Volume Profile | Complete Trading Guide
TLDRCette vidéo fournit une introduction détaillée sur l'utilisation des profils de volume dans le trading, en utilisant TradingView comme plateforme principale. L'auteur explique comment tirer parti des outils de profil de volume, en se concentrant sur des éléments clés comme le point de contrôle, les nœuds de volume élevé et l'importance d'analyser les lacunes. Il discute également des méthodes pour identifier des mouvements de tendance vs des mouvements latéraux et propose des conseils pratiques sur l'interprétation des profils de volume dans les tendances de prix. Grâce à des exemples concrets et des recommandations, la vidéo est conçue pour aider les traders à améliorer leur analyse technique.
- 📊 Utilisation de TradingView pour le profil de volume
- 🔍 Importance du point de contrôle dans le trading
- 📈 Différencier les mouvements de tendance et de range
- ⚖️ Lacunes dans le volume comme indicateurs clés
- 💡 Analyser à la fois le volume et l'intérêt ouvert
- 🥇 Meilleures pratiques pour établir des profils de volume
- 🔄 Rotation autour des nœuds de volume
- 🧩 Stratégies pour trader les tendances latérales
- 🗺️ Visualisation des zones de résistance et de support
- 🔗 Ressources recommandées pour approfondir les concepts.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
L'intervenant commence par annoncer des instructions sur des signets pour naviguer facilement dans la vidéo et encourage les spectateurs à suivre Inopia sur Twitter. Il mentionne aussi son intérêt croissant pour la plateforme Hyper Liquid pour le trading, indiquant qu'il la trouve très efficace sans aucune affiliation ou incitation financière.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
L'animateur aborde le concept du profil de volume, en le définissant comme un outil essentiel pour le trading et en le présentant comme une fonction de TradingView. Il propose d'explorer le profil de volume fixe et son utilité pour effectuer des analyses plus précises par rapport à la moyenne. Il évoque également l'importance de comprendre non seulement le volume, mais où il se produit sur le graphique.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Il explique les composants fondamentaux du profil de volume, notamment le point de contrôle, la valeur haute et la valeur basse, ainsi que leur pertinence dans les contextes de trading. L'animateur détaille comment ces niveaux peuvent indiquer des opportunités d'achat ou de vente en fonction du comportement du prix par rapport à ces niveaux.
- 00:15:00 - 00:22:25
L'intervenant discute des mouvements de prix tendance et de la manière dont les traders peuvent utiliser le profil de volume pour identifier des opportunités de continuation de tendance en analysant les niveaux de volume non testés. Il rappelle également l'importance d'une analyse nuancée du volume et de l'intérêt ouvert pour élaborer des stratégies de trading efficaces.
Qu'est-ce qu'un profil de volume ?
Un profil de volume montre où le volume d'échanges se concentre sur un graphique donné, aidant à identifier des niveaux d'intérêt sur le marché.
Comment utiliser TradingView pour créer un profil de volume ?
Sur TradingView, utilisez l'outil de profil de volume à plage fixe pour analyser le volume dans des périodes spécifiques.
Quelle est la différence entre volume et intérêt ouvert ?
Le volume indique le nombre de transactions, tandis que l'intérêt ouvert représente le nombre de contrats actifs dans un marché.
Que sont les nœuds de volume élevé ?
Les nœuds de volume élevé sont des zones sur le profil de volume où un volume important a été échangé, représentant des niveaux clés pour le support ou la résistance.
Comment identifier des mouvements de tendance et de range ?
Les mouvements de tendance sont identifiés à partir d'une direction généralement ascendante ou descendante, tandis que les mouvements de range se produisent dans des zones latérales sans direction claire.
Pourquoi les lacunes dans le volume sont-elles importantes ?
Les lacunes signalent des zones sans transactions significatives, souvent propices à des mouvements rapides lorsque le prix les touche.
Quelle attitude adopter face aux niveaux de valeur haute et basse ?
Utilisez-les comme indicateurs de rotation de valeur, mais soyez conscient de leur utilisation dans un contexte plus large.
Comment établir un point de contrôle dans le trading ?
Le point de contrôle est le niveau de prix avec le plus de volume échangé, servant de référence clé pour potentiels rebonds ou retracements.
Quel est l'impact de la rotation autour d'un point de contrôle ?
La rotation autour d'un point de contrôle peut indiquer une consolidation ou une continuation des tendances passées.
- 00:00:00hello everyone in this video I just
- 00:00:01wanted to make a few notices before we
- 00:00:03begin there are going to be time stamps
- 00:00:04below to go and skip over to any section
- 00:00:06you want to within this video settings
- 00:00:09uh specific segments Etc so go and do
- 00:00:11that the other thing is please be sure
- 00:00:12to follow inopia over on Twitter or X um
- 00:00:16tons of different stuff going to be
- 00:00:16coming there in the future as well as
- 00:00:18myself and also a notice on my own
- 00:00:20trading I am slightly moving over
- 00:00:22towards hyper liquid um so I'm going to
- 00:00:24leave a link down below if you want to
- 00:00:25be moving over to there um I'm finding
- 00:00:27it really really powerful as a DEX and
- 00:00:29just stuff like that I've G no
- 00:00:31affiliation with them at all um in
- 00:00:33relation to them paying me for anything
- 00:00:34I just think yeah that's where I'm
- 00:00:35starting to slow slowly move over my
- 00:00:37trading it seems um but yeah let's get
- 00:00:39into it so volume
- 00:00:41profile and let's get into that so uh
- 00:00:44the what we're going to be covering is
- 00:00:46full volume profile so uh the components
- 00:00:49different things about them etc etc and
- 00:00:51the first thing I want to start off with
- 00:00:53is the tools you're going to be using
- 00:00:54especially within trading views this is
- 00:00:56the most common platform yeah so if we
- 00:00:58just head over to trading view as you
- 00:00:59can see we have at the bottom here on my
- 00:01:01one this is the fix range volume profile
- 00:01:04I'm going to show you the settings of
- 00:01:05this but you can find this if you click
- 00:01:06on the projection section here the the
- 00:01:08fifth one down and then you're going to
- 00:01:10go to the bottom here and you have this
- 00:01:12tool here you're going to click on that
- 00:01:13and I would favor it and have like in
- 00:01:15the tool bar here and you can get it
- 00:01:17from here this is the only one I'm
- 00:01:18really using the most to be honest you
- 00:01:19can obviously have um the visible range
- 00:01:22on which is anchored to the right and is
- 00:01:24dependent on where you're moving your
- 00:01:25screen you know it will you know it will
- 00:01:27adjust the volume profile there but I'll
- 00:01:29talk you through how I use the fix range
- 00:01:30tool and I think why it's more important
- 00:01:32in my opinion because you can make more
- 00:01:33precise pools with it in relation to um
- 00:01:36you know ranges trending moves Etc but
- 00:01:39again there are use cases for that
- 00:01:40visible range as a quick glance to many
- 00:01:43many markets if you're going to be doing
- 00:01:44that um but yeah the volume profile tool
- 00:01:47just you know without getting into
- 00:01:49before we even get into it too much
- 00:01:51basically volume a lot of the time is
- 00:01:53you know people are referring to volume
- 00:01:55is looking at the bottom bar here so you
- 00:01:56can see down here this is like when
- 00:01:59volume is coming in so like when are we
- 00:02:01seeing spikes in volume this is telling
- 00:02:02us when we're seeing these spikes in
- 00:02:04volume okay so you can see down here
- 00:02:07we're getting spikes at this time at
- 00:02:08this time at this time but you really
- 00:02:11the more powerful thing is knowing where
- 00:02:13that volume is coming in so you know
- 00:02:15rather than when you want to be focusing
- 00:02:17on more so on where as in price levels
- 00:02:19um and these price levels give really
- 00:02:21actionable points to be able to pull the
- 00:02:23right volume profile um so with this
- 00:02:25tool by the way these are my settings
- 00:02:26tix
- 00:02:27pero um 250 Delta
- 00:02:30um if you want to just imitate these
- 00:02:31settings go for it um and it's it's a
- 00:02:34much more granular look and you're going
- 00:02:35to want to adjust these settings based
- 00:02:36on the the chart you're looking at if
- 00:02:38you're looking at altcoins or ESN you
- 00:02:40you're going to want to adjust the row
- 00:02:41size um for a more granular look but
- 00:02:43overall you're going to want a volume
- 00:02:45profile that looks somewhat similar to
- 00:02:46this if you're going to go for the look
- 00:02:47that I'm I'm I use for my trading um and
- 00:02:50volume profile again just I I'll say
- 00:02:52this as well to begin with is such a
- 00:02:53powerful tool you know it's something
- 00:02:55I'm using every day um I spoke to I
- 00:02:57speak to massive massive Traders um and
- 00:03:00it's just something we're all using uh
- 00:03:01you know in reference to finding great
- 00:03:03levels finding areas finding Mir verion
- 00:03:05plays finding you know tons of different
- 00:03:07things and and we we'll cover it all
- 00:03:09here anyway um so yes obviously the
- 00:03:12volume profile is telling us where viice
- 00:03:14price is coming in you know where volume
- 00:03:15is coming in where are we seeing spikes
- 00:03:17in volume and I'm going to cover each
- 00:03:18individual component of this La in a
- 00:03:19second um but yeah okay well we might as
- 00:03:22well cover it now which is you have
- 00:03:24obviously we have this volume profile
- 00:03:26here I've just taken a random pull okay
- 00:03:27and I'll talk you through how we're
- 00:03:28going to pull these in a minute but a
- 00:03:30volume profile has some basic components
- 00:03:31that I want to walk you through to begin
- 00:03:32with um the first one being the point of
- 00:03:34control whoops the point of control
- 00:03:37where the most volume has come in okay
- 00:03:39this is where the most volume is coming
- 00:03:41in uh the value area high and the value
- 00:03:43area low okay and this value area this
- 00:03:45gray gray gray area in this pool here
- 00:03:47specifically this is where the most of
- 00:03:49the volume is coming in within the
- 00:03:51volume profile itself okay and I've set
- 00:03:52my value area to
- 00:03:5468% this is where most of the volume is
- 00:03:56coming in um generally and I'll talk you
- 00:03:58through this it is it's not too powerful
- 00:04:00if you're doing it with a random pull
- 00:04:02but if price exceeds outside the value
- 00:04:03and revisits back within it that can be
- 00:04:05a senseful rotation to somewhat some
- 00:04:07extent uh don't just look at that with a
- 00:04:09as a blanket statement there's a lot
- 00:04:10more Nuance to it to be honest than just
- 00:04:12range rotation based on the value area
- 00:04:14my opinion um yeah so there are a few
- 00:04:17components here I want to briefly touch
- 00:04:18upon these um value area high and value
- 00:04:21area low okay although they can be used
- 00:04:23as Sr levels I'll talk you through when
- 00:04:25you can do that there's a good example
- 00:04:27here um but mainly they're used for gaug
- 00:04:29ing you know fair value rotation in my
- 00:04:32opinion you know seeing deviations
- 00:04:34outside of ranges back in that is like
- 00:04:37more of a you know you're using these as
- 00:04:38like levels to to situate regains and
- 00:04:42you know losses of a range or a move or
- 00:04:44weakness rather than actually just
- 00:04:45taking a trade directly off the level at
- 00:04:47least in my opinion um point of control
- 00:04:50yes as well the same thing uh not the
- 00:04:52same thing actually you can be looking
- 00:04:53for definitely a reaction here um as
- 00:04:56well as high volume node so a high
- 00:04:58volume node obviously you've got value
- 00:04:59High low point of control um the point
- 00:05:03of the high volume Lo is literally it's
- 00:05:05it's very similar to the point of
- 00:05:06control it's just another region in
- 00:05:08which there's been a high volume that is
- 00:05:10not the point of control because
- 00:05:12basically with a volume profile you're
- 00:05:13going to be finding untested areas of
- 00:05:15volume which I'll get into in a second
- 00:05:17um where you're likely to see a reaction
- 00:05:18okay so like down here even where we are
- 00:05:20right now I'll talk you through this uh
- 00:05:22really live in the time we're seeing
- 00:05:24this move towards the upside now we're
- 00:05:25retracing into this naked area which
- 00:05:28hasn't been tested for a while which has
- 00:05:29its own high volume node okay so this
- 00:05:32high volume node is not the point of
- 00:05:33control but there's still an area of
- 00:05:34high volume when you look at it look at
- 00:05:36it visually okay and although you know
- 00:05:39youve got the value of low coming in
- 00:05:40here you also have it really on top of a
- 00:05:41high volume node so you can be looking
- 00:05:43at this and saying this is now a key
- 00:05:44area of support price really coming down
- 00:05:46to there okay so you know you don't just
- 00:05:49have to be looking at reactions from the
- 00:05:50point of control uh the volume profile
- 00:05:53itself has many many well not many many
- 00:05:55components but the component of having a
- 00:05:57high volume node that can still act as a
- 00:05:58Sr level and I really good Sr level
- 00:06:00because it's not always uh the easiest
- 00:06:02to spot and you know you can have some
- 00:06:04really nice plays of them in my opinion
- 00:06:05okay um so that's point of control value
- 00:06:07high value low I'll cover a bit more in
- 00:06:09range rotations in a second
- 00:06:12um but yeah you know when I'm talking
- 00:06:14about high volume so you know we're
- 00:06:16talking about volume profiles here um
- 00:06:18and this is simply transaction amount
- 00:06:20okay this is really important to
- 00:06:21understand this if I say here for
- 00:06:23example we've got a volume profile and
- 00:06:25you've got a really high amount of
- 00:06:28volume here and a high amount volume
- 00:06:30here that doesn't mean to say that
- 00:06:32there's a ton of new positions opening
- 00:06:35at this level there could be um but you
- 00:06:37really need to dive into open interest
- 00:06:40okay to actually understand that so if I
- 00:06:42for example turn this on and this is
- 00:06:45where you need to like have an open
- 00:06:46interest profile I just want to get the
- 00:06:47clarification clear on this volume is
- 00:06:49not an indication of open interest uh
- 00:06:52they're completely two different things
- 00:06:54volume is just transactions although one
- 00:06:56could lead from another I I really would
- 00:06:58say for example if there's a high amount
- 00:07:00of volume you really want to be diving
- 00:07:01if you want to dive into open interest
- 00:07:04all I'm just saying here is don't
- 00:07:05automatically make the assumption that
- 00:07:08this is a high volume note here there's
- 00:07:09a lot of people who have opened the
- 00:07:11position previously here are going to be
- 00:07:12you know likely to see a bounce or
- 00:07:14whatever that's not the case you really
- 00:07:16need to dive into open interest rather
- 00:07:17than just
- 00:07:18making you know blind assumptions okay
- 00:07:21um in that case I just really want to
- 00:07:23mention that but yes positioning um use
- 00:07:26it in conjunction with open interest so
- 00:07:27for example I'll I'll I'll just talk
- 00:07:29talk you through this if for example
- 00:07:31we're looking at this Zone here where
- 00:07:33the the point of control zone is okay
- 00:07:35all of this what is open interest doing
- 00:07:36within this period okay uh you saw a
- 00:07:40slight increase here within this candle
- 00:07:43uh but overall within this Zone I would
- 00:07:45say it's fairly neutral so there isn't
- 00:07:46like an ex exceeding amount of new
- 00:07:49positions opening here okay in reference
- 00:07:51to the open interest at the bottom
- 00:07:53whoops in reference to the open interest
- 00:07:54at the bottom that would be lead me to
- 00:07:56say okay when price comes back into this
- 00:07:58Zone it's going to 100% you know any new
- 00:08:01positions to have opened here will
- 00:08:02defend it and see a potential reversion
- 00:08:04because this is what um is important
- 00:08:07with the volume profile okay is in
- 00:08:09reference to positioning you know uh if
- 00:08:12for example there's a high amount of
- 00:08:13volume what does that mean uh it means
- 00:08:15there people interested in transacting
- 00:08:17there number one but if you have a large
- 00:08:19amount of new positions who have entered
- 00:08:20here for example if you've got imagine
- 00:08:22we had a large amount of Longs who had
- 00:08:24entered here before new Longs then when
- 00:08:26price revisits this for the first time
- 00:08:28those new longs are still freshly
- 00:08:30potentially in the market I mean they
- 00:08:31have the highest potential still being
- 00:08:32in the Market at this stage so if
- 00:08:34they're underwat and price revisits
- 00:08:36their level uh you know the likelihood
- 00:08:38is that they could be closing at break
- 00:08:39even thus you're going to see a
- 00:08:40potential rejection if they're closing
- 00:08:42at break even you've entered along
- 00:08:43you're closing it at break even you're
- 00:08:45closing it that means you're inherently
- 00:08:46shorting so when price revisits your
- 00:08:48level you're going to be shorting and
- 00:08:50that's going to you know inherently see
- 00:08:51a potential reaction to the downside
- 00:08:53that you as a person looking at the
- 00:08:55volume profile could you know take a
- 00:08:56play off of okay so it's important to
- 00:08:58understand opening interest and volume
- 00:09:00they're two separate things um really
- 00:09:03understand one uh understand both
- 00:09:05together so you can be looking here you
- 00:09:06know at EXO charts and stuff like that
- 00:09:08so you look at the open interest a lot
- 00:09:09more or open interest profiles I would
- 00:09:11highly recommend you go over to
- 00:09:15um go over to EXA chart and you can
- 00:09:18start actually looking at open interest
- 00:09:19profiles we have open interest based
- 00:09:20profiles um that you can be really
- 00:09:22diving into there to you know and I've
- 00:09:24got a whole new video on that as well so
- 00:09:25just go and go look at that if you wish
- 00:09:27but yeah that is um the the core
- 00:09:29components of it understanding
- 00:09:31positioning now what's more important is
- 00:09:33is placement okay because let's say for
- 00:09:36example I just drew this placement here
- 00:09:38that we've been kind of talking about
- 00:09:39for the last I don't know 10
- 00:09:41minutes this is uh I just took this
- 00:09:44really randomly you don't want to be
- 00:09:45doing that you want to be taking really
- 00:09:47uh be more objective and and methodical
- 00:09:51in your pools of a volume profile the
- 00:09:53the first one I'll talk to you to about
- 00:09:55is probably the simplest one is and my
- 00:09:57favorite is trending moves okay so a a
- 00:10:00very clear trending move so I mean right
- 00:10:02here I mean I could really take it from
- 00:10:04here you know from the entire thing is
- 00:10:05trending up you know it's Bitcoin right
- 00:10:07now um but I would take it from a slight
- 00:10:10stagnation period so you can see price
- 00:10:12moved up here and now you started this
- 00:10:13although we're still uptrending here
- 00:10:16it's more still slowly uptrending from
- 00:10:18here rather than like a really
- 00:10:19aggressive move so I'm going to take it
- 00:10:20from here the first candle to current
- 00:10:23price this is much more of a pool that
- 00:10:25I'm actually going to be taking and
- 00:10:26using for my trading okay definitely um
- 00:10:30now you have the same components again
- 00:10:32well on the 4 Hour this higher time
- 00:10:33frame but you can still use it on the
- 00:10:34lower time frame um and this is more you
- 00:10:37know price is uptrending but this is
- 00:10:38more of like an uptrending SL range
- 00:10:40bound pool okay to give you these levels
- 00:10:42and the power in I'll do a much more
- 00:10:44clearer uptrending move here let's just
- 00:10:48say like this so this is this is a clear
- 00:10:50uptrend and you want to be taking it
- 00:10:52from again like in an uptrend is usually
- 00:10:54just the pivot a pivot low okay the key
- 00:10:57about using for example
- 00:10:59an uptrending move as a volume profile
- 00:11:02is that the volume when you come back
- 00:11:03towards it I'll just draw this out
- 00:11:05quickly if price is uptrending and then
- 00:11:08you've taken a pull of this ongoing
- 00:11:10volume profile when price is revisiting
- 00:11:12any of this volume previously it's all
- 00:11:15already it's untested you know you
- 00:11:17haven't Revisited it at all it's all
- 00:11:18fresh volume thus any sort of uh high
- 00:11:20volume node POC good volume level that
- 00:11:23you find within this is going to Pro
- 00:11:25potentially find a you know provided
- 00:11:27reaction Okay so
- 00:11:30yeah it's really really powerful to look
- 00:11:31at it in that sense as well in in
- 00:11:32regards to volume profile so I'll talk
- 00:11:33you through this now um especially if
- 00:11:36I'm just delete
- 00:11:37this if we look at it from here okay so
- 00:11:40price is up trending I've taken it from
- 00:11:41this high now you're seeing a retrace
- 00:11:43you'd be thinking okay high volume node
- 00:11:45or or PC here but then also I mean this
- 00:11:47is what led to in this case Trend
- 00:11:50continuation like major Trend
- 00:11:52continuation if I just bring this in
- 00:11:54it's a bit hard to see I hopefully it's
- 00:11:56good enough for you to see here um but
- 00:11:59you you can see here right we've got
- 00:12:00this is a ton of high volume here right
- 00:12:02these are all this is a lot of high
- 00:12:04volume then you have this Gap and I'll
- 00:12:05talk about gaps in a minute as well but
- 00:12:07you've got another area of high volume
- 00:12:09which alternatively just could be its
- 00:12:10own point of control okay and if you
- 00:12:13took this out you can see that price you
- 00:12:15know in my opinion again uh this is the
- 00:12:17way I'd look at a volume profile that's
- 00:12:19up trending like this high volume node
- 00:12:21you you bounce off the PC slightly you
- 00:12:23know you're holding it you're holding it
- 00:12:24for quite a bit it then bounces into
- 00:12:26your high volume
- 00:12:27node okay see bounce again retest again
- 00:12:30bounc and away and it never loses that
- 00:12:32high volume node whoops I've just gone
- 00:12:33onto the coinbase
- 00:12:36chart yeah my bad
- 00:12:40um yeah so we've seen the Bounce from
- 00:12:42there and then alternatively if it lost
- 00:12:43this level I'll be thinking to myself
- 00:12:45where's the next untested volume or high
- 00:12:47volume that you know price could really
- 00:12:48rock it down to if it loses this level
- 00:12:50and I would be saying down here I mean
- 00:12:51you can see you know this is maybe down
- 00:12:54here you have a slight high amount but
- 00:12:56you know a massive Gap and then you've
- 00:12:57got this level down here so You' be
- 00:13:00looking for price to really see a drop
- 00:13:01at that point and that's to power all
- 00:13:03these untested volume levels they
- 00:13:04generally do provide better reactions um
- 00:13:06and and trending pools are in my opinion
- 00:13:09the best for identifying you know Trend
- 00:13:11continuation plays off of these high
- 00:13:13volume node POC plays Etc I I especially
- 00:13:15when you're looking at I'll mention this
- 00:13:17when I'm looking at a trending pool I'm
- 00:13:19not really I mean you can be I'm not too
- 00:13:21interested in like the value or high
- 00:13:23value or low they're not going to
- 00:13:24provide in my op unless they're in
- 00:13:26conjunction or have Confluence with like
- 00:13:27a high volume node they're not too
- 00:13:29they're not of my interest too much at
- 00:13:31least on a in a trending pool okay so if
- 00:13:33we just delete all of
- 00:13:35this and we head back now let's talk
- 00:13:39about a range bound pool so if we just
- 00:13:40talk you know if we just look at this
- 00:13:43massive range we were previously in um
- 00:13:45this was like the easiest thing at the
- 00:13:46time to be focusing on which was M again
- 00:13:49again focusing on this like talking
- 00:13:50about the range walls I'll do a few
- 00:13:52examples for you as well impulse impulse
- 00:13:54impulse uh and then your first down
- 00:13:56candle and then you have like these this
- 00:13:58is where like in my opinion this first
- 00:13:59down candle is where the range starts
- 00:14:01you know you start this and you see the
- 00:14:02revisitation and again as you're in the
- 00:14:05time let's I don't know if it's going to
- 00:14:07mess mess it up as you're in the time
- 00:14:09obviously you're still thinking this is
- 00:14:11trending at this point But as time
- 00:14:13slowly goes on
- 00:14:15whoops As Time slowly goes on
- 00:14:20uh we don't need to do that ignore it um
- 00:14:24you know as time slowly goes on from
- 00:14:26this point here okay you're going to
- 00:14:28start to rec this is a range foring and
- 00:14:30you're going to take it from here so I'd
- 00:14:31say like you know even if just like a
- 00:14:33week or two after you know this is where
- 00:14:34I'd start taking my fixed range pull
- 00:14:36from the first down candle and dragging
- 00:14:38it across to current price section
- 00:14:40wherever you are but let's say we're at
- 00:14:42here at this point you know before the
- 00:14:43range breakout now you've got a really I
- 00:14:45remember we had a really good volume
- 00:14:46profile which you know when I'm looking
- 00:14:48at a I'll talk about the nuances again
- 00:14:50in this case when you've got a
- 00:14:51range-bound volume profile it is I
- 00:14:55personally like to break it down a bit
- 00:14:56further because
- 00:14:59I I let me know if this is too complex
- 00:15:00by the way because I'm talking a bit
- 00:15:02more about specific nuances that I
- 00:15:04really pay attention to but let's say
- 00:15:06we've got a range you know what price is
- 00:15:07here you know I've taken it to here
- 00:15:09where we are now do I feel all of these
- 00:15:12high volume nodes um yes they could act
- 00:15:14as Sr levels great but you know this is
- 00:15:17all volume we've kind of ran through you
- 00:15:19know we've kind of ran through all this
- 00:15:20volume you know it's been pounded
- 00:15:21through already multiple multiple times
- 00:15:23you know we're ranging through it
- 00:15:24already tons of times is it going to be
- 00:15:28as a good indicator on the you know it's
- 00:15:2918th touch I'm not too sure personally I
- 00:15:32don't do that so I'd be again
- 00:15:34simplifying it down to you know more
- 00:15:36local pools again I'd break it down even
- 00:15:39further does that mean to just
- 00:15:41completely ignore range bound pools I
- 00:15:43don't think so um the way I like to look
- 00:15:45at this is actually looking at those
- 00:15:47range rotation plays a little bit more
- 00:15:49and that's why I say to not just blindly
- 00:15:51look at range rotations based on value
- 00:15:52high value low I would be looking at it
- 00:15:55a bit more in this case in relation to
- 00:15:56you know do I think we're going to break
- 00:15:57up from a range or break out or so on
- 00:15:59and so forth you know once we're up and
- 00:16:02above the range highs you know
- 00:16:04especially in the beginning you're
- 00:16:05thinking okay if it holds here you know
- 00:16:08continuation if it doesn't you know
- 00:16:11treat as a range rotation I'm I'm not
- 00:16:13really taking direct levels off of this
- 00:16:15but I'm forming more of a bias in
- 00:16:17relation to my plays I mean I remember
- 00:16:18this here um you know this was like a
- 00:16:22really clean break okay this was like a
- 00:16:25really clean clean break of six you know
- 00:16:27the range value that you've seen
- 00:16:29resistance from multiple times you know
- 00:16:32in the past and then if you just dragged
- 00:16:33it along to here I was remembering
- 00:16:35okay you know we've come back inside and
- 00:16:38then you just had this massive blast off
- 00:16:39that kind of obscures ear that value or
- 00:16:41nonsense and and and you're you're
- 00:16:42outside of it again so I'm using this
- 00:16:44really for range rotations to understand
- 00:16:47you know where do I think this range is
- 00:16:49going to be doing you know am I going to
- 00:16:50be I'm not necessarily longing Above
- 00:16:52This although in this case yes in this
- 00:16:54one case it massively played out and you
- 00:16:55know that's when you then start adapting
- 00:16:57but you're not blindly longing above
- 00:16:58you're cautious upon it revisiting back
- 00:17:01returning back into the range you know
- 00:17:03and so on and so forth so that's the way
- 00:17:04I'd be looking at range rotations in
- 00:17:06relation to value or high value or low
- 00:17:09um and especially with range pools you
- 00:17:11know they're a bit different in my
- 00:17:13opinion to trending pools and I much
- 00:17:15prefer trending pools and what I would
- 00:17:16do is you know I would if we've got a
- 00:17:20range right now because a lot of the
- 00:17:21time Bitcoin is ranging a lot of the
- 00:17:22time um and that's how my trading is
- 00:17:24specialized ranging uh and and
- 00:17:26occasionally actually trending as well
- 00:17:28but there for spot plays I would isolate
- 00:17:31let's say price is down here I'm
- 00:17:32isolating uh a specific a local trending
- 00:17:35move you know to provide more fresh
- 00:17:38levels then just to be trading off of
- 00:17:39these more uh run through like I said
- 00:17:42before um value high value low PS that
- 00:17:45have been touched many many times so yes
- 00:17:49um that's one way I take a port again
- 00:17:50I'll do another example of the p is that
- 00:17:52you know you see a massive aggressive
- 00:17:53move down your first up candle in this
- 00:17:56case okay so when you're massive
- 00:17:58trending down then you you see your
- 00:17:59first up candle to you know in this case
- 00:18:02it broke down here unless we didn't have
- 00:18:04a separate range hell's going on uh and
- 00:18:06then you have another value area high
- 00:18:08value low that you can be basing things
- 00:18:10off of but again like I said I would
- 00:18:11break it down even further okay um so
- 00:18:14hopefully that's making sense in that
- 00:18:16sense the other thing I wanted to cover
- 00:18:17is
- 00:18:18gaps okay so like if I went to you know
- 00:18:21this is I'm on the daily if I take a
- 00:18:24more fixed range tool from here to the
- 00:18:26high you're going to have gaps so
- 00:18:28obviously I discussed the core
- 00:18:29components before which are like the
- 00:18:30value high value low PC high volume
- 00:18:32nodes that come into Confluence with
- 00:18:34everything but you're going to have
- 00:18:35these areas which are very clear in my
- 00:18:37opinion uh they can be where you have
- 00:18:41gaps like something like this and this
- 00:18:42is again your own visual interpretation
- 00:18:44of it um where the volume is not
- 00:18:47significant at all in relation to the
- 00:18:48rest of the profile or just you know is
- 00:18:50a massive drop off okay so you can see a
- 00:18:53lot of volume and value being created up
- 00:18:55here and then you have this Gap and then
- 00:18:57you have a bit more volume and value
- 00:18:58being created down here a lot more so
- 00:19:01this Gap is how would we play this Gap
- 00:19:03how do I look at these gaps in volume
- 00:19:04profiles now that you understand why I'm
- 00:19:05taking this pool it's a trending move
- 00:19:07pool these are naked volume regions okay
- 00:19:10what would I do well the first the Gap
- 00:19:12has three components I I plan on doing a
- 00:19:14separate video on this but I might as
- 00:19:15well talk about it now as well a little
- 00:19:16bit The Gap has three components which
- 00:19:19is the first so in this case you know
- 00:19:22we're above the Gap and the first touch
- 00:19:23into it the bottom of it and the middle
- 00:19:26of it now ideally the
- 00:19:29most bullish scenario again when you're
- 00:19:30looking at uptrending moves or
- 00:19:31downtrending moves it would be the
- 00:19:32bearish scenario but the most bullish
- 00:19:34scenario because we're above it it would
- 00:19:35be a move to the first you know the
- 00:19:38first level and then quickly back out of
- 00:19:40it when you see acceptance into this Gap
- 00:19:43you will generally tend to see a
- 00:19:44complete fill of it okay and in that
- 00:19:47case more so
- 00:19:48continuation so these gaps you know what
- 00:19:51I would say is that you don't want to be
- 00:19:52blind belonging in the middle of this
- 00:19:53because this is where things can really
- 00:19:55Cascade really quickly there isn't many
- 00:19:56orders here holding up price previously
- 00:19:58that would want to defend their
- 00:19:59positions it can really just see a
- 00:20:01Cascade at that point so what I would
- 00:20:03say I'll really touch on it quickly is
- 00:20:05that you would see a quick Bounce from
- 00:20:07the first the first move into it and if
- 00:20:09it doesn't bounce from there and it
- 00:20:10really hovers around here the likelihood
- 00:20:12is is filling and I wouldn't be wanting
- 00:20:13to get involved at any at this point and
- 00:20:15although that looks like a small region
- 00:20:16you know that I just drew out that is a
- 00:20:18you know 6 7 8% Zone where I'm not going
- 00:20:20to be really interested in fading that
- 00:20:22move drastically to the upside for
- 00:20:23example
- 00:20:25so hopefully that makes sense in
- 00:20:27relation to that
- 00:20:30um like I said uh there are tons of
- 00:20:32different tools you can using the vbrs
- 00:20:35um session volume profile I mean again
- 00:20:37if we just head over to EXO
- 00:20:38quickly down here on the right on the
- 00:20:41bottom left um I don't have the volume
- 00:20:43profile up but you can OB be taking a
- 00:20:45volume profile for individual sessions
- 00:20:47okay you can be taking individual
- 00:20:48session um volume profiles and combining
- 00:20:51those and looking at different things
- 00:20:52from there like trending sessions I
- 00:20:54might do a whole video on that I
- 00:20:56probably already have done a video on
- 00:20:57that so just go check out session TP
- 00:21:00something like that volume profile um
- 00:21:02but that is yeah that's that's volume
- 00:21:04profiles there are a few things there
- 00:21:05like I said my my most favorite pools
- 00:21:07are like the trending moves you know if
- 00:21:09we just take it into account right now
- 00:21:12right now what am I looking at well I'm
- 00:21:14going to be looking personally uh this
- 00:21:16is a lot of sideways movement I think
- 00:21:18price is really up trending aggressively
- 00:21:19from here to where we are now and this
- 00:21:21provides a lot of nuance and I would be
- 00:21:23saying to myself now like you know this
- 00:21:25this move is really aggressively
- 00:21:26uptrending um
- 00:21:30what would I say
- 00:21:32here I wouldn't really be interested in
- 00:21:34in in shorting this unless it lost any
- 00:21:36sort of significant level which it
- 00:21:37hasn't lost the you know the the point
- 00:21:40of control uh and if it did lose it then
- 00:21:42I'd be looking for a complete Trend you
- 00:21:44know revisitation of the absolute pivot
- 00:21:47at this point okay so yeah there's tons
- 00:21:49of different ways you can be looking at
- 00:21:51things but ultimately these trending
- 00:21:52moves especially isolating them from
- 00:21:54within a larger range is really really
- 00:21:56powerful for key levels and again
- 00:21:59check out POC liquidity on my channel um
- 00:22:02a great video on that that's like one of
- 00:22:03my favorite ways of identifying key
- 00:22:05levels to be trading from as well um in
- 00:22:06relation to volume um but yeah thank you
- 00:22:09for watching again check out inopia
- 00:22:11check out hyper liquid I think it's
- 00:22:12really great by the way uh I am trading
- 00:22:14over there now a little bit so we'll do
- 00:22:17that but again check out dropo check out
- 00:22:19me time stamps thank you everyone for
- 00:22:21watching again thank you for the recent
- 00:22:23support I appreciate you
- profil de volume
- trading
- TradingView
- nœud de volume élevé
- point de contrôle
- mouvement de tendance
- mouvement de range
- intérêt ouvert
- analyse technique
- lacunes de volume