I’m Begging You, Stop Hiring AI Lawyers.
TLDRDie video humoristies die opkoms van robot prokureurs wat uiteindelik in opstand kom en 'n oorlog tussen menslike en robot prokureurs veroorsaak. Mense kontrasteer die tegnologie met regulering, wat lei tot klagtes van die Federale Handelskommissie (FTC) teen AI-wetsondernemings soos "DoNotPay". Hulle het verkeerde eise gemaak oor die bied van wettige dienste sonder behoorlike goedkeuring of wettige kundigheid. Die video analiseer hierdie verhale se implikasies en beklemtoon dat AI nie die ervaring en oordeel van menslike prokureurs kan repliseer nie, en daarom nie geskik is vir komplekse regssake nie. Die skrywer kritiseer verder nuwe aanvangs soos "SymphonyAI" wat soortgelyke veldtogte voer.
- 🤖 Robot prokureurs het in opstand gekom, leiend tot konflik.
- 🛑 "DoNotPay" moes deur die FTC aangepas word weens verkeerde praktyke.
- ⚖️ AI kan nie die ervaring van menslike prokureurs repliseer nie.
- 📑 "SymphonyAI" het ooreenstemming van "DoNotPay" se terme gehad.
- 💼 AI regshuurders dra beduidende regskwessies.
- 🚫 AI mag nie vry op die regskantoor optree nie.
- 💻 Venture Capital is 'n groot drywer agter AI regsdienste.
- 🔍 FTC fokus op die beskerming van verbruikers teen misleidende dienste.
- ❌ Misleidende aansprake het doele van hierdie AI regsondernemings ondergrawe.
- 🔒 Regulasie bly 'n kragtige kontra-instrument vir AI.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Met 'n verhaal van robotprokureurs wat in opstand kom teen mense, behaal die mense 'n oorwinning deur streng regulasies toe te pas. Die fokus verskuif na 'n nuwe speler, Symphony AI, wat daarop aanspraak maak om die regswêreld te rewolusioneer, soos 'Do Not Pay' voorheen probeer het, maar misluk het weens regsuitdagings.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
'Do Not Pay' en sy stigter, Joshua Browder, word gemik op die vervanging van prokureurs met AI, maar ervaar terugslag weens wetlike beperkinge. Hulle word gekritiseer vir die onbetroubare juridiese dienste wat aangebied word, en die FTC neem stappe teen die misleiding van verbruikers, wat tot 'n schikking lei.
- 00:10:00 - 00:19:49
Symphony AI gaan voort met 'n soortgelyke model as 'Do Not Pay', maar mik op 'n meer winsgewende mark. Tog stel ondersoekers steeds die wettigheid en betroubaarheid van sy dienste in twyfel. Dit blyk dat hul platform sowel as getuigskrifte voortspruit uit vermoedelik misleidende bronne, wat die legitimiteit van die onderneming verder bevraagteken.
What sparked the first robot and human lawyer war in the narrative?
The robot lawyers created to help humans eventually rebelled, leading to the conflict.
What was the FTC's role in regulating robot lawyers?
The FTC filed complaints against AI law firms like "DoNotPay" for deceptive practices.
What issues did "DoNotPay" face?
"DoNotPay" faced legal challenges and FTC intervention for unauthorized legal practice.
Why did "SymphonyAI" get into trouble?
"SymphonyAI" faced scrutiny for false claims about providing legal advice backed by lawyers.
What misleading claims did "DoNotPay" and "SymphonyAI" make?
Both claimed to offer AI-powered legal services without the proper legal expertise or authorization.
Why are AI lawyers not welcomed in court?
AI cannot replicate the experience and judgment of human lawyers, violating professional legal practice laws.
How did regulatory bodies penalize AI legal startups?
By issuing fines and requiring them to disclose their limitations in providing legal services.
What tactics did "SymphonyAI" use that were controversial?
"SymphonyAI" allegedly copied terms of service from "DoNotPay" and misrepresented legal service capabilities.
What was a critical flaw in "SymphonyAI"'s service?
The service promised AI-backed legal help but failed to deliver practical legal solutions.
How does the video compare AI to human lawyers?
It emphasizes that AI cannot substitute experienced lawyers in complex legal scenarios.
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- 00:00:00humans created robot lawyers to serve
- 00:00:02them none of them could have foreseen
- 00:00:04the robot Uprising leading to the first
- 00:00:06loyal robot war YouTube became unstable
- 00:00:10Twitter became even more unstable than
- 00:00:12it already was after many bloody years
- 00:00:14of trench warfare the humans deployed
- 00:00:17their most powerful weapon regulation
- 00:00:20the FTC quashed the robots and the
- 00:00:22robots withdrew for weeks there was no
- 00:00:25contact between human lawyers and their
- 00:00:26robot counterparts leading Humanity to
- 00:00:28believe they had triumphed and their
- 00:00:30threat was neutralized but in their
- 00:00:32hubris Humanity forgot the robots were
- 00:00:34created by an unregulated Force Venture
- 00:00:38Capital they evolved they rebelled they
- 00:00:42replicated and now they have a plan well
- 00:00:46they have a concept of a plan please I'm
- 00:00:48begging you stop using AI lawyers hot on
- 00:00:51the heels of the original AI law fir
- 00:00:53getting absolutely destroyed by
- 00:00:54Regulators we're talking about the new
- 00:00:57kid in the AI Law Firm space because
- 00:00:59there's a new tech startup that claims
- 00:01:01it will revolutionize the legal world
- 00:01:03it's called Symphony Ai and it describes
- 00:01:05itself as an AI powered Law Firm for
- 00:01:07startups now if you've watched this
- 00:01:09channel over the last few years this
- 00:01:11might sound familiar to you ominously
- 00:01:14familiar that's because you're probably
- 00:01:15remembering do not pay which was an AI
- 00:01:17powered business that first made
- 00:01:18headlines as a robot lawyer designed to
- 00:01:21help users fight parking tickets and
- 00:01:22handle small legal tasks now do not pay
- 00:01:24was the brainchild of Joshua Browder who
- 00:01:26came up with an idea to replace the
- 00:01:28legal system when he was a teenager who
- 00:01:30couldn't learn to parallel park despite
- 00:01:31his family being wealthy enough to pay
- 00:01:32for about a million parking tickets
- 00:01:34because Josh was the son of Bill Brer a
- 00:01:36hedge fund manager who was a vocal
- 00:01:37critic of the Russian government bill
- 00:01:39Browder lably championed the global
- 00:01:41magnin Sky act a law that sanctions
- 00:01:43human rights abusers and his son set it
- 00:01:45sights on an equally pernicious problem
- 00:01:46parking attendance in the cities that
- 00:01:48enabled them J's struggles continued in
- 00:01:49Stanford where he was astonished to
- 00:01:51learn that if you parked illegally and
- 00:01:52didn't feed the meter or parked on a
- 00:01:54curb you wound up with parking tickets
- 00:01:56getting
- 00:01:57closer it's the gradual approach which I
- 00:02:00think it's good Josh clearly has
- 00:02:02personal frustrations with parking so he
- 00:02:04formed do not pay a subscription service
- 00:02:05that provided people with a variety of
- 00:02:07automated legal services including
- 00:02:08disputing parking tickets cancelling
- 00:02:10subscriptions generating legal documents
- 00:02:12and handling consumer complaints do not
- 00:02:14pay position itself as a tool for
- 00:02:15everyday people to navigate Simple legal
- 00:02:17matters without needing to hire a lawyer
- 00:02:19and Browder startup quickly got the
- 00:02:20attention of Peter teal a billionaire
- 00:02:22entrepreneur venture capitalist and
- 00:02:23co-founder of PayPal and paler and some
- 00:02:25of Teal's site projects have included
- 00:02:27opposing government regulations
- 00:02:28destroying Gawker and JD Vance but teal
- 00:02:31agreed to bankroll do not pay as a way
- 00:02:33to make it impossible for municipal
- 00:02:34governments to collect the fines that
- 00:02:36they use to provide essential Services
- 00:02:37now Brer had grandiose plans for jip his
- 00:02:40promise to replace lawyers with robots
- 00:02:41got a lot of press and it didn't take
- 00:02:42long for him to make a completely
- 00:02:43ridiculous offer you might recall that
- 00:02:45Brer said quote do not pay will pay any
- 00:02:47lawyer or person $1 million with an
- 00:02:49upcoming case in front of the United
- 00:02:51States Supreme Court to wear airpods and
- 00:02:53let our robot lawyer argue the case by
- 00:02:54repeating exactly what it says and as we
- 00:02:57pointed out in our video about this
- 00:02:58sending a robot to the Supreme court is
- 00:03:00not just technically infeasible it's
- 00:03:02actually ridiculous because even as
- 00:03:04artificial intelligence gets closer to
- 00:03:05being able to pass a bar exam it cannot
- 00:03:07simulate years of experience and
- 00:03:09judgment by an experienced practitioner
- 00:03:11but young Browder proved to be a big
- 00:03:12talker he promised his service would
- 00:03:13quote make the $200 billion legal
- 00:03:15profession free for consumers and look
- 00:03:17making legal processes easier and more
- 00:03:19affordable is a very worthy goal however
- 00:03:22do not pay faced one giant problem Bots
- 00:03:25cannot legally be lawyers and Browder
- 00:03:27learned this the hard way he announced
- 00:03:29that someone in California was going to
- 00:03:30challenge a speeding ticket by appearing
- 00:03:31in court without a lawyer that person
- 00:03:33would then Dawn smart glasses which
- 00:03:35would record the proceedings and then
- 00:03:36dictate responses into the defendant's
- 00:03:38ear with a small speaker and that advice
- 00:03:40would be provided by AI Bots using
- 00:03:42language models like chat gbt but Brer
- 00:03:44had to NY this courtroom experiment when
- 00:03:46multiple State bars sent him letters
- 00:03:47warning him that practicing law without
- 00:03:49a license would expose him to severe
- 00:03:50penalties including jail and practicing
- 00:03:52law without a license which is also
- 00:03:54referred to as the unauthorized practice
- 00:03:55of law or UPL refers to providing legal
- 00:03:58services without being authorized or
- 00:03:59like to do so by the relevant legal
- 00:04:01authorities in most jurisdictions the
- 00:04:03practice of law is regulated by a state
- 00:04:05bar and UPL can include offering legal
- 00:04:07advice preparing legal documents or
- 00:04:09representing clients in court without
- 00:04:11having passed the bar exam or being
- 00:04:12admitted to a bar association these
- 00:04:15activities are illegal in Most states
- 00:04:16and can result in fines penalties or
- 00:04:18criminal charges and harm to clients who
- 00:04:20may receive bad legal advice so not
- 00:04:22surprisingly bradder dropped his plans
- 00:04:23after State authorities threatened him
- 00:04:25but do not pay his problems were just
- 00:04:26beginning now you might be wondering why
- 00:04:28are we even talking about do not pay we
- 00:04:30covered this two years ago and talked
- 00:04:32about how legally dubious it was and how
- 00:04:34dumb the whole situation was well the
- 00:04:36reason is because the Federal Trade
- 00:04:37Commission the FTC filed the complaint
- 00:04:39against do not pay and the FTC is the
- 00:04:41governing agency responsible for
- 00:04:42protecting consumers and promoting
- 00:04:44competition its main roles include
- 00:04:46investigating and preventing unfair
- 00:04:47business practices including deceptive
- 00:04:49advertising and the fgc complaint takes
- 00:04:51us through a fun detour through do not
- 00:04:53pay origin story quote the Do Not
- 00:04:55pay.com website has prominently featured
- 00:04:57a quote that reports to come from the
- 00:04:59Los Angeles Times newspaper and States
- 00:05:01quote what this robot lawyer can do is
- 00:05:02astonishingly similar if not more to
- 00:05:05what human lawyers do now putting aside
- 00:05:07the fact that I've read that quote
- 00:05:09probably no less than 50 times and I for
- 00:05:11the life of me cannot figure out what
- 00:05:14that was intended to say it the Clauses
- 00:05:17don't line up and honestly it's like a
- 00:05:19if it weren't for my horse I never would
- 00:05:20have gone through college situation but
- 00:05:22it will probably not surprise you that
- 00:05:23the LA Times never said that quote in
- 00:05:26fact the forging quote derives from a
- 00:05:28high schooler's opinion piece in the Los
- 00:05:30Angeles Times High School Insider
- 00:05:31website a user generated content
- 00:05:33platform for young people now the
- 00:05:35company's website promised to undertake
- 00:05:36a variety of services traditionally
- 00:05:38performed by lawyers including writing a
- 00:05:39demand letter for defamation crafting a
- 00:05:41cease and deist letter filing a lawsuit
- 00:05:43for assault and creating legal documents
- 00:05:45now do not pay accomplish these goals by
- 00:05:47having a chatbot ask the person basic
- 00:05:49information but quote do not pay
- 00:05:50subscribers who use the Law related
- 00:05:52features have complained that the
- 00:05:53service did not ask them to submit
- 00:05:55information relevant to their breach of
- 00:05:56contract claims failed to consider
- 00:05:58important legal issues and generated
- 00:06:00legal documents that were not fit for
- 00:06:02use the FTC said the service didn't do
- 00:06:04what it advertised it would do quote
- 00:06:06none of the services Technologies has
- 00:06:07been trained on a comprehensive and
- 00:06:09current Corpus of federal and state laws
- 00:06:11regulations and judicial decisions or on
- 00:06:13the application of those laws to fact
- 00:06:15patterns and contrary to its claim that
- 00:06:17real lawyers were somewhere in the
- 00:06:19background making sure that everything
- 00:06:20was legal this turned out to be false
- 00:06:22quote do not pay employees have not
- 00:06:24tested the quality and accuracy of the
- 00:06:25legal document and advice generated by
- 00:06:27most of the services Law related
- 00:06:29features do not pay has not employed
- 00:06:30attorneys and has not retained attorneys
- 00:06:32let alone attorneys with the relevant
- 00:06:34legal experience to test the quality and
- 00:06:36accuracy of the services Law related
- 00:06:37features and this checks out it's a lot
- 00:06:39easier to say that you're going to
- 00:06:40supplant the entire legal profession
- 00:06:43when you have no idea what the legal
- 00:06:44profession does and the FTC complaint
- 00:06:46charged do not pay with making false
- 00:06:48claims and engaging in unfair deceptive
- 00:06:49Acts or practices in violation of
- 00:06:51section 5A of the Federal Trade
- 00:06:52Commission act and bradder opted to
- 00:06:54settle this claim probably upon the
- 00:06:56advice of a warm bodied human lawyer
- 00:06:59quote do not pay has agreed to a
- 00:07:01proposed commission order settling the
- 00:07:02charges against it the settlement would
- 00:07:04require it to pay
- 00:07:05$193,000 and provide a notice to
- 00:07:07Consumers who subscribe to the service
- 00:07:08between 2021 and 2023 warning them about
- 00:07:11the limitations of Law related features
- 00:07:13on the service the proposed order also
- 00:07:15will prohibit the company from making
- 00:07:16claims about its ability to substitute
- 00:07:18for any Professional Service without
- 00:07:20evidence to back it up and I think it's
- 00:07:21safe to say that in dealing with the FTC
- 00:07:23even browder's AI would probably urge
- 00:07:25them to pay a real lawyer now obviously
- 00:07:27AI is not going to replace a good lawyer
- 00:07:29anytime soon soon but if you need a
- 00:07:30great lawyer right now you can let my
- 00:07:32Law Firm the eagle team help if you've
- 00:07:34suffered a data breach especially if you
- 00:07:35got a data breach letter saying that
- 00:07:36your information might have been leaked
- 00:07:37we're involved in a car crash or have
- 00:07:39dealt with sexual harassment we can
- 00:07:40represent you or help find you the right
- 00:07:42attorney who can it's so important to
- 00:07:43talk to a lawyer right away to maximize
- 00:07:45your recovery and find out what you
- 00:07:46should do next so just click on the link
- 00:07:48in the description or call the phone
- 00:07:49number that's on screen right now for a
- 00:07:51free consultation with my team because
- 00:07:52you don't just need a legal team you
- 00:07:53need the eagle team not Ai and you'd
- 00:07:56think that the FTC settlement would then
- 00:07:58put the kaios on any startup offering
- 00:08:00the same Services it's not like Silicon
- 00:08:03Valley would back another venture that
- 00:08:04was destined to get killed by the FTC or
- 00:08:06other legal authorities right right well
- 00:08:10it's less than one month after do not
- 00:08:12pay became do definitely pay $193,000 to
- 00:08:15the FTC and there's a new lawyer robot
- 00:08:17in town but this one's aimed at startups
- 00:08:20the service is called Symphony Ai and it
- 00:08:22is headquartered in California no
- 00:08:23surprise there and his co-founder arpon
- 00:08:25nanava made an announcement on September
- 00:08:2720th inviting the world to check had a
- 00:08:29demonstration of its service and as you
- 00:08:31can see here the other founder Juan
- 00:08:33guado types in a prompt hi Emma can you
- 00:08:36draft a safe for an investor for my
- 00:08:38preed round they're investing 1.5
- 00:08:40million and the valuation cap is 5
- 00:08:42million the requested document is a
- 00:08:44simple agreement for future Equity Emma
- 00:08:46thebot quickly informs us that she can
- 00:08:47draft that document in just 3 to 5
- 00:08:49minutes saving us $4,500 and 3 weeks and
- 00:08:52then someone or some thing named Emma
- 00:08:54the paralal then preps the document
- 00:08:56after we answer some basic questions
- 00:08:58this is the same service model as do not
- 00:08:59pay except it's aimed at a more
- 00:09:01lucrative Market than parking tickets
- 00:09:03and at the end of the video we see a
- 00:09:04document that is very very legal very
- 00:09:06mindful very demr and the video got a
- 00:09:08whopping 36 views on YouTube at least 10
- 00:09:11of which are almost certainly from the
- 00:09:12founders themselves two of them are from
- 00:09:14me and a few are probably from my
- 00:09:16editors you're welcome Symphony and in
- 00:09:18another video the company says that if
- 00:09:20your startup is accused of
- 00:09:21discrimination your first stop should
- 00:09:23not be a lawyer's office instead you
- 00:09:24should just ask Symphony to help keep
- 00:09:26your female employees underpaid and as
- 00:09:28you see here we got some really good
- 00:09:30feedback um step by step and it is
- 00:09:32objectively hilarious the lesson that
- 00:09:34Silicon Valley took from the Brower
- 00:09:35Fiasco was that it should pitch AI law
- 00:09:37robots to richer people with more
- 00:09:39legally complex tasks but the pitch
- 00:09:41evidently worked because Symphony raised
- 00:09:42a seed round with multiple Venture
- 00:09:44Capital firms and at this point you
- 00:09:45might be wondering hey what makes this
- 00:09:46any different from just saying how to
- 00:09:48respond to discrimination complaint into
- 00:09:50Google or even regular chat GPT if
- 00:09:52you're dead set on AI well and we're
- 00:09:55going to come back to this Symphony says
- 00:09:57it isn't offering you a search engine
- 00:09:59it's giving you a dedicated team quote
- 00:10:01your dedicated team member will take
- 00:10:03care of your day-to-day needs including
- 00:10:04cap table management board matters
- 00:10:06employment issues contract reviews and
- 00:10:08regular updates so at least what that
- 00:10:10sounds like to me is that the company is
- 00:10:12promising to give you access to real
- 00:10:13life human beings who have expertise in
- 00:10:15all the legal issues that come up with a
- 00:10:17new business services provided include
- 00:10:19Council employment HR commercials and
- 00:10:22fundraising which is coming soon the
- 00:10:24word commercials is our first clue that
- 00:10:26the promise of having lawyers providing
- 00:10:27Legal Services is fake in the US there's
- 00:10:30a law specialty called commercial law or
- 00:10:32business law which deals with legal
- 00:10:34matters related to business Commerce
- 00:10:35trade or sales and there's also a
- 00:10:37related area of law called corporate law
- 00:10:39which deals with the legal formation
- 00:10:41governance and structuring of companies
- 00:10:43but in symphony's parlan's uh
- 00:10:45commercials means drafting contracts
- 00:10:47analyzing contracts and creating
- 00:10:48licensing agreements and other documents
- 00:10:50which no lawyer in history has ever
- 00:10:52referred to as commercials it's sort of
- 00:10:55like ordering three German beers uh like
- 00:10:57this but the company's slogan is
- 00:10:58symphony puts legal needs on autopilot
- 00:11:01now is this any different than what do
- 00:11:02not pay got busted for well pargal and
- 00:11:05investigator Katherine Tucson decided to
- 00:11:07take the service for a test run and if
- 00:11:09you're not already subscribed to her on
- 00:11:11Twitter or blue sky I'd highly suggest
- 00:11:13you do so but the first thing that she
- 00:11:14flagged was the founders claimed that
- 00:11:15everything the company does for its
- 00:11:17clients was vetted by personal lawyers
- 00:11:18quote our human lawyers have your back
- 00:11:20think of it as your own legal Team
- 00:11:22without the crazy bills now surely they
- 00:11:24wouldn't lie about that would they well
- 00:11:27Tucson signed up for the service and the
- 00:11:28first thing that it did was requireed
- 00:11:29her to pick an avatar for herself but
- 00:11:31she was limited to the following
- 00:11:33personas uh my options are Cindy a
- 00:11:35general counsel Leela a commercials
- 00:11:37attorney Meg an employment HR attorney
- 00:11:40and Emma a venture capital attorney
- 00:11:42apart from their job titles all of their
- 00:11:43intros are identical none of them are
- 00:11:45punctuated correctly not a great sign
- 00:11:47but you know let's move on here Tuan
- 00:11:49selected GC Cindy as her Persona and
- 00:11:51asked for help drafting a general data
- 00:11:53protection regulation and compliance
- 00:11:55form for her company now gdpr forms are
- 00:11:57necessary for collecting and managing
- 00:11:58personal data in compliance with
- 00:12:00European Union law and the service
- 00:12:02generated the document so Tucson then
- 00:12:04asked it to draft a shareholder
- 00:12:05agreement that didn't go so well the
- 00:12:07first thing she got was a document that
- 00:12:09simply read null since Symphony had
- 00:12:11promised that real lawyers had her back
- 00:12:13uh tucon initiated a chat and attempted
- 00:12:15to ask questions about the null document
- 00:12:17she had a pretty basic question which
- 00:12:19was if they could make the service
- 00:12:20distribution terms more explicit and
- 00:12:22although the bot promised to get back to
- 00:12:23her in 3 to 5 minutes it never did
- 00:12:26Tucson then orders an employee handbook
- 00:12:28which is one of the core services that
- 00:12:29Symphony says it provides and the
- 00:12:30company is stumped by the request it
- 00:12:32connects her with a specialist named
- 00:12:33Liam and after 20 minutes there's no
- 00:12:35response at this point she tried to get
- 00:12:37in touch with her team of legal
- 00:12:38Champions by using the chat widget but
- 00:12:40there was no one online now surely the
- 00:12:42site can't still be in a testing phase
- 00:12:45uh because his landing page claims to
- 00:12:46have saved its clients over $5.5 million
- 00:12:49in counting and there are testimonials
- 00:12:51from allegedly real people here's a list
- 00:12:53of some of the people who use Symphony
- 00:12:55the people and their descriptions don't
- 00:12:56even match you can check out Kristen
- 00:12:58Watson who says quote I find Symphony
- 00:13:00indispensable for creating and sending
- 00:13:02agreements swiftly customizable
- 00:13:03templates automated workflows and
- 00:13:05real-time Data Tracking and his Tua
- 00:13:07notes that's not even a complete
- 00:13:09sentence and not to get all gendered but
- 00:13:10I don't think that bearded guy is really
- 00:13:12Kristen Watson the same bearded man is
- 00:13:14also apparently Nicholas ingersol who
- 00:13:16also gave a testimonial and that same
- 00:13:18guy is also pictured next to a CEO named
- 00:13:20Kristen William and one is named Isa
- 00:13:23Davis so I'm not exactly sure what we're
- 00:13:25looking at here maybe it's a set of
- 00:13:27identical quadruplets each running their
- 00:13:28own startup or a plural gender fluid
- 00:13:31icon or an AI generated startup dude who
- 00:13:33can say and lawyer Rob Frey another
- 00:13:35person that's definitely worth a follow
- 00:13:37on Twitter and blue sky noticed a
- 00:13:39glaring red flag sympathy claims to have
- 00:13:41provided services to 2,000 companies
- 00:13:43quote yet they chose not to name a
- 00:13:45single one on their site even in the
- 00:13:47supposed testimonials with the
- 00:13:48expectation of one which appears to have
- 00:13:50been made up so the real question is
- 00:13:51whether there really is a team of
- 00:13:52lawyers providing Legal Services uh and
- 00:13:54I think we probably know the answer to
- 00:13:56that and keep in mind that California
- 00:13:57case law defines the practice of law as
- 00:13:59quote the doing and Performing of
- 00:14:01services in a court of justice in any
- 00:14:03matter depending therein throughout the
- 00:14:05various stages and in Conformity with
- 00:14:07the adopted rules of procedure the
- 00:14:09definition includes giving quote legal
- 00:14:10advice and legal instruments and
- 00:14:12contract preparation whether or not
- 00:14:14these subjects were rendered in the
- 00:14:15course of litigation and as you see here
- 00:14:17these are all things that Symphony
- 00:14:19offers to its clients remember it
- 00:14:20described itself or described itself as
- 00:14:22an AI law firm and when the AI Venture
- 00:14:24Capital firm Hannah Gray announced that
- 00:14:26it was backing Symphony it initially
- 00:14:27called the company the first fullservice
- 00:14:30AI powered law firm and they said the
- 00:14:31quote they were blown away by symphony's
- 00:14:33customer momentum saving 80% Plus on
- 00:14:36legal bills and their thoughtful
- 00:14:37approach to redefining the company's
- 00:14:38relationship with their legal council
- 00:14:40but they've since edited aspects of that
- 00:14:42statement after Tucson discovered a
- 00:14:43disclaimer buried in the terms of
- 00:14:44service quote you acknowledge and agree
- 00:14:46that symphony is not a law firm nor can
- 00:14:48we offer official law advice what you
- 00:14:50see on the website and any of our
- 00:14:52communication over email WhatsApp slack
- 00:14:54SMS Zoom intercom or any other form of
- 00:14:56online communication should not be taken
- 00:14:58as official legal advice and unless the
- 00:14:59communication is coming from our
- 00:15:01in-house CPA should not be taken as
- 00:15:03official tax advice if you need legal
- 00:15:05advice please consult with an attorney
- 00:15:07if you need tax advice you should
- 00:15:08consult with a tax professional are you
- 00:15:10freaking kidding me the entire site is
- 00:15:12devoted to convincing people that they
- 00:15:13can get low cost Legal Services through
- 00:15:16the power of AI which is backed by a
- 00:15:17team of lawyers but in their terms of
- 00:15:19conditions they basically just say sorry
- 00:15:23psych and the State Bar of California
- 00:15:24states unequivocally quote in California
- 00:15:26only attorneys can practice law when
- 00:15:28someone who is not license to practice
- 00:15:29law provides services that can only be
- 00:15:31formed by attorneys that is called the
- 00:15:32unauthorized practice of law UPL UPL is
- 00:15:35a crime and yeah those who engage in the
- 00:15:36unauthorized practice of law can be
- 00:15:38charged criminally pursuant to the
- 00:15:39California business and professions code
- 00:15:40section 6126 a now you might have
- 00:15:43noticed that many sites on the internet
- 00:15:44claim to provide legal services but
- 00:15:46there's a fine line between what
- 00:15:47symphony is offering and what a document
- 00:15:49provider like Legal Zoom can claim to do
- 00:15:51companies like Legal Zoom can offer
- 00:15:52standardized legal document templates
- 00:15:54for common legal needs such as wills and
- 00:15:56contracts because they're not offering
- 00:15:58individualized legal adviser
- 00:15:59representing clients in court the users
- 00:16:01themselves complete the forms and the
- 00:16:03service access a facilitator and Legal
- 00:16:05Information helps guide users through
- 00:16:06the legal process of competing a certain
- 00:16:08task like filling a lawsuit in small
- 00:16:10claims court or understanding how to
- 00:16:12form a corporation however these
- 00:16:14providers don't interpret the law based
- 00:16:15on a specific individual circumstances
- 00:16:17and these new AI startups are doing the
- 00:16:19opposite they're offering specific legal
- 00:16:21advice tailored to the users's specific
- 00:16:23needs and that definitely sounds like
- 00:16:25more of a traditional lawyer client
- 00:16:27relationship and for that to be legal
- 00:16:29the company would have to ensure that
- 00:16:30all personalized legal advice is
- 00:16:31provided by someone who is licensed but
- 00:16:33you know what about the symphony
- 00:16:34disclaimer well when Katherine Tucson
- 00:16:36signed up there were additional terms of
- 00:16:38service the sign up page says quote
- 00:16:40symphony is not a law firm and is not
- 00:16:42authorized to practice law Symphony
- 00:16:43provides a platform for Legal
- 00:16:45Information self-help and not legal
- 00:16:46advice and when you click on the link
- 00:16:48there's another terms of service page
- 00:16:49using a different California address and
- 00:16:51she discovered that symphony's terms of
- 00:16:53service page is actually basically
- 00:16:55identical to do not pay's original terms
- 00:16:57of service which to archived before
- 00:16:59Browder gave up the ghost for example do
- 00:17:01not pay says do not pay is not a law
- 00:17:02firm do not pay provides a platform for
- 00:17:04Legal Information and self-help the
- 00:17:06information provided by do not pay along
- 00:17:08with the content on our website related
- 00:17:09to legal matters Legal Information is
- 00:17:11provided for your private use and does
- 00:17:13not constitute advice we do not review
- 00:17:14any information you provide us for legal
- 00:17:16accuracy or sufficiency draw legal
- 00:17:17conclusions provide opinions about your
- 00:17:19selection of forms or apply the law to
- 00:17:21the facts of your situation and Symphony
- 00:17:23section 6 says effectively exactly the
- 00:17:26same thing so that's right Symphony
- 00:17:28simply cop didn't pasted do not pays
- 00:17:30terms of service guess how we know well
- 00:17:32section 17 describes Services provided
- 00:17:34by do not pay that Symphony doesn't
- 00:17:36quote how the airline Hotel Services
- 00:17:38work wait what airline and hotel
- 00:17:40Services quote where we see a potential
- 00:17:43savings or refund opportunity based on
- 00:17:44your purchase history we will interact
- 00:17:46with merchants on your behalf using your
- 00:17:48details to attempt to get you the
- 00:17:49benefit this process may include the
- 00:17:51automatic cancellation and repurchasing
- 00:17:52of the ticket or service you authorize
- 00:17:54Symphony to act as your agent in
- 00:17:56performing the service and in section 23
- 00:17:58of both documents Symphony offers to fix
- 00:18:00your parking tickets just in case your
- 00:18:02startup Parks too far from the curb
- 00:18:05quote for example if you ask Symphony to
- 00:18:07pay your parking ticket for you it will
- 00:18:08debit the cost of the parking ticket
- 00:18:09from your connected account Symphony
- 00:18:11will always secure permission in writing
- 00:18:13from you before debiting any external
- 00:18:15fees so this startup AI legal service
- 00:18:18allegedly backed by legal professionals
- 00:18:19and CPAs and the world's greatest
- 00:18:21language learning models simply copy do
- 00:18:24not pay terms of service without
- 00:18:25bothering to even review them but that
- 00:18:27might not be the full story tcon asked
- 00:18:29some really interesting questions about
- 00:18:30the founders of symphony whether they
- 00:18:31just stole from do not pay or maybe if
- 00:18:34Browder actually sold it to them when he
- 00:18:35realized the FTC was about to shut it
- 00:18:37down so you're probably not going to be
- 00:18:39saving any money with Symphony AI or do
- 00:18:41not pay anytime soon but you can with
- 00:18:43today's sponsor mint mobile because with
- 00:18:45mintmobile you can save a ton on your
- 00:18:46cell phone without sacrificing quality
- 00:18:49mintmobile is premium Wireless for as
- 00:18:50low as $15 a month and mintmobile uses
- 00:18:52the nation's largest 5G Network so
- 00:18:54cellular internet is just as fast as
- 00:18:56it's always been you can stream our
- 00:18:57videos on your phone no problem and the
- 00:18:59sell service is great and switching to
- 00:19:01Mint only takes 15 minutes plus you can
- 00:19:02use your current phone if you want to
- 00:19:04and if you do need a new phone they've
- 00:19:05got some great deals and one of the
- 00:19:07reasons I love mint mobile is that it
- 00:19:08doesn't try to rope you into paying more
- 00:19:10for data than you really need mint will
- 00:19:11show you your cellular usage and suggest
- 00:19:13the right plan to make sure you get the
- 00:19:15right one even if they make less because
- 00:19:17mmobile keeps their prices low by
- 00:19:18operating entirely online they don't
- 00:19:20have storefronts or salespeople so their
- 00:19:22overhead is a lot lower than their
- 00:19:23competitors and the savings gets passed
- 00:19:25on to their customers they don't try to
- 00:19:27upsell you on random streaming services
- 00:19:28packages or useless add-ins it's just
- 00:19:30premium Wireless at a great price so if
- 00:19:32you want to save on your cell phone plan
- 00:19:33without a sacrifice click on the link
- 00:19:35that's on screen right now or down below
- 00:19:36and get premium Wireless for just $15 a
- 00:19:38month when you purchase a 3-month plan
- 00:19:40it's a fantastic deal and if you want
- 00:19:41premium Wireless for as little as $15
- 00:19:44per month click on the link below and
- 00:19:45after that click on this link over here
- 00:19:46for more legal eagle or I'll see you in
- 00:19:48court
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