Info Session - Japan 2025-01-14
TLDRJapan Greater Tokyo Area 2025 Summer Abroad program offers students a unique chance to earn academic credits through an immersive experience in Japan. The program facilitates learning about Japanese culture and conflict resolution while providing logistical support, including accommodations and field trips. Students are encouraged to engage fully both academically and culturally during the four-week course, which emphasizes the importance of community and personal growth.
- 🌍 2025 Japan summer abroad program emphasizes cultural immersion.
- 📝 Earn a full UFT credit in four weeks over an intensive academic course.
- 🤝 Small class sizes enhance learning and community building.
- 📚 Mandatory field trips connect academic content with real-world applications.
- 💡 On-site coordinators provide essential support for students.
- 💰 Financial aid options available to alleviate costs.
- ✈️ Students manage their own travel arrangements and accommodations.
- 🗓️ Application deadline is February 3, 2025, at 4 PM.
- 🤔 First-year students are welcome to apply if they meet criteria.
- 🎓 Alumni and non-UFT students can also join the program.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Tervetuloa Japanin kesäopiskelun tuntiperheen tietosessioon. Aloitetaan maan tunnustamisesta ja uutisten esittelyistä. Esitelty on ohjelmajohtaja Loren Alam, professori Bob Thompson ja ohjaaja Joo, jotka selventävät ohjelman yksityiskohtia.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Kesäopiskelu tarjoaa laajan valikoiman mahdollisuuksia. Ohjelma on ollut käytössä vuodesta 1972 ja tarjoaa opiskelijoille mahdollisuuden suorittaa 4 kurssin opintopisteet 3–4 viikossa, keskittyen intensiiviseen oppimiseen.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Opiskelijat voivat matkustaa luokkatovereidensa kanssa ja oppia japanilaisesta kulttuurista. Kustannuksista ja opiskelijoiden kokouksista on palautetta, että kesäopiskelu on edistänyt globaalia kansalaisuutta ja itseluottamusta.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Vuoden 2025 ohjelma Japanissa on toinen kerta, kun ohjelmaa tarjotaan, ja sille on tullut paljon hakemuksia. Kurssit tarjoavat mahdollisuuden pienissä ryhmissä opiskeluun, laajennettua kenttätyötä ja kulttuurikohtaamisiin.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Professori Bob Thompson esitteli kurssin rakenteen, kalenterin ja kenttäretket. Kenttämatka on tärkeä osa oppimisprosessia, tarjoten käytännön kokemusta käytännön työskentelystä Japanissa. Kenttämatkojen suunnittelu vei aikaa, mutta ohjelma on rikastuttava oppimiskokemus.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Leon, entinen osallistuja ohjelmasta, jakoi kokemuksiaan, korostaen opiskelijoiden välisiä suhteita ja osallistumista kulttuurimatkoihin. Hän painotti myös jännitystä ja mahdollisuuksia oppia ensikäden kulttuurista ja ympäristöstä.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Logistiset asiakirjat, mukaan lukien majoitukset, kuljetukset ja ruokailut, on jo käsitelty kaikille osallistujille. Kaikki ekskursiot tukevat akateemista oppimista ja sisältävät ohjausta kuljetusmahdollisuuksista.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Käynnissä olevista haasteista huolimatta UFT ongelmana on mahdollisuus saada taloudellista apua. Oppilaitos tarjoaa tarpeeseen perustuvia apurahoja ja ei-toimeen tulevia apurahoja opiskelijoille.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Kaikkien opiskelijoiden tulee huolehtia omasta viisumistaan, ja ohjelmaan hyväksytyille annetaan tarvittavat asiakirjat. Ohjelman yhteydessä on tarjolla lisää resursseja, jotka keskittyvät monimuotoisuuden ja saavutettavuuden vaatimuksiin.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:46
Lopuksi jaettiin tietoa ohjelman kustannuksista, niiden käsittelystä ja mahdollisuuksista saada apurahoja. Jatkamme oppilaiden tukemista ja voimme tarjota heille lisätietoja ohjelmasta.
What is the duration of the Japan Summer Abroad program?
The program runs from May 10 to June 7, 2025.
How many credits can students earn during the program?
Participants can earn a full UFT course credit within 4 weeks.
What kind of support will students have while abroad?
Students will have on-site coordinators and UFT instructors for academic and non-academic support.
Is there an application fee for the program?
Yes, there is an application fee of $210.
What is the minimum CGPA required to apply?
A minimum CGPA of 1.75 is required at the time of application.
What type of accommodations will be provided?
Students will stay in single rooms at a hotel close to public transportation.
Are field trips included in the program?
Yes, academic field trips are an integral part of the program.
What is the application deadline?
The application deadline is February 3, 2025, at 4:00 PM.
Can first-year students apply?
Yes, first-year students can apply as long as they meet credit requirements.
What financial aid options are available?
Financial aid, including needs-based and merit-based awards, is available for students.
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- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:05welcome everyone welcome to the Japan
- 00:00:08greater Tokyo area 2025 summer abroad
- 00:00:12information session I am so delighted
- 00:00:14that you are joining us today I would
- 00:00:17like to start with the land
- 00:00:19acknowledgement we wish to acknowledge
- 00:00:21this land on which the University of
- 00:00:23Tanto operates for thousands of years it
- 00:00:27has been the traditional land of the h
- 00:00:29vandad the senica and the Miss sagas of
- 00:00:32the credit today this meeting place is
- 00:00:35still the home to many indigenous people
- 00:00:37from across totle Island and we are
- 00:00:39grateful to have the opportunity to work
- 00:00:42on this
- 00:00:43land my name is Loren Alam welcome to
- 00:00:47everyone joining us today I'm the
- 00:00:48director of the professional
- 00:00:49International programs here at gft
- 00:00:51specifically happy and delighted to be
- 00:00:53leading the summer abroad program joined
- 00:00:56today uh by Professor Bob Thompson who
- 00:00:59is going to be a 2025 summer abro Japan
- 00:01:02instructor thank you Bob for joining us
- 00:01:05and at the back end um we have Joo who
- 00:01:08is our Frontline advisor and summer Brad
- 00:01:11program officer also the on-site staff
- 00:01:14for 2024 who is going to be providing
- 00:01:16support and assistance to you at the
- 00:01:19back end last but not the least Leon
- 00:01:22Leon's a
- 00:01:232024 Japan summer abroad participant and
- 00:01:27he's going to be sharing insights with
- 00:01:29you so without further Ado let me go
- 00:01:32through the agenda so we're going to
- 00:01:34start with Summer Brad overview I will
- 00:01:37be going through summer Brad programs
- 00:01:39what does it mean to be on a summer Brad
- 00:01:42program for those who may be new to
- 00:01:44Summer Brad and then we'll talk to the
- 00:01:47Japan programs I will be in inviting the
- 00:01:50instructor and our part participants to
- 00:01:53share their experiences and provide you
- 00:01:56with insights on this program uh you'll
- 00:01:59then find out how to apply the
- 00:02:01logistical details and also next steps
- 00:02:04would be discussed uh because this is a
- 00:02:07webinar you'll notice that this is not a
- 00:02:10zoom meeting format you would definitely
- 00:02:13be uh able to ask questions using the
- 00:02:17Q&A function so make sure at any point
- 00:02:20in time if you have any questions type
- 00:02:23them under the Q&A
- 00:02:25functionality and uh Jo at the back end
- 00:02:28or instructor or on will be happy to
- 00:02:32provide you with guidance this session
- 00:02:34is being recorded and once the recording
- 00:02:38is uh edited we will be uploading the
- 00:02:41video on our Su Brad website uh in one
- 00:02:46week's time and any student who is
- 00:02:48registered for this info session will be
- 00:02:51receiving a link to the recorded video
- 00:02:54as well uh last and not the least a Q&A
- 00:02:58for those who may have additional
- 00:03:00questions please feel free to stick
- 00:03:02around at the end we'll be happy to
- 00:03:04assist you or we will provide you with
- 00:03:07contact information so you can reach out
- 00:03:09to us and book an separate advising
- 00:03:12appointment as
- 00:03:14needed so what summer abroad as you can
- 00:03:16see from the screen we are extremely
- 00:03:19fortunate to be providing you with a
- 00:03:21wide range of different opportunities
- 00:03:23for you to consider for 2025 when you're
- 00:03:26on your our website you'll notice
- 00:03:28there's so many different options and
- 00:03:31Japan is just one of the rarest options
- 00:03:34the summer abroad program at the
- 00:03:35University of Toronto started in
- 00:03:381972 so it's been around for a very long
- 00:03:41time and started in Sienna and Italy
- 00:03:44it's still continuing and every single
- 00:03:46year we try to see how can we make this
- 00:03:48better and make it an awesome
- 00:03:50undergraduate experience for our UFT
- 00:03:54students so summer BR is very different
- 00:03:56from our different other International
- 00:03:59opportunities offered to the University
- 00:04:01of Toronto as part of a summer abroad
- 00:04:04participant you complete a full year
- 00:04:06credit a full your UFT credit within 3
- 00:04:09to four weeks for Japan specifically
- 00:04:12it's four weeks okay do keep in mind a
- 00:04:15program uh a su program is quite
- 00:04:18intensive um and it's an academically
- 00:04:20enriching program uh you're able to
- 00:04:22focus on one particular course over that
- 00:04:25intensive uh duration of the program a
- 00:04:29course that you normally would complete
- 00:04:31over say 8 months from September to
- 00:04:34April you're condensing it into four
- 00:04:37weeks so keep that in mind the
- 00:04:39environment the culture around you when
- 00:04:42you're BR is essentially your living
- 00:04:44classroom and your textbook you're going
- 00:04:47to be taught by UFT instructors in some
- 00:04:50cases you have access to guest lectures
- 00:04:53and experts on the ground and you also
- 00:04:56have onsite support with you we
- 00:05:00understand for some students it may be a
- 00:05:01new opportunity to travel maybe you
- 00:05:04haven't really traveled yourself in the
- 00:05:07past so this is an opportunity for you
- 00:05:09to travel with your classmates to a
- 00:05:12location be immersed in the culture and
- 00:05:14the academic component and come back
- 00:05:17hopefully in Rich with a number of
- 00:05:20various different pieces of information
- 00:05:22and memories um students have provided
- 00:05:25feedback and they have confirmed that
- 00:05:28these experiences
- 00:05:30to help them become Global Citizens it
- 00:05:32has helped them in boosting their
- 00:05:34self-confidence in which their career
- 00:05:36opportunities maybe you've taught about
- 00:05:39um even doing your Master's or graduate
- 00:05:42studies abroad or maybe you've taught
- 00:05:44about working abroad so this provides
- 00:05:46you with those particular helpful
- 00:05:48insights and lifelong friendships I've
- 00:05:51heard so many stories with students come
- 00:05:54back to us even during our reunion event
- 00:05:57and say that they've remain in touch
- 00:06:00they've kept in touch with their peers
- 00:06:02from sometimes 20 or 30 years ago so
- 00:06:07summer abroad has so many benefits uh
- 00:06:10it's a wonderful opportunity and it's
- 00:06:13there for you to consider keep in mind
- 00:06:15that it is primarily an academic
- 00:06:18experience it's not a travel program of
- 00:06:21course you have access to traveling over
- 00:06:23the weekend but your primary focus is
- 00:06:26going to be academics so we want to
- 00:06:28ensure students who are selected and
- 00:06:30applying for somewh abroad is applying
- 00:06:33to really get to know the content better
- 00:06:36and you're doing it because you're
- 00:06:38interested in the knowledge you would
- 00:06:41gain so a little bit uh on the sumary
- 00:06:45abroad as an overview you would uh be
- 00:06:48now learning a little bit more about the
- 00:06:512025 Jama Japan program this is the
- 00:06:54second year we're going to be offering
- 00:06:56this particular program and it's going
- 00:06:58to be based in the created Tokyo area in
- 00:07:01Japan the classes are going to be small
- 00:07:04something a little bit new for
- 00:07:052025 is we are going to be offering two
- 00:07:08sections so last year was a first year
- 00:07:11launching the Japan program and was
- 00:07:13really very well received we had an
- 00:07:16overwhelming number of applications so
- 00:07:18we're responding to that request and
- 00:07:21demand so we're going to be offering two
- 00:07:23sections and uh Bob's going to talk a
- 00:07:26little bit about how that's going to
- 00:07:28work out so the two sections uh will be
- 00:07:32happening at the same time concurrently
- 00:07:34and the program dates are May 10th to
- 00:07:37June 7 that's when the program is going
- 00:07:39to run the course is an industrial
- 00:07:42relations and Human Resources course and
- 00:07:45the classes usually will run Monday to
- 00:07:48Friday do note that Friday is usually
- 00:07:50for field trips and these are academic
- 00:07:52mandatory field trips that will help you
- 00:07:55understand your course content so much
- 00:07:57more better uh there are other program
- 00:07:59activities such as City walks welcomes
- 00:08:02and farewell um activities that really
- 00:08:05will help ensure that the group uh gets
- 00:08:08to know each other really well and
- 00:08:10you're really able to build a community
- 00:08:13over the four weeks again reminder we
- 00:08:15want to make sure you understand it is
- 00:08:17primarily an academic program happening
- 00:08:20in the summer so this is a little bit of
- 00:08:23um snapshot of the greater to cure area
- 00:08:27if you're not familiar uh with the map
- 00:08:30of Japan uh why the greater Toyo area or
- 00:08:33as I like to call it the GTA but in
- 00:08:35Japan it's a vibrant
- 00:08:38metropolitan area uh there's so much
- 00:08:40cultural diversity that you'll encounter
- 00:08:43just but walking through and exploring
- 00:08:45the Region's cultural Delights I don't
- 00:08:48think I even have to mention it for
- 00:08:50those who are really into Japanese food
- 00:08:53you'll be able to experience it uh
- 00:08:54there's a rich history and last but not
- 00:08:58the least a real access to Cutting Edge
- 00:09:01technology while you're there um I am
- 00:09:05now going to uh open up the flow to
- 00:09:07Professor Bob Thompson uh Bob to tell us
- 00:09:11a little bit more about the course uh a
- 00:09:14little bit more about the activities and
- 00:09:16please go ahead and share your Insight
- 00:09:18the floor is yours thanks line and
- 00:09:20thanks to all who put this together the
- 00:09:22summer broad is uh great for support and
- 00:09:26appreciate you putting this together to
- 00:09:27promote our event and Tokyo it was so
- 00:09:31wonderful last year for me to have that
- 00:09:33experience that I feel lucky again to do
- 00:09:35it in the double cohort this year and um
- 00:09:38so I'm going to tell you in the next few
- 00:09:40slides I think I'll describe just a
- 00:09:41little bit about me and my perspective
- 00:09:43on going to Japan and of course you'll
- 00:09:45be interested to know uh sort of the
- 00:09:47format of the course and then
- 00:09:49specifically you might have questions
- 00:09:50about the field trip and a bit more
- 00:09:51about logistics and as lorine mentioned
- 00:09:54and Joe's in the back there uh you can
- 00:09:56ask questions you know through the um
- 00:09:58Q&A and we'll answer them and once I'm
- 00:10:00finished talking I can answer some of
- 00:10:02them as well but um a little bit about
- 00:10:04me I've got an engineering degree I've
- 00:10:06got a couple mbas and law degree I'm a
- 00:10:09lawyer and uh I have a masters in Law
- 00:10:11related to conflict resolution so my
- 00:10:14story is I've worked in a lot of big
- 00:10:15corporations and resolving conflict and
- 00:10:19uh dealing with legal issues obviously
- 00:10:21but also people issues and sometimes
- 00:10:24more process driven or operations issues
- 00:10:27as well in uh grow Grocery and auto and
- 00:10:31uh you know assembly and warehousing
- 00:10:33that kind of thing so my skill that I
- 00:10:35think I can bring to the course and to
- 00:10:36Japan is how to resolve conflict and
- 00:10:40that's sort of my focus once we're
- 00:10:42through the course we'll hopefully have
- 00:10:43developed your skills to understand how
- 00:10:46to mediate or address or work with
- 00:10:49issues and we're going to do that
- 00:10:50through the lens of the Japanese culture
- 00:10:52which is why we're there and I've been
- 00:10:54to Japan um I guess maybe more than a
- 00:10:57dozen times uh my spouse is from there
- 00:10:59and I just I I don't speak the language
- 00:11:01I understand some of the culture and I'm
- 00:11:03learning each time I go so that's
- 00:11:05something we'll do together is get a
- 00:11:07sense of uh how Japan situates their
- 00:11:10workplaces their culture and their
- 00:11:12governance and we'll do that through
- 00:11:14different U field trips and um I think
- 00:11:17maybe the next slide well there's a few
- 00:11:19photos of me there but this is the
- 00:11:21format of the course itself and uh we're
- 00:11:23ambitious and this is uh with the
- 00:11:25suggestion of Lorraine and Joe and
- 00:11:27others that we uh doubled up our field
- 00:11:29trip numbers because there's so much to
- 00:11:31see um and so I still want to do it in a
- 00:11:34measured way but each week we'll have
- 00:11:36two field trips uh and uh that will
- 00:11:39relate to what we're studying in the
- 00:11:40week and relate to those things I
- 00:11:42mentioned culture governance a
- 00:11:44government workplace issues and just the
- 00:11:47general ethos of the uh of this great
- 00:11:50nation and culture and so you'll see um
- 00:11:53these are my proposed uh field trips
- 00:11:55it's complicated and I need the help of
- 00:11:57the summer abroad office to set these up
- 00:12:00because you know Japan has a long list
- 00:12:02of rules and bureaucracy and uh you know
- 00:12:05important uh sort of uh components to
- 00:12:08follow so that we have to make sure and
- 00:12:09it takes some time to arrange these but
- 00:12:12this is my hope for what we'll do and as
- 00:12:14you can see in a five-day week we'll
- 00:12:16start off by going to class and then
- 00:12:18we'll go on a field trip and we're doing
- 00:12:20this each of the four weeks we're there
- 00:12:22and then we'll have two more intense
- 00:12:24classes afterwards based on the
- 00:12:26learnings of the course and then the
- 00:12:28last day of the week we will go on
- 00:12:29another trip again related to the
- 00:12:31content and so if you're looking at this
- 00:12:33slide these are the first three weeks
- 00:12:35and you can see that um we'll do
- 00:12:37something cultural by hopefully if
- 00:12:39you're willing to dress up in a kimono
- 00:12:40is one of my favorite things to do and
- 00:12:42have a true tea ceremony and visit one
- 00:12:44of the most iconic temples in Tokyo at
- 00:12:47the end of that week hopefully we'll be
- 00:12:49able to arrange a trip to a automotive
- 00:12:51assembly Factory and hoping it's the one
- 00:12:54south of uh Tokyo and
- 00:12:57Yokohama but one way or the other we're
- 00:12:58going to to get to a manufacturing
- 00:13:00facility and uh the next week you can
- 00:13:03see the hope is to visit the government
- 00:13:05um buildings uh the diet and um and also
- 00:13:08the iconic market and as well as a
- 00:13:12shrine and at the end of that week we'll
- 00:13:14do another visit to a workplace after
- 00:13:17all my topic is about workplace conflict
- 00:13:19so we'll look at um perhaps uh a
- 00:13:22warehousing logistic situation or
- 00:13:24perhaps a beverage manufacturer we're
- 00:13:26working on that and uh we'll see the the
- 00:13:29um the exchange the financial sort of
- 00:13:32sector uh in a visit uh in the third
- 00:13:35week and uh and some government
- 00:13:37buildings and a tour of the local
- 00:13:39government again governance is a part of
- 00:13:40our story because law is a part of you
- 00:13:42know workplace issues and you can see
- 00:13:45also before we flip to the next slide
- 00:13:47that um we have two cohorts as Lorraine
- 00:13:49was mentioning and uh the proposed way
- 00:13:52that I have uh to approach it you saw in
- 00:13:54our slide that one of our classes starts
- 00:13:55just before 9:00 a.m. for 3 hours the
- 00:13:58next one will happen just just after
- 00:13:59lunch probably around 1 for another 3
- 00:14:01hours so one cohort will be in the
- 00:14:03morning and the other in the afternoon
- 00:14:05and to make it fair after two weeks of
- 00:14:08that we'll flip the cohorts so we are
- 00:14:10sharing the morning class and the
- 00:14:12afternoon class between those two
- 00:14:13cohorts now maybe just I can get you to
- 00:14:15flip to the next slide because that's
- 00:14:17the fourth and final week in it's the
- 00:14:20first week of June as you know we uh
- 00:14:22will end the classes on Friday June 6th
- 00:14:25but I think the idea is that the program
- 00:14:27will end and people will start flying
- 00:14:29off to their homes on the 7th or Beyond
- 00:14:32and so um we'd like to do a couple
- 00:14:34things and uh I there's a I'm a big film
- 00:14:37buff by the way and so um I've selected
- 00:14:39one of the most popular films of the
- 00:14:42world not just of Japan and we'll look
- 00:14:44at it early in the week and then we'll
- 00:14:46visit the um sort of uh display related
- 00:14:49to the director who's quite famous and
- 00:14:51we'll add into that perhaps a visit to
- 00:14:53another workplace I've got friends over
- 00:14:55there and they've invited us to see uh
- 00:14:58their children's family agency so I'm
- 00:15:01hoping that I'm going to be able to
- 00:15:02arrange that of course depending on
- 00:15:04everything about field trips and
- 00:15:05arrangements and finally we'll do a nice
- 00:15:08trip and I'm suggesting that could be
- 00:15:10Mount Fuji if we can make that happen
- 00:15:12it's a little bit of a distance but I
- 00:15:13think we can make it work um and again
- 00:15:16we'll have to reach out to our tour
- 00:15:17company to make sure that date works and
- 00:15:19as you know these things could change in
- 00:15:21fact maybe I could get you to flip Joe
- 00:15:22to the uh next slide I um I want to just
- 00:15:25sort of outline and manage expectations
- 00:15:28about field trips especially in Japan uh
- 00:15:30you know uh there's a lot of things that
- 00:15:32can happen we were very lucky to um have
- 00:15:35them come together and I expect the same
- 00:15:36thing will happen this year but uh but I
- 00:15:39do suggest that when it comes to field
- 00:15:40trips you want to make sure uh your
- 00:15:42expectations are uh managed you know
- 00:15:45that there's needs to be flexibility and
- 00:15:47sometimes we have to change the
- 00:15:49destination of the schedule based on
- 00:15:50certain needs and that might be related
- 00:15:52as you can see on the slide here to
- 00:15:54cultural norms or uh you know how we
- 00:15:56book things in Japan sometimes they have
- 00:15:58rules about when you can start booking
- 00:16:00and the size of groups and the age of
- 00:16:02them and how many tour guides we need
- 00:16:04and uh so uh we'll have to just sort of
- 00:16:06navigate that so that what I just showed
- 00:16:08you uh as a list of sort of our
- 00:16:10structure of the course is a draft and
- 00:16:13so you want to make sure you stay
- 00:16:15apprised and uh and I have posted a
- 00:16:18course outline uh I think it's going to
- 00:16:20be updated soon on our summer abroad
- 00:16:22website and it outlines sort of the
- 00:16:24structure of the course and again
- 00:16:26mentions those field trips and the
- 00:16:27Articles we read Rel related to those
- 00:16:30experiences in fact I don't think I'm
- 00:16:32showing that today I don't have it um
- 00:16:34but I just want you to know that when it
- 00:16:35comes to my deliverables for the course
- 00:16:37they're measured and um and intended
- 00:16:40obviously to uh educate you and get you
- 00:16:42to learn about our topic about resolving
- 00:16:44conflict in Japanese workplaces but also
- 00:16:47in a way that's uh digestible I am I
- 00:16:50have an assignment related to well I
- 00:16:53have a quiz obviously related to some of
- 00:16:55our readings and I have um an assignment
- 00:16:57related to your own personal field trip
- 00:16:59that you'll present to us in the class
- 00:17:01you're going to also uh analyze a uh
- 00:17:05academic article and share that with the
- 00:17:07class as well and I have a paper a
- 00:17:09manageable one that's due towards the
- 00:17:11end just after we're done uh in June and
- 00:17:14uh so those are the things I'm expecting
- 00:17:16and I expect interaction in the
- 00:17:18classroom and we have uh simulations
- 00:17:20where we'll build those skills of
- 00:17:22resolving conflict and scenarios related
- 00:17:25to Japanese culture that we'll deal with
- 00:17:28and so I think it'll be a memorable
- 00:17:30experience for people is the goal and uh
- 00:17:33and I like to be interactive and I like
- 00:17:35it when people get along and that's one
- 00:17:37of our goals is to resolve conflict and
- 00:17:39we'll do that in the classroom and um
- 00:17:42I'm excited about the experience and I
- 00:17:43think Joe that's the end of my photos
- 00:17:45and oh I have one thing here quick thing
- 00:17:47about just who I am like I said I've
- 00:17:49been to Japan a lot of times and uh I'm
- 00:17:51kind of an I guess I'm an urban person
- 00:17:53I'm not that active uh but as I
- 00:17:55mentioned I like pop culture I like
- 00:17:57certain things like food for for sure
- 00:17:59and uh so here's I'm going to show you
- 00:18:01quickly some of my 10 favorite things to
- 00:18:03do in Japan and uh so I like the family
- 00:18:06restaurants because they have this drink
- 00:18:08bar thing where you can have unlimited
- 00:18:09coffee and soft drinks I um I do have
- 00:18:13relatives over there through my spouse
- 00:18:15and uh so socializing with her friends
- 00:18:18uh is fun for me uh because it makes it
- 00:18:20feel real with the local person um
- 00:18:22there's a place uh that sells um very
- 00:18:26affordable well everywhere is kind of
- 00:18:27affordable right now with uh Japanese
- 00:18:30currency but um but I do like um mitsuya
- 00:18:33uh is a place that sells these gesi rice
- 00:18:36dishes and you can have them any time
- 00:18:38especially when you're jet lag hungry
- 00:18:40you can go in these 24-hour places I do
- 00:18:42a lot of shopping I'll just sort of skip
- 00:18:43through some of that uh I'm getting a
- 00:18:45little older now but I like the cycling
- 00:18:47you can rent bikes and go along the
- 00:18:49river path that's fun I do Drive uh to
- 00:18:52relatives along Countryside roads and I
- 00:18:54find that's there's a beauty to that
- 00:18:56with the rice patties Etc and one of the
- 00:18:59things I love to do I don't drink as
- 00:19:01much milk as I used to but the milk in
- 00:19:03Japan is excellent and that's true about
- 00:19:05England New Zealand a few other places
- 00:19:07as well but um they have these milk bars
- 00:19:10a few of them across Tokyo and uh I like
- 00:19:13to drink as much milk as possible I
- 00:19:15drink so much that I try to shock the
- 00:19:17person selling the milk so they sell
- 00:19:19them in bottles you have to drink them
- 00:19:21in front of them and I can usually get
- 00:19:23up to around seven8 or even 10 and uh
- 00:19:26they're shocked with just how much again
- 00:19:28I only get the opportunity to do it once
- 00:19:30a year once every few years so I indulge
- 00:19:33anyway I'm sure you'll have your own
- 00:19:35list maybe all of you or some of you
- 00:19:37have been the Japan before and you can
- 00:19:39know it's excellent but it's it truly is
- 00:19:41there as a culture to serve uh
- 00:19:45themselves obviously but also us as
- 00:19:47tourists as long as we have some
- 00:19:49understanding of their cultural needs
- 00:19:50and we show respect um I think that's
- 00:19:53the dynamic they're looking for and uh I
- 00:19:55hope to promote that in the course
- 00:19:57anyway look forward to uh those who are
- 00:20:00eligible and who come to the course and
- 00:20:02to present it in a way that is uh
- 00:20:05longlasting thanks Ling thank you Bob
- 00:20:09that's perfect perfect overview of the
- 00:20:11program and the Japanese culture as well
- 00:20:16um I do want to just say for those who
- 00:20:19have questions please type your
- 00:20:21questions under the Q&A and you'll be
- 00:20:23able to respond accordingly if you would
- 00:20:26like to um speak um and and verbally
- 00:20:29articulate your questions please wait
- 00:20:31until the end and we will open up the
- 00:20:34floor for anyone who would like to have
- 00:20:36a discussion instead um moving on to
- 00:20:39student experiences so I I want to make
- 00:20:43sure you have an opportunity to hear
- 00:20:45from a past participant I always say
- 00:20:47there's so much value and so much
- 00:20:48Insight that studens and us as well as
- 00:20:51staff can learn from those who've been
- 00:20:53in the pur Cort so I open up the floor
- 00:20:56to Leon Leon take it away tell us tell
- 00:20:58us about your experience um share with
- 00:21:00us any tips to anyone who may be
- 00:21:03thinking about going abroad next summer
- 00:21:05thanks luring uh yeah so uh hi everyone
- 00:21:08my name is Leon I am a third-year rman
- 00:21:10Commerce student and I did the uh
- 00:21:12Summers abroad program just uh last year
- 00:21:16and like Professor uh Thompson has said
- 00:21:19uh this course is on um conflict
- 00:21:22resolutions and uh I find that with his
- 00:21:25class in particular with the simulations
- 00:21:27it has been uh incredible experience CU
- 00:21:30it's not something that you really get
- 00:21:31to do uh at UFT with a regular course
- 00:21:35but also the fact that you know you're
- 00:21:36learning about a culture that you're
- 00:21:38immersed in I think that is one of the
- 00:21:40key points um that Summers AB brought
- 00:21:42bring that just makes the overall
- 00:21:44experience so much better and for me I
- 00:21:47actually did another one in in South
- 00:21:49Korea in my first year and I have to say
- 00:21:51with these experiences has um gotten me
- 00:21:54a lot more perspective and you know
- 00:21:56through the pictures you can see that
- 00:21:58you know all these places that I went to
- 00:21:59are with the people I met you know for
- 00:22:01the first time but you know to this day
- 00:22:03we still hang out so one of the biggest
- 00:22:05things I think for Summers abro is
- 00:22:07meeting the people and being able to
- 00:22:09explore um you know learn alongside them
- 00:22:11for four months it's not an opportunity
- 00:22:13you usually get at UFT um just given how
- 00:22:17academically intense everything is but
- 00:22:19with Summers of broad courses in
- 00:22:21particular because you're just focused
- 00:22:22on one course uh you have a lot more
- 00:22:24opportunities to explore and actually
- 00:22:26hang out with the people um that you are
- 00:22:28you know learning with and uh for me uh
- 00:22:32I think Japan has always been a very
- 00:22:34special program in a sense that it has
- 00:22:36been very different from my South Korean
- 00:22:38experience uh the people I've met and
- 00:22:40the things that we've done uh has just
- 00:22:42been incredible and you know like luring
- 00:22:44said uh Japan is you know an incredible
- 00:22:47country with so much more offerings and
- 00:22:48with the course that you learn you can
- 00:22:50directly see how that's translated with
- 00:22:52the people that you know you meet on the
- 00:22:54streets or to the restaurants that you
- 00:22:55go to or to whatever activities that
- 00:22:57you're um you you're going to attend to
- 00:23:00you can actually see some of the lessons
- 00:23:02being applied because you actually try
- 00:23:04and understand uh where sort of their
- 00:23:07culture and their perspective is from
- 00:23:09and how their workplace is because you
- 00:23:11are going into their workplace um I
- 00:23:15think yeah just some highlights with it
- 00:23:16you know Japan has some amazing uh
- 00:23:18destinations and I guess I should say
- 00:23:20one thing in regards to the academics um
- 00:23:24like Professor Thompson said like it's
- 00:23:26balanced I don't think it's intensive in
- 00:23:29any way but you do have to put in the
- 00:23:32work it's again not not a tourist you
- 00:23:35know sort of vacation for you there is
- 00:23:37work to be done but all of the works are
- 00:23:39incredibly manageable in my opinion and
- 00:23:41as long as you stay on top of it uh
- 00:23:43you'll be fine and know with Japan a big
- 00:23:46part of this course is also the cultural
- 00:23:48exploration right so you going out you
- 00:23:49know just seeing sites even where going
- 00:23:52to even like a karaoke bar and you see
- 00:23:55something different it's like hey that's
- 00:23:56different from like North American like
- 00:23:58that's something that you can directly
- 00:23:59learn about and you know have applied to
- 00:24:02in class um yeah I'll keep this brief um
- 00:24:05but I guess one just one advice if I
- 00:24:08could give to all of you and so else to
- 00:24:11my past self is you know if if you're on
- 00:24:13the fence of doing this whether you know
- 00:24:15you're you're scared about a new
- 00:24:16environment or you're scared about you
- 00:24:18know meeting new people or or any of
- 00:24:20that anxiety um I would say take a leap
- 00:24:23of faith um it's not every day that you
- 00:24:26have an opportunity to go abroad
- 00:24:28uh for a month and uh it's not every day
- 00:24:31that you are able to meet people from
- 00:24:33different programs I know for me you
- 00:24:35know rman is an incredibly isolating
- 00:24:37sort of bubble um and being able to
- 00:24:40interact with people outside of my major
- 00:24:42has definitely made my perspective a lot
- 00:24:44more Broad and has shown me a lot more
- 00:24:46things that I otherwise wouldn't you
- 00:24:48know along with the experience itself uh
- 00:24:50being in a global sort of sense it has
- 00:24:52helped me uh so much with whether that
- 00:24:55be Employments or whether that be
- 00:24:57projects or just
- 00:24:58you know on a personal level has made me
- 00:25:01a lot more well balanced to
- 00:25:02understanding other people and I think
- 00:25:04the class definitely gives you an extra
- 00:25:06o in that um perspective So
- 00:25:10yeah thank you Leon um thank you for
- 00:25:13sharing your experiences and those are
- 00:25:15great insights Leon it's it's so helpful
- 00:25:18to hear from a past participant and um
- 00:25:21definitely relevant for those who are
- 00:25:23thinking should you should you not I
- 00:25:26would also urge you definitely apply and
- 00:25:30um try to incorporate that as part of
- 00:25:33your UF experience there's nothing but
- 00:25:36benefits you would derive out of these
- 00:25:39experiences so I'm going to move uh
- 00:25:41ahead um and tell you a little bit more
- 00:25:44about the Practical elements of applying
- 00:25:46but uh leor and Bob are in the back end
- 00:25:49so if you have questions for either of
- 00:25:51them feel free to use our chat
- 00:25:54functionality so let's talk a little bit
- 00:25:56about the logistical Det details or what
- 00:25:59happens during the 2025 Japan um summer
- 00:26:02abroad session we are very fortunate to
- 00:26:04be collaborating with K University in
- 00:26:07Japan again and they are happy to host
- 00:26:10our two costs again this particular uh
- 00:26:13summer to keep in mind our classrooms
- 00:26:15are going to be based on the hiyoshi
- 00:26:17campus this is very very close to where
- 00:26:20the students are going to be staying the
- 00:26:22facilities are amazing and students will
- 00:26:25have um access to being on that
- 00:26:28particular campus you'll also have
- 00:26:30access to an on-site coordinator we want
- 00:26:32to make sure you're well supported and
- 00:26:35we happy to share there'll be two onsite
- 00:26:37coordinators who will be available to
- 00:26:39provide you with non-academic support
- 00:26:42make sure you're transitioning well
- 00:26:44you're able to ask questions about um
- 00:26:47the culture or any aspect of being uh on
- 00:26:51a summer Brad opportunity and they would
- 00:26:53be your contact and they'll help you L
- 00:26:56with K University uh your instructor or
- 00:26:59navigate any concerns uh when you're
- 00:27:02abroad there are so many different types
- 00:27:05of program activities as part of the
- 00:27:07Japan program I think you've heard about
- 00:27:08them already and just to recap uh
- 00:27:11welcome activities walking tours
- 00:27:13anything and everything that we can
- 00:27:15think of that we can make sure we are
- 00:27:17able to schedule into your info uh
- 00:27:20program schedule we will make it Happ we
- 00:27:22want to make sure it's a really well
- 00:27:24balanced we want to make sure you have
- 00:27:26opportunities to meet other students
- 00:27:29within the program but we also want to
- 00:27:30make sure that you have opportunities to
- 00:27:33really rest and reflect on your learning
- 00:27:36as well as your own free time as well so
- 00:27:40let's talk a little bit about about
- 00:27:41accommodations students are going to be
- 00:27:43staying very close to public
- 00:27:45transportation in Japan and for those
- 00:27:47who are familiar with Japan you know
- 00:27:49that's very important don't worry it's
- 00:27:51about 15 minutes commute uh to your
- 00:27:54classroom uh at K University and on the
- 00:27:57first day nor your on-site staff will
- 00:28:00help you um navigate that journey and
- 00:28:03show how show you how to use a local
- 00:28:05Transportation it's very easy and easy
- 00:28:09uh for individuals after your first day
- 00:28:11your accommodations would be single
- 00:28:13rooms you're going to be based in a
- 00:28:15hotel we've actually explored a number
- 00:28:17of different uh accommodations in Japan
- 00:28:20and we wanted to make sure they'll be
- 00:28:22safe um and they would be suitable and
- 00:28:24close to your learning environment so if
- 00:28:27you selected uh it's a hotel for the
- 00:28:29students it was the best one possible
- 00:28:32within reasonable budget it'll be clean
- 00:28:34it'll include Wi-Fi and you'll be able
- 00:28:37to make sure that you're having a
- 00:28:38comfortable stay during the four weeks
- 00:28:41in
- 00:28:41Japan the breakfast is available and
- 00:28:44included already uh in the cost so you
- 00:28:47have access to that you don't have to
- 00:28:49worry about breakfast early in the
- 00:28:50morning it's already there provided in
- 00:28:51your hotel uh in addition to that
- 00:28:53students are expected to budget
- 00:28:55approximately $700 Canadian dollar for
- 00:28:58lunches and other uh dinner expenses um
- 00:29:02in terms of flight um be Ted uh do any
- 00:29:05gr flights for any of our summer abroad
- 00:29:07programs anymore students would be
- 00:29:09booking their own travel arrangements so
- 00:29:12if for example if you're traveling or
- 00:29:15planning to travel from to Toronto to uh
- 00:29:18Japan and you're planning to fly back to
- 00:29:21Toronto we will be sharing a recommended
- 00:29:25flight once you're admitted students who
- 00:29:28traveling from Toronto they would
- 00:29:29generally be on the recommended flight
- 00:29:31and you'll meet your peers normally on
- 00:29:34that recommended flight but we did want
- 00:29:36to provide that as an option because we
- 00:29:39have heard that some students may be um
- 00:29:43preferring to take different flight
- 00:29:45paths because maybe they think about
- 00:29:47going home and then from home and it may
- 00:29:50be in Alberta maybe you're flying from
- 00:29:52BC or from another different country you
- 00:29:55have the flexibility to arrange your own
- 00:29:58flight details as long as you're there
- 00:30:00on the first day of the start of the
- 00:30:02program when we checking you into the
- 00:30:04hotel uh that'll be fine so travel from
- 00:30:07the airport to the hotel is also very
- 00:30:09straightforward and we'll provide you
- 00:30:11lots of instructions and guidance once
- 00:30:14you're admitted let's talk a little bit
- 00:30:16about eligibility into just generally
- 00:30:18summer abroad uh for you to be admitted
- 00:30:21into a summer Brad program uh you have
- 00:30:24to complete uh at least a full ter so
- 00:30:284.0 credits need to be completed before
- 00:30:31your program starts and your minimum
- 00:30:33cgpa needs to be at least
- 00:30:361.75 at the time of application if
- 00:30:38you're a first year student naturally
- 00:30:40your cgba may not be available or
- 00:30:44visible on the system so don't worry
- 00:30:46about it you can still apply on your
- 00:30:48application you need to outline uh that
- 00:30:51you plan to complete the 4.0 full
- 00:30:53credits by the end of the April month
- 00:30:56and that uh show some kind of proof of
- 00:30:59how you're doing in your current courses
- 00:31:01and we'll definitely take that into
- 00:31:03consideration as Leon mentioned he did
- 00:31:04travel after this first year so you do
- 00:31:06know that first years do participate in
- 00:31:08suar Opportunities one tip I would share
- 00:31:12uh about the Japan program it has been
- 00:31:16quite a competitive program so we don't
- 00:31:19admit on a first Comfort serve basis we
- 00:31:21review all the applications on a very
- 00:31:23holistic basis so when you're applying
- 00:31:26for the Japan program I want to hear
- 00:31:28from you why you want to be part of this
- 00:31:32particular course how does this course
- 00:31:35and the academic uh learning components
- 00:31:38align with your personal and academic
- 00:31:40goals so make sure that you're very
- 00:31:43clear about that and articulating that
- 00:31:44really well in your application we don't
- 00:31:47look at cgpa but we really take a
- 00:31:49comprehensive look as why you're looking
- 00:31:52to be part of this particular cohort and
- 00:31:55how you plan to contribute back into the
- 00:31:57learning as as well so um if there are
- 00:32:00spots available then the program the
- 00:32:03Japan program would be open to students
- 00:32:06uh who are non-des or UFT alums as well
- 00:32:10the program generally in Sumer abroad is
- 00:32:12also open to uh professional faculty or
- 00:32:16graduate students generally broadly as
- 00:32:18well students from other North American
- 00:32:21universities are able to apply they
- 00:32:24would need to submit a letter of
- 00:32:26permission and we have instructions to
- 00:32:29that effect on our website so let's talk
- 00:32:31a little bit about the application
- 00:32:33application is already online and we've
- 00:32:36started to receive quite a few
- 00:32:37applications for Japan already which is
- 00:32:39fantastic response been amazing so keep
- 00:32:42them coming if you're thinking about
- 00:32:43apply don't hesitate do that now
- 00:32:46application deadline is February the 3rd
- 00:32:49at 400 p.m. so it's coming along pretty
- 00:32:51quickly so don't waste time don't wait
- 00:32:55until the last minute if possible
- 00:32:58because you would have so many other
- 00:33:00priorities potentially around the first
- 00:33:02week of February so just uh review your
- 00:33:05subad applications now instead of doing
- 00:33:07it at a later date there is an
- 00:33:09application fee
- 00:33:11$210 so there is a separate application
- 00:33:14fee for each destination um students
- 00:33:17sometimes will ask us and I think it's
- 00:33:19very smart to think about those um they
- 00:33:22may think about applying to two sumary
- 00:33:24abroad programs and it could be because
- 00:33:27maybe actually be thinking about doing
- 00:33:29two which is absolutely possible so you
- 00:33:32may be thinking about doing maybe Japan
- 00:33:34in the May term and doing a second one
- 00:33:37maybe Italy in August and that's
- 00:33:40absolutely possible that we've had so
- 00:33:42many students do it uh you would just be
- 00:33:44submitting two separate applications and
- 00:33:47do not that it means two separate
- 00:33:49application fees for each okay if you're
- 00:33:53not admitted into a summer Brad program
- 00:33:56we will refund $100 of the application
- 00:33:59fee back to you which we think is fair
- 00:34:02again going over the admission criteria
- 00:34:05not on a first comfor Sur basis we
- 00:34:07review it on a holistic basis we review
- 00:34:10on a number of different factors
- 00:34:12including academic record over the 12
- 00:34:15last 12 months we want to make sure
- 00:34:16you're doing well uh relevance of the
- 00:34:19course to this particular Japan program
- 00:34:21will be something we'll keep in mind uh
- 00:34:24make sure you actually put some um
- 00:34:27importance and time on completing a
- 00:34:29personal statement which is part of your
- 00:34:31application and the fourth item which is
- 00:34:34new for 2025 there is an online recorded
- 00:34:37video component it's actually a really
- 00:34:40straightforward uh process and students
- 00:34:44who've completed it has given me really
- 00:34:45good feedback it is a way for you to
- 00:34:49share with us your um self response on
- 00:34:54why you would like to be part of Summer
- 00:34:56abroad so the question s are very
- 00:34:58general they usually will be asking you
- 00:35:01why you looking to do this program or to
- 00:35:03that particular effect you're not
- 00:35:05looking for perfect answers so if you're
- 00:35:08a little bit nervous about doing it um
- 00:35:11don't be uh nervous you don't have to
- 00:35:15really prepare or try uh to memorize a
- 00:35:20response that's not what we looking for
- 00:35:22just be a true self uh pretend you're
- 00:35:25having a discussion with me or just a
- 00:35:27conversation with me and um just record
- 00:35:30your response as if you're sharing with
- 00:35:32another individual why you would like to
- 00:35:34be doing this particular program this
- 00:35:36summer okay so long as you yourself
- 00:35:39that's that's going to be perfect that's
- 00:35:40what we really want to hear from
- 00:35:42students so a little bit uh more
- 00:35:45information on the application when you
- 00:35:47actually are log on to our website and
- 00:35:49the login button is on the top right and
- 00:35:51corner of our web page you will be
- 00:35:54directed to this particular sumb portal
- 00:35:57and looks like this it's uh very much
- 00:36:00self um guided and the leftand Navigator
- 00:36:04will walk you through the different
- 00:36:06steps it will talk you through the
- 00:36:09things you need to know and also ask you
- 00:36:12to confirm a couple of pieces of
- 00:36:14information relating to your application
- 00:36:18once you've completed the application it
- 00:36:20will then direct you to one complete the
- 00:36:25applica or submit the application fee to
- 00:36:27$10 and you'll also get an email link to
- 00:36:31complete the online recorded interview
- 00:36:33and at the end step three last but don't
- 00:36:36forget hit
- 00:36:38submit okay so decisions are usually
- 00:36:42released uh late February to early March
- 00:36:45for Japan we're going to try to release
- 00:36:47decisions uh as early as possible we
- 00:36:51want to make sure that you are uh aware
- 00:36:53and notified if you've been selected for
- 00:36:56this particular program note that
- 00:36:58admission into summer abroad naturally
- 00:37:00is conditional upon the government of
- 00:37:02Canada allowing travel outside
- 00:37:04Canada once you receive uh an offer uh
- 00:37:07to for example the Japan program you'll
- 00:37:10have one week to decide if you would
- 00:37:12like to accept the offer and you do this
- 00:37:15by paying your non-refundable $11,000
- 00:37:18deposit and you make the payment online
- 00:37:20as well if you decline the offer though
- 00:37:24note that you will not get your
- 00:37:25application feedback okay okay and
- 00:37:28remaining fees for Japan is du1 May uh
- 00:37:31march to 26 March 26th
- 00:37:342025 so uh let's talk a little bit about
- 00:37:37cost because that's extremely important
- 00:37:40and uh usually plays a role on uh
- 00:37:43students decision to apply the
- 00:37:46information regarding the relevant cost
- 00:37:48is also published on our website once
- 00:37:51you're on the Japan program website so
- 00:37:54if you want actually on your mobile it
- 00:37:56looks a little bit different
- 00:37:58and my tip to students especially if
- 00:37:59you're new to the Sam abroad program is
- 00:38:02to log in um or explore a Sam Brad web
- 00:38:06pages on a laptop first uh because when
- 00:38:09you're on your mobile noticed um it it
- 00:38:11is definitely uh possible for you to
- 00:38:14view the content but your Navigators
- 00:38:16look a little bit different and I
- 00:38:17noticed that sometimes students will
- 00:38:19miss pertinent information because of
- 00:38:21the way it's laid out on your mobile on
- 00:38:23your tablet on your or your iPhone so go
- 00:38:27on to your uh um the web page using a
- 00:38:30laptop or computer and you'll notice
- 00:38:32it'll look something like this on the
- 00:38:34left hand side it will have different
- 00:38:36sections that you can click and explore
- 00:38:38so if you click on cost it'll look
- 00:38:40something like this and there will be
- 00:38:42blue sections that will be for domestic
- 00:38:45students and for international students
- 00:38:48so if you pay domestic tuition fees to
- 00:38:51the University of Toronto click on the
- 00:38:53domestic bar and if you pay
- 00:38:55international tution fees now you click
- 00:38:57on the international students bar uh So
- 00:39:01based on which um fees you pay you'll
- 00:39:04either be uh paying the domestic
- 00:39:07students program fees which is on the
- 00:39:09left hand side or the international
- 00:39:11students fee for Sumer abroad which is
- 00:39:14here outlined on the right hand side I
- 00:39:16just want to explain what the different
- 00:39:18fees mean so we have broken the sum
- 00:39:21abroad fees for you into two categories
- 00:39:25the category on the top which is
- 00:39:27outlined in red its fees paid to the
- 00:39:31Sumer abroad uh office or the University
- 00:39:33of Toronto these consist of application
- 00:39:36fee course fee incidental fee field trip
- 00:39:40fees and accommodation so these relate
- 00:39:42to the mandatory components of your Su
- 00:39:44abroad program okay the one the fees on
- 00:39:47the bottom which we call additional cost
- 00:39:50are estimates uh we want to make sure
- 00:39:53that you are aware of these additional
- 00:39:56fees um and also Al to note that they
- 00:39:58actually range because they're impacted
- 00:40:01by your own preferences and your own
- 00:40:03decisions on certain items for example
- 00:40:05air is an estimate it's based on your
- 00:40:08round trip from uh Toronto to Japan so
- 00:40:12depending on where you plan to travel
- 00:40:15from it impacts the fees the meals also
- 00:40:19tend to be an estimate really depending
- 00:40:20on if you plan to eat high price Sushi
- 00:40:24uh every single time then budget
- 00:40:26accordingly but if you're able to make
- 00:40:28sure that uh you are uh careful about uh
- 00:40:32where you eat uh and you are planning
- 00:40:36accordingly that would be the estimate
- 00:40:38that we've provided you at the end at
- 00:40:40the bottom you'll see approximate total
- 00:40:42program cost and that's the amount that
- 00:40:44we want to make sure you're aware as you
- 00:40:47consider different program opportunities
- 00:40:49so we know that sometimes uh finances
- 00:40:52may be a concern for students and a
- 00:40:55large percentage of EFT students are on
- 00:40:58financial aid so I always make it a
- 00:41:01point to make sure that students are
- 00:41:02aware that there is a significant amount
- 00:41:05of resources financial resources
- 00:41:08available to UFT students and um if you
- 00:41:12have any questions or concerns do reach
- 00:41:14out to us we never want finances to be a
- 00:41:16barrier to you when you're thinking
- 00:41:18about somewhere abroad we do have um
- 00:41:21summer Brad awards that are available to
- 00:41:23all our participants and our summer Brad
- 00:41:27awards are broken down into two groups
- 00:41:30one is a needs-based award for students
- 00:41:33who have demonstrated Financial need and
- 00:41:36that would uh be something you can apply
- 00:41:39already on the sum Brad website and it's
- 00:41:41integrated as part of your sum abroad
- 00:41:43application it is for domestic students
- 00:41:46so if you meet the criteria that's
- 00:41:48indicated on the screen to complete the
- 00:41:52sumary abroad um award application and
- 00:41:55we'll definitely uh make sure that you
- 00:41:58are considered for the diverse Awards
- 00:42:01the awards value diff so they could
- 00:42:04range uh usually from 2,500 to 7,000
- 00:42:07based one on the program that you're
- 00:42:08applying to and second is based on your
- 00:42:11own personal need what I would share is
- 00:42:14last year in 2024 we granted through
- 00:42:17woodsworth uh college alone $400,000 to
- 00:42:21some abroad participants so we try to
- 00:42:23make sure that funding is made available
- 00:42:26to those who
- 00:42:27needed the other category of awards is
- 00:42:30Merit based Awards um these tend to be
- 00:42:33smaller so they tend to be a little bit
- 00:42:35more competitive but if you are looking
- 00:42:38into Merit based Awards the award
- 00:42:41criteria on our website as well uh you
- 00:42:43do have to complete a separate
- 00:42:45supplemental application for merit based
- 00:42:48wordss uh the link is on the summer Brad
- 00:42:51portal so when you log into the Sumer
- 00:42:53Brad award um application section you
- 00:42:56will see a link to the Merit based
- 00:42:58Awards so that's something for you to
- 00:43:01consider as well I also did a separate
- 00:43:03session on financing somewh brought
- 00:43:06opportunity so if you would like to
- 00:43:08receive more information or you want to
- 00:43:10learn a little bit more I urge you to
- 00:43:12view my separate um video so start
- 00:43:15budgeting now it's never too early final
- 00:43:19payment for Japan program is due on
- 00:43:21March 26 so make sure you have a good
- 00:43:23financial plan in mind uh explore all
- 00:43:27different opportunities uh talk to your
- 00:43:29registral office uh talk to your
- 00:43:31department whichever it may be to see if
- 00:43:33there additional financial aid available
- 00:43:36or different types of awards yet you
- 00:43:38could apply for and be eligible for if
- 00:43:42you're an oap student and OSAP is for
- 00:43:45domestic students uh who are based in
- 00:43:48Toronto then OSAP fund um maybe open to
- 00:43:52you you definitely would be able to uh
- 00:43:55apply for oap information on our website
- 00:43:57for that as well do note that oap funds
- 00:44:00for domestic students are not usually
- 00:44:02released until closer to the start of
- 00:44:04the program and you can't defer your
- 00:44:07fees uh on that basis so just plan
- 00:44:10accordingly and be aware of it cie which
- 00:44:14is a different unit from our uh summer
- 00:44:17broad woodw uh office cie also is able
- 00:44:20to offer you funding for some abroad and
- 00:44:23they've been very generous in the past
- 00:44:25so make sure you're look into the IE
- 00:44:29award plus Awards and also applying for
- 00:44:32that if you're specifically an
- 00:44:34international student who has Financial
- 00:44:37need I would uh definitely recommend you
- 00:44:40exploring the I award plus that's
- 00:44:43offered through cie because those are
- 00:44:45open to International students with
- 00:44:47financial needs as well so um next slide
- 00:44:51is on visas and insurance because that's
- 00:44:54a practical element that you need to be
- 00:44:56aware of students are responsible for
- 00:44:58arranging your own visa and if required
- 00:45:01we would be providing you supporting
- 00:45:03documents as well this is all done after
- 00:45:06you admitted for Japan the Canadian uh
- 00:45:10citizens usually uh would require just
- 00:45:12your travel Document which is your
- 00:45:14passport valid for the duration of this
- 00:45:17day okay International students at
- 00:45:21students who don't have the Canadian
- 00:45:23citizenship definitely check with your
- 00:45:26uh the Japanese Embassy and consulate
- 00:45:28for requirements and we normally will
- 00:45:30provide links to that effect once you
- 00:45:32are admitted uh to the particular
- 00:45:34program uh wherever possible especially
- 00:45:37if you do need to apply for Visa apply
- 00:45:40from Toronto uh we work very closely
- 00:45:43with the local embassies so we'll be
- 00:45:45able to guide you through the various um
- 00:45:48documents from where if you're applying
- 00:45:51from Toronto if you plan to go back home
- 00:45:53to a different country and you have to
- 00:45:56apply uh from your home country of
- 00:45:58course we'll provide you with the
- 00:46:00documents but we may not be able to
- 00:46:02provide you with the same level of
- 00:46:04support for the Visas in the same way
- 00:46:07okay uh last piece but extremely
- 00:46:10relevant Equity diversity inclusion and
- 00:46:13accessibility resources Su Brad has been
- 00:46:16putting together a large number of EDI
- 00:46:21related resources and making sure the
- 00:46:24information is relevant and easily
- 00:46:27accessible to students who are thinking
- 00:46:28about exploring some abroad
- 00:46:30opportunities so I urge you to review it
- 00:46:33if you have any quiries uh if there are
- 00:46:36specific needs you would like to discuss
- 00:46:38do book at advising appointment V
- 00:46:42Venture who is our edia staff uh she's
- 00:46:46focused on diversity and inclusion
- 00:46:48there's a QR code on the screen scan it
- 00:46:51book an appointment with her and she'll
- 00:46:53be happy to guide you through the
- 00:46:54various resources
- 00:46:57uh if any of the resources um that uh
- 00:47:00are published on the website um is
- 00:47:03confusing or you're not sure about it to
- 00:47:05reach us uh reach out to us and uh let
- 00:47:08us know and we'll be happy to help uh
- 00:47:11there are two specific uh EDI resources
- 00:47:14or groups of EDI resources I would like
- 00:47:16you to be aware of one is for the
- 00:47:18different student communities and you'll
- 00:47:20see that on the top of our page when you
- 00:47:22click on EDI and accessibility you'll be
- 00:47:25able to see a link or tab that says EDI
- 00:47:28resources for diverse student
- 00:47:30communities so read through it we are
- 00:47:33also building a site specific ETI
- 00:47:35resources as well and you'll see one uh
- 00:47:38on our website for the different
- 00:47:40countries to refer to those tons of
- 00:47:43information and resources and I think
- 00:47:45students will find it very very
- 00:47:47helpful for those uh who require
- 00:47:50academic accommodations and these may be
- 00:47:53extra time to complete assignments and I
- 00:47:55registered with the UFT accessibility
- 00:47:58services do note that we would be asking
- 00:48:01you to upload letters of accommodation
- 00:48:04within 7 days of being admitted to
- 00:48:06Summer abroad so if you're thinking
- 00:48:08about summer abroad and your registered
- 00:48:10accessibility office start to have a
- 00:48:13conversation with your accessibility
- 00:48:15advisor let them know you're thinking
- 00:48:17about uh applying for somewhere abroad
- 00:48:19so that you can start updating your lect
- 00:48:21there of accommodation for these
- 00:48:22activities if you have any questions
- 00:48:24again do not hesitate to reach out to us
- 00:48:27we want to make sure we are on this
- 00:48:29journey with you and we are working with
- 00:48:31you um as you think through your
- 00:48:33different options
- 00:48:36okay so um oh Ed a word this is
- 00:48:40definitely something I would like to
- 00:48:41highlight very proud uh that we offer
- 00:48:44this every year this would be our third
- 00:48:45year offering uh the Sumer Brad
- 00:48:48inclusion diversity and Excellence award
- 00:48:51we provide four uh students with this
- 00:48:54particular award and it's to recognize
- 00:48:57are excellent awesome students we know
- 00:48:59that we have students who are
- 00:49:01contributing to the advancement of EDI a
- 00:49:05and we want to make sure we are able to
- 00:49:07provide them with additional funds so if
- 00:49:09you've actually uh maybe started an
- 00:49:12initiative to advance EDI in um
- 00:49:15activities or projects do submit an
- 00:49:18application for this we would love to
- 00:49:20hear more about uh your initiatives and
- 00:49:22your contributions preference is given
- 00:49:24to blacks uh and IND or and our
- 00:49:27indigenous students okay and these are
- 00:49:29valued at
- 00:49:31$5,000 each so this is um takes me to
- 00:49:35the end of my presentation today
- 00:49:38reminded to subscribe to the summary
- 00:49:40which is our new e newsletter if you
- 00:49:42haven't done so drop in have a chat with
- 00:49:45our awesome summer broad ambassadors
- 00:49:48learn a little bit more from them about
- 00:49:50their
- 00:49:51experiences and an awesome way to
- 00:49:53connect with us is to engage with us on
- 00:49:56our Instagram account so if you haven't
- 00:49:58done so follow us on our UFT abroad
- 00:50:02account our website has tons of
- 00:50:05information don't forget to review all
- 00:50:08the links we have so many student
- 00:50:10stories posted on it as well so explore
- 00:50:12those read and learn through those and
- 00:50:16uh if you're ever on the Samar abroad um
- 00:50:20uh kind of building or area we are based
- 00:50:24at woodswood College on the third floor
- 00:50:26we would love to meet students so if
- 00:50:28you're any ever around our office drop
- 00:50:32by our office hours come chat with us
- 00:50:35book an
- 00:50:36appointment uh and we'll be happy to
- 00:50:38guide you through the process
- 00:50:41[Music]
- Japan
- Summer Abroad
- University of Toronto
- Cultural Immersion
- Conflict Resolution
- Field Trips
- Academic Credits
- Support
- Global Citizenship
- Student Experiences