Unfulfilled at Work? | AM I AN ENTREPRENEUR?



TLDRI denne video diskuterer værten, hvordan man kan føle sig uopfyldt på arbejdet og deler sin egen rejse fra at studere spansk til at få en finansiel uddannelse. Hun erkender, at hendes job i en cubicle ikke gav hende den kreative frihed, hun ønskede. For at finde tilfredsstillelse begyndte hun at arbejde på sin blog og til sidst startede en online virksomhed, hvor hun kunne bruge sine færdigheder. Værten opfordrer seerne til at finde deres unikke færdigheder og give dem et formål. Hun tilbyder også træning, der lærer folk, hvordan de kan skabe en online virksomhed ud fra deres færdigheder.


  • 💡 Udforsk hvorfor du føler dig uopfyldt på arbejdet.
  • 🎓 Vælg en uddannelse, der har værdi i arbejdsmarkedet.
  • 🚀 Find kreativ plads i dit arbejde for at føle tilfredshed.
  • 📚 Start en blog eller sideprojekt for at udforske dine interesser.
  • 💼 Overvej freelancing som en vej til at bruge dine færdigheder.
  • 🎯 Find dine unikke færdigheder og pak dem ind som tjenester.
  • 📈 Bliv del af en træning for at lære at få kunder til din virksomhed.
  • 🔗 Handl for at gøre dine ideer til indkomst.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:06:20

    I videoen diskuteres følelsen af utilfredshed på arbejdet, som ofte kan stamme fra at have en liberal arts-grad, der ikke er højt værdsat i arbejdsmarkedet. Taleren deler sin egen rejse fra at vælge spansk som hovedfag uden virkelig at vide, hvad de ønskede at gøre, til at afslutte en finansgrad og ende i et cubicle job, som de aldrig ønskede. På grund af recessionen fandt de det svært at finde et job og begyndte at blogge om personlig økonomi, hvilket de fandt mere opfyldende. De erkendte, at utilfredsheden kom fra ikke at have plads til kreativ udfoldelse, og opfordrer seerne til at finde deres unikke færdigheder og overveje at starte en online virksomhed.



  • Hvad handler videoen om?

    Videoen handler om følelsen af uopfyldelse på arbejdet og vejen til at finde kreativ tilfredsstillelse.

  • Hvilken uddannelse har værten?

    Værten har en uddannelse i spansk og finance.

  • Hvordan startede værten sin rejse mod iværksætteri?

    Hun startede en blog om personlig økonomi og begyndte at tilbyde freelance-tjenester.

  • Hvad er den foreslåede løsning for uopfyldelse på arbejdet?

    At finde sin unikke færdighed og bruge den til at starte en online virksomhed.

  • Hvad tilbyder værten i træningen '30 Days to Client Praise'?

    Hun tilbyder at lære deltagerne, hvordan de identificerer deres unikke færdigheder og får deres første klient.


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  • 00:00:00
    Welcome back to Creating Coins where we talk about money and mindset for entrepreneurs.
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    Today we're talking about the real reason you feel unfulfilled at work.
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    There was a reason that I was in college for 10 plus years.
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    So let me take you back just a little bit.
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    When I started college, I was undeclared for the first year or so.
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    I didn't know what I wanted my major to be.
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    And after the first year, my counselor said you've got to choose a major otherwise you
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    can't continue on in college.
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    So I chose a major by default.
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    I thought, well, I really enjoy Spanish.
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    I feel like I'm good at it, so I'm just going to be a Spanish major.
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    So I chose to be a Spanish major.
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    How many of you have liberal arts degrees?
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    Do you have an English degree?
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    Do you have a Spanish degree?
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    Do you have a degree in literature or something like that?
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    A history major?
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    If you do, then you can probably relate.
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    I didn't realize it at the time but liberal arts degrees are not super highly valued in
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    the workforce.
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    Typically you want to have a more specific degree and a business degree is, usually the
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    most valuable degree that you can get unless you're taking your history degree and then
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    going for additional education and getting a law degree.
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    But I'm talking about an undergraduate degree.
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    So after graduating with the Spanish degree, I realized that I didn't want to teach Spanish
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    and even if I did I would have had to go and get an additional certification.
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    I also didn't want to move overseas in order to translate and I didn't want to do any court
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    reporting translation.
  • 00:01:30
    Of the jobs that were available to me, I realized that that's not actually what I wanted to
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  • 00:01:35
    I just wanted to walk around and speak Spanish all day.
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    So after I realized that my Spanish degree wasn't going to be very profitable for me,
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    I was working as a cashier at a restaurant and I decided to go back to college.
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    I went back to college to get a an additional degree, one that would be more highly valued.
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    I told myself, you're only allowed to get an accounting degree, a finance degree, or
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    an engineering degree.
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    Engineering was way over my head.
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    Accounting was just really, really boring.
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    But finance was pretty interesting.
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    After I got that finance degree, I realized that I needed to get a cubicle job.
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    I needed to get a job that would allow me to pay off all of the loans that I had taken
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    out in order to get these degrees.
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    And at that point I felt really crushed because I never really wanted a cubicle job.
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    I always felt like I would be an entrepreneur.
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    I felt like I would be the CEO of a business.
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    I felt like I was the person to direct the movement of something.
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    I knew I was a creator.
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    I knew I was meant for more, but I thought, if this is what I have to do, then I'm going
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    to do it.
  • 00:02:42
    So I decided to get a cubicle job.
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    Little did I know that I was going to graduate during the greatest recession since the Great
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    Depression, and I had a really hard time finding a job.
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    It took me a 11 months to find a job.
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    In those first couple of months, I thought, "If I can't find a job, then I'm just going
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    to create one myself.
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    Maybe this will be my road to entrepreneurship."
  • 00:03:03
    I decided to create a little blog.
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    It was a personal finance blog and I just started talking about my own struggles.
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    I started teaching what I had learned in college and I continued to write after I got a full
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    time job, I thought, "OK, this is it.
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    I'm going to hang out in this full time job.
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    This is going to be it for me and I'll just take my paycheck, I'll go home, I'll work
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    on my blog, on the side and I'll bring in a healthy side income."
  • 00:03:29
    But the problem was, I felt really unfulfilled at work.
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    Now, if you're feeling unfulfilled at work, it might be because of the same issues that
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    I was having problems with.
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    The reason that I felt really unfulfilled is because I felt like I didn't have that
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    creative energy that I could get out.
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    I couldn't take the ideas that were in my head and turn them into reality and I found
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    that I am a creator and my inherent need is to take ideas out of my head and bring them
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    to life and see them to vision.
  • 00:04:02
    So if you're feeling unfulfilled at work, it's probably because you don't have enough
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    room to breathe.
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    You don't have a creative space.
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    Now, if you can work in an entrepreneurial organization where you're given room to breathe
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    and you're given the ability to work on your own projects along with doing the work that
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    you do every day, you might feel really fulfilled at work, but if you don't and you're just
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    required to do those rote tasks over and over again, every single day, you're probably feeling
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    really frustrated right now.
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    So what was the solution?
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    What did I do?
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    I continued to work on my blog, on the side, and I started looking for ways to earn enough
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    to replace my full-time income.
  • 00:04:40
    What I discovered was that I could take my skills and turn it into an online business
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    and I started doing some freelance writing, freelance social media management.
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    I booked my first client at about $800 a month, and then I booked the next client at around
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    $2,500 a month and I continue to book clients and I replaced my full-time income by doing
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    done for you services.
  • 00:05:01
    I truly believe that you have a unique skill that you're probably not using and you can
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    take that and turn it into an online business.
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    I've helped hundreds of clients take their own unique skills and turn them into an online
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    business and I'd love to show you exactly the process, how we've done it and how you
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    can do it as well.
  • 00:05:19
    I'm hosting a training called 30 Days to Client Praise.
  • 00:05:22
    I will leave all the details in the description box.
  • 00:05:25
    You can just click the link below.
  • 00:05:27
    There are few times that you can choose in order to sign up for and watch the training.
  • 00:05:32
    During the training, I'm going to show you exactly how to figure out what your unique
  • 00:05:35
    skill is, how to package it up and offer it to clients.
  • 00:05:38
    I'll even show you how to get your first client and then how to set up a system that continues
  • 00:05:43
    to bring clients to you.
  • 00:05:45
    Now, I had a young lady that was on the training and she said, "I just got a client while I
  • 00:05:49
    was on the training!"
  • 00:05:50
    So I know that it works and I'd love to have you join us as well.
  • 00:05:54
    All the details that you need are in the description box.
  • 00:05:57
    Remember, all it takes is action to turn your ideas into income and that's Creating Coins.
  • 00:06:03
    Thanks so much for joining me and I'll see you in the next one.
  • iværksætteri
  • arbejdsglæde
  • kreativitet
  • online forretning
  • personlig økonomi
  • uddannelse
  • livsvej
  • karriereskift
  • færdigheder
  • træning