◄ St Peters Basilica, Rome [HD] ►



TLDRSv. Pētera bazilika, kas atrodas Romā, ir viens no nozīmīgākajiem katoļu ticības centriem un to uzskata par vienu no skaistākajām ēkām pasaulē. Bazilikas vēsture sniedzas gandrīz 2000 gadu senatnē, tai piemīt lielākā krustnieciskā baznīcas iekštelpa un tā spēj atsaukties vairāk nekā 60'000 cilvēku. Bazilika ir celta Sv. Pētera, pirma Romas bīskapa, godam, pie kuras greznojuma piedalījās tādi ievērojami mākslinieki kā Mikelandželo un Bernīni. Būve ietver pasaules lielāko kupolu un iespaidīgu Sv. Pētera laukumu, kas veicina unikālo pozīciju kristīgajā pasaulē. Bazilikas iekšienē var redzēt dažādus slavenus mākslas darbus un reliģiskās artefaktus, piemēram, Mikelandželo "Pietā" un Bernīni Pāvesta altāri. Sv. Pētera lielajos kapiņos tiek apglabāti vairāki pāvesti, un ikviens var uzkāpt līdz bazilikas kupolam, no kurienes paveras elpu aizraujošs Romas skats.


  • 🏛️ Sv. Pētera bazilika ir viens no svarīgākajiem kristiešu reliģiskajiem centriem.
  • 📐 Tā ir lielākā kristiešu baznīca pasaulē ar iespaidīgu kupolu.
  • 🕰️ Bazilikas vēsture aizsākas apmēram pirms 2000 gadiem.
  • 🎨 Ievērojami mākslinieki kā Mikelandželo un Bernīni veidojuši tās dizainu.
  • 🕌 Kupols piedāvā pārsteidzošu skatu pār Romas pilsētu.
  • 🕌 Sv. Pētera tas ir arī apbedījuma vieta vairākiem pāvestiem.
  • 🌟 Tiek uzskatīta par vienu no skaistākajām ēkām pasaulē.
  • 💧 Sv. Pētera laukumā ir divas iespaidīgas strūklakas.
  • ✝️ Bazilikā atrodas daudz svarīgu kristietības artefaktu.
  • 🗿 Sv. Pētera un Pāvila statujas ir redzamas pie fasādes.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:09:20

    Svētais Pētera bazilikas bazilika tiek uzskatīta par vienu no skaistākajām ēkām pasaulē, kas ir nozīmīgs katoļu ticības centrs un vēsturiski ievērojama kristiešu vieta. Tā ir milzīga celtne ar iespaidīgu ietilpību un garu vēsturi, sākot gandrīz pirms 2000 gadiem. Tā ir nosaukta apustuļa Pētera vārdā, kurš bija nozīmīgs kristīgās baznīcas dibināšanā. Pēc Jēzus krustā sišanas Pēteris Romā tika nogalināts un apbedīts netālu no nāves vietas. Pirmais kristietis impērijas ķeizars Konstantīns šajā vietā uzbūvēja baziliku, kura ar laiku kļuva par vienu no grandiozākajām kristīgajām ēkām un tika veidota, iesaistot slavenos arhitektus, tostarp Mikelandželo. Viņš radīja pašreizējās bazilikas galveno dizainu, kas celta ar 218 metru garo ieeju un lielāko kupolu pasaulē.



  • Kas ir lielākā kristiešu baznīca pasaulē?

    Lielākā kristiešu baznīca pasaulē ir Sv. Pētera bazilika Romā.

  • Kāpēc Sv. Pētera bazilika nosaukta Sv. Pētera vārdā?

    Sv. Pētera bazilika ir nosaukta svētā Pētera, Jēzus apustuļa, vārdā, kurš tiek uzskatīts par pirmo Romas bīskapu un pirmais pāvestu secībā.

  • Kad sāka būvēt Sv. Pētera baziliku?

    Jauno grandiozo baziliku sāka būvēt 1506. gadā, kad pāvests Jūlijs II nolicis pirmo akmeni.

  • Kur atrodas Sv. Pētera bazilikas apbedījumi?

    Sv. Pētera bazilikas apbedījumi galvenokārt atrodas kriptā, kur atrodas vairāku pāvestu kapenes.

  • Kas ir četri galvenie arhitekti un mākslinieki, kas piedalījās bazilikas izveidē?

    Bazilikas izveidē piedalījās vairāki ievērojami arhitekti un mākslinieki, to skaitā bija Mikelandželo un Bernīni.

  • Kā mērens būvprojekts pie bazilikas mākslas esamību?

    Bazilikas iekšējo daļu rotā daudzi slaveni mākslinieki, īpaši Svētā Pētera tronis un Bernīni altāris.

  • Kas ir Sv. Pētera laukuma centrālais elements?

    Sv. Pētera laukuma centrālais elements ir impresīvā Ēģiptes obelisks.

  • Kad notika bazilikas priekšējās fasādes būvniecība?

    Bazilikas priekšējā fasāde tika uzbūvēta 17. gadsimtā ar Kārļa Maderno dizainu.

  • Kādi ir galvenie objekti pie bazilikas fasādes?

    Pie bazilikas fasādes ir redzami divi lieli svētā Pētera un Pāvila statujas, kuras pasūtīja pāvests Pijs IX.

  • Vai var uzkāpt Sv. Pētera bazilikas galvenajā kupolā?

    Jā, jūs varat uzkāpt Sv. Pētera bazilikas galvenajā kupolā, izmantojot liftu vai kāpnes.


即时访问由人工智能支持的免费 YouTube 视频摘要!
  • 00:00:09
    Welcome to St. Peter's Basilica and what many rate as the most beautiful building ever made.
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    For centuries, this basilica has been the center for the Catholic faith and it is regarded
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    as one of the holiest Christian sites of all.
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    St. Peter's Basilica is one of the very largest religious buildings ever and has the largest
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    interior of any Christian church in the world.
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    It has an impressive total capacity of over 60,000 people.
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    The history of the basilica dates back almost 2000 years.
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    The basilica is named after Saint Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and according
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    to the tradition, the first Bishop of Rome.
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    Saint Peter is therefore the first in the line of the papal succession.
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    After the crucifixion of Jesus in the 1st century, Peter took a leading position among
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    Jesus' followers and was of great importance in the founding of the Christian Church.
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    It is believed that Peter met his martyrdom during a travel to Rome in year 64.
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    The crucifixion took place near an ancient Egyptian obelisk in the Circus of Nero.
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    This obelisk is the very same one that you can see standing in the center of the St Peter's
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    Peter was buried near the Circus of Nero, less than 150 meters from the place of his
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    A few years later, a small shrine was built on the site to honor him.
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    Almost 300 years later, the shrine was replaced by a basilica on order by the first Christian
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    Emperor of Rome, Constantine the first.
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    Over the course of time, the basilica more and more fell into a ruinous state.
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    In order to combat this, Pope Nicolas the 5th ordered the restoration and enlargement
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    of the basilica in the 15th century.
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    The work on the new grand basilica didn't start until after Pope Nicolas death, when
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    then new pope, Julius the second, laid the first stone of the new basilica in 1506.
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    Throughout the project, several noted architects and artists were involved.
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    The most prominent one was the renowned artist and architect, Michelangelo.
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    He was the chief architect and was responsible for its main design as well as several other
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    Michelangelo never got to see his work fully completed, as he died in 1624, two years before
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    the St. Peter's Basilica was dedicated by Pope Urban the 8th.
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    The building itself is truly massive with its 218 meter long nave.
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    The basilica's dome is the world's largest, measuring 42m in diameter and reaches an impressive
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    138 meters towards the sky.
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    The square in front of the basilica was built between 1656 and 1667, designed by Bernini.
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    The centerpiece is the impressive Egyptian obelisk you can see in the middle, flanked
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    by two stunning fountains.
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    The obelisk dates back to the 13th century BC and was brought from Egypt to Rome in the
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    1st century.
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    It was moved to its present location in the 16th century on order of Pope Sixtus the 5th.
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    The obelisk stands 40 meters tall, including the cross that crowns it.
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    The square is outlined by an open colonnade, symbolically welcoming the visitors into the
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    Catholic Church with open arms.
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    A little fun fact is that there is a circular stone between the obelisk and each fountain.
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    If you stand on one of these circular stones and look towards the colonnade, the rows of
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    columns will line up flawlessly and appear to be just a single row.
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    As you can see, the colonnade is crowned with not one, not two, but 140 beautiful statues.
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    These statues were sculptured by a number of different artists during the 17th century
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    and depict Christian saints.
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    Now, let's turn our attention to the front façade of the basilica.
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    The façade was built by Carlo Maderno and stretches almost 120 meters.
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    In the middle of the façade, you can see the classical central balcony.
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    This balcony is called Loggia of the Blessings and is used for the announcement of the new
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    Underneath the balcony, you can see a relief depicting Christ giving the keys to St. Peter.
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    Above the balcony, you can read a long inscription.
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    Translated it means; "Paul the 5th Borghese, Roman, Supreme Pontiff,
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    in the year 1612, the seventh of his pontificate, erected in honor of the Prince of Apostles".
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    The façade is crowned with 13 statues made in beautiful travertine.
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    These statues depict Christ the Redeemer in the center, flanked by the twelve apostles.
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    If you look at either side of the stairs, you will see two more statues, significantly
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    larger than the ones on top of the façade.
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    These statues represent the patron saints of Rome.
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    Look towards the basilica, you will have St Peter on your left side and St Paul to the
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    These were ordered by Pope Pius the 9th in mid 19th century, who wanted to replace the
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    existing smaller ones.
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    If you are impressed with the beauty of the exterior of the basilica, just wait until
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    you enter it.
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    Inside you will discover the most amazing church you have ever seen.
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    The building's interior really displays the wealth of the Catholic Church in the 16th
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    The interior, which includes 45 altars, is decorated by many famous artists.
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    Some of the most important works is the Pietà by Michelangelo aswell as the papal altar
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    and the Throne of St. Peter by Bernini.
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    Just make sure you are properly dressed before you enter, as a strict dress code is enforced.
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    You can also find the tombs of several Popes inside the basilica.
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    Tradition and some historical evidence hold that Saint Peter's tomb is directly below
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    the main altar of the basilica.
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    This is the reason why many Popes have been interred at St Peter's ever since the Early
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    Christian period.
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    The majority of the tombs are found in the crypt which is well worth a visit as it also
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    contains architectural fragments from the earlier churches.
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    Today, St. Peter's is famous as a place of pilgrimage as well as millions of tourists.
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    It is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List and is considered one of the greatest
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    buildings ever built.
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    It has been described as "holding a unique position in the Christian world" and as "the
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    greatest of all churches of Christendom" - big words, but hardly any exaggerations.
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    What a lot of people don't actually know is that you can climb the main dome of the basilica.
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    You have the option of taking the elevator or the stairs, the latter being a bit cheaper.
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    From there you have a magnificent view of Rome in general and of the Saint Peter's square
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    in particular.
  • Sv. Pētera bazilika
  • Romas katoļticība
  • Mikelandželo
  • Bazilika vēsture
  • Kristīgā arhitektūra
  • Bernīni
  • Piligrimsvieta
  • Baznīcas māksla
  • Pāvesti
  • UNESCO Pasaules mantojums