Lecture 2: Basic Macroeconomic Concepts
TLDRDans le contexte économique actuel, les enjeux comme l'inflation élevée, les tensions d'approvisionnement post-COVID et la guerre influencent les politiques économiques. Le cours met l'accent sur l'importance de comprendre ces défis via des concepts macroéconomiques clés comme le Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB), l'inflation, et le chômage. Il aborde la différence entre PIB nominal et réel, la méthode de calcul du PIB en termes de biens finaux, et le débat sur le calcul du chômage et de la participation au marché du travail. Le cours explore aussi les similitudes et différences entre les économies, illustrées par les cas de la Chine et du Japon, pour expliquer comment les variations du taux de croissance et de l'inflation influencent les politiques économiques.
- 📈 L'inflation actuelle est un problème économique critique.
- 🔍 Comprendre la différence entre PIB nominal et réel est essentiel.
- 🏭 Les décisions politiques sont influencées par l'économie mondiale.
- ⚖️ La mesure du chômage dépend à la fois du nombre de personnes sans emploi et de celles cherchant activement du travail.
- 🌍 Les performances économiques varient fortement entre pays, comme la Chine et le Japon.
- 💡 La croissance économique rapide de la Chine est liée à son développement à partir d'une base plus pauvre.
- 💼 La participation au marché du travail n'est pas revenue au niveau d'avant la COVID-19.
- 🔄 Les méthodes de mesure du PIB incluent l'approche production et l'approche de revenu.
- 📉 La déflation peut rendre difficile la récupération économique, comme le montre le Japon.
- 📅 Les fluctuations de l'emploi et du PIB ont des cycles et des chocs économiques uniques.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
L'orateur prévoit des discussions captivantes sur l'évolution actuelle de l'économie, avec un accent sur l'inflation élevée et les problèmes d'approvisionnement causés par la Chine et la guerre affectant les prix de l'énergie. L'importance de cette période pour les microéconomistes est soulignée, bien que la conférence actuelle commence par des définitions. Les concepts macroéconomiques tels que la "production" nécessitent des définitions complexes par rapport à la microéconomie, nécessitant ainsi une séance plutôt ennuyeuse mais nécessaire.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
La conférence aborde les notions de base comme la production agrégée et sa pertinence pour évaluer la santé économique. Historiquement, mesurer cela était complexe jusqu'à l'introduction des comptes nationaux américains après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le produit intérieur brut (PIB) est la principale mesure de la production agrégée, et les limitations de cette mesure sont brièvement abordées. Une distinction est faite entre biens et services, qui sont souvent repris globalement sous le terme "biens" dans les discussions pour simplifier.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
L'orateur explique comment mesurer le PIB à l'aide d'une économie fictive avec deux entreprises, l'une produisant de l'acier et l'autre des voitures. Deux méthodes de calcul du PIB sont explorées : l'agrégation des revenus de ventes (proposant un PIB de 300) et la considération uniquement des biens finaux (conduisant à un PIB correct de 200). Cette dichotomie pousse à ne considérer que les biens finaux pour éviter la double comptabilisation.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Trois méthodes différentes d'estimation du PIB sont explorées : les méthodes de production qui se concentrent sur les biens finaux, et une méthode de revenu où toute production est également un revenu. L'orateur insiste sur le fait que la production cumulée doit correspondre à un revenu total distribuable entre les employés, les propriétaires de capital, et éventuellement l'État. La compréhension de ces relations est cruciale pour l'économie macroéconomique.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
La conférence poursuit avec la distinction entre PIB nominal et réel. Le PIB nominal reflète la valeur totale à prix courant, tandis que le PIB réel ajuste pour l'inflation et donc le véritable volume de production. Différencier ces deux concepts est important pour comprendre si une économie croît en termes réels ou simplement en raison de hausses de prix. Un exemple pratique d'une économie simple avec des variations de prix est donné pour illustrer le concept de PIB réel.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Après avoir détaillé les méthodes de calcul du PIB, l'orateur se penche sur le taux de chômage. Le chômage est défini non seulement par l'absence d'emploi mais par la recherche active d'un emploi. Les concepts de population active et le taux de participation sont expliqués, soulignant que le faible taux de chômage actuel est lié à une baisse du taux de participation, variable due aux circonstances de la pandémie de COVID-19 ayant modifié le comportement de la main-d'œuvre.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
La conférence aborde brièvement l'inflation, soulignant l'importance de comprendre où les prix augmentent de manière généralisée. Les concepts de déflation et de mesures d'indices des prix comme le déflateur du PIB et l'indice des prix à la consommation (CPI) sont introduits. Bien que des variations existent, le consensus reste que nous faisons face à une inflation notable actuellement. Un point sera particulièrement développé dans des séances ultérieures.
- 00:35:00 - 00:41:21
La discussion se tourne vers une comparaison internationale avec la croissance du PIB en Chine et au Japon. L'importance de la croissance soutenue et ses défis, comme le ralentissement actuel de la Chine tout en étant encore un pays en développement, est évoquée. L'expérience du Japon en matière de bulle financière est mentionnée, servant d'avertissement potentiel pour la Chine. Les problèmes démographiques sont soulignés comme facteurs inhibiteurs de la croissance.
Qu'est-ce que le PIB ?
Le Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB) est la valeur totale des biens et services finaux produits dans une économie.
Comment le chômage est-il mesuré aux États-Unis ?
Le chômage est mesuré par une enquête sur la population active (CPS) qui évalue le statut d'emploi des personnes.
Comment calcule-t-on le PIB nominal ?
Le PIB nominal est calculé en multipliant la quantité de biens finaux par leurs prix courants, puis en additionnant.
Qui est considéré comme chômeur ?
Le chômage est composé des personnes sans emploi qui cherchent activement un travail.
Comment mesure-t-on l'inflation ?
L'inflation est souvent mesurée par l'indice des prix à la consommation (IPC) qui calcule le taux de variation des prix d'un panier de consommation.
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- 00:00:17I expect that there will be many fun
- 00:00:19lectures in the sense that we're going
- 00:00:20to have you know we're going to be
- 00:00:21discussing a little more exactly at the
- 00:00:24right time in which that issue is an is
- 00:00:26an important issue at least as D in the
- 00:00:30newspapers and you know we live in we
- 00:00:32are going through a very interesting
- 00:00:34time for microeconomist inflation is
- 00:00:37unusually high something needs to be
- 00:00:39done about that er um we still have
- 00:00:43problems on the supply side of the
- 00:00:45economy as a result of CO as a result of
- 00:00:48the slow reopening of
- 00:00:50China um we have a war going on which is
- 00:00:54affecting also the price of energy and
- 00:00:56it's particularly impacting Europe and
- 00:01:00all these things are the situation is
- 00:01:01very fluid all of them can change at at
- 00:01:04any moment and uh and policy makers are
- 00:01:08s therefore paying very close attention
- 00:01:10to all these things it's not a normal
- 00:01:12time if you're a policy maker
- 00:01:14macroeconomist microeconomist policy
- 00:01:17maker uh you you are not sleeping a lot
- 00:01:20on these days and so so I expect that we
- 00:01:23will have plenty of time to discuss
- 00:01:26interesting things and analyze them um
- 00:01:30at a slightly higher level than you can
- 00:01:32do at this moment now I also told you in
- 00:01:36the previous in the introduction that
- 00:01:38that this particular
- 00:01:40lecture is not going to be of that kind
- 00:01:44you know it's going to be very boring in
- 00:01:46the sense that you know we need to start
- 00:01:48with definitions and and and I don't
- 00:01:50know who likes definitions I don't it's
- 00:01:52very boring now there is an interesting
- 00:01:56or a curious side of the definitions
- 00:01:58we're going to discuss which which is
- 00:02:00that if you were taking 1401
- 00:02:03microeconomics many of the concepts
- 00:02:05we're going to describe require no
- 00:02:06definition they're obvious I mean if you
- 00:02:08I ask you for output of a factory that
- 00:02:10produces cars it's pretty obvious that
- 00:02:12it's a number of cars if I ask you for
- 00:02:14the prices of those cars is pretty
- 00:02:16obvious what the price of a car is not
- 00:02:19so for macro because if I ask you what
- 00:02:21is the output of the US economy well
- 00:02:24there's millions of goods and services
- 00:02:26are produced at the same time so so what
- 00:02:28do we mean by output a single measure of
- 00:02:31output or if I ask you about the price
- 00:02:33level or the inflation the rate at which
- 00:02:35that price level is changing well what
- 00:02:37are we talking about it's very easy to
- 00:02:39see where the price of a car is going up
- 00:02:41but if we're mixing sort of millions of
- 00:02:44different goods and services then it's a
- 00:02:47little harder and that's the reason we
- 00:02:48need this lecture because it's it's a
- 00:02:50little harder than 1401 and we need to
- 00:02:52Define basic things but they have a
- 00:02:54trick because you're suming apples and
- 00:02:56oranges not only apples and oranges
- 00:02:59apples oranges health services financial
- 00:03:02services all of them in in one piece and
- 00:03:05so so it's a little trickier and that's
- 00:03:07the reason we need this boring lecture
- 00:03:09we need to go through
- 00:03:11that slightly trickier definition of
- 00:03:14output prices and so
- 00:03:19on
- 00:03:21ER okay so let me let me start with the
- 00:03:24most basic thing aggregate output at the
- 00:03:27end of the day when where the econom is
- 00:03:28in a recession or not and so we don't
- 00:03:31like it or we do like it depends on what
- 00:03:34is happening to Output is output growing
- 00:03:36at the pace it used to grow is it
- 00:03:38growing less or it's declining well
- 00:03:41that's very important for macro and to
- 00:03:44understand the health of an economy the
- 00:03:45microeconomic health of an economy but
- 00:03:47we need to start by defining what we
- 00:03:50mean by
- 00:03:51output and because it's a tricky thing
- 00:03:54to do when you're adding so many apples
- 00:03:56oranges Financial Services ER
- 00:03:59entertainment and lots of things that
- 00:04:02are very different H it wasn't there we
- 00:04:05didn't have a good way of doing that in
- 00:04:07fact the national accounts as we know
- 00:04:09them in the US is something that we have
- 00:04:12since the post-war period in in the late
- 00:04:1440s that we develop the technique the
- 00:04:17approach to come up with a measure of
- 00:04:19our output before that we had measures
- 00:04:22proxies you know industrial production
- 00:04:24is very high I meaning we're producing
- 00:04:26lots of cars stuff like that and
- 00:04:27somebody but something systematic like
- 00:04:30we have today is a pretty recent uh
- 00:04:33thing okay we call that NEPA the
- 00:04:36national income and product
- 00:04:39account income and product that's going
- 00:04:42to be very important for macro as you'll
- 00:04:44see in a minute um so the main measure
- 00:04:47of aggregate output is what we call
- 00:04:49gross domestic product or simply GDP you
- 00:04:53hear GDP that means output of an economy
- 00:04:57why is gross and not net you're not
- 00:04:58going to worry about that in this course
- 00:05:01okay but that's you hear
- 00:05:03GDP most microeconomist wouldn't say
- 00:05:06output they would say GDP it's very
- 00:05:07short it's efficient and so on well
- 00:05:09that's what it means it's the output of
- 00:05:11an economy but how do we Define it as I
- 00:05:14said before it's much harder than when
- 00:05:16you have an individual
- 00:05:17good by the way I will be most of the
- 00:05:21time I will say
- 00:05:22Goods but really is goods and services
- 00:05:26but it's very long to say goods and
- 00:05:28services no so whenever I say Goods I'm
- 00:05:31not trying to play any trick on you I
- 00:05:33really mean goods and services I just
- 00:05:35mean lazy okay and most people are lazy
- 00:05:38that way okay now what is the difference
- 00:05:40between goods and services you you're
- 00:05:42not going to worry a lot about that in
- 00:05:43this no you're not going to worry at all
- 00:05:45about that in this course but just to
- 00:05:48get a sense goods are things that you
- 00:05:50know that are tangible services are
- 00:05:52things that are not that tangible there
- 00:05:55are benefits that you receive from the
- 00:05:56task that someone else operates on you
- 00:05:58so you go to the to you know the medical
- 00:06:02center you don't come up with a piece of
- 00:06:04a machine to well they may lend you
- 00:06:07something but but you don't come out
- 00:06:09with an objective you come out with the
- 00:06:11service provided by a doctor to you okay
- 00:06:14and the same happens if you go to a bank
- 00:06:16you don't come with a ATM with you what
- 00:06:19you come up with is the service of
- 00:06:21having done a transaction or deposit or
- 00:06:24go on a mortgage or something like that
- 00:06:25it's a service if you go to a
- 00:06:28restaurant again you don't what you can
- 00:06:31what you have is an experience it's a
- 00:06:34people provided an experience to you
- 00:06:36things are a little tricky because if
- 00:06:37you do a take out well is that an
- 00:06:39experience or is really the goods so so
- 00:06:43if you get into those details which
- 00:06:44you're not going to get it gets to be
- 00:06:46tricky but but but just to get a
- 00:06:49sense on average a consumer in the US
- 00:06:53two third of the consumption is in
- 00:06:56services not in Goods it's not sort of
- 00:06:58the banana and so on that you buy it's a
- 00:07:01lot of the financial services health
- 00:07:02services and entertainment and things
- 00:07:05like that traveling that's what you
- 00:07:07spend most of your time having clarified
- 00:07:11that you can of forget that from now on
- 00:07:14I'm going to say Goods occasionally may
- 00:07:16say goods and services but I always mean
- 00:07:18the same okay good so um so how do we
- 00:07:24measure these things so well there there
- 00:07:25are different ways ER of of of doing
- 00:07:28this something happened to my slide
- 00:07:32there okay there we
- 00:07:35are um so suppose that you have a an
- 00:07:39economy that is very simple I don't need
- 00:07:41to tell you how simple this economy is
- 00:07:43it has just two
- 00:07:45firms okay suppose we have an economy
- 00:07:48that's very simple has two firms one
- 00:07:51firm produces a steel and the other one
- 00:07:53produces cars and the company that
- 00:07:56produces cars buys all the steel from
- 00:07:58the company no body you as a consumer
- 00:08:00don't buy you don't buy steel directly
- 00:08:03the car company buys a steel uses to
- 00:08:05produce a car and you buy the car okay
- 00:08:08so that's our simple economy and that's
- 00:08:10those are the the accounts of the of the
- 00:08:12simple economy so there you have company
- 00:08:16one has a revenue from sales it sells
- 00:08:20$100 okay so price of steel times steel
- 00:08:24is
- 00:08:25$100 the second company H uses B is Ste
- 00:08:30uses workers and sells
- 00:08:34$200 no so the question I ask you the
- 00:08:37first question I ask you here is well
- 00:08:38what is the GDP of this economy here you
- 00:08:40have an economy that has two goods
- 00:08:42needless to say a real economy is a lot
- 00:08:43more complicated than this but you have
- 00:08:46two companies and I ask you what is
- 00:08:49GDP so the obvious things that you could
- 00:08:52come up with is well I Su all the
- 00:08:54revenues okay so that's the obvious one
- 00:08:57the total GDP of these economies is 300
- 00:09:00that's a sensible
- 00:09:02answer okay at least at this moment I
- 00:09:04would accept that as a sensible answer
- 00:09:06in the quiz I wouldn't but here it's a
- 00:09:09sensible answer I mean well you ask me
- 00:09:10for what is the total output of that
- 00:09:12economy I sum up all the revenues on
- 00:09:15sales and that's
- 00:09:19300 okay so so um is it
- 00:09:24300 well or is it 200 I mean that's
- 00:09:28another you says well look only the
- 00:09:31final goods perhaps should count because
- 00:09:34you know this is the only thing that you
- 00:09:37as a consumer will ever see this part
- 00:09:40not that those are two sensible answers
- 00:09:42and what I'll show you in three
- 00:09:44different ways is that the right answer
- 00:09:47is 200 for that economy okay not 300 the
- 00:09:51right answer is
- 00:09:53200 so method
- 00:09:56one H and all these methods are used and
- 00:09:59they use to check each other H to
- 00:10:02compute H
- 00:10:04GDP uh so method one is what I said here
- 00:10:08is final goods you said
- 00:10:10GDP is the value of the final goods and
- 00:10:14services producing the economy during a
- 00:10:17given period of time notice that GDP is
- 00:10:19a concept of a flow it's something you
- 00:10:21produce in a year okay that's the reason
- 00:10:22you say GDP of the US in 2022 was you
- 00:10:27know 23 23 trillion dollar is in a year
- 00:10:31okay it's a it's a period of time okay
- 00:10:34so so that's one definition and one way
- 00:10:38of of of er
- 00:10:42of making sense of this definition is
- 00:10:45imagine that I give you the same economy
- 00:10:48with the same two factories and now all
- 00:10:50of a sudden I tell you you know what I'm
- 00:10:52going to merge the two companies so
- 00:10:54company the car company will buy the
- 00:10:56steel meal or whatever
- 00:10:59well if I now put together those two
- 00:11:01accounts now I never see the steel
- 00:11:03because it that's all happening inside
- 00:11:04the the factory and it's still the case
- 00:11:07that the economy would be producing 200
- 00:11:09Cars and all that you would see is 200
- 00:11:12no because I would put this thing
- 00:11:14together there was a steel that this
- 00:11:16company had purchased from that but now
- 00:11:17it's all inside okay so so if I put them
- 00:11:21together then that steel there doesn't
- 00:11:23appear because it's all produced inhouse
- 00:11:26and now GDP would be 200 well it makes
- 00:11:28no sense
- 00:11:29that just because I change the ownership
- 00:11:32structure of the companies that your GDP
- 00:11:34changes collapses from 300 to 200 if I
- 00:11:38only measuring final goods though I
- 00:11:39don't have that problem it's still 200
- 00:11:42doesn't matter that I have the merge
- 00:11:44slice and LIC in 20 or whatever so
- 00:11:46that's that tells you that that's we're
- 00:11:48going the right way here because you
- 00:11:49know it's it's a very robust answer that
- 00:11:53is you don't count intermediate output
- 00:11:54you only count the final goods which are
- 00:11:56the things that the consumer will buy
- 00:11:59buy the firms will buy for investment
- 00:12:01and things of that kind that foreigners
- 00:12:03will
- 00:12:05buy alternative method is GDP is the sum
- 00:12:09of value
- 00:12:11added in the economy during a given
- 00:12:13period of time what is value added the
- 00:12:17difference between final the final goods
- 00:12:19produced by a company and the
- 00:12:21intermediate inputs it purchased to
- 00:12:23produce those
- 00:12:24goods okay so what is the value added of
- 00:12:28the steel company here
- 00:12:30it's the answer is there but you know
- 00:12:33but what is the value added it's 100 how
- 00:12:36do I know it's 100 well because it's not
- 00:12:38buying any intermediate input and the
- 00:12:40revenue is
- 00:12:41100 okay so that's the reason I get 100
- 00:12:45there okay 100 there's no intermediate
- 00:12:47input what is the value added of the car
- 00:12:50company well the revenue on sales is 200
- 00:12:53but it purchase 100 in intermediate
- 00:12:55inputs so the value is 200 minus 100 the
- 00:12:59value out of this company is 100 100
- 00:13:01plus 100 I get my 200 again
- 00:13:04yep
- 00:13:07consider wages to be in really good no
- 00:13:11that's those are not Goods those are
- 00:13:12factors of
- 00:13:14production okay so this and the same
- 00:13:17there are machines in that factory that
- 00:13:19are helping you produce things that's a
- 00:13:21service of the machine it's Capital
- 00:13:23that's not an intermediate input an
- 00:13:24intermediate input is another good or
- 00:13:27service that you buy for the the purpose
- 00:13:29of producing that that good
- 00:13:33okay so workers is not workers are
- 00:13:36working inside your company and so on if
- 00:13:38the work was if the work was produced
- 00:13:41was outsourced and you had another
- 00:13:43company that produces something that you
- 00:13:45use from those workers that would be an
- 00:13:47intermediate input but you would have to
- 00:13:48count the value out of the other of the
- 00:13:50companies you have outsourced too you
- 00:13:53see so that's method two two and you see
- 00:13:56we get exactly at 200 those two method
- 00:13:59methods are called production methods
- 00:14:00there are different ways of measuring
- 00:14:02the production of the economy the third
- 00:14:04method and the last one is an income
- 00:14:08method which means look all that is
- 00:14:12produced has to be earned by someone the
- 00:14:15workers the owners of capital somebody
- 00:14:17has to own that if the firms sell
- 00:14:20collectively $200 those $200 have to be
- 00:14:23allocated to someone someone means
- 00:14:26workers the owners of capital of the
- 00:14:28first Ms or in realistic economies the
- 00:14:32government you pay taxes and things of
- 00:14:33that kind okay we're not going to worry
- 00:14:35about the government for a
- 00:14:37while so that's an alternative method
- 00:14:39it's method three you just sum the
- 00:14:42incomes so who are the factors of
- 00:14:44productions here related to your
- 00:14:45question in this there is no government
- 00:14:47here no taxes so we have only workers
- 00:14:50and profits you the capital the owners
- 00:14:52of the Company wages is 80 + 70 is
- 00:14:57150 profits is 20 + 30 50 150 in wages
- 00:15:02plus 50 in profit gives you back your
- 00:15:05200 okay so those are the three ways we
- 00:15:07have of measuring these things and you
- 00:15:09see they give you exactly the same
- 00:15:10result now there is
- 00:15:13something as I as I from the
- 00:15:15construction of national account there
- 00:15:16is something interesting in what I just
- 00:15:18said which is look I can that production
- 00:15:22is the same as
- 00:15:23income that's going to be very important
- 00:15:26for macro very important for macro
- 00:15:29and it's totally unimportant for
- 00:15:32micro when you're looking at a company
- 00:15:34for example in micro and you're looking
- 00:15:36at a car company by
- 00:15:38itself it is true that you know the
- 00:15:41output of that company becomes income
- 00:15:44part for the owners of the company and
- 00:15:46part for the workers but that income
- 00:15:49needs not be spent in cars can spend in
- 00:15:53food entertainment and whatever not so
- 00:15:56in
- 00:15:57macro because what else you going to
- 00:15:59spend it to than in the same good that
- 00:16:01you're producing in the aggregate good
- 00:16:04so it's very interesting that's a very
- 00:16:06distinctive feature of micro that is not
- 00:16:08present in micro is that that income has
- 00:16:10to be spent in the same Goods if the
- 00:16:12econom is closed later on we're going to
- 00:16:14open the economy to the rest of the
- 00:16:15world and then you get you buy some
- 00:16:16Chinese goods and blah blah blah but if
- 00:16:18you keep it close hey you are not going
- 00:16:21to buy cars that's what you work on but
- 00:16:23you're going to have to buy it in the
- 00:16:24single good of the
- 00:16:26economy which is the sum of all the
- 00:16:28goods that we we consume an average
- 00:16:30that's going to be very
- 00:16:32important anyways this time is this
- 00:16:35stuff move in the right direction okay
- 00:16:37so that's that's that's that now you
- 00:16:39know what GDP is and the different ways
- 00:16:41of measuring you're going to have to
- 00:16:44remember that
- 00:16:45for for p set one and for quiz one and
- 00:16:49you might as well forget it for the
- 00:16:51future it's good that you understand the
- 00:16:52concept but it's different ways of
- 00:16:53constructing is not very
- 00:16:55important second thing we need to worry
- 00:16:58about
- 00:16:59is that whenever you're thinking about
- 00:17:01the output of an economy you're really
- 00:17:03trying to think about the real output
- 00:17:05meaning number of cars and number of
- 00:17:06machines and so on but you have
- 00:17:09inflation for example then prices of
- 00:17:11these things are growing and so the
- 00:17:13total revenue on sales is growing but
- 00:17:16they don't mean the same and we want to
- 00:17:18certainly separate these two things and
- 00:17:20for that reason we have a concept which
- 00:17:22is called nominal GDP and another one
- 00:17:25which is called real GDP nominal GDP is
- 00:17:28the simplest thing on Earth is
- 00:17:30essentially you know we had only one
- 00:17:32final goods company there which was cars
- 00:17:34but mind you have cars refrigerators
- 00:17:36many many things nominal GDP simply you
- 00:17:39sum all the final goods and you multiply
- 00:17:41them by the the current price and that
- 00:17:44gives you the dollar GDP that you have I
- 00:17:46don't know what it is in the US today
- 00:17:48you could check it but it's $24
- 00:17:51trillion a so that's it P * Q you know
- 00:17:55prices times quantity and you sum across
- 00:17:57all the final goods
- 00:17:59that's we have to that's one way of
- 00:18:01calculating thing that's nominal GDP but
- 00:18:04again what we really care about is we're
- 00:18:06going to get a lot about later on is how
- 00:18:09that econom is doing over time is it
- 00:18:10growing is it not growing nominal GDP
- 00:18:13can grow for two different reasons can
- 00:18:15grow because the economy is really
- 00:18:18becoming more productive is producing
- 00:18:20more Goods or because prices are going
- 00:18:23up now at this moment real nominal GDP
- 00:18:26is growing very fast in the US despite
- 00:18:28the fact that we may have recession this
- 00:18:29year we don't know but nobody has any
- 00:18:32doubt that nominal GDP will grow because
- 00:18:34we have lots of inflation and so you
- 00:18:36want to separate these two things and
- 00:18:38the thing that removes the inflation
- 00:18:40component is what we call real
- 00:18:43GDP and real GDP if you hear the word
- 00:18:47only GDP and and that was produced by
- 00:18:50somebody understand what he's talking
- 00:18:51about GDP really means real GDP okay if
- 00:18:54you just hear GDP people are try is
- 00:18:57trying to say the output of the economy
- 00:18:59well that's real GDP and the real GDP is
- 00:19:03computed many tricks but but essentially
- 00:19:07what you do is you consume you you you
- 00:19:11you also sum across all the
- 00:19:13goods you also Su across the goods but
- 00:19:16you use constant prices not the prices
- 00:19:19of that point in time
- 00:19:21necessarily okay so I'm going to give
- 00:19:23you a very concrete example but before
- 00:19:25doing that for this course we're going
- 00:19:27to call nominal GDP and all nominal
- 00:19:30variables are going to have that's what
- 00:19:31the textbook does they're going to have
- 00:19:33a dollar sign in front so that's our
- 00:19:35measure that's nominal GDP GDP is going
- 00:19:38to be Y without the dollar that's real
- 00:19:40GDP okay for the first part of the
- 00:19:43course up to quiz one we're we're going
- 00:19:46very we're going to worry very little
- 00:19:47about nominal things because we want to
- 00:19:49have prices completely fixed but but you
- 00:19:51still need to know the concept and
- 00:19:53that's real GDP so now let me give you
- 00:20:01an example so suppose you have this this
- 00:20:05this the simple economy we had before
- 00:20:07we're just going to look at final goods
- 00:20:09because that's what we need to look
- 00:20:11at to con to construct GDP and so this
- 00:20:15economy produces cars and supposedly
- 00:20:17produces 10 cars in 2011 12 cars in
- 00:20:212012 and 13 cars in in 2013 but suppos
- 00:20:26the price of a car is what you see there
- 00:20:2820,000 24,000 and
- 00:20:3026,000 nominal GDP is simply the
- 00:20:33product you know of this times that that
- 00:20:36gives you
- 00:20:37$200,000 12 cars times $25,000 gives you
- 00:20:41288 and so on that's nominal
- 00:20:43GDP real
- 00:20:45GDP you have to
- 00:20:48pick which price you want to use but
- 00:20:51only use one and don't vary it over time
- 00:20:54okay so in this particular case we pick
- 00:20:572012
- 00:20:59okay so that means when you say GD real
- 00:21:01GDP at 20 2012 2012 base 2012 or at 2012
- 00:21:06prices means that you're using the
- 00:21:08prices of 2012 you don't bury that you
- 00:21:11let quantities change over time but the
- 00:21:13prices remain fixed so in this case real
- 00:21:16GDP at
- 00:21:17$22 is you know is 10 cars times 25,000
- 00:21:22that give you 240,000
- 00:21:2512 cars time 24,000 28
- 00:21:29this is interesting for this year
- 00:21:30nominal GDP is the same as real GDP why
- 00:21:32is
- 00:21:34that it's an
- 00:21:40accident exactly we're using that's a
- 00:21:43base year so that's nominal GDP will
- 00:21:45always be equal to real GDP at the base
- 00:21:48year that's the Year we're picking as
- 00:21:50the base know because those are the
- 00:21:51prices we're
- 00:21:53using I what about 2013 well is is not
- 00:21:5726,000 * 13 is 24, 1013 so we get 312
- 00:22:02and it's obvious here that real GDP is
- 00:22:04growing less than nominal GDP why is
- 00:22:07that well because this economy has
- 00:22:09inflation prices are rising over time
- 00:22:12and we want to remove that when we want
- 00:22:13to look at the real concept the real
- 00:22:16concept removes the price
- 00:22:19effect there are times in which you
- 00:22:22don't want to remove all that price
- 00:22:24effect and it happens a lot for example
- 00:22:26in computers because sometimes the
- 00:22:28increase in the price of the computer is
- 00:22:30simply because the computer is better
- 00:22:32and and you want to correct for quality
- 00:22:33and so on but again that's not something
- 00:22:35you need to worry about in this course
- 00:22:42okay maybe some of you deciding the pace
- 00:22:44which you want me to move I'm really
- 00:22:46puzzled by this stuff here this is this
- 00:22:50is from the book and you see what
- 00:22:52happened in in the US with nominal and
- 00:22:55real GDP with base year 2012 so as I
- 00:22:58said before these two curves one is
- 00:23:00nominal GDP the red line the blue line
- 00:23:03is real GDP we're using Bas year 2012 so
- 00:23:06at that point they have to be the same
- 00:23:09and what you see very very clearly there
- 00:23:12is that a the Blue Line real GDP is
- 00:23:17flatter than the red line why is
- 00:23:20that why is it
- 00:23:27yeah is inflation see yeah by the way I
- 00:23:29do have a reference for you so ask me
- 00:23:31after the okay
- 00:23:33good um anyway so yeah in the US between
- 00:23:371916 and 2018 real nominal GDP increased
- 00:23:40by a factor of 38 while real GDP by a
- 00:23:43factor of 5.7 big difference so so you
- 00:23:45better be careful when when you look at
- 00:23:47GDP that you are removing inflation
- 00:23:49especially in I mean if you were to look
- 00:23:51in
- 00:23:52Argentina these guys have had a
- 00:23:53recession a chronic recession for a long
- 00:23:55time big recessions but nominal GDP is
- 00:23:58explo clothing because they have 10,000%
- 00:24:00inflation so so so it makes a big
- 00:24:05difference especially over
- 00:24:09time this is just so you get the picture
- 00:24:11the complete picture for the US this is
- 00:24:13a GDP growth in the US since we have
- 00:24:16national accounts okay and some
- 00:24:19noticeable things well again
- 00:24:21recessions this was a big recession
- 00:24:23remember we call this the Great
- 00:24:25Recession big recession and well this is
- 00:24:29covid and then this is 2020 and then
- 00:24:32they bounce back in 2021 when we reopen
- 00:24:34the economy big growth but that's very
- 00:24:36anomalous I mean that's a very weird
- 00:24:38shock okay but that's a you see these
- 00:24:41are all the shaded areas are
- 00:24:43recessions recessions are defined in a
- 00:24:46slightly more complicated way than that
- 00:24:48but one sort of er popular way of
- 00:24:52describing ression is as episode where
- 00:24:55you have two consecutive quarters of
- 00:24:57negative inflation that's not the formal
- 00:24:59definition of res but it's pretty close
- 00:25:01okay and so so that's that's what you
- 00:25:05have
- 00:25:06there another concept is an employment
- 00:25:10rate the unemployment rate so that's GDP
- 00:25:13and we're going to the in the first part
- 00:25:14of the course we want to worry a lot
- 00:25:16about that we're going to build a model
- 00:25:18on how to find equilibrium H GDP okay
- 00:25:22and we're going to see what happens with
- 00:25:23fiscal policy with monetary policy how
- 00:25:25how does equilibrium GDP macroeconomic
- 00:25:28EIC output changes with different forms
- 00:25:31of policies or when consumers get scared
- 00:25:33or stuff like that
- 00:25:38okay what about the unemployment rate
- 00:25:40the unemployment rate is not something
- 00:25:41we want to worry a lot about until the
- 00:25:44second part of the course after quiz one
- 00:25:46but I still I want to get over with
- 00:25:48these
- 00:25:48definitions so what is employment is a
- 00:25:51number of people who have a job that's
- 00:25:53easy unemployment is slightly less easy
- 00:25:57because it's first of all obviously to
- 00:25:59be an employee you don't have to have a
- 00:26:00you cannot have a job so but it's not
- 00:26:03enough that you don't have a
- 00:26:06job is an
- 00:26:08unemployed person is somebody that
- 00:26:10doesn't have a job and is looking for
- 00:26:13one
- 00:26:16okay not all unemployed people look for
- 00:26:18your job not all non-employed people are
- 00:26:21looking for
- 00:26:22jobs okay so un to be unemployed you
- 00:26:26need to not have a job and be looking
- 00:26:29for one the labor force what we call the
- 00:26:32labor force is the sum of those two
- 00:26:34groups the employed and the unemployed
- 00:26:37that would like to get a
- 00:26:39job
- 00:26:41okay the unemployment rate which is
- 00:26:44something I showed you in the previous
- 00:26:45lecture is just a ratio of these two
- 00:26:48concepts the unemployed over the labor
- 00:26:50force notice over the labor force not
- 00:26:53population the labor force which is a
- 00:26:55sum of the employed and those that are
- 00:26:58unemployed that do not have a job and
- 00:27:01are looking for a job
- 00:27:05okay how how is an employment measure in
- 00:27:09the US is mostly a survey and I have the
- 00:27:11the the info there it's called the CPS
- 00:27:15the current population survey that
- 00:27:17consults lots of households and they ask
- 00:27:20them about the employment status whether
- 00:27:21they have been looking for a job over
- 00:27:23the last two weeks or not and so on and
- 00:27:25that's the way we come up with with the
- 00:27:27number as as I said before H those that
- 00:27:30do not have a job but are not looking
- 00:27:32for a job they haven't been looking for
- 00:27:33a job in the last two weeks are called
- 00:27:36not in the labor force that's that's
- 00:27:38what we say now these concepts are
- 00:27:41between an employed and not in the labor
- 00:27:44force is it's not not that clear we we
- 00:27:47we look at the employment rate but we
- 00:27:49also tend to look at those people as
- 00:27:50well because many people are simply
- 00:27:52discouraged they would like to get a job
- 00:27:54but they have been looking for a while
- 00:27:56and they haven't found it and it it
- 00:27:58happens that there is a lot more
- 00:27:59discouraged workers during recessions
- 00:28:03and when you're having a big recession
- 00:28:05it's very difficult to find a job so
- 00:28:06it's very easy to get discourage and so
- 00:28:09that's the reason we look at broader
- 00:28:10measures of non-employment than the
- 00:28:12typical unemployment rate because a lot
- 00:28:15of
- 00:28:15those not in the labor force people that
- 00:28:18do not have a job and are not looking
- 00:28:19for a job are really discouraged they
- 00:28:21just give up after a while
- 00:28:24okay the participation rate and that's a
- 00:28:27very important concept something you
- 00:28:29would have ignored most of the time is
- 00:28:31very critical at this moment the
- 00:28:33participation rate is the ratio of the
- 00:28:35labor force to the total population of
- 00:28:39working age and you exclude people you
- 00:28:41know in prison and stuff like that but
- 00:28:43but a so it's label force is which is
- 00:28:48the sum of the employed and the
- 00:28:49unemployed divided by those that could
- 00:28:51work in
- 00:28:53principle okay and that we call that's
- 00:28:56what we call the participation rate
- 00:28:59how do these numbers look I showed you
- 00:29:01this picture in the previous uh lecture
- 00:29:05and that's the unemployment rate it
- 00:29:08skyrocketed during covid but it has
- 00:29:10declined enormously and as I said in the
- 00:29:12previous lecture a big issue is that the
- 00:29:15unemployment rate today is extremely low
- 00:29:17we haven't seen levels like this since
- 00:29:18the early
- 00:29:2060s okay the unemployment rate today is
- 00:29:24at record low levels and that's a
- 00:29:26problem some wonderful but it's also as
- 00:29:29a problem because we have an inflation
- 00:29:31problem and those two things are
- 00:29:32connected as you will learn later on in
- 00:29:34the course okay but that's what we have
- 00:29:37right now that's the unemployment rate
- 00:29:39now the reason the unemployment rate is
- 00:29:41so low there are two reasons really one
- 00:29:45is that there was lots of stimulus
- 00:29:47policy fiscal policy monetary policy so
- 00:29:49aggregate demand and consumers that were
- 00:29:51fed up of being locked out of
- 00:29:54restaurants and trips and so on for two
- 00:29:56years you know decided to travel and so
- 00:29:57on so so and they had lots of
- 00:30:00savings the the US consumer accumulated
- 00:30:03excess saving of $2.7 trillion and now
- 00:30:06they're spending this time China a big
- 00:30:08reason why people expect a big bounce
- 00:30:10back is because they also had a lot of
- 00:30:12savings because they were locked up for
- 00:30:14for quite some time so so as a result of
- 00:30:18that there's lots of demand for goods
- 00:30:20and as you're going to learn in the next
- 00:30:22lecture that means lots of output as
- 00:30:24well H but the second H reason
- 00:30:30is the
- 00:30:34following is the participation rate okay
- 00:30:38people haven't come back to work in the
- 00:30:41magnitudes that we expected so that's a
- 00:30:43participation rate in the US remember
- 00:30:46participation rate is labor force over
- 00:30:49all those that could work in principle
- 00:30:51okay ER what do you think is this look
- 00:30:55at the participation rate used to be in
- 00:30:57the 6 below 60s and then there was a big
- 00:31:00rise in the participation rate in the
- 00:31:02US what do you think is this due
- 00:31:05to women joining work women yeah joining
- 00:31:09the workforce that's what it
- 00:31:11did okay that's that since then since
- 00:31:15just women did all that they had to do
- 00:31:16sort of we have been declining and that
- 00:31:18that's that's an issue but ER but look
- 00:31:24at what happened here lots of people
- 00:31:26exit the labor force during covid I mean
- 00:31:28you know they had to take care of the
- 00:31:29kids and and and or or the elderly and
- 00:31:33so people withdrew from the labor force
- 00:31:35they didn't want a job it was also
- 00:31:37discouraging it was very difficult to
- 00:31:38get a job for iag you work in a
- 00:31:41restaurant it was impossible to get a
- 00:31:42job in a restaurant so but everyone
- 00:31:46expected this to recover to the previous
- 00:31:50level and it hasn't okay so you be you
- 00:31:53see that the participation rate has not
- 00:31:55come back to the levels preo is
- 00:31:58substantially below and that's one of
- 00:32:00the reasons you know that restaurants
- 00:32:02complain that they don't have workers
- 00:32:04and so on so forth is that many people
- 00:32:06haven't come back to a labor force we
- 00:32:09thought this was going to be temporary
- 00:32:11now there's a concern that a lot of that
- 00:32:12is really permanent people decided that
- 00:32:15you know life at home wasn't that bad
- 00:32:17after all less income but but they spend
- 00:32:20more time with the kids or whatever and
- 00:32:23so H ER and that's an issue and that
- 00:32:26that's a big reason behind
- 00:32:28the low unemployment rate and the fact
- 00:32:30that we have all this inflation has to
- 00:32:33do with everyone in particular the fed
- 00:32:36miscalculated the bounce back of of the
- 00:32:39participation
- 00:32:42rate
- 00:32:44good so as I said before we're not going
- 00:32:46to look at labor market issues until
- 00:32:49sort of the second part of the course
- 00:32:50after quiz one and the same is for
- 00:32:53inflation we're not going to look at
- 00:32:54inflation issues until the second part
- 00:32:57of of the course because to connect them
- 00:33:00I mean I they are connected and we're
- 00:33:02not going to look at Labor markets until
- 00:33:05sort of a lecture from now or so okay
- 00:33:08but let's look at but this is an
- 00:33:09important variable and certainly
- 00:33:10something you're facing every single day
- 00:33:11in the newspapers and so on the
- 00:33:13inflation rate so by inflation when you
- 00:33:16hear inflation that typically means the
- 00:33:19sustained rise in the general level of
- 00:33:22prices so it's not that the price of
- 00:33:24cars went up relative to the price of
- 00:33:25hotels or now down price hotel is that
- 00:33:29on average prices are rising that's what
- 00:33:31we call an inflation
- 00:33:34inflation um so we're going to call the
- 00:33:38price level PT and there are many
- 00:33:41different price levels all you see so
- 00:33:43the inflation rate when you hear the
- 00:33:45inflation rate is the rate of change of
- 00:33:48that price
- 00:33:50level an episode of
- 00:33:52deflation the opposite of what we're
- 00:33:54experiencing now where we're exper
- 00:33:56inflation is when that inflation rate is
- 00:33:59negative Japan most prominently has
- 00:34:02experienced something like that not now
- 00:34:04but experienced it for on and off for
- 00:34:06the last three decades or so um so what
- 00:34:11is the price level there are many ways
- 00:34:12of defining it and then there many
- 00:34:14different price levels a very popular
- 00:34:16one is what is called the GDP deflator
- 00:34:20and it's the one you see Le you is never
- 00:34:22mentioned in the newspapers okay but we
- 00:34:24economists tend to look at the deflator
- 00:34:26the deflator is nothing else than the
- 00:34:27ratio of nominal GDP to real GDP another
- 00:34:31one is far more popular and more
- 00:34:33relevant for you as consumers is what we
- 00:34:35call the Consumer Price Index that's the
- 00:34:38CPI you hear CPI that's what it is so
- 00:34:42it's it's it's it's you calculate the
- 00:34:44rate of inflation from the CPI you
- 00:34:45calculate the same way but you use a CPI
- 00:34:48there instead of the GDP deflator now it
- 00:34:52turns
- 00:34:53out H that obviously confused with it it
- 00:34:57turns out that these two measures are
- 00:34:58sort of pretty well aligned okay there
- 00:35:01are differences that may be interesting
- 00:35:02at some specific point in time but they
- 00:35:04tell you more or less the same picture
- 00:35:06in particular there is absolutely no
- 00:35:08doubt that we have an inflation problem
- 00:35:10these days you can be as selective as
- 00:35:12you want with the price index you want
- 00:35:13to use and people are getting very
- 00:35:15selective now we have CPI
- 00:35:18excluding
- 00:35:20ER well one thing that that makes a lot
- 00:35:23of sense is to exclude the most volatile
- 00:35:25Goods so typically the CPI we we use
- 00:35:28what called core CPI which removes
- 00:35:30energy and food which are very volatile
- 00:35:33prices you don't want the thing to be
- 00:35:34moving all over the place but now we're
- 00:35:36also beginning to remove shelter because
- 00:35:38shelter inflation is very high and
- 00:35:40sticky and so on so so people can get to
- 00:35:42be very selective but no matter how you
- 00:35:44look at the thing we have a problem okay
- 00:35:47that there's no way around that so
- 00:35:49that's the the way again we're not going
- 00:35:51to look we're going to talk a lot about
- 00:35:53this problem of course but we need to
- 00:35:56build tools and and we're going to get
- 00:35:58there in about nine lectures from now
- 00:36:00okay nine lectures from now we're going
- 00:36:02to be able to talk about what what is
- 00:36:03going on in with Ms I mean you can talk
- 00:36:06whenever you want but with
- 00:36:08Ms okay so that those are the concepts I
- 00:36:11wanted to discuss today those are the
- 00:36:13definitions and relief that we got over
- 00:36:15this stuff let me just show you we have
- 00:36:17five minutes or
- 00:36:19so
- 00:36:20er equivalent numbers for other places
- 00:36:24around the world that's
- 00:36:25China okay
- 00:36:28that's China That's GDP growth for China
- 00:36:31and there are several things you can see
- 00:36:32from for this GDP series the first is
- 00:36:36that it was very high this these numbers
- 00:36:38look a lot on average it's a lot higher
- 00:36:40than the US when I show you the US you
- 00:36:42know the rate of growth was moving
- 00:36:43around 2% one and a half perc blah blah
- 00:36:45blah occasionally recessions and so on
- 00:36:47this is China look you had you know
- 00:36:50numbers like 10% or so that's
- 00:36:52interesting we want to know why is that
- 00:36:55you can have so much difference in
- 00:36:57different countries okay and and that's
- 00:37:00what we're going to do in the third part
- 00:37:01of the course when we look at growth
- 00:37:03we're going to look at these kind of
- 00:37:05factors what can give you sustained rate
- 00:37:07of growth sustain I mean for a long
- 00:37:10period of time higher than in another
- 00:37:12country the the main factor just to
- 00:37:16preview what will happen is is
- 00:37:19H is simply that China was a lot poorer
- 00:37:23than the us at the beginning and when
- 00:37:25you're poorer and you put your act
- 00:37:27together you can grow a lot faster than
- 00:37:29the rest now China is slowing down aside
- 00:37:33from covid it's very clear for quite
- 00:37:35some time that they have been worried
- 00:37:37because clearly GDP growth is
- 00:37:41declining okay and and and they're
- 00:37:44terrified about that and and and many of
- 00:37:46the things that are happening with China
- 00:37:48have to do with the fear Associated to
- 00:37:52uh slow down in the rate of growth when
- 00:37:54they are still quite poor in per
- 00:37:58terms okay so that's a lot of what
- 00:38:01happens in China has to do with
- 00:38:04that if you look at Japan look at Japan
- 00:38:08Japan also grew very fast in the 60s
- 00:38:12okay you see this very fast rate of
- 00:38:15growth then it began to slow down and
- 00:38:18pom here collapse they have a massive
- 00:38:20crash in the in in in financial markets
- 00:38:23equities and land the price of land was
- 00:38:26enormous in Japan at this time it had a
- 00:38:27big Financial
- 00:38:29bubble you know for those of you that
- 00:38:31know Japan or if you don't know it
- 00:38:32doesn't matter there's a the Imperial
- 00:38:34Park in Tokyo which is a park that is
- 00:38:36much smaller than Central Park or
- 00:38:38whatever the value of that land at some
- 00:38:40point in time was the same as the value
- 00:38:42of the entire State of California okay
- 00:38:45that's the order of magnitude it was not
- 00:38:47for sale but you know in terms of
- 00:38:49location times price but that's that
- 00:38:52bubble crash and since then Japan has
- 00:38:55never been able to recover its modu okay
- 00:38:57it has been sort of growing at a very
- 00:38:59low rate for a very long period of time
- 00:39:02and one of the things that scares China
- 00:39:04is that this may happen to them because
- 00:39:08this happened to Japan when they were
- 00:39:09already quite Rich Japan was pretty poor
- 00:39:11after the war naturally and they grew
- 00:39:13very fast in the 60s but then they had
- 00:39:16this issue Financial bubble and so on
- 00:39:18they crashing had never been able to
- 00:39:20recover and China is worried that you
- 00:39:23know that this slowdown happens to them
- 00:39:25ER before they have acquire reached sort
- 00:39:28of the level of income per capita that
- 00:39:31Japan reach when that
- 00:39:34happened they common factors behind the
- 00:39:36two of them as well demographic factors
- 00:39:38demographics are very negative for both
- 00:39:40of them and which naturally will slow
- 00:39:42down the rate of growth we're going to
- 00:39:43look at that later this is inflation in
- 00:39:47Japan H you see sort of the most
- 00:39:49countries had high inflation around
- 00:39:51there because the the were the price of
- 00:39:54oil they with massive oil shocks and so
- 00:39:56on so inflation was pretty high but the
- 00:39:58problem of Japan has been the opposite
- 00:40:01since the bubble crash in the late 80s
- 00:40:04early 990s they have had very low
- 00:40:07inflation
- 00:40:09H even deflation and that's been a big
- 00:40:12problem part of the reason why they have
- 00:40:15had so low growth is because they have
- 00:40:17been in this deflationary trap and then
- 00:40:19you something you will will look at
- 00:40:21later on in the course when when you
- 00:40:23have deflation it's pretty it's very
- 00:40:26difficult to use monetary policy to get
- 00:40:27out of a recession and that's the reason
- 00:40:30they keep getting a stack
- 00:40:32there so that's all I wanted to say for
- 00:40:34today and I'm relief again that this
- 00:40:36lecture is behind us in the next lecture
- 00:40:38we're going to introduce the first model
- 00:40:40what we're going to look at is is H is
- 00:40:43how to determine equilibrium GDP and how
- 00:40:45that depends on on the a variety of
- 00:40:49things including fiscal policy not
- 00:40:51monetary policy that will happen later
- 00:40:54um but uh how scared you are consumers
- 00:40:58preferences and fears and so on so
- 00:41:01that's the plan so unless there are any
- 00:41:03questions about
- 00:41:05this
- 00:41:07no so see you next Monday
- macroeconomie
- inflation
- croissance économique
- chômage
- marché du travail
- définitions économiques
- économie mondiale