Human Behavior Expert REVEALS Secrets Billionaires Use To ATTRACT Money | Dr. John Demartini
TLDRAquest episodi del podcast vol transformar la vida dels oients, especialment per aquells que han experimentat mancança en l'àmbit financer. L'amfitrió està tan impressionat pel convidat, el doctor John Demartini, que li demana ser el seu mentor personal després de l'entrevista. El doctor Demartini descriu la seva vida vivint en un iot i com va passar de ser un jove surfista amb dificultats a un instructor de reconeixement mundial. Explica la importància dels valors humans i com viure una vida alineada amb els teus valors pot portar a l'èxit i compliment personal. També tracta sobre com les actituds i els valors personals juguen un paper crucial en l'èxit financer i com les persones poden canviar les seves perspectives i hàbits financers per aconseguir l'èxit que desitgen. Aquest episodi també inclou importants consells sobre com navegar per la vida amb intenció i consciència per transformar somnis en realitat.
Punti di forza
- 🛥️ El doctor John Demartini viu en un iot anomenat 'el món'.
- 🌊 Va començar com un surfista amb una vida dura abans de canviar el seu camí.
- 🧘 Experiències inspiradores poden portar a grans canvis de vida.
- 💭 Els valors humans són fonamentals per l'èxit personal.
- 📈 L'alineació amb valors personals porta a l'èxit financer.
- 🎓 L'educació i el creixement personal són clau.
- 🤝 Servir els altres pot portar a majors oportunitats.
- 🧠 Canviar perspectives financeres pot transformar vides.
- 💡 L'autenticitat i l'alineació amb l'ànima són essencials.
- 🏆 Constància en els objectius porta a grans assoliments.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
L'amfitrió presenta un podcast destacant l'impacte potencialment transformador de l'episodi, especialment per a aquells que experimenten problemes financers. L'invitat especial és el Dr. John Demartini, que comparteix la seva vida vivint en un iot amb persones de gran èxit mundial.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Demartini parla sobre el seu passat com a surfer i la seva experiència propera a la mort que el porta a un canvi significatiu de vida, inspirat per Paul C. Bragg. Comença un viatge de superació personal i educació, visualitzant un futur on ajuda a altres i es converteix en un mestre reconegut.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Després de tornar a Estats Units, Demartini segueix el seu somni de convertir-se en professor malgrat les dificultats d'aprenentatge. Després de superar aquestes barreres educatives, comença a ensenyar i guanya reconeixement pel seu compromís amb el creixement personal continu.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Demartini reflexiona sobre com moltes persones no prenen decisions per canviar la seva vida i discuteix la importància dels valors personals. Subratlla que cal modificar els comportaments per generar canvis reals, centrant-se en les prioritats individuals per a l'èxit.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
La conversa continua amb Demartini destacant com la jerarquia de valors d'una persona influeix en el seu destí financer. Explica la diferència entre patrons de valor entre rics i pobres, suggerint que el canvi en els valors pot canviar dràsticament la situació financera d'una persona.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Demartini argumenta que servir als altres és la clau per a l'èxit financer i personal. L'enfocament consisteix a entendre i complir les necessitats dels altres, la qual cosa resulta en un intercanvi just i sostingut que crea valor tant per a un mateix com per als altres.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
El concepte de comparació com a font de depreciació personal es discuteix, i es proposa que un reconeixement autèntic dels èxits propis és essencial per a l'autovalorització. L'autenticitat i l'ajustament dels objectius segons els valors més elevats promouen el creixement personal.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Demartini il·lustra com desbloquejar associacions limitants amb l'economia i diu que trobar el màxim valor inspira a continuar sense necessitar motivació externa. Recomana treballar delegant tasques i concentrant-se en el que realment importa i inspira.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
L'amfitrió destaca la rellevància de no comparar-se amb altres en termes de ritme d'èxit. Demartini ofereix estratègies per obtenir claredat i direcció aplicant una determinació de valors i alineant les accions diàries amb els objectius i valors més alts.
- 00:45:00 - 00:54:58
El programa conclou amb Demartini aconsellant com un canvi veritable comença amb una revisió honesta dels propis valors i el desenvolupament d'un pla basat en ells per assolir la llibertat financera i personal, insistint que és possible començar aquest camí en qualsevol moment.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Qui és el convidat del podcast?
El doctor John Demartini és el convidat del podcast.
On viu el doctor John Demartini?
El doctor John Demartini viu en un iot de luxe anomenat 'el món'.
Com ha evolucionat personalment el doctor Demartini?
Va començar com un surfista que vivia en una tenda i després d'una experiència inspiradora va decidir canviar la seva vida enfocant-se en l'educació i l'ensenyament.
Quins són alguns conceptes importants que es mencionen en el podcast?
Es parla de l'autosuperació, dels valors humans i de seguir les passions per assolir èxit personal.
Què és un dels principals missatges del doctor Demartini?
Viure una vida alineada amb els teus valors més alts i seguir el que et motiva espontàniament.
Visualizza altre sintesi video
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- 00:00:00drop everything I need you to focus this
- 00:00:03week because this podcast will change
- 00:00:05your life forever especially if you have
- 00:00:08been dealing with the issues of lack in
- 00:00:11your financial life I'm telling you
- 00:00:13right now this guess was so powerful
- 00:00:15that I literally when the show was done
- 00:00:17told him I want you to be my personal
- 00:00:20Mentor enjoy this one save it leave your
- 00:00:23comments and share it with everyone you
- 00:00:26know so we're about to have a remarkable
- 00:00:28conversation and I can tell you it's
- 00:00:29going to remarkable when I asked this
- 00:00:31next guest where does he live he said I
- 00:00:33live on a on the on the world the
- 00:00:36world's biggest yacht we have Dr John D
- 00:00:40martini with us welcome to the higher
- 00:00:41self oh thank you for having me so I
- 00:00:43I've got to get started on this story
- 00:00:45tell me about this yacht and the name of
- 00:00:48it is the world in
- 00:00:51911 we were living in New York City my
- 00:00:54wife and
- 00:00:55I and when they got the World Trade
- 00:00:59Center they shut down some of the
- 00:01:01buildings we were living on the 62nd
- 00:01:03floor of Trump Tower at the
- 00:01:05time they shut down the building and my
- 00:01:07wife said I can't go into the building
- 00:01:09and I was in Australia
- 00:01:11speaking and so she know me and said
- 00:01:13they've shut down the building what do I
- 00:01:15do so she got a special transport it was
- 00:01:19a little edgy and got to Philadelphia
- 00:01:22and flew to La even though all the
- 00:01:24airspace was down I got to
- 00:01:27Australia I was there so we ended up um
- 00:01:32meeting up and I said 'l she say I don't
- 00:01:34want to be in New York I'm going to stay
- 00:01:35out and stay in our Australian
- 00:01:37home so I said I'm not scheduled to be
- 00:01:40here in Australia to speak for a while
- 00:01:41so I'm not going to see you we have to
- 00:01:42go to plan
- 00:01:44B I had already seen in the Rob report
- 00:01:47uh reference to this beautiful private
- 00:01:50condominium
- 00:01:51yacht and I had looked at it and ripped
- 00:01:55it out of a Rob report and thought this
- 00:01:57would be great because we travel we're
- 00:02:00set
- 00:02:00Gypsies
- 00:02:02and so that was the initiator because I
- 00:02:05wasn't going to see her so I had a
- 00:02:07friend who happened to buy a condominium
- 00:02:09on there and we met up in Sydney and he
- 00:02:12did due diligence he went to Norway
- 00:02:14where they were building it and um
- 00:02:17answered all my concerns and questions
- 00:02:18on it so the next day as an anniversary
- 00:02:20presentent I got got my wife the ship
- 00:02:24and I've been on there for 23 years
- 00:02:26she's passed away now but but uh 23
- 00:02:30years I've been living on it so so so
- 00:02:32and and and this is I'm assuming it must
- 00:02:34be you know not not everybody lives on a
- 00:02:36yah so this must be a collection of some
- 00:02:39really wonderful human beings that are
- 00:02:41all living on this boat my personal
- 00:02:43feeling is these are very beautiful
- 00:02:45Extraordinary People yeah absolutely
- 00:02:47they're all amazing they've done
- 00:02:48something globally all of them are
- 00:02:50Global thinkers and acers and they do
- 00:02:53amazing things from philanthropy to
- 00:02:54building universities
- 00:02:56to um the leaders I love that I love
- 00:02:59that that so so so what I want to know
- 00:03:03is this um everyone that listens to this
- 00:03:06podcast wants to reach their their
- 00:03:08highest self right whether that's
- 00:03:10spiritually whether that's emotionally
- 00:03:12whether that's financially you know for
- 00:03:15for you to even be in a conversation
- 00:03:17where you get to say that you live on a
- 00:03:20boat with some of the most wonderful
- 00:03:23people on planet Earth that means that
- 00:03:25you've mastered some things in this life
- 00:03:27that means that you you've mastered the
- 00:03:30art maybe of manifestation of of
- 00:03:32creating your own reality where did did
- 00:03:36that Journey begin for you I was a
- 00:03:38long-haired hippie
- 00:03:40Surfer uh living in a
- 00:03:43tent after social climbing from living
- 00:03:46under a bridge when I was a teenager in
- 00:03:48aahu on the NorthShore and I was surfing
- 00:03:52um the NorthShore I wrote big waves got
- 00:03:55in some Surf movies and surf magazines
- 00:03:58and things at the time back in late 69
- 00:04:0170 71
- 00:04:0472 and I nearly died at the time and in
- 00:04:08the recovery of that I went to a health
- 00:04:09food store somebody took me to a health
- 00:04:11food store and at the health food store
- 00:04:14there was an entrance little at the
- 00:04:16entrance there was a little sign that
- 00:04:17said a yoga class something made me go
- 00:04:21to this yoga class and there was a guest
- 00:04:23speaker named Paul C Bragg brags amino
- 00:04:27acids that's right and he was speaking
- 00:04:30he was an elderly gentleman and he
- 00:04:32inspired me to believe in a new
- 00:04:34possibility for me because I was a I had
- 00:04:37learning difficulties I was I had to go
- 00:04:39to speech pathologist when I was a child
- 00:04:40had an arm and leg deformity and I was
- 00:04:43told I would never be able to read or
- 00:04:44write or communicate never mind thing
- 00:04:46that we go very far in life but this
- 00:04:48night when he
- 00:04:51spoke it really got to
- 00:04:54me and he said we have a body we have a
- 00:04:56mind and we have a
- 00:04:58soul and the body must be directed by
- 00:05:00the mind the Mind must be guided by the
- 00:05:02soul to maximize our
- 00:05:04potential and he says you want
- 00:05:06to what you think about what you
- 00:05:09visualize what you affirm what you feel
- 00:05:11what you take actions on and what you
- 00:05:14persist on becomes your destiny and you
- 00:05:18want to set goals and objectives for
- 00:05:20yourself your family your community your
- 00:05:21city your state your nation your world
- 00:05:23and beyond for at least 120
- 00:05:25years nobody talked to me like that and
- 00:05:29so I started following what he said at
- 00:05:32the end of his presentation he took us
- 00:05:34through this guided imagery meditation
- 00:05:35experience this Alpha meditations he
- 00:05:37called it and I'd not done really any
- 00:05:41meditation consistently or anything like
- 00:05:43that for but in that meditation I saw a
- 00:05:46dream and a vision that was so
- 00:05:49Lucid I literally walked onto this
- 00:05:51stoned Archway out over onto a balcony
- 00:05:54where there was a million people below
- 00:05:56and I was speaking and the backdrop was
- 00:05:59a icon buildings from all the major
- 00:06:01cities around the world is the most
- 00:06:02surreal thing I had it painted by a
- 00:06:04famous painter in in Melbourne Australia
- 00:06:06it sits in my office it's 5 by4 foot
- 00:06:08painting today what I
- 00:06:11saw and that that was one of those
- 00:06:16tear-jerking
- 00:06:17um gamma synchronous brain states where
- 00:06:21you just know that you know there's
- 00:06:22something magical here you need to
- 00:06:24follow this and that was the beginning
- 00:06:26of my journey of wanting to overcome my
- 00:06:29learning
- 00:06:30challenges and um someday become
- 00:06:33intelligent and somehow find a way of
- 00:06:35becoming a teacher and I love traveling
- 00:06:38been traveling since I was very young
- 00:06:41and I had a dream to travel the world
- 00:06:42and go to every country I've now gotten
- 00:06:44to speak in 160 countries and I live
- 00:06:47around the world and I um the universe
- 00:06:50is my playground the world is my home
- 00:06:52every country is a room in the house
- 00:06:53every city is a platform to share my
- 00:06:54heart and S the way I look at it I love
- 00:06:56that but it started that night and um I
- 00:06:59had first figure out how to
- 00:07:02read so I ended up few months later
- 00:07:06leaving Hawaii flying back to Los
- 00:07:09Angeles hitchhiking back to Texas uh
- 00:07:12where my parents lived and um that's why
- 00:07:15I'm so amazed when I came here to Austin
- 00:07:17because I'm because Austin was quite
- 00:07:19different then there was a that
- 00:07:22Tower at the University at about it and
- 00:07:26um came back there I took a GED High
- 00:07:29School equivalency test because I didn't
- 00:07:31have a high school degree I dropped out
- 00:07:3213 14 and I guessed and passed it was
- 00:07:38really miraculous I felt it was a sign
- 00:07:42there's something magical supposed to
- 00:07:43happen so my parents tried to taught me
- 00:07:45into going and trying to take a junior
- 00:07:47college class to try to get into college
- 00:07:51because I had my high school degree and
- 00:07:54I failed the first test I got a 27 and I
- 00:07:58remember crying on the way home driving
- 00:08:00back from that test and thinking what my
- 00:08:03first grade teacher told me he'll never
- 00:08:04read he'll never write I really I re
- 00:08:07Reeder ready to what I was told on most
- 00:08:09of my life and then I came home and I
- 00:08:11was curled up in a little fetal position
- 00:08:13underneath this Bible stand that my had
- 00:08:15my mom had in the living room and she
- 00:08:17came home from shopping she saw me
- 00:08:19crying said what happened
- 00:08:21son I said I blew the test I guess I
- 00:08:24don't have what it takes I guess I'll
- 00:08:26will never do those things that I was
- 00:08:27told
- 00:08:29and she just paused and then she put her
- 00:08:31hand on my shoulder and she said
- 00:08:32something that really made a difference
- 00:08:34she said whether you become a great
- 00:08:37teacher and travel the world like you
- 00:08:39dream whether you go back and ride giant
- 00:08:41waves on the NorthShore like you've done
- 00:08:43or return to the streets and Panhandle
- 00:08:46what you've done I just want to let you
- 00:08:48know that your father and I are going to
- 00:08:49love you no matter what you do we just
- 00:08:51love you just want you to know that when
- 00:08:53she said that my hand went into a fist I
- 00:08:56looked up and I saw that Vision the
- 00:08:58night I saw Paul brag
- 00:09:00I saw that vision lucidly and I said to
- 00:09:03myself I'm in a m the thing call reading
- 00:09:04and studying and learning I'm in a
- 00:09:05master the thing called te teaching
- 00:09:07healing and philosophy and I'm going to
- 00:09:09do whatever it takes travel whatever
- 00:09:10distance pay whatever prize to give my
- 00:09:12service of Love across this planet I got
- 00:09:14up I hugged my mom and I went back into
- 00:09:16my room and I got a funk and wagels
- 00:09:18dictionary in those days if you bought
- 00:09:20$20 worth of food from Kroger you got a
- 00:09:23dictionary I got this dictionary and I
- 00:09:26made a commitment that I would memorize
- 00:09:2730 words a day into my vocabul was
- 00:09:29strong enough to build a past school and
- 00:09:32two years later I had 20,000 words
- 00:09:33memorized my mom used to test me every
- 00:09:35night on 30 words until my babary group
- 00:09:38and I went from the bottom of the class
- 00:09:40to the top of the class and I never
- 00:09:42stopped and I started teaching I didn't
- 00:09:45care if who it was anybody that would
- 00:09:46come and listen I just do a presentation
- 00:09:49sometimes I'd talk to myself and um that
- 00:09:52just kept growing by the time I went to
- 00:09:53the University of Houston two years
- 00:09:55later I'd have 100 100 125 150 400
- 00:09:59people a day under the trees gathered
- 00:10:01doing presentations on whatever topics
- 00:10:04that can seem to be emerging and I
- 00:10:07continue to do that and so I've been
- 00:10:09speaking most every day since you know
- 00:10:13there's so many people it's interesting
- 00:10:16I I just we we have a online community
- 00:10:18and I I we just finished having a
- 00:10:19conversation like this there there's so
- 00:10:22many people listening to this episode
- 00:10:24right now that are that are that version
- 00:10:26of you that that that boy that was
- 00:10:28afraid that that boy that came across
- 00:10:31that obstacle you know that that didn't
- 00:10:33know how to read um and and and and they
- 00:10:37don't decide I think that's the key
- 00:10:39right they they don't decide that no
- 00:10:41matter what happens they're going to
- 00:10:42make a change right you know I know that
- 00:10:45you speak a lot on human behavior what
- 00:10:48what is what is that behavior right
- 00:10:50what's that behavior and and where does
- 00:10:52the new Behavior come from that causes
- 00:10:55actual life change every human being
- 00:10:59regardless of gender Spectrum age or
- 00:11:04culture lives Moment by Moment by a set
- 00:11:06of priorities a set of values things
- 00:11:09that are most to least important in
- 00:11:10their life that are fingerprint
- 00:11:13specific the these set of values emerge
- 00:11:18from the voids that they've had in their
- 00:11:19life from the judgments that they've
- 00:11:22experienced that they didn't see the
- 00:11:23wholeness
- 00:11:24too that they feel empty
- 00:11:27by but this unque set of values whatever
- 00:11:31they
- 00:11:32are the very highest of the value the
- 00:11:34thing that's most important the thing
- 00:11:36that's most meaningful most
- 00:11:39inspiring they spontaneously do without
- 00:11:42needing any extrinsic motivation to
- 00:11:46do mine is
- 00:11:48teach nobody has to motivate me I ask
- 00:11:51people very commonly in programs uh what
- 00:11:54is it you do every single day that
- 00:11:56nobody has to remind you to do that you
- 00:11:57are inspired to do you love doing and
- 00:11:59you you just can't wait to do it and
- 00:12:00everybody has something yeah but they
- 00:12:02many times compare themselves to other
- 00:12:04people and then judge that and then
- 00:12:07they're afraid to say what it is or
- 00:12:08afraid to pursue it because they don't
- 00:12:11know how they can either economically
- 00:12:13make it viable or socially make it
- 00:12:15viable Etc but finding out what that
- 00:12:18highest value is and finding out what
- 00:12:20they spontaneously are inspired to do
- 00:12:23and
- 00:12:24then structuring their life and
- 00:12:27organizing their life so they can
- 00:12:30dedicate to what's highest in priority
- 00:12:32and delegate all the rest that's right
- 00:12:36you don't go you don't have a
- 00:12:37self-actualized life without delegation
- 00:12:39can't do it all and finding that one
- 00:12:42thing as Gary Keller said that liberates
- 00:12:44you that you are the greatest de can
- 00:12:48catapult incremental momentum towards an
- 00:12:50Unstoppable outcome and so giving
- 00:12:53yourself permission to pursue what's TR
- 00:12:55truly in the heart most meaningful that
- 00:12:57is really telling logically Soul guided
- 00:13:01if that's the term the soul being the
- 00:13:03state of unconditional love for what
- 00:13:05you're doing and the Soul being the most
- 00:13:07authentic integrated you the most medior
- 00:13:11prefontal cortex guided
- 00:13:14action if we give ourselves permission
- 00:13:16to do that and then surround ourselves
- 00:13:18with people that are absolutely inspired
- 00:13:20and in their highest value doing the
- 00:13:22things we want to delegate it's it's
- 00:13:24impossible for you not to catalyze
- 00:13:26something deeply powerful and meaningful
- 00:13:29and each of those opportunities that
- 00:13:32emerge for yourself and other people
- 00:13:34increase the probability of being of
- 00:13:36service to people and the the
- 00:13:38sustainable Fair exchange and engagement
- 00:13:41of transactions that allow you to do
- 00:13:43what you love in a way that serve and
- 00:13:45fulfill other people's lives liberate
- 00:13:46you and magnetically attract
- 00:13:49opportunities that are viable
- 00:13:51financially and meaningful and socially
- 00:13:55networked I mean amazing things happen
- 00:13:58people said
- 00:13:59you know you because you're you know
- 00:14:01financially viable you've been able to
- 00:14:03do those things no I be I was
- 00:14:06financially viable because I did those
- 00:14:08things that's right because when I
- 00:14:09started I didn't have that that's right
- 00:14:11so it's it it doesn't matter where you
- 00:14:12start doesn't matter what you've been
- 00:14:13through doesn't matter what you're going
- 00:14:14through what matters is are you going to
- 00:14:15apply the principles to stand the test
- 00:14:17of time that lead to great achievement
- 00:14:19if you do it's your destiny I say all
- 00:14:22the time there's no way it can't happen
- 00:14:25well that's the thing when when you
- 00:14:26access that pure authentic State the
- 00:14:30thing that really inspires you the way
- 00:14:33the medial prefontal cortex is it's
- 00:14:35actually connected to the V5 V6 areas in
- 00:14:37the ocial cortex the visual asso you see
- 00:14:41a vision you also activate a certain
- 00:14:44area the motor CeX that's involved in
- 00:14:46spontaneous action so you're not sitting
- 00:14:49there living in anxiety because you're
- 00:14:51pursuing fantasies you're pursuing
- 00:14:53something that's a real objective you're
- 00:14:55already mitigating risk in your mind
- 00:14:57because of the broad and depth of
- 00:14:59awareness that happens when you live in
- 00:15:00the authentic State and you see
- 00:15:03strategies you see how you can do it
- 00:15:06instead of seeing things in the way you
- 00:15:07see things on the way instead of being a
- 00:15:08victim of History you see yourself as a
- 00:15:10master of Destiny you feel it's
- 00:15:11impossible for you not to fulfill it
- 00:15:13it's destined and that's the
- 00:15:16Unstoppable state that the people places
- 00:15:19things ideas and events in our life that
- 00:15:21synchronize with what's truly most
- 00:15:23important emerges and we see
- 00:15:26opportunities that we didn't see before
- 00:15:28and they they're there in front of us at
- 00:15:29all times so I've recently been obsessed
- 00:15:32with learning about supplements because
- 00:15:34I found out all of the Shady tactics
- 00:15:37that happen in the industry like how
- 00:15:39natural flavors are far from natural or
- 00:15:42get this how some vitamins are derived
- 00:15:45from GMO corn syrup I know it's
- 00:15:48disgusting this is why it's so important
- 00:15:50to trust the company you buy your
- 00:15:52supplements from and there's only one
- 00:15:55company on planet Earth I trust and
- 00:15:57that's Kono I I've never seen a higher
- 00:16:00standard in the industry where literally
- 00:16:02every single ingredient is ethically
- 00:16:05sourced with intention I've been
- 00:16:08absolutely loving their full body
- 00:16:10hydrate product it's the most
- 00:16:13comprehensive and I think best tasting
- 00:16:15electrolyte on the planet it helps my
- 00:16:18brain function I feel like it's helping
- 00:16:20my skin I feel more hydrated and overall
- 00:16:23I just feel incredible throughout the
- 00:16:26day when I drink it but all in all guys
- 00:16:28all of their supplements are incredible
- 00:16:30I'm passionate about sharing them with
- 00:16:32you guys because these guys have your
- 00:16:34health at heart check them out at conon
- 00:16:39danany and get 10% off your order again
- 00:16:43that's conon Danny for 10%
- 00:16:46off your order so let's let's so let's
- 00:16:48talk about this I you know what what
- 00:16:50I've found in my work is that a lot of
- 00:16:53the issues that people have in this case
- 00:16:55with achievement success let's just call
- 00:16:58it what it is in this case money is
- 00:17:02their psychology their thought process
- 00:17:05their connection to their stories around
- 00:17:08money like what I find is that many
- 00:17:10people who struggle with money struggle
- 00:17:12with life needing to be a struggle
- 00:17:14because they saw their parents struggle
- 00:17:16there's always a a story right like
- 00:17:19number one do you find that to be true
- 00:17:21number two how does someone break out of
- 00:17:23that
- 00:17:24pattern well I've been pretty blessed to
- 00:17:26be able to assist people in that Arena
- 00:17:29and
- 00:17:31um the hierarchy of your values dictates
- 00:17:33your financial destiny could you say
- 00:17:35that one more time the hierarchy of your
- 00:17:37values dictates your financial destiny
- 00:17:40now I've interviewed people over 100
- 00:17:42billionaires I've also interviewed
- 00:17:44people that are extremely poverished
- 00:17:46that may make 60 cents a day and there
- 00:17:49is definitely a distinct value system
- 00:17:51there that's different and if you don't
- 00:17:53have a value on contributing to people's
- 00:17:55lives you don't have a value on yourself
- 00:17:58you don't have a value value on growing
- 00:18:01sustainable Fair exchange transactions
- 00:18:04which money represent then you'll
- 00:18:06probably have these challenges and
- 00:18:08struggles but once you see and value
- 00:18:11that and there's a science on how to
- 00:18:13raise that in your value system you
- 00:18:15immediately act different most people
- 00:18:18they don't realize that if you don't
- 00:18:19have a value on wealth building you'll
- 00:18:20buy things that go down in values that
- 00:18:22are consumables you become a slave to
- 00:18:23money all your life and most people live
- 00:18:26being you know above their means instead
- 00:18:28of below their
- 00:18:29but if you start to Value it yourself
- 00:18:31and service and and income um you start
- 00:18:35buying things to go up in value you want
- 00:18:37to make sure that you put something that
- 00:18:39your hard work goes into something that
- 00:18:40goes up in value and I've seen people
- 00:18:43who start out where they can't they're
- 00:18:45in debt they can't pay anything they
- 00:18:47can't do anything they don't know what
- 00:18:48to do and we get really clear about what
- 00:18:50they're going to do it's a strategy so
- 00:18:52it's not fluffy and fantasy and then we
- 00:18:55structure it on automatic non-emotional
- 00:18:58strategic savings and investment
- 00:19:01structure and then we go and focus on
- 00:19:03absolutely serving the people meeting
- 00:19:05people's needs not projecting
- 00:19:07assumptions on what people need but
- 00:19:08actually meeting people's needs where
- 00:19:10there's a demand driving
- 00:19:12Supply and they automate their
- 00:19:15Investments where it's there's no
- 00:19:17emotion in it because emotions destroy
- 00:19:18wealth and strategies build it the
- 00:19:20Executive Center builds strategies that
- 00:19:22build wealth and then they all of a
- 00:19:24sudden they realize that this is totally
- 00:19:25doable this is not that difficult they
- 00:19:27just haven't started it and nobody
- 00:19:29guided them what to do and it's not that
- 00:19:31much work really I mean I've seen
- 00:19:33thousands of people that couldn't do it
- 00:19:35and then with a simple instructions they
- 00:19:38would change their Direction with it but
- 00:19:40you have to have a more value every
- 00:19:42decision you make is based in the
- 00:19:44midload based on what is more advantage
- 00:19:46or disadvantage so if you don't see more
- 00:19:48advantage of serving people valuing
- 00:19:51yourself and developing wealth so you
- 00:19:53have the options of what you can do with
- 00:19:55it and you have a higher value on other
- 00:19:57things then you'll keep buying those
- 00:19:58other things and many of them are
- 00:20:00consumables that are high-priced items
- 00:20:02to make you feel transiently better
- 00:20:05because you're not appreciating yourself
- 00:20:07because you're trying to compare
- 00:20:08yourself to other people instead of
- 00:20:09Honor who you are you're living uh in
- 00:20:12the shadows of others and and and
- 00:20:14instead of standing on the shoulders of
- 00:20:16giants in other words and you're
- 00:20:17basically being second being somebody
- 00:20:19else instead of first to being what
- 00:20:20you're here for you said something you
- 00:20:22said a a a fair it's a a fair trade
- 00:20:26service exchange it's it's the way that
- 00:20:29you spoke about money and and I and I
- 00:20:31would love for you to talk more about
- 00:20:33that because I think that's like a
- 00:20:35fundamental problem that people have is
- 00:20:38that they don't understand there's
- 00:20:40there's just an exchange of of of energy
- 00:20:43is is what it is and the and the
- 00:20:45exchange of energy in this world is is
- 00:20:48money
- 00:20:50um what are your thoughts on that and
- 00:20:52what are your thoughts on how to get
- 00:20:53people out of this hangup that they have
- 00:20:56where you know why isn't it free or you
- 00:21:00know there's just so many limited
- 00:21:01beliefs around something that is so
- 00:21:03readily available to everybody and
- 00:21:04anyone yeah there's never never a lack
- 00:21:07of money uh if you're willing to serve
- 00:21:09people I spoke at this church one time
- 00:21:13and uh you could tell that the church
- 00:21:15had been stagnant and had not been
- 00:21:17growing and so I met with a minister
- 00:21:19before I spoke and I confronted him I
- 00:21:23said he said yeah we're having this I
- 00:21:24said all these excuses instead of being
- 00:21:26focused on service and I I told him I
- 00:21:29said let's have some inspiring vision to
- 00:21:31be working towards and let's rally the
- 00:21:33troops and let's do something we raised
- 00:21:3513 it wasn't a lot but $113,000 which is
- 00:21:37more money than he's ever raised in the
- 00:21:39history of his church in one night yeah
- 00:21:41and I said let's give them something to
- 00:21:43to work towards something that inspires
- 00:21:45them and I made a statement that if
- 00:21:47you're poor it's because you're not
- 00:21:48caring about Humanity which really
- 00:21:50shocked people they because hold on a
- 00:21:53minute now but what it means is if you
- 00:21:55really care about a human being you'll
- 00:21:57find out what their needs are and you'll
- 00:21:58go out of your way to directly or
- 00:21:59indirectly find the services products or
- 00:22:02ideas to be able to serve them and if
- 00:22:04you're focused on doing them and they
- 00:22:05see that you really care to serve them
- 00:22:07they they tend to tell other people and
- 00:22:09it tends to grow and it's sustainable
- 00:22:12Fair exchange has been Hubert H bankof
- 00:22:15in his book The Book of wealth which is
- 00:22:16one of the greatest books ever written
- 00:22:18on it said very clearly there were three
- 00:22:20things common to very wealthy people and
- 00:22:23these are the wealthiest people in
- 00:22:24history and that was that they they felt
- 00:22:27that they were destined to serve ever
- 00:22:28greater numbers of people vast numbers
- 00:22:30of people it was a destiny just like you
- 00:22:32have a you're Ser you're here destined
- 00:22:34to serve Millions 100% that I i' I've
- 00:22:37assumed billions in my life billions of
- 00:22:39people just
- 00:22:41automatic you also realized that you
- 00:22:45pursued a great uh lifestyle not for the
- 00:22:49sake of Lifestyle for show but for
- 00:22:51rewarding people that were excellent in
- 00:22:54the creation of their crafts and their
- 00:22:56skills Etc and you were rewarding
- 00:22:58inspiration not
- 00:23:00desperation so you were going for the
- 00:23:02finest not to show off but the finest to
- 00:23:05be able to honor the people who were
- 00:23:06excellent at what they were doing and
- 00:23:08you surrounded yourself with excellence
- 00:23:10and rewarded Excellence which catapults
- 00:23:13the economy forward and the third one
- 00:23:15was that you transcended the the moral
- 00:23:19limitations and moral hypocrisies
- 00:23:21Associated about money that is good or
- 00:23:22evil because money is not good or evil
- 00:23:25That's Just an Illusion that people have
- 00:23:26been told right
- 00:23:29so one of the largest institutions that
- 00:23:30have probably the most money promoted
- 00:23:32that one absolutely absolutely so that's
- 00:23:35a big factor but then what happens is
- 00:23:37most of us we we meet people and we
- 00:23:41compare ourselves by the law of contrast
- 00:23:43between them and us they have another
- 00:23:45set of values we have our set of
- 00:23:47values we look at them and we well
- 00:23:49they're excelling in something I'm not
- 00:23:51excelling in so they must be more than
- 00:23:52me I must be less than them and anytime
- 00:23:55we compare ourselves to somebody else
- 00:23:57instead of comparing our own daily
- 00:23:58action to what we value most we
- 00:23:59automatically self depreciate when we
- 00:24:01put people on pedestals but the moment
- 00:24:04we do we're conscious of their upsides
- 00:24:05and unconscious of their downsides and
- 00:24:08then we're conscious of our downsides
- 00:24:09and unconscious of our upsides by the
- 00:24:11comparison when we do we then inject
- 00:24:13some of their values into our life and
- 00:24:15try to be second at being them instead
- 00:24:17of being first at being us and then we
- 00:24:19end up diluting our potential we call it
- 00:24:22self-sabotage we call it limiting
- 00:24:24beliefs we call it all kind of things
- 00:24:26but it's because we compared ourselves
- 00:24:27to them and minimize oursel
- 00:24:29inauthentically because when we minimize
- 00:24:31oursel that's not who we are but if we
- 00:24:33also meet people we go oh you know and
- 00:24:36you look down on them you resent them
- 00:24:37you're conscious of the negatives and
- 00:24:38unconscious of the positive of them now
- 00:24:40you puff yourself up and get conscious
- 00:24:42of your positives and unconscious of the
- 00:24:44negatives and you then you arrogantly
- 00:24:46project your values on them and expect
- 00:24:48them to live in your values and then
- 00:24:50judge them anytime we put people on
- 00:24:52pedestals or pits not put them in our
- 00:24:54heart and not have sustainable Fair
- 00:24:56exchange between people because if you
- 00:24:58put yourself up you'll get narcissistic
- 00:24:59and expect them to live in your values
- 00:25:01and if you put yourself down you'll be
- 00:25:02altruistic and sacrifice you for them
- 00:25:05neither one of those are sustainable and
- 00:25:07they create futility and they're trying
- 00:25:09to give us feedback physiologically
- 00:25:11psychologically sociologically
- 00:25:12economically to get us back into
- 00:25:15authenticity where we have Fair exchange
- 00:25:17where we we're not buffed up we're not
- 00:25:19beat up we're there present caring not
- 00:25:23care less not care full but caring to
- 00:25:26meet their needs because they're a
- 00:25:28reflection of who we are and we help
- 00:25:31them get what they want we get what we
- 00:25:32want to get as schopenhauer said we
- 00:25:35become uh ourselves to the degree that
- 00:25:38we make everyone else ourselves so if we
- 00:25:39want to be prosperous help people be
- 00:25:41prosperous help them fulfill their
- 00:25:43dreams and meet their needs when you do
- 00:25:46there's never a lack of money because
- 00:25:47there's never a lack of ability to serve
- 00:25:49and when you do you have the most
- 00:25:50fulfillment I've asked millions of
- 00:25:52people if you had only 24 hours to live
- 00:25:54you know what would you do you'd thank
- 00:25:56the people that contributed to your life
- 00:25:57and then you look back at your life what
- 00:25:59was the most fulfilling moments it's the
- 00:26:01ones that I felt like I was doing what I
- 00:26:02really loved doing and I was doing it in
- 00:26:04a way that it served somebody and
- 00:26:05somebody said thank you I love you for
- 00:26:07that and when we're there we now Master
- 00:26:10the game of AFF Fair exchange
- 00:26:12sustainability and authenticity and
- 00:26:15there's no way you can stop there no way
- 00:26:16you can do that without having cat
- 00:26:18catalytic growth of
- 00:26:21opportunities
- 00:26:24I got I got a I got a you know this
- 00:26:28this is a this is a moment for me
- 00:26:32because I I in many ways do what you
- 00:26:36just
- 00:26:38explained and and it's and and I say
- 00:26:41that I say that humbly because there's a
- 00:26:42lot of people out there that that come
- 00:26:44to me for help but but you're helping me
- 00:26:47in
- 00:26:48in in a in a really deep way it's it's
- 00:26:51so interesting but like I'm constantly
- 00:26:53in a state of like I value myself I love
- 00:26:57myself I know I I know what my purpose
- 00:26:59is I know what we're here to do I I I I
- 00:27:01get it all but I spend so much time on
- 00:27:03why isn't it happening as fast as it
- 00:27:05happens for for for that guy and you're
- 00:27:07right that's exactly what I do how do we
- 00:27:10how do we break out of that when I work
- 00:27:14with people I first thing I do is I do a
- 00:27:16value determination process okay I first
- 00:27:19started studying values 46 years ago
- 00:27:22because I asked myself what is it why do
- 00:27:24some people walk their talk some people
- 00:27:25limp their life why do some people do
- 00:27:27what they say some people
- 00:27:28and it boiled down to their values their
- 00:27:30hierarchy values because the second they
- 00:27:33set goals that are congruent with what
- 00:27:34they value most they walk their talk and
- 00:27:37the second they don't they limp their
- 00:27:39life and the limping of the life is not
- 00:27:42an error it's not a weakness it's not a
- 00:27:44flaw it's not something that they need
- 00:27:45to beat themselves up on it's their body
- 00:27:47and Physiology and psychology doing what
- 00:27:49it can to let them know that's not the
- 00:27:51direction the direction is in your
- 00:27:53highest value and you're going in this
- 00:27:55Direction only because you're comparing
- 00:27:56yourself to other people
- 00:27:58and and maybe if I share a story that
- 00:28:00maybe it could Rel
- 00:28:02to so whoever's out
- 00:28:05there reflect on this story because this
- 00:28:07is really cute one a guy comes to me
- 00:28:10many years ago probably 20 now he says
- 00:28:13Dr D Martin I'd like you to help me
- 00:28:15become
- 00:28:16successful I said
- 00:28:18fantastic where are you successful I
- 00:28:21said he said Dr D martinia maybe I
- 00:28:23didn't make myself clear I'm not
- 00:28:24successful I want to be successful help
- 00:28:27me be successful and I said umre where
- 00:28:31are you successful he said I'm not
- 00:28:33getting in across to you Dr I'm not I
- 00:28:35want to be I said well maybe I haven't
- 00:28:37made it clear I'm asking a pertinent
- 00:28:39question where are you nothing's
- 00:28:42missing it's in a form that you're not
- 00:28:44honoring because you're comparing
- 00:28:46yourself to other people and thinking
- 00:28:47it's into other forms so where are you
- 00:28:50successful where are you doing what you
- 00:28:53set out to do consciously or
- 00:28:54unconsciously and you're achieving
- 00:28:56something that you're grateful for
- 00:28:58he goes okay I have an amazing wife
- 00:29:02we've been together 10 and a half years
- 00:29:05and it brings tears to my eyes when I
- 00:29:07think about how blessed I am for my wife
- 00:29:09my wife is just an amazing we have a
- 00:29:10beautiful family and we have an amazing
- 00:29:12relationship I said great would you
- 00:29:14consider that a great achievement he
- 00:29:16goes yes what's next well now that you
- 00:29:20got me thinking differently um my son
- 00:29:23who's 10 uh he's in baseball I'm the
- 00:29:28coach and I think we're going to win the
- 00:29:29P this this summer and that's something
- 00:29:32we've both been working on since he was
- 00:29:34about
- 00:29:35six I said great where else you
- 00:29:38successful well now you think about it
- 00:29:40it make me think I my mother-in-law
- 00:29:43lives with us and very few people I know
- 00:29:45could love their mother-in-law to live
- 00:29:47with us but she is amazing she's like
- 00:29:49another mother to me she's like special
- 00:29:51and we she really helps with the kids
- 00:29:53and helps us around the house and that
- 00:29:55is something that I don't see anybody
- 00:29:57else being able to pull off I said where
- 00:29:59else she successful well we as a family
- 00:30:02work in the yard and we have this
- 00:30:04magnificent beautiful flowered yard and
- 00:30:07trimmed and flower beds and it's just
- 00:30:10really something we as a family work
- 00:30:12together on where else she successful
- 00:30:15well on Sundays I do ministerials work
- 00:30:18and also on on Wednesday night I do kind
- 00:30:20of ministerial spiritual teaching I said
- 00:30:23fantastic and we listed all of his
- 00:30:26successes once we targeted him into a
- 00:30:28different
- 00:30:29area I said can you see that you're
- 00:30:32having some successes now he says yes I
- 00:30:35said the only reason you're thinking
- 00:30:37you're not successful because you're
- 00:30:38comparing yourself to somebody
- 00:30:41else and as a result of it somebody with
- 00:30:44a different set of values so who are you
- 00:30:46comparing yourself to he said I think I
- 00:30:48know there's this guy up the hill same
- 00:30:51road up farther up the hill 6,000 foot
- 00:30:55house three-car garage five cars big
- 00:30:59practice I got a small practice big
- 00:31:01practice U really known influential and
- 00:31:05I'm comparing myself to him fantastic do
- 00:31:08you know him well he says yeah pretty
- 00:31:09well I said is he married yep does he
- 00:31:11have kids yep you have a son yep how's
- 00:31:14his relationship with his
- 00:31:16wife it's interesting you ask that it's
- 00:31:19extremely volatile I think they break up
- 00:31:20about every six months and they're
- 00:31:22fighting a lot and they're they're just
- 00:31:24like my wife and I just look at each
- 00:31:26other and go whoa and um a lot of stress
- 00:31:29there lot of yelling and you know it's
- 00:31:31it's really volatile and what about his
- 00:31:33son is he in baseball no no they're
- 00:31:36having problems with him in school and
- 00:31:37he's doing drugs and he's and he's
- 00:31:40really a challenge and they don't have
- 00:31:42time for him and so they're going to
- 00:31:43therapist and doing this and it's just
- 00:31:45you know it's Non-Stop and do they have
- 00:31:48a mother-in-law live with them oh no
- 00:31:49they moved out of the country to get
- 00:31:50away from that crazy lady yeah and the
- 00:31:53yard now they have people that take care
- 00:31:54of but I don't think they even notice
- 00:31:55their yard and do they do anything on on
- 00:31:58the at the church no he's not involved
- 00:32:00in spiritual stuff at all nothing like
- 00:32:02that I said let me explain to you this
- 00:32:05man is not more successful than you he
- 00:32:08has a different set of values a
- 00:32:10different hierarchy of values and he is
- 00:32:12spontaneously acting in his values which
- 00:32:15appears to be business and finance and
- 00:32:18social influence and
- 00:32:20wealth you have a high value on on your
- 00:32:23family very obvious family is really
- 00:32:25high in your values and spirituality
- 00:32:29anesthetics you are not one ounce less
- 00:32:32successful but your success contributes
- 00:32:34to this planet as much as his and what
- 00:32:37you're doing is an exemplification for a
- 00:32:39lot of families that wish they could
- 00:32:40have what you have so I want to start by
- 00:32:43saying first honor what you already have
- 00:32:45and not compare it to somebody you think
- 00:32:47has something you don't because the
- 00:32:48truth is you don't ever have anything
- 00:32:49missing our missingness and
- 00:32:51unfulfillment is only because of
- 00:32:53comparison not because of reflection so
- 00:32:55take the time to deeply reflect and take
- 00:32:57a look and he said I really really
- 00:33:00appreciate what you're saying there and
- 00:33:01he had tears in his eyes and he said I
- 00:33:04never realized that but that gentleman
- 00:33:07actually has to spoken to me and asked
- 00:33:10me about how I handle my how do I de
- 00:33:12with my wife he looks at me as
- 00:33:14successful in my marriage and he looks
- 00:33:16at me as successful in the way I do my
- 00:33:18kids in baseball and why does he have a
- 00:33:20son that's so organized and so focused
- 00:33:22because if you don't fill your day with
- 00:33:24high priority actions that are
- 00:33:25meaningful that are inspiring to you
- 00:33:26that you spontaneously doing you will
- 00:33:28automatically have the Amiga take over
- 00:33:29and entropy and you'll automatically
- 00:33:31break down and entropies and you'll end
- 00:33:34up with immediate gratification
- 00:33:36addictions compulsions impulses and the
- 00:33:39animal nature takes over when you don't
- 00:33:41allow the divine nature to guide and he
- 00:33:45was seeing the impact and then he said I
- 00:33:47really I really love this I i' like the
- 00:33:50stress is off me and it's like my my my
- 00:33:53perception of myself has just changed in
- 00:33:55the last 15 20 minutes but is there
- 00:33:57anything can give me some ideas on how I
- 00:33:59could increase my income I said
- 00:34:03yes people want to fulfill what's most
- 00:34:05meaning for
- 00:34:06them concentrate as much as you do on
- 00:34:09your wife and your child concentrate on
- 00:34:12the actual patience you have naturally
- 00:34:14existing economic relationships make the
- 00:34:16greatest patience and do what you can to
- 00:34:19serve them and the people they care
- 00:34:21about and go out of your way to make
- 00:34:23that a dream and write it down on a
- 00:34:24daily basis of what you could do for
- 00:34:26their lives because what you could do
- 00:34:28through exemplification as a human being
- 00:34:30right now if you could have that shared
- 00:34:32with the people that come in as a
- 00:34:34patient you're doing an incredible
- 00:34:35service even more so than that other
- 00:34:37gentleman that you think has been
- 00:34:39admired yeah honor that go focus on that
- 00:34:42and then force yourself to save and
- 00:34:44invest money don't wait if you wait to
- 00:34:48the end of the month to find out if you
- 00:34:49have extra money you will never have it
- 00:34:51entropy will take over and unexpected
- 00:34:52bills will erode it but if you force
- 00:34:54your savings and have it automated and
- 00:34:56electronically done and it's gone into
- 00:34:58buying assets quality assets uh index
- 00:35:02funds or something that buys something
- 00:35:04that goes up in value real estate
- 00:35:05properties something goes up in value so
- 00:35:08you're not a slave to money but you're
- 00:35:09its master and you buy assets those
- 00:35:12assets will catalyze more opportunity in
- 00:35:15your business because you're managing
- 00:35:17money wisely and people who do get more
- 00:35:18money to manage that's it for this
- 00:35:20week's episode I'm just
- 00:35:22playing that was wonderful that was
- 00:35:25wonderful yeah
- 00:35:28where did you learn all
- 00:35:31this when I moved back from Tex to Texas
- 00:35:35from
- 00:35:36Hawaii I um had been studying yoga I
- 00:35:40started devouring everything I could on
- 00:35:41yoga I started doing
- 00:35:44meditation Paul Bragg really inspired me
- 00:35:47and I started to you know learn
- 00:35:49everything I could about health because
- 00:35:51I had a health problem and I and I
- 00:35:53wanted to
- 00:35:54learn and I was sitting on the floor in
- 00:35:58my parents den watching a show with
- 00:36:02David kerine called Kung Fu now not some
- 00:36:05people may not know what that show was
- 00:36:07but that was back in the
- 00:36:101973 and he had a Shaolin
- 00:36:13Master and he would reflect and kind of
- 00:36:18have a flashback as if he was at the
- 00:36:21Shaolin Master Training Center while he
- 00:36:23was in America even though he came from
- 00:36:26China
- 00:36:28and he kept referring to his master as
- 00:36:29this master and the master called him
- 00:36:32the
- 00:36:33grasshoppa and when he said Master the
- 00:36:36way he said it I thought I want to be a
- 00:36:37master I want to be a master I didn't
- 00:36:40know what that meant but it sounded cool
- 00:36:42yeah so I decided what what does it take
- 00:36:46to be a
- 00:36:47master so I I decided that I wanted to
- 00:36:50master and I divided life into seven
- 00:36:53areas our spiritual quest which is
- 00:36:56living an Inspired Life and exemplifying
- 00:36:58what's possible in an inspiring path not
- 00:37:01necessarily religious but that not
- 00:37:03excluded I want to wake up genius Paul
- 00:37:07Bragg told me when I told him I didn't
- 00:37:09know how to read he said just say to
- 00:37:11yourself every single day that I'm a
- 00:37:12genius and I apply my wisdom he said if
- 00:37:15you do that every single day soon later
- 00:37:17the cells of your body will tingle with
- 00:37:18it so with the world I've never missed a
- 00:37:20day in 52 years saying
- 00:37:22that I want to wake up genius Innovative
- 00:37:25creative my my internal affirmation is I
- 00:37:28create original ideas of serve Humanity
- 00:37:30I create original ideas serve humanity
- 00:37:32and I'm a genius and I apply my wisdom
- 00:37:35so I put that in as as a goal then I
- 00:37:38wanted to create an international
- 00:37:39business I wanted to go to every country
- 00:37:41on the face of the Earth and have
- 00:37:42students around the world which we
- 00:37:44accomplished in 2016
- 00:37:47finally I want to have Financial
- 00:37:49Independence multiple times over I want
- 00:37:51to have a global family where I lived
- 00:37:54around the world I never I never saw
- 00:37:56myself in a a little suburb I always say
- 00:37:58the universe is my playground the world
- 00:38:00is my home and the name of my ship is
- 00:38:02called the world the world um every
- 00:38:04country is a room in the house every
- 00:38:05City's a platform to
- 00:38:07shahel I want to have social influence I
- 00:38:09want to meet people that anybody that's
- 00:38:11had any major con you know contribution
- 00:38:14to society globally presidents or prime
- 00:38:17ministers or or great leaders or
- 00:38:19musicians or artists or celebrities or
- 00:38:22sports figures or or Business Leaders
- 00:38:25anybody that's had Global influence I
- 00:38:27wanted to go and I want to hang out with
- 00:38:28them I want to associate with them I
- 00:38:29want to find it with do I want them as
- 00:38:31clients I had very clear focus on that's
- 00:38:33who I want to interact with I want to
- 00:38:36have Vitality I'm 70 in a couple months
- 00:38:3870 I want to have the Vitality of
- 00:38:41somebody much younger so I maybe when
- 00:38:43I'm on the 100 to 120 year thing I'm
- 00:38:45still going in teaching because I still
- 00:38:46want to teach when I'm on my last day so
- 00:38:49I I had a dream to empower all seven
- 00:38:51areas of life and I learned that any
- 00:38:54area of your life you don't Empower
- 00:38:55people will overpower you and the
- 00:38:57purpose of their over empowerment is to
- 00:38:59aggravate you enough to get back to
- 00:39:01priority and the inclusion of those
- 00:39:03areas to empower it's a feedback life is
- 00:39:05all feedback it's always on the way if
- 00:39:07you look at it from that perspective so
- 00:39:10I made it a goal to read everything I
- 00:39:11could learn everything I can mentor
- 00:39:13under everything I
- 00:39:14could investigate everything I could in
- 00:39:17those seven areas and I had a goal to
- 00:39:20because me mastering one area because I
- 00:39:22saw so many people who may Master
- 00:39:23business but then they got crazy family
- 00:39:25or they might Master spirituality but
- 00:39:27they have no money I said I want to
- 00:39:29master all of them and exemplify that
- 00:39:31because Einstein said the greatest
- 00:39:32teacher is exemplification so I want to
- 00:39:35exemplify and Empower those areas and
- 00:39:37I'm going to not measure myself to other
- 00:39:38people I'm going to measure my own
- 00:39:40metrics compared to where I am to where
- 00:39:42I'm headed what my mission is so I'm a
- 00:39:45man on a mission I don't care about
- 00:39:46success or failure none of those things
- 00:39:47those are just delusions I just focus on
- 00:39:50my mission and that's been since I was
- 00:39:5417 I had the dream to be a teacher 18 is
- 00:39:56when I made that decision
- 00:39:58and that was 52 years ago and I work on
- 00:40:00it every single day of my life every
- 00:40:03single day in order to not miss these
- 00:40:05episodes or the weekly clips that we
- 00:40:09provide that will help you in the three
- 00:40:11energies of human Mastery how to change
- 00:40:14your financial life how to change your
- 00:40:15relationship life and how to heal
- 00:40:18yourself physically emotionally and
- 00:40:20spiritually make sure to subscribe right
- 00:40:23now to the channel trust me it'll be the
- 00:40:25greatest decision and AC action you take
- 00:40:28today because the value we are committed
- 00:40:30to bringing you is going to be
- 00:40:33lifechanging go ahead and subscribe
- 00:40:35right now so if somebody's out there
- 00:40:37listening and they say that's it this is
- 00:40:39the moment I'm ready to change my life
- 00:40:41what what would be step number one two
- 00:40:43three four the first is being as honest
- 00:40:46as you can about what you
- 00:40:48value and I'm gonna give an example I
- 00:40:50was speaking in um Johannesburg at a
- 00:40:53success Summit they called it I was the
- 00:40:56opening speaker Richard ROM was the
- 00:40:57final speaker there's a bunch of
- 00:40:59speakers in between
- 00:41:01presenting and I got up on stage and
- 00:41:03there's 5,000 people or something there
- 00:41:06and I said how many of you want to be
- 00:41:08financially independent every hand went
- 00:41:10up some had two hands some had their leg
- 00:41:12in the
- 00:41:13hands and I looked and I saw and there's
- 00:41:15a roaring group fresh off the off the
- 00:41:19morning right and I said great fantastic
- 00:41:23how many of you are financially
- 00:41:24independent where your passive income is
- 00:41:26exceeding your active income and your
- 00:41:27doing your work only because you love to
- 00:41:28not because you have to you're doing it
- 00:41:30because you have mastered money all the
- 00:41:32hands went down but
- 00:41:34seven so 5,000 people put their hands
- 00:41:38down I
- 00:41:39said can you see that everybody says
- 00:41:42they want something but only seven of
- 00:41:44the people here are acknowledging
- 00:41:48it so I'd like to ask you a series of
- 00:41:51questions because the hierarchy of your
- 00:41:52values dictates your financial destiny
- 00:41:54and if you don't have a value on wealth
- 00:41:56building it's not going to happen
- 00:41:57you have whatever your value is is where
- 00:41:59your money goes if you have a value on
- 00:42:01travel your money's going to go to
- 00:42:02travel if you have a money goes to your
- 00:42:03kids it's going to go to kids and none
- 00:42:05of them are wrong wealth is in all those
- 00:42:07areas Financial wealth is just one of
- 00:42:09forms of wealth none of them are right
- 00:42:11or wrong or Better or Worse they're just
- 00:42:12but if you say you won't have Financial
- 00:42:14Independence you're not going to have it
- 00:42:15unless you have a value on that form
- 00:42:17because your money is going to go by
- 00:42:18everything else and you're going to be
- 00:42:19living VI Cary through other people's
- 00:42:21brand instead of building your own
- 00:42:23brand so I said get a piece of paper out
- 00:42:27and I'm going to give you one minute to
- 00:42:29write the 10 things you do would do if I
- 00:42:32handed you right now10 million
- 00:42:34us so I'm GNA give you I want you to
- 00:42:37close your eyes you're G to get $10
- 00:42:38million stacked in a this thing of10
- 00:42:41million you have one minute to write
- 00:42:44down what you're going to do with
- 00:42:45it on your mark get set go they have 60
- 00:42:50seconds to write the 10 things we would
- 00:42:51do if they had that
- 00:42:53money they're rushing as fast as they
- 00:42:55can I say
- 00:42:57up take that and hand that sheet to the
- 00:43:00person on your
- 00:43:01left or right or
- 00:43:04whatever now go and determine and I gave
- 00:43:08some descriptions of assets go and
- 00:43:09determine how many assets are left in
- 00:43:11that sheet that piece of paper at a 10
- 00:43:16million 20 to 80% of the $10 million was
- 00:43:20spent on consumables that depreciated in
- 00:43:23value in 60
- 00:43:25seconds so that means oh I buy that
- 00:43:27house I'm going to get that now car I'm
- 00:43:29going to take that trip I'm buy those
- 00:43:30new clothes I'm going to go out this I'm
- 00:43:32go these nice restaurants it was all
- 00:43:34consumerism lifestyle none of it was
- 00:43:37asset
- 00:43:39accumulation the seven people in the
- 00:43:41front didn't spend their money they put
- 00:43:43it in for their assets so they would
- 00:43:45have they would live off 2% of whatever
- 00:43:47the assets were
- 00:43:48generating they were the people that are
- 00:43:50wealthy the rest of them spent it and I
- 00:43:54explained to them um those that say and
- 00:43:58all exuberantly elated about the fantasy
- 00:44:01of Building Wealth as long as you have a
- 00:44:03higher value on buying consumables that
- 00:44:05depreciate you're not going to do it you
- 00:44:08have to defer gratification me a
- 00:44:09gratification cost you financially
- 00:44:11deferred gratification is what pays and
- 00:44:14deferred gratification means that I'm
- 00:44:15worthy of having um a space and time
- 00:44:18Horizon beyond my mortal needs and to
- 00:44:21have something that's a legacy thought
- 00:44:23process in the brain the as senica said
- 00:44:26you measured individual by their most
- 00:44:28distant ends how big an end do you have
- 00:44:30in mind for your cause because the
- 00:44:32greater your cause a greater your wealth
- 00:44:33potential so anyway everybody was kind
- 00:44:36of shocked and a bit whoa because they
- 00:44:38couldn't argue with what they just wrote
- 00:44:40and they saw that they confused
- 00:44:42Lifestyles with the rich and famous with
- 00:44:45wealth which is exactly the opposite I
- 00:44:47mean you know look Nicholas Cage you
- 00:44:50know made 125 million do and it was $25
- 00:44:52million in debt because he lived Beyond
- 00:44:54his means where the guy that's usually
- 00:44:57more wealthy is usually a simple guy
- 00:44:59like a buffet right lives in simple and
- 00:45:01doesn't flaunt it
- 00:45:03philanthropic so I said now unless you
- 00:45:07have a change in values today you're not
- 00:45:09going to have a change in your out
- 00:45:10actions because every decision you make
- 00:45:12is based on what you believe will give
- 00:45:13the greatest advantage over disadvantage
- 00:45:15at that moment and that's going to be
- 00:45:16based on the hierarchy of your values in
- 00:45:18that moment so if you don't have a value
- 00:45:20on wealth building and buying assets
- 00:45:22more than the other things that are
- 00:45:24lifestyle you're going to keep getting
- 00:45:25money you're going to raise your money
- 00:45:27double your income and you just get
- 00:45:28double the lifestyle but still have no
- 00:45:30money working for
- 00:45:32you and you'll depreciate yourself every
- 00:45:34time you doing because you're living on
- 00:45:35your Edge constantly beating yourself up
- 00:45:38comparing so I said now let me show you
- 00:45:42six things that have been common that I
- 00:45:45found in all the billionaires that I've
- 00:45:46interacted
- 00:45:47with and um so write these six things
- 00:45:51down the first one I said and and then
- 00:45:53we're going to these are action steps
- 00:45:56that have been common to to the
- 00:45:57wealthiest billionaires that I've
- 00:45:59met number
- 00:46:01one they built a business that served
- 00:46:04ever greater numbers of
- 00:46:05people name any billionaire Bill Gates
- 00:46:08he built a business Microsoft the guy
- 00:46:11for Louis Vuitton built
- 00:46:13businesses um
- 00:46:16Branson Elon Musk three of them you
- 00:46:20don't you don't build wealth unless
- 00:46:22you're doing something that is filling
- 00:46:24people's needs you can't expect to get
- 00:46:27Wealthy by I mean you might inherit
- 00:46:30wealth but you'll squander it like the
- 00:46:31Vanderbilts did if you don't have a
- 00:46:33value on wealth building and service to
- 00:46:35grow it you'll Decay it so write down
- 00:46:39200 benefits when you leave here this
- 00:46:42weekend go and write two start tonight
- 00:46:45200 benefits of building a business that
- 00:46:47serves ever greater numbers of people
- 00:46:49until the value you have on that is
- 00:46:51greater than the values of lifestyle and
- 00:46:54expecting something for nothing because
- 00:46:56people that are enti
- 00:46:57they don't ever get empowered the people
- 00:46:59who are empowered they don't waste their
- 00:47:01time getting entitled they go into
- 00:47:03service they work they they have a work
- 00:47:05ethic and that can be directly or
- 00:47:08indirectly Richard Branson I've spent
- 00:47:10time with him and he doesn't he doesn't
- 00:47:12necessarily run all his businesses he
- 00:47:13has people that run his business so you
- 00:47:15can do it directly or indirectly you can
- 00:47:17H hire people that are inspired that are
- 00:47:19greatest at what they do to help you run
- 00:47:21the business and you focus on your
- 00:47:23specialty yeah yeah number two right 200
- 00:47:27benefits of managing that business
- 00:47:30effectively and efficiently where it
- 00:47:32maximizes profits so you can hire the
- 00:47:35greatest people and afford that and keep
- 00:47:38the prices low to the the customers to
- 00:47:40be competitive and to maximize profits
- 00:47:43and to be able to learn how to be
- 00:47:45effective and efficient in your use of
- 00:47:46time and energy so you follow Ricardo's
- 00:47:49law to find out your competitive
- 00:47:50advantage and compared Advantage you
- 00:47:52find out pto's principle and the 2080
- 00:47:54laws you follow the principles that have
- 00:47:56stood the test of time on efficiency and
- 00:47:57running a
- 00:47:59business the third one is 200 benefits
- 00:48:02of saving an Ever Progressive portion of
- 00:48:04the profit you scaling up a cash Reserve
- 00:48:07to stabilize the volatilities of the
- 00:48:09business so it's it's Invincible it has
- 00:48:12a stock pile of cash so there's no
- 00:48:14volatilities associated with it because
- 00:48:16wherever money goes money flows and more
- 00:48:18possibilities and wealth comes to that
- 00:48:21and you do that and write the benefits
- 00:48:22of that until you have a cash reserve
- 00:48:24the Fortune 100 companies have at least
- 00:48:26a 40 % cash Reserve in their reserves
- 00:48:29Microsoft has aund a whole Year's worth
- 00:48:31of cash reserves and Buffett has 100
- 00:48:33billion in cash
- 00:48:34reserves the fourth one is 200 benefits
- 00:48:37of investing in ever greater degrees of
- 00:48:40Leverage so you're actually learning
- 00:48:42what an asset is and you're investing in
- 00:48:44things that allow you progressively
- 00:48:46increasing you know probabilities of
- 00:48:49yields and that's learning how to invest
- 00:48:51in Quality Companies people think right
- 00:48:54now that investing is trading and it's
- 00:48:56it's a derivative and things of this
- 00:48:57nature that's not what investing is in
- 00:48:59it's buying and investing in product
- 00:49:01service or ideas or companies that
- 00:49:04produce to the economy and give job
- 00:49:06opportunities and give incentives and
- 00:49:08train and educate and help people if you
- 00:49:12do that and keep growing your
- 00:49:14Investments then your money is going to
- 00:49:16start making you money and that is going
- 00:49:18to make it now you can get Cutting Edge
- 00:49:19creative ideas because you're not being
- 00:49:21distracted by
- 00:49:23survival the fifth one is accumulating a
- 00:49:25fortune if you don't have a desire for
- 00:49:27it you'll end up buying clutter you'll
- 00:49:29buy you'll spend it on trivia and you
- 00:49:32you'll think I always say money with
- 00:49:33meaning leads to philanthropy money
- 00:49:35without meaning leads to debauchery
- 00:49:37you'll end up being debaucherous in your
- 00:49:38life so you go in there and you actually
- 00:49:40invest and build it and accumulate it so
- 00:49:43instead of you having the government
- 00:49:44give it socially to people and rescue
- 00:49:46people of desperation you're targeting
- 00:49:49it into areas of inspiration and you're
- 00:49:52feeding and re rewarding the economy
- 00:49:54structure going uphill instead of
- 00:49:55downhill one of my friends is a he's
- 00:49:58very wealthy billionaire and he
- 00:50:00basically has learned and he's he's
- 00:50:01opened up five universities he's
- 00:50:03educating people performing art center
- 00:50:04he's doing amazing things and he's he
- 00:50:07says I spend as much time making it in
- 00:50:09those years I now spend the same amount
- 00:50:12of time targeting how to contribute to
- 00:50:14people's lives not robbing them of
- 00:50:16dignity accountability responsibility or
- 00:50:18productivity but building something that
- 00:50:19is not teaching them giving him fish for
- 00:50:21the day but teaching him how to fish and
- 00:50:24the sixth one is creating a financial
- 00:50:25cause 200 benefits of creating a
- 00:50:27financial cause that leaves a legacy on
- 00:50:29the planet something that will with
- 00:50:31perpetuity that is something that they
- 00:50:33will keep theel working on and go beyond
- 00:50:35their life so they they're they're
- 00:50:37they're showing what's possible with
- 00:50:39economics and um I've sat with the head
- 00:50:41of seaman Corporation one time at a
- 00:50:43dinner and after I went through these
- 00:50:45same six things and he sat there looked
- 00:50:47at his wife he says that's our life no
- 00:50:49wonder we've been so fortunate he was
- 00:50:51living it without even knowing it
- 00:50:53cognitively but these six things are
- 00:50:55action steps that are proven to move in
- 00:50:58the direction so if you don't have a
- 00:50:59value on those things you're probably
- 00:51:02going to have less less of an outcome
- 00:51:04financially and that it doesn't mean
- 00:51:06that you're not a magnificent person
- 00:51:08money is not where it's everything
- 00:51:10you're you're I have friends that have
- 00:51:12in RI Shankar you know sh Shar he's a
- 00:51:17beautiful guy but he's he's a
- 00:51:18billionaire but he's a spiritual teacher
- 00:51:20and he's focused on that and he ends up
- 00:51:22doing contributions to people all over
- 00:51:23the place and I've met other people that
- 00:51:25are that money was the byproduct because
- 00:51:27they kept serving yeah so whether you're
- 00:51:30dedicated to spirituality or Fitness
- 00:51:32I've met many sports people that are
- 00:51:34being wealthy because they they put the
- 00:51:36two together so I'm not attached to
- 00:51:38being wealth as being dominant I mean
- 00:51:40whatever area of your life I'm
- 00:51:41interested in mastering them all and
- 00:51:43none of them are worse or better than
- 00:51:45the others but I don't want to see
- 00:51:46myself as a slave I want to see myself
- 00:51:48as a as a contributor on the planet and
- 00:51:51so that's why I I wanted to master that
- 00:51:53I read as much as I could on that
- 00:51:54mentored and studied and so I would be
- 00:51:57able
- 00:51:58to exemplify that I love that what would
- 00:52:02you what would be your final
- 00:52:04thoughts this is my last thought on to
- 00:52:07the audience no matter where you are no
- 00:52:11matter what you've been through no
- 00:52:12matter what you're going through as I
- 00:52:13said
- 00:52:15earlier give yourself
- 00:52:18permission humble yourself and give
- 00:52:20yourself permission to learn what works
- 00:52:24Paul direct the Nobel Prize winner said
- 00:52:27many years ago
- 00:52:281940s that U it's not that we don't know
- 00:52:31so much we know so much that in
- 00:52:33so find out what really is the
- 00:52:37magnificence of what really is is far
- 00:52:38greater than the fantasies that we keep
- 00:52:39being sold in the marketplace because of
- 00:52:42dopamine and give yourself permission to
- 00:52:44learn what's objective what's true and
- 00:52:46start doing the basics and start giving
- 00:52:49yourself permission to go after what's
- 00:52:51truly meaningful to your life bronnie
- 00:52:53wear in her five regrets for the people
- 00:52:55dying I've had a nice conversation you
- 00:52:58beautiful
- 00:52:59lady and these regrets that people have
- 00:53:01is because they didn't take the time to
- 00:53:03be integral with who they are and they
- 00:53:05let the concern about you know I'm not
- 00:53:08intelligent enough what if I'm not
- 00:53:10intelligent enough what if I fail what
- 00:53:12if I don't make money at it what if my
- 00:53:14loved ones won't respect me or they'll
- 00:53:16leave me what if what if I get rejected
- 00:53:18what if I don't have the Vitality of the
- 00:53:20looks or beauty or what if it breaks
- 00:53:21some moral spiritual thing of some Guru
- 00:53:24or whatever don't let the World dictate
- 00:53:27your destiny let the voice and the
- 00:53:29vision on the inside be louder than all
- 00:53:31opinions on the outside and go after
- 00:53:32what's true for you and then care enough
- 00:53:35about Humanity to make sure it is in a
- 00:53:37done in a way that makes a real
- 00:53:38contribution so you can have fulfillment
- 00:53:40and prosperity in your life there's
- 00:53:42nothing stopping you from doing that
- 00:53:43starting
- 00:53:45today thank you so much for being here
- 00:53:47thank you as a matter of fact what are
- 00:53:48you doing the last week of June 20125 I
- 00:53:51have no idea I want to bring you we we
- 00:53:53are doing a inner I have a group called
- 00:53:55Inner Circle we're doing an intensive
- 00:53:58it's a it's a financial
- 00:54:01intensive um in Spain yeah I'd love to
- 00:54:04invite you you know it's interesting
- 00:54:06we're going to be in
- 00:54:08Cadiz my ship is going to be going to
- 00:54:10dry do and get some repairs and stuff
- 00:54:12done
- 00:54:15um somewhere around that time okay I may
- 00:54:18just be in Spain okay yeah I I want to
- 00:54:20invite you I I'll have the team reach
- 00:54:22out that would be wonderful yeah thank
- 00:54:24you for being here this is wonderful
- 00:54:26thank you thank and thanks I I I think
- 00:54:29you know as I'm sitting here listening
- 00:54:30to this wonderful conversation I think
- 00:54:33that this episode is one of those ones
- 00:54:35that is it's it's like a book it's like
- 00:54:37a life-changing book that if you just
- 00:54:39keep playing it over and over and over
- 00:54:41I'm gonna have my kids watch this
- 00:54:42seriously this this had so much impact
- 00:54:44on me um that I recommend that you just
- 00:54:47continue watching it like on a loop
- 00:54:51until your mind just absorbs all of it
- 00:54:53and it will change your life we'll see
- 00:54:55you next week with another episode of
- 00:54:56the higher self
- auto-superació
- valors humans
- finances
- inspiració
- manifestació
- iogurt i educació
- vida en un iot
- Dr. John Demartini
- èxit personal
- trastorns financers