You're running out of time...
TLDRBrandon og Diane uttrykker deres bekymringer omkring de siste dager og oppfordrer seerne til å akseptere Jesus Kristus som sin personlige frelser. De understreker hvor viktig det er å ta denne avgjørelsen nå, da ingen er garantert en morgendag. Gjennom flere eksempler og profetiske varsler, sier de at tiden er knapp og at et større oppvåkning er nødvendig innen samfunnet. De går også inn på økonomisk tilstand og at troen kan gi overflod. Brandon fremhever at denne overflod ikke handler om penger, men om å reflektere Guds godhet. Det blir sterkt betonet at Jesus er veien til himmelen, og ikke andre religioner. Videoen avsluttes med en bønn for de som vil akseptere Jesus, samt med en oppfordring om å slutte seg til menigheter som lærer bibelens sannheter.
- 🙏 Viktigheten av å akseptere Jesus som personlig frelser.
- ⏳ Tiden er knapp for å ta en nødvendig åndelig beslutning.
- 📖 Oppmuntring til å finne en bibeltro menighet og bli døpt.
- 💰 Troen kan føre til økonomisk overflod som en refleksjon av Guds godhet.
- 👁️ Fokus på evigheten og hvor man vil tilbringe den.
- ⚡ Lyn som tegn på kommende profetiske hendelser.
- 💪 Vær 'solgt ut' for Jesus og dedikert til troen.
- 📅 Forbered deg på økonomiske kriser og tro på Guds forsørgelse.
- 🙌 Hev lovprisningen for å motta Guds velsignelser.
- 🌍 Oppfordring til verdensomspennende spredning av evangeliet.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Brandon og Diane diskuterer viktigheten av å kjenne Jesus i de siste dager og oppfordrer folk til personlig omvendelse. De understreker at man kun er garantert øyeblikket man har nå, og oppfordrer til å tenke på evigheten. De snakker om hvor uendelig evigheten er i sammenligning med universet og utfordrer seerne til å velge hvor de vil tilbringe evigheten.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
De nevner Jonathan Khans video om lynnedslag på ikoniske steder som et tegn på moderne tider og snakker om et fire-års vindu for en stor åndelig høst. De mener at denne tiden er gitt som en pause fra den tiltagende antikrist-agendaen og oppfordrer til å benytte muligheten til å samle mennesker til troen.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Det oppfordres til å ta et valg for himmelen og advares mot å utsette denne beslutningen fordi ingen er lovet morgendagen. Brandon diskuterer dessuten misoppfatningen om mange veier til himmelen og understreker at Jesus Kristus er den eneste veien. Han forteller om en skeptiker som ønsker å leve et partyliv før han eventuelt velger å bli kristen senere.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Brandon advarer mot å leve i selvbedrag ved å tro at man kan velge Gud senere og understreker at hver enkelt vil bli holdt ansvarlig for sine livsvalg. Han snakker om en økonomisk krise som har blitt utsatt, og den kommende 'våkning gjennom rystelse', i håp om at flere vil vende seg til Gud.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Brandon sier at tiden for å velge Gud nærmer seg slutten og advarer mot å utsette beslutningen om å tjene Jesus. Han snakker om krig og økonomisk uro som viser viktigheten av å leve i tro og være tydelig forskjellig fra verden. Han diskuterer også viktigheten av å være fylt av den Hellige Ånd for å navigere i vanskelige tider.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Brandon diskuteres jakten på lykke som mange føler gjennom materiell velstand, som aldri vil tilfredsstille den indre tomheten som kun Jesus kan fylle. Han oppmuntrer til å søke åndelig oppfyllelse og utdyper forskjellen mellom verden og å leve med Kristus som kilde til fred og glede.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Det å være helt overgitt til Gud og finne ens glede og fred i ham, står sentralt. Brandon understreker viktigheten av å søke Gud først, og stoltheten i å være et lys i verden, nå når himmelrike ut til jorden. Han diskuterer viktigheten av å være en kanal for Guds velsignelser og fullstendig avhengig av ham daglig.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Han oppfordrer til fellesskap med Gud gjennom mange måter, inkludert bønn, Bibelstudier og tilbedelse, for å forberede seg til 2025 som et år for en åndelig oppvåkning. Brandon snakker om viktigheten av å være synkronisert med Gud for å ta kloke valg, spesielt i finansielle anliggender.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Brandon ber for økonomisk og åndelig vekkelse over hele verden, og for troendes økonomiske velstand for at de kan være ressurser i denne vekkelsestiden. Han taler om nødvendigheten av å være fylt av Den Hellige Ånd og å holde fokus på Gud, vitne om Kristus og forstå betydningen av åndelig styrke i dagens verden.
- 00:45:00 - 00:52:45
Avslutningsvis oppmuntrer Brandon seerne til å akseptere Kristus som deres personlige Frelser og bli med i et fellesskap som kan styrke deres tro. Han uttrykker takknemlighet for seerens støtte og beskriver fremtidige planer for å utvide deres trosbaserte medieinnhold til flere språk for å nå ut globalt med budskapet om Jesus.
Hvorfor er det viktig å akseptere Jesus som sin personlige frelser?
Fordi man må velge hvor man vil tilbringe evigheten, og uten Jesus er man i fare for å gå til helvete.
Hva betyr det å være "født på ny"?
Det betyr å akseptere Jesus som sin Herre og frelser, og å få sine synder tilgitt.
Hva handler Jonathan Khans video om?
Videoen beskriver lynnedslag på kjente bygninger som tegn på tidens tegn og en advarsel før 2025.
Hva er 'den siste skjelvene'?
Det er en profeti om et nært forestående åndelig oppvåkning eller rystelse for å vekke kirken.
Hvorfor er penger viktige i troen ifølge videoen?
Penger er viktige for å støtte kirken og vise troens overflod og gjøre en forskjell i verden.
Hva skal man gjøre etter å ha akseptert Jesus som frelser?
Man bør finne en bibeltro menighet, bli døpt og delta aktivt i kirken.
Hva menes med å være 'solgt ut' for Jesus?
Å være helt dedikert til å følge Jesus og hans lære, uansett hva som skjer rundt oss.
Hva er betydningen av å 'heve sin lovprisning'?
Det betyr å fokusere mer på å lovprise Gud, for å motta hans velsignelser i livet.
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- 00:00:00hey good morning family praise the lord
- 00:00:02it's Brandon and Diane again well we
- 00:00:04have some things on our heart today
- 00:00:06folks we're in the last of the last days
- 00:00:08here Jesus is coming things are getting
- 00:00:11serious and people go well you know
- 00:00:14Brandon that kind of scares me you
- 00:00:16should be scared if you don't know Jesus
- 00:00:19you should be flat terrified if you
- 00:00:21don't have Jesus Christ as your lord and
- 00:00:23personal savior it should just Plum
- 00:00:26freak you out if you don't have Jesus as
- 00:00:29your lord Lord and personal savior
- 00:00:31because you are in trouble this is the
- 00:00:34time right now as we speak to yield
- 00:00:37yourself and say Jesus I Need A Savior
- 00:00:41you have the opportunity today to make
- 00:00:44Jesus Christ your lord and personal
- 00:00:46savior to say today I choose to follow
- 00:00:49Jesus no one's promised tomorrow no have
- 00:00:53you drive by a massive graveyard and you
- 00:00:56see all those people you I always I
- 00:00:58always wonder how many many of those
- 00:01:00people went to
- 00:01:02hell how many of those people went to
- 00:01:05heaven everybody has a choice but
- 00:01:08everybody thinks they have way far off
- 00:01:10to make a choice and some of you only
- 00:01:13have today some of you will not make it
- 00:01:15out of your sleep tonight some of you
- 00:01:18won't make it out of your week you are
- 00:01:20not promised tomorrow you're only
- 00:01:22promised right now God I believe with
- 00:01:25all my heart that God is going to give
- 00:01:27us long life and he said he'd satisfy us
- 00:01:29and show us his salvation I believe for
- 00:01:30120 years you believe for all this stuff
- 00:01:32but sometimes things happen but I'm just
- 00:01:35trying I'm just trying to make you to
- 00:01:39think about eternity today think about
- 00:01:44what eternity as if you look at all the
- 00:01:46stars in space if you look at all the
- 00:01:49grains of sand on the beach and every
- 00:01:52single one of those those little pieces
- 00:01:54of grain of sand represent a year you
- 00:01:58can count all the stand on a beach you
- 00:02:00can kill all the stars in the galaxies
- 00:02:03and the
- 00:02:04universe and you
- 00:02:07still will be counting and counting and
- 00:02:10counting and counting you'll NE eternity
- 00:02:13is forever and so that's what I'm trying
- 00:02:15to tell you all if you really look at
- 00:02:17how big eternity is your mind can't
- 00:02:20comprehend it you can never count all
- 00:02:22the all the sand on a beach you stars in
- 00:02:24the sky yeah even if you tried yeah but
- 00:02:28even if you did even if you were able to
- 00:02:32Eternity is far much greater than
- 00:02:35that so I want you to focus on your
- 00:02:40eternity where will you spend eternity
- 00:02:44you don't turn into uh some kind of
- 00:02:46nothingness we don't go back into and
- 00:02:49have reincarnation and come back as a
- 00:02:51butterfly or a dog or a cat no the Bible
- 00:02:55says it's appointed unto man once to die
- 00:02:58and after that the judgment to be absent
- 00:03:00from the body is to be present with the
- 00:03:01Lord or or to be present in Hell folks
- 00:03:04where will you go and spend eternity
- 00:03:07that's what you have to ask yourself as
- 00:03:08you watch this today yes all this
- 00:03:11stuff's going on and I'm telling you
- 00:03:13tragic things I've seen very very
- 00:03:17sobering dark days ahead and most people
- 00:03:20say well that's not for me a lot of
- 00:03:23people in the Christian Community do not
- 00:03:25want to hear it because we're going to
- 00:03:26pray it all away we're going to pray
- 00:03:27everything away we're going to do this
- 00:03:29we're going to do that
- 00:03:30folks things happened and I want to tell
- 00:03:32you co wasn't prayed away like you all
- 00:03:35thought you could I saw a storm coming
- 00:03:38and the Lord told me this was a storm to
- 00:03:41wake up everybody that was coming did he
- 00:03:44create the storm did he create Co no no
- 00:03:48but it was a it was the Lord told me he
- 00:03:50said I've yelled and I've yelled and
- 00:03:52I've yelled and I've yelled to tell my
- 00:03:55bride to wake up to tell my body to wake
- 00:03:57up and he said Brandon what happens to a
- 00:04:01child if you keep telling them to get up
- 00:04:03get up get up he said what's the next
- 00:04:06thing you do he said you shake them you
- 00:04:08shake them for a great shaking to a
- 00:04:12shaking to awaken is about to take place
- 00:04:16and he told me this he said if the
- 00:04:18church does not wake up after this
- 00:04:21shaking I will create an there will be
- 00:04:24another shaking a greater wave a greater
- 00:04:29Shak making is coming for the church and
- 00:04:32I and and we saw a lot of people wake up
- 00:04:34during this time
- 00:04:36frame but there's still out of the a lot
- 00:04:39of people there's still billions that
- 00:04:41are still asleep that do not see how
- 00:04:45close we are to the coming of the Lord
- 00:04:47Jesus Christ they roused thems and then
- 00:04:49just fall back asleep yep they were like
- 00:04:51you know they they look up and they go
- 00:04:53oh okay and they go back to sleep just
- 00:04:55like she's saying yep that's right
- 00:04:56that's what happened so now I really
- 00:04:58believe
- 00:05:00whenever Jonathan Khan had the the
- 00:05:02lightning strikes he talked about the
- 00:05:03lightning strikes I thought that was
- 00:05:04amazing I encourage you to go watch that
- 00:05:07video Jonathan Khan's light lightning
- 00:05:09strike and where we are right now with
- 00:05:12uh the signs of the times the harbingers
- 00:05:15and where we are and he talked about the
- 00:05:17lightning strike struck U the the the
- 00:05:20One World Trade Center the Empire State
- 00:05:23Building the capital and the Washington
- 00:05:25Monument and he said this was not
- 00:05:28coincidence it all happened before the
- 00:05:31new year for
- 00:05:342025 it's it's a sign and and I thought
- 00:05:37it was interesting it was four again the
- 00:05:39Lord after I I it's been it's been
- 00:05:42interesting to me because the Lord told
- 00:05:43me he said I'm giving you a fouryear
- 00:05:45window for a massive Harvest I'm giving
- 00:05:49you a
- 00:05:50reprieve from what was coming a major
- 00:05:54reprieve from a a great acceleration of
- 00:05:57the Antichrist agenda upon this Earth
- 00:06:00I'm giving you a reprieve of a harvest
- 00:06:03because I told you we were we were at
- 00:06:05the end of the last schita cycle time
- 00:06:08frame of this last Ro hash and this last
- 00:06:11year not shita but the last year and he
- 00:06:14told me he said Adam's lease is up
- 00:06:17Adam's lease is up but Brandon and a
- 00:06:20window I'm giving you a sliver of time
- 00:06:22this much and he said to bring in the
- 00:06:27Harvest Satan is petitioning me for the
- 00:06:307year tribulation saying time is up and
- 00:06:34you must go by what your word says that
- 00:06:37this what happened
- 00:06:39okay that's where we are folks and God's
- 00:06:42given us this little window and I
- 00:06:44believe through Trump's presidency of
- 00:06:46this four years the four lightning
- 00:06:48strikes four oak trees I've told you
- 00:06:50about the four oak trees the four and
- 00:06:52the Lord said Brandon I'm I'm I'm
- 00:06:53kicking this down the road I'm giving
- 00:06:55you a window I want a harvest and he
- 00:06:57came to me and he held out his hands
- 00:07:00Jesus had those massive holes in his
- 00:07:02hands and he said I am the lord of the
- 00:07:05Harvest will you help me for I died for
- 00:07:08every single one of them I died for
- 00:07:10every single one of the people that
- 00:07:13watched your broadcast Brandon i w I
- 00:07:16died for all of them and I I wish that
- 00:07:19none should perish that all come to
- 00:07:21repentance he wants every single one of
- 00:07:24you to have the opportunity to either
- 00:07:26choose heaven or choose hell today it's
- 00:07:29it's your choice you're here because you
- 00:07:31want to know about terrorist attacks I'm
- 00:07:33telling you something much worse is
- 00:07:35coming than what you could ever imagine
- 00:07:37than a terorist day it's called hell you
- 00:07:40have the opportunity today to choose
- 00:07:43heaven or you can choose
- 00:07:45hell it's your choice you say well God's
- 00:07:48a mean God God's he's going to send
- 00:07:50people to hell no you choose hell God
- 00:07:53didn't send anybody to Hell God did not
- 00:07:55create hell for for for the human beings
- 00:07:58he created hell for for the devil and
- 00:08:01his demons and the principalities and
- 00:08:03Powers he created hell for
- 00:08:06them but you choose to go to hell he
- 00:08:09created heaven for you he created
- 00:08:11Paradise for you but it's a
- 00:08:14choice whom will you serve this day whom
- 00:08:19do you serve today I I I want in my as
- 00:08:23for me in my house we're serving the
- 00:08:25lord as for me in my house we worship
- 00:08:28the father Jes Jesus Christ is the only
- 00:08:30way to heaven he's the only way to the
- 00:08:34father is through Jesus Christ not any
- 00:08:36other religion not Buddha not Muhammad
- 00:08:39not any kind of Hindu not any kind of
- 00:08:40false God Jesus is the only way to
- 00:08:44heaven there's a lot I got an email by
- 00:08:47this other guy just a couple days ago he
- 00:08:49he has his channel he's and he said
- 00:08:51there's a lot of ways to Heaven it's not
- 00:08:53just Jesus I said oh no sir you're
- 00:08:56you're F all your there's other gods
- 00:08:58there's other way ways to no no no no no
- 00:09:00no no you are deceived by a demonic
- 00:09:04Spirit he has blinded your eyes to make
- 00:09:06you think that the only way for anybody
- 00:09:11to ever make it to Heaven is the Lord
- 00:09:14Jesus Christ and by you accepting him
- 00:09:17accepting him as your as your lord and
- 00:09:20personal savior that's the only way you
- 00:09:23will ever make it to heaven so we
- 00:09:26believe in on this channel we believe
- 00:09:28that he's coming and he's coming
- 00:09:30soon and everybody thinks that they can
- 00:09:33just kind of just uh just live I'm going
- 00:09:35to go out and I had this one guy he
- 00:09:37emailed this one time he said you know I
- 00:09:41I I've I've prayed about being a
- 00:09:42Christian but I like the party scene
- 00:09:45right now I'm young I'm in my 20s and I
- 00:09:48just got able I I'm just now able to
- 00:09:50start to drink and I'm able to go out
- 00:09:53and have parties and get drunk and have
- 00:09:55fun for a little bit I'm going to do
- 00:09:58this for the next 10
- 00:09:59years and then I'll give my heart to
- 00:10:02Jesus do you think that's okay will you
- 00:10:05pray and ask the Lord if that's
- 00:10:08okay I was like are I told di when she
- 00:10:12read that email to me I said is he
- 00:10:14serious is that a serious is that a
- 00:10:17serious
- 00:10:18question like
- 00:10:20seriously like God's not good enough for
- 00:10:23me right
- 00:10:24now but maybe he'll I can I'll just
- 00:10:28still happen to just I'll accept you
- 00:10:30later Lord I'll live my life my way and
- 00:10:32then whenever it's convenient it's not
- 00:10:34convenient you're not convenient for me
- 00:10:37I was I was I was scared for
- 00:10:40him but that's the attitude of a lot of
- 00:10:43people and I and I said woe to you
- 00:10:47because there will be a day you stand
- 00:10:49before the father even if you don't
- 00:10:50believe it and you will give an account
- 00:10:53for everything you've done on this Earth
- 00:10:55and he will say to you either he knows
- 00:10:58you or he says depart from me I never
- 00:11:00knew
- 00:11:01you and the ones he knows he's going to
- 00:11:04say enter into my rest and the ones that
- 00:11:07he doesn't whoa it's it's a bad day for
- 00:11:10you it's a bad Eternity for you it's not
- 00:11:13a bad day it's a bad eternity and think
- 00:11:16about what I just said about
- 00:11:18eternity you know I I I I like I said I
- 00:11:21know there's very sobering days coming
- 00:11:24I've seen a great economic crisis Beyond
- 00:11:26anybody's
- 00:11:27comprehension and if the Lord said it
- 00:11:29was delayed for a
- 00:11:31window there was still like he said at
- 00:11:33the beginning of this year he said it's
- 00:11:35a two-part word there's there is a there
- 00:11:37is a word for my my body for the people
- 00:11:41who are on fire filled with controlled
- 00:11:43by the Holy Spirit to have their lamps
- 00:11:44full of oil and the ones that are living
- 00:11:49lukewarm and the ones that are living in
- 00:11:51compromise have a separate word from you
- 00:11:55for there will be a great
- 00:11:57shaking to awaken again again for them
- 00:12:00for I'm giving one last call for those
- 00:12:04in the back
- 00:12:06fields I'm giving one last opportunity
- 00:12:10because he's a god of Mercy he's a god
- 00:12:13of love he's given you one more
- 00:12:17chance to get on the
- 00:12:20boat the ark is
- 00:12:22closing the door on the ark is about to
- 00:12:25be sealed shut and it won't open again
- 00:12:29you have an opportunity today to accept
- 00:12:32Jesus Christ is your lord and personal
- 00:12:34savior you're running out of time he's
- 00:12:37saying one last call to you today he's
- 00:12:42yelling at the top of his lungs he
- 00:12:44doesn't want any of you to perish and go
- 00:12:47to hell not one of you but who will you
- 00:12:50serve whom will you say is your lord and
- 00:12:54savior yourself and the devil or is
- 00:12:57Jesus Christ your lord and personal
- 00:12:59savior it's so important that you're
- 00:13:02making these decisions right now as I
- 00:13:04speak checking your
- 00:13:06heart who's who who is your
- 00:13:10lord check your heart right now you're
- 00:13:14running out of
- 00:13:15time you're running out of time we have
- 00:13:19a window here I'm telling you I've seen
- 00:13:21it and great great great things are
- 00:13:23coming then 2025 a great shaking is
- 00:13:26coming I've heard some people say it
- 00:13:28would be a year of War war war war and
- 00:13:29that's exactly what I heard war war war
- 00:13:32war war war war war and we will see
- 00:13:35great financial provision there'll be
- 00:13:37things happen but what did I tell you
- 00:13:39the financial provision was for people
- 00:13:40say well God's not in the money yes he
- 00:13:42is if it's to provide for his for at the
- 00:13:45churches is to provide for you to have
- 00:13:48over and full in your life so that
- 00:13:50you're a light in the darkness people
- 00:13:52are going to see either you're different
- 00:13:56and you stand out or you're just like
- 00:13:58the
- 00:14:00what makes you stand out and show that
- 00:14:03God is a good god to
- 00:14:04you if you're broke busted and disgusted
- 00:14:08sick downcast always depressed all why
- 00:14:13would I as a worldly person want to be
- 00:14:15anywhere close to want to be like you if
- 00:14:18you're always a gloomy Gus and you have
- 00:14:20a a frown on your face and you're cranky
- 00:14:22all the
- 00:14:24time the world is attracted to things
- 00:14:27that are are are are look like
- 00:14:30life that's why they fake it so much on
- 00:14:32the on in Hollywood with all the Botox
- 00:14:36and all the the the the the fillers in
- 00:14:39their face and the fa face lifts and all
- 00:14:42the stuff they're doing they're trying
- 00:14:43to cover up who they truly really
- 00:14:46are it's it who you are on the inside
- 00:14:50starts to show up on the outside it's
- 00:14:52your countenance but when you have a a a
- 00:14:55light on your face and you have a smile
- 00:14:58on your face and a song in your heart
- 00:15:01people see it and they go there's
- 00:15:02something different about them cuz you
- 00:15:03have that twinkle in your eye and you go
- 00:15:07I I need I need that as you're in your
- 00:15:10office and you're typing away on your
- 00:15:12computer and somebody walks by and they
- 00:15:13feel the presence of the Holy Spirit on
- 00:15:15you and they go I I I feel something
- 00:15:17different about
- 00:15:19you what makes us different from the
- 00:15:22world it's Jesus but what makes the
- 00:15:25world that's all they're after is money
- 00:15:27they wake up every day Monday through
- 00:15:28Friday 8 to 5 and they work all day long
- 00:15:31they work so hard some of them work
- 00:15:33three jobs and they Saturdays they work
- 00:15:36they do overtime just to get the
- 00:15:38American dollar so they can live the
- 00:15:40American dream to have that that
- 00:15:42emptiness filled on the inside of them
- 00:15:44that they're never going to fill because
- 00:15:47material goods and material things are
- 00:15:49never going to fill it you will go your
- 00:15:53whole life trying to feel the empty void
- 00:15:56inside of your heart that only the Lord
- 00:15:59Jesus Christ was made to satisfy he made
- 00:16:03that void so you would seek him but
- 00:16:04you're not supposed to seek things from
- 00:16:07from plastic surgery to nice cars to to
- 00:16:11big houses to jewelry to watches to
- 00:16:13whatever clothes trying to fill that
- 00:16:16empty void every single day looking
- 00:16:19after another wife or another man or
- 00:16:22whatever you're thinking I well she
- 00:16:24she's going to make me feel better about
- 00:16:25my life or he's going to make me feel
- 00:16:27better about my life but when you get
- 00:16:29them the grass isn't always greener on
- 00:16:31the other side so you so you leave the
- 00:16:34the 80% that you had to get the 20 and
- 00:16:37you think man I I I would like to have
- 00:16:40the 80 and but you had the 80 and you
- 00:16:43left for the 20 and you're still not
- 00:16:45satisfied no one is ever going to be
- 00:16:48100% satisfied for by any human being
- 00:16:52it's only going to be when the Lord you
- 00:16:54yield yourself to the Prince of Peace
- 00:16:57the peace that passes on understanding
- 00:16:59that's going to fill you to the what to
- 00:17:02the top of your head to the soles of
- 00:17:03your feet changing you from the inside
- 00:17:07out he's the one that's going to bring
- 00:17:09that that peace to you he's the one
- 00:17:11that's going to renew your mind from all
- 00:17:13the hell of all the things that you've
- 00:17:15let in garbage in garbage out peace in
- 00:17:21peace out feeding on what he tells you
- 00:17:24to feed on whatsoever things are just
- 00:17:27whatsoever things are pure what whatever
- 00:17:29Things Are Holy whatsoever thing what he
- 00:17:31said to think on think on these things
- 00:17:34and as you think on them it changes you
- 00:17:36from the inside out changes you from the
- 00:17:40inside out and people people continue to
- 00:17:44do the same thing expecting different
- 00:17:47results and the and that is the
- 00:17:49definition of insanity you think I'm
- 00:17:52going to keep filling this hole with
- 00:17:54money and material goods and cars and
- 00:17:58sex and and and perversion and it's
- 00:18:01going to change me and I'm going to feel
- 00:18:02good for a season but you're still going
- 00:18:04to be empty tomorrow when you wake up
- 00:18:06that's where they they get drunk and
- 00:18:07they get high you get wasted at bars and
- 00:18:10clubs and you go home and you vomit your
- 00:18:13guts out and you want to go back and you
- 00:18:14repent you're like oh God I'll never do
- 00:18:16it again and you got all that going on
- 00:18:19and all that poison coming out of you
- 00:18:21because you're trying to fill the void
- 00:18:23so then you go back to it the next
- 00:18:25weekend trying to fill it again and the
- 00:18:28only one that's ever going to satisfy
- 00:18:31that empty hole in you is the Lord Jesus
- 00:18:36Christ I I'm telling you I am addicted
- 00:18:38to Jesus I am sold out I'm all in I am
- 00:18:43all in you know why because he's changed
- 00:18:46me from the inside out and whenever I I
- 00:18:50try to to to you you look at the world
- 00:18:52stuff and you look at all the stuff that
- 00:18:54people go through and I just want to
- 00:18:56yell as loud as I can I have found the
- 00:19:00source I found the source to the misery
- 00:19:03of life I found the source to make life
- 00:19:06not so
- 00:19:09miserable to make it not miserable at
- 00:19:12all he is life he is Joy he is peace and
- 00:19:18in him you can have everything and then
- 00:19:21what's awesome about him is is that as
- 00:19:24you seek him you'll find him and and as
- 00:19:27you seek his face
- 00:19:29he said give and it shall be given unto
- 00:19:31you good measure pressed down and shaken
- 00:19:34together and running over will men give
- 00:19:36back to you he even says the wealth of
- 00:19:39the sinner son is laid up for the
- 00:19:42righteous I am the god that has a cattle
- 00:19:45on a thousand hills I've made my streets
- 00:19:48full of gold I've done all this and I
- 00:19:50want you to have heaven on
- 00:19:54Earth so what does that tell you right
- 00:19:57there put him first seek ye first the
- 00:20:00kingdom and all these things will be
- 00:20:02added unto you so everything you're
- 00:20:04trying to fill yourself up with every
- 00:20:05single day he said he would give it to
- 00:20:07you if you worship
- 00:20:09Him isn't that
- 00:20:12amazing he's not upset about you having
- 00:20:14it he said to me Brandon I'll let you
- 00:20:16have as much as overflow as long as it
- 00:20:20doesn't have you as long as if I tell
- 00:20:23you give it to them right now and you
- 00:20:25say Lord here am I give it I will make
- 00:20:29you a distribution center for me if you
- 00:20:32just yield to
- 00:20:34me I will get if I can get if I can get
- 00:20:38it through you I'll get it to
- 00:20:41you as long as you're not a damn for me
- 00:20:43son and say no Lord that I like that too
- 00:20:48much I'll get it to you if I can get it
- 00:20:51through you I'll get it to you you are
- 00:20:54just like this it's just like this and I
- 00:20:57just and just Pew it out so I had to say
- 00:20:59Lord whatever you have for my life fine
- 00:21:02but I'm not seeking this I'm seeking you
- 00:21:05because all I need right now is peace in
- 00:21:09my life I need joy in my life I need I
- 00:21:12need that peace that passes on
- 00:21:14understanding when you have that hard
- 00:21:15day and you're feeling empty and you're
- 00:21:16like I can't make it another day it's
- 00:21:19because you're
- 00:21:20empty a spun
- 00:21:23leaks a vessel leaks and you've got to
- 00:21:27keep being filled filled with and
- 00:21:29controlled by the Holy Spirit to make it
- 00:21:32in these last days if you are leaking
- 00:21:34out we leak out we leak a sponge leaks
- 00:21:36out you got to fill it up again you got
- 00:21:39to dump the water the water of the word
- 00:21:43filling yourself up with the water of
- 00:21:44the world word drinking the new wine
- 00:21:47drinking and having fellowship with him
- 00:21:50reading your Bible and praying
- 00:21:52fellowshipping with the father worship I
- 00:21:54just want to encourage you all today I
- 00:21:56know i' I've I didn't mean to come on
- 00:21:58here and preach at you but I know
- 00:22:00there's a lot of you that are desperate
- 00:22:03for change in 2025 so you're not going
- 00:22:07to get changed without him so I
- 00:22:11encourage you like Pastor chip said
- 00:22:12tonight he said 2025 we should raise our
- 00:22:16praise you have to raise your praise
- 00:22:19level in 2025 let it be a year of you
- 00:22:22just worship and praise him all the time
- 00:22:26taking the care out of your prayer and
- 00:22:28praising in the father pray have praise
- 00:22:31breaks all the time because I'm telling
- 00:22:33you when Praises go up blessings come
- 00:22:36down when you have a a heart that's
- 00:22:38focused on him and prais him keep him
- 00:22:40vertical keep him vertical don't go
- 00:22:43horizontal vertical with the Lord every
- 00:22:45single
- 00:22:46day keeping in Step being in sync with
- 00:22:50him like di we always talk about being
- 00:22:51in sync with the father like walking
- 00:22:55with him walking with him what are you
- 00:22:57like a ticking of a walk watch because
- 00:22:59I'm telling you there will be times with
- 00:23:01the Investments and the things that are
- 00:23:03going to take place that if you're not
- 00:23:06in sync with him hearing him on what to
- 00:23:08do with your money you'll lose it on in
- 00:23:09a 24-hour period I saw it coming and the
- 00:23:13Lord told me he said Brandon it will
- 00:23:15require you to be sold out are you sold
- 00:23:20out for the Lord Jesus Christ I want you
- 00:23:23to be sold out for
- 00:23:25him none of this world Lord It's All
- 00:23:27About You I'm sold out I'm Allin are you
- 00:23:31all in for Jesus today I pray I pray you
- 00:23:34are yes we've seen these dark things
- 00:23:36coming folks and they are very dark and
- 00:23:39it's scary to the Natural mind but we
- 00:23:41have nothing to fear because we're with
- 00:23:43him perfect love cast out all fear
- 00:23:47because why because we know that God is
- 00:23:50our great protector he is our provider
- 00:23:52we were we were listening to Pastor chip
- 00:23:54tonight and they started talking about
- 00:23:56Maria wood withth Eder and dear here in
- 00:23:58the 1930s during the Great Depression
- 00:24:02and I've seen this coming that's what I
- 00:24:04think was interesting that they would go
- 00:24:06ahead and set all their plates and all
- 00:24:10their cups around the table and get
- 00:24:12ready and they had no food in their
- 00:24:14house and sister would with Eder would
- 00:24:17pray as a family they would intercede
- 00:24:20and pray and as they believe by faith
- 00:24:23for the food to come somebody would
- 00:24:25knock on their de doors supernaturally
- 00:24:27and bring them the food they needed for
- 00:24:30that day and they did this all the time
- 00:24:32and they went through the whole Great
- 00:24:34Depression just praising God and giving
- 00:24:37them thanks and the Lord came through
- 00:24:39for them and and it was Supernatural and
- 00:24:42if you remember the one of the Visions I
- 00:24:44had I saw no food that people would go
- 00:24:49hungry and that as the body of Christ
- 00:24:52would start to pray and and give God
- 00:24:54praise that their their their pots and
- 00:24:57their bowl and whatever they were
- 00:24:59believing for would fill up
- 00:25:02supernaturally we will live in the
- 00:25:05Supernatural in the days ahead like
- 00:25:07never before you have the opportunity to
- 00:25:10believe believe him for big and I'm
- 00:25:12telling you I've seen very very uh
- 00:25:16serious
- 00:25:18days when the Revival starts and people
- 00:25:20say how does the Revival start I saw it
- 00:25:22it will be a time of of of of of sh
- 00:25:25shaking people where what do you see
- 00:25:28Bron I thought you said all this good
- 00:25:29stuff was happening I said there's a
- 00:25:31window there is a window of opportunity
- 00:25:34an opportunity for uh you to get your
- 00:25:38your house in order for you to get your
- 00:25:41finances in order and there will be a
- 00:25:43great shaking to awaken and all the
- 00:25:46people are going to run and I saw them
- 00:25:48fleeing from the east coast and the West
- 00:25:50Coast come to the central part of
- 00:25:51America to have a major Revival here and
- 00:25:54I and and I thought it was very
- 00:25:55interesting I saw like I said holy ghost
- 00:25:57wood
- 00:25:58taking place all over the place there
- 00:26:01were there were people in in tense tent
- 00:26:04cities just having a holy ghost
- 00:26:07Woodstock all over the nation it was it
- 00:26:10was happening everywhere and I'm just
- 00:26:12telling you it's a time to get your
- 00:26:15heart right and get ready and get filled
- 00:26:18with and controlled by the holy spirit
- 00:26:19for what's coming so that you are a a
- 00:26:22harvester that you are a person that
- 00:26:25will help bring in this massive Harvest
- 00:26:28that's is about to take place I pray
- 00:26:30you're right with the Lord today
- 00:26:33well I want to give everybody an
- 00:26:35opportunity if you've not accepted Jesus
- 00:26:37Christ as your lord and personal savior
- 00:26:39after hearing all that you say Okay
- 00:26:41Brandon enough I want Jesus I need Jesus
- 00:26:45well I want you behind this camera right
- 00:26:48now I'm praying for you we're going to
- 00:26:49say the sinner's prayer and all you have
- 00:26:51to do is say this little prayer it
- 00:26:53doesn't have to be religious it doesn't
- 00:26:55have to be some real super spiritual
- 00:26:58prayer it just has to be something from
- 00:27:00the heart the Bible says if you confess
- 00:27:03your sins he is faithful and just to
- 00:27:06forgive you of your sins and cleanse you
- 00:27:08of all unrighteousness so here Diana is
- 00:27:11going to read you a scripture right now
- 00:27:13that you can look at up yourself but
- 00:27:15it's go ahead babe Romans 109 and 10
- 00:27:19that's Romans chapter 10 veres 9 and 10
- 00:27:22that if you confess with your mouth the
- 00:27:24Lord Jesus and believe in your heart
- 00:27:26that God raised him from the dead you
- 00:27:28will be saved for with a heart man
- 00:27:31believeth unto righteousness and with
- 00:27:33the mouth confession is made unto
- 00:27:36salvation thank you Jesus it's easy that
- 00:27:39is not hard is it no no so let's do that
- 00:27:42right now say Jesus I want to make you
- 00:27:46my lord and personal savior I believe
- 00:27:49you're the Son of God I believe you died
- 00:27:52and you Rose again on the third day I
- 00:27:55believe that that you you took all my
- 00:27:59sins you took all my sicknesses on the
- 00:28:03cross and father I want to make you my
- 00:28:06lord and personal
- 00:28:09savior write my name in the Lamb's Book
- 00:28:11of
- 00:28:13Life Lord I need a savior I've been a
- 00:28:17sinner and I need you so forgive me of
- 00:28:20my sins I've made a lot of them but
- 00:28:23Jesus as of today I'm turning my back on
- 00:28:26the world and I'm looking to you I'm
- 00:28:29going vertical I'm looking for a
- 00:28:32savior thank you Jesus that you forgiven
- 00:28:35me of my sins thank you Lord that when I
- 00:28:38die I get to come and be in heaven with
- 00:28:41you thank you Lord that that you've
- 00:28:44washed all my sins away so if you just
- 00:28:46said that prayer with me real
- 00:28:49simple I believe you're born again today
- 00:28:52Di and I we we Rejoice with you say
- 00:28:54something down below say I gave my heart
- 00:28:56to Jesus today I said the sinners prayer
- 00:28:59with you now what do you do you find a
- 00:29:02Bible you go to a Bible believing Church
- 00:29:04like Collinsville Oklahoma chip and
- 00:29:06Candace brim they they're amazing
- 00:29:08pastors you can go to church somewhere
- 00:29:10like
- 00:29:11that get into a a a spirit fi Church get
- 00:29:14B water baptized get involved in the
- 00:29:17church Usher do something a door greeter
- 00:29:20I don't know take the classes that they
- 00:29:23have they may have some classes there to
- 00:29:25teach you how to be saved how how to how
- 00:29:27to walk the Christian life or whatever
- 00:29:29do something and tell people that you
- 00:29:33gave your heart to Jesus today don't sit
- 00:29:34back and go I did it on the internet and
- 00:29:36then don't go out and tell somebody
- 00:29:38about what you've done find a church
- 00:29:40find a Bible believing church and and
- 00:29:43and get plugged in there it will help
- 00:29:45you to get strong because now you you're
- 00:29:48going to eat the the drink the milk of
- 00:29:49the word and you're going to start
- 00:29:50eating the meat of the word and it's
- 00:29:52going to grow you up so you're able to
- 00:29:53have a backbone to stand against the
- 00:29:56devil in all his his evil works you've
- 00:29:58got to learn how to live by faith in
- 00:30:01these last days so that you'll make it
- 00:30:03it's time this is when you start putting
- 00:30:05on your armor and getting strong in the
- 00:30:07Lord and the power of His might it's
- 00:30:08time for you to do that and I'm I'm
- 00:30:11excited with you you can come here all
- 00:30:13the time y'all and look at all my past
- 00:30:14videos I don't know I think I have like
- 00:30:16three 400 of them I don't remember and
- 00:30:18just listen to those videos and just
- 00:30:20feed your faith feed on the word because
- 00:30:23the Bible says faith cometh by hearing
- 00:30:26and hearing by the word of God so so I
- 00:30:28hope today encouraged you of that part
- 00:30:31uh to to to to to keep standing to get
- 00:30:34encouraged and be uh radically changed
- 00:30:37from the inside out basically and so um
- 00:30:41we love you all and so now we just for
- 00:30:44for the others we're going to pray for
- 00:30:45president Trump real quick we're going
- 00:30:47to pray over the um the inauguration for
- 00:30:50the fires and and in California and
- 00:30:53we're going I'm going to take communion
- 00:30:54with you father we lift up this body
- 00:30:56before you and we thank than you Lord
- 00:30:58that you were wounded for our
- 00:30:59transgressions you were bruised for our
- 00:31:01iniquities the chastisement of our peace
- 00:31:03was upon you and with your stripes we
- 00:31:07are healed now Lord we take this body
- 00:31:09right now God and we thank you Lord that
- 00:31:12we don't have to be sick anymore because
- 00:31:14you became sickness for us and we we
- 00:31:17Rejoice Lord that you have set us free
- 00:31:21and we take this body right now in the
- 00:31:23name of Jesus now Lord we thank you for
- 00:31:27the blood
- 00:31:31no matter how dark the days try to be
- 00:31:34ahead you're the
- 00:31:37light and we focus on the light by
- 00:31:40staying vertical staying in sync with
- 00:31:42you and we plead the blood of Jesus over
- 00:31:46our lives we plead the blood of Jesus
- 00:31:49over our finances we plead the blood of
- 00:31:52Jesus over our jobs and our homes and
- 00:31:55our marriages and our children
- 00:31:58and we thank you Lord that the blood of
- 00:32:01Jesus Christ covers Us from the top of
- 00:32:04our head to the soles of our feet thank
- 00:32:06you Lord as we confessed our sins you
- 00:32:08were faithful and just to forgive us of
- 00:32:10our sins and you did you cleansed us
- 00:32:12from all unrighteousness and we're not
- 00:32:15sin conscious but father we're we are
- 00:32:18Glory conscious we're righteous
- 00:32:20conscious because you've made us
- 00:32:22righteous you've made us whole by your
- 00:32:24blood and father I thank you Lord that
- 00:32:26we're joint HS with you today
- 00:32:28and we take this blood and we thank you
- 00:32:30Lord for what you did for us on that
- 00:32:32that cross 2,000 years ago and we thank
- 00:32:34you Lord we take it by faith in Jesus
- 00:32:39name
- 00:32:41Lord we give you all the honor and
- 00:32:44praise we thank you Father now God we
- 00:32:46lift up president Trump oh man
- 00:32:50baby we lift up president Trump before
- 00:32:53you and we bind the Demonic attack off
- 00:32:56of him concerning Friday in the um the
- 00:32:59this trial and we say in the name of
- 00:33:02Jesus Satan get your hands off of this
- 00:33:06and we say there is no weapon formed
- 00:33:10against him that will
- 00:33:12prosper we lift him up in the name of
- 00:33:15Jesus and we thank you Lord that there
- 00:33:17is a hedge of the blood of Jesus around
- 00:33:20and about him the father of the angels
- 00:33:23are on his 10,000 are on his side 10,000
- 00:33:26on his left nothing shall come n him and
- 00:33:29is sh A thousand shall fall at his side
- 00:33:31and 10,000 his right hand but nothing
- 00:33:33shall come nigh president Trump that
- 00:33:35there's angels that are bearing them up
- 00:33:37in their hands Le lest he Dash his foot
- 00:33:40against the stone we pray over him
- 00:33:42father that this judge cease and assist
- 00:33:44in you're maneuvering against this man
- 00:33:47we bind the demonic spirits for we
- 00:33:50wrestle not against flesh and blood we
- 00:33:52take authority over these demonic
- 00:33:54attacks and we say in the name of Jesus
- 00:33:57thus far and no
- 00:34:00further cease it and stop this stop it
- 00:34:04father I thank you Lord that you that
- 00:34:06the the the Supreme Court would step in
- 00:34:10and and and and stop this nonsense this
- 00:34:14stops now in Jesus name father I call
- 00:34:18forth a conviction a holy a holy ghost
- 00:34:22wait comes on this situation a holy
- 00:34:26spirit wait a weightiness a wtin a Wess
- 00:34:29of the glory a wtin a conviction over
- 00:34:32the these these prosecutors to stop this
- 00:34:35in jesus'
- 00:34:37name father I thank you Lord I thank you
- 00:34:41Father for your angels that protect him
- 00:34:43from any kind of attempts on his life
- 00:34:46the father that there will be no booms
- 00:34:48or nothing father I cover his children
- 00:34:52his son his daughters his grandchildren
- 00:34:55in the blood we cover his wife in the
- 00:34:57blood and we thank you Lord that the
- 00:35:00angels are protecting each and every
- 00:35:01single one of them that this nation will
- 00:35:04not have any kind of attack father we
- 00:35:07plead the blood and that all hidden
- 00:35:09things be revealed and that the spirit
- 00:35:12of the Lord is on us because you have
- 00:35:15anointed us for such a time as this and
- 00:35:18we put a bloodline even around my house
- 00:35:20around my children around my wife father
- 00:35:23I thank you Lord that you are your
- 00:35:25angels are keeping charge over us and
- 00:35:27they watching over every single one of
- 00:35:29us on this YouTube broadcast your angels
- 00:35:32are protecting us and we thank you
- 00:35:35Lord for the peace that passes our
- 00:35:38understanding we're not moved by what we
- 00:35:40see we're not moved by what we feel
- 00:35:42we're moved by what the word of God says
- 00:35:44and we thank you Lord father we thank
- 00:35:46you Lord right now we pray over the
- 00:35:48fires in California we take authority
- 00:35:51over these C these fires in Jesus name
- 00:35:54and we say fires stop now we call Holy
- 00:35:58Ghost Angel we call the angels of the
- 00:36:01Lord to put the fires out supernaturally
- 00:36:04father I thank you Lord that they are
- 00:36:06working in our behalf father and we
- 00:36:08thank you Lord that the firefighters are
- 00:36:10protected that none of them will lose
- 00:36:12their life and this this fire and that
- 00:36:14these fires cease and assist right now
- 00:36:18in Jesus
- 00:36:20name I thank you Lord I Thank you Lord
- 00:36:23for the for the assignments that we have
- 00:36:25father that we Rise and Shine for the
- 00:36:27light has come and the glory of the Lord
- 00:36:29is risen upon us and we thank you Lord
- 00:36:32that there is no uh fertilizer bombs
- 00:36:35there's nothing that happened to this
- 00:36:36nation that that father the C CIA the
- 00:36:39FBI Homeland Security all of them would
- 00:36:42find these men and bring them to justice
- 00:36:45father that everything will be uncovered
- 00:36:48everything that is hidden will be
- 00:36:50uncovered in jesus' name and that the
- 00:36:53angels are bringing uh protection for us
- 00:36:57concerning these circumstances and any
- 00:37:00Vans any big dump trucks will be uh that
- 00:37:03there will be confusion in the
- 00:37:06camp father just like Gideon we thank
- 00:37:09you Lord that there is confusion in the
- 00:37:11camp as we blow our spiritual horns in
- 00:37:14the spirit realm and father I thank you
- 00:37:16that the enemy is turning on each other
- 00:37:19they are turning on each other right now
- 00:37:21we call them to turn on each other right
- 00:37:23now in the name of Jesus that there is
- 00:37:25confusion in the camp of the Wicked
- 00:37:28there's confusion in the camp of the
- 00:37:30wicked and we say Darkness will be
- 00:37:33uncovered in the name of Jesus and we
- 00:37:37thank you Lord that it's over Europe
- 00:37:40over the things I've seen over Europe
- 00:37:42over London over Rome Over America over
- 00:37:46these areas and we say that the spirit
- 00:37:49of the Lord is there for he brings
- 00:37:53Liberty and freedom in the name of Jesus
- 00:37:57father I thank you Lord for
- 00:37:58Revival I thank you Father for Revival
- 00:38:02we call for Revival in the name of Jesus
- 00:38:06over this beautiful Nation over South
- 00:38:09Korea over all the people of South Korea
- 00:38:12we call forth a be a Revival a Revival
- 00:38:16over Asia a Revival over all over uh the
- 00:38:20Middle East over Europe over Russia over
- 00:38:24all the nations of this world we call
- 00:38:28One Last Call for a mighty heart all the
- 00:38:32way down through South
- 00:38:35America all over Africa all over these
- 00:38:38areas father we call forth
- 00:38:42Revival father I thank you Lord you said
- 00:38:45in your word I wish that none should per
- 00:38:47perish but all come to repentance and I
- 00:38:50thank you Father that's what's coming to
- 00:38:51pass right now and that we are the light
- 00:38:53of the world that we rise up father and
- 00:38:56we are the light of the world World
- 00:38:57father we are the salt and we will tell
- 00:39:01the people that you're coming you're
- 00:39:04coming we thank you Lord for the
- 00:39:06financial outpouring we thank you Lord
- 00:39:08for the financial for father to support
- 00:39:10the gospel and promote the gospel
- 00:39:12throughout the whole world I thank you
- 00:39:14Lord that the people have more than
- 00:39:16enough to do what they need to do and
- 00:39:19father this is not a time for the
- 00:39:20believer to walk and lack but father
- 00:39:23that we are are the the people of
- 00:39:25pictures in their hands we're able to
- 00:39:28help the world and and share the love of
- 00:39:30God with people as we we're able to help
- 00:39:32them get something to eat or whatever
- 00:39:35father I thank you
- 00:39:37Lord that now is the time for the body
- 00:39:40to rise up and to be a light in the
- 00:39:43darkness father I thank you Lord that
- 00:39:45we're a light in the
- 00:39:50darkness Lord we're not moved by what we
- 00:39:52see we're not moved by what we feel
- 00:39:55we're moved by what the word of God says
- 00:39:57and father I thank you Lord that we're
- 00:39:59not filling oursel up with with with
- 00:40:02with the world stuff we're filling
- 00:40:05oursel up with the Holy Ghost we're
- 00:40:07filling yourself oursel up with the
- 00:40:10word and we're so grateful we're so
- 00:40:12thankful for all that you've done now
- 00:40:15Lord Diana you pray over the
- 00:40:18babies father we come before you right
- 00:40:20now uh for all the for all the parents
- 00:40:23that that are believing God for children
- 00:40:24that have been able to have it father we
- 00:40:26speak to these women's wombs right now
- 00:40:29in the name of Jesus over their
- 00:40:31reproductive systems and over the M's
- 00:40:32reproductive system as well that
- 00:40:34everything is functioning as it should
- 00:40:36as you designed it to father and I thank
- 00:40:38you as far as the woman go I speak over
- 00:40:40your womb in the name of Jesus you speak
- 00:40:42to your room you say w line up with the
- 00:40:44word of God I thank you that my ovaries
- 00:40:46function as they should you speak to
- 00:40:48your body you call it forth and you say
- 00:40:51you whatever whatever is not functioning
- 00:40:53correctly if it's your fallopian tubes
- 00:40:55Fallopian tubes I I I I call you to to
- 00:40:58work as the Lord designed him to work in
- 00:41:00the name of Jesus an egg you come forth
- 00:41:02a good egg I produce good eggs and
- 00:41:05father that they come forth and when
- 00:41:06they're fertilized that that that this
- 00:41:08baby will will uh do as it's supposed to
- 00:41:11do that that the embryo goes and it
- 00:41:14embeds in the lining and I have a a
- 00:41:16plush lining in my uterus that it's that
- 00:41:18it's enough just perfect for this baby
- 00:41:21to to be taken care of and to be
- 00:41:23nourished that the baby's nourished that
- 00:41:25it gets all the nourishment needs the
- 00:41:27placenta is good that it's that it's
- 00:41:29whole and healed and well and healthy
- 00:41:32that there's nothing wrong with placenta
- 00:41:33and even the umbilical core we we pray
- 00:41:36over that father that it do does not get
- 00:41:37wrapped around the baby's the baby's
- 00:41:39neck at any time and that the baby is
- 00:41:41always in the right place at the right
- 00:41:43time in that uterus and when it's time
- 00:41:45for that baby to come out father we
- 00:41:47thank you that there's no breach babies
- 00:41:49no breach that that baby turns as it
- 00:41:51should father we thank you that the
- 00:41:53mother will have a healthy well
- 00:41:55pregnancy that we call call that forth
- 00:41:58that there will be no heartburn no
- 00:42:00indigestion and after that what SW no
- 00:42:02swelling yeah no swelling no feet
- 00:42:04swollen no no itchiness any of the any
- 00:42:07of the elements that the world says is
- 00:42:09common we do not walk in that father
- 00:42:12because that's under the curse and we're
- 00:42:14not under the curse Jesus Christ has
- 00:42:16come and for us and he has he has we're
- 00:42:19not under that curse anymore we don't
- 00:42:20have to walk in that and so I call forth
- 00:42:23over these mothers to have to have
- 00:42:25pleasant pregnancies Pleasant and well
- 00:42:27pregnancies and that when the time comes
- 00:42:30for the delivery that the delivery will
- 00:42:32be easy that it will be the most
- 00:42:34effortless delivery that they would find
- 00:42:36joy in delivering that baby forth that
- 00:42:40it would be a the moment that you've
- 00:42:42designed I know that that pregnancy and
- 00:42:45child birth is is a is a beautiful time
- 00:42:47that it will be a beautiful process and
- 00:42:48that the devil will not Rob these women
- 00:42:50of that joyous experience that they
- 00:42:53would find that joy and that and that
- 00:42:55beautiful moment that the devil will not
- 00:42:58Rob us of that no more and that these
- 00:43:01babies come forth and when they do
- 00:43:03father I thank you that they have that
- 00:43:05they are healed and whole no
- 00:43:07neurotypical uh difficulties father we
- 00:43:10that they have perfect abgar scores that
- 00:43:12their minds and their hearts and every
- 00:43:14body every body part functions as it
- 00:43:17should in that baby and we thank you
- 00:43:19that they that that these parents will
- 00:43:21raise them up that they vow to you
- 00:43:23father that they will raise these
- 00:43:25children up in homes that are Godly they
- 00:43:27will raise them up in the way that they
- 00:43:29should go so when they grow older they
- 00:43:30will not depart from it father that
- 00:43:32father you give us the desires of our
- 00:43:34heart and father just like Hannah said
- 00:43:37that I get father if you give me this
- 00:43:38child I promise I'll I'll I'll devote
- 00:43:40this child to you I will raise him in
- 00:43:43her her in this home and a Godly home
- 00:43:45and a God-fearing home and father I pray
- 00:43:48right now over even after this mother
- 00:43:50delivers her babies that there's no
- 00:43:52depression no postpartum depression that
- 00:43:55the hormones light up as they should and
- 00:43:57father we pray over the marriages the
- 00:43:59mother that these children will grow up
- 00:44:00in homes with both parents that their
- 00:44:03marriages will be strong and healthy and
- 00:44:05whole that this is a this is a family
- 00:44:07bond that the Lord that that it should
- 00:44:10it's it's a it's a bond that cannot be
- 00:44:12broken and father we thank you that
- 00:44:14these homes are covered that they're
- 00:44:16that their holy spirit that they're is
- 00:44:18in is in their lives at every moment
- 00:44:20that they fear they fear you father that
- 00:44:22they fear they have the awe of God they
- 00:44:24fear the lord in these homes as for in
- 00:44:27my house just as the word said as for me
- 00:44:29in my house we will serve the Lord and I
- 00:44:31thank you that these babies that are
- 00:44:32being brought forth will be in homes
- 00:44:34that serve the Lord they will teach them
- 00:44:36the word teach them the Bible that they
- 00:44:39will go to church and feed these
- 00:44:40children as they should spiritually that
- 00:44:42these will be spiritual spir these
- 00:44:44babies will be will be developed
- 00:44:46spiritually in Jesus name amen thank you
- 00:44:49Lord amen I agree with you baby yes amen
- 00:44:53it's good amen amen well praise the Lord
- 00:44:56so father we just thank you Lord we
- 00:44:58thank you Lord for every need that
- 00:45:01everybody has on this channel is met
- 00:45:03that they they find that peace today
- 00:45:06they find that joy that they're not
- 00:45:08walking in depression people are saying
- 00:45:10I'm I'm feeling depression they don't
- 00:45:12have sad is it called sad seasonal
- 00:45:15depression disorder or whatever father
- 00:45:17no sad or whatever yeah Seasonal
- 00:45:21effective disorder anxiet I don't know
- 00:45:23what it's called seasonal people they're
- 00:45:26not going to have that because the
- 00:45:27because of the winter months yes that
- 00:45:29their hormones are lined up with the
- 00:45:31word they have the their serotonin
- 00:45:33levels are normal we pray over people's
- 00:45:35serotonin levels we pray over their
- 00:45:38their minds father that they have the
- 00:45:39mind of Christ father we take authority
- 00:45:42over sad it's a demonic Spirit we're not
- 00:45:44going to allow that father we take
- 00:45:46authority over that for we have the joy
- 00:45:49of the Lord and the joy of the Lord is
- 00:45:51our strength yes we have the mind of
- 00:45:53Christ because 2 Timothy 1:7 say states
- 00:45:56that God is Not not given us a spirit of
- 00:45:58fear but of power and of love and of of
- 00:46:01a well balanced mind so father we thank
- 00:46:04you Lord for this Supernatural healing
- 00:46:06over their bodies and that father they
- 00:46:08have that well balanced mind today
- 00:46:11father that is they're delivered from
- 00:46:13anxiety and fear and worry and we thank
- 00:46:17you Lord that you have great plans for
- 00:46:19them and they are full of joy in life
- 00:46:21and they're excited they're anticipating
- 00:46:23in Jesus name Jesus name no autoimmune
- 00:46:27disorders and thyroid disorders and
- 00:46:28hormone all this stuff that it's it it
- 00:46:32it's not there in Jesus name we rebuke
- 00:46:34it yep their mind is renewed they're
- 00:46:37excited people are excited about life
- 00:46:38get excited about life anticipate God
- 00:46:41doing something super natural in your
- 00:46:43life today have an expected hope go hey
- 00:46:48I I know God is moving he's on the move
- 00:46:51today something good is happening for me
- 00:46:54today yes today sub say it out your
- 00:46:57mouth you have to say out of your today
- 00:47:01something good is happening for me today
- 00:47:03I know that something good is going to
- 00:47:05happen to
- 00:47:06me thank you Father thank you Lord for
- 00:47:10the blood of Jesus thank you Lord for
- 00:47:12all that you're going to do and thank
- 00:47:14you Lord that you're not done with
- 00:47:15America yet that we will see a great
- 00:47:20Revival I I'm so important to the father
- 00:47:23I know Harvest it's it's it's about it's
- 00:47:26all about the Harvest it's all about the
- 00:47:28Harvest to
- 00:47:30him so Lord we give you praise and glory
- 00:47:33for it and everybody say amen and amen
- 00:47:37amen well I pray this video blessed you
- 00:47:39all today um you know I it was really on
- 00:47:42my heart just to pray for the for the uh
- 00:47:45tth and for the inauguration there's
- 00:47:47protection over him and all that and all
- 00:47:49the other stuff just came extra I
- 00:47:51guess so I appreciate yall watching if
- 00:47:54you're new here please subscribe if you
- 00:47:57haven't subscribed subscribe if you're
- 00:47:59just one of the ones that just clicking
- 00:48:00through and you're like I watch all
- 00:48:02Brandon's videos but I never subscribe
- 00:48:04please take the time to subscribe if you
- 00:48:07if you are a person who's a frequent
- 00:48:10Watcher and you haven't subscribed to
- 00:48:12our Channel click that button and click
- 00:48:15the notification button it helps with
- 00:48:17the algorithm it help you are actually
- 00:48:20helping get the gospel and your part
- 00:48:22well you say I never preach the gospel
- 00:48:23I'll never do that no by you clicking
- 00:48:26that subscribe button by you commenting
- 00:48:28something down below by you doing
- 00:48:30something like that it's it's very it's
- 00:48:32painless it just takes click click click
- 00:48:35that's what gets the algorithm to spread
- 00:48:38it all over YouTube because they think
- 00:48:40oh there's somebody it's all about
- 00:48:41AdSense to them it's all about Revenue
- 00:48:44because they get because of the
- 00:48:45commercials so the more they they know
- 00:48:48that somebody's going to watch it the
- 00:48:50more opportunity they make try to sell
- 00:48:52some of their products to you which
- 00:48:54that's the way they make the that's how
- 00:48:55this platform works so help me help me
- 00:48:59because that's all they're looking for
- 00:49:00is is are people interested in Brandon's
- 00:49:02videos yeah and if they are they'll
- 00:49:05boost it and then the gospel gets out to
- 00:49:07the it gets out to the people who need
- 00:49:09it yeah it gets it gets out so every
- 00:49:12time you click like every time you
- 00:49:14comment every time you click the
- 00:49:16notification Bell or subscribe they go
- 00:49:18that guy's in demand so let's boost him
- 00:49:21up so more people are able to see his
- 00:49:22videos and they don't realize they're
- 00:49:24getting the gospel out they don't even
- 00:49:25know it they don't care
- 00:49:27at that point they don't care they're
- 00:49:28just looking at they have their own
- 00:49:30agenda but we have ours and it's to get
- 00:49:32Jesus spread throughout the whole world
- 00:49:34not about us but about him it's about
- 00:49:36him who cares about me it's about him
- 00:49:39all about him it's exciting God just go
- 00:49:41isn't it really neat all that about all
- 00:49:44that is about is just getting the gospel
- 00:49:45out so and you know what a way to do it
- 00:49:47so we're just we're excited to be here
- 00:49:50and and China is really taking off we've
- 00:49:52got uh our new Spanish channel uh Braden
- 00:49:54has started our new espano
- 00:49:57right last ESP last day's
- 00:49:59espano Y is that correct well we'll put
- 00:50:02the links in the description Link in the
- 00:50:04description so Spanish is officially
- 00:50:06going we got one video up and we're
- 00:50:08putting more out so um Spanish is going
- 00:50:10to be going so if you speak Spanish and
- 00:50:13you want to be a part of the channel go
- 00:50:15watch the Spanish Channel if you speak
- 00:50:16China Chinese go watch that I got uh we
- 00:50:20got the uh South Korean China
- 00:50:23Vietnam Uh Russian Russian Channel we
- 00:50:28have a lot of different channels so much
- 00:50:31now I can't
- 00:50:32even Vietnamese channel so if you are
- 00:50:35speaking a different language and you
- 00:50:37have an under a hard time understanding
- 00:50:39English and you want to hear it in your
- 00:50:41your native language go watch one of
- 00:50:43those channels we're building them up
- 00:50:44and we're excited about it and it's part
- 00:50:46of the growth that this channel is doing
- 00:50:49uh spreading the gospel throughout the
- 00:50:50whole world in 2025 we'll be adding more
- 00:50:52in the future yeah yeah more channels
- 00:50:55are coming it's a lot of work work but
- 00:50:56we're doing it huh yeah so I'm proud of
- 00:50:59my son I'm proud of my wife thank you
- 00:51:01all it's all about Jesus y'all and it's
- 00:51:04exciting we're doing our part as you
- 00:51:06help us as you pray for us as you're
- 00:51:09kind to us you we're doing our part to
- 00:51:12spread the gospel throughout the whole
- 00:51:14world and and we believe the Bible says
- 00:51:16you spread the world the his word
- 00:51:19throughout the whole world telling them
- 00:51:21about Jesus and then the end will come
- 00:51:23and we believe we're a part of that
- 00:51:25we're believe we're doing that with with
- 00:51:27with all we have I mean this family we
- 00:51:30are stretched and I'm thankful for the
- 00:51:33opportunity to to spread his word
- 00:51:35because we're running out of time and as
- 00:51:38you are um watching these videos I
- 00:51:41appreciate your support I truly do thank
- 00:51:44you for supporting us thank you for
- 00:51:45being kind to my family uh helping us to
- 00:51:48get the gospel out it's amazing watching
- 00:51:50What the Lord Has Done in such a short
- 00:51:53amount of time he knows
- 00:51:57uh who he can trust and he can trust us
- 00:51:59because we're going to do it we're doing
- 00:52:01it with all our hearts so we're excited
- 00:52:02to see what God does in 2020 2025 2026
- 00:52:07or whatever how much time we have left
- 00:52:08on this this Earth so be encouraged
- 00:52:11today you all be encouraged today Jesus
- 00:52:14has a plan for your life and we love you
- 00:52:17all we really truly do we pray for you
- 00:52:19we pray for your finances we pray for
- 00:52:20your homes we pray for your marriages we
- 00:52:22pray for every single one of you all the
- 00:52:24time when I I drive around just praying
- 00:52:25in the spirit
- 00:52:27so I just want to let you all know that
- 00:52:29so but we always close our broadcast
- 00:52:31here by always saying to put a smile on
- 00:52:34your face and a song in your heart
- 00:52:36because Jesus loves you and we love you
- 00:52:38God bless you all and we will see you
- 00:52:41again soon bye-bye
- Jesus
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