Supernatural - Horror Game Playthrough W/ Lui (Dude I'm Not Scared) (Reupload)
TLDRSecvența video prezintă o discuție amuzantă și satirică despre un joc video care implică rezolvarea unui mister într-o casă bântuită. Personajele principale, Wyatt și alți jucători, interacționează cu un decor plin de ciudățenii, în timp ce fac glume și comentarii sarcastice despre narațiunea jocului, personajele și dialogurile sale, care adeseori par lipsite de logică. De asemenea, sunt menționate momente ironice și ridicole legate de un caz fictiv al lui Susan, o femeie despre care se presupune că a fost ucisă. Discuțiile deviază adesea spre teme amuzante și absurde, precum dificultatea de a naviga prin joc și interacțiuni ciudate cu fantome. În final, jucătorii ajung într-o confuzie și dezamăgire totală în legătură cu povestea și mecanicile jocului.
- 🎮 O sesiune de joc haotică și plină de umor absurd.
- 👻 Misterul dispariției lui Susan rămâne neelucidat și plin de întorsături absurde.
- 🤣 Dialoguri pline de sarcasm și ironii la adresa sănătății mentale și a decorului jocului.
- 🕵️♂️ Wyatt este protagonistul care încearcă să dezlege misterele.
- 📹 Utilizarea camerelor de supraveghere adaugă o dinamică de 'Five Nights at Freddy's'.
- 😱 Momentele de sperietură sunt transformate în ocazii de amuzament ironic.
- 🧩 Rezolvarea puzzle-urilor devine o provocare hilară pentru jucători.
- 🏚️ Casa bântuită servește ca principal decor pentru acțiunea plină de ciudățenii.
- 😂 Personajele fac referiri amuzante la figuri din cultura pop.
- 🔍 Subiectul sănătății mentale este abordat într-un context involuntar comic.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Discuția începe cu un schimb despre dorința de a juca un joc. Se discută despre un joc criticat pozitiv de Critical și despre faptul că unul dintre vorbitori ar putea să-l primească cadou sau să joace la casa altcuiva. Există și o glumă legată de microfon și de cum poate îngreuna comentariul jocului.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Jucătorii discută despre un personaj numit Wyatt și despre ceea ce pare a fi un mister care trebuie rezolvat într-o casă. Se face referire la recunoașterea vocală în joc și la problemele lingvistice ale dezvoltatorilor. Observațiile sunt întrerupte de glume și conversații fără legătură directă.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Continuă jocul și investigația în casa misterioasă. Sunt menționate elemente ca simboluri ciudate și un caz nerezolvat cu o victimă copil. Discuția se îndreaptă apoi către mesajele din joc și cum acestea servesc la progresul misterului, incluzând elemente de puzzle și interpretări greșite amuzante.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Se dezvăluie mai multe despre poveste, cu puzzle-uri bazate pe simboluri de animale. Glumele persistă, concentrându-se pe designul jocului și pe interacțiunile amuzante cu elementele de puzzle. Se discută despre cum personajul principal navighează și face asocieri pentru a rezolva misterul.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Un alt segment de joc se concentrează asupra explorării camerelor și a folosirii camerelor de supraveghere pentru a urmări activități paranormale. Este o combinație de dialog amuzant și strategii pentru a progresa în investigația jocului.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Se dezvăluie mai multe detalii despre suspecții principali și posibilele motive ale crimelor. Dialogurile devin dramatice și pline de umor negru, pe măsură ce jucătorii încearcă să dezlege misterul. Scepticismul asupra poveștii și a elementelor sale de puzzle este evident.
- 00:30:00 - 00:38:05
În final, povestea jocului și concluziile sunt trasate, dezvăluind că investigarea a dus la descoperirea criminalului real, un șerif gelos. Se discută despre modul cum povestea și jocul au mers și se încheie cu reflecții amuzante despre lipsa de logică a întregii experiențe și speculațiile legate de poveste.
De ce sunt menționate figuri ca Eminem și Michael Jackson?
Sunt menționate în glume și aluzii amuzante despre muzică și cultura pop.
Ce încearcă personajele să facă în jocul video?
Ele încearcă să rezolve un mister într-o casă bântuită.
Cine este Susan în contextul jocului?
Susan este un personaj despre care se crede că a fost ucisă, iar jocul implică descoperirea adevărului din spatele morții sale.
Ce rol joacă detectivul Wyatt în poveste?
Detectivul Wyatt investighează dispariția și moartea misterioasă a lui Susan.
Ce discuții amuzante au loc între jucători?
Jucătorii fac glume despre configurarea complicată a jocului și comentarii despre imperfecțiunile caracterelor și povestirii.
Cum sunt abordate subiectele de sănătate mentală în joc?
Se face referire la sănătatea mentală în contextul morții lui Susan, deși într-un mod amuzant și absurd.
Există mențiuni despre locații sau obiecte relevante în joc?
Da, sunt menționate locații ca un arbore în curte și obiecte precum piese de puzzle și camere de supraveghere.
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- 00:00:08W do you feel like playing game you say
- 00:00:12I feel like playing
- 00:00:14game can you just
- 00:00:16play are you too scared yeah I'm going
- 00:00:19to watch you critical said it was good
- 00:00:21that was
- 00:00:23fun want me to gift it to you it's 89 oh
- 00:00:28I got your gift now that's right you
- 00:00:30Escape playing this
- 00:00:31game yeah if you don't want to play it
- 00:00:33I'm going to go over to your house and
- 00:00:34I'm going to play it for you
- 00:00:38[ __ ] it just ends up being me playing
- 00:00:42it
- 00:00:43alone um what the whole mic thing huh I
- 00:00:48don't know I don't know who mic is wait
- 00:00:51do you need it to win the game though I
- 00:00:52don't know that's so stupid though how
- 00:00:54are you supposed to do commentary how
- 00:00:55are you supposed to entertain billions
- 00:00:57of people and make political statements
- 00:01:00during the game play hello hello hello
- 00:01:03hello hello hello
- 00:01:06hello ah I think that's good right here
- 00:01:09right here is like Perfect all right
- 00:01:11when you see this icon it means that
- 00:01:13voice recognition is disabled at the
- 00:01:15time when you see this icon it means
- 00:01:16that voice recognition is enabled at the
- 00:01:18moment why would it say at this time and
- 00:01:20at the moment this is obviously not
- 00:01:22people who made this game do not have
- 00:01:24like English as their I'm not even going
- 00:01:27to speak right speak properly
- 00:01:30English is in their first
- 00:01:32talking what
- 00:01:35happened look at what
- 00:01:38happen oh dude no look at listen as a
- 00:01:42soul developer I create projects with
- 00:01:44passion and dedication I ensure the
- 00:01:46quality and Clarity of the content
- 00:01:48constantly that's a lot of clarity
- 00:01:52content sounds like an mem
- 00:01:55song detective Wyatt man I can't believe
- 00:02:00talking to you I've been a huge fan of
- 00:02:02your work especially that Sakamoto case
- 00:02:06the way you that some just
- 00:02:08like it's a nice house man thanks a
- 00:02:12little messy look at that cereal box
- 00:02:13hold the camera to find a clue to
- 00:02:15examine it hold down the zoom button
- 00:02:17keep in mind that there may be more than
- 00:02:18one clue in a viewport zoom button is
- 00:02:21the right
- 00:02:22trigger oh that's going to there's going
- 00:02:24to be a jump scare when you do that
- 00:02:26automated message from pulse graer Bank
- 00:02:28we regret to inform you that the
- 00:02:30mortgage payment for the property is
- 00:02:32currently for
- 00:02:3495,3 this place I mean this whole house
- 00:02:37reply cost please do not hesitate to
- 00:02:40contact our customer service department
- 00:02:42nobody he has balls on his chin what the
- 00:02:44that's an ugly placement for the sink no
- 00:02:47they probably have another sink wait
- 00:02:48what the hell is that that my stomach no
- 00:02:50this is like something like
- 00:02:54uhoh oh [ __ ] I told I told you I told
- 00:02:57you go away
- 00:03:00you suck my dick all right I think
- 00:03:03you're just going to have to clear the
- 00:03:04house all right just remember pie the
- 00:03:05corners okay just remember what I taught
- 00:03:07you in CQB training Lou you were just
- 00:03:10behind me holding me
- 00:03:12sh all these these like uh pops these
- 00:03:15pop toy figurines look at clown ski
- 00:03:18Delirious is that
- 00:03:20delirious delirious oh it did say
- 00:03:23something about closing doors though you
- 00:03:24can close it don't zoom in don't zoom in
- 00:03:26it's a trap I I didn't mean to are you
- 00:03:30friendly just say just say you're here
- 00:03:32to take care of the rat problem what if
- 00:03:34I'm the rat yeah but you you you got to
- 00:03:36earn you got to earn the owner's trust
- 00:03:38okay don't don't forget Lou this is a
- 00:03:40heist weird symbol I wonder if it could
- 00:03:43relate to the case what case I don't
- 00:03:45even what the [ __ ] happening maybe
- 00:03:47part of the storyline is you hit your
- 00:03:48head you don't remember anything this
- 00:03:50[ __ ] I shouldn't touch his personal
- 00:03:53stuff he start jacking off on his
- 00:03:55keyboard this is our house right I can
- 00:03:58relate no no this is not our house oh
- 00:04:01okay we're slowly understanding what the
- 00:04:04[ __ ] is even going on what is this cat
- 00:04:07ski are you ring them all down wait no
- 00:04:10am I supposed to we probably need them
- 00:04:11later on before like the Killer is going
- 00:04:14to ask us what did you find like no am I
- 00:04:16supposed to it cuts to me I'm like
- 00:04:18getting a
- 00:04:20massage o is this the oh another child
- 00:04:25victim God please no what he didn't God
- 00:04:29please
- 00:04:31know so so I guess it sounds like our
- 00:04:34character knows that like somebody maybe
- 00:04:36got kidnapped to this house we're
- 00:04:38investigating we're solving crimes he
- 00:04:40said another child victim so I think the
- 00:04:43uh the brightness is kind of killing it
- 00:04:45from okay I saw something I saw how do I
- 00:04:48get out of this how do I get out of this
- 00:04:50menu resume in the middle what what did
- 00:04:53you see what you see something popped up
- 00:04:54something popped up it said something
- 00:04:55about something something about
- 00:04:58something where's this [ __ ] ass crying
- 00:05:01Show Yourself prob the baby oh oh this
- 00:05:05is where the ring is coming from yeah
- 00:05:06get the get get the phone get the phone
- 00:05:08get the phone no [ __ ] way if I have
- 00:05:11to chase down a password for another two
- 00:05:13hours again I'm
- 00:05:14out what is this hold on hold on look at
- 00:05:18the password starts with the fish key
- 00:05:20then Teddy ski arasi second to last with
- 00:05:23the cool ski and finally clown ski have
- 00:05:25a blast sweetheart is that Eminem rap
- 00:05:28yeah password start with the fish then a
- 00:05:30Teddy ski oh ski ski [ __ ] song
- 00:05:34so I got to find the chicken thing
- 00:05:36chicken cow and rabbit chicken let me
- 00:05:38just look at those first chicken count
- 00:05:39rabbit where's that damn ringing coming
- 00:05:42from oh [ __ ] what the hell get away what
- 00:05:47what oh
- 00:05:49what oh it has a three on there look
- 00:05:51three oh yeah three all right caty 3 are
- 00:05:55you are do you want me to take pictures
- 00:05:57or notes go for it cat key 3 that
- 00:05:59ringing is so annoying dude it is four
- 00:06:01for robot ski bear is that a bear uh
- 00:06:05Bear ski Teddy ski Teddy what's that
- 00:06:09clown five five clown five fish zero
- 00:06:14zero fish
- 00:06:20zero no oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] I would
- 00:06:23have [ __ ] pop Two Shots right in her
- 00:06:25skull oh look at her look at her look at
- 00:06:26her the hell she looks like a PNG
- 00:06:31okay all right starting to get used to
- 00:06:33your [ __ ] ass I ain't scared six for
- 00:06:37shark ski shark six okay all right I got
- 00:06:42that go
- 00:06:44away okay I think you're good one oh
- 00:06:47what is it co Sky one what do you want
- 00:06:51are you a man or a woman why were you
- 00:06:53disqualified from that other gold medal
- 00:06:55tournament thingy before the Olympics
- 00:06:57keep hearing the wind I think it's like
- 00:06:59some moving the ultrasound for a baby I
- 00:07:02don't [ __ ] know I don't like babies
- 00:07:04truth will come how long do you have to
- 00:07:06wait oh how long do I have to wait oh
- 00:07:10that's oh oh oh the [ __ ] Maniac is is
- 00:07:14like what is that fetus that baby has a
- 00:07:17giant dick yeah oh maybe it's
- 00:07:20a that dude's [ __ ] the pregnant
- 00:07:25woman what this is the guy that's his
- 00:07:28dick going in what the girls pregnant
- 00:07:33and they took an o with his D
- 00:07:36inside during penetration yeah all right
- 00:07:40what do we got here this is probably
- 00:07:42number two right rabbit rabbit ski yeah
- 00:07:44it's two all right I got all of them
- 00:07:46through eight all right we're good think
- 00:07:49we could solve the
- 00:07:50mystery we could solve the mystery of
- 00:07:52what is the mystery I'm going to run for
- 00:07:54the
- 00:07:55room go go go go go go [ __ ] it sit down
- 00:07:59so all right hold on let's look at it
- 00:08:01again we got to look at the clue again
- 00:08:02first is chickeni then cow ski followed
- 00:08:05by rabbit ski all right so chicken cow
- 00:08:07rabbit wait I don't have cow on my list
- 00:08:10[ __ ] let's just let's just call cow nine
- 00:08:13for now okay oh is that are doing POS of
- 00:08:15elimination well it's just because all
- 00:08:17we have one through eight let's just
- 00:08:18call it nine just in case okay so 8
- 00:08:229263 8
- 00:08:249263 okay password
- 00:08:2707415 07
- 00:08:31415 boom hell yeah [ __ ]
- 00:08:36Bella damn you were on hold for a long
- 00:08:39ass time
- 00:08:40B have you fixed your cam yet I was
- 00:08:42thinking we could have a little you know
- 00:08:45hour time while she's away she hey Bella
- 00:08:48yeah Kay's look AI she is you sound a
- 00:08:54bit off babe was everything okay I was
- 00:08:56really looking forward to seeing you
- 00:08:58yeah her face is just a bit tired you
- 00:09:01know it's been a hectic day tired huh
- 00:09:04it' be funny if we end up looking like
- 00:09:06her at the end of the game like us in
- 00:09:07real life I was really hoping to come
- 00:09:09over what's the deal just need a bit of
- 00:09:12downtime Mrs Susan is missing Mrs
- 00:09:15Susanne is missing you're being a I was
- 00:09:18really hoping to spend some alone time
- 00:09:20with you what's the real story look it's
- 00:09:23just not a good night and I need to take
- 00:09:25it easy can we catch up some other time
- 00:09:28sure but you're not fooling
- 00:09:29why are you being so distant he had
- 00:09:31plans and now you're backing out B it's
- 00:09:33not the right time I promise we'll make
- 00:09:36up for it I need to go she shifting her
- 00:09:39eyes catch up
- 00:09:41later kayy won't be thrilled about this
- 00:09:43why is this guy talk like this I don't
- 00:09:46like how he talks can I use the
- 00:09:51internet
- 00:09:52on switch cameras with the previous and
- 00:09:55next buttons and use night vision with
- 00:09:57the night vision but oh no welcome to
- 00:09:59Five Nights at
- 00:10:03Freddy's sound she SC to the right
- 00:10:09dude oh the dog's away swear if you
- 00:10:12leave these cameras and the [ __ ]
- 00:10:13[ __ ] is right in your face Dude Where's
- 00:10:15the dog at though oh there oh that's the
- 00:10:19that's the room upstairs right next to
- 00:10:20us you got to go see the
- 00:10:22dog oh oh no it's not safe Lou just keep
- 00:10:26looking at the screen man keep checking
- 00:10:28the cameras dude what's wrong what's up
- 00:10:30with my hair dude Panic just continue
- 00:10:34working do not open solitire or balloons
- 00:10:37okay the boss is
- 00:10:40watching dude oh she's gone good thing
- 00:10:44you didn't get up at that time because
- 00:10:45yeah you would have died okay now you
- 00:10:46can get up all right you're lying to me
- 00:10:48though dude and I get fired right
- 00:10:52now we got to get the dog we got to get
- 00:10:54the dog dude what are you looking at
- 00:10:56dog oh [ __ ] what does it say
- 00:10:59what does it say boy read
- 00:11:02it crawler crawler crawler it's another
- 00:11:06oh it's another &em
- 00:11:07song the dog turn off the
- 00:11:14leg
- 00:11:16oh that one's not scary though because
- 00:11:18it's like it's not even a threat down
- 00:11:20the hall big whoop you're like cleaning
- 00:11:23up the pee from your
- 00:11:25chair all right
- 00:11:27crawler oh [ __ ] you knew you were
- 00:11:30supposed to do that yeah you didn't did
- 00:11:31tell you to do that you didn't see the
- 00:11:32prompt when you doing the Eminem songs
- 00:11:34oh sorry I was
- 00:11:37cleaning just cleaning the [ __ ] off the
- 00:11:39monitor this is so much reading I know I
- 00:11:42was going to say go for it while I
- 00:11:44stretch no way dude [ __ ] that I don't
- 00:11:47think it's I got it I got it on July
- 00:11:4815th 2020 the small town of Greenfield
- 00:11:51Pennsylvania was rocked by a tragedy
- 00:11:52that left its resident in shock and
- 00:11:54mourning 80-year-old Miss Susan crawler
- 00:11:56a beloved member of the community had
- 00:11:58taken her own life by hanging herself
- 00:11:59from a tree in her
- 00:12:01[Music]
- 00:12:02backyard like your first response is the
- 00:12:07laugh no but the reason why I think it's
- 00:12:09funny though right out of all the places
- 00:12:11she decided to kill herself she [ __ ]
- 00:12:13went outside she had to go and climb up
- 00:12:16to tie the rope and then jump
- 00:12:19yeah and I'm thinking an 80-year-old did
- 00:12:22this you know what I mean yeah there
- 00:12:24there's a higher percentage of her dying
- 00:12:25while trying to tie the rope yeah so
- 00:12:28that's why I'm just like what but miss
- 00:12:29crawler was known for her kind heart and
- 00:12:31generosity towards others she
- 00:12:32volunteered at the local Senior Center
- 00:12:34where she spent countless hours knitting
- 00:12:36blankets and scares for those in need in
- 00:12:37the days following her death the town
- 00:12:39came together to honor Miss crawler's
- 00:12:41memory dude why are they going crazy
- 00:12:43over a lady who was knitting though like
- 00:12:46maybe she touched many hearts in this
- 00:12:48town okay they should have said she was
- 00:12:50a doctor or something but not that
- 00:12:52[ __ ] like she knitted who cares it
- 00:12:55is hoped that through Miss brother's
- 00:12:57tragic passing more attention will be
- 00:12:58brought to the importance of mental
- 00:13:00health awareness and the Olympic Games
- 00:13:03of
- 00:13:052024 and we're dealing with a celebrity
- 00:13:07ghost Louie she's a [ __ ]
- 00:13:12Knitter he's a Knitter yeah I found that
- 00:13:15nitter hanging from a
- 00:13:17tree my Knitter
- 00:13:21oh let me get you come here man Suzanne
- 00:13:24she was my
- 00:13:26nitter dude it sounds like [ __ ] and
- 00:13:29someone's walking with wet socks what
- 00:13:31the hell is that oh dude she's eating
- 00:13:34the dog she's eating the dog Fu [ __ ]
- 00:13:35herself on the floor okay poop all over
- 00:13:39the walls I can't control this it's on
- 00:13:41its own what's happening oh no she's
- 00:13:45cleaning the
- 00:13:50[ __ ] wait are you friendly are you
- 00:13:53friendly oh you're not
- 00:13:56friendly from the the microphone will
- 00:13:57detect every noise you can also start
- 00:13:59communicate with paranormal it look like
- 00:14:00a Gmod ragd doll oh the computer
- 00:14:07again she's just sitting here on the
- 00:14:12no wait are you friendly are you
- 00:14:14friendly are you friendly what the [ __ ]
- 00:14:16do you do to my face oh I think she was
- 00:14:19saying shh like be quiet I can talk she
- 00:14:21can't hear
- 00:14:22me all right time to talk to AI Bella
- 00:14:25Colton it's me again listen just stay
- 00:14:28quiet for a sec okay I need to tell you
- 00:14:31something so I did some digging online
- 00:14:34and guess what Mrs Suzanne died some
- 00:14:36time ago 3 years to be exact isn't this
- 00:14:39crazy I mean why didn't we hear about it
- 00:14:42right when it happened why did you seen
- 00:14:44her this whole [ __ ] time something is
- 00:14:47not right here why did you see someone
- 00:14:49wanted to sweep it under the rug or
- 00:14:51something this is all so bizar I need
- 00:14:54some time to process this and you should
- 00:14:55probably see a shrink or something
- 00:14:57unless this is some damn ghost business
- 00:14:59I'm done don't try to reach out to me
- 00:15:01I'm dead
- 00:15:03serious wow what a [ __ ] I'm going to
- 00:15:06post her nudes online go see a shrink
- 00:15:09I'm out bye like what
- 00:15:12the oh
- 00:15:17[ __ ] that Knitter just tried to silence
- 00:15:19you all right what do you want
- 00:15:24dude okay so she was murdered she was
- 00:15:26actually murdered by the tree we all
- 00:15:28know that you're
- 00:15:29Knitter [ __ ] I ain't scared of your
- 00:15:31[ __ ] ass where the [ __ ] are you at you
- 00:15:32stupid ass old ass Knitter hanging from
- 00:15:34a tree the [ __ ] you doing over here huh
- 00:15:37what are you going to do headbutt me huh
- 00:15:39I ain't scared do something do something
- 00:15:42ah ah yeah I'm I don't give a [ __ ] what
- 00:15:47you going do about it yeah what's up bit
- 00:15:49I just ran through your [ __ ]
- 00:15:51ass no you shut up [ __ ] what happened
- 00:15:54what's going
- 00:15:55on what do you want [ __ ] get the [ __ ]
- 00:15:58out of my face homicide who killed you
- 00:15:59oh you going to take my tongue out
- 00:16:03my keep your voice down go
- 00:16:06away your enemy yeah after she snapped
- 00:16:10your
- 00:16:12neck oh [ __ ] learn some social skills
- 00:16:16use the
- 00:16:19cam you idiot use the cameras all right
- 00:16:24camera time
- 00:16:29oh maybe we got to find those Stars
- 00:16:30somewhere I think you're a star Lou
- 00:16:33thanks man you're an Allstar to me too
- 00:16:37thanks but I know
- 00:16:41hi yeah not our enemy huh oh boy she's
- 00:16:44coming up she's coming
- 00:16:47up oh she's a coming she's a
- 00:16:50coming oh wait this is a different
- 00:16:53room like I want you toap on
- 00:16:56this I want you to make sex now she
- 00:17:00because she turns into a ghost she
- 00:17:01doesn't know how to talk anymore yeah
- 00:17:04she coming into my room
- 00:17:06now are you going to come say hi how y
- 00:17:10yep yep what up okay so we have to help
- 00:17:14her reveal the truth that she's not a
- 00:17:17trans woman that she was born
- 00:17:23ugly oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] some more stuff to
- 00:17:26Google maybe in that Contraption where
- 00:17:28night after night night we were slipped
- 00:17:29into sleep our Gaz intertwin beholding
- 00:17:32our cherished TV series just you me and
- 00:17:37bashka the bed or the
- 00:17:43mother continue the bed yeah probably
- 00:17:46the bed cuz that's where she was
- 00:17:47pointing at of pictures
- 00:17:52of wait is that her oh that's her like
- 00:17:55she was pregnant oh no or is she the
- 00:17:58baby I should have my mom play
- 00:18:00this should she going to stop by right
- 00:18:03now oh look at that look at that that's
- 00:18:05new what is
- 00:18:09that zoom in and collect the photo piece
- 00:18:12oh no zoom in and hold to oh you got it
- 00:18:16good job man you know where this goes
- 00:18:18right you remember uh yeah but uh tell
- 00:18:21the viewers because they might be a
- 00:18:22little slow on the desk look there was
- 00:18:25like a exactly on the desk puzzle right
- 00:18:26here look oh [ __ ] what is this thing oh
- 00:18:29this looks like a police officer's
- 00:18:31uniform oh okay yeah I see it's like a
- 00:18:34what's it going to say on that guy's
- 00:18:35chest I don't know
- 00:18:38horrible this is the H and the O
- 00:18:42homo hold on mom come
- 00:18:45here put this headset on real fast say
- 00:18:48hi
- 00:18:49to hi
- 00:18:53Vos hey we're just uh trying to clean
- 00:18:56this house oh who are you Vanos you just
- 00:19:00oh okay just
- 00:19:02checking Show
- 00:19:05Yourself she sounds so
- 00:19:10uninterested laugh if the ghost never
- 00:19:13comes just casually walks around for an
- 00:19:17hour what the oh my
- 00:19:21gosh oh my
- 00:19:26gosh Lou clearly try to just make her
- 00:19:29jump out is Lou controlling this or is
- 00:19:48[Laughter]
- 00:19:51she should the whole time you just kept
- 00:19:53going do something do something look at
- 00:19:56there she right there
- 00:20:01she's SC but she threw her hands in the
- 00:20:10air who's boska is this a dog for sure I
- 00:20:14think it is is he in this
- 00:20:17room guess you writing now oh boska
- 00:20:20what in that place for each time I
- 00:20:24should have assisted you in cleansing
- 00:20:25our shared garments of the daily grime
- 00:20:28only I could rewind
- 00:20:31time the laundry room there it is oh yep
- 00:20:34right there there it
- 00:20:38is you just rotated he turns into Yoda
- 00:20:42dude I didn't know you knew Star Wars
- 00:20:43like that you been watching it like a
- 00:20:45lot what that I knew that that
- 00:20:46[ __ ] talked backwards no like
- 00:20:48cuz you you said other Star Wars
- 00:20:49references before like use the
- 00:20:52force man those are some cool shades he
- 00:20:54has on right now back to the computer
- 00:20:57watch where the dog is [ __ ]
- 00:21:00barking like this [ __ ] is not going to
- 00:21:02be one last piece it's probably going to
- 00:21:03be like two no that last rectangle is
- 00:21:06like 40 pieces tiny little specks you
- 00:21:10made me think of the rice pieces that
- 00:21:11are in my mouth right now dude my head's
- 00:21:16ugly the first time you realize it is
- 00:21:19while you're in a mission and looking
- 00:21:21through cameras and seeing
- 00:21:24yourself oh God I'm ugly
- 00:21:28looking for the dog oh wow right there
- 00:21:31in that place where it all ended I
- 00:21:33wander in in incessantly seeking you my
- 00:21:38love it's not the tree cuz that's not
- 00:21:40the truth uhoh you want to see the truth
- 00:21:43wait you see
- 00:21:45this okay oh maybe she was murdered by
- 00:21:48the husband we mean maybe for sure are
- 00:21:51you eating her blood oh she was killed
- 00:21:53in here then he oh [ __ ]
- 00:21:59I got better opening what happened
- 00:22:03Lou that's the last yes it's one piece
- 00:22:06thank
- 00:22:07God all right final piece found so that
- 00:22:10guy was with her murdered the [ __ ] out
- 00:22:13of her the closet but because he's he's
- 00:22:15a police officer got away with murder
- 00:22:18why didn't the ghost just tell us what
- 00:22:19happened bton
- 00:22:21hton hold on a moment oo the
- 00:22:23Pennsylvania Times all right a hero
- 00:22:25Sheriff's bravery 40 years since the
- 00:22:27daring rescue and
- 00:22:29Pennsylvania so he's a good guy yeah he
- 00:22:32recreated the scene from Spider-Man 1
- 00:22:34the one with uh Toby Maguire you
- 00:22:36remember that fire scene or
- 00:22:39no no all right well he did it oh you
- 00:22:43hear the
- 00:22:45doorbell oh food's here it's hton coming
- 00:22:48I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming it's
- 00:22:50hon h on well I'll be what's going on
- 00:22:55here I'm detective white just conducting
- 00:22:58an investigation detective you say what
- 00:23:01brings you to this house making all this
- 00:23:03Ruckus I'm here on behalf of the new
- 00:23:05residents who requested an investigation
- 00:23:08Into The Disappearance of Mrs Susan the
- 00:23:11former occupant of this house Mrs Susan
- 00:23:15bless her soul she passed away 3 years
- 00:23:17ago why would anyone be poking around
- 00:23:20her old place now well Sheriff sometimes
- 00:23:23these cases have a way of lingering that
- 00:23:25makes no sense the new residents are
- 00:23:27concerned and they just want some
- 00:23:29closure closure huh well I reckon that's
- 00:23:33understanding well all right then I'll
- 00:23:35leave you to detective but try to keep
- 00:23:37it down will you don't need the whole
- 00:23:40town up in arms over some ghost story is
- 00:23:42he making that much noise of the entire
- 00:23:44city is just like filing a noise
- 00:23:50complaint what is this for we got to
- 00:23:52spell something I think I don't know
- 00:23:59DN now we're playing Among Us Mouse
- 00:24:01wheel you have to use the mouse wheel it
- 00:24:02says yeah I'm spinning up and down but I
- 00:24:05don't notice anything different what are
- 00:24:06we even looking what is that thing like
- 00:24:09the circle I have no idea I'm looking
- 00:24:11through a video right now to see oh yep
- 00:24:14yep okay that's [ __ ] dumb so you have
- 00:24:16to find the dials so there's no dials
- 00:24:18for them you have to find all the dials
- 00:24:21and then put them
- 00:24:22in oh there's one oh you found one nice
- 00:24:26it look like this okay yeah
- 00:24:29this could be this could be an epic
- 00:24:30Montage in in the video of finding all
- 00:24:33the
- 00:24:51dials holy [ __ ] you look like candles
- 00:24:55nice no way I have to tap every
- 00:24:58everything is a Tap maybe if you used
- 00:25:00your mouse it would be
- 00:25:03faster oh no
- 00:25:06Lou oh no don't tell me you can't no
- 00:25:10Lou no way oh
- 00:25:13no it's all over it's all over wow you
- 00:25:17really screwed up Lou in this perfectly
- 00:25:19designed game you really [ __ ] up here
- 00:25:22yes okay o I did it still I did
- 00:25:25it oh we're missing one God damn it it's
- 00:25:28the black one we're missing the black
- 00:25:31one no we're not what do you mean wait
- 00:25:33is that the white one you oh what
- 00:25:38the oh my God we're really going to
- 00:25:40commit murder for this [ __ ] am I
- 00:25:42killing the dog do I do I grab the phone
- 00:25:43and call you just murder the dog it's
- 00:25:46like no I met the other guy dude I hope
- 00:25:48this I hope this uh this game ends in
- 00:25:50Aliens would you like that no dude I was
- 00:25:52going to say like imagine like first
- 00:25:54they had some like oh these are about
- 00:25:56the missing kids oh man gaming
- 00:26:01storyline where are you okay this
- 00:26:04[ __ ] time I won't let anyone we just
- 00:26:06have a gun now oh damn all right L
- 00:26:10remember what I taught you check those
- 00:26:12Corners pie the corner can't wait to
- 00:26:13finally burn this house down and get him
- 00:26:17what are you doing L dude I shot what
- 00:26:18are you doing dude it won't let me shoot
- 00:26:22oh there it
- 00:26:24is get him again again again again
- 00:26:29Center Mass s keep it going keep
- 00:26:31shooting I'll he maybe you have to shoot
- 00:26:34him in the head over
- 00:26:38here
- 00:26:40w why trying to commit murder for
- 00:26:44[Music]
- 00:26:47you oh [ __ ] he got you good this G be
- 00:26:52the walls of this I got to do that is
- 00:26:55this guy a [ __ ] ghost what what's
- 00:26:57happening
- 00:26:59Oh shot
- 00:27:02nice dude you shot him so many
- 00:27:07times you doing something
- 00:27:13wrong should have just speed out of this
- 00:27:16yes
- 00:27:19yes good job Lou it's an owl I approve
- 00:27:22that dude is this the sacrifice you
- 00:27:25wanted I'm telling Lou I on my owl cam
- 00:27:29look at his head look at his head move
- 00:27:30look at his head move when I crouch
- 00:27:34look that is some weird ass baling he
- 00:27:37got going on all right we did it we
- 00:27:39murdered him we're going to jail
- 00:27:42now the he's dead he's [ __ ] dead all
- 00:27:45right let me just turn this gun on
- 00:27:47myself so I can stop playing this
- 00:27:48dumbass game wait can you leave you can
- 00:27:51leave the front
- 00:27:53door my hands
- 00:27:56can she coming to hug you
- 00:27:59didn't tug you oh oh
- 00:28:03Lou he bued buried in the
- 00:28:07closet dud she better not push me down
- 00:28:09here oh my
- 00:28:13God what dude she's jacking him off look
- 00:28:16at her hands in his pants who's that
- 00:28:18who's that guy wait unlock the good
- 00:28:20ending who was that wait in a stunning
- 00:28:24Revelation detective white unraveled the
- 00:28:26Dark Truth behind the tragic death of
- 00:28:28Miss Susan and her husband the culprit
- 00:28:29was none other than the rever sheriff
- 00:28:31Robert Holton a man of authority and
- 00:28:32respect in the community jealousy had
- 00:28:34consumed him when Miss Susan chose
- 00:28:36another over him leading him to commit a
- 00:28:38heinous act of Vengeance oh so she's a
- 00:28:42cheater no he this dude was just jealous
- 00:28:46oh he was just simply jealous he didn't
- 00:28:49even know her the stalker should have H
- 00:28:51his manipulation of local news painting
- 00:28:54him as a
- 00:28:55hero wait what is is the game still
- 00:28:58going yes isame still going jff holton's
- 00:29:02manipulation of local news painted him
- 00:29:03as a hero disguising his own Sinister
- 00:29:05Deeds he orchestrated the fire that
- 00:29:07engulfed Miss Susan's home with her
- 00:29:09family so he he he made up that that the
- 00:29:12story yes wait what Miss Susan far from
- 00:29:17taking her own life as the fabricator
- 00:29:19report suggested was found to have been
- 00:29:21pregnant when the coroner examined her
- 00:29:23body well weren't they just down under
- 00:29:25the floorboards
- 00:29:29what was the whole thing about her being
- 00:29:3080 years old and mental health and [ __ ]
- 00:29:32wow you don't even believe in mental
- 00:29:34health wow shame on you you should be
- 00:29:36cancelled immediately do
- 00:29:39[Music]
- 00:29:44it just kill me
- 00:29:47ghost look at this you are
- 00:29:51picture I'm done
- 00:29:55I'm it's a common spelling error
- 00:29:58[Laughter]
- 00:30:00dude out of all those [ __ ] words and
- 00:30:02all that choking she did all she had to
- 00:30:04do was write his
- 00:30:06name so it's like all right look the guy
- 00:30:09who killed me yeah I ripped up his
- 00:30:10picture uh-huh I wrote his name on on
- 00:30:13the picture too and I scratched his eyes
- 00:30:15out yes he killed me all right you want
- 00:30:18me to kill him or something yeah but
- 00:30:19first go find all the picture pieces
- 00:30:21what do you mean yeah I got pissed so I
- 00:30:23ripped him and I hit him all over the
- 00:30:24house that's what the ner would
- 00:30:26do him oh why don't I just call the cops
- 00:30:29and have them come over here I just
- 00:30:30orchestrate like oh yeah I'm being
- 00:30:31robbed or I need I need to speak to
- 00:30:33detective Holton nah how about this I
- 00:30:36turned the power out and you had to go
- 00:30:37find all the
- 00:30:40knobs like she's [ __ ] with me like I
- 00:30:43murdered her you want to see this [ __ ]
- 00:30:46all me you're ready ready Supernatural
- 00:30:49follows the story of detective W solving
- 00:30:52the mystery of their disappearance of
- 00:30:53Sarah an old woman working as a
- 00:30:56housemate for a young couple who are
- 00:30:58deeply in dep because of the economy and
- 00:31:00they also have a baby on the way sear
- 00:31:03talk an article on the computer inside
- 00:31:06the house that the woman that he is
- 00:31:08searching for oh wait no no on July 15
- 00:31:112020 she
- 00:31:13died just as he finishes reading his
- 00:31:16article
- 00:31:17he anded to see the sheriff himself
- 00:31:21visiting him I thought at first he was
- 00:31:23joking like trying to talk like the cop
- 00:31:25in the beginning like I check the wire
- 00:31:27dedicated to the joke folks around here
- 00:31:30can't get A Moment's Peace oh so the
- 00:31:33sheriff was him but his face was
- 00:31:34censored why the [ __ ] was it censored
- 00:31:36for us I don't know oh yeah he keeps an
- 00:31:39eye on the house where his victim is
- 00:31:41buried he doesn't want anyone uncovering
- 00:31:43that who cares though like what like if
- 00:31:45someone finds the bodies how are they
- 00:31:46going to link it to him though we're
- 00:31:48going to get the ghost to testify in
- 00:31:49court that that was him just like my
- 00:31:53witness is here just shut off the lights
- 00:31:54and talk a lot just start talking a lot
- 00:31:57she doesn't like that she'll come she'll
- 00:31:58she'll she'll be here soon Wyatt quickly
- 00:32:00kills the sheriff and discovers in a
- 00:32:02closet the dead body of Susan and her
- 00:32:04husband he takes just matter to the
- 00:32:06court who do a thorough investigation
- 00:32:08only to find out that it was actually
- 00:32:10Susan's family that was in that house
- 00:32:12fire decades back Susan knew this
- 00:32:14somehow it's not mentioned but she
- 00:32:16refused his advances on her and instead
- 00:32:18married her new husband with whom she
- 00:32:20was also pregnant with but the sheriff
- 00:32:23out of jealousy killed them both and
- 00:32:25buried them under the house and made it
- 00:32:27look like
- 00:32:28self delici Susan Soul self delici self
- 00:32:33Del the [ __ ] I am using that term from
- 00:32:37now on oh [ __ ] self deltion so he burns
- 00:32:41the house down how does he become a hero
- 00:32:44that's don't there have to be like some
- 00:32:45people that got saved like actual people
- 00:32:47who got saved from the house burning
- 00:32:49down yeah look look look right here look
- 00:32:51at theic rescue concluded the family
- 00:32:53safely reunited on the ground and
- 00:32:55Sheriff Holton emerged from The Infernal
- 00:32:57unscathed but but forever changed so
- 00:33:01they survived yeah dude no I know that's
- 00:33:04what I was saying like I don't get it
- 00:33:05how did this this is why I was saying
- 00:33:07this whole [ __ ] thing I H the sheriff
- 00:33:09just like yeah I saved them so where are
- 00:33:11they now don't worry about
- 00:33:15it all right right so look at look at
- 00:33:17look it how old do you think he is right
- 00:33:19here in in the game right here when he's
- 00:33:21looking at us he got to be like 80 years
- 00:33:23old maybe that's why they blurred maybe
- 00:33:25blurring his face was a patch Maybe they
- 00:33:28patch they came cuz he like wait a
- 00:33:30minute on he looks like he's like 40s
- 00:33:33right here there's no way dude that
- 00:33:35listen when he was one years old listen
- 00:33:38not it's not illegal to be attracted to
- 00:33:41someone older than you you rather be the
- 00:33:44reverse you rather be 40 and be one
- 00:33:47orchestrating a fire at one years old as
- 00:33:51we see on say was pregnant at that time
- 00:33:53which must have reminded the those of
- 00:33:55her own unborn child from her to help
- 00:33:58wire to uncover her truth of course this
- 00:34:02is just Theory and speculation as the
- 00:34:04timelines do not match any of the things
- 00:34:06that I have
- 00:34:08said shut the [ __ ]
- 00:34:14up we wasted 45 minutes bringing this
- 00:34:18[ __ ] guys explanation down the
- 00:34:21timelines do not match any of the things
- 00:34:23that I have said because it would mean
- 00:34:25that Susan was 80 years old but she was
- 00:34:27pregnant which is kind of confusing the
- 00:34:29least I [ __ ]
- 00:34:33said you better leave a comment in this
- 00:34:35guy's video going oh you don't think the
- 00:34:38lady can be 80-year-old and Pregnant I I
- 00:34:41can't dude I forgot my P I can't log in
- 00:34:45okay here we go Chris Young one day ago
- 00:34:47I'm still kind of confused about the
- 00:34:49timeline too cuz it says self delous at
- 00:34:5280 in 2020 but the article says that the
- 00:34:54family died in 1982 and she was pregnant
- 00:34:56then and covered up that murder Susan
- 00:34:59Sous 3 years ago but the fire was 40
- 00:35:02unless the de forgot the timelines which
- 00:35:04I get it's almost like two different
- 00:35:05Susan but at the end it says the self
- 00:35:08delicious that the article in the
- 00:35:10beginning says happened in 2020 was fake
- 00:35:12and the corner examined Susan's body so
- 00:35:14it wasn't like she lived and self
- 00:35:16delicious later which is what I would
- 00:35:18have guessed unless it's one of those
- 00:35:20cases where Susan was pregnant the whole
- 00:35:22time like miscarriage and fossilized and
- 00:35:25the didn't the baby they didn't have the
- 00:35:27baby Sous later in life came back was
- 00:35:31nice too and decided to help the new
- 00:35:33family then vanished when discovered the
- 00:35:35dad cheating I don't know I'm just
- 00:35:37guessing dude refresh the [ __ ] page
- 00:35:41Lou the story% makes sense to me you
- 00:35:45just hating on all women's rights to
- 00:35:48make babies did you reply I just
- 00:35:53laugh why so
- 00:35:57all right dude I think how long has this
- 00:36:00been 4
- 00:36:01hours [ __ ] lady screaming at us time
- 00:36:05flies when you're playing a game that
- 00:36:06completely makes sense look at that
- 00:36:09[ __ ] face
- 00:36:11dude that looks like the dude from the
- 00:36:14The Goonies the pretty sure that's a
- 00:36:16girl oh yeah wow it's disrespectful you
- 00:36:19know that the the Olympic controversy
- 00:36:22thing you going to say she looks like
- 00:36:24the girl that won I'm not saying that
- 00:36:26but it'll remind me of that
- 00:36:28I wasted an hour and like 20 minutes of
- 00:36:30my life researching that topic so
- 00:36:33basically for people that don't know
- 00:36:34what we're talking about it's that
- 00:36:36athlete Amman khif who won the gold
- 00:36:38medal in boxing everybody thinks she's a
- 00:36:40trans woman but the reality is she's not
- 00:36:43actually trans she's INX which is a
- 00:36:45whole another thing and just another
- 00:36:47controversy that I don't even want to
- 00:36:48get into cuz I honestly don't care cuz
- 00:36:50it doesn't affect my life I just find it
- 00:36:51so funny to to think that everyone's
- 00:36:54like you're going to let a [ __ ] man
- 00:36:55beat up a woman and then just like no
- 00:36:58actually she's a woman but she's just
- 00:37:00really
- 00:37:02ugly look at this you're going to tell
- 00:37:04me this is a woman yeah [ __ ] in your
- 00:37:06dreams in your dreams and there's like a
- 00:37:08big press conference just clearing the
- 00:37:10air like imagine that ladies and
- 00:37:12gentlemen you have the results your
- 00:37:13country's loss to this ugly
- 00:37:19woman your looks are good your boxing
- 00:37:22isn't her boxing's good her looks aren't
- 00:37:24this isn't a beauty contest
- 00:37:27they're on her side but they're just
- 00:37:29inadvertently [ __ ] on how ugly she
- 00:37:32is and folks do you like that game
- 00:37:35Supernatural put the Olympic rings by
- 00:37:39her
- 00:37:41face and then put Olympics
- 00:37:512024 me down I'm still out can't call
- 00:37:57you
- 00:37:58[Music]
- 00:38:01I'm me down I'm
- joc video
- mister
- fantome
- umor
- satiră
- interacțiuni ciudate
- narațiune absurdă
- investigație
- puzzel-uri
- glume