Mixing Bass Guitar | Fat Bottomed Tips by Joe Barresi



TLDRDina video ieu, pangarasor ngabahas cara ngolah sora bass dina rékaman pikeun meunang sora anu optimal. Pangarasor nyaritakeun metode pikeun ngagabungkeun Direct Input (DI) sareng amp pikeun meunangkeun cita rasa sora anu langkung jero sareng harmonis. Manéhna muji pentingna ngatur fase relatif antara kanal anu beda pikeun ngahindarkeun pembatalan sora anu teu dihoyongkeun. Video ogé nyadiakeun tip kumaha ngagunakeun plugin pikeun ngabenerkeun 'dead spot' dina tracking bass sarta ngabina sora anu lemes. Pangarasor ogé nyorot pentingna bereksperimen nu teu formal pikeun ngajaga kreativitas nalika ngedit audio.


  • 🎸 Ngagabungkeun DI sareng amp penting pikeun sora bass anu beunghar.
  • 🎧 Pentingna nyocogkeun fase antara kanal sora.
  • 🎚️ Plugin tiasa ngabenerkeun sora bass anu teu saimbang.
  • 🔄 Reamping sering dianggo pikeun ningkatkeun kualitas sora.
  • 🔊 Eksperimen sareng jenis efek pikeun gelecakeun 'bottom end'.
  • 🛠️ Pamakéan hardware nu pas bisa mangaruhan kualitas sora.
  • 📈 Mengatur fase ogé tiasa nyegah pembatalan sora.
  • 📌 Sora amp ngahasilkeun bas sub dan serangan pick anu luhur.
  • 🎛️ Memilih antara plugin biru atau hideung sesuai kebutuhan.
  • 🎵 Variasi sora bisa dicapai liwat reamping sareng ekualisasi.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:07:40

    Video dimimitian ku ngenalkeun sorangan salaku Breezy anu ngawartosan yén anjeunna bakal ngabahas ngeunaan cara ngarékam bass gitar. Anjeunna resep ngalakukeun DI jeung dua ampli, hiji bersih jeung hiji deui kotor pikeun meunangkeun saimbang dina sora. Anjeunna sering malihkeun deui bass pikeun meunangkeun fase nu langkung sae. Anjeunna debatkeun ngagunakeun DI nu béda gumantung kana band jeung lagu. Anjeunna nyobian nyaluyukeun fase antara DI jeung ampli nu teuing. Fase anu henteu cukup pas tiasa ngabolaykeun sorana, tapi kadang-kadang ngabantosan dina trek anu padet. AnjeunalNG sepuhna nyarankeun pikeun ngulinkeun ke, ngabandingkeun DI sareng ampli, sarta ngawartosan ngeunaan pentingna nyaluyukeun mikropon pikeun meunangkeun fase anu pas. Anjeunna ngabahas teknik ngagunakeun plugin pikeun nimpa bass anu teu kadenger.



  • Naon tujuan ngagabungkeun DI jeung amp dina ngolah sora bass?

    Ngagabungkeun DI sareng amp dianggo pikeun kéngingkeun sora bass anu leuwih lega, kombinasi tina sora anu bersih tina DI sareng sora distorsi tina amp.

  • Kumaha cara nyéréskeun masalah 'dead spot' dina sora bass?

    Biasana pangreasa bakal ngagunakeun Renaissance Bass atawa plugin anu sarupa pikeun nambahkeun beunghar sora di titik anu lemah.

  • Naon anu kudu diperhatikan waktu nyusun fase sora antara DI sareng amp?

    Pikiran fase relatif antara DI sareng amp penting pikeun ngajauhkeun pembatalan, malahan pembatalan sora bisa mawa kana hasil anu positif dina lagu anu padet.

  • Naha anjeun sering reamp bass dina sesi rekaman?

    Leres, sembilan tina sapuluh kakara bakal reamp sora bass sangkan leuwih saimbang mono kualitasna.

  • Sora amp anu dipaké dina video ieu dikarakterisasikeun ku naon?

    Sora amp dina video ieu umumna ngagaduhan sub anu beunghar sareng serangan petikan (pick attack) anu kuat.

  • Kumaha cara ngurus 'bottom end' dina sesi ngabubarkeun sora bass?

    Ngurus 'bottom end' gaduh pamilihan plugin anu leres, sapertos nambah Low Air pikeun nada anu langkung beurat atanapi MaxxBass pikeun potongan basa anu langkung pasti.


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  • 00:00:00
    hey guys still breezy here welcome back
  • 00:00:02
    thanks for tuning in we're gonna dive
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    into a little bass guitar for the most
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    part I always love recording a DI and
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    two amps usually one amp is on the
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    cleaner side one happens on the dirtier
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    side so I can have you know a balanced
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    nine out of ten times I'll always reamp
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    something as well let me just solo these
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    up for you for a second you can check
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    out was here this is the DI track I'm a
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    big fan of like fatter sounding directs
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    I mean for me it's really the sound of
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    the DI and I'll change the eyes track
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    per track actually depending on the band
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    and the song itself sometimes the DI you
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    want a DI that's warm and round
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    sometimes you want a DI that's bright
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    and aggressive so it kind of depends
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    but you can see it has a lot of dynamic
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    built in I didn't level it on the way in
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    here's one amp sound it's got some sub
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    to it it's also got some pick attack and
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    this one's labeled this Distortion
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  • 00:01:13
    when I put these two together
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    three so are given my bottom man out of
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    di and then there's a ramp track and it
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    sounds like this it's got some hair on
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    it and unlike me
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    is it seems like you can get bass dirty
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    in a track and it really kind of holds
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    it all together I will spend some time
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    getting these in phase as well the
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    relative phase as we talked about
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    earlier for instance obviously was a di
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    there's an amplifier the Beast is gonna
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    go into this direct box comes out of
  • 00:01:54
    direct box into an amp out of the app
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    into a speaker out speaker in a
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    microphone through a recording chain and
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    at that point the amplifier sound that's
  • 00:02:02
    gonna be later in time compared to the
  • 00:02:03
    direct so a little bit of experimenting
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    on getting it a little better in phase I
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    might actually start between the DI and
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    one amp di and second amp the two amps
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    themselves kind of flipping the phase
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    for the most part though I'm looking for
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    a blend and see how the blend works if
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    things don't sound like they're
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    canceling sometimes sometimes the
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    cancellation honestly on the track
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    that's really dense sometimes the
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    cancellation is good I'm not making
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    these decisions in solo either at this
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    point the drums are gonna be going I've
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    had some guitars up is the bass cutting
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    what's the combination of the base and
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    it could change in sections too and in
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    these there's a true story somebody
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    actually came to me one day was like I'm
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    really unhappy with the mix that I've
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    done on my album can you help me and I'm
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    like what don't you like and they're
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    like I don't really like the bass
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    sounded there's no bottom and I just had
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    the person bring over the tracks and
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    pushed him up and pushed the DI in the
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    amp up and hit the phase on one of them
  • 00:02:59
    and the bass was there and they're like
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    hey that's awesome mike has a face which
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    so uh you know instead of be cueing the
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    hell out of something it's just really
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    starting to think in terms of is it you
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    know did the engineer spent enough time
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    moving the microphone around so actually
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    it was reinforcing and not canceling but
  • 00:03:17
    a lot of times under recording a bass or
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    you get tracks in that somebody else is
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    recorded and they didn't really pay
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    attention to certain notes are there are
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    dead spots on the bass so when you get
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    into that spot where you have a dead
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    spot you have all this beautiful low-end
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    happening and all sudden you get a dead
  • 00:03:32
    spot sometimes just putting Renaissance
  • 00:03:35
    bass or something like it max bass or
  • 00:03:37
    whatever on that track and turning it on
  • 00:03:40
    and off for that note normally I would
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    reach for volume first maybe that the
  • 00:03:44
    note is not really speaking but
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    sometimes to the note is just dead
  • 00:03:48
    Renaissance bassist really makes it boy
  • 00:03:50
    you'll hear it right now
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    so what I'm gonna do is just solo up
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    this bass track nine out of ten times
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    I'm gonna probably have the CLA 1176 up
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    I just want to control it a little bit
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    on the way into the console I really
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    like the way it sounds and all
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    experiment obviously with the attack and
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    release is to get it you know sitting
  • 00:04:17
    nice I'll use the black instead of the
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    blue because the blue is really
  • 00:04:21
    characterized as a little more distorted
  • 00:04:23
    which is great for bass but it's also a
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    bit brighter and on this di that I'm
  • 00:04:27
    trying to really capture the low-end my
  • 00:04:29
    di is my featured the thing is the DI is
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    because it's not coming out of speaker
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    there's no mic picking it up it's very
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    solid and I'm looking to maintain as
  • 00:04:37
    much low as possible so I'm using the
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    black it's dead a little bluer for that
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    reason always use the plugin plugin is a
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    very easily controllable I might use the
  • 00:04:47
    hardware on something else and I only
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    have two and minor silver which is a
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    kind of a different ballgame and
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    honestly I don't really even get into
  • 00:04:55
    the different revisions anymore I really
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    don't care
  • 00:04:57
    it just has a color to it if this was a
  • 00:05:00
    ballad I might not use this 1176 I might
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    actually use the la-2a version something
  • 00:05:07
    that's a little fatter and rounder the
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    eyes for me are really kind of 75% of
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    the bass sound I'm just gonna insert
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    honest on space here
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    as you can tell it's a little bit loud
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    but it's adding so much for that
  • 00:05:20
    beautiful round bottom man that I'm
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    missing it's a whole nother octave down
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  • 00:05:35
    if our base doesn't cut it maxxbass
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    might cut it if maxxbass isn't cutting
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    it you know maybe low airs gonna cut it
  • 00:05:43
    and I'll just give you a quick example a
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    little air is one of my new discoveries
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    so this is obviously set for no direct
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  • 00:06:05
    and this thing is this gargantuan on the
  • 00:06:08
    bottom man if you just get rid of some
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    of this I might actually just keep that
  • 00:06:12
    going underneath that's just some
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    serious Rumble down there Renaissance
  • 00:06:19
    bassist really might go to low air is
  • 00:06:21
    more for like the patty or stuff or
  • 00:06:23
    keyboards synthesizers and things that I
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    want this kind of just super crazy fat
  • 00:06:27
    low-end or from doing more soundtrack
  • 00:06:30
    e-type stuff or something that's slower
  • 00:06:32
    this is a very fast song so I'm probably
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    not gonna use low air on this track also
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    you know do crazy stuff like cut it out
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    and process it differently this probably
  • 00:06:40
    went through some guitar pedals for this
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    very party
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  • 00:06:48
    so obviously processed with some sort of
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    EQ but let's just check out the bass in
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  • 00:06:55
  • 00:06:56
  • 00:07:10
  • 00:07:16
    so that's kind of really it on bass
  • 00:07:23
    stars at Sunday
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  • 00:07:35
  • Bass
  • Rekaman Sora
  • DI
  • Amp
  • Ngolah Sora
  • Phase
  • Renaissance Bass
  • Plugin
  • Lagu
  • Dead Spot