EU4 1.36 Malaya Guide - THIS Is The SECRET RICHEST Nation In EU4
TLDRThe video guides viewers on how to effectively play as Malaya in EU4, showcasing strategies for economic growth through trade and military expansion. It highlights the significance of vassalization, forming alliances, and focusing on colonization. The tutorial covers the unique national ideas and advantages of Malaya, particularly in fostering trade and acquiring wealth through resources like cloves. Moreover, it explains the overall campaign progression, from initial challenges to becoming a dominant power in Southeast Asia and eventually forming Malaya. Viewers are encouraged to follow strategic missions to maximize their gameplay experience and to explore the dynamic trade opportunities throughout the region.
- 🇲🇾 Malaya offers unique trade advantages with Eastern Plutocracy government.
- ⚔️ Early game strategy involves vassalizing nearby nations for support.
- 💰 Focus on developing trade goods, especially cloves, for economic growth.
- 🌏 Use exploration ideas to expand into colonization early on.
- 🛡️ Forming Malaya enhances national ideas, boosting trade and military.
- 💭 Balancing military expansion with economic development is key.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
In 1510, Malaya emerges as a significant power with strong trade, gold mines, and ambitions for expansion across Southeast Asia. The video introduces a guide focusing on how players can replicate this success in Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as Malaka, emphasizing its unique positioning for trade and power.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Malaka is described as the best secret nation for wealth accumulation in EU4, with favorable government types and national ideas aimed at establishing trade dominance. The benefits of the Eastern plutocracy and specific Malaka national ideas are highlighted, making the nation a prime candidate for trade-heavy strategies.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
The initial game steps involve focusing on missions centered around vassalization of nearby nations to gain significant bonuses. The guide emphasizes building military strength and diplomatic relations, especially targeting Ming, while outlining laws and decisions to enhance Malaka's power.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Emphasis on naval strength and trade missions follows, with recommendations for building a strong navy, securing alliances, and engaging in espionage to pave the way for initial wars against neighboring nations.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
The strategy progresses with vassalization missions quickly following initial wars, highlighting the importance of careful war declaration, building alliances to handle multiple foes, and managing subject nations effectively for maximum benefit.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
The video suggests focusing on expanding influence through warfare, either by full annexation or vassalization, while managing internal affairs by improving diplomatic reputation and vassal loyalty. Regular checks on Ming's stability and tributary relations are also recommended.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
As players expand their territories, building up production, particularly in key trade goods like spices, becomes essential. The guide encourages smart allocation of resources and development strategies to maximize trade income and military strength.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
The importance of becoming the nation of Malaya and the subsequent changes in national ideas are highlighted, showcasing the transition to a more powerful state within the game. The transition allows players to benefit from enhanced trade capabilities and national bonuses.
- 00:40:00 - 00:46:54
Finally, the video discusses the long-term strategy: maintaining trade dominance while engaging with broader geopolitical challenges, including potential conflicts with European powers and territory in India. A well-rounded approach leveraging expansions, trade, and military strategy is recommended for sustained success.
What nation is the focus of this EU4 guide?
The guide focuses on playing as Malaya.
What are the initial strengths of Malaya?
Malaya has strong trade potential, a good government type (Eastern Plutocracy), and beneficial national ideas.
What should players focus on early in the game?
Players should focus on vassalization of nearby nations and developing trade and military capabilities.
What is the significance of forming the nation of Malaya?
Forming Malaya grants access to enhanced national ideas that improve trade efficiency and military morale.
What kind of playstyle is recommended for Malaya?
A trade-heavy, expansion-focused playstyle is recommended, utilizing exploration and colonization ideas.
What is the importance of alliances and vassals in this strategy?
Alliances help in military conflicts while vassals boost economy and provide additional military support.
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25 de marzo de 2024
- 00:00:00this is Malaya in 1510 we're the number
- 00:00:02three great power in the world with more
- 00:00:04than 800 Dev we're about 41 duckets a
- 00:00:06month in the positive with a lot of it
- 00:00:08coming from trade we have one gold mine
- 00:00:10and we're ready to take another we've
- 00:00:12already formed Malaya and become an
- 00:00:14Empire and have claims on this entire
- 00:00:17region that we want to conquer we're
- 00:00:18working on exploration and expansion
- 00:00:20ideas colonizing a bunch of these
- 00:00:22provinces around us and spawning one of
- 00:00:24the best trade goods in the game we've
- 00:00:26completed a major portion of our mission
- 00:00:27tree giving us some absolutely insane
- 00:00:29mod fires and CBS and we're ready to
- 00:00:32finish Conquering the rest of Maritime
- 00:00:34southeast Asia non-maritime southeast
- 00:00:36Asia and maybe even more all will
- 00:00:38becoming one of the richest countries in
- 00:00:40the world this is how you can do the
- 00:00:41same hi everyone and welcome to today's
- 00:00:44video where we're going to be doing a
- 00:00:45guide for malaka for u4 1.36 King of
- 00:00:48Kings so malaka is a nation located in
- 00:00:51Southeast Asia right on the tip of the
- 00:00:53Malay Peninsula right here and in my
- 00:00:55opinion it is probably the best secret
- 00:00:57Nation for becoming the richest nation
- 00:00:59and u4 thanks to its amazing government
- 00:01:01type right here the Eastern plutocracy
- 00:01:03which basically means we're trading
- 00:01:05Kingdom its missions over here that also
- 00:01:07Focus somewhat on trade and developing
- 00:01:09these lands and letting the spices flow
- 00:01:11and of course the amazing malaka
- 00:01:13National ideas starting off with plus
- 00:01:1410% global trade power and plus 33%
- 00:01:17Naval Force limit which is actually
- 00:01:18really important finishing off with plus
- 00:01:20one Merchant and in the meantime we have
- 00:01:22plus 25% income from vassals and minus
- 00:01:2410% Liberty desire and subject after
- 00:01:26that we have plus 20% ship trade per
- 00:01:28plus one dipl rep plus one Torrance of
- 00:01:29the the true Faith plus 20% trade
- 00:01:31steering and Plus One Max promoted
- 00:01:32cultures along with plus one government
- 00:01:34thingy and a minus 10% idea cost but
- 00:01:36that's not all malaka is also one of the
- 00:01:39best Nations to form the nation of
- 00:01:41Malaya shaja or new santara whatever you
- 00:01:43want to call it which of course later on
- 00:01:45gets even more insane trade focused
- 00:01:47National ideas which makes this one of
- 00:01:50the best definitely top three maybe even
- 00:01:52the best Nations to play a trade heavy
- 00:01:55playthrough with by playing as malaka
- 00:01:56you will go on to dominate the Malay
- 00:01:58Peninsula and eventually some of your
- 00:02:00Northern neighbors right here in
- 00:02:01Southeast Asia and of course you'll go
- 00:02:03on to conquer the entirety of Sumatra
- 00:02:06right here Java Borneo these other
- 00:02:08Islands over here conquering clove
- 00:02:10producing provinces colonizing the rest
- 00:02:12of these provinces that don't produce
- 00:02:13cloves and you'll make them produce
- 00:02:15cloves and by no time you will own this
- 00:02:17entire region and be the most powerful
- 00:02:19nation in the world before you go on to
- 00:02:20face the Europeans or colonize even more
- 00:02:23definitely one of the best and one of my
- 00:02:25favorite nations in the game definitely
- 00:02:27one of the richest so sit back relax and
- 00:02:29learn want you to do as malaka all right
- 00:02:31all right here we are as malaka and
- 00:02:33obviously the first thing we want to do
- 00:02:35is sort of take a look at our mission TR
- 00:02:37right here which heavily focuses on us
- 00:02:39vassalizing a bunch of Nations around us
- 00:02:41and of course it does give us the CBS to
- 00:02:43do that and missions do want us to
- 00:02:45vassalize a bunch of Nations to give us
- 00:02:46further bonuses so as we can see if we
- 00:02:48veliz pahang here right to the north of
- 00:02:50us we get a subjugation CB on these
- 00:02:52three other guys that are located right
- 00:02:54here if we build up our army we gain
- 00:02:55more subjugation CBS on various Nations
- 00:02:58down here and of course we do need to
- 00:02:59defeat aaya majapahit Nations like that
- 00:03:02and then these missions right here focus
- 00:03:04on us building manufacturers and stuff
- 00:03:05like that to gain some nice bonuses in
- 00:03:08those provinces and of course the game
- 00:03:09also wants us to become a tributary of
- 00:03:11Ming which is actually something we do
- 00:03:13want to do in case Ming doesn't blow up
- 00:03:15and we can fight their tributaries up
- 00:03:17here but more on that later first you're
- 00:03:19going to go into your States and summon
- 00:03:20the diet you can choose whichever agenda
- 00:03:22is best for you then we're going to give
- 00:03:23the ulma religious State and clerical
- 00:03:25advisory Council along with religious
- 00:03:27diplomats and clerical education then
- 00:03:29we're going to give the Amir premacy of
- 00:03:31the Amir increased levies and
- 00:03:32aristocratic counselors and you can
- 00:03:34notice that the merchant guilds already
- 00:03:36start with orang L alliances which gives
- 00:03:38us plus 25% domestic trade power we're
- 00:03:40going to let them keep that but
- 00:03:42additionally we're also going to give
- 00:03:43them land of Commerce patronage of the
- 00:03:45Arts commercial Advisory Board and
- 00:03:47indebted to the merchant guills we
- 00:03:48definitely need to be careful with the
- 00:03:50influence that these guys have and even
- 00:03:52though there's lots of other privileges
- 00:03:54we can grant them they're really useful
- 00:03:55for us such as tropical City Planning
- 00:03:57right here and later on some
- 00:03:59colonization ones we're going to hold
- 00:04:00off on them for now and then we're also
- 00:04:02going to give the Dei and then we're
- 00:04:04going to be giving the Dei some
- 00:04:05privileges later once we conquer some
- 00:04:07non Sunni provinces so that's about it
- 00:04:09for now then you can seize land next is
- 00:04:12time to hire some advisers so go into
- 00:04:13your advisers right here and get
- 00:04:15whichever level one admin advisor you
- 00:04:17want I'm going to get this tax guy right
- 00:04:18here get a dip rep or improve relations
- 00:04:20level one dip adviser I don't have those
- 00:04:22guys as a level one guy so I'm just
- 00:04:23going to get this trade efficiency guy
- 00:04:25and then get a morale discipline Fort
- 00:04:27defense or mower level one mil adviser I
- 00:04:29do have a morale and Fort defense guy so
- 00:04:31I am going to hire this morale guy right
- 00:04:33here now it's time to rearrange our
- 00:04:34armies a little bit as you can notice
- 00:04:36our lane Force limit is 12 right here so
- 00:04:38we're just going to take this Army and
- 00:04:39build up three more infantry regimens
- 00:04:41just like that and next of course we do
- 00:04:43need to get a super powerful navy up
- 00:04:46that is something that we have to do
- 00:04:47over here in this region because navies
- 00:04:49are super super important as you can see
- 00:04:51our Naval Force limit is 24 that's going
- 00:04:52to go up quite rapidly so first you're
- 00:04:54going to take your light ships right
- 00:04:56here and select a mission and tell them
- 00:04:58to protect trade and malanka and go home
- 00:05:00during war and then we're also going to
- 00:05:02start building up some galys we already
- 00:05:04start off with six I recommend building
- 00:05:06nine more keep one Province free that
- 00:05:09you don't build a galle in so we can
- 00:05:10build up the free company in it later on
- 00:05:12there we go I've started building up
- 00:05:13five ships right here there's six 7 8 9
- 00:05:16and once that's in order we can go ahead
- 00:05:18and kickart our mission trade here by
- 00:05:20trying to do this mission where we
- 00:05:21basically need to make bahang here not
- 00:05:23exist or make them our vassel and of
- 00:05:25course we do need to work on this
- 00:05:26because we do want to become a Ming
- 00:05:28tributary like I said and of course we
- 00:05:30need to work on this one Army has 100%
- 00:05:32of the force limit and an equal or
- 00:05:33bigger Army than majapahit which of
- 00:05:35course will come true as soon as these
- 00:05:36regiments get built up so simply go
- 00:05:38ahead and start spying on pahang right
- 00:05:40here and start improving relations with
- 00:05:43Ming additionally we're going to look
- 00:05:44for one to two allies one up here that's
- 00:05:47not aaya so they can help us fight aaya
- 00:05:49and one more down here preferably
- 00:05:51someone from Borneo or from java that
- 00:05:53could help us potentially fight some of
- 00:05:55these guys right here so try and Ally
- 00:05:57someone up here whichever guy you want
- 00:05:59and someone over here once again
- 00:06:00whichever guy you want additionally of
- 00:06:01course you can go ahead and set some
- 00:06:03Rivals preferably the Nations that have
- 00:06:05rivaled you or nations that you're going
- 00:06:06to fight PR soon in my game right here
- 00:06:08as we can see patani is available I'm
- 00:06:10going to fight them soon so I rival them
- 00:06:12kantan as well and some of these guys
- 00:06:14may Ally each other if you rival them
- 00:06:15but that's completely expected and there
- 00:06:17we go there's K as well Nations we're
- 00:06:19going to fight pretty soon once your
- 00:06:20troops get built up obviously you will
- 00:06:22be able to take the mission make a show
- 00:06:23of force where seak becomes our vassel
- 00:06:25right here and we gain a subjugation CB
- 00:06:27on Jambi and Deli which is this nation
- 00:06:29right here and this nation right here
- 00:06:31with the fact that seak is our subject
- 00:06:33right here we immediately have access
- 00:06:35over this straight Crossing so we don't
- 00:06:37need to even put our Navy out and risk
- 00:06:39it getting destroyed since for example
- 00:06:41the Nations that we fight may have lots
- 00:06:43of allies and their combined Fleet will
- 00:06:44be larger than ours as we can see this
- 00:06:46Mission tree gives us a ton of
- 00:06:48subjugation CBS three right here two
- 00:06:50from this one five or six more from this
- 00:06:52one you get the point once you've built
- 00:06:54up a spy Network on pahang right here
- 00:06:56and your first batch of boats has
- 00:06:58finished building you are ready to
- 00:06:59declare your first war and that's going
- 00:07:01to be either versus pahang right here or
- 00:07:03Deli or Jambi the three nations that we
- 00:07:05have the initial CBS on and you can
- 00:07:07declare on whichever one of them you
- 00:07:09want to whichever one is the easiest
- 00:07:10let's take a look at bahang right here
- 00:07:12they're actually Allied to brunai so
- 00:07:14that is going to be a little bit
- 00:07:15annoying let's take a look at Jambi here
- 00:07:16they're Allied to kanton which is
- 00:07:18perfect that's a pretty easy War we can
- 00:07:20vassalize Jambi and vassalize kanton or
- 00:07:22full anex one full anex the other it
- 00:07:24doesn't matter what we actually want to
- 00:07:26do right here is at a certain point have
- 00:07:28four vassals just so we can take off
- 00:07:30this mission that requires us to have
- 00:07:31three vassals and then take off this
- 00:07:33Mission which requires us to have four
- 00:07:35vassals which later of course is going
- 00:07:37to grant us a pretty good CB right here
- 00:07:39on nations with Malay primary culture so
- 00:07:41you can choose to conquer these guys you
- 00:07:43can choose to vassalize them as well but
- 00:07:45at a certain point you should look to
- 00:07:47have four subjects it really doesn't
- 00:07:48matter who those four subjects are
- 00:07:50either way there's my Declaration on
- 00:07:51Jambi right there and I am going to
- 00:07:53co-belligerent Kellon up here there we
- 00:07:55go pretty simple you don't need any
- 00:07:57allies if you're fighting one to three
- 00:07:59or four nations of course make sure to
- 00:08:01recruit a general when you start the war
- 00:08:04and make sure to recruit an admiral as
- 00:08:06well and there we go for me this very
- 00:08:08quick and easy war is done with the help
- 00:08:09of my subject seak I just white pieced
- 00:08:12Kettle right here full Siege these two
- 00:08:13guys down and now I'm going to go ahead
- 00:08:15and a separate piece kill onon right
- 00:08:17here make them my vassel and take all of
- 00:08:19their money and I'm also going to
- 00:08:20separate piece vassalize jomie right
- 00:08:22here and take all of their money some of
- 00:08:24these guys of course will be disloyal
- 00:08:26right now since you have three subjects
- 00:08:27they're going to band together and stuff
- 00:08:28like that but it's no big deal you can
- 00:08:30keep a hold of them very easily so there
- 00:08:32we go now we have one subject that we
- 00:08:34got for free and two more from our first
- 00:08:35war right here in my next one or two
- 00:08:37Wars I'm going to expand a little bit
- 00:08:39myself because of course we want to grow
- 00:08:41ourselves as well and then I only need
- 00:08:43one more subject in order to accomplish
- 00:08:44both of these missions right here in
- 00:08:46order to accomplish this mission for
- 00:08:48four subjects right pretty simple at the
- 00:08:49start I did Ally Lan Shang which is my
- 00:08:52nation up here that could potentially
- 00:08:54help me versus aaya and now I'm also
- 00:08:56going to Ally Sunda which is my nation
- 00:08:57from down here that could potenti
- 00:08:59potentially help me with some of these
- 00:09:00guys over here you don't even really
- 00:09:02need allies for a malaka playthrough but
- 00:09:05it doesn't hurt to have some of them of
- 00:09:06course once you get more than two
- 00:09:08subjects make sure to give the Amir
- 00:09:10strong dudgies as well if it's not that
- 00:09:12easy to fight any of the initial Nations
- 00:09:14that I mentioned you could of course spy
- 00:09:16on some of these additional guys up here
- 00:09:18to fight them you don't have to take out
- 00:09:20bahong first in order to get the CB for
- 00:09:22these guys before you fight them you can
- 00:09:23definitely fight them before the mission
- 00:09:26that's exactly what I'm going to do in
- 00:09:27my game right here I'm just going to spy
- 00:09:28on T after you picked up a few vassals
- 00:09:31and your Force limit has increased you
- 00:09:32can definitely get the free company up
- 00:09:34and running you'll sometimes get this
- 00:09:36event where you can gain corruption or
- 00:09:37lose corruption what I recommend doing
- 00:09:39is debasing currency to get some extra
- 00:09:41income and then just getting rid of that
- 00:09:44corruption now that I've gotten a spy
- 00:09:45Network on patani I'm just going to
- 00:09:47continue my Conquest versus them since
- 00:09:49they're only Allied to Assa right here
- 00:09:50and there we go there's my next
- 00:09:52declaration as you can see we're
- 00:09:54fighting maybe one war to vassalize
- 00:09:56someone then one war to expand a little
- 00:09:58bit one more to vassalize someone one
- 00:10:00more to expand a little bit of course
- 00:10:01you can expand a lot in two or three
- 00:10:03Wars or you can keep vassalizing Nations
- 00:10:06it's totally up to you but that's sort
- 00:10:07of the generally balanced way you want
- 00:10:09to go at this point because all three of
- 00:10:11my subjects are loyal I can take the
- 00:10:12mission vassal kingdoms right here which
- 00:10:14will increase my income from vassals by
- 00:10:16100% for 20 years pretty important that
- 00:10:18you not get out of the way early while
- 00:10:19you still have those vassals another
- 00:10:21very quick and easy War as you can see
- 00:10:23I'm avoiding fighting any more annoying
- 00:10:25Nations like brunai right here which is
- 00:10:27like the two Nations I already want to
- 00:10:28fight but either way this war is done
- 00:10:30and there's patani full annexed you
- 00:10:32could have vassalized them in your game
- 00:10:34you could also full Annex them now
- 00:10:35something you need to keep in mind about
- 00:10:37this subjugation CB that we're getting
- 00:10:38on a bunch of these other guys it's not
- 00:10:40like it was before a couple of patches
- 00:10:42ago you could declare on a nation with
- 00:10:44the subjugation CB for example like
- 00:10:46Delhi right here and you could just take
- 00:10:49provinces from them however in this
- 00:10:50latest patch right here if you use the
- 00:10:52subjugation CB you actually have to
- 00:10:55vassalize the nation if you want to take
- 00:10:57something from them so you first you
- 00:10:58have to choose subjugation and then you
- 00:11:00could take provinces for yourself so
- 00:11:02don't declare with that CB if you don't
- 00:11:04actually want to vassalize them if you
- 00:11:06actually want to take land from them spy
- 00:11:08on them and use the regular Conquest CB
- 00:11:10once a little bit of time has passed
- 00:11:11after one of your Wars you can
- 00:11:13definitely continue to declare on anyone
- 00:11:15over here out of the initial four guys
- 00:11:16that's easy or these two guys right here
- 00:11:19that we have the subjugation CB on now
- 00:11:21I'm going to be declaring on Kow right
- 00:11:22here they're only elect to Pai and my
- 00:11:24subjects will do quite a lot of help as
- 00:11:26well so there we go there's my next
- 00:11:28declaration in your game like I said you
- 00:11:30may have already vassalized some of
- 00:11:32these guys the order doesn't really
- 00:11:33matter we're just looking to expand a
- 00:11:35little bit and get those initial for
- 00:11:36subject and there we go another quick
- 00:11:38and easy War done for me I'm also going
- 00:11:40to full Annex these guys up here because
- 00:11:42I plan on vassalizing Delhi pretty soon
- 00:11:44right here in one of my next Wars or
- 00:11:46pahang right here and that's going to
- 00:11:48put me at four subjects so I can
- 00:11:49continue to expand a little bit and
- 00:11:51there we go that's another War done
- 00:11:53since as malaka you will start making
- 00:11:55quite a bit of money pretty quickly you
- 00:11:56should immediately start building up
- 00:11:58buildings once once they become
- 00:11:59available start off with the
- 00:12:00marketplaces first in the center of
- 00:12:02trade and Esty provinces and then work
- 00:12:04your way through them after that it's
- 00:12:05churches after that it's workshops and
- 00:12:07so on I'm of course going to build one
- 00:12:09in my capital and one in this other
- 00:12:10Center of Trade that I have make sure to
- 00:12:12build them up in your subjects as well
- 00:12:14you will get that land either way later
- 00:12:15on periodically check on what's
- 00:12:17happening with Ming if they're
- 00:12:18collapsing if they're losing tributaries
- 00:12:20in my game right here none of these guys
- 00:12:21are their tributaries anymore which is
- 00:12:24perfect I don't have to become their
- 00:12:25tributary either but we may also want to
- 00:12:27get involved over here later on so be
- 00:12:29careful with that too if Ming doesn't
- 00:12:31blow up definitely make sure to try and
- 00:12:33accomplish that mission where you become
- 00:12:34their tributary it won't really hurt us
- 00:12:36at all now that a little bit of time has
- 00:12:38passed I'll be continuing my Wars by
- 00:12:39declaring on bahong right here a nation
- 00:12:41out of the initial three nations that we
- 00:12:43want to fight I still have two left over
- 00:12:45them and Delhi of course I delayed this
- 00:12:46a little bit because they're Allied to
- 00:12:48brunai and brunai is a little bit
- 00:12:49annoying to pece out but still this is
- 00:12:51something that has to be done so there
- 00:12:53we go there's my Declaration on bahang
- 00:12:55I'll probably vassalize them and full
- 00:12:56Annex Delhi in this war which of course
- 00:12:58I am am going to co belligerant even
- 00:13:00though some additional Nations come in
- 00:13:01but with the help of my vassals I can
- 00:13:03easily do it make sure to not declare
- 00:13:05with something like this though of
- 00:13:07course once you've gotten Tech 4 in
- 00:13:08every category and once the Renaissance
- 00:13:10has spawned make sure to activate the
- 00:13:12encourage development State edict in
- 00:13:13your capital of malaka right here
- 00:13:15because we do want to develop and fores
- 00:13:16spawn the Renaissance in our Capital
- 00:13:18sure it is going to be pretty expensive
- 00:13:20since it's jungle since it's tropical
- 00:13:21and stuff like that but we can negate
- 00:13:23that a little bit and we do want to
- 00:13:24develop our Capital specifically as well
- 00:13:26for this mission right here so Activa
- 00:13:28encourage development it should already
- 00:13:30be above 15 Dev and you should also go
- 00:13:32ahead and expand infrastructure and
- 00:13:34additionally in your game if the
- 00:13:36merchant guilds aren't too influential
- 00:13:39you could also give them tropical City
- 00:13:41Planning right here for an additional 5%
- 00:13:43Dev discount be careful with this though
- 00:13:44this is not something you have to do be
- 00:13:46careful of the merchant Guild's
- 00:13:47influence I'm comfortable with it in my
- 00:13:49game so I am going to give it to them
- 00:13:51and there we go develop malaka till you
- 00:13:52spawn the Renaissance I wi piece these
- 00:13:54guys down here now I'm going to separate
- 00:13:56piece full Annex Deli just like that and
- 00:13:58now it's only pahang and brunai left
- 00:14:00we're going to have to wait a little bit
- 00:14:02for that but either way now that I've
- 00:14:03taken all of these provinces over here
- 00:14:05in this region whether directly or
- 00:14:07through subjects and once you've done
- 00:14:08the same once again whether directly or
- 00:14:10through subjects you will be able to
- 00:14:11take the mission subach subjugation
- 00:14:13which gives us a subjugation CB on a
- 00:14:15bunch of these nations over here in
- 00:14:16Sumatra but we're not really going to be
- 00:14:18using that we don't want to end up with
- 00:14:2080 vassels of course sure you could
- 00:14:22Annex these guys and then get these guys
- 00:14:24as subjects but we're going to be
- 00:14:25working on a Diplo related idea group
- 00:14:27for our first idea group so we don't
- 00:14:29really want to spend all those Diplo
- 00:14:30points developing so even though we got
- 00:14:32that CB to subjugate all these guys
- 00:14:33right here we're still going to conquer
- 00:14:35them for your tier 2 government reform
- 00:14:36if you really want to lean into the
- 00:14:38whole trading thing even more I
- 00:14:40recommend enforcing Trader privileges
- 00:14:42which is available to us of course
- 00:14:44because we're an Eastern plutocracy this
- 00:14:46gives us 5% more trade efficiency and
- 00:14:48plus a 30% more trade range however if
- 00:14:50you don't think the bonuses are good
- 00:14:51enough I do recommend going with
- 00:14:52strength and Noble privileges for
- 00:14:54additional Manpower and amir's influence
- 00:14:56since this is really not that important
- 00:14:57for now we're going to need it more
- 00:14:59later on once we take a bigger hold of
- 00:15:00all of these trade notes for now I'm
- 00:15:02going to go with strength and Noble
- 00:15:03privileges but later once we take care
- 00:15:05of all these guys I do plan on swapping
- 00:15:07to enforce Trader Privileges and after
- 00:15:08finally pcing out brunai since they were
- 00:15:10in another War as well now I can wrap it
- 00:15:12up with bahang right here which I am
- 00:15:14going to make my fourth and final
- 00:15:16subjects for now and I'm also going to
- 00:15:18take all of their money and there we go
- 00:15:19just like that we're at four subjects
- 00:15:21once we get all of them loyal we'll be
- 00:15:22able to take this Mission as well which
- 00:15:24is pretty important for how our campaign
- 00:15:26progresses so after you get four
- 00:15:28subjects work on getting them below 40%
- 00:15:30Liberty desire now that I spawned the
- 00:15:32Renaissance over in my capital of malaka
- 00:15:34as we can see I deved it up to about 39
- 00:15:36right here pretty expensive but it does
- 00:15:37have to be done I can go ahead and take
- 00:15:39the mission I can go ahead and embrace
- 00:15:41the Renaissance additionally once you
- 00:15:43conquer or subjugate bahong you might
- 00:15:44have done it way earlier than me you'll
- 00:15:46be able to take the mission subjugate
- 00:15:47bahong where they lose Liberty desire
- 00:15:49and we gain some Perma claims on other
- 00:15:51areas right here and if you've already
- 00:15:53fought some of these other guys up here
- 00:15:55like I have or when you do you'll be
- 00:15:56able to also take this Mission which
- 00:15:58gives us some morale of armies and
- 00:15:59navies for 20 years and now that all of
- 00:16:01my subjects are less than 40% Liberty
- 00:16:03desire I can also take the mission loyal
- 00:16:05subjects like I said very important we
- 00:16:07gain a perac claim on the suraya area
- 00:16:09which is down here which is an area we
- 00:16:11do want to focus on now because for this
- 00:16:13next mission right here we need majahi
- 00:16:15to not exist and we need to own all of
- 00:16:17those provinces in that area whether
- 00:16:19directly or through subjects after we do
- 00:16:21that we'll gain the actually pretty
- 00:16:23powerful malaka campaign CB against all
- 00:16:26countries with the Malay primary culture
- 00:16:28which gives us a little bit of less
- 00:16:29aggressive expansion and a little more
- 00:16:31Prestige and stuff like that and as you
- 00:16:32know all of these guys right here are
- 00:16:34Malay primary culture which is going to
- 00:16:36make it super easy for us to fight
- 00:16:38anyone over here without actually spying
- 00:16:40on them and stuff like that so if you
- 00:16:41can after this point after you unlock
- 00:16:44this Mission definitely try and focus up
- 00:16:46on this area right here hopefully you
- 00:16:47won't have a strong majapahit or a
- 00:16:49strong Sunda or something like that in
- 00:16:51your campaign and hopefully it's going
- 00:16:53to be easy for you to expand over here
- 00:16:55if not you're just going to continue to
- 00:16:56push into these guys remember without
- 00:16:59using the subjugation CB in my game
- 00:17:01majak isn't really that strong their
- 00:17:02only Allied to baral right here and they
- 00:17:04have these four tributaries which of
- 00:17:06course aren't going to be in that war
- 00:17:07but still I do need to build up my fleet
- 00:17:09a little bit before I fight them so I'm
- 00:17:11just going to get a couple of more light
- 00:17:12chips right here and a couple of more G
- 00:17:14since I paid off all my burger loans I
- 00:17:16am going to go ahead and take new burger
- 00:17:17loans just like that once again be
- 00:17:19careful of the merchant Guild's
- 00:17:20influence and I'm going to build up some
- 00:17:22more gys and I'm also going to work on
- 00:17:24building some building as we can see
- 00:17:25about 10 or 15 years into the game our
- 00:17:27income is is already pretty good after
- 00:17:2910 years have passed after you've gotten
- 00:17:31a subject and of course after you've
- 00:17:33taken this Mission and this Mission you
- 00:17:35can definitely go ahead and start
- 00:17:36annexing your subject but first make
- 00:17:38sure to give the Amir the integration
- 00:17:40policy so you don't lose any dipl rep
- 00:17:42just like that and then you can start
- 00:17:43annexing whichever subject you want to
- 00:17:45I'm going to do it with seak first in my
- 00:17:47game I've just noticed that demok right
- 00:17:49here doesn't actually have any allies
- 00:17:52and they do own provinces in the area of
- 00:17:54suraya that we do need to conquer so
- 00:17:57this is an excellent opportunity for me
- 00:17:59I'm going to go ahead and declare on
- 00:18:00them immediately and just call in Sunda
- 00:18:02right here I'm not even going to go in
- 00:18:04and do anything since they're just going
- 00:18:05to transfer occupation of these
- 00:18:06provinces to me since I have claims and
- 00:18:08since I'm going to set them as provinces
- 00:18:10of vital interest so there we go there's
- 00:18:11an easy declaration for me for some
- 00:18:13provinces that we need down here like I
- 00:18:15said it is pretty important to focus on
- 00:18:17completing this mission right here as
- 00:18:19soon as you unlock it we do desperately
- 00:18:21need the malaka campaigns CB and there
- 00:18:23we go very quick and easy War done I'm
- 00:18:25only going to take the two provinces
- 00:18:27that are required for that Mission we're
- 00:18:28going to take care of the rest of these
- 00:18:30guys later even though it would be super
- 00:18:31simple to full Annex them let's just
- 00:18:33make a simulation right here that maybe
- 00:18:34you guys wouldn't have had this
- 00:18:36opportunity or something like that no
- 00:18:38money no war UPS nothing like that and
- 00:18:39there we go now we own two out of the
- 00:18:41four provinces that we need for that
- 00:18:42mission and since I'm already here as
- 00:18:44soon as I core these provinces up I'm
- 00:18:46going to declare on majahi I'm not
- 00:18:47declaring immediately because they have
- 00:18:49cores on these provinces and they'll
- 00:18:51stop getting CED if I declar majahi but
- 00:18:53in fact I'm not even cing one of them
- 00:18:55since it's blockaded I need to core this
- 00:18:56one to core this one let's just get it
- 00:18:58over with and declar on majab paket
- 00:19:00right here for the conquest of suraya
- 00:19:02their Capital Province and I'm going to
- 00:19:03call in Sunda to help out a little bit
- 00:19:05even though we don't really need their
- 00:19:06help there we go there's the next
- 00:19:07declaration and there we go now I can
- 00:19:09full anex ma japak because remember we
- 00:19:11do need to full Annex them or at least
- 00:19:13make them not exist for this mission
- 00:19:15right here we don't only need to own
- 00:19:16these four provinces that's exactly what
- 00:19:18I'm going to do and I'm going to take
- 00:19:19all of their money sure they're a pretty
- 00:19:21good Nation to vassalize as well since
- 00:19:22they have a lot of cores on some
- 00:19:23provinces over here if you find them
- 00:19:25blown up but we do need to accomplish
- 00:19:27this mission for this season B and there
- 00:19:28we go just like that now we can go ahead
- 00:19:30and declare on every single nation with
- 00:19:33Malay primary culture which are pretty
- 00:19:34much all of these guys right here and
- 00:19:37this is pretty much the malaka campaign
- 00:19:38CB it's only 80% aggressive expansion
- 00:19:41instead of 100% And it's 150 perge as
- 00:19:44well and the provinces are down to 80%
- 00:19:47cost as well this is the CB we're going
- 00:19:48to be using from now on in order to
- 00:19:50conquer everyone else over here keep in
- 00:19:52mind you don't have to strictly focus on
- 00:19:54this right away if you can't like I said
- 00:19:55earlier if you can't fight majapahit or
- 00:19:57expanding into here after you've
- 00:19:59unlocked that mission focus on taking
- 00:20:00out some more of these guys down here no
- 00:20:02big deal but you do want to work on
- 00:20:04getting it completed as soon as you can
- 00:20:05in your game during that War I annexed
- 00:20:07seak now I'm also going to Annex Jambi
- 00:20:10make sure to get rid of any tributaries
- 00:20:12that you might get after you full Annex
- 00:20:14someone and before you know it you're a
- 00:20:15great power once you start conquering
- 00:20:17some nons Sunni provinces right here it
- 00:20:19is a pretty good idea to give the Dei
- 00:20:21guaranteed Dei autonomy so those
- 00:20:23provinces that aren't Sunni basically
- 00:20:24Thada Hindu animist Mahayana whatever we
- 00:20:27conquer over here so they don't give us
- 00:20:29any religious unity penalties just like
- 00:20:31that so definitely make sure to give
- 00:20:32that out after you conquer some of those
- 00:20:33Province there we go now I have annexed
- 00:20:35jomie as well once you lock admin deck 5
- 00:20:37it will be time for your first idea
- 00:20:38group and for your first idea group as
- 00:20:40malaka I recommend exploration ideas
- 00:20:43this is obvious there are so many
- 00:20:45provinces around us that are uncolonized
- 00:20:46that we need to colonize especially the
- 00:20:48clove producing provinces right here and
- 00:20:50of course we do want to try and get as
- 00:20:52much as we can over here before the
- 00:20:53European nations start arriving and they
- 00:20:55start colonizing themselves and of
- 00:20:57course we don't get from our malakan or
- 00:20:59Malayan ideas nor from our mission tree
- 00:21:01so it is pretty important some of you
- 00:21:02may be thinking why go with exploration
- 00:21:04since we can do expansion right off the
- 00:21:05bat since we're already pretty much
- 00:21:07bordering these uncolonized provinces
- 00:21:09but it is pretty important since we do
- 00:21:10want to discover pretty much everything
- 00:21:12that is undiscovered and after this is
- 00:21:14done we do want to colonize further away
- 00:21:16potentially in Australia or North or
- 00:21:17South America or even going this way
- 00:21:19over to Africa so we definitely do need
- 00:21:22exploration as well so that's why I
- 00:21:24recommend exploration ideas for your
- 00:21:25first idea Group after you've unlocked
- 00:21:26the malaka campaign SE and you can
- 00:21:28expand pretty much everywhere you have
- 00:21:30pretty much a CB on everyone over here
- 00:21:32and you can fight them without spying on
- 00:21:33them without Bing them it is time to
- 00:21:35continue with your conquest and what I
- 00:21:36recommend doing is using the malaka
- 00:21:38campaign CB on Nations that you don't
- 00:21:40border for example Pagan Nan right here
- 00:21:42they might be easy to fight so in your
- 00:21:44game you go ahead and fight them with
- 00:21:46that with the malaka campaign CB make
- 00:21:47them your vassel and then once you reach
- 00:21:49them Annex them and stuff like that so
- 00:21:51continue re Wars if it's someone close
- 00:21:52like Bai in my game right here which has
- 00:21:54found itself without any allies
- 00:21:56definitely declare with Conquest since
- 00:21:58you want those provinces for yourself if
- 00:21:59it's someone far away vassalize them and
- 00:22:01then start conquering provinces next to
- 00:22:03them or something like that so you have
- 00:22:04where to Stage your Landings it's
- 00:22:06totally up to you whether you use this
- 00:22:07one for everyone keep in mind you will
- 00:22:09vassalize them or whether you don't use
- 00:22:11it for anyone and just conquer or
- 00:22:13colonize next to them and then use a
- 00:22:15regular Conquest CB either way there's
- 00:22:16my next War started you're pretty much
- 00:22:18fighting anyone over in this region
- 00:22:20that's easy to fight whoever you want to
- 00:22:23and that's my war with posidon very easy
- 00:22:25there's a full annexation on them I
- 00:22:28always mention this when I get it in
- 00:22:29guides but if you have an inflation
- 00:22:31reduction advisor and a trade efficiency
- 00:22:33adviser you're eligible for the event
- 00:22:34radical reforms where you can fire both
- 00:22:36of them for 200 admin and 200 Diplo
- 00:22:38points what I recommend doing is firing
- 00:22:40them first then getting the points and
- 00:22:42then hiring them back because they are
- 00:22:43pretty good advisor once you lock the
- 00:22:45first idea from exploration ideas that
- 00:22:47allows you to recruit explorers and
- 00:22:48conquistadors what I recommend doing is
- 00:22:50taking your light ship Fleet right here
- 00:22:52and splitting off three light ships from
- 00:22:54it recruiting an Explorer putting them
- 00:22:56in Port and then what what I recommend
- 00:22:58that you do is to start exploring here's
- 00:23:00another opportunity for me I found Cai
- 00:23:02right here a nation that has found
- 00:23:04itself without allies this is what I'm
- 00:23:05talking about when you're looking for
- 00:23:07whichever nation is the easiest to fight
- 00:23:09and since there's no way for me to get a
- 00:23:10regular claim on them and fight them
- 00:23:12with the conquest CB I'm just going to
- 00:23:14declare with the malaka campaign CB sure
- 00:23:16I'm going to vassalize them and after
- 00:23:17this point we're pretty much going to
- 00:23:18start rolling with two or three vassals
- 00:23:20the entire time annexing the old ones
- 00:23:22and getting new ones that were not close
- 00:23:24to bordering so there we go there's my
- 00:23:26Declaration on Cai should be pretty
- 00:23:27simple and now I've defeated Cai what
- 00:23:30I'm going to do is actually make them my
- 00:23:31vassel right here obviously we can't
- 00:23:33take stuff if they're not our vassel
- 00:23:34with the mo campaign CB so I am going to
- 00:23:36vassalize them and then take this one
- 00:23:38Province so then I can continue to spy
- 00:23:40on some other guys up here and down here
- 00:23:42and that's pretty much how you gain a
- 00:23:43foothold in a certain region that's all
- 00:23:45of their money too now I'm going to be
- 00:23:46annexing Kellon as well once you've
- 00:23:48developed malaka up to more than 25 and
- 00:23:50you have a Marketplace and a mosque make
- 00:23:52sure to build a fort in there as well
- 00:23:54that's what's required for this Mission
- 00:23:55and then the Center of Trade will get
- 00:23:56upgraded from level two to level three
- 00:23:58now to continue with my Conquest I'll be
- 00:24:00declaring on the nation of Assa right
- 00:24:02here which is a tributary of pagar young
- 00:24:04now you might think that's annoying to
- 00:24:06do but pagar young is Allied to aaya
- 00:24:08which of course is going to make it
- 00:24:10super annoying to fight them later on I
- 00:24:12do not recommend fighting aaya early on
- 00:24:14in the game not at least until you have
- 00:24:15about half of this region right here and
- 00:24:17you're pretty powerful yourself because
- 00:24:19they are pretty strong sure if you catch
- 00:24:21them weak or if you have good enough
- 00:24:22allies up here you could fight them
- 00:24:23earlier on but generally most of you
- 00:24:25will be fighting them a bit later so in
- 00:24:27this I'm not only going to take Assa
- 00:24:29right here the province but I'm also
- 00:24:31going to make Huger young in their
- 00:24:32alliance with aaya there we go regular
- 00:24:34Conquest once you unlock the colonist of
- 00:24:36course you will have to select a native
- 00:24:38policy as well whether you go with
- 00:24:39Native coexistence where the natives
- 00:24:41don't rise up but you also colonize a
- 00:24:43bit slower or you go with the native
- 00:24:45repression where you do colonize faster
- 00:24:47but you do have to go and beat up the
- 00:24:48natives that live there it's totally up
- 00:24:50to you which of these options you choose
- 00:24:52to go with this is slower but more chill
- 00:24:54this is faster but more active it's
- 00:24:55totally up to you which one you go with
- 00:24:57in my game right right here I'm going to
- 00:24:58go with the native repression policy and
- 00:25:00of course once you choose the policy you
- 00:25:02should immediately start colonizing the
- 00:25:04first things I recommend that you
- 00:25:05colonize are provinces over here which
- 00:25:07of course are sort of closest to the
- 00:25:09Europeans so simply go into the region
- 00:25:11map mode to check whatever is in Malia
- 00:25:13right here and the malaka trade node for
- 00:25:15example these few provinces right here
- 00:25:17and there we go I'm going to start
- 00:25:18colonizing some of these of course once
- 00:25:20you send a colonist somewhere you are
- 00:25:22going to have to get a little bit of an
- 00:25:23army over there and then you need to do
- 00:25:25this that way there's no more natives in
- 00:25:28the province and they can't rise up
- 00:25:29anymore and once you built the fort in
- 00:25:31Mala as well you will be able to take
- 00:25:32this Mission and there we go just like
- 00:25:34that that's a level three Center of
- 00:25:35Trade for first stage ability I
- 00:25:37recommend selecting Justified Wars or
- 00:25:39higher developed colonies obviously this
- 00:25:41is to expand a little bit faster and
- 00:25:43this right here is to get more Dev in
- 00:25:45the colonies once they're finished
- 00:25:46instead of three it's four I'm going to
- 00:25:47go with this one since a isn't that bad
- 00:25:49and now my war with Asa is done
- 00:25:51obviously I'm going to be fil annexing
- 00:25:52them I did make pager young and their
- 00:25:54alliance with aaya I did forget to
- 00:25:56mention this most of you will already
- 00:25:57know that this by now but make sure to
- 00:25:58lower autonomy whenever you can from
- 00:26:00time to time pretty important once you
- 00:26:02get to admin TX 6 obviously you'll
- 00:26:04unlock the workshop a very very
- 00:26:05important building to maximize our
- 00:26:07income over here and to help us become
- 00:26:09one of the richest nations in the game
- 00:26:11so simply go into the workshops right
- 00:26:12here and start building them up in all
- 00:26:14of the high value trade good provinces
- 00:26:16pretty much provinces where the trade
- 00:26:17good has a value higher than two of
- 00:26:19course don't be afraid to keep taking
- 00:26:20out new burger loans and if the burgers
- 00:26:23or the merchant guilds influence isn't
- 00:26:25that high of course I do recommend
- 00:26:27giving them New World Charters as well
- 00:26:29if you are able to take away one
- 00:26:31privilege before that or if you didn't
- 00:26:33give them tropical City Planning or if
- 00:26:34you've paid off your loans it's solely
- 00:26:36up to you whether you want to give this
- 00:26:37it's solely up to you I do recommend it
- 00:26:39but like I said keep an eye on their
- 00:26:41influence and once you do take loans
- 00:26:43don't be afraid to use them to build
- 00:26:45buildings now that I have a big enough
- 00:26:46control of malaka right here basically
- 00:26:48more than 50% I am able to use the
- 00:26:50propagate religion trade policy right
- 00:26:53here which will pretty much autoc
- 00:26:54convert these provinces right here in
- 00:26:56the malaka trade node that aren't Sunni
- 00:26:58too Sunni if you gave out guaranteed
- 00:27:00Demi autonomy you don't have to do that
- 00:27:01since those provinces or well most of
- 00:27:03them don't give you any penalty in my
- 00:27:05game right here even though there's no
- 00:27:06need to do it I am going to do it just
- 00:27:07to show it off and the game pretty much
- 00:27:09Auto selects what provinces to convert
- 00:27:11in my game it selected this one right
- 00:27:13here that I own that's the first one
- 00:27:15it's doing it is pretty slow but it'll
- 00:27:17get it done eventually now to continue
- 00:27:18with my Wars I'll be declaring on Palam
- 00:27:20bang right here who's elect to this
- 00:27:21nation down here they should be pretty
- 00:27:23easy to knock out once again Conquest CB
- 00:27:25because I do border them and well I do
- 00:27:28have the CB on guys that we can't get
- 00:27:29Conquest we're using the malaka
- 00:27:31campaigns and doing something like this
- 00:27:33and now that palen bang has
- 00:27:35unconditionally surrendered I'll be full
- 00:27:36annexing them and I'll also be annexing
- 00:27:38bahong at a certain point obviously
- 00:27:40you'll want to break your alliance with
- 00:27:41whoever you're Allied over here because
- 00:27:43you want to conquer them as well in my
- 00:27:44game Sunda just expanded over here a
- 00:27:46little bit and they're threatening to
- 00:27:47break the alliance with me so why not
- 00:27:48get it over with now that my truce with
- 00:27:50pagar young is up I am going to fight
- 00:27:52them they are a pretty important nation
- 00:27:53that you need to take down because they
- 00:27:55have a gold mine right here and this
- 00:27:57gold mine right here and this gold mine
- 00:27:59right here even though we're not gunning
- 00:28:00for them super fast after we start the
- 00:28:02game are going to be really really
- 00:28:03important with establishing the early
- 00:28:05version of our sort of trade Empire
- 00:28:07right here so now that I've made them
- 00:28:08break their alliance with aaya I can go
- 00:28:10ahead and fight them obviously with the
- 00:28:11conquest CB not malaka campaigns or
- 00:28:14subjugation for your tier three govern
- 00:28:16form I feel like you have a couple of
- 00:28:17options first obviously as
- 00:28:19representatives of the crown to give us
- 00:28:21even more vassel bonuses and stuff like
- 00:28:23that along with the ones we already get
- 00:28:25from our national ideas and from our
- 00:28:26missions right here if you really want
- 00:28:28to focus on playing with subjects
- 00:28:29heavily because we will be having
- 00:28:31subjects until we pretty much take care
- 00:28:32of this entire region it really doesn't
- 00:28:33hurt at all in fact it's really
- 00:28:35beneficial aside from that you could
- 00:28:36also go with Exile Colonial companies
- 00:28:38for plus 5% seller chance and minus 100%
- 00:28:40expel minorities cost sure it really
- 00:28:42doesn't help that much those 5% aren't
- 00:28:45that relevant but every little bit helps
- 00:28:47so either of these two is what I
- 00:28:48recommend you go with I'm just going to
- 00:28:49go with Exile Colonial company and there
- 00:28:51we go now that I'm done with fuger young
- 00:28:53I'm going to full Annex them you're
- 00:28:54pretty much probably full annexing
- 00:28:56anyone located anywhere in these regions
- 00:28:58except for maybe brunai or Sunda or
- 00:29:00majak or someone that can get big but
- 00:29:02there we go there's your first gold mine
- 00:29:03acquired no matter when you did this
- 00:29:05once you fight someone over here you
- 00:29:07have the gold mine any fors that you get
- 00:29:09over here aren't really needed you could
- 00:29:10definitely go ahead and delete pretty
- 00:29:12much all of them why waste money on them
- 00:29:14instead I recommend actually building up
- 00:29:17a couple of fors right here on your
- 00:29:18border with aaya obviously once you core
- 00:29:20up the gold mine make sure to full State
- 00:29:22and activate the encourage development
- 00:29:24State edict in that state right there
- 00:29:26and develop this gold mine up to 10
- 00:29:28production all these are going to be
- 00:29:29pretty expensive since these are not
- 00:29:31very good provinces for deving jungle
- 00:29:32and stuff like that but it is something
- 00:29:34you do have to do so devop that gold
- 00:29:36mine once you complete that mission for
- 00:29:38a level three Center of Trade in malaka
- 00:29:39and once you have more than 60% control
- 00:29:42over malaka you will be able to get the
- 00:29:43mission trade dominance which gives us
- 00:29:45plus 15% trade efficiency for 20 years
- 00:29:47definitely go ahead and do it and then
- 00:29:49the next mission is really important the
- 00:29:50spice must flow where basically we need
- 00:29:52to trade enough of spices to get the
- 00:29:54bonus and be the leading producer in
- 00:29:55spices which by the time you un un lock
- 00:29:57this Mission you will be and that gives
- 00:29:58us plus 5% Goods produced until the end
- 00:30:00of the game very nice once you get up to
- 00:30:02the number of necessary provinces that
- 00:30:04you need to form Malo which is pretty
- 00:30:05much 40 then you need to focus on taking
- 00:30:08care of the provinces that are actually
- 00:30:09required and you'll probably own a bunch
- 00:30:11of them by now in my game right here I
- 00:30:13don't own the province of brunai which
- 00:30:15is over here and I don't own the
- 00:30:16province of makasar which is right here
- 00:30:18but we'll get to them pretty soon
- 00:30:19because now I'll be declaring on banjar
- 00:30:21right here for the reconquest of a Cai
- 00:30:24core for example and I'm just going to
- 00:30:25white piece brunai and barau so I can
- 00:30:26fight pretty soon after that remember
- 00:30:28these are guys we border so we can
- 00:30:30definitely use Conquest CBS on them and
- 00:30:32now that this war is done I'll be giving
- 00:30:34this score back the Cai and I'll be
- 00:30:35taking the rest of the provinces for
- 00:30:37myself with some of these guys you will
- 00:30:39get a lot of aggressive expansion but a
- 00:30:41coalition can't really form and even if
- 00:30:42it does it's just some of these guys
- 00:30:44down here which really isn't a big deal
- 00:30:46and with that now I can spy on brunai as
- 00:30:48well since I border them via this seati
- 00:30:50and I can also spy on bone right here
- 00:30:52which means I'll be able to take the
- 00:30:53provinces that I need to form Malia you
- 00:30:55should be able to form Malia pretty
- 00:30:57quickly relatively this isn't very
- 00:30:59aggressive gameplay or anything like
- 00:31:00that pretty normal you should be able to
- 00:31:02get it done in about 50ish years to be
- 00:31:03honest if you ever find yourself over
- 00:31:05GFF cap before you unlock the courthouse
- 00:31:07as an admin Tech 8 you can definitely
- 00:31:09give the Dei Dei land rights for example
- 00:31:11for additional Guff cap once you lock
- 00:31:13admin Dex 7 it will be time for your
- 00:31:15second idea group and obviously since we
- 00:31:17opened up with exploration ideas we're
- 00:31:18going to be taking expansion ideas for
- 00:31:20our second idea group now to continue
- 00:31:22with my Wars I'll be declaring on bone
- 00:31:24right here since I did manage to get a
- 00:31:25conquest CB on them and there we go I'll
- 00:31:27be declaring with that they're Allied to
- 00:31:28just some small Nations right like
- 00:31:30Bhutan and tiati and by the way
- 00:31:32regarding TTI and Tori you can
- 00:31:33definitely make one of them not exist
- 00:31:35and vassalize the other one because
- 00:31:37that's how these guys get a colonist
- 00:31:39from their mission tree and then they
- 00:31:40will do a little bit of colonizing over
- 00:31:42here for you you can do that if you want
- 00:31:44to although it's definitely not
- 00:31:45necessary either way there's my
- 00:31:46Declaration on bone let's see if we can
- 00:31:48Co belligerant these guys yes I will
- 00:31:49celligent this tiny guy right here and
- 00:31:51there we go there's my next declaration
- 00:31:53to get one more of the provinces that I
- 00:31:55need to form Malaya when you get 1,000
- 00:31:57duckets you'll probably notice that
- 00:31:58you're able to build this Monument right
- 00:32:00here since you will probably have
- 00:32:01conquered this area pretty early on this
- 00:32:03one even at tier 3 it's really not that
- 00:32:05relevant for our gameplay since we're
- 00:32:07not really going for a religious Focus
- 00:32:09playthrough so you don't really have to
- 00:32:10upgrade this one at all just focus on
- 00:32:12building buildings and now that my war
- 00:32:13with these two guys is done I'm going to
- 00:32:15be full annexing both of them after you
- 00:32:16pick up expansion ideas by the way you
- 00:32:18can start focusing on admin there was no
- 00:32:20need to focus on Diplo when you get the
- 00:32:22event prospering times make sure to
- 00:32:23select the second option right here it
- 00:32:25basically creates another level three
- 00:32:27Center of Trade this is where it spawned
- 00:32:29for me right here so there we go and as
- 00:32:31you can see now if I want to build up a
- 00:32:32Marketplace look at the bonuses we're
- 00:32:34going to get from it insane once you
- 00:32:36unlock that second colonist from
- 00:32:37expansion ideas while that first guy is
- 00:32:39working on stuff over here basically the
- 00:32:41uncolonized provinces over in the malaka
- 00:32:43trade note located near you with the
- 00:32:45second guy you should focus on
- 00:32:47colonizing provinces that have the
- 00:32:48potential to spawn the cloves trade good
- 00:32:51which like I said is really powerful two
- 00:32:53provinces already start off with it turn
- 00:32:54notti andori but you can spawn it in
- 00:32:57five more provinces right here these
- 00:32:59four and this one right here so start
- 00:33:01colonizing those if T notti Inori
- 00:33:03haven't already I'm going to do this one
- 00:33:04for example now that my truce with
- 00:33:06brunai is up I'm going to be declaring
- 00:33:07on them and getting the final province
- 00:33:09that I need their Capital province of
- 00:33:11brunai in order to form the nation of
- 00:33:12Malaya there we go I got the conquest CB
- 00:33:14they're Allied to these small guys down
- 00:33:16here and Sulu let's see if we can Co
- 00:33:18belligerant them I will Co belligerant
- 00:33:19these guys down here so that's perfect
- 00:33:21and there we go there's my next War
- 00:33:22started we're still focusing on the
- 00:33:24easiest Nations the easiest Nations that
- 00:33:26you border with Conquest and maybe some
- 00:33:27guys that you don't Mur with the malaka
- 00:33:29campaign CB slow and steady expansion
- 00:33:31although you can be a lot more
- 00:33:32aggressive than this obviously this guy
- 00:33:34has meant for new is players so that's
- 00:33:35why we're taking it slow I'm just going
- 00:33:37to separate piece full Annex these guys
- 00:33:38down here and there we go the war is
- 00:33:40pretty much done since I can't full
- 00:33:42Annex brunai either way in fact I'm
- 00:33:43going to take this instead of that and
- 00:33:45there we go that's that we're done and
- 00:33:47now we have all the necessary provinces
- 00:33:48in order to form Malia something that I
- 00:33:50recommend that you do immediately
- 00:33:52because our missions don't change but we
- 00:33:54gain a way better set of national ideas
- 00:33:56keep in mind malaka ideas are really
- 00:33:58strong as well but Malayan are
- 00:33:59absolutely insane and there we go the
- 00:34:01country changes to Malaya yes please we
- 00:34:03will take New Traditions and Ambitions
- 00:34:04and of course you can go ahead and
- 00:34:06choose your name as well you can become
- 00:34:08shaaya new santara or you can stay as
- 00:34:10Malaya let's stay as Malaya for the
- 00:34:11purposes of this guide because that's
- 00:34:13the name I've been talking about and
- 00:34:15there we go just like that we are Malaya
- 00:34:17a way better color keep in mind that the
- 00:34:19amir's policies will go away after this
- 00:34:21so make sure to give them back strong
- 00:34:23duchies and the integration policy and
- 00:34:24of course let's take a look at Malayan
- 00:34:26ideas starting off at plus 15% global
- 00:34:28trade power and plus 10% morale of
- 00:34:30armies finishing off with plus 10% ship
- 00:34:31durability in the meantime we have plus
- 00:34:3320% Global settler increase which means
- 00:34:35the game does want us to colonize and
- 00:34:37then we have plus 25% gy combat ability
- 00:34:40absolutely insanely powerful then plus
- 00:34:4215% trade efficiency morale of navies
- 00:34:45and Naval Combat bonus off of own Coast
- 00:34:47another Merchant and ship trade power
- 00:34:49trade steering and goods produced super
- 00:34:51super nice so Malayan ideas very good
- 00:34:53for trade focused gameplay over in this
- 00:34:56region that were load located in right
- 00:34:57now I'm also going to Annex Cai once you
- 00:34:59form Malaya you also gain various permac
- 00:35:01claims around you which is very nice at
- 00:35:03this point my relations with Ming are
- 00:35:04finely good enough in order to take the
- 00:35:06mission Emissary to the emperor which
- 00:35:07will make us their tributary this isn't
- 00:35:09bad or anything like that it's not like
- 00:35:10us being their vassel or something and
- 00:35:12let's check and see the Ming situation
- 00:35:14right here they are looking pretty
- 00:35:15strong they have passed a couple of
- 00:35:17reforms but their Manpower is down so I
- 00:35:19don't know what's going to happen with
- 00:35:20them but they do still have some
- 00:35:22tributaries mainly Nations we want to
- 00:35:23fight right here these guys tondo for
- 00:35:25example so you can choose whether to
- 00:35:27fight condo for example and fight Ming
- 00:35:30as well maybe blockade them or something
- 00:35:31like that get some money from them or or
- 00:35:33whether you want to become a Ming
- 00:35:34tributary and not fight Ming for example
- 00:35:36when you fight tond or something like
- 00:35:38that it's totally up to you I'm going to
- 00:35:39take this Mission there we go just to
- 00:35:41say we completed it we are a Ming
- 00:35:42tributary now obviously you can cancel
- 00:35:44that tributary for example right away
- 00:35:46just like that you are going to lose
- 00:35:48stab though now that I've chilled a bit
- 00:35:49in my game I'm going to continue by
- 00:35:50fighting any other nations that are left
- 00:35:52over here luu for example I'm going to
- 00:35:54COBOL Tori as well and there we go by
- 00:35:57the time you form Malia you'll
- 00:35:58definitely be the strongest Nation over
- 00:36:00here and there really shouldn't be any
- 00:36:01major Nations located here you're pretty
- 00:36:03much cleaning up any of these guys right
- 00:36:05here and getting ready to fight some
- 00:36:06major guys if they're located over here
- 00:36:08like aaya Lan shank mer diet pegu
- 00:36:11Whoever has grown in this region in my
- 00:36:13game it's looking pretty similar to the
- 00:36:14start of the game and aaya isn't that
- 00:36:16strong anymore so we could be fighting
- 00:36:18them pretty soon after I take care of
- 00:36:19these guys additionally if at any point
- 00:36:21you do make malaka the highest valued
- 00:36:23trade node in the world which honestly
- 00:36:25isn't really that hard you will be able
- 00:36:26to the mission trade Supremacy 2 for
- 00:36:2810mer candal ISM and now I can also
- 00:36:30activate propagate religion in the
- 00:36:32malakas as well as you know I'm already
- 00:36:34doing it over here let's see what it's
- 00:36:35converted by now and it's actually
- 00:36:37looking pretty good so why not activate
- 00:36:39it over here too remember this is just a
- 00:36:40choice if you've given the Dei this
- 00:36:42policy right here guaranteed Dem
- 00:36:44autonomy there's totally no need to do
- 00:36:46this this fifth Merchant that I got from
- 00:36:48expansion ideas I'm putting him in the
- 00:36:50Philippines and since I use the malakan
- 00:36:51campaign CB versus these two guys I am
- 00:36:54going to go ahead and make them my
- 00:36:55vassel just like that both of these guys
- 00:36:57we don't have a vassel right now and
- 00:36:59it's good to have some at least so there
- 00:37:01we go and with this because tedori is my
- 00:37:03vassel I'm simply going to wipe out
- 00:37:04tiati and with that they're going to get
- 00:37:06a colonist and they're going to colonize
- 00:37:08some provinces here for me as well now
- 00:37:09I've annexed Cai and once you feel
- 00:37:11strong enough and once you've
- 00:37:12Consolidated most of this region and
- 00:37:14mostly minor nations are left you're
- 00:37:15free to continue to expand up here in
- 00:37:17this region and take the provinces that
- 00:37:19we need from aaya pretty much in the
- 00:37:21malaka trade node our cor right here in
- 00:37:23the Malaya region as well so whenever
- 00:37:25you feel strong enough go ahead and
- 00:37:27declare in my game theyve Allied K and
- 00:37:29Mang Mao right here and K is a decent
- 00:37:31sized Ally but I will call in my Ally
- 00:37:33Lan Shang right here declare a
- 00:37:34reconquest for this and there we go
- 00:37:36we're already powerful enough to be able
- 00:37:37to take these guys down so go ahead and
- 00:37:39declare on them once you've cleaned up
- 00:37:41most of the guys over here and once you
- 00:37:42form Malia and now that I've beaten up
- 00:37:44autai enough to where they'll give me
- 00:37:46everything that I have claims on I'm
- 00:37:47going to go ahead and piece them out for
- 00:37:49that plus some money right here and
- 00:37:50there we go there's my first war versus
- 00:37:52aaya done some players I know they like
- 00:37:54to stop right here and pretty much focus
- 00:37:55on the entirity of malaka the malakas
- 00:37:57and the Philippines only regarding trade
- 00:37:59nodes or Malaya Indonesia and the
- 00:38:01malakas only regarding regions but you
- 00:38:03can continue to push up further into the
- 00:38:05sayam trade node or into the Indochina
- 00:38:07and Burma regions or sayam and Burma
- 00:38:09trade nodes whatever you want to do but
- 00:38:11after you do that after you defeat autai
- 00:38:13you will be able to take this mission
- 00:38:14right here you gain 200 mil points and
- 00:38:16further perac claims on these areas
- 00:38:18right here so the game does sort of want
- 00:38:20you to expand over there and there are
- 00:38:21some really nice monuments over here
- 00:38:23such as the Grand Palace of Bangkok for
- 00:38:25example another that you might be able
- 00:38:27to take by the 1500s is unite new
- 00:38:29santura right where you're get a claim
- 00:38:30on the entire Indochina region which is
- 00:38:32this right here along with dipl and our
- 00:38:35government rank changes to Empire if it
- 00:38:37already isn't one very nice this is a
- 00:38:39monument you can upgrade for example the
- 00:38:41minus 2 National unrest and the autonomy
- 00:38:43change and culture stuff is pretty nice
- 00:38:45at tier three at tier one not that good
- 00:38:47but still you'll definitely have no
- 00:38:48shortage of money all these provinces
- 00:38:50that have colonized over here all of
- 00:38:51them spawned cloves without alt F foring
- 00:38:54or anything the chance to spawn cloves
- 00:38:55is pretty high more than half but if you
- 00:38:57don't get the spawn cloves you can just
- 00:38:59alt f4 when the event happens for
- 00:39:01example I didn't spawn cloves here for
- 00:39:03tier four government reform I recommend
- 00:39:05maintaining the balance of power and by
- 00:39:07on the time the age of reformation
- 00:39:09spawns your realm should look a little
- 00:39:10something like this basically we started
- 00:39:12off as malaka in these couple of
- 00:39:14provinces that we own right at the start
- 00:39:15and started by kicking off our mission
- 00:39:17Che with some of the vassalization and
- 00:39:19subjugation missions related to the four
- 00:39:21nations located north of us and to the
- 00:39:23three nations located south of us one of
- 00:39:25which we get as a subject for free after
- 00:39:27that you should have worked on expanding
- 00:39:28a little bit yourself and acquiring four
- 00:39:30vassals in order to take off this
- 00:39:32mission that we need to have three
- 00:39:33vassals for and to take off this mission
- 00:39:35where we need to have four vassals for
- 00:39:36so you can get the malaka campaign CB
- 00:39:38later on and vassalize Any Nation that's
- 00:39:41not close to you pretty much any Nation
- 00:39:42over in this super region right here but
- 00:39:45after that it's pretty straightforward
- 00:39:46and smooth expanding taking care of any
- 00:39:48minor Nations around you that you border
- 00:39:50and conquering them straight up annexing
- 00:39:52their land and maybe fighting some other
- 00:39:54nations that aren't that close to you by
- 00:39:55vasel ing taking some land next to them
- 00:39:58so you can spy on someone else next to
- 00:39:59them in order to conquer that land after
- 00:40:01that and during all that expansion and
- 00:40:03vassalization you should have at some
- 00:40:05point acquired 40 provinces and after
- 00:40:06you acquired 40 provinces you should
- 00:40:08have worked to get the remaining
- 00:40:09provinces that you don't have in order
- 00:40:11to form the nation of Malaya of course
- 00:40:12that's something you do want to do you
- 00:40:14do want to take their missions you do
- 00:40:15want to take their National ideas and
- 00:40:17after that it's pretty smooth and
- 00:40:19continued expansion over in the three
- 00:40:21regions of Malaya Indonesia and the
- 00:40:23malakas pretty much the three trade
- 00:40:24nodes of malaka the malakas and the
- 00:40:26Philippines and after you've
- 00:40:27Consolidated most of this region and
- 00:40:29only minor nations were left you should
- 00:40:30have worked to fight some of these guys
- 00:40:32that were north of you over here aaya
- 00:40:34first most likely if they were also
- 00:40:36powerful in your campaign and after
- 00:40:37taking care of them shift your focus
- 00:40:39between fighting these minor guys over
- 00:40:41here and these guys over here and of
- 00:40:43course by the end of the game as Malaya
- 00:40:44you should look to control something
- 00:40:46like Burma Indochina Malaya Indonesia
- 00:40:48and the malakas that's a pretty good
- 00:40:50region to go for for a normal Malaya
- 00:40:52campaign but if you want to go for more
- 00:40:54than that you can definitely colonize
- 00:40:56some of the stuff in the Oceania region
- 00:40:58and Australia over here and establish a
- 00:41:00colonial nation and I do recommend going
- 00:41:02for China as well and possibly India if
- 00:41:04you want to in a more expansion focused
- 00:41:06campaign but of course by this point we
- 00:41:08haven't only been focused on conquering
- 00:41:10and vassalizing Nations around us you
- 00:41:11should have also worked on colonization
- 00:41:13because we did open up with exploration
- 00:41:15and expansion ideas you should have
- 00:41:16explored well as much as you can and you
- 00:41:18should have colonized provinces over
- 00:41:20here like I said earlier starting off
- 00:41:21with some of these provinces right here
- 00:41:23around Sumatra in the region of Malaya
- 00:41:25then once you get your second colonist
- 00:41:26focusing on these clove provinces over
- 00:41:28here in most of which I've already
- 00:41:30spawned cloves which is very very nice
- 00:41:32and then of course after you wrap that
- 00:41:33up and this you'll have a third colonist
- 00:41:35once again from expansion ideas right
- 00:41:36here and then you should work on
- 00:41:38colonizing the entirety of what's left
- 00:41:40of these three regions right here Malaya
- 00:41:42Indonesia and the malakas and like I
- 00:41:43said after that you could go for
- 00:41:45additional provinces in Australia and
- 00:41:47Oceania I do recommend that and after
- 00:41:49you're done with that you can continue
- 00:41:50colonizing if you want to over in North
- 00:41:52and South America or Africa depending on
- 00:41:54what your close for of the campaign are
- 00:41:56but of course because malaka and Malaya
- 00:41:58is such a rich nation and you'll be
- 00:41:59swimming in duckets the entirety of the
- 00:42:01campaign you should have been focusing
- 00:42:02on your economy as well I've upgraded
- 00:42:04every Center of Trade that I could up to
- 00:42:06level two our Capital should be up to
- 00:42:08level three as well thanks to that
- 00:42:09mission 2 and I'm going to show you the
- 00:42:11buildings that I've built in my game so
- 00:42:12far you should have looked to build
- 00:42:13something similar these are all the
- 00:42:15marketplaces in all the center of trade
- 00:42:16and Esty provinces these are all the
- 00:42:18workshops in the high value trade good
- 00:42:19provinces a bunch of churches as well a
- 00:42:21bunch of army buildings here and there
- 00:42:23and of course soon after you get to
- 00:42:25admin Tech 8 which I still haven't in my
- 00:42:27game because of course we've been
- 00:42:28conquering and working on an admin idea
- 00:42:30group you should work to build as many
- 00:42:31cour houses as you can because governing
- 00:42:33capacity is going to become a problem
- 00:42:35sooner rather than later and of course
- 00:42:36once you're done with all of that later
- 00:42:38on you'll go on to build manufactures
- 00:42:40this is what my income is looking like
- 00:42:41right now about 41 duckets a month
- 00:42:43making some income from gold as well
- 00:42:44let's see this gold mine here hasn't
- 00:42:46depleted but autonomy is pretty high and
- 00:42:48of course once I get this gold mine as
- 00:42:50well I'm going to De it to 10 production
- 00:42:51you should do the same and this is what
- 00:42:53the income is looking like still only
- 00:42:54level one advisers I'm going to upgrade
- 00:42:56to level two pretty soon right here and
- 00:42:58this is what my Army is looking like
- 00:43:002547 pretty good for about pretty good
- 00:43:02for this point in the game this is my
- 00:43:03Force limit for now and of course our
- 00:43:05Naval Force limit is going to be massive
- 00:43:07you should have a couple of light ships
- 00:43:08protecting trade in pretty much all of
- 00:43:10the trade nodes that you control as we
- 00:43:11can see I got 10 in malaka six in the
- 00:43:13malakas I'm building them up I'm going
- 00:43:15to build some more for the Philippines
- 00:43:16later on for sayam for Canton pretty
- 00:43:18much everywhere that I have a merchant
- 00:43:20that it's needed and of course you
- 00:43:21should have a pretty sizable battlefied
- 00:43:22over here with transports because you
- 00:43:24are going to be using transports quite a
- 00:43:25lot but the main battleships will most
- 00:43:27likely be gys by this point in the game
- 00:43:29build them up to and later on of course
- 00:43:30make sure to build a flagship and build
- 00:43:32up a couple of Heavies as well and that
- 00:43:34is pretty much what your situation
- 00:43:35should look like I have a couple of
- 00:43:37vassals by now as well you should run
- 00:43:39two or three vassals the entirety of the
- 00:43:41game since you do get pretty nice
- 00:43:42bonuses from them then once you can
- 00:43:44Annex them get some new vassals it's
- 00:43:46totally up to you whether you want to do
- 00:43:47it or not but I do recommend it a little
- 00:43:49bit and after this point you're going to
- 00:43:50continue to expand in the same
- 00:43:51directions we've already been expanding
- 00:43:53in like I said you're going to focus on
- 00:43:55taking care of these these guys right
- 00:43:56here any Nations that are remaining in
- 00:43:58these regions while also simultaneously
- 00:44:00focusing on taking down everyone that's
- 00:44:02located over in Indochina and then Burma
- 00:44:04because that is how you get your claims
- 00:44:05from your missions after you take care
- 00:44:06of Indo China you get Perma claims on
- 00:44:08Burma right here from this Mission here
- 00:44:10invade the mainland so hit a couple of
- 00:44:12guys here hit a couple of guys there hit
- 00:44:14a couple of guys here and then go back
- 00:44:15and if you want to you can push into
- 00:44:17China or India all at the same time
- 00:44:19after finishing colonizing this you
- 00:44:20should work on colonizing this right
- 00:44:22here and that's pretty much how your
- 00:44:23campaign as Malaya should go later when
- 00:44:25you encounter the Europeans you could
- 00:44:27fight them as well if you want to it'll
- 00:44:28make for a pretty fun campaign and
- 00:44:30you'll be swimming in duckets for the
- 00:44:31entirety of it in my opinion definitely
- 00:44:33a secret and very powerful and
- 00:44:35underrated Nation for a trade Naval
- 00:44:37colonization and similar focused
- 00:44:39playthrough this is what we took for our
- 00:44:41first two idea groups exploration and
- 00:44:42expansion obviously since we're
- 00:44:44colonizing after this we're going to be
- 00:44:45focusing on idea groups that maximize
- 00:44:47our income even more while also
- 00:44:49simultaneously buffing up our army for
- 00:44:51your third idea group I do recommend
- 00:44:52picking up trade ideas since they will
- 00:44:54mesh insanely well with with our
- 00:44:56national ideas that we already have and
- 00:44:58then for your fourth idea group I
- 00:44:59recommend picking up a m idea group such
- 00:45:01as quality or quantity since they have
- 00:45:03really really good policies with trade
- 00:45:05ideas and they'll buff up your Army and
- 00:45:07Navy too and after that for this idea
- 00:45:09group right here I recommend picking up
- 00:45:11another money-making one such as
- 00:45:13economic for example and then for this
- 00:45:15idea right here the sixth idea group I
- 00:45:17recommend picking up whatever you didn't
- 00:45:18take out of quantity or quality so
- 00:45:21exploration expansion trade quantity or
- 00:45:23quality economic quantity or quality the
- 00:45:25policies that you get between all of
- 00:45:27these six idea groups right here that I
- 00:45:28mentioned are absolutely insane and by
- 00:45:30the end of your campaign you will have
- 00:45:32insane income like you've never had
- 00:45:33before in eu4 this is what we took for
- 00:45:35our first four government reforms like I
- 00:45:37said for tier 2 you could use enforce
- 00:45:39Trader privileges as well as strengthen
- 00:45:41Noble privileges for tier three it's
- 00:45:42this one or this one there for tier five
- 00:45:44you do have some Naval related ones so
- 00:45:46you could pick up Naval professionalism
- 00:45:48if you want to if you don't want to I
- 00:45:50recommend one of these three right here
- 00:45:51for tier six I recommend Royal Decree
- 00:45:53for tier seven if you end up picking up
- 00:45:55Court ideas for for some reason you
- 00:45:56could go with superiority of the state
- 00:45:58aside from that go otherwise go with
- 00:45:59meritocratic rment for tier eight if
- 00:46:01you're still colonizing especially in
- 00:46:02the new world it definitely go with
- 00:46:04exploitation of the new world if not you
- 00:46:06should empower the burgers or embrace
- 00:46:07the economic theory or do the
- 00:46:09mercantilistic approach then for tier 9
- 00:46:11go with the six books of the Republic or
- 00:46:12the social contract if you're blobbing
- 00:46:14out a whole lot and then for tier 10 and
- 00:46:16tier 11 all of them are really good take
- 00:46:17whichever one you want at that point in
- 00:46:19the game you won't make a mistake with
- 00:46:20either one of them and like I said by
- 00:46:22the time the age of reformation comes
- 00:46:23around your realm should look a little
- 00:46:25something like this if you're not that
- 00:46:26confident in your abilities or if you're
- 00:46:27not sure if your game is going to go
- 00:46:28like mine the save file is available for
- 00:46:30all YouTube members in the save games
- 00:46:32Discord Channel and you can continue
- 00:46:33playing as Malaya from this state
- 00:46:35forward let me know in the comments
- 00:46:36below what's the next nation that I
- 00:46:37should do a guide on if you enjoyed this
- 00:46:39video don't hesitate to leave a like it
- 00:46:40really helps out a lot and if like the
- 00:46:42content and want to see more videos like
- 00:46:43this make sure to hit that subscribe
- 00:46:44button so you don't miss out any of them
- 00:46:46and you can become a member today and
- 00:46:47join the Discord the link is in the
- 00:46:49description thank you so much for
- 00:46:50watching and I'll see you next time with
- 00:46:51another eu4 video
- Malaya
- EU4
- trade
- colonization
- expansion
- vassalization
- Southeast Asia
- gaming guide
- national ideas
- dominance