the most expensive TV set
- 00:10:38that is in the market but that TV set is
- 00:10:43not just sitting there alone in a naked
- 00:10:45living room you you put the right
- 00:10:46designer Furniture to go with it
- 00:10:49when we launched uh now A couple of
- 00:10:51years ago a year and a half ago what we
- 00:10:53call the hyper screen in the eqs and in
- 00:10:55the EQ and eqs family many customers
- 00:10:59told us you know that's insane what are
- 00:11:01you doing here it just blew them away
- 00:11:03and it opens up you know so much more
- 00:11:05that you can do in the front
- 00:11:08and uh we thought to ourselves hmm
- 00:11:11there's a hint there why don't we create
- 00:11:15a full dashboard screen pillar to pillar
- 00:11:19in the future
- 00:11:20for every single Mercedes
- 00:11:23so that every single Mercedes can have
- 00:11:24the option of going pillar to pillar
- 00:11:28said and almost done so starting with
- 00:11:31the first generation uh car that has
- 00:11:34mbos and already in the sneak that we're
- 00:11:36going to see later you will get access
- 00:11:38to hyper screens I see some people
- 00:11:40nodding here that provide content to
- 00:11:41that and and they're smiling and I I
- 00:11:44think that's the point uh you can buy
- 00:11:46the most expensive TV set but if there's
- 00:11:48nothing going on on the TV if you're
- 00:11:51just looking at a black screen it kind
- 00:11:52of defeats the purpose of the whole
- 00:11:54exercise so yes we will put a world of
- 00:11:58entertainment into this and uh it will
- 00:12:01be also specific for the different
- 00:12:03regions I mean if you live in uh if you
- 00:12:05live in China maybe you're looking at a
- 00:12:07different soap operating if you live in
- 00:12:09my home country Sweden or in the United
- 00:12:11States so you got to go around the world
- 00:12:13and provide the infotainment content
- 00:12:16that people want and we're making some
- 00:12:18good progress on that but because we're
- 00:12:21a car we also need to talk about driving
- 00:12:23how do you marry automated driving with
- 00:12:25navigation can can you even can you get
- 00:12:27into a few in here and make something
- 00:12:29that is even safer even more intuitive
- 00:12:31even better even smarter we think you
- 00:12:33can so I think this canvas it can it can
- 00:12:37be so many things it is a window into a
- 00:12:40world of opportunity and experience for
- 00:12:43our customers
- 00:12:45and yes uh for the people in the room uh
- 00:12:49one of the one more thing moments of
- 00:12:52today we're going to give you a sneak
- 00:12:54preview of the new E-class so you can
- 00:12:57look at the interior of the new E-class
- 00:13:00and the big screen and everything what's
- 00:13:02going on here
- 00:13:03that in itself is big news but even
- 00:13:06bigger news that some people might not
- 00:13:08know is that actually this is the
- 00:13:11precursor of mbos in the infotainment
- 00:13:14domain
- 00:13:15our team our R D team has programmed the
- 00:13:18complete software for this infotainment
- 00:13:20domain for the first time in our
- 00:13:22company's history to take on that big of
- 00:13:24a software task and do it
- 00:13:27comprehensively so yes Magnus markers
- 00:13:30the pressure is on you guys now to kind
- 00:13:32of do the finishing touches here we're
- 00:13:33going to launch the E-class later this
- 00:13:36year and um and Marcus is going to give
- 00:13:38us some glimpses of what what's behind
- 00:13:40that what are we going to offer
- 00:13:44um as I said uh maybe even more exciting
- 00:13:46the autonomous Drive domain yeah we have
- 00:13:49been working for
- 00:13:51working on assisted driving and
- 00:13:53assistant driving system for more than
- 00:13:5520 years almost 25 years we've always
- 00:13:58been looking at this you know how can we
- 00:14:00how can we make driving safer how can we
- 00:14:03make it more convenient how can we put
- 00:14:04all these little angels in the
- 00:14:06background and if you get into a
- 00:14:07situation the car helps you negotiate
- 00:14:09the situation and in a conversation that
- 00:14:13I had had with you Jensen some uh some a
- 00:14:16few years ago we sat and talked about
- 00:14:19the philosophy of where are we going to
- 00:14:21take this next
- 00:14:23and here comes a big change to the
- 00:14:26technological strategy and the business
- 00:14:28model that we have had previously
- 00:14:30from mbos 1.0 forward we're literally
- 00:14:34going to put super computer-like
- 00:14:36performance in every single Mercedes
- 00:14:39and for those of you who don't know the
- 00:14:41MMA architecture there's an internal
- 00:14:43code that we use it's actually the Next
- 00:14:46Generation entry-luxury vehicles in the
- 00:14:48Mercedes portfolio so it's it it's like
- 00:14:51where you get into the Mercedes brand
- 00:14:52and then you graduate up and eventually
- 00:14:54maybe you end up with an S-Class or
- 00:14:56something like that so every single
- 00:14:58Mercedes from that point forward will
- 00:15:00have a super computer in it number one
- 00:15:02number two
- 00:15:04every single Mercedes will have a very
- 00:15:07comprehensive set of sensors the eyes
- 00:15:10and ears of the car to figure out what's
- 00:15:13going on to be able to deliver deliver
- 00:15:15assisted driving and automated driving
- 00:15:18and that sensor set the base sensor set
- 00:15:21in future cars even in the entry vehicle
- 00:15:24will be significantly more comprehensive
- 00:15:27than the most expensive sensor set that
- 00:15:30you can buy in the f-plus today bar may
- 00:15:33be the level 3 vehicle which is which is
- 00:15:36in a little bit of a special category
- 00:15:38and the third thing of the business
- 00:15:40model is when you have separated
- 00:15:42Hardware from software over-the-air
- 00:15:45upgradeability the product never gets
- 00:15:47old so we can just keep on developing
- 00:15:50developing developing and make sure that
- 00:15:52the customer gets a a better product and
- 00:15:54this is something that we're doing with
- 00:15:56Nvidia let's just have a quick look at
- 00:15:58this video here
- 00:16:01[Music]
- 00:16:26thank you
- 00:16:43thank you
- 00:16:54[Music]
- 00:17:09with this I would like to invite I would
- 00:17:12like to invite our business partner good
- 00:17:14friend Jensen Wang founder and CEO of
- 00:17:17Nvidia to the stage Jensen good to see
- 00:17:19you hello how was your how was your trip
- 00:17:22over here this morning well first of all
- 00:17:25I came in an eqs my own eqs I have two
- 00:17:29eqs's the first two in the United States
- 00:17:31I understand one for my dad and one for
- 00:17:34myself and if I could just tell one
- 00:17:36short story real quick real quickly when
- 00:17:39Nvidia went public
- 00:17:41the the thing I wanted to get for my
- 00:17:43parents more than anything was a
- 00:17:45Mercedes
- 00:17:46and I I bought them a Mercedes
- 00:17:49s 500
- 00:17:51when nvidia's stock price was 13 dollars
- 00:17:56and my mom to this day tells me it is
- 00:17:58the single most expensive car any human
- 00:18:01has ever purchased and so so
- 00:18:06I should have given you stock you should
- 00:18:08have received stock instead of money and
- 00:18:11anyways it was a two it's a 200 million
- 00:18:12dollar Mercedes my father still has it
- 00:18:15well there you go uh maybe even more
- 00:18:18expensive than the French wine uh well
- 00:18:20Jensen when we sat down and talked about
- 00:18:22this and we decided let's go into a
- 00:18:24strategic partnership yeah what what was
- 00:18:26your vision for uh us working together
- 00:18:29in this space and taking automated
- 00:18:31driving to the next level how do you see
- 00:18:32this playing out
- 00:18:34well first of all you
- 00:18:35um what you're doing with Mercedes is
- 00:18:37really incredible this is a luxury
- 00:18:39company now being infused with software
- 00:18:42through and through
- 00:18:43and the thing that that is really
- 00:18:46amazing about about the decision that
- 00:18:48you made to put AI supercomputers in
- 00:18:50every single car and to enrich it with a
- 00:18:53cocoon of safety sensors around it so
- 00:18:56that every single car becomes part of
- 00:18:58the Mercedes Fleet for the rest of time
- 00:19:01uh you're gonna you're building up and a
- 00:19:04fleet a giant fleet of upgradable cars
- 00:19:08uh that as you said never gets old now
- 00:19:11this this endeavor is really quite
- 00:19:13amazing the first thing is we start from
- 00:19:15building the most ambitious safe
- 00:19:18computer the world's ever known
- 00:19:20from the ground up from the chip
- 00:19:22to the system to the operating system
- 00:19:25mbos to all of the applications on top
- 00:19:28even the artificial intelligence AI
- 00:19:30models are designed to be functional
- 00:19:33safe safety principles from the bottom
- 00:19:36all the way to the top second I just
- 00:19:38mentioned this the the Cocoon of sensors
- 00:19:40third this entire car is completely
- 00:19:43programmable and we're building the car
- 00:19:46computer and the cloud computer together
- 00:19:49trip to Cloud so for the rest of the
- 00:19:52time this Fleet will be upgradable that
- 00:19:54is very exciting when I visited you on
- 00:19:57on Monday you let me peek into some of
- 00:20:00the stuff that you guys are working on
- 00:20:01Beyond this relationship here with
- 00:20:03autonomous drive and we have a couple of
- 00:20:06Pilots going now for Omniverse you know
- 00:20:09building the virtual Factory before we
- 00:20:11even build a factory uh tell us a little
- 00:20:14bit about Omniverse well what's that all
- 00:20:16about and how can this help us and
- 00:20:18others leverage their business well
- 00:20:21you're you're Reinventing Mercedes the
- 00:20:23automotive industry from the beginning
- 00:20:24to
- 00:20:25the delivery of the car to the support
- 00:20:27and the updates of the car from end to
- 00:20:31end from styling to design to
- 00:20:34engineering manufacturing the digital
- 00:20:37smart factories the robots in the
- 00:20:40factories that build the cars that are
- 00:20:43robotic that will be updated with
- 00:20:45software this entire your entire company
- 00:20:48is going to be
- 00:20:50software defined from end to end and
- 00:20:53artificial intelligence powered from end
- 00:20:56to end
- 00:20:56and this is one of the things that's
- 00:20:58really really quite amazing about the
- 00:21:00digitalization strategy that online the
- 00:21:03management team of Mercedes has for
- 00:21:04Mercedes is going to reinvent the
- 00:21:06company to become a luxury
- 00:21:09focused technology driven
- 00:21:12software-driven company and I I think
- 00:21:14it's it's just really great pleasure to
- 00:21:16be part of it and for us the way we the
- 00:21:19way we participate is creating a system
- 00:21:21called Omniverse that understands
- 00:21:24physical things that of course Mercedes
- 00:21:27builds and the software world and the
- 00:21:31artificial intelligence world that we
- 00:21:32are in Omniverse allows us to bridge
- 00:21:34that to fuse those two worlds from end
- 00:21:37to end from beginning to the end
- 00:21:39sounds great again Jensen good to see
- 00:21:42you thank you
- 00:21:43congratulations again soon all right
- 00:21:46have a great day thank you guys give it
- 00:21:48up again
- 00:21:48[Applause]
- 00:21:53on that note
- 00:21:55uh I was talking about
- 00:21:58um
- 00:21:59mus being all about delivering a
- 00:22:01superior customer experience
- 00:22:04but as this one example here with the
- 00:22:07Omniverse illustrates it actually is
- 00:22:10more than that it is a platform that
- 00:22:12connects all parts of our business
- 00:22:15so if we go from the architect's drawing
- 00:22:18of this one house and look a little bit
- 00:22:21at what the neighborhood is is looking
- 00:22:25like uh in a simplified way you could
- 00:22:29say that this is your neighborhood you
- 00:22:31have mbos at the center of things as we
- 00:22:34said it's a chip to Cloud architecture
- 00:22:36so our so-called Mercedes intelligent
- 00:22:39cloud is what hold the holds the
- 00:22:41profiles of the customer and so much
- 00:22:43information and intelligence sits there
- 00:22:45and it's available uh around the clock
- 00:22:48and then when we have upgrade features
- 00:22:49over the air and of course it is the
- 00:22:52device you can control your car via the
- 00:22:54device or you can hook up your car to
- 00:22:56your smart home and do all sorts of
- 00:22:58different things with different devices
- 00:23:00but it also has connection into the
- 00:23:02Enterprise so if we talk about product
- 00:23:04creation operations and commerce the
- 00:23:07whole point of using Omniverse to create
- 00:23:10a digital twin for manufacturing is
- 00:23:13before you pour the first concrete the
- 00:23:15slab you have actually built the whole
- 00:23:18Factory digitally and you have tested
- 00:23:20every process
- 00:23:21when you look at it on a screen if you
- 00:23:23would take a photo of the factory and
- 00:23:25you look at the digital representation
- 00:23:27of it and you take away the label which
- 00:23:29is which you really have trouble to
- 00:23:31distinguish which is which that idea is
- 00:23:34something that we have been working on
- 00:23:35Marcus in engineering for many many many
- 00:23:37years moving the boundary of what
- 00:23:40simulation can do and go into Hardware
- 00:23:42later then we can be faster in
- 00:23:45development cycles and we can also
- 00:23:47reduce cost in the product creation
- 00:23:49process
- 00:23:51and Britta will touch upon Commerce Omni
- 00:23:54Channel you know how does this link I
- 00:23:56mean it is obvious right that if you
- 00:23:59have this unique Mercedes ID you don't
- 00:24:00don't just use it for the car and for
- 00:24:03the for for the app you use it in your
- 00:24:06CRM systems and and in every touch point
- 00:24:08in the Mercedes Universe if you can but
- 00:24:11enough for me now I know you're excited
- 00:24:14but about seeing the details of the
- 00:24:17technology
- 00:24:18Marcus Magnus the stage is yours
- 00:24:25[Music]
- 00:24:28a Mercedes-Benz running on mbos is a
- 00:24:31completely new approach it opens up
- 00:24:34entirely New Dimensions through software
- 00:24:36Nei it's your digital u a mirror of
- 00:24:40yourself and what you want to be it's
- 00:24:42not a means of transfer it's not an
- 00:24:45assistant or a companion it's you it
- 00:24:48will be a place of entertainment and
- 00:24:50gaming somewhere to be productive a
- 00:24:52private Spa all made possible through
- 00:24:55the gift of time courtesy of automated
- 00:24:57driving your Mercedes-Benz will even be
- 00:25:01part of a server farm and the energy
- 00:25:03grid through mbos we aim to deepen and
- 00:25:07intensify the relationship our customers
- 00:25:09already have with their Mercedes we will
- 00:25:12make it part of their life fully
- 00:25:15connected with friends and family as
- 00:25:17well as home work and devices
- 00:25:20[Music]
- 00:25:27thank you
- 00:25:29so thank you Ola and welcome ladies and
- 00:25:32gentlemen so our house is built to last
- 00:25:36which means it must be fit for purpose
- 00:25:39not just for now but also for the future
- 00:25:42and that is the vision that we had when
- 00:25:46we set up how to develop mbus
- 00:25:49we knew that to achieve something like
- 00:25:51this scale and depth the only way is to
- 00:25:54be in control of all levels to take a
- 00:25:58completely new approach and as always
- 00:26:00said to be architects of our own house
- 00:26:04I are going to talk about the details
- 00:26:08what it means to set up mbus we will
- 00:26:12explain exactly what mbus is and show
- 00:26:14you how it will help us to take our
- 00:26:17customer experience into a new dimension
- 00:26:20so let's start with the what
- 00:26:23technically mbos is a trip to Cloud
- 00:26:27architecture that's because we software
- 00:26:30we see software and Hardware as two
- 00:26:32sides of the same coin at the same time
- 00:26:35as the architects of mbos we are able to
- 00:26:39decouple them this gives us great
- 00:26:42flexibility actually in two aspects the
- 00:26:45first relates to time
- 00:26:47we are able to separate the software and
- 00:26:51Hardware Innovation cycles and the
- 00:26:53second relates to scope
- 00:26:55we can use one platform across our
- 00:26:59entire portfolio from small cars to
- 00:27:02large vehicles
- 00:27:04in our house mbos has a technical
- 00:27:07foundation on the one hand and the
- 00:27:10luxury living space or like you
- 00:27:11explained that on the other so let's
- 00:27:13start with the technical foundations and
- 00:27:17what they are made up of so our chip to
- 00:27:19Cloud architecture our scalable
- 00:27:22proprietary platform it enables us to
- 00:27:26decouple hardware and software and it's
- 00:27:29designed to ensure safety and privacy
- 00:27:33although you said that and to talk about
- 00:27:35this in detail I would like to introduce
- 00:27:37my dear colleague Magnus the chief
- 00:27:40software officer and Magnus you joined
- 00:27:44us in September 2021 and Magnus brings
- 00:27:49nearly 25 years of know-how in
- 00:27:52automotive software from infotainment
- 00:27:54telematics satellite architecture
- 00:27:57automatic driving and I think way more
- 00:28:00than that and I think you have already
- 00:28:03made your marks the designing and being
- 00:28:05The Architects of mbus so Magnus over to
- 00:28:09you and to the foundations right
- 00:28:13thank you Marcus all right
- 00:28:16so MBs is an entirely new approach for
- 00:28:19us here at Mercedes-Benz uh it will
- 00:28:22speed up software and Hardware
- 00:28:23development and allow constant flow of
- 00:28:26Innovations into our vehicles
- 00:28:28and that means a better product for our
- 00:28:31customers
- 00:28:32so starting with our MMA platform we
- 00:28:35will have our own standardized software
- 00:28:37and Hardware based layers
- 00:28:39so let's start with the hardware based
- 00:28:42layer which is designed on a blank sheet
- 00:28:44of paper so its architecture is service
- 00:28:48oriented and it contains the domain
- 00:28:50computers and the connectivity module
- 00:28:54and they host all of the intelligent
- 00:28:57functions in the vehicle
- 00:28:59the specification of each domain
- 00:29:01computer is precisely tailored to its
- 00:29:04functions and performance requirements
- 00:29:06where the services are abstracted to The
- 00:29:09Domain computers
- 00:29:10the GPU of our infotainment computer can
- 00:29:13power more than three high-end gaming
- 00:29:16monitors
- 00:29:17and the hardware architecture of our
- 00:29:19automated driving computer is capable of
- 00:29:21aceld
- 00:29:23so that failure rate is close to the
- 00:29:25flight control system of a commercial
- 00:29:27airplane
- 00:29:29so beside these high-end computers our
- 00:29:32architecture designs includes the
- 00:29:34controllers for exterior and interior
- 00:29:37driving and charging functions as well
- 00:29:39as the connectivity module to the
- 00:29:42Mercedes-Benz intelligent cloud
- 00:29:44so with this architecture it gives us a
- 00:29:47deep integration of the vehicles and the
- 00:29:50central control of every sensor and
- 00:29:52actuator
- 00:29:54so due to the standardization it's
- 00:29:57scalable right it scales from compact
- 00:30:01cars to full-size cars like Marcus just
- 00:30:04said and at the same times it decouples
- 00:30:07the Innovation cycles of the mbus from
- 00:30:10the vehicle platforms
- 00:30:13and of course our Hardware
- 00:30:16approach goes hand in hand with
- 00:30:18semiconductors so as The Architects of
- 00:30:21the mbus we are deeply involved in all
- 00:30:24aspects of the ship strategy
- 00:30:26it's completely different to the
- 00:30:29historical model of naom
- 00:30:31so our infotainment and automated
- 00:30:33driving computers they do have
- 00:30:35state-of-the-art high performance SOC
- 00:30:37like Jensen's Enola just said
- 00:30:40but also in the microcontroller space we
- 00:30:42are maximizing standardizations while
- 00:30:45driving performance and efficiency so
- 00:30:47we're able to cover more than 90 percent
- 00:30:50of our ee architecture with ship
- 00:30:52families from a very very small number
- 00:30:54of suppliers
- 00:30:56so with that we have categorized all the
- 00:30:59chips
- 00:31:01and derive Taylor strategies
- 00:31:04so these strategies consider a few
- 00:31:06replications of the requirements as well
- 00:31:09as the learnings from the ship crisis
- 00:31:11key elements are direct sourcing
- 00:31:14long-term sourcing and increased
- 00:31:16in-house development
- 00:31:18so the in the high-end Computing cluster
- 00:31:21we are driving even further engagement
- 00:31:23into this into the shiplet technology
- 00:31:27so we see the potential of shiplets
- 00:31:29primarily in the Energy Efficiency
- 00:31:32latency bandwidth and flexibility
- 00:31:36and to maintain economics of scale we
- 00:31:39have recently became the first OEM to
- 00:31:42join the ucie Consortium that is in
- 00:31:45order to push standardization for
- 00:31:47shiplet interconnects
- 00:31:50this will be instrumental in setting
- 00:31:52industry standards for automotive for us
- 00:31:55in particular those used in automated
- 00:31:57driving technology
- 00:32:00so that was all about the base layer
- 00:32:03let's then take a look at the software
- 00:32:05base layer
- 00:32:06here MBS also marks a radical step
- 00:32:09change so we are leading its design and
- 00:32:12construction
- 00:32:13maintaining overall control but using
- 00:32:17proven standards
- 00:32:18so between the domain computers and the
- 00:32:21connectivity module we use an automotive
- 00:32:24ethernet connection
- 00:32:25so this is a high performance up to 10
- 00:32:28gigabits per second it enables full
- 00:32:31updatability of the entire mbus platform
- 00:32:33within minutes
- 00:32:35so communication is based on vehicle
- 00:32:37apis that are independent from our car
- 00:32:40lines as I said and it contributes to
- 00:32:43the scalability of mbus
- 00:32:46so together
- 00:32:49the building blocks of our software
- 00:32:50based layer enable service oriented
- 00:32:53communication for our applications
- 00:32:55Diagnostics over there updates security
- 00:32:58functions and across the entire mbus
- 00:33:00platform
- 00:33:02so let me now guide you through the key
- 00:33:05principles of our software base layer
- 00:33:08and I'm going to use our infotainment
- 00:33:10computer as an example here so starting
- 00:33:13at the bottom
- 00:33:14the first sub layer contains the driver
- 00:33:17and security functions these enable
- 00:33:20Ethernet Communications as well as
- 00:33:22firmware and hypervisor that all sits on
- 00:33:25top of the socs
- 00:33:27on top of that we're starting the
- 00:33:29operating system components here we're
- 00:33:32using open source Linux and it gives us
- 00:33:34the development speed for new functions
- 00:33:36with a very robust rollout and
- 00:33:38capability options
- 00:33:41on q and x we run the safety critical
- 00:33:44functions for the driver displays
- 00:33:46and then we have autosar Classics which
- 00:33:49we jointly adapt with our partner vector
- 00:33:53so on top of that we have the middleware
- 00:33:55layer it's designed to enable flexible
- 00:33:59integration of features developed
- 00:34:01in-house as well as third-party content
- 00:34:03including Regional Heroes
- 00:34:06to integrate apps then seamlessly on top
- 00:34:09we are using Android container
- 00:34:12interfaces it is especially relevant in
- 00:34:15markets where Android apps are
- 00:34:17increasingly popular such as China
- 00:34:20so I'm going to zoom out now for a
- 00:34:23moment and look at another building this
- 00:34:24is the Mercedes-Benz intelligent Cloud
- 00:34:26that all are talked about
- 00:34:28it is really the game changer with this
- 00:34:30new approach the Mercedes-Benz Intel
- 00:34:33cloud is a modular connected service
- 00:34:35platform that opens up a world of new
- 00:34:38possibilities
- 00:34:39and it's also the backbone of our
- 00:34:42software tool chain right along the
- 00:34:45entire vehicle life cycle we're using
- 00:34:47this tool chain so let's look at our
- 00:34:49Cloud infrastructure starting from the
- 00:34:51bottom today we host our worldwide Cloud
- 00:34:54solutions from hyperscalers such as
- 00:34:56Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS
- 00:34:59in the future our multi-cloud strategy
- 00:35:02will be complemented by partnership with
- 00:35:04Google gcp for the west and tencent for
- 00:35:07China
- 00:35:08so on top of these hyper scales we build
- 00:35:10a container-based microservices mesh
- 00:35:13platform using zero trust Concepts it is
- 00:35:16made up of four layers each with its own
- 00:35:18functions which I'm not going to go into
- 00:35:20detail now
- 00:35:21so but what we do though we develop more
- 00:35:24than 80 percent of the software for the
- 00:35:27Mercedes-Benz and Celtic Cloud stack
- 00:35:29in-house
- 00:35:30this gives us short release times for
- 00:35:33new features and an endless learning
- 00:35:35opportunity based on customers usage
- 00:35:37so owning the Mercedes-Benz of telton
- 00:35:40cloud gives us the data and this data
- 00:35:43gives us many many benefits one of them
- 00:35:46is the ability to perform targeted data
- 00:35:49Collections and analytics to improve our
- 00:35:51products and services
- 00:35:53it is how we leverage this data that is
- 00:35:55key to digital luxury so by 2025 we will
- 00:36:00have access to data for more than 16
- 00:36:03million cars up from the 10 million that
- 00:36:06we're already hosting in the Mercedes
- 00:36:08intelligent Cloud today
- 00:36:10and because we own the system we also
- 00:36:14have full transparency over the use of
- 00:36:16customers relevant data so with the
- 00:36:18Mercedes-Benz privacy Center the
- 00:36:21customer has full control of all the
- 00:36:23data be it personalized or anonymized so
- 00:36:27that is is how we leverage data now
- 00:36:30where and how are we doing all of this
- 00:36:32well at the center of our development
- 00:36:35network is our electronic software Hub
- 00:36:37in sindelfingen this is where we do all
- 00:36:40the integration validation and testing
- 00:36:43so the electronics software Hub was
- 00:36:45built to facilitate workflow and
- 00:36:47communication super close to r d as well
- 00:36:50as our Edge headquarter production
- 00:36:52experts
- 00:36:53so from top to bottom the process starts
- 00:36:55with the integration of software code
- 00:36:57right
- 00:36:58so the next level down
- 00:37:01we interact directly in a virtual world
- 00:37:04before the physical Hardware components
- 00:37:07are added
- 00:37:08the lower floors then is where we then
- 00:37:11carry out complete mock-ups and vehicle
- 00:37:13testing
- 00:37:15so the electronics Hub software Hub is a
- 00:37:18highly efficient integration machine it
- 00:37:20brings cost savings as well as help us
- 00:37:22leverage our Global team
- 00:37:24So speaking of global
- 00:37:27we are maximizing our software and
- 00:37:29Hardware competence within non-ranked
- 00:37:31works of hubs all over the world
- 00:37:34here in California we emphasize on
- 00:37:36autonomous driving software as well as
- 00:37:38UI ux design and telematics Tel Aviv we
- 00:37:42have the expertise in cyber security and
- 00:37:44in Asia we really focus on Regional
- 00:37:46Heroes and local content
- 00:37:49so that runs up the foundation of the
- 00:37:52mbos house so as The Architects of the
- 00:37:55mbus we
- 00:37:57control our service oriented ship to
- 00:38:01Cloud architecture
- 00:38:03or scalable it's decoupled it gives
- 00:38:07Hardware the flexibility to live it
- 00:38:09separate life from software so mbus is a
- 00:38:12proprietary platform built on standard
- 00:38:15at the same time we retain the
- 00:38:18sovereignty of all aspects of strategic
- 00:38:20importance
- 00:38:21this includes management of our own data
- 00:38:24tree as I said as well as safety and
- 00:38:26privacy and finally we have the freedom
- 00:38:29to work with our partners of choice
- 00:38:31so I'm going to hand back to Marcus soon
- 00:38:34to explain what this means to the living
- 00:38:36space but first to wake you up after my
- 00:38:39long speech here let me give you a taste
- 00:38:41of what this great things have in store
- 00:38:43with this video enjoy
- 00:38:46I'm on my journey a bright gleam not a
- 00:38:50dream echoing in the streets my mind is
- 00:38:53a dam that Stills the Raging River of
- 00:38:56the world no my mind is a raging river
- 00:38:58that bursts every Dam the world builds
- 00:39:01to stop it my microphone is a blank page
- 00:39:03my voice full of optimism set the stage
- 00:39:08I'm in a movie in one two three four D
- 00:39:11feels like Batman is sitting next to me
- 00:39:13strong ideas have a supernatural thing
- 00:39:16wear it like a second skin sometimes it
- 00:39:19needs a light bulb to switch up the plan
- 00:39:21in blue or green
- 00:39:22[Music]
- 00:39:28quiet is mighty
- 00:39:32on my journey I'm in my car I feel
- 00:39:34protected
- 00:39:35360. safe never felt so powerful I feel
- 00:39:39seen
- 00:39:40I lift my eyes for a fine future we'll
- 00:39:44watch birds fly high and yet stay
- 00:39:47grounded and teach trees about our roots
- 00:39:50on my journey Things become talks and
- 00:39:52talks become music and dreams Never Fade
- 00:39:55only accumulate I'll make a post to my
- 00:39:58mama with a letter and I'll let her know
- 00:40:00Mama never have I been better I'll live
- 00:40:03life like a mastermind a Creator
- 00:40:05distance won't stop me I'll let the road
- 00:40:08navigate far away follow fate in my car
- 00:40:11on my journey to my future by itself
- 00:40:13it'll update Pioneers are found I shake
- 00:40:16the ground less obsolete more absolute
- 00:40:19people have potential to be powerful in
- 00:40:23my car on my journey to my future I'll
- 00:40:26meet with Brilliance talk to Millions
- 00:40:28I'll rise and never stop trying find the
- 00:40:31prospect far too ignitive
- 00:40:35go to infinity and beyond as they say
- 00:40:40future and I'll reinvent it
- 00:40:44mama
- 00:40:47every single day
- 00:40:55[Applause]
- 00:40:59so all of this will make our house the
- 00:41:02most desirable in town because the
- 00:41:05living space is where our customers can
- 00:41:08really feel the benefits of our vehicle
- 00:41:10functions across our four domains so let
- 00:41:14me start with body and comfort where we
- 00:41:17are creating a truly personalized luxury
- 00:41:20experience
- 00:41:21to do that we need control of all
- 00:41:24actuators and sensors every single one
- 00:41:28mbos gives us that to I assure you this
- 00:41:32would not be possible with a third-party
- 00:41:35provider with mbos we are able to create
- 00:41:38a true multi-sensory experience by
- 00:41:41orchestrating all vehicle functions from
- 00:41:44video motion light climate control and
- 00:41:48even fragrance
- 00:41:50the result can be a stunning immersive
- 00:41:52entertainment experience and those of
- 00:41:55you here with us today in Sunnyvale will
- 00:41:58have the chance to find out what that
- 00:42:00feels like in our demo vehicle outside
- 00:42:03and I promise you it will blow your mind
- 00:42:07another area where this overall control
- 00:42:10via mbus can benefit our customers is
- 00:42:13our energizing comfort and energizing
- 00:42:16coach
- 00:42:17we are taking them to the next level by
- 00:42:20enabling connection to variables
- 00:42:22our energizing app uses data such as
- 00:42:25heart rate stress level and Sleep
- 00:42:28Quality to recommend a personalized
- 00:42:31Comfort program
- 00:42:32likewise we can bring together Comfort
- 00:42:35functions sausage massage active ambient
- 00:42:39lighting and 4D Iran sounds for enhanced
- 00:42:43well-being
- 00:42:44and if it is not enough for added
- 00:42:46convenience we can also offer a digital
- 00:42:49vehicle key for smartphones
- 00:42:52coming now to the broader domain of
- 00:42:55infotainment and when it comes to
- 00:42:57Automotive dictionary first class route
- 00:43:00guidance remains absolutely a top
- 00:43:03priority
- 00:43:05we have been driving Innovation here for
- 00:43:07many years providing our customers with
- 00:43:10the latest Solutions
- 00:43:12today
- 00:43:13we are announcing a major step forward
- 00:43:17for almost everyone in North America
- 00:43:20uh and Europe Google Maps is actually
- 00:43:24the go-to
- 00:43:26so now we are bringing it into Mercedes
- 00:43:28vehicles
- 00:43:29and our collaboration with Google in
- 00:43:33geopolitioning takes in-car navigation
- 00:43:35to a whole new level
- 00:43:38it's reward first
- 00:43:40we are Reinventing the root guidance
- 00:43:42experience by bringing together the very
- 00:43:45best from automotive and Tech sectors
- 00:43:49so to talk more about this I would like
- 00:43:52to welcome
- 00:43:53Thomas kurian the CEO of Google Cloud
- 00:43:57Thomas
- 00:44:05great to have you today with us here on
- 00:44:08stage actually we are neighbors right
- 00:44:09for many many years and we did a couple
- 00:44:12projects of the last couple of years but
- 00:44:15now we're taking it really to the next
- 00:44:18level so thank you for having me it's a
- 00:44:20privilege to be here and delighted with
- 00:44:22the collaboration we've had
- 00:44:24so you brought your team with you and
- 00:44:26we're working with a team now for many
- 00:44:28many months out front day and night
- 00:44:31actually we're working on new products
- 00:44:32and it was the target to create a new
- 00:44:35customer experience so we're talking
- 00:44:37about the new products and let me start
- 00:44:39with the first one place details by
- 00:44:42Google so I would say pois but it's
- 00:44:45place details by Google so can you tell
- 00:44:47us what this would offer to our
- 00:44:49customers you know it represents every
- 00:44:52Mercedes car will now have the trusted
- 00:44:56reliable
- 00:44:57information about 200 million places
- 00:45:00around the world
- 00:45:02so if you're a driver you can one find
- 00:45:05the place that you're looking for
- 00:45:08if you are not totally comfortable that
- 00:45:10that's the place you want to be you can
- 00:45:12look up a rating and review
- 00:45:14if you drive up and you're a little bit
- 00:45:16trying to find it you can see a
- 00:45:18photograph of the place and it brings
- 00:45:21together The Trusted information that so
- 00:45:24many people are comfortable with Google
- 00:45:25Maps with the luxury experience that
- 00:45:28they have in a Mercedes vehicle and most
- 00:45:31importantly
- 00:45:32we're doing it right now isn't it yeah
- 00:45:34just look at this video here and that's
- 00:45:37the beauty of it you don't have to wait
- 00:45:39so our custom system is able just to
- 00:45:43incorporate this feature as we speak
- 00:45:46exactly so but that's not all I mean
- 00:45:49we're expanding our partnership and the
- 00:45:51next step for us in the next years is to
- 00:45:54go to Google navigation and I think
- 00:45:57that's going to open up a whole new
- 00:45:59world of experience to our customers and
- 00:46:01as we said That's The Trusted Source in
- 00:46:04the western world for our customers and
- 00:46:06that's the move we're going to make so
- 00:46:08what are the advantages there
- 00:46:10well you're our first very first partner
- 00:46:13in this initiative
- 00:46:14what we're doing is bringing the next
- 00:46:18phase of evolution of Google Maps
- 00:46:20platform with the amazing display and
- 00:46:23navigation experience in Mercedes
- 00:46:26Vehicles so think about somebody's
- 00:46:28driving and they want to find the most
- 00:46:31optimal route
- 00:46:33they will be able to do that
- 00:46:35if traffic conditions change
- 00:46:38the car will automatically adjust and
- 00:46:40give them a better route to take
- 00:46:43if they want to take information for
- 00:46:46example turn-by-turn instructions they
- 00:46:50can do it with voice assisted steering
- 00:46:53if they're approaching around about
- 00:46:56and they want to get guidance on how
- 00:46:58best to navigate the roundabout
- 00:47:00the system will automatically help them
- 00:47:02by adjusting vehicular speed and things
- 00:47:05like that so it's really taking the
- 00:47:07notion of place that we're starting with
- 00:47:10to now include all the information that
- 00:47:14a
- 00:47:15system like Google Maps can provide but
- 00:47:18integrating it into the way that
- 00:47:21assisted driving can help people and
- 00:47:24with the amazing display providing very
- 00:47:27high definition visualization as well so
- 00:47:29we're super excited to have you as a
- 00:47:32very first Global partner in this and we
- 00:47:35think we can redefine how you know
- 00:47:38people experience the vehicle and also
- 00:47:41driving itself so as I said it's a brand
- 00:47:43new product and to joining forces there
- 00:47:46to give luxury experience in navigation
- 00:47:49but keeping the beautiful canvas that we
- 00:47:51offer in the car so combining best of of
- 00:47:54Two Worlds actually here so uh then
- 00:47:57another way of collaboration is in your
- 00:48:00home field actually on Google cloud and
- 00:48:02using data and AI to enhance a driving
- 00:48:05and navigation in the future so that's
- 00:48:08the next what we explore together so can
- 00:48:10you tell us what we are doing there well
- 00:48:12couple of things one additional thing
- 00:48:15we're doing with you is bringing YouTube
- 00:48:18into your infotainment experience so
- 00:48:21that people can watch and experience all
- 00:48:25the amazing stuff that is uploaded every
- 00:48:27second of every day on YouTube they
- 00:48:30experience it in Mercedes Vehicles
- 00:48:32something we're really thrilled about
- 00:48:34more and more as I listen to you talking
- 00:48:36about the vehicle it's becoming more and
- 00:48:39more software powered as well and
- 00:48:41there's a lot of data Fleet data coming
- 00:48:43off the vehicles we're also thrilled to
- 00:48:46be bringing Google's Ai and Cloud
- 00:48:49technology to help you one build AI
- 00:48:52models faster
- 00:48:54they can help you understand customers
- 00:48:57driving experiences Etc but also give
- 00:49:00the data platform for analysis and to
- 00:49:03look at vehicular data in a new way
- 00:49:05these are all the next stages of
- 00:49:07evolution as you saw for power vehicle
- 00:49:10we want to be the partner giving you the
- 00:49:13platform to do all of this with and so
- 00:49:15we're super excited our teams are
- 00:49:18thrilled to be working with your team we
- 00:49:20think the combination of your strength
- 00:49:23in a premium luxury vehicle and our
- 00:49:27technology is a great promise in all
- 00:49:29these different areas and we couldn't be
- 00:49:31more excited to be working with you so I
- 00:49:33couldn't explain that better thank you
- 00:49:34Thomas SOA I promised my team at home
- 00:49:37that we are virtually pressing a button
- 00:49:39now for our first product which is
- 00:49:41places and that's exactly what's going
- 00:49:43to happen I mean they're flipping the
- 00:49:45switch now in Germany and we're going to
- 00:49:47have this over-the-air download
- 00:49:49worldwide and can you imagine that gives
- 00:49:51the Goosebumps so they're downloading
- 00:49:52and all this little small G's are
- 00:49:55dropping into the screens of our
- 00:49:57customers and they will have the great
- 00:49:59great service of Google Places now
- 00:50:02literally today
- 00:50:04so great to have you here thank you so
- 00:50:06much looking forward for our cooperation
- 00:50:08and thanks a lot thank you thank you
- 00:50:10thank you
- 00:50:17so ladies and gentlemen as you've heard
- 00:50:19this strategic partnership will
- 00:50:22definitely keep us at the Forefront so
- 00:50:25we will work with Googles in those
- 00:50:27markets where they are dominant that
- 00:50:29means North America Europe Australia
- 00:50:32Japan India and others for other key
- 00:50:35markets we are working with regional
- 00:50:38Heroes for example amap in China and
- 00:50:41soon tmap in Korea so we are bringing
- 00:50:45the best real-time 3D Graphics into our
- 00:50:48cars and combining navigation with
- 00:50:51stunning experience so one example is
- 00:50:53the highly advanced technology from the
- 00:50:56unity game engine in China we aim to
- 00:51:00deliver an enriched UI for automated
- 00:51:02driving functions based on map data from
- 00:51:06amap this includes a fantastic Lane
- 00:51:09level map view and soon it will be able
- 00:51:13to offer navigation based system
- 00:51:15initiated Lane change
- 00:51:18so I'm going to hand over to Magnus now
- 00:51:21to explain in more detail what mbos
- 00:51:24means for the other aspects of
- 00:51:26infotainment and experience Magnus all
- 00:51:29right thank you Marcus
- 00:51:32so we are keeping UI at the Forefront
- 00:51:36yeah
- 00:51:37the MB ux hype is green was just the
- 00:51:40beginning
- 00:51:41so for instance a pillar to pillar one
- 00:51:44piece displays as shown in our vision
- 00:51:46eqxx outside will find its way into our
- 00:51:49serious production vehicles
- 00:51:51but UI is more than just this place so
- 00:51:55our hey Mercedes Voice assistance is
- 00:51:57here a great example
- 00:51:59data shows that customers already
- 00:52:01interact with the or Mercedes Mi ID
- 00:52:03several times a day and those figures
- 00:52:05are growing very very fast so mbus
- 00:52:08enables us to anonymize data from those
- 00:52:11interactions paired with AI to keep
- 00:52:13evolving this to create a more
- 00:52:15human-like conversation
- 00:52:17that's why we're introducing just talk
- 00:52:20this is a feature coming up in our next
- 00:52:23mbux
- 00:52:24so when customers are alone in the car
- 00:52:26they don't have to say hey Mercedes to
- 00:52:28activate the voice assistance
- 00:52:30we think of that is going to be an
- 00:52:33amazing new
- 00:52:34natural experience with the car so we
- 00:52:37also think of these touch points in our
- 00:52:39living space here a bit like UI in our
- 00:52:42vehicles so
- 00:52:44there are many many Partnerships that
- 00:52:46come into play to create the services
- 00:52:48and the features and the content that
- 00:52:51our people love so that's why we're
- 00:52:53invited A-list guests into our living
- 00:52:55space so everything from video streaming
- 00:52:58music gaming conferencing and social
- 00:53:00media and to do this we're building a
- 00:53:03system that makes it fast and efficient
- 00:53:06to enable fresh content and third-party
- 00:53:08apps and that we are doing by using what
- 00:53:12we call the mbux API for Android this
- 00:53:15enables us to implement large number of
- 00:53:17Android based apps very efficiently so
- 00:53:20for example we have a dedicated app
- 00:53:22offering to meet the China preferences
- 00:53:25and in the Western Market our customers
- 00:53:27can look forward to a steady stream of
- 00:53:29new apps fueled by the four via group
- 00:53:31with the furicia Aptoide Automotive app
- 00:53:34platform which is an independent Android
- 00:53:37app ecosystem
- 00:53:39our vehicles are already equipped with
- 00:53:42the Best in Class displays such as the
- 00:53:44mux hyperscreen and real estate
- 00:53:46entertainment
- 00:53:47so our customers will have their
- 00:53:50favorite video content on this beautiful
- 00:53:52canvas wherever they are in the world in
- 00:53:55China we will offer Regional specific
- 00:53:57content via tencent video and because
- 00:54:00entertainment and digital technology are
- 00:54:03extremely important in China we are
- 00:54:05using our Abacus AI engine which is a
- 00:54:08scenario-based AI integration platform
- 00:54:11it provides an experience that is just
- 00:54:13right for China this includes video
- 00:54:15recommendations and hot playlists on QQ
- 00:54:18music
- 00:54:19across all markets we are constantly
- 00:54:22improving our streaming off-round we're
- 00:54:24exciting new content
- 00:54:26we will also upgrade our Hardware
- 00:54:29situation with Amazon's Fire TV stick
- 00:54:32for rear seat passengers starting this
- 00:54:34year as a add-on
- 00:54:37and as you know we have already
- 00:54:39integrated video content provider sync
- 00:54:42with more than 400 titles in nearly 2
- 00:54:45000 hours of runtime so here's a short
- 00:54:48message from our sync CEO RJ
- 00:54:52hi from La the epicenter of
- 00:54:55entertainment I'm RJ the founder and CEO
- 00:54:58of zinc zinc's partnership with
- 00:54:59Mercedes-Benz has raised the bar on
- 00:55:01in-car entertainment and how users
- 00:55:03experience digital luxury what makes
- 00:55:06this so unique a natively integrated
- 00:55:08interface to the world's best content
- 00:55:10and new Innovations merging hardware and
- 00:55:12software to create cinematic in-car
- 00:55:14movements with this Foundation we've
- 00:55:16created the infrastructure necessary to
- 00:55:19generate new untapped in-car revenue
- 00:55:21streams the stage is now set and as a
- 00:55:24result we're excited to announce an
- 00:55:26incredible New Media partnership very
- 00:55:28soon so stay tuned because we're just
- 00:55:31getting started
- 00:55:38so RJ thank you for being here in person
- 00:55:40and it's about content and speed of
- 00:55:43implementation by the way so just like
- 00:55:46video streaming mbos will allow us to
- 00:55:49open a whole new world also of in-car
- 00:55:52gaming we already offer mini games such
- 00:55:55as Tetris Sudoku and prayers
- 00:55:59but with end stream platform of arcade
- 00:56:01games our customers will soon have
- 00:56:04larger access to
- 00:56:071500 classic games and 500 mini games
- 00:56:12and there's more to come we want to
- 00:56:15bring Triple A gaming into our cars and
- 00:56:19stay tuned we have some news for you
- 00:56:22pretty soon so speaking of tuning Our
- 00:56:25music collaboration with Dolby Apple
- 00:56:27music and Universal music group is
- 00:56:30already bringing unmatched Audio
- 00:56:32Excellence and we intend to introduce
- 00:56:35this unique feature to our entry segment
- 00:56:38too
- 00:56:39in the first four Mercedes we are
- 00:56:41bringing video conferencing into our
- 00:56:43vehicles into creating the popular
- 00:56:45Services of WebEx and zoom we intend to
- 00:56:49bring digital art into the car for the
- 00:56:51first time
- 00:56:53our mode for digital art will have a
- 00:56:55unique UI design tailored to the car as
- 00:56:58well as customer preferences
- 00:57:01and MB exhibition feature will enable
- 00:57:04customers to create their own private
- 00:57:07art gallery
- 00:57:08they can choose their art a collection
- 00:57:11created by Mercedes-Benz so what's more
- 00:57:15with my nft feature we enable them to
- 00:57:19exhibit their own nfts in the car
- 00:57:23a great living space is somewhere you
- 00:57:26spend time doing the things you want to
- 00:57:28do
- 00:57:29we feel the best way to give back time
- 00:57:32to our customers is through automated
- 00:57:34driving
- 00:57:36so our drivers assistance systems have
- 00:57:39evolved over many years because we focus
- 00:57:41on safety our latest level 2 development
- 00:57:45is the system initiated automatic Lane
- 00:57:48change feature for an even better
- 00:57:50Highway experience
- 00:57:52it starts this year in North America
- 00:57:54followed by China
- 00:57:57further enhanced level 2 systems are in
- 00:58:00the pipeline and we are at the Forefront
- 00:58:03with our pioneering achievements in
- 00:58:06level three and level four
- 00:58:08we were the first manufacturer to put a
- 00:58:11level 3 system with internationally
- 00:58:14valid certification into serious
- 00:58:17production
- 00:58:18in Germany our level 3 Drive pilot has
- 00:58:21been on the market since May of last
- 00:58:23year this year Drive pilot received
- 00:58:26certification from the state of Nevada
- 00:58:29and very soon we expect California to
- 00:58:32certified too this generation of Drive
- 00:58:35pilot enables conditionally automated
- 00:58:38driving at up to 60 kilometers per hour
- 00:58:42in Germany or 40 miles per hour in the
- 00:58:45U.S were allowed
- 00:58:47we are working to increasing this using
- 00:58:49a step-by-step approach with safety
- 00:58:53always at the first priority next year
- 00:58:57we aim to increase speeds to
- 00:59:00approximately 90 kilometers per hour on
- 00:59:04German autobahns that's roughly 55 miles
- 00:59:07per hour and to achieve this our sensing
- 00:59:10technology is based on multiple systems
- 00:59:13including radar cameras lidar and more
- 00:59:18redundancy of major components is an
- 00:59:22important factor here and I should point
- 00:59:24out we are not just working on automated
- 00:59:27driving for the road we are also at the
- 00:59:30Forefront of automated parking
- 00:59:33our intelligent Park pilot is the
- 00:59:36world's first level four parking system
- 00:59:39that's the current status so now we're
- 00:59:43going to look at the important role of
- 00:59:45mbus in the future of automated driving
- 00:59:48of Mercedes-Benz
- 00:59:51with our in-house competence we have
- 00:59:53made great strides in software and
- 00:59:56Hardware development but to expand the
- 00:59:58use cases for quotationally automated
- 01:00:00driving we have to go from a rule-based
- 01:00:03approach of today to a machine learning
- 01:00:06approach in the future for this return
- 01:00:09to external partners with lots of
- 01:00:12experience in their field
- 01:00:14a new generation of our level 3 system
- 01:00:16is already at an advanced stage
- 01:00:20it has also been optimized for quick
- 01:00:22rollout in terms of markets and models
- 01:00:26our strong partner here is
- 01:00:28Nvidia
- 01:00:29I will hand over to Magnus for some
- 01:00:32further details Magnus all right
- 01:00:35thank you Marcus
- 01:00:37so a core feature of mbus is that it
- 01:00:41will enable lifetime learning Power by
- 01:00:43data as I said previously
- 01:00:45our system will enable to learn on the
- 01:00:48road taking advantage of our
- 01:00:50best-in-class sensor setup across the
- 01:00:52entire vehicle Fleet
- 01:00:55our vehicles are able to collect up to
- 01:00:57300 petabytes of data every year
- 01:01:01to further train or deep neural networks
- 01:01:03and our adaptability in vehicle AI
- 01:01:07automate automatically chooses a
- 01:01:09fraction of this data that is the most
- 01:01:11useful to improving our software stack
- 01:01:14it means our next Generation automated
- 01:01:17driving will learn about and handle
- 01:01:19infrastructure changes and continue to
- 01:01:21improve throughout its life
- 01:01:24so we are working on algorithms and
- 01:01:26software stack that will provide
- 01:01:28completely new driving and parking
- 01:01:30functions
- 01:01:31this will be able to deal with the
- 01:01:34diversity of different Geographics from
- 01:01:36Europe to China us and Beyond and they
- 01:01:39will continue to improve their
- 01:01:40performance adapting to Safe human-like
- 01:01:43driving behaviors and as Marcus said
- 01:01:46we are working with a very strong
- 01:01:48partner to realize all of this so to
- 01:01:51look at it in more detail I like to
- 01:01:53welcome those days Sarah Tariq
- 01:01:58how are you
- 01:02:00driving software at Nvidia
- 01:02:03thank you my pleasure being here great
- 01:02:05to have you here right so
- 01:02:09um
- 01:02:10let's just get into talking about
- 01:02:12software architecture because that is
- 01:02:14our passion both of us are are sharing
- 01:02:16so can you please elaborate on the
- 01:02:18architecture that we're now Building
- 01:02:20Together sure so we're building a full
- 01:02:22stack EV platform that's everything from
- 01:02:24the OS to all of the middleware and the
- 01:02:27software on top that gives us the
- 01:02:30capability of doing Advanced autonomy in
- 01:02:33all sorts of different odds the key aim
- 01:02:35of our architecture is to create
- 01:02:37software that can comfortably but also
- 01:02:40safely drive our customers in their
- 01:02:43day-to-day commute all over the world
- 01:02:45that's an active point there on safety
- 01:02:48so safety is a big concern this has
- 01:02:51always been the Forefront of Mercedes so
- 01:02:53what are we doing really then to ensure
- 01:02:55safety in this new approach of machine
- 01:02:57learning right so like and said all of
- 01:03:00our architecture from the hardware the
- 01:03:02soc the OS middleware software
- 01:03:04everything is built certified designed
- 01:03:07to be safety first in addition the
- 01:03:09state-of-the-art algorithms the AI that
- 01:03:11we're running on top it's built and
- 01:03:14trained not just to deal with the
- 01:03:16expected what should somebody do but the
- 01:03:18unexpected what could happen in addition
- 01:03:21to this we have a lot of monitors and
- 01:03:25redundancy algorithms that are checking
- 01:03:27inputs and outputs making sure
- 01:03:28everything is going as expected and
- 01:03:32again like Jensen and Ola talked about
- 01:03:34before we have the sensors read that is
- 01:03:37redundant right like cameras radar lidar
- 01:03:39and 360 all around the vehicle and and
- 01:03:43this provides us with an extra level of
- 01:03:45security safety and the data that we are
- 01:03:47seeing from these sensors up to a
- 01:03:50terabyte an hour per vehicle we can also
- 01:03:53use offline to further Harden our system
- 01:03:56right now speaking of data then how
- 01:04:00exactly is the data this immense amount
- 01:04:01of data that we're collecting for the
- 01:04:03sales is actually then being used right
- 01:04:06so I mean data is the lifeblood of
- 01:04:09complex AI right the very first thing we
- 01:04:11do all of these networks that we're
- 01:04:13running on our vehicle everything from
- 01:04:15perception understanding what's
- 01:04:16happening in the world to predicting
- 01:04:18what people are going to be doing to
- 01:04:20generating the automated maps that you
- 01:04:21were showing all of that requires
- 01:04:23training with all of this data that we
- 01:04:25are seeing worldwide and then the next
- 01:04:28step we take all of this data and we
- 01:04:30create from it offline tests and metrics
- 01:04:33everything we can do to ensure that
- 01:04:35anytime we're making an update to the
- 01:04:37software we can test it offline against
- 01:04:39these scenarios even before you put it
- 01:04:41on the road right and to doing this a
- 01:04:44speed simulation is a very very key
- 01:04:46factor right so give an example of what
- 01:04:49we're simulating right so I just talked
- 01:04:52about using all of the sensor data to
- 01:04:54replay and and test whatever we saw in
- 01:04:56the world but actually like we were
- 01:04:58discussing before we are using Omniverse
- 01:05:01to also generate all sorts of new
- 01:05:03scenarios a vast vast variety of
- 01:05:07scenarios that you could encounter in
- 01:05:08the world everything from differences in
- 01:05:10weather conditions locations people's
- 01:05:13behavior different scenarios we can
- 01:05:14simulate all of that end to end
- 01:05:16synthetically and we can also simulate
- 01:05:19the sorts of scenarios that you never
- 01:05:20want to see in real life dangerous
- 01:05:22things are people sitting on the road
- 01:05:24and so forth we can simulate them and we
- 01:05:26can test against them okay and all of
- 01:05:28that is a focus on our safety excellent
- 01:05:30so conclusion the more the system learns
- 01:05:33the better it gets right exactly okay
- 01:05:35excellent so as you see the partnership
- 01:05:38with Mercedes-Benz and Nvidia is already
- 01:05:40living up to its promises and has
- 01:05:42potential going forward is just huge
- 01:05:45right so with that thank you very much
- 01:05:47Sarah thank you glad to have you here
- 01:05:49thank you
- 01:05:50[Applause]
- 01:05:55yeah thank you Sarah and Magnus for this
- 01:05:59Insight actually so starting with our
- 01:06:02new MMA platform we are moving as we
- 01:06:05said from the rule-based approach to an
- 01:06:09AI powered and data driven approach so
- 01:06:12together with our sensor setup including
- 01:06:14redundancies this enables us to meet the
- 01:06:17high demands of urban environments
- 01:06:20and it will be augmented by a
- 01:06:22crowdsource HD map to handle the most
- 01:06:25complex situations the result will be an
- 01:06:29enhanced level 2 system for automated
- 01:06:31driving
- 01:06:32so we intend to progress towards point
- 01:06:34to point assistant driving
- 01:06:36active Lane changes based on navigation
- 01:06:39and that includes the very start and the
- 01:06:43end of Journeys where we plan to
- 01:06:46introduce new parking features
- 01:06:49all of this calls for highly advanced
- 01:06:51technology and of course lighter
- 01:06:54Technologies in combination with radar
- 01:06:57and cameras so we are convinced that
- 01:07:00redundancy is the right approach for
- 01:07:02level 3 automated driving and Beyond by
- 01:07:06using the Best in Class lidar Tech from
- 01:07:10Lumina we can achieve high range
- 01:07:13for the smallest and the smallest
- 01:07:14objects with a low reflectivity Dynamic
- 01:07:18steering of high resolution also allows
- 01:07:20us to focus on specific areas similar to
- 01:07:24the way human Vision actually works
- 01:07:28the sensor setup for our level 3 system
- 01:07:30will be even more comprehensive we will
- 01:07:33have two times the compute performance
- 01:07:36of our level 2 system
- 01:07:38there will be additional redundancy in
- 01:07:40sensing modalities breaking steering and
- 01:07:44power supply so this will help us to
- 01:07:46ensure our high safety standards and
- 01:07:49customer satisfaction so customers will
- 01:07:53be able to benefit from the level 3
- 01:07:56system automated system at higher speeds
- 01:07:58our ultimate goal is 130 kilometers per
- 01:08:03hour around 80 miles per hour so
- 01:08:06functionality will include automatic
- 01:08:08Lane change and Highway to Highway
- 01:08:10transfer we intend to roll out this
- 01:08:13features worldwide so now I would like
- 01:08:16to invite luminancio Austin Russell for
- 01:08:20them further discussions on the stage
- 01:08:22awesome please join me
- 01:08:25good to have you
- 01:08:28well I I like your I like your shirt
- 01:08:30Austin already also taking a short break
- 01:08:34from a I think very very intense day of
- 01:08:36developing lighters exactly so often we
- 01:08:40talked about the importance and I talked
- 01:08:41about the importance of Lida for level
- 01:08:43three driving how do you see that
- 01:08:46yeah I mean uh lidar is definitely a
- 01:08:48critical part when it comes to
- 01:08:49autonomous driving more holistically and
- 01:08:52the whole point is is that you know this
- 01:08:54lidar sends out you know millions of
- 01:08:57pulses of this laser light out in the
- 01:08:59environment knowing exactly how far away
- 01:09:01the objects are gives you a ground truth
- 01:09:03view of everything going on and that
- 01:09:05accuracy and reliability makes all of
- 01:09:08the difference you know 99 uh you know
- 01:09:11actually gets you so far but when it all
- 01:09:13comes down to that last one percent for
- 01:09:15autonomous driving and understanding you
- 01:09:17know the implications of what's around
- 01:09:19you it makes all the difference to have
- 01:09:21that and that's where I think it's great
- 01:09:24to be able to see you know Mercedes take
- 01:09:26a lead just as you know being at the
- 01:09:28Pinnacle of performance and safety you
- 01:09:30know on the car side to be at the
- 01:09:32do that same strategy when it comes to
- 01:09:34autonomous driving and as well as
- 01:09:36assisted driving too
- 01:09:38whatever but when we met it was not only
- 01:09:40about getting a lighter right right the
- 01:09:44best possible lighter so we want to
- 01:09:46drive fast the maximum speed there
- 01:09:47highest safety so that's how we came
- 01:09:50together right looking at your
- 01:09:52technology and your technology is called
- 01:09:54Iris and just explain what what iris the
- 01:09:57iris lighter is yeah absolutely so um so
- 01:10:00this Iris lidar you know basically you
- 01:10:03can see actually yeah we have a blowout
- 01:10:04of it on here too you can see it uh see
- 01:10:06it out on screen
- 01:10:08um even through the through the
- 01:10:09transceiver through every aspect of it
- 01:10:10we're actually delivering this next
- 01:10:13generation of the iris technology you
- 01:10:15know specifically to Mercedes here
- 01:10:17starting out as a lead customer for this
- 01:10:19that takes it even a step further in
- 01:10:21terms of functionality for performance
- 01:10:23and safety and capabilities and the key
- 01:10:25is is being able to Now operate uh for
- 01:10:27autonomous driving uh functionality not
- 01:10:30just for lower speeds but also being
- 01:10:32able to move it to higher speeds while
- 01:10:34at the same time being able to
- 01:10:35substantially improve the performance
- 01:10:37and safety around assisted Drive diving
- 01:10:39systems concurrently so that's the
- 01:10:41beauty it's the same Hardware that can
- 01:10:42help enable all of that and of course
- 01:10:44when in conjunction with the right
- 01:10:45compute systems like the Nvidia systems
- 01:10:47and the software that they're doing to
- 01:10:49enable that it makes all the difference
- 01:10:51and I think it's important we work as a
- 01:10:53team here so Nvidia Lumina Mercedes this
- 01:10:56is real teamwork right absolutely and uh
- 01:10:59I mean uh the whole name of the game is
- 01:11:02to scale also so not only one car we
- 01:11:04want to equip of course with lighter I
- 01:11:06mean we intend to do it really in a
- 01:11:08broad range of vehicles so scalability
- 01:11:10is important and again it's not your
- 01:11:12first generation of lidar it's the next
- 01:11:15generation of lighter and the idea was
- 01:11:17to make it really really Slim yeah it's
- 01:11:19a nice fit to the cars not to destroy
- 01:11:21Gordon is here or chief designer gone
- 01:11:23right not to destroy the nice Beauty and
- 01:11:26Aesthetics of the vehicle so we're
- 01:11:28making it really really Slim uh
- 01:11:30absolutely functional and the idea is to
- 01:11:32scale it right absolutely and I think
- 01:11:34that's the whole point around what we're
- 01:11:36doing together it's it's one thing to be
- 01:11:37able to put it on you know one Flagship
- 01:11:39vehicle to be able to start out but I
- 01:11:41think the key is is that you guys have
- 01:11:44this bigger picture vision and
- 01:11:46accelerating that across the you know as
- 01:11:48you said a broad range of vehicle lines
- 01:11:50and that makes all the difference
- 01:11:51because you know when it comes to safety
- 01:11:53and autonomy and making it accessible
- 01:11:54for everyone and all the customers that
- 01:11:56makes all the difference so we're uh we
- 01:11:59built this lidar and this architecture
- 01:12:00with scalability and buying from the
- 01:12:02ground up you know sign for
- 01:12:04manufacturability we built this to scale
- 01:12:06starting off into millions of sensors
- 01:12:08and ultimately tens of millions of
- 01:12:09sensors uh with this uh Next Generation
- 01:12:12lidar architecture so that's what makes
- 01:12:14all the difference there to be able to
- 01:12:16you know scale alongside Mercedes here
- 01:12:18and with that we'll actually even be
- 01:12:21expanding our capacity and even building
- 01:12:23out a new facility in Asia to support
- 01:12:26the additional volume so it's big so are
- 01:12:29these important industrialization is
- 01:12:30important that's all what we are caring
- 01:12:32for right as a team here absolutely so I
- 01:12:35think great to have you here on stage
- 01:12:37thanks for being here
- 01:12:40thank you absolutely great to see you
- 01:12:41guys taking a huge leadership
- 01:12:48so ladies and gentlemen if you have some
- 01:12:50energy left we're going to the basically
- 01:12:53a last domain and the last domain is
- 01:12:55driving and charging and that contains
- 01:12:58the system all the actuators relating to
- 01:13:01the drivetrain it includes of course the
- 01:13:03battery management the combination of
- 01:13:06route guidance and range management is
- 01:13:08also very very crucial to the user
- 01:13:11experience the range exist function in
- 01:13:13our eqs is a good example of our
- 01:13:16approach and if having our own operating
- 01:13:19system actually allows us to access all
- 01:13:22vehicle data for instance state of
- 01:13:25charge energy consumption and so on this
- 01:13:28would not be possible with a third-party
- 01:13:31system
- 01:13:32by aggregating all available data
- 01:13:34including environmental information
- 01:13:36maybe such as wind speeds we can achieve
- 01:13:40a whole new level of range prediction
- 01:13:42and by integrating the charging
- 01:13:45infrastructure into range management we
- 01:13:48can create a seamless first-class
- 01:13:50charging experience
- 01:13:52our Global Mercedes-Benz high power
- 01:13:54charging Network starting here this year
- 01:13:57in the US is a perfect example as we
- 01:14:01announced at CES in January this will be
- 01:14:04one major step to globally supporting
- 01:14:07electrification our efforts were even
- 01:14:10acknowledged recently by the White House
- 01:14:13so mbus will help ensure it's a fully
- 01:14:17connected service
- 01:14:19so to sum it up as The Architects we can
- 01:14:23report that our mbos build project is
- 01:14:27making excellent progress our living
- 01:14:30space is already well ahead of schedule
- 01:14:32mbus gives us the freedom and scope to
- 01:14:36create a personalized luxury experience
- 01:14:40with the right Partnerships we are
- 01:14:41providing our customers with the best
- 01:14:44content and navigation
- 01:14:47so mbos can help us to retain our
- 01:14:49leadership in automated driving
- 01:14:52and then too intelligent and seamless
- 01:14:55driving and charging
- 01:14:58as Magnus said earlier we have a strong
- 01:15:00Foundation based on our service oriented
- 01:15:04chip to Cloud architecture
- 01:15:06it is a highly scalable architecture and
- 01:15:10enables us to decouple software and
- 01:15:13Hardware
- 01:15:14mbos is a proprietary platform built on
- 01:15:17standards designed to ensure safety and
- 01:15:20privacy
- 01:15:21it also gives us the maximum flexibility
- 01:15:24to work with our partners of choice
- 01:15:27mbus is a game changer for the company
- 01:15:30and our products but most importantly
- 01:15:33for our customers
- 01:15:35in a moment my colleague Britta Brita
- 01:15:38Vega will talk about the customer
- 01:15:40perspective in more detail but first
- 01:15:44we have something very special for you
- 01:15:47you see our latest generation of mbux is
- 01:15:50also a precursor to mbos
- 01:15:53it already includes elements of the mbos
- 01:15:56architecture and it brings our customers
- 01:15:58some fantastic new features
- 01:16:02ladies and gentlemen it's my great
- 01:16:04pleasure to present to you the interior
- 01:16:07of our brand new E-Class
- 01:16:10foreign
- 01:16:14[Music]
- 01:16:15[Applause]
- 01:16:19[Music]
- 01:16:57thank you
- 01:16:59so isn't it the beauty intelligence and
- 01:17:02digital world are coming together so
- 01:17:05earlier we gave you a deep dive into our
- 01:17:08high performance infotainment computer
- 01:17:11and we have pulled it Forward into the
- 01:17:13E-class a variant of it already runs
- 01:17:17interior systems such as infotainment
- 01:17:19instrument cluster and cameras so this
- 01:17:23differs from approach previous approach
- 01:17:25of multiple control units in a car it
- 01:17:29enables us to encrate an immersive
- 01:17:31entertainment experience that is more
- 01:17:34interactive than ever
- 01:17:36our new mbux API for Android
- 01:17:39compatibility layer in the E-class makes
- 01:17:42it easy right to install third-part apps
- 01:17:46it offers a far better user experience
- 01:17:48than with mirrored apps
- 01:17:51for example you can run a WebEx or a
- 01:17:53zoom call while the car is parked the
- 01:17:57centerpiece of the digital experience
- 01:17:58inside the new E-class is our new mbux
- 01:18:02Super Screen a large clusterfix extends
- 01:18:06across the entire width of the vehicle
- 01:18:08it seamlessly integrates a central touch
- 01:18:11display and passenger touchscreen the
- 01:18:15new E-class is a stunning combination of
- 01:18:17luxurious home and digital office and
- 01:18:21many new features allow customers to
- 01:18:23create their very own personal space for
- 01:18:27example a routines feature is completely
- 01:18:30new in the car it enables customers to
- 01:18:34configure their E-class for their own
- 01:18:36everyday needs you can create and edit a
- 01:18:40wide variety of routines on the main
- 01:18:42display lots of combinations are
- 01:18:45possible for instance switch on the heat
- 01:18:48seating and heating and the ambient
- 01:18:51lighting to warm orange every time the
- 01:18:54cabin temperature is less than 12
- 01:18:56degrees
- 01:18:58thanks to the over-the-air updates the
- 01:19:00new E-class and its mbx interface we get
- 01:19:03even smarter with time
- 01:19:06unlocking more and more benefits for our
- 01:19:08customer and on that note
- 01:19:10Brita
- 01:19:12the floor is used
- 01:19:14please
- 01:19:16[Music]
- 01:19:22[Music]
- 01:19:27Marcus Marcus thank you very much warm
- 01:19:30welcome from my side so all of these
- 01:19:33digital developments that you've just
- 01:19:35shown have just been designed to fulfill
- 01:19:39a mutual goal we share with our customer
- 01:19:42which is creating the best experience in
- 01:19:47our living space
- 01:19:48so our goal is to build a house where
- 01:19:52our customers can truly feel at home in
- 01:19:55with software enabled upgrades that are
- 01:19:58continuously evolving over time our
- 01:20:01customers can fully adapt their
- 01:20:04Mercedes-Benz living space to their
- 01:20:06needs
- 01:20:07in everything we do our focus is on
- 01:20:10making the Mercedes-Benz digital house
- 01:20:13easily accessible where our customers
- 01:20:16love to stay so let's have a look
- 01:20:20foreign
- 01:20:21hey are you in control of your life
- 01:20:25take control of your car too
- 01:20:27Mercedes-Benz digital extras make
- 01:20:29everything about owning a Mercedes as
- 01:20:31luxurious as driving one send your
- 01:20:33destination to your car and let
- 01:20:35navigation with augmented reality guide
- 01:20:37you there wow now that's augmented
- 01:20:40Mercedes-Benz helps you avoid traffic
- 01:20:42find charging stations parking spots
- 01:20:47and even your car
- 01:20:49and it pays your gas bills and parking
- 01:20:51for you now isn't that helpful it makes
- 01:20:54your life more chill more fun and more
- 01:20:56safe
- 01:21:01that's digital Extras by Mercedes-Benz
- 01:21:06[Applause]
- 01:21:10so when we ask customers about the
- 01:21:13importance of Digital Services more than
- 01:21:1680 percent said digital extras are very
- 01:21:19important
- 01:21:20and that's reflected across all markets
- 01:21:22and all demographics so the digital
- 01:21:25exercise play a fundamental role in the
- 01:21:28decision to purchase a car
- 01:21:30and our customers have high expectations
- 01:21:33about their Mercedes-Benz digital
- 01:21:36experience they wanted to be simple
- 01:21:39intuitive and functional and how do we
- 01:21:42know this I mean by utilizing
- 01:21:45data-driven feedback in a real time with
- 01:21:48over 5 billion data points per year
- 01:21:51and this is how we gain a better
- 01:21:54understanding of how our customers use
- 01:21:56our products
- 01:21:57moreover they expect their vehicles to
- 01:22:00be always up to date thanks to regular
- 01:22:03over-the-air updates
- 01:22:05and the Mercedes me ID is both the basis
- 01:22:09of our house and the key to accessing
- 01:22:11the Mercedes-Benz living space
- 01:22:14it is a unique customer ID that gives us
- 01:22:16a strong and direct connection with our
- 01:22:19customers
- 01:22:20easily accessible means just a few
- 01:22:24clicks after registering for Mercedes me
- 01:22:27id you need to accept our terms of use
- 01:22:29enter your PIN and activate the services
- 01:22:33so our customers have the choice of
- 01:22:36which Services they want to use and of
- 01:22:38which data they want to share
- 01:22:41personal settings and profiles gives
- 01:22:43customer a high level of
- 01:22:45individualization
- 01:22:47and as mentioned before privacy by
- 01:22:49Design means privacy and data protection
- 01:22:52are prime focuses
- 01:22:54we already have a strong customer base
- 01:22:57which we are building upon to further
- 01:22:59expand and improve our offers
- 01:23:01so Mercedes me is currently live in 50
- 01:23:05markets in total that represents a
- 01:23:08network of more than 10 million
- 01:23:10connected cars worldwide as mentioned
- 01:23:13already by 2025 we aim to expand to over
- 01:23:1865 markets and our Fleet of connected
- 01:23:22cars will grow to more than 16 million
- 01:23:24that would represent 60 growth in only
- 01:23:28two years
- 01:23:30with over 15 million downloads since its
- 01:23:33launch
- 01:23:34our customers love using the Mercedes me
- 01:23:37app making it the best rated app in the
- 01:23:40industry with 4.8 Stars
- 01:23:43on top of great customer feedback JD
- 01:23:46Power also awarded us as having the best
- 01:23:48app among Automotive oems
- 01:23:52the app offers far more functionalities
- 01:23:55than just remote control it's also a
- 01:23:57tool for communication and other
- 01:24:00customer engagement and sales
- 01:24:03so looking at sales we had 60 percent of
- 01:24:071.5 million Mercedes me store purchases
- 01:24:10last year already made via the app which
- 01:24:14means an increase of 87 percent compared
- 01:24:17to the previous year
- 01:24:19so our customers enjoy the high
- 01:24:22flexibility in choosing how when and
- 01:24:26where they want to access the Mercedes
- 01:24:28me store
- 01:24:29whether via the smartphone app or our
- 01:24:33web store or even directly in car our
- 01:24:36customers have easy access to our stores
- 01:24:41in-car purchases are just as easy using
- 01:24:44the Mercedes pay fingerprint feature
- 01:24:47and we are simplifying the customer
- 01:24:49Journey even further with our Mercedes
- 01:24:52virtual assistant
- 01:24:53leveraging the latest conversational AI
- 01:24:57capabilities when in the Azure open AI
- 01:25:00service we are able to deliver
- 01:25:02best-in-class customer service along the
- 01:25:06entire Digital customer Journey starting
- 01:25:09the end of March 2023
- 01:25:12however
- 01:25:14any store can only be successful if it
- 01:25:17provides great offers
- 01:25:19and as you just saw in Marcus and Magnus
- 01:25:21presentations we have already a lot of
- 01:25:23great features today
- 01:25:25for example within our entertainment
- 01:25:27portfolio
- 01:25:28our customers can enjoy the most popular
- 01:25:31streaming services such as Apple music
- 01:25:34Spotify or Amazon music
- 01:25:38and we are well aware that local
- 01:25:41services are highly popular which is why
- 01:25:44we offer entertainment features that are
- 01:25:46tailored to local and Regional markets
- 01:25:49so for example 10 cent video QQ music
- 01:25:53and shimalaya are Market specific office
- 01:25:56in China
- 01:25:58additionally where the first car maker
- 01:26:01that has integrated think Inca video
- 01:26:04streaming giving our customers a growing
- 01:26:07selection of movies TV series and more
- 01:26:10to choose from as which has turned and
- 01:26:13of course sync also offers the regional
- 01:26:16content
- 01:26:17I think will also be available as an
- 01:26:20over-the-air update for selected models
- 01:26:23later in 2023
- 01:26:26and that's just the start of where we're
- 01:26:28going with entertainment
- 01:26:30on top of that God said is 360 includes
- 01:26:34services that enable the remote
- 01:26:36protection and monitoring of your car
- 01:26:40these were just a few examples of our
- 01:26:42wide range of attractive and exciting
- 01:26:45software enabled upgrades we have
- 01:26:48continuously expanded our offers to date
- 01:26:51including remote navigation and
- 01:26:54entertainment products and services
- 01:26:57these product selection will continue to
- 01:27:00grow but what we offer won't grow in
- 01:27:04complexity we are giving customers a
- 01:27:06simple intuitive and transparent
- 01:27:09experience
- 01:27:10so starting with the launch of mbos we
- 01:27:13will unite all our digital extras into
- 01:27:16one single package called mbconnect for
- 01:27:20maximum ease a generous data plan and
- 01:27:23regular over-the-art over-the-air
- 01:27:25updates are also included
- 01:27:28will offer flexible contract options so
- 01:27:31customers can choose to activate their
- 01:27:34MB connect subscription at the time of
- 01:27:36purchase or at any later date
- 01:27:40in the MB connect environment we
- 01:27:43anticipate greater than 80 percent
- 01:27:45customer retention for vehicles in the
- 01:27:48one to six year age
- 01:27:51in addition to MB connect we will expand
- 01:27:55our offer for charging and automated
- 01:27:58driving with MB charge and MB Drive
- 01:28:03let's first have a look of what we offer
- 01:28:05with MB charge
- 01:28:07with 3MB charge packages our European
- 01:28:10customers can currently choose from
- 01:28:13flexible transparent and attractive
- 01:28:15offers depending on how much they drive
- 01:28:19and according to our forecast we expect
- 01:28:22more than 80 percent of all customers to
- 01:28:25use one of these three MB charge
- 01:28:27packages in the future
- 01:28:30MB Drive will incorporate it assisted
- 01:28:33driving enhanced assisted driving and
- 01:28:36conditionally automated driving
- 01:28:38it's expected to become our largest
- 01:28:41revenue driver in the software enabled
- 01:28:44environment we have set ourselves
- 01:28:46ambitious targets so starting with our
- 01:28:49MMA platform we aim to make all new
- 01:28:53models Hardware ready to enable assisted
- 01:28:56driving or enhanced assisted driving
- 01:28:58functionalities
- 01:29:00selected models can even be ordered with
- 01:29:03conditionally automated driving with a
- 01:29:05fixed term contract from the factory
- 01:29:08all driving levels will be continuously
- 01:29:11improved via over-the-air updates and it
- 01:29:15has been Illustrated
- 01:29:17as we've mentioned earlier our connected
- 01:29:19car park is forecasted to grow by 60 in
- 01:29:23the next three years
- 01:29:25this will have a huge impact on our
- 01:29:28software enabled Revenue in 2022 digital
- 01:29:32extras generated revenue of more than 1
- 01:29:34billion euros
- 01:29:36Ambi connect features comprise the
- 01:29:39largest software enabled Revenue share
- 01:29:41in last year
- 01:29:43by 2025 we are targeting more than 2
- 01:29:46billion euros from our connected car
- 01:29:48park
- 01:29:49in addition
- 01:29:51automated driving functions are expected
- 01:29:53to emerge as our largest software
- 01:29:56enabled Revenue driver by 2030.
- 01:30:00and the digital transformation in Cesar
- 01:30:03marketing goes even Beyond
- 01:30:06so as outlined software enabled upgrades
- 01:30:09are an important pillar for us and for
- 01:30:12our customers
- 01:30:13the online to offline experience is
- 01:30:16essential to a growing e-commerce
- 01:30:19environment
- 01:30:21and the fast rollout of our direct sales
- 01:30:23model will strengthen our overall custom
- 01:30:26interaction
- 01:30:28as of now we already have seven markets
- 01:30:31with the UK having gone Live January
- 01:30:342023 and three more markets to come
- 01:30:37later this year
- 01:30:40as a consequence we are working on
- 01:30:42optimizing our retail footprint to be
- 01:30:44ready and effective for the future
- 01:30:48all of this will make quite an important
- 01:30:51impact on our future business
- 01:30:54and with this I will hand it over to
- 01:30:57Harold who will give us an outlook on
- 01:30:59the key financial aspects Harold thank
- 01:31:03you
- 01:31:03[Applause]
- 01:31:06[Music]
- 01:31:18foreign
- 01:31:23you have seen three packages for our
- 01:31:26software enabled I mean upgrades in
- 01:31:28Twitter's part the MB connect DMB charge
- 01:31:32and the MB drive I will now dive a bit
- 01:31:35deeper into the revenues from MB connect
- 01:31:38and MB drive I will not talk about mean
- 01:31:41MB charge today since majority of MB
- 01:31:44charge is part of a separate unit within
- 01:31:47the recently announced high power
- 01:31:49charging Network
- 01:31:51we'll talk about that at a later point
- 01:31:55in time first let me talk about
- 01:31:56mbconnect today we have already great
- 01:32:00features available generating software
- 01:32:02enabled revenues such as navigation
- 01:32:05services online map updates live traffic
- 01:32:09vehicle monitoring system
- 01:32:12most of today's features are embedded in
- 01:32:15our vehicle sales and margins
- 01:32:17the customer sees the benefit and the
- 01:32:20pricing is embedded in the overall
- 01:32:21vehicle with finite durations
- 01:32:24these with these embedded mean revenues
- 01:32:27we think we have achieved approximately
- 01:32:29a bit over 1 billion revenues in 2022.
- 01:32:34these revenues grow slightly but are
- 01:32:37very stable over the years with decent
- 01:32:39margins embedded in vehicles margins and
- 01:32:42Revenue
- 01:32:44now there are great things coming on top
- 01:32:46for example
- 01:32:48music and video streaming like sync
- 01:32:51features like WebEx and zoom or on
- 01:32:54demand like dash cam or mbux augmented
- 01:32:57reality
- 01:32:59on top
- 01:33:01revenues we will offer both ways
- 01:33:04as initial vehicle Factory sales and as
- 01:33:08store sales
- 01:33:09in case I mean the customer chooses
- 01:33:12Factory sales features come with
- 01:33:15different durations ranging from months
- 01:33:17up to several years
- 01:33:20at the same time any point thereafter we
- 01:33:23offer it as one-time purchase or
- 01:33:25subscription with renewal options
- 01:33:28as the so-called store sales EG has
- 01:33:31monthly subscription
- 01:33:34these features have a price tag and can
- 01:33:36generate recurring revenues over life
- 01:33:38cycle we think these features are
- 01:33:42very attractive
- 01:33:44uh and office of central benefit to the
- 01:33:48customer so the customer does not want
- 01:33:50to miss a that's why we expect a high
- 01:33:53take rate when the vehicle is sold from
- 01:33:55the factory
- 01:33:56with a high renewal rate in the
- 01:33:58following years
- 01:34:00main part of these features starts with
- 01:34:02MMA
- 01:34:03and keeps growing with MBA
- 01:34:06we expect with the on top to generate
- 01:34:09less than a billion revenues by the mid
- 01:34:12of the decade
- 01:34:13and more than a billion of annual
- 01:34:16revenues in the second half of the
- 01:34:18decade
- 01:34:20we also expect healthy margins on these
- 01:34:22it remains to be seen however which way
- 01:34:25the majority of customers prefer the
- 01:34:27purchase via Factory or the purchase by
- 01:34:31a store both is fine for us
- 01:34:33I said it before
- 01:34:35if customers will choose Factory sales
- 01:34:38it is part of the vehicle profit only if
- 01:34:41they choose to buy them later it will be
- 01:34:43incremental profits such as profits from
- 01:34:45subscription schemes
- 01:34:47but the customer behavior is probably a
- 01:34:51bit difficult to predict at this stage
- 01:34:54so so MP connect we think that total
- 01:34:58revenues out of embedded and on top will
- 01:35:01add up to more than 2 billion in the
- 01:35:03second half of the decade
- 01:35:05now let's have a look at the MB drive
- 01:35:07and our partner for that
- 01:35:10before we look at the revenues of MB
- 01:35:13Drive let me walk you through the
- 01:35:15business model with an idiot
- 01:35:18we have entered the partnership with
- 01:35:21Nvidia because we're convinced this is
- 01:35:23an intelligent and an economically
- 01:35:25efficient way to deliver world-class
- 01:35:28aiders capability
- 01:35:30we joined forces with an extraordinary
- 01:35:33capability technical partner while at
- 01:35:35Mercedes we're already leaders in Adas
- 01:35:38as our l-suite Drive pilot at tests with
- 01:35:42nvida we have access to software
- 01:35:45development Ai and processing skills
- 01:35:48that will take us to the next level as
- 01:35:51Marcos Magnus and Jensen explained
- 01:35:53already
- 01:35:54we're happy to have them as a trusted
- 01:35:56partner in a win-win relationship
- 01:35:58Nvidia puts focus on ad
- 01:36:01base software software updates and SOC
- 01:36:05integration as well as a back end of the
- 01:36:08system we put focus on vehicle
- 01:36:11integration application development and
- 01:36:14vehicle equipment
- 01:36:16two powerhouses with different roads
- 01:36:18joining forces and thereby speeding up
- 01:36:22development Times by that both of us
- 01:36:25enjoy Financial benefits of the
- 01:36:27corporation in a fair and balanced way
- 01:36:30giving us a profitable latest business
- 01:36:33how does it work
- 01:36:35each partner Bears its own costs and
- 01:36:37Investments Nvidia has a majority of
- 01:36:40upfront Investments especially on the r
- 01:36:42d side
- 01:36:43we equip the vehicles with our level 2
- 01:36:46and level 2 only features and carry the
- 01:36:51respective Hardware cost including
- 01:36:54favorable SOC pricings from Nvidia
- 01:36:57due to the high attractiveness we assume
- 01:37:00a high take rate for these features in
- 01:37:03the end we as Mercedes generate a
- 01:37:06hundred percent net sales and share
- 01:37:08roughly half of it with Nvidia depending
- 01:37:11on the region
- 01:37:13even by doing so we still expect a
- 01:37:16decent contribution margin from this
- 01:37:18business but lower than the one on our
- 01:37:21MB connect
- 01:37:23however L3 features are only available
- 01:37:26on demand meaning only as an option
- 01:37:28therefore we have no risk in terms of
- 01:37:31take rates
- 01:37:33so you see this is an intelligent and
- 01:37:35Equitable partnership
- 01:37:37so what does that mean for our MB Drive
- 01:37:40revenues
- 01:37:41the structure of these revenues depends
- 01:37:44on what the customer chooses so it
- 01:37:46depends whether they go for factory or
- 01:37:48store purchases
- 01:37:50clearly we expect it to ramp up with MMA
- 01:37:54and later mbea
- 01:37:56to a low single digit billion Euro
- 01:37:59figure by the middle of the decade
- 01:38:01however with the scaling of the
- 01:38:03portfolio we expect this to grow to a
- 01:38:05mid single digit billion Revenue figure
- 01:38:07later in the decade
- 01:38:09depending on the customer Choice Factory
- 01:38:11your store sales the results will be
- 01:38:14visible as part of either our vehicle
- 01:38:17margin or separately as subscription
- 01:38:19proceeds
- 01:38:21now let's have a look at both together
- 01:38:23MB connect and MB Drive revenues
- 01:38:27first we have the embedded revenues with
- 01:38:30around I mean a billion Euro in 2022
- 01:38:33second we have the MB connect revenues
- 01:38:37coming on top and third the MB Drive
- 01:38:40revenues all in all we expect roughly a
- 01:38:43load to Mid single digit billion Euro
- 01:38:46figure by the middle of the decade
- 01:38:49this we expect to evolve to a high
- 01:38:52single digit billion figure by the end
- 01:38:54of the decade on ebit
- 01:38:57when looking at the middle of the decade
- 01:39:00and what we have in our embedded connect
- 01:39:03and drive we expect definitely more than
- 01:39:06one billion Euro ebit in 2025 altogether
- 01:39:11however as I also mentioned before at
- 01:39:14current point in time we can say
- 01:39:17if we will see it as part of our vehicle
- 01:39:19sales or separately it depends on
- 01:39:22customer preferences
- 01:39:24with all of these things I said before
- 01:39:26we expect these amounts to grow further
- 01:39:29in the years ahead
- 01:39:31we are on track versus our 2025 Target
- 01:39:35and all of the above is already part of
- 01:39:38our profit tables and weather chart
- 01:39:41ambitions
- 01:39:43what are we doing in invest site
- 01:39:46we rebuild our house within the
- 01:39:48financial framing we gave ourselves
- 01:39:51therefore the investment needed for the
- 01:39:54transformation are given priority
- 01:39:57looking at our Rd Investments now
- 01:40:01we see a significant step up and an
- 01:40:04increased share of EV and software
- 01:40:06related spending
- 01:40:08the Rd cash spending for our mbus
- 01:40:11software and called spending Hardware is
- 01:40:14at a run rate of roughly one to two
- 01:40:17billion Euro a year
- 01:40:19this is investment is for our
- 01:40:21Mercedes-Benz operating system with the
- 01:40:24largest amount is accounted for in the
- 01:40:28infotainment and in the Adas integration
- 01:40:32we plan to increase the software share
- 01:40:34to around 25 percent of our r d
- 01:40:36investment by the middle of the decade
- 01:40:39at the same time we reduce the in the
- 01:40:42investment in ice as any new platform
- 01:40:45development will be def only
- 01:40:49totally invest of r d and Industrial
- 01:40:52capex will be reduced by 20 versus 2019
- 01:40:57by the mid of the decade as planned but
- 01:41:01don't nail me down whether it is 2025 or
- 01:41:042026.
- 01:41:06let me summarize it
- 01:41:09we don't tell you fantastic stories how
- 01:41:13software enabled revenues will reshape
- 01:41:16the business model completely
- 01:41:18we just told you something more prudent
- 01:41:22but not less important
- 01:41:24we are focused on one thing
- 01:41:27offering the world's most sophisticated
- 01:41:30way to move from A to B
- 01:41:34combining luxury and Tech is the main
- 01:41:38part of the Mercedes sophistication and
- 01:41:41a key element to spark desire
- 01:41:44it supports our luxury position of the
- 01:41:47brand and the respective pricing of the
- 01:41:49vehicles
- 01:41:50we create outstanding features making
- 01:41:52our products mean even more attractive
- 01:41:56thereby mbus is an important enabler for
- 01:42:00our strategy as well as for our modern
- 01:42:03ambition
- 01:42:05mbus supports pricing and margin and yes
- 01:42:08it has a potential for additional
- 01:42:10revenues and margins
- 01:42:12at the same time we're doing it within
- 01:42:15existing envelopes in a fair risk reward
- 01:42:18sharing model
- 01:42:20but maybe hola you see even a bit more
- 01:42:24potential later than me thank you
- 01:42:30yeah thank you thank you Harold we have
- 01:42:32now come to the conclusion of this
- 01:42:34presentation I just want to uh sum up
- 01:42:37some of the insights from our point of
- 01:42:40view what is this all about I started
- 01:42:42with talking about
- 01:42:44um it is about our strategy our ambition
- 01:42:47to build the world's most desirable cars
- 01:42:49but what we have seen today with mbos is
- 01:42:52really an opportunity it's an
- 01:42:54opportunity to create outstanding
- 01:42:55products create stickiness with Mercedes
- 01:42:58create Revenue opportunities and it goes
- 01:43:01beyond the product and the product
- 01:43:03sphere it also gives us a chance to
- 01:43:07improve the cost situation productivity
- 01:43:09speed time to Market on the Enterprise
- 01:43:12side
- 01:43:13our conviction is
- 01:43:15software is a core competence for a car
- 01:43:19company it's a core competence for a car
- 01:43:22company and we are building this core
- 01:43:25competence and have been building it
- 01:43:26over several years now
- 01:43:29but we're also realists
- 01:43:31you cannot do everything yourselves nor
- 01:43:34should you do everything yourself it
- 01:43:36would not be the quickest and not the
- 01:43:38most cost efficient way of implementing
- 01:43:41a complicated system like mbos so we
- 01:43:43partner and we partner with the best
- 01:43:47if we get that right
- 01:43:49what are we really doing
- 01:43:50we are future proofing
- 01:43:54the valuable real estate of our vehicle
- 01:43:56the interface the one-to-one connection
- 01:44:00with our customer and that is then
- 01:44:02underpinning the revenue opportunity
- 01:44:05that uh Harold was talking about
- 01:44:07so that's what it's all about that is
- 01:44:10mbos in a nutshell
- 01:44:13but I would like to mention the last
- 01:44:15piece
- 01:44:15and no pressure here uh Marcus and
- 01:44:18Magnus but now we have to deliver I know
- 01:44:21I know we have the E-class uh that is
- 01:44:24coming this year and it was no small
- 01:44:26feat to uh to get that up and running
- 01:44:30but we have to deliver this whole thing
- 01:44:31so we are now laser focused in the next
- 01:44:3518 24 months to get to get this journey
- 01:44:39to its 1.0 stage with the MMA
- 01:44:43architecture that we will present uh
- 01:44:46towards the end of 2024 and go into the
- 01:44:49market in 2025.
- 01:44:51thank you for listening thank you for
- 01:44:53coming today uh and this is just the
- 01:44:56beginning of a journey thank you very
- 01:44:57much
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